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HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Toting Men i HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND "AFPy MARRIAGES.—When to marry, with ▼ice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing "^tain impediments which render married lifo en »PPy. and directions for their speedy removal. »^Wk •Bdb-T *U who value health, strength, and |L °°^» *nd wish to attain a happy old age.—Post of two stamps.—Aadress, Secretary,i "•Htnte of Anatomy, Birmingham. I ft) JtEltVOUS SUFFERERS. *EA1> Tift SECRET FRIEND." J His Wonderfal Medical Gaidt not only gives the effort hot shows how a permanent sure can be '"•ted m all caste of Nervous Debility, Depression Pain P. rl,,» Timidity, Impaired Sight and Memory, th# *»• Lassitude, Spermatorrhea, I re- tail r° Marriafse, Stricture,Secondary Symptoms, Dr R ertal Oileaøes, without the ure of Mercury. long exptrionce in the treatment of all l_ Dresses bas enabled him to treat the most Wftril*•••«• with marked saceess. This valuable n«L TPIE SECRET FRIEND," is illustrated with cases and testimonials from Patients ex- their deepest gratitude for having been re- «r' '• '•with and manly vigour. geBt married and single this book Is invaluable. 're# ssenre from observation oo receipt of wo •tmnipi. Address, Dr. Barnes, 1» Lonsdale Square London, N. important to Country Patients. J)R.bARNES ma'be consulted perRonslly or by fcrft. lUw«in »H P»'V»ate and confidential cases and ff» £ >?,•«* °f Nervous sufferer* who cannot visit en*If. « w,»*n receiving a desciiption of their cage, "▼a his f raped envelope for reply, be rea<ty'° ^rinclta*! wPO* the nature of the case, and the ••r! P 0f trealmcnt necessary te effect a perfect dr. BARNES, I.Lonsdale Square, ^^bnry. London, N. Xf ONDERFUL MEDICAL DISCOVERY, Jw Published, Post Free for Two 8tamps. SHOWING THB TRUE CAVS* OF Nervous, mental. & physical debility, lowness OF SPIRITS, indigestion, VFANT OF ENERGY, PREMATURE DECLINE "hh plain directions for PRRFECT RESTORATION to HEALTH AND VIGOUR in a few days. This most important fact that these alarming eompUintt •"•T easily be removed ~W ITHOXJT MEDICINE, I« here .learly demonstrated, and the entirely n.wwd J'fh'y suoeessfnl treatment, as adopted by the Author, '°lly explained—fcy means of wbicb Every one is en abided to cttke HTKS-iSLF Perfectly, and at the least possible cost. Sent Free on reoeipt of two stamps by W. niLL, ESt., M.A., Bsrmlbt Hocbe, Sovth-Cbescbkt, RUSSELL-SQUARE, LONDON, W.C. These Carstive Means are »o Easy ana Simple in Application, that all can Curt TAtrnw/ce* and at the SMALLEST COST IN A FEW utYI. andat the SMALL "Th« Object of this extraordinary pablication is to how Nervousness and concomitant Malad.es can « and eoeeessfully treated, and the most proof of the efficacy of this, the greatest of discoveries, is testified by the numerous cases _^w«s effected."—Medical Recobd. Just published, poat free for two stamps, 1)EBJLITY, ITS CAUSE AND CURE. **a Y ?e#ry M.D., «f the University of ThsfS The People's Guide to Health, «o it Special Medical Work on the fcebUhVewment, by medicine only, of Nervous th/'o enial aad Physical Depression, Talpitauons Je'wion, tI'IV poises in the Head and Ears, In- En ir'd 8i8b* Memory, Indigestion, Timidity 8«lf rvand Appetite, Pains in the Back, Rels. Dissinegfl Groundless Fears, £ ">ption ?T> &c., which, if neglected, end in JrRUCXlON<3#"d Premature Death. Gives IIS- b««» rr.. y *hioh Thousands of Sufferers in r«»edil lo health and rigour after all PafUst,ated "ith ad failed. P*tient«% l° Ca,es and Testimonials from grateful The of curb adoptbi> in each cab e on r«»C- ,CD^ ^ree hy post to any r<Pt of two penny stamps. ^*elfth Tk^Ro 'he ssme Author, 64 Illuftration*, post free 12 jL TEER'S0^55 TOBeaLTH, OR VOLUN- ofth. x>ManUAL. By HENRY SMITH, th ° on Gvm«T^ University of Jena. A New hftL Movements, and Ex<?rc.isea for r -¥ •PQtiirA ii ^lengthening the Human Body, ,J».ar>d Avoia Tlth and Strer ?th, Secure Long >ill«TlyoDe in Infirmities of Old Age. A,)!. 'l Qsefni m1* health and vigour of body d#» nf* Dr n BT.nri>iDl? Chronicle. 8, Burton Crescent, Lon- SSULXa COUNTRY patients. 8MITTI°N BY I<ETTER WITHOUT FEE. iioonf/ a" E^,Dent Specialist for the cure will, for the benefit vt I j'° ca°oot consult bim personally, HOi^th .d^'PIIOn' °' the,r ca8e» his rHior. 8^d direct on for the most A'ldre„^ health and vigour. ^^th, 8, Burton Crescent, dor. TaH^RRR Win A^rj«n^ED1 1NE. Da Thokiok's *i>a for P1^LS arc a wall known cer- «raTel Pa»n« »n tbe b8ek klii'hart«« of all #f »P«"t8, rheumatism, v?,a *nd blllrtj • P"«8. »nd all affeotlons of *k d and »«t,v A11 ""eases arise from remiT8' Tb«8 P'11" cleanse and *totnach » *8n"al or local debility, give I'ltl i^P^ft tn«rsv ?re Jha spirits, enrich the J«7t °f ?°d, TiT«t,y. eradicate every I hoJr* whole system. r*«eUt ^siaBt'reiiJ# I 'irnleni or long standing. ^*MeonlaU ft enre. Tbe daily *• Hi. '"•, who h«l0lw n,,n a*^ women In every N»» "^ers, and ^8en c"red of skiB eruptioos, •l«de? limbs *!0r' Pn th« bead, sore throat, l*M* ot th^VM ePi'eP*3r» •t«n« in the -V, ef •*rpiuiii» ya'by their use. and rec?TeriM tor severe illness b» Thomson !nd doctor8 had failed; h.s that ku»}i° p,bli,h their virtues, in U mat annlmil80 »«T be more !?*W' >• f TnptU* Prico l'.ljd., 2s 9d., V /,0,ect,the Public from Imi- i1 ThnMc???18'ioner* have ordered •««!} '» Whit. LOKDON, t. be en- ^hp.aka 0°. Government Stamp *^U hi* '"■). Sow h» which is fslony and S? Ieeeln«,#lu direet. nLt L Chemists in tbe world ?' 38^or privately in a letter, on dose, Koad' bT Dr THOMSON, had ton1" Pills Jiihj Town, London. •' Four J»r p«|h*?e^ ob« <Br pains in the back, which <*• W !» H.M." •• I tried them ?T*PWoi» « had K««n ?ey .c,nred m* i» few hours. j[«v. j tbe f4C« v'ronhled for years with an 1 *»atL«. "1 have nT%« P'^have quite eured me. s«!S *l»ce I u«^i l hld an »'tack of gout or Tl* » "»* ifck teorKPilu-w-Da*8 "They 1?'* stnA The t>«in. »nd biliioas attacks. ^at**er^kW,,h a*M nnJBT i»back »re q«'t« e"red ^n«. Wkvth* 'rCn?. J-Weiss. Every sufTerer, ^'•f, 'he honest f • Rdvised to try these w Msurance that they must find J0N1C ELIXIR Restores health *»d cor.« i to the most shattered oon- «PiHu* ntanost certainty Jy»i<r exhaustion, depression ciJL-,al1 the rTonsne,8» epilepsy, para- if 'jty, conseqncnces trriaing ?° slteraiiWi11 be f0n^ di«e«ses of the urinary in di«t a» specific, requiring ,ruPtion« y'n8 the blood, removing 3,»»e'itlv ,»lrritationg'n^C.l,l^Vy, ecrofula. blotches, skin «i?n'c l,"i; *ra«» the suff b,8dder, &c, which too fre- ib0U8ano •>« restore^K Ver lhe best years of life. ^ebilitat«rt strength and vigour to i!°n f0r hi h 5 & ho, 'ndiv'duals who now enjoy Mterit r.^rriage, th«» causes of dlsqualifica- r'ovp^^y- Manv"6 effec,ualIy »ubdued by this !^«r th»ry' had bornp ,?°°r 8Ufferers» who from fear fecial, n aPpty to th» r,8fflictlon8 for a ,cn« time- h ^'cine* » liltlc or y doctor, cured themselves £ "°t«ct th'ft rice 9a efpenca, with this wonderful a^^issilf frnL U» aDd ,l8« Per bottle. (To h°^. £ fershaveor? ,ipuri0U8 imitations, Her M.'s words RALPH THOM- ?klch i! ,n white 'ettcr on the »»,0»ist felon* „" 5ed do each package, to imitate 5>t?J»on worldtr«P"P°rtation). Sold by all S^O^o^^ce ord»rf Tr |t>e8ent direct, on rcceipt 28ciarernf°r^»- P?jable to Dr. RALPH aft80 "inch T0«timnt^?Rd' ^h Town, London, aa^^er, tb«t i The nervous debility •» d'«fstion „ 0 Pot need stimulauts. My !Lh% «'i>/niry w«y. D B ^Prove^ indeed 1 feel *UffiefrIy Ti*fyiiiff pff I,have been »nrpried ^leatiy exnrpfo y0Br *ire»s my gratituda, D. J," PA W galvanic^ CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, AND POCKET BATTERIES. AVF RENDERED ELECTRICITY PER- i i FKCTLY SELF-APPLICABLE in a mild continuous form, end extremely efficacious without shock or unpleasant sensation. They spoedily sootlie aponisinp pains, rr-nnimatc torpid limbs, revive the sluggish functions of life, and impart renewed energy and vitality to con- stitutions enfeebled hy whatever cause". The daily inrreafiing number of enrp-1 effected hy PULYEIOIACHER'S MKD1C0-GALVANIC SYS- TEM it so extensive and rariod, that it forcibly I points to this invention as tne embryo of n nnivcrsjil r-medy. This admirable rntnral remedy is now brought within the reach of the millions bv <tic addition of Iiig new patent ADHESIVE ELECTRO-GENEI!ATOJt obtainable throURh every rh"mist. Amongst nany others the following TPSTINIONY, signed by tho elite of the Medical Faculty, has been received :— We, the un(lersigiied. have much pleasure" "in testifying that M r J.L I'ULVE!l M ACT! E R'S" II recent improvements in his Voltaic Hatterios" and Galvnaic Appliances for Medical Pur-" "poses are of great imporlanee to Scientific" II Medicine, and that he is cntit'ed to the con-" siderstion and support of everyone disposed" "tn futher the advancement of real and useful" progress." Dated this 9lh day of March, 1866. Sir CHARLES LOCOCK, Bart, P. Sir WILLIAM FERGUSSON, Bart. F.R.S. EDWD. H SEIVEKING, M.D., M R.C.P. IIENRY HOLLAND, IUut., F.R.S. STj RANALD MARTIN KNT.. FRC S. And DR. C. HANIJFIELD JONES, F.K.C.P., and F.R.S., Physician to St. Mary's Hospital, under date March 101h, 1666. In a siniilar Testimonial as to above, Ilatr. I am satisfied that he is an honest, earnest lahourer in the field of Scier ce, and 1 think that he deserves to meet with everv encouragement from the profession and from scientific men Aleo recommended by Sir TUSCAN GlBB, BART, M.D, L.L.D. T. H. TANNER. M.D, F L. Sec. J. RUSSELL RfcYNO^DS, M.D.FRC.P. C. B. KADCUFFE, ftl.D.. F.R.C P. F R 8. A. CLARK, M.D.. F.R.C P., I hysiciun to London Hospital, &c, &c. &c. I)ULVERMACHEIZIS M E I) I CO GALVANIC JL C H A I NS are exceedingly effective without the aid of medicine, restriction of diet, er the leatt derangement of the patient's habits and daily occupations, in the following maladies:- Rheumatism Tic Doloreux r-luggish Circulation Gout ladigcmion Urinary DIsorders Reiatisa Deafness Paralysis Lutnbniro Spasms Epilepsy Neuralgia female Complaints Kerrous Debility Head A Toothache Constipation FunctionalDisorders ] ircr Complaints Cramp &c., &c. 'he effects of the application of RULVERM AC R ER'S OtlAINS in any of the above disorders is immediately perceptlhle-the relief or pain generallv instantaneous. 11 "ESTliVlONIALS following comprike the eon- tinnation of a series of certiifcates published in rotation, and are but a small portion of a vast number published in a rAMPHLKT containing besides various extracts from medical reports by great authorities and opinions of the medical press, likewise nu- merous extracts Irom many standard scien- tific works, viz, Dr Pereira's Materia Medica," 4th edition; Dr Tanner's "Prac. tico of Medicine," 8th editions and Dr llandfield Jones, on "Nervous and Functional Disorders." The pamphlet sent post free on application to J.L Pulvkrma- CJun and Co, 1G8, Regent Street, W., London. DEAFNF,SS OF F LrV E.14 YMLRb' STANDING'- (Testimonial) U Bradford, Junf, 1871. I have been cured of Deafness by one of your chains after being deaf for eleven years, and I have been partially deaf from child- hood. 15. C. J. L. Pulvermacher & Co., 168, Regent Street, W." RHEUMATIS-VI—(Testimonial) "8, Sutton Common-rop.d, Kidderminster, July 2.3rd, 1871. U I, beg to thank yon for your Galvanic Chain Band which I purchased of you in January last. I hnvo worn it constantly ever since, as you directed, and with considerable benefit. I consider your remedy a most valu- able one, and iihall take every opportunity to recommend it fo my friends. THOMAS Ingham. J. L. Pulvermacher and Co, 168, Regent-street, W.' Nervous exhaustion and Fains ( Testimonial J "7, Cobhara Place, Clarence Road, Clapton, September 15th, 187 i. Your past kindness and attention shown,in my ease, together with a desire to fulfil my promise, prompts me to drop you these few lines. You will be glaJ to hear that my entire nervous system is gradually improving; my back feels very much stronger and more free from pain. A year ago when trying to sit up just for half an hour, although pillowed and proppod in every possible way, I URid to get luto a most tearful state of pain and exhaus- tion now I can sit up for some hours at a time with comparative ease. This is a very marked improvement. I fed also stronger on my feet, can stand with a firmness I have not felt for years. I have walked across a room without help. I am thoroughly oonvinced by personal experience th tlbere is a mighty power of good in your appliances, indeed I feel the Bands are an untold comfort to me. Some of my friends are perfectly amazed at aeeing me again down stairs, and to aome extent getting about the house. Dr. Millar whom I have been under for some years, on coming to see my mother was perfectly struck to see me out of bed and down stairs. He said, What do you think has done you good ?' I S;r,' I said, 4 undoubtedly the persevering t use of Mr Pulvermaeher's Electric appliances.' Well,' te said, I I most say they have done a great thing for you, if it is only to get up and come down here.' I name this, sir, because it is a remark of my own doctor who, some months since, laughed at me for even thinking or putting any faith in such a remedy as yours. LAVINA Jonba. J. L. Pulvermacher and Co. 168. Regent Street, W." RICE-LIST OF PULY-ERMACHER'S GAL- P VANIC CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, and FLEX. IBLE BATTERIES. A. NARROW CHAIN-BANDS for Sofatica, Rheumatfo, Neuralgic, and Gouty Paine, Chronic Rheumatism, Local Paralysis, Cramp in the Extremities, according to Electric Power. 18s., 22e., 40s. and upwards. B. BROAD CHAIN-BANDS or BELTS, for Lumbago, Indigestion, Liter, Cheat, and Nervous Complaints, &c., wearable as a Belt 2'2s. to 40s. and 55s. C. BROAD CHAIN-BAITOS for Nervous Deaf- ness, Head, Tooth, and Face Ache, and Noises In the Head 21s. and upwards. D. BROAD CHAINS for Loss of Voice and ether Affections or the Throat, Asthma, Spinal Complaints 10s. fd., 188.,228., and 40s. E. BROAD CHAIN-BAN DS for Writer'sCramp, Trembling, Nervousness, &c., 221. to 30s., 40s., and 60s. F. COMBINED BANDS for General Debility, Oeutral Paralysis, Epilepsy, and Functional Disorders 60s to 60s. COMPLETE SET WITH VOLTA-ELEC- TRIC BELTS for restoring Vital Power. £ 5 WITH VOLTAIC FLEXIBLE CHAIN BATTERY & Q. CHAIN-BATTERIES for Extreme Nervous Debility, Paralysis, and for restoring ex- hausted Vital Energy (to be ueed in con- junction with specially combined bands) JE3 10s. to 4 Guineas. H. PATENT ADHESIVE ELECTRO-GENE- RATOR 2s PATENT ELECRO-DIFFTUSING BAND. 5, No Galvanic Bands or Belts are genuine, but those bearing the facsimile of J. L. PULVERMACHER S signature on the Label. A Test sent (gratis) on Loan for a week if required. The Curative Powers of EJectricit}") and tho 0 The Curative Powers of Electricity, and tho success of PULVERMACHER'S VOLTAIC CHAIN BANDS, BELTS, &e. have elicited envious speculators to an unfair and absurd competition with articles falsely represented as having electrical qualities; Unpossessed as these articles are of electro-gene- rating or electro diffusing properties, there is not, nor can theretbe. any analogy whatever between the same and the benefioial effects of Pulvermacher s above men- tioned appliances; consequently they are those curative properties which for tbe last have secured for Pulvermaeher's Medico-Galvfln System the highest encomiums of the BCientlfi^f Medical press and the official approbation of the Aoademies and Faculties of Medicine, both in Lurope PULVERMACHER'S PAMPHLET of Tostimonials Mid Reports of cures containing extensive numorou •xtrscts from many Standard Scientific Works, Dr Pereira's "Materia Medica,' 4th edition, D Tanner's II Practice of Medicine, 8th edition; and Dr Hand field Jones, on » Nervous and Functional Dib orders," &c., sent post free on application to the soie Inventor aid Patentee— „nrn J. L. PULVERMACHER, i(%Q GALVANIC ESTABLISHMENT, lOO REGENT STREET LONDON, W? I To Gentlemen, Farmers, and Others. G. J. BLAND BEGS to inform the above, that he is in a pcBition to Lot out liorsos, driven by experienced mon, on very moderate terms. WITH SPRING WAGONS, for removing Furniture, Ike from or to any part of the County or Kingdom, WITH TIBMBER CARRIAGES, for Catting Timber, Castings, and other heavy Goods. WITH PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, HARROWS, &c. CARTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE. A G ENT lOR THE GREAT WESTERN RAlLWA Co., HAVERFORDWEST. G. J 15. takes this opportunity of thanking the Tublic for the kind support he has hitherto received. r4 ESTABLISHED 1812. II. AN 1) T. T R O C T OR AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, C A T H A Y, It R I S T 0 L. ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SPECIALLY P R E P A R li D B O N E MANURES, P It: iN- It I -'1) 1-4 FOR GRASS, COIlN, 1100T, AND OTHER CROPS; ALtO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS,—CATHAY, BRISTOL. AGENTS—Mr G. Giiffiths, Carew Newton, Pembroke „ Thomas Parker, Cardigan „ J. N. Evans, Abcrayron. TO CORN DEi\LEIIS NIIIJLERS AND OTHER S. MESSRS. LOCK & HALL, BONE IMPORTERS AND CRUSHERS. REQUIRE FIRST-CLASS AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF CRUSHED BONES ( i in. in. and dust) "GUARANTEED FEEE FROM ALL ADULTERATION. REDBlllDGE, HAMPSHIRE. Chemical Works. NOVELTY IN BOOTS. NOBLEMEN anil Gentlemen are respectfully invited to inspect a case of Roots of entirely new design, which was exhibited at the reccnt International Exhibition at the Agri- cultural Hall, and to which were awarded THE G O L D M E DAL. On View at the Establishment of C. E. ALLEN, (Late of Haverfordwest.) BOOTMAKER, 33 a. Princes Street,—one door from Panton Street, Ilaymarket, London. ««I can ftrongly advise my sporting frionds to try the easy yet close fitting boots, thus made admirably adapted alike for the moor and the stubble."— The Wanderer in Land and Water CHEAP TE A SHOP. THOMAS'S FAMILY TEA & GROCERY WAREHOUSE UPPER MARKET STREET, IIAVERFOftDWKST. Good Tea Is- 4<J- Per |[>- Strong Breakfast do 2s. 0(1. per lb. Fine do 2s. 8d. & 3s. per lb. P It I 31 E WILTSHIRE BACON. FIE L D SAN D PRICE'S PATENT CANDLES. HUNTLEY AND PALMER S BISCUITS. JAMS, JELLIES, PICKLES, SAUCES, &c. Agent for Weir's SClving JJfachines T H C) M A S D. M E Y L E R AERATED WATER MANUFACTURER, HIGH STREET, IIA VERFORDWEST, -« »• thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public generally, for the support acoorded EGS to retar?. pi-ht Years Having disposed of the Machinery and Plant connected with tbe above business to MR EVAN JON ES, of Dew Street, together witb all tile recipes, &c., for the preparation of Aerated Wateu, be to liolloit the øaOle hi. successor. EVAN JONES H A towWn^hta tSfafn^TeTonfiSce0 "posed "in Cj^SSir* Vor'tEe Superior' excellence Aerated Waters, Soda, Potash, Lithia Waters. ruKTTINF SELTZER WATER prepared from a recent analysis of tfeft German Springs LEMONADE AND GINGERADE -Proved and Sold, and all orders by Post or Carrier, promptly attended to by Prepared ana ou EVAN JONES, Soda Water Manufacturer, Dew-street, Haverfordwest. —- 11 — CARSONS' PAINT, rATItON ISED BY HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, T n.rrttn flnTSBVKENT I TnE COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS, R.MLWAY and CAXAT, CoVVANIPS, S SSLr Government,' | The Russian Government | Collieiueh, Ikon Mastbhb,&c, 7,000 Oi' THE Nodii.ity anu Genxry, For all kinds of OTXT-IDOOR WOBK, j -I- tpSf nf nnu-ards of 70 rears, to surpass anv other Taint. It is especially applicable to Iron R^finiTSk Fencir*, Farm and other Buildings Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implements, Carts and Waggons, Roofing, iarx rencir. &nd aU expoged WQrkj effecting a Saving of more than 50 per cent., o. ?t 5« rheaner and lasts twice as long as Genuine White Lead or any other paint, and as it i« cheaPer^AN be laID on by UNSKILLED LABOUR, T4 • .MJ in a fine powder. Will keep any length of time. No grinding, tinting, straining, or dryers are 18 It renuires simply to be mixed with Oil Mixture," according to Directions for Use," thus avoiding ZCZteoi paints sold « mixed ready for use." C0LQURS PerCwt. j TRADE MAR fC Bright. Ecd light*Stone. 1 I Park Red j 26 ■r, .v I Purple Brown ( Bath Stone .• 1 «NTICPRR0siOfj^W~^L r,™ r,™ 1 Cream colour )30s- ffPA,NT>W^M Bionze Gretn Light Portland StoneJ | wan Jtac t'wp. c c j J1IW" 11 "R1 °°t 8 | 21s. Portland Stone I Black J Buff (for Stables).. -f Bright Green Li Kht Lead or Slate.. 28s. t Medium Green ( Oak colour. ) 20s Peep Green ( U Lead colour K « mawHw.wit, Bhie ) Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Blush'.s, &c. CARSONS' PAINT, For Public Edifices, Manbionr, Vilias, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, See., is unrivalled, and is the only Paint that will effectually resist the rays of the sun upon CONSERVATORIES, GREENHOUSES, FRAMES, &c. 2 CWT. Delivered Carriage Free to all Railway Stations in the United Kingdom. PATTERNS AND TESTIMONIALS SENT POST FREE ON APPLICATION WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. And 31, BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. | -< NO AGENTS. ^IL — mf V CLEDDAU BREWERY, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, G E 0 R G E M. GREEN, MALTSTER & BREWER I T DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Agent for Miller and Johnson's Celebrated Artificial Manures. GREEN & JOHN, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, Q UA Y STREET, HA VERFORD WEST, AGENTS FOR LAWKS' SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, LAWES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND L A W E S' DISSOLVED BONES. PER U V I A N GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. cl8 TO SUNDAY GEO. M. HAMMER, A xrn SCHOOL FURNISHER, INVENTOR, and MANUFACTURER of the OSBOIINE. QUADRANT, and ROYAL (Patent) SCHOOL-DESKS & SEA15> n,v eriiTA^r Which e»ch combine a Sloped Desk, Flat Table, and Backed S«at for Lectures, Ac" JJAl-feUliUUiv I !lo«trated Catalogue of Desks, Seats, Tables, Galleries, Easels, Blackboards &«* ™ a P°at Thc Alethodist College, Belfast, and a large number ef'otbeV MANAGERS. irio Colleges and Schools have been fitted by G. M. II. 108, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, YV.C. FLINT & Co.'s BRITISH & FOREIGN f COMMEECIAL INQUIRY OFFICES. OBJECTS — RFrISTKrpt!'ren?°T,e danger or doubi from contemplated credit transactions. RLGlSTkRED INFORMAIION—Not relied npon. Lvery inquiry Is, when receiYed, despatched to three or four correspondents, or more if deemed requisite. The iuformation registered appended 10 addition. Three inquiry. 'o subscribers free of charge. Counsel and Solicitors specially retained, uw/^riTnS e!^ry. own an^ L-D tbe United Kingdom, the Continent of Europe, aad America, REGISTERS—Contuin over One Million names. DEBTS-Promptly applicd for, in accordance with instructions. Immediate settlements. W iiLlvLY vsAZETrh.—Valuable information. Index (quarterly) free to every subscriber. References permitted to numerous commercial firms. Opinions of subscribers fnrnished free on application. TERMS— £ 3 3s, S5 5s JE10 IOs. and upwards per annum. LONDON, E.C.: 58, Cheapside. Dublin: 10, Kenry Street. Manchester: 88, Moseley Street, and 6 Sand 10, Bond Street; and Glasgow 33, Renfield Street, Argyle Street. AGENCIES-APPLICATIONS INVITED. BRYANT. MATTES NEW METAL POCKET BOXES FOR WAX VESTAS AND VESUVIANS, WITH rATEia-T SFIMH-C5. COVEBS. These Boxes are supplied with — iTt ■ an Assortment of Portraita, r^fS5r^' "f-ifll I including, amongst ethers, ? tutUSa&NUv B I j Prince of Wales. Princess of Wales. Marquis of Lorne, Princess Louise, Patti. Christine Willson. Gladstone, Bright,, Dickens, Disraeli, PRIX= ME. Peabody. Livingstone, Sir W. Soott, B. Burns, Emperor of Germany, Empress of Germany, Crown Prince, Count von Moltk4,, tio ifittr. Prince Bismarck. Thiers, Gambetta, Trochu, 1 elli Jules Favre, Garibaldi, .^PSSSSSSSSSsl St MilY'S Napoleon III., Eugenie, >, .PATENT. va/ ■||jr Prince Imperial, I«ONDOM« i' MW Marshal Bazaine, -r- y General Uhrich, &o.t &c. SOLD y -mR"y~WJE3IE^JS AT ONE T=>~Fr;-pq-^q-y -.no.. mj using a CO UN DRILL you save from 1J to 2 Winchesters of Seed per Acre, and at the same time insure a better crop. The Seed saved on a moderate sized Farm in one year wili;be"sufficient to buy a drill. Apply to to Marychurch and Daw, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. N.D.-Agents for Norriiigton's celebrated el BONE SUPERPHOSP II AT E. £ 6 per Ton (10s. per Ton discount for Cash) also for Praoglev's SOLUBLE' PIIOSPl-IO GUANO ,Proved by actual experiment to be superior in every respect to the best Phospho Guano, insuring a bottor Crop, and at the same time being cheaper. Price— £ 10 per Ton, net cash. BENSON'S WATCHES, CLOCKS, GOL D JEWELLERY SILVER AND ELECTRO.PLATE. 11 TO THE QTJEEN liT AND SPECIAL APPOINT FAMILY &C. TilE OfWALfS PRIZE MEDALS.—LONDON, DUBLIN, & PARIS, WATCHES CLOCKS Oi all kind:?, at 1 to 200 guineas Of an lauds, at:: t.o 1000 guineas LKVKR, VKIIT1C4L TT"KUET HORIZONTAL, Dri'LI'V CARRIAGE, CIUSIK CHRONOMETER, CliliONO i V1NG ROOM GRAl'II iHALIj, SHOl' KEYLESS, CENTRE LIBRARY, 3 ili.it'KET, ETC. SECONDS ———— Rlil'EATERS, INDIAN, ETc:SIL YER & ELECTRO GOLD JEWELLERY! ll1'LAT1E. Tbe latest fashions. blNNKii Sv,^ bracelets,brooches tfa\nd^rfJ^sVct earrings, I.OCKETS sEltvif'I.^ Ab buETsVnlsiCBTS It iNGS, SlUDb IN iSTVNDS CI uil'Tn-ro PINS,CROSSES, ETC. ISI'OONS,FOUKS ETC' Illustrated Catalogue of Watches, Clock". Jfi'.villo, <• c post free for 2 stamps. Luei > lVc-> Watches, Clocks, Jewellery and Plate rent to all parts -,f tim world. • lIlc Silver and Electro Plate Catalogue post free 2d. Watches repaired by skilled Workmen. Old Silver J, welWi- Watches, &c., exchanged. Merchants, Shippers ■md Clubs suppl ed. STEAM FAfVrORYAND CITY SHO ROO:\I- LUDGATE HILL & OLD DOKD STREET i .LONDON. STEAM COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN LIVERPOOL,MILFORD, SWANSEA, & BRISTOL For the Month of MARCH, 1872. The Liverpool and Briftol Channcr Steam Nayimtion Company's Steam Shipg HEFTAMHT, Capt ————.——————— Jane Bacoit, Capt. Work Artizan, Capt. C. Barrett I LANTAOKNBT, Capt Gibbs WlXJ)MMKHK,Capt.L Tallan Louisa, Cap J. Barrett. J. Kknnkdy, Capt. Murphy fevNLic.iu Capt. Allen AosIS JACK, Capt. Routotoa Momiaov, Cv>t .pcakman Heptarc ftt, Capt FMet NEW SHIP, (Building) •,n tifh°rn^0r an21i>0ther *'uitable v essel, is intended to .-ail nth Goodi, and Passenuers, (unless prevented by any unforeseen occurrence) as follows, with or without pUoti and liberty to tow Teasels and liberty to tow Teasels From Liverpool to Milford and Bristol. Satu^l7vMar- 2o oi after Sa'urd^: 10 2 after Saturday 9 9J morn Saturday 23 Smorn Saturday, March 30, I o'clock after. >r From Milford for Bristol. .-unday Mar. 3 8 morn Sunday 17 inorn bunday 10 3 m,)rn Sunday, 24 8 morn Sunuay, March o 1, 7 o'clock morn. From Milford tor Liverpool. Wednesday I eb. 6 7 uijdit Wednesday .20. T ni«kt Wednesday, 13. l :lfter Wedneeday ..27 12 noon JSuTiui:. Ihe u Sunlight," Capt Allen, ubs resumed her Weekly Sailinge from Bristol to Liverpool and from Milford to Liverpool. The Steani^BargePembrokeis intended to ply on the Milford Haven, in connection with the above Steamers, carrrlDg .woda to and from Pembroke Dock, Haverfordwest, and thl adiaocnt towns. l FARES :— Return Cabin tickets available for two Vovages. Cabin. Deck. Return Milfoid to or from Liverpool 12b 6d 6s 0d irc AlUfDrd to or from Bristol 6s 6d 6s- 0d 1 Miifcrd toor frnm Swansea 3s Od 3s od NOTICE.—The lauding and tmbarcation of Goods or Pas senders at Milford, by whatever conveyance, wh"ther at Lhe ox ponce of the Steamer, or othcrwi^r» is at thi, risk of tht j, tile Paster pcrs and thc Owners of the Goids respectivelv l?oi further particulars see small bill, or annlv Vn r«u B_JC<r, 4, Rumford Phee,Llveipcol; Q B. Evan/ «d < £ rSi0S2SS.; **• "• iiOiUS AGKAT MiLnjjtp sr. DA VW'S CATHEDRAL RBSTO«ATION THE works of Restoration and Bepak vbidi Wn been carried on during thc last five oo»n» prise the thorough restoration of the To". t theOhofr with its Aialee; a third of the Nave-; and the Drain* age of the whole taildiag. tbete aeTeral workkt casting between eighteen aad oineteea tboonod sounds, have absorbed all the old SubecdptiotM. with the etCepMon cT Mr Traherne's bequest of not yet dee, and the Bishop has in oonaeqwenoe (4n eulated ati appeal for new Subawtpttooa, to ooMplofc the Restoration of the Nave, its A idea, and t* Transepts. The coat of this is estimated by Mr Seott &t£12,500. The Secretaries will cladiy on applicatioo teed to any oaa a eopy of Mi filbert Scott's Seoood Heport sbowirg what has boMi effected, and what works 9 a pressing nature still retnain to be done; md they, will also thankfully acknowledge any Babsonptionfl which may be made. The following Donations have been already per.- raised for the werk remaining to be done k Rev J. M. Traherne (a bequest) £ 2090 Rev John Bowen, LlangoTse (omitted froaj former lists by inadvertence) .< 6* Richard Llewellin, Esq, Tregwynt Me Mrs Mould, Falmodeston Rectory. 59 Mrs Geo. Holgate Foster (seoond donation) CO 9 Rev H. Williams, Breoon -r. 2 8 J. W Kershaw, Esq, Warwick. 20 Mrs Kershaw, Warwick t. Rev A. J. Al. Green (first subsoriptio.) Rev John Hughes, Vicar of Penally an4>« Prebendary of St David's (2nd donation) < W Rev D. Jones, Bishopston, GiamovgaosJiire 0 0 Rev Secretan Jones, Oystermoath, GIamor. ganabire The Lady Uanover 256 Mrs Harford, Blaise Castle 10 to Rev J. Phelps, Carew (second donation) 10 & Rev J. 3ones, Llanfihangel Genau'r Glya (second donation) $ Greorge Baugh Clen, Esq, Tesple (aeoood donation) 10 Q VIrs Paynter, Pembroke I e Wrs W. H. Reed, Pembroke tJ e lire Leach, Pembroke t. lev H. S. Blink, Pembroke r. Mansell, Eeq, Pembr )ke 1 I Li. P. Gibbon, Esq, Pembroke I e W. Hulm, Esq. Pembroke 6 0 W. 0. Hulm, Esq, Pembroke 1 1 r. Dawkins, Esq, Pembroke 5 Urs W. Gibbon, Pembroke 8 0 Mrs D. S. Thomas, Pembroke Mr Hitchings, Pembroke S ft George Jones, Esq, Pembroke I I Messrs Jones, Pembroke Mill 3 t Mr W. Williams, Pembroke 2 t Messrs Davies and Pratt, Pembroke 1 1 VIr Warlow, Pembroke J. ft. M. Jones, Esq, Pembroke 1 I W. Thomas, Esq, Orange Hall, Pembroke.. 0 10 Mr G. Barrett, Pembroke 1 dr Beddoe, Pembroke 2 2 Mrs Morris and Son, Pembroke 0 10 Mr Edward Tracey, Pembroke 0 10 Mr Joseph Powell, Pembroke 1 iO dr C. Eladon, Pembroke 0 to Mr H. P. Thomas, Pembroke 6 10 Mr James, Lion Hotel, Pembroke 0 to drs Owen, Savings Bank, Pembtoke 1 10 dr T. Richards, Pembroke 0 10 4r Burchell, Pembroke t. dr Lowless, Pembroke 9 JO Small Sums, by Rev J. Al-ten 1. fire Roch, Paakeston (second donation) VO 0 n. A. Roch, Esq, Paskeeton (2ad donation) 10 0 L J. Morison, Esq, Portele. 5 0 lev Latimer and Mrs Jones, Carmarthen 28 0 r. White, Esq, Tenby (second donation) 10 0 Jol. Voyle, Tenby 10 0 lev G. Huntnigton, Tenby 8 0 lev J. Hearn Poppelwell, Tenby 2 0 lev E. F. Willi?, Tenby 0io Irs Howells, Tenby 8 0 Gwynne, Esq, Tenby (first donation) 3 3 W. R. Stokes, Tenby 1 0 r. Chatcr, Esq, Tenby 2 2 Trs GiFardot, Tenby 2 0 lolonel Onslow, Tenby 2 ø Irs Onslow, Tenby | q liss Puxley, Tenby 2 Ð Ir James Rogers, Tenby 2 0 Captain Rees, Tenby 1 1 laptain Evans, Tenby 1 9 'wo Sums of Five Shillings each. 0 JO Ir C. Allen (in Photographs of St. Darid'a) r Tenby 6 g lr Joseph Gregory, Tenby 3 g lr John Phelps, Tenby j j lr E. Sates, Tenby .III. I I ire Hughes, Tenby 1 I Ir John Thomas, Norton, Tenby 1 I lr W. Walkinton, Tenby 1 I lr Thomas Marchant, Tenby ) dr Jones, Postmaster, Tenby 1 t I. Lasoelles, Esq., Croft, Tenby 1 0 T. Hawksley, Esq., Caldy, Tenby 0 e iev G. W. Birkett, St Florence, Tenby 0 0 deasrs John Harvey and Sons, Haverford- west (second donation) JO 10 The Welshman Newspaper )o ]Q The Brecon County Titnet |Q q 2he Western Mail 1 a a The Tenby Observer *-1111 10 § The Cambria Daily Trader «n a The Pembrokeshire Hera'd .Ill*' tQ$ H. G. Allen, Esq., Lincoln's Inn, Donation) 10 f) Mrs Mirehouse, The Hall, Angle, Pembroke* 10 0 The Earl of Cawdor, (second donation) tOO 1. H. Scourfield, Esq., M.P. (2nd donation) rOO fl Lewis Lloyd, Esq, Monk Orchard, Surrev 6 A Col. Lloyd, Lillssdcn. Kent .L. 5 0 Henry Leaoh, Esq., Corston |g g Mrs Bayne, (second donation) ItS I Miss Robson, Penally, (second donation) 0 0 Messrs Richard James and Bon, GLarer/ord* west. H. Roes, Esq., Llangraaog, Newcastle Emlva 1 1 Rev William Edmunds, Rbostie Rectory AbErystwyth t. Rev John Felix, Llanilar ••••]** o Rev J. Tombs, Burton '*t i> « Messrs Powell, Mathias, and Evans, ll'tver* west in in Wm. Davies, Esq., Spring Gardens, HaVer- fordwest J. W. Phillips, Ecq., Rock Cottage," ditto' f 1 Mceere Greenish and Dawkins, Market street, 4 Rev George Horn, Haverfo'rd'wesV.' • t Miss Emment and Miss Gwyther, ditto 11 wr P". ^aun<^er?< Bridge street, ditto 1 1 Mr John Phillips, Castle Souare, ditto J } Mr Stephen Green, High atreet, ditto (second donation) a t W- Lloyd, Hijjh street, HaVerfoVdw^it 1 Mrs Philpott, Castle Hotel, di to i John Lewis, Esq., Bank, diUo Wm.John, Esq Victoria Place, ditto l I wr8»f0Jle^, 8treet, ditto f Mr P. P. Ellis, High street 1 Mr Richard Williams, Dew street d'itto « i Mr James Davies, Victoria Place dittn I 1 M» John Brown, Market atreet. ditto S j]1 T. Baker, High street, ditt. —• Messrs Green and John, Quav «♦ r'J '1' f Mr William Hood, High streL 'U° 1 9 Mr E. H. Ellie, D; w street S. dlU° Mr William Sanders, Castle Grll 0 M essrs T. and J. Llovd SI,' d,tto '» 0 Frederick Weioholt, 0 19 J. L. G. P, Lewis V«w ijau^arn6 26 0 Rev. R.Lewis t' (8e??nd donati*) 1«$ <loa.Ua" La»P»'» Velfrey I J Rev T. R? J Lail^h 3 3 Sri J J M. i Mr >» m, Roberta 0 e Mr J0'Ml.nt' °a Rle ,S1uare, H. West 0 'Niauken, Rydor iitrect London 1 1 0 t tw: 7aughaci» fc-sq., Upton Castle in 10 n J. Thirlwall, Esq, Abergwili MUe*" 1 » ^>'1. William Slater, Cheltenham 5 0 0 A friend, by Misa Welbey Par^ *2nd donation cam Rev. J. U, Morgan The Dean of Bangor 2 n 0 D .J.Jeffreys Esq, add!. subVcription"1 1 O Collection at Lkndigwydd, by Rev. P. „ at LI an ell y Church," ReV. D* w'illi^ms 3 10 Irucceds of Lecture, Llandilo, by Rev J. Griffiths 2 14 0 Subscriptions and Donations will be received by tarie?; by Messis Mokbis and sU> BaS. clt