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Jaat Published, P.et Free tor Two StBaapb. WONDERFUL MEDICAL DISCOVERY, SHOWING THB TRUE CAPSE OF NERVOUS, MENTAL. & PHYSICAL DEBILITY, LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, INDIGESTION, WANT OF ENERGY, PREMATURE DECLINE With plain directions for PERFECT RESTORATION to HEALTH AND VIGOUR in a few days. I Thw Mttt important fact that these alarming complaints may entity be removed WITHOUT MEDICINE, Is here eltarly drinoniitratcd, and the entirely new and fifthly successful treatment, as adopted by tb" Anthor, fallv enplained—by means of which EVERY ONE IS ENABLED TO CURE HIMSZLF erfectly. and at the Ifapt possibls cost. Sent Free on eeeipt of tWO stamp* Ioy W. HILL, ESQ., M.A., BMHKKLHY Horse, SOTJTH-CRKSCBNT, RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON, W.C. These Curative Means are so Easy and Simple in Application, that alt ean Cure Themselves firivntery. Snc- eei-fnliy mnk at the SMALLEST COST IN A FEW • AYR. "The ItbjÀrt of this extraordinary publication is to {tev# hot* Nerroasngns mid concomitant Maladies can • effrrtnnlly and aii«c«ssfnlly treated, and the most eanttncuip proof of the efficacy of this, the greate«t of human di»cov»rir*, is testified hy the numerous eases Of cars* etfencd."— M tfTCAL Recoup. PAXSMT ^CALVAMlC^ O. B AIN-BAND8, BELTS, AND I POCKKT BATTERIES. rpBKSE HIGHLY IMPROVED INVENTIONS J. render Electricity perfectly se If-applieable, in a lalld ewetitnoa" form, and extremely efficacious, no obeek or unpleasant mentation being experienced, -whereby it beaomes a true fountain of health and vi- jjeer, speedily soothing agonising pains, reanimating orptd limbs, reviving the sluggish functions of life, alia imparting renewed energy and vitality to con- wMtttiont enfeebled hy various influences. The daily increasing number Af corf effeeted by PCJLVER- MACHERIS MEDICO-GALVANIC SYSTEM is so extensive and vaiied, that It forcibly points to this Invention u the embrvo of tt univer-ski remedy. 'I'HE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY, signed by the < elite of the English medical faculty, has been Artestred:- ■" We, the undersigned. have mueh pleasure "in testifying that Nl r J.L PULVERMACN ER'S" "reMntimproTempnte in "ill VoltRic Batteries" "and Galvanic Appliances for Medieal Pur." poses are of great importance to Scientifin" Modleine. and that be is entitled to the con-" 'sideration and support of everyone disposed" "to futher the advancement of real and useful" "ptoicreve." Dated this 9'h daT of M 'rch. 1866." Sir CHARLES LnCOCK, Bart, M.D.F.R.CP. Sir WILLIAM FERGUSSON, Bar'. F.R S. EDWD. H. SKIVERING, M.D., F R C.P. Sir J. RANALD MARTIN. F R.C.S. Alllo recommended br J. RUSSELL REYNOLDS, M.O. F R C.P. C. B RADCLIFFE. )!).. r'.R.G P. F.R S. A.CLARK. M.D.. F.R.C P. PULVEKMACHER'S SYSTEM is also approved r of by an official report ef the Academic de Medi- cine. Paris; Kayai Soslety of London Royal College 01 iPhysicians, 1 or Ion; and the Imperial Fnculty of Vienna; and its curative virtues are confirmed by 'thousands of private testimonials of cures effected. -(See Pamphlet gratis.) These faots appeal to the good sense of every sufferer to avail himself of this scientific and curative pro. $ress, to which the inventor uae devoted a lifetime Of study and labour, as an ardent disciple of that great benefactor of mankind, the late illustrious etectrician, MICHAEL FAKABAY. jjULYERM ACHER'S ME DICO GAL VANIC JT CHAINS are exceedingly effeoti»e without the aid of medicine, restriction of ditt, or the 184" derangement Of 4/1, patient's habits and daily occupations, in the following maladie. Rheumatism Tic Doloreux Plugirlsh Circulation Gout Indirection Urirary Disorders Sciatica Deafness Paralysis 1/wmbairo Spasrtis Epilepsy Neuraljpa Female Complaints Nervous Debility He'd & Toothache Constipation Functional Disorders Liver Complaints Cramp &c.,&c. "'he ettecti; ot the api,i iestioti of PU LV L P. i% I A C ff ER'S Ctl A INS in any of the above disorders is immediately ferceptibfe—the relief of pain instantaneous. T)RICE-LT8T OF PULVERMACHER'S GAL- 1 VANIC CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, and FLEX- IBLE BATTERIES. A. NARROW CHAIN-BANDS for Sciatica, Rheumatic, Neuralgic, and Gouty Pains, Chronic Rheumatism, Local Paralysis, Cramp in the Extremities, according to Electric Power 18s., 22f., 40s and upwards. B BROAD CHAIN-BANDS or BEI/lS, for Lumbago, Indigestion, Liver, Chest, and Nervous Complaint?, &rt. wearable as a Ileit 22s. to 40s. and 55s. •C. BROAD CHAIN-RANDS ior Ni rvous Deaf- ness. Head, Tooth, and Face Ache, and Noi-rs in the Head 21s. and upwards. .D BROAD CHAINS for Loss of Voico and ether Aff t lionsol the Throat. Asthma, Spinal Complaints 10s 6J. 18s., 22* and 4Cs. E IiROAl) CHAIN-BAN DS for Wntei'eCrainp, Tremlilirg, Nervousncsa, &c., 22s. to 3ú- 4(K. and 6o¡;. F. COMBINED BANDS for General Debility, Central Paralysis, Epilepsy, and Functional Disorders 50s to 60f. COMPLETE SET WITH VOLTA-ELKC- TRIC BELTS for restoring Vital Power. £ 5 WITII VOLTAIC FLEX1BLK CHAIN BAITKRY jC8 G. CHAIN BATTERIES forExtretne Nervous Debility, Paralysis, and lor restoring ex- hausted Vital Energy (to be used in con- junction with specially combined bande) J £ 3 Ill". to 4 Guinea". H. HIGH TENSION FLEXIBLE CHAIN POCKET BATTERIES, with a complete set of Combined Bands, Belts, and accessories (lor tpeciai cases) ^10 and upwards. Galvanic Hands or lielts ore gsnuine, but those bearing the facsimile of J. L. PUL V EllMA CHEll S tignalure on the Label. CAUTION.-A PERPWUAL INJUNCTION In CHANCERY, dated 18th August, 1869, was granted to J. L. PULVKRMACHBR against AUFKED BARROWS, alias C. D. HAMMOND, alias HKNRYJAMKS, alias C. T. RAFHEY their assistants, agents, and servants, restraining the aattt person or persons, under a penalty of £ 5000, from 4 rceitfully advertising Belts, &c, delusively representing tbem ar electric. Thia decree is printed in exttwto in PULVFRMACHER'S PAMPHLET of Testimonials "nd Reports of cures containing extensive numerous extrrets from many Standard Scientific Works, viz.: Dr Pereira's "Materia Medics," 4th edition; Dr Tanner's "Practice of Medicine," 8th edition; and Dr Handheld Jones, on "Nerrous and Functional Disorders, &0 sent post free on application to the Sole Inventor and Patentee J. L. PULVRRMACHER, GALVA A'JC ES TA BL1 SUM ENT, 200. HEOENT STREET. LONDON. W. SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. FRFE EDITION of 5,000 copies of DR SMITH'S Cflei \ted Work, THE WARNING VOICE, or FRI\ ATE MEDICAL FRIEND, is now published for the benefit of narvong sufferers. Read the Warning Voice By Henry Smith, M.D., of the Royal University of Jena. Author of The People's Guide to Health," &o. The Warning Voice is a Special Medioal Work on the New Treatment, by medioine only, of Nervous Debility, Painful Dreams, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitations of the Heart, Noises in the Heed and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Loss of Energy and Appetite, Pains in the Back. Timidity, Self Distrust, Dizziness' Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, Local Weakness, Muscular Relaxation, &c., which, if neglected, and in Consumption, and Premature Deaths Gives PRE- SCRIPTIONS and INSTRUCTIONS by which Thousands have been restoied to health and vigour I after all other remedies had failed. Alan NEW CHAPTER on the DANGEROUS use of i-;LECtRI. GI ry or GALVANISM. Containa many letters from sufferers who bave tried the «"-cJl?d remerh Without success, proving that Electricity will not cure Nervous Debility Illustrated with Cases and Tesuir..nials from grateful patients, with means of cure used in each cast. The WARNING VOICE will be sent in an mvelope free by poet to any address on receipt oi two penny stamps. Address, Dr. H. SMITH, 8, Burton Cicsctut. Lon- den. W o. IMroHTANT TO COUNTUY PATIENTS. CONSULTATION BY LETTER WITHOUT FEE. DK. H, SMITH, the Eminent Specialist for the cure ID of ail Debii'^atirij; Diteascs, resuliing (rom the •>>-ora of youth atj manhood, will, tor the benefit ol Couniiy at.ients, wiio cannot consult him personally (I, receivn g a description of their case, fend t,u with siivice, «nd direct.ons lor the most »uefe»Biul restoration to health ;iRd vigour. Address. Dr Smith, h, Buiion Creiceut, Loudon I 4 DR. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND HAPPY MARRIAGES.—When to marry, with I advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing out certain impediments which render n arried li e unhappy, and directions for their speedy removal. Should be read by all who value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a happy old age.—Post I free on receipt of two stamps.—Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. Just Published for Two Stamps. TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. READ THE "SECRET FRIEND," by Dr. BARNES, who bus tor years given his exclusive attention to the treatment, "f Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical D presnion, r^lpiiution of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impmrpd Siirht and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Loss of Energy anil Appetite, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Timidity, Reff-Distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude. Groundless Ffars, and many other ailments, which, if neglected, brine the sufferers to all early Death. Thia valuable work "THE SECRET FRIEND," is illustrated with numerous cases and le-timoiiials, and not only gives the cause hut the moans of cure. Ilnndrcfls of cases which :lll\d been thought hnpfic"- have been restored to perfect health and vigour after all other means had (ailed. Sent post free on receipt of two stamp". tfclT Address, Dr. Barnes, 30, Thornhill Crescent, Caledonian Road, LonJou, N. Important/ Country Patients. j DR BARNES ma be consulted personally or by letter, in all pi irate and cor,fidential eases and forth" bfnffitnf Nervous sufferers who cannot visit him, he wi;l, on receiving a rieseiiption of their case, enclosing a stamped envelope for reply, be ready to give his opinion upon the nature of the case, and the principles 01 treatment necessary to effect a perfect Clire Cgig* Address, DR. BARNES, 30, Thornhill Crescent, Caledonian Road, London, N. DO YOU WANT BEAUTIFUL HAIR, WHIS- KERS, &c. ? I)r Russell's Lixivene, an elegantly perfnrred toilet compound, lor nourinhing, preserving, And restoring the hair, is guaranteed to produce mous- taches, whiskers, eyebrows, &r., in two or three weeks, strengthen weak hair, prevent its falling off, check greyneKS in all i s stages, restore the original colour, dispel senrf and dandriff, and make it clean, soft (-.urlv and glossy. For the re-production of hair in baldness, from whatever cause and at any age, its effects are certain; in thousands ot cases it has been successful when all other preparations bad failed. In the nursery it is unequalled, as it keeps the bead clean and forms the basis of a beautiful head ot hair. Price 2s., sent any- where free by post, on receipt of 24 penny stamps, by Dr. G. Russell, 28 Clarence Road, Kentish Town, London. Large Bottles, containing three times the quantity, 4s fid. each. It stopped my hair from falling off-J. Saville." My whiskers ATe now abun- dant and thick. Wm. Neale." My hair had gone in patches from illness, but it is now growing ninety— Miss Wphb. I- My moostacbe is envied by every body — Major Hlrrh." I was bald for 9 years, but. now my head is covered with hair. J. Spence." OMKRTK.— E"-ry Oenuine bottle has the words RUSSELL's LIX. IVENE moulded In the glass, and is wrapped in a pamphlet of 16 pages, on the Management of the Hair and Skin also see that George Ru-sell's Trade Mark and Signature are OH every outside wrapper. Sold by all Chemists. THE PURE HERBAL MEDICINE. DR THOMSON'S INVIGORATING PILLS are a well known cer- tain remedy for ttunoafto. gravel pfins in the baok and loins, headache, depression of spirits, rheumatism, gout, discbarges of all kinds, piles, and all affeotions of the kidneys and bladder. All diseases arise from impure blood and weakness. These Pills cleanse and purify the fluids, remove general or local debility, give tone to the stomach, restore the spirits, enrich the blcod, impart energy and vivacity, eradicate every trace of disease, and invigorate the whole system. In every oomplaint, however virulent or long standing. they afford instant relief and fpecdy cure. The daily receipt of testimonials from men and women in every position of life, who have been cured or skin eruptions, sore eyes, ulcers, and scarf on the betd, sore throat, pains in the limbs, neuralgia, epilepsy, stone in the bladder, disease of the kidneyc, &c., 01 their ose. and accounts of surprising recoveries for severe illness wheu all other medicines and doctors had failed has induced Dr. THOMSON to publish their virtues, in the earnest hope that blessings so great may be more widelv diffused and appreciated. Price ls.ljd., 2s 9ri., & 4s.6d. per box. (To Protect the Public from Iml. tations, Her Majcstv's Commissioners have ordered the words RALPH THOMSON, LONDON, to be en- graved in white letters on the Government Stamp affixed to each package, to itritn'e which is felony and transpcrtation). Sold by all Chemists in the world or will be sent direct, packed privately in a letter, on on teceipt of 14, .'i3, or 51 stamps by Dr THOMSON, 28, Clarence Road, Kentish Town, London. Four doses of your Pills eured my paius in the back, which had annoyed tne for many years. 11. M." I tried them for pains in the back they cured me in a few hours. G. n." 1 had been troubled for years with an eruption on the face. Your Pills have quite cured me. Rev. J. S." "t have never had an attack of gout or rheumatism since 1 used your Pills. W. Davis." "Tbey quite cured my siek headache and billious attacks. Mrs Ellis." "The pains in the back are quite cured 1 can stoop with ease now. J. Weiss. Every sufferer, whatevet the symptoms may be, is advised to try these Pills, with the honest assurance that they must find relief. Dr THOMSON ON NERVOUS DISEASES. J list I'tiblist.-ed. The One Hundred and Eleventh i.diiion, 188 ANEW WORK ON MARRIAGE, the causes & symptoms of Nervous and general debility, re- laxation, lat gtior, dislike to sooiely, depression of spirits, lossof memnrj, dimness of sight, deafness, premature decl:ne, consumption &c., with prescriptions, diret rules, and ail necessary information, for the speedy sell cure of loss of mental and physical power, nervous affections, and all the diseases of youth and manhood. sent post-froe, on receipt of two penny stumps, by Dr. THOMSON, 28, ClareBce Road, Kentish Town, London. Opinions of the Press. There ia no quackery or learned mystery in Dr Thomson's book, but a plain exposition of the causes, symptoms, and rational treatment of this destructive class of diseases, all set forth with the clearness of a practical man, who wishvs tc be under- stood, and the earnestness of a conscientious man who only wishes to be useful. Dubliu Gazette." "Thie worl. is' popular' in every sense of the word, and its worth is untold, to those who cannot, from a feeling of shame, consult the family physician. Hap. Magazine." From upwards of 30 years practice in London, the author i* justified in assuring sufferers who require confidential treatment, that all esses will be speedily cured, without recourse to any of those daugerous drugs, copaiba, raereury, &c., generally used, and that lie is proud in being able to refer to many thousands whom he has restored to health and vigour. Persons at a distance should forward a detail of their cases by letter, enclosing one guinea for ad- ice audi medicine, which will be sen t by return. patients corresponded witn till cured. DR. THOMSON'S TONIC ELIXIR Restores health Strength, and power, to the most shattered con- bUtution. and cures with the utmost certainty relaxation, spermatorrhoea, exhaustion, depression of spirits, giddiness, nervousnees, epilepsy, para- lysis, and all the distressing consequenct-g uriing from (ichitity. For all diseases of the urinary organs it will be found a speedy specific, requiring no alteration in diet, purifying the blood, removing secondary symptoms. scurvy, scrofula, blotches, skin eruptions, irritations of the bladder, &c, which too fre- quently harass the sufferer over the best years of life. Tonic Elixir has restored bodily strength and vigour to thont-andsofdebititttted Individuals who now enjoy perfect health and whatever the causes of disqunlitica tion !or marriBge, they are effectually •liriut'ii t:\ iitis potent remedy. Many poor suffered, wiu- hom fear of discovery, bad borne their afflic tions for a Ie nil: time, rather than apply to the lamtly doctor, eured themselves privately, at IlItl. or no expence, with this wouderful r Medicine. Price 26 91, 4s 6d, and iis, p'.r bottle. (To protect the public from fpurious munitions, Her M 'f commissioners have orderei the words RA LP H fHOM. SON, LONDON, to tJ6 ellgravQù in white letter on the Government stamp affixed do each package, to imitate which is felony and transportation). Sold by all Chemists in the wot Id, or will be sent, direct, on receipt of a post office order for lie. payable to Dr. RALPH THOMSON, 2SClarence Road, Kentish Town, Loudon. Extracts from Testimonials The nervous debility 18 so much better, that I do not need stimulants. My appetite and direction are improved indeed J feel better in every way. D. H. I have been surprised at the singularly vivifying effects of your medicine, and cannot sufficiently express my gratitude, 0. J. VCUBE EOR ALL. L'r JOHNSTON, celebrated ovei a quarter of a century I or the cure of Nervous and General Debility, loss of energy,depression ol spirts, lassitude, prostiati >n, palpitation 01 the heart, dizziness, dimness 01 sieht, noises in the head and ears, )o-s of memory, deatneSN, indigestion, rheumatism, gout, iumtisgo, pftins in tho back, giavel, and all torma of secret disease, which when ncglecieil eldl ill cough and consumption, continues to give away his Pan- pblef,— which contains simple instructions, whereby any one may regain h> aitli ami strength, without takinp quack medicines or imining a doctor's bill. The Book will be tent privately, on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope, by Dr. JOHNSTON, 17 Crow n Terrace, liaverstock lilli, Loudon. Thou sands of sullen rs who had fallen into a had state ot health, havo borne gratelul testimony to the value, and simplicity 01 the advice given, which in a short tuna has perfectly restored them at a trifling cost, in money. I he ¡\Ied¡"¡ JournRlsap; lt 's a nobie thing for a « qualified Physician t" runic lorwiuu rid le.seue these | vie.ti'ns o! diseaaa from tho extortionate clutches ol I those designing qnaaks who usurp this, branch et I practice, I To Gentlemen, Farmers, and Others. G J B I. A N D BEGS to inform the above, that he is in a position to Let out Horses, dri-en by experienced men, on very JD moderate terms. WITH SPRING WAGONS, for removing Furniture, &o from or to any part of the County or Kingdom. WITH TIBMBER CARRIAGES, for Carting Timber, Castings, and other heavy Goods. WITH PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, HARROWS, &c. CARTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE. AGENT FOR THE GREAT WESTERN RAJJAVA Co., HAVERFORDWEST. G. J B. takes this opportunity of thanking the Public for the kind support he has hitherto received. c4 ESTABLISHED 1812. ,1:"< II. A JSI I) T. T R O C T 0 R .At; RltULTllll AI, CHEMISTS, C A T H A 7, BRISTOL. ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SPECIALLY P R E P ARKD n O N E MANURES, FOR GRASS, CORN, IIOOT, AND OTHER CROPS; AI.80, r BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WOUKS.-CATHAY, BRISTOL. Carew Newton, Pembroke Thomas Parker, Cardigan J. N. Eyins, Aberayron. PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO. I. THOMSON, T. BONAR, AND Co., ■ • 575 OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON, E.C., SOLE CONSIGNEES AND AGENTS FOR SALE IN GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. Price at Scale in London fixed by the Peruvian Government, JE12 per ton, for Quantities of not less than 30 tons. 17th February, 1871. NOVELTY IN BOOTS. NOBLEMEN and Gentlemen are respectfully invited to inspect a case of Boot. of entirely new design, which was exhibited at the recent International Exhibition at the Agri- cultural Hall, and to which were awarded THE GOLD MEDAL. On View at the Establishment of 4. C. E. ALLEN, (Late of Haverfordwest.) BOOTMAKER, 33 a. Princes Street,-onc door from Panton Street, Haymarket, London. (' II E l# T E A S II 0 I\ TH OM AS'S FAMILY TEA & GROCERY WAREHOUSE UPPER MARKET STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. Good Tea 1 s. 4d. per lb. Strong Breakfast do 2s. Od. per lb. Fine do. 2s. 8d. & 3s. per lb. PRIME WILTSHIRE BACON. FIELDS AND PRICE'S PATENT CANDLES. HUNTLEY AND PALMER'S BISCUITS. JAMS, JELLIES, PICKLES, SAUCES, &c. Agent for Weir's Sewing Machines cl8 BRYANT & MAY'S HEW METAL POCKET BOXES FOR WAX VESTAS AND VESUVIANS, "WITH IP A TZEJSTT SFmisTG- COVEBS. These Boxcq Fire f;tipplied with an Assortmeut of Portraits, jjj | If including, amongst others, jjjjj j tho lollowing^ PATENT. 1 Prince of Wales, Princess of Wales, Marquis of Lorne, Princess Louise, AdelinE6 Patti, Christine Nillson, Bright. Dickens, Disraeli, Livingstone, PNOI LouisE. Sir W. Scott, R. Burns. Emperor of Germany. ffl Gambetta^ Trochu, W|j Jules Favre, Garibaldi, f aPPrince^ Imperial,nie* JsMjBgBBi LONDON. f oenS^hr^r&ct'&c. SOLD EVERYVTHERE AT ONE PENNY. -1- ï r I i The history of this great remedy is tho most, wonderful that the world hns ever | | 1 known. It establishes the all-important fact that WHEREVEU disease exists it's S 1 searching and healing properties are in most cases equal to its subjection and cure. g I DISOBDEBS OF TIEIIEI STOMACH | 1 Ave the sources of the. deadliest maladies. Now, what is the operation of the Pills ? B U T-hey cleansc the bowels, regulate the liver, bring the relaxed or irritated stomach B 8 into a natural and healthful condition. Changing sickness into health. | 1 J^ILIMIIEIsrTS OIF* ZPZEZMTA-IjIES.. B I At the two epochs in life in which the system undergoes the most important fl W ?,nd critical changes, the Pills are priceless in their effect in disorders to which the fl | sex is liable and at the turn of life are a safeguard against evil consequences. 9 I WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY. I -W -E7 j These Pills remove all symptoms of debility, languor and weakness, as they H iact upon the mainsprings of life and give strength and vigour to the system. || THE BEST ZREIMIJ^ID^r XNOVVN FOR 9 Asthmn. Debility. Influenza. Stono rtud Gravel. M Bilious Complaints. Diarrh.ea. l/tver Complaints. Secondary Symptoms g Blotcliea on tho Rktn. Female, Irregularities Piles Weaknws,Irom what- H Oonstipaticm of the Bowels. Indigestion. Retention of Urine, ever cause, &c. &c. g CA UTION!—Tsone are genuine unless the words Hollovuciy, London, are Eg S discernible as a Watermark, in every leaf of the book of directions which may be n fl plainly seen by holding it to the light.—Sold at the manufactory of Professor K f§ HOLT.OWAT, 24i, Strand, London, and by all Dealers in Medicine, in boxeis at j| a Is. 1 -^d., 2s. 9d., 4s. t»d., lis., 22s., and 33s.—There is a cons«;lerab"le saving by j«| g taking ihft larger sizes.—Very copious d irections for use are allixed to each box. K E«n«w——PBMmMaagrww—Jfc CLEDDAU BREWERY, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, G E 0 n G E M. GREEN. MALTSTER & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Agent for Jfiller and Johnson's Celebrated Artificial Manures. GREEN & JOHN, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUAY STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, AGENTS FOR LATC 81 PEN PHOSPHATE OF LIME, LAWES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND LAWES' DISSOLVED BONES. I- PERUVIAN GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. e18 J. BROWN, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, HAVERFORDWEST, (ESTABLISHED 1803), BEGS to announce that he has made arrangements to supply the Public with the undermentioned First-clas3 Stouts in Cask and Bottle. IIANDER's INVALID STOUT Highly recommended hy the Faculty, and SIR JOHN ARNOTTS CELEBRATED CORK STOUT In Quality and flavour resembling the BEST LONDON STOUT. FLINT & Co.'s BRITISH & FOREIGN COMMERCIAL INQUIRY OFFICES. OBJECTS:— COMMERCIAL INFORMATION—To remove danger or doubt from contemplated credit transactions. REGISTERED INFORMATION—Not relied upon. Every inquiry is, when received, despatched to three or four torreepondentft, or mure if deemed requisite. The information registered appended in addition. Three stsmpseach inquiry. LEGAL A DVICE-Supplied to subscribers free of oharge. Couned Rnd Solicitors specially retained. AGENTS-In every Town and City in the United Kmgdom, the Continent of Europe, and America, REGISTERS—Contain over One Million names. DEBTS— Promptly applied for, in accordance with instructions. Immediate settlements. WEEKLY GAZETTE.—Valuable) information. Index (quarterly) free to every subscriber. References permitted to numerous commercial firms. Opinions of subscribers inrmsbed free on application. TERMS— £ 3 3s, S5 5s, JE10 10«. and upwards per annum. LONDON, E.C.: 68, Cheapside. Dublin: 10, Henry Street. Manchester: 88, Moseley Street, and 6, 8, and 10, Bond Street; and Glasgow 33. Renfield Street, ArgYle Street. AGENCIES-APPLICATIONS INVITED. THOMAS JONES, MARBLE AND STONE MASON, MERLIN'S HILL, HAVERFORDWEST. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, AND HEADSTONES, OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS READY FOR INSPECTION. WINDOWS OF BATH AND OTHER STONE, AND ALL KINDS OF CHURCH WORK. MARBLE AND srrONE CHIMNEY PIECES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ANTIQUE AND MODERN. DRESSED MASONRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, EXECUTED ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. Estimates Given for all Descriptions of Marble and Stone Work. 190 OARSONS PAINT, PATRONISED BY HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT, | THE COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS, I RAILWAY and CANAL COMRA.NIRS, THs INDIAN Government, f The RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, | COLLIERIES, IKON Mastlvs, &C., 7,000 OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY, For ail kinds of OUT-DOOR WORK, And is proved, after a test of upwards of /0 years, to surpass any othor Paint. It is especially a.ppliei'Kle Iron IiooHug, Park fencing, Farm and other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implements, Carts and agonf', Gates, kc. kc., and all exposed work, elleciii-g a Saving of more than 50 per cent. as it is cheaper, and lasts twice as long as Genuine White Lea;r;i-,iy nthcr paint, and CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. It is sold in a fine powder. Will keep any length of time. No j;rindinc. tintir draining-, or dryers are necessary. It requires simply to he mixed with "Oil Mixture," according to "Directions for rile;' thus avoiding1 the waste of paints sold" mixed ready for use." COLOURS. Per Cwt. TRADE MARK. Per Cwt. "White Brig-ht P.ed Light Stone J ]>-nkl;<'t ( ;f(. Bath Stone f Fnrple Brown f*• Cream colour I It ^1 I Brour.e Green j L'ght Portland StoneV HM.NurVrJuPrChn.-olat« 1 n. Portland Stone 1 awAi.Tr« Black i Buff (for Stahles). Britrht Gr^on" Light. Lead or Slate 2?S. Medium Groen f Oak colour ) n*, n WL' 'f* Deep Green >42e. Lead colour J tN-rrr,, n «R STATIONERS HALL. Blue ) Prepared Oil Mixture for the Auti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brushes, &o CARSONS' PAINT, for rt'BLic LOIFICEK, MANSIONS, II.LAS. and t-verj' kind of Brick, Store, Compo, kn., is unrivalle»l, ar;d is the only I 'ni nt that will effectually resist the rays of the sun up<~ni Conservatories, Greenhouses, Frames, &C. Si Cwt. I»FUVEBFI> CARBIA"E J REK to all IXAILWAY STATIONS IN THK I": JTFP KINGDOM. Patterns and TcstimontaiR sent Post Free on Application. WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C.; And 21, BACHELOR S WALK, DUBLIN. I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENTS 1 FOR THE 1 ARCHIMEDEAN LAWN MOWER. Prices a.id Testimonials Post Free. MARY CHURCH § DAW, AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS, H A V E It F 0 R D W E ST. CHAIN HARROWS FOR THE PRESENT SEASON. T PRICE: S PRICE 5 ft. by 7^ ft.^ 0 in. Y"XTTT^^TT O 7 it. Gin. hy 7 ft. M in. Square Iron. o Scuarc Iron -.J Harrows, Rotior, Sped Diiils of all descriptions, Rgcl MOde, CARTS, WAGGONS, and every dMeription of agricultural implements, raanufactmred by th* Briltot Waggon Works, Comianj, supplied by R. & I. JONES, AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS, Ste. Offices: 1, Hujli Street, Haverfordwest. ST. IM^vTEriTcATHEDKAL KMluKAIlOM rpHE woi kg of Restoration and K«p«ir which ktrt X been oanied on during the last five yean, pripe, the thorough restoration of the Tewsr theOheir1 with i's Aif-)p« a third of the X" and the IHMBJ age of the whole buildinj • costirg between eighteen and ->etee« » i pounds, have absorbed all the old 'eriptiMv, w. a the exoeptio.-) of Mr Traherne's of £ MM not yet duf-, and the Bishop has to aee^eeeee eiif culated an app^l for new Subscriptraaa, to leaflets the Restoration cf the Nave, its Aisles, and tbo Transepts. The eost oi this il eoltimaled by Mi Seett tt.SI2.SOO. The Secretswill elad'.v on aopliostioii amd te any one a copv of .r GilVrt Scotl's Second leport showing what tias bet n effected, and whet worn • a pressing ratt)rn still Mlmin t* be doM; aed they wiil also thankfully acknowledge any SabfleriftMac which mar be made. The following Donations have been already ptw mised f-.■ h., work remaining to be done t- Her J. M. Traherne (a bequest) JS2009 0 Rev John Bowen, Llangorse (omitted from former lists br inadvertence) < t Riohard Llewellin, Esq, Tregwynt M < Mrs Mould, Faimndeston Rectory. § 9 Mrs Gjr.. Holgate Foster (sesond donation) 600 Rev E. Williams, Brecon 22 J. TV Kershaw, Esq. Warwiok MrsKtrshaw. Warwick 1. Rev A. J.M. Green (first rubssriptien) C n Re- John Jliiahop, Vicar of Penalty and4 Prebendary of St Dariffi (2nd donation) S 0 Rev D. Jones, Bisbopston, Glamorganshire I 8 Rev Serretan Jones, Ojstermouth, Glamor. gansbire A 0 The Ladv Llanover 2j. Mrø Harford, Blaise Ca..tle 18 lit Rev J. Phelps, Carew (second donation) 18 1. Rev J. Jones, Llanfitiangel Genan'r Glyn (second donation) f George Baugh illen, Eeq, Temple (sesond donation) 10 0 Mrs Paynter, Pembroke A0 Mrs W. H. Reed, Pembroke < e Airs Ltteicb, Pembroke 20 Rev H. S. Blink, Pembroke ft 10 T. Ai ansell, EFq, 1 1 L. P. Gibbon, Esq, ^nmbroke 6 0 W. Hulm, Esq, Pembroke fi 0 W. O. Uulm, Esq, Pembroke J 1 J.Dawkins.Eeq.PembrtLt A 9 Mrs W. Gibbon, Pembroke 6 0 Mrs D. S. Thomas, Pembroke 2 2 Mr Hitchings, Pembroke. 2 0 George Jones, Ecq, Pembroke J a Meagre Jones, Pembroke Mill 8 0 Mr W. Williams, Pembroke 2 2 Messrs Davies and l'ratt, Pembroke ? 1 Mr Warlow, Pembroke 2 2 R. M. Jones, Efq, Pembroke 1 i W. rbornas, E.q, Orange Hall, Pembroke.. 0 16 Mr G. Bairett, Pembroke 1 0* Mr Beddoc, Pembroke 2 2 M rs Morris and Son, Pembroke 0 10 M r Edward iracey, Pembroke 810 Mr Joseph Powell, Pembroke 1 10 Mr C. Elsdon, Pembroke 010 Mr H. P. Thomas, Pembroke 0 10 Mr James, Lion Hotel, Pembroke 0 10 Mrs Owen, Savings Bank, Pembroke 1 10 Mr T. Richards, Pembroke 0 10 Mr Burchell, Pembroke I 0 Mr Lowless, Pembroke. 0 10 Small Sums, by Rev J. Allen 1 5 Mrs Roch, Tapkeston (second donation) 100 N. A. Rooh, Efq, Paskeston (2nd douatiw'/ 10.. A. J.M orison, E<q.Port.< lew 5 0 Rev Latimer and Mrs Jones, Carmarthen 25 0 G. White, E'q. Tenby (second donation) 10 v* Col. Voyle, Tenby 10 9 Rev G. Huntnigton, Tenby$0 Rev J. Dearn Poppelwell, Tenby 2 0 Rev E. F. Willis, Tenby CiO Mrs HowelU, Tenby 6 9 J. Gwynne, Esq, Tenby (first donation) 3 3 C. W. R. Stokes, Tenby 1 0 G. Chater, Esq, Tenby 2 2 Mrs Girardot, Esq, Tenby 2 0 Colonel Onslow, Tenby 2 0 Mra Onslow, Tenby 1. Miss Puxley, Tenby 2 9 Mr James Rogers, Tenby 2 0 Captain Rees, lenby 1 1 Captain Evan", Tonhy 1 9 Two Sums of Five Shillings each 0 10 Mr C. Allen (in Photographs of St. David's) Tenby 5 ft Mr Joseph Gregory, Tenby 3 S Mr Julin Phelps, Tenby 1 1 Mr E. Saies, Tenby 1 Mrs Hughes, Tenby I 1 Mr John Thomas, Norton, Tenby 1 1 Mr W. Walkinton, Tenby 1 1 Mr Thomas Marchant, Tenby 1 1 Mr Jones, Postmaster, Tenby 1 1 R. Lascelles, Esq., Croft, Tenby 1 0 J. T. Hawkslev, Esq., Caldy, Tenby 6 0 Rev G. W. Birkett, St Florence, Tenby Messrs John Harvey and Sonl, Hanrford. west (second donation) 10 10 The. Welshman Newspaper 10 10 'rc<on County Times '0 8 7ht Western Mail 30 0 The. Ttr<b>y Observer 10 0 The Cambria Daily Lender 10 0 The 1 cmhrokiihire llcm d 10 0 11. G. Allen. Esq., Lincoln's Inn, Second Donation) if § Mrs Alirebouse, The Ilall. Angle, Pembroke 10 0 The Eail of Cawdor, (oecend donr.tion) 200 J. 11. Scouificlil, Esq., M.P. (2nd donation) 100 0 Lewis Lloyd, Esq, Monk Orchard, Surrey 5 0 Col Lloyd, Lillesden. Kent S 0 Heni v Leach, Esq., Corston 10 0 Mrs Bayne, (second donation) 26 0 Miss Kobsor:, j'tlJ y. (second donation) Messrs Richard Jauies and Son, Haverlord* west 6 H. Rees, Esq., Llangranog, Newcastle Emiyc 1 1 Rev William Edmuuds, Kbostie Rectory, Abryetwyth. 2 0 Rev John Felix, Liamlsr 2 0 Rev J. Tombs, Button 10 k Messis Powell, and Evans, Haver- we?t 10 10 Wm Davies, Esq., Spring Gardens, Haver- ford west t G J. W. Phillips, Eiq., Rock Cottage, ditto 6 6 M'urs Greenish and Dawkins, Market street, ditto 6 0 r Rev Thomas Horn, Haverfordwest (second donation) 2 0 Rev tieorge H TII, 11 avei ford west 2 8 Mies Eminent .-indMi-e Gwytber, ditto 2 9 Mr D. P. Sau ndeis, Bridge si reel, ditto 1 1 Mr John l'hiliip», Ca«tie Square, ditto 1 I Ml Stephen Green, Iligb street, ditto (second donation) 1 1 Mr W. Lbyd, fliptli street. Hnverfoidwest 1 1 Mrs Phil; ott, Castle Hotel, di to 1 |, John Lewis, Esq., Rink, ditto J l Wm. John, L-q., Victoria Place, ditto 1 l Mrs Potter, High street, ditto 1 0 j Mr P. P. Eilis, High street 1 1 ¡ Mr Rirhard Williams, Dtw street, dilto 1 1 Mr James Davies. Victoria Place,ditto. 10 M< John Biown, Market street, ditto i. I Mr T, Baker, High street, ditto 1 1 Messrs Green "nd .L hn, Quay strept, ditto 1 0 Mr William ILiod, High street, ditto 0 10 Mr E. H. Ellis, He* street, ditto 0 10 Mr Wiliiana Sunders, Castle G^a!, ditto 0 10 Messrs T. and J. Llovd. Dark street, ditto 0 10 Frederuk Weioholi, Esq, Latigharne 25 0 J. L. O. P, Lewis, Er>q, (sec >nd donation) 10 0 Re\. R. 1-iewid, Lampe'er Veilrey (second J donation) 5 J obn Hey non, Eeq, jun Trewetn 5 T. R. O. Powell, Esq., Wyngron 5 0 Howard S. Morgan, Esq, Tegfw.ydd 5 O Rev. D. Jones, Llandissilio 3 3 Itov T. R. J. Laughnrne 1 1 K.«-Y W. L. Be van, Hay, Brecon 5 0 Mrs Dyneley, Tenby 5 0 Itev. J. 1) Williams, Brecon (2nd donation) 10 0 Rev. E. E. Alien, Porthkerry 5 0 llev.E. B. Squ;re, Swansea 5 0 Charles Bath, E q, Swansea 25 0 Oo.r,ti ibuli,,ii from the parish of St. Biidis pt-r Mr Win. Roberts 2 5 Mr Jt-nkinx, Ca*tle Square, LI. West o 10 C..tl:edra! B,n, ISIJ. a •_ i'. rhillip", E>q., j j •. P. I'htiiipe, i>'l i i | I 1). Br "ii. Esq 2 2 } £ i?v. Joijii Si'iiic. Hector oi Bnn^oi, 2tid {JO:.at ion ] 0 o Hjiaui lioweii, lilaeloi. li. yn, llaiigor lJ. The LLcv. S. F lain Lector of Morley, Dei byfehire 4 0 '•liss Shu-jo, Narbeitli 1 0 Subset ipH-jiii a»<i Donations will be received bv Pi-'V Jjfcuon THOMAS, Stevnton. Mtlford H«ren VjWrt Ai-LFN. Esq., lenhY, Honorary b^re- v M,SRIS and SUNS, Bark-rs, Cer- iU1Ú &y M.fessi8 ILXINS and Co., Hanker*