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I Just Published, Post Free for Two Stsmpn. I W ONDERFUL MEDICAL I YV DISCOVERY, I SHOWING THB TRUE CArsE OF I klUWOUS, MENTAL. & PHYSICAL DEBILITY, I LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, INDIGESTION, I ltANT fii)F ENERGY, PREMATURE DECLINE I \tilh plain directions for PERFECT RESTORATION I to HEALTH AND VIGOUR in a few days. '1\, INOst important fact that these alarming complaints 1 easily be removed I, WITHOUT MEDICINE, I here ctvarty demonstrated, ana the entirely new and I ,,1cteMful treatment, as adopted by th« Author, I explained—by mean* of wliicli I ZVICRY ONE IS ENABLED TO CURE I HIMSELF I and at the teaxt possible cost. Sent Free on I ottipt cf twe "'amp'! Ity I W. HILL, ESQ., M.A., I Birxblbt HOUSE, Soutii-CHESCENT, I RUSSELL-SQUARE, LONDON, W.C. Curative Mean* are 110 Knry and Simple in 1 that all can Cure Themselves privateey. Snc- I »Avay ftt ,h0 8MALLfiST t<j8T ,N A FEVV I "The object or this extraordinary publication is to I kt 8 'l0,r Nervo»8ri9«8 and concomitant Malad es can I ''ectnally nnd suircsssliilly treated, and tho most I ^"linelng proof of the efficacy of this, the greatest of I «?n,,n discoveriss, i» testified hy th* numerous cases I J^ereeefeeteil.—MBWICAL I I Z?K TATBSr GALVANIC^ I Oj!HAtN-BAND6, BELTS, 1 AND I I POCKET BATTERIES. I rpHRSE HIGHLY IMPROVED INVFNTTONS I fcrii r,,|der Electricity perfectly self-applieable, in a I Ifc form, and extromely efficacious, no I or ""Peasant sensation being experie'ced, I **r«by it beoomes a true fountain of health and vi- I speedily soothing agonising pains, reanimating I Ibj reviving the sluggish fund ions of life, I It! renewed energy and vitality to cen- I |» enfeebled by various influences. The rtnily I y,l'*«*ing nmnher «f cures effeoied by PULVER- 1 ^CHER'S MEDICO-GALVANIC SYSTEM is so I and varied, tbat it forcibly points to tbis I Jy^ntitn a* fhe embryo of a universal remedy. I THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY, siened by the I t" 'lit* of the English medical faculty, has been I *W»d: — I We, the onderg'gned. bave much pleasnre I "hi testifying thnt Mr J.L PULVERM ACH ER'S" I r««ent improvements in his Voltaic Batteries" I ''and Galvanic Appliances (or Medical Pur-" I "poses are of great importance to Scientific" I Medicine, and that, he is entitled to the con-" I 'sideration and support of everyone disposed I "to fulher tho Advancement of real and useful I M progress." I Dated this 9:h day of March, 1866." I »r CHARLES LOCOCK. Bart., M.I) .F.R.C P. I Kir WILLIAM FKRGUSSON, Bart. F R S. I tt)WJ). If. SEIVEKIXG, M.D., F.R.C.P. I Sir J. RANALD MARTIN. F R.C.S. I Also recommended bv I J. RUSSELL REYNOLDS, M-T). F R C.P. I C. B RAOCLIFFE. H.D., F.R.C P. F.R8. I CLARK. M.D., F.R.C P. I IJULVEKMACHER'S SYSTEM is also approved I « an r*Pori »l the Academie de Medi- I >K ^ar'*» Royal Society of London Royal College of I ^Tsieiaoi, l.orlon; and the Imperial Facalty of I th • anc* curative virtues art confirmed by I of private testimonials of cures effected. I ""{8M! Pamphlet gravis.) I These facts appeal to the good sense of every sufferer I avail himself of this scientific and curative pro- I w*' '• ,he inventor ,lfl8 devoted a lifetime I y an<* ,#b°ur> aK an ardent disciple of that great I i?ntf',c,or »f mankind, the late illustrious electrician, 1 t'chaeIi FARADAY. I UULVERMACHER'S MEDICO GALVANIC I CHAINS are exceedingly effeotite without the aid I J ">edieine, restriction 9/ diet, or the leait derangement I P*t>ent's habits and daily occupations, id the I ^'0w'n,t I Q^eumaUam Tic T)cloreux Sluggish Circulation I ladigestion (Iriiidry Disoiders I l-i'8' ca Deafness Paralysis I ''W Spasms Epilepsy t I Female Camplaints Nervous Debility I »**<1 & Toothache Canstipation Functional Disorders I Complaints Cramp &c., &c. I <2 1 '^ectH th* application of PULVKK M AC FT ER'S I '"A1NS in any of the above disorders is immediately I f^eeptible—the relief of pain in»tantaneou». I pniCE-LIST OF PULVERMACHER'S GAL- I "*• VANIC CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, and FLEX- I IBLE BATTERIES. I A. NARROW C HAIN-BANUS for Solatica, I Rheumatic, Neuralgic, and Gouty Psins, I Chrome Rheumatism, Local Paralysis, Cramp I in the Extremities, according to Electric I Power. 18s., 22s., 40s and upwards. I B BROAD CHAIN-BANDS or BELTS, for I Lumbago, Indigestion, Liver, Chest, and I Nervous Complaints, &C., wearable as a Belt I 22s. to 40s. and 55s I C. BROAD CHAIN-BANDS I or Nervous Deal. I ness, Head, Tooth, and Face Ache, and I NoiOles In the Head 21s. and upwards. I D BROAD CHAINS for Loss of Voice and I n' h..r Affi-ctionsof the Throat. Asthma, Spinal I Complaints 10s. fid 18s., 22s., and 40s, I E dRuAU Cd AlN-BANDS for Writer'sCramp, -,trl Nerrousuess, &c., 22s. to 30s, 4ÓI.. and 60s. F. ,-v.II1L.ou".bJ BANDS for General Debility, Central Paralysis, Epilfpsy, and Functional Disorders 50s to 60s, COMPLETE SET WITt.) VOLTA-ELEC- TRIC BELTS for restoring Vital Power. £ 5 WITH VOLTAIC FLEXIBLE CHAIN BATTERY. £ 8 G. CHAIJN BAtTERtES for Extreme Nervous Debility, Paralysis, and tor restoring ex- hausted Vital Energy (to be used in con- junction with specially combined bandl) £ 3 It' to 4 Guineas. H. HIGH TENSION FLEXIBLE CHAIN POCKET BATTERIES, with a complete set of Combined bands, Belts, and accessories (for special c»se») £ 10 and upwards. B. Galvanic Banó, or Belts are genuine, but those bearing the facsimile of J. L. P (IL VEliMA CHER'S bignatute on the Label. ^CAUTION.-A PERPttUAL INJUNCTION in V"ANCERY, dated 18th Al'gust, 1869, was granted to !,• L. Pulvbrmachkr against ALFRED Babrows, alias Jj* D. H AMMOND, a/ia« HKNRY J AMK8, alias C. T. RaFUEV •«eir assistants, agents, and servants, restraining the 141(1 person or persons, under a penalty of £5000, from ~H«itfnllj advertising Belts, &c, delusively representing ar electric. Tbis decree is printed in extrnso in •"ULYKRMACHER'S PAMPHLET of Testimonials "ft Reports of cures containing extensive numerous '*trnci» from many Standard Scientific Works, viz.; ~,r P«reira's "Materia Medics," 4th cdtion; t)r jasner's "Practice of Medicine," 8th edition; and Handfield Jones, on "Nerrous and Functional > borders, &c sent post free on application to the Sols ^•ntor and Patentee J. L. PULVERMACHER, GALVANIC ESTABLISHMENT, "200, REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. pREE EDITION of 5,000 oopidsof DR SMITH'S Celei ved Work, THE WARNING VOICE, or RIVaTE MEDICAL FRIEND, is now published Or tke bsnefit of narvoua sufferers. U Read the Warning Voice y Henry 8milb, M.D., of the Kopal University of *• Author of The People's Guide to Health," &c, B Jhe "Warning Voice is a Speoial Medical Work if k-i* ^ew TreB,D,enti b7 medicine only, of Nervous ebihty, Painful Dreams, Mental and Physical ^presaion, Palpitations of the Heart, Noises in the and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and emory, Indigestion, Loss of Energy and Appetite, j*>nsin the Back, Timidity, Self Distiust, Diaziness, °/ Groundless Fears, Local Weakcess, nscular Relaxation, &c., which, if neglected, and in gp^ttiption, and Premature Deaths, tiives PRE- EMPTIONS and INSTRUCTIONS by which oaeanas hate been restored to health and vigour Ctt*! *1' other remedies had failed. Also, NEW the DANGEROUS use oi ELECTRi- fto or GALVANISM. Contains many letters >ith 8ufferers who bave tried the ao-called remedj Ollt success, proving that 111 ^ricity will not cure Nervous Debility liustrated itb Cfit;es and Testtraonials from grateful Wju>x?'i w'th means of cure used in e.ich case. Tht by NlNG \OlCE will be sent:n an envelope free Ah!?^ afly addrKsa on receipt of Lwo penny stamps. tilln Wres8, Dr. H. SMITH, 8, Bunon CrtsctiJt, Lon- W C Important TO COUNTRY PATIENTS. I UNSULTATION BY LETTER WITHOUT FEE. P ^> SMITH, the Etrinent ypecmliM for the cure •Udr, ?" Debilitating Diseases, resulting from thi or youth snd mHnliood, will, (or the benetit, On y.l'aMents, who cannot consult h;ra persc-nally description of tlieir case, send tis c •u, ,»"h advice, and d:reet cna for t!;e mo,- •lul restoration to health aad vigour. < dregg, Dr burton Crescent, Loudoii DR. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND HAPPY MARRIAGES.—When to marry, with I advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing out certain impediments which render oarried li'e unhappy, and directions for their speedy removal. Should be read by all who value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a happy old age.—Post free on receipt of two stamps.—Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. JIIH Published for Two Stamps. TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. READ THE "SECRET FRIEND," by Dr BARNES, who has for years given his exclusive attention to the tientment of Nervous Debility, Mental arid Physical Depression, Palpitation of the fle,irt, Noises in the Head ami Ears, Indecision, Impnired !:h:h I and Memory, Indigestion, Prostraiion, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Loss 01 Energy and Appetite, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Timidity, Setf-Distrust. Dizziness, Love of S'>li'ude, Groundless Fears, and many other ailments, which, if neglected, brinr the sufferers to an early Death. This voluble work "THE SECRFT FRIEND," is illusiruied with numerous esses and testimonials, nnrt not only given the (,Iatiio but itio ru-mtis 01 cure. Hnuriredsof cases which )vld been thought hopeless have heen restored to perfect health and vig(itirafter all other means had failed. Sent post iree on receipt of two stumps. I$gr Address, Dr. Barnes, 30, Tbornhill Crescent, Caledonian Road, London, N. Important to Country Patients. DR BARNES may he consulted personally or by letter, in all private and coi fidential ea?es and for Ibfl benefit of Nervous sufferers who cannot visit him, be wi I, on receiving a dcsciiptinn of their case, enclosing a stamped envelope for reply, be ready to eive his opinion upon the nature of the case, and the principles of treatment necessary to effect a perfect Cure Ijgjf Address, DR. BARNES, 39, Thornhill Crescent, Caledonian Road, London, N. DO YOU WANT BEAUTIFUL HAIR, WHIS- KERS. &c. ? Dr Russell's Lixivene, an eleearitly perfumed toilet compound, for nourishing, preserving, and restoring the hair, is guaranteed to produce mous- taches, whiskers, eyebrows, &e., in two or three weeks. strengthen weak hair, prevent its falling off. check greynetis in all is stages, rettere the original colour, dispel sicurf and dandriff, and make it clean, soft curly and glossy. For the re-production of hair in baldness, from whatever cause and at any age, its effects are certain in thousands of cases it has been successful when all other preparations bad failed. In the nursery it is unequalled, as it tteeps the bead clean and forms the basis of a beautiful head of bair. Price 2s., sent any- where free by post, on receipt of 24 penny stamps, by Dr. G. Russell, 28 Clarence Road, Kentish Town, London. Lartre Bottles, containing three times the quantity, 4s fid, each. It stopped my hair from falling otf-J. Saville.' c, My whiskers "re now abun- dant and thick. Wm. Neale." "My hair had gone in patches from illness, but it is new growing nioely.- Miss Wrhh. My moustache is envied by every body — Major Birch. I was bald for 9 years, but now my head is covered with hair. J. Spence." OMKHVK,— Every Genuine bottle hit" the words RUSSELL's LIX- IVKNE moulded in the glass, and is wrapped in a pamphlet of 16 pages, on the Management of the Hair and Skin also see that George Ru'sell's Trade Mark and Signature are OR every outside wrapper. Sold by all Chemists. I^HE PURE HERBAL MEDICINE. Dr THOMSON'S INVIGORATING PILLS are a well known cer- tain remedy for lumbago, gravel pt ins in the back and loins, headache, depression of spirits, rheumatism, gout, discharges of all kinds, piles, and all affeotions of tho kidneys and bladder. All diseases arise from impure blood and weakness. These Pills cleanse and purify the fluid", remove general or local debility, give ton- to the stomach, restore the spirits, enrich the Wood, impart ericrcy and vivacity, eradicate every traeo of disease, and invigorate the whole system. r In every oomplaint, however virulent or long standing, they aflurd instant relief and speedy cure. The daily receipt of teatimoniatsfrout men &ad women in every position of life, who have been cured of sfris eruptions, sore eyes, ulcers, and sourf on the bend, sore throat. pains in the iimbs, neuralgia, epilepsy, stone in the bladder, disease of the kidneys, &c.. by tboir use, and accounts of surptising recoveries for severe illness when all other medicines and doctors had failed has induced Dr. THOMSON to publish their virtues, in the earnest hope that blessings so great may be more widely diffused and appreciated. Price ls.lid., 2s 9d., & 4s,6d. per box. (To Protect the Public ftotn Imi- tations, Her Majesty's Commissioners have ordered the words RALPti THOMSON, LONDON, to be on- graved in white letters on the Government Stamp amxed to each package, to itnitile which Is felony and transportation). Sold by all Cbemillls in the world or will be sent direct, packed privately in a letter, on on leeeipt of 14, 33, or 54 stamps by Dr THOMSON, 28, Clurence Road, Kentish Town, London, Four doses 01 your Pills cured my pains in tho back, which had annoyed me tor many years. H.M." I tried them for pains in the back they cured me in a few hours. (j, R." I had been troubled for years with an eruption on the face. Your Pills have quite cured me. Rev. J. 8." "I have never had an Attack of gout or rheumatism since 1 used your Pills. W. Davis "TbtJY quite cured my sick headache and billions attacks. Mrs Ellis." "The pains in the back are quite cured I can stoop with ease now..t. Weiss. Every sufferer, whatever the symptoms may he, is advised to try these Pills, with the honest assurance that tbey must find relief. Dr THOMSON ON NERVOUS DISEASES. Just Published. The One Hundred and Eleventh Edition, 188 Arpes. ANEW WORK ON MARRIAGE, the causes & symptoms of Nervous and general debility, re- laxation, lar,guor, dislike to society, depression of spirits, loss of memory, dimness of sight, deafness, premature deel-ne, consumption &c., with prescriptions, diret rules, and ail necessary information, for the speedy sell cure ot loss of mental and physioal power, nervous affections, and all the diseases of youth and manhood, sent post-froe, on receipt of two penny stamps, by Dr. Thomson, 28, Clarence Road, Kentish Town, London. Opinions of the Press. There is no quackery or learned mystery in Dr Thomson's book, but a plain exposition of the oauses, symptoms, and rational treatment of this destructive class of diseases, all set lorth with the clearness of a practical mail, who wishes tc be under- stood, and the earnestness of a conscicntious man who only wishes to be useful. Dublin Gazette." "Thir work is popular' in every sense of the word, and its worth is untold, to those who cannot, from a feeling of shame, consult the family physician. Bap. Magazine." From upwards of 30 years practice in London, the author is justified in assuring sufferers who require confidential treatment, that all cbscs will be speedily cured, without recourse to any of those daugerous drugs, copaiba, mercury, &c., generally used, and that 111.1 is proud in being able to refer to many thousands whom he has restored to health and vigour. Persons at a distance should forward a detail of their oases by letter, enclosing one guinea for ad- ice andt medicine, which will be sent by return. patients corresponded with till cured. DR. THOMSON'S TONIC EL1XIR Restores health Strength, and power, to the most shattered con- stitution, and cures with the utmost certainty relaxation, spermatorrhea, exhaustion, depression of spirits, giddiness, nervousness, epilepsy, para- lysis, and all the distressing consequences ariing from debility. For all diseases of the urinary organs it will be found a speedy specific, requiring no alteration in diet, purifying the blood, removing secondary symptoms, scurvy, scrofula, blotches, skin eruptions, irritations of the bladder, &c, which too fre- quently harass the sufferer over the best years of life. Tonic Elixir has restored bodily strength and vigour to thousands of debilitated individuals who now enjoy perfect health and whatever the causes of disqualibca tion for marriage, they are effectually subdueu by this potent remedy. Many poor sufferers, who from fear of discovery, had borne their afflictions for a long time, rather than apply to the lamily doctor, cured themselves privately, at little or no expence, with this wonderful Medicine. Price 28 9J, 4s 6d, and lls, per bottle. (To protect the public from spurious imitations, Her M.'s commissioners have ordered the words RALPH THOM- SON, LONDON, to be engraved In white letter on the Government stamp afHxed do each package, to imitate which is felony and transportation). Sold by all Chemists in the world, or will be sent direct, on receipt ot a post office order for lis. payable to Dr. RALPH THOMSON, 28Clarence Road, Kentish Towi. T,<> sdon. Extracts from Testimonials. The nervous ctelnlny is so much bet'er, that I do not need stimuianta. My appetite and -J:j.°stion are improved indeed I feel better in every -1 D. H. -1 I have been surprised at the singularly vi. 'villg effects of your medicine, and cannot sufficiently express my gratitude. I). J. A CURE FOR ALL. Dr JOHNSTON, celebrated i\_ over a quarter of a century /or the euro of Nervous and General Debility, loss of energy,dopression ot spirts, lassitude, prostration, palpitation 01 the heart, dizziness, dimness of si^ht., noises it, the head and ears, io-s of memory, deatuoss, indigestion, rheumatism, gout, iumOhgo, pains in the back, gravel, and all forms of sec ret diseases, which when neglected Cfid in cougti and consumption, continues to give away his Pam- phlet,—which contains simple instructions, whereby auy one may regain health and strength, without taking quack medicines or running a doctor's bill. fhe Book will be sent privateiy, on receipt ot a stamped and directed envelope, hy Dr. JOHNST«.»N, 17 Crown Terrace, Hayenitock Hill, London. Thou- sands of sufferers who had (allon into a bad stitte ot health, have borne grateful »o»tiniuny to the valua and simplicity ol the atlviee s;tvt n, which in a short time has perfectly restored them at a trifling cost in money. I he I\ledieal Journal löJ(fll It :s a noble thing for a qualified Physician to come forward and rescue these victims of disease from the extortionate clutches 01 those designing quacks .W140 usurp this, branch or praotice. To Gentlemen, Farmers, and Others. G. J. BLAND DEGS to ;nform the above, that he is in a position to Let out Horses, dri-en by experienced men, on very moderate terms. WITH SPRIN6 WAGONS, for removing Furniture, &o from or to any part of the County or Ktogdom. WITH TIBMBER CARRIAGES, for Carting Timber, Castings, and other heavy Goods. WITH PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, HARROWS, &c. CARTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE. AGENT FOR THE GREAT WESTERN RAILWA. Co., HAVERFORDWEST. O. J B. takes this opportunity of thanking the Pahlic for the kind support he has hitherto received. r4 ESTABLISHED 1812. H. A N I) T. PROC T 0 R AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, CAT II A T. BRISTOL. ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SPECIALLY PREPARED BONE MANURES, FOR GRASS, COliN, ROOT, AND OTHER CROPS; ALSO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS.—CATHAY, BRISTOL. AGENTS — Mr G. (jtilliihs, Carew Newton, Pembroke „ Thomas Parker, Cardigan J. N. Evans, Aberayron. PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO. I. THOMSON, T. BONAR, AND Co., 571 OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON, E.C., SOLE CONSIGNEES AND AGENTS FOR SALE IN GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. Price at Scale in London fixed by the Peruvian Government, 912 per ton, for Quantities of not less than 30 tons. 17th February, 1871. NOVELTY IN BOOTS. "VTOBLEMEN and Gentlemen are respectfully invited to inspect a case of Boot. of entirely new design, which was exhibited at the recent International Exhibition at the Agri- cultural Hall, and to which were awarded THE GOLD MEDAL. On View at the Establishment of C. E. ALLEN, (Late of Haverfordwest.) BOOTMAKER, 33 a. Princes Street,-one door from Panton Street, Haymarket, London. CHEAP TEA SMCP. THOMAS'S FAMILY TEA & GROCERY WAREHOUSE UPPER MARKET STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. Good Tea Is. 4d. per lb. Strong Breakfast do 2s. Od. per I b. Fine do. 2s. 8d. & 3s. per lb. PRIME WILTSHIRE BAOON. FIELDS AND PRICES PATENT CANDLES. HUNTLEY AND PALMER'S BISCUITS. JAMS, JELLIES, PICKLES, SAUCES, &c. Agetitfor Weir's Sewing Machines eta yiMLlGHT ONLY ON THE PDX Mmj safety THE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST 'A 11' .8J À- I The history of this great remedy is the most wonderful that the world has tver g 1 known. It establishes the all-important fact that whebevkr disease exists it's | 1 searching and healing properties are in most cases equal to its subjection :*nd cure. | DISOBDBES OF THE STOMACH 1 9 Are the sources of tho deadliest, maladies. Now, what is the operation of the Pills ? | ■ T«hpy cleanse the bowels, regulate the liver, bring the relaxed or irritated stomach I ji into a natural and healthful condition. Changing sickness into health. I AILMBWTS OF FEMAIiSia I At the two epochs in life in which the system undergoes the most important ■ :9.nd eritical charges, the Pills are priceless in their effect in disorders to which the ■ jj! eJei: is liable and at the turn of life are a safeguard against evil conaequences. I WEAKNESS AZCSTID DEBlXilTY. I Thefle Pills remove all symptoms of debility, languor and weakness, as they H act upon the mainsprings of life and give strength and vigour to the system. |j iTHE BEST IKHITOWIEr FOU I Afthma. Debility. Influenza. Ston« ftnd Gravel. Eg Bilious Complaints. Diarrhoea. J aver Complaints. Rwtomawry Symptoms E Blotehpfl on the Skin. Female Irregularities Piles. Weaknppg,from what- Oonstipation of the Bowols. Indigestion. Retention of Urine, ever cause, &c. &c. | £ U CA UTION !—None are genuine unless the words JTollowmj, Londonare I .j discernible as a Watermark in every leaf of the book of directions which may be C jl plainly seen by holding it to the light.—*#* Sold at the manufactory of Professor j £ 1 Hotloway. 24*1, Strand, London, ami by all Dealers in Medicine, in boxes at g jl 1«. I'd.. 2s. 9d., 4s. Cd., lis., 22s., and 33s.—There is a considerable saving by J taking the larger sizes.—Very copious directions for use are affixed to each box. CLEDDAU BREWERY, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, G E 0 K G E M. GBEE N." MALTSTER & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Agent for Miller and Johnson's Celebrated Artificial Manures. GREEN & JOHN, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUAY STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, AGENTS FOR LAWES SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, LAWES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND LAWES' DISSOLVED BONES. PERUVIAN GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANUKE SALT FOR SALE. olR J. BROWN, | WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, HAVERFORDWEST, (ESTABLISHED 1803), BEGS to announce that l;e has made arrangements to supply the Public with the undermentioned First-class Stouts in Cask and Bottle. IIANDER'S INVALID STOUT Highly recommended by the Faculty, and SIll JOHN ARNOTTS CELEBRATED CORK STOUT In Quality and flavour resembling the BEST LONDON STOUT. FLINT & Co.'s BRITISH & FOREIGN COMMERCIAL INQUIRY OFFICES. OBJECTS COMMERCIAL INFORMATION-To remove danger or doubt from contemplated credit tranonclionn. REGISTERED INFORMATION—Not relied npon. Every inquiry Is, when received, despatched to three or four norrecpondent", or more if deemed requisite. The information registered appended in addition. Three stnmpseach inquiry. LEGAL ADVICE-Supplied to aubscribers free of charge. Counsel and Solicitors specially retained. AGENTS—In every Town and City in the United Kingdom, the Continent of Europe, and America.* REGISTERS—Contain over One Million names. DEBTS—Promptly applied for, in accordance with instructions. Immediate settlements. WEEKLY GAZETTE.—Valuublo information. Index (quarterly) free to every stibacriber. References permitted to numerous commercial firms. Opinions of subscribers fnrmshed Irce on application. TERMS-£3 3s, X5 5% £10 10s. and upwards per annum. LONDON, E.C. 68, Cheapside. Dublin 10, Henry Street. Manchester: 8K, Moscley Street, and 6, 8, and 10, Bond Street; and Uiafigow 33, RontieJd Street, Argy.e Street. AGENCIES—APPLICATIONS INVITED. THOMAS JONES, MARBLE AND STONE MASON, MERLIN'S HILL, HAVERFORLWEST. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, AND HEADSTONES, OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS HEADY FOR INSPECTION. WINDOWS OF BATH AND OTHER STONE, AND ALL KINDS OF CHURCH WORK. MAUBLE AND STONE CHIMNEY PIECES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ANTIQUE AND MODERN. DRESSED MASONRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, EXECUTED ON THE lIfOST REASONABLE TERMS. Estimates Given for all Descriptions of Marble and Stone Work.T E 190 CARSONS' P AT N T, l'A'l"i:V"L3f;n Br HER MAJESTY TlIE QUEEN, The British Government, | The Colonial Govkrnmknts, I Railway and Canal OoMPAFiKS, The Indian Government, | The Russian Government, | Oolukrikb, Iboh Masters, &c., 7,000 of THK NOBILITY AND Gentry, For all kinds of OUT-DOOB WORK, And is proved, after a test of upwards of 70 years, to .surpass any other Paint. It is espocinlly applicable to Iron Rooting, Park Fencing, Farm and other Ifciiklintrs, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm mplements, Carta and Wagons, Gates, kc. &c., and all exposed work, effecting a Saving of more than 50 per cent., as it is cheaper, and lasts twice as long a. Genuine Whito Lead or any other paint, and CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. It is sold in a fine powder. Will keep any length of time. No grinding, tinting, straining, or dryers are necessary. It requires simply to be mixed with Oil Mixture," according to "Directions for Use," and at same time avoiding the objections to all paints sold" ni xed ready for use. Per Cwt. COLOURS. Per Cwt. White maok Bright Red Light Stone J ■llilT" j. Dark Red Bath Stone Chocolate f Cream colour >30s. A|(TIC0RR03I0I%\ Purple Brown ( s" Light Portland Stone t I PAINT |pl JQj Black Portland Stone J |manufactuocd||I—M Bronze Groen Buff (for Stables). WalterBright Green 142 Oak colour X ORa Vi MSuSmKL- Medium Green Lead colour j Deep Green r J Ol i no «MT1IUD AT STXTIONim MAU. TJl I Light Lead «r Slate 28s.. Blue J Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti.Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brushes, &0- CARSONS' PAINT, For Public EDIFICES, Mansions, Villas, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, &c., is unrivalled, and is the only Paint that will effectually resist the rays of the sun upon Conservatories, Greenhouses, Frames, &c. 8 Cwt. delivered Carriage Fkkk to all RAILWAY Stations in the United Kingdom. Li (iter us find Testimonials sent Pott Free on application. No Agents. WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C.; And 21, BACHKI.OH'S WALK, DUBLIN. nAR s ONS y PAINT. MARY CII TJli CI1$DA W, AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS, HAVERFORDWEST. I CHAIN HARROWS FOR THE PRESENT SEASON. T PRICE: T PRICE: 5 ft. by 7 ft. 6 in. y 0 7 ft. C in. hy 7 ft. f) in. X2 7s. 6<1. £3 Ode Square Iroll. Iron. 11' j Hariows, Rollers, Seed Drills of all descriptions, and woderat CARTS, WAGGONS, and every description of Mgricultural implements, manufactured by the Bristol Waggon Works, Corn; any, supplied by R. & 1. JONES, AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS, &e. Offices: 4, High Street. Haverfordwewt. ST. DAVID'S CATHEDRAL RJ<;8Tva4TI0II. rpHE works of Restoration and v' kirt L been carried or; during the la" » prise the thorough restoration of with its Aisles a third of tht x age of the whole building. costing between eightet-a and nin«t««k.a«d pounds, have absorbed all the nld SuWeriptiora, with the exception of Mr Trahsme'* bcqoMt ef £ 3,00# not yet due, and the Bishop has in rrmtttWttM eift cuiated an appeal for new Suhscriptieaa, to eemylei# the Restoration of the Xave, its AWes, and tIte Trantopta. The coat of this is estimated by Mr twett at £ 12.600. The Secretaries will rlndly on appiientioa so" to any one a copy of Mr GifVn SciH's Sneond Insert showing what has heen effected, and what vtrti o a pressing nsturM still remain to be done; and they will also thankfully acknowledge any 8altalri,tioa. which may be made. The following Donations have been already pro- mined for the work remaining to be done :— nevj. m. xranerne (a bequept) .62000 0 Rev John Bowen, LlanRorge (omitted from former lists br inadvertence) t 0 Riohard LlewelLin, Esq, TrelPvynt .c. 60. Mrs Mould, Falmodeston Rectory fi tt Mrs Geo. Hoi gate Foster (extend denation) fiO 0 Rev H. Williams, Brecon 2 2 J. W Kershaw, Esq, Warwick 2 9 M rs Kershaw, Warwick 1 0 Rev A. J.M. Green (first subscription) § 0 Rev John Hughes, Vicar of Penally andi, Prebendary of St David's (2nd donation) S 6 Rov D. Jones, Bishopston, Glamorganshire ft 9 Rev Secretan Jones, Oystermouth, Glamor- ganshire ft o The Lady Llanover 26 0 Mrs Harford, Blaise Castle 10 18 Rev J. Thelps, Carew (second donation) 10 10 Rev J. Jones, Llanfihangel Genau'r 61, (second donation) f 9 George Baugh 411en, Esq, Temple (second donation) 10 0 'Nire l'itynter, Pembroke Mrs W. H. Reed, Pembroke 6 § Mrs Leach, Pembroke 2 0 Rev H. S. Kink, Pembroke 010 T. Manseil, Esq, Pembr jke 1 1 L. P. Gibbon, Esq, Pembroke 6 0 W. Hulm, Esq, Pembroke fi 0 W. O. Hulm, Esq, Pembroke 1 1 J. Dawkins, Esq, Pembroke 8 9 Mrs W. Gibbon, Pembroke g § Mrs D. S. Thomas, Pembroke 2 2 Mr Hitchings, Pembroke 2 4 George Jones, Esq, Pembroke 3 g Messrs Jones, Pembroke Mill 3 0 Mr W. Williams, Pembroke 2 2 Messrs Davies and Pratt, Pembroke 1 1 Mr Warlow, Pembroke 2 2 R. M. Jones, E-q, Pembroke l 1 W. Tbomas, Esq, Orange Hall, Pembroke.. 0 10 Mr G. Barrett, l'embroke 1 0 Mr Beddoe, Pembroke 2 2 Mrs Morris and Son, Pembroke 0 10 Mr Edward Tracev, Pembroke 9 10 Mr Joseph Powell, "'smbroke 1 10 Mr C. Elsdon, Pembroke 0 10 Mr H. P. Thomas, Pembroke 0 19 Mr James, Lion Hotel, I'eu.'iroke 0 10 Mrs Owen, Savings Bank, Pemt •'ike 1 10 Mr T. Richards, Pembroke 0 10 Mr Burchell, Pembroke I • Mr Lowless, Pembroke 010 Small Sums, by Rev J. Allen 1 f Mrs lloch, Paokeston (second donation) too N. A. Roch, E8q, t'aakeaton (2nd donatico) 10.. A. J.Morienn,E<q.Portclew. 6 9 Rev Latimer and Mrs Jones, Carmarthen 25 0 G. While, Esq, Tenby (second donation) 10 9 Col. Voyle, Tenby 10 0 Rev G. Huntniglon, Tenby 9 0 Rev J. Hearn Poppelwell, Tenby 2 0 Rev E. F. Willis, Tenby 9 10 Mrs Howells, Tenby 6 0 J. Gwynne, Esq, Tenby (first donation) 3 S C. W. R. Stokes, Tenby 1 0 G. Chator, Esq, Tenby 2 t Mrs Girardot, Esq, Tenby ? 0 Colonel Onslow, Tenby q Mrs Onslow, Tenby 10 Miss Puxlcy, Tenby 2 0 Mr James Rogers, Tenby 2 0 Captain Rees, l'enby 1 j Captain Evans, Tenby J 9 Two Sums of Five Shillings each. 0 10 MrC. Allen (in Photographs of St. l avid's) Tenby ft 4 Mr .to.-seph Gregory, Tenby 3 IS Mr John Phelps,Tenby 1 1 Mr E. Saice, Tenby 1 1 Mrs Hughes, Tenby 1 1 Mr John Thomas, Norton, Tenby. I 1 !MrW.Woikint"n.TcBby. 1 I. Mr Thomas March&nt, Tenby 1 1 Mr Jones, Postmaster, Tenby .oo. 1 l R Las'ielles, Esq., Croft, Tenby 1 0 J.T. Ilawksley, Esq., Caldy, Ten by 6 0 liev G. W. Birkett, St Florence, Tenby 5 0 Messrs John Harvey and Sons, Haverford- west (second donation) J010 The Welshman Newspaper 10 10 The Jirecoii County Times 9 The Western Mail q The Tuiby Observer jo 9 The Camhna Daily Lender. jo 0 The Pembrokeshire Hera d jy 0 11. U. Allen. Esq., Lincoln's Inn, (second Donation) 10 9 Mrs Mirehoune.The Hall. Angle, Pembroke 10 0 The Eail of (Sawder, (second donation) 200 J. 11. Scourfit ld, Esq., M.P. (2nd donation) J00 0 LewlIl Lloyd, Ksq, Monk Orchard, Snrrey 5 0 Col Llovd, LIJlcNden, Kent ..I. Henry Leach, Esq.,Corston 10 0 Mrs Bayne, (second donation) 24 0 Miss Robson, Penally, (second donation) fJ. Messrs Richard James and Son, Haverfnrd. west a II. Rees, Esq., Llangranog, Newcastle Easlyn I I Rev William Edmunds, Rhostie Re« ;-ry, Aberystwyth 2 0 Rev John Felix, Llamlar 2 0 Rev J. Tombs, Burton .oo 10a Messrs l'owell, Mathias, and iivane, Haver- west 10 10 Wm Davies, Esq., Spring Gardens, Haver- fordwest I 0 J. W. Phillips, Etq., Rock Cottage, ditto 5 0 Messrs Greenish and Dawkins, Market street, ditto 5 0 Rev Tfccmas Horn, Haverfordwest (second donanon) 2 0 Rev Giorge Horn, Hayel fordweet 2 9 Miss Emment and Miss Gwytber, ditto 2 0 Mr D. 1'. Saundert, Bridge street, ditto 1 J, Mr Jobn Phillip", Castle Square, ditto 1 I Mr Stephen Green, High street, ditto \BPcoltd donation) 1 1 Mr W. Lloyd, High street, Haverfordwest ] 1 Mrs l'hilpott, Castle Hotel, dito < ¡.Jor.nLeW'is,E¡¡q..lhnk,ditto 1 1 I Win. John, Eeq., Victoria Place, ditto II intis Pt)tter, liigti ditto 0 Mr P. 1'. Ellis, High "street 1 j Mr Richard Williurrs, Dew street, ditto 1. 1 Mr James Davies, Victoria i'l»<e, ditto 1 0 M, John Biown, Market street, ditto ,t Mr T. Bak"r, High street, ditto 1 1 Mctsis Green Mid J, hn, Quay street, ditto 1 O Mr Wiliium Hood, High street, ditto 0 10 Mr E. 11. Ellis, Dew street, ditto 0 10 Mr IVilliarr Cqpil,, G-Ri, ditto 010 Messrs T. and J. Lloyd, Dark street, Gilto 0 10 Fiederiek Weioholi, Esq, Laugharnt 25 0 J. L. G. p, Lewis, E"q. (second donxttoft) 10 0 Rev. R. L«'wis, Lampeter Vellrey (second* donation) 6 John Bevnon, lisq, jun Trew-m 4 T. H.. O. l'owell, Esq.. WyngroD, ft 0 Howard S. Morgan, Esq, Tegfjnydd 6 0 Rev. D. Jonex, 1 Jandinsilio 3 3 Rev T. R. J. Laugharne I 1 Rev W. L. Bevan, !Iay, Brecon 5 0 Mrs Dynelev, Tenby •> 9 liev. J. 1). Williams, Brecon (2nd donation) 10 0 Itev. E. E. Allen, Poribkerry ,) 0 Kev. E. B. t>quire, Swaneea •> q Charles Bath, E q, Swansea 25 0 Contribution from trie parish of St. Bride's per Mr Wm. Roberts '2 i MrJpnkins, Castle Snua:e. It. SVest 0 1(1 Cathedral Box, 1N,0. 3 9 <; P. Phillip*, Kvi., J) C. P. Phillips, l>q ] 1 j D. Mro«"n, Kt.<i 2 2 'ev. •' ett, Uecinr ot Bxnj:or, 2nd 10 a ls."gor j It .fõi' -I "001 -11 L "T ""i received by > Milford Haven Jlonorary- Secrt. Whkir ,v..d Sox«, Bankeis, Car- IMUi) iLiLDii Md Co., Banket*