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WANTED. AGENTS and TRAVHLLERS to S«H SWAN and fi Co-iNIW BRISTOL MICROSCOPE Tbil h W excellent opportnnitr for Clerka and •there oat of ••aploy sasnt. From £3 to £ 5 per "nkcaD bereatMed Withoit outlay or riak. Far tall partimlsr* and term* .tamped addressed enr#|np« to SWAN & Co., Maa«fa*uring Opticians, 16, Quee a Squars. Uri»Ul. Jqst Pabliebed, Poat Free for Two Stwmpe. WON BERFUL MEDICAL YV DISCOVERY, 8H0WIN9 THB TBXJ £ CALWFFL OF JIBRVOUS, MENTAL, & PHYSICAL DEBILITY, LOWNESS OF SPIRIT INDIGESTION, • VAST OF ENERGY, PR M ATURE DECLINE plain diroatfoos for PT FECT RESTORATION te HEALTH AND V OUR ia a for days. "t isspertapi aktrutng tomplvintt <M)r«u% be removed WIRAROU'T MEDICINE, Is bere slearly de»one!raed, and the entirely new and J.¡.bly ssooessfol treatment, m adopted by the Author, fatty nplltiDPd-b1 tceacw of which EVERT ONE 18 .ENABLED TO CUBE HlftLS-dLF erfeetly, and at tit a lea.t ^possible coat. Sent Free on eceipt of twe stamps by W. HILL, ESQ., M.A., BSHKBLKT Horsi, SOOTH-CBRSCBNT, RVSSELL-SQUAftffc LONDON, W.C. These Ceratlve Meana are .0 K. and Simple in AppHcmtfou, that all ean Cure ThemselvesprtvaUry, Snc- «ui M the SMALLEST COST IN A FEW bAYS. The object of this extraordinary pnblioatlcm it to •rev# bow NervousnM* and concomitant MttM e* can « effectually and eu«n«ssfiiliy treated, and the most convincing proof of the "meaey or tbl., the greaten fit betnan discoveries, is tfmtifiad by the numerous cases of caret effected."—MEDICAL RECORD. BEAD THE WARNING VOICE A SPECIAL PAMPHLET FOR PRIVATE a IN bi RUCTION. HENRY SMITH, M.I)., of Uolvereity of Jena, feiw published a New Edition ot THE WARNING "^OICE tlSOpagee) with a New Chapter on the Use and Abnse of Electyioity for the Core of Nervous Dl«ea«es. Contains -many letters from Patients who bare tried tbe so-cslled remedies withont medicine, proving that. ELEOTRlCITY IS NOT LIFE. The EARNING VOICE is SPMJUIX. WARX FOR ^HIVATR INSTKBCTION, It gl*es Plain Ruleafúr tb Cure of Nenmu. Exbi*a»tio;i, Indigestion, RFEEIIOM- ticrn, Dimness of Sight, Functional Disorders, Weak- r 3* Spirits, 8p«trmavorth<B^, &c., &c., Nervous Mobility, Painful Dreams, Mental and Physical De- Pressidrj, Ipd^cision, Impaired Memory, Loss of Energy, Pains in tbe Back, Timidity, Diasmess, Lore oi Soli- tude, Groundless Fears, &e. PRESCRIPTIONS and INSTPUCTIONS by which THOUSANDS of Dr. Sroirh's Patients bare ieen restored to health and vigour, with- -t the nse of Mercury, Galvanism or Electricity, lllns- ^ated with eases and Testimonials Ironi gratefBl Patients Who have been cured by the NEW SPECIAL MEDICINE Sent free by post in a Sealed Envelope, to any address, on receipt of two stamps. Address, Dr. H. SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent, Lon- «», W.C. IMPORTANT TO COTJHTRY PATIENTS. -CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN BY LETTER WITHOUT FEE.—DK. SMITH wilt, lor the benefit •f Coantry Patients, on receiving a description of their '••e, send bis opinion, with advice, and dtrect.ons for M'e tMift sueceiisia! treatment and cure. Address, Dr SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent, London W b25 CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, AXD POCKET BATTERIES. rPHE8E HIGHLT IMPROVED INVENTIONS A render Electricity perfectly self-applieable, in a continnons form, and extremely efficacious, no 'hock er unpleasant sensation being experienced, *bersby it becomes a trae fountain of health and vi- gour, speedily soothing agon'stpfc pains, reanimating *°rpid limbs, reviving th9 sluggish functions of life, Ind imparting renewed enerey and vitality to con- •Utution# enfeebled by various iolfuenee*. The daily 5*|Cren»ing Bumbrr of eure* effected bv J'ULVER- «ACHER*S MEDICO-GALVANIC SYSTEM is so *Xt«nsive and varied, that it forcibly points to this "•'•ntion as the embryo of aunherta) remedy. fPHE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY, signed by the v tlite of tbe English medical faculty, has been "WIVED:— We, the underlll,ned. hara much pleasure "In testifying that Mr J.L.PULVERMACRER'S" "reeant improvemertis in his Voltaio liatteries "and Galvanic Appliances for Medical Pur-It "poses are of great importance to Sctentine" ^tgMicine, and that he is entitled to tbe eon'" •^W^pNTation and snppnrt of everyone disposed father the advancement <of real and useful Dated this 9'h day of Warch. 1866." 8fr CHARLES LaCOCK, BIlfC., M.I».,F.R.C P, Sir WIIAIUW FER'TUSSUN, Bart. F.R.S. ED'HV H. SEIVEKINO, M.D..FR.C.P. Sir J kANALD MARTIN. FRCS. AIM recommemioii bv J. RUSSELL REYNOLDS, i.D.FRC.P. C. B. RADCUFFE. H.D., F.&.C P. F.RB. A.CLARK, M.D.. F.R.C P. }ULVEltMACHER'S STSTRM it also approved of by an official report af tt»e Acadamie de Medi- an*, Paris; Royal Sosiety ef Loudon Royal College ol fbyaieians, lvorion; and ihe ImporUl Faculty of ;k, *ienna t and it» curative virtues ara confirraed by ^tottsands of private tcstimooi^is of cores effected, pamphlet gratis.) These facts appeal to the good sense of every sufferer avail blmselt of this scientific and eurative pro- cess, to wbleb the inventor has devoted B, lifetime ^atady and labour, as an ardent disciple of tbat great of mankind, tbe lata illustrious electrieian, "IOHAEI. FARADAY. .PULVERMACHER-S M E DICO GALVANIC CHAINS are exceedingly tffeetive without the aid tntdicine, restriction of diet, or the le**t derangement V Me pelient't habits and daily occupation*, in tbe ^•wmYmaladies:- rbeuautiam (Tic JJoloreux Bluggtak OirouUtion Jfo«t Indigestion Urinary Disorders ?«U«ea Deafness Paralysis i-awb&so apcsDis Epilepsy *«ttralgi». TPemslc Complafcats Ner»ou» Debility & Toothache Constipation FunctllmalDulOrden ''WER ComDlaiats Cramp &c., &O. ""be effeeu oi tbe application of l'DLVERM ACHER'S OtlAINS iu aAtof the above disorders is immediately Perceptible—the relief of pain inetantaneoui. "PRICE-LIST OF PULVEfcJfACHER'S GAL. A VANIC CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, and FLEX- IBLE BATTERIES. C. BROAS^^TTAJNIBANOAJW^ neaa, H- Tooth, ana Face Ache, and «L Noises In the Head „2ls. and upwards. fe. 1»P>. BROAD CHAINS for Lose Of Voice and ► SS atber Affections ot the Thnist, Asthma, Spina! 1 tiffi Complaints M.10s Bd 18s., 22s., and 40s. • 9. X. BROAD CHAIN-BANDS for Writer'sCrsmp, Trembling, Nervousness, £ icc., 22«. to 30; jfWm 40s.. and 60s. ?. COMBINED BANDS for General Debility, Central Paralysis, Epilepsy, and Functional j- Dillorder.50:4 to 60.. SS- 'J&r CHAIN BATTERIES for Extreme Nervous |Pr Me Debility, Paralysis, and k-r restoring e*- bauKted Vital Energy (to UH used in con- junction with specially combined bands) .£310.- te 'GuIDeall. H. A COMPLETE SET OF COMBINED ELECTRIC CHAIN-BANLH5 and Flexible Galvanic Belt, for restoring Vital enerey. £ b L HIGH TENSION FLEXIBLE CHAIN 4 POCKET BATTERIES, wub u complete set H& ofComhln '1 Bwids, Belts, and acecaaories ('or At speeial c«ses) £ 10 and upwards. A. NARROW CHAIN-BANDS for Scatica, H Rheumatism, Lecal Paralysis, Oamp in the xl Extremities, according to Electric Power 18s„ 22«., 40s and npwards. I, B. BROAD CHAIN-BANDS or BlSLTS, lor I Lumbago, lat'ig«»tion, Liver, dbest, and Nervous Cotijp!a;nt», &e., wearable) as a Belt 22S. t0 40s. and 5fis. ID-A'o Oolv<">ic Bands cr /kits are GENUINE, but V1 those heating the facsimile >f J, L, y FULVEllMAGHhli'S kignnpte on the Label. J, CAUTION.—A PERPETUAL INJUNCTION in VHAKCERY, dated IStn August, 1869, wa» granted to q PVLTKKMACHBR against ALFKBD BAHIVPWS, alias h' D. HXMMOHD, alia* EKNRT JAMKS, alia* T.'{. RA^HKY assisiams, ageuu, and servants, restraining the j*id psrsoft or persons; under a penalty of li'ou\ adveriising delts, &c, delusively k-ipresenti" a* sleciric. Tbit decree is printsd i« exieim JULYjtEMACHBU-a PAMPHLET of Toatimoi ^Reports of cates tbmaining other valuable »**•sent pbstfrs<> o>i appJicatioa to tbe 8rl» ln»^ Patantee I W ■M J. POLVF.RMACHE4 jHfe GAL fA NIC ESTABUHti* «"ltor K 200, f«E(iEi\T STREET, LOif. m F TSR,W. j,¡¡J' IR.IFC J.- TI )R. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men IJ on -.HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND HAPPY MARRIAGES.—When to WTT'JT witli advice to ^THOSE who contemplate marriage, poirvtinp out certain impediments which render married LIV mhappy, AND directions for their speedy removal.^ •Should be read by all who value health, strength, and manhood, and with to attain a happy old age.—Post free on receipt of two stamps.—Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. Just Published for Two Stamps. TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. READ THE "SECRET FRIEND," by Dr BARNES, who has lor ye<us giv» n his exclusive attentioQ to thu treatment of Nervou* Debility, Mental and Physical I)ppres"ion, Palpitation 01 the Heart, Noises in the Hfad and EARS, Indecision, Impaired S'fht and Menx ry. Indigestion, PRO^TRATIOLL, Lassitude, DEPRESSION of Spirits, Losli o' Energy and Appetite, PAINS IN^TJIE BNCK at D LIMJJS. _,TiinidiJy« SPIF-L>UTIRUN, 15I8ZTNP«S, LOVE or Soinuce, drouniile»s Fears, and many oiber friimems, which, it neglectec, bring the sufferers to an eariy DutiL, This valuable work "THE SECRFT FRIEND," is Illustrated with numerous, cases and testimonials, and not only gives the cause but the m"ans of cure. Hnndreds of eases which '.had been THOUGLFT^JW'PELE,S have been restored to perfect health ami VRJZ"I~ after all other means had lailed. Sent post iree OJffreceivt oftwofitnmp". Address, Dr. Barnps, 30, Thornhill Cr' T nt, Caledonian Road, Londou, N. I Important to Country Patients. DR BARNES maybe consulted personally oR by letter, in all private and confidential cates and forthw benefit of Nervous sufferers who cannot WSIT him, he will, on receiving a desoipticnof their rase, enclosing a stamped envelope for reply, be ready to give his opinion upon the bature of the case, and the principles ot treatment necessary to effect a perfect Cur". Address, DR. BARNES, 30, Thornhill Crcscent, Caledonian Road, London, N. DO YOU WANT BEAUTIFUL HAIR, WHIS- KERS.&c. ? Dr Rassell'S Lixivene, an elegantly perfnn ed toilet compound, for nourishing, preserving, and restoring the hair, is guaranteed to produce mous- taches. whiskers, eyebrows, &P., in two or THRFE weeks, N'rengtlien weak ha:r, prevent its fallinff off check GREYNE^'S in ALL I F stages, refterethe original colour, dispel scurf and Handriff, and make it clean, soft curly and GLOSSY. For the re-prodnction of hair in baldness, trom whatever cause and at any age, its effects are certain in thousands ot cases it has been successful when all other preparations bad failed In the nursery it is unequalled, as it keeps the hand eiean and (OrrwJ IBE baxis of a B -NUFRFR! head of hnir Price 2s., sent any- where FREE by post, on receIpt of 24 psnnv STAMP*, by Dr. G. Russell, 28 Ciaience Rosd, .Kentish Town, London. L,3RS« JKCTTI^H, containing tnreo times th<, quantity, 4S 6d. ench. I( U stopped my hair fro».I failinjr ofF-J. SaviUe. h My whiskers "nl now nbt) <- dant and tbiek. Wm V>V«!?." My balr had gene in patches from illness, but it is now growing nioely.— Miss Webb. My moustavhe is envied by every body —Major Birch. I was bald for 9 years, but now my bea 1 is covered with hair. J. Speuce." OBSBKVB.— Every Genuine bottle has the words RUSSELL'» L1X- IVENE moulded in !he GLASS, and is wrappt d in a pamphlet of 16 pages, on the Management of t'le Hair and Skin also see that Georgs Iiu»seli's Trade Mark and Signature aro OB every outside wrapper. Sold by all Ohemiste, THE PURE HERBAL MEDICINE. Dit THOMSON'S -i INVIGORATING PILLS are a well known per- tain remedy for lumuago, gravel pains in tbe hack and loins, headache, depression of spirits, rheumatism, gout, discharges of all kinds, piles, and al'. affection* of the kidneys and bladder. All diseases arise from impore blood and weakness. These Pilla cleanse and purify the fluids, remove general or locai debility, give tone to the stomach, restore iho spirits, enrich the Mood, Impart energy and vivacity, eradicate every trace of disease, and invigorate thr whole system. In every complaint, however virulent or ,ong standing, they afford instant relief and speedy cure. The daily receipt of testimonials from riien ASD women in every position of life, who have !)><•RE<I of sfin eruptions, <urj>irf ^ORE F pains in the limbs, neuralgia, epilepsy, stone in the bladder, di«EA»« of the kidney.•<, &e„ by their nse, and accounts of surprising reco\fries for sevese illness when all other medicines and èoctoH had faHed has induced Dr. THOMSON to publish their virtues, in the earnest hope that blessings SO great may be more widely diffused and appreciated. Price ls.ljd 2s £ M., & 4«.6d. per box. (To Protect thePnhllc irom Imi. tations, Hpr Majesty's Commissioner* ba,e ordered tbe words RALPH THOMSON, LONDON, to be en- graved in white litters on thB (overnment Stamp affixed to each package, to liuiU'e w .ich is felony aud transpcrtation). Sold by all Cbem itsin the world or will be sent direct, pneked privnplv in a letter, on on leceipt of 14, 33, or .54 stamps by Dr THOMSON, on leceipt of 14, 33, or .54 stamps by Or THOMSON, 28, Clfirenca Koad, Eentish Towq, London. "Fear doses of .your Pills oured my pains ir, tho back, which had annoyed me lor many years. H.2 tried them for pains in the back they cured BUS in a few hours. G. It." I had been troub!ed for years with an eruption on the face. Your Pills hav ) qoite cured me. ¡ Rev. J. S." "I have nevsr had an attack of gout or rheumatism since I used your Pills. W. Davis." "Tiley quite cured my sick headache and Ijllious attacks. Mrs Ellis." "The pains in the back are quite cured I can stoop with ease now. J. Weiss. (EVERY syfferer, whatever the symptoms may b9, is adviled to try these Pills, with th'i honest assurance that tley must find relief. Dr THOMSON ON NERVOUS DISEASES. Just Pubiithed. The One Hundred and Eleventh h.ditjon, 188 Paget. AlIiEW WOKK ON MARRIAGE, the causes & A symptoms of Nervous and genera' debility, re- laxation, iai.guor, dislike to soeiety, depretsion of spirits, loss of memory, dimness of sitht, deafness, premature decline, consumption &c., with prescriptions, diret rules, and ail neeessary information, 4>r tbe speedy self cure of loss of mental and physical power, ner»- as Affections, and all the disease: of youth madman ad. sent posl-froe, on receipt of two penny stamps, b. Dr. THOMSON, 28, Clarence Road, Kentish To"n, London. Opinions of the Prens. There is no quackery or learned mystery in Dr Thomson's book, but "plain exposition of TLU! causes, SYMPTOMS, and rational treatment of this aestruetive class 01 diseases, all set forth with the clearness of a practical man, who wishes tc be under- stood, and the earnestness-of a conscientious man who only withes to be useful. Dubliu Gasette." "Thi: work is' popular' in every sense of tbe word, and its worth is untold, to those who cannot, from a feeling ot shame, consult the family physician. Bap. Magazine." From upwards of 33 years praotioe in London, the author is justified in assuring sufferers who reqnire confidential treatment, that all cases will be speedily curcd, without recourse to any of tbose dangerous drugs, copaiba, mercury, fc., generally used, and that be is proad in being able to refer to many thousands whom he It is restored to health and vigour. Persons at a distance should forward a detail of their eases by letter, enclosing one guinea for ad- ice and, medicine, which will be sent by return, patients corresponded withtni cured. DR. THOMSON'S TONIC ELIXIR Restores health Strength, and power, to tbe most shattered con- stitution, and cures with the utmost certainty relaxation, spermatorrhoea, exhaustion, depression of spirits, giddiness, nervousness, epilepsy, para- lysis, and all the distressing consequences ariing from debility. For all diseases of the urinary ORFNN; it wiil be fcafcd a speedy specific, «eq«iring no alteration in diet, purifying tbe blood, removing secondary symptoms, scurvy, scrofala, blotches, skin eruptions, irritations of the bladder, &c, which too fre- quastly harass itie sufferer over tbe best years of life. Tonic Elixir bas restored bodily strength and vigour to thousands of debilitated Individuals who now enjoy perfect healthy and whatever the causes of disqualifies tion 'or marriage, they are effectually subdued by this potent remedy. Many poor sufferers, who from fear of discovery, bad borne their afflictious for a h ng time, rather than apply to the family doctor, cured themselves privately, at iutl* or no expence, with this wondcriul Medicine. Price 2s 9d, 4S 6d, and lis, per bottle. (To protect the public from spurious imitations, Her M.'s commissioners have ordered the words RALPH THOM- SON, LONDON, to beeiigravbd in white letter on the Oovemment stamp amxeu do each package, to imitate which is felony and transportation). Sold by all Chemists in tbe world, or will be sent direct, on receipt of a post office order for ] is. payable to Dr. RALPH THOMSON, 28 Clarence Road, Kentish Town, LoBdon. Extracts (rom Testimonials. •• The nervous dcbilny is so much better, that 1 do not need stimulants, IIY appetite and digestion are improved indeed I feel better in every way. D. if." I have been surprised at she singularly VIVIFYING effects of your medicine, ar.»'u cannot eutfimently express my gratitude. D.J." 4 CUKK FOR ALU DR JOHNSTON, ^:«IEBI'«UD [1.. over a QUARTER of a century for TTJE cure 01 Nervous and General Debility, lossof ensdrgyTdepressiou ot xpirts, lassitude, prostratiou, palpitation ot the heart, dizziness, dimness of sight, noises in, the head and ears, IONS of monaory, dealness, indigestion, rheumatism, gout, lumbago, pains in the b4,,¿iI:, gravel, and "tllorms of secret diseases, wbieii BAN ncg.lected eud in cough and consumption, continues to G VE AWAY his Pan). ptilst,—which contains simpls instructions, whereby ANY one may REGAIN) healthiand strength, without taking- quack medicines or TANNING AT doctor's bill, fne Beok wi) BE sent pri lately, 'op receipt of a Irarnpeùand DIRECTED envelope^BY iOHNSTUN, 11 Crown T'jrrace, tianrltoelJ 1^11, K^MIN. Thou _F SR.FFERERS who had fatten wo A J state wt borne grateful testimofo io tha VALUE, AILII .« ,• ol the advice given, whwf> in a SHYTJINIE-FCAJI .—AS W RE8TORED them at a TRIFAIG coat ?B money, "dieal Journal says •• It :S » »oW# THIW >bt >t sunplici YAYSICIAN to come for» V|L and* rescte TL^ perleotly RLJSEASE from tbe »" AT* ELUDES. -I be Me IBG QUACKS W' ZHF quahtieu victims ol those deslg practice.' ')''1 To Gentlemen, Farme G. J. B L iune;, BEGR to inform the abovp, that he 18 in a position to Let out ¡ft¡rch, ±3 moderate terms. WITH SPRING WAGONS, fnr removing Furniture, &c from o, WITH TIBMBER CARRIAGES, for Carting Timber, Casting WITH PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, HARROWS, &c. CARTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTH. AG EAT FOR TIIE GREAT WESTERN RAIL IVA Co., IJÂVEllF" G.J B. takes this opportunity of thanking the Public for the kind soppoi-T hefca* hi C4 ESTABLISHED 1812.. B A N D T. P R O C AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, CAT HAY, BRISTOL ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SP^IALL PREPARED BONE MA FOR GRASS, CORN, ROOT, AND 01 t ALSO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF1 WORKS,—CATHAY, BRISTOL. AGENTS—-Mr G. Griffiths, Carevr Newton, Pe* „ Thomas Parker, Cardigan „ J. N. Evans, Aberayrou. j :f' LOC^L LG, & jU, Rr CHEAP TR1 — THOMAS FAMILY TEA & GROCER V ? I UPPBR i.I/xRKET STREET, HAV I Good Tea Strong Breakfast do y..? I Fine do, !P RIME W I L 1" S it 11 • FIELDS AND P R I C £ TS P A HUNTLEY AND PALMEE ¡ JAMS, JELLIES, PICKLE „ Agent for Weir's Sewn J. .-L'' *F; —— HAVERFORDV V SPRING GARDEN? WINE AND S P III f.. 7 E .1 • iev have taken to tbe BEG to inform tl above OLD Est MALTSTEKS SPIRIT, ALE, AND BOP MERCH- and SMt bvstrict • -1 or<Jerfl entrusted to them, and ..p,LYLN, merit a sbare ° public PATRONAGCE Fine old Irih Whiskey, superior French and Jrandies, Gins, Rums, and Cordials, at Moderat ALLOPPS' INDIA, PALE, AND MILD ALES, IN CA'^ d^TTLES. A LARG& QlANTlTT OF EXCELLENT WELL-MADE &LD MALT NaJY oN HAND. Agents forioriiard, Lack, & Co.'s well-known and Celebrated Corn and Root Manure., AGRICULTURAL SEEDS, &c Spring Gardcnø,I,.erfotdwelt, 240tl1 November 1869. 529 f ^m(ught ONLY ON THE BDXJ^^ THE PUBLIC ABE COTTONED AGAINST = J orstiff joints,mdin stoppageof the water or disordersof the kidneys it i»unequalled AND t This elass of cases, including sore thrpatfl. -b-VL coughs, and colds, My be lnfalli- bly cured by v ell rubbing thisre^y twice a day on the breast, thro it, and chest. BAT) BAD BBEASTS, i In many Wfcd. in Europe tjiis celebrated remedy is IN 8S^E F ORTU, and in Italy, fhe PHYJIC^ «Ores and ulcers. Sailors, soldiers, emigrants, ana miners IiaHK-CTMI-A.TXSM AKD To sufferers from racking pains this Ointment is priceless. r a Rations and sweUings, removes all pain, and re§&ores natural c. cu*ion. IMPBTOE^TCBS C>Y Certain old sores and swellings can be ^ffegjj^ cui^l'y. of Holloway's Ointment and Pilts, if used v The Ointment and Pills shouLjl ^AjUsQ^t eonjointM in mo^ cases Asthma. Eruptions li t £ Pi^es Bad Legs. ids, Enlarge#'JOF (GHEAWFTTIS^ VF BI.d Breasts GDA* £ '4.. Scrofma € Bioachitis Lumbago SOR 'OAT- )OI. & CAUTtQfr:Nppel. ] difcernible as a"I '• • j *v' be plainly seen by HOLLO\ &?-■< It. ljdf,, 2s. m taking tli r ,1, > xn' ES| LJ STONE MASON, raBLT,. Ooö HAVERFORDWEST. .UMEIVTS, TOMBS, AND H EADSTONES, OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS READY FOR INSPECTION. WINDOWS OF BATH AND OTHER STONE. AND ALL KINDS OF CHUBCH WORK. MARBLE AND STONE CHIMNEY PIECES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ANTIQUE AND MODERN. DRESSED MASONRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, EXECUTED ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. Estimates Given for all Descriptions of Marble and Stone Work. 190 CARSONS' JBJI& PAINT, I"ATRONIS1-:D BY HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT, 1 THE COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS, I RAILWAY and CANAX OOMFAHTIB, THK INDIAN GOVERNMENT, |, THE RUSSIAN OOVERVMKNT, | VomtRiit, IBOJT WASTERS, ix., 7,000 OF THE NOBILITY AND GKNTBY, For all kiads of OUT-DOOR WORK, And if! proved, after a test of upwards of 70 years, to surpass any other Paint. It is especially applicable to Iron Rooting, Park Fencing, Farm and other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm mplementa, Carts and Wagon*, Gates, &c. &c., and all exposed work, effecting a Saving of more than 50 Der cent., as it is cheaper, and lasts twice as long as Genuine White Lead or any other paint, and CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. It is sold in a fine powder. Will keep any length of time. No grinding, tinting, straining, or dryers are necessary. It requires "imply to be mixed witli "Oil Mixture," according to "Directions for Use," and at fame time avoiding the objections to all paints sold m xed ready for use." Per Cwt. COLOURS. Per Cwt. V 'te Bright Red L IT, Htone J TRAPJI MARK. Dark Red J IL.ih Stone Chocolate v 2gs> Cream colour ••• ) 30s. /^HTicsiR&;iottSr^—' Purple Brown I L srht Portland Stonek PAIHT |q Black 1 L ortl- ni] Stone ] JM^NUFACTURECBronze Green liv.ff (for Stables). VWLTER'iM%ovljSj-d-^3sjf Bright Green Oak colour 263> Medium Green t A9!, I.ead colour 3 INNNTO AT ITATIOHIIK UAU. Deep Green f Light Lead or Slate 2»s. — Bl,ue ) Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brushes, &c. CARSONS' PAINT, For PUBLIC EDIFICES, MANSIONS, VILLAS, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, &c., is unrivalled, and is the only Paint that will effectually resist the rays of the sun upon & Conservatories) Greenhouses, Frames, &c. "*3 Cwt. delivered CAURIAGK FREt; to all RAILWAY STATIONS in the United Kingdom. Pattern,* and Testimonials sent Post Free on application. No Agents. WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C And 21, BACHELOB'S WALK, DUBLIN. CARSONS' LLII PAINT. =- MARYCHURCH & DAW. I E. 0 N 3YE 0 N (J E E S Bridge Street, Haverfordwest. }f' "r Min<s,Ignited, iè ..iÖ ¡! ¡ Dt' R EIOATAIV <.USJ*4W IW- ( .4. Mr James, ) Mrs Owen, & Mr T. Rioharif 'S' Mr Burchell, ^fyibro-. Mr Lowless, }q ibruke.. Small Sams, 1: Rev J. Al Mrs Roch, Paskeston (seeon N. A. Rooh, Efq, Paskeston v A. J. Morison, E«q, Portcleir .v Rev Latimer and Mr* Jcnof. Oa G. White, Esq, Tenby (seecnd 4k! Col. Voyle, Ten by Rev G. Huninigton, Tenby Rev J. Hearn Poppelwell, Tenb; Rev E. F. Wiltia. Tenby Mrs Howells, Tenby J. Gwynne, Esq, Tenby (first do C. W. R. Stokes, Tenby G. Chater, Esq. Ten by Mrs Girardot, Esq,Tenby Colonel Onslow, Tenby i M rs Onslow, Tenby Mias Puxley, Tenby Mr James Rogers, Tenby Captain Rees, Tenby .| ijt Captain Evans, Tenby j *9-" Two Sums of Five Shillings eacb. 0 10 Mr C. Allen (in Photographs of St. David's) Ttnbv 8 Mr Joseph Gregory, Tenby Mr John Phelps,Tenby « Mr E. Saies, Tenby I I Mrs Hughes, Tenby It Mr John Thomas, Norton, Tenby Mr W. Walkinton, Tenby 4 I '■ Mr Thomas Marcbant, Tenby j J i Mr Jones, Poøtmapter, Tenby 1. j R Laecelles, Esq., Croft, Tenby 1 «. J. T. Us w ksley, Esq., Caldy, lenby § 9 Rev G. W. Birkett, St Florence, Tenby 15. Mtstrs John Huny and Son., Hanrford- west (second donation) 10 10 The Wdshman Newspaper 10 10 The Brecon County Times FT) 0 The Western Mail 10 The Ttnby Observer 1 r The Cambria Daily Leader The Pembrokeshire Hera d H G. Alien, Esq., Lincoln's Inn, (8eCt" Donation) Mrs Aftrehoune, The Hall, Angle, P- The Eailof Cawdor, (second doe- J. B. Seourfield, Baq M.P. (, Lewie ;.lo\d, Esq, Monk <'s i, VrT, Col. Lloyd, Lillesden, F~~R,— *— Henry Leach, Esq,y(* iL* A Mrs Bayne, (aeca., ,5. pint free for Miss Robson, ^ATH'O • AHH.Y Messrs Rif' weat H. Rf< — Reo, • — "I Re. Jobn Fe. M, ¡jO, 41" Rev J. Tombs, .L Messrs Powell, Mar.sem-' eapptStd tf A.-eois mm te" t'le Cork, and wtict Band Wm. Davies, Esq., Spri,.t Epps C .r, IlcmofO- fordweat withoai which nant ar J. W. Phillips, Etq., Rock Ov Messrs Greenish and Dawkina, street. R. Draiif, ditto Join Rev Thomas Horn, IlaverlordwMt (i TWry, donation) Moor. Rev George Horn, Haverfordweat '• Miss Eminent and Miss Gwytber, dítltJ < Mr D. P. Saunders, Bridge street, ditto Mr John Phillips, Castle Square, Mr Stephen Green, High street, (second donation) f;,rU'-161\ Mr W. Lloyd, High street, Haverfoi^ r.!f,r Mrs Philpott, Castle Hotel, di to John Lewis, Esq., Bank, ditto m Wm. John, Esq., Victoria Place, dit^ir1 .!t Mrs Potter, High street, ditto • Mr P. P. Ellis, High street V ?r'' Mr Ffichii'd Williams. DewBrreet^dlHo ..°a Mr Jamei Daviea, Vietoi v^lace, ditto Mi John Pi owe, M.irket«Ljfet,diU» MV T, High street, Htto ME'SNI TREEN I WR,- — V'VNAPT." ? • ''I'U'J-QJit, -■ USFLJB. RS-IF* F JR '?I." >V 1 H..V.. ,} 1 "• • \V*.— i- T-osa }. i i". •' IF