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THOMAS POWIS REYNOLDS ARCHITECT, BILL STEE 1 I HAVERFO KDW EST Detent with Specificat ous prepared for Ecclesiasti- cal School, Public and Private Buildings. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATIONS. DR. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND SAPPY MARRIAGES.—When to marry, witl. advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing cut certain impediments which render n.arried lile twfliappy, and directions for their speedy removal. 44hould be read by all who value health, strength, and lnanhood, and wish to attain a happy old age. Post 'free on receipt of two stamps.—Address, Secretary, Institute r/f Anatomy, Birmingham. LOSS OF LIFE OR LIMB, WITH THB COWSrtjU KNT LOSS OF TIME AND MONEY. Caused by ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS, Provided for by a Policy of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY. An Annual Payment of .£3 to £ 6 ô. in-urca £ 1,000 at Death, or an allowance at the rate of CC, pet week tor injury. 4:nS"QQQ have been Bflid as Compensation, One every 12 Annual Policy Holders %MConM!Mg a claimant EACH YEAR. for particQtMrs apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, to the Local Agents, or at the Offices, <M.cmu<tnLL.& 10, REGENT STREET, LON DON WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. Agent for Haverfordwest: Mr II. BARHAM, Railway Station. TO THE NERVOUS t DEBILITATED. CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN WITHOUT FEE. DR. HENRY SMITH has devoted 25 years exclu- sively to the treatment of Diseases ot the Servous •ystem, retaking from exhaustion of Nerve Power— Viz., Nervous Debility, Physical Depression, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indication, Lora of Energy and Appetite, pains in tbe Back, Timidity, Distrust, Loral Weakness, 4c. Dk SMITH will to* thk besefit Of PATIRNTS WHO CANNOT VI-IT HIM PKR*-ONAl#LY, so receiving a statement of their case, send by Man tittw of advice w tll instructions, WhiCh, if Ibflowedv wiUensnrc a core IMPORTANT.—A form of ooriespondence contain- inf questions, &o., to assist tbe Patient in describing his oase will be sent poet free, on receiving a directed wnvelaffet 5MS&TIMONIAL8 TO DR. HENRY SMITH. br Smith has received up to date December, 21st, 1872, Fourteen Hundred and Twenty-Four written Testimonials from Patients who reside in the country in proof of bit successful treatment conducted by 001- respondent only. Address, Dr H. Smith, 8, Barton Crescent London.W.C Just published, poet free for two stamps, PRESCRIPTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR TH$CURE OF NERYOUS DEBILITY, By t)r. HENRY SMITH, of the Roval University of Jen a, Author of <4 The People's Guide to Health," &o. PRESCRIPTIONS and INSTRUCTIONS ia a Iftw Mtdical Work on the Electric Treatment of all Diseases of the Nervous System, Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitations e' the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, In. decision, Impaired Sight and Memory lnd.gesUon, Los# of Energy and Appetite, Pains in the, Back, Timidity, 8elf Distrust, Diaamees, Love of Bohtnde, Groundless Fears, Weakness, Muscular Relaxation, Ac., resulting from Exhaustion of Iterve Power. Qives INSTRUCTIONS for the Development and Strengthening the Human Body. bow to acquire Health and Strength, Secure Long Life, and Avoid Abu Infirmities of Old Age. Also, the names of ttcdicines by which Thousands of Sufferers have been "-tored to health and vigour after all other remedies bad failed. Illustrated withTeatimoniais from grateful Patients. Sent free by post to any address on receipt °1 two penny stamps. „ t Address, Dr. H, SMITH, 8, Barton Crcsctnt, Lon- don* W.C. TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS. BEAU THE "SECRET FRIEND." THIS Wonderful Medical Guide not only cause, but shows how a permanent cure can M Mooted in all cases of Nervous Debility, Depression 8plrt»8, Timidity, Impaired Sight and Memory, IB tbe back, Ltesitade, Spermatorrhoea, Im- pediments to Marriage, Stricture,Secondary Symptoms, and All Venereal Diseases, without the an of Mcrcury. Dr Barnes's long experience in the treatment ot all Sexual Diseases has enabled him to treat the most Inveterate cases with marked success. This Valuable work "THE SECRET FRIEND," is illustrated with Humorous cases and testimonials from Patients ex- pressing their deepest gratitude for having been re- Werad to trcalth and manly vigour. To the married and single this book is invaluable. Sent post free secure from observation on receipt of two stamp*. SW Address, Dr. Barnes, 1, Lonsdale Square Sarnsbury, London, N. Important to Country Patients. DR BARNES may be consulted personally or by letter^ in all piivate and confidential cases and for the tonvBt of Nervous sufferers who cannot visit bim, tie will, on receiving a desciiption of their case, tnclosttog a stamped envelope for reply, be ready to It We his opinion upon the nature of the case, and the principles o( treatment necessary to eflteci a perfect tare. „ «T Address, DR. BARNES) I. Lonsdale Square, j Barnsbury, London, N. TilE PURE HERBAL MEDICINE. Da TfrOttstift's INVIGORATING PILLS a Well known eer. tain remedy for lumbago, gtavet pains in the Jgaek and loins, headache. depression of spirits, rheumatism, goat, discharges of all kibds, piles, and all affeotions of Me kidneys and bladder. All diseases arise from impure blood and weakness. These Pills cleanse and purify tble fluids, remove general or local debility, give tone to the stomal, restore the spirits, enrich the blood, impart energy and vivacity, erftdteatb every trace of disease, and invigorate the Whole system. In every eomplaint, however virulent or long standing, they afford Instant relief and speedy cure. The daily receipt of testimonials fVoitr men and women in every position of lite, Who have been cured of skin eruptions, •on eyes, utters, and scarf on tbe head, sore throat, pains in the limbs, neuralgia, epilepsy, stone in the bladder* disease of tbe kidneys, &e., by their use, and Meoonta of surprising recoveries for severe illness When all other medicines and doctors bad taited t has taduord Br. THOMSON to publish their Vtrtuee^ in the earneetbopw that blessings so great may be more widely diffused and appreciated. Price Is. l|d, 2s.9d., & 4».6d. per bos. (To,Protect the Public frotn Imi- tations, Her Majesty's Commissioners have ordered the worda RALPH THOMSON) LONDON, to be en- graved In white letters on the Government Stamp affixed to each package, to imita'e which is felon>- transpi rtation). Sold by all Chemist* or will be sent direct, pick* aw,™ J on leeeipt of 14. 33 ral elfi n « £ oj1 58. Clar^" -> "r 6* stau ps by Dr THOMSON, .os Road, Kentish Town, London. "Four -.es ot your Pills oured my pains in the back, which bad annoyed me for many years. H.M." I tried them for pains iu tbe baek they cared me in a few hours. q. R." I had been troubied for years with an IrupUon on tbe fACe. Your Pills have quite cured me. kn. J. 8," "I have never bad an atta<k of gout or rheumatism since I used your Pills. W. Davis." "Tbey quite cured my sick headache and billions attacks. Mrs Ellis." The pains in the back are quite cured lean stoop with ease now. J. Weiss. Every sufferer, whatever the symptoms may be, is advised to try these Pills, with the honest assurance that they must find relief. 1 Mt. 1 liOAiSON'S TO NIC ELIXI U Restores health b Strength, and power, to the most shattered con- stitution, and cures with the utmost certainty relaxation, spermatorrhoea, exhaustion, depression M spirits, giddiness, nervousness, epilepsy, para lysis, and all the distresfing consequences arisiug from debility. For all direases of the urinary organs it will be found a speedy specific, requiring (to alteration in diet, purifying the blood, removing secondary symptoms, scurvy, scrofula, blotches, skin eruptions, irritations of the biuddcr, &c, which too fre- quently harass Ibc suiferer over iIk» best years of life Tonic Eli? has restoied bodily strength and vigour to thousanoi. of debilitated individuals who now enjoy perfect health; and whatever the causes of dUqualitic.a mey are enoctuaiiy subdued by this pttlftht reitofed}. iahj- febot sufTercts, <V1.3 from k*r Of diecovefii httd boriie their afflictions 16r a It;fig time, father than apply to lb* fcmily doetof. tared tbettiaelver privately, at little or no expence, With this wondertu) Medicine. Price 2s 9d, 48 6d, and Ib, per bottle. (To protect the public from spurious commissioners have ordered the words R Abr HI Ut> SON,LONDON to beeugraved in white letter on tht Government stamp aMxed do eaoh package, to imitate which is felony and transportation), Sold by al ChemisU in the world, or will be sent direct, on receipt of a post oflh-e order for lis. payable to Dr. KALrii THOMSON, 28 Clarence Road, Kenllsh A'OVVn,Lon(itii. Rxtracts from Testimonials The nervous dcbllp) It! so much better, that 1 do not need stimulants. My appetite and digestion arc improved indeed I Ice! better in every way. D. H. I have been surpr:e< at the singularly vivifying effects of your medicine,ti jitl •Monet sulfisiontly express my gratilude. V, J. PATENT ^CALVANIC<^ CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, AND POCKET BATTERIES. AVF. RENDHHED ELECTRICITY PER- FECTLY SELF-APPLICABLE in a mild continuous form, and extremely efficacious without shock or unpleasant sensation. They speedily soothe agonising pains, rc-nnimafc torpid limbs, revive the sluggish functions of life, and Impart renewed energy and vitality to eoD- titit-itions cnfecbkd hy whatever causes. The daily increasing number of cures effected by PULVERMACHER'S MEDICO-GALVAN10 SYS- TEM is so extensive and varied, that it forcibly points to this Invention as the embryo of a universal remedy. This admirable natural remedy is now brought with in the reach of the millions by the addition of bin new patent ADHESIVE ELECTIIO-GENEKATOR obtainable through every chemist. Amongst oallY ot twrø the following TESTIMONY, signed by tbe elite of the Medical Faculty, hae been receirrd We, the undersigned, have mncli pleasure" "lintestifyitogthot MrJ L PULVERMACHER'S" u recent improvements in his Voltaic Batteries" "and Galvanic Appliances for Medical Pur-" "pofcsare of great importance to Scientific" Medicine, and that he is entitled to the con-" 1 sideration and support of everyone disposed" [ "to father the advancement of real and useful" *'progress." I 11 Dated this 9th day of March, 1866. I 8tr CHARLES LOCOCK, Bart, M.D.F.R.C.P. Sir WILLIAM FERGUSSON, Ban. F.R S. EOWD. H SEIVEKING, M.D., M R.C.P. HENRY HOLLAND, BART., F.R.S. Sir J RANALD MARTIN. KNT., F R C S. And DiuC. HANDFIELD JONES, F.R.C.P., and F.R.S., Physician to St Mary's Hospital, under date March 10th, 1666. In a similar Testimonial as to above, states;—1"I am satisfied that be is an honest, earnest labourer in the field of Scier ce, and I think that he deserves to meet with every encouragement from the profession and from scientific men." Also recommendcJ by Sir DUNCAN GIBB, BART, M.D, L.L.D. T. H. TANNER, M.D, F L. Sec. J.RUSSELL REYNOLDS, M.D.FRC.P. C. B. RADCLIFFE, M.D,. F.R.C P. F RS. A.CLARK. M.D., F. R.C P., Physician to London Hospital, &c &c PULVERMACHER'S M E DI CO GALVANIC P CHAINS are exceedingly effective without the aid of medicine, restriction of did, or the Ita.t derangement Of the patient's habits and daily occupations, in the following maladies Rheumatism Tic Dolorcux Sluggish Circulation Gout Indigestion tirii.ary Disorders SciaHca. Deafness Paralysis Lumbago Spasrcs Epilepsy Neuralgia Female Complaints N ervous Debility Hc..d & Toothache Constipation Functional Disorders I ivcr Complaints Cramp &c., &c. "'be effect s of the application of PULVERMACHER'S CttAtNSin any of the above disorders is immediately perceptible— the relief of pain generally instantaneous. frLISTIMONIALS followikg comprise the con- L tinuation of a series of certificates published in rotation, and are but a small portion ol a vast number published in a PAMPHLET containing besides various extracts from medical reports by great authorities and opinions of the medical press, likewise DII. merous extracts from many standard scien- tific works, via, Dr Pereira's 11 Materia Medica," 4th edition; Dr Tanner's "Prae. tice of Medicine," 8th edition; and Dr Handfield Jones, on "Nervous and Functional Disorders." The pamphlet sent post free on application to J.L Pulvkkma. ■ CHER and Co, 168, Regent Siroot, W., London. DEAFNKBS o* ELKVLN YKAHS* stANuiNG— D (Testimonial) Bradford, June, 1871. I have been cured of Deafness by one of yoor chains after beirg deaf for eleven years, and I have been partially deal from child- hood. E. C. J, L. Pulvermacher & Co., 168, Regent Street, W." RHEUMATISM—( 86timolllul) J\; "8, Sutton Common-roed, Kidderminster, July 23rd, 1871. II 1 beg to thank yon for your Galvanic Chain Band which I purchased of you in January last. I have wort) it constantly ever since, ae you directed, and with considciable benefit. 1 consider your remedy a most valu- able one, and shaH take; very opportunity to recommend it to my friends, r TiiotoAs INGHAM. J. L. Pulvcrmaehor and Co, i68, liegent-street, W.' \J ERVOUS EXHAUSTION AND PATNS -l-^> (Testithontal) 14 7, Cobham Place, Clarence Road, Claptou, September 15th, 187i. Your past kindness and attention shown in my case, together with a desire to fulfil my promise, prompts me to Jrop you these ftew lines. You will be glal to hear that my chtire nervous system is grHdttalty ichproving; my back feels very muten stronger and more free from plAth. A year ago when trying to sit up just for half an hour. although pillowed and propped in every possible way, I ulled to get Into a most fearful state of pain and exhaus- tion i now I can sit up for some hours at a time with comparative ease. This is a very marked improvement. I le, I also stronger, on my feet, can stand with a tirftiDeeS 1 have not felt for yearst I have Walked atotoss a room without help. I am thoKngbljr conVinCed by personal experietace tb thbte is a mighty power of good. in your appliances, indeed I leel the Bands are an Untold comfort to me. Some of my friehds are perfectly smaiod at seeing me again down stairs, and tb some ektent getting about the boose. Dr. Millar wbom I have been ubd4r for some years, on Coming to sfcti my mother was perfectly struck to sbe me out of bed and down stairs. He said,1 What do you think has done you good?' I Sir,' I said, e undoubwdly the persevering use of Mr Pulvermaeher's Electric appliances.' Well,' be said,* I must say they have done a great thing for )-.óü, if it is only to get up and totttbe down bere.' I name thisv sir, bbcAtifee It is a remark of my own (frtetbr Wnb. some months since, laughed irt me for even thinking or patting any faith in such a remedy as yours. LAVINA Jonbs J. L. Pulvcrroachcr and Co. 168 Regent Street, W." PRICE-LIST OF PULVERMACHER'S GAL. P VANIC CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, and FLEX- IBLE BATTERIES. A. NARROW CHAIN-BANDS for Sciatica, Rheumatic, Neuralgic, and Gouty Pains, Chronic RheumatiBtBt Local Paraiyfift Cramp In the Extremities, according to Electric power 18?n 22s., 40s and upwards. B. BROAD CHAIN-BANDS or BELTS, for Lumbago, Indigestion, Liver, Chest, and NetVoas Complaints, &c„ wearable as a Belt 2'2s. to 40s. BBd 55s. C. BROAD CHAIN-BANDS lor Nervous Deaf- ness, Head, Tootb, and y#cg Allbe, and Noists atlti upwards. if ROAD CHAINS for Loss of Voice and other Affections 01 the Throat, Asthma, Spibal Complaints.10s 6d., 18s., 2\tllh and 4.0st E. BllOAD CHAiN-BAN DS for Writer'sCramp, Trembling, Nervousness, &c., 22s. to 80s., 40s.. and 00s. F. COMBINED BANDS for General Debility, Central Paralysis, Epilepsy, and Functional Disorders.50s to 60s, COMPLETE SET WITH VOLTA-ELEC" TRIC BELTS for restoring Vital Powor, £ 5 WITH VOLTAIC FLEXIBLE CHAIN BATTERY £ 8 G. CHAIN BATTERIES for Extreme Nervous Debility, Paralysis, and for restoring ex- hausted Vital' Energy (to be used in con- junction with specially combined bands) £ 8 10s. te 4 Guineas. H. PATENT ADHESIVE ELECTRO-GENE- RATOR 6d PATENT ELECRO-DlFFi USING BAND. 53 1So Galvanic Bands or Belts are genuine, but those bearing the of J, L. PULVERMACHER S signature on the Label. A Test sent (gratis) on Loan for a week if required. CAUTION. The Curative Powers of Electricity, and the success of PULVERMACHER'S VOLTAIC CHAIN BANDS, BELTS, &c. linve elicited envious speculators to anuufairand absurd competition with articlesfulsely represented as having electrical quality's. Unpossessed all these articles ure ol electro-gene- rating or electro diffusing properties, there is not, ncr t. «»-.«»* wUiwvw BMWS#n ttic same nrd tbe bcnf fecial effects of Pu'.verinaclK r's above men- srsr Bz% £ °z Sffi'SJrc? srssz & £ Mademies and Fac«\iies of Medicine, both PCLvTimACllEllS PAMPHLEf of .T^imoniols *nd Reports of cures containing ex rn „ g vjz>. extracts from many Standard beientihc D). Dr Pereira'e MhIcda Mcdicu, «\ Tanner's *• Practice of Medicine, 8th edition j ""d Handfield Jones, on Nervous and Functional D t- orcers/' &c?, sent post free on application to the sole Inventor and rj aTjVanic establishment, REGENT STRKEr.I-^ND0N» 1U0 A*D 39, UiJE ST, MARC. PARIS. To Gentlemen, Farmers, and Others. G. J. BLAND BEGS to Inform the above, that he is in a petition to Let out Horses, dri*en by experienced men, on very moderate terms. WITH SPRING WAGONS, for removing Furniture, ftc from or to any part of the County or Kingdom. WITH TIBMBER CARRIAGES, for Carting Timber, Castings, and other heavy Goods. WITH PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, HARROWS, &c. CARTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE. AGENT FOR THE GREAT WESTERN RAlLWA Co., HAVERFORDWEST. G. J B. takes this opportunity of thanking the Public flar the kind supporfehs bas hitherto received. c4 ESTABLISHED J 8 12. H. AND TT T R 0 C T 0 R AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, CATHAY, BRISTOL, ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SPECIALLY PREPARED BONE MANURES FOR GRASS, CORN, HOOT, AND OTHER CROPS; ALSO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS.-CATUAY, BRISTOL. AGENTS-Mr (i. Griffiths, Wine Merchant, Pembroke „ Thomas Parkes, Cardigan „ J. N. Evans, Aberayron. Full Particulars with Prices, Post Free on application. TO CORN DEALERS MILLERS AND OTHERS MESSRS. LOCK & HALL, BONE IMPORTERS AND CRUSHERS. REQUIRE FIRST-CLASS AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF CRUSHED BONES (iy in. in. and dust) GUARANTEED FREE FROM ALL ADULTERATION. REDBRIDGE, HAMPSHIRE. Chemical Works. NOVELTY IN BOOTS. NOBLEMEN and Gentlemen are respectfully invited to inspect a case of Boot. of entirely new design, which was exhibited at the recent International Exhibition at the Agri- cultural Hall, and to which were awarded THE GOLD MEDAL. Ou View at the Establishment of C. E. ALL E N, (Late of Haverfordwest.) BOOTMAKER, 33 a. Princes Street,-one door from Panton Street, Haymarket, London. I can strongly advise my sporting friends to try the easy yet close fitting boots, thu made admirably adapted alike for the moor and tbe stubble."—The Wanderer in Land and Water CHEAP TEA SHOP. THOMAS'S FAMILY TEA & GROCERY WAREHOUSE UPPER MARKET STRUCT, HAVERFORDWEST. Good Tea Is. 4d. per lb. Strong Breakfast do 2s. Od. per lb. t Fine do. i« 2s. 8d. & 3s. per lb. PRIME Wiltshire BACON. FIELDS AND PRICE'S PATENT "CANDL E S. HUNTLEY AND PALMER'S BISCUITS. JAMS, JELLIES, PICKLES, SAUCES, &c. Agent for Weir's Sewing Machines ESTABLISH ITD 1 7 BX JOHN PHI t L I f Sj c n n M t 8 T$D v GGIST, CASTLE SQUARE, Haverfordwest. IN relinquishing the above Business, carried on by him for a lengthened period, now begs to ) return his most sincere thanks to his Frieiids and Patrons for the kind support he has hitherto received, and to inform them thdt he is succeeded by his Nephew, who has been engaged with him in W Business for many years and for whomhe now solicits the favour of that kind support which he has so liberally enjoyed. THOMAS M. PHILLIPS, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends & the Public generally (hilt he has sncoeedcd to the above Business conducted by his Uncle, Mr John Phillips & trusts that by strict attention to business, and continuing UDpIv Articles connected with the Trade of th* purest ahd inogt cenuiri* sort flt oiodei-alo changes, to merit outinuance 01 the Patronage attd sappdrt so liberally awarded to his Predecessors. physicians and Family Recipes dispensed with care and attention. latent Medicines, Perfumery, Brushes, &o., Paints, Oils, and Colours, Garden and Agricultural Seeds from the best London Houses. Agent for the China Tea Company, Tobacco, Cigars, &c. "X,c CARSONS' PAINT, t:ATi'():;jSF.U 11V Majesty THE QUEEN, Tub finiTien Government, 1 Tin; Cot.ojt, (iovtiustir.xf*, I JT^ivwrvr and THE INDIAN Goveknmknt, j 1,IR Hi'ssian Goyeunmknt, | L'oi.lieuies, IKON J- Ab » 7,000 OF THE Nohility and Gl5N1R»') For All kilitis of OUT-pOOB WOJR-K,Uv bblrm And is proved, after a test of upwards of i0 years, Ccf rui:;? »ny othcr F,iilU- l} Carls and Waggons, Roofing, 1'ark Fencing, farm and other Buildings, Bndror;, lturdtitlgi Farm l-»p»cmcnt!>, c Gates, &c., &c., and all exposed work, efiectinpj a Saving of more than 50 per ccnt., as it is cheaper, and lasts twicc as long as Genuine White Lead or any other paint, an GAtf BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. It is sold in a fine powder. Will keCp Any length (if time. No g»«di„s, tii.tifu', t°hus abiding necessary. It requires simply to be mixed with « Oil Mixture," according to Directions lor tsc, the waste of paints sold mixed ready for use." fer çwt. ■, COLOURS. rerCwt. White TRADE MARK. Bri<rht Hid •• | Light Stone. | I Dai k Red •• •• > 26S* Bath Stone I Purple 15ro^yn • • j Cream colour V30s. Bronze Green •* light Portland Stone] a Chocolate •• •• > 21s. Portland Stone ] <1 mr\Nunt^Black Light Portland Stone PA N Chocolate •• •• > 21s. Portland Stone ] <1 mr\Nunt^Black Buff (for Stables),, Bright Green •• Light Lead or Slate.. 28s. • Medium Green 42s. Oak colour., i Deep Green •• I •• »*"• Btae prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpen..me, arms, CARSONS' PAINT, For TUBLTC EDIFICES, Mansioks, Vilia«. and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, &c., i. un For 1 UBLic only Pai;t that wiU effectuJly resist the rays of the sun upon CONSERVATORIES, GREENHOUSES, FRAMES, &c. 2 CWT. Delivered Carriage Free to all lv^way Stations in.tlio United Ringd PATTERNS AND TESTIMONIALS SENT POST FREE ON APPLICATION. WAIjTER CARSON & iSONS. LA BELLE 8AUYABE TAPJ). LUBfiiTE HILL, LOHDQI, E.C. And 21, BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. '# no AG-ENTS. i TlWXl—i III liW (ESTABLISHED 1842) J. AND T. ROBINSON ARM PREPARE I) TO SEND OUT THE FOLLOWING MANURES, Dry, finely broken down, ready for the Field; and feel sure they are fully equal in value to any that can be offered at similar Prices :— SUPER-PHOSPHATE. CORN MANURE. DISSOLVED BONE GRASS MANURE. MANGOLD MANURE. POTATOE MANURE. Besides other kinds made for special Crops. LINSEED AND COTTON CAKES They still Manufacture from Se3d as Imported without admixture. Apply to J. and T. ROBINSON, St. Philip's Marsh, Bristol; the Docks, Gloucester. Or to their Agents, Mr Jesse Harvey, Kilpaison House, Pembroke; Messrs. R. and J. Jones, Haverfordwest. MARINERS HOTEL, HA TESFOBD WEST, DAVID LAMB I > EGS respeotfully to inform his Friends and the Public generally that he h»a mode arrangement! for |> Letting on Hire HORSES, CARRIAGES, and every requisite connected with an efficient Posting Establishment. The best accommodation will be pro- vided, and all orders will be piomptly attended to. Nov-29 h 1871. BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT, (ESTABLISHED 1798,) 5, IIIGH STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. WILLIAM G R IFFITHS Begs to thank his friends and the public generally for the liberal patronage hitherto bettowed «po» hl», and to announce that by ihe aid of skilful workmen, he is enabled to supply BOOTS & SHOES, of tho newest style, at moderate pr ces. The materials employed aie of the best quality, ensuring great durability and strength, and tho workmanship will be found fully equal to uny obtainable in the provinces. LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S BOOIS and SHOES, in every variety, and all articles in the home-trade furnished on the fhortest notice. W. G begs also to announce that be has on extensive assortment of BOOTS and SHOES of English manufacture, which ho will sell at the lowest possible prices. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. CLEDDAU BREWERY, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, GEORGE M. GREEN. MALTSTER & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. GREEN & JOHN, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUAY STREET, HAVERFQRDWEST, AGENTS FOR MWES SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, LAWES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND LAWES' DISSOLVED BONES. PERUVIAN G U A N o. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. ÐI8 TO SUKDAY GEO. M. HAMMER, A^T > SCHOOL FURNISHER, INVENTOR, and MANUFACTURER of the AND OSBORNE. QtJADilANT, and ROYAL (Patent) SCHOOL DESKS & SEA7S, Which etch combine a Sloped Desk, Flat Table, and Backed Ewat tor Lectures, &o DAY-SCHOOL Illustrated Catalogue of Desks, SeatF, Tab.es, Galleries, Easels, Blackboards &•* Post free Twopence. The Methodist College, Belfast, and a large number of other TV/T A \T A r11? R Q Colleges and Schools have been fitted by G. M- H. MAIN AVJiJtvo. 108, ST, MARTIN'S LANE. CHARING CROSS, LONDON, W C. FLINT & Co.'s BRITISH & FOREIGN COMMERCIAL INQUIRY OFFICES. OBJECTS:— COMMERCIAL INFORMATION—to rerodVe daftger or ddobi from contemplated credit transactions, REGISTERED INFORM ATION—Not relied upon, Every inquiry Is, When received, despatched to three or four correspondents, or more if deemed requisite. The information registered appended i& Addition. Three stompaeach inquiry. LEGAL A DVICE-Stipplied to subscribers free of charge. Counsel and Solicitors specially retained. AGENTS—In every Town and City in the United Kingdom, the Continent of Europe, and America. REGISTERS—Contain over One Million names. DEBTS Promptly applied for, in accordance with instructions. Immediate settlements. WEEKLY GAZETTE.-Valtiable information. Index (quarterly) free to every subscriber. References permitted to nnmerous commercial firms. Opinions of subscribers furnished free on application. TERMS-£3 8s, JE5 5s £ 10 10s. and upwards per annum. LONDON, E.C.: 58, Cheapsldej Dublin: 10, Kenry Street. Manchester: 88, Moseley Street, and 6, 8, and 10, Bond Street; and Glasgow 33, Renfield Street, Argy.e Street. AGENCIES-APPLICATIONS INVITED. BRYANT" MAY'S NEW METAL POCKET BOXES FOR WAX VESTAS AND VESUVIANS, "WITH FATEITT S^ZE&IHSrO- COVTEIRS. ill These Boxes are supplied with j^g^SSsBKBSr! an Assortment of Portraits, <AjM Hi including, amongst others* titrfkHT&ftfii/' Bfl hince of Walei; of Wales, Marquis of Lorne, Louise, Patti, Ohristine Nill80n, Gladstone, Dickens, Disraeli., Peabody, Livingstone, Sir W. Scott, R. Burns, Emperor of Emprel8 of GermanY, Crown Prince, Count von XoltkO- Prince Bismarck, Thiori6 Jules Favre! Oaribaldi» ■ *-gK.I £ £ Br' SOXiX) inVEBTWHBSE A'r OliTE A SAFE and Easy EXTERNAL CUKE for CHILBLAINS, Clear as water, no Bmcll. no pain. £ ,,ijJiBtamu» monials post free, on receipt of fourteen pence in stamia by JOHN C. POOLEY. Chemist, Bath- WIVF, HUNDRED is nOw the IDIOTS, Kedhill. Surrey. The law ar.<l for increased FUNDS towards tbe support of tm gAVy CL&8 ffiorrof from every family happily exempt from mental affliction would furnish ample funds to meet the emergency.- inr„ gtreet e C Office: 29. PoaHry, E-C-WlLWAMJJlCli<^S.^Sec._ iOIGAKS DIKKCT FROM BOND, in good con. Vj dition. from 12s. 6d. per 100. HiRh-class Havonna from 1 '9- Vj dition. from 12s. 6d. per 100. HiRh-class Havonna from !5a. per 100. Allbranda supplied at EQUALLY W>W ItAlES for cash only. Price list free on application.—Chas. ulanela, tj. Broad Quay. Bristol. T~IGHTNING '.—LIGHTNING COisDUCfoEs 1 i fitted to Private Houses, Churches, Ac. A complote and perfect Lightning Conductor for £ 1. Domestic Telegraphs and Electrical Bells fitted in private houses, lelegraphie Apparatus of all kinds. Estimates Kiven, inclusiva of all expenses.—Apply \V. M. \VarCon and Co.. Cnrey-strect. Westminster. DOWNAED'S OINTMENT.—The bkia ia JL-y quickly freed from all scorbutic eruptions, roughness, redress, pimples, chaps, una chilblains, and the compicxlon pre. gervo.d by Downaixl't, Ointment,. Of all chemist*, at 1b. M,f is. 9d., and 4s. Cd. Post free for 2s. in stamps, of House and Co., 12, Viggore-gtreet. Lonrion, \V. ■WgEWBEEY'S PALLADHVM CHESTP^OTEC JLvl TOB can now be had oi all C. rr-ifct^Newg^ .E.C. ¡ CARTS, WAGGONS, and every ^th^BrisU)! agricultural implements, manufactured y WaSgou Works, Company, supped by R. & I. JONES, Auctioneers, APPRAISERS, &c. Offices: 4, High Street, lIaverforùwest. BXPIBATION Of MtTCHtr B^VEBSWTM. WD WATOmiMM. OBBSSIKG CASE TRAVELLING BA,¡ HAKIM, 8. iJAI»L MALI* LOHDON,^ (ggj^bliabod 18V). i Are BOW disposing o* ^Se wbdle rftheli Stock. tas*. ^^S^etni3e9'at a redacUon*{or «>»». «• 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT OFF THE MARKED PRICES, Visitors to London respectfully i to inn,, I large and varied assci »mc., ot Jewellaj j, t.ç. ( 1 Tha "PALL MALL" DRESSING B&Q, att silver monnts. &<"— n1'06 ll9, net. >~r»yded free on qppl.catfpn. miujj •>- T. UAVIU'SCAIUBUHAU rHE works of Restoration and Repair which hs ve been cartied on during tbe last fire yean, coa> prise the thorough restoration of the Tower; the Choir with i^s Aisles; a third of tbe Nave; and tbe Drain* age of the whole building. These several wort a •■csting between eighteen and nineteen thousand pounds, have absorbed all the old Subscriptions, with 'he exception of Mr Traherne's bequest of £ 2,000 not yet due, and the Bishop has in conseqaonce cirfl culated an appeal for new Subscriptions, to eowiple'o the Restoration of the Nave, itB Aisles, and the Transept?. The cost of this is estimated by Mr Scott »t £ 12.500. Tbe Secretaries will itfadiy on application Bend any one a eopy of Mr Gilbert Scott's Second Heport showing what has been effected, and what works o i pressing nature still remain to be done; and tbey ill also thankfully acknowledge any 8ub#criptioifa which may be ma<le. ■■ The following Donations hare been pro- mised for tbe work remaining to be done J. W Kershaw, Esq, Warwick 2 0 M rs Kershaw, Warwick .1 0 Rev A. J.M. Green (first subscription) S ft Rev John Hushes, Vicar ouf Penally and), Prebendary of St David's (2nd donation) 6 0 Rev D. Jones, Bishopeton, Glamorganshire 5 9 Rev Secretan Jones, Oystermouth, Glamor- ganshire r; The Lady Llanover 25 0 Mrs Barford, Blaise Castle 10 10 Rev J. Phelps, Carew (second donation) 10 10 Bev J. Jones, Llanfihangel Genau'r Glyn (second donation) 6 George Baugb Allen, Esq, Temple (seoood donation) 10 0 Mrs Faynter, Pembroke 5 0 Mrs W. H. Reed, Pembroke 5 0 Mrs Leach, Pembroke 2 0 Rev H. 8. Blink, Pembroke 0 10 1 T. Mansell, Esq, Pembroke 1 1 L. P. Gibbon, Em, Pembroke 5 0 W. Hultn, Esq, Pembroke 5 0 W. O. Hulm, Esq, Pembroke 1 1 t 3. Dawkins, Esq, Pembroke 5 Mrs W. Gibbon, Pembroke 5 0 Mrs D. S. Thomas, Pembroke 2 2 Mr Hitchings, Pembroke 2 0 George Jones, Esq, Pembroke 3 3 Messrs Jones, Pembroke Mill 3 0 Mr W. Williams, Pembroke 2 Messrs Davies and Pratt, Pembroke 1 1 Mr Warlow, Pembroke 2 2 R. M. Jones, Esq, Pembroke 1 1 W. Thomas, Esq, Orange Hall, Pembroke.. 0 10 Mr G. Barrett, Pembroke 1 0 Mr Beddoe, Pembroke 2 2 Mrs Morris and Son, Pembroke 0 10 Mr Edward Tracey, Pembroke 0 10 Mr Joseph Powell, Pembroke 1 10 Mr C. EUdon, Pembroke 6 IO Mr H. P. Thomas, Pembroke 0 10 Mr James, Lion Hotel, Pembroke 0 10 Mrs Owen, Savings Bank, Pembroke 1 10 Mr T. Richards, Pembroke 0 10 Mr Burcbell, Pembroke 1 0 Mr Lowless, Pembroke. 0 19 Small Sums, by Rev J. Alien 1 5 Mrs Roch, Paskeston (second donation) 10 0* N. A. Roch, Esq, Paskeston (2nd donation) 10 O A. J. Morison, Esq, Portclew 5 0 Rev Latimer and Mrs Jones, Carmarthen 25 0 G. White, Esq, Tenby (second donation) 10 0 Col. Voyle, Tenby 10 0 Rev G. Huntnigton, Tenby 6 0 Rev J. Hearn Poppelwell, Tenby 2 0 Rev E. F. Willis, Tenby 0 10 Mrs Howells, Tenby 6 0 J. Gwynne. Esq, Tenby (first donation) 3 8 C. W. R. Stokes,Tenby 1 0 G. Chater, Esq, Tenby 2 2 Mrs Girardot, ^enby 2 0 Colonel Onslow, Tenby 2 0 Mrs Onslow, Tenby 10 Miss Puxley, Tenby 2 0 Mr James Rogers, Tenby 2 0 Captain Rees, Tenby « 1 1 Captain Evaos. Tenby 1 9 Two Sums of Five Shillings eacb v? 0 10 Mjt C. Alle* (is Photographs of St. David's) TfenBy 5 8 Mr Joseph Gregory, Tenby 3 S Mr John Phelps, Tenby 11 Mr E Saies, Tenby 1 1 Mrs Hughes, Tenby 1 1 Mr John Thomas, Norton, Tenby 1 1 Mr W. Walkinton, Tenby 1 1 Mr Thomas Merchant, Tenby 1 1 Mr Jones, Postmaster, Tenby 1 1 R Lascelles, Esq., Croft, Tenby 1 0 Jf. T. Hawksley, Esq., Caldy, Tenby 6 O Rev G. W. Birkett, St Florence, Tenby 5 0 Messrs John Harvey and Sona, Haverford- west (second donation) 10 10 27ie Welshman Newspaper 10 10 The Brecon County Titnes 10 0 1 he Western Mail 10 0 The Ttnby Observer 10 0 The Cambria Daily Leader lft 0 The Pembrokeshire Hera d .» 10 0 H- G. Allen, Esq., Lincoln's Inn, (eecotd Donation) 10 # Mrs Mirehouse, The Hall, Angle, Pembroke 10 0 The Earl of Cawdor, (second donation) 200 J. H. Scourfield, Eso., M.P. (2nd donation) 100 O Lewis Lloyd, Esq, Monk Orchard, Surrey 5 ft Col Lloyd, Lillesden, Kent 5 0 Henry Leacb, E?q.,Corston 10 9 Mrs Bayner (second donation) 25 0 Miss Robson, Penally, (second donation) 6 0 Messrs Richard James and Son, Haverford* west 6 H. Rees, Esq., Llangranog, Newcastle Emlyn 11 Rev William Edmunds, Rhostie Rectory, Abtrystwyth 2 0 Rev John Felis, Llanilar 2 0 Rev J Tombs, Burton 19 • M« Powell, Mathias, and Evans, Ha .-or- *V, JO 10 iii Davies, Esq., Spring Gardens, Haver. i, ford west 6 0 J. W. Phillipe, Eiq., Rock Cottage, ditto 5 0 Messrs Greenish and Dawkins, Market street, ditto 6 9 T. UAVIU'SCAIUBUHAU rHE works of Restoration and Repair which hs ve been cartied on during tbe last fire yean, coa> prise the thorough restoration of the Tower; the Choir with i^s Aisles; a third of tbe Nave; and tbe Drain* age of the whole building. These several wort a •■csting between eighteen and nineteen thousand pounds, have absorbed all the old Subscriptions, with 'he exception of Mr Traherne's bequest of £ 2,000 not yet due, and the Bishop has in conseqaonce cirfl culated an appeal for new Subscriptions, to eowiple'o the Restoration of the Nave, itB Aisles, and the Transept?. The cost of this is estimated by Mr Scott »t £ 12.500. Tbe Secretaries will itfadiy on application Bend any one a eopy of Mr Gilbert Scott's Second Heport showing what has been effected, and what works o i pressing nature still remain to be done; and tbey ill also thankfully acknowledge any 8ub#criptioifa which may be ma<le. ■■ The following Donations hare been pro- mised for tbe work remaining to be done J. W Kershaw, Esq, Warwick 2 0 M rs Kershaw, Warwick .1 0 Rev A. J.M. Green (first subscription) S ft Rev John Hushes, Vicar ouf Penally and), Prebendary of St David's (2nd donation) 6 0 Rev D. Jones, Bishopeton, Glamorganshire 5 9 Rev Secretan Jones, Oystermouth, Glamor- ganshire 3 The Lady Llanover 25 0 Mrs Barford, Blaise Castle 10 10 Rev J. Phelps, Carew (second donation) 10 10 Bev J. Jones, Llanfihangel Genau'r Glyn (second donation) 6 George Baugb Allen, Esq, Temple (seoood donation) 10 0 Mrs Faynter, Pembroke 5 0 Mrs W. H. Reed, Pembroke 5 0 Mrs Leach, Pembroke 2 0 Rev H. 8. Blink, Pembroke 0 10 1 T. Mansell, Esq, Pembroke 1 1 L. P. Gibbon, Em, Pembroke 5 0 W. Hultn, Esq, Pembroke 5 0 W. O. Hulm, Esq, Pembroke 1 1 t 3. Dawkins, Esq, Pembroke 5 Mrs W. Gibbon, Pembroke 5 0 Mrs D. S. Thomas, Pembroke 2 2 Mr Hitchings, Pembroke 2 0 George Jones, Esq, Pembroke 3 3 Messrs Jones, Pembroke Mill 3 0 Mr W. Williams, Pembroke 2 Messrs Davies and Pratt, Pembroke 1 1 Mr Warlow, Pembroke 2 2 R. M. Jones, Esq, Pembroke 1 1 W. Thomas, Esq, Orange Hall, Pembroke.. 0 10 Mr G. Barrett, Pembroke 1 0 Mr Beddoe, Pembroke 2 2 Mrs Morris and Son, Pembroke 0 10 Mr Edward Tracey, Pembroke 0 10 Mr Joseph Powell, Pembroke 1 10 Mr C. EUdon, Pembroke 6 IO Mr H. P. Thomas, Pembroke 0 10 Mr James, Lion Hotel, Pembroke 0 10 Mrs Owen, Savings Bank, Pembroke 1 10 Mr T. Richards, Pembroke 0 10 Mr Burcbell, Pembroke 1 0 Mr Lowless, Pembroke. 0 19 Small Sums, by Rev J. Alien 1 5 Mrs Roch, Paskeston (second donation) 10 0* N. A. Roch, Esq, Paskeston (2nd donation) 10 O A. J. Morison, Esq, Portclew 5 0 Rev Latimer and Mrs Jones, Carmarthen 25 0 G. White, Esq, Tenby (second donation) 10 0 Col. Voyle, Tenby 10 0 Rev G. Huntnigton, Tenby 6 0 Rev J. Hearn Poppelwell, Tenby 2 0 Rev E. F. Willis, Tenby 0 10 Mrs Howells, Tenby 6 0 J. Gwynne. Esq, Tenby (first donation) 3 8 C. W. R. Stokes,Tenby 1 0 G. Chater, Esq, Tenby 2 2 Mrs Girardot, ^enby 2 0 Colonel Onslow, Tenby 2 0 Mrs Onslow, Tenby 10 Miss Puxley, Tenby 2 0 Mr James Rogers, Tenby 2 0 Captain Rees, Tenby « 1 1 Captain Evaos. Tenby 1 9 Two Sums of Five Shillings eacb v? 0 10 Mjt C. Alle* (is Photographs of St. David's) TfenBy 5 8 Mr Joseph Gregory, Tenby 3 S Mr John Phelps, Tenby 11 Mr E Saies, Tenby 1 1 Mrs Hughes, Tenby 1 1 Mr John Thomas, Norton, Tenby 1 1 Mr W. Walkinton, Tenby 1 1 Mr Thomas Merchant, Tenby 1 1 Mr Jones, Postmaster, Tenby 1 1 R Lascelles, Esq., Croft, Tenby 1 0 Jf. T. Hawksley, Esq., Caldy, Tenby 6 O Rev G. W. Birkett, St Florence, Tenby 5 0 Messrs John Harvey and Sona, Haverford- west (second donation) 10 10 27ie Welshman Newspaper 10 10 The Brecon County Titnes 10 0 1 he Western Mail 10 0 The Ttnby Observer 10 0 The Cambria Daily Leader lft 0 The Pembrokeshire Hera d .» 10 0 H- G. Allen, Esq., Lincoln's Inn, (eecotd Donation) 10 # Mrs Mirehouse, The Hall, Angle, Pembroke 10 0 The Earl of Cawdor, (second donation) 200 J. H. Scourfield, Eso., M.P. (2nd donation) 100 O Lewis Lloyd, Esq, Monk Orchard, Surrey 5 ft Col Lloyd, Lillesden, Kent 5 0 Henry Leacb, E?q.,Corston 10 9 Mrs Bayner (second donation) 25 0 Miss Robson, Penally, (second donation) 6 0 Messrs Richard James and Son, Haverford* west 6 H. Rees, Esq., Llangranog, Newcastle Emlyn 11 Rev William Edmunds, Rhostie Rectory, Abtrystwyth 2 0 Rev John Felis, Llanilar 2 0 Rev J Tombs, Burton 19 • M« Powell, Mathias, and Evans, Ha .-or- *V, JO 10 iii Davies, Esq., Spring Gardens, Haver. i, ford west 6 0 J. W. Phillipe, Eiq., Rock Cottage, ditto 5 0 Messrs Greenish and Dawkins, Market street, ditto 6 9 Rev Thomas Horn, Haverfordwest («eeoad donation) 2 # j-» Bev George Horn, Haverfordwest 2 0 Miss Eminent and Miss Gwytber, ditto 2 • Mr D. P. Saunders, Bridge street, ditto | j Mr John Phillips, Castle Square, ditto | 1 Mr Stephen Green, High street, ditto (second donation) x i;j Mr W. Lloyd, Hi*h street, Haverfordwest 1 <| i Mrs Philpott, Castle Hotel, di to (| ? John Lewis, Esq., Bsnk, ditto Wm. John, Esq., Victoria Place, ditto 5 5* Mrs Potter, High street, ditto j -j MrP. P. Ellis, High street It; Mr Richard Williams, Dew street, ditto. t ■■ £ Mr James Davies, Victoria Place, ditto j 0 M« John Brown, Market street, ditto | Mr T. Baker, High street, ditto j j » Messrs Green and John, Quay street, ditto 10 Mr William Hood, High street, ditto # 10 Mr K. H. Ellis, Dew street, ditto 0 10 Mr William Sanders, Castle Goal, ditto • JO • Messrs T. and J. Lloyd, Dark street, ditto 0 10 "■ Frederick Weiobol*, Esq, Laugbarn6 25 0 i J. L. O. P, Lewis, Esq, (seoond d matlet ) \q +{ ]"; Rev. R. Lowis, Lampeter Velfrey (seoond donation) 5 • ( John Beynon, Esq, jun Trewein j T. R. 0. Powell, Esq., Wyngron | 0 • '1 Howard 8. Morgan, Esq, Tegfynydd. 5 0 Rev. D. Jones, LlandWsilio 3 3 Rev T. R. J. Laugharne i j Re? W. L. Bevan, Hay, Brecon g Mrs Dynelev, Tenby^ 5 q Rev. J. D. Wiiliaras, Brecon (2nd donation) iq q 1 Rev. E. E. Allen, Porthkerry g Rev. E. B. Squire, Swansea g Cbarles Bath, E q, 8wansea 25 Contribution from tbe parish of St. Bridu's per Mr Wm. Roberts 2 <5 Mt Jenkins, Castle Square, H. West w y Mr J. Macken, Rydor ptreet. London 1 I 0 H. U. Vaughar, Esq., Upton Castle l0 1Q Q J. Tbirlwall, E?q, Abergwili 10 10 i: Col. William Slater, Cheltenham g « g A friend, by Miss Welbey Parry, 2nd donation 5 0 ( Rev. J. H.Morgan 5 0 Hf;j The Dean of Bangor. 2 0 H D J. Jeffreys, Esq, addl. subscription j U Collection at Llandigwydd, by Rev. JD. tl* Lewis 20 <1 I r „ at Llanelly Church, Rev. D. Williams d « v 1 Procteds of Ivccturo, Liandtlo, by R<,r< | J. 2 ia 1 I T. Perkins, E-q M nevia. Sydney 20 a If The Rev Brynier Belcher, Pamlico 3rd conrti- n bution By Mr J.Owen:- i. lie Lord BUhop of CY rf ester .4 llev Canon Wood ). Knight, E?q j •irs 'sthedrsl Bjx, 1872 0 Subscriptions and Donations will j ce Rev Cauon xiicmas. Steyntoa, I and Chaux-bs Allen, Tenby, Honorary taries; by, Messrs Mokris ard Soss. P»«nV e»-' a aad by Mewtt ^ujujis au^ r n °^ £ .Jirtfccu •" occa