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BQYAXJ NATIONAL LIFE-BOATINSTITUTION PATRONESS: BerlMost Gracious Majesty the Queen. BtJPPORTBD BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS. 8 T. DAVID'S BRA N C H. PATRON: The Right, Rev. the Lord Bishop of St. David's. PRESIDENT ITbe Rev. Canon Richardson. 'LOCAL COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. Williams, Esq Chairman I w. P. Propert, Esq Dr. Jones E. Rees, Esq y* Williama, Esq D. P. Williams., jun, Esq ?*Pt. J Rees T. Mortimer, Esq I Pt. J. Davies I Mr D. Perkins Owen Willianu, Esq Mr H. Bowen, jun §**• C. Jones Capt. Oakley G: Williams Capt. Jenkins Howell Mr T. M. Rees **• Harries, Esq Mr Henry Eees "takera of the Royal National Life Boat Institution.— Messrs .Willis, Percival & Co., 76, Lombard Street, London E.C. Makers of the Branoh.—Messrs Walters & Co, Harer- j ford west. Treasurer-W. Watts Williams, Esq.. honorary Secretariea.—Henry Hicks, Esq, Charles Brjwne, Esq. Colleotor.—Mr W. Simons. Coxswains of the Life Boat.-Capt. D. Hicks, Mr W. Simons. APPEAL. As the frightful and heartrending circumstances attending Shipwreck are so well known to all, and are 10 calculated to excite the sympathy of every humane torson, but especially of those who reside on the coast, the Local Committee feel that they might only weaken their appeal by adding any reasonings of their own on the subject. 4, They are, however, happy to be in a position to state through the Eoyal National Life Boat Institution, cost, amounting to £ 420, of the St David's new ■Life Boat and transporting carriage will be presented to the locality by Lord Dartmouth and his tenantry, on Condition that some assistance towards the expense, say ;£200, of a substantial and commodious boat house, and 44bacriptions of from JE15 to £ 20 a year to help to meet the purely local expense of the coxswains' salaries, and the crew for practising in the life boat every quarter, collected in our town and its vicinity. The Parent 11181itution in London will pay all expenses of regards to the crew of our life boats for saving or attempting to "'e life also the cost of repairs, painting, replacement 01 gear, &c, on the life boat establishment. The Local Committee, having received the pronjise of valuable assistance from the Parent Institution in ■k°0don in aid of their own exertions, are anxious that inhabitants of St David's and its neighbourhood 'hould so far as possible, have the satisfaction and the credit of helping to maintain, by their own exertions 'nd from their own resources, a life boat for affording 8Qccour to those unfortunate persons who may be cast *Way on our shores. Without, however, the pecuniary assistance and the general co-operation of the people of bt David|s its neighbourhood, and Pembrokeshire at large, their and those of the Society cannot be carried out in tbi4 plate. The Local Committee, therefore, earnestly 'PPeal to the benevolent people of St David's, and its lIelghbourhood generally, to aid them in this necessary philanthropic undertaking. v Contributions in aid of the first cost of this Life ))oat Establishment, and of its future permanent main- tenance, are earnestly solicited, and will be thankfully Reived at the Bankers of the Branch Institution, and I., all the members of the Local Committee, from whom information can be obtained. JITB.—The Bishop of St David's, and J. H. Scourfield, q, M.P. have each given a donation of £10. DINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA. »'or Thirty years the Medical Profession have approvec of this pure solution as the best remedy for ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, HRARTBURN. HEADACHE, GOUT, AND INDlGEbTlON, JkOd as a mild Aperient for delicate constitutions, espe- cially adapted for Ladies, Children., and Infants. When combined with the ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP. It forms a most agreeable effervescing draught, in which Us aperient and cooling qualities are much increased. warm seasons and warm climates, this simple pre- paration, when taken REGULARLY, has been found highly beneficial. DINNEFORD & CO., Chemists, &c, 172, New Bond Street, London; Sold by all respectable Chemists throughout he World. CAUTIOAr-See that Dinneford & Co," is on each bottle and red label over each cork. "I^LECTRICITY IS LfFE. Thiel heading, formerly used by MR PULVERMACHER, is adopted by Iters for deceptive purposes, as shown beneath. Elec- 'City certainly produces an extraordinary vitalizing and regenerative action on the debilitated ^ftans, but this can alone be effected by genuine appli- such as Pcilvermacher's Patent. Improved VOLTA- CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, &c. which are only realty electric self-applicable flexible Batteries. Their extraordinary efficacy gave them a wide reputation, which quack doctors take advantage by means of ^♦ertisements, teeming with falsehood, in support of Their so-called electric articles and other pretended 'Pecific remedies, and calculated to entrap unsuspecting htients, and then to victimise them by deleterious ?}edicines, intimidation, and gross extortion. The truly Marvellous efficacy of the above in a great variety of dis- uses, as set forth in numerous authenticated Reports Testimonials of Cures from most eminent prac- ''tioner8 and patients (see pamphlet, sent post-free) is j^ttlier guaranteed by A TEST SENT ON LOAN, if Quired, to distingnish the genuine from the spurious "•ctric contrivances advertised by these impostors, 'tyling themselves electricians, doctors to hospitals! &c, and yet disguising themselves under ever hanging aliases. Single Chain-Bands from 5sfo22a; »et especially combined for restoring impaired vital J,nergy, from 30s to 60s. J. L. PULVERMACHER, ^•lvanic Establishment, 200, Regent Street, W, London. GA LVANISM.-RHEUMATIC, NEURALGIC and Gouty Pains, Nervous Debility, Functiona Pisorders, Pataiysis. Chronic Rheumatism, Indigestion it'.Ter Complaiuts, Nervousness, Want of Power and X'tality, Sluggish Circulation, Sleeplessness, Epilepsy, "ervons Deafness, and many other inverterate ailments ?re most successfully treated (without shock or pain) •jLy PULVERMACHER'S IMPROVED PATENT *0LTA-ELECTRIO FLEXIBLE BANDS, BELTS, CBAIN BATTERIES, which by their wonderful "Beacv and simplicity have rendered Galvinlsm a self- !}PpUcable, speedy, and safe remedy, defying comparison, /u'ey are the only kind the efficiency of which is ac- knowledged in the scientific press, and certified by the Oat eminent members of the faculty in England and *bfoad viz: Sir C. Locock, Bart., M.D.; Sir William £ ergu»on, Bart,; Sir J. R. Martin, M.D,; Dr Sieveking, Dr Handfield Jones, Physician to St Mary's f*°»pital; Dr A. Clarke, Physician to the London Hos- &c. Their astonishing curative powers confirmed twenty years' successful experience, are testified by host of authentic reports of remarkable cures, com- PUed in a pamphlet, sent post free. Real Electric Belts gjd Chain Bands, 5s to 22s, according to electric power. ^Cabined Voltaic Bands, for restoring impaired viialiry, ( a to 40s. New Patent Pocket Batteries from X3 to jC4 ,Complete). Apply to J. L. PULVERMACHER, Pa- Galvanic Establishment, 200, Regent-street, London, W., where the original documents can be in- jected, and the effects of the apparatus tried belore "irohase.. GIVEN AWAY. rp O the DEBILITATED.—DR. SMITH, tbeCELE- BRATED PHYSICIAN for the cure of NERVOUS tI EBILITY, continues to send by post, free of charge, a PPf of Lis valuable work, THE WARNING VOICE *•130 ages) a Medical Work on the Cure by MEDICINE NLY of Nervous Debility, Painful Dreams, Mental >?d Physical Depression, Palpitations of the Heart, a°'ses in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight Memory, Indigestion, Loas of Energy and Appetifs, in the Back and Timidity, Self-Distrust, pizzinfs,tl. v°Ve cf Solitude, Groundless Fears, &c. This important § £ °k contains the PRESCRIPTIONS and INSfRIij- ^ONs by which MANY THOUSANDS of Dr. SniSSfi^ t^Uei.ts have been restored to health and vigour, afier and all other FALSELY-CALLED remedies had •ft Sent free, under seal, to any address, on receipt two postage stamps. v^NSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN BY LETTER ^.fTHOUT FEE.—DR. SMITH will, on receiving a *en^ten stateDi2nt °f the patient's case, be most happy to gratuitously for the benefit of those suffering Iroro MjOws Debility, Exhaustion, and all diseases treated 11 his work, a letter of advice, giving plain directions aIa mean8 °f cure, *dre8s, D SMITH 8, Burton Crescent, Lnodon, W.C PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. A GRAND MASONIC BAZAAR £ WILL BE HELD IN THIS TOWN DURING 11 HUNT WEEK, 18G9, UNDER DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE, IN AID OF TUB FUNDS FOR ERECTING A IIASONIC HALL IN HAVERFORDWEST, FURTHER PARTICULARS WILL SHORTLY APPEAR Haverfordwest, Dec. 16, 1868. JOHN JAMES, Hot). Seer ESTABLISHED 1812. H. AND T. P K 0 C T 0 R Invite the attention of Agriculturists to their SPECIAL BONE MANURES, Which are of a superior quality, and the most economical that can be used. PROCTOR'S TURNIP MANURE [ PROCTOR'S WHEAT MANURE, PROCTOR'S MANGOLD MANURE, I PROCTOR'S BARLEY MANURE, PROCTOR'S POTATOE MANURE, J PROCTOR'S GRASS MANURES, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME Full particulars sent free by post on application to Messrs Proctor, or their Agents. ADD B E S S,-H. AND T. PROCTOR, AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, C AT H A Y, B RI ST 0 L. WORKS,—BRISTOL, BIRMINGHAM, CHESTFP AND WARWICK. AG ENTS:- Mr Henry Stratton, Milton. Pembroke I Mes«?s jOavies Brothers, Drefacb, Llanybyther Mr T. Parker, Cardigan I Mr John N. Evans, Aberayrou Mr W. Yaughan, Fishguard | Mr John Davies, Aberystwith 4'2 oil UKM LIGHT ONLY ON THE BOJTMJJY FETY THE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED. AGAINST WBKB11 w .1 j "7 § | I I > CARSONS' P A I N T, PATBOWISED BT HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT, | THE COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS, I RAILWAY and CANAL COMPANIES, THE INDIAN GOVERNMENT, | THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, | COLLIERIES, IRON MASTERB, &C., 7,000 OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY, For all kinds of OUT-DOOB WORK, And is proved, a test of upwards of 70 years, to surpass any other Paint. It is especially applicable to Ix-on Roofing, I— Fencing, Farm and other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implements, Carts and Wagons, Gates, &c. &c., and all exposed work, effecting a. Saving of more than 50 per cent., as it is cheaper, and lasts twice as long as Genuine White Lead or any other paint, and CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED -LABOUM It is sold in a fine powder. Will keep any length of time. No grinding, tinting, straining, or dryers are necessary. It requires simply to be mixed with" Oil Mixture," according to Directions for Use," and at same time avoiding the objections to all paints sold m'xed ready for use." Per Cwt. COLOURS. PerCwt. White Bright Red Light Stone J T^PE»A:r_ Dark Red J Bath Stone Chocolate r0<? Cream colour ••• > 30s. ^rPle Brown ••• I 8* Light Portland Stone V I PAIKT Black 1 Portland Stone LANIFACTJBE Bronze Green i-uir (for Stables). WALTERBright Green Oak colour 1 Medium Green Lead colour j Deep Green r v_ i. 1 J C11 x Cio KMT6R60 *rr.*TATiQ MER« HALL. T»l I Light Lead or Slate 28s. Blue J Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brushes, &o. A 10% CARSONS' PAINT, For PUBLIC EDIFICES, MANSIONS, VILLAS, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, &c., is unrivalled, and is the only Paint that will effectually resist the rays of the sun upon Conservatories, Greenhouses, Frames, &c. 3 Cwt. delivered CARRIAGE FREJI to all RAILWAY STATIONS in the United Kingdom. Patterns and Testimonials sent Post Free on application. No Agents, WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C.; And 21, BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. CARSONS' MM1 PAINT. H This wonderful Ointment acts like magic in the cure of old wounds, sores, and ra H ulcers, however inveterate. It's effect is marvellous in cases of paralysis, contracted |g H or stiff joints, and in stoppage.of the water or disorders of the kidneys it is unequalled I I ASTHMA -A-ZEsTID BBONCHITIS. 9 I This class of cases, including sore throats, bad coughs, and colds may be infalli- g B bly cured by w ell rubbing t his remedy twice a day on the breast, throat, and chest. fi 1 BAD LEGS BAD BREASTS, ETC. 1 | In many hospitals in Europe this celebrated remedy is now in general use. II H In Spain, Portugal, and in Italy, the Physicians regularly prescribe its use for g B sores and ulcers. Sailors, soldiers, emigrants, and miners find it most invaluable. a I IRIEIIE TTIM: AT ISM AND SVVELLINGS. I ■ To sufferers from racking pains this Ointment is priceless. It reduces inflam- H C, B mations and swellings, removes all pain, and restores natural circulation. m I IM^S-TJJDElsrCES OIF1 It OUTH. 1 H Certain old sores and sAvellings can be effectually cured by the joint agency H d of Holloway's Ointment and Pills, if used acccording to the printed directions. §1 g The Ointment and Pills should be used conjointly in most of the following cases g| || Asthma. Eruptions Piles Sore Heads. 9 ra Bad Legs. Glands, Enlargement of Rheumatism Tic Dolourcux p E Bad Breasts Gout Scrofula Wheezing, with difficulty Of M H Bronchitis Lumbago Sore Tliroats Breathing || â CA UTION:-Nonc are genuine unless the words Holloway, London," are g p discernible as a Water-mark in every leaf of the book of directions which may M ■ be plainly seen by holding ■it to t7ie light.—Sold at the manufactory of Profes- 1 I sor HOLLOW AT, 244, Strand, London, and by all Dealers in Medicine, in pots at m 2 g! Is. 1 \d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., 22s,. and 33s.—There is a considerable saving by « R taking the larger sizes.—Very copious directions for use are affixed to each pot. IS TO DAIRY FARMERS. I?KEE by Post for Seven Stamps,, a practical Treatise JL on the diseases of Cows, with plain directions tor uieir ..treatment and cure, written expressly for th< iniidance ot owners of tlows, by Richard Harvey, veterinary Sargooii^ tjefrtiy; ^52 DENTAL SURGERY. MP a' ^'1 fpay fcjg&consulted at the Casth sf < H»v,-r|ordwcsi, oiBThursday. the 18th of* 7une, ioC9. Monthly atcenuaoco. Residence, 8 Dynevor Place, Swansea. 25 "— LONDON AND NOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY. THE CENTRAL WALES EXTENSION RAILWAY*, from Craven Arms to Llandovery, and tiience to Haneity, Swansea. and Carmarthen, is now open tlirough- out for traffic, affording a direet communiesition between uiyerpool, Manchester, and all principal Stations on the London and JSorth Western System and Carmarthen, Lianeny, bwnnwa, and affnoting a saving of 55 miles in Carmarthen18006 ^etweca Manchester, Liverpool, and excepted)r°US^ Passen8er Trains are run daily (Sundays l or particulars of times, see Time Tables. W. OAWKWELL. T? General Manager. Euston Station, Jane, 1868. BILIOUS and Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Loss of Appeti'e, Drowsiness, Gidfli- ness, Spaanas, and all Disorders of the Siomach and Rowels, ir.- qn icklv n-moved hv that well known remedy FRA:\IPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH, rhey unite the recoinmendation of a mild operation with the most suc- ce.'sful effect; and where an aperient is required nothing can he better adapted. Sold by all Medicine Venders, price Is lid and 2s Dd per box. BENSON'S WATCHES I CLOCKS I GOLD JEWELLERY Of all hinds. of all kinds. Of the Newest Designs. Newest Designs. Lever Drawing-Room Bracelets Horizontal Diningr-Eooin Brooches Chronometer Carriage Ear-ring^ Keyless Church Lockets Chronometer Carriage Ear-rings Keyless Church Lockets Chronograph I Hall and Shop Necklaces Mr BENSON, who holds the appointment to B.R H. the Prince of Wale". has just published two Pamphlets, enriched and embellished with Illustra,ione-one upon Watch and Clock Making, and the other upon Artistic Gold Jewellery. These are sent post free for 2d each. Persons living in the country or abroad can select the article required, and have it forwarded with perfect safety. 25, Old Bond Street; and the City Steam Works, 58 & 60, Ludgate Hill, London. 117 1^" "OLVDO KINLOCH'S CATALAN. "Crown" Red Catalan 209 per dOz.1 •'Crown" White 20s | Diamond Red .17s V • j Dinmond White „ 17s | lnciU('e^• Star" (Rod & White) 15s J The Red Wine, full-bodied, delicious, fruity Port flavour. The" White" exquisitely delicite, rich and nutty, equal to Madeira Those Wines are recommended by medical men as the most strengthening ever known. Agent for HaverfordwestE. H. ELLIS, 94, Dew- street. OLEANDER'S Claret, 12s 6d per dozen, bottles included- our label.' T. HINE & Co's old Cognac Brandy, at 48 per bottle, bottled in France, is the finest at the price-our label. C. Kinloch & Co, Bucklesbury London. KIN 'LOCH'S CATALAN. First introduced and so named by us in 1862, We are the Sole Proprietors and Importers of KINLOCH'S genuine CATALAN. The word Catalan is our Registered Trade Mark. The enormous demand for this invaluable Wine has induced some Wine Merchants to offer for sale under the name of Catalan, Wine not resembling Kinloch's Cata- lan in quality. Note tnat Kinloeb's genuine Catalan is sold in bottles with Belts' Capsule and our Trade Mark. C. KIN LOO H and Co., 14, Barge Yard Chambers Bucklersbury, London. DEPILATORY. WELLS' DEPILATORY is the only effectual remedy for the immediate and permanent re- moval.of superfluous hair from the face, arms, neck, &c. This preparation effects its puurpose almost instanta- neously, without pain or injury to the most sensitive skin. Full particular Ðn receipt of a stamped directed en- ve)ope. JOHN WELI.S, 113, Euston-street, near Hampstead-road, London. N.B.—Hundreds of Testimonials have been received from the nobility and ladies of rank who have tried the marvellous remedy. 60 DENTISTRY. ft TR E. L. JONES (of the Firm H. M. Jones & Son Irl- Surgeon-Dentists, M.C.D.E., 19, Northampton Place, Swansea—Established 1809) Attends periodically at the followmg places:- CAKMARTHEN.—The last Monday, at Messrs Thomp- son and Shackeil's, Uuildhall-square. Next visits— May 31st, June 28th, July 26th. TENBY—The last consecutive Tuesday and Wednesday in each month, at Mr J. M. Henton's, 5 & 6, High-street, Next visits-May 25th and 26th, June 29th and 30th, July 27th and 28th. IIAVERFORDWEST-The last Thursday, at Mr Wm. Griffith's, Bootmaker, fligh Street. Next visits— May 27th, June 24th, July 29th. PEMBROKE DocK-The last Friday, at Mr Wm. Cook's Bush Street. Next visits—May 28th, June 25th, July 30th. Artificial Teeth upon the newest and most approved principles. Children's Teeth simply, but successfully regulated. Operations performed without pain, by a New and Safe System. One of the Firm Daily in attendance. 19, Northampton Place, Swansea. A VACANCY FOR A PUPIL. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS FOR THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. A SINGLE copy of a new medical work, written by one of the most eminent medical men of the present day, solely for the guidance and benefit, of that class of sufferers whose affections are often self-inflicted, and who desire a speedy and private cure. For such sufferers this work is intended, showing a certain means of cure in all cases of nervous debility, relaxation, organic or local weakness, languor, blushing, debility, and various other nervous symptoms; also showing how all the so calied impediments to marriage may be effectually removed' with numerous illustrative cases of parties who have been restored to the blessings of health by following the advice laid down in this work. Sent free to any address, on receipt of stamps to pre-ray postage. Address to the Secretary, Institute of Anatomy. Bir- mingham. CAUTION.—Parts of the above bor-k have been copied by several quacks. Persons should be careful in whose bands they intrust their health, and read this work before applying to any one. 107 .—— Jt pill EM"! DELICACIES, Of the Highest duality, j i Manufactured by i ICROSSE^BLACKWELLJ S Los ¡ PURVEYORS TO THE QUEEN. "*Hj j PROPRIETORS OP j | CAPTAIN WHITE'S ORIENTAL PICKLE 1 AND CURRY PASTE. j Sold retail in all parts of the World, and | Wholesale at the Manufactory, SOHO SQUARE, LONDON. | 1^3 P8IK MiOALS, PAWS EXHiBITlOH,1867-| SAIGON FISHERY ACTg. EASTSf WEST CLEDD Y I NOTICE IS HERE&%<HtfcN^g; THAT at a meeting of the Wwtk of ConsMyators of tho abovejdistrict, convenPWlnd held aXbe Shire ilan' ^faver,:(>rdwest, on Saturday, the 3rd day of-April, *869. It >vBa resolved (inter alia), 1st That tb'e^Ciose Season for- Rods and Lines, and Nets, &c. he extended from the 15thdnv of March,to the let day of April in each and every year; 2nd That the Close Season for Rods and Lines, com- mence on the 1st day of December in each and every 2 the C,ose Season for Nets. commenee OD ,J0 d»y of October in each and every year. *"at copies of tho foregoing resolutions be trans- mitted to the Secretary of State, hy the Clerk of this Board, with a request that he be pleased to sanction and approve the same. And Notice is Hereby further Given, that at the expi- ration of one Month from the publication and service of this notice, pursuant to the provisions of the said Acts, application will be made to the Secretary of State to approve of the foregoing Resolutions. Givon under my hand this 19th day of Anril, 1863, By Order WILLIAM MILLIGAN PHILLIPS, 11-7 Clerk to tho Board. GALVANISM V. NERVOUS EXHAUSTION Is the most sn^ftifaliy and painlessly self applied by means of PULVERMACHER'S PATENT IMPROVED VOLTA-ELECTRIC CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, AND POCKET BATTERIES In Rheumatic, Neuralgic, and Gouty Pains, Nervous Dtbiiitif, Sleeplessness, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Indigestion, Cramp, Asthma, Nervous Deafness, Functional Disorders, i~c. rPHE strong guarantees of their marvellous efficacy, X furnished in the numerous authenticated Medical Reports and Testimonials ot Cures, in a recent pamphlet sent post free, are enhanced by a Test seat on Loan if required, for discerning »h3 auuvc geuui„0 .tum the spurious electric appliances advertised by quackish im- posters under various aliases. Price List of Pulvermacher's Chain-Band and Batteries. PULVERMACHER'S VOLTA ELECTRIC N. CHAIN. BANDS for Sciatica, Rheumatic, Neuralgic, and Gouty Pains, Local Paralysis, Cramp in the Extremities 18s, 22s, and 40a. PULVERMACHER'S VOLTA ELECTRIC B. CHAIN- BANDS for Lumbago, Indigestion, Liver, Chest, and Functional Dis- orders, &c. to be worn as a belt 22s, 40s, and 55s. PULVERMACHER'S VOLTA ELECTRIC B. CHAIN. BANDS for Nervous Deafness, Head, Tooth, and Face Ache, and Noises in the Head.. K)s 6d to 21s. PULVERMACHE 'S VOLTA ELECTRIC B. CHAIN. • BANDSfor Loss of Voice and other affections of the throat.. 10s 6d to 21s PULVERMACHER'S VOLTA ELECTRIC B. CHAIN- BANDS for Writers' Cramp, Trem- bling, Nervousness, &c. nTTT to 30s and 40s. PULVERMACHER'S VOLTA ELECTRIC B. COM- BINED Do. for Central Paralysis, Epilepsy, General Debility, Func- tional Disorders, &c. 3tfs to 50s. PULVERMACHER'S VOLTA ELECTRIC CHAIN BATTERIES for extreme Nervous Debility, Paralysis, and for restor- ing exhausted Vital Energy (to be used in conjunction with Combined Bands) 3 to 4 guineas. PULVERMACHER'S VOLTA ELECTRIC BATH BATTERIES for treament by Eiectric Baths in the Patient's own bedroom in many cases, and for eli- minating poisonous substances from the system, Paralysis, &c.. £ 3 to.£6 CAUTION.— £ 10,000 Damages (by judgment bearing date London, 30th Nov. 1856) were awarded to the Inventor of tho above against Mr Meinig for in- fringing his patent rights This, however, has not prevented obscure individuals, under the disguise of ever-ohanging aliases, practising their quaokish ex- tortions at the expense of the unsuspecting patient by their advertising most delusively, merely as a catch, articles of similar description, which are in reality nothing else but a sham and a dupery, as are all their ostentatious assertions, without any proof to rely on. Thus cautioned, the public will know how to guard against the trickeries of these pseudo-electricians. For full particulars apply to J. L. PULVERMACHER, Galvanic Establishment, 200, Regent Street, London. Pamphlet Post free. P.O. Orders payable at (Foubert's Place), Regent Street, W. Agent.—J. Cole, Chymist, Aberystwyth. AMENDMENT OF THE SALMON FISHERIES IN THE COUNTY OF PEMBROKE. Present Subscribers to the Amendment of the Salmon Fisheries in the County of Pembroke. £ s. d. W. Walters, Esq 5 0 0 J. H. Scourfield, Esq. 5 0 0 W. Fortune, Esq. 2 10 0 John Stokes, Esq 6 0 0 Rev C. H. Barham 1 0 G. R. G. Rees, Esq 1 0 J. L. G. P. Lewis, Esq 1 1. Rev. Mr Jones. 0 10 Colonel Peel 10 0 M. A. Saurin, Esq 100 Mr John Brown 110 C. E. Bowen, Esq 100 E. T. Massy, Esq. 110 H. Leach, Esq. 100 R. P. Davies, Esq 10 0 Capt Chambers 1 1 0 Major Willan ] 1 1 r. S Harford, Esq 110 Rev. R. Lewis () 10 0 Capt Worthington. 10 0 J. O. T Edwardes, Esq 100 Capt 0. Edwardes. 110 W. Davies, Esq 110 George Le Hunte, Esq 100 Rev J. H. A. Philipps. l I 0 Archdeacon Clarke 100 Ilev. J. Tombs 100 T. T. Edwardes. Esq 100 Mrs Edwardes 2 2 0 Baron de Rutzen. 2 0 0 Capt Gower 3 3 0 John Harvey, Esq 110 R. Llewellin, single donation 5 0 0 Rev. Mr Chandler 110 Allred Starbuck, Esq. 0 10 0 M. Owen, Esq. 500 Colonel Edwardes, M.P. 5 0 0 Thomas Meyrick, Esq 100 W. M. PHILLIPS, Clerk Board. TRADE MARK. PURE AND UNADULTERATED. IMPORTANT TO DAIRYMEN AND CHEESEFACTORS, R. J. FULLWOOD & Co's (Late R. J. Fullwood & Bland's) HIGHLY CELEBRATED FLUID EXTRACT OF A NIT ATT O, FOR COLOURING CHEESE AND BUTTER. rpHIS valuable article is prepared from the fines quality of the true Vegetable Annatto only, war- ranted perfectly pure, innocuous, and FREE FROM ANY ADULTERATION WHATEVER; it will be found the most convenient and certain preparation for the purposes of colouring Cheese and Butter; produces a rich golden tint, so much esteemed in the London and other great markets, without injury to their natural flavour. or discolouring the Whey Butter, with half the usual trouble to use, and the certainty of colouring the whole Dairy of Cheese or Butter alike; is free from sedi- ment, will immediately incorporate or mix with the Milk or Cream. It has now been introduced upwards of thirty years, and has obtained a considerable repute in the North and West of England, where it is used by the largest and most experienced Farmers, and is also in general demand in the Dairies of Scotland, Ireland, Holland, and Ger- many. IN COLOURING BUITER it will be found by far superior and much cheaper than any other article n use for that purpose. PREPARED ONLY BY R. J. F U L L W 0 0 D & Co, ANNATTO WORKS, SOMERSET PLACH, HOXTON, LONDON, Importers, Successors, ana Sole Manufacturers of the Original Fullwood's Annatto. Established 1785. '7' To prevent Fraud, our A nnattos are stamped as above, and bear our Trade Mark-a Stag with Olive-branch. Sold by all respectable Druggists. Grocers, and Cheese. factors throughout the kingdom in Bottles of full meapure s Quarts 5s: Two Quarts, 10s; Pints, 28 9d; Half Pints, Is 9d; Quarter Pints, Is; :and Half-quarter Pints. 6d each. 1-10 x MK. EDWARD PlANO-FORTE, VIOLIN, <ND V PJA NO-FOJtTM ORGANS and RESIDENCE—6/^e^LI^ r:^R V JOSJEpH p 0 • S' GSOCEi AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, 2.0 • AGENT. MAIN STREET. PBMBBO PJtI Ci & R U S s SOUSE PAINTERS, PAPER yiaaiers, Lead-Light Manufacturers, &o TOWER-HILL, HA V ERF 0 RD W E •A.- F tI -Ju 11. (From HoidichVi, London,) ORGAN B Tf L D E R AND PIANO FORTE MiKSB AND TUNER, TOWER HILL, HAVERFgrfbWEST. Organs ind Piano Fortes kept ia Tune by Contract. 118, MR. H. L, SPENCER, SUR G EON, DEN TIS T. Of JLondvn, MAY BE CONSULTED ON THE SEOOND TUESDAY IN EVERY MONTH, Between the hours of 9 and 4. at Potter's Library Haverfordwest. 16, Orchard Street, Portman Square, W. 162 AYOIJNU LADY wishes to obtain a situation either as Companion to a Lady or Governed to yoonp children. is capable ot teaching Music, French, and English. Address, E. M., Post Office, Exeter, 0 "1"£ty I to the Editor of this paper. 17 PHCENIX FIRE OFFICE, LOMBARD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. Established 1782. Insurances effected in all parts of the world. Prompt and liberal loss settlements. The fullest advantages of the proposed remission of Duty, secured to the Assured at once. GRO. W. LOVELL, Sec. 164 GEO. W. LOVELL, Secretary. A SURGEON in a large practice requires a PUPIL for two or three years (to take the place of one who will soon leave to pursue his studies at one of the London Hospitals). He would be assisted in passing his first examination in Classics and Mathematics, and would have the privilege of attending a large County Hospital. Premium required £ 150. Apply to Mr Harding, Surgeon, Ripley, Derbyshire. 77 PEMBROKESHIRE AND HAVERFORDWEST INFIRMARY. ONTRIBUTIONS, 1869. ^TiHE Secretaries of the above Institution beg most JL gratefully to acknowledge the receipt of the fol- lowing sums, and would at the same time respectfully urge upon the attention of those Clergymen, Dissenting Ministers, and others in the County, who have not yet made collections on bebalf of this Institution for the present year, the pressing and many claims which it has on their sympathy and support. £ s. d. Collection in Jeffreyston Chutch, per Rev J. D. Palmour 1 1 9 Ditto after Lecture in Milford National School Room ] 10 8 Donation by Mrs Philipps, ofPicton Castle 5 0 0 IMPERIAL AUSTRIAN GUARANTEED STATE LOANS. No LOTTERIES. Bona-fide chances to win for £1 the large premiums of £ 30,000, jE25,000, £20,000, &o.. &c. Public drawings on the First of every Month, under the superintendence of the Austrian Government, and official publio functionaries. Official lists sent Gratis to Sub- scribers. Apply for JEl chances, issued upon forms supplied by the Austrian Government and bearing the Imperial half a florin stamp, and for prospectuses to VOELCKER, & CO, bankers, Vienna. < 61 S TEA At COMMUNICATION WITH THE SOUTH OF IRELAND. ff^HE New Milford (Milford Haven) and Waterford _L Daily Service (Snndays excepted). The Milford Haven and Waterford Steam Ship Com- pany's Royal Mail Steamers will sail, weather per- mitting- FROM NEW MILFORD, At 7.45 p.m, on arrival of the 9.15 a.m. Express, and 6.0 a.m. third class trains, so as to enable passengers to proceed by the 6.0 am. train to Limerick, Cork, &c. FROM WATKRFOKD,! At 4 p.m, on arrival of the train from Cork, Limerick, &c so as to enable passengers to proceed by the 8.35 a.m, first and second class Express train, reaching London about 6.0 p.m, and third class, arriving in London at 9.45 p.m. For further particulars apply toany.of the Railway Stations, or to Messrs Jackson & Co, New Milford, South Wales. See Bradshaw's and Irish Guides, and Railway Time Tables. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN LIVERPOOL, MILFORD, SWANSEA, & BRISTOL For the Month of MAY, 1869. The LiverpoolandBristolChannel Steam Navigation Company* Steam Ships Sovereign, Capt, Gibbs WINDBUKBRE, Capt. J. Barrett MONTAGU, Cvt Speakman AifNiKVERNON,Capt C?mpbell lANK BACON, •apt. Work J. KENNEDY, Capt. Allen AKTIZAN, Capt. Capt Roulston AGNER JACK, Capt. Styles LL rWELLYZ;, Capt. Tallart PLANTAGEFET, Capt Old MILFORD (Building) The above, or some other suitable vessel, is intended tosa with Goods and Passengers, (unlesspreventedby any unforesee occurrenct) as follows, with or without pilots, and libertyto tow vessels:- From Ltverpool to Milford and Bristol, Saturday May 1 12Jnoon I Saturday 15 111 morn Saturday 8. 8 even I Saturday 22 7 even Saturday, May 29, 11J mom. From MilfordJor Bristol. Sunday, May 2 6 morn i Sunday 16 S mcrn Sunday 9 2 after Sunday 23 1 after Sunday, May 80, 5 morn. From Milford for Liverpool. Wednesday May 5 4 after I Wednesday 19 1 after Wednesday 12. llnipht Wednesluy.„ 26 U nieht The Steam Barge GIPSEY is intended to ply on the Milford Ilavcn, in connection with the above Steamers, carrvine good* to and from Pembroke Dock, Haverfordwest, and the adjacent towns. F A K B 8 :— Cabin. Deck. Jetvi« Milford to or from Liverpool 13s od 6s Od leg Milford to or from Bristol 8a 6d 6s Od 13s Milford to or fi im Swansea (Mumbles) 58 Od 3s Od — NOTICE.—Th» landing and embarcation of Goods or Passen- gers at Milford, by whatever conveyance, whether at the ex- pence of the Steamer, or otherwise, is at the risk of the Passen- gers and the Owners of the Goods respectively. For further particulars see small bill, or apply to John Bacon and Co., Managing Owners, 14, Water-street, Liverpool: G. H Evans, Bristol; Charles Lamb, Swansea; John Kenworthy and <3o„ Manchester. V. HORE Aour Mit'int Just Published, free by Post 4 Stamps, TEETH, AND PAINLESS DENTISTRY BY G AS U THE OLD ESTABLISHED*" J LONDON, 56, HARLEY STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE. MESSRS. GABRIEL are particularly successful in their system of ARTIFICIAL TEETH, which they fix firmly in the mouth by wenDS of an ELASTIC GUM without springs, painlessly, and without any operation Herald. 'We have much pleasure in recommending the work to our readers.'—Bucks Chronicle. 8 « Invaluable to Clergymen, Public Orator, and Invalidss. Court Journal. LIVERPOOL, 134, DUKE STREET LONDON l56» PARLEY STREET. W. UUN,l64, LUDGATE HILL, E.C. BRIGHTON, 38, NORTH STREET. Attendance Daily. *«* One visit only required from country patients. itsT GABRIEL'S GUTTA PERCHA ENAMEL Jk For stopping Decayed teeth, free by post 20 stamps. ll'ionee. 1 ser. Plover, "S prince*, .ed vonport- x»i, GUrna Psyche. Sfe d, S. E. C. IMnceConS rica Pylades, P*e aeenstown i^SemptoE RattanakLW Portsmouth of Afrina as, Prtsmutb Reindeer, Paei panada Revenge, fern M. troop ser. aiflemsn. Chin H*V)a Rmaldo, Cjlfaa Rodney, Cnaa Rosario, Australia Woolwicl. Royal Alfred, North. 4 t, China America & W.Indim ;§»<■» W- C Royal George,laUs- mcfr town Devonport Roval Oak# M«dltn». ■Blvii, J.anus, China Rovalwt Ti America. ^|geu»vW.C.ofAfric; and West Indies Buzzard, Caanncl Jason, Amerie; **■ „ „ V\>at ladies 8alami*,Chin** Caledonia, Jlediter. Jfcmna, troop service Satellite Pacific Camelcon, Pacific Juno, China ^cor-imW Caradoc. Mediter. Lee, W. C.. of Africi Seoul ord hom^ Challenger, Austrlia Lipwtng, Ireland Seamew. Kinu-stowti Chanties Pacific Leven, China lerapis/troif^ Charybdis Pacific Liffey,special servict Serpent, erd Cherub, Canada Linnet, ord home Simoom, troop shin Cockatrice, Nalta Lion, Devonport Skylark, Gibraltar Cockchafer, China Lord Warden, Medit >la^ey, China Cormora?it, China Louisa, Gueensferry Snap China Crocodile, Troop Lynx, W.C. of Afric Sp aTOWhawk.Pacff ^Service Magnet, Harwich Speedy, Jersey Cruiser, Mediter. Malabar, troop ser. Speedwell, W. Afrio* Malacca, ord home Snider ord home Danae, W. C. of Af. Manilla, China Spiteful E.'Indies Daphne, East Indies Medusa, Channel Sprightly, Pcrtsmtile Daphne, East Indies Medusa, Channel Sprightly, Pcrtsmtile Dart, Bermuda B^sera, store ser..star K Indies Dasher, Jersey M?r»ey, Queenstown starling, Chins Dauntless, H .ill Minotaur, Lisbon StaunchlPortsmoutb Chsnr.^l Minstrel} • Amcncs st fif^rcp Portland Defence Lisbon and West Indies Donegal, Liverpool Mullet, >. America DoriK; N. America Mutine, ord home Tamar troop ser and West Indies Myrmidon, W. C. of Terrible, Devonport Doterel, Brazils Africa Terror, Bermuda Drake, China Narcissus, Brazils Topaze Dromedary, W. C. of Nassau,Straitsoi Ma- Trafalat-r. Lonck Drake, China Narcissus, Brazils Topaze, Valpamift Dromedary, W. C. of Nassau,Straitsoi Ma- Trafalat-r. Lonck Africa Jan r>. i^ast Indies Nelson, Melbourne Trinculo, Mediter. Duke of Wellington. Newport, Meditern, Portsmouth Niobe, N. America Crffent, troop ser. Dunrnn Qneensfer' Vorthumberland, ValiBnt, Shannon Dwarf, China »-.isbon Vestal N A'&WT' Eclipse, N.A.&W.I. Nyrr.phe, E. Indies Victoria*and Albert! Elfin, Portsmouth Obexuu, W.C.Africa Portsmouth Enchantress, special Ocean, China Vigilant, East Indies service Octavia, ord home !viper, Liverpool Endymion, Medit. Orwell,Coast Irelandjvirago Australia Enterprisei Medit. Pallas, Channel Vivid, special service Erne, Lough Svrilly Pandora, W.C.Africa1 wurrior, Lisbon Euphrates, troop ser Pearl, China iWstcrwiteb. Demprt Favourite, N. Amer. Pembroke, Harwicl. ,V_ China and West Indies Penelope, Lisbon Whiting, QueeMtwW Fawn, Portsmouth Perseus, ord home Wildfire, Sheernew Fire Queen, Prtmth. Peterel, pas home Wizard, Mediter. Firm, China Philomel,N.Anurica wivern, Coast at Forward, Vancou- and West Indies Ireland .ver's Island Phoebe, N. America Zealous, Pacii.c Forester, China and West Indies Zebra, China SHIPS. Acorn, Shanghai Fisgard, Woolwich Royal Adelaide, DO Asia, Portsmouth Ferret, Portsmouth vonport Boscawen, Ports- Flora, Ascension Sealark, Devonport mouth Formidable, Shrness Seringapatain, Caa* Brilliant, Dundee Ganges, Falmouth of Good Hope Britannia, Dartmth. Hibernia, Malta Squirrel, Devonport Cambridge,Devonpt. Implacable, Devpt Saint Vincent. Porta- Canopus, Devonport Impregnable,Devon- mouth. Castor, North Shields port Trincomalee, Har- Cumberland, Sheer- Indus, Devonport tlepool. nf"! «. Martin,Portsmouth Victory, Portsmouth Doedalus, Bristol Nankin, Pembroke Vindictive. Jellah. Durham, Sunderland Nereus, Valparaiso Coffee Eagle, Liverpool Princess Charlotte, Winchester. Abrdm Egmont, Kio Hong Kong Excellent, Portsmth. President, City Cnl STATIONS OF THE BRITISH ARMT [Where two places are mentioned, the last-named is that at which the Depot of the Regiment is stationed.] Cavalry. 25th do [lot bat] Aldershot 1st Life Guards- Windsor Do [2nd batl Bengal: Dan- 2nd do- Regent's Park dee Royal Horse Guards — 26th do-Bengal; Preston Hyde Park 27th do-Cbatham 1st Dragoon (itLards-Shef- 28th dO-Gibraltar t Park. field hnrst 2d do Bombay; Canterbury 29th do-Canada; Colche.tr J? 30thdo—Canada; Chatham « £ 5° 31st do—Malta; Chatham 5th do Aldershot 32nd do-Cape • Colc^ster ?i 2° 33rd do -iBtooSh" 7th do Colchester 34th do-Aldershot 1St Dragoons, Dublin 35th do-Portsmouth 2ndd°Uhir 36tli do-Bengal ;Pembr«k« *1* Hus—Bombay, Canter 37th do-Bengal'; Pcmbrok" 4th do Bengal; Canterbury 38thdo-Ben|al Gosport 5th Lancers-Bengal; Can. 39th do-Fcrmoy terbury 40th do-Car) isle 6th Dragoons-Manebepter 41st do-Bengal :Colch«it«r 7th Hussars-Bengal: Can- 42nd do-Edinburgh terbury 43rd do—Jersey 8th do-Edinburgh 44th do-Kilkenny 9th Lancers-Newbridge 45th do-Madras; Chat. 10th Hussars-Aldershot bam 11th do-Bengal; Canter- 46th do-Parkhuret ,Aar? r» il 47th do—Barbadoes; Pom- 12th Lancers—Dundalk broke 13Ui Hussars Canada 48th do_Maltaj Colchester 4?if°i«rlnryhi.« 49th —Born bay jColcb est* !«J 50i1h.mo-N- sJ*°"ChS- 16th Lancers—Madras;Can- 5ist do-Portland; Show- terbury ouv*a IPthdo-Hounstow 52nd do- Malta .18th Hussars Madras ;Can- 53rd do-Canada:Shorncli<r« torbury 54th do-Belfast 19th do-Bengal; Canter- 55th do Bengal; Sbeftlelcl 56th do—Waterford 20th do-Bengal; Canter- 57th do_Aldershot « b.ur? t> in* 58thdo—Bengal: Pembroke 2lst do-Bengal; Canter- 59th do-Ceylon; Chatham y PW r„nrj< 60tl1 tlst batJ Canada§ Foot Guards. Winchester Grenadier Guards [1st bat] Do |-2n- bat-, Ben Wellington Barracks Do r3rd batj Madras Do 12nd bat1 Tower Do [4th bat] Canada J?°,X P r\ .v .1 61stdo—Bermuda; GospOfft Coldstream Guards [lstbat] 62nd do—Cork DoC[2ndebat] Windsor do^Malta • ParkhnMft ScotsFusiHersGnards-tlst bat] ^el .ngton Barracks 66th do_Dobn° .PO [2ND SA t-ionsrath Is t Foot, 1st bat-Madras, J?ft anc]ie6t" Chatham 2 PtC,to» "cbSl6"1 Ond do ristbatl Bombav- 72nd d°—Limerick Do [2nd bat] Aldershot 74th do—Gibia fer j Stir- 3rd do [1st bat] Bengal; 7ct>1„ r Shornclifife Kong1 Do [2nd bat] Bristol ™ „. 4th do [1st fiat] DoTer { ShorB* Do r2nd bat] Dublin 77th do-Bengal; Gosport 5tSliwne,l!ffe 'J B<,n«aI! 78thdo-0»n.d.'i AlxrdMa D»f [2nd bat] Aldershot SBfc 6tro?c°h«steSr Bengal' 80th do—Fleetwood Do ?2nd bit! Aldershot 81st do-Butterant ^h^Tlstball Bombay; 84thdo-Jamaica; Colehe*. 8th do [1st bat1 Bombay; ter Do [2nd8bat] Aldershot 85th do-Bengal Shorn* 9tLokeCl8tbat]CaPe; Pem" do—Mauri tin# | Park- Do [2nd bat] Dublin m u w 10th do [1st bat] Japan; ^al™e' Chatham Parkhon| Do [2nd bat] Madras lltli do [1st bat] Bengal; Prestoa Parkhnrst 91st d°-L> £ >T0r SSFCSSS'. Do I 2nd bat] Bengal; Gos. 95th do Bombay; Pembroke I3th do[l.ttat] Slbidtar, J5g tLfStStiZ™ fehorncliffe 98th do—Aldershot 'ih fh I1"' ^"lDii^ Shdd°oZSaP8Vo^r68t0a DS~NE 15th do [1st bat] Bermuda; l^rddo-Bengal shQrm DoC[2dbat] Cork 105th do^enf*!5 lcth do Halifax,Nova Scotia clfffe 5 Sbor"* Do' 2nd bat] Barbadoes do-Bengal ;ChatbUi 17th do [1st bat] Newry P"8to* Do 12nd bat] Mullingar })» do-Bombay; Chat* 18th do [1st bat] Curragh do Bengal; Chat Do [2t d bat]New Zealand; Colchester Rifle Brigade [1st bat"| 19th do [1st bat] Bengal; ^^a«ada, Winchester Sheffield Do [2nd batl Devonport Do [2nd bat] Madras: Shef- Do ^3rd batJ Bon«al field Do [4th batt] Chester 20th do [1st bat] Aldershot n Do [2nd bat] Cape; Shorn- Colonial Corps. oiC!fe r, ,st West India Eegiment— 21st. do [1st bat] Curragh Sierra Leone Do [2nd oatl Madras; Preston 2nd do-Bahamas 22nd do [1st bat] New 3rd do—Jamaica Brunswick; Chatham 4th do—Barbadoes Do [2nd batt] Newcastle Ceylon Rilles-Ceylon 23rd do [1st bat] Bombay; Cape Mounted Ritles-cap Walmer Royal Canada Ritleii-Kini Do [2nd bat] Newport ston 24th do [1st bat] Malta; Royal Malta Fencible8.. Sheffield Malta Do [2nd bat] Burmah Army Hospital Qona 4ft Netley