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M R. A. F. BAYNTUN, dentist, MAT be consulted at POTTER'S LI BRARY, on FRIDAY. JANUARY 21st, FRIDAY,.FEB. 28tk and FRIDAY. MARCH 18 h. Residence—3, Dyneror Place, Swansea. OO DINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA. For Thirty years the Medical Profession hare approve of this pure solution as the best remedy for ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH. HEARTBURN. HEADACHE, GOUT, AND INDiGESFJON. And as a mild Aperient for delicate constitutions, e"p,eially adapied for Ladies, Children, and Infant*. When combined with the ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP. h It forms a most agreeable effervescing drancnt, In which its apeiient and cooling qualities are raucii i creased. In warm seasons and warm cliro»»<f » »>'8 simple preparation, when taken KEGULAllH, has bten foumi highly beneficial. DINNEFORD & CO., Chemists, &c, 172. New Komi Street, London; Sold by all respectable Chemists tliioughout the World. CAUTION — See that I, Dinneford & Co," is on each hottle and red label over each cork. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS FOR THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. A SINGLE copy of « medical work, written l>y one of ibe.mot eminent medic-l men ot the present -«l«y, solely lor the guidance and Uenefat o| that class of sufferers whose affections are often who cWire a speedy «nd private cure or such buiTerers this work is intended, showing a ccrtain meant of cure in all case* of nervous debil.ty, Ration, local weHkness. l:ttipiu'r, tiluslui.}., dt 5» Other nervous symptom; «IM> ~h caller!I i,"i;^un^8r^cas's ot partiM who have been 'restored to the blessings or health t>jr follow- ing the advice laid down in tl.i* work. Sent free to any adilrtss, on receipt ot stamps to pre-pay po^age. Aditr<-»» to the Secretary, I'^itute of Anaioniy, Blr- m'npliHra. CAUTION.- Part* of ti e above ho". tiav- tei-n copied hy several qiaclis P'i»oti* hiti'd t» eare'ii' t' who,1' hand- t|ie\ tr 'h«"r t-x ti >iix: rt*« •• work before applying to any ne 1117 (u ??!{ KINLOCH'S CATALAN. Crawn Red Catalan 20s per doz") Crown" While tI 20s „ I BottleA n;an,0n^« U# included. Dumond White „ I/s ) 4 Star" (R^ & White) 15s „ J The 14 Red" Wine, full-bodied, deliciouli, fruity Port flavour. The "White" exquisitely delicate, rich and !lutly, equal to Madeira These Wines are recommended "J medical men as the most strengthening ever known. Agent for Haverfordwest :—E. H. ELLIS, 94, Dew- "feet. ^'Lunyer's Claret, 128 6d per dozen, bottles included— our label. I T. BINE & Co's old Cognac Brnndy, at 48 per bottle bottled in France, is the finest at the price-our label. C. Kinloch & Co, Bucklesbury, London. READ THE WARNING VOICE. A SPECIAL PAMPHLET FOR PRIVATE INSTRUCTION. ha-4 SiI,TH, M.D., of the University of Jena VCJIPP Mar a New Edition of THE WARNING ■nd 4K <K)pa'ie8) wi'h a New Chapier on the Use Dinea» °n°' ^lec,ricity for the Cure of Nervous bav » 'a ^onta'n» many letters from Patients who nr_ ° so-called remedies without medicine, Pfoving that. ELECTRICITY IS NOT LIFE. he W ARNING VOICE is a SPECIAL WORK FOR f,u TATk INSTKTJCTION. It gives Plain Rules for the tiatn t\ Nervous Exhaustion, Indigestion, Rheuma- n Dimness ot Sight, Functional Disorders, Weak- fiphV Spirits, Spermatorrhoea, &c., &c.. Nervous Pre y" ^a*nful Dreams, Mental and Physical De- Indecision, Impaired Memory, Lo3sof Energy, t„j 8,nthe Back, Timidity, Diaziness, Love ot Soli- ]v«VDIr,ounille" Fears, &c. PRESCRIPTIONS and P'iti tu ^ONS by which THOUSANDS of Dr. Smith's °"t th'S keen restored to health and vigour, with- t'ateu* BSe ^c,cu y. Galvanism or Electricity, lllus- Patu.n.=Wltl1 Citata ""d testimonials JrclU grateful f 0111 1t"l1n bavo ^-ppp cured ny 'he BUS* «■ NEW SPEClAL MEDICINE •ddreL, "n ?eceC*nfD a Sealed EuTel0Pe» to any Address tir u Vl w0 stamps, dan, w o.' &MITH, 8f Burton Crescent, Lon- T0 COUNTRY PATIENTS. WITHOUT PF!?01^01* PlJYSJCiAN BY LETTER oiCountr» pi? I"DK,SM1TH will» ,orthe bsnefit ca'e, «end hi/nn11 °" receivi"S a description ol their the m<w K.J °P!n,0,1» with advice, and direct on» for Address r»65c tre»'n>ent a»d cure. Df SMITH, 8, Burtou Crescent, London W b25 PATENT CALVANIC CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, AND rnB POCKET BATTERIES. X "IOHIY IMPROVED INVFNTfONS "•"d conu:J'rinci,v perfectly sel'-applicnble, in » I •hock or fori., and extremely efficacious, no whereby i» ?^P'es84nt sen>ation being experie- ced, *°u', soe-rt i omes true fountain of health and vi- *orpid liah 80f)'hing agon'sing pains. rpanimiHin#? an<* 'mDarii'i! reyivinp the sluggish functions of life, & 5 renewed energy and vitality to con- Ir,crc»»i„ff ,eebl< d fty various influences. The daily ACTJFR'a 0m')<>r of core* effected by PULVER- •*UoIi,„SJMliDlCO.GALVANIC SYSTEM i. so Inrentio V8li,'d, that ft forcibly points to this f on «» tha embryo of a universal remedy. e» #F0IirjOVVING TESTIMONY, signed by the received the English medical lacnlty, has been tbe undersigned, have much pleasure t(«n testifying that Mr J.L PULVERMACBER'S" recent improvements in his Voltaio Batteries" €(*nd Galvanic Appliances for Medical Pur-" poses are of great importance to Scientifio Medicine, and that he is entitled to tbe con-" "sideration and support ofereryone disposed" c'to father the advancement of real and useful" progress." Dated this 9th day of March, 1866." "am CHARLES LOCOCK, Bart., M.D., FRCP." SIR HENRY HOLLAND, Bart. M.f>, F.R.S." «'SirWM. It-ERGUS80N, Bart.. F.RS." EDWD. H. SIEVEKING, M.D., F.RC.P." "SIR J. RANALD MARTIN, F.RC.S." PDLVEBMACHER'S SYSTEM is also approved I of by an official report of the Academie de Medi- one, PariB; Royal Sosiety of London Royal College of Physicians, London; and the Imperial Faculty of Yienoa; and its curative virtues are confirmed by thousands of private testimonials of cures effected. —(See Pamphlet gratis.) These facts appeal to the good sense of every sufferer to avail himself of this scientific aDd curative pro- gress, te which the inventor has devoted a lifetime of study and labour, as an ardent disciple of that great benefactor of mankind, the late illustrious elllctrioian Michael FARADAY. PULVERMAOHER'S MEDICO-GALVANIC I CHAINS are exceedingly effective without the aid of medicine, rt,trictio71 o/' diet, or the leatt derangement of the patient's habits and daily occupation», in the following maladies:— Rheumatism Tic Dclorcux Sluggish Circulation <3ont Indigestion Urinary Disorders Sciatica Deafness Paralysis Lumbaeo *pssn.s Epilepsy Neuralgia Female Complaints Nervous Debility He d6 Toothache Constipation Functional Disorders Liver Complaints Cramp &c., &c. The effects of the application of PULV ERM AC H ER'S Cn A INS in any of the above disorders is immediately Perceptible—the relief of pain instantaneons. PRICE LIST of PULVERMACHEK'S GALVANIC JT CHAIN'-BANDS, BELTS,and BATTEIUES. li. CHAIN-BAND tor Nervous Deafness,Head,Toofb, and Face Ache, and Noi es in the H#ad.21sto30s. B, CHAIN-BANDS lor Loss of Voice and other tffeo- tions of the. Throat 10s 6d to 21s N. CHAIN-BANDS for Sciatica, Rheumatic, Neuralgic, and Gouty Pains, Local Paralysis. Cramp, &c. 18s to 22s, and 40* B. CHAIN-BANDS for Lumbsgo, Indigestion, Liver. Chest, and Functional Disorders, Nervous Debility, &c, worn as a Belt 22s to 40s, and ;3;)8 B. CHAIN-BANDS for Writer's Cramc, Trembling, Nervonsne-s, &c 22s to 30s, and 40s B. COMBINED CHAIN-BAN f) for Central Paralysis, Epilepsy, General Debility, Functional Disorders Ac 30s to 60s A complete Set of COMBINED CHAIN-BANDS BELTS, and CHAIN BAHEHY for restoring vital .Energy.£5 to £6 N. Ctuivanic Bunds or fielts are genuine but those bearing hejaesimile of J. L. PUL VERM A V HEW S signature « tAre label CAUTION—A PERPETUAL INJUNCTION in CHANCERY duted 18ui August, 1869, was granted to J. L. PtLVKRMACHKn against ALFRED BARROWS, alius C. D. HAMMOND, alias HKNIIY JAMKS, alias C. f RAFHKY tbeir assistants, agents, and servants, reotraining the •aid person or persons, under a penalty of £[,000. from deceitfully advertisinn Beits, &c, delusively repreMnt n them as electric. This decreo is printed in extmso in PULVFRMACHER'S PAMPHLET of Testimonials ftnd Reports of cures containing other valuable ill lor. niation.aerit postlree on applicaUon to the Sole Inventor And Patentee J. L. PULVERMACHER, I GALVANIC ESTABLISHMENT, 192 2u0, REGENT STREET, LONDON, w. To Gentlemen, Farmers, and Others. G. J. BLAND BEGS to inform the above, that he is in a position to Let out Horse!, dri'en by experienced men, on very JL)' moderate terms. WITH SPRING WAGONS, for removing Furniture, &0, from or to any part of the County or Kingdom. WITH TIBMBER CARRIAGES, for Carting Timber, Castings, and other heavy Gouds. HVITH PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, HARROWS, &c. CARTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE. AGENT FOR THE GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY Co., HAVERFORDWEST. G. J B. takes this opportunity of thanking the Public for the kind support he has hitherto received. c4 9 OLD B TT T O H IE IR/S SHOF, BRIDGE-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. mrs JON S IN returning her sincere thanks to the inhabitants of Haverfordwest, and the surrounding neighbourhood, for i. the lib r«l support granted to her late Brother, and herself since his uesth. begs to inform them that she still carries on the business In all its brunches, nnd slu hopes by strict attention to orders, and by supplying superii r goods at the lowest remunerative prices to ensure the support so liberally given her and her pre- deceasora. BRAWN, SA YELOYS, and SAUSAGES, FRESH DAILY. b18 ESTABLISHED 1812. H. A N I) T. P It 0 C T 0 R AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, C A T H Y, BRISTOL. P E AR i: D BON E M A N U li E S, FOR CORN, GRASS, ROOT, AND OTHER CROPS; ALSO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS,— BR IS rOI., BIRMINGHAM, CHESTFP AND WARWICK. THOMAS JONES, MARBLE AND STONE MASON, MERLIN'S BILL, HAVERFORDWEST. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, AND HEADSTONES, OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS READY FOR INSPECTION. WINDOWS OF BATH AND OTHER STONE, AND ALL KINDS OF CHURCH WORK. MARBLE AND STONE CHIMNEY PIECES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ANTIQUE AND MODERN. DRESSED MASONERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, EXECUTED ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. Estimates Given for all Descriptions of Marble and Stone Work. 190 HAVERFORDWEST. SPRING GARDENS BREWERY, Wine AND SPIRIT VAULTS. ESTABLISHED 182 5. EDMOND AND KEES, AUCTIONEERS, 9"C., BEG to inform the inhabitants of Haverfordwest and the County of Pembroke, that they have taken to the above Old Established Brewery, where the> inteud carrying on the business of MALTSTERS, BREWERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SPIRIT, ALE, PORTKli, AND H UP MERCHANTS. and trust by strict attention to ail orders entrusted to them, and supplying superior articles, to merit a share or public patronage. Fine old Irish Whiskey, superior French and British Brandies, Gins, Rums, and Cordials, at Moderate Prices. ALLSUPPS' INDIA, PALE, AND MILD ALES, IN CASKS AND BOTTLES. A LARGE QUANTITY OF EXCELLENT WELL-MADE OLD MALT NOW ON HAND. Agents for Butnard, Lack, & Co '8 well-Unown and Celebrated Corn and Root Manures, AGRICULTURAL SEEDS, Ac Spring Gardens, Haverfordwest, 24th November, 1869. 529 III )»■ LggJUGHT ONLY DN THE BOXjWggy THE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST i r|J wA »TiTIT^ajl 1 S b at «| D WiTTK^HP J This wonderful Ointment acts like magic in the cure of old wounds, sores, and g ulcers, however inveterate. It's effect is marvellous in cases of paralysis, contracted or stiff joints, andin stoppage of the water or disorders of the kidneys it is unequalled ASTHMA AND BB03JCHITIS. § This class of cases, including sore throats, bad coughs, and colds may be infalli- bly cured by w ell rubbing this remedy twice a day on the breast, throat, and chest. | B-A-ID LEGS IB-A-D BBEASTS, ETC. I In many hospitals in Europe this celebrated remedy is now in general use. 9 In Spain, Portugal, and in Italy, the Physicians regularly prescribe its use for I I sores and ulcers. Sailors, soldiers, emigrants, and miners find it most invaluable. S ■ BHETTMATISM AlTD SWELLINGS. I S To sufferers from racking pains this Ointment is priceless. It reduces inflam- I S mations and swellings, removes all pain, and restores natural circulation. i H inyci5s,-u-X)E2srcEB OF YOUTH- I ■ Certain old sores and swellings can be effectually cured by the joint agency W H of Holloway's Ointment and Pills, if used acccording to the printed directions. i! B The Ointment and Pills should be used conjointly in most of the following cases |] H Asdima. Eruptions Piles Sore Heads. B Bad Legs. Glands, Enlargement of lihearn&tism Tic Dolonroux in B Bad Breasts Gout Scrofula Wheezing, with difficulty "t B H Bronchitis Lumbago Soro Throata Breathing Q E (7J. UTION:—None are genuine unless the words Hollowa]), Londonare I m discernible as a Water-mark in every leaf of the book of directions whidl may H E be plainly seen by holding it to the light.—*„* Sold at the manufactory of Profes- H M sor HOLLOWAY, 2*14, Strand, London, and by all Dealers in Medicine, in pots at |H Eg Is. l^rf., 2s. 9d,. 4a. 6d., lis., 22s,. and 33s.—There is a considerable saving by ill B taking the larger sizes.—Very copious directions for use are affixed to each pot. || Hill IMillMHifflyillllfllffillllff J STOUT, PORTER, BEER, AND ALES. COLLIER & COMPANY, EXPORT STOUT & PORTER BREWERS, VICTORIA STEAM BREWERY, BRISTOL, Are Prepared to supply Stout and Porter (also Beer and Ales) of very superior quality during the present season. Orders sent to the Brewery with a Remittance, or satisfactory reference, will meet with prompt attention. cI8 GREEN & JOHN, L 'I T -IF WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUAY STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, AGENTS FOR LOTS' SUPERPHOSPHATE OE LIJIE, TURNIP MANURE, AND DISSOLVED BONES, PERUVIAN GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. 018 CHEAP" TEA S BOP. THOMAS'S FAMILY TEA & GROCERY WAREHOUSE UPPER MARKET STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. Good Tea Is. 4d. per lb. Strong Breakfast do 2s. Od. per lb. Fine do. 2s. 8d. & 3s. per lb. PRIME WILTSHIRE BACON. FIELDS AND PRICE'S PATENT CANDLES. HUNTLEY AND PALMERS BISCUITS. JAMS, JELLIES, PICKLES, SAUCES, &c. C18 C Ij O JD O B U- S H E E. PRICES: — 6 ft. 6 ins. wide, 30 ins. diameter JE16 10 24 inches diameter ..614 10 6 ft. 0 do do 15 0 do 13 o 5 ft. 6 do do 13 10 do 11 io 5 ft, 0 do do 12 10 do io io "M.A=RYCHURCH & DAW, HAVERFORDWEST, 1 AGENTS FOR KORRINGTON'S SUPERPHOSPHATE & OTHER MANURES. SUPERPHOSPHATE £ 5 10s. PER TON, CASH. NOTE Over 40 Tons of Turnips, per acre, have been grown with this Manure. ..111 USE ONLY THE G L E N F 1 2 L D STARCH. JOSEPH POWELL. GROCER, AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, AND COMMISSION AGENT. MAIN STREET, PEMBROKE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ATe U F FER N, On Monday, 28th March, 1870, A LARGE quantity of valuable TIMBER, suitable lor Farmers, Wheelwrights, and Colliery pur- poses. To be gold in Lf.'b-about 400, Snle to commeuco at Eleven o'Clock Two Montblit Credit. PEMBROKESHIRE. PRELIMINARY .ADVERTIZEMENF. IMPORTANT SALE OF TIMBER, Well adapted for Shipbuilding, the purposes of Colliery Proprietors and others. MR WILLIAM THOMAS Will SELL BY AUCTION, early in APRIL next. A GROVE of large OAK TIMBER, about 10 acres i" extent, now growing, on tbe Faroe of Miiton, in the paiish of Bletherstou, within 4i utiles of Nar- berth Kottd Station, Full particulars in future advertizemeots. SEASON 1870. THE STUD HORSE WILD CHARLEY WILL »erre Mares in tbe counties of Pembroke Carmarthen, and Cardigan. Particulars will appear in future advert^ements. or may be onuined on i-.pplio.tion to William John, Hill Street, Uaverfordwesi, or to William George, North Gate, Haverfordwest. 6 TMPERIAL AUSTRIAN GUARANTEED STATE X LOANIS. NO LOTTERIES, Buaa-hde chances to wil) for iti the large premiums of £ 30,000, £25,000, £20,000, &c, &c Public drawings on tfce First of every Mon, b. uuder tui- supei intend, nce of the Austrian Government, and official publio functionaries. OFFICIAL LI.STS SUNT OKA I is TO SUBSCRIBERS. App.Y tor £ 1 tlmi.ce>, iscued upon lorois supplied by the Austrian Govern ment and bearing the Imperial half a florin .tamp. a no for prOspeClIlIell to VOELCKER and Co., Bankers, VIENNA. b25 HALF A MILLION HAS BEEN PAID BY THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY AS COMPENSATION FOR accidents or ALL KINDS, (Riding, Driving, Walking, Hunting, &r) An Annual Payment of £ 3 to £ 6 oa insures £1,000 at Death, and an allowance at the rate of jgC per week for injury. lillLWAY ACCIDENTS ALONE MAY BK PROVIDED AGAIHST BY INSURANCE IICKlil?! Full SINGLE AND DOUHLE JOURNIES. «<or partirulor> aopiy to tilt- Ci iks a- I lie Railway SuiMiiis, to (lie ti:, n 64. CORN HILL, &lu, KEGENT STKEET, LON DON WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secreiary, Anient lor Havertordwt ,st: M J. t ARliAM, Railway Station. CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S P K K P A R b, D -,4 0 U P IN l'INT AND QL'ART TINS. READY KOK I A! t. Hi A IK USE. Mock Turtle, Ox Tail, Jullieone, Real Turtle; Mulligatawny, Hare, &c, &c. Ketail of "I Grocfr^ n,,a Iff-lian Warehousemen; vV'hoipsuie 01 the Manufacturers, CROSS AND BLACKWELL, PURVEYORS TO HER MAJESTY, ;SOHO SQUARE, LONDON. 278 "'&Q MR JOHN LEWIS, TREASURER OF THB HAVERFORDWEST BOROUGH FUND. OfSces: No. 10, Hill Street, Haverfordwest. MR. EDWARD RIBBON, PIANO-FORTE, VIOLIN, AND VIOLONCELLO TEACHER IANO-l OR TES TUNED ORGANS and HARMONIUMS tuned and repaired by ex- perienced workmen. RESIDENCE 6, MERLIN-. TERRACE. HATEHPOHDW^T. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. MESSRS JONES, Of Hill, and Waseland, (near Haverfordwest,) BEG to announce that they intend shortly to com- U mence business as Auctioneers, Appraisers, and General Commission Agents, when they hope by a careful and punotual performance of all matters en. trusted to their charge to merit a share of public patronage. Agents for Robinson's celebrated Bone Manures. bl8 MORTGAGES. IVJESSRS. JAMF.S AND COMPANY, Mortgage ™ v IS> beg 10 ca!l the attention of thoss who may be desirous of Effecting Mortgages on Free- Life FSRL.» H°R LE.ASEHOLD P^PERTY, or Loans on Life Interests, Reversions, or Kates ol Towns to TH« lacilities afforded by their txtensive and Old-Established CONNEXIONS .or the prompt arrangement of tbe same AT HE Lowest Current Rates. No charge whatever is made unless Applicants obtain their requirements b<. Clement's House, Clements* Lane, London, E C January, 1870, A^IB'7IMBSF8R8A J' & CO> ARE P^P^ED to receive Applications for Agencies irona Persons in a position to introduce business. Solicitors, Bank Managers, and other Gentlemen in communication with Owners of Property will find this Agency valuable, and otten of considerable Service to tbeir Clients. •11 PEMBROKESHIRE ^^AGR1CULTURAL~ A b,T„d' I"1- Lauiphey Court, o( Ten Pounds will HN JLL Q U,. b,„ Eot,r. H«„ To Vr' poses, to be usee solely, and TRAVPIU,> O Pembroke 111 the Season of 1870 Th#. P 90ANTY OF NE awarued ,„TR the SE.8OU ^IH^SNF'TS'O" S' Lnirits to be made to U«, and Five DUNLIN » S'fiS'iS.f « «S" £ 2SiK 9tb 01 AprIl, 1870. vj^-K?0 "FimDAPY,C's." ibp',i,BI!8O70 at 12 o clock at noon. APR,L» 1870, d8 RICHARD JAMES & SON. STEYNTON CHARITY FUND SUB- SCRIPTIONS. Rev. Thomas Brigitoeke FT Mrs Brigstocke INN Captain Harry. R.E INN R. P. Davies, ESQ 9 n O Ciptttin DIF!fty, K N 7 N N Mrs Oavii's J J J Miss D..vie. 0 10 0 C. Detzely, E^Q () ,N 0 Mr P. P. EILIS Mrs Greville FT Air Jones « MiS6 John 0 5 0 Rev. JAMES H. L»mb I « N Rev. J. P. L?wis *'[* 0 10 0 Sit Thomas D. Lloyd. Batt., M P 9 O N M.SMOYD L 1 li>mia> Aleyricit, E^Q., MP. 5 0 0 £ iR"P"R"I.N 0 6 0 Alts i'owell N MIS> POWEII V ^50 Miss PitiDAii 2 0 0 1 Q jq Q A ridbuuj. Kb a n n in a Mra Siarbuck X LJ 2 Henry Still, ESQ FT MI»s Still .R. 0 6 0 J B. Summers, Ksq (I 10 N R''V. Canon Thomas O 0 fi Miss Thomas T N I A IN Wa ters. Esq SON Miss VVhish V J J J Miss E. WLI.SL, G. F. Watson, hsq 'I! o 10 0 i 2 ™ S Mr, Wehnert 0 1Q Q o ALLS W »luan:s N O In SIUA 1 SUMS a 4 0 0 • £ 43 13 71 Distributed in Bread AND Tea 40 3 Balance sent to IIarerfordwest InSraary xi 10 4J ABoUT 45 TONS of LAY and SEED HAY, 0 il superior quality, for Sale. Apply to Mr Greorgej Jones, Haverfordwest. bl8 FOR SALE, AN IRO]S GREY MARE, about 15 hands, very wii T an<^ perfectly sound, carries a lady, ill-be sold at less than her value, being slightly blemished..Any reasonable trial allowed. Apply to H. S, ALLEN, Esq., Cresselly House, Pembroke. bll STEAM COMMUNICATION WITH THE SOUTH OF IRE AND. Via New Milford (Milford Haven) and Waterford Oaily Service (Sundays excepted). -C L'lfor? ?,avfVDd Waterford Steam Ship Com- pany 8 Royal Mail Steamers will sail, weather Der- mitting— FROM NEW MILFORD, At I 40 a.m. on arrival of the 4 50 p.m. Train, so as to enable passengers to proceed by the 10.20 a.m. Train to Limerick, Cork, &c. FROM WATERFORD, At 4 p.m, on arrival of the traHl from Cork, Limerick on'a^,aS to enable Passengers to proceed by the p teaching London at 11.15 a.m. I? or further particulars apply to any of the Railwar !sfsnw:fct# Messrs jftckson & co- "iSsz Soutb Wales. BENSON'S WATCHES CLOCKS I GOLD Of all kinds. of all kinds. JEWELLERY Of all kindlf. I of all kincù. Of the —— I —— A1"eicest Designs. horizon t:al Brawine-Room Bra^Tets Chronometer Ca?rfa^°°m l^oches Keyless Churdh I ?arTrln^s Chronograph Hall and Shop NecKces ♦h^P YitoJboldt' the "PPO'Dtment to H.JtLH ^he Prince of Wales, has just published two Pamphlets' e^c ,ed ^,en!t)e»1,li;he<i With lustraJons-oneP npon Watch and Clock Making, and the other upon Artistic Gold Jewellery. These are sent post free for 2d each Persons living in the country or abroad can select the safety required' and have forwarded with perfect 25, Old Bond Street; and the City Steam Works, 08 & 60, Ludgate Hill, London. 117 HUBBERSTONE NATIONAL SCSOOL. Donations subscribed towards placing a new roof on School, and also refitting with Forms and Desks. Thomas Meyrick, Esq, M.P n dn General Palby » o n T. L. Marriott, Esq inn -Ford,Esq 7 ? 2 J Collection in Hubberstone Church 2 9 1 W. Walters, Esq. HaverTordwest 110 W. Dawieg, Esq, Solicitor, Haverfordwest 1 1 0 J. B. Wimsbnrst, E»q 110 F. G. Wednell, Esq, London I 1 o J. Pavui Phillips, Esq, Haverfordwest 0 5 0 Mr Jones, Milford 1 0 0 Mr P. P. Ellis, Haverfordwest 110 Mr J. Thomas, Baverfordwest 0 10 0 Mr Alexander, Hakin 0 10 8 J. Greenish, Esq, Gelliswick .oo 0 10 6 Proceeds from Children's Christmas Tree 1 19 2 Lord Bishop of St. David's 5 n 0 Mrs Roch, of Butter Hill 10 1 J. H. Scourffeld, Esq, M.P 6 0 0 Further subscriptions will be thank folly receiYed and acknowledged by the Rev J. B. Rowlnnds, Hubberston Rectory, or by Mr R. G. Bonniwell, Hakin. 575 STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN LIVERPOOL,MILFORD, SWANSEA. & BRISTOL For the Month of MARCH, 1870. The Liverpool and Bristol Channel Steam Navigation Company's Steam Ships S«VEBEION, Capt. Gibbs WINDMXERS, Capt. J. Barrett MONTAGU, Cv>t Speakman A!»NivYERNo.v,Capt Csmpbell Jank BACON, apt. Work J. KKNNKDY, Capt. Allen 4RTIZAN, Capt. Itoulston AGNKS JACK, Capt. Styles LLKWELLTN, Capt. Tallar PLANTAGKNKT, Capt Old MILKOBD (Building) The above, or some other suitable vessel, is intended to -ail nth Goods and Passengers, (unless prevented Sy anv Unrt"^eei1 occurrenc«) as follows, Witt or without pilots and liberty to tow vessels:— yuole> From Liverpool to Milford and Bristol. Saturdav MaF m0TD I fatnrday 19 10* morn Saturday 12 5 even | Saturday 26 even From Milford tor Bristol. 8unday, Mar 6 6 morn I Sundav 20 5 morn Sunday 13 II morn | Sunday. 57 "i 12 From Milford for Liverpool. Wednesday Mar 2 11 night I Wednesday .16 10 night Wednesday. 9 j after | Wednes 1a' 23 3 after c, Wednesday, March 30th, 10 o'clock night. Barf?e GIPSEY is intended to ply on the Milford Haven, xn connection tnth the above Steamers, carrvins Senl Pembrok« Haverforiwett, and the tabes :— Cab, Dl!ck. Ftt' Milfard to or from Liverpool. ^od ^"o^'TiT ^«Jfrrd t° orfrc m g, gj M n" NOTI^T°r Th"0 <, od 3s Od i. tf itrer J atMiHWH 11^ fnd cmbaroati°n of Goods or Pas. Z at Milford, by whatever conveyance, whether at the e* pence of the Steamer, or otherwise, is at the risk of fie fpe" and the Owners of the Goods respectively. For lurther particulars see small bill, or apnlv to Johti i?'ndH C°-> Managing Owners, 11. Water-sUectLfver- L !•»_ Evans, Bristol j Charles Lam h Swansea* JAHVI Kenworthy aid «Jo„ Mancheiter. a' Jmb* D. HORE Aosjrr, Mxtroto FIRE INSURANCES KENEWABLK AT LADY DAY 8HOULD BE PAID FOR ON OR BEFORa THE 9TH OF APRIL. DEOVINCIAL INSURANCE 0OMPANT Established 1852. Chisf Offices: WREXHAM—LONDON—GLASGOW. CAPITAL £200,000, wholly subscribed. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Insnrances sffected npon almost all descriptions of Property, upon moderate terms. No charge whatever XpS. ul,lms ,cltlti "lth LIFE DEPARTMENT. Tbe usnal description of Life A^arances effected Nnmerous advantage, offered. Tbe Accumulated Life Fund amounted, at 31st December, 1869 to £141,198. This fand has more tbaa doubled itself in the last six Chairman of the Company: THOMAS BARNES, EaQ, Farn*orth, and the Quints, Salop. ROBERT WILLIAMS, Wrexham. Secretary to the Company. AGRNdES Applicationg are jnvifed from towng and districts where the Company is not alreaHv quately represented. Apply to the Secretary, or to MR E. PROSSER, c4, 9, fark Terrace, Pontypool. T I Y Y SI 3 HUNT STEEPLE CHASES WILL TAKE PLACB On Wednesday, the 20th of April, 1870. STKYTAEDS :-H. D. Evans, Esq., and J. Vanghan Esq. THE WELTER STAKES, A ewePpstakM of toor lion, eaoh £1 forfeit to the fund, hnn,^ w 1 for„bor»e8 that h»v« been regular y fsfiQ 7nm ,aie8 °r Monmoa^shire during the season 2 LhS.'» won any race in respect of rut.iih,C#i?0reC LW^p"y*b,e- Four years old, mb.3'b'fve,I?rso^ 4ib; 8i* years old» 12s* axtn l Winners once, 7lbs; twice, 101b extra. Second horse to save hisj stake. About three THE TIVÝ tIDE STAKES. A sweepstakes of four sovs. each. £ 1 forfeit tathpfnn/i with £ 40 added, for horses qualified as .or tbe Wel,er' Awmn.r on the day 141b extra. Four years old 9si aeid* llV^ih °s' 10it lnlb'Bi* yea" old' I 0 j 71b- SBme penalties as In the Welter Second saves his stake. About three miles, THB CARDIGAN STAKES. AsweepstakpfofonesoT. each, p.p., with £2.5 added by the town of Cardigan, for hunreis that hare been the property of residents in the counties of Carmarthen ififit>lg8M' tnd sir»ce the 1st of November' 1869. No horse allowed to start that has won a steeple- fUn J" any ra.ce that lus rendered bim liable 1 ckev. who h y' Ut tW0 Professional j CKtyt, who have won a race worth £ 50 7Iba l«o web. or £ 100. 101b, e«„ Fo.r nrn, 10., ■ »!i years, list olbs; six, 12stj aged, 12st 31 to. THE FARMERS* RACE. A sweepstakes of one SOT. each, p.p., with £ 12 added for horssa the property of farmers or husbandmen re- mB within the limits of the Gojrerddan V»i^ «r Avron, Mr Powell's or Tivy Side Hunt, Horses 'hat b"e— WOI Ul £20, are excluded. CONDITIONS, in all respectlt except al to weights. Tbreo horses the property of different persons to start, cr the public money will be withheld Entries to be made for the Welter. Tivy Side, and tifthn rnnn r S 0n 0r bef°re 4th of April, to the Honorary Secretary, naming colours, and en! recrfjfd °aC uomination> or il not be To en'er for the Farmers' race, at the Lion Hotel o'clock* 01 16th °f Apri1' betweei* two and three All Stakes to be paid to the Honorary Secretary at Cardigan, before Nine o'clock on the evenina before running or not cntiHed to start. Owners 01 horses for the first three races mast if required before starting, produce certificates of'the horse having been regulnrlv hunted with any estab- lished pack ot hounds in Wales or Monmouthshire, T. HARMAN BRENCHLEY, Glaoeirw, Newcastle Emlyn, H oa craryJSeeretasy


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