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Matttfb. CWff Tnnr*. Price Is. for 24 words, prepaid. WANTED immediately, within a mile °ft Hall, Cardiff, a Small House. Rent must not £ 20 per annum. Address J. A., Cardiff Ttmes, WANTED, Female Assistant in the Grocery and to v- Confectionary Business. Situation Lvg gins £ ^JameR Asher, 8, St JoWstrect. C^rdiff.^ 24*5 UTANTEDto Purchase, from 10 to 20'TOM |*co*|2~ lllV. hand Wrouhght Iron Bridge K«l3-l8 t°^),or S *> the yard. Also 10 to 26 Tons from 86*70 lbs to Apply Z Cardiff^Times, Ogee, Cardiff-—2486 At'ADY seeks a comfortable home as NURSKRY ..GOVERNESS to two or three chiWren. where fy^plishments are not required. Alpha, Cat *^39 Jo REWARD WHEREAS, during the last 10 months, oerUmanony- OIOUK letters of the lowest natnr», have \V^d, throuxh post, to Mi* Jenner, The ^tt*ge, bear&g -Cardiff" post mark and Wherew, the last six months, at intervals, vulgar three 5g*W hare been drawn, in chalk "Hn/in the » gate, between the hours of.dusk »"d ™ and Whereas, on Sunday ntght:lwt, Mw d12 P m.. stones were thrown through her kitchen '^han0^ the above Reward will be given to any Jfire Huch information to Inspector Adam fTaU lead to the conviction of the offenders. March 7th. *ZZ- WILLIAM SANDERS, W AUCTIONEER, NT AND INSURANCE AGENI, fly. 8, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. P° SOLI), Two Houses in Wyndh^-cr^nt Canton six Cottages in Zinc-Btreet, Roath; four eg in Ely-road, Canton. ^77 M aV>ove. C-fl be %rt ox SDlb. I °I>GlN(iS and APARTMENTS WANTED, orU> he LET, should be advertised in the Cardiff 1 -fV-r-Jj: for 24 words, prf pa-id. very useful Farms to Won1*^ Rents, in various parts of Wales. Address. John Dnlton-slreet, Manchester. _~L h« LET, fnrnished, a Sitting-room and Bed^r'wra- SfPb" 7, Upper Station-terrace, Cardiff. ± fjARl)IFF._To be LET, a House and Shop, No. ^212, Bute-road. Well adapted for ^«nes^JiU Apply at the Universal Hotel, 209, Bute-road. T° LET, a HOUSE in London-square. ^ent f°ad na°^trat* A lso, No. 2, Cornish Villas, *»»+•' cpnMstifii? of seven rooms and garden. J* or I rticnlarS) apply to Mr. John Batchelor Bute LET, with immediate possession, Two n"a*' ■Hai„^ l"l'uilt, and commodious semi detached _V IL^ Bath and Alpine, situated in Southey-st > J, Jr -^rAPPlv to Mr. Blake, Westgrove Cottage, or ■ !8ide 9\ut. Cuke-street, Cardiff. Rent, £ 26 per annum, hack entrance, and garden. ^LlGlp.LE AND EXTENSIVE BUSINESS rT>n 1. PREMISES. „ u X he LET, with immediate possession, No. 0, IJu e- ^ilftt. eet' Cardiff, late in the ocoupation of Mr. VV are, to J. T. Barry, jeweller, 9, De 1278 I 0 be LET, with immediate possession, the NV heat- &eatl, eaf In", near the Market, Trinity-street, Cardiff, W7 ^nd conveniently fitted up and furnished, with ^oman<LV>'illc license. For particulars apply to Mr. Phillip Furniture Broker, Trinity-street, C^nhff. at lied was Bridge, near Caerphilly, a com- i Mthlar^- eight-roomed HOUSE, newly repaired, and Shfw>t- ard*-n. Stable, Dairy, Kennel, good i ishing Mr. Davi^T Railway within 7 minutes' walk. Key at •apply i,v ^organ's, Bedwas Bridge. For rent, &c., ^ishopstL i^V to Mr. Samuel R. Lloyd, Ernest Villa Lristol. Inlandi»e Let or soVd7T?o7T,T^daff- ^Qi»l,IaC('. jiKt vacated by W. T. Crawsliay, Esq.; con- JOoir^L,01i^"GrBBmHShwr-s' Large breakfast and dming- KJj sJ >erVroom, lar^e kitohtm, back ditto wrtli Sw-1'8 aUd pantry, and two water olosets. Second i loor: drawing-room with balcony, two bed-moms, *\H °Ui (water laid on), and water closet. Third Floor ^ed"rooms, tinen-rooin, and housemaid's closet. Under the'entire building. Gas and water laid on. «leer.. coach-lwuse, two-stall stable, groom's living and r<ins. Wall Fniit Garden. Good Kitchen well stocked, may be had. Apply to Mr. Wm. Cardiff. l^'2 (J^DIFF.-TO be LET, No. 27, Duke-street, now in Veila-!i °ctupation of Mr. William Jones; bookseller, Anni al)1;et* f°r any business requiring extensive premises. <(\T—? Edwin Vachell, Cardiff. 1"'A_ DIFF CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY (LIMITED.) 78, ST. MARY STREET. TT„„a I SOLI), by Private Contract, the FIXTI RES. Ar>Ki ITTINGS, kc., ef the above Society's Store. ^franjhe memises. g479__ ViU'lOKiA SALli: KOUMS. X^ESE spacious and elegant SALE ROOMS are k>>*pw open for the reception of all kinds of GOU ^^CHANDISE. FURNITURE, and other articles jostled for SALE to k"e" ^vibhintr to dispose of Goods may consign them LAWRENCE, Auctioneer, the pr<>pnetor; settle all accounts immediately after each s <0^-J VWRENCE has SALES WEEKLY at the fv>-5_RG x ——- J.10 SOLI), one serni-(letached_ Villa, Ajtt-i^ttached ditto, situate in Dumfries-place, ■ iiv. Thomas Webber, Estate and House AHen^ rr^- £ l_Royal Arcade, Cardiff. ——^r- I ^eSoLl) or LET for a term, Eason Villa, I"l0a now in the occupation of Captain Palme • g MaiJ aPply to S. Chittenden, china warehouse, » Cardiff. vfYvrtf i he BOLL)7Second-hand SEWING MACHI^^ 1 ^elgi-avia, on Wheeler and Wilson's principle, as neW, cost £ 12, to be sold cheap also, a f suitable for tailoring and heavy work. AP^JF a4i3nuine Howe s Sawing Machine Depot, Stuart1(^ 4^° SOLD. liy Private Contract, two large Houses ?1<i r.nine rooms in each, and large garden, and i0Us^°aiCh"!l()llse' ancl a back roa<1 to the n„e free HS%ase 990 years, from June 29th, 18JL r Cl^ a'in Clive-road, price £ 280. Onefreeho V(tstreet, pricc £ 250. Two six-room hous^, £ 100 W Farm of Seventy Acres, near Cardiff- 4 a House adjoining, both freehold, and la = .°. Jug '.Price £ 1050. House and Shop, and a Hons J rent £ 13 per annum, price £ 410. ° KafdS in canton, price £ 200 each Land in Canton kkeT- Two six-room houses, and large gardens ana a CtW.e, price £ 300. Several in Temperance-tcmn k A and Splotland. A House and Out-hous^ to ep and 'o ui-s.-To LET, Three large Villas, nine S1 eac:h, ^d large garden, rent £ 25 per ann^um Kile']; Tvvo Houses in Mark-street, Cardiff. L^l r lease 9W years.-Apply to Mr. Thomas DavieSj ^ridge-road, Canton. b T. CAMBRIA ENGINE WORKS. T E U WILLI AMB, GENERAL WORKING ENGINEER, Morth End of West Bute Dock. SALE, a new 6-horse Vertical ENGINE, adapted i^general purposes and particularly sultaW 2480 LEA AND PERKINS' 1 WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, Proiioiincfd by Connoisseurs, "THE ONLY (jOOD SAUCE- guard ayiiiiiKt the nnnit-rons worthless imitations of tkix ren.»wneil Condiment, the.public shonld V AfiK FOB ,/AM "LEA AND PERRINS' SAUCE, I SS(1 thaI .heir (iHin«s are npoll the wrapper, label, stopper, s> and tiottle.. 0 ^h' Itssle and for export, by the Proprietors, orces- *"4 ,yroaiie »tid iil.ickw^il. London and by drtltgisis, groieis, 0,l,»eii ii».n.llv iJjrou^h.iut the world. A.N i» PRP.RINS. 978 Ii^A^BoiTGir ABERTHAW LmEj^ORp, °ARDIEE.-D. THOMAS AND SON, Lune having made large additions to their works, prepared to supply their widelv-celebrated fte Jj> either ground or in lump, per rail, direct from The superiority of this Lime may be gathered V?1'e fact of its being exclusively used in the con- ;on of the New Post-office, St. Martin s Le brand, %r,= and various water works, mines, railways, col- %*];!• throughout the country.. Its cementitiOHs are une<iualledfor masonry m water. It sets Nnj. e(inal to Portland cement. Circulars and testi- *vith price, post free, on application, Offioe, G-TTT Post free two A^ ;II)E TO THE CURE OF NERVOUSNESS. ;J> Medical Work on the New Special Treatment lci'iey only of Nervous, Mental and Physical SW^y,. Loxvness of Spirits, Indigestion, Dimness f V^th, Want of Energy, and Premature Decane; with f<>r Perfec-t restoration to Health and Vigour, SPECIAL TREATMENT. The GL IDE K ^v<-s /T's' is illustrated with cases and testimonials. tllfe ?;dv1Ce5 prescriptions, and rules for cure by the use V Add,vss, HENRY SMITH, M.D., 8, ^erescent)Lon(lon)W.C. 21b0 k ^erescent)Lon(lon)W.C. 21b0 k Po«C^. MONEY TO BE HAD. FROM £ 50 to £ repayable by insUlm ents.^ A»p- ply Mr. Hodkinson, The Insurance Office, St. Mary- street, Cardiff. lIf TyTONEY.—A Gentleman with spare capital wishes to 1VX employ the same in making immediate advances from JM to je500 to respectable person* on their own security. Bills of Sale, Reversions, Life Policies, or any othef available securities. Farmers, Tradesmen, or parftra about to take a business will do well to send a stamped directed envelope to Mr. C. TRELEAVHK,T,Ca8tle-temce, Bath-road, Hollow, Middlesex. N.B.-Small interest, despatch, and secresy will b« strictly maintained. •*»*> A/rON^V^APriv^t7Gentlemen7with a largeamomnt 1VX of capital, is desirous of making immeAate ad- vanceg to persons requiring" the same either m country, in sums from £ 10 to £ 500. Persons can be accommodated forthwith on their note of hand. Terms from 5 per cent., extending from three years. Mortgages negociated at interest- Distance no object, as tenons ran repay by P.O.O. or cheque By •ppijW S i««q;'• °a stamped directed envelope, to Mr. G. Dickson, 1, Brent- ford Butts, Brentford, Middlesex, stating amount re- quired, full particulars will be promptly forwarded; also leans effected at persons own residences where inconvenient for them to attend the above address. WEST OF ENGLAND LOAN AND DISCOUNT OFFICE, 2 BUTE TERRACE, CARDIFF. DESIDENCE Avon HOUSE, CHARLES-STRKET, where JL 'L private or personal communications may be made. Immediate advances made on personal security, and to householders on their furniture and effects without re- moval, at a few hours' notice, without publicity. Trade Bills diacountod at easy rates- SOLOMON BLAIBERG, Proprietor. Money to be had on the most reasonable terms on de- positofpiate, Jewellery, Diamonds, &c. 108 ]\/rONEY LENT from £ 15 and upwards to House- -LV1 holders on their furniture and effects without removal Also on Plate, Watches, Diamonds, Jewellery, Pianos, Furniture, Stock-in-Trade, ccc^, by LOUIS BARNETT, BELMONT HOUSE, CHARLES-ST.. CARDIFF. E XEÇUTIONS by the Sheriff and County Court paid out. IV/TONEY ADVANCED on every description of Stocks Job Goods Purchased m town or Country L. BARNETT, CHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF. 1622 E. HARRIS & CO., LOAN AND DISCOUNT OFFICE, 220, BUTE-ROAD, CARDII^- TMMEDIATE ADVANCES made on Personal Se- -L curity, and to Householders on their lurniture and effects, without publicity or removal. TRADE BILLS DISCOUNTED AT EASY RATES. Advances made also on Plate, Diamonds, Watches, and every description of Merchandise. All communica- tions strictly confidential. The Proprietor may be per- sonally consulted at all times. 1731 GREAT REDUCTION IN DISCOUNT. MONEY LENT AT A FEW HOURS' NOTICE, AT 20, CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF. 106 NOTICEBONATFIDE MONEY SPECULATION. -Q'O OO A STERLING may lie obtained by an in- • Wv/vy vestment of £ 1.— £ 8,000,000 Sterling guaranteed by Government are annually divided in monthly allotments in various sums upwards to J625,000 Sterling. For Prospectus (which will be sent gratis), apply by letter to the Agency for Public Funds, Geneva, or 33, Nicholas-lane, Lombard-street, London, E.C. 2219 MONEY to LEND in town or country, from £ 100 and upwards, for a term of years, on Personal Security. Interest 5 per cent. Also several sums on Mortgage of Freehold or Leasehold Property, at 3i per cent. No commsssion charged. Apply to Messrs. Bevan, 10, LIncoln s-Inn-Fields, London. 2440 PROTECTOR ENDOWMENT LOAN AND ANNUITY COMPANY. 34, KING-STREET, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, E.C. THE plan of this Company is to supply Sums of Money, from £ 50 to £ 2,000, on the security of a borrower and two sureties, to be repaid by equal quar- terly or half-yearly instalments over three years, a plan which is specially adapted for those desirous of enlarging their business operations, or of providing against an acci- dental emergency. For particulars and forms of application apply to- Mr. T. WEBBER, ESTATE AGENT, 32, ROYAL ABCADE, CARDIFF Mr. JOHN JENKINS, 20, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF; Mr. B. A. George, Chemist, Pentre, near Pontypridd, Messrs. rl\ Waite & Sons, Clarence-street, Pontypool; Mr. J. D. Cooke, George Hotel and Brewery, Aberga- venny Mr S T Evans, 15, High-street, Newport, Mon. Mr. H. Venner, Llanarth street, Newport, Mon. Mr. Thomas Evans, 2, Adare-street, Bridgend; Mr. G. A. Bevan. Somerset-place, Swansea-Agents for the Com- pany. 2447 = J. NEWTON, TAILOR, &c., 13, CROCICHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. Liveries, &c., on the shortest notice. 2030 BASS & CO-'S PALE AND MILD ALES OF THE NEW BREWINGS MAY NOW BE HAD, IN prime CONDITION, IN CASKS AND BOTTLES, OF FULTON, DUNLOP & CO. 140 BERLIN WOOL AND FANCY REPOSITORY, 4, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. STOCK SELLING OFF! AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Must be cleared before March 25th. BUSINESS AND FIXTURES TO BE DISPOSED OF. PREMISES TO BE LET. 2414 LEWIS HOPKINS, ESTATE, HOUSE, & INSURANCE AGENT DUNSTER HOUSE, THE PARADE TREDEGARVILLE, CARDIFF, Two doors from the Rhymney Railway Company's Offices. Agent for the Estate of the late Charles Vachell, Esq. AGENT FOR THE SCOTTISH PROVINCIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY_ 2365 LONDON, SHEFFIELD, & BIRMINGHAM IRONMONGERY WAREHOUSES. CROSS BROTHERS, IRONMONGERS, 4, SAINT MARY-STREET, ARCADE, CHURCH-STREET; IRONMONGERY WAREHOUSES = WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF, HAVE now the BEST SELECTED STOCK in South Wales of IRON BEDSTEADS, PAIL- LASSES and MATTESSES, FENDERS, FIRE- IRONS, COAL VASES, HALL STANDS, TEA TRAYS, ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS. Enamelled, Copper, and Tinned Iron Kitchen Utensils. Register and other Patent Stoves, Kitchen Ranges, Cooking Apparatus, &c. 0 Estimates given for Supplying and Fixing-up Baths, Greenhouses, and every description of hot-water work. GOODS DELIVERED BY VANS DAILY. All goods not approved of will be exchanged. Prices will be found as cheap as any other house in the kingdom. CROSS BROTHERS, • OPPOSITE THE NEW POST OFFICE CARDIFF. 271 t $ttst!uss Abbrtssts. TRADESMEN'S BUSINESS ADVERTISE- MENTS are fmserted in the CARDIFF TIMBS— leading and most widely circulated paper in "V uT._ One Shilling per inch per week, if ordered for not less three months. OWEN DAVIES, SLATE MERCHANT, OLD WHARF, CARDIFF. ALSO. Dealer in ALL kinds of Building Bricks aawl -c3- Bridgwater Brickyard Goods, Stourbridge aoxi I Welsh Fire Bricks and Clay, Baker's Oven Squares- and Burrs, Bideford Clay Ovens, Ridge Tiles, plain andi or- namental, variety of Terra Cotta and Earthenware- Chimney Tops, StaMe Paving Bricks, Paving Stones, Double Roman Treble and Common Pantiles, Portland and Roman Cements, Plaster of Paris, Slate Battens, Plastering Laths, Forest of Dean Water Troughs, STONES ware Drain Pipes, at Reduced Prices, Slate Cisterns-AMI Water Tanks, a large stock of Portmadoc, Carnarvon, and Bangor Roofing Slates, all sizes at the lowest priBe- also Welsh Green Slates. Closet Pans and Syphons, from 2s. 6d. per set. Slate Hearth Slabs from 4id. per foot super. Plain slate Chimney Pieces from 6s. each. Enamelled Slate Chimney Pieces from 17s. 6d. to) MO each. Marble Chimney Pieces from 25S. to 215 each. Good 3 feet Sawn Plastering Laths at 6s. per 1000; Good 3 ft. 6 in. Sawn Plastering Laths at 7s. per 1000. White's London Cement at 13s. per barrel. 1923 CHRISTMAS, 1871. S. F L E T C HER, FAMILY GROCER, WINE & PROVISION MERCHANT, 23. ST. MARY STREET, AND 6, WOOD STREET, CARDIFF, BEGS to inform the Inhabitants of Cardiff AND neighbourhood, that owing to the increasing de- mand for his Teas, and his enormous weekly sales, he is again offering special advantages to Families aad large consumers, by supplying TEAS. COFFEES, WINES, FRUITS, SPICES, PROVISIONS, Ac., At MERCHANTS' PROFITS, and of such quality as will DEFY COMPETITION. Below is a List of Prices of TEAS. Per lb. s. d. BROKEN LEAF BLACK TEA Is. to 1 4 GOOD CONGou.-Strong in liquor and fine flavour 1 8 EXCELLENT BLACK TEA.—Remarkably strong and suitable for large establishments 20 FINE FULL FLAVOURED BLACK TEA.—Highly recommended to those who like strong rough Tea 2 6 CHOICE BLACK TEA.—Possessing a richness and delicacy of flavour not to be met with in any other kind 2 8 VERY FINE BLACK TEA.—Of the choicest Assam and China growths, combining extreme delicacy of flavour and great strength 3 0 THE CHRISTMAS MIXTURE.—Being a choice and careful selection of the finest early growths, possessing extraordinary delicacy of flavour and fragrance • — 3 4 Any of the above may be had in original packages as imported, containing from 121b. to 801bs. weight. As all Teas are sold at Merchants' profits, I cannot pay any carriage or allow any discount from the above prices. 2180 SEWING MACHINES, SOLD BY HENRY THOMAS, GENERAL DRAPER AND SILK MERCER, CARDIFF. Strong Treadle Machines, on the C) Wheeler and Wilson principle from £ 4 18s. 6d. The Belgravia," on the same world- renowned principle, with many patented improve- ments, by Bradbury & Co. from 7 Guineas. Elias Howe's Strong Treadle Machines, from 7 pounds. The" Little Wanzer" Hand Lock- Stitch Machine 4 Guineas. With Treadle 5 Guineas. Howe's "Express" Hand Lock-Stitch Machine 4 Guineas. Howe's Swiftsure" Hand Lock-Stitch Machine 4 Guineas. Howe's Speedwell" Chain-Stitch Machine Weir's Chain-Stitch Machine £ 215s- The "Guelph" Chain-Stitch Machine 1 R3 Os. Also, Machines for TAILORS, SHOEMAKERS, &c. All These Sewing Machines Warranted, and will be ex- changed after one month's trial, if desired. LESSONS GIVEN GRATIS ON THE PREMISES. CORNER HOUSE, No. 1, SAINT JOHN STREET, CARDIFF. 2101 24 & 25, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF, AND 163, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. MADAM, WE respectfully inform you that our SHOW ROOMS for Millinery, Mantles, &c., &c., ARE NOW OPEN. We are, Madam, Yours respectfully, ELLS & NEAL. October 25th, 1871. 1003 MANCHESTER EMPOREUM FOR TOYS AND FANCY GOODS! IMMENSE AND VARIED STOCK. JOHN OWEN, Wholesale Toy Dealer, 49,.Shudehill, Manchester. Overflowing Stock of Continental and British Fancy Goods, horses, invalid carriages, perambu- lators, barrows and spades, novelties of every description in worlcboxes, desks, dressing cases, tea caddies, cutlery, jewellery, hair brushes and combs. Owen's collection of glass ornaments, lustres, vases, and shades, is unequalled. Wickets, cricket bats, balls, Jacque's croquet, ladies' cum- jjanions, &c. Every variety in purses, bags, albums, per- fumery, and soaps. Noah's arks, dolls, drums, tops, building bricks, and puzzles of all kinds. I TERMS-CASH. Cases of goods always packed up to suit any trade, from_ £ 2 to £ 5, and £ 10 to £ 15, well assorted, of ail kinds. Price list free on application. Note the address- THE OLD-ESTABLISHEDHTOY WAREHOUSE, 49, SHUDEHILL, OPPOSITE THOJIAS-STREET, MANCHESTER. JOHN OWEN, PROPRIETOR. 2443 ESTABLISHED 1839. THE CELEBRATED CAMBRIAN MEDICINE. TONES'S (TREMADOC) APERIENT AND ANTI- i- BILIOUS PILLS, a Preventative and Cure for all Disorders resulting from disordered state of the Stomach and Liver, &c., &c. The practical trial of the above Professor for Half a Century, with the more general test of Thirty-three years by the afflicted public, has now established the reputation of these Pills. Containing no mercury, but composed of the most rare and expensive vegetable preparations of the British Pharmacopoeia, combined with a valuable SNOWDONIAN HERB, forming a mild, laxative, tonic remedy, admitted by those who have tried them to be superior to all other similar preparations in the relief and cure of all diseases resulting in the disordered state of the digestive organs. Sold by all wholesale houses, and retailed by every respectable Chemist throughout the world, and at the Cambrian Pill Depot, Tremadoc, North Wales, in boxes, Is. lid., 2s. 6d., and 4s. 6d. each; and post ree on receipt of stamps to the value. N. B. -Afresh supply sent to all chemists in Cardiff and the Iron and Coal Districts. 2274 Lausiatso NOTICE OF REMOVAL. MR. JOHN JENKINS, ACCOUNTANT, AUDITOR, STOCK, INSURANCE, & MORTGAGE BROKER, LAND,. BOUSE, ESTATE, FINANCIAL AND GENERAL AGENT, HAS BEMOVSD J'BOX 18, CROCKHKR BTOWN, CARDIFF, To MOBB CoiLMODIOUa AND CoNVBNlENI OFFICES- AT 20, HIGH-STREET, (Fifth house from the West of England Bank). BOOKS POSTED; BALANCED OR AUDITED. BANKRUPTCY, EXECUTORSHIP, PARTNERSHIP, and other ACCOUNTS adjusted and inventitfiitod. ARRANGEMENTS, TRUSTEESHIPS, &c.. under the pro- Yiflioii'' of the New Bankruptcy Act undertaken. INCOME TAX CLAIMS aand FORMS PREPARED. STOCKS and SHARES bcnaght and sold on the Loudon, Bris- tol Manchester and all. other Stock Exchange*. FIRE, LIFE, MARINE, ACCIDENTAL DKATH or disable- ment, PLATE GLASS, Horse and Cattlu (Accidental and Dis- eano) Hailstorm, Guarantees of fidelity. Annuities, Endow- ments, aud ALL KINDS O-F INSURANCES effected in offices of the highest standing. CLAIMS upon INSURANCE POLICIES prepared, and Sur- render VulueH calculated and. obtained. LOAN S aud MORUSAOK S on Personal and other Securities negotiated, witl*. or witkout Life Insurance. LAND and riOUSiKS Let. Rents and Debts collected. Prompt Settlements. Security Given if required. SALES or FU It CHASES of Businesses, Life Policies, and Prowert* of every description arranged. Agel i to the Sun Fire, British Imperial Life (Dr. Fair's System) Norwich and London Aecideut and Plate GUss, Nor- folk Farmers', Ptoralent Clerks' and General Guarantee, and the Mutual Provident Alliance Insurance Companies, the Pro- tector Endowment, Loan and Annuity Company, and the Mutual and Liberator BuibiinK Societies. THB KltiHEST BEFKHKNCEB OIVKK. NEW OFHOM-20, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF. 245a WORKING MEN'S READY MADE CLOTHING FOR EVEBI DAT AND SUNDAY WEAR. THE Rise Price Materials, and a pretty o-eneral Advance in the Wages of the operative, or the shortening of his hours of toil, have made it a very difficult task f-r MESSRS. W. PRICE AND SONS to furnish their numerous friends of the Working Classes with clothing at their OLD LOW PRICES. This would have been impossible, but for the advantage their large capital places at their command. They have been enabled to take the benefit of any turn in the Market, and to PURCHASE LARGE BULKS FOR RE VDY CASH, and hence their STOCK of MECHANICS SUN- DAY AND WORKING CLOTHING was never equal-price and quality considered-to their present display-strength of material, firmness of stitch, and lowness of price, will be found to be combined in an eminent degree whilst each garment is cut on a principle that ensures ease and com- tort to the wearer, and imparta respectability and manli- ness to the form. EMIGRANTS on leaving their native land will find it to their interest to lay in a STOCK OF EMIGRANT'S CLOTHING which is kept at low prices, suited to all climates. TERMS :-ALL GOODS TO BE PAID FOR ON OR BEFORE DELIVERY. ADDRESS MESSRS. W. PRICE AND SONS, CLOTHIERS. HATTERS, HOSIERS, AND OUTFITTERS, CARDIFF HOUSE, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. FOR NEW GARDEN SEEDS, includiug Early and Late Peas, Beans, Parsnips, Carrots, Onion, Leek, Brocoli, &c., &c., see Catalogue, Free, of 1872, apply to W. TRESEDER, NURSERYMAN, CARDIFF. FOR HARDY and TENDER ANNUALS, in eluding Stocks, Asters, Zeumas, Balsams, Lark spurs, Phloxs, Wallflowers, &c., apply to W. TRESEDER, NURSERYMAN, CARDIFF. FOR GREENHOUSE PLANTS of all kinds fer Winter Decoration apply to W. TRESEDER, NURSERYMAN, CARDIFF. FOR Well-Rooted FOREST TREES, including Scotch Larch, Spruce, Silver BeeciT, Oak, Ash, Elm, &c., apply to W. TRESEDER, NURSERYMAN, CARDIFF. FOR Standard, Pyramid, and Dwarf Trained AP- PLES, PEARS, PLUMS, CHERRIES, &c., apply to W. TRESEDER, NURSERYMAN, CARDIFF. FOR well ferownPEACH, NECTARINE,APRICOT, F CHERRY, PLUM, and PEAR TREES, apply to W. TRESEDER, NURSERYMAN, CARDIFF. COR FRUIT TREES OF ALL KINDS, apply to W. TRESEEER, NURSERYMAN, CARDIFF. FOR ALL NEEDFUL REQUISITES for the GARDEN, apply to W. TRESEDER, NURSERYMAN, CARDIFF. 2372 piANOFOKTES AND HARMONIUMS. -1- LARGEST STOCK IN WALES. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, PATENTEES OF THE ROYAL ORCHESTRAL PIANOFORTE. PIANOFORTE SHOWROOMS 4, QUEEN-ST., CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF; AND 13 AND 13A, GUILDHALL-SQ., CARMARTHEN. PIANOFORTES By all the Best Makers. PIANOFORTES For Sale and Hire, on easy terms. PIANOFORTES At Prices to suit all Parties. PIANOFORTES (Old) taken in Exchange. PIANOFORTES — Supplied on the Three Years' System. HARMONIUMS J-L By all the Best Makers. TTARMONIUMS For Churches and Chapels. TTARMONIUMS For the Drawing-room, the School-room, or the Cottage. TTARMONIUMS Warranted from Five Guineas. < HARMONIUMS Supplied for Monthly Payments. Music half-price; post free to any address. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL Were the first to introduce the now celebrated THREE YEARS' SYSTEM into Wales, full particulars of which will be forwarded on inquiry. From their thorough knowledge of the Pianoforte Business, they are enabled to select instruments with special ad- vantage to purchasers, ALL OF INFHIUOR MAKE BEING ENTIRELY EXCLUDED FROM THEIR STOCK. Discount allowed on all Cash Transactions. Captains and Shippers supplied on liberal terms. THOMPSON & SHACKELL, Cardiff and Carmarthen. Price List post free on application. 2141 PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, 6, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. TL. HOWE'S Carte-de-VisitePhoto- ■ graphs. TL. HOWE'S Cabinet and Larger • Photographs. TL. HOWE'S Miniatures for Lockets • and Brooches. rp L. HOWE'S Enlargement of Portraits TL. HOWE Takea Children Instantaneousl • by a New Process. TERMS, POST FREE. 124 R. MORETTI, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, 266, BUTE-STREET, AND 24, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. WATCHES and Clocks carefully cleaned and repaired by experienced English and foreign workmen. Largest assortment of Watches and Clocks in South Wales. Gold Watches from £ 2 2s. to 254 silver ditto from Bl Is. to;clo 10s. Clocks from 5s. to £10. Gold Watch Chains from 25s. and upward. Gold Wedding Rings from 5s. each. Every description of Watch and Clock Work done for the trade. Also, the trade supplied with all kinds of Watch and Clock Materials and Tools. 1585 DUMFRIES PLACE, NEAR THE DRILL HALL MRS. FOSTER BEGS to inform her friends that she hrs REMOVED from Charles-street to the above addre >s. 2360 SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. R. HEITZMAN, JEWELLER, WATCHMAKER, &c., 32, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. Now replete with a magnificent NEW STOCK Of the most varied description. THE LATEST DESIGNS IN JEWELLERY, N IN GOLD GUARDS, GREAT r VARIETY ALBERTS, [ AND NECKLACES, VERY CHEAP. SILVER WATCHES FROM ONE GUINEA. SILVER KHYLESS WATCHES FROM 52s. 6d. GOLD WATCHES EQUALLY CHEAP. DRESSING CASES, WRITING DESKS, AND JEWEL CASES. ELECTRO PLATED GOODS BY THB BEST MAKERS. A HALL-MARKED WEDDING RING AND A KEEPER FOR 14s. 6d. 2673 CROSS'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS, A MAGICAL CURE FOR ALL RHEUMATIC COMPLAISTS, Chills, Nervous Affections, Colds, Tic Doloreux, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Toothache, Lumbago, Headache, Pains in the Limbs, Loins, Faceache, Joints, &c., Rheums, Gout, Ague, &c. NO person should be without these Pills, the effect of which in giving tone to the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, and Kidneys, freeing the system of all humours, swellings, and unhealthy accumulations, and inducing complete cir- culation in the blood and nervous currents, is astonishing. Price Is. l^d., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. To be had of WILLIAM CROSS, CHEMIST, CORNER OF HIGH-STREET & DUKE-STREET CARDIFF. 2054 FREDERICK WARE, (LATE WARE AND SONS,) TAILOR AND ROBE MAKER, ESTABLISHED HALF-A-CENTURT, BRISTOL AND CARDIFF. South Wales Establishment:— DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. 145 TO FAMILIES REMOVING. W. H. DAVIES & CO., proprietors OF THF, "STAR" FURNITURE VANS, THE HAYES, CARDIFF. THE Largest Furnirure Van Proprietors in South Wales, JL and the only Firm in Cardiff who own RAILWAY FURNITURE VANS, undertake the REMOVAL OF FURNITURE IN TOWN, OR TO OR FROM ANY PART OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, BY ROAD OR RAIL All Orders receive our Personal Attention. Careful and Experienced Packers, and Cabinet Makers if required. Orders received at the Office (as aba-ve)- 2o, SAINT MARY-STREET, and 5, BRIGHTON. TERRACE, ROATH. 147 J. HOWELLS, TIMBER MERCHANT, PITWOOD, SLEEPERS, AND WHEELWRIGHTS' TIMBER ALWAYS IN STOCK. YARD—WEST BUTE DOCK, CARDIFF. 1523 MR. RICHARD B. BOULTON, SURGEON DENTIST, 1, CHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF. TEETH, the best that can be obtained, from 4J to 25 Guineas the complete set. Twenty-two years' experience. Established 1852. Re- commended by the principal Physicians and Surgeons in Cardiff and neighbourhood. No charge for consultation. Attendance daily, from Ten till Four. Teeth extracted by the aid of Nitros Oxide Gas, which he guarantees to give perfect freedom from all pain in tie extraction of teeth, and is not in the least dangerous. 133 THE HOUSEKEEPER'S BEST FRIEND. Excellence with Economy. Delicious Home-made Bread, Pastry, Puddings, Pancakes, &c., saving eggs and butter. Sold universally. YEATMAN'S YEAST POWDER. Delicious and Nutritious Bread made expeditiously, in large or small quantities. Adopted by the War Office WYUTT6 "^aXy- Bread made with YEATMAN'S YEAST POWDER is highly nutritious (see report made by the Government Chemist, the Lancet, &c., &c.) THE HpUSEKEEPER'S BEST FRIEND. Used in Her Majesty's Kitchen and by the most prominent families of Great Britain, Clubs, Colleges, &c. Specially adapted for Pastry. Light and wholesome bread made at home in a few minutes. J EATMAN'S YEAST POWDER, JL Sold universally. Excels Baking Powder and German Yeast. Never spoils by keeping. The greatest culinary success of the age. Packets, Id. and 3d.; Tins, 6d. and Is.; Family Tins, 2s. 6d. and 5s. DEPOT—119, NEW BOND-STREET. WHOLESALE AGENT Joseph W. FLINT, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Provision Merchant, Duke-street, Cardiff. 2314 EXPLOSION OF PETROLEUM. rpHE FINEST and SAFEST BURNING OILS, as sanctioned by the Board of Trade, may be obtained at THOMAS TRIST'S T FURNISHING IRONMONGERY & CUTLERY WAREHOUSE, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. ALSO, ALL THE Newest Improvements in Petrolene, Benzolene, Moderator, and Palmer's Patent Lamps. FURNISHING AND BUILDERS' IRONMONGERY Supplied at London and Bristol Prices. ALL KINDS OF SMITHING, BELL-HANGING, COPPER, BRASS, ZINC, AND TIN-WORK. REGISTER STOVE GRATES also, the CELEBRATED COOKING RANGE, com- bining Simplicity, Efficiency, Economy, and Cleanliness—warranted to succeed when all others fail. THOMAS TRIST, AGENT FOR LIPSCOMBE'S WATER FILTERS, ALSO FOR FIRE AND THIEF-PROOF SAFES. BEDSTEADS FROM 6s. UPWARDS. 2154 Jtahtess Jwfcrbttssjes. ROYAL LOCHNAGAR fegjg- WHISKEY. JOHN BEGG, DISTILLER TO HER MAJESTY AND H.B.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. BALMORAL. Licensed from Her Majegty the Queen. AU the RoTal Palaces solely supplied for upwards of twenty years, The only Dis- tillery 08 the Royal Estates, or for M aailes round. WINSTONE" & SON, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, SOLE AGENTS FOR CARDIFF. W. & SON avail themselves of this opportunity of introducing lu the following articles, which have been carefully selected with regard to quality, and can with satisfaction be rooOtilmonded for family use, and at such prices that may deserve a share of public support:— WINES. PER DOZ. PODT-Very superior old, in bottles* and very fine do. 18s., SCs., 368., 42s., 54s. SBJUmy- V ery superior old, choiee pale or golden, aud an excellent dinner sherry. Ma., 24s., SU., 42s., 54s. CHAMPAOKB—Best brands 36* 4Ss., 54s. MOilELLE-Still or spukling 48a., 55s. HocK. 36s. to 55s. CILARET-209, IU., lift, 168. Iu pints, CSø., 7s., Ss., Do. per doz. SPIRITS. PER GALLON. Bjunut—Fine Cognac, pale or brown. 18a. to 24s. WHiMY—FimeoHInah 198. „ Fine old Scotch (Lochnagar) 18s. to 19,0. RuJII-Olll Jamaica 18a. GIN-Sir R. Burnett's, the best London Gin 12s. to 14s. CoiiDUU 16s. to 13s. APPOINTED WHOLESALE AGENTS FOB ALSOP AND VO:S BURTON ALES. Supplied at Brewery Prices, 21s., 248., 27s.; and East India Pale Ale, 30s. per Kilderkin. Burton Ales and Dublin Stout in Pint Bottles, from 2s. 64. to 4s. per dozen. Lemonade, Soda, and other Mineral Waters. Bottles charged at prime co-t, allowed for when returned. OFFICE—Station Terrace. Crockherbtown, Cardiff. 1826 BRANDY. 0. D. V. HENRY BRETT & CO.'S EAU DE VIE PURE BRANDY. 38s. PER DOZ. 38. 2d. PER BOTTLE. BOTTLES INCLUDED. This celebrated Brandy is exceedingly free from acidity, extensively used in Hospitals, recommended by the me- dical profession, and very superior to the recent importa- tions of Cognac. -——— AGENT. THOMAS PRITCHARD, No. 10, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. HENRY BRETT AND CO.. OLD FURNIVALS DISTILLERY, HOLBORN. LONDON. 1X3 BLACK LION HOTEL, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, FRESH ALE BREWERY. ABRAHAM SMITH, PROPRIETOR. THIS Hotel has just been rebuilt, and is now replete with spacious DINING AND SMOKE ROOMS. BEDROOMS AND EVERY ACCOMODATION AT MODERATE CHARGES. WELL-AIRED BEDS. SOUPS ALWAYS READY. HOT DINNERS DAILY FROM 12 TO 3 O'CLOCK. 139 BITTER ALE (SEASON BREWED) IN FINEST CONDITION, Is. 2d. PER GALLON, FREE TO ALL RAILWAY STATIONS In 9, 18, 36, and 54 Gallon Casks. JOHN BIGGS, TRINITY STREET BREWERY, CARDIFF. 2343 COMMERCIAL SALE ROOM^ 13, CHURCH, STREET, CARDIFF. JOHN D. THOMAS, AUCTIONEER, HOUSE AGENT, VALUER, AND APPRAISER, BEGS to announce that his SALE ROOMS at the above address are NOW OPEN for the Reception of Goods of all descriptions for ABSOLUTE SALE. VALUATIONS CAREFULLY MADE, AND ALL BUSINESS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. AGENT FOR THE GREAT BRITAIN LIFE AND THE QUEEN FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES. „ OFFICES AND SALEBOOMS:— 13, CHURCH STREET, CARDIFF, j 1927 THE NEW MODEL COTTAGE PIANO- FORTE bv D'ALMAINE & CO. LONDON. A very handsome Instrument, 7 Octaves, full Fretwork, Ivory Fronted, and Registered Keys. Carved Pilasters, &c., &c. 27 Guineas in Rosewood. 30 Guineas in Finest Walnut Warranted the best in the Trade. Professional Testimonial respecting the PIANOFORTES of D'ALMAINE & CO., with a few of the Signa- tures:— We, the undersigned, Members of the Musical Pro fession, having carefully examined the Pianofortes manu- factured by Messrs. D'Almaine & Co., have great pleasure in bearing testimony to their merits and capabilities. It appears to us impossible to produce Instruments of the same size, possessing a richer and finer Tone, more elastic touch, or more equal Temperament; while the elegance of their Construction renders them a. handsome ornament 1 for the Library, Boudoir, or Drawing-room. S I G NED:- J. L. Abel I G. F. Kiallmark F. Benedict T. Knowles H.R. Bishop (Knight) Wilhelm Kuhe J. Blewitt Edward Land S. Brizzi G. Lanza Theodore Buckley Alexander Lee F. Chatterton A. Leffler J. B. Chatterton E. J. Loder T. P. Chipp H. Macco J. E. Cronin H. S. May P. Delavanti C. Minasi C. Desanges W. H. Montgomery H. Devall S. Nelson Henry Distin T. J. Nicholls Theodore Distin G. A. Osborne Alexander Esain Henri Panofka x John Fawcett Robert Panorama George Field Henry Phillips E. J. Fitzwilliam John Parry Kathleen Fitzwilliam F. Praegar W. Forde J. Rafter G. A. Franks W. Rea I. J. Fraser H. Redl H. J. Gauntlett, Mus. Doc. Tommasso Rovedino M. Geary Sims Reeves George Genge E. F. Rimbault, LL.D. Ad. Gollmick G. H. Rodwell Stephen Glover A. R. Reingale J. W. Glover F. Roeckel F. J. Griffiths F. Romer William Griffiths E. J. Russell W. Guernsey John Sewell E. Harrison A. Sedgwick D. Howell C. M. Sola J. Harroway Emerick Szekely H. F. Hasse J. Templeton J. L. Hatton "John Thomas Catherine Hayes F. Weber H. F. Hemy H. Westrop Henry Hayward J. Waddington W. H. Holmes T. H. Wright J. L. Hopkins, Mus. Bac. C. C. Wiglev F. B. Jewson &c., &c., &c. J. L. Hopkins, Mus. Bac. C. C. Wigley F. B. Jewson I &c., &c., &c. Designs and observations on the manufacture, choice, purchase, and preservation of Pianofortes to be had gratis upon application at D'ALMAINE & Co.'s Royal Pianoforte Works, Walmer-road, Notting-hill, London, W. 1454 gusitrtss Abktssa. MESSRS. FULTON, DUNLOP & CO., DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF, RESPECTFULLY invite attention to the undermen- tioned articles, all of which have been carefully selected expressly for family use, and can be oonfidently recommended to the Public WINES. FEB DOZKH. PORT.-Very superior, old in bottle Superior old crusted 48a., 54B. Very ditto 36s., 42s. Good, from the wood 28s., 32a., 36a., 42s. Ditto, ditto '.Tg- SHERRY.—Very superior old GOB. Superior old soft Pale .54a. Choice Pale or Golden ""48B. Choice "dry" Pale .48a, Very fine Pale or Gdden 36& 42B. Excellent Dinner Sherry 24s., 28s.. 32L Ditto, ditto is- CHAMPAGiN E.—" Madame Cliquot" 728. Moet's or Ruinatr's .1.,1163s. Other qualities 3fe, 4^7488.7«>s. or Sparkling 42a., 48s., 55s. 24*, 36s., 42a., 48S. 65S. CLARET.—Good ordinary 128., 16s., 20B., 24S. classed WilM* 30s. to 60s. SESSYP? 30s. to 68s. MARSALA.—Ingham s wv BRITISH WINES lllllllllllllllllllllS RRANTW V MB GALLON. BRANDY. Finest Cognac, Pale or Brown 26s., 24s. WTTTWVV- J,^T •; 168-, i&s. TV Finest old Irak, mutured in Sherry casks 19s, (-rood ditto Finest old Scotch (Islay) !19b. Plain ditto Malt RUM.—Fine old Jamaica 18s. Good ditto. ,IGø. HOLLANDS.-Best old ..18s» CUN.-Best London i la Good ditto Tfa 13a GINGTERETTE and PEPPERMINT iv SHRUB ;ii'ii;{2 £ BRANDY.—Martell's or Hennessy's, finest old P« doz. case gOs. ditto ditto fine old. 4S0 Good new. HOLLANDS.—Anchor brand ,348- 112 MR. HUGO HAS REMOVED HIS SURGERY FROM 13, Royal Arcade, to 177, Bute-road, Cardiff. Hours of Attendance—From 9 am to 4 p.m., and from 6 to 9 p.m. 476 J. UPRIGHT, CORN, FLOUR, AND SALT STORES, WHARF-STREET, BUTE-STREET. SALT Delivered to any part of the town and Railway Stations. March 17,1870. 166 RADYR QUARRIES, NEAR LLANDAFF. WM. SMITH BEGS to inform the Public generally, that he continues to work the above EXTENSIVE QUARRIES first opened for the UNRIVALLED STONE WITH WHICH THE PENARTH DOCKS WERE CON- STRUCTED. This Stone has now become celebrated for MOls UMENTAL Purposes, orders for which be executed from any design. STONE may be had at moderate prices, varying: from COMMON WALLING TO STONE FROM 14 I^EJCT LONG by 5 feet or 6 feet wide, and from four inches to three feet in thickness, suitable for DOCKS, RAILWAY WORKS, COPINGS, BUILDINGS OF ALL KINDS, ENGINE BEDS, &c. Address as above. 123 J. AND T. ROBINSON. (ESTABLISHED 1842) iS^term ^anures the highest quality on the best X* CORN MANURE, fertU^rta of Ph„pb,K ofL,?i For Permanent Pasture, containing-, with Ammonia and Soluble Phosphate, Insoluble Phosphate derived from finely-ground cattle bones. PREPARED BONE, For Mowing Grass highly soluble, quick in action, and producing heavy Crops. SUPER-PHOSPHATE, Dry, finely broken down and containing fully 25 per cent. of soluble Phosphate of Lime, with a portion in a precipi- tated form. MANGOLD MANURE, Ready for the field, containing a high per centage of Phosphate, mostly soluble, with Ammonia, and other fertilizers in which this root luxuriates it is un- surpassed, too, for the Swede or Turnip on soils at all heavy. ALSO SPECIAL MANURES FOR BEANS, PEAS, VETCHES, CLOVER, POTATOES, &, HOPS. NITRATE OF SODA, &c. From the Crushing Mills LINSEED and COTTON CAKES are still sent out, made from Seed as imported, without admixture. APPLY TO J. & T. ROBINSON, ST. PHILIP'S MARSH, BRISTOL; The DOCKS, GLOUCESTER; or to their Agents. _—— 2188 gROWN AND POLSON'S CORN FLOUR IS GENUINE. PACKETS lid., 3d., and 6d. BEST, 2d, 4d., 8d. CAUTION AGAINST UNSCRUPULOUS FRAUD. INFERIOR QUALITIES, OBTAINED AT LITTLE MORE THAN HALF THE COST OF BROWN AND POLSON'S, ARE SOMETIMES SUBSTITUTED. 2395 flARSON, S ANTI-CORROSION PAINT, Pataonized by the QUEEN and 7,000 of the Nobility and Gentry. Specially manufactured for out-door work, is the best and cheapest. All Colours. Any person can use it. Full instructions given. 2 cwt. carriage [paid to all stations. CARSON'S ANTI-CORROSION P All\T — is twice as durable as genuine white lead. See testimonials. PARSONSANTI-CORROSIONPAINT FOR WOOD WORK. PARSONS ANTI-CORROSION PA TNT FOR IRON WORK PARSON'S ANTI-CORROSION PAINT FOR STONE AND COMPO. CARSON'S ANTI-CORROSION PAINT 2 cwt. carriage free to all stations. PARSON'S ANTI-CORROSION PAINT FOR FRONTS OF HOUSES. PARSON'SANTI CORROSIONPAINT FOR POROUS BRICKS. PARSON'S ANTI-CORROSION PAINT FOR CONSERVATORIES. PARSON'S ANTI-CORROSION PAINT FOR HOT HOUSES. PARSON'S ANTI-CORROSION PAINT FOR GREEN HOUSES. pARSON'S ANTI-CORROSION PAINT Established 70 years. Is the most effectual in re- sisting weather and will keep for years. Prices, patterns, and testimonials post-free on application to WALTER CARSON and SONS, La Belle Sauvage-yard, Ludgate- hill, London, E.C 21, Bachelor's-walk, Dublin. CARSON'S PAINT. NO AGENTS. 2476 THE RIGHT HON. ROBT. LOWE, in his speech at Halifax said—"The first book which I will recommend is CASSELL'S EDUCATOR. Re-Issue of CASSELL'S POPULAR EDUCATOR. Ready this day, Number 1, price Hd., CASSELL'S POPULAR EDUCATOR. New Edition. Ready this day, Part L, price 7cL, CASSELL'S POPULAR EDUCATOR. New Edition. CASSELL'S POPULAR EDUCATOR. Sold by all Booksellers, and at all Railway Book-stalls. CASSELL, PETTER, and GALPIN, Ludgate Hill, London, E. C. 2475