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I ESTABLISHED 1835 MOWERS AND GARDEN ROLLERS. (JREENS' PATENT LAWN MOWERS Kvhry "p" prototi 10 be the BKST, and have carried of COFnpetUioi? TL#T H" BEEN giron ia all cases of I ANUFACTUHERS OF GALVANIZED WIRK NETTING. REENS' PATENT HOT WATER BOILERS. Tfl ra "<?* nnd Price Lists Free on Application. LEKAO & SON, SMITIIFIKM) IKON WORKS AR,D 54 & 55, Blacklriars Road, London. S. IMLOAN«L AUSTRIA^ GUARANTEED STATE ^OTTK'(I,S- liona-fidu chances to 4/1 THE large premiums of £30,000, £25,000, £20,000, &c, &c "oblic Hp* ^•'ODER 0N EVER>' Month, uuder nee of tbo Austrian Government, AND PRATIS FNNC,ionaries. OFFICIAL LISTS SUNT Al)l)ly for XI (hanceft, "T ANHK ,M8 SUPPLIED by the Austrian Govern- ^°R Prn«N. IMPERIAL H«!F a florin stamp, and VIENNA UTE« TO VOELCKER and Co., Bankers b25, ■»-^0,T PUBLISHED, Post Free for Two Stumps. W°NDERFUL MEDICAL DISCOVERY, NEUVA T 8MOWING THK TRUE CAT'SE OF LOW' MENTAL- & PHYSICAL DEBILITY, WAST ESS 0F SP1RITS- INDIGESTION, ^VITH | • ENERG^'> rREMATUBE DECLINE P'AIN directions for PERFECT RESTORATION ^em0o^EALTEI AND VIG0UR in a few da''8- N,0JFEAI;»MPORTANT FACT that these alarming complaints U4"V be removed 1,HERE^ITHOUT MEDICINE, J'RTL,Y D^MONNTRATED, and the entirely new and exnl trestment, as adopted by the Author, JJYjJl H,R,(>d— by means of which ONE IS ENABLED TO CURE HIMSELF *ECE»DT RF »N<* AT ^E ^E06T possible cost. Sent Free on CF TWO stamps by W. HILL, ESQ., M.A., J>T BRKI?I.J;Y HOVSE, SOUTH-CBESCENT, SELL-SQTJARE, LONDON, W.C. Means are so Easy and Simple in THE KVll'I V"' CAN CURE Themselve* Successfully. "THE STC0ST ,N A FEVV DAYS- VR°TE °' TBIS extraordinary publication IS to 'FFECTONII RT0DSNSSS AND concomitant Malad'es can I0TL*>NCIN» successfully treated, and the most DII° PRO°F OF the efHcacy of this, the greatest of is testified BY the numerous cases -~»»^^JSCTED."—MEDICAL RECOKD. A SP|AD THE WARNING VOICE. £ P-ECIAL PAMPHLET FOR PRIVATE ^EHRV O INSTRUCTION. V* POBII.L J^'TH, M.D., of The University of Jena, » V<5EM%, » New Edition of THE WARNING RV AHUG' ^A"E8) W'TB a New Chapter on the Use hi,#A,E». PN Electricity for the Cure of Nervous D**9 TRIED £ NTAI"« IMANY letters from Patients who "N€ THAT S0 C8"E^ remedies wiihout medicine, JHE TVA^LE°TRIC1TY 18 NOT LIFE* VOICE is a SPECIAL WORK FOR ti OF VR STKTTCTI°N. It gives Plain Rules for the LU^' IIIMB*R,,ON8 Exhaustion, Indigestion, Rbeuma- 1)J?! O688.0'• Functional Disorders, VVeak- JMLIT, P P^ITS, Spermatorrhoea, &c., &c., Nervous F.!A,'0O' INJ10 BREAMS, Mental and Physical De- TNJ 'N'THA Impaired Memory, L03S of Energy, IW GROI,NH, ^C'T» Timidity, Dizziness, Love of Soli- ISWCTM??' FEAR*. &<?. PRESCRIPTIONS and 0u» 8 JJ. |>y which THOUSANDS of Dr. Smith's TR»» '>BOSE NF *I EN RESTORED to health and vigour, with- TAN WITH MERcuiy, Galvanism or Electricity. Illua- ■ENTA KASCS 8D(^ Testimonials from grateful NAVE been cured by the 8ENT fr SPECIAL MEDICINE /!RE8,I ON ^08T 'N A Sealed Envelope, to any .»* OF TW0 STAMPS. NI W.Q R' SMITH, 8, Rurton Crescent, Lon- V/CO^SCR TANT TO COUNTRY PATIENTS. WJ^OUT £ !;ONI)ON PHYSICIAN BY LETTER C», "NTR vp -^RI SMITH will, for the bsnefit TLJ HI ?' ON rtceivivg a description of their « ^O^T °P!Dion, with advice, and direct one for ^DREGG I^ES|'N' treatment and cure. R SMITH, 0, Burton Crescent, London W b25 ■^S^^temcsE^Jis ^0>V PATENT /T^\ ^^CAlvaNICVv AIN. BANDS, BELTS, 'PAEGJ. POCKET BATTERIES. 4M "KJER^V5111^ IMPROVED INVENTIONS »HOCTEOITINU0URTFRICITY P{'RF,,CTLY self-applicable, in a 0R un T » AN^ extremely eflicacious, no GON.Y it L PLE»5ant sensation being experioi ced, 'ORD1»,8PEEDI,T00RNESA TRUE fountain of health and vi- »I)J I ''tnb« B0.°tbing agonising pains, reanimating 'TLTU>»RTINI, ETLVIN<T the sluggish functions of life, ,>cRO'Q.N» ENIO«.K^"?,YED ENER*Y and vitality to con- ^AR>V'NK NT. I '*Y PRIONS influences. The daily •XU^ER'S WLI" OF RNre» effented by PULVER- ,RI»FH!E ^'CO-GALVANIC SYSTEM is so "Ititio, And Vati,d that it forcibly points to this I POT ENNBRYO of a universal remedy. of',?VV'NG TESTIMONY, signed by the :— 106 English medical (acultr, has been we n testi ndersigned. have much pteasure" «• relent rIng I -t,%IrJ.L.PULVERNIACHr,.it,s-, c'lIlId G Irprotemenrll in his Voltaic Batteries" «. JL?,*es ARE NF Appliance. for Medical Pur-" •T J DICINE » FRTAT 'MPortance to Sclentitio" «,ERATIOJ, "^TBATHEIS entitled to tho con-" «I°'°THER IKO J80PP0RT OF everyone disposed" MR°8RE*8.° ADVFTNcement of real and useful CAT?HLIB'W DAY OF March, 1866." ••I^HFCNRY urW0CK« Bar,'> M D > F RC-P," WM PJBHGLLAN^, Bart. M.I)., F.R.S." H^D'B RW8ON' BART- F R S." J- RANAI N WKING' M D F-RC.P." P^LVEHXT D MARTIN, F.R C.S." SJNE VY »n offlniKIR'S SYSTEM is also approvod '8I Rqvo\ o8 ^EP°RT the Academie de Medi- VLEN^AN., I So«»ety of London Royal College of »nd it.DON; AND 'BE Imperial Faculty of ^(8I.«H^G of NN»CIIRRLL,E VLRTUES are confirmed by ,JHEG^PHLET/RLUS!) STIM°NIU,S °' CUR68 EFFCCTED* HTMSLOFN*1 POOD BEN«E of every sufferer ?' NNH10 *bich TK •11 8C'ENL'FIC and curative pro- L^OEN Y AND labour INT0DL0R baa devoted a lifetim# ILICH CT°R OF oju *.N. AR.DCNT disciple of that great TILL WW0*' iUustriouB elcctrioian, OF W S M E D1G A L V AN IC 9/ fk. ,E'»e, RC*<R»V»-SCEE ^'Y EFF';CTIVE without the aid Patient's kni-T °f ?iet, or the leait derangement CO^^ATFSM in tho LBRLSO'?^EUX L^LUGFFISH Circulation 1^: IS10" lass.4" S»«. 15. 'iA I.VA NI (J „ 'N'BAND FORSVBKL,S' AND BATTERIES. Ache ANRMSF1^0118 ^ETT<N«"SS, Head, Tooth, x» TIOT IN*BANDS fo??0UE81NTHE Hedd.2UTO30S. CHALVN HE THRO»V VOICE ™«L °'HER TFFEC- ■HJ F**«ANDs FNR O It's 6-1 to '21s D Gouty I>A, IF. NA,,«*' RbeuiD»tic, Neuralgic, CH ATX AL PARALY«I8. Cramp, &c. CHO.» BANDS FNR R. V T0 22S, and 40s TO FCC FUNCVIONRI TV J3' INFL'GES'ION, Liver, ^HAIIV?"1 88 R Belt SORDERS> Nervous Debility, N Ker» A^^S for' vv "° 4^A> AND CO\RS?;,NW«, &C RITER 8 CI;AMP. Trembling, I EFTILF NEL> C11AT'V'V.V;V,\ 22S ,0 30". AND 40s P8Y» General DEBILK 1? F°R CT'NTR;U Paralysis, C°T»)nl functional Disorders&C BFTI TO of PNUTIF»T, 30s to 50s CH ALNFIATTVR Y i 0 Gal 1^KY forrestoring vital .'Joe,i'^nic B*ndVw'n" TO £ 6 "•« lab "f J- Pl/I t aL eJenuine but thnse bearing CAlJ 1 KRXl* UHEIVii mgnaivre I PVFY^' D^E<TUUH,]AiiUAL ,NTJUNCTI0N in th ^•HAMSINMACL,KK NGAIIIN^A5'' WAS 8RANLED T0 Hssis»» ^SHKNHV BARUOWS, alia* D.LJ PERSON N'8' "GENTS NMI AMKS. C. T. RAFHEV ti €ITf«llv J' PETSon», UND^R 6ERVARITS. restraining the IS™NH[U* &PPRTBLT-Y °!TRO,R RBIS DEC'R^ DE-UMVEL>' representing D ^EPCRU OF R'S PAMP°H,F^N,ED IF EX<TN'° 11 ANRF ^8ENT NN WURCS CONTAIN; OF Testimonial.^ 4 P*UNL'P08TFREE QT 5AT"J NING other valuable .afor »TET APPLICATION to the Sole Invento. •#'4 GV//A^jc^^ RM ACH K R, 200» T STHL'VVJJA/ENT' ^I6RHI, £ X| LONDON, W. To Landlords or Agents, BANKS OF THE THAMES, NEAlt LONDON A GENTLEMAN offers to EXCHANGE a hand- fome RESIDENCE containing eight bedrooms, two drrssinc-roorrs, three noble reception rooms, con scrvatory and every dompstie convenience wi t h access to extensive grounds planted with fine old elms ana ccdars (doping to the river; capital honting and fishing; for a propert) or cqtiivalen tValli, in Souih Wales. C W., Pembrokeshire Herald OIBce, Havcrfordwest. DR. HUNTER'S Spccial Lectures to Young Men on IIEALTH, ITS 11ESTOE ATI ON, AND HAPPY MA1MIIAG-ES.—When to many, with advice to those who contemplate ninrriagc, pointing out certain impediments" hich Tender II arricd li'e unhappy, and directions for their speedy removal. fthovild be read by all wlio value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a happy old age.—Post free on receipt of two stamps.—Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS READ THE "SECRET FRIEND." 4 NEW MEDICAL WORK BY DK. BARNES A who has for twenty years given his exclusive attention to the treatment and cure of Sexual Mala- dies, Nervous aud Physical Debility, Loss of Appetite Pains in the Buck, Dimness of Sight, Lassitude, Indi- gestion, Spermatorrhoea, Impediments to Marriage, nndnumerins other ailments, c tijs;id by the follies of youth, which, if neglected, result incomllmptinn in- [' sanitv or eatlv dlalh. His medical work, the SECRET FRIEND, it; illustrated wi'h numerous cases and testimonials from Patients, showing tie way by which they were restored to health and manly vigour. It is a true guide to those who require a speedy cure. To the Married and Single this book is iuvaluable. Sent Post free, secure from observation, on receipt of two stamps. igg" Address, Dr. Barnes, 30, Thoruhill Crescent, Caledonian ivond. Londou, N. DO YOU WANT BEAUTIFUL HAIR, WHIS- KERS, &c.? Dr Russell's Lixiveiie, an olegantly perfumed toilet compound, for nouiNhing, preserving, and restoring the hair, is guaranteed to prodtioe mous- taches, whiskers, eyebrows, &c., in two or three weeks, sirongthen weak hair. prevetit. its falling off. check greynei-s in all i s stages, restore the original colour, dispel scurf and dandriff, and make it clean, soft curly and glossy. For the re-production of bnir in baldness, from whatever cause and at any age, its effects are certain in thousands of cases it has been successful when all other preparations had failed. In the nursery it is unequalled, as it keeps the head clean and forms the basis of a beautiful head of hair. Price 2s., sent any- where free by post, on receipt of 2-1 penny stamps, by Dr. G. Russell, 28 Clarence Road, Kentish Town, London. Larg-e Bottles, containing three times the quantity, 4s 6d. each. It stopped my hair from falling off-J. Saville." c, My whiskers Are now abun- dant and thick. ffm, Neate." "My hair had gone in patches from illness, but it is now growing niccly,- Miss Webb. c, My moustache is envied by every body —.Major Birch. I was bald for 9 years, but now my head ie covered with hair. J. Spence." Obbbuve.—- Every Gennine bottle has the -vords HUSSKLI/s LIX- I V EN E moulded in the glass, and is wrapped in a pamphlet of 16 pages, on the Management of the Hair and Skin also see that George Russell's Trade Mttk and Signature are on every outsido wrapper. Sold by nil Chemists. rriHE PURE HERBAL MEDICINE. Dr Thomson's 1 INVIGORATING iMLLS are a well known cer- tain remedy for lumongp, gravel p' ins in the back and loins, headache, depresbion of spirits, rheumatism, gout, discharges of all kinds, piles, and all sffootions of the kidneys and bladder. All diseases arise from impure blood and weakness. These Pills cleanse and purify the fluids, remove general or local debility, give tone to the stomach, restore the spirits, enrich the Mcod, impart energy and vivacity, eradicate every trace of disease, and invigorate the whole system. In every complaint, however virulent or long standing, they afford instant relief and speedy cure. The daily receipt of testimonials from men and women in every position of life, who have been cured of skin eruptions, sore eyes, ulcers, and scurf on the head, sore throat, pains in the limbs, neuralgia, epilepsy, stone in the bladder, disease of the kidneys, &c., by their use, and accounts of surprising recoveries for severe illness when all other medicines and doctors had failed hBs induced Dr. THOMSON to publish their virtues, in the earnest hope that blessings so creat may be more widely diffused and appreciated. Price ls.ljd., 2s 9d;, & 4s.6d. per box. (To Protect the Public from Imi- tations, Her Majesty's Commissioners have ordered the words RALPH THOMSON, LONDON, to be en- graved in white letters on the Government Stamp affixed to each package, to imitate which is felony and trnnsp rtnlion). Sold by all Chemists in the Ilorld or will be sent direct, packed privately in a letter, on on leceipt of 14, o3, or 54 stamps by Dr 1 HOMSON, 28, Ctnrence Hoad, Kentish Town, London. "Four doses of your Pills oured my pains in the back, which h",d annoyed me for many years. 11.M." "I tried them for pains in the back they cured me in a few hours. G. It. I had been troubled for years with an eruption on the face. Your Pills have quite cured me. Hev. J. S." "I have never had an attack of gout or rheumatism since I used your Pills. W. Davis." Whey quite cured my sick headache and billious attacks. Mrs Ellis." The pains in the back are quite cured I can Btoop with ease now. J. Weiss. Every sufferer, whatever the symptoms may bo, is advised to try these Pills, with the honest asturanco that they must find relief. Dr THOMSON ON NEKVOUS DISEASES. Just Published. The One Hundred and Eleventh Ldition, 188 Pages. /i NEW WOKK ON MARRIAGE, tbe causes & J\ symptoms of Nervous and general debility, re- laxation, la; guor, dislike to society, depression of spirits, loss of memory, dimness of sight, deafness, prornature decPne, consumption &c., with prescriptions, diret rules, and ail necessary informafion, for the speedy sell cure of loss of uiental and physical power, nervous affections, and all the diseases of youth and manhood. sent post-froe, on receipt of two penny stamp*, by Dr. Thomson, 28, Clarence Road, Kentish Town, London. Opinions of tho Press. There is no quackery or learned mystery in Dr Thomson's book, bat a plain exposition of the causes, symptoms, and rational treatment of this destructive class of diseases, all set forth with the clearness of a practical man, who wishes tc be under- stood, and the earnestness of a conscientious man who oaly wbhes to be useful. Dublia Gazette. "Thir work i-; popular in every sense of the word., and its worth is untold, to those who cannot, from a feeling of shame, consult the family physician, cap. Magazine." From upwards of 30 years practice in London, the author is justified in assnring sufferers who require confidential treatment, that all CBses will belspeedily cured, without recourse to any of those dangerous drugs, copaiba, mercury, ^c., general y used, and that he is proud in being able to refer to many thousands whom he has restored to health and vigour Persons at a distance øhouJd forward a detail of their oases by letter, enclosing one guinea for ad- ice and medicine, which will be sent by return. patients corresponded with till cured. DR. THOMSON'S TONIC ELIXIR Restores health Strength, and power, to the moat shattered con- stitution, and cures with the utmost certainty relaxation, spermatorrhoea, of spirits, giddiness, nervousness, epilepsy, pira- lvsis and all the distreefing conseqnencis art mg from debility. For all diseases of the urinary organs it will be found a speedy specific, re(lul^ £ ^alteration in diet, purifying the blood, removing secondary symptoms, scurvy, scrofula, blotchc., skin eruptions, irritations of the bladder, &c, which too fre quently harass the sufferer over the best years of life. Tonic Elixir has restored bodily strength and g thousanda of debilitated individuals who n perfect health; and whatever the causes of dtsqua tion.for marriage, they aro effectually J potent remedy. Many poor sufferers, who of discovery, had borne their afflictions for » » rather than apply to tbe lamily doctor, cured t privately, at little or no expence, With this Medicino. Price 2s <JJ, 4s Gd, aud Us, per "otuo- protect the public from spurious imitations, commissioners have ordered the words RAM r SON, LONDON, to be engraved in white letter on ttic Government stamp affixed do cach package, t which is felony and transportation). S3 > Chemists in the world, or will be sent direct, 0 „P, of a post ottice order for lis. payable to Dr. THOMSON, 28 Clarence Road, Kentish lown, ^onaon Extracts from Testimonials. The neivous ) |3 so much better, that 1 do not need stnnulan s. y appetite and digestion are 1^= ^'u.-prised at'Vho sUigu^arly'vivifying effects of your medicine, and cannot sufficiently express my giat.i'urie. >> J- .— I CUKE FOR A LL. Dr Johnston, cfi^att'df orer ft quartor of a ccntury for tie Nervous and General Debility, loss 0/c"e^J if hcart Uf spirts, lassitude, prostration, Pa!P,tH^'°head a„d ears', dizziness, dimness of sight, no»ses .ti m lo* of memory, deafness, /S'kr™ Kout, lumbago, pains in the back, pra»ei of sccrct diseases, which when negUct-ed and consumption, continues to ,P'>C }s whcreby phlet,—which contains simp e )nfructl°„^ without ,ny one may regain health "«d^raen3^'l0I^ hin. taking quack medicines or runn n Qf n The Book will be sent priva cy, on hnstoNi -ramped and directed envdope, ••> d Tiibu 17 Crown Terrace, riaverstock H d ,ut.e 0, I -andsof eufftr-TS who had fa! en lMO ^iue gn :iealih, have borne grateful testimony hhorttime haf simplicity ot tbe advice givtn, which i moncy perfectly restored ibom at( a tnfh gQbje lhin? fQr I ho Medical Journal says 1■ 8 rescuc these qualified Physician to como foi»ard ana dutches o( victims of disease from the exK brauchjo those designing quacks who u. u p practice." To Gentlemen, Farmers, and Others. G. J. BLAND BEGS to inform the above, that he is in a position to Let out Horses, driven by experienced men, on Tcrg- moderate terms. WITH SPRING WAGONS, for removing Furniture, fto from or to any part of the County or Kingdom. WITH TIBMBER CARRIAGES, for Carting Timber, Castings, and other heavy Goods. WITH PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, HARROWS, &c. CARTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE. AGENT FOR THE GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY Co., HAVERFORDWEST. G. J B. takes this opportunity of thanking the Public for the kind support he has hitherto received. C'l ESTABLISHED 1812. IT. A N D T. 1' R OCTOR AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, C A T U A Y, BRISTOL. p i t EFAR K D BITn E MANURES, p 1) 13 FOR CORN, GRASS, ROOT, AND OTIIER CROPS; ALSO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS,-BRISTOL, BIRMINGHAM, CHESTFP AND WARWICK. CJIEAP TEA SHOP. THOMAS'S FAMILY TEA & GROCERY WAREHOUSE UPPER MARKET STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. n jmn Is. 4d. per lb. Good lea 1 SOBREAWALDO ISS: SA1: & 3S. LU: PRIME WILTSHIRE BACON. FIELDS AND P RI CE'S PATENT CANDLES. HUNTLEY AND PALMER S BISCUITS. JAMS, JELLIES, PICKLES, SAUCES, &c. Agent for Weir's Sewing Machines cI8 H A V E R FOR D W EST, SPRING GARDENS' BREWERY, WINE AND S f I Iti T VAULTS. ESTABLISHED 1825. EDMONDAND R E E S, AUCTIONEERS, 4-c., I "IEG to inform the inhabitants of Haverfordwest and the County of Pembroke, that they have taken to tho J above Old Established Brewery, where they intend carrying on tho business of MALTSTEiiS, BREWERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SPIRIT, ALE, l'ORTER, AND HOP MERCHANTS. f and trust by strict attention to .1 oruers entrusted to them, and supplymg superior articles, to merit a sbare ° patrorage. Fine old Irish Whiskey, superior French and British Brandies, Gins, Rums, and Cordials, at Moderate Prices. ALLSOPPS' INDIA, PALE, ANITMILD ALES, IN CASKS AND BOTTLES. A LARGE QUANTITY OF EXCELLENT WELL-MADE OLD MALT NOW ON HAND. Acents for Barnard, Lack, & Co.'s well-known and Celebrated Corn and Boot Manures, AGRICULTURAL SEEDS, &c Spring Gardens, Haverfordwest, 21th November, 1869. 529 lO MAt,,( ^M.IGHT ONLY ON THE BOX 3"A''FETY 9 THE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST l'O Ns i This wonderful Ointment acts like magic in the cure of old wounds, sores, and 6 j ulcers, however inveterate. It's effect is marvellous in cases of paralysis, contracted B j or stilF joints, and in stoppage of the water or disorders of the kidneys it is unequalled S I ASTHMA BBOUCHITIS. | I This class of cases, includiug so^e throats, bad coughs, and colds may be infalli- j| I bly cured by w ell rubbing this remedy twice a day on the breast, throat, and chest. g I BAD IJZEG-S BAD BREASTS, ETC. I In many hospitals inTEurope this celebrated remedy is now in general use. 8 In Spain, Portugal, and in Italy, the Physicians regularly prescribe its use for 1 sores and ulcers. Sailors, soldiers, emigrants, and miners find it most invaluable. I BHETJMATISM AITD SWELLINGS. 1 To sufferers from racking pains this Ointment is priceless. It reduces inflam- 1 mations and swellings, removes all pain, and restores natural circulation. I IMPBT7DBUCES OF YOTJTH. 1 1 Certain old sores and swellings can be effectually cured by the joint agency 9 i of Holloway's Ointment and Pills, if used acccording to the printed directions. B 3 The Ointment and Pills should be used conjointly in most of the following cases I |i Asthma. Eruptions Piles Sore Heads. ■ |j Bad Legs. Glands, Enlargement of Piheumatism Tic Doioureux Si a Bad Breasts Gout Scrofula Wheezing, with difficulty vf 3 1 Bronchitis Lumbago Sore Throats Breathing B i OA UTTOX:—lSTone are genuino unless the words Hnlloway, London," are 1 f discernible as a Wa1er-marh in'everv leaf of the book of directions which may 9 1 be plainly seen by holding it io the liqht. Sold at the manufactory of Profes- m I sor Holloway, 214, Strand, London,* and by all Dealer* in Medicine, in pots at I I Is. 1 \d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., 22.?,. and 33s.—There is a considerable saving by | -u:; < • CLEDDAU BREWERY, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, G E 0 It G E M. GREEN. MALTSTER & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Agent for Miller and Jilinsori s Celebrated Artificial Manures. GREEN & J 0 H N, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUAY STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, AGENTS FOR LAWES SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIIIE, LAWES" PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND LAWES DISSOLVED BONES. PER U V I A N G U A N o. A QUANTITY OF MANUKE SALT FOR SALE. clii SATV AND HATCHET IRONMONGERY ESTABLISHMENT. EVANS & PRITCHARD, (Successors to the late Mr David Lewis,,) REGL thC Inha1jlnntf °1 Haverfordwest and its locality, that they are carrying on this Ion* Established Business in all its Branches, and hope, by supplying Goods of first quality at moderate prices, to secure, for themselves a continuance ot the liberal support accorded to their late much. JTvoUvCv6u prcUvCCSSOr• FARM, FURNISHING, & BUILDING IRONMONGERY. CUTLERY, BRICKS, LATIIS, SLATES, PAINTS, OILS, COL- LIERY ROPES, GREASE. &c. PLUMBERS, BRAZIERS, AND BELL HANGERS, I TIN PLATE AND WIRE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Bridge-street, Haverfordwest, March, 1870. c25 THOMAS JONES, MARBLE AND STONE MASON, MERLIN'S HILL, HAVERFORDWEST. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, AND II E ADS TON E S, OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS READY FOR INSPECTION. WINDOWS OF BATH AND OTHER STONE, AND ALL KINDS OF CHURCH WORK. MARBLE AND STONE CHIMNEY PIECES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ANTIQUE AND MODERN. DRESSED MASONRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, EXECUTED ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. Estimates Given for all Descriptions of Marble and Stone Work.' 190 CARSONS' PAINT-, PATRONISED BT HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, ?xMITIwHr^?T'EBNMEN"r' 1 Tiie COLONIAL G-oyurxmekts, I RAILWAY and CANAL COMPANIES, Il,DIAN GOVERNMENT, j Inn RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, COLLIEIUES, IRON MASTERS, &C., 7,000 OF tiik NOBILITY AND GENTRY, Fur nil kinds of OUT-DOOR WORK, frou Roo^n 'lAfrl°ri? °f vInVar'ls ?f lv ye'?rS' io s"rl,as? auy othcr raint- Tt is especially applicable to v C1 ami and o.her^ Buildings, JJridge.sJ Hurdling, Farm Inipletneats, Carts and Wagons, Gates, &c. kc., and all exposed work, effecting a Saving of more than 50 per cent., as it is cheaper, and lasts twice as long as Genuine White Lead or any other paint, and CA^ LAID OH" BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. nrceLnry0 It reqUfrM Ihnplv ^hekm?xeTwjlhn-OirfAHxtuk "'° th^' s;faini^ °r d^crs are same time avoiding the objections to all j'alLts sold L tt rlIdy ^us^ ^^eeUons for Use, and at White .Pe\CWt- COLOURS. Per Cwt. LIGHT ST.'»NE TRADEMARK. SNPHTPR?D LIATHSWUO I CREAM COLOUR > 30S. CHOEOLOTE F L GHT PORTLAND STONE C F PA?NT°T^3 BS V PORTL LID .STONE ] IMANIKA^REJFCLZLDFL BRONZE GREEN ) I I ?UR 1 26S. \LONO°^PFEFFSEG^ MEDIUM GREEN I. .E.I CO OUR NO INTEHED AT TTXRIMIUI WLK DCEPGREON LIGHT LEAD OR BIATE 2SS. —- BLUE J Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brushes &c. ff% I CARSONS' PAINT, For PUBLIC EDIFICES, Mansions, VILLAS, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, &c., is unrivalled, and is the oniy I amt that will elfectually resist the rays of the sun upon Conservatories, Greenhouses, Frames, &c. 3 Cwt. delivered CAlUUACE FREE to all RAILWAY STATIONS in the United Kingdom. 1 attenis and Testimonials sent Post Free on application. No Agmts. WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, EC- AND 21, BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN CARSONS PAI N T. MARYCHURCH & DA'V'S GOLD MEDAL PRIZE HAY RAKE. £ S. d. No 1, TO RAKE GFT 6 6 0 „ 2, „ 7FT 7 0 0 „ 3, LARGE SIZE FOR HEAVY CROPS 10 10 0 If with STEEL TEETH (which are recommended because of lightness I and durability) j Os. 6d. extra. M& D. call attention to their NEW STOCK of Ironmongery & Electro-piafed Goods, &c, a and beg an inspection of the same, feeling assured that the excellent quality and ex- ceedingly low price of every Article must sccure your commands. BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. | Mr. J. W. FRANCIS BEGS most respectfully to inform the inhabitants f Haverfordwest and its sarrovodiBg district THAI he bas commenced business as Auctioneer, Valuer, &c., and trusts by strict attention to commission intrasted to his care to merit a sfenre of Public Patronage. ACCOUNTS SETTLED WITHOUT DELAY. OFFICES 7§, Commercial street, MAlteg, tod <t Me Watson, Iligfc street, Haverfordwest.