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f0j STEAM COMMUNICATION ø' R-\ TWEES ^pCNDON AND milford geri AND MlLrQPkD AND BELFAST. PO\VPSUAND SCREW th| 0\ft ERFUL STEAM SHIP h^f-IYl A, R. M. Fudge, Commander, or thp OSCAR Commander, will leave LONDON Cor THURSDAY, May 4th, at 3 p.m. Qo Ditto 18th, at 3 p.m. f^nd °to 3re rece'.ved at Scovell's Wharf, Tooley-street; tcfiist 6 », ensure shipment should be there by Wednesday • The r j- si ^Don (. 'oncllt.,on8 °f Carringe of Goodsby these Vessels are J ftischnr e,a.rr'val of the steamer at Milford, all Goods are Jd *nd r ^^lnto,he Hulk "Eclipse"—moored offMiltord— "j MNA.N 3t '^e r's'{ °C the CONSIGNEE, from which vessel ( U "tiding8' TemoV("d within 48 hoursrom the time cf r f Goods V °r w'" subject to a charge for Storage, ^"d Mn" rerna'ri'ng Five Days in the Hulk will be landed r fciOtfFp Milford, at the risk ami expense of the CON- ii Unle °r WNER *nch Goods. oi forw*SJ>erw'se directed, all small parcels of Goods 'will bJ Jhere shIH '° destinations by the first Carrier, if J ou'" be one going to or near the place. "E ^S'ticui!10^* w'" Redelivered till theFreiglit has been paid. | ar attention will be given to the delivery of returned '1 Alter d' k • Cmp,y packageS- c f' Belfai!r rR'n* at Milford, the steamer proceeds on to a r AGE E'AND, with Goods and Passengers, if offered, o. Tn^TS IN' LONQON Wm. Law, Ogilby, Moore, and m ^°urt, Fenchurch-street. TIM BELFAST:—Robert Henderson, Donegal Quay. $iN „ N H;n Milford b ? °F emhatkation °'" Goods or Passengers at lateverconve j|or the Ste^ wl,aterer conveyance, or whether at the expense D\r'*t,d-the (.amer or otherwise, is at the risk of the Passengers *T pags Wners of the Goods respectively. ^Perrnifi^^r8 are'ar,ded and embarked at Milford (weather •lS^mergJ free of charge, in Boats provided by the lIJ? j• Cabin. Deck. C$Mnr^001 toor from Milord .13s. Od 5s tid. A Miii°rd 10 or from Bristo1 13s- od- 5s-,id- No °rd t0 °r 'rom Swansea 6s. 6d. 3s fid. tdr.V0 Y Afire ^*turn Cabin Tickets available lor TWO ;0*Undej<tijent 'n t'1e8e Steamers, may be had from the jiA ferd,.Sw„„nned Agents or the Captain. Liverpool to Mil- ,jf» gea» or Bristol, 188. Milford to Bristol 18s. S T P j,4 4 *• A M COMMUNICATION FH I IUCM^. BETWEEN < £ WERPQQL, r^LFORD, SWANSEA, fflf AND BRISTOL, jjc For the MONTH of MA Y, 1854, A Poivi?,? STEAM «. ^^Rful ships %-T11 no5,AnOUlT^r J. Beckett; GLEN- IP" Vessel • C^pt. J. Wallace; or some othersuitable (ttihss' 1S 'ntended to sail with croods and passengers, £ with o ^rfye7'^efi l>y any unforeseen occurrence) ?s fo'lows :— t: j, r *'u^out pilots and liberty to tow .-essels) 0- Laodln LIVF'IIP00L ,0 MILFORD & BRISTOL if- Passengers for Swansea (weaiher and time per g minting) at the Mumbles. ,i' ••• a^"ter I Saturday 20 4 after l' ••• 13 .10 morn Ditto 27 .10 morn Diii»'earner sa''s 'rom Milford to Bristol (weather per unrflnp) immediately after her arrival, which is seldom er 22 hours after sailing from Liverpool. l' From Bristol m SWANSEA & LIVERPOOL. I. ucoaQiI 2 8fmorn Tuesday 16 8 morn 0 9 3safter | Ditto 23 3}morn Tuesday 30 7J morn. prom SWANSEA f> LIVERPOOL, calling at Wm MILFORD. Ditto3 ïimorn We inesday.l7 7 morn IUO .10 3 after Ditto .24 5 after Wednesday 31 61 morn im T!,e steamer sails tor Liverpool (weather permitting) 'mtely after her arrival at Milford, which is seldom n*ler 6 or 7 hours after leaving Swansea. No Goods will be delivered until the freight has been no Goods for shipment will be received without snipping Note, giving fall particulars of their address, &c, 80 8B to be correctly entered on the Vessel's Manifest. qoodr. landed at Milfrid, must be removed the day after their toilful, or will hestc!:ed,if necessary on board the hulk Ecli which is the p«i,»t of arrival and departure of the Steacsut. f;i¡f Apply to Edwin Edwards, Swansea; Fitz simoiis, Aoplebee, and Co. 20, Water-street, Liverpool, G. H. Lvans, Bristol, or C. H.N. HILL Agent, Milford. SILENT SORROW.-CERTAIN HELP. Numerous Extraordinary, Anatomical, Explanatory, Co- loured Engravings. In Six Languages. Filty. third Edi- !ion. Price 2s. 6d. in a sealed envolope through all Book- tellers, or sent post free from the Author for 42 Postage Stamps. The MEDICAL ADVISER on the exhaustion and physical decay of the system produced by delusive "Sbita, excesses, and infection followed by Observations On Marriage and its disqualiifcations, with remarks on Sper- n,B,orrhce, and the treatment practised by the Author with unvarying success, since his settlement in this country e# for self treatment, &c. By WALTER DE ROOS, M.D., 35, ELY PLACE, HOLBORN HILL, LONDON. Sold by Gilbert, 49, Paternoster-row, London Jones, 5 j^radrse-street, Liverpool; Heywood, 170, Dean's-gate jSnchester; Raimesand Co., Leith-walk, Liverpool; and yfbKi8on> llf Greenside-street, Edinburgh Campbell, < ,a Kyle^street, and Love, Glosgow Powell, 15, Westmore- j Dublin and obtainable by order of all Booksel- Medicine Venders. r- Roos, from long, practical observation of the thi* 111 Pursned in the most celebrated institutions of country and the continent, has had perhaps unu-ual fupumties of witnessing the various stages of those drtad- ^Plaints, for which the following medicines exclusively .l0*" pre'!aration are recommended. The necessity ■■ftk„.Ul,d practical judgment in such serious cases must be LDV>OUS..Ko, tho nf thoj m'y be most reasonbly expected at the hands of thi, e.niemhers of the medical profession who have made omplaints their particular study. To those be P°sses the requisite qualifications can confidence *f*Iy extented. ma/«hese unfailing Remedies, even the worst symptoms ^ve h thoi"°"Shly removed and the unfortunate who m&y *er) ,]~8emed himself beyond the reach of medicine, is made b,Dn °f the powers of sconce and becomes again the disea possessor of health The culpable neglect of these *'1e ,nRj°r'{y medical men, it h>is been for '*Ucee l^e Author's purpose to rectify; with what atid tlhls Pres<*nt extensive practice su fficient demonstrates ^ith u'akes the removal of even the woist c«se *"d tfU' ^erance or change of diet, with secresy, safety ,e most perfect certainty. Persons at a distance will be minute in the detail of their *ill h an{* 'tC) prevent trouble, no letters ftom strangers Order ':pl^,0v unless the they contain £ 1 by Post-office *6Jit K °r ol'le|"wise, when Advice and Medicines will be » ecurely packed from observation or accidents. OffieB^°^ce Orders to be made payable at the Holborn Lond ° Walter de Roos, 35, Ely Place, Holborn Hill, °,clopltn'eW'1<!re ^le m»7 c°nsu'ted daily from 11 till 4 Tli u"day excepted. CONCENTRATED GUTTLE VITÆ, or VE- who J LIFE DROPS, are recommemled to all those *Ve 'njllr,-d theii selves by early excesses, and brought t0. g0 rv°u»nessf Weakness, Languor, Low Spirits, Aversion ShakiClet^' Slm,V or Business, Timidity, Trembling and Short"^ °'l'le Hands and Limbs, Jniligestion. Flatulency, Breath, Cough, Asthma, and Consumptive 8' Dimness of Sight, Doziness, P«ins in theHtad, &c. Gomplainis, Contamination, Eruptions, Blotches, paiP S°re Throat, threatened destruction of the Nose, ?• Pains in the Bones and joints, Scurvy, Scrofula, p a'l other impurities, are under their immediate influence, f., r^e b'd., Us., and 33s. per Bottle, the latter contains ^_n 16 packag* s, by which a saving of £ 1 12s. is effected, ••"X- be-bad from the Establishment. PAI^S IX THE BACK, GRAVEL, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATISM, GOUT, DISEASES OF THE BLADDER & KIDNEYS, STRICTURE,&c. t^r^m,1P0UND HXNAL PILLS, as their name Renal, (o Kifl" ) itidicatc-,s, are a most safe and efficacious re ,e3*0 '8»vi? a^ove dangerous complaints, Discharges of *rl and- Diseases of the Urinary Organs general! i neglected, frequently end in stone in the bladder ^'lingering painful death. jj 0SSes8'"g tonic properties, they agree with the most de- stengthen the digestive organs, increase the "I^v'Te> atid improve the general health. They require er confinement nor change of diet, and, as experience ^yply* proved, they will effect a cure when other medi- have tailed. nee Is. 1 id., "2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis.,and 33s, per Box, all Med icine Vendors. rfat-AUTlON*Su^erers must guard against the recommen- apnrious or other articles by unprincipled Vendors, ><* thereby obtain a larger profit. ^Protect the Public from Fraud, Her Majesty's Honour- ri» have directed the words ''WALTER °OOS, LONDON," to be engraved in white letters B a re^ Kfound on the Government Stampaffixed to each Bottle, witbot which none can possibly be genuine which is felony ChS^V Mr.Treweeks, Chemist, See., Pembroke; Davies, Havfrtordwest; White, Chemist, Carmarthen; ttv "Cheraret, Cardigan; Evans, Chemist, High- ■ -.|7e*5'»'B,|d c. T; Wilson, Chemist, Castle-sqoare, Swansea; 'Chemist, Broad'Street, Newtown Stephens, Che- ,M> High-street, Mertbyr Tydvil Farror, Bi-acon Ofiice, "iHftvouth; Watkins, High-street, Abergavenny; Jenkiiif,| _^nn»#.r«bl-street, and Plitllips, High-street, Newport; .OlMain&ble.tbjaugh all Medicine Vendors; of whum iway4»e,had "THE- MEDICAL ADVISER." hoold diffieuliy arise in procunng a» y of the U» ^^ount per Post-office Order or Stimpt Pitice, Holboixi llill, London, they will beUem r*'j" packed lo any address, JOHN JAMES LLOYD, FAIIM FURNISHING, & GENERAL IRONMONGER, CUTLER, &c. J HIGH-STREET, NARBERTH, i t i (i..n|.c thu kind natronsge he h«s received since he commencen onsiness TA2 'r,u t;:oS,rchCi »«i."««.«.««. i- conferred on him. J..T. L. also begs to aiinoance that lie to a Splen.lid A-W General Furnishing li-onmoiigery which will be sold at the lowest remunerating profit, and begs the favour of an inspection. Agents for Croggoris Patent Asphaltc Felt. A LARGE and NEW STOCK of SPRING GOODS in the Greatest Variety HAS, JUST BEEN RECEIVED BY W M DAVIS & SON, RED HOUSE, HIGH-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, And is now Ready for Inspection. oil C!ich"h'»"bL„>,r,!c,edi„ London ,n„ „,h„ M.rUU w„h ..er, regard to STYLE, ELEGANCE, AND D U R A H 1 LIT Y TheirSHOW-ROCM is now Open, in which will be found several Novelties in FANCY GOODS suitable Their THIFcD DELIVERY of PLAIN AND FANCY STRAW AND TUSCAN BONNETS, BONNET RIBBONS, &c., in All the Newest Styles, is now really. JUST RECEIVED, a Large Assortment (including some Sti/ies, quite Ke^ of LAMES' and CHILDREN'S TUSCAN, AND PLAIN AND COLOURED STRAW,\ SATS. French Wove Corsets in threat variety of makes. cTTirvriyr* The GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTNTENT wil'. be tound com I)Iete ir, all JB^^nTlVMUSHlBTS-d™ «ade TO ORDKR. A Large Stock of LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S FRENCH HATS, CLOTH & TWEED CAPS, 4c., 4c. Funerals completely Furnished. The favour of an early call is most respectfully solicited. REPORT OF THE J u JJUib I OF THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND, TAKE0# CorTE^Sf0«E^EESSS- 366. TArt rlrJ x Js- p0-wer required to cut Twenty-eight Pounds 01 lurnips. FOR BULLOCKS. MAKFR. FOWtR. PRICE. — s. d. Marychurch- 143 4 0 0 Ransome *244 4 5 Samuelson 273 5 |JJ Kealy 356 5 0 0 Fowler and Fry 408 7 10 0 FOR SHE E P. Marychurch 288 456 WnnBom0 0 10 0 Samnelson 5 ,0 0 Kealy AnA n Fowler and Fry T *» T" wZhinn tho ahnve results so lavonrahle to the Machines of their Manufacture, when J. MARTCHURCH & SoN.n P^b'ngtheahov^resutss a poMT,VE pR00F of their tn competinon with the best makers .n the k^dd^; F f instaSnce) in th £ fim tab!e the power required by the superiority .which, on 1 nspecnon wi) be ;»unR™Pr;S,^f'i wic|,), ,0 excute the 8«me work was ONK. HUNDRED Machines of their nearest L,y all the other Machines until it became nearly FOUR TIMES r.°Mr,n«i:i^ONTopTK MACHINES was proved able, with .h. P»wer, » cu, | "PSEIEN™ Double di,.o. £ 5; s«bj«c, to d« ™»1 Di«..n. for Ca.b. J Agricultural Implement Works, Haverfordwest. ( DOWN WITH THE PRICES!! THE NOTED CHEAP SHOP FOR TRAS. COFFEES, & GENERAL GROCERY] THE LONDON TEA MART, BRIDGE-STREET HAVERFORDWEST, j (Three Doors from Castle-Square,) £ S2 Si 2 3 3B 3 Sto (Many years with the late Mr. J. TOMBS,) t Mand B. having, on the 18th instant, informed their Friends and the Public ol the Reduction of Duty npon Tea, e • which will be in operation on the 5th April next, beg now most respectfully to subjoin a List ot tUir NkVV PRICES. Beinp thoroughly conversant with the Tea Trade, they feel much pleasure in being abie to (jive the Inhabi- tants of Haverfordwest, and South Wales generally, that advantage in the purchase of their Teas, which hitherto has not J been afforded them. It has been a cause of much regret to the Gentry, Clergy, and the Inhabitants of Haverfordwest, a and indeed of Pembrokeshire, that they have been compelled by high prices and want of quality to send to London for I their Teas. Now. however, such a difficulty no longer exists in this neighbourhood. 1 WE CHALLENGE LONDON PRICES, ALSO QUALITY. anti respeclfnlly invite the Gentry, Clergy, and s the Inhabitant* of Haverfordwest and its neighbourhood to make a trial. All our Teas are bought at the first hand, and a sent us under Bond to the Queen's Warehouse at Millord. Persons that understand the Tea Irade know the favourable time for making their purchases. Tea-, especially Common, have lately much advanced, owing to an unhealthy specula- tion in the market, and the speculators will undoubtedly suffer a heavy loss-as the pricey are giving way considerably. Many Retail Vendors of Tea have made purchases at the late advanced prices.under the impression that Teas would be c very dear; but we arc happy to inform our Friends and the Public that we were not Purchasers at I he advanced rates, 1 we therefore flatter ourselves that we are in a position to offer Good Teas at reasonable Prices—in fict, defying competi- ion, as our annexed list fully proves :— ( PRESENT PRICES. PRICES up to the 5th of APRIL last. BLACK TEA. BLACK TEA. s. d. s. d. £ Congou Tea per lb. 2 6 Goo-d Congou Tea per lb. 3 0 Good Congou. t, 2 8 Strong Congou (of pood quality) „ 34 Strnns Congou (of good quality) 3 0 Fine Congou (very blackish leaf) „ 3 8 Fine Congou (very Llackish leal) „ 3 4 The Finest Congnu imported (full Pekoo The Finest Congou imported (full Pekoe Souchong flavour) 4 0 Souchong flavour) » 38 Fine Lnpsang Souchong „ 4 4 Fine Lapsang Souchonj? >» ^Finest ^A>am Souchong (this is the The Finest Aeam Souchong (this is the choicest Tea imported) n 4 8 choicest Tea imported) >» 4 4 i GREEN TEA. GREEN TEA. J Young Hjson P" lb. 3 8 Young Hyson per lb. 4 0" Fine ditto » 4 4 tine ditto „ 4 8 Gunpowder „ » 4 Gunpowder „ 3 8 Fine ditto 4s. „ 5 0 Fine ditto, from 4s. „ 5 4 rhe finest Gunpowder (Powtizan flavour) „ 5 4 The Finest Gunpowder (Powtizan flavour). „ 6 0 Families, Hotel Keepers, and large Consumers of Tea, supplied with Chests or Half Chests, in Bond, or Duty Paid. a, COFFEE. SUGAR. > s d f, The popular Beverage of every section of Society is un- clltT,r per lb. (f 3i a' doubtedly the cheapest luxury in modem tunes, e,pe- „ 0 4# p cially when free from that pernicious root, CHICORY.^ f cr«Sied Lump » 0 n n ner lh 1 0 Fine Crystalised Demerara » JJ li Good Ceylon P« lb. 1 u (, 5 ^!ne^ T,oni; 1 « Vrery Good ltefined ditto » 2 rhe Finest La Guayra „ Best Double Refinsd ditto >» 0 6 ir rhe Finest Mountain Jamaica (very delicious) „ I « ai FinestOld Mocha,recommended toconnoiseurs „ 1 8 p ill the Coffees are free from Adulteration, no Chicory being kept on the Premises. No Adulterating Compounds kept at this Establishment -every Article Warranted Genuine. All Orders, by Post, carefully and promptly attended to. to &SF PURCHASERS, AS USUAL, ENTITLED 10 THE DISCOUNT. h. DUTY OFF T EA! r ALL OUR PRICES REDUCED FOUR PENCE PER POUND; PHILLIPS & COMPANY, Tea Merchants, 8, King William-street, City, London give the Public the full advan- P 'age of the Reduction of Duty, as the following Prices will show :— BLACK TEAS. Sfronu Black Tea • ••• 2s. 8d., 2s. 10d., 3s. Od. Former Prices 3s. Od,, 33. 2d., & 3s. 4d Rich Souchong Tea 3s. 2d., 3*. 4d. 3s. 8d. Former Prices 3s. 6d., 3s. 8d., & 4s. Od. Beet Assam Pekoe Souchong Tea, of extraordinary) Former Price 4*. 4d. quality and strength ) GREEN TEAS. Strong Green Tea 2s. 8d„ 3s. fid., 8c 3s. 4d. Foimer Prices 3s. Od., 3s. 4d & 3s. 8d Prime Gunpowder Tea 3s. «d., & 4s. Od. Former Prices 4s.. Od., & 4s. 4d Delicious Gunpowder Tea 4«. 4d., 4s. 8d., & 5s. Od. Former Prices 4s. 8d., 5s. Od,, to os. 4a COFFEE. finnd Coffee lid.. 11 Ad., & Is. Od. Rich Mocha Coffee fj' Prime Coffee Is. Id., le. 2d. & Is. 3d. Rare Choice Old Mocha (20 years old) Is. 6d. TEAS, COFFEES, AND SPICES SENT CARRIAGE FREE To anv Railway Station or Market Town in England, if to the value of 40s. or upwards. By this liberal arrangement, Uios "residing at a distance fan enjoy all the advanges of the London Markets for Tea, Coffee, and Colonial Produce, just as though they were residing in London. PHILLIPS & COMPANY, TEA AND COLONIAL MERCHANTS, No. 8, King William-Street, City, London. A General Price Current, containing great xdvantages in the purchase of Tea, Coffee, and Colonial Produce sent post free on application. Sugars are supplied at Market Prices. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF TEAS, COFFEES, & GENERAL GROCERIES, AT F. & J. B. HENLY'S, (Successors to the late Joseph Tombs) QUAY-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. AND J, B. HENLY, in remrnlng thanks to their kind Friends, and the Public generally, for the libera F patronage they have for so many years received, feel much pleasure in informing them that in consequence of a further remission of Fourpence in the Pound Duty on Tea (to take place on the 5th day of April next) they will be enabled to supply Teas of such quality and price as to ensure general satisfaction. F. and J. B. Henly have succeeded in purchasing (under peculiar circu.nstances) a large quantity of very superior Mountain Berry Mocha Coffee, worth Is, 8d. in London, but which they are prepared to ofler at Is. 4d. per ^oun Every other article will be sold at the smallest remunerative profit. They invite attention to the annexed List 01 frices. TEAS. II. d. d Congou Tea 2 6 ExtrafineCongou.veryripePekoeSouchongfiavour 4 0 Good Congou Tea 2 8 First Class Souchong, very rich and full flavour 4 4 Superior ditto 3 0 Genuine Young Hyson 0 Fine Congou, Pekoe Souchong flavour 3 4 Very superior ditto •> ° First Class Cougou, rich Pekoe Souchong flavour 3 8 Finest Hyson 4 4 N.B.—An allowance of Id. per lb. to persons taking chests or llalf chests in bond. COFFEES. Good native Ceylon Coflee 0 114 Pea Berry Mocha — J 4 Superior Jamaica ditto 1 0 Finest Mountain Berry 1 4 SUGARS. Good Raw Sugar « 3* Finest Crystals 0 5 Superior Jamaica itto 0 4 Fine Lump Sugar 5 CrushedLump 0 4i Double Reifned ditto 0 õl SPICES, &c. B]lfck Pepper.. n. per lb. 1 0 Best Currants per lb. 0 11 Mustard „ 0 8 Starch „ 0 6 Fine ditto 0 10 Ditto, 0 6 Superfine ditio 10 Blue (Best) 1 4 Double Superfine ditto „ 1 4 East Indian Rice „ 0 2 Nutmegs peril. 0 G Patna ditto 2Jd. to 0 8 ^;love? 0 2 Carolina ditto 4d. to 0 5 ^est d,tt0 „ 0 3 Sodi per lb. 0 1 Cii-.namcn (j 0 q Servant's Friend „ 0 8 Mrice 0 8 Eleme Fi^s, in 4ib. boxes 0 8j Ginger per lb. 0 10 Must-ate] Raisins „ 0 f) Cochin China ditto 10 Jordan Almonds „ 2 0 Best JiiRia:ca ditto „ 14 Harvey's Sauce, in half pints 1 0 Currants (Good) 0 9 Essence of Anchovies, in half pints 1 0 All Orders by Post or otherwise promptly attended to.- Gratis! Gratis I! Gratis! Seventy-fourth Thousand. Library Edition. Sent free, on re- ceipt of Four Stamps to pre-pay posiaye, &c., and may be had throuqh all Booksellers, price êd. EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR; a popular Guide to Health, addressed to the Youni), the Old, the Grave, the Gay, by a PHYSICIAN. "Admirably adapted to pnlighten the public mind in a species of knowledge in which every individual is concerned. —Co. Chron. "To THE MAKRIKD. AND TTNMAKKIKD, we particularly recommend this Work. It iscalculateil to afford just thatvery necmuryinformationtasis 'nofrequently sought in vain from o(hersources.Atlas. PARENTS, Hmos OF FAMILIES, CLERGYMEN, CONDUCTORS OF SCHOOLS, and all who are interested in the future wellheing of others, should possess this invaluable guide."—Meath Herald. It ought to be placed in the hands of every youth."—Kent Observer. This bo 'ksaustactority proves, that in rertain cases mediea knowledge may he popularized with safety."—Agriculturist "Calculated to do more good than fifty sermons."—Plough. "Those who have been too long the dupes of cunning quacks, should secure this s <tr and cheap volume.*—Bristol Examiner. Address—Mu. LAWEs, Publisher" 2, Charles Stieet, ILitton Garden, London. Beicare of a spurious and useless copy under a similar name. COMMON SENSE FOR SIXPENCE! A BOOK FOR YOUNG MEN—BY A PHYSICIAN. FOR YOUNG MEN—BY A PHYSICIAN. Frr the Public good (lnd the Suppression of Quackery. Ntim-rotis ai afotnical descriptive engravings, price 6d.; through all Booksellers, ift-a sealed Envelope, or sent Post Iree for Ten Postage Stamps. SILENT HINTS on Certain Subjects; a Medical Men- tor for the million, cot,tuning; numerous prescriptions and directions b which Empit icisjih and Quackery are defeated, and all usual remedies superseded. By following very nimple directions, all those complaints resulting from error are speedily removed, natural strength restured, and vigorous health imparted. "No younii man should be without it."—Globe. "Just the thing that was wanted."— Politician. Address — Mr. LAWES, Medical Publisher, 2, Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. EAUTIFUL HAIR, WHISKERS, EYF.BROYVS, &c. Notwithstanding the numerous oily, highly scented, and mo't injurious imitations which have been put forth, ROSALIE COUPELLE'S CRINUTRIA is guaranteed as the only preparation to be depended on for the growth 01 Hair, Whiskers, Sc., as also curling, nourishing, beautifying, and strengthening the hair, and checking greyness. It is a most unique and elegant compound, and has never been known to fail. Price 2s., through all Chemists and Per- fumers, or sent free on receipt of 210 po-tage stamps, by Rosalie Coupelle, 53, Ely Place, Holborn Hill, London. lIfr Williams, B, Lowther-street, Literpool-" I can now shew as fine a bead ot hair, as any person, solely from using your Crinutria." Sergeant Craven, Longford Barracks, 7re- land—"Through using your Crinutria, I have an excellent Mustache, which I had before despaired of." ilfr Halley, Cllmberllauld-" It surpasses every thing of the kind." lIlrs Carter, Pangbourne—"My head, which was quite bald, is now covered with new hair." Mr Lane, Golden Lion, lilac- clesfield-street, Friend of mine, Mr. Harris, describes its effects as truly astonishing." Mr Yates, Hair Dresser, Matton—" The young man has now d good pair of Whisker, I want two for other customers." On Nervousness, Debility, Pains in the Back, &c. Numerous coloured descriptive Engravbigs on steel, in a sealed envelope. 2s. 6d. or sent post free for 42 Postage Stamps. A MEDICAL TREATISE on the various forms of premature decay, arising from indiscretion followed by Observations on Marriage plain directions for the Pre- vention and Removal of certain disqualiifcations. Rules 'or self-treatment, &c., by a Medical Practitioner 01 great ;xperience. "The best hook on the subject, in any language."—Mail.. 'Should be read by every one, on entering lite.—Bell's J Messenger. Address—MR. LAWES, Publisher, 2, Charles Street, rlatton Garden, London. 1 [F YOUR HAIR IS GREY OR RED, use Rosalie Coupelle's PURE INSTANTANEOUS LIQUID IAIR DYE, universally acknowledged as the only perfect one tnd infinitely superior to the numerous disgraceful imitations vhich smell horribly, burn the hair, and leave an unnatural inge. Price 3s. tid. per bottle through all Chemists, &c., ,r sent free secure from observation for 52 postage stamps. Mr Whitaker, 22, Furyute, SlLeffield-" Y OUI Ilair Dye is lighlv spoken of by all who have purchased it of me." Mr Pearse, King-street, Ludlow-" Your Hair Dye has succeeded idmirably, it gives such a natural tinge." .11r Pearson, 29, li e i 51ishergate, Nottingham—" Your Hair Dye is excellent." V/r Casey, 2. Glos ter Green, Oxford—" It gives the greatest atisfaction." James Thompson, Esq., Middleton-Hit an- wers the highest expectations." Mr J. N. Clark, Killhiich, Wexford—"■ It is a mn.«t excellent and immediate Dye for he Hair, far pieterable to all others." Sold by Mr Treweeks, chemist, &c., Pembroke I)ai ies hemist, Haverfordwest; White, chemist, Carmarthen rVilliams, chemist, Cardigan. )N THE SECRET CA eSES OF SELF-ACQUIRED MISERIES & DISAPPOINTED HJPES. In Six Languages.-Fittielh edition. ;ontaing the remedy for the prevention of disease. Illus- trated by one hundred anatomical and explanatory coloured engravings on steel. On physical disqualifira- tions, generative incapacity, and impediments to mar- riage. A new and improved edition enlarged to 198 pages, price 2s. 6d. by post, direct from the Establish- ment, 3s. 6d. in postage stsmps. THE SILENT FRIEND." IN order to ensure secreiy, and punctuality in delivery, L the Work will be sent iirect from the Establishment, I 'ee to Any part of the kingdom, in a sealed envelope, on the eceipt of 3s. 6d. in postage stamps. The SILENT FRIEND is a Practical Work, written in uiguage devoid of professional technicalities, on the Physi- al Disqualifications affecting the generative system in both ;xes. It contains an elaborate and carefully written ccount of the Anatcmy and Physiology of the Organs in Ian which are directly and indirectly concerned in the inction of generation (illustrated by coloured engravings), nd the Causes and Consequents resulting from the baneful ractice by which the Vigour and Manliness of Life are riervated and destroyed, even before nature has fully estab- slted the powers and stimina of the constitution. Locai id General Debility, Nervotis Irrit-thintyand Excitement, onsumption, Indigestion of the most Fearful and Exhaust- ig kind, Intense Melancholy and Depression of the Spirits, rid Partial or Complete Extinction of the Reproductive owere, &e..are thus produced. In the Silent Friend, the lapter devoted to the consideration of these dreadlul com- hilits contains also an account of the Means by which they ay be Prevented and Removed, so as. to restore the sufferer the full enjoyment of Health and the Functions of Man- aod. By R. and L. Perry & Co.. Consulting Surgeons. ood. By R. and L. Perry & Co., Consulting Surgeons. Published by the Authors, and sold by Strange, 21, Paternoster Row; Hanney and Co., (i3, Oxford-street; Sanger, 150, Oxford-street; Gordon, 146, Leadenhall-street, Londoh; Newton, 16 and 19, Church-street, Liverpool; ngham, Market-street, Manchester; D. Campbell, 136, Argyle-street, Glasgow R. Lindsay. him Row, Edinburgh; Powell, 15, Westmorland-street, Dublin; Beacon office, Monmouth; and by all Booksellers and Patent Medicine Vendors in Town and Country. Part the First of this work is dedicated to the considera- tion of the Anatomy and Physiology of the generative func- tions. It embraces a succinct account of all the organs in man which are engaged in the most important function of the reproduction of the species, and the mode in which self- abuse operates to the injury of the lium,ii trame, and the destruction of the special and vital powers. This is illus- trated by twenty-eight coloured engravings. Part the Second treats of the infirmities and decay of th system produced by over indutgenee of the passions. The existence of nervous and sexual debility and incapacity, with their accompanying trains of disorders are treated by the chain of connecting results to this cause. This section is illustrated by ten coloured engravings, which fully display the effects of physical decay. Part the Third contains an accurate description of th diseases caused by infection, and by the abuse of mercury primary and secondary symptoms, eruption of the skin, sore throat, inflammation of the eyes, disease of the bones, gonor- rhoea, gleet. stricture, &e.. are shown to depend on this cause. Advice for the treaUnent of all these diseases and their consequences is tendered in this section, which if duly followed up, cannot fail in effecting a cure. This part is llustrated by sixty two coloured Engravings. PART TIIF, FOURTH CONTAINS A REMEDY For the Prevention of Disease by a simple application, by ( which the danger of infection is obviated. Its action is sim le but sure. It acts with the virus chemically, and destroys j « s power on the system. This important part of the work hould not escapc the reader's notice.' 1 Part the Fifth treats of Marriage, its obligations and dis' ( qualifications. The causes which lead to happiness in the 1 marriage state are dwelt tipon, and those which are indica- j tive of misery am) inquietude. The nature, origin, and treatment of physical disqualifications are also described, « and remedies for this state form an important consideration ill this section of the work. The Authors are reguhrly educated members of the Medi- cal Profession, having had long, dilligent, and practical ob- I servattons in the various Hospitals nnd Institutions for the relief of those afflicted with Syphilis, Secondary Symptoms, Stricture, Venereal and Scorbutic Eruptions of the Face and Body, have, perhaps, had an unusual opportunity of wit- nessing their dreadlul and destructive consequences in all their various stages. Hence, knowing the practical neces- sity of sound judgment in sueh serious cases, and having seen the injury that has arisen from the carelessness and neglect of its study, Messrs. R. and L. Perry have devoted their attention exclusively to the peculiar class of maladies, and the relief they have consequently been enabled to ren- der to their fellow-creatures is fully testified and acknow- ledged by convalescent patients, and others daily arriving in town, from all parts of the country, for the express purpose only of personal consultation. PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. P'ice2s. 9d., 4s. 5d.,and lis. per box. These Pills, each Box of which is accompanied with ex- plicit directions, are well known throughout Europe to be the most certain and effectual remedy ever discovered for gonorrhoea, both in its mild ond IJggravated form". They immediate)) allay the inflammation by their f-pecilic influ- ence 011 the urethra, and arrest the future progress 01 the disease. ► .¡¡.*«- In all cases ot consultation by letteT, the usual fee of e peund must be forwarded, either by Post Office order otherwise. Messrs. R. and Perry and Co., may be consulte as ual at 9 Berners street, Oxford-street, London (where may bit had the Silent Friend), from eleven till twe, and five lilt eight in the Evening, and on Sundays, from eleven tdlone Should any difficulty arise in proccrinf: these Medwinrs by sending ib« amount to .19, Berners-istreet, jL)x,ilord-street London, they, will be forwarded direct to arty tyitfres* ~r. °' I' -r-, IMPORTANT NOTICEr SELLING OFF!! WILLIAM LLOYD, IRONMONGER, 71 £ 2 & £ & S V! « S 2? 3 3 2? > M 4z0 BEGS to inform the Nobility, Gentry, his numerous Customers, and the Public generally. thnt he is now SELLING Ij? OFF the whole of his Extensive Stock ot IRONMONGERY GOODS at greatly Reduced Prices, to avoid the great inconvenience of removal, as W. L. has taken the Sliop and Premises lately occupied by Messrs. THOMAS and JONES, Drapers, High-street, which he intends opening in September next, with a New Stock of Goods. The House in Market-Street to Let, with Possession at Michaelmas next. Market-Street, Haverfordwest, May. 1854. A GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF TEAS AT JAMES THOMAS'S WHOLESALE A RETAIL WAREHOUSE TV? A "RKKT-STllEET, HAVERFORDWEST. J THOMAS begs most respecilulijT to inform bus friends ai»d the Public generally, that he has just cleared from the t Queen's Bonded Warehouse a large quantity of the choisest Teas, so that he feels confident in stating that both for Strength, Flavour, and Chenpness, they will not fail to giw satisfaction tn all who may favour him with their patronage, stirpasing in quality and cheapness anything yet olfered to the public. Hi< COFFEES he can also recommend, being elected with the greatest care, with every other Articles in the G ocery Trade <>f the best quality, and at the lowest price. J. T. has uow on Sale a Quantity of very Superior POTATOES for CooPng purposes. LAWES' PATENT SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME FOR TURNIPS, MANGOLD, CARROTS, ETC. rriH!S Manure was the result of experiments instituted at Rotbamsied, by Mr. LAWBS. in the year 1836, with the JL view of ascertaining the cause of the unsatisfHCtory action of Bones, on that soil. In the Course of the Experiments it was discovered that Bones when acted upon by Sulphuric Acid, had it remarkable effect, in promoting the growth of Turnips, upon Land where bones alone were almost useless. i The importance of this discovery may be estimated according to the value set upon the certainty of a Crop oPTurnips, on almost any description of Soil, and of the means thus afforded for increasing the production of Meat and Corn. It was found that the chief value of the Bones alld Acid consisted in the Super-Phosphate of Litne produced in the compound, and this substance is now the ostensible basis of almost all the so called Super-Phosphates and manufactured Turnip Manures in the market, which differ in value, mainly, according to the percentage of real Super-Phosphate they happen to contain. Mr. LAWES first commenced the manufacture of this Manure for sale, in the year 1842, upon the principle of supplying the largest quantity of rpal Super-Phosphate of Limp, at the least cost. This principle has been rigidly adhered to, and has led to a yearly increasing demand for the Manure, the value of which is now luily recognised. It is respectfully requested that early orders may be addressed to M R. THOMAS HUGHES, HAVERFOKDWEST. FINE PERUVIAN GUANO DIRECT FROM THE IMPORTERS, MESSRS. GIBBS, BRIGHT,$CO. CAUTION.—LAWES' PATENT MANURE can be obtained only from Mr. LAWES, or the Agents appointed by him. CHELTENHAM GREAT EXHIBITION OF 1854. UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF THE LORD LIEUTENANT AND NOBILITY OF THE COUNTY. rpHE COMMITTEE have great pleasure in announcing that the EXHIBITION will positively OPEN on JL THURSDAY, the 1st of JUNE, and, from t'ne fact of all the available space being filled by articles sent by the principal manufacturers of the kingdom, as also the choice and novel collections tiesigi-,ed trom Horticulture, in addition to a valuable and beautiful Gallery of Paintings, the Committee have determined that the Opening shall take place with unusual splendour. The Committee have decided on having a GRAND PUBLIC BREAKFAST, and, among other arrangements, have engaged a FULL CHOIR, conducted by MR. S. H. COX, assisted by the superior FULL BAND OF THE COLDSTREAM GUARDS. They have also engaged a aptendid MILITARY BAND to perform every day. The numerous and beautiiul Fountains are placed under the management of Mr FUEEMAN ROE, Hydraulic Engineer, conductor of the Fountains at the Sydenham Crystal Palace. The Steam Power will be under the directions of Messrs BACH and Co., Engineers, of Birmingham; and the Mag- nificent Tentage will be under the IIhlp superintendence of Mr R. LAMBBKT, of Liverpool. The BRITISH and FOREIGN HORTICULTURAL SECTION of the EXH IBITION will take place on TUESDAY, the 20th, and WEDNESDAY, the 21st of June. On TUESDAY, the 20th, the Plants will be arranged as at the Horticultural Exhibition in the United Kingdom. The WEDNESDAY'S EXHIBITION will be entirely changed—the Plants being grouped as at the Magnificent Horticultural Fetes of the Continent, which has never before been attempted in Grellt Britain. On both of the days Two Full Military Bands will be in Attendance. I SPECIAL TRAINS will run from all parts of the Kingdom, of which full particulars will be given. Season Tickets, One Guinea eicli; Double Ticket, to be used by a Gentleman and his Wife only, One Guinea and a Half Children under 14 years of age, Half-a-Guinea. Tickets of Admission-Is, each person eveiy Monday during the Exhibition and 2s. 6d. every other day except on the 3rand Opening, and Flower Show Days, which will be 5s. each. Children, Is. 6d., except the Opening and Flower Show Days, which will be 2s. 6d. each. N.B.— M any articles not strictly in keeping with thp Exihition having been placed at the disposal of the Committee, it is arranged for the ROYAL WELLS MUSIC HALL TU BE 1HKOVVJN OFIilN AS A HiUSbU.M; and,as it is pro bible such a Miscellaneous Collection will add to the interest of the Exhibition, they will be happy to receive an acces- sion of such articles and accommodate them to the fullest extent of their space. THOS. VOILE. Hon. Secretary. Omce-128, High Street. HENRY J. COCHRANE, Secretary. THE LITERARY JOURNALS. THE STAMPED CIRCULATION OF THE LITERARY JOURNALS FOR 1853, was as follows:— Critic, London Literary Journal 5,627 ATHENAEUM 2,826 SrECTATOR 2,817 LEADER 2,321 LITERARY GAZETTE 478 THE CRITIC, LONDON LITERAR-V JOURNAL, is now the most complete of the Literary Journals, besides being first in point of circulation. Every new publication of importance, both Home and Foreicn. is careftihy and promptly reviewed in its pages; and a department has recently been opened for elaborate notices of all the NEW WAR BOOKS. Summaries of Literature and Literary Progress are regularly provided, as also the Sayings and DQings of the Literary World, records of Science, Art. Architecture, Drama. Music, and Popular Medicine. Correspondents in America, Italy, and various parts of the Continent, furnish full and important accounts of the progress of Literature a d Art abroad thus rendering THE CRITIC the most periect and eutertaining Journal of Authors and Books. < Price 6d., or 7d. stamped for post. Published on the 1st and loth of each month. Subscription 3s. 6d. per quarter, or a discount of Is. on the quarter allowed, if paid in advance at the office. A specimen copy sent for seven stamps. London: JOHN CROCKFORD, 29, Essex-street, Strand. HARVEY'S FISH SAUCE. ELAZENBY and SON deem it necessary to reiterate their Caution agiinsl spurious imitations of this ap- proved Sauce. Every Bottle of the GENUINE description bears the name of "WiLLI AM LAZENBY," on the back and the signature of "ELIZABETH LAZENBY," on the front !sbe). ESSENCE OF ANCHOVIES is still prepared with peculiar care, and held in the highest estimation as Sauce for every description of Fish. Manufactured solely at their Old Established Warehouse, No. 6, Edward-street, Portman-square, London. PBO BONO PUBLICO. WOOLLEY'S VEGETABLE ANTIB1LIOUS and FAMILY APERIENT PILLS. These Pills having stood the test of nearly half a century, the present proprietor has been induced to bring them more prominently before the public, feeling assured that they only require to be tried to prove their very great superiority as a family medicine over the majority in use at the present day. They are more particularly recommended for the following com- plaints, viz., Indigestion, Loea of Appetite, Flatulency, Acidity, Heartburn, Headache, Giddiness, Dimness of Sight, Costiveness, all Bilious Complaints from whatever cause, Cutaneous Eruptions, and Impurity of the Blood ge- nerally. For correcting the system after indulging too freely in the luxuries of the tab'e they will be found emi- nently successful, and where the system is suffering from I excess of any kind they are very efficacious. As a General FAMILY and ANTIEILIOUS MEDICINE, Woolley's PiMs are acknowledged to be one of the most valuable preparations ever introduced. Their effect is sure, but so gentle that persons of the most delicate constitution mav have resource to them at any time. They contain no mercury, antimony, or any deleterious mineral or drastic purglftive, but are composed entirely of herbs of a medicinal nature, which act directly on the stomach and liver, freeing them from the various disorders to which they are subject. These Pills are not recommended as an universal remedy but simply for such disorders as are engendered in the sys- tem through biliousness or a disordered state of the stomach and bowels as it is a fact well known to all medical men, that a disordered stomach is the cause of the majority of diseases to which the human frame is subject, generally occasioned by a sluggish action of the liver and bowels which directly or indirectly influences the whole system, and it no} nipped in the bud, lays the foundation 01 some of the most dangerous diseases. It is needless to dwell on the manifold advantages which the heads of families secure by possessing a medicine of such known etticacy one that may be resorted to with conti dence in temporary illnesses such as are constantly occurring in all families, and which if not checked at once too often prove very serious in their results. Every one should have a box of these valuable Pills always at hand. To EMIGRANTS to all parts of the world, but more part- cularly if leaving a more cold for a hot one (which will al- mo&t invnriably he to'und to effect the bilious system) these pills are invaluable. Al' about to undercake a sea voyage wili find them the best preventive to sea sickness; and if taken according to the directions, they it the same timf prepare the system to resist any injurious effects inci- dent on change ot climate. The following are selected from amongst the many thou- sand cures yearly effected by Woolleys Antibilious Pills:— To Mr J. J. Sanders—Sir—I think it but just I should inform you of the great benefit I have derived from the use nfyour "Woolleys Antibilious Pills." 1 liave repeatedly been a great sufferer from sick headache and indigestion, and have tried various remedies but obtained no lasting re- lief ulltil I commenced using your pills, which I find to be so gentle yet sure in their operation, that they never fail to remove any of the above diseases. I ha e found them such an excellent aperient, that in all the common ailments which are so often occurring in a family, I have invariably adopted them, and also recommended them to my friends. Yours truly Maidstone, Nov. IGth, 1852. (Signed) ED. AI.LCQRN To Mr J. J. Sanders. —Dear Sir.-I have taken your Woolley's Antibilious Pills" for some time and found them to b-. very beneficial to my health and useful in my family. Your,s respectfully, MRS WYLLS. Borden, near Sittingbourne, March, 4, 1854. CAUTION.—The present proprietor of these pills as a security to the public against fraud (knowing that some un- principled vendors have been in the habit of se'iirg their own preparations when asked for Woolley's medicines) has caused a lac-simile of his name to be attached to the wrap- per round each box. without which none is genuir.o and to imitate which is felony. Prepared only by the Proprietor, Jonathan John Sanders, at his Laboratory, Maidstone, Kent; android in boxes at Is. 1 Jd., 2s 9d, And 4s. 6d. each, by all Chemists and medicine vendors throughout the United Kingdom, and in the principal cities throughout the world The 2s, 9d. boxes contain the quantity of three small boxes, and those at 4s. 6d. that of six small boxes. Full directions tor ute accompany each box. SPECIAL AGENTS.—London, Barclay and Sons, 95, Far- I ring-don Street William Edwards, 67, Paul's Churchard William Sutton and Co, 10 Bow Churchyard Haverfordwest O. E. Davies 11 W m. William. Pembroke J. Hird Cardigan William Williams Ttuby William Walkington CttfmMthen.Juhn White Narbertb .Giii ffthe and Nicholas. HEALTH RESTORED! I HOLLOW AT'S PILLS. SURPRISING CURE OF A CONFIRMED ASTHMA, AFTER Fl vE YEARS SUFFERING. The following testimonial has been sent to Professor HoIIo- way, by a Gentleman named Middleton, of Scotland-road, Liverpool. Sir,—Your Pills have been the mentis, under providence, of restoring mc to sound henlth after five years of severe affliction. Curing the whole of that period, 1 suffered the most dreadful attacks of Asthma, frequently of several weeks' duration, attended with a violent cough, and con- tinual spitting of phlegm intermixed with blood. This so shook my constitution that I was unfitted for any of the active duties of life. I was attended, by some of the most eminent medical men of this town, but Lhe-y :f«.iled to Rive me the slightest relief. As a last remedy I tried your Pills and in about three months they effected a perfect cure of the disease, totally eradicating the cough, and restored tone and vigour to the chest and digrstive organs. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, (Signed) H.M!DDLEION. Dated Jan. 1st., 1353. C A PERMANENT CURE OF A DISEASED LIVER, OF MANY £ YEARS' DURATION. ( Copy of a letter from Mr. Gamis, Chemist, Yeovil, to Pro- I fessor Holloway. ( Dear Sir,—In this district your Pills command a more extensive sale than any other proprietary medicine before I the public. As a proof of their efficacy in Liver and Bilious Complaints I may mention the following case. A lady of this town with whom I am personally acquainted, for years. was a severe sufferer from a disease of the Liver anit di- gestive organs; her medical attendnnt assured her that lie could do nothing to relieve her sufferings, and it wos not not likely she could survive many months. Thisannounce- naturally caused great alarm among her friends and relations and they induced her to make a trial of your Pills, which so improved her general health that she was induced to con- tinue them until she received a perfect cure. This is twelve months ago, and she his not experienced any symptoms of relapse, and often declares that your Pills have been the means of saving her life. I remain, Dear Sir, yours truly, Not. 23rd, 1852. (Signed) J. GAMIS. AN ASTONISHING CURE OF CIJRQNJC RHEUMATISM, AFTER BEING DISCHARGED FROM THE HOSPITAL INCURABLE. Copy of a letter from W. Moon, of the Square, Winchester To Professor Hollowav, Sir,- I beg to intorm yon that for years I was a sufferer from Chronic Rheumatism, and was often laid up for weeks together by its severe and painful attacks. I tried every- thing that was recommended, and was attended by one of the most eminent Surgeons in this town; but obtained no relief whattver, and fearing that my health would be en- tirely broken up, I was induced to po into our County Hos- pital, where I had the best medical treatment the Institu- tion afforded, nil of which proved of no avail, and I came out no beltrr than I went in. I was then advised to try your Pills, and by deisevering with them was perfectly cured, and enabled to re6ume my occupation, and although a considerable j eri ;d has elapsed, I have felt no return of the complaint. I am, Sir, your obliged Servant, Oct. 6th, 1852. (Signed) W. MOON. AN EXTRAOKDINAllY CURE OF DROPSY, AFTER SUFFERING FOR EIGHTEEN MONTHS. Copy of a Letter from .1-1r. G. Briqgs, Bhemist, Goole, dcie February 15 th, 1853. To PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY, Sir,- I have much pleasure in informing you of a most surprising cure of Dropsy, r,cently eflected by your value able medicines. Captain Jackson of this place, was aflicted with Dropsy for upwards of eighteen months, to such an ex- tent that it caused his b dy and limbs to be much swollen, and water oozed as it were from his skin, so thut a daily change ot apparel became necessary, notwithstanding the various remedies tried, and the different medical men con- sulted, all was of no avail, until he commenced using your Pills, by which, and a strict attention to the printed direc- tions, he was effectually cured, and his health perfectly re- establised. If you deem this worthy of publicity you are at liberty to use it. I alii Sir, yours respectfully, (Signed) G BRIGGS. These celebrated Pills are wonderfully efficacious in the following complaints:- Ague ties Scrofula, or King's Asthma Fevers of all kinds Evil Bilious Complaints Fits Sore Throats Btouchescnthe Gout Stone ind Gravel Skin Head-ache SecondarySymptoms Bowel Complaints Indigestion Tic Douloureux Colics tnatmation Tumours Consumption Jaundice Ult-ers Debility Liver Complaints Venereal Affections Dropsy Lumbago Worms of all kinds Dysentery Piles Weakness from Erysipelas Rheumatism whatever cause Female I rregulari-Retention of Urine &c., &c. Sold at the Establibhment of Professor Holloway. 244. Strand, (near Temple lhr,) London, and by all respectkble Druggists ttnd Dealers in Medicines throughout the Civi- lized World, at the following prices:—Is. lid., 2s, Id., 4s 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each Box. i There is a considerable saving by taking the largest sizes. N.B. 'Directions (or the guidance of patients in every din- order are- teffixedtu each box. Throw physic to the .logs,-I'll none of it."—Shahspere} > UNDER THI-: AND PATRONAGE OIl TIlE PRINCIPAL I) OPER S ROYAL liATH PLASTERS supersedes the 1 use of Inward Medicine for Cou-lis, Asthrpa, Hoarse- ness. ^digestion. Palpitation o! the Heart, Croup, Hoop-" ng Cough, Influenza, Chronic Strains, Bruis.-s, Lumbago,, or Pains in the Back, Sj-inal and Rheumatic Affections, Diseases of the Chest and Local Pains. MORE WONDERFUL CURES SELECTED FROM MANY TOO NUMEROUS TO PUBLISH; Cure of Weakness, Nervous Debility, and Palpitation of the Heart. Dear Sir iv • Manches,p«S March 2G, 1353. rienced bv V* "B y0U of the 8ood isn itr",01 'T r T M -few .ta? and pain at the chest, together with much nfrvousness and o? E°" P,,He hea,t* She "aS re™—,ended to try one of Roper s Plasters, and eventually did so the resnlt of which it is most pleasing to state had the desired effect per- fectly removing all the symptoms, and giving her perfect' ease ever since. Yours very faithfully ner periect To Messrs. Roper and Son. T. FosTBR KaR. Cure of Inflammation of the Ltmss Mr. H. Maiden, of Bury, has great nleasurf. to Messrs. Roper and Son, a recommendation nt R • Pl.MMf, by Mr. Win. Duuon, eZ ZZTbI severe inflammation ot the lungs. He via* r', months, and it is quite certain his. recover?^ .?' ?^ timely assistance of your valuable Roper's Plaster which h« purchased at my shop. You are at liber,?to mikeuse of' 7°" "°k ,or ,b« odb." public generaliv. Bury, March 13, 1853. Cure of Asthma of Eight Years' standing. .i ^Idtngham, February 9 1853 Gentlemen,—About eight years iieo I j inflammation of the chest, and ev^r since that tim^l T heen more or less subject to Asthma, especiailv in »v ter season. I have derived much benefit hv „I J^ u'm" Roper's Plasters, for which I return you L mnfif" thanks. I am, yours, &c JOHN GrIV T. I To Messrs. Roper ^d Son. *A*' Teacher' Remedy for Pain in the Bach. No. 38, Old Sheine, Brighton, Mav 19 icro Gentlemen,—You recommend your Roper'^ PU«b V rneumatic among other maladies, and I must confess tr have found it valuable in that complaint, beiue 5 pa in (ully by it in the lumbar region. v r To Messrs. Roper aud Son. J. NORTH^WHITE Unprincipled Shopkeepers, for the saUo vended spurious Imitations. Purchasers ^a" 'lave cautioned to NOTICE !—The words Tin„ ,herefore Piaster/' ^graved on the Govern ™* SS £ arW IiOPER." US°8r°l'h b"ck' •ROBERT ROIIER." Jsar1 °°ly Rope'- »" So, Chemists Full-sized Plasters, Is. lid.; and for ri,;i4 each or direct by post, ori receipt of Is -id ^ren» postage stamps. For the use ol Hos^in'* i' « Is-.eacn m pensaries. Poor-Law Unions, t^ MedP''r6'DiS* Family Use. and Chanty purposes &c n ■ 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., 33s. e'eh ca'e ,a Tln Cases, at BEWARE OF IM1TATIONS' —c ROPER'S PLASTER. sure 10 ask for mUTOh flpfilfe geneual STEAM ^A¥6SATiSiJ SQMPANY OFFICE, QUA Y, BRISTOL. 'piIE following or other suitable STEAM VFSSFT «! JL unless prevented by anv unforeseen intended to Sail from CUMBERLAND r are (except the DART, for Newport ami < ,N» BRISTOL, which will start from BATHUKST B\si\\ 'i ?r ^rditf, Cork, JUVERNA and SABRINa;" wVtirfnrH R°SK PHCENIX; Tenby, JUNO; Milford, Pater n 'u AMlLLA west, PHCRNIX Carmarthen, JUNO • aver,ord- STAR, and USK; and as undermentioned wWi bw,F,T» out Pilots, and with liberty to tow Vr<is«i j or tsseis, during M AY FROM B R 1 S T O L. sf •s U § •— • i. >. u. a 11 S||=ii 1.111 i:5 a 1 Monday 1 Tuesday 2 i. 8 m Wednes. 3 f) m !fl* ir, ol" 8 in Thursday 4 1 Friday 5 |l()m IOnii.1" f 9m Saturday 6 I2js 2 7 .)—11 Hi 12n Monday 8 j. -3 •' Tuesday 9 'Tal Wednes. 10 5Dl 3 £ a Thursday 11 r £ Friday 32 5 a 6 J'e'a 5m Satuiday 13 5 a j. # m 14 •——1- lH '• J: ti m' Monday 15 !#>-t -2?-j= —— Tuesday 16 'i,' L1 7Jm Wednes. 17 9 m ..a'i'n aH- £ Ihursday 18 ,nj = £ 111 Friday 19 11, !«§-•••• Saturday 20 12J* ji II ni Monday 22 Tuesday 23 Wednes. 24 ^aL. 5m •••• Thursday 25 4 a Friday 26 5a (TmtVa i 4*a Saturday 27 5a. 5* — ->8 111'1111—^ Monday 29 Tuesday 30 Tini Wednes. 31 8 m J 8 m jg'^ FARES to Tenbv, Milford, Pater Z Carmarthen—Cabin, !2s.; Children under l* vL^r' a"d servants in the Cabin 8s. (including stew„7d<« «S' %SV ^abin ts. 6d. Children under 12 vears n s)» *ore 'air-horse Phceton, Ills. Gd Small one-hor 4~8': 5ig, 20s.; Horse. 20s.; Dog, 3» °r!>e dlUo. 25s. ?(,niWW «";> "-to* T 0 B H I S T 0 L. i 1 £ < -s £ -g: ■« s O c £ b ;= c. c Z U 2 J* SO CSJ 03 GJ ci « r u u 3 O « r u u 3 O 50 Monday 1 J a Tuesdav 2 W .• AI" •••• ••••' Wednes. 3 >>S 7m 9m- rrii ° « "T2 7 £ m Thursday t ?? 2i 8n S rridav 5 A' Satuiday 6 i- '1'S SmlOm" 7 £ ? J u Monday 8 t_— .u.. ) £ 1 « Tuesday 9 z | g. Qm 'i" 'i" Wednes. 10 .{5 'oj' 9ni 1 a 3 a Thursday 11 -o~ 9Jm sial. Friday 12 4*,{ Saturday 13 fe Z 11 m 2 4Ja iiii 14 — tn— 1 Monday 15 Tuesday 16 £ | i 'fm sjn, Tm '9^' Wednes. 17 £ « 35 Thursday 18 £ 2ia sjm « g. 's'm ■••••*■ Friday 19 S VAm'' Saturday 20 £ c Sni.l? II m. -— 21 £ *> • Monday 22 ■ £ ° Tuesday 23 | }= 2 a 9m'i'a Tj* Wednes. 24 Thursday 25 | 10m 4inj^ 4m Friday 20 4jm 3 a 4 a Saturday 27 llm.i..>i 5m.. Monday 29 Q 6'm Tuesday 30 9m 6m S:n Wednes. 31 7m il. Pater to Waterford. Phcenix, every W ednesdav evening at eight o'clock. Fares Cabin _5s.; Servants and Children (under 12) 14s.; inclu- ding Steward's Fees Deck 7s Gd. To and Fro, Cabin 40s. At rangeinent have also been made with the several Railway Companies for Through tickets, as under; — Paddineton to Waterford, Cabin and hirst Class, Single, 31 s 4d, To and" Fro 47s 3d Cabin & Second Class, Single, 2Ss 6d, To and* Fro 43s Deck and Third Class, Single, 14s lOd. • ILFltACOMBE. From Rristol. To Bristol. Monday 22 2i after Monday 22 10 night Monday 29 U morn Monday 29 3J after Particulars may be obtained by applying at the Rristol Steam Navigation Company's Office, Quay, Bristol; where all Goods, Packages, Parcels, &c., should be addressed:— Bills and other information supplied by Mr J. Jones, Rotvn- liam Wharf, Hotwelis; in London—Spread Eagle, Regent Circus, Picadilly and Gracetburch-street H. Under- wood, 56, llaymarket. A OUSTS. —Mr, T. J. Thomas, Tenby; Mr. A. Williams, Haverlordwest; Mr. Palmer, Milford; Mr. James, Pater, Mr W. R. Harvej Cardiff; Mr. Martin, Jlt'racombe; Mr. Robert Stacey, Carmarthen; and Mr. lt. Jones, Newport. NOTICE.—The Proprietors of the above Steam Packets will not be accountable for any Cabin Passenger's Luggage (if lost or damaged) above the va'ue of Two Pounds nor of any Deck Passenger's Lnpgajgs (if lest or damaged) above thr value of Twenty bhilln g unless in each case entered as such, and frr ight in"proportion p»'d tor the same at the time of delivery; nor wilt they be answerable for*ny otherpar- cel above "the valu ot Fvrty shillinps (if lost or dann^eif)1 unless entered as such. 3r.d freight in proportion p*«id (or JR. he same at the time of delivery.—Not accountable ter anjnjfl^ (i.iods without Shipping Note. i A'l lettti> seeKirnf itriormatioo. to be post pa>&< v