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HOMAS POWIS REYNOLDS ARCHITECT, HILL STKENT., HAVEKFOKDWEST Design# with Specifications prepared for lioclesiasti- at School. Public and Private T,nNS NTKRIOR AND EXTEBIOJI DbXORATlOTvb. Architect to the Haverfordwest School Board to whom reference may be made. T\K. HUNTER'S Spccial J) nn HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND HAPPY MARR t AGES.- WI)en to marry, with advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing out certain impedimenta which render aarried lile unhappy, and directions for their speedy removal. Kbould he read by all who value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a happy old age. on free on receipt of two stamps.—Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. MONEY, TIME, AND LIFE, ABB lORT IN THE 1WBNT OF ACCIDENTAL INJURY OR DEATH. Provide against these losses by a Policy of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY. AGINST ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS, The Oldest and Largest ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY, lion A. Kiiinant, M.P., Chairman. Paid np Capital »nd Besurvo Fund £ 140,OOe. An- nual lncorue, £ 100,000. £810,000 have been Paid as Compensation, Bonus allowed to Insurers of Five Years' Standing. Apply to tho Clerks at the Railway Stations, the Local Agents, or 64, CORN HILL, & 10, REGENT STREET, LONDON WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. Agent for Haverfordwest: Mr H. BARHAM, Railway Station. TO THE NERVOUS$DEBILITATED. CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN WITHOUT FEE. DR. HENRY SMITH has devoted 25 years exclu- I) sively to the treatment of Diseases of the Nervous system, resulting from exhaustion of Nerve Power— .111., Nerveus Debility, Thjrsical Depression, Impaired Sight and Memory. Indigestion, Loss of Energy and Appetite, pains in the Back, Timidity, Distrust, Local Weakness, he. Dr SMITH WILL TOR THK BENKFIT OF PATIRNTS WHO CANNOT "IbIT HIM PERSONALLY, cm receiving a statement of their case, send by return a tetter of advice with instructions, which, jf followed, will ensnre a core.. lbi PORTANT.-A form of correspondence contain- ing questions, &o., to assint the Patient in describing his caM will be sent poet free, on receiving a directed envelope. TESTIMONIALS TO DR. HENRY SMITH. Dr bmith has received up to date December, 21st, J872, Fourteen Hundred and Twenty-Fout written Testimonials from Patients who reside in the country in proof of bit successful treatment conducted by cor- respondence only. Address, Or H. Smith, 8, Burton Crescent London. W.C Just published, post free for two stamps, PRESUMPTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR P THE CURE OF NERVOUS DEBILITY, By. Dr. HENRY SMITH, of the Roval University of Jena. Author of u The People's Guide to Health," &o. PRESCRIPTIONS and INSTRUCTIONS is a .New Medical Work on the Electric Treatment of all Diseases of the Nervous System, Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depreesion, Palpitations of the Heart Noises in the Head and Ears, In- decision, Itnpemed Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Loss of Energy an I Appetite, Paina in the Back, Timidity, Self Distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, Weakness, Muscular Relaxation, Ac., resulting from Exhaustion of Ner*e Power, flives 1NSTRUCMONS for the Develop- ent and Strengthening the Human Body, how to acquire Health and Strength, Secure Long Life, c I Avoid the Infirmities of Old Age. Also, the rames of Medicines by which Thousands of Sufferers rf.ve been restored to i.ealth and vigour after all other remedies had failed. Illustrated withTcstimonir.18 from grateful patients. Sent free by poat to any address on receipt of two penny stamps. AildiPKM, Dr. H. SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent, Lon- don. W.O. TOIfERVOUS SUFFEREH8. BEAD TTlB "SECRET FRIEND." 'I^HIS Wonderful Medical Guide not only gives tho JL cause, but shows bow a permanent enre can be "IIGoted in all casca of Nervous Debility, Depression of Spirits, Timidity, Impaired Sight and Memory, Pains in the haek, Lassitude, Spermatorrhea, I nt- pediments to Marriage, Stricture,Secondary Symptoms, and All Venereal Dipeasex, without the uce of Mercury. Dr Barnes's long experience in the treatment ot all Sexual Diseases has enabled him to treat the most inveterate cases with marked success. This ?-iluable work THE SECRET FlllEND," is illustrated with numerous cases and testimonials from Patients ex- pressing their deepest gratitude for having been rc- stored to health and manly vigour. sant marr'pd and single this book is invalunhle. two sUMnp*rCe flecur0 *ron* observation on receipt of '• LO°'D,,L, S'0ARO Important to Country Patients. DK ".s; for the benefit of Nervous sufferers who cannot' visit him, he will, on receiving a description of their case enclosing a stamped envelope for reply, bo readvto give his opinion upon the nutare of the case, and the principles of treaimont necessary to effect a perfect cure. (gg* Addresi, DR. BARNES, I. Lonadale Square, Bamiibury, London, N. FOR THE BLOOD 18 THE LIFE.—"See Deute. TOrtomy, chap, xii, verse 23.—Clarkes World anted Blood Mixture—rrade Mark,— Llood ^Mixture" tho great Blood Purifier ant. Heatorrr, for cleansing and clearing the blood from .all impurities, cannot be too highly recommended; for Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Soros of all kinds JUis a never failing and fermanent curc. It Cures Old Sores Cures Ulcerated Sores on the neck Cures Ulcerated sore legs Cures Blackheads or pimples on the face Cures Scurvy sores Cures Cancerous Ulcers On res Blood and skin diseases Cores Glandular Swelling* Clears the Blood Irom all impure Matter From whatever cause arising As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and war r8med free from anything injurious to the most deli* eato constitution of either sex, the proprietor solicits Ouffererpi to (iive it a trial to test its value. Thousands 01 Testimonials from all parts # Sold in bottles lis 3d each, and in eases, containing •i* times the quantity, lis each—sufficient to ctloct a Permanent curo in the Kreat majority of long standing oases,—by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors "roughout the United Kingdom and tho world, or to any address oil receipt of '27 or 132 stiiups by • J .CLARKE, Chemist, High Street, Lincoln, c u Wholesale All Patent Medicine Houses. oold by G. Harries, Chemist, and W. H. Rees, averfordwe&t. HERBAL MEDICINE. DK THOMSON'S tain 1N7,(i0RATlNG PILLS are a well known cer- an<j .u,*dy for lumo.igo, gravel puins in the hack Rout IP8* 'leadache, depression ct spirits, rl uualism, the Li !Rcbar8es of all kinds, piles, UIM! nil affections of itoDur. K?y8 a"^ bladder. All diseases arise trom iHirifv « « and weakues,s- These Pills e'eunse and •one to »r dS| remove central or local de iliiy, give hlood » stomach, restore the ppirits, ..rich the lr«oe nf Jiart ener'y 8,1(1 vivacity, eradieate every everv «« *1 inv'Porate the whole system •he» int» however virulent or long standing. of • "?tant. rel'ef a"d speedy cure. The cinily >UMtl0l frotu men aud women In every •°re eveg » w'l° have been cured of sifin eruptions, Paib6 ,D '<-er*, and sourf on the heml, sore throut, bladcier diL 8/ neuralgia, epilepsy, stone in the of'1SC ° —c Sidneys, &cm bv their use, and Jhen 8)^ recoveries for severe illness ^Uoed 1)7TimuSl'S8 "nd (locto" ha(1 failed 5 h»s ^••'•lest hon^ t0 Publ,sh th«"ir virtues, in T"}e'y ditlu8e{. Bn blc88'ng8 so great may be moro per box ?.K,lttted- Pricc l8-28 9d- at'on«, jjer I rotect the Public from lmi- wOrda RAr PH Tp?, ".Voron,'8,,lo,u'r8 have ordered 5Ted 'n Whitl .ri,OMSON, LONDON, to bo en- *ed to oaC|, er8 Vn the (jovorimu nt Stamp *Bn?Pcrtationv Tff''° ''nl,a,e which is felony r.nd onT 8«nt dir«nf Chemists in the world 1? °'14 33 packed privately in a letter, on *,L.ren°e Road v sVu,,ps by THOMSON, yonr plll5» Kentish Town, r.Qnclon. "Four »ur r.tnnoj,ftU inr 1 my I1111"8 the back, wiiich S. H'm Ul >e;irs- I Uidil. •runuX had he«t\ ,'ej ,L'"rei1 "»c in a icw liours. •ev. j tbt' fico. You, r>lil! lor •v'rs Wlth Rn •^rnitism V1 have nov->r i, lvc M,cl1 mc- «aiie ,1 8lnce I used vn Rri nltui k of gout ot *rs KK '»y 81C S VV. Davis.' ''They Tho paina :!f?i ,anii b.lllous attacks, *hatever ea»o now j v K are quite cured j t •hvery 8ufferer' i ii«i, lilek iiest asaiira, ,BdVJSed to try these 1^ ce that they must Hud CARTS, WAGGONS, and every description of agncult.uml implements, manufactured by the Brisk.! Waggon Works Company, «"Pi litd liy R. & h J O N E S, AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS, &c. OflBces: 4, High street, Haverfordwest. \(..<¡;r-¡.c¡ I'uiiV i'. i» At AUH i'.K'.S PA I hi\T (GALVANIC CHAIN-HANDS, HULTS, BAT- X TERIES, KKCEN'i'LY lMl'liOVKD. Approvod by the Academy 01 Medicine at llati4 and o her Mc«)ical authorities in Eiiglaii(i and at'roud. Th is Self applicable Physical Curative, UII like lIoxious drills, is perfectly harmless and ot all cfficacy vastly superior to all other external remedy. Owing to the physiological, physical, and clipmical effects of the Ebctricity they peinly and permanently impxrt into tl c system, these Appliances exercise all internal action, promoting the digestion, circulation, and nutrition, thereby assisting Nature in her efforts to restore/the normal balance of heal h and vigour in a debilitated constitution. Hence the remarkable cures they daily effect ill cases of Rheumatism Head & Toothache (Epilepsy Lumbago Indigestion iGener.il and Local Sciatica I ivtr Complaints Debility Neuralgia .Paralysis (Functional Disorders Gout Nervous Deafness J &c., &c. Alter all other remedies have Jailed, and thus populari- sing Electricity in accordance with the auihontic en* corniums in the Medicat and Scicntific l'ress. Recent improvements in these appliances by the Inventor render their self application extremely com* fortable and eftective, and thus remediate former inconveniences. ACADEMIK DE MEDICINE, PARIs,-Extract of an official Keport at a meetinK, April 1, 1851, "Tilo Voltaic Chsinsof Mr Pulverinucher are really a most wonderful apparatus. Theyafompro portable and cheaper—two indispensable conditions in an apparatus of this description in order to make the application of electricity mon. general, and to a certain degree popular, which is certainly very desirable in the interests of patients, as well as that of the profession." The committee beg to propose to the Aoademy to address their thanks to Mr Pulvermacher for bis most interesting communication. Adopted.—UHllclin de V A cademie, I'omc X vi. JVo. 13." SoccjtssiVK IMI'KOVEMKNTS have led to the signing ollhe folluwillg testimonial by the elite of the Medical Profession in tiip metropolis, isucli as Sir C. Locoek, M.D., Bart., Sir J. It, Martin, Bart., C.B., F.R.C.S., & F.ll.S £ c., &c., &c., We, the undersigned, have much pleasure is lesti- fying that J. L. Pulvermachers's recent improvements in his Voltaic Batteries and Galvanic AppliancuB for Medical purposes alo of great itnportauoo to Scientific Medicine, and that he is entitled to the consideration and sappori of every one dispo>ed to further the ad' vanceuieut of real and useful progress." Dr. J. PEKEIHA. F.R.S., F.I>.S„ in his "Materia Medica., page 53. 1854, Fourth edition "The application of the Voltaic circuit has been largely prescribed, and has hicome a popular remedy in the form of Pulvermacher's Galvanic Chains. Xhey should be worn so as to elicirele the part, alft-cte(l, in cases ot Rheumatism, Paralysis, &c. They arc re- garded by practitioners as a valuahlo and convenient means of applying the continuous Voltaic Current." THK "LANCLT," No. 1. Vol. II., IS5G:— ''Tins ingenious apparatus ol Mr Pulverinachcr has now stood the test for some years It may be used by the medical attendant, or by the patient him- self and tho operator can now difl'uso thegalvauic influence over an extensive surface, or concentrate it on a single pomt. Ill these days of medict-gnlvauie quackery n. IS a relief to observe., the very plain and strui;; hue ward manlier in nhichMr I'ul vormachtr's apparatus reeomtnended to Luc Profession." CAUTION,—Pui.vEKMAcniiit's VOLTAIC Aiti-IANCES have, bjt lueir unparalleled curativu success, ineitcd envious sVeculators—unable, as they are, to infringe his patent-to un aosurd coru/ldition witll articles falsely represented a E tdricat therefore observe that no Ijalvamc or Voltaic Bands or Units am be genuine unless beating the Jac simile of J. L. PULVER* MAunuu'a signature on the box. Medical and Scientific extracts and a selection of the daily increasing number of testimonials,(together with price list, are embodied in pamphlet," GALVANISM, NATURE'S CHIEF RESTORER OF IMPAIRED VITAL ENERGY," sent post free on application to J. L. PULVERMACHER'S GALVANIC E8TAU- USH M ENT. 194. REGKNT STREET. LONDON: THE itio;t olTcctivc remedy for AS't'M MA, anil other ulTcctions of ihc liUiiKs. ISo treatment Iftss Sxpensivc. «" li-—^ Those propa. \— rations contnin onlj — drills wliicli ure known to enra Astlima.. No troalraontmore oasy to follow. Pricos: Oiif.iri (:n in number) 2s. !Jd.: Papar (vr> |)ioc^=i) nl. (!HI piccca) is. fill. AI.RKXPKYUES' KI'ISPAS'l'IC. PArEIt.-Tho most con- fonicnt |irt!i»'irai.um for k-Htpia^np witivvu »v.un. of Warrirk Itroni.. F. K v.vh_>rvj\-i<l Svw. »'id all <. THE PALL MALL DRESSING BAG, WITH TiUKTY SOLin Hrr.VRU & IVOltY FITTINGS, FOR LADY'S OR GENTLEMAN'S USE. Price Xll Ils. METOALF AND CO., INVENTORS AND HOLE MAKHRS. 19, COCKSPUR STREET, LONDON, S.W. 1'rioo T*i^t °f JaycUcry. nr>st fr«' __— AJu-r. rc'tfly. iSn»'), ooiunro'l wrappor, j> '»t fro*). NEW WORK on GOUT. By Dr. LAVILLE, of the Faculty ot Medicine, Paris. BxliibitlnK a pflrfcctly new, certain, and snfu method of curc. Translated from tho breach by an Knidish liructitionci-. IjoniUm F. Newbory am) Sor:n, 37, Neweate-street, E.G. piLILIAPPS' QUININE AND IK A tir. DKNTILi-UKUl roudors t00th haauff Utty wiiito, arrests iocay, and livovouta ttj tootluicho. rr* .w 111. It also imparts K "P- a lasting fragrance to the "P »-* hrcatli, and a licultlifid brilli::iicy to Uii* gums. In boxes, l?3. I JO. and 2s, 9U., .V. !1 miHR; or liy x>oRt for 15 or HO stamps of V'- 1 hi'l'tTf, lhanriaceutical Chemist. New-cross, London. holesalc, KewtwifTA Sony, 8T, NewKato-Btwmt. London. B.C. ifl t,pen to LEND SUMS varying froui £ t., £ 'oo from S per oent. interest to nil rc3!M>otai»'o p -rsons upon th-jir notj, of haud alon;, far' citnre, •- wn-iMit iuiuoyal life policies, lea-je?. ,Ve. Tho amount' Iljitow^I m:i.y lus ropi'Vi b» vn*y instalmonts, or at the oml of n term of y-.w. a«5 may emtlhe Borrower. No law costs. H1H.V relH'Ci on.- rurfurther partieulars .ri.fl name araou«it v^nnircd, to Mr. J. h\Uvip!< S Kin ''s-ro^\i\, SMutlisea, I ortsarn.ir.h, Hants, who v I reply iWr roturi.. K.I'This adrertisemont is etrictl, luivuw, and don, not .aanaic fr-.m any l,oaa h^wety. [i f !TsTi? Vl'l'j!) PlJlCK l.FST mm BIRTHDAY rflESBSTTS POST rot'N. (lock U;H'f»nV,h^l ( lorK I/Ti.) ,v,'l'i«ir»» rtf hrimx^H mkI luntuMou Marhlc !,TpSoIi! "V"rV Ilmnin5l^ S raE v jL triiGY DiltECTOliY lor 1874, I. « Inmsr a «f th" t 'lew. -vii 1» then- Ueirree?, 4c., oi l of Iti-ui iiiA' wiih llwir valus's. &e. <H' paKOS, .!«. (m., or by 4,. n,omii» lf>w»il li. l'.y, lii^ti Holiy.rn. Lon.lon. pIlOkililiT -Uiecos! CHI Ml ST E Y Pio eea!! J isi'-ANl) Mi.l'.Al. «•< I'ltoHtihSS, Vienna, !<•.< !S l-'uun ft t!l> tUoMcesLcr. *<nv liiU'traietl C:iinln':iio now roady, port free. | '< f IW ROY AX, WBliLING-TON ESTA- «. US-'V-. H S'.J■! t;[;M.K.ii.t'i- .•«M.rss..f Wales hy lim;ton v; c,>, \V«• i!»»m M°iTh IIIL.i, W.-I'.I'I ^(VI N.un• t-si-ijsl m-»s| x.siiio'i- 'i U'1': it '!■ cnsurncs. I't i.lmis »f 4«1 vW* Dl'INMtlAI..i i'lOiiUViAN MiXT'Oiili CAP- sifl.i- S, ■. I-* i■>!) '.lv avei-y.<upi'nort«>balsam ,,f, .ill-. !.ud S!>.■«'.Iv one), may be ha-tot all I'lieiilisi: 01 ii\ ,1. Oonouai, i, New Ci«s.roa((, \/)»m.>n. 5 1.i CATALOLiUHS and i (j vr>. i'■ 111;I in ¡,t Mvle. No Charge for Blocks to "sii'MV CAS* •• ami T.U'.iX'H' ( Bilui.iat, find' (I,¡,'I i I '-ti'iialL' and en Applicalani. S. Mil A Fit; It fc MINf, lUtlui)!. Avitiue, 1.n:I"n, E.G. tri -w, ••!• •••'•» -r* "V AG EN r:W.H, REES, HAVERFORDWEST CRICKET! CRICKET! CRICKET! TAMES LILLYWHLTE, FROWD, and CO.'a New Illustrntcd Price List for 1S73 is now ready, aud will be sent pout free to any applicant. Manufacturers of every artielo used in Cricket and British Sports Keiierally, of the best quality anù moderate price. Observe the address, U. 4, NEWINGTON CAUSEWAY. LONDON. AS [iA: TTrPEB ASSAM TEA COMPANY (Limitpd). -ARents in all Provincial Towns for sale of Assam Teas direct from tho Company's Plantations. Prices per lb. is. fid., and :U. r„i. For further particulars apply to Head Depot, (HI, Kimr William-Rtreet, London. Agents wanted. GOLD aTiRERT_CHAINS, equal in OROi'lVid"TJOIiD aTiRERT_CHAINS, equal in appearaneo to IS-carat ijold, will wear a lifetime; post frc-c for lis. fid. and 7s. fid. Lons chains, nd. and 10s. Gd. Cluster rings, set with Alaska diamonds, 2s. lid., fis. lid., nntl7!1. 6d.; single htone ring, fis. ?ije of linger obtained by outli-ig J;, )10 in card: brooch, ts. (id.; caiTings. is. I'd.; scarf pins,2s. fid.; crosses, 2s.; necklets, 2s. 6,1.; lockets, 31. Gd.; sleeve links, 2s. 6<1.; shirt studs;, solitaire, 2R.; pencil case. brockets, 5s. scarf riotrs, Ua.ftl.; Albert.keys, 2s. lid. Post free. Vrteo Listfrne. -^}V. HOLT, .Ti, All Saints'-rowl. Westboiirne-park. fiQ'.idon. W. 3STOTICP, O P "KEMO^AL!; METOALF Aim GO., JKWKLLKRS. SiLViatSMITKS AND WATOFTMAKETtS, DIUvnSJNO-OAS 10 ft TitAVEIiLIN"«-WAO MAKEKS. Established at 8. Pall Mall, in the year 1823, have removed to their new pie 19, COCKSPUR STREET, LONDON, S.W. Visitors to London r.ve invited to inspeit their large Stoc! suitable for presents, at ver.v lovf prices. Every article lnarlvca in pluiu figures, aru' I'l per d''si*onnt avowed for oasu. AU assistant' sent wi»h Koods r", seiocLi .-r i: (k.red, IUii«trated eat.iloeiio i,o:-I fr .0. "l."1 »"i- — -=- ESTABLISJ-LED 1812. H. AND T ™L!B0CT0B AgRICULT UII AL O HEM ISTS, CATH AY, B RISTOL, ORIGINAL MANUFAOTUltEKS OF SPECIALLY l'KEl'ARED BONE MANURES. l'OR GRASS, CORN, ltOOT, AND OTHER CHOPS; ALSO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS,—CATHAY, BRISTOL. AGENTS — Mr (I. Griffiths, Wine Merchaiit, Pembroke Thomas Parker, Cardigan J. N.,Evans, Aberayron. Full Particulars with Prices, Post Frce oil application. IICNCRAOLC tdENnON. iMUUMNtfS MANURE^^ ,.OULDINd&MAtIURE WORKS) (THC CLEN,CORKi IPI'T'lO^S'^ NORTH WA1L.DUQLIN. BRANCH WORKS—GRACEDIEU, WATERFORD, AND SINGLAND8, LIMERICK. W. & H. M. GOULDING i (LIMITED), f MANURE MANUFACTURERS,, CORK AND DUBLIN. GOULDING'S SPECIAL MANURE, For Wheat, Oats, Barley, Potatoes and Grass. GOULDING'S BONE MANURE, For Turnips, Flax, &c. GOULDING'S SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, f For General use, for Guano, &c. I' GOULDING'S CORN AND GRASS MANURE, i Specially prepared for Cereals and Grasses. Applications for Agencies in lMstricts not yet represented arc Invited. ■. AGENTS u_- J. D. Morse, I;augbame John Nicholas, Llanfirnacfe James Thomas, Rook House, Havcrfordwest John Evans, Nantygwynnss Da.vid Lewis, Carmarthen John Harries, Pilroath James & Morris, Fishguard Thomas Evaus. Pembroke Thomas Davies, Gloucester House, Cardigan William Jones, St Clears James Bowen, Catershook John Williams, Brunant. William Phillips, Castle Mawr Thomas Morgan, (Carmarthen John Williams, Egreiuont D. Morgan, Lhmgeitho William Morse, Eglwysl'air T. E. Jones, Llandysil Stephen Owens, Hafod D. Davies, Llanbyther Jonkyn John, Llwynyrebol TO CORIV DEALERS MHXERS AND OTHERS I MESSES. IjOCK & HALL, ]-)rii BONE IMPORTERS AND CRUSHERS. REQUIRE FIRST-CLASS AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF CRUSHED BONES (| in. ] in. and dust) REDBRIDGE, HAMPSHIRE. PICTON PLACE, IIA YERF OED WE ST. PLT WAREHOU E (Late) GEORGE R. LEWIS, RT CABINET MAKING AND UPHOLSTERING WAREHOUSE, ESTABLISHED 1832. ELIZABETH E. LEWIS bege most respectlully to return her sincere thanks for the kipd patronajjo E bestowed upon her lato husband, and to inform her friends and the public in Kenpra), that t> »o miunda to continue the Business in all its branched, urn! shall feci most crateful for any support, she ")aJ r", e' E. E, L. trusts by diligent attention to all orders entrusted to her care, and by RupplyiDb overy artlCle of uperior quality at a fair and reasonable price, to to favoured with a continuance of public P tron e. A large Assortment of Carpetting, Floor Cloth, Damasks, and Table Coverings. Also a Quantity of remnants of Brussels andTapcstry Carpets all at a Reduced Price. FUNERALS FURNISHED. CARSONS PAINT, rATRONlBBD BY HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, THE DUBLIN BOARD OP WORKS, THB BRITISH GOVERNMENT, I THE COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS l RA-II-WA.V and CANAL COKPAKIBSI, THB IMDTAN GOVBKNMKNT, I THB RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, I COLLIBBIE,S» LBO!L MAW,M» &C » 7,000 OP THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY, For all Inds of OUT-DOOR 'WOES. „ „ And is proved, after a test of upwards of 70 years, to surpass any other paint. It is esp,ecially ftPP10 to Iron Roofing, Park Fencing, Farm and other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implements, LM-ta and. Waggons, Gates, &c., &c., and all exposed work, effecting a Saving of more than 50 per cent., M it is cheaper, and lasts twice as long as Genuine White Lead or any othei\ paint, and CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR- It is sold in a fine powder. Will keep any length of time. No grinding, tinting, straining, OT MT^T9 are necessary. It, requires simply to be mixed with Oil Mixture," according to Directions lor t 113 avoiding the waste of paints sold mixed ready for use." WmTE. ^b^MAklC BKIGHT REO. LIGHT STONE. DARK REIJ. BATH STONE.. PURPLE BROWN. CREAM COLOUR. BRONZE GREEN. LIGHT PORTLAND STONE. (f CHOCOLA1E. »«»• KSk"SLAm SW SS" LEAD CCfLOUR. tuiMEn albiatioher*HAUW BLUE. Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Oorrosion. Oils, Tarpentine, Varnishes. Brushes, &c. CARSONS' PAINT, Far PUIILIC EDIPICES, MANSIONS, VILLAS, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, &c., Is uuflvalled, and is the only Paint that will effectually resist the rays of the sun upon CONSERVATORIES, GREENHOUSES, FRAMES, &c. 2 CWT. Delivered Carriage Freo to all Bali^ay Stations m tho United lUHgiiOBiL rillCES, PATTERNS AND TESTIMONIALS SENT POST FREE ON APPLICATION WALTER OARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILI., LOIDOII, B.C. f| And SI, SACEELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. w -NTO AgEyrs. I(KSTABLISMED 1842.) J- AND T. ROBINSON CONTINUE TO MANITFAC1TUBE L. £ N v s, j 1 dhLy, fa[ic_.itilly adapted for the Crops ou winch it is intended they should b>>. used DISSOLVED llONE MANGOLd MANURE SUl EIl-I JIOSPJIATE OF LIME. PREPARED DONE OT (For the permalJellt Improvement of Grass Land). J PRE1 ABED BONE FOR MOWING GRASS. CORN MANURE. POTATOE MANURE. They also still make LINSEED and COTTON SEED CAKES from Soed HS imported only. I Apply to J. and T. ROBINSON, Or to tl.nir F AT 1ULLIP'S ^rsli, Bristol; tlie Docks, Gloucester. K »,U f«,^ rr rT "^y-K'lpMson Pembroke; Messrs. Jo,,cs' Hawrlordwcst, Mr David Vaugha j, Merchant, Fishguan!. MAIlJNltiiV llOTEL, IIA VBIIFOIW WES1\ DlTll"LAMB EGS respectful,y to infornik bis Friends and tire PD.blic generally that lie baa wade arrangements for ) Letting on Hiro HORSE S, C A It It I A G li ,y, vidtd, »nj ft 111 alluded ''™lmg ^SsMblislimout. Tim best accomii,t,a,iton will bo pro- Nov. 29th lB71. BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT TESTABLISHED 1798,) 5, HIGH STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. WILLIAM (rR I F F I T H S Begs to thank his friends and tho public eonerallv W VK I and to announce that by the aid of skilfnl lhe1hberal patronage hitherto bostowed upon him tho newest s-tyle, »t niodecate pr cos Thp mifpriiii f"'j ia cabled to supply BOOTS & SHOES of and strength, and the "/orlvmansliip* will bo fomK3'"r° °f best c!uality, ensuring great durability LADIBS' and GENTLE MEN?S BOOTS2 hS^?10 tt#y obhinftbl° in the proviuces. furniBhed on ilie shtntest notice. liOLb, in every variety, and all articles in the home-trade maJL^uro^lo^ he ba,, on extensive assortment of BOOTS and SHOES of English manufacture, which be will sell the prire8. REPAIRS N EAT L Y EXECUTED. C L E D DTuB R E W E R Y," I BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, 1 G E 0 I-t G ]■; M. G R E E N. MALTSTER & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Agent for Miller and Johnson's Celebrated Artificial Manures. GBlEN~& JOHN, "WiaOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUAY STltEEl HAVERFORDWEST, | AGKIVTS FOR MWES' SUPEftPHOSPIMTE OF tOlE, LA\VES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND LAWES' DISSOLVED BONES. PERUVIAN GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. 0,8 TO sunday GEO. M. HAMMER^ AND OSBoflNK0'?mfS AiSTIEB!» F,N VKNT011- '^d MANUFACTURER of the VVl irh .^V,, qi lluYAL (Patent) SCHOOL-DESKS & SEA7 s. DAY-bC/HO()L IHustrif *<i p0"'blri0 '?» ?C os^» I'lftt Table, and Backed S«at for Leotures, a,c Pus 'ri'"t OgU0 So,Us' Tabics> Galleries, Easels, Blackboards,' MANAGPI?^ ope nee. 1 lie Methodist College, Belfast, and a large number ol other 1VKJ1j li' l>av« been fitted by G. M. II. -08' Sx» MARTIN S LANE, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, W.C. FLINT & Co., ACCOUNTANTS, Commercial Inquiry Offices, 58, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, E.C. Otm system of Debt Collecting is much Bp;irovCll_ I-Our Itegi!sters an(I Refereiiee to Correiipoudonts at onco show Døhtor'a ablhty to pay. 2-No money afttr 3-Special facilities In County Conns 4-J udgmcnt against Debtor in twelve dayp. o— Attendance to prove debt unnecessary." (i-Commission, 5 per cent. under 4-20, 2* per cent. above. /—Prompt Remittances. th" ^f^1C^|and^0,)t, 8fter application ismad £ is not loft to tlio a natural debt. r nnin e|I,cl0V1' v"lun,ary advice is «iven to Subafriber as to best means of rDCOverin^ qame lf :n ahln«, '.n k Wttf > ,UI>°I'| n V'° 00,,lV'r>' obtain* from him such in.truer.oas a" wi'l L beng necessary0 Urther trouble to Subscriber, and without any attendance ot Subscriber be ng necessary. Acidtig of StoiMcl, Sick-headatht, Iniigettion$* .jMCtfWffl'S PATENT COMPRESSfa S0O Brockedon'S PATENT COMPRESSED POTASS', trauRo^ho f j'"00 and the food, aud thus nau- wftixso the excess of acid m the stomach THE EYES! THE EYES!! THE EYES! 11 ^pectac,e« rendered useless. All IVORYVVK rrrp« y?v?, „ i,using Pr- BALL'S PATENT 5,"°tors.—Encloso stamped envelope tbr^particuUirs'to "air* 3 gljtcher. Richmond Villa. Port.!ie]< Chich^tcr ECONOMY IN MO URN I N 6. 0N|LS? CBAPEYis&asRTS«CKDftsOTWONFOLDS0Sf the old make, is MUCH CHEAPER, and WEARS BETTER'' Sold by Drapers everywhere. THE LICENSED VICTUALLERS' PURE TEA COMPANY, BY THEIR Al'rOINTEE AGENTS SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH TEAS CHOICE, PURE, AND UNADULTERATED, A At the lowest possible prices. Q BLACK.—Choice and pure, iu amber wrapp-rs, at, ts. per lb. tjo. do.—Firet crop Tea, in orange wrappers, at 2s. Gd. per lb. MIXED.—Finest Mixed Tea, in chocolate wrappers, at-S3, per lb. GREEN.—Finost Moyuno Groou Tea. in light-green wrappers, at 38. 6d. per lb. INDIAN.—Assam Indian very flne Black Tea, in dark blue and gold wrappers, at 3s. 6d. per lb. In PlICkets of lib., kit)., Jib., and 2oz., and in canisters of Sbs.. "M.. <e sitM. each. Each packet bears trade mark, name, & prio e. Be careful to obtain the PURE Tea Company's Teas. Wholesale Depot: Georno F. Smyth, Manager, DENMAN STREET, LONDON BRIDGE, S.E. COCOA, MANILA, AMD JUTE MATTINGS, „ t „ HEMP CARPETS, COCOA MATS. Apply to E. 8H Pin 110.): >) SONS. Unrtoi,. Wesfmorelaffl. mHE CITY CLOCK COMPANY,' Cuilnnv-street, Lf>ndou. >ui;?)ty every description of • '"fRSfwith two years'warranty) ai, one third below the usual pripps. Lists post free.—G. P. ^VP)\»'»I. Est<l. lrtiift. PAPER Collars, \V ria. «» Kiv.nrs. toi' Gentlemen SAMPLES SENT for 6 STAMPS. \Vith lUustrutrtd Pric'-List. KDWATtP TAN N. r'atH. High K IUKH -.I. T.ondon. Mi ,C. OR. HHYWARD'S NEW DISCOVERY: Tho Treatmont and mode of Cure/ I HOW TO USE SUCCESSFULLY, WITll safety and success, in all oasos of ness, low spirits, dpppondpr.cy. lnnpuor, j musculat debility, of Ktrw.pth. appetite, | WITHOUT MKIIICINE. OR RPROTIRF TO NNQN,I.I-I FLNL MEN V HO PYARTIC* ILEAL- ART" HEART OR FULL PRINTED J;<S<RWO'/O»\ DIAYRANU, *C.. XT., JOR IN VIITUL*, PORT FREE, TWO TROM Dr. HAYWARD. M.R.C.S.. 1^8.A.. ,Vc-. No. li. York-street, PorLinaa-^iinnv.. LonrtOT. W. w. CasalUt, JJivv 36re*t, HftV^rfor dw^ I A CTH ijVS A r I:K ATM INJE CATABKB i i. *3 i 6 i H • 3 i Jj.u<!Ctu!iUy hv usins? "GICQUEI/S ANTI-ASTHMATIC AT. PAPER & CIGARS." Prepared by a firsl-class l'ri.;lri,V ehemist. i-nreo 1>OXB*. ■> imali. Is. '.ul. To be obtained of all Lliemista, and of F. Newbory and 37. Nowiff-te-street, V..<\ "SLA8TIC STOCKINGS", X taniUlOAL BELTS, BANDAUIv-s. &c. Illustrated Price List sent on ion. (K^nWhskcd 18C0.) k. J. ->r., r.ououGH. LONDO:?; BRISTOWS PURE COAL-TAR SOAP PRODUCES A CLEAR, SOFT, AND HEAI/THY SKIN, remove* eruptions.blotches chnps» fce. CloanBep, prevcnt« rontaKion, and preserves hr.ilth. For Xoilet. NuiKery, sihd Siol;-room. In tabiots jk and 8dn txixes all Cho-nisUt Porfumera, &C. CAimoK 'See you pet •• 11RISl^nVS." Nf \yho>ESR'Q: ^VH^RV'Q and TRADSMAHIC. S^,ND Y OUR ADD RJESS TO r~^ v « MenrlQVssolui. 6, FcU"r-lann I,ondon, B.C.. for a list of V UAT YOU CAN HAVF. FOUOVK SHILLIXG. OH POST VRRK ?<> 1H STAMPS. S T E EL'SQO U T" P ILLS on PORT VRRK ?<> 1H STAMPS. S T E E T" P ILLS ARE the cortain remedies for Gout. tnd Khemnatism, raid never fail to enre. Is. lil. and -is. !ld.. of all Chemists, and f • steel, TAverpooVroad. London, N. Wholesale ot New. bery and SOTIR, 37, Newgote-stroet, K.O» IMOVELTlES s CHRISTMAS. AH.F.AI, Pjvck of Curds instantly chanso to a lady's handkerchief stamps.—The Wizard's Bo*, containing lu excellent tricks' apparatus and insti uctio:i». u atunps. Tlie Ma/ic Parse, vvlileh no one can oimn Imt j om-solf, 7 stamps. Tlie linstored and Chnngeahlo ( >rd, truly mnrvelloni, mechanical, JjO stamps. Tlip Mcch.-inicid Aicture Pramo, very elTectivc, 20 stamps.* CataloxiiR «l roduced prices, linw i"iuly, will lie forwimMd post fcm;.—11 AMLliY'S MAGICAL BKPOT, "ji, Hisfh Holhorn, >V.C. Kstalilislieil 1/00- L G O-N I C 0 N ALG I C O K B A L~M~. CREFYDD'S NEW REMEDY. Cares Rhenmatispr, Neuralgia, (iout. Tic, Lnmbatro, Sciatica, Stiff Joints, Sprninn.Bnmehitis, Sore Throat, btiff Neck. Mumps. Facoache, Cramp. Chilblaina, .w. To be had of the Wholesalo Agents-Sanger and Sons. t50. Ox. ford-street F. Kewbery and Sous, S7, Newyatc-street; W. Edwards, 38. Old Chnure: Barclay and Sons, 95, Farringdon* street, London; and of all Chemists. In half-pint bottles (authentic testimonials enclosed), priqe A SAFE and Easy EXTERNAL CUEE for CHILBLAINS, dear as water. no smell, no pain. Forwarded with testi- monials post free, on receipt of fourteen pence in stamps bv JOHN C. POOLEY. Chemist, Bath. FIVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY is now the number of inmates in the EARLSWOOD ASYLUM FOR IDIOTS. Redhi'.l, Surrey. The Cottjmitsee earnestly APPKAL. for increased. FUNDS towards the support ot this larvr? helpless, though not hopeless, family. VEP.Y HfeiAVy CLAIMS ARE NOW DCE. A THANK-OFFERING fro every family happily exempt froai mortal affliction would furmeb ample funds w mect, tvp cmerKency. 3ANKSBB: ihe London Joint Stock Unnk. Prirsrco-rtrcet, E.C. JAMES ABBISS. Treflf-urai, Office- 23, Poultry. Eyj._ WILLlAil NIC iniGAKS DIKECT FROM "BOND, W fiom l'is. fla. jkt loo. Hiih-ey ".1\ braiids supplied r.r EQUM" Prirp l'st tree on appiimu* ictul. •:NOj-^LIGH^v •- riei of a!i Kinds. 1 W ._M/SV «..< .• o■ KPI' 1>«Vr>ff ~T7 •• y|OWNARD-f|: oil enutl ak]? JtJ quickly tf, a<^t?r",5 ojKlchi.'blai'i*. and tli» comrJT^ redness, pimilt ,w TJ;i .C>u c]e"t- Of all chem^t? prc" servtil by v?-*»rrr.f fr(JJ if" in stomps of 'rJ *>n 2c, M and? l^?"don. vV\ "»™PB. 01 Rouse ana Co., j JVH ty' gS^Newfa^.s,.tg.rt | k ? m',AVIl),.S c\ ni!<)HA.L jUIE works of Restoration and been carried on during the last V t prise the thorough restoration of tb. TOi nd the 114 With Its Aisles; a third of the Nive; S4!vo(,1\\ « tin^ t uge of the whole building. Th(*e teer), b"V, testing between fifteen and nine o&d pounds, have absorbed all the old Subecri i fhe exception of Mr Traherne'» becwest. "} not yet due, and the Bishop has in conseque nee cirg culatod an appeal for new Subscriptions, to co ,mpie e the Restoration of the Nave. its Ai*l««, IITld ttii;, ransept The cost of this is estimated by Mr Scott /F at £ 12.500. J|| Secretaries will eladiy on ar»pliottioo send ft any one a copy ot Mr Gilbert Scott'* Second ileport 5 allowing what has been effected, and what works o j .'Jul a nreseing nature still remain to be done; and they will also thankfully acknowledge auy Subscriplroiig which may be nnpie. |r Tho following Donations have beea already pr(« | Olised for the work remainine to be d >UH •— I \i Kershaw. Rsq, Warwick 2 0 ra Kershaw, Warwick 1 Green (first subscription) 6 0 Rev John Hughes, Vicar of Penally ANDJ4 frebendary of St David's .(2nd donation) 6 Rev D. Jones-, Bishopston, Glamofgftnshire Rev Sccretan Jones, Oystermouth, Glamoi- Ranshire The Lady Llanover 25 0 MRS HARFORD, BLNISE CASTLE to Hf P T • PHELPS, CAREW (SECOND DONATION) 10 IO KEV J. JONES,XLLANFIHANGEL GENAU'R GLYN (second donation) 5 George Baugh 4.11 N, ESQ, Temple (second DONATION) 108 I ?JRS ^>AYNTER, PEMBROKE G A Mrs W. n. Reed. Pembrokea0 •> MRE LEACH, PEMBROKE 2 1 REV H. S. BJINK, PEMBROKE OLFT T. MANSELL, E?Q, PEMBR JKE J L^ P. GIBBON, ESQ, PEMBROKE$* V HULOI, ESQ. PEMBROKE K N T RP* ESQ. PEMBROKE J Q \R ESQ, PEMBROKE ,■> ^'•°RI, PEMBROKE 5 N VIR8T?' PEMBROKE 2 MR Hitchinsrs, Pembroke V EORGE JONES, ESQ, PEMBROKE £ G ESJ°™>S, PEMBROKE MILL 3 O 'IF W. WILLIAMS, PEMBROKE J. 2 2 <IT M8 ^AVIES AN^ PRATT, PEMBROKE 1 1 MR WARLOW, PEMBROKE 2 2 R. M. Jones, E-q, PEMBROKE 1 1 W. I'HOTNAS, ESQ, Orange Hall, Pembroke.. 0 10 MR G. BARRETT, PEMBROKE 1 0 MrBeddoe,Pembroke. 2 2 Mrs Morris and Son, PEMBROKE 0 10 Mr Edward Tracey, PEMBROKE 0 1FT Mr Joseph Powell, Pembroke .Ito MrC. Elsdon, Pembroke 0 10 M THOMAS, PEMBROKE 0 JO MR JAMES, LION HOTEL, PEMBROKE <1 LO Mra OWEN, SAVINGS Bank, PEMBROKO 1 10 Mr T. Ricbards, PEMBROKE 0 10 Mr Burehell, Pembroke 1 0 MR LOWLESS, PEMBROKE 0 10 Smnll Sums. by Rev J. ALIEN I 5 Mrs Roch, PACKESTON (second a.mation) 100 ^1. A. ROCH, ESQ, PASKESTON (2ND DONATION) 10 (» A, J. MORISON, ESQ, PORTCLEW 5 0 Rev Latimer and Mrs Jones, CARMARTHEN 26 0 G. WHITE, ESQ, TENBY (SECOND DONATION) 10 0 Lol. Voyle, Tenby 10 0 Rev G. Huntnigton, Tenby 6 0 REV J. ILEARN POPPELWELL, TENBY 2 0 REV E. F. WILLIS, TENBY 0 10 MRS HO WELLS, TENBY 5 ? J. GWYONE, Esq, Ten by (first donation). 33 C. W. R. Stokes, Tonby 1 0 G. Chator, Esq. Tenby 2 2 MRS GIRARDOT, TENBY 2 1. Colonel Unblow, Tenby 2 0 MRS ONSLOW, TENBY I 0 MISS PUXLEY, TENBY 2 Q Mr James ROGERS, Tenby 2 0 CAPTAIN REES, TENBY J J Captain Evans, Tenby 1 9 Two Sums of Five SHILLINGS each. p jo MR C. ALLEN (in PHOTOGRAPHS OF ST. DAVID') TENBY F „ MR JOSEPH GREGORY, TENBY V » MR.TOHN PHELPS,TENBY V T MR E. SAIES, TENBY »■•••• 1 M RS HUGHES, TENBY I.) } MR TBOMAS MERCHANT, TENBY 1 1 MR J ONES. POSTMASTER, TENBY J 1 R. LAACELLES, ESQ., CROFT, TENBY 1 A J. T. HAWKSLEY, ESQ., CALDY, TENBY 6 0 Rev G. W. lliflkett, St FLORENEE, TENBY Ú" Messrs John Harvey and Sons, ilaverford- west (SECOND DONATION) ] 0 10 THE WELSHMAN Newspaper 10 10 The BRECON Coun {II TIMES 10 0 Tlte WESTERN Alail 10 0 THE TINHJ IOH.SCR VER 10 0 THE CAMBRIA HAIL;/ TENDER 10 0 The TCMBROKFSJIIRE HERA D 10 0 II, G. ALLEN. E-Q., Lincoln's Inn, (SECOND DONATION) 10 Mra Mirehousp, The HHII, ANPLE, Pembroke 10 0 The Earl of Cawdor, (second DONATION) 200 J. H. SCOUTFIUID, KSQ., M.P. (2ND DONATION) 10FT 0 LEWIS LI°Y(3, J,-SQ( I\|0NK ORCHARD, SURREY 5 0 COL. LLOYD, LIIK'SDEN, KENT 5 0 HENRY LEACH, E"Q., CORATON 1FT 0 ? F8 (SECOND DONATION) 25 0 MISS ROBSON, PENALLY, (SECOND DONATION) 5 0 Messrs RICHARD James and Son, flaverford, WEST # G I)' ^NGRANOG, NEWCASTLE ETNIYU I 7T EJMUNDS, RHONTIE RECTOR*. Abtrystwyth 2 0 Rev John FELIX, LLANILAR 2 0 Rev J. Tombs, Durton 10. 1 essra Powell, Mathiaa, and Evans, ilttver- WEST WM. DAVIES, ESQ., SPRING GARDENS, HAVEI- ford west 6 0 I PHILLIPS, ET,Q., ROCK COTTAGE, DITTO 5 0 ESSRS GREENISH AND DAWKINS, MARKET STREET, ditto 5 0 Rev Thomas Horn, Haverfordwest (SECOND donation) 2 ^«ORGO HORN, HAVERFORDWEST 2 M^rv -.Rnt an(* ^'5!S G^yther, ditto 2 \FF BRIDGE STREET, DITTO I F JOHN PHILLIPS, CASTLE SQUARE, DITTO 1 STEPHEN GREEN, HIGH STREET, DITTO (second donation) 1 Mr y"- Lloyd, High street, Haverfoniwest 1 L HILPOTT, CASTLE HOTEL, DI TO 1 •^NN LEWIS, ESQ., BANK, DITTO I ? M. J,HN, ESQ., VICTORIA PLACE, DITTO 1 I POTTER, HIGH STREET, DITTO 1 JJR P. P. ELLIS, HIGH STREET 1 MR RICHARD WILLIAMS, D"W STREET, DITTO I JAMES DAVIES, VICTORIA PLACE, DITTO 1 John Brown, MAIKCT STREET, ditto .t 1 Mr T.lhker, Hij!;b !ltreel, ditto JLESERS Green flnd JOHN, Qunv STREET, ditto ",r. MR W ILLIAM HOOD, High street, ditto 1. 5JR E. H. ELLIS, DEW STREET, DITTO MR WILLIAM SANDERS, CASILE GOAL, DITTO 0 MCSERS T. AR;J J. IJLOYD, DARK STREET, DITTO 0 FREDERICK WEITTHOLT, ESQ, LAAGHARNE .C 25 »• L. G. P, Lewis, Esq. (second donation) ^10 Rev. R. LF-RIS, Lampeter Velfrey (second donation) JOHN Beynon, Esq, jun .Trewern T. R. 0. Powell, Esq.. Wyngron IS Howard S. MORGAN, ESQ, TCGFYNYDD. 5 0 I REV. D. JONES, LLANDISSILIO a 3 REV T. R. J. LAUGHARNE 1 J. RFV W. L. IJEVILN< Hay, BRECON 5 l) Mrs Dynoley, Tenby 5 9 REV. ,7. D WILLIANIS, BRECON (2ND DOJATION) 10 O REV. E. E. ALLEN, PORTHKERRY 5 0 Rev. E.B. Squire, Swansea 5 CHARLES BATH, E-Q, SWANSEA 25 Contribution frr-m th<* parish of St. Bnie'a per Mr Wm. ROBERTS 2 6 MR 3'UI.IUUT, CN>UE H. WEST.. U 10 MR J. MACKEN, LIYDOI FTEOI. 1. ILO II. H-VAUE;L! IR>, 1^: 'I"I CASTLE T^» P J. THIRLVRALL, ESQ, ABERGWIH (\ COL. WILLIUM SLNTFF. CHELTENHAM A FRIEND, by Miss ^ELHR;Y Parry. 2nd donation <4 ROT. J.'H. Morgan l' THE DOAN OF BANGOR D. J. JEFFREYS. IHWI. S„|)S/R;V,, V Colloctionat W«^aigwydd, by I>1 o- LlKWilo, ky H«*. u Bi-v n p Sydney 20 "0 » -EHER, P/MHCO 3RD OON/.I- .4; mlico 3rd ooni.i. X' 4 u ■« OF CHICLFETER. { J ^77" 1 1 1 1 >72* 1 I 8 0# f „ 'n r(nT \a s°t^ T1'1 be rt>fleivc^ by n<"a 'L. Eso T 1 Haven I tnri u144168 ,ty' Henorary Seore- r,' 1 b-v Messrs Mnv. o/an SoK"' Banker^ Car I riitcJa aQ(i Mesasi lNB 8Qd Cq"' BtakeU'