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Juat PubUaht-d, P -at FtHf for Two Slumps. 117 O N D E 11 F U L M E. D [ C A L tV DISC 0 V E R Y. SHOWING THM TkVr. CAT'SK OF JfERVOUS, MENTAI.& PHYSICAL DEBILITY. LOW NESS OF INDIGESTION, WANT <H" ENERGY, PREMATURE DECLINE With plain directions for PERFECT RESTORATION to HEALTH AND VIGOUR in a few days. The mint importunt fact that these alurminy cumplu'nif tmil/ citsihi be removed WITHOUT MEDICINE, JA lipwe cleariy demonstrated, ana tilt. entirely new and )> tfbly successful treatment, m- adopted by the Author, fullv explained—by mentis 01 which EVERY ONE IS ENABLED TO CURE HIMSELF perfectly, sod xt the leant possi!>1« coat. Sent Free on receipt cf two stamps Ity W. HILL. ESQ., M.A., BKUKTILFY TLU SE. S-UTX-CREsCPKT, RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON, W.C. Then*- iJnrii Ive Mean" are no ftnsy nul Simple in A )<pltrillion, that all can Cure '>.KuWri-* pr ■'vatrry, Stir ce. fully nn<i at the ISM A LLl'.Ii i COST IN A XLW DAYS. 41 The object of this extraordinary publication is to prov<> how Nervoususns'aud concomitant Malar. es can be effectually and Ntwcassfullr treated, and tin1 most c«»nvin«iMg proof of the rllkwy of this, the greatest of human ttikcoveri. -s, is testified lIy the numerous cases of cure* «fi'ei;te.l."—Mephwi. Rf.c«»kj>. _u' -t- — —•—. 1 Galvanic^ CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, ANn POCKET MATT FRIES. TpHRRE HIGHLY IMPROVED INVFNTIONS J. render Electricity perfectly Melf-applicable, in n mt)d continuous fortr, and extremely efficacious, no '•flock or unpleasant sensation being experietced, whereby it become* a true fountain of health and ri- four, speedily soothing agonising pains, reanimating urpid limbs, reviving the sluggish functions of life, M)< hnpartin:» renewed energy and vilitlity to enn- •tft-ntions enfeebled hy various inflnenoe*. The daily »nere««inp nninher of cures effected by PdLVER- "ACPFRIS MKDICO-GALVANIC SYSTEM is so Oxforio-ive and varied, that tt forcibly points to this invention as the embryo of a universal remedy. '['HF. FOLLOWING TESTIMONY, signed by the L elite of the English medical (acalty, har been weired WfI, the nnders'gned."liave mneh pleasure" -'1" testifying that MrJ.LPULVER\! AC H En'S" "reeent improvements in his Voltaic Batter-ei." 1( a **d Grtlranlc Appliances for Medical Pur-" *ooen nre of great importance to Scientific" g'Medlelnp, and that he » entitled to the eon-" laideration and «npport of everyone disposed "to father the advancement of real and useful progress." •• Dated thin 9:h dny of March, tSW." SfrCHARLES LOCOCK, Bart, M.P.F.RCP. Sir WILLIAM FF,p.'iUSSON. Ban. F R S, ED WD. H. SEIVEKIKG. M.D.,FRC.P. Sir J. RANALD MARTIN, FR.C.S. Also recommended bv J. RUSSELL REYNOLDS, M n F R C.P. C. B RADCLIFFE, M.D., f.R.C P. F.R.S. A.CLARK. M.D..FRCP. 1)ULVEUMACII ER'S SYSTEM is alqo npproved of by an official report 01 the Aeademie de Melli- atne. Paris; Royal Soslety of London Royal College of Physicians, 1 or Ion; and the. Imperial Faculty of Tienna; and Itt. curative virtue* are confirmed by thousand* of nrivete testimonial* of cures effected. -(Sre Pamf_mi tm.'is.) These (sr.* •j.peal to the good sense of every sufferer to avri himselt of this scientific and curative pro- fret*, te which the inventor has devoted a lifetime of study and labour, as an ardent disciple of that great benefoctor of mankind, the late illustrious electrician, Miohaei. Faraday. IJU LYE R M ACHE R'S MEDIC0 GAL VANfC _L CHAINS are execedlnply effeetire without the aid of mnfcViae, reitrietion of dirt, or the taut derangement of the pmtient's hahits and daily occupations, in the Iollowilll( mal.diell:- Rkeumatism Tic Ucloreux PhifjuUh Circulation Oent Iadigestion Prirary Disorders floiatiea Deafness PuralvKis I<wnbaro Kpasms Epilensy Keuralgia Female Complaints jNervous Debility He<d & Toothache Constipation [FuPcti'miilDisorderg I iver Complaints Critmp &e., &c. "•"he effeetK of the application of PULV ER M AC H P:!t.s ell A INS iD any of the above disorders is immediately pM-cep<<Me—the relief of pain inslnntanenut. PftlCE-LlST OF PULVERMACHER'S GAL- P VANIC CHAIN-RANDS, BELTS, and FLEX. IBLE BATTERIES. A. NARKOW CHAIN-IV^NOS for Soatica, Bheurnatie, Neuralgic, and Gouty Poins, Chronic Kheunialism, Local Paralysif, Cramp in the Extremities, nrcordinft to Electric Power 18a., 22f., 40n and upwards. B- HRIUV CHAIN-HANDS or RliL'lS, for Lnmbitgo, lndig>tion, Llyn. Chest, and Ncrvoii« Complaints, &e., wciirahle as a Belt '-1..2'28. to 4011. anri ,\js. C. BROAD CHAIN-HAN OS for Nervous Dent- noM, Head, Tooth, and Face Aolie, and NoWa in the Hend — '1 in. and npwardR. D BUOAi) CHAINS for Lom of Voico and ether Affections of the Throat, Asthma, Spill, Compllllol.iOi, tid 18\1.. P2< and 41s E BROAOCHAIN-BANDS for Writer'sCramp, TremWinjr. Nerroiisiiess, &r., 22s. to 30s., 40s., and 60.. F. COMHIAki) RANDS for Genernl Debility, Contrit) Paralysis, Epilepsy, and Functional Disorders .jit* to 60*. COMPLETE SET WITH VOLT A- ELKO TRIC BKL TS for restoring Vital Power. £ 6 with Voltaic flexible chain BATTERY £ 8 G. CHAIN BATTERIES for Kxtraiae Nervous Debility, Paralysis, and for restoring ex- hausted Vital Energy (to be used in con- lunetion with epecially combint'd.bllnd.) j £ 3 10*. to 4 Guineas. H. HWH TENSION FLEXIBLE CHAIN POCKET BATTERIES, with a complete set of Combined Bands, Belta, and accessories (for •peciai etsea) £ 10 and upwarfitt. A* Galttnic Bands or Hrlt. are genuine, but these bearing the facsimile of J. L, PrlLVEllltlACHER S signature on the Label. CAUTION.—A PERPETUAL INJUNCTION in CHANCERY, dated 15th Angust, 1869, was granted to J. L. ruLVKRMAcuwii against Alfred Barrows, alias 0. D. Hammond, alias Hknrt jambs, alias C. T. HAFHFT t^eir aesistants, agent*, and servants, restraining tbe •aid person or persons, under a penalty of £ 5000, from ^teeitfnHy advertising Belts, &c, delusively representing them as, electric. This decree is printed in extmsc In PDLVKRMACHER'S PAMPHLET of TesttroonUls ""d Heportt of cures eontatninK extensive nnmorons "lfIICII (rom many Standard Scientific Works, "is.: I), Pereira's "Materia Medics," 4th edtion; Dr Tanner's "Practice of Medicine," 8th edition; and Dr HsndfteJd Jones, 00 ••Nervous and Functional Wliordors, &o sent post free on application to the Sole •Oventor and Patentee J. L. PULVERMACHER, GAL VAMC EST J ULiSHM fCIVT, 168, REGENT S I REEI", LONDON, W. SPECIAL KOTICE TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. Free EDITION of 5,000 copies of DR SMITH'S 4: Ctlfl Med Work, THE WARNING VOICE, or J'RIYATB MEDICAL FRIEND, is now published Or the benefit of narvou* sufferers, j. Reaithc Warning1 Voice y Henry SmiUt, M.D., ot the Koval University of JJ,a* A«tfu>r of The People's Guide to Health." &<•. The Warning Voiee is a Speoial Medical W, rk ?•» the New Treatment, by uedimne only, of Nervous j«bility, Painful Dieams, Mental and Thyeical ^opresaton, Palpitatior.a of the Heart, jS'oi»o8 jn the «ad and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and ^emory, Indigestion, Loss of Energy and Appetite, j a,na in the Back, Timidity, Self Distmst, Duainess jjj^te of Solitudo, Grt»*ndlesa Fears, Local Weaki-ese', ^Mcular Relaxation, &c., which, if neglected, and in .sumption, and Prematuro Deaths /Jives PKE- JCHIPX10NS and INSTRUCTIONS by which Ooueands have been reitoxed to health ar.d vi^m *11 other rtmc.i.-s h*,i faiicd. Also. NEW .^APTERon the Da V'iLROUs ma oi JiLECTitl- fr or GALVANISM. Contains many ietterf ?' who have tried ihe so-culled rtmtd\ 'hout sue, ,3g, proving that III wili not enre .Nervous Debility "•♦rated with Cases and TeRtiniormla from cratefti! »i'h nieans of cur.- ust'd in eMCh e>>se. Tht ARNTa'G OJ'jE will he sent in an envelope fret Post to any address on receipt of two penny maim* CS!?| Dr, H. SMITH, s, Lnnon Cr, b\,tloÍ, Ljr. O. iHPORTANT TO COUNTRY PATIENTS. 1°NSULTATlON by LETT Ell W I'i'HuUT FLE. U H, SMITH, the Knint-ht ?jieciali«; for tIte cur. "'far.f" I>eb!:iUtl"S »»es, resuliipg from th: ^un.r f°U,h Rnri wi! ,or ibe benefit. „ lty J'Jit:«iitn, wUo cannot consult him Bernc.naiiv •; 'lPi,n"VflMl s ft description «f their case, send ml witl. advice. >«! dire-, t on« »,.r tite mo "S'U! RSMOIKTIC.II TO HVALIH :«IID T I.-J.JR Aidr es»i Soiitii, <■ -^urion Ciesceot, ijyQuoi "I DR. HUNTER'S Spociiil Lortures to Young Men on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND HAPPY MARRIAGES.—When to marry, witi :ulvice to those who contempl.itc marriage, point-in^ out certain iinpedimcnts which render oarricd li < unhappy, and dircciions for t!IIÚr speedy removal. Should lie rend 1 >v all who value health, strength, :md manhood, and wish to attain a happy old age.—Post free on receipt of two stamps.—Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. TO NKKVOUS SUFFKREUS. READ THE "SECRET FRIEND." rPHlS Wonderful Medical Guide not only Rives the i- cauitc.. hilt shows how a permanent euro can I 0 ejected in all of Nervous Debility, Depression of Spirits, 'J'imUlitv, Impaired Sigl)t and ATt-tiioi'% Pllin. in the h:-o!<, Lassitude, Spermatorrhoea. 1111. pediments to Mairiace, Stricture,Srcondary Symptom", ,d All Vcneieal Di«e«»e«, without the u-e of Mercn;}'. Dr Hiirnes's lonjf experience in the. treatment 01 ;t S xual Diseases has enabled him to treat the m<<t invetera'p canes with marked success. Tliia v-a'uuble work •• THE SECRET FRIEND," is illustrated wi'h numcri'iis case* and testimonial's (1'(1'1\ Patients cx- p their deepest gratitude for having been re- stored to health and manly vigour. To the muffled and single thi- hook i" invnlnable. Sent post tree secure from ohncivaiioii on rt-cciptof two statiips. Address, Dr. Sarncf, 1, Vmrhln Square Rarnsburv, .London, N. Important to Country Patients. f~\R RAKNl'.S ma he consulted perconnlly or by lettet^iti alj piimte and confidential eases and for benelit of ,\ei 7011R »tiflptf r s who cannot visit him, he wid, on receiving a riesn iption of their rase, enclosiin; « stamped t>uve|ep«> (or repiv, he ready to (f"e lli> upirii«.[i n|!()ti fhe nature of the case, ,'iiid the principle* oi truaiin"t)t. neeesxii y (o (llc-t a p< rfect cure. IS?,?'Address, PIt HARNES, 1. Lonsdale Square, l->arn»bury, London, N. DO Y'>U WANT BEAUTIFUL HAIR, WIIIS- KERS.&c. ■' Dr Kmsm-IIV Lixiveiie, an elegantly pcrfuir.cd toilet cumpoimd, tor iK'Urishin/ prpsrrvinv, and rcstorinK the luiir, is guaranteeil to produoc mous- tache*. whiskers, eyebrows, &e., in two or three weeks, s'renglhen weak hair, prevent its falling off nitcck )treyiiec8 in a'l H stipfa, restore the <>rigiual colour, dispel scurf and dondi iff, and make it clean, soft cui ly aud vloisy. For the re- prod net inri of hnir in b.ildnes-, (rem whatever cause Mid at. any nsie, its etfecls are. certain in thousands 01 t,itsvs it has been successful wtltll all oilier prepttrutions had failed. Ju the nursery it is its it t. eeps the head clean and forms the basis of a beautiful head of hair. Price 2e., sent any- wharp free by post, on receipt of 2*1 penny s'amps, by Dr. G. Russell, 28 ( ^aie'.ce Road, Kentish Town, Loudon. Large Dottles, cuntniniug three times the quantity, is öd. t'ad, It S'nwped my hair from fullinc off—J. Savdte Mv wijitkers are now aliun- daiit ai.d thick. \rm Neale." My hair hsd gone in oatclieij from illness, but it is uc.w growing nicely.— Miss WeHi. M v moustache is enved by evcrv bo-lv JJHjor Hireh. 1 was 1t,.11i lor !• years, but now my head is covered with hair. J- Spence." Orsrhvf..— Every Genuine bottle hebthe words RUSSKLL'? MX- IVENE irouhied In the glass, and is wrapped in a pamphlet of Hi pagcs, on the Management of the Huir and Skin nito see that Gporge Russell's Trade Matk anll Signature ore on every outside wrapper. Sold by all Chouxttt;. THE PURE HERBAL MEDICINE. DK Thomson'S INVIGORATING PILLS are a well known cer- tain remedy for lumoago, gravel pains in the hllok and loins, headache, depression of spirits, rheumatism, discharges of 1111 kinds, piles, and all sffeotions of the kidneys and bladdei'I All diseases arise from impnrc tolood and weakness. These Pills cleanse and puiify the fluids, remove general or local dehilify, give torn-* to the stomach, restore the spirits, enrich the blood, impart oncrjjy and vivacity, eradicate every trace of disease, and invigorate the whole system. In every complaint, however virulent or ont: standing, they aflord instant relief and speedy cure. The daily receipt of testimonials from men and women in every position of life, who have been cured of skin eruptions, sore eyes, ulcers, and scurf on the head, sore throat. pains in the limba, neuralgia, epilepsy, stone in the bladder, disease of the kidneys, Sec,, by their use, and accounts of surprising recoveries for severe illness when all other medicines and doctors had failed hils induced Dr. THOMSON to publish their virtues, in the earnest hope that blessings so great may be more widely diffused and appreciated. Price Is. 1 Jd., 2s 0d., & 4s.Gd. per box. (To Protect the Public from Imi- tations, Her Majesty's Commissioners have ordered the words RALPH THOMSON, LONDON, to be en- graved in white letters on tlic Government Stamp affixed to each package, to itr itn'e which is felony and transpi rtation). Sold by all Cht-fnistgin the" orlll or will be sent direot, packed privately in a letter, on on leccipi o! 14, M3, or 5,1 stair-ps by Dr THOMSON, 28, Clarence Koad, Kentish Town, London. "Four doses ol your Pills cured iny pains in the back, which had annoyed me for many years. II..M." "I tried them for pains in liie biick they cured me in a few hours. o H. f 111111 been troubled for years with an eruption on the face. Your Pills have quite cured me. Rev. J, S." "1 have never had an nttnek of gout or rheumatism sinco I used your Fills. W. Davis." "Thu\' quite curcd my sick headache and biliious attacks. Mrs Ellis." "The pains in the, hack are quite cured I c-Lil stoop willi ease now. J. Every sufferer, whatevei the symptoms may be, is ndvi>ed to try these I'll! with tlie honest as.«ur;uicu that they must liiul reliuf. DrTHOMSO.V ON NEHVOIJS DISEASES. Ju t PnUhUr.rl. lie One hundred and LIt'veutf¡ hdi/ion, 1 hK /'iiprs. /v NEW WOl'K ON MARR1AOE, the causes & xV symptoms of Nervous and general debility, re- laxation, lai guor, dislike to society, depression or spirits, 10sII of memory, dimness of sight, deafness, premature decPnc, consumption &c., wnh prescriptions, diret rules, and ail necessary information, lor the speedy sell euro ot loss of mental and physical power, nervous aflectious, and all the diseases of youth ftno manhood. sent post-froe, 011 receipt of two penny stumps, fly Pro 28, Clarence Hoad, Kentish Town, London. Opinions of the í.'rCN/i. There is no quackery or learned mystery in Dr Thomson's book, 1101, a plain exposition 01 the causes, symptoms, and raiional treatment of this aestruelive class of diseases, all set forth with the clearness of a practical tnan, who wishes tr be undci stood, and the earnestness of a conscientious man who ouly wishes to he useful. Dublin Gazette." ,rhi,- work is I popijifkr in every sense ot the word, and its worth is untold, to those who cannot, from it feeling ol shame, consult the family physician. HRp. Magazine." From upwards of 30 years practice in London, the author is justified in assuring sufferers who require confidential treatment, that all esses w ill be specitily cured, without recourse to any ol those dangerous drops, copaiba, mercury, &c., generally used, and that he is proud in being able to refer to many thousands whour he has restored to health and vigour. Persons at a distance should forward a detail of their oases by letter, enclosing one guinea for ad- ice and; medicine, which will be sent by return, patients corresponded with till cured. DR. THOMSON'S TONIC ELIXIR Restores health Strength, and power, to the uiost shattered con- stitution, and cures with the utmost certainty relaxation, spermatorrhoea, exhaustion, depression of spirits, giddiness, nervousness, epilepsy, para- lysis, and all the distressing consequences aiding Irom debility. For 1111 di. oases of the urinary organs it will be found a speedy specific, requiring no atteration in diet, purifying the blood, removing secondary symptoms, scurvy, scrofula, blotches, skin eruptions, irritation* of the bladder, &c, which too fre- quently harass the sufferer over the best years of life, Tonic Eiix has restored bodily blrength and vigour to thousand, of debilitated individuals who now enjoy perfect health and whatever the causes of disqualified tiou !or marriage, they are effectually subdueu by this potent remedy. Many poor sufferers, who from fear of diacoTery, had borne their afflictions lor a tunit time, rather than apply to the lamiiy doctor, cured the-iiielven privately, at little or no expence, with this wonderful Medicine. Price 28 9d, 466\1, and lis, pbr bottle. (To protect the public from spurious imitations, Her M.'s eommutloncrs have ordered the words RALPH THOM- SuN. LONDON, to be et-graved in white letter on the Uovrrnuunt stamp affixed do each package, to imitate which is feionv and transportation). Sold by all Chemist *> the world, or will be sent direct, on receipt of a post office order lor 1 is. ftayable to Dr. HALPH THOMSON, 28Clarence Road, Koniish Town, London. Extracts Irom 'Testimonials. I, The nervous debiiny Is so much better, that 1 do not need stimulants. My appetite and digestion are improved indeed 1 teel betl,) in every way. D, H. "I hllve lwen lurprilled 'he singiiiarty vivifying d¡,"lîo of medicinc, and cannot eutficientiy express my gratitude. i). J. \OURE FOlt .ALL. Dr Johnston, celebrated cvtr a quarter ot a century fur the cure o! Nervous and General Debility, loss ol energy,depression 01 spirts, lassitude, prostration, paipitafinn fir :1111 heai v. d'7.7,iness, dimness ot sight, noises in the head and ears, lots of memory, denint-ss, imlifiesiion, rheumatism, vjiiiit, lurn' i'go, pains in the back, gravel, hi d all 'oriti; secret diseases, which when ncgl;i:'ei! end in cuui'.i ■itid consumption, continues to tsr.c aWRY tjjs PUUI- phler,—which contains simple instructions, whereby tty one may regain health and sir. n< d, wittion Hiung quack inedii.in.s or runuinj; a doctor's hill. The Bock will II" sent piivai/ ly. t'll receipt ot a «'ainpcd and directed envelope, I,y J»r. JOHN'SToN, li Crown Haveisti-e!; 11 r• i. 1",nd.1. I'hon «*r.ds of sutfer. rs who Itad !,di{'1! into a bad state o! ticaith, liave borne grateful testimony to the value and • iinpliiit) "t the advice given, which ill :1J')rt time has erleeily u.stored them at a tri/liiig c-ost in niouey. l.c Medical Journal says "it :s a noble tijin,7 ior jiiaiifitd PhTiieian 1u come forward and ve-euc \UHt icii's k of <!isc.'i»t ftoii. il.e • x;c.rtioi/aie ciutrtKS <•; jose <iesigau;g qlll.ie¡;¡¡ w:.to usurp this vianch o JlfttK. -8It. To Gentlemen, Farmers, and Others. J. BLAND BEGS lo inforrti the above, that lie is in a petition 10 Let out Horses, driven by experienced men, on very ) moderate ii-vms. WITH SPRING WAGONS, for removing Furniture, Src, from or to any part of tho County or Kingdom. WITH TIBMBEIl CARRIAGES, for Carting Timber, Castings, and other hoavy Gonds. WITH PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, HAHROWS, &c. CAKTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE. AGENT FOR THE CUFAT WESTERN RAllAVA Co., HA VERFQRl) IV F.ST. G. J n. takes this opportunity of thanking the l'uhlir for the kind support, he has hitherto received. 1"1 ESTABLISHED 1812. I r. AND T. F It () C T O R A GH it (IL'IVIi i Ij CHEMISTS, eAT H A 7, M HIS T 0 L. ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SPECIALLY P R V, V A It li i) B () N K M AZURES, FOR GHAS8, CORN, ROOT, AND 0TIJER Cl)iopis; ALSO, I BONE SIJI' EIM' H < >S P11 AT l'i OFUME. VVOKKS.- (; AY, IWISToL. AGENTS—tr G. Griffiths, Carew Newloi), Pembroke „ Thomas Parker, Cardigan J. N. Evans, Aberayroti. PERU VIAN CJO V EliNM KNT GUANO. I. THOMSON, T. BONAR, AND Co., m OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON, E.C., SOLE CONSIGNEES AND AGENTS FOR SALE IN GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND. Price at Scale in London fixed by the Peruvian Government, £12 pei- ton, gross weight for Quantities of not less than 30 tons. July, 18 71. NOVELTY IN B GOT S" ~JVT OBLEMEN asitl Geiitlt-iiiell;tt-e rcspoctt'ully invited to inspect a case of Boots of entirely new design, which was exhibited at the recent International Exhibition at the Agri- cultural Hall, and to which were awarded T Jti E G () L I) M E DAL. On View at the Kstablishnientof C. E. ALLEN, (Late of Haverfordwest.) BOOTMAKER, 33 a. Princes Street,—one door from Panlon Street, Haymarket, London. "I ran strongly adtisemy sporting friends to try the easy yet close fitting boots, thus made admirably niapted aliko for the moor and the stubble,"—The Wanderer iu and Water CHEAP TEA SII0 P. THOMAS'S FAMILY TEA & GROCERY WAREHOUSE UPPER MARKET STREET. HAVERFORDWEST. Good Tea Is. 4d. per Ih. Strong Breakfast do 2s. Od. per lb. Fine do. 2s. 8d. & 3s. per lb. PRIME TV I L T S 11.I HE BACON. FIELDS AND P 1U C ES PATE N T CAN D LES. HUNTLEY AND PALMER'S BISCUITS. JAMS, JELLIES, PICKLES, SAUCES, &c. Ai/enlfor Weir's Sciviiiy Machines L Ll C li T ONLY ON THE BOX TStk FETY THE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST CARSONS' PA IN T, PATRONISED BY HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, THE BrttTiRH Govrunmknt, I Tire COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS, I KATLWAT and OANAT, Comi'antfji, IHK INDJAN GOVEUKMKNT, | THB RUSSTAN GOVKHNMKNT, I COLLIEKIKS, Iuon MASTKTTS, TC., I 7,000 OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY, For all kinds of OUT-DOOR WORK. And is proved, after a. text of upwards of 70 years, to surpass any other Paint. It is especially .'ipp'i' il.lo j., Iron Hooting, Park Fencing, Farm and other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implement1-, ( ails ;m,l Wagons, Gates, kc. &c., and all exposed work, effecting a Saving of more than 50 per cent., as it is cheaper, and lasts twice as long as Genuine White Lead or any other paint, and CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. It is sold in a fine powder. Will keep any length of timo. >"o grinding, tintinj: straining, or dr\ors ur.' necessary. It requires simply to be mixed with "Oil Mixture," 'iccordiiig to "Directions for I so/' t> is avoiding the waste of paints sold mixed ready for use." COLOURS. White Br.ffhtnefl rorewt. Light Stone j Dark Red (0„ Bath Stone Purr>le Brown >-■>«. Cream colour UOs. BroLe Green J pSL^fcdst!De\ SSlatl 5^ Buft^or Stables). ) ~S& Bright Green > Light Lead or Slate 2Ss. Medium Green ( Oak colour > Docp Ciroon ( 'i2r- Lead colour ■ cwTcne5 5TaTioNt:Rs hau. Bluo J Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. OUs Turpentine, Varnishes, Brushes, fca. CARSONS' PAINT, For Pdbli^ Emficeb, Mansions, Villas, and < v.-ry Iciurl of Brick, Stone, Compo, .r:c., is unrivalled, :uid i«s th« ouly Paint that will effectually therayx of the sun upon Conservaiones, Greenhouses, Frames, &c. & Cwt tieuvkkei) Carkiaob Eree to all Railway Station? in tub "nited Kinrdom. Patterns and Testimonials sent Post Froo on application. WALTER CARSON & SONS, 11:1 .9 LA BELLE SAUVAGE YAED, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.G., And 21, BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENTS TOR TKK J ARCHIMEDEAN LAWN MOWER. I t C L E D D A U B B E w EE Y, BUIDGE STREET, HAArERFOllD.WEST, G K 0 K G E M. G R E E N, • MALTSTER & BREWEB DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Agent for 31iller and JolmsorCs Celebrated Artificial hlunurcs. GREEN & JOHN. L'i WIIOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS. QU.1Y STREET, IIAVIIRFORDJVEST, 4 1 AGENTS FOR LAWKS SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, LA WES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND L A WES' D I S SOL V E D BONE "S. PERUVIAN GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANUEE SALT FOR SALE. • nls J. BROWN, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, HAVERFORDWEST, (ESTABLISHED 1803), I BEGS to announce that l'.e has madi; arrangements to supply the with the undermentioned First-class Stouts in Cask and Bottle. M A M D E R S i K V A Lt D STOUT Highly reeommended hv the Faculty, and SIR JOHN A RSOTT'S CJiLEJiRATED CORK STOU lr. Uuality and flavour resembling the REST LONDON STOUT. FLI N T. & Co.'s BRITISH & FOREIGN COMMERCIAL INQUIRY OFFICES. OBJECTS — COMMERCIAL INFORMATION—To remove danger or doubt from contemplated crodit transaction*. REGlSTEKKD INFORMATION—Not relied upon. Every inquiry Is, when recoived, despatched to three or four correspondents, or more if doenied requisite. The iuformatiou registered appended ia addition. Threo etanipseach inquiry. LEGAL _ADVICE Supplieu to subscribers free of charge. Counsel and Solicitors specially retained. AGENTS-In every Town and City in the United Kingdom, the Continent of Europe, and America. REGISTERS—Contain over One Million names. DEBTS—Promptly applied for, in accordance with instructions. Immediate settlements. WEEKLY GAZETTE,- VAluable information. Index (quarterly) free to every subscriber. References permitted to numerous commercial firms. Opinions of subscribers fnrnished Iree on application. TERMS— £ 3 3s, £ 5 5s, £10 10s. ati(I npwardli por annom. LONDON, E.C-: 58, C'hcapsidc. Dublin 10, Ilonry Street. Manchester: 88, Mosoley Street, and 6, 8, and III, liond Street; and Glasgow 33, ltenfield Street, Argyie Street. AGENCIES—APPLICATIONS INVITED. THOMAS JONES, MARBLE AND STONE MASON, MERLIN'S HILL, HAVERFORDWEST. # MONUMENTS, TOMS, AND HEADSTONES, OF 1 HE NEWEST DESIGNS READY FOR INSPECTION. WINDOWS OF BATH AND OTHER STONE, AND ALL KINDS OF CHURCH WORK. MARBLE AND STONE CHIMNEY PIECES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ANTIQUE AND MODERN. DRESSED MASONRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, EXECUTED ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. Estimates Given for all Descriptions of Marble and Stone Work. ¿ 190 MTR YCHURCH & DA W'S REDUCED PRICE LIST OF AMMUNITION FOR THE PRESENT SHOOTING SEASON, 1871. POWDER Cash Credit Tower proof per lb. zCO 1 4 £ 0 1 G in lib canisters Do do 0 1 (j 0 1 8 jib. Diamond grain 0 2. 6 0 2 V lib. Do do „ 0 2 9 0 33Mb." 9 Hall's Rifle 0 2 6 0 2 9 lib. „ Do do 0 2 0 0 3 0 jib. SHOT-in Bag 281bs, 6s. 4d. Cash, 6s. lOd. credit. CAPS: Waterproof Central Fire, in Boxes of 250 Is. 3d. cash, Is. 41d. credit Ditto ditto lOil. „ lid. „ Ditto ditto illd „ Is. Old. „ WADS Cloth Gun Wads, (Ely's) 8d. per Box of 250. Sheets, 5d. each Cash, 6d. Credit. For Breech Loading GUllS. faeh Credit Brown Cartridge Cases, per 100. 3s ad 3s fjrl j Elite do do do 4 s Oil 4; 3d Green (gas tight) do do 4s 9d ;¡s 0d j J BREECH LOADING CARTRIDGES FILLED TO ORDER. Green (gas tight,) per 100 loaded 12* 6d Blue do do lis Brown do J., 10s Green Wire Cartridges, all sizes, 3 s. 2d. per doz. cash, Is. 3d. credit. GUNS, SINGLE AND DOUBLE, AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES. BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. CARTS, WAGGONS, Imrl every description of a«i icultmal implements, manufactured by the Bristol Waggon Works, Company, supplied by Tl. & 1. JONES, AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS, &c. Offices: 4, High Street, Haverfordwest. Benson's Watches and Clocks By spcoia) appointment to H.Rn. THE PRINCE OF WALES. Prize Mfdals—London, I)tihiin, and Pans. Mnkfr of the Gold CaeUete presented hy tin- City of London to H.H.H. the l'rmce of Wales, H.R H. the Duke of Edinburgh, Sir John llurpovne, iVI. Lessfps, tVr. WATCUES — Chronoiiietei, Chronographs, Keyless, Kepvatorn, Levcisi, 11 oi izontais, for Ladit-s I and Gentlemen. CLOr.KS-For Dining and IVawiiig-Roonis, Carriages, j CiiurclH'N, IJa.i or Shop, Perpetual Calen- dars, W iini Dials, fee. JEWELLERY—Specialities in Monograms, Diamonds (. ryNlal-'j HUii Fine GolrJ, lor Bridal and oilier l'reeents. SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATE# For Preientationg itaciii^r, Dinners a la Russe, or Ten 'I'.iblp..tc, &c. WORKS OF ART in bronze, by the best ArMsten. rUICES anil deHcriptions of Watehos, Clocks, lIFit- d Jevvellery, Chains, &i\, see illustrated Pamphlets, Pom Free for 2 Stamps. X\ atchea, Clocefs, Jewel levy, Chainp. I'laio, Sc., sent ¡ to all parts of the world. J. W. BENSON, | Steam Factory apd Cuy Show Ilcoms, LUDGATE HILL. And or.D EOK1) STR BET, LONDON. j V.vt.ches repaired by skiited workmen. Old Silver t Watches, Gold Jewellery, &c, exchanged. Mer-1 chants, Shippers, au. Watch Ciuhs suppliod. i STEAM COMMUNICATION HlITWKEN LIVERPOOL,MILFORD, SWANSEA, «S: BRISTOL For the Month of OCTOBER, 1871. l'he Llvtrpool and Hri»tol Channej Stoaro Navigation Compin.vV Steam Ship# HK.rTARCHY, C^jit Jam* Bacon, "apt. Work /4ktiza», Capt. C. Ba rret t Pr.ANTAGKNKT. C;ipt OiDbs Wi s (Japt.. L. Tallan Locisa, Cap;. J. Barrett. J. Kkn-nuiiy, ('apt. Murphv !» in light, Capt. Allen Aonw jACK.Capt. Routaton !» in light, Capt. Allen Aonw jACK.Capt. Routaton .Mohtaou, Ca^t Sjieakman Li.kwkt.i.tn, Capt. Frost M.W Ship, (I!akling) The above, or some other .»ini;ible veseol, is intended to rail with lioorin and 1'assenRprSj pr<^enteii by anv unforeseen occurrence) as follows, witti or without pilotp a II" iibeny 10 I,JW vef-lell. Irom J.irerpool to Miljord and Bristol. Saturday October?. 5 after j Saturnay 2! « after Saturday it.. morn i Saunuy 28 IV, niviu yrnM JjUfitrif for Hrittol. SlIntlav October S J morn, Sun'iayOctoh^r Zi 3 ngrn Sunday Lt 4 murn M.nuay, 20 morn from Mi/ford for Livrrjxin:. Wednesday October 4. 2 nft'r Wednesday .18. 2 nftcr WeOnewlaj-, II 9 nil Wednewlay ,iI. Untffht iJoTtCB.—The Sunlight," Capt Ail«it, has re»um<:<: her Weekly SniiiiiRe liuio Urihtolto liiverpool and troiii Milford to Liv<rp(,cil. The Steam Itar^e GIPSEY isinteadKl to p'y on the Milford Have*, In onmitinn niili above Meaoiw- (".1 rYJn-¡ grw)ds to and from I'tinbiOKt- Huck, Haverfordwest, and tin adiacent towns. F A Jl r. s Return Cabin tiek't* aiinbtc tor two Vo- iigc*- ,Ú"¿IR. I>rck. j,durv Milford to or from Liverpool Vw— 6<t On Ckt lSg Miltjrdtoor from BrUtot 6s Od JUg Miif""rd to or fr.1 m Swausea 5« <M Js fti — NOTICE .—The lauding and fciuba*-c# ■■pngpri> at Mil for <1, by vhstever oou' Eh pence of the Steamer, or ottv-viL P»s?r-r R-ers and tlie Owners of the (: For turthev particmavs nee sm. Pacor, 4, Tiundord P'inue, L!Vt;TPOC,- Char left Lam 0, Swansea; Kenwort R. W. HO 4* ST I CATHEDRAL THK £ vnrif* of Rn<rtoraficfh hod Jleptir vhiok bt r% pri «amed on during the last fire yMri, com. thmrough reBt. raiion or the Towtr; tb«.Choi*« a thir,J of NaTe ,nd D«in-' «" 0( rbe whole baildiiiff. These ietenl wottee ,otimg be'ween eightMin and nineteen tboutud powiAs, litre absorbed all tb« old Subscription., witk w exception of Mr Traherne's bequest of jC2,000 t"n yet duo, and the Bishop hss io oonaequeaoe eiif nn Sokstription*, U OMnplel* ne Ucstoration of tho Nsre, its Aisl«, md th* ne bppt,. The <*•( o! this is estimated by Mr Swtt *ti.l2,-50P. The Seerplaries will cladiy on appUeatioa to j-wvy <mo a copy „f Mr Gilh-rt Sc^U'i Smom4 Report su"w>"(C what has been effected, tad wk«( works • apressing nature. still remain to be dotM., uti tbe, "m also thankfully acknowledge any ftvbMriatioaa which may be tnod^ The following Donations have Nett efriili" II"- raised for the work remaining to be <<te :— Jr ,M* lnUrno bo<la^t) £ 2m » Rer John Rower, Llangsrsa (oautted fortiH* li«tg by inadvertence) v„» c <a ». Rtoh^ni Uewellin, Esq, Tregwyot j»' » Mrs Mould, Pal modes ton Rectory n" »'^ ri' WM.°-I|tatc Foster (^ond donatio) £ 0 0 Rev H. u tlliams, Rrwon o i •I. W. Kor.ibaw, Esq, Warwiok 2. Mrs Kershaw, Warwick 1 t I Rev Ai. J.M.Green (first subscription) 6" | Rev John Hughes, Vicar of Penally andv | Prehendaty of St David'a (2nd donation) 6 9 I Rev D. Jones, Biehopston, Glamorganshire 6 0 1 Rev Secret an Jones, OTetcrmouth, Glamor- ( »;anshire 5 Tho Lady Llanorcr 26 0 Mrs Harford, Blaise Castle TO 10 Rev J. I'helps, Carew (second donation) 10 10 Rev J. Jones, Llanfiijangel Gonau'r Glyn (second donation) .•$q George Baugh 4.11cn, lisq, Trmpie (second donation) Mrs Pavnter. Pembroke £ 9 Mrs W: H. Reed, Pembroke & 0 Leach, Pembroke 2. § Re? t, BJink, Pembroke 0 lift L Manscii, v-sq, Perebrjke 1 t L. P. Gibbon, L. ?P!nbrok9 i W. Holm, Esq, Pen.^rnkB g § W. o. Hulm, Esq. Pemb'"oke l £ J. Dawkins, Esq, Pcmbr.-hc A 0 J. Dawkins, Esq, Pcmbr.-hc A 0 ^frB W. Gibbon, PemtToke$0 M D. fi. Thomas, Pembroke 2 2 M D. fi. Thomas, Pembroke 2 2 Mr Hilchings, Pembroke J 2 t Goorj5« Jones, Esq, Pembroke 3 8 Mv- ~ra Jones, Pembroke Mill 3 0 Mr W. Williams, Pembroke 2 2 Messrs Daviea nr.d Pratt, Pembroke 1 1 MrWariov, Pembroke 2 2 R. M. Jones, E«q, l'embrr.lre t W. fho-nai, Esq, Orange Hali, Pembroke.. 0 10 Mr G. Barrett, Pembroke j 9 Mr Beddoe, Pembroke j 2 Mrs Morris and Son, Pembroke 0 in Mr Edward Trscey, Pembroke 0is Mr Joseph Piiwell, Pembroke J id Mr C. Elsdon, Pembroke 0 10 Mr H. P. Thomas, Pembroke 0 10 Mr James, Lion II otel, Pembroke f) Ie Mrs Owen, SaviDgs Bank, Pembroke 1 10 Mr T. ltiohnrds, Pembroke. 0 10 Mr Burchell, Pembroke 1 0 Mr Lowless, Pembroke 0 10 Small Sams, by Key J. Alien 1 g Mrs Roch, Packeston (second donation) 10 0 N. A. Roch, Esq, Paskeston (2nd donation) 10 n A. J. Morison, Esq, Portclew 5 0 Rev Latimer and Mrs Jones, Carmarthen 25 0 G. White, Esq, Tenby (second donation) 10 0 Col. Voyle, Tenby 10 0 Rev G. Huntnigton, Tenby 5 0 Rilv J. Ilearn loppelwell, Tenbv 2n Rev E. F. Willis, Tenby (; :0 Mrs IIowells, Tenby < o J. Gwynne, Esq, Tenby (first donation) 3 a C. W. R. Stokes, Tenby 1 0 G. Chater, Esq, Tenby 2 2 Mrs Girardot, Tenby 2 0 Colonel Onslow, Tenby 2 0 Mrs Onslow, Tenby 1 0 Miss Puxley, Tenby 2 0 Mr James Itogers, Tenby 2 0 Captain Recs, l'enby j j Captain Evans, Tenby j g Two Sums of Five Shillings each. 0 MrC. Allen (in Photographs of St. David's) Teuby 5 « Mr Joseph Gregory, Tenby 3 0 Mr John Phelps, Tenby I 1 Mr E. Saies, Tenby 1 1 Mrs Hughes, Tenky 1 1 Mr John Thomas, Norton, Tenby. 1 t Mr W. Walkinton, Tenby 1 J. Mr Thomas Merchant, Tenby 1 1 Mr Jones, Postmaster, Tenby .„ 1 ) R. Lnsoellee, Esq., Croft, Tenby 1 0 J. T. Ilawksley, Esq., Caldy, Tenby 6 0 Rev G. W. Birkett, St Florence, Tenby 5 0 Messrs John Harvey and Sons, Hartrford* west (second donation) 10 10 The Welshman Newspaper 10 10 The Brecon County limes 10 0 I'he Western Mail 1 f) 0 The Tenby Observer jq 0 The Cambria Daily Leader 10 0 The Tcmhrokeshire Herati 11) 0 II, G. Allen, Esq., Lincoln a Inn, (Mcoad Donation) 18 0 Mrs Mirehouse, The Hall. Angle, Pembroke 10 0 The Esil of Cawdor, (second donation) 290 J. II. Scourifeld, Esq., M.P. (2nd donation) 100 0 Lewm Lloyd, Esq, Monk Orchard, Surrey 6 0 Col Lloyd, LilLMlen, Knot g 0 H^nry Leach, Esq., Corston is & Mrs Bavne, (second donation) 26 9 Miss Robson, Penally, (second donation) 6 9 Messrs Richard James and Son, Rarerford. West 6 H. Recs, Eeq., Llangranoe, Newcastle Esalya I 1 Rev William Edmunds, Phostie Eeetery, Ab«rystwyth 2" Rev John Felix, Llanilar 0 Rev J. Tombs, Bir'i It. Messrs Powell, Mulhias, and Evara, Haver- West 10 10 W)., Davies, Esq., Spring Gardens, Haver- I 1 d west I. I 0 •L W. Phillipo, Esq., Rock Cottage, ditto 6 9 Mcsm-b Gr, triish and Dawkms, Market atreet. ditt. a < Rev I hom&s Horn, llutlrford welt (Jltoond I I oonattonj 0 0 Kev fi'corge Horn, Haverfordwest 2 0 Mi*3 Emnsent and Miss Gwyther, ditto" I 2 8 Mr D. P. Saunderc, Hi^idg^ street, ditto 1 I Mr John Phillips, Castle Square, ditto | I Mr Stephen Green, High atteet, ditto (second donation) j j Mr W. Lloyd, Huh street, Haverfordwest 1 1 1 Mrs Philpett, (Castle Hotel, di to 1. ) J il-.n Lewis, E;q., Bar.k, dit'o ] 1 Wra. John, E-^q., Victoria P/ace, d.tto | j Mrs Pinter, High street, ditto 1 0 Mr P. P. Ellis, High street 1 I Mr Richard Williams, D>'W street, ditto 1 j Mr James D-ivics, Victoria Place, ditto I 0 M' John Brown. Market street. ditt(. r. 1 Mr T. Raker, High slree', ditto I l Mt-fsrs Green nd John, Q\;ay street, ditto 1 8 Mr William Hood, High street, ditto 0 10 Mr E. H. Ellis, D»w street, rfilt > 0 10 Mr Wiiiiam Sur.iiers, Castle G».al, ditto 0 10 Messrs T. and J. Lloyd, Dnrk Btryot, di 'to 0 10 F;cderi(k Weiohol E«i, Laoghflrne 25 0 J. L. G. 1', Lewis E-q, (^eo .iid d->r.nti«. ) 10 0 It'-v. R. }."9\'1>, Lampeter Velfrey (second" donation) 0 6 John Beynon, E?q. jun Trewel n 4 T. ft. U, hwell. Egq., Wyngron 5 0 Howard S. Morgan, Esq, Tegfynydd S 0 Rev. D. Jones, Liaodi**ilio 3 3 Rev T, R. J. Laugharne a I j It. v W L. Beval:, Hay, Brecon 6 0 Mrs Dynel v, Tenby 5 a Rev. J. D. William^, Brecon (2nd donation) 10 Íí Rev. E. E. Allen, Forthkerry ft g Rev. E. B. Squire, Sir&t.Hta 5 I) Charles Bath, E o. Swans*?. 26 0 C,;iitrit)u!i,.i, fn<m the {.-arish of St. Bride's per Mr Wra. Robert; 2 5 ,\11 Jenkins, Caidle Square, il. West 0 10 Cathedral Box, 1ST'• 3 9 K P. Phillip-, I I 'J i'. J'L 1) 11 j K. Iv q I ■f D. Browti, K>q., y • 2 Ke\ John Si»u«tt, Rector of B»n*or, jtid I JO 0 >1 tii 111 Ho«e'i', Bluendrfl'iyn, Bni>fior j? 0 Th It v. S. F.-x, late Rector "t Morley, I'ertn shire £ vli4-"? Siii-ild, I^Hibcrlh 1 0 .{■ m. J. II,. Wor^an, ^e'.tfcr.Laui 5 (J •' r, s be rooei red iov SteyntoB. WiltWd Ifav^n. ■lhy, fii»«orartr S» f