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WITHOUT BISK. •C thif L having a little time to spare are apprised ll>mPDoi EAST INDIa tea COMPANY continue Agents for the sale of their celebrated Teas in heljtyj ai\d Tiilage in the kingdom. These Teas are 8U^ all purchasers in leaden canisters from one t0,tlPan*ne P°und- Application to be addressed to the at ltloir offices, 9, Great St. Helen, Bishopsgate REWARD. v)* ^Hay, the 22nd of November last, Mr Owen fhi( a Commercial Gentleman, was thrown out reiUlr on Neyhind IIill, which accident subse- hne uf ,1UMl1 his deilth- He had in his pocket at the i,(>cidcnt TWO BOOKS—a Memorandum Mitv p11 ^r'^r Book—in one of which there was a impose,! ni°nt'y. These books are missing, and arc J" ''are dropped out of his pocket when he was :)°H |j Hlong the road. Any person in whose posses- .St, books may be is earnestly requested to bring ii v6rfn i ^°hn Robinson, Superintendent of Polce, .CI"1' whom they will be fully rewarded for f. u* eholders of the County of Pembroke. < i !rLCMENi— »■ ^ce of Coroner for your County being about to Str>L?">e Vllca"t in consequence of the resignation of 3!r |jj. es» Esq., I have been induced by my friends to as a Candidate for the appointment, andi test-greatly obliged for your kind support and ^0u w'" consider ine fully qualified for the c''or f n state that 1 have been in practice as p for upwards of thirteen years. 1 have the honor to remain, Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, U*w d ARTHUR LORT PHILLIPS \^rdwest, July 1st, 1857. WllgTER ARRANGEMENTS On and after 1st Oclobtr, 1858. j y ,i, '1,' 1t" ^fiftPORD, LIMERICK, & SOUTH OF IRELAND. DAILY COMMUNICATION h (Sundays excepted.) hlRF ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. £ CLASS STEAMERS (in connection with the weHt Western and SouthVVales Railways), carrying »Tksty's MAII-S, S »> aterford to Milford Haven, every afternoon, on J'Tom1 Ial °f the Limerick Train, at 3.0 p m, rcaehing NAUaven, (wind and weather permitting,) so as to Jft p-V1* departure of the 8.80 a.m. Express Train, reach- V^ington about 9.0 p.m. On Sunday mornings Jyj*crs will be forwarded by the 9.15 a.m. Train. viand Pier, Milford Haven, at fl p.m, (,'r,val of the 9.30 a.m. Express Tram, & NcdV 88 Train leaving Paddington daily (Sundays ex- Nhi rea('bing Waterford so as to secure (wind and n tim Emitting,) the departure of the 10.0 a rr< ^T^ck, Cork, and the South of Ireland, and the •N^DM t0 Kilkenny, Dublin, Src. Kt l for Tickets at the First Class Railway Stations ^siern and South Wales Railways; of Messrs. Nft? Jackson, 36. Cannon Street, Lon don, and Mil- °f(4 ayea •, or of Mr. Downey, Adelphx Wharf, Water- r THROUGH FARES*. London to Waterford 50s, 40s, and 24s 6d. iji, Intermediate Stations in proportion. Ufbrd Haven to Waterford \'2s 6d. and 7s 6d. ii^tu 8KA PASSAGE ONLY SBVENTV MILES. r* intended to be forwarded by this short and expe- "°ute mast be addressed via Pembroke-Dock. STEAM COMMUNICATION ^RPQOL, MILFORD, SWANSEA, & BRISTOL for the Month of APRIL, 1859. ^rpool and Bristol Channel Steam Navigation Company's Steam Ships new s.s. Capt. W. 3. Beckett w ^TAOTJ, new SJ. Capt. Wm. Clarke. **Toir FEAB.T, Capt. B» Barrett. *MB»AI.I>, Capt. O. H. Tallan. Vh^0r other suitable Vessel, is intended to sail j* v ^as*engers, (xmless prevented by "J1!/ un/ 'n t' as follows, -with or ■without pilots, and liberty to tow U»j; From Liverpool to Milford and Bristol. **8 Passengers for Swansea at the Mumbles, (weather "<& » ffiKSSto » » y 9 li after Saturday ••• 1 alteI Saturday 30 8 night. r.din Milford for Bristol. PasBengers^o^slnTea^atlhe Mumbles (weather 3 4 a^teTj'sundU 17 af^ 7 10 9 morn Sunday 24 9 m b Sunday May 1 3 after. t°>n Swansea to Liverpool, ( calling at Milfor .) *0^ 6 6} even Wednesday 20 1 after | Wednesday 2< ..12 JO I from Bristol to Swansea and Liverpool. tN*y (Calling at Milford.) 5 7 even Tuesday J? 7 even y y 12 1 after Tuesday *6 .12 noo Milford for Liverpool. k*^esrt4y ••• 12night Wednesday 20 12 night Nr y 13 7 even Wednpfiday ■■ eve ^il^VElU-ooL to SWANSEA direct. The BKITON FKKHY Th^DA.0nly' CVery Wcdnesda)'' 1-eturnin» from Swansea NoMNt.rew Steamer GYPSEY is intended to ply on the a>3Ven, in connection with the above Steamers, carrying Passpngers to and from l'embroke-dock, Haverford- the adjacent Towns. FARES:— Mlij Cabtn. Deck. JjilfoM V4 or from Liverpool 13s Od 5s 6d ?iUof? 0 or from Bristol 8s 6d 5s 0d >5 t° or from Swansea (Mumbles) 5s Od 3s 0a «r '•—Heturn Tickets available for Two Voyages in this is: mpy be ha<? from the undermentioned Agents, or the I Liverpool £ 0 g to Bristol (with the option of Landing at j £ 0 13s t> *Usea returning W, ""engers are requested to take charge of their own • a« the Ship is not responsible in any way for its are landed and embarked at Milford (weather per- »t .^Tir>ee of charge in the Steam Tender Gipsy. » Mil#n»,—'I'he landing or embarkation of Goods or Passengers *1, by whatever convevance, or whether at the expense *<1^ eamer or otherwise, is at the risk of the Passengers and Ihu.l'Pl*» thc Goods respectively.. V? > 6 ^P'tzsimons, Applebee, &Co., 14, Water-street, Liyer- ^thj V1*. Evans, Bristol; J. Edwardes, Swansea John Ken- Ky'tL, Manchester.. 'r-No goods will be delivered until the freight has been W lot no l?°°ds for shipment will be received without a ship- Kiving full particulars of their address, &c., so as to Oxi* y entered upon the vessel's manifest. 'nded at Milford must be removed the day after their 0r be stored, if necessary, on board the hul» which is the point of arrival and departure of the Storage will be charged upon all goods allowed to the hulk more than five days. R. D. HORE, AGENT MILFOKD. h)- S T E E L P E N S I VyltLETS AND LOWE'S-warranted Good Stee *> Ik Pens.—The Public are respectfully requested to 0j>: and judge for themselves. ^Hj^c.r*al Pen, for every style of writing- for posting, o! Sch Writing. Pen, for general school use. Pen« suitable for strong writing. Pe^>,adapted for all bands. Cohi^ercial pen, suitable for entry desk. ( V»??"ndenC(3 Pen, for current or ladies han <1A be" r,r.5le»iel Pen, for commercial pur- ° bad of J. Potter, Haverfordwest. and of all sta. or Magnum Bonmra Pen, suitable for every ,pt,on of writing. »^ill«wk DRAWING PENCILS. VaoJ? and Lowe's Id., 2d., and 3d., Pencils will give ctl to loyers of a really good Pencil. ism T YOU GE:T I't. INFER:I'OR KINDS 1.90 E OF'TEN 0' (T Fl OIVLY Sc OTHER ALE, PORTE/R. &0. GEORGE N. HASSELL, „ Messrs NORTON, BROTHERS, Agent for the Sale of their Having been appointed by Messrs. &nd Porter> in HAVERFORDWEST AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD, 13E the'Kingdom, in^tTtils offin^aCnra^rSpwaTds; Kfa"fry°SS reduce-' tion from the prices usually charged. r -.a^o Cambrian Plac, Haverfordwest, 8th Febiuary, VSaJ. SOUTH WALKS MANURE WORKS, LLANELLY. THOMAS MAT III AS D A V I E S, r Ii 0 r R lET 0 H. GEORGE N. HASSELL, HAVERFORDWEST, AGENT FOR PEMBROKESHIRE. TESTIMONIALS- H_- ,„„ Marloes Court, near Havcrfordwcst, October 5th, 1858. Dear Sir,- I have tried your Superphosphate against Peruvian Guano. I put 4 nvt of Superphosphate to th acre, and the satne worth of Guano along ide. in result is decidedly in favour of your mannrc. as the Superphosphate Turnips are larger in size and much higher in blade than those sown with Guano. ° 1 am, sir, yours truly Jjio. LL. WATHAN. Mr T. Mathias Davies, Llanelly. Robeston Hall, near Milford, September 8th, 1858. Pear Sir,-In reply to your letter asking: for a report of the effect of your Superphosphate of Lime on the Turnip Crop. 1 am happy to say that the piece of Turnip manured with your Superposphate up to the pu scnt time is entirely satisfactory, and I can see no difference between it ami a piece of Turnip growing alongs.de manured with Mr Lawes' Superphosphate of Lime and at the same rate per acre. 1 am vours faithfully, "^HAKLES JAMES CARROW. Mr Thomas Mathias Davies, Llanelly. Jordanston Hall, Haverfordwest, September 27th, 1858. # Dear Sir-I have used your Superphosphate of Lime against the same quantity of Mr Lawes and I fiml it quite equal for Swede Turnips. 1 am much pleased with it, and shall require a larger quantity next year. I am, sir, yours truly, W. T. R. SANDERS. Mr T. NTfitbii- Davies, South Wales Manure Works, Llanelly. Crab Hall, near Dale, September 22nd, 1858 D ar Sir, The Superphosphate of Lime I purchased of you last year gives me every satisfaction for growing Turnips. I am, dear sir, yours truly, JOHN ROGERS. Mr T. Mathias Davies, Llanelly. Hook, Marloes, Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, > October 4th, 1858. Dear Sir -I tried your Manures against Mr Lawes' on a crop of Oats, putting 2b cwt per acre. I found your Superphosphate My eqnat to Mr IW ■jour f,,m PhosDhate or Blood Manure, superior. So pleased am i with the results that in future I s^^Vo^sred^Li'lup™- mangolds are superior to any I have seen with my neigh. "Hy X high character given them by your anal'VSt" I remain, sir, yours respectfully, Mr T M Davies, South Wales Manure Works, Llanelly, Carmarthenshire Natt's Hook, near Haverfordwest, September 30th, 1858. My dear c:r T feel great pleasure in stating that that the Superphosphnte of Lime I purchased of yoii has has fully sustained the high character it obtained on manure, omitting theuse|ofiti'J"'f"™v",l seduce of jr Thss^tria srs against all equal cost per ner, of the best Peruvian Guano, (fbeHeve 2SSS £ SS I am sorry I have'not trleO it against any othe Super- mahers, Lawes', for some years, and having tried them against Peruviiln Gnano, as I have done yours, and from the results I believe yours to he at least equal to any out. The best proof I can of my opinion will be hy it again, which I hope to do next year. that it may pay you well to continue making it of the same qualit3,, and if so I am certain it only requires to be known and tried oncC to it largely demanded, I am, my dear sir, yours truly, WM. THOR. MrT. M. Davies, South Wales Manure Works, Llanelly. Lianeny, ouptuniuci Dear Sir,—The dissolved Bones T had of you have proved very satisfactory, and I have an excellent field of Mangolds. Yours respectfully, JAMES BUCKLEY. Mr T. Mathias Davies, Llanelly. Little Hoaten, near Little Haven, October 2nd, IR08. Dear Sir,—Having tried four tons of your Superphos- phate of Lime against an equal quantity of Mr Laws on both Swede and White Norfolk Turnips, I do give a decided preference to yours, (although Mr Lawes does its part very well,) having good crops of turnips where both were applied. Believe me, dear sir, yours truly, C. C. COLE. Mr T. M. Davies, Manufacturer of Superphosphate of Lime, Llanelly. Bolton Hill, October 16th. ] 8;;8. Sir -It gives me great pleasure to recommend your Manure (Supesphorphate of Lime), as I this year have tried it with Swede Turnips, and have found it to answer exceedingly well. Wishing you every success, I remain, yours obediently, Jom. MORGAN JONES. Mr T. M. Davies, Llanelly. Underwood, near Haverfordwest, September 23rd, 1858. Dear Sir,-In reply to yours ^,einS phosphate, I applied it alongside ofMrLawcsinequa quantities, and I have carefully examined both and con nder the Turnips in the part manuicd by jours lullj equal to Mr Lawes' in every respect. I remain, yours faithfully, • JAMES WILSON. T. Mathias Davies, Esq, Llanelly. Whitland Abbey, ncar Narberth, August 24th, 1858. Sir —My not answering yours received some time since' was that I wished to cut the Wheat that I used your Manure upon, before giving my opinion upon the effects of its use. I now beg to say, 1 tins morning began to cut it, and I find it has answered very well, as the quantity of straw is much more than where it was not used. I hope next Spring to give it a better tual, as mine was but a small quantity used this year. I am, sir, your humble servant, 'J ROBT. WRENCH. Farm Bailiff to^the^Hon. W. H. Yelverton. Mr T. M. Davies, Llanelly. Johnston Hall, near Haverfordwest, October 20th, 18.>8. Sir —Havintr fried your Superphosphate of Lime tor veTteour^ly'of L™ ht^also useTthe SuperplC" Manure are quite eqtiaj to any I have this vetr. I am, sir, yours faithfully, R. CARROW. To Mr T. M. Davies, Llanelly. Sodston, near Narberth, February 2, 1859. Sir,-As I promised to write to you on the result of the Superphosphate I had from you, 1 have the nleasure to inform you that it has proved quite satisfac- tory I tried it against the Peruvian Guano, from Messrs Si bs & Co -six cwt of Superphosphate against three roots harllonger stems, and were, whut may he tcrmed, into tile stem; whilst the Phosphate sort, were ma le, n thf stem and finer roots. 1 have yet to test thrir keeping qualities, which the spring will do, as they are covered'over with' me on the field. I am, however, thus far so well satisfied that I shall take from you my s.V,'ply V.?r Swedes in the following season.-Tlns for your I remain, Sir, very faithfully yours, JAMES JAMES. Mr T. Mathias Davies, Llanelly. PRESENT PRICES:— IGG QD PER TON. CASH WITHIN A MONTH f » P^jffiroigradgpHATE (»»»» TO ;• — BY ROYAL AUTHORITY. BRISTOL AND WEST OF ENGLAND ART UNION OF 1859 TV P () N N E X I O N WITH THE BRISTOL ACADEMY FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE FINE ARTS. HIS ROYAL H I G H N E S S T II E PRINCE CON S 0 RT, (Patron of the Bristol Fine Arts Academy,) PRESIDENT, „ „ -r HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF I) E A D F 0 K r, VICE-PRESIDENTS, I riPT. F.R.S.. The Most Hon. the Marquess of Bath, Longleat, Wilts The Right Hon. the Larl Ducie, Gloucestershire The Right Hon. Lord Dynevor, Car- marthen The Right Hon Lord Vivian, Cornwall I Sir Peregrine P. Ackland, Bart, Somerset „n Sir Henry C. Rawhnson, K.O.B. Wm. Miles, Esq, M.P., Leigh Court H. A. Bruce, Esq, M.P., Duffryn, Aberdare The Very Rev. the Dear of Bristol n TT N elL. I J. S. liarrora, 1"lSl!> -• Blaize Castle Dr. Falconer, Mayor of Bath I, J. H. Markland, Esq, F.R.S., &c, Batli Charles Maud. Esq. Bath T. Gambier Parry, Lsq, Highnam i Court. Gloucester I TT T-* i-Vx Rristnl J. S. Esq F.R.S., P. W. S. Miles, Esq, Kingsweston Park W* BriKhtSEsq!'AbboU'<leigh J Battershy Harford, Esq, Stoke Park John Harrison, Esq W. H. Gore Langton, Esq, M.P. John W. Esq of to ■ of Fine Arts. ine very rvev. wie vcau v. John Mc.Arthur, Esq. Esq. Clifron Jos. Beavington Atkinson, Esq W. H. Harford. Esq, Lawrence Weston Wm. Maskell, Clifton Albany B. Saville, Esq P. C. Shepppard, Esq, Bathampton I G. H. Simins, Esq, Bath J. Addington Symonds. Esq, M.D. Chao, Morgan. Esq I'ft COMMITTEE OF MANAGF,- (Three of whom retire annually) The Right Worshipful the MAYOR or BRISTOL, Chairman. P. W. S. MILES, Esq, Vice-Chairman. "II..T_1- Q J P- Jos. Almond. Esq John Bates, Esq R. M. Bernard, Esq F. Brittan, Esq Chas. Hansom, Esq Rev. Jas. Heyworth J. H. Hirst, Esq W. Foole King, Esq Cruger Miles, Esq Hugh Owen, Esq H. A. Palmer, Esq I TUrto J. INaiSll OttUHUOJ 0;7, U' Joshua Saunders, Esq C. Underwood, Esq H. S. Wasbrougb, Esq W. H. Wills, Esq Walton. Esq, Honorary Secretary. J. W. Miles, Esq, Treasurer. I THE WEST OF ENGLAND A R "I" 'and by distributing country. ith 1 ese devoted to the purchase of attention f Suhscriptions (after deducting the necessary expenses) is cievoie various —The whole amount of bulWtureS,^ and other Modern Works of the hlg^t'1n^ guarantee for the jssrs^ ris r zsz w A S for Promotion of by ballot, after they ha>e e on^l entitles each Member to the Fine Arts. constitutes Membership for the current year, and entitles 2 —A Subscription or VaNE„^thP Paintings and other Prizes. iv/romhPr will be One Chance in the distribution o obtainjng a valuable Painting or other Work of Art, each 3 —In addition to ^echa^eand costly line Engraving of presented wit., a 'aTTTTpHERD'S BIBLE, Landseer, R.A., Engraved by Thomas Land3ecr, Esq, and printe From the well-known Painting by Sir Ed Proof on exclusively for this Association. rpw0 c]iances for the Prizes and two Piwt-> 4.- Subscribers of £ 2 2 » Fi™KSor thc Prto ,d Five Prints, or. Proof 5 o or«nArtist* £ 10 10 o will have | Proof on India Paper. f- nq the Committee unhesitatingly solicit the confidence of the public With so valuable a rpturn for Sub.-cription. aiveady Members of this hitherto local Society. generally, as well as the co-operation o ios — p f M„na(rement; to the Honorary Subscriptions may be paid to a^SeCTelan^rand Agents appointed threughout the couriny^t^ Secretary for Bristol; and to the Loeal Honorary cl)arfre on payment of Subscription Gen sbouli be in Jho^paStoar^^requestcd't^c'oUunicate with the Honorary Secretary, to wn addressed, at th. Fiue ^OKDWEST-MK. JOSEPH POTTER. The useful, ornamental, durable, & cheap combined 11 W^f'R S EUGENIE NEEDLE CASE, Registered October 1 st, 1857. ESTABLISHED 1719 ]) W YERS gratefully acknowledges the long continued 1\, and liberal patronage which has been awarded to his Needles by the Public, and begs especially to call the attention of the Ladies to his Newly Invented Registered Eugenie Needle Case; the simplicity, beauty and novelty of design in these Cases are strikingly apparent. The objects effected by this useful invention are facility and security, the Needles being so arranged as to prevent loss even if the case be left open, whilst the points arc so pro- tected that it may be carried in the pocket with perfect safety they are fitted up handsomely, and arranged in separate compartments, forming an elegant convenience for the ladies' work tables. The Needles placed with in these Cases are made from the best Spring St3cl, of unsurpassable temper and polish with remarkably large burnished eyes, and superior kcenness and strength of point. g The Needle can be obtained by merely loosing the Elastic Band. One trial will prove them superior to any Needle now in use, Sold by all respectable drapers in Pembrokeshire. A W I'EEALdil$| NEW I ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE! C0NTA1MS DESIGNS AN0 PRICES OF 150 D'.FFERENT ARTICLES OF BEDROOM FURNITURE AS WELL AS OF 100 EEDSTELADS AND PRICES CF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BEDDINC SENT FREE B1f POST HEALS- SON BEIDSTEAD BEDDING 8. BEDROOM FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS ^I96T0TTEMHAM COURT ROAD LONDON^ 1)R. DE JONGH'S (Knight of the Order of Leopold, Belgium) LIGHT BROWN COD LIVER OIL, Prescribed by the most eminent Medical men throughout the world, as the safest, speediest, and most EFFECTUAL Kl'MEDY FOR COXSUMI'TION, lUtONC'IIITIS, ASTHMA, GOUT, KHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, DISHASKS OF THE SKIN, INFANTILE WAS'l'IN'GS, RICKETS, GENERAL DEBILITY, AND ALL SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS. DR DE JONGH'S OIL is the most efficacious, the most palatable, and, from its rapid curative effects, unques- tionably the Most economical of all kinds. Its lmrnea- snreable theraputic superiority over every other variety is established by innumerable testimonials fiom I nysi- cians and Surgeons of European reputation. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS:— A. B. Granville, Esq., M.D., T.R.S., Author of The Spas of Germany,' on Sudden Death,' fyc. Dr Granville has found that Dr de Johgh's Oil pro- duces the desired effect in a shorter time than others, and that it does not cause the nausea_and indigestion, too often consequent on the administration of the 1 ale Oils. Charles Cowan, Esq, M.D., L.R.C.S.E., Senior Physician to the Royal Berkshire Hospital. Sfc, § c 4 Dr Cowan is glad to find that the Profession has some reasonable guarantee for the genuine article, and wishes Dr de Jongh every success in his meritorious under- taking.' HEALS- SON BEIDSTEAD BEDDING 8. BEDROOM FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS ^I96T0TTEMHAM COURT ROAD LONDON^ 1)R. DE JONGH'S (Knight of the Order of Leopold, Belgium) LIGHT BROWN COD LIVER OIL, Prescribed by the most eminent Medical men throughout the world, as the safest, speediest, and most EFFECTUAL Kl'MEDY FOR COXSUMI'TION, lUtONC'IIITIS, ASTHMA, GOUT, KHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, DISHASKS OF THE SKIN, INFANTILE WAS'l'IN'GS, RICKETS, GENERAL DEBILITY, AND ALL SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS. DR DE JONGH'S OIL is the most efficacious, the most palatable, and, from its rapid curative effects, unques- tionably the Most economical of all kinds. Its lmrnea- snreable theraputic superiority over every other variety is established by innumerable testimonials fiom I nysi- cians and Surgeons of European reputation. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS:— A. B. Granville, Esq., M.D., T.R.S., Author of The Spas of Germany,' on Sudden Death,' fyc. Dr Granville has found that Dr de Johgh's Oil pro- duces the desired effect in a shorter time than others, and that it does not cause the nausea_and indigestion, too often consequent on the administration of the 1 ale Oils. Charles Cowan, Esq, M.D., L.R.C.S.E., Senior Physician to the Royal Berkshire Hospital. Sfc, § c 4 Dr Cowan is glad to find that the Profession has some reasonable guarantee for the genuine article, and wishes Dr de Jongh every success in his meritorious under- taking.' R. D. Edgecumbe, Esq, M.D., Surgeon to the Royal Dispensary London, Sfc, Sfc. 41 have used Dr de Jongh's Cod Liver Oil in my own family with marked success, and believe it to be in its effects superior to every other preparation.' Sold only in Imperial half-pints, 2s fid Pints, 4s 9d; Quarts, 9s; capsuled and labelled with Dr de Jongh's signature, without which none can possibly be genuine, by respectable Chemists. SOLE CONSIGNEES, ANSAK,HARFORD, & Co,77, STRAND,LONDON, W.C. Purchasers are solicitously cautioned against pro- posed substitutions, as they proceed from interested motives, and will infalliby result in disappointment. Patronized by the Principal Establish- Orowned Heads of wg&jBjme.its in the Europe and the World. ARTHUR GRANGERS, PATENT REGULATOR PEN, FOR ALL HANDS. is. per Box. Post Free. fttNEBAL STATIONERY WABEHOUSB, 308? High Holborn? London. N.B.—Agents wanted. TO BUILDERS, MASONS, &c. Sealyham Blue Metallic slate Quarry. WARRANTED to be as good in quality as any Slates W in Wales. Situated seven miles from Haverford- west within a quarter of a mile from the Turnpike Road leading from Haverfordwest to Fishguard—good easy new road to come out to the Turnpike Road. Slates supplied at the quarry on the following P™c^ ;— Good Locals per 1,000 0 16 0 Best Dry Tiling „ i ,n n 24 by 14 per 1,200 7 10 0 24 by 12 „ 6 10 0 22 by 11. 5 10 0 20 by 12 „ 5 10 0 20 by 10 „ 500 18 by 10 400 18 by 9 „ 3 10 0 16 by 10 „ 3 0 0 16 by 8 „ 2 5 0 14 by 8 „ 1 10 0 Apply to Mr. JOHN REES, Broadmoor, VVolfscastle. To Builders and Others. rPHU BARRY ISLAND SLATE and SLAB COM- 1 PANY are prepared to SELL Slates and Slabs at the following Price", deliverable at the Quarry, situate between St. David's and Fishguard :— First Quality. Second Quality. Per Thousand ot 1260. 24 by 14 £ 8 8 0 £7 2 6 24 by 12 7 5 0 5 17 6 22 by 12 6 0 0 5 0 0 22 by 11 5 0 0 4 10 0 20hyl-2 4 17 6 ,9 20 by 1" 4 14 0 3 lo 0 18 by 10 a 10 0 2 \2 6 18 by 9 3 0 0 2 6 16 by 10 2 17 6 2 2 6 16 by 8 2 5 0 12 6 14 by 8 1 6 0 120 14 by 7 1 4 0 1 0 0 13 by 7 I 0 0 0 5 6 12 by 7 0 18 0 0 14 0 Locals 0 11 0 to cover from 28 to 33 yards. Diuo 0 12 6 to cover from 25 to 28 yards. Superior Slabs for Tombs, Headstones, Cisterns, &c.. from 30s., and upwards, per ton. Excellent Flooring Slabs, Sawn Edges and planed sur- face, 22s. 6d. and 25s. per ton. Mantlepieces, Window Sills, &c., made to order. Apply tc Mr. J. JACK Porthgain, Trevine. Organic Weakness.-Its Causes and Cure. Just published (with an Appendix on the Curative Powers of Galvanic-Electricity), price Is., free by post for 13 stamps. SELF-PRESERVATION; A Medical Treatise on XERVOUS C) DEBILITY and FUNCTIONAL WEAKNESS, more parti- cularlv in reference to the INFIRMITIES and DISORDERS of the GENERATIVE SYSTEM tracing the origin of these dis- tressing afflictions to causes which vitiate the very fountains of Life, and prematurely destroy the vigour of Manhood. With practical observations on the cure of these diseases, an on the extraordinary restorative power of LOCAL GALVANISM in cases of nervous prostration, muscular debility, and functional incapa- city, when used in combination with the remedial agents so successfully employed by the Author ùuringa practice of upwards of Twenty years. With descriptive Cases, numerous Engravings' Instructions, &c., BY SAMUEL LA'MERT, M.D., 37, Bedford Square, London. Registered Licentiate of the London Society of Apothecaries, Doc- tor of Mecicine of the University of Erlangen, Honorary Member of the London Hospital Medical Society, &c. An erroneous impression exists that public announcements on these disorders emanate only from unqualified persons, but as the new Medical Act provides that none but registered practitioners shall assume any medical title, those that are legally qualified can readily be distinguished—a point of great importance in cases where secrecy, confidence, and skill are equally requisite. In the new edition of Self-Preservation,' facts of paramount utility are brought together—facts appealing to the prudence of all who are suffering from atFections which involve the enfeeble- ment and ultimate loss of those powers without wh.ch man forfeits the dignity of nature, and sinks to the most pitiful depths of physical a ;id moral (1egradation. In cases where the vital essences have been weakened by the influences of tropical climates, by pernicious habits, indiscriminate excesses, improper diet, hard- ship, or by injudicious treatment, the means of cure adopted by the autnor, in conjunction with the application of Local Galvanism have frequently loeen found successful, even in cases where l'o- covery had been pronounced impossible. Published by the Author, price Is., or free by post for 13 stamps and may be had of Allen, Warwick-lane, Paternoster-row, Lon- don Westmacott, chemist, Market-street, Manchester .1. Guest, Bull-street, Birmingham Buraclough, t'argate, Sheffield: Ray- ner, High-street, Southampton; \V. Love, Enoch-square, Glas- gow II. Powell, Westmoreland-street, Dublin, or from the author who may be consulted daily, from Eleven till Two, and from Six till Eight, at his residence, 37, Bedford-square, London. who may be consulted daily, from Eleven till Two, and from Six till Eight, at his residence, 37, Bedford-square, London. THE FISHING SEASON. JAHE POT T E R-, printer, Skokseller, itatiantr, atiii ftlacjttnt Unltr, HIGH-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, BEGS to inform the public, that she has just received her supply of Fishing Materials for the'present season D consisting of RODS, FLIES, HOOKS, REELS, BASKETS, in fact, every requisite for a Fisherman, which she is enabled to sell at a very moderate rate. INITIALS, & CRESTS, STAMPED ON ENVELOPES & NOTE PAPER, ON THE PREMISES. PICTURE FRAMES! PICTURE FRAMES! PICTURE FRAMES! WINDOW CORNICES! WINDOW CORNICES! WINDOW CORNICES! LOOKING GLASSES! LOOKING GLASSES LOOKING GLASSES I Console, Pier, and every variety of Ornamental Gilt Tables, Manufactured by J W A R R, AT 27Zy RESIDENCE No. 3, HIGH STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. N.B. All kinds of Gilt Furniture Re-gilt, equal to new, at less than London Prices; Old Pictures cleaned, relieved, and restor3d upon the most modern and approved principles; Stains of all descriptions taken fom Prints without damage to the Engravings. Ladies' Needlework most tastefully mounted. A large assortment of Engra- vings, framed and unframed, always in stock. Gentlemen waited upon at their own residences, and estimates given All letters to be adddressed to J. Warr, High-street, near St Mary's Church, Haverfordwest. LAWES' SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. THOMAS HUGHES BEGS to announce that he is now prepared to deliver Lawes1 Superphosphate, of the usual high quality, at a greatly reduced price; also Peruvian Guano, direct from Messrs Gibbs, Bright, and Co. THE FOLLOWING ARE THE PRESENT PRICES:- £ s. d. Lawes' Superphospliate, Bill ,it four months 7 5 0 per ton. Ditto do ready money 6 15 0 Lawes' Mineral Superphosphate 5 10 0 Peruvian Guano 14 0 0 Fne English Oil Cake 12 10 0 Cotten Seed Cake 8 10 0 Haverfordwest, 14th March, 1859 AGRICULTURAL SEEDS, JAMES DAVIES AND SON, MERCHANTS, CASTLE SQUARE, HAVERFORDWEST, BEG respectfully to announce to their numerous friends that they have just received their first delivery of Seeds which, having been purchased before the late advance, they are enabled to offer them at reasonable prices' consisting of Cow Grass, Red and White Clovers, Trefoil, Rib Grass, Vetches, Foreign and English Italian Rve Grasses, Pacy's and other Rye Grass.. Their friends may rely upon these being of that first-rate quality which has gained their patronage for many years. J. D. & Son also beg to recommend their Celebrated Mixture for Permanent Pasture. J. D. & Son further state that they have a large supply of that Superphosphate of Lime which gave such entire satisfaction last year. N B A quantity of very superior Black Tartarian Seed Oats, Welsh Black, White Potato, and Poland ditto. Turnip and Mangold Seeds of every kind. THE PROVINCIAL WELSH INSURANCE COMPANY. (THE ONLY INSURANCE COMPANY ESTABLISHED IN WALES.) CHIEF OFFICES:— 2, HIGH STREE, WREXHAM; 49, MOORGATE STREET, LONDON, E.C. CAPITAjL £ 200,000- WHOLLY SUBSCRIBED BY UPWARDS OF SEVEN HUNDRED SHAREHOLDERS. TRUSTEES. SIR WATKIN WILLIAMS WYNN, Bart, M.P. SIR CHARLES MORGAN, Bart. LIEUT. GEN. SIR R. H. CUNLIFFE. Bart, C.B. COLONEL MYDDLETON MDDULPH, M.P., Lord Lieutenant of the County of Denbigh. COLONEL WATKINS, M.P., Lord Lieutenant of the County of Brecknock. FREDERICK RICHARD WEST, Esq. THE VERY REV. THE DEAN OF ST. ASAPH. HENRY THOMAS, Esq, Chairman of the Glamorganshire Quarter Sessions. THOMAS BRASSY, Esq, 4, Great George Street, Westminster, and Lowndes Square, London. HUGH OWEN, Esq, Barnsbury, London. LIFE. Stamps paid by the Office. Medical Referees paid for their Reports Profits—Eighty per cent returned. Office Expenses very moderate, and chiefly borne by the Fire Deparment, so as to increase the Bonus. No liability incurred by the Assured as in Mutual Offices. FIRE. Moderate Premiums. Prompt and liberal settlement of losses. Farming Stock insured at 4s per cent, being 20 per cent less than charged by other Offices. Security in both branches of a subscribed Capital of Two Hundred Thousand Pounds, besides alarge increasing Fund from Premiums. Prospectuses, &c, on application. ANTHONY DILLON, Secretary to the Company. THE OBSERVATORY, MARKET-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. T J. W II ITE, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, JEWELLER, SILVER-SMITII, OPTICIAN,$c, S;c Is continually receiving from these celebrated Makers, MARTEN & BISHOPP, of LONDON, fresh supplies of The Celebrated Working Man's Watch,' OF the same quality, weight, and finish, as the many hundreds sold by him in Pembrokeshire during the las ten years, and which have given such general satisfaction to the purchasers of the same. Prices in stron" silver cases, X3 5s. each, in extra strong cases X3 10s. and £ 3 15s. each. p Observe !—These Watches are direct from Marten$• Bishopp, of LONDON-. Lever, Horizontal, and Duplex Watches in Gold and in Silver Cases, of Plain, Chaste, Antique, Mediaeval, Elizabethian, and floridly ornamented patterns', varying in price from £ 2 10s. to £ 120 each. A seven years trial allowed on each Watch sold. English, French, German, and American Clocks, in endless variety, selected with great care from the workshops, ateliers, and stores of London, Paris, and New Y ork-pnces from 5s. 6d. to £7D each. Several 8-day Clocks of English Make, in superior cases, at vory low prices. SILVER AND ELECTRO PLATE, consisting of epergnes, ice pails, wine coolers, centre pieces, flower stands, cande- labra—plain and richly chased, claret jugs, cake baskets, bread ditto, tea-kettles and urns, tea and coffee services, fish carvers, fish slices, tankards, presentation cups, vases, &c, &c, waiters, salvers, inkstands, children's mugs, ditto knife, fork, and spoon, cruet frames, butter coolers, sugar baskets, egg frames, candlesticks, toast racks, salt cellars, mustard pots, muffineers, communion services, pocket ditto, ditto, soup and sauce ladles, spoons, forks, corner dishes, dish covers, &c, &c. FINE GOLD JEWELLERY, of a quality much better than that usually sold, and in the selection of which regard has been paid to CORRECT TASTE, which in cheap jewellery is so entirely neglected, comprising chains, chatelains, charms, Ladies' gem and other rings, Gentlemen's signet rings, brooches, bracelets, lockets, pencil cases, cravat pins, shirt studs, sleeve links, collar studs, &c, &c. Plated and Silver Jewellery as above. T. J. W. is happy to announce to all persons suffering from defective vision, that he has accepted the agency for the sale of Braham s Patent Pantoscopic Spectacles and Eye Preservers; the best ever invented for assisting every _C' '(;11. C"> c-Tr.tTO.1 ..t.n n. 1. .1. _L .1 deieCC 01 Vision. aic suitauic iui tar, Vl- mtAti swui, uiiu iuc piiuca i1.n,¡ xuwer ma. 11 muse or tile old make of equal quality. These Spectacles are Menisci lenses, as recommended by the great Wollaston, so ground and fixed in frames, that the eye can look at near objects through the glass, but at distant objects over the frame. TO PERSONS ABOUT TO MARRY. Buy your Wedding Rings at T. J. White's, Jeweller, Market-street, Haverfordwest, who sells only those made of pure (22 carat) gold. The public are cautioned against purchasing rings of a much lower standard, often made and sold as pure gold. Watch Glasses, 3d. each; Patent ditto, Gd., usually sold at Is. Clocks and watches cleaned and repaired. Church, Turret, Office, and Stable Clocks attended to by the year. All repairs to Clocks and Watches executed on the premises by competent workmen. See T. J. White's Illustrated Catalogue, to be had gratis at the Observatory, or free per post. The Observatory, Market-street, Haverfordwest, September 1st, 1858. F. B. SANGUINETTI, 52, REGENT STREET, & 163, FENCHURCH STREET, & 57, WIND STREET, SWANSEA. ARMY AND NAVY CLOTHIER, TAKES the < pportunity of drawing attention to the perfection to which he has now brought the con- T struction 01 that most difficult article of dress—TROUSERS. The material has been expressly manufactured for him, and it possesses such elasticity that, cut on his peculiar plan, neither Braces or Straps are requisite, and the Trousers consequently combine with the most fashionable and elegant style the greatest possible comfort to the wearer. The style of his COATS are so well known throughout the different kingdoms as to need no comment. The materials used are of first-class—being soley West of England and Scotch. TO SPORTING GENTLEMEN. F. B. S. begs to mention that for the Leather Department he has secured the services of MR. NICHOLL the eminent maker of the prepared Leather Shooting Coats, Hunting Breeches, &c., late of Pall Mall and Lombard-street, who received Prince Albert's Certificate Medal and Report of the Royal Commission of the Great Exhibition of 1851. The Leather used for hunting and for other garments is manufactured only by him, and the qualities are in every respect unsurpassed. T The Waterproof Leather Shooting Gaiters and Leggings, also Waterproof Leather Driving and Shooting Gloves and Gauntlets, have received the highest patronage, and maintained an unrivalled position amongst art manufac- turers for more than 40 years It is almost unnecessary to any that for every article made in F. B. Sanguinetti s establishment, none but the best and choicest materials an' used, that the Workmanship is ot., the highest, class, and the Cutting per- formed by the best British and Foreign Artists, under F. B. Sanguinetti s immediate personal inspection. The business of the Swansea and City Branches will be conducted in the same vigorous manner that has been the characteristic of F. B. Sanguinetti's establishment at Regent-street. Orders f( r outfits to India and the Colonies executed and dispatched by the return mail. SHOOTING. Knicker Bockers-TIunting Breeches—Zouave Buskins—Napoleon Leggings—Prepared Leather Riding Trour sers, and Shooting Jackets, partially or wholly waterproof unequalled and most invaluable for sporting purposes, UA Cover Shooting, the Bush, and the Colonies. Also Ladies Fawnshin Trousers, with or without Black Feet, fo- Riding or Hunting. Exhibited at the Great Exhibition of 1<;&1. F. B. Sanguinetti, 52, Regent-street. WHITE'S VEGETABLE ESSENCE, OR LIQUID BLISTER, is confidently recommended to every person connected with Horses as a nre- £ rilUBe(1lallei1 •for a11 diseases which require S/n ?.. °r TT veatmg" Ifc neither blemishes nor injures the Hair, and the Horse can be worked during its application, as there is not the slightest danger of his gnawing the part affected. May be had only of John P. Enwit, Dew-street, Ha vc'rfordwest. PEMBROKE MILLS, PEMBROKE. THOMAS JONES. BT fL0U^.i ANl) SEED MERCHANT, EGS to inform his iriends and the Public, that he has now ready for Sale a large Stock of Agricultural Seeds and Artificial Manures, viz. Red Clover White Dutch, Cow Grass, Trefoil, Rye Grasses, and Mixed ditto for Parmancnt Pastures, Mangold Wurtzel, and Turnip Seeds in a great variety Peruvian Guano, Laws and The London Company's Superphosphate of Lime. Wines! Wines! Wines! OOD Old British Port, Sherry, and Ginger Wines T in any quantity, in Draught or Bottles, may now be procured of of Thomas D. Mevler, Druggist and Wine Merchant, Xo. 11, High-street, Haverfordwest. Please obseive the address. Important to the Public. rpHOSE who have tried Collins' Celebrated Anti- L bilious and Aperient Pills state that they far surpass any other Family Medicine vet offered to the Pubiic, and as a Spring and Summer Medicine stand unnvated.-ls lid and 2s 9d a box.-Thcy are prepared and sold only by Thomas 1). Meyior, Druggist, No. 11 Uigh-street, Haverfordwest, where also may be procured the Cambrian Pectoral Cough Pills. Prescriptions and Family Recipes prepared with drug's of genuine quality. e Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! EARLY Peas, Beans. Carrots, &c, &c, genuine growth J J of 1858. Every description for present and Sprine swing. Skjrvmgs Turnip Seeds, Mangold Wurtzel French Furze, Held Carrot, and all other Agricultural Seeds, also' Carragheen Moss, now extensively used for feeding Catt.e and is far better and cheaper than Oil Cake or Linseed-Sold by Thomas David Mevler, Drug- gist and Seedsman, No 11, High-street, Haverfordwcst. Please observe the address. Will the Public be persuaded to consult their own interests P IF so they should try the Teas of "The East India 1 lea Company," the only importers and dealers in the kingdom, and which upon trial will be found far better and cheaper than any Teas offered to the Public Constant supplies loose, and in 2oz., 4oz., half-pound' and four-pound packets at 3s. 4d., 3s. Sd., 4s., 4s. 4d.' and 4s. 8d., per pound; received by their agent T. D Meyler, Tea Dealer, High-street, Haverfordwest, where also may be had Sugars and Groceries of every descrip- tion.. Fine Foreign Cigars in condition, always on Sale. M. wgrafti For Sale by Private Contract, ANE of the fastest SAILING VESSELS on the Coast U (and now ready for sea) Registering 39 and Stowing 65 tons. She is cutter-rigged, and with full cargo draws but 8 feet 6 inches. A sum of Six Hundred Pounds has lately been expended on her general repairs, and her outfit of Sails, Chains, Cables, Anchors, &c., is all that could be wished. For further particulars and to treat apply to GEORGE N. HASSELL, Auctioneer, Havesfordwest. Cambrian-place, Haverfordwest, May 27th, 1858. COAL! COAL!! COAL! GEORGE N. HASSELL, HAYING completed his arrangements with the Pro- t prictors of the Gorwydd Colliery, is now in a posi- tion to supply his Patrons with 3PTJEE RED ASH COAL Possessing more bitumen (or oil) in its component parts, and consequently more brilliant and enduring burning qua- lities, than any other mineral deposit in the Coal fields of the South Wales basin. A considerable reduction per Ton to parties taking one or more Trucks. Coal Yard, Railway Station; Offices-9, Cambrian Place, Haverfordwest, where orders are requested to be sent. December 11, 1857. %OF,FL [CELEBRATEDrOR THEIRl GREAT STRENGTH ,„ AND FINE AROMATOC IMPORTANT AGENCY. CA^FI?L^?^OFI^'?^r"fwhWn lihd (U?trict for the sale of JOHN h COl 1 tEb, (v, here there is not one already.) Full 80,rFenc^urc^Street^ London? appliCation to Jotn C^ell & Co., Just Published, Tenth Edition, price Is. ON THE LOSS OF TEETH." A ND as now restored by the New Patent System of A. SELF ADHESION without SPRINGS, WIRES, or LIGATURES, and also without extracting any Teeth or roots, or any painful operation the result of 20 years practice by Thomas Howard, Surgeon Dentist to his grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. The invention is of im- portance to many persons and those interested in it should read this Treatise. Published by Simpkin & Marshall, and sold by all Booksellers, or sent free by Post by Mr. Howard 17, George-street, Hanover Square Lon- don. A Book that will be read with pleasure and profit by all who are about to seek dental advice. And enanating from such quarters may be relied upon. Blackwood's Ladies Magazine.' A very useful Treatise, upon a very important subject, by an experienced practical Dentist.—' The Critic.' A Book calculated to be of great service to all those who suffer from Dental imperfections, and we think it would be an act of kindness to present it to any friend who may require the aid of a Dentist.—1 Cheltenha m Journal.' This Brochure is by an experienced Dentist; all would do well to avail themselves of the valuable information which this Book contains, and expccially that portion which relates to Artificial Teeth.—' Bath Herald' We think this work a very clever practical Brochure on the Teeth, and the author has our cordial wishes for the success he justly deserves. Cheltenham Chronicle This useful and popular treatise on the Loss of Teeth we can strongly recommend to our readers-the Author's remarks on Artificial teeth are especially deserving at- tention.—' Brighton Gazette. THORLEY'S FOOD FOR CATTLE. Important to every Man who keeps a Horse Cow Sheep, or Pig. THORLEY'S FOOD FOR CATTLE, as used in Her ± Majesty s Stables; His Royal Hiphness the Prince Consort's Farm, Windsor; throughout the Royal Military Stables of Prussia, by order of His Excellency Lieutenant- General Willissen, Head Master of the Horse by Son Excellence Le Ministre Commerce, Pans; and approved by the leading NobMitv Clergy, and Agriculturists of the day For Hn?s!! indispensable in promoting and sustaining «li ,h functions in health anf vipour For Milti aTial invaluable-increasing the quamitv ™i C°WS 1S quality of milk. For Beasts imthV^ nn, lmproviu& ,he for feeding quickly. For Sheep and^lVs rNetf^r U Month will exceed all expectation q/w f » n'n0De of stock quicker than any KS diet aU kindS The first and only prize pvov -3 Cattle in a condensed state wi« V r1 Food for Cat ™ TS! V R" y™pn.0t?,r Tliorle/s rood (or Clfss 10 the rirni w,Z<V<1- 1>ln £ lcy Ha)l» Birmingham, of Vyle^-fonl W f i' !'e Houourable the Earl I'rfy 1 S U'd WlUl this food; also, the Second Consort r-n^P' rri His ,RoJ-al Harness the Prince v. i,. \r. Commenciation liave also been awarded n.>i;c Lanaeshire Agricultural Society, and the ti' AI :ma ^a'l'( v Vale Agricultural Association, at uieir Meetings, held during the months of August and September, 1858, at Ulverstone and Halifax. The fore- going are but a few of the marks of_ approbation obtained by this valuable compound. For further information a pamphlet is sent post free on application, containing sixty-four pages of Testimonials, including Mr Brebner t Steward to his Royal Highness the Prince Consort- Mr James Fisher Farm Manager to Her Grace the Duchess of Atlioll; Captain the Honourable Hu<rh'(,ou<'h • Sir David Cunynghame, Bart; Sir John Cathcart TWt • Sir John Kibton Bart; Hr John Ht,keth Lethbridoel Bait, Colonel V. lute, Colonel Ramsay and some of the leading agriculturists of the day together with some hundieds oi tlie most ^Rvuirs* tacts ever recorded. So'd in cases containing *:•!■. i !es noh package one feed'), with Joseph ihoney s signature, pricc y(?« nerc-fc- anil in cases containing the same quantity loose, Vithracasmi enclosed and signature burnt thereon, price 5es Car- nage paid to any Railway Station in the United King- VCCS' wS"-e-street, Loudon. 4'team .Mills and Manufactory, Caledonian-road, within five minutes' £ f. ? VT ^tio:)- p^t-office orders must be made paj able to Joseph Thorley, General Post-office ] St Martin s-le-Grand. £ 01'exl'urtthe56sc:^es only are shipped. I he public are cautioned against being imposed | upon by worthless imitations.