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DR. HUNTER'S Special Yoxing Men on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND BAPPY MARRIAGES.—When to marry, with free on receipt two stamps.-Addr* Secretary,! Institute of Aaatomy, BirmiHghaw. fO iTERTOUS 3UFPEEERP. *EAD rrfl "fiKCRET FRIEND." T. Qaida not only gives the HIS Wonderful M«Ueal ftnent tnre e>„ be cause, but shows how P eujm» Depression •ffeotcd in all cases of S'Kbt and Memory, «f Spirits, Timidity, ^C feperni^orrhoea, Im- ^aln» la tbe bask. k«i. secondary Symptoms, to Mftrriage, Pediment! to Marriage, Stxio j Mercury. •M All Venereal Di«eMe«, wnhoo^the Q( J>r Barnes's loB* him to treat the meet 8*xaal Diaeftt<* has ,tia J* ri(gl This T*l«*We I%Itotaltte ."s witit ,marked ovesess. This v&Jualie Work patients with *>*wcroes cases and testira i,aving been re- cessing their deepest gratitude for having Stored to health #nd • ^00y. {„ invaluable. «.I? «-»- two LtbampF. (tt- Addr(-.as, Dr. Barnes, 1, Lonsdale Square LondoB, N. Important to Country Patients. "T|R BARNES ma/ be con*iMd^tlT*ales letter, in all eanHOt visit J* the benefit ef Nerve" «iDtion of their ease, *•», he will, receiving a de P be reedy to ••elosiog a ste»P*d 0f »ho case, and the hi* opinion upoe the •,l* ,jyccl ft perfect of treatment necessary le eiicci » 're. If*. Da. BARNES, 1. Loosdale Square, *rttsbury, London, N. Jeet PnUvshed, Poet Free for Two Stamps. WONDERFUL MEDICAL DISCOVERY, SHOWIKO TJlB TRUE CAVSB 07 NERVOUS, MENTAL. pH*SJ L-??ION LOWNSSS OF SPIRITS, INDIGESTION, WANT IF ENERGY, PREMATURE DECLINE "¡tit plain direetiens for PERFECT RESTORATION to HEALTH AND VIGOUR »n a few days. Th« most Important faet that these alarming sompkunti «««ify bt removed WTTHOIIT • l" W eleerly demonstrated, and the entire y n^ *° Jl'fhly euoeessfnl treatment, as adopted by the Aumor, •■"y etplained—by means of wbicn *VBRY ONE IS ENABLED TO CURE hims # >»rfeet!y, and at the least possible cost. Sent Free on r««oipt of two stamps by W. HILL, ESt., M.A., Burnt.*? Hecsn, SOWTH-CRMCBNT, ETJ88BLL-SQUARE, LONDON, W.O. ^heM Omratire Means are so Easy tWfUio*, that all ean Curt T^msshssprtvn &AYR* ftt ih* SMALLEST COST IN A FJ.VV L'* The object of this extraordinary pnblieaH™ *»'o how Nervousness and concomitant M alnd as can *Seet«aHT and euceeeefally treated, and the most v^'taein* proof of the efflcaey of this, the greatest of disMrertee, le testified by the numerous cases ^|es effected."—MbbioaI' Bbqqm>- Z^Ust^)ubUshed71post^ree^os,alnPB' T\1SBILITY ITS CAUSE AND CURE, r Henry Smith, M.D., of the University of *5lJ» Aathor of The People's Guide to Health, &o Pamphlet i* a Speoial Mfdioal Work on the D?^, treatment, hy medieine only, of Nervous of^MenUl ami Physical Depression, PalpitatiotB ^tt. Noises is the Head and Ears, In- Sight and Memery, IndigeeUon, Smi4>»y78Sf^ni Appetite, Pains in the Back, R«i,^l<5*at, Disiiness Groundless Fears, 4e., which, if neglected, end in Premature Death. Gives 1^* ,Te bee. rim* b* whieh Thousands of buflferers reniAi: ied health and yigour after all IllttBtratH had failed. patienti and Teetimenials from grateful the P«».Iii>IEAN8 0F CURB ADOPTED IK EACH CA8 K iddretg ^t will be seat free by poet to any 00 r#*«^t of two penny stamps. J twelfth Th Also by the Ba,ne Author, lQ *o«U8and, C4 Illustration?, post free 12 PEtrL^'s qui^eTOTEALTII, OR VOLUN- MD ,8 MANUAL. By HENRY SMITH, iTork „! n* RoTal University of Jena. A New the Do» i C!l, MoTements, and Exercises l>r il andS rengthening the Human Body, life health and Strength, Secure Long •«*» Ayoid the Infirmities of Old Age. »ill i?e in seareh of health and vigour of body a Useful." —Morning Chronicle. W C*' Dr' H* 5M,TH» 8» B»rlon Crescent, Lon- 'MPORXAMT TO COUNTRY PATIENTS. C<*NSULTATION BY LETTER WITHOUT FEE. |iR-H. SMITH, the Eminent Specialist for the cure rf all Debilitating Diseases, will, for the benefit ef Patients, who cannot eonsnlt him *er,c'l"'J^' ^Wiving deseriptions of their OpioieB, with advice, and dtrections for the most •uocentj restoration to health and vigour. Addrew, Dr. R Smith, 8, BertonCrescent, don. THE PURK HERBAL MEDICINE, dr thomsou-# JBYIUOBATIHO PILLS are a well known cer- tain remedy for htmbage, gravel pains in the bask And Mm, beadaehe, depression of spirits, rheumatism, 8«t. ilseharges of all kinds, piles, and all affeotions of a kidneys and bladder. AH diseases arise from *|P*re blood <utd weak new. These Pills cleanse and gy tbe fields, remove general or local debility, give 5JJ* *o the stomach, restore lh« spirits, enrich the i»»art energy and vivaetty, eradicate every Jjli •• stiNH, and invigorate the whole system. Hi.J owiplai* however virulent or long standing. HoBtJJr0!- hiwant relief nsid speedy cure. The daily p0|iJ**fWBtiaaoaials from men aod women in every ••re i.V M,>e» who havs been cured of skin ernptiona, Pains lBifc1 i?r,» *n^ MBr{ on the head, sore throat, "ladder as neuralgia, epilepsy, stone in the •ca»i.Si4«rM 01 ,*>»• kidaeyg, &e., 'by their use, and wken nil o»w.!lrpI.,lln* recovsries for severe illness 'hdet«4 Br «nd doctors had failed h#s earnest ho».tfc^? *° P°blish their virtues, in Widely diffu.L,j hleeslngs so great may be more ? t'.«d. p«r box Price l«.lH-,28.»d., Bee Maie»t»^ o0tect the PuWic from Imi- *he wort, J » CommisRioners have ordered SSI* «■ whu. Z,.?.M^°NA LONDON, to be en- to lmii. QoT*r»m«nt Stamp or wl^2riU,)- 8oU bV In rhe w?,ch is falony anS 28, cia»»»«. » • or *4 ttaa>m« w Z iB letter, on TH°« SON, had p»l* aured my d*i«T |1 ~?nd?D- •• Pour Jor Kios In^ J«ars. H M *ck> wi>ich O R.'» i8rtbVk 5 »hs; eure?me*u i l/d them w«PH^i on troubled t?r J. 8." nik" W P.lUfc. » an rhstiniaUjii- .• ^RtQ never k.!t enrtd me. I'MB Sto^n *n £ ™ P"11" iu the wl,,0'» attacks. whatavMr^. no*. J W«i» i are quit« «ured 5 Pills with may be • ery offerer, «ui,1,k ««rT«cV Jyale, m «fi t^mL "^ve^aees ^ePre,»ioa from debility. iwt*«a.i,B Tl P*r»- organe it will b. *» d^aasee of '.R*' ar.,iD8 HO alteration in dUt J* speciflc secondary symptoms'»?n"fy,n8 th« blood'™2.u0lri.n* eruptions, irritation, of blotcheT. Ikl^ quently harass the suff«rer which t00 fri. Toaic %hr >. has restored bodily strnnoti years of life thousanan of debilitated indiTidnals who Ud v|8°ur to uerfect health •, and whatever th# causes o^?0w enJoy Son for marriage, they are effectually subd&K 1lfic<1' notent remedy. Many poor sufferers, who frn Sf discovery, had borne their afflictions for tife*r r'ther than apply to the family doctor, cured themseu^ wh,ch ls felony nt d|rect, 0n receipt UemisL the world, or tt m » {Q Ralph of a post office order for Hi,igh Town, Lo»don. THOMSON, 28Clarence R^d, KemiEti ^u'8 Ability Extracts from Testimonials. atjm,llama. My h so much better, thPt 1 do not need deed j feej jppetiteaud digestion are L eD gurpried hetter in every way. D. H. A.. marine and at the singularly vivifying effects of your T g'44IQ04 latfcisatly txprm to J graUiwie. V, i • PATENT ^CAtVAWlC^ CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, AND POCK ft T BATTERIES. AVE RENDERED ELECTRICITY PER- j r FKCTLY SELF-APPLICABLE in a mild continuous form, and extremely cflicucious without shock erunpleasantsensation. They speedily soothe agonising pains, rp-ar.imate torpid limbs, revive the sluggish funcfions of life, and impart renewed energy and vitality to coD- stitutions enfeebled by whatever cause.0. The daily increasing number of cure* effected by PULTERtJACHEIl'S MEDICO-GALVANIC SYS- TEM is so extensive and vaiied, that it forcibly j points to this invention as the embryo of a universal r-nedy. Amongst nany iohers the following TESTIMONY, tigntd by the elite of the Medical Faculty, has been reeeired;— We, the undersigned, have much pleariire "In testifying that Mr J.L PULVERMACllER'S" "recent iruprovemenis in Voltaic Kattettcs" "and Galvanic Appliances for l\l.Jicl\l Pnr-" poses are of great importance to Scientific" Medicine, and that he is entitled to the con-" "sideration and support of everyone disposed" "to futher the advancement of real and useful" "progress." II Dited this 9th day of March, 1866. Sir CHARLES LOCOCK, B,lrt., M.D.F.R.C.P. Sir WILLIAM FER'iUSSON, Bart. F.R S. JLDWD. H. SEIVEKING, M.D., M R C.P. HENRY HOLLAND, 1'AKT., F.R.S. Sir J RANALD MARTIN. KNT., F.RC S. And DR. C. HANDFIELD JONES, F.R.C.P., and F.R.S., Physician to St. Mary's Ilospit,il, under date March 10th, 1666. in a similar Testimonial as to above, statest—" I a«n lIathtbd that he is an honest, earnest labourer in the field of Scierce, and I think that he deserves to meet with every encouragement from the profession and from scientific men." Also recommended by Sir DUNCAN GIBB, BAKT, M.D, L.L.D. T. H. TANNER, M.D, F.L. Sec. J. R WJSKLL REYNOLDS, M.D. F R C.P. 0. B. RADCLIFFE, H.D., F.R.C P. F. R S. A. CLARK, M.D., F.R.C.P., J'kjfsician to London Hospital, &c,&c. &c. FULVERMACHEK'S MEDICO GALVANIC CHAINS are excecdiDgly effective without the aid of medicine, restriction of diet, or the lea,t derangement of the patient's habits and daily occupations, in the following maladies:- Rheumatism Tic '>clorcux Sluggish Circulation Gout Indigestion Urinary Disorders Sciatica Deafness Paralysis iArtnbacco £ >pasm« Epilepsy Meuralgria Female Complaints JN.TVOUS Debility He*d & Toothache Constipation ITanctionalDisorders J iyer Complaints Cramp Ac., &e.~ "'be effects of the application of PULVEKM ACII ER'S CtlAINS in any of the above disorders is immediately perceptible-ttie relief of pain generally instantaneous. II TESTIMONIALS foli.OWI»o oonipribe the con. I tinnation of a series of certiifcates published in rotation, and are but a small portion of a vast number published in a rAMPHLKT containing besides various extracts from medical reports by great authorities and opinions of the medical press, likewise nu- merous extracts from many standard scien- tific works, viz, Ur Perrira's "Materia Medlcn," 4lh edition; Dr Tanner's 1, Prac. tice of Medicine," 8th edition; and Dr Handfield Jones, on Nervous and Functional Disorders." The pamphlet sent post free on application to J.L. PULVERMA- CHEn and Co, 1G8, Regent Street, YY., London. KAF.LN.ESS oir EL]iVigN YJ&Att*' STANDI,'iG*- (Test.imonial) Bradford, June, 187J. I have been cured of Deafness by one of your chains after being deaf for eleven years, and I have been partially deaf from child- hood. E. C. J. L. Pulvermacber & Co., 1G8, Regent Street, Wo" L> HE U MAT IS.VI—(Testimonial) Xv "H, Sutton Common-roed, Kidderminster, July 23rd, 1871. I beg to thank you for your Galvanic Chain Band which I purchased of you in January last. I havo worn it constantly ever sinoe, as you directed, and with considerable benefit. I consider your remedy a most valu- able one, and shall take every opportunity to recommend it to my friends, THOMAS ISGIIAM. J. L. Pulvermacher and Co, 168, Recent-street, W.' )t NDIGKSTJON—TEN YKJ.RS' STANDI ING-(Testi- X monial) '• Falmouth, July SO, 1871. After wearing your Combined Bands for four month's, I feel IUlppy to inform you of the result. After almost constant suffering from acute Indigestion in varied forms for ten years (so bad that I find few descriptions by suf- ferers that I cannot sympathise with) now, and for some time past, I have been entirely free from any decided symptom, and find my general health greatly improved. I stia'l be very glad to write or converse with any person suffering in a similar way, feeling eonvinced that it is my duty to do all I can to get suf- ferers to adopt what I consider a certain care. HENRY H. COX. J. L. Pulvermacher ard Co. 168, Regent Street, W." EKVOUS EXHAUSTION AND PAINS N (Testimonial) 7, Cobham Place, Clarence Road, Clapton, September 15th, 1871. Your past kindness and attention shown in my case, together with a desire to fulfil my firowlee, prompts mo to drop you these few ines. You will be glad to bear that my entire nervous system Is gradually improving; my back feels very much stronger and more free from pain. A year ago when trying to eit up just for half an hour, although pillowed and propped in every possible way, J used to get Into a most lcarful state of pain and exhaus- tion j now I can sit up for some hours at a time with comparative ease. This is a very marked improvement. I fed also stronger on my feet, can stand with a firmness I have not felt for years. I have walked across a room without help. I am thorcugbly convinced by personal experience th Ithere is a mighty power of good in your appliances, indeed I feel the Bands are an untold comfort to me. Some of my friends are perfectly amazed at seeing me again down stairs, and to some extent getting about the house. Dr. Millar whom I have been under for some years, on coming to see my mother was perfectly struck to see me out of bed and down stairs. He eaid,' What do you think has done you good?' •Sir,' 1 said, 'undoubtedly tho persevering use of Mr Pulvcrmacher's Electric appliances.' Well,' Le said, 4 I must say they have done a great thing for you, if It is only to get up and come down here.' I name this, sir, because it is a remark of my own doctor who, some months since, laughed at me for even thinking or putting any faith in such a remedy as yours. LAVINA JONHS, gf J.L. Pulvcrmacher and Co, 1G8. Regent Street, W." PRICE-LIST OF PULVERMACHER'S GAL- P VANIC CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, and FLEX- IBLE BATTERIES. A. NARROW CHAIN-BANDS for Sofatiea, Rheumatic, Neuralgic% and Gouty Pains, Chronic Rheumatism, Local Paralysis, Cramp in the Extremities, according to Electric Power. 18s., 22s., 40s. and upwards. JJ. BROAD CHAIN-BANDS or BELTS, for Lumbago, Indigestion, Liver, Chest, and Nervous Complaints, &c., wearable as a Belt 22s. to 40s. and 55s. C. BROAD CHAIN-BANDS for Nervous Deaf- ness, Head, Tooth, and Face Ache, and Noises in the Head .21s. and upwards. D. BROAD CHAINS for Loss of Voice and other Affections of the Throat, Asthma, Spinal Complaints 10s. 6d., 18s., 22s„ and 40s. E. BROADCHAlN-BANDSfor Writer'sCramp, Trembling, Nervousness* &c., 22s. to 30s., 40s., and 60s. F. COMBINED BANDS for General Debility, Central Paralysis, Epilepsy, and Functional r<f?°rderB 60s to 60s, SET WJTH VOLTA-ELEC- \v lvtr f°r restoring Vital Power. £ 5 BATTPTIV0LTAIG FLEXIBLE CHAIN CH A i it u lability p ITEilJES for Extreme Nervous ^austed and for restoring ex- ju&otioii win J £ ner^y (to bo used in con- w .7UU 8PeciaJly combined bands) HIOa. £ 3 10s. to 4 Guinea!?. f.i'KET BAttVot FLEXIBLE CHAIN ™ C°tti binedK* I,J?S« W'"h a complete set es Indicated in tK ^,u'ts,and accessories (for "'jf' sP'nal Pamphlet) "fennicn" £ I0 and upwards. ose bcarinq 1 or Kelts nre gsnuiue, hut w neok if require, Dr FIV?01* inanvl Contair £ ET of Testimonial* Sg. extcnílivo n ¡, morous 'Lo$JDON, W. JV To Gentlemen, Farmers, and Others. G. J. B L A N D BEGS to inform the above, that he is in a position to Lot out Horses, driven by experienced men, on very moderate terms. WITH SPRING WAGONS, for removing Furniture, &0, from or to any part of tho County or Kingdom. WITH TIBMBER CARRIAGES, for Carting Timber, Castings, and other heavy Goods. • WITH PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, HARROWS, &c. CARTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE. AGENT FOR THE GREAT WESTERN RAILWA Co., HAVERFORDWEST. 0. J B. takes this opportunity of thanking the Publio for the kini support he has hitherto received. c4 « ESTABLISHED 1812. H. AND T. ritOCTOR AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, C A T II A Y, B R I S T 0 L. ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SPECIALLY P R E P A 11 EI) B ONE MAN U R E S, FOR GRASS, COIlN, HOOT, AND OTHER CHOPS; ALSO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS,—CATHAY, BRISTOL, AGF.NTS-Mr G. Griffiths, Carew Newton, Pembroke „ Thomas Parker, Cardigan „ J. N. Evans, Aherayron. TO COillV DEALEiTS MILLERS AND OTHERS. MESSRS. LOCK & HALL, BONE IMPORTERS AND CRUSHERS. REQUIRE FIRST-CLASS AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF CRUSHED BONES (,} in. i in. and dust) GUARANTEED FllEE FROM ALL ADULTERATION. REDBRIDGE, HAMPSHIRE. Chemical Works. • NOVELTY IN BOOTS. NOBLEMEN and Gentlemen are respectfully invited to inspect a case ofBoota of entirely new design, which was exhibited at the recent International Exhibition at the Agri- cultural Hall, and to which were awarded THE GOLD MEDAL. On View at the Establishment of C. E. A L L E N, (Late of Haverfordwest.) BOOTMAKER, 33 a. Princes Street,—one door from Panton Street, Haymarket, London. I can strongly advise my sporting friends to try tho easy yet close fitting' boots, thus made admirably adapted alike for tho moor and the stubble.The Wanderer in Land and Water I C JI E A P TEA SHOP. THOMAS'S FAMILY TEA & GROCERY WAREHOUSE UPPER MARKET STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. Good Tea ls- 4d. per lb. Strong Breakfast do ^s- per lb. Fine do. • 2S- 8D. & 3S. per lb. PIlI ME lVILTSIlIRE BACON. FIELDS AND PRICE'S PATENT CANDLES. HUNTLEY AND PALMEE'S BISCUITS. JAMS, JELLIES, PICKLES, SAUCES, &c. Agent for Weir's Sewing Machines THOMAS D. MEYLER, AERATED WATER MANUFACTURER, HIGH STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, BEGS to return his sincere thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public generally, for the Bupport aceorded to him for the last Eight Years. Having disposed of tbe Machinery and Plant connected with the abovo BE business to MR EVAN JONES, of Dew Street, together with a'l tbe recipes, &o., for the preparation oI Aerated Waters, he ventures to solicit the same patronsge for his successor, E Y A N~T ONES HAVING sucoeeded to the above Business, begs to assure the pnblfc generally, that no effort or oare shall be wanting on his part to retain the confidence reposed in his Predecessor, for the superior excellence the manufacture of Aerated Waters, Soda, Potash, §■ Lithia Waters. GENUINE SELTZER WATER prepared from a recent analysis of thft German LEMONADE AND GINGERADE Prepared and Sold, and all orders by Post or Carrier, promptly attended to by EVAN JONES, Soda Water Manufacturer, Dew-street, Haverfordwest. CARSONS' f||||^ PAINT, PATRONISED ]\Y HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, THB BRITISH GOVKKNMFWT, THE COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS, J RAILWAY and CANAL DOMTAT'IBS, THE INDIAN GOVEKNMKKT, J THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, | COLLIERIES, IKON MABTJEUS, «fcc., 7,000 OF THU NOBILITY AND GENTRY, For all kinds of OUT-DOOR WOHK, _P<tv<Mi aftcr a test of upwards of 70 years, to surpass any other Paint. It is especially applieablc to Iron u <W Taik Fencing, Farm and other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implements, Carts and Waggons, Hoofing, 1 5 Gates, &c., Ac., and all exposed work, effecting a «■ Saving of more than 50 per cent., „t ,t „hcaT)er and lasts twice as long as Genuine White Lead or any other paint, and as it is p be T ATp QN BY UNSKILLED LABOTJK. Vr:ii keep any length of time. No grinding, tinting, straining, or dryers are It is sold in a fine powaer. ^h «, oil Mixture," according to Directions for Use," thus avoiding NORPSSARV. IT REQUIRES SIMPLY TO BE MIXED WITN WN > TTE WASTE OF PAINTS SOLD MIXED READY OR USE. COLOURG. PCR CWT. PERCWT. JRADE MARKS BRIGHT BED WHITE '• 26S. "I WHITE '• 26S. LIGHT STONE | PURPLE BROWN ( BATH STONE • 1 ■' BRONZE GREEN ) CREAM COLOUR }30S.. FF P,MVT,LPI CHOCOLATE 1 2 K LIALIT PORTLAND STONE HMANUFACTURED L| M BLACK PORTLAND STONE GRCON • • • • ) BUFF (FOR STABLES).. R \:0TI0^JZ MEDIUM GREEN F I2G LIGHT LEAD OR SLATE.. 283. DEEP GREEN I OAK colour. ) 2GS. SNTEREB AT SUVTIONERS KAIU BLUE ) LEAD COLOUR J TURRENTINE, VARIUSHES, BRUSHES, &C. PREPARED OIL KQXTURO FOR TLIE ANTI-CORROSION. CARSONS PAINT, RI-ICIC STONE, COMPO, &C., IS UNRIVALLED, AND IS THE '«R°BUC &C. CONSERVATORIES, JJ a„ gtatimis ia tlio United Kingdom. 2 CWT. Betoered Carnage Fr e to ArrL1CA.noN. w rvsoH & SONS, TMD LTO&ATE HILL LOMOJ E.C. "SVl'SoHElOE'SW^K, DUBLIN. NO AOETNj:3* —— CLEDDAU BREWERY, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, 0EOKGE M. G R E E N. MAL"- TER & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL GEEDG. Ayent for Miller and Johnson's Celebrated Artificial Manures. GREEN & JOHN, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, 0 TJA Y S THEET, HA VERFORD WEST, AGENTS F0 tl\VES' SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, IJA 'rES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND L A W E S' DISSOLVED BONES. PERUVIAN GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. filS J. B R 0 W N WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, HAVERFORDWEST, (ESTABLISHED 1803), BEGS to announce that lie has mado arrangements to supply the Public with the undermentioned First-class Stouts in Cask and Bottle. I at A N D E R'S IN VA. LID STOUT Highly recommended by the Faculty, and SIR JOHN ARNOTTS CELEBRATED CORK STO In Quality and flavour resembling the BEST LONDON STOUT. FLINT & Co.'s BRITISH & FOREIGN COMMERCIAL INQUIRY OFFICES. OBJECIS COMMERCIAL INFORNIATION-TO remove danger or doubt from contemplated credit transactions^ REGISTERED INFORAf ATION—Not relied upon. Every inquiry Is, when received, despatched to three or four correspondents, or more if deemed requisite. The information registered appended in Addition. Three stampseach inquiry. LEGAL A DVICE-Supplied to subscribers free of charge. Counsel and Solicitors specially retained. AGENTS-In every Towa and City in the United Kingdom, the Continent of Europe, and America. REGISTERS-Contain over One Million names. vv^^?rv>riny>^Iy applied for, in accordance with instructions. Immediate settlements. WEEKLY GAZETTE.—Valuable information. Index (quarterly) free to every subscriber. Xteferences permitted to numerous commercial firms. Opinions of subscribers furnished free on applieatioo, TERMS— £ 3 3s, X5 5s JEIO 10s. and upwards per annum. LONDON, E.C-: 58, Cheapside. Dublin: 10, Kenry Street. Manchester: 88, Moseley Street, and 6. 8. aad 10, Bond Street; and Glasgow S3, Kenfield Street, Argyle Street. AGENCIES-APPLICATIONS INVITED. THOMAS JONES, MARBLE AND STONE MASON, MERLIN'S HILL, HAVERFORDWEST. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, AND HEADSTONES, OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS READY FOR INSPECTION. WINDOWS OF BATH AND OTHER STONE, AND ALL IINDS OF CHURCH WORK. MARBLE AND STONE CHIMNEY PIECES, OF FT VERY DESCRIPTION, ANTIQUE AND MODERN. DRESSED2 MASONRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, EXECUTED ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. Estimates Given for all Descriptions of Marble and Stone Work. 194 By usiny a CO UN DRILL you savefrom 11 to 2 Winchesters of Seed per Acre, and at the same time insure a better crop. The Seed saved on a moderate sized Farm in one year will be sufficient to buy a drill. f;J I "t" x Apply to Marychurch and Daw, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. N B.-Agents for Norrington's celebrated BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE. £ 6 per Ton (10s. per Ton discount for Cash); also for Pranglev's L SOLUllLEA PHOSPHQ GUANO Proved by actual experiment to be superior in every respect to the best Phospho Guano, insuring a better Crop, and at the same time being cheaper. Price— £ 10 per Ton, net cash. J CARTS, WAGGONS, and every description of agricultural implements, manufactured by the Bristol Waggon Works, Com, any, supplied, by R. & I JONES, AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS, &e. Offices: 4, High Street, Haverfordwest. Benson's Watches and Clocks By speoial appointment to TH^ PR1^CE OF WALES. Maker nf^«enal8rJ'<'n,1oB- Dublin, and Paris. T nnrtnn f i? T9 Ca»k»ts presented by the Cityo' London to H.R.H the Prince.of Wales, II.R.H. the *e of Edmbrrgh, Kir John Burgoyne, WATCHTFS r>i k*hSf'P», See. vYAA^H £ S_Chrororr,eUrs. Chronographs, Xeyless, «epeaters, T,e*ers, IKirieontals, for Ladies and Gen!! jt j, CLOCK^ 1 or Dini'j; ;i-: .a^ing-Rooms, Ciirria^es, I dars'wjn a;, r S:jop, Perpetual Calen- JEWELLERY—-Spcc ?;■ j Monograms, Diamonds otfffc. tee Gold, for Bridul aDd othcr Prer. SILVER AND ELECT ?-G LATS, For Presentations Tablcfft-,1 ? 8 a la RusBe or Tea Table &" WORKS OF ART IA by the best Artistes. PRICES and descnpti-, YY^tchos, Clocks, Plated Pamrhlf V" ^C'' sce iliustrated n, 1 T l'r'e for 2 Stanjp?. Watcbca, Clocks, Je-v J- '.I:ON, Steam Factor; :i;v Show Rooms L Ul 3 HILL, And OLD 1>' J S T R EET C t Watches rrpaired by J workmen. Old Silver Watches, Gold Jew &-c., exchanged. Mer- [ chants, Stippers, ./r-.toh Cluhs gu^Utd, 1 STEAM COMMUNICATIONi BETWEEN HVKRPOOL,MILFORD, SWANSEA, 4 BRISTOL For the Month of MARCH, 1872. The Liverpool and Bristol Channer Steam Navigation Company's Steam Ships HEPTARCHY, Capt JAKE B/CON, <^apt. Work ARTIZAN, Capt. C. Barratt PLANTAGENET, Capt Gibbs Wixi>jtiursu, Cut, L XrftaP LOVISA, Capt. J. Barrett. J. KGKIUT, Ca&Kur|H^ ScxrwHT, Capt. Allen AONM JA«a,Ca»*. BotilMa MONTAGU, Cvit Spcakman HKPTABCHT, Cap*. *K»st Nkw SKIP, (Building) The aboTe, or gome other suitable T, it I*ton4*d M "aU with Goods and PassMigers, (ualeM pfeT«rttd by uy unforeeetn occurreBCt) as follow*, wit. or witteit Pgstf and liberty to tow reesels From Liverpool to Millord and Bristol. Saturday Mar. 2 2 after Salurdart 1« 2 after Saturday 9 9J morn Saturday 2S !»wi Saturcav, March 20,1 o'clock after. From Milford for Bristol. Sunday Mar. 3 8 morn Sunday 17 *ern Sunday 10 3 morn Sunday, 24 8 morn Sunday, March SI, 7 o'clock morn. From JUilford for Liverpool. Wednesday Feb. 6. 7 night Wednrsday .it. 7 Wednesday, 13 l alter Wednesday 12 noon NOTICE.—The Sunlight," Capt. Allon, has r«*in»je<i her Weekly Sailings from Brifetolto Liverpooi and frouri Milford to Liverpool. I The SteamJBarge Pembrokeis intended to ply on Mftferd Haven, in connection with the above Steamer*, carj^gg ttoods to and from Pembroke Dock, Haverfordwest, and tht adiacent towas. fares:— Return Cabiu tickets available for two VoTggep. Cabin. Dûck. £ et%ipn Milfurd to or from Liverpool I2s 6d 6e od IbLt Mllbrd to or from Briøtol 6* 6d 6s Od JSg MilfrrdtoorfrpmSwaneea 5a Od 3s Od NOTICE-The landing and cmbarcation of Goods or Pas sengcrg at IMilford, by whatever conveyance, whether at the as pence of the Steamer, or otherwise, is at the risk of tht Passer gei-K and tbe Owners of the Gor>ds respeclivelv. For further particulars lice small bill, or apply to JoåJ B .err, 4, Kumford Place,Liverrool; G l-l. Evaof, Brisfol Chailes Lamb, Swaaaea; Kenworthy aid Qo., 'Manchester' Ji, HtSvE &Q&IH Mlijn|r> H. DAVIDS CATttEDRAL RtSSTORATION THE works of Restoration and Repair whiofc bar# been carried on during the last five yeart, oom- prise the thorough restoration of the Tower; TB«OBOIF"- with its Aisles; a third of the Nave; and the Brain- age of (be whole tuilding. These several trorl c: ocstinf between EIGHTEEN and nineteen tboowr D pouc&s, have absorbed ail the old Subscriptioos, VNM the exception of Mr Traherne'S bequest of not yet due, and the Bishop has in EONSE<]WMM cir, csl^ted an appeal for new Subaariptioqa, to TOBFIMPB THO Restoration of THE Nave, its Aielos, SOD tllj rmneepts. The cost of thlis is estimated byMfSMK It£12,500. The Secretaries will eladiy on aapHeattoa «Md (A any one a copy of Mr Gilbert SCOTT1 s fewiii at,ert showing what haa been effected, and wttt FIIU e- J a pressing nature still remain to be done; will also thankfully aokaowledge any SNUCIIFIWF which may be made. THE following Donations have been alMtdy FFV mised for the work RETAINING to be done Rev J. M. Traherne (a bequest) .2000 Rev John BoweQ, Llangorse (omitted treat j FORMER LISTS ^Y INADVERTENOE) F FT RICHARD LLEWEILIN, ESQ, TREGWYNT 69 MRS Mould, FALMODESTON Rectory < W Airs Gee. HOLGATE Foster (second donation) EO ø Rev IL WILLIAMS, Brecon S S J. W. XERSHAIR, ESQ, Warwiek I •" MRS KERSHAW, WARWICK T • R-ev A. J.M. Green (ifrst subscription) F (C Rev John Hughes, Vicar of Penally Prebendary of St David's J[2ND donatioo t < Rev D. Jobee, Bishopstott, Glamorganshire S.9 HOT Sacretan Jorres, OYGTETAOUTB, Glamor- ganshire 5 The Lady HANOVER II Go MVA HARFORD, BLAISE CASTLE ^TEV J. PHELPS, CAREW (SEOOND DONATION) ID REV J. JONES, LLANFIHANGEL GENAU'R OLYLL (SECOND DONATION) 6 0 George Baugh ALLEN, Eeq, TEMPLE (SEEON4 donation) 10 0 MRS PAYNTER, PEMBROKE a 0 Mrs W. H. Reed, PEMBROKE 6 0 MRS LEACH, PEMBROKE S <t Rev H. S. BJINFC, PEMBROKE 6 10 T. MANSELL, S^, PEMBROKE | I L. P. GIBBOA, ESQ, PEMBROKE T H W. Hulm, Esq, Pembroke. 6 W. O. Rulm, Eaq. Pembroke. 1 I J. DAVKINS, ES% Pembroke 4 Wrv, W. Gibbon, Pembroke 5 O KRS D. S. THOMAS, PEMBROKE t 2 Mr Hitching*, PEMBROKE • 1 (I George Jonet, ESQ, PEMBROKE J 3 MESSRS fones, PEMBROKE MILL 2 0 Mr W. WILLIAMS, PEMBROKE 2 2 Messrs Daviea And hatt, Pembroke I I Mr Warlow, PEMBROKE 2 2 R. M. JONES, Esq. Pembroke. 1 1 W. THOMAS, ESQ, ORANGE HALL, PEABROK* 0 10 MR G. BARRETT, PEMBROKE 1 0 Mr Beddoe, Pembroke 3 Mrs Morris and Son, Pembroke 0 IFL Mr Edward Tracey, Pembroke. W Mr Joseph POWELL, Pembroke 1 1ft Mr C. Eledon, Pembroke OLD Mr H. P. Thomas. Pembroke CM Mr James, Lion Hotel, Pembroke 0 10 M rs OWEN, SAVINGS Bank. PEMBROKE 1 10 Mr T. Ricoarda, PEMBROKE F 19 Mr BURCHELL, Pembroke 1 0 Mr Lowleea, PEMBROKE 9 10 Small SUnt., by Rev J. AL.«M 1 F tirii Rocb. PAEKESTON (SEOOND DONATION) 10 0 N. A. Rocb, Eiq. Paskeston (tad DONATION) 10 FT A. J. Morison, Bsq, PORTELEW 6 0 Rev Latimer and MRS JONES, CARMARTHEN .» 26 0 G. White, Epq, Toiaby- (aeocond doaatiou) 10 9 f COL. VOYLE, TENBY JO 0 REV G. HANTMGTON, TENBY 6 0 REV J. HEAM POPPEL WELL, TENBY 2 0 REV E. F. WILLIS, TENBY § M MRS HOWELLA, TENBY S 0 J. G wynne, Esq. Tenby (firBt donation) C. W. R. STOKES, TENBY I G. CHAUR, ESQ, Tenby 2 T Mrs GISARDOT, ^ENBY 2 Q COLONEL ONSLOW, TENBY 2 0 5 MRS ONSLOW, TENBY L FT Mist, Puxley, Tenby A 0 » MR JAMES ROGERS, TENBY 2 0 Captain REES, TENBY T# 1 F 9 CAPTAIN EVANS, TENBY J G I TWO SUMS OF FIVE SHILLINGS EACH 'F[ 0 10 1 MR C. ALLEN (IN PHOTOGRAPHS OF ST. DAVID'S) I TENBY 5$I J MR JOSEPH GREGORY, TENBY 3 G :F MR JOHN PHELPS,TENBY 1 J |L MR E. SAIEE, TENBY 1 | M MRS HUGHES, TENBY J IS MR JOHN THOMAS, NORTON, TENBY. 1 1 |J MR W. WALKINTON, TENBY 1 J MR THOMAS MARCHANT, TENBY 1 | ? » MR JCNE?, POSTMASTER, TENBY 1 | R LASCELLES, ESQ., CROFT, TON^R 1 9 •- | J. T. HAWKSLEY, ESQ., CALDY, TENBY 6 I FI REV G. W. BIRKETT, ST FLORENCE, TENBY 8 • I I MESSRS JOHN HARVEY AND SONS, HAVER FORD- ?! WEST (SECOND DONATION) 10 10 J THE WDSKFNAH NEWSPAPER 10 1FT THT BRECON COUNTY TIMES 10 FT J THT WESTERN MAIL FT I THE TTRIBY OBSERVER 10 FT THE CAMBRIA DAILY LEADER 10 FT C J THE FEMBROKULNRS HERA'D FY ON H. G. Allen, Esq., Linooln'S Ini, (S«O««S £ Donation) FT FF J Mrs Mirehouse,The Hall, Angle, Pembroke 10 ft F The Earl of Cawdor, (second donation) JOO JI ? J. H. Scourfield, Esa., M.P. (2»d dosatioS) |00 0 F, Lewis Lloyd, Esq, Monk Orchard, Surrey f ft M 3 Col. Lloyd, Lill«sden, Kent G FT M Henry Leaoh, Esq.,Corston JFL FT$I Mrs Bayne, (second donation) JG FT || Miss Robson, Penally, (second donation) 4 ft$ Messrs Richard James and Son, BiTirfciil. west G E H. Rees, Esq., Llangraaog, Newcastle BAALFFT I I 'J'1 Rev William Edmunds, Shoatie Reeiorr. :.FI I Aberystwyth 2 ft I* Rev John Felix, Llanilar J FT ?I Rev J. Tombs, Burton |FT 9 | J MESSRS POWELL, MATHIAI, AND EVANS, RAVTR- F WEST 10 IT WM DAVIES, ESQ., SPRING GARDENS, HAVER* ? FORD WEST AFT J. W. Phillips. &q., Rook Coital*, ditto G FT I Meters Greenish and DAWKINA, Market STREET 6 ditto 1 Rev Thomas Horn, Haverfordwoot (aooftd R DONATION) J | REV GEORGE HORN, HAVERFORDWEST FT MISS EMINENT ANDMIAA GWYTBER, DITTO FT MR I). P. SAUNDERS, BRIDGE STREET, DITTO J G$ Mr John Phillips, Castle SQUARE, DITTO .of t Mr Stephen Green, Hiøla STREET, iii" (second DONATION) J T Mr W. Lloyd, High street, HAVERFORDWEST" I Mrs Philpott, Castle Hotel, di TO I JOHN LEWIS, ESQ., BANK, DITJTO I » Wm. John, ESQ., Victoria Place, ditto 1 t Mrs Potter, High street, DITTO Mr P. P.Ellis, HIGH STREET .1. 1 « Mr Richard WILLIAMS, Dew stfeet, ditto ..L A Mr Jame. Davies, Victoria Place, ditto t. M. John BROWN, Market atreet, ditto 1 MR T. BAKER, HIGH STREET, DITTO • ^EIF^,RREEDJ,NDJ JT°RBBL QAAT DITTO" 1 I WIUIAM HOOD, HIGH STREET, DITTO FT IFT MR E. H. ELLIS, DEW STREET, DITTO A FM MR WILLIAM SANDERS, CASTLE GOAL, DITTO I MESSRS T. ^D J. LLOYD DARK STREET, DITTO FT IFT Frederick WClOholt. Esq. Latlgham6 J FT P "I .'» (860»ND DONATIETS) FT DONATI^1! JOHN BEYNON, ESQ, JIXN .TREWETN J F T. R. 0. LOWELL, ESQ., WYNGRON FT Q REV^D JO'N R^N'^S%T#«FJBYDD 6 • REV. D.JONES UANDISSHIO 3 Z R? W R" LAUGHARNE J » REV W. L. BEVAN, HAY, BRECON G FT MRS DYNEKY, TENBY J J '« PHEV-IE- S- !^RE' SWANSEA7 .I;; 5 Charles Bath, E Q, Swansea 25 Contribution from the parish of St. Bride's per Mr Wm. ROBERTS C MI JENKINS, CASTLE SQUARE, H. WEST 0 MR J. FT,AEKEN, RYDOR STREET. LONDON 1 1 0 ) AUKHAD, ESQ., UPTON CASTLE 10 10 O J. THULWAU, ESQ, ABERGWILI 10 10 0 Coi. ^V ILIIAM SLATER, CLELTENHAM 6 0 A A friend, by Miss Welbey Parry 2nd donation R N Rev. J. H. Morgan The Dean of Bangor 2 0 ft D. J. Jeffreys, Esq, addl; subscription 1 L « Collection at Llandigwydd, by Rev. P. I-cwis 20 A I) at Llanelly Church, Rev. D. Williams a 3 in t r Proceeds of Lecture, Llandilo, by Rev. J.Griffiths.. 2 li 0 Subscriptions and Donations will be reeeived bv -he Rev Canon THOMAS, Steynton, Milford Haren •tnd CHARLES ALLEN, Esq., Tenby, Honorary 8ecr«. .ftueb,by Messrs MORRIS and SONS, Bankers, Car _1&lthen, and by Mesbti WU.&.INi and Co., BM&ttat ,sf