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Surgeon, Haverfordwest, So > the request and for the convenience of 'Ord is esteemed patients, decided on visiting 5>ess»h;i.s t'li 6" at certa'n stated times, on medical busi- a'alpjr rVfl-an.ilPartment at tin; house of Mr. Smith, P, gAr Ctitf ^eyland, where lie may be consulted eycrv ur(.Vn "ie ^011(hiy> Wednesday, and Friday HavJrfr.r'V "L',wecn the hours of 2 and 4 p.m. ^J^Wdwest, 24th June, 1U37. — CiKN^-f of the County of Pembroke. j ,JccomCC °f ^oroncr f°r your County being about to ll,Stok. acatit in consequence of the resignation of Otter eg, IF-,q., I have been induced by my friends to j aU a Candidate for the appointment, and J "totest, grciit,y obliged for your kind support and ^Cewhen°Ui U'in C01isider mc fully qualified for the ''citor fnr stllte tlult have 1,(-'cn iu practice as a iipwards of thirteen years. 1 have the honor to remain, Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, ^vcrfn^ ARTHUR LORT PHILLIPS ^wfordwest, July ist, 1807. Lt()\ u6li,lied, sent free for the amount hi Stamps. Dcr^°.,BKKW SPLENDID STRONG ALE at 7d. h!r°ng Port1 Extra Brown Stout at (id. ditto, and Cn$fls i) <:r at "d. ditto, without the usual brewing '• inceud. >* .SlnJ,KST RECEIPTS EVER PUBLISHED for '^PWrvqT'1" ^evera^es, viz., Ginger Beer, Lemonade, h ''°ur •ifv1"' a' of wllieh are fit for sale in a quarter of r'1ks i, being made. Also, Cordials and Fruit r r'ce Gd. ,j MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION. A book £ s on t,aiual'le receipts how to cure Blotches and Pim- rvous Debility, Dimness o( 8te natui-ii Weakness, and other Diseases of a pri- ,rt- Price 8d. M'^Or EMIGRANTS or the KEY to the p:iH an(lf ES,.wilh Tablcs of Wages, Free Grants of r'ce (j(j lu'l Directions for making a, rapid fortune. IT t u- HOWARD, 98, Berwick-street, Goldcn- square, London. 05 ^>.U AFTER THE THIRD OF MAY ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS Dlj>ST a>,erford, and the South of Ireland. Cl A ? reat INSS STEAMERS (m connection with the h Al cstern AND South Wales Railways), carrying tJ* 8 ^A1LS* P' the Mil ford Haven Terminus for WATER- ^atio([y TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATUR- 6 C>is of jj, on the arrival of the 4.50 Night Ex- a,tli T},f' '!revions Evening from Paddington, and the a^^TpR asa Train. from Waterford every MONDAY „4ppir ,UAY, and FRIDAY, at 3 p.m. "re4t \Vp'*r Tickets at the First Class Railway Station? A^on. 3Rn and South Wales Railways; of Ford and 'Phi W' Lan"on Street, London or of Mr. Downey arf> Waterford. Lonl THROUGH FARES: i 11 *° Waterford 5i)s, 40s, and 24s 6d. ^ord uterniediate Stations in proportion. avell to Waterford 12s 6d, 10s, and 7s 6d. D ITERS' 8B:A ^SSAGB—SEVENTY MILKS. •tiou8 to be forwarded by this short and expe- r'Dut' rriust be addressed via Pembroke-Dock.' STEAM COMMUNICATION VEUl>nrw BETWEEN UUL, MILFORD, SWANSEA, & BRISTOL The F°r the Month of MAY, 1858. att(l Bristol Channel Steam Navigation Company's E Steam Ships • new s.s. Capt. W. J. Beckett new s.s. Capt. Wm. Clarke. I G" Aim, capt. G. H. Tallan. ,ltbo,, Mid°V°mc other suitable Vessel, is intended to sail witt aL"d I. er u a rKCn^crs> («»^ prevented by any unf<,rcseen •eij.^ • as follows, with or without pilots, and liberty to to-w I.t4din r°m Lirerpool to Milford and Bristol. 8<itu passengers for Swansea at the Mumbles, (weather 8*lUrrt y permitting.) 1 lljmom Saturday 1> lO.^morr. 8 c even Saturday 22 G even Saturday, 1W inorn **n<line Milford for Bristol. "'Utiri assengers for Swansea at the Mumbles (weather gkllld permitting) 7 G morn Sunday 16 5 morn 1 alter Sunday 23 1 after Sunday 30 j morn f °"' Bristol to Swansea and Liverpool. T4 (Calling: at Milford.) 4 8imorn Tuesdav IS 8Jmorn 11 3Aut'ter Tuesday 25 3Aafter V ^rnm « Csda5' •■•June 1 8 morn tVansea to Liverpool, ( calling at Milford.) edllt*duv 5 ••• 8 morn Wednesday 19 9 morn 1A \V" ;12 •• 3Iafter Wednesday 2G 4 after d(lition t eSday ,Iunc 2 8 m°l n *eekly L!,h,erab^ an extra Steamer will be dispatched I rom Liverpool to Swansea when cargo offers. ^es<jav Milford for Liverpool. ^day •r' •■■ 2 after Wednesday 19 3 after | Wednesday 26 ..10 night Miif Vi! ednesdav7 June 2 2 after amer GYPSEY is intended to ply on tht I ? an'l Pa ln CQnnection with the above Steamers, carrying a1(l thp to and from l'embroke-dock, Haverford- a«jacent Towns. W FARES:— itii. r<l to „ Calm. Deck. Mi ,fo^ to rir f'°m r-iverpool 13s Od 5s 6d to lrom Bristol 8s 6d 5s Od »W MCjj from Swansea (Mumbles) 5s Od 3s Od Car™?! ijiav >tPtvrn 1ickets available for Two Voyages: in this e from the undermentioned Agents, or the to piverPool £ 0 18s fex ^vanseirwlf>l (with °Ption of Lading at) £ 0 13s Ln« assei»i»n urninK «af^a?e aJ t? are requested to take charge of their own Ship is not responsible in any way for its ^N^ef^,landerl and embarked at Milford (weather per- M charge in the Steam Tender Gipsy. M charge in the Steam Tender Gipsy. th« ri. hi. Ending or embarkation of Goods or Passengers Ow J whatever conveyance, or whether at the expense An^8 of th» otherwise, is at the risk of the Passengers and V to pit, -)0('s respectively. VG'fi p ""nons, Applebee, &Co., 20, Water-street, Liver- JVn,? 4 Co ;\ns' Bristol; J. Edwardes, Swansea John Ken- -'lanehester. Pini>'ai>d n0 ^°°ds will be delivered until the freight has been c0I.ote, Ri vjds for shipment will be received without a ship- particulars of their address, &c., so as to 'andpri uPon the vessel's manifest. UttfJ: ot Gilford must be removed the day after their ^hi' j10 stored, if necessary, on board the hulk I teUlaier?- Str. is point of arrival and departure of the 11 the >>a?e be charged upon all goods allowed to nulk more than five days. R. D. HORE. AOENT, MILFORD. 8'rEEL PENS! \V"-U:TSTEE —ENS! tty Pent ^ND LOWE'S warranted Good Stee tr anri 'le Public are respectfully requested to ij.^crsai pJU(^e f°r themselves. er Or p l', for every style of writing. ^di*tra Grmn\for general purposes. ro 11: &eh *ritinpn ^'ne I)Oirits, suitable for posting. of jj toooi J» • nr general school use. n^'ic pe«suija,l'c for strong writing. i, '^Oiercinf ^aPtcd for all hands. s^resp,m "en» suitable for entry desk. Poinfii06 ^en- for current or ladies' hand. ^etai ^Klish d 'stronS business Pen. ^iclii» Pen. made as originally, of the very bc3t Pen recommended. 0$' °r S,na11 liarrcl Pen» for commercial pur- Pen, suitable for every «Wrltlnf •.■STI»R ETS and T ^RAWIEG PENCILS. Tr! vCt'on to r0We s ld>» 2(3-' and 3d » Pencils will give had r!rVrCrs of a really good Pencil. of J. Potter, Haverfordwest. and of all sta tion-ers. -,T HA* y OU HH llllgl OTOMACH nnd BOWEL COM PLAINTS procecd from lO the accumulation of vitiated humours. These are clrectually removed by the use of KAYE'S WOHSDELL'S PILLS, which speedily carry off all useless matter, and prevent the pain and injury which would otherwise re- snIt. -1\1 r. T. Chalder, Chapel-row, Jwar Bishop Auck- bud, suffered greatly from a stomach complaint. He could not take animal food without feeling much pain and sickncss; bur, trying KAYIC'S rILLS, he was very soon restored to health. Hundreds of Cases of Cure accompany each box. Sold in boxes at Is. lid., 3d., and 4s. Gd., by all dealers in Patent Medicines. Wholesale Depot, 22, Bread-street, London. ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. £1,000 IN CASE OF DEATII, OR a Fixed Allowance of l'(i per week in the event of injury, may he secured by an Annual Payment of X:3 for a policy in the PASSENGERS' AS- SURANCE COMPANY. A special act provides that persons receiving compensation from this Company arc not barred thereby from recovering full damages iroui the party causing the injury all advantage no other Company can offer. It is found that One Person in every Fifteen is r-ore or less injured by Accident yearly. This Company has already paid as compensation for Accidents Forms of proposal and prospectuses may be had at the Company's Ollices, and at all the principal Hailway Stations, wl ere, also, Railway Accidents alone may be insured against by the Journey or year. JVo Charge for Stump Duty. WILLIAM J. VIAX, Secretary. Railway Passengers' Assurance Company Offices, 3, Old Broad-street, London, E.G. Agent:—.MN J. OWEX, Johnstone Station, South Wales Railway. BLAILL'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. Price Is. licl, aad 2s. 9d. per box. THIS preparation is one of the beneiits which the science of modern chemistry has conferred upon mankind for during the first twenty years of the present century to speak of a cure for the Gout was considered a romance; but now, the efficacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated by unsolicited testimonials from persons in every rank of life, that public opi- nion proclaims this as one of the most important discoveries of the present age and in testimony 01 its efficacy, Mr. W. liurcli, Chemist, West liromwich, writes, 'Nov. 8th, 1856. 'Gentlmen.—The enclosed Testimonial was received by me from a customer residing in this town. 'Yours respectfully, To Messrs. Prout and Co.' I W. BrRcR. Mr. ARKINSTAI.L, of the Lyng, West Bromwich, says 'I have much pleasure in bearing my testimony to the wonder- ful efficacy of Blair's Gout and Rheumatic Pills. Having been a great sufferer from rheumatic gout, I have upon various occa- sions had recourse to them, and am happy to say that however acute and distressing the pain may be, 1 always receive relief in an almost incredibly short time, even after taking only one dose. If taken in the early stage of the disease they dissipate it; ij later they case the pain and cure much sooner than any other medicine I ever made use of. I would notbe without them on any account.' FURTIIKR rJLOOF OF TIIE GREAT EFFICACY OF BLAlIt's GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. Forwarded by l\Ir. Rheinhardt, Chemist, lIulI. Sir,—Enclosed is a testimonial from a customer of mine, who is well known about here he speaks in the highest terms of ltlair's Gout and Rheumatic Pills, and would be glad to give information to any hod v. To Mr. Itheinhardt, 22, Market Place, Hull. 'December 4th, 1855. Dear Sir,—I have been afflicted with rheumatism for twelve years, during which time I have tried almost everything, both internally and externally, but could not obtain any permanent relief. A short time ago I purchased a 2s. 9d. box of Ulair's fills of you, and before I had taken the waole of them I was more free from pain than I had been for the last dozen years. You will please let me have another box, as I mean to keep them by me in case I should again require them, and oblige Sir, yours obedienllv, 'JEREMIAH These Pills require neither attention nor confinement, and are certain to prevent the disease attacking any vital part. Sold by all medicine vendors. See the name of 'Thomas Prout, 229, Strand, London,' on the government stamp. Nothing hrhiys on Nervous Debility, Premature Old Aye, and shortens Human Life more than Diseases of the Chest. UNDER THE FTSH ^0 AND PATRONAGE OF THE THE PRINCIPAL QUEEN NOBILITY. TJOPBR'S ROYAL BATH PLASTERS, for coughs., asthma, I\ hoarseness, indigestion, palpitation of the heart, croup, hooping cough, influenza, chronic strains, bruises, lumbago or pains in the back, spinal and rheumatic affections, diseases of the chest, and local pains. ritohley Hall, near Marlbro', March 18, 1857. Sirs,—It is with heartfelt gratitude that I write these few lines, in order that sufferers from complaints similar to that under which I have mysclflaboured since December, 1840. I have been afflicted at intervals with croup and spasms, and, although I have trierl many remedies, they were all next to useless, until a short time ago, when a friend coming from Sheffield brought one of your Roper's Plasters and since that time 1 have ex- perienced no recurrence of the malady. You are at perfect liberty to make any use of this letter. I remain yours truly, ROBERT POTTER. Providence Row, Hull, Jan. 15, 1857. Sir,—Having received remarkable benefit from Roper's Royal Bath Plaster, I wish to make my ease known for the use of others. Some months ago I caught a severe cold, which brought on shaking tits. These settled in my chest. I became so ill that I required constant attendance. One of Roper's Plasters was applied, which produced relief at once, and now I am fast pro- gressing to a recovery. I am, Sir, yours respectfully, MARTHA HANNAH ROBINSON. Mrs. Granger Whitham, Essex, writes' I have received much benefit from the use of your Roper's Plasters, once for a sprain of the back, and at another time for pain in the side. Dated Feb. 1857. Prepared only by Robert Roper and Son, chemists, Sheffield. Full-sized plasters, Is. and for children, 9¿d. each, or direct by post on receipt of Is. 4d. or Is. each in po-tztge stamps. Sold by most patent medicine vendors in the United Kingdom. Beware of Imitations!—Be particular and ask for Roper's Plasters. Public Opinion has proved the Plaster and Pills to be the Marvel of the Age. ROPER'S PILLS (though originally only intended to assist the operation of Roper's Royal Bath Plaster), have proved the best remedy for all those distressing symptoms attending a weak and disordered stomach, liver complaints, bilious irregularities, indigestion, such as nausea or sickness, loss of appetite, loathing of food, pain in the bowels, languor and depression of spirits, giddiness, swimming or determination of blood to the head, &c., the forerunner of Apoplexy. Sproatley, near Hull, Oct. 3, 1853. Sirs,—Having found great benefit from Roper's Royal Bath Plasters and Pills, I wish to make my case known for the ad- vantage of those who suffer, as I have done, for a long time. I have been afflicted with spasmodic pains in the chest,and palpi- tation of the heart, arising from indigestion and liver complaint; I was under medical treatment many months without feeling any better. At last I tried one of Roper's Plasters and a box of Pills, which gave me relief in a few days, from which time my health has improved, and I am now quite well. I remain, with thanks, yours respectfully, ELIZABETH THOMPSON Roper's Pills are a purely botanic compound, and warranted free from any deleterious ingredient, being composed of choice herbs, roots, gums, and balsams, by Robert Roper and Son, chemists, Sheffield, in boxes atls. 2s. 9d., and4s. 6d. each. Sold by most chemists and booksellers in the United Kingdom. ((-r Ask for Roper's Pills. AN ASTONISHING REMEDY! HOLLOWARTBLNTMENT. It Expels Disease! It is said that all productions of human skill have their day, and are superseded by new inventions or discoveries. Not so with this remedy. I I.t is not for a day, but for all time.' And why ? Because it stiikes at the generic root of all diseases in the blood, and medical art can accomplish nothing beyond that. The Ointment, penetratingthrough flesh and fibre, like water through a porous substance, reaches the germ or radix of scrofula, erysipelas, cancer,tumor and all eruptive and ulcerous discharges in the circulation, and eradicates the taint at once and for ever. Bad Leys. This Ointment will cure any case of bad leg even if of twenty years' standing, or however hard or discoloured the flesh may be, or if swollen the size of a person's body, providing that the Ointment is well rubbed into the whole of the parts affected twice a day in large quantities, and the parts kept covered with linen rags thickly spread with the ointment; from this mode of treatment, a plentiful discharge of unhealthy humour wiil follow, until the wounds are all healed on the leg, or other parts assumes its natural appearance. Old Wounds, Sores, and Ulcers. The most inveterate cases of bad legs, scrofulous, or other sores, are cured, if of 20 years' standing, by the joint use of the Ointment and Pills. The effect of this unrivalled remedy upon virulent ulcers and sores is almost miraculous. It first discharges the poison which produces suppuration and proud flesh, and thus the cures which its healing properties afterwards complete, are safe as well as permanent. Contracted and Stiff Joints. These again are cases that readily give way to the powerful influence of the Ointment. It has also been of wonderful effect in many cases of paralysis. Piles. This Ointment will cure the worst cases of Piles if used accord- ing to the printed directions. Eruptions on the Skin Blotches, pimples, dry eruptions, and all irritations of the skin fade und disappear after a few applications of Holloway's Oint- ment. In these cases brisk friction is indispensable. Many of the ordinary erdptions are caused by suppressed perspiration, and as this penetrating unguent at once opens the pores and in- vigorates the absorbentn, it dissipates the inflammation by a double process. Ladies whose faces or arms are disfigured by cutaneous diseases, may readily remove the blemish and restore to the skin its natural tint, flexibility, and softness by the use of this safe but powerful counterirritant. Impurities of the Blood Arc often developed in disgusting eruptions, ulcers, tumors, scrofulous sores, boils, and other external affections. For all these distressing and dangerous complaints Holloway's Ointment is literally a healing balsam. It neutralizes the materies morbI, or seeds of diseases in the exterior secretions, and dispels the inflammation. Nature does the rest. The experience of every human being who has tested the efficacy of the Ointment is the same. It has never failed. King's Evil, Fever Sores. In cases of King's Evil where medicinal waters, lotions, and every recipe of pharmacopoeia have proved useless, the Ointment will accomplish a thorough cure. Fever Sores heal quickly under its influence, and its relaxing effect upon contracted sinews is truly wonderful. Rheumatism, Scrofula, Erysipelai. These are among the most terrible and agonizing diseases, yet in their worst forms, and when seemingly incurable, they in- variably disappear under aperseveringapplication of this soothing, healing antidote to pain and inflammation. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the following cases Bad Legs. Cliiego-foot Fistulas Sore-throats Bad Breasts I Chilblains Gout Skin-diseases Burns Chapped-hands! Glandular Swellings Scurvy Bunions Corns (Soft) Lumbago Sore-heads Bite of Mos- Cancers Piles Tumours chetoes & Contracted and Rheumatism Ulcers Sand-Flies Stiff-joints j Scalds Wounds Coeo-llay Elephantiasis Sore Nipples Yaws Sold at the Establishments of Professor ITollowav, 241, Strand, (near Temple Bar,) London, and also by all respectable druggists and dealers in medicines throughout the civilized world, at the following prices:—Is.IJd., 2s.9d., 4s.6d, lIs, 22s, & 33s. each pot. 1, There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to etch pot. ¡ IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. TIIOMAS D. MEYLER, BEGS to inform his Agricultural Friends that lie has just imported a large quantity of Carragheen Moss for feeding Calves, Pigs, Horses, and Store Cows. A.s a general food for cattle it is invaluable, far better and cheaper than Oil Cake or Linseed. He has also received a fresh stock of Turnip Seed, comprising Skirving's Liverpool Swede, Purple and Green Top Scotch, Dale's Hybrid, Norfolks, &c., Mangold Wurttfel, French Furze, &c., &c. Fresh Garden and Flower Seeds. CATALOGUES MAY BE HAD ON APPLICATION High-street, Haverfordwest, February, 1858. Have you a Visiting Card? IF not you can have a Card Plate Engraved and Fifty Superfine Ivory Cards Printed nnd sent Post Free for 2s. A Trade Card Plate and 1,000 Cards, 20s. A Bill- Head Plate Engraved and 1,000 Bill Heads, ruled, for 25s. A Crest Plate and 1,000 Book Labels for 2.5s, and every description of Printing equally cheap. Perforated Silver Plates for Marking Linen and Books. Initials Is. Name Plate 2s. Crests os. The above Prices includes Engraving, Printing-, and Carriage. Address, J. BALL. 3, Wellington Street, Ilolloway, London. Specimens sent free on rcceipt of a Stamped Directed Envelope. Fashions for the Spring and Summer. ELEGANT PARISIAN NOVELTIES FOR THE PRESENT SEASON. MRS. BALL begs to announce that she has just re- ceived, direct from Paris, a large assortment of Trimmed MODELS of the newest design, consisting of Mantles, Jackets, Sleeves, Bodies, and all kinds of Chil- dren's Dresses and Mantles. Orders from the Country recede prompt attention on the receipt of Postage Stamps, or Post-Ofliec Order, made payable to ELL EX BALL, Charing Cross. Mantles, 2s 6d Jackets with Sleeve, 2s 6(1; Sleeves, Is; Children's Dresses, &c., Is 6d and 2s.—A Flat Pat- tern sent with every article. A Complete Set of Patterns can be had for XI Is, con- sisting of four Mantles, two Jackets, four Sleeves, and two Children's Dresses (a Half Set 10s 6d), forwarded, Carriage Free, to any part of the country Address: Mrs. Ball, 3, Wellington Street, Holloway, London N. TO BUILDERS, MASONS, &c. Sealyham Blue Metallic slate Quarry. WARRANTED to be as good in quality as any Slates in Wales. Situated seven miles from Haverford- west, within a quarter of a mile from the Turnpike Road leading from Haverfordwest to Fishguard—good easy new road to come out to the Turnpike Road. Slates supplied at the quarry on the following prices:- Good Locals per 1,000 0 16 0 BcstDryTi)ing. „ 1 0 0 24 by 14 perl,200 7 10 0 24 by 12 „ 6 10 0 22 by I I 5 10 0 „ 20 by 12 „ 5100 20 by 10 5 0 0 18 by 10 4 0 0 18 by 9 „ 3 10 0 „ 16 by 10 „ 3 0 0 16 by 8 2 5 0 14 by 8 1 10 0 Apply to Mr. Jonx REES, Broadmoor, Wolfscastle. To Builders and Others. THR BARRY ISLAND SLATE and SLAB COM- 1. PAN Y are prepared to SELL Slates and Slab* at the following Price?, d-eliverable at the Quarry, situate between St. David's and Fishguard :— First Quality. Second Quality. Per Thousand ot 1260. 24 by 14 £8 8 0 £ 7 2 6 24 by 12 7 5 0 5 17 6 22 by 12 6 0 0 5 0 0 22 by 11 5 0 0 4 10 0 20 by 12 4 17 6 4 0 0 20 by 10 4 14 0 3 J5 0 18 by 10 3100 2 12 6 18 by 9 3 0 0 2 7 6 If; by 10 2 17 6 2 2 6 16 1 y It 2 {; 0 1 12 6 14 by I; 16 0 1 2 0 14 by 7 14 0 1 0 0 13 bv 7 I 0 0 0 15 6 12 by 7 0 18 0 0 14 0 L<lcals 0 14 0 to cover from 28 to 33 yardi. Ditto 0 12 6to cover hum 25 ro 28 yards. Superior Slabs for Tomb", Headstones, Cisterns, &c., from 30s., and upward. per ton. Excellent Flooring Slabs, Sawn Edges and planed sur- face, 22s. Gd. and 25s. per ton. Mantlepieces, Window Sills, &c., made to order. Apply Ie \r. J. JACK, Porthgain, Trevine. BENSON'S WATCHES, Manufactory, 33 & 34, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. Established 1749. THE most brilliant display of Watches in London, of every description and construction, is at this old established Manufactory. Those who cannot personally inspect this extensive and costly stock, should send two stamps ISL^; for 'Benson's Illustrated Pamphlet,' con- taining important information requisite in the purchase of a Watch, and from R JtlTira feJi which they can select with the greatest certainty the one adapted to their use. Silver Watches, from 2 to 12 guineas each —Gold Watches, from £ 3 15s. to 100 guineas each. OPINIONS OF TIIE PRESS ON BENSON'S WATCHES. Perfection of mechanism.'—Morning Post. Excellence of design, and perfection of workmanship.' —Morning Chronicle. The qualities of his manufacture stand second to none.'—Morning Advertiser. All that can be desired in finish, taste, and design.'— Globe. The Watches here exhibited surpass those of any other English man uf-,tcturer. Obset-ve?-. The Morning Herald, Sun, Standard, and numerous other papers, speak of the beauty & finish of these cele brated Watches. A Warranty witheach Watch, and sent carriage paid to any part of England, Scotland, Ireland, or Wales, upon receipt of Post Office or Banker's Order. Merchants, Shippers, and Watch Clubs supplied.- JVatches Repaired. Hird's Francis's Pills HAVE been extensively made use of in this country ior nearly 30 years, are most deservedly recom- mendc-i for their known efficacy in all bilious complaints diseases of the liver, indigestion, flatulency, jaundice, sick headache, habitual costiveness, and all diseases of the alimentary canal. In recent attacks of the gout it has nearly proved a specific, by alleviating the severity of the fit and shortening its duration they are also highly advantageous to those who are liable to occasional in- dulgence at table. Europeans visiting the East and West Indies and other warm climates will find them an inva- luable medicine, and by their early use may escape those dreadful diseases which the disordered state of the liver but too frequently creates. CAunoN.—The high repute in which these pills are held has induced some unprincipled individuals to foist a spurious imitation of them on the public be careful to ask for Hird's Francis's Antihilious Pills, which are signed 'J. Hird' on the stamp label. They are sold wholesale by W. Sutton & Co., 10, Bow Churchyard; Barclay and Co., 95, Farringdon-street; Hodgkinson, Tonge, and Stead, 213, Upper Thames- street, London; the Proprietor. J. Hird, Chemist, Pem- broke and by all reputed vendors of Patent Medicine, in boxes, Is lid, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d. N.B.-Should any difficulty occur in procuring the above, enclose stamps or post-office order to J. Hird, Chemist, Pembroke, when they will be forwarded free to any address. TP. 33. SANGUINETTI 52, Regent-street,$■ 163, Fenchurch-street, London, ARMY AND NAVY CLOTHIER, TAKES the opportunity of drawing attention to the T perfection to which he has now brought the con- struction of that most difficult article of dress-TROU- SERS. The material has been expressly manufactured for him, and it possesses such elasticity that, cut on his peculiar plan, neither Braces or Straps are requisite, and the Trousers consequently combine with the most fashion- able and elegant style the greatest possible comfort to the wearer. The style of his COATS are so well known throughout the different kingdoms as to need no comment. The materials used are of first-cIass- being only West of England and Scotch. He begs further to mention that for the Leather De- partment he has secured the services of MR. NICIIOLL, the eminent maker of the prepared Leather Shooting Coats, Hunting Breeches, &c., late of Pall Mall and Lombard-street, who received Prince Albert's Certificate and MedaJ, and was most highly commended in the Re- port of the Royal Commission of the Great Exhibition of 1851. The Leather used for hunting and for other garments is manufactured under his immediate personal inspection, and the qualities are in every respect unsur- passed. The Waterproof Leather Shooting Gaiters and Leg- gings have received the highest patronage, and maintained an unrivalled position amongst all manufacturers for more than 40 years. It is almost unnecessary to say that for every article made in F. B. Sanguinetti's establishment, none but the best and choicest materials are used,—that the Work- manship is of the highest class, and the Cutting per- formed by the best British and Foreign Artists, under F. B. Sanguinetti's immediate personal inspection. The business of the City Branch will be conducted in the same vigorous manner that has been the characteristic of F. B. Sanguinetti's establishment at Regent-street. Orders for outfits to India and the Colonies executed and dispatched by the return mail. XiEWIS & REYNOLDS CabinBt-Bakers, UPHOLSTERERS, PAPER-HANGERS AND UNDERTAKERS HILL-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. PICTURE FRAMES AND BLINDS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A NEW PATENT l\.fANGLE FOR SALE. SOUTH WALES MANURE WORKS, LLANELLY. HAYING appointed GEORGE N. HASSELL my Agent for the lower part of Pembrokeshire, he will wait on the Agriculturists of that district to receive orders for Artificial Manures or Guano. T. MATHIAS DAVIES, Proprietor. N,n.-Onlers can also be sent direct to the Factory. LAWES' SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. T. H U Gr BE E S BEGS to announce that he has landed a Cargo of 'LAWES' SUPERPHOSPHATE' of the usual high quality, ) and has also a Stock of the finest Peruvian Guano, and a few tons of damaged Peruvian, direct from Gibbs, and Co., ready for delivery at his Warehouse at the Quay. Early orders will oblige, and ready money customers will receive very great advantage in price. Haverfordwest, February HGth, 1858. J. WAR R, (FROM J. II. JEFFERSOX, 46, COLLEGE GREEN, BRISTOL J CARVER, GILDER, PICTURE-FRAME, & LOOKING-GLASS MANUFACTURER, CASTLE-SQUARE, HAVERFORDWEST, BEGS to call the attention of the Nobility, Gentry, and public inhabitants of Pembrokeshire, and the surrounding counties of South Wales, to his cheap Window Cornices, Picture Frames, Looking Glasses, Console and Pier Tables. A very handsome Window Cornice, plain or ornamental, from 4s per toot. Every variety in Picture Frames, at very low prices. Chimney Glasses, £ 2; a massive elegant Pair of Pier Tables, £ 2D. Old frames re-gilt equal to fiew, at less than London prices. O,d Pictures cleaned and restored. A very large assortment ot line and mezzo tint Engravings always on sale. Gentlemen waited upon at their own residences with designs and patterns of all descriptions of Gilt Furniture, and estimates given. TIMBER! TIMBER! IMPORTANT TO BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS, & OTHERS. HENRY DAVIES, AUCTIONEER, BEGS to announce that he has just received from a Gentleman who is relinquishing the Timber Trade, a con- signment of upwards of Five Thousand Feet of Balk Timber, consisting of Crown Memel, Yellow Pine, Birch, and Oak, of the first qualities also a large quantity of Prime Yellow Pine 12 Feet Hoards, and Memel Deal Ends and Ladder Poles, all of which he is in a position to sell at a considerable reduction from the usual Trade prices for CASH. Parties making large purchases will be liberally dealt with. Old Bridge, Haverfordwest,, 21st April, 1858. SUPERPHOSPHATE GUANO HARRIES AND PALMER, HAVERFORDWEST, HAVE received a Cargo of Messrs. Gibbs, Bright, and Co.'s GUANO, which they intend to sell at £ 14 10s. per Ton and best London made Superphosphate, equal to any out, at £ 6 10s. per Ton. HARRIES & PALMER are aiso buyers of Butter, Cheese, Corn, and Wool, for which the Best Prices are given. "SELLING OFF." TREMENDOUS BARGAINS. RETIRINC FROM THE DRAPERY BUSINESS. GEORGE PALMER, High-street, Haverfordwest, beg3 to make known that he intends retiring from the Drapery Business and entering into the Merchandizing, and on Saturday next will commence SELLING OFF the whole of his very Valuable and Costly Stock of Drapery, which amounts to upwards of £ 5,000; and in order, if possible, to clear all off by the First of August he thinks it advisable to make a great reduction at the commence- ment, therefore every article will be sold at nearly half price. The Stock, which has been recently bought and in splendid condition, consists of a large variety of elegant Plaid, Fancy, and flounced Silk Dresses 100 to 200 Fancy Evening Dresses, in Lace, Blonds, Flounced Muslins, Tarlatans, Gauzes, &c; about 500 Muslin, Barege, and other fancy Morning Dresses, to be sold at any price they will fetch; 350 Barege; Tissues, and Lace Shawls and Scarfs 150 to 200 Paisley and Cashmere Scarfs and Shawls, light and dark colours; about 360 Cloth and Silk Mantles and Jackets; French Merinos, in black and colours; Ladies' Fancy and Corded Petticoats; Coboug, Orleans, and Alpacas; several hundred yards of Longclotbs and Shirting Calicoes, of the best makes; Lace and Muslin Collars and Slieves; 350 Fancy and other Bonuets; Bonuet and Cap Ribbons; Parasols, and Silk, Cotton, and Alpaca Umbrellas; about 2,000 yards of Fancy, Prints, and Printed Cambrics; Ladies' Fancy Handkerchiefs and Scarfs; Haberdashery, Hosiery, and Gloves, of every description; Ladies' and Children's Stays and Bands, Velvet and Velvet Mantles Satins, Satinettes, &c; every description of Muslin and Muslin Trimming; some very handsome things in real Valencines and British Laces; Lace Veils, &c also, a large assortment of Broadcloths and Liveries, Trouserings, Vestings, Velveteens, and Moleskins Checks, and Striped Cottens; Silk and satin Scarves and Ties; Hats and Caps of the best makes; Gentlemen's ready-made Coats, Jackets, Overcoats, Mackintoshes, and every other article in this branch of trade. Particularattention is called to the FURNISHING DEPARTMENT asthestock is very large and of the very best description, and parties wishing to lay in a large stock will find this an excellent opportunity,—it consists of about 1,000 yards of Linen and Calico Sheeting of all widths, and which have been sold from 6d to 10s per yard; very handsome Tablecloths, from 1 yard to 6 yards long; Dinner Napkins and Doyles; Dinner Napkins; some very splendid White Counterpanes and Quilts; Blankets, Damask, Dimity, and a large assortment of Aluslin and Lace Curtains of the best description. FAMILY MOURNING. Paramattas, Cobourgs, Crapes, Bareges, and every article in this department of the best makes. GEORGE PALMER feels it is impossible to enumerate a third of the articles kept hy him, but thinks the above will give some idea of the Stock, and begs to state that every article will be cleared off the premises by August next. ALL SALES FOR CASH. All outstanding debts not paid by the 1st of September will be charged interest on after the rate of £10 per cent. P.S.—The Premises to be Sold or Let before the 1st of August; in the meantime negotiations may be made. They are newly built within ten years, and are the largest and best in South Wales. TO SAIL FROIV^R MELBOURNE DIRECT. THE magnificent clipper-built Screw Steamer ROYAL 1 BRIDE, 2,000 Tons, ALEXANDER N EWLANDS, Commander, formerly of the 1 Champion of the Seas,' to SAIL 30th JUNE. This beautiful Ship, built expressly for the Australian Trade, combining every modern improvement applied in the construction of her, is expected to prove one of the fastest clippers afloat. No expense has been spared in making her Passenger Accommodation attractive; her Saloon is elegant and airy; her 'tween decks (8 feet high) are very spacious and well-fitted and patent Ventilators in every part of the Ship. For further particulars applv to MILESES & KING- TON, 61, Queen-square, Bristol, or WILLIAM PER- KINS. Market-street, Haverfordwest. DUFFR YN. mO BE LET, and entered on the 29th day of Septem- 1 ber next, situated in the parish of Kilrhedyn, in the County of Pembroke, and within three hours' drive from Carmarthen, five miles from Newcastle Emlyn, 10 from the St. Clears Station on the South Wales Line, and four from the famous river Tivy noted for salmon and trout, a truly desirable residence for a gentlemen seeking a COUNTRY SEAT on a moderate scale. The House is seated in the midst of bpautiful timber, and has every necessary appendage of stabling, coach-house, kennel, numerous out-buildings, and farm-yard. The interior arrangements are very convenient, viz.— on the ground floor a dining-room, drawing-room, morn- ing-room, and complete domestic offices a light stair- case from an inner vestibule leads to eight principal and secondary bedrooms. The land is of very superior quality, and comprises, free of plantations, 90 acres or thereabout with two cot- tages. A pack of Hounds meet twice a week in the neighbourhood. For further particulars apply to Mr. B. EYANS, King's College, London. HORSE 8- CATTLE MEDICINES. Horses examined as to soundness previous to purchase. A Register kept for the Purchase and Sale of Horses. MR. G. S I MOO, VETERINARY SURGEON, BEGS to inform the Nobility, Gentry Agriculturalists, and inhabitants in general of the town and vicinities of Haverfordwest, that be has established a SURGICAL AND VETERINARY INFIRMARY at Haverfordwest, in which Ammals atlected by any description of Diseases will receive scientific treatment, on reasonable terms, as recommended and taught by the Professor of the Royal vetennary College. After 19 year's practice in the above profession, previous to the two years at College, feels himself fully competent of any systematic application of the most advanced Medical and burgical principles to the external or internal Chronic or acute affections to which domestic animals of all kinds are subject, and hopes by continued zealous attention to the cases committed to his care to merit their future support. Contracts taken for Medical Treatment for Horses, or Cattle, &c., separately or combined. May 12, 1858. COAL! COAL!! COAL! GEORGE N. HASSELL, HAYING completed his arrangements with the Pro- prietors of the Gorwydd Colliery, is now in a posi- tion to supply his Patrons with PURE RED ASH COAL, Possessing more bitumen (or oil) in its component parts, and consequently more brilliant and enduring burning qua- lities, than any other mineral deposit in the Coal fields of the South Wales basin. A considerable reduction per Ton to parties taking one or more Trucks. Coal Yard, Railway Station; Offices-9, Cambrian Place, Haverfordwest, where orders are requested to be sent. December 11, 1857. MADOCKS, GWYTHER & DAWKINS BEG to inform their friends that their stock of New Clover, Rye Grass, Vetches, and other Agricultural seeds is arrived and as their business is conducted upon the Ready Money principle and having bought seeds in the very best and cheapest Markets they are enabled to sell them at very low price- They have also PERUVIAN GUANO direct from Messrs Gibbs, Bright & Co. Ichaboe Guano the same as first imported into this country, and guaranteed according to analysis—price X9 10s. per Ton. And also their celebrated Superphosphate of Lime which is every year becoming more extensively used on account of its superior quality combined with its extreme cheap- ness. Price X6 10s. per Ton. They particularly wish that their customers will not pack Butter intended for them in small casks as they cannot sell them for so good a price. They can get a much higher price for Butter packed in large white nice looking casks made of Ash. They tried small casks about ten years ago, and had great difficulty in selling them. Haverfordwest, April 16, 1858. PEMBROKESHIRE. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT Of an Important and Extensive Sale of a Choice Herd of Hereford Cattle, excellent Draft Horses, of Improved Suffolk and other breeds capital Flock of Long-wooled Sheep, Berkshire Pigs, Implements, §c., Ac. MR JOHN JONES HAS received instructions from the Executors of the late G. H. Kinderley, Esq, to Sell by Auction, with- out reserve, at Kilpavson, near Pembroke, in the month of July next, in consequence of the Farm being let, all the above mentioned valuable Herd of Hereford Cattle, comprising about 50 bulls, cows, heifers, steers, and year- lings, which have been selected and bred from the stocks of T. Roberts, Esq, oflrvington, —Jones, Esq, of Dyne- dyn Court, Hereford, and other eminent breeders, in Herefordshire and adjoining counties. The Horses, 16 in number,comprise a splendid Stallion 'Albert,' of the improved Suffolk breed, 7 mares and geldings; and 8 other horses of the most superior and useful description. The Flock consists of about 500 Long-wooled Sheep of first-rate quality, bred from the flocks of — Druce, Esq, of Eusham (Oxfordshire), I. Williamson, Esq, Greenhill, and other celebrated breeders.. 1 he Pigs, for the most part, are of the improved Berk- shire breed, and are of excellent quality. The Dead Stock comprises, iron ploughs, carts, sheep cart, liquid manure cart with apparatus complete, iron rollers, drills, &c, portable steam engine, with thrashing machine complete, and all other implements of the most improved character, comparatively new, necessary on an extensive and well-cultivated farm, by Ransome, Bushby, Crosskill, and other celebrated makers. Kilpayson lies on the south side of Milford Haven, a short distance from the Neyland Terminus on the South ales Railway, and from Milford. Boats will be in at- tendance to convey passengers to the neaiest landing place to Kilpayson. Catalogues will be prepared, and further particulars of his valuable Stock will shortly appear in future adver- is^ments. 2 Eaton Place, 18th May, 1858. WHITE'S VEGETABLE ESSENCE, OR LIQUID BLISTER, for General Lameness in Horses WEBB'S REMEDY for the Lung Dis- temper in Cattle; and CLATER'S EYE POWDERS, a Specific for Eye Diseases in Horses, may be had of John P. Entment, Dew-street, Haverfordwest. The Protector, Endowment, Loan, and Annuity Company. 34, KING STREET, CHEAPSIDK, LONDON. SUMS from £ 50 to £ 2,000 advanced in connection with Life Assurance. For particulars apply to Mr. G. P. Ivey, 1, Richmond Villas, Swansea. Genuine Peruvian Guano. JOHN JONES begs to announce that he has on Sale, direct from on board the vessel of Messrs Gibbs and Bright, first-class Peruvian Guano; also, Lawes's Super- Phosphate of Lime, and London Super-Phosphate of Lime. A liberal discount for cash. N.B.— Early Orders are respectfully solicited to ensure a supply. Eaton Place, Pembroke, May 6th, 1858. Hoffman's Entertainment. AFTER having been from John O'Groat's House to the Land's End, Mr Hoffman intends shortly re- visiting Wales, with an ENTIRELY NEW EKTKUTAIN- JIENT, including Hoffman's Organophonic Band, and Mr Thornton's inimitable Sketches from Nature. X.B.—Parties desirous of effecting an engagement, please to address to the care of the Editor of this Paper. ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF 30 YEARS. TEETH. MR. H. M. JONES, Surgeon Dentist, M.C.D.E. No. 1, Nelson-Place, Swansea, attends Car marthen on the first Monday in every month, at Mr. J. Wansbrough's, No. 40, King-street. Mr. Jones will attend (private apartments) at the Castle Hotel, Haver- fordwest, on the first Tuesday; Commercial Hotel, Pater, on Thursday; and Lion Hotel, Pembroke, on Friday. A vacancy for a young gentleman as an Articled Pupil. No. 1, Nelson-place, Swansea. INCOME WITHOUT RISK. PERSONS having a little time to spare are apprised that the EAST INDIA TEA COMPANY continue to appoint Agents for the sale of their celebrated Teas in any town and village in the kingdom. These Teas are packed to suit all purchasers in leaden canisters from one once to one pound. Application to be addressed TO the Company at their offices, 9, Great St. Helen, Bishopsgate, London. Country Gentlemen in search of a Good and Economical London Tailor, ARE directed to B. BENJAMIN, Merchant Tailor, 47, Regent-street, W., who supplies Scotch, Heather, and Cheviot Tweed Suits, all wool, and thoroughly shrunk, made to order from 47 s. to 63s. Two Guinea Dress or Frock Coats, Guinea Dress Trou. sers, and Half-Guinea Waistcoats. The Bulfanger, the Oude Wrapper, and the Pelisier Overcoats, from 21s, to 42s. N. B. -A perfect ift guaranteed.- Vide 'Times.' Clothing and Outfitting Establishment. HENRY POWIS, MARINERS' SQUARE. HAVERFORDWEST, R|^AKES this opportunity of returning thanks to his JL Friends and the Public generally for past favours, and begs to inform them that he has just received a superior lot of Scotch Tweeds, Doeskins, &c, for Trouserings, and a variety of Waistcoats, suitable for the present season, which he is able to dispose of at very low prices. Also, he has got ready-made a lot of Light Coats, andJWaist- coats, of all sizes-such as Holland, Lustre, and^Russell Cord, varying in prices from 5s 6d to 17s. All orders punctually attended to. H. P. begs to state that Gentlemen or Families wishing to purchase their own materials can have the same made up upon the most reasonable terms, on the shortest notice. jM2 per Annum. WANTED, an agent to represent an Established Life and Fire Assurance Company in Haver- fordwest—Commission 15 per cent on the first year's fordwest—Commission 15 per cent on the first year's premium, and 21 per cent on renewals; also 15 per cent on fire premiums, new and renewal. At the end of three months, should his services be productive of business, a salary after the above rate will be given. Apply, with real name and address, to A. B., Pembrokeshire Herald Office. A. S Z L U M PER, TAILOR, &c., FROM BUCKMASTER'S LONDON, BEGS to return thanks to those Gentlemen who have favoured him with their support since his estab- lishment in Milford, a continuance of which he respect- fully solicit" The best materials are used in every article of dress made by him. together with workmanship of the highest class, and the style of cutting equal to the best London houses. Gentleman in the county would find it more convenient and less trouble to themselves if they would honour him with their commands instead of forwarding their orders to London. 72, Charles-street, Milford. Agricultural Seeds. MR HENRY PHILLIPS, having just concluded a purchase of a large quantity of ENGLISH RED CLOVER SEEDS, of the finest and purest quality, direct from a celebrated grower in Bedfordshire, under the most advantageous circumstances, begs to solicit the favour of an early inspection, and feels confident that the quality and prices will please and give satisfaction, and cannot be superseded by competition. A fresh and very choice Stock of Cow Grass, Dutch Clover, Trefoil, Rib Grass, Italian, Perennial and An- nual Rye Grass, Meadow Grass, Boiling and Seed Peas, Vetches, Spring Wheat, Mangold Wurtzel, and Turnip Seeds, has just been received. Samples with lowest prices forwarded by post or other- wise, and orders executed with promptitude. ^"COUNTRY Shopkeepers supplied at Low Prices. TEKMS—Six MONTHS' CREDIT. a per cent allowed on Cash Payments. Opposite the Corn Market, Haverfordwest, 30th March, 1858. THE COMMITTEE OF THE HAVERFORDWEST TEMPERANCE SOCIETY HAVE MUCH PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THAT JOHN B- GOUGH ESQ., (The Prince of Orators, whose fame is world wide) WILL DELIVER TWO ORATIONS. At the Shirehall, Haverfordwest, ON THE EVENINGS OF MONDAY$TUESDAY, May 31st, and June I st, 1858. Admission by Tickets: Reserved Seats, Course, Is; One Evening, 2s; Body of the Hall,, Course, Is fid; One Evening, ls-May be had of the Members of the Com- mittee at the Offices of the Pembrokeshire Herald and Telegraph; and of Mr Perkins, and Mr Hackleton, Book- seller. Doors open at 7.15; Chair to be taken at 8 o'clock George Phillipps, Esq, Surgeon, will preside. Parties wishing to hear the renowned orator are re- quested to make immediate application for tickets, as the number issued must be limited. WEST OF ENGLAND MANURE COMPANY, PENR YN. SUPERPHOSPHATE. MESSRS WILLIAMS & GREENISH, Timber Mer- iVI chants. &c, Milford, having been appointed agents for the above Company, can with confidence recommend sl' the following analysis of their artificial manure to the Farmers of Pembrokeshire and the surrounding neigh- bourhood. ANALYSIS. College of Chemistry, London, March 22, 1858. Analysis of Sample of Superphosphate from West of England Manure Co., Penryn. Moisture. 11. percent. Organic matter 25.02 „ Nitrogen equal to. 1.41 Silica 7.3 Oxide OF IRON AND ALUMNIA 4.35 SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE (EQUAL TO NEUTRAL 10.97) 7.03 M INSOLUBLE PHOSPHATE 20.92 Chloride of Sordium. 4.17 Hydrated Sulphate of Lime, &c. 20.21 100.00 NEUTRAL PHOSPHATE MADE SOLUBLE 10.97 „ insoluble 20^92 Total. 31.89 AMMONIA 1.71 This manure is made under the direction and superin- tendence of Professer Nesbitt, of London, one of the best Agricultural Chemists in England, if not in the world. W. and G. have received a consignment of the above Manure, which they are prepared to sell at P,7 10s, per Ton. Testimonials to quality, &c, can be obtained on ap- cation.