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MPF.RIAL AUSTRIAN LOAN I MONTHLY DRAWINGS: Pii1,j: JE25,000. £ 22.000) £20,000, £15.000, £10,000, £ 5,000, &c, IIc, down U. £ l*_ aTH TTiR AVTFFO by the Imperial Austrian Govern <Gui5 £ 'Of Government OflRci*1»- h Bi)0Ve Priz^s ■ciin be had at £ 1 eac (he AoENCy FOB chances oost £ 5-_r^^A itr.erland) ^PUBLIC FTJND' W Gb Gj;^EVA either m lances are to be sent.DIRLC p0et-office Order* Bank Notes, Crossed *1 Afflce t0 aie M«ua«' r, payable at 1 he General To^t Office iuppiy i'r0- Mr OTTO HOSE in Geneva, w io will also pp y spectuses gratis on prepaid application. tlle B.ICIK, CRAVEI.. I.UMBAGO, P IRHET*&WISM, (IOUlr, I)ISEASXS. of tlw KIDNEYS,S?BLADDF.h, srR^L^\ pills) Dr. De Roos' Compound Renal Pills Are celebrated all speedy remedy fo[ U)/ the Bladder, and Dis- Di-charges of any kind' TTr'nnTy Organs gen"*11!- eases of the Kidneys and Ur,n*r;> u JU)e Posse<»Wip ionic Pr^Per*.?"' digestive org ins in- delicate stomach, strcr.gthci geral health, and in •crease the appetite, unprovetJ« f cube'bs «„d three days willftvect aco a(ter|y failed •»\\ dmgcrOUS ami 33s p<T box.. Is 1$<1.. 2,„n infnli'ble rcm' dy in the TUese celebrated 1'ills j«re ft &\oiv >, many thoti- tdOst«>!bgVii»ate case'- B> tored ,0 health.-when have been annuity re „ jr yaBt superiorty &err other i»'*dicine iia& A • ftfc0ve cow plaint* «rer everything else m V't^and the .x..ordinary de- iis nniversaHy acUnowle.U? j introduction is unand for them ever si^c i|8Ve they ever been •without precedent. In no to* drtnger0us symptoms so (known to fail, or produce tho:-e « lurpentine, and •often resulting tn»m cop* 'j hey-require •■other medicines u'ua y.™Be 0f diet, and may justly Neither confinement nor h remedy for all Ttte considered thr only safe edacious r stages of those disorders lor «hu.b tney mended. THE MOST WONDERFUL PfLLS INT THE Dr. De Roos' Vitse, or Vege- table J-afe ills* /V LL sufferers from^eneral H^misr^ A filing* low spints ''JaHure o- the men- •wweessnry fears,mental ,fit? ner»e% bead- *al and bodily powers wi indigestion, and «eche, noises in the head, 1 w,|l tia'l with joy ■other symptoms of chronio i which speedily ^the discovery of Dr. D(' os tt1,d rt'iS' «' what- *nd almost magically ramove p gpjTjt, vigouf 10 •*er namrte,restore cbi-erfulri-9 on which the bc^ ai d j-trengtben a particle health and life depend. 1 hey Rnd !or „n aff'cc- of mttcur\, but are purely ^eg, headache, tions of the liver, S^tcttcv. b»b- ,enst.- d'Ziiness, loss ol appetite, towi ,iach> paingl be- tions oftalness at tbe pit of ll arisng from tween the shoaJder, and the f of findigektion *<1 central (ldran.aRe that *>nt:xamplrd eflieacy at d it janeer from wet they ca« toe taken at any u, e or plca •or coW, or netessity tor restrain r «» it|10Ut pnin or '"Ure, They act mildly or. 'M- mach pro^oto a sgriping, impart suen«th to t^e sK^inac^ p •healthy nction ot the liver, thu P ciinriiid the T'Psei:t. curing the jaundice a" ,le8^ 'puri<Ying the t *kin, rerrovirg t>aHowne«» ^ven0usly invigora- tlood, bracing the nerves, f an aces will 6*"1 tifg t lie « hole system, rerr.a w.ihnMl them, them invRluuMe, «nd >b^ and 33* pe» hox. Price I. l|d., 9d.t 4s 6d., 11 »ntl V I i*e is re*l, life i'S earnest, And this wor!d is not the • D>»*t tbou ait—tn dust veiumest. Was not spoken ol the soul. Kor.inmanyra^ may «>•« «»d word, be «o early taid ovor the Body, if only recourse be had to Mr. De Roos' World Famed Guttee Vitse, or Life Drops. >hose effects are really magical in *e*'°rlI!greinvigor- 1o the system (ar.sing trom whatever CR"sy' gaI|(j •ting and enlivening the whole corP°* mogt'fhat- graaually, bnt eff ctively, bunding up the tered constitution. Although this truly wonderful rectipcratty^tonic^ »ot putforward a« imparting immortal y, to«cb to say that fcy its means who were •»parted to tfco nervous and debtUta •evidently sinking into an early grave protract •Of raaturer years it will gently aud on»iv boneless the close of life. Thousands of M'P^ently ho eless ^e., «ivtn nP by the faculty, are now in tho enjoy^ *»entof health, (life', greatest ,a ren,frk4bl *»«r.y to the unspeakable value ol t *»«dicine. Hundreds of testimonial*, tc°nurTier0" VMbhth, may be seen by any on«. uffer '•ttremeiy pleasant to take and o ^hilst such a iiiir-culous ™«d,ca,nen^ 'Vd-n~ in all Jt is recommended with the utmost c°^nIa. Wses of Nervous Demhty, lX ect.ve CircuUt'on, Inc Purty of the Blood, Languor, La-M-"df'^Pr* ,bl, *he Spirits Indigestion, I'ain and 1 alp Hurrahing Dreams. &c. l>e,TO"s.°' fuewea' k»bit, debl'i-ated females, and tW OT; tWt l *ndtear o< life is begmning to tell, ^ould ^.stTeK fcteaditj wi;hthis Lite reviving Tonic for 0 e » an,! they will I* a«onisl.ed at its rosults All tno* ba*« tried other iueau«, galvanic and elec'r'° >^wwi,mc, without any lenehcial r-s"j]ll« rccouimended to make fair trial of_• °'e<J,"5e] ^hicti lijing concocted on lh^ highest sci n «tt«n»" «P»«f invariably succeeds. The g.ea ^t <^n this wondtTlul discovery bas |e and 33s 1'Un.bie and worthless imitations. Price • Bottle. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE PUBLIO.- package of Dr, De Hoos' Preparauorw ^e^ ^rnibtm Stamp, with 'be wor (j uUI>j, by Lonoon,' i«W b,te Lsiters n «^6iioHer8t %'«hr °f HtC M^oS be genuine. Or. Ue Without wbicli none can po^si» y «* e .^tent WORLD FAMED MEDI.INE^.E^ABYE^. ^«D>EME VENDOR LU THE WOR 0, OF MOH C D D *BO^ THE LEAST DIFFLCUHY OCCUR, WILL IUEJORWA A ^•R**AT;E FREE) P R RETURN, ON RECEIPT W L'B HOOS, 43, HULLORD FQ«IURE, LONDON, W.O. « JPE^'HTATED AND NERVOUS MJFFERS-S SBOJ'J,^)RE*^L MEDICAL ADVISER,1 BY W. UR H. OS, M .13. nnj/ori«nl inluT!.>atH>u, 1 tweive e'y you,iji nj^n 4 sen' pofci lr*eJ'nV h.>r 14 Hatid- '^Psby nt LAWE«, Medical Pusher, 14, ttat.a ^t, tiolboru, Loudon, VV .U. "NIRT'iage rigbtiv tir-derstood, tjtvi s to the virtuous and the good A Paradise below.' Just Published, Post free 6stamps. A K|tw MEDICAL VVOHK oH MAHHIAGE.—Hy *7, • Physician ol many years practice. A practical t0 bo111 *«"» belore entering the wedded ktate, *llH Pla'n in"»nct.oi.8 lor the speedy removal ol a> TfSaaittieations and impeoia.ents wbteh too often bappi„tw therein; it al-o treats on the i-aute ol P^fature decline, loss of manhood, nervous debilit*, 11. ,N ,n u'e buck, spermatorrhaA, impotence, eitreint d.« Ude» H'ywM. inrapacity lor ttudy or -business, r' 'or »ocuty, and ihe numberless iiifirtuil.e", lifo .'lnS 'rom youthlui atiU8e> or excesses ol adu t *Bl«' 8tl^l'rwith the highly-successful and thoroughly ■lir' f"0<*g of tfcatnieiit, whereby suflereru may jjTy'Jy he restored to health and happiness.—Addres. • B.C n"lOM» fubl.sher, 27, Veruiam street, London, b **rveUons Remedy- for Covgba, Colda, Asthma, Bronchltia, Consumption, all Cheat Affections. ^ECTOBINE 41 Chtnitlt, in bottle.», «< eocA. ^rotofrj tbe Pfoprietcri npon rpeeipt of stprnp". t4 RfI". J 8TONEHOUSE, St. Saviour s icarage, NEHOUSE, St. Sa.vlOur'lS VI4:tUlIge, Nottingliam. io7, D Augus' 1W4. *'0e can strongly recotnmcnd youi Pecto- • fair t»-nil«I,*a'IUtt^e ^°"gh Remedy. I have given It to n ""y own family, an-i have also sopp'ied everv i 9 ^uflerirg from ( ougli in my parish, and in ea^(i it has giren immediate relief. In som» thiJ t> er Passirs^ r>|.eplesH niglits, one of t»0 dot>e> Hons ^ec,or'ne have had *uch a good efTtct that pfer«- ^Peediiv'f-^ol u 6°°d night's rest t»nd the Coi.gh ha- MfA,SnPpe,Ued- '"ys- u'v l1' Ann's Square, Manchester, ^■valT" ^our I'ecioiine is superior to any Alcdioint 1 j,E f*cr l,,ed for Congb. or Colas." cures the worst forms of Coughs and ^cS!Curf8 Hoarseness *eV.TO £ TX glVes i""nediati' relief in Bronchitis ^Ectotjim l^e hc<lt nicdicme lor A>tlirna ^ECTUBTMW ™re8 ^'hooping Cough ^CTo«iv Wl" cutu a troublesome ticking Cough, is invaluable ill the Early Mugcsot Con* ^ClOR puu" i relieves all Alfeciions of the Chest, and Throat. ePaietloB]y fcy SMITH & CI ARKE, Kannfactu- ^-beuiifcta, Park Street, i.iacoln. "V JAuction (JUanccl^r Sir C. Hall granted a perpetua ^°thcrliam f"'1'1 F08ts» against F. Mssoc, Chemist Sold r "sing the word 'Pectorine.' ^P9' ohomist,. CaflUe Sqaaie, vR. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men J on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND -ilAPPY MARRIAGES.—When to marry, with advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing out certain impediments which render married li o unhappy, and directions for their speedy removal. Should be read by all who value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a nappy old age.—Post free ou receipt of two stamps.—Address. Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, I|irniingliau>. ct r4 -rr I Old Sores and Old Skin Diseases. I The needs of these d!sord«rs are effectually excelled by this penetrating Unguent, not only from too s-iperficial parte, but trom the internal tissues likowise. Any case, even of twenty yowe standing, speedily yields to its influence. A Certain Cure for Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Asthma, &o. For curing sore throat, diphtheria, bronchitis, asthma, ti$rht- IM of the cheit, and pnin in the side- which instant treatment, alone prevents degenerating into more serious maladies, this Ointment has the same powers over cheat complaints as a blister possesses, without causing pain or debility. Old asthmatic in- valids will derive marrelloas from the use of this Ointment, which has brought round many such sufferers and re-established health after every utile? means had signally failed. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Sores, and Ulcers. By 1"IIbbiog the Ointment rouud the affected parte, it pene- frates to the tissues beneath, and cxercieos a wonewful power on all the blood flowing to, and returning from, the diseased part. The inflammation diminishes, the piiu becomes less intolerable, the matter thicker, pud r eure Is soon effected. In all long-standing cates, Holloway's Tills should also be taken, as they will thoroughly expel all depraved humours from the body. Gout, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints. Gont and Rheumatism arise from infiaml"nfi(in in the parta affected. To effect a permanent rar*, adopt a cooMntf diet, drink plenty of water, take sUof Hofi^Wfty's Pills night and morning, and rub this Ointment most effectually twice a-day into the suffering parts When simultaneously, they drive all inflam- mation and depress* from the system, iraMnc and remove na enlargement of Uie joints, and leave the sinews and muscles lax 8114 uaceati-acted. Eruptions on the Skin. In this class of complaints, no matter the age, the sex. of the plaoc, or under what name the di-eve mny be c'aseified. It ■will be cured if this Ointment be well rubbed into the system, and Holloway's Fills taken right and morning to purity tin blood. There is Bottling deleterious in the composition of Hnlloway's Ointment, but, on the contrary, its ingredients possess the most soothing, purifying, and strengthening qualities. Abscesses, Erysipelas, Piles. TTnvarrlnir success attends all who trent these diseases aoecrding to the simple printed directions WMp;.ed round each Pot. A little attention, moderate pfr^versnoe, and trifling ex- pense, will enable the moat diilident to conduct any cam to a bappy issue without exposing their infirmities to anyone. The Ointment arrests the spreading inflammation, restrains the excited vessels, cools the overheated skin, alleviates throbbing and smarting pains, and gives immediate etWe and ultimate cure. Both the Ointment and Pill, ih-ould be used in the folle-winy complaints Bad Lees Corns (Soft) Pcalds MM FUtulM Sore Throats Burns Gout Nun Didea«s Bunions Glandular Swellings Scurvy Chilblains Lumbago S°re Heads Chopped Hands Piles J umours Contracted and Stiff Rhoumati>m, L AX'rs, Joints Sore Nipples otmds The O-itment and Pills are at Proferaor !IÓT,T,OWATS Establishment, CSS, Oxfori Stivrt, l,oiidon; a^o by nearly .Terr resnectable Vendor of l^l.c'me throughout the avih^ed World, in Pots and Boxes, at Is. lid., 2s. !><»., 4s. Cd., ils., 2-s., and 33s each. T!« fmallest Tot of Omtmcnt contains one ounce; and the smallest Box of rilis four dozen. Fall printed directions ore affixed to ench Pot and BoT, and oan be bad is aay langu^B^.u;i in Turhiob, Arabic^ Armenian, retTtitN, ox CliiH&se* Ww. K-l. « ARCHIMEDEAN" AMERICAN LAWN MOWERS. !p 0 AWARDBT> Grand Diploma of Honoarabto HenUon, Vienna, 1873. Silver Medal, Vienna, 1W0. Silver Medal, Hamburgh, 1869. Patkontsed BY Her Gracious M"jesty TUE QUEEN, His Royal "if,ntyBa""i^rKBsS OF OrllMANY Her Imperial W'.j^ty ^OU OF AUSTRIA. The 1,tc, OF TJlf, And many of The Nobility and Gm'vy ol Xireat Britain. ThU tairn Mower will cut t,on, an* Wei Grass (a. well as Drv oTid without Glo^^ IB specially adapfe.Uor Cu(tin« Slopes S.tep Kmhankments. under Shrubs, and close up to Trees, Ac. Extremely Hght in Draught, bimjde in Construction, ^sll made, and not likely to ye' ollt ol <>r^er- It oan be used either with r without Grass Box. l Every Mower is warranted to Kive > satisfaction, and, if not approved of, may rltm-ned within a month, and the amount paid will be refunded. OPINIONS OF THK iggig^SSfflKS ^stS5^«a= with.Vtae Floral World. BEFORE PURCHASING A LAWN MOWER send for our Catalogue, which contains frnm Opinions of the Press and Tcs^mon.als from Gentlemen of High Position in the Horticultural World, Noblemen, Clergymen and others. PRICES FROM ONE GUINEA. Delivend Carriage Free to all Railway Stations in Gra»t Britain.^ WILLIAMS & Co. (LIMITED), MANUFACTURERS and PATENTEES, 33 King William Street, London, E.C. SELLING AGENTS: •JOHN G. ROLLINS & Co., OLD «SW4.N WHARF, THAMES-STREET, LONDON; WALTER CARSON & SONS, T» BCTTF SAt'VAGE YARD, tUDGATE HILL L LONDON; and BAOHELOKS WALK, DUBLIN. CRICKET! CRICKET! CRICKET 1 TIMES LILLYWHITE. FROWD, and CO.. tJ New Illustrate 1 Price List for 187S is no.v read,. -«* Will be sent post freo to any avplioant. -n Cricket nn(j British Snorts''geuS, of the'bost quality and moderate price. Sports general y, observe the adaress, j xreyimsrn'roN CAUSEWAY. LONDON. ttppVtTaSSAM TEA COMPANY (Limited). XTPPl^K AOOil- for sale of Assam Teas U —Agents in all Pr?cuSV'nt.7ti0Tis. Prices per lb. 2s. 6d., direct from the (^rnpany^ (iartiCulars apply to Head Depot, «, and.ls. 6d. For A^nts wanted. eQuaTIi OROIDE GOL Wii' wenr o lifetime; post free appearance to l 7s. nri. 10s. 6d. Cluster for 5s. 6d. andI 7s. CJ. Long ch«n 6(J >5s fi(1> and7s.6d.:singl« rings, set with Alaska fjnger obtained by i.v.tring hcie in stone rinfc, 5s. Gil.; ■1".) 4I cd.; scarf pins, 2s. 6a.: crosses, card;brooch, 4s. (5d., earnngs. loove links, 2s. 6d.; shirt is.; Aecklets 2s.0d.; ^ckets, is.^ 6(j braoe!ets. 5s <5d.; atuds, 2s.; fi0oh'a1lre'iT^Vtkeys 2". 6d. Post free. Price M?t free. !FWF NOTICE OF V RiETCALF AND GQ>; ifeKSfsS'* -r10 visitors to Irandon are invited to inspect their large Stock ad at very I rices very article marke suitable for presents, OWN 'nt for cabb, AD ill pinin fig""es.,ITd IOX,.er eant. !scou d W.iotant sent 9()0 s for selection if deaire t t d gue post free ESTABLISHED 1812. H. AND~T~PK0CT0R AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, CATHAY, BRISTOL, ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SPECIALLY PREPARED BONE MANURES. FOR GRASS, CORN, -itOOT9 FOII AND OTHER CROPS; ALSO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE W LIME. WORKS,—CATllAY, BRISTOL. AGENTS—Mr G. Griffiths, Wiae Merchant, PeDibroke „ Thomas Parker, Cardigan J. N. Evans, Aberayron. Full Particulars with Prices, Post Free on application. Beynon's Brewery, Bridge Street9 Haverfordwest. JAM E S ROC H, (Formerly Manager to the late Mr D. Lewis, Saw & Hatchet, Bridge Street, and for the last three years in the employ of Messrs. Marvchurch & Daw,) p I FARM & FURNISHING IRONMONGER Gas Fitter and Plumber, Tin Plate and Wire Worker, &c., BEGS to announce tliat he has commenced Business at the above place, and having just returned from the Birmingham, Sheffield, and other Markets, with a well selected Stock of Cutlery, Electro-plateil Goads, Furnishing and Builders' Ironmongery, Lamps, Paiets, Colours and Oils, Bar Iron. Steel, Spades, Shovels, Fire Arms, Powder, Shot, Caps, Cartridges and Cartridge Cases, &c he is prepared to offer Goods which for quality and price wiU hear comparison with those of ar,y other house. Purchasers can rely onbeiiig well served, and orders promptly executed. Jn soliciting a share of public patronage, he will use every exertion to merit the confidence of all who may kindly favour him with a visit. Seven and a half per cent. off for Cash, with the exception of Bar Iron and Cast Iron Kettles. ALL KINDS OF IMPLEMENTS GOT TO ORDER. J. R. wishes to call attention to his selection of French and Half Tester Bedsteads,$Traw and Flock Matresscs Baths, Travelling Trunks, Toilet Ware, &c. Paints, Oils, Colours,, Varnish, Slates Bricks Tiles, Laths, Nails, Locks, Latches, Screws, Hinges, Shret Lead, Felt, &c. All kinds of old and new Tiu Work done to order. THE SHOW ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. niosriio M, GUANO. PREPARED ONLY FROM pBjffllPACIFIC ISLAND GUANO By THE PHOSPHO GUANO SEACOMBW, Co., LIMITED. TtlAOEfoIARIC. CHBSHIKE. IS THE BEST MANURE FOR ALL PURPOSES. PHOSPHATES SOLUBLE, AMMONIA FIXED, ANALYSIS GUARANTEED. ACJESTTS:— Mr John Sime, Fast Hook, Haverfordwest* Mr John Bennett, Wolfsdale, do. Mr Caleb John, Eglwyswrw, Newport. Mr T. D. Francis, Bryn Shop, Llanybyther. <miy,- ■ MESSRS. JIILTON & WALTliEW, Liverpool, Factors to the Company. THE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA AND THE CITY OF LONDON. | -ec,,y01 Lo""1^ The above site cli represents tke Perpetual Calendar, Independent Sx-onds. K**yless Watch. The hamls, without belt,p rr-cf from tone to lime for Irap year, keep a perpetual register of seconds, minutes, boms, days, weeks, month-, and years; show old anil new s ylea phases ot lb.) mocn4 and %amti>ne of heat a id cold. JVV IJKNSO^, • V? i I } To the Quern and Royal Familjr. T>» II. R. H. the Prince o/ W»i s (spec.al appoiutmeni.) Maiier ol the Ob onograpb, by which the Derby and all Itreat race. arc timed. Pr.ze Medallist of London, Iluhlin. and Paris. j LUDGATE HILL, LOSUOX, K.C.; & 25, OLD BOND STREET. J\\T 1 > FIN SON invites attention to the an* • VY IJ equalled advantaf 8 which he is enabled to otter to pure! tkaorb t)- the use t f. m'tt power and the employment of a large stHflf ol skilled English and foreign workmen. The high y satisfaetory ptr. formance of his Watches and Clocka is recognised by the Press an 1 the Pntjlic. The prices charged in every instance, are the 1 >weet, compatible with sound work- manship and bi¡.h finish. "VI OVELTY. English Clook* far superior to foreign, il lieoipi ed t»y Kn^lish AH sts, «)»nniactured ou the prRtiji>fs, ani to bo obtMined only at the above establishments. Clock Cues made to har- mor.ize with the architect u eof man-ions, country houses, &e., and with tl'oir furniture. WA1CI1ES. From 2 to '200 Guineas. Riilway Guards, SailoiB, S> 1 lierh, Mtiters, ana WorL- \R eheo (of extrr strength ) ^J^LOCKS. From I to 1,"CO Guineas. J EWKLRY and Plate for Tresentatiun, &e. Watches and Clocks rrpaired by skilled workmen. Old Jewelry, S 1 er, and Watches exchanged. W atelie' t-eut to ..11 partf, s'ff by poet. Merchants and Shippers supplied. J he^ ntw Parnphlt ig on Turret and Charch Clocks (with Testimonials), Watches and Olock., Jewelry ar.d Plate (profusely tht.strated), si lit post lie" each lor two Stamps. J. W. Benson's N?w Wotk, "Tiirc and Time Teller published by HarUwicke, I'ltcaditly, Piuin 2s 9J.i Gilt, 38. CACnON.-The Public an citutiont,d gaint-i 811,- represt ntat.one and attempt!! to ^ell f^puiious Imttntiooe. WSc A GILBEY'S WINES & SPIRITS—The undermentioned WINES & SPIRITS, bottled by, W & A GILBEY, and bearing their Seals and Labels, can be obtained from their Agents at the same prices as at Head Establishments. From AV & A GILBEY'S List of 200 varieties two descriptions of each class of WINRS and SPIRITS are quoted below, one on account of its moderate price, and the second for its tine quality combined with greater age. AGENT— G. V. HARRIES, Chemist, 36 High Street HAVERFORDWEST 4j- WINES P„ P„ SPIRITS Bottle Dozen PE» PER Castle 1A PORT from Portugal A good-1 Castle UP OIN Distffled from the best} BODIED WINE WITH EXCELLENT FLAVOR^ ^ELLJ 1/9 81/ UNMALTED CORN, AND HIGHLY RECTIFIED AT OUR V 2/ 241 NSTUTED. 4YEARS OLD AT TIME OF BOTTLING) OWU DUT.LLERY. 33 PER EE.U. UNDER PROOF) FASTLE B POUT FRONT PORTUGAL A FINE) IJ CASTLE PROOF GIN DISTILLED FR»M THE BEST TISSSTJIS^S^ I RJ2110 CM$L ^1,3 W/ Castte ^^SPANISH DPOBT The finest) jj CasUe DO IBISH WFLLSXBT) Red Wine produced in THE j l| 'NEST OLLD,D.ULJ!1" VVH'skey, matured in I 3/» 38/ Spain. 5 years old at time of bottling our own Bonded Stores. Strength, proof; „ ,A CPPUTTV from Spain A) Castle UP SCOTCH WHTFTIRTF.V\ pure Spanish Sherry suitable FOR LUNCHEON | 1/6 10/ J WSLIUED FROM fine Malt, and matured in our I 2/3 27/ or Dinner. 3 years old at time of bottling ) own Bonded Stores. 33 per cent, under pf. ) Castle C M SHEBBY>^»DEA| G/4 Castle SO SCOTCH WHISKEY) good type of nutty Spanish Sh y. F 1 he finest old Scotch Whiskey, matured in J- 3/3 3d/ lately dry. 6 years old at time of bottling; our own Bonded Stores. Strength, proof) Cflctle VP Pale MABSAXA/>»'J Castle UP BRANDY Possessing the 1 A delicate flavored Luncheon or DI j- 1/4 16/ wholesome qualities aud much of the fine I 2/3 2?' Wine 3 years old at time of » flavor of Cognac. 33 per cent, under proof) Castle C Pale MAKSALA 1 1/8 20/ Castle PROOF BBANDY Possessing ihe) The finest dry and bottling) wholesome qualities and much of the fine J- 3/ 36/ in Sicily. 7 years old at time 5 flavor of Cognac. Strength, proof ) Castle A CLABJBT A^CTW?AGE I J ,0, CAST[? °,, "TCOONAC" excellent) sound Medoc Wine an EXCELTE G J 1SM KRANDY of fine flavor, from the Champagne I 3/ 36/ at all meals. Upwards ot A yea districts of Cognac. 33 per cent, under pf. ) Castle C CLABET' \VI" ( 1/6 18/ CAST,E FO COGNAC The finest Cham-1 flavored and well-matured > J ,1 pagne Brandy, weli matured by great age > 4/9 ML possessing bottle character. • • J| Strength, proof ,.Y G ™ AGE J RACTLE SAUMTJB J'/VER C'LUH QU^<0 2/1 25/ ■' Castle UP JAMAICA RUM A well-\ A Sparkling dry Champagi rints] 1/3 H/6 matured Jamaica Rum, andofasoft mellow! 2/3 271 FINE W NND DELICACY •• L, FTA' ^1'. 33 PER CENT, UNDER PROOF) 27' CASTLE GM PO,L QUAR(S| 2/6 G0/ CASTLE JO JAMAICA BUM THEX «-;» I7,| A»> SPARKLING CHAMPAGNES AT REDUCED PRICES RVJETIE 1 CSAMPAGNIS A PURE QNARTS| 2/2 26/I| CWTLE N CHAMPAGNE A CLASS „ OLO SPARKLING WINE FOR OR- INNRY USE, V 1&J J. O. CHAMPAGNE USUALLY SOLD UNDER <3USRTS) 3/6 42/ FROM THE Champagne district ) II special brands and at high prices PINTS} 1/H 23J from dlC am" 1. All BotUw Except for BparillDg Win**) AT* jMrged II «»«e, vsisa is aaowed wl»«n rstuniea, Communication between Haverfordwest and Saint David's. DAVID"LA MB BEGS respectfully to announce that he has contracted with the Postmaster General for the conveyance ot th-e Mails to and tVo between H aver for-, i west and St. iMvid's, and that his contract authorises uim to carry passengers. On and after the first erf January the Mail will leave tiie Mariners' Hotel at 6.0O, and arrive at the Grove Hote! at 9. The Mail will leave the Grove ffotel at 2.15 p.m., and arrive at Haverfordwest at 5 p.m. Passengers' fares to and fro 7s 6d esteh. Single fares 5s.' Haverfordwest, Bee. 31, 1874. {ESTABLISHED 1S.i2} 1 j JOHN ROBINSON AND Co. i It t; r > MANUFACTURE MANURES, Of high Quality, which are sent out in good condition, at moderate prices, and during the past r) season several important prizes have been awarded for roots grown fruin them where dre corn- petition was unrestricted. DISSOLVED BONES CORN MANURE GRASS MANURE SUPER-PHOSPHATE MANGOLD & TURNIP MANURE And other kinds for Special Crops. Also LINSEED AND COTTON SEED CAKES, From Seed as imported. ApptytoJOHN ROBINSON & CO., BRISTOL, Or to their Agents, Mr Jesse Harvey, Kilpaison House, Pembroke; Messrs. R. and J. Jones, Haverfordwest. CLE D D A U BREW ERY, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, G E O U G E M. G R E E N. i MALTSTER &'BREWER I DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. I Agent for Miller and Johnson's Celebrated Artificial Manures. I GREEN & john; I C-4 WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUAY S TREE I HA VERFORD WEST, AGENTS FOil LAWKS SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, LAWES' PATEXT TURNIP MANURE, AND ¡ L A W E S' DISSOLVED BONES. I P £ R U V I A N GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOE SALE. TO SUNDAY GEO. M. HA \i MER, AMD SCHOOL FUKNISHER, 1MVKNTOR, and MANUFAC CUKttRof the OSBORNE. QUADRANT, and ROYAL (P.,tent) ^CHOOL t)t>Rs & SEAT D. v opunnr Whirb eaebeoinbine a Sloped Desk, Flat Table, auti Backed lor Lectures. A I Iiluctratod CaMogtte ot Dusk), Se.it?, Tab es, Galleries East- Blackboards, &o. l'ost frcrTrt'cpence. Tbe MetLodist College, Belfast, an.l a lai^e humber ol oihet 8 A I Iiluctratod CaMogtte ot Dusk), Se.it?, Tab es, Galleries East- Blackboards, &o. l'ost frcrTrt'cpence. Tbe MetLodist College, Belfast, an.l a lai^e humber ol oihet MANAGER S CollPce- nnd Schools have t>eer' fitted bv G M H. 108, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, CHARING CROSS. LONDON. IV C. FLINT & CoTACC OUNT A NTS, Commercial Inquiry Offices, 58, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, E.C. OCHsystcm of Debt Collecting is much apptuved— 1—Our Registers and Reference to Correspoudcnt3 at onc» show Debtor's ability to pay. 2—No Spendtntt pood money af'.>r bad. H—Special fucihiifS In Countv Counø. 4—Judgment apstnst. Debtor in twelve days. .5—Attendance to prove debt unnecessary. H-.Coml\¡jøsioll, g per cent, umkr £ 20, 'i^per cent. abore. 7-PromPJ Remittances. ^NOTICK —In this Offioe, a debt, after application is in.,ide, is not left to die a natural debt. 1 Prompt, efflcient, and voJuntfiry advice is g Vt-n to Sut'soriOei as to bflst mean* o.' reflOVvring same. I' in London, a clerk waits upun him ( n the country hy pwt,) ani nhfiins from bim such iiihtractiotw a' H' eti able us to recover debt without any further trouble to Subarriber, and without any attendants ot Subscr her be nf* nece*Qfirv. j \\fcX-FEVER AND COLD? I if inhaled on the first symptoms will at once remove them, and even when a cold has been neglected and become severe, it will give immediate relief, and generally cure in one day. It contains no narcotic, and never produces any unpleasant effects. | ill!mi DE. DUNBAB, can of F. NEWBBRY and SONS, 87, Newgate Street, LONDON, E.G. fOifERYOUS SUFFFRKRS. REAlJ ir.e "SRCRKT FRIEND." Pli IS VVondirfut Medical Guide not only gives the Ji cause, but shows how a permnnejnt cure can ..e eflertcd in a'l cases of Kirvous Debility, tt).)))cN:on of Spit its. Timidity, 1111 paired 8«kIi: and Mntinrv, Pains in the back, Lnpsitade, Spermatorri a? 1. fit- pediments to Matrisce, Strioiurr.Sicondary Syii<p:iiih», ar-d Al! Vci-eteal l)^p»se€, without the u-e I,f \!t'rct fy l)r Barnes's long «xprrienre in tbe treatmei.t 01 al: S 'xusl Dt<ent)(s has i-tial-ted film to treat the most li)vetcra *(. cases witti marked sucress Tlno ^sUi«i,le wotk 44 T!I K SECRET J IlILM), is Ulu»tr.*tt"^ R*(ih Dumefous casre and te»iimonia'.« from Patients ex- pi rl"ir.g 'heir deepest gretitudo for having been Ie- stored to health an,1 manly vigour. To the married tii a).: thi, Look is invariable, ^ort t,ost iree secure irom obdtrvation on receipt of I o t:l n. p". Address, Dr. Barnes, 1, Lonsdale Square Batntsbury, Ij<»ndon, N. Important to Country Patients. DB BARNES ma/ be consulted personally or by letter, in ell pi Hate and co: fidential cases and for the benefit of Nervous'ufferrrn who cannot' visit hiu he wi 1, on receiving a de*ciipti< 11 of their ense er.CiOfing a stamped envelope lor -epty.be ready to r (rive his opinion upon the tiiitum of the cas" fill' !he, principles 01 treatment necestary to effect a perfect clir-I Address, DR. BARNKS, 1, Lonsdale Square, Batn-bury. London, N. FOR THE BLOOD is THE LIFE.S.« D ute ronemy, chap, xii, veree 28.—ClhrKc s W. rid smcd Blcod Mixture—Trade Maik,—'« Biood Alixtn-e" tbe great Ri0od Puriti-r anu Bbfiour, for c'eai.SK.g and clearing the blood from all impur;tn s, cannot be too highiy 1 eeemmended f^.r Scrotuia, Scuivy, iSki.i Di eases, and tjpres oi all kinds i,e,er failit)g at (I jernihii(:nt CU)C. Jt Cures 0(ld Sotes Cures Ulcerated Sores on the neck Cure* Ulcerated sure legs Cures Black head j or pimples on the face Cures S'-urvy sores Cures Cauterou- Ulcers turell Blood and skin diseases Cure- Glardnlar Swelling* Clenrs the Biood irtptn alt impure Nialter From whatever cause uris ug At this mixtoie is pleasant to the taste, and w,r ranted free Jiom am t'jing njurions to thi> most deli1 cate constitution o'either sex, the piopnetur solicits ii.Heveis to fcivc it a ttiul to test lis xalue. Thousands 01 Testimoniafs Irom all parts Sold in biMtks Sic Gd each, and in exaf-s, containing "ix times thequaftity, Its eacli— sutticient to dltlct a lermanent curt in the j. reat majority of long standing jases,—by uli Cheilitis and I'nicnt .Medicine Vendure hroughout the United Kingdom aud the worldI or cr, t. toaiij address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps by F. J CLARKE, Chemist, H'gh Stref!, Lincoln, W bolet-die All Pat eiDL Nlcdjciiie I (\1 by G. Hames. Chemist, aud W. il. Hot." erloidwetif ONE MILLION STElLING His been paid as COMPENSATION FOR DEATH ft, INJURIES Caused hy ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS, BY THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSUKANCF COMPANY. HON. A. KINNAlUD, M.P. CII. iiman. Taid up Capital and Resei ve Fund JElcO.OOQ. ANNUAL I nCUME £ 2tXl,0Ml, Bonus allowed to ln-urcr- of Five Y'-ar«' S':1r1,]ô;;V. Apply to the Ckrks at the Railway StatM.us, );t. Local AgenJ" or fri, CORN HILL, & 111, REGENT STREET, LONDON WILLIAM J. VI AS, Secretary A»ent for H^verfordwett: I AIr II. MARHAM. TJsi'wae S'Htion. PhOPLUS HDl'l'JOS N E \V SPECIAL MKHKIAI, WOHK. Hy OK HENRY SMITH. NOW READY-FREE E?.»4TfOS. By post, in enveiope, one stamp (to pre-pay pf-stspo ) DliBlF.IT ATI NO DISEASES; tbHr °^tTSF en-^ CURE A WARNING VorCK TO YOU i H AND MANHOOD. By HENRY SMITH, M.D ,nf ithe Royal University of Jena, An-tif r of "T.eVi-t. u- teet's Maiitiiil," The Warning Voice," &c. Th)- wo: k gires Dr Smith'# Treatment (the rf*uH ot Twenty Si* years special practice) for the Cure of al .Di->eii«>««*{ I tbe Nrrvou* sys^m, Nervous Debibtr, Mental & Phy-j. J cal Deprewon Palpimtifn of tt e Heart, Motses In the I Head & Bars, Indecision, Impaired *S'.ght and Memory, Indigestion, 1.o"p of Energy. Pairm »be Back. (*or.«ti- { pation, Blo»h OK, Uyst<-ri«, Timidity, Self-dis rnst Dizzinesf, Lore of So itude, (iroundiee# Fe«r», Mnsrn' lar Relaxation, &c., resulting from esthaustion of Ner*e P-.wer, the effect of 0» rti»*««i Erttrtiti, Kner- vating Habits, and o:her abuses of tbe tpstcm whivh' if m?i*'Ct< d, end :n f»rem;tlure d cline no6 d> a!h GIVES INSTRUCTIONS AND PRESCRIPTION^ Illustrated with Ie«tiroonia!») from grateful patients- with means of Cure used in eacti ii«0 Aliviri/ TO YOUNG MEN ON SUBJECTS OF OR EAT 1M. PORTANCE. Sent free by po»t on receipt of on. pt noy stamp. ",Tb's. ,s H w<frk wl'ieb every young man should reaa. I he moral tone which perv;ide» ev^-ry paCo wi h sound ajvice is iD%Hluab!P, e*Pe< ia'Jy when ion,it trom the pen of a physician whoso *utvc*a i-as c.vc htr. a place a-ncn.-st the, eiaiuent Specialists of tbe age. —miming Lhr nicle. Third Thousand. By post seven stamps in envcloie OMAN; det Duties, Relations, anr! F*.iti</>• YV Subjects treated-. Oirllio.,d, Maidci.ho. -i*" r(,urt>h'p, Martiaue, M tturhocd, Female Educatio' F. male Hea th, Fen.ah- ily&ienc, Domestic Me Oo'.f &c.,&c. It is a treatise on sunjccis of vuai impoi i .■ii.ee to W'inian. BK.njTHti.J.Y LILUTFTHATEI) WITH RNGUA VINOS OJ. WLOll. "This is an exttemei, wet.«riitei! and most in. iert »»iirig work, evittciHC alb(.ioijgq niM>t< ry ,,MIC suijHt, and containing the n i>>t valuiMo Inior i atio. for woman.—Lt>udtm h'evieu-, Jum- 27 1874- Aiidreus, Dr 11. SMITH, a, Burton Ci esc. nt. Lor- l&n. W C.. CON SIT A LONDON i';i V^I> fAN BV LETTEI WITHOUT EKE. Ti't, H SMITH, the Eminent Specialiet for tl" .1 cuie oi ail ijebiltiii!itijf ai d eontagioue d'sean AVII.L TOR THK BiiNIiFIT OF OOUSTRV VAlIKNTS WH' CANNOT CONSULT Jll.M fER'-ONAILT, O'l receivj: gUis criptioii ot ti;eu case. s«ud his opinion, wUb a.' vice aud directions lor ihe mo#, succfcoeiei rvsUratio. to health and vigour. Address, Or H. Suutii, 8. Burlou CmeetnLondcB,W.C r j SPASSELL'S ig'PUIIE umeuniKB Casseiimffees. U 'SP:.LL'S ORIENTAL cor FEf, eo,.irte. oll a' w lection of the finest growth of East India. IT, the procen of roasting aad grindTr./ the Full strength Md fine aroma art, tr;H'«ring it i qual to the Coffee so much prised fit -Ct r«.lKNTA L C«UNTRlES t THE i'EUFE€mN>stf Itet'EF, Price 25 per W). CASSElitS COFFEES are wjprdied at 1?., Is 2d„ Is td,, 1 f €d and Is 8d., and 1< Hid per lb., tn CaDi^erai id air-:igtit Packages from one ounce toone rnand. by Agents, (irocers, Chemists, Confectioeerr, S^^thronch. out the kingdom.. CASSELL'S PURE UNCOLOTTFEf) TEAS. C^iSELL'S TEAS are pe>"e and free from any J facing powder or ct'.ier injurious matter, the Sreen as weli as the Flack is the natural colour of the leaf, it bus not therefore the bright green hne of Ordinal Green Teas, which are faced by the Chinese with miners, feowder or other colouring matter to eive tbem B^lGferRnce. Br the nse of CASSKLL's TEAS reu purity and untformgood quality are at aii times en surOO. CASS ELL'S PURE CKCOLOURRU TEA 28" 2S 4d., and 2S 8d.. per lb, CA«>EI.L'S PratE UXCOLOUBRN TE.A, finest qnaktv ties, 3s. 3- DD, auu4-, per lb., in Packets ofi oz to 3 IB. Sol y Agent*, Grocers, Chemists, Confectionert, 4c. throughout the Kingdom. A OEKC^ —To place CASSELL'S well known THA I-A. AND CDTTEES within tbe reach of every family the Kingdom, Agents are required in every neigblt ootirhood no yet fully supplied. For terms, apply to CasSeli., SMITH, & Co SO Feuchurch Street, London. M-SAAM-env C-^ C"0^ WORLD'S •HAIIVRestore^ ¡ I I I ¡ ONE HUNDRED REASONS Might be given why Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER should be used by every intelligent human being in pre- ference to every other Preparation for the Hair; but ten will suffice, and here they are lST.-It never falls to reatv, revive, cmd restore the original youthful colour and appearastee of the Hair, in every case of greyness, no matter from what cause it arises. ?ST).—Itwil! revive the growth. 3aÐ.-It will give the Hair a natural gloss. CTB-It will restore life and vigour to the roots of the Hair. STH.wIt will stop the Hair from falling off. 6TH-It is a superior dressing for the Hair. 7TH.—Its perfume is most agreeable. STH.—Hair Oil or Perfume Is never required with It. 9TH_Its good effects are permanent. 10TH, AND LAsTLY.-Forty years of trial have established its superiority aud ex- cellence. No preparation has ever attained to such renown as MRS. S. A. A-LLE-NIS WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER. The f imitators are many. — Yerbum eat sapienti." I Pairs 6s., IN LARGE BOTTLES. PRINCIPAL DEPOTS- 114 and 116, Southampton Row, London; 35, BonlevardHaussmann, Paris; And Sold by all (Jhcmists and Perfumers throughout the World. HAc..AN'S A ACkNOLI Ma^mouaB ALM B E AUT Y. oj A few applications of H\GAX'S MAG- liiOLJ A HALM will give a pure, blooming complexion. Its effects" are pradnal. natural, and perfect. It does away ■with the flushed appearance caused 1 heal, fatlgu:, and excitement; removes all blotches and pimples, dispels dark 8" unsightly spots, drives away tan, freckles, and-bunhurn, and by its gentle hut power* tul influen-e mantles the faded eheeh. with youthful bloom and beauty. In use w America for the last twenty.ave years. Oitt by all (hemi-tts and Perfumers, a' 35. fid. Every Bottle is enclose! in » handsome French Cardboard Toilet Case. EUROPEAN DEPOT- 114 & 110, Southampton Row, j LONDON, W.C. PoWELCS JiMBJVPCATtON T^HE EXTRAORDINARY SALE, wide- spread popularity, and wonderful resul's of POWELL'S EMBROCATION appeal startliiig to those yet unnqnaiuted with the properties of this emollient. Its marvellous efficacy has been att.-<te<) by H B.H. the DIKE D'ACMALK, the RIGHT HOIs. THE LATE EARL Of CLARENDON, K.G., the Iiiu:l HON PRANCES COUNTESS WALDK GRAVE, the RIGHT HON. THE COUN- TESS OF RADNOR, and many otfcer eminent persons, cvp'es of whose testi- I mVTlhl, «co.nnp8nv eacii bottle. rjTHE TORMejj'tj^q and Sleep-Destroving Pains of Rticumnlism, Gout. Neuralgia Sciatica, and Stiffness of the Joints, Puin- inl ^woiliiifrs, mti. t ly yield to Its emollient influence. The P'-eparation is sold by all Chemists, at is. Ijd. and 2s t>ot. VAN DUZER & RICHARDS, PROPRIETORS. LABORATORY— )P U4 & 116, SOUTHAMPTON ROW,