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prOTOMACII nnd BOWEL COMPLAINTSproceed from the accumulation of vitiated humours. lliesc arc ^effectually removed by the use of KAYKS Wtii;si)i;i,i,s r'PiLL.s, which speedily cany off all useless matter, and prevent the pain and' injury which would otherwise re- sult.—Mr. T. Chalder, Chapel-row, near Bishop Auck- fl&nd, suffered greatly from a stomach complaint. He jcould not take animal food without feeling much pain fand sickness; bur, trying K.yyk's Tills, he was very jBoon restored to health. ft Hundreds of Cases of Cure accompany cach box. tJ Sold in boxes at Is. l|d., 2s. t)d., and 4s. (id by all jj dealers in Patent Medicines. "Wholesale Depot, 22, } Bread-street, London. it ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS a f To "Waterford, Cork, and the South of Ireland. f IRST CLASS STEAMERS (in connection with the i -» (,reat Western and South Wales Railways), carrying i lIEn Majesty's MAILS. » LEAVE the Milford Haven Terminus for WATER- FOHD every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRI- DAY. at 11.3", p.m., on the arrival of the 1). l."> a.m. Express, and the 7.30 a m. Third Class, and 10 a.m. Mail I ralllS from f Haddington. I ^RETURNING from Waterford every MONDAY WEDNESDAY, and FRfDAY, at 3 p.m. LEAVE the Milford Haven Terminus for CORK, every WEDNESDAY, and SATURDAY, on the arrival « of the 9.4o a.m. Express and the G a.m. Third Class Iroin r London. Glo'ster, Swansea, &c. f RETURNING from CORK every TUESDAY and FRIDAY according to Tides. Apply for Tickets at the First Class Railway Stations Great Western and South Wales Railways; of Ford and Jackson. 3(5, Cannon Street, London or of Mr. Downey Quay, Waterford; or of Messrs. Murphy and Sons, Cork TllKOUGIt FAKKS: London to Watcrford 60s, 40s, and 24s Gd. Intermediate Stations in proportion. Milford Haven to Waterford 12s Gd, 10s, and 7s Gd. SEA PASSAGE—SKVKJfTY MILKS. London to Cork 52s Gd, 42s. and 2Gs. Intermediate Stations in Proportion. Milford Haven to Cork 15s, )2s, 8s. Lettersintendcd to he forwarded by this short and expe- ditious route must be addressed via Pembroke-Dock.' 5TEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN LIVERPOOL, MILFORD, SWANSEA, & BRISTOL For the Month of FEBRUARY, 1858. The Liverpool and Bristol Channel Steam Navigation Company's Steam Ships SOVERBICN, new s.s. Capt. W. J. Beckett MONTAGU, new s.s. Capt. Wm. Clarke. TROVBAOOVR, Capt. SKER&IJ), Capt. G. H. Tallan. The above or some other suitable Vessel, is intended to sail with Goods and Passengers, {unless prevented by any unforeseen occurrence) as follows, with or without pilots, and liberty to tow vee,sels- From Liverpool to Milford and Bristol. Landing passengers for Swansea at the Mumbles, (weather permitting.) Saturday G 3 after Saturday 20 2 after Saturday 13 'Jjmorn Saturday 27 9 morn Milford jor Bristol. Landing Passengers for Swansea at the Mumbles (weather permitting) ^un(la-v lOmorn Sunday 21 9 morn Sunday 14 5 morn Sunday 2S 4 morn From Bristol to Swansea and Liverpool. (Calling at Milford.) Tuesday 2 8 £ morn Tuesday 16 morn Tuesday 9 2 after Tuesday 23 1 "after Tuesday 9 2 after Tuesday 23 1 after From Swansea to Liverpool, ( calling at Milford.) Wednesday 3 T.imorn Wednesday 17 7 morn Wednesday 10 2 after | Wednesday 24 1 after In addition to the above an extra Steamer will be dispatched weekly from Liverpool to Swansea when cargo offers. Milford for Liverpool. Wednesday 3 2 after Wednesday 17 1 after Wednesday 10 8 night Wednesday 24 7 night The New Screw Steamer GYPSEY is intended to ply on the Milford Haven, in connection with the above Steamers, carrying Goods and Passengers to and from Pembroke-dock, Haverford- west and the adjacent Towns. FARES:— „ Cabin. Deck. °™ t0 or from Liverpool 13s Od 5s 6d Milford to or from Bristol 8s Gd 5.s Od Milford to or from Swansea (Mumbles) 5s Od 3s Od NOTICE. Return Tickets available for Two Voyages in this Captain from the undermentioned Agents, or the Milford to Liverpool £ 0 IRS Milford to Bristol (with the option""of" Landing at V Swansea returning ° J £ 0 13S ^ffr^fr;^La«? requested to take charge of their own safety 1S not rcsPonsible in any way for its mtnfnnJwS aro lal}ded and embarked at Milford (weather per- mitting) free of charge in the Steam Tender Gipsy. NOTICE.-The landing or embarkation of Goods or Passengers ,.t y whatever conveyance, or whether at the expense ;u'r or otherwise, is at the risk of the Passengers and Owners of the Goods respectively. Apply to Fitzsimons, Applebee, & Co., 20, Water-street, Livcr- L A,Bristol; J. Edwardcs, Swansea; John Ken- worthy & Co., Manchester. Entice.—-No goods will be delivered until the freight has been paid; and no goods for shipment will be received without a ship- ping note, giving full particulars of their address, fcc., so as to be correctly entered upon the vessel's manifest. Goods landed at Milford must be removed the day after their arrival, or will be stored, if necessary, on board the hulk Guardian, which is the point of arrival and departure of the steamers. Storage will be charged upon all goods allowed to remain in the hulk more than five days. R. D. HORE, AGENT, Milfoud. BEAXoTH OB. SICXNr. ss CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM H 0 L LOW A Y' S PILLS. The Blood furnishes the material of every bone, muscle Rland, and fibre in the human frame. When pure, it secure, health to every organ when corrupt, it necessarily produces disease. HOLLOW AY'S PILLS operate directly upos the elements of the stream of life, neutralizing the principln of disease, and thus radically curing the malady, whethee located in the nerves, the stomach, the liver, the bowelr the muscles, the skin, the brain, or any other part ot the system USED THROUHOUT THE WORLD. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS are equally efficacious in com phints common to the whole human race, and in disoi der peculiar to certain climates and localities. ALARMING DISORDERS. Dyspepsia, and derangement of the liver, the source o nfirmity and suffering, and the cause of innumerable deaths lyield to these curatives, in all cases however aggravated actiniz as a tnitd purgative, alterative and tonic: they relieve the bowels, purify the fluids, and invigorate system aud the constitution, at the same time. GENERAL WEAKNESS—NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. >Y hen all stimulants leil, the renovating and bracing pro ■ perties of these Pills give firmness to the shaking nerves and enfeebled muscles 01 the victim of general debility. delicate females. All irregularities and ailmeEts incident to the'delicateand sensitive organs of the sex are removed or prevented, by a few doses of these mild, but infallible alterative*. No mo- ther who regards her own or her children's health, should ail to have them within her resell. SCIENTIFIC endorsements. The most eminent ot t))e faculty in Great Britain, France nd Germony, have eulogized the Pills and the Inventor. A WONDERFUL CURE OF A STOMACH complaint AFTER 1 forty years standing. lL' of Aughnacloy, informed Professor Hoi- had'been mter ljat ^rs ^Ta'ker, residing in the same town, nearby 40" »«tl. a complaint the stomach tor round ■' £ hich, defied ,he effor,s of a" ^e Faculty round the npighbourhnocl to clIre. Nothing whatever ol decpair 8h« h.6,? °' renderinS her any relief: in a state an incred.ble i, reC°Te '° Hollow»y's Fills., which in her. period completely and effectually cured Wm. ^acXnal^Vu U'\Kf <)F A L,VKR complaint. has gratefully ackno'wl H !i Highland Regiment, derful efficacy of thi«8 .,0L ro'essor.Hollowsiy the won- with liver complaint anH n lnR me(^'c'np* He suffered years'residence in India au-S a,te.n^Bnt evils, during 11 that he was compelled to r»i conslltntion was so enfeebled to try Holloway'8 Pills w'len was induced the most eminent ot the farnlf.. |C'? l\erfect cure, after slightest good. 1 failed to do him the THESE CELEBRATED Pure are the best remedy the world ever n,>D. j r ot disepse; they will cure Liver ComnMS<! ^the removal in all its forms. The sickly should immeH;8 f? ^)>'sPeP.sia doses ot this wonderful medicine. ately try a tew AND FOR DROPSY, They are the most certain cure of anv J ai,3 medicine extant. Jlolh may's Pilk are the best remedy known in the world f„r the follnu'in<j Diseases:— Ag«e Erysipelas Uheumatism Asthma Pemale irregulan-Scrufula or Kins'. Bilious Complainst ties Evil ° Hlotches of the Fevers of all kinds Sore Throats n > • Fits Stone and (Jravel liowel Complaints Gout Second a r J,°'ICS.. Head-ache symptoms Coi.8tipi)tion of the Indigestion Tic Doloureaux Bowels Inflamation Tumours Unsnmption Jaundice Veneral Affections r>e y Liver Complaints Worms of all kinds Lumbago Weakness, from So'd ^'tii r whatever cause,&c. .a dt t.ie I'.stabUshinents of Prolessur llo lowav 244> NewYnrL-r i1"^16, Bar' Lo"cl',n- and 8()> Maiden'Lane! MedieinJ .I8 0 V respectable Druggists and Dealers in priced 2!?. in8'll.?utr,.he c,vilised wor'd at the following Sie? — "•Iid,> 2s> 4s' 6d'. Il8- and 33s., each Wanted for Exportation rpIIE undermentioned articles (new or second-hand) n 1 large or small parcels "Wearing Apparel of every description, watches, clocks, time-pieces, musical instru- ments, cutlery, china, glass, books, paintings, prints, linen, gems, guns, pistols, saddles, bridles, harnesses, whips, horse-clothing, household furniture, and every description of portable property. Advice per post must be sent with all parcels Messrs. BANKS & Co., Export and General Agents, 6, Wellesley Street, Euston Square, London. Messrs. B. & Co. guarantee fair value per return of post. CLAIIKE'S NEW PATENT PYRAMID NIGHT LAMPS, Tin at 111., Lacquered or Bronzed Is. Gd. each, L^OR Burning the New Patent Pyramid Nirlit Lights. -1 The most convenient, safe, and economical yet intro- duced. Sold by all Grocers and Lamp Dealers, and wholesale by Palmer and Co.,Clerkenwell, London, E.C. To Builders and Others. rjPIIE BAURY ISLAND SLATF. and SLAB COM- -L p AX Yare prepared to SELL Slates and Slabs at the following Prices, d-eliverable at the Quarry, situate between S\ David's and Fishguard First Quality. Second Quality. Per Thousand ot 1260. 24 hv 14 £ 8 8 0 X7 26 21 by 12 7 o 0 5 17 6 22 by 12 GO 0 o 0 0 22 by 11 5 II 0 4 10 0 ?0 by 12 4 17 (i 4 0 0 20 by 10 4- H 0 3 15 0 18 by 10 3 10 0 2 12 fi 18 by ;) 3 0 0 2 7 6 1(; by 10 2 17 6 2 2 6 10 by K 2 5 0 ] 12 « Hby II 16 0 1 2 0 U by 7 14 0 100 13 by 7 10 0 0 15 6 12 by 7 0 18 0 0 14 0 Locals 0 14 0 to cover from 28 to 33 yards. Ditto 0 12 6 to cover (torn 25 to 28 yards. Superior Slabs for Toml)-. Headstones, Cisterns, &c., from 30s., and upwards, per ton. Excellent Flooring Slabs, Sawn Edges and planed sur- face, 22s. 6d. and 25s. per ton, Mantlepieces, Window Sills, &c., made to order. Apply tr M r. J. JACK, Porthgain, Trevine. TO BUILDERS, MASONS, &c. Sealyham Blue Metallic slate Quarry. WARRANTED to be as good in quality as any Slates in Wales. Situated seven miles from Haverford- west, within a quarter of a mile from the Turnpike Road leading from Haverfordwest to Fisllguard-good easy new road to come out to the Turnpike Road. Slates supplied at the quarry on the following prices:- Good Locals per 1,OUO 0 10 0 Best Dry Tiling 100 2t by 14 per 1,200 7 10 0 24 by 12 6 10 0 „ 22 by I! 510 0 20 by 12 5 10 () „ 20 by 10 5 0 0 » IH by !<). „ 4 0 0 18 by 9 3 10 0 „ 16 by 10 3 0 () „ 16 by 8. „ 2 5 0 14 by 8 1 10 0 Apply to Mr. JOHN Rees, Broadmoor, Wolfscastle. Hird's Francis's Pills HAVE been extensively made use of in this country lor nearly 30 years, are most deservedly recom- mended for their known efficacy in all bilious complaints diseases of the liver, indigestion, flatulency, jaundice, sick headache, habitual costivcness, and all diseases of the alimentary canal. In recent attacks of the gout it has nearly proved a specific, by alleviating the severity of the fit and shortening its duration they arc also highly advantageous to those who are liable to occasional in- dulgence at table. Europeans visiting the East and West Indies and other warm climates will find them an inva- luable medicine, and by their early use may escape those dreadful diseases which the disordered state of the liver but too frequently creates. CAUTION.—The high repute in which these pills are held has induced some unprincipled individuals to foist a spurious imitation of them on the public be careful to ask for Hird's Francis's Antibilious Pills, which are signed 'J. Hird' on the stamp label. They are sold wholesale by W. Sutton & Co., 10. Bow Churchyard; Barclay and Co., 95, Earringdon-street; Hodgkinson. Tonge, and Stead, "213, Upper Thames- street, London the Proprietor. J. Hird, Chemist, Pem- broke; and by all reputed vendors of Patent Medicine, in boxes, Is lgd, 2s 9d, and 4s Gd. N.B.—Should any difficulty occur in procuring the above, enclose stamps or post-office order to J. Hird, Chemist, Pembroke, when they will be forwarded free to any address. J. W. BENSON'S WATCH AND CLOCK MANUFACTORIES, 33 & 34, Ludgate Hill; 47 & 63, Cornhill, London. Established 1749. XT is absolutely necessary before you buy a Watch, that you should send for BENSON'S Illustrated Pam- §phlet (enclose 2 postage stamps), which contains numerous sketches ard prices, and important informa- tion as to what watch to buy, where to buy it, & how to use it. In fact, no one ought to buy a Watch until he has first consulted this Pamphlet, which will enable persons living in any part of the World to select a Watch adapted to their use, thus saving the trouble and expense of a personal visit to London. Gold Watches £ 4 4s. to 100 Guineas. Sil- ver Watches £ 2 2s. to 50 Guineas. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS ON LENSON'S WATCHES. I Perfection of mcchanism."—Morning Post. ExceHence of design, and perfection in workmanship.' -.JIornÜ.g Chronicle. 'The qualities of his manufacture stand second to none.'—Morning Advertiser. All that can be desired in finish, taste, and design.'— Globe. The Watches here exhibited surpass those of any other English manufacturer.' ObserveI'. The Morning Herald, Sun, Standard, and numerous other papers, bear testimony to the beauty, finish, and excellency of these celebrated Watches. A two years' warranty with each Watch, and sent, carriage paid, to any part of England, Scotland, Ireland, or Wales. upon receipt of Post Office or Banker's Order.—Benson's Indian Watch, made expressly for India, in silver cases, 10, 15, and 20 Guineas in gold cases, at 20, 30, and 40 Guineas. Merchants, shippers, and watch-clubs supplied.—J. W. BENSON, 33 and 31, Ludgate Hill; and at 47 and 63, Cornlnll. Established 1749. MR. J. PHILLIPS, CHEMIST, CASTLE-SQUARE, Haverfordwest AGENT for HORNI.MAX S PURE TEA, in Packets THE LEAF NOT COLOURED.—Dr. Scoffern, in his valuable work On Food Adulterations,' remarks at page 5'23 :—' The best Tea I can find is that imported by the Messrs. Horniman. Its appearance, manifests it to be what it professes-Tea which has been subjected to no kind of outward ernbellishmcnt-a manifestation which its delicious flavour sufficiently confirms.' HORXIMAN'S PURE TEA, THLI USUAL FINE souts, HUT THE LEAF NOT COLOURED Rich full flavoured Tea of rare strength is thus secured; for by not admitting the dilferent qualities to be coloured alike with the usual powder, the brown llavourless leaves of the autumn gathering cannot be made by the Chinese to resemble the valuable spring sorts, and so passed off at high rates to the loss of the English consumer. The Lancet Report, page 318 states of Hormtnan s importations; -These Teas are wholesome, the Black has not an inten- sely dark leaf; the Green is a true dull olive not being 'faced.' In Flavour they exceed the sort generally sold. Supplied by agents througout the Kingdom and only in PACKETS Price 3s 8d. 4s lid. and 4s id. per lb. Aberystwyth.Jones, Pier Street Aberdare Jones—Thomas Aberavon Evan Evans Bristol Ferris Ik Score.Union Street Carmarthen Davies, King Street Cwmavon Davies HAVERFORDWEST WILLIAMS, 17, Market Street J. PHILLIPS, Castle square Laugharne David Llanelly nees & Williams Merthyr Stephens, High street Narberth .Grjmths&Nichoias Keath Hutehince, Wind-street Pembroke Trewent Pembroke Dock Trewent, Standard House Barrett, Pembroke-street Swansea Wilson, Castle Square f „ Harries, Oxford street „ Giover, Castle-street Tenby Mason—Walkingtou

