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..t. irPEKIAL AUSTRIAN LO A j MONTHLY DRAWINGS: | Prists: AC25,000 £ 22.000, £ 20.000, £15.000,: £ 10,000, £ 5,000, &o, &c, down t,ClS UARANTKKI> by the Imperial Austrian CT mem. Draw.™* in puMie un<lor ^p^nnt<-nHem c of Gavernment Offlcials.-Shares which entitlir tl e Holder to a ehenre of winning any of the above PHz • I tan b« had at f l each -Six Shares J r-Ðllt 0111)" to Foa be sent UIKKCT 10 •« Bank Notes. Cr«»!»s«d Cheque-, or P°»t-ofcte payable at ihe General To-t Office to the Mr OTTO HOSE in G«ne*a who will al«o supply Speetuses prati* on prepaid application. PAIN** in the BACK, GRAVEL, LUMBAGO, RTTFUMAT1SM t^OUT, DISEASES. of the KIDKETS^lnil A0DF.K, STBICTUHK, *0. Dr. De Rooa Compound Renal Pills Are celebrated all over the wor d a« he most, safe and •peedy remedy for '-he above danff^ouscomj.ninu, Discharges of any kind. Mom in ihe Bladder, and Dis eOses of^h* K dney* and Urinary Or.Hn, esse »he ^eifc^pa*h^,C*ul>et^!aaS sr;ur,y failJd 1R Uil 2' 9_I. 4* Mr;' *n infnll'hle remedy in the Thr*c celebrated ill. alon( j n^ny ,1,011- 0«t obstinate c*e«. B rP„or».d 10 health, when aaods have been anil • Their vast superiority merv other medicine rure 0( theabovecompUiots •ver every.hm<r -Is* ext aordinnrv da- is universally aoUnowle g mn-nductioo is mand for then, 7" > they ever been T'own'toTail 'Iproduce <»'0>e d.rgerous symptoiTH so A*„ rrni'tin'tt .mm ^to'C ether m-dinne* u*ual yr«sorted l d^n_iu tjy he r.oD8ldör,.d remedy fur all ,stage% of those dilordeu lor which they are recom mended. THE MOST WOEFUL TILLS IX THE WORLD. table Life Pills. ATT .offerer* fromgeneral nervousness, and morbid LL sufferer pf ^embarrassing dreams, feelings In* sp,rit rr. *hlli,y 'ailure o' the men- nnnrce»«ttry fe«rs, mental t r nt'the nerve*. head- tal and bodily pc»«r«. a o indigestion. and •Che. noises In the w?ll hail with joy other *yrr.p>om» of L,fe pn which speedily the discovery of Dr. De R ftn(J ^iaease of what- and almost magically r«w to the spirit, vigonr to ever nature, restore ^rfnlnes, «^n" on^ hich tha hrdy, .tr,!nfth^Lv dollot contain h part cle health and life depend. They fti)d for b1, (lfrec_ Of marcun, bat are piiraly • wi(.k i,eadache. tion. ef the li^r, "pint*. sens- dlJ!*in»RR. lo-s of *ppetite, Moinach. pains be- ♦ions of tuln««" at 'he p wuireM ariamjf from tween the shou.ders, | W.U be found of indication and w«wj de » ,/no sm(l|l Kd»antage that ;.ny .ne wul.out danger from wet «r r^ild or nerewitv 'or restraint lio'it business or pl'.a •an 'rlfv "Ct ioild 1 y on the bowi-U. without pa. or TripV impart^n,.h to the stc.nach, promote a LalthyVion of the li^r, .hu« •resent cnriiiR .he jaundice and drop y, Jkln remoTir# -allownes. and pimples. p..nfylnK the blood, bracing ttie-vervep, and mar.eUou8lr inv Igora- ting the whole system. ittoem inralnable, and .hoald never• w Price Is ljd.,2*9d., 4s 6d„ 11- *»• P«r box- — Life is real. l>f* '« earnest, And thia world la uot the goal J «Du»t tboo art—to d.»«t rotnrnest. W<\« not spoken ot the soul. Nor. In many may (liasesid wordi be so early said over tlieBady, if only recourse be had to t Dr.De Booa- World Famed Guttse Vitse or Life Drops. w>if*e effect, are really ms«ic«l j" re# «0 the system prising and SSall" b"»'eff cti.v, building up the mo4t Bhat- terod oonalltuto <> AUhniflli Mi. truly ;"°.hu n«u. »Ot put forward as imparting y? it were «ach to »y that by its mean. imparted to the nt-rvooa whilst to those .•videntlyMnk.ngtnmanearyg g'erene,y protract 'SSFRKK Kony to the onsp«akat>le too numerous to Medicine. Hundreds of testtmonia., FrepMrA(ion IK ^ahiish m.ybeHeenby..jyoD.. l»^ne SQffer «x'remely pleasant to _Jfnl \» in existenre. 'st such a liiir culous in »'l It is reeomm«nde< wi'h «h Circulation, In- ■•ases of Nervoua Debil tyDepression 0. pnrtv of the Blood, L»» g» • Mn,| palpitation in the the Spirits, P(,r„ons n( atadions S; iVS'S f»m."■. «.* o..b»«-he. aSd uJr of *fe lalH-gmniig .<.ull. should perarvere stead" wi.hthis Litr n-viviug To.nc lor on.> mont| and «hev will te astonished at its-rew ts. A" Who have tried other means, galvan.e «"d I Bliances kc without anv beneficial rjsult, ate eai L.tty recommended to make (air trial of tin. n.adlcim which belim concocted on the highest M-untitU piiT- Cl'ileT, invariably su^eda. The g.ea dan, on this wood,r.«l d^cvery has led tohost o hawWe and worthless imitatiuns. Price 11», a»" »»• per Bottle. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC — Kvery package of Dr. De Prepairationn More the Kvery package of Dr. De Roos' PreP^ation-i hea^ the «o.Mni.eiit S'amp, -i«h .be w^d"Re lVr0Und. by Roo<, London,' in White h, Commissioners, order'of Her Da. vi without which ""neon po'siwtjr i» » bv p,(,rT J>>:tent KOOK' world famed niedl<ne m3»|. t!eoii*t or Medicine Vendor In the *orn ()B i0rwa ded <Ca?riare Frie) p'r-^urn/on receipt of the^m-unt, by Hollo,djqMH, bp-lo- Debilitated and nervou* suffer-'a should rend Ihe Medical Adviser,' by VV. Da l<oos, M.D., which «jutalns most important information, intere»tr g t« orery young in-n sen', posi tree ou r-re.ptot t"e'»e 2P?> Mr Lawta. Medical PuM^r. 14, Hand- court, flolborn, London, W.C. « Marriase rightly understood, Gives to the virtuous and the good A Paradise below.' Jast Published, Poat free 6 stamps. ANkw MEDICAL WOHK on MARHIAGH,.—K< • physician of many year, praotice. A prac i«:a gUide to bolO sexes belore entering the wedded stat ".°R .RJTSS^CRA *« £ •• S5Si? premature decline, I oss of monhoo • extreme pains ID tha back. spero>atorrh»*, ia;P or hus.i e^ rES' ±srss wi^^Vv-sia^^ B.C. Marvellous Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Boaraeneaa, Aathma, Bronchitis, Consumption, and all Cheat Affection*. PECTORINE >oM by nil Chtmiits, in bottle.«, at Is ljd, 2s 9d is 6d, and ] 1 f each. Sent by the proprietors upon receipt of stamps. rrom lUv. J. SI ONKHOUSE. St. Sav.our'a Vicurage, Nottin#;l)aui. August 18/4. DKARSIR -lean strongly recommerd your Pecto- fine n# an invaluable Cou^h liemfdy. 1 have gtveo it 'air trial it. my own family, an■: have also suppl ed ot • i.tvi'* f" n • y '■ ar'' 11 f> r1 I ♦% 1 I? '• t< ■■ ■ •' <■ i a tv •. it" '• '■*<>t- v A l »'i ^<1" —" Y ■•!■ -R*. -•••i ,.1 ^CTCEINE i t H> » .-i -«rCi oglis SMI ^ECTORINE cure* n->«i«enes8 ""ECTOIUNE give- 1.' 'in male rclu t it. Bmricli.tis *EcTOM»E I> iDe '-est. oml»cme ior Asthma ^ECTORINE <urt* Whooping Cough £ CTI>R1NE will < ure a iroubiesocm' tickling Oougn, P-CTOltiM' •• *3 iriy -r i £ .-«r..» Con- PfiClOBIKL i- Afict* ■ tli« Chest, Lui.g., dhu f "rQ. Prepared only SMITK CLARKE, Manufactu- ricg CUwiuiste, Pa. Jt Street, Viacom. *•* Yicc Chanoellor Sir C. Hal jruutsd a perpetual "a^uueuon, with costs, agi.ost F. Mason," Chemist UttthexhAtu, lot osiDg the word 4 Peotorine.' Sold by T. PIUIUM. shetuisi, Caetle riqoare, ft*Wfoiawesi. \R. HUNTER'S Spccial Lectures to Young Men _J on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND HAPPY MARRIAGES.—When to niiirry, with advice to thnse who contemplate marriage, pointing out certain impediments which render ;> arried lile unhappy, and directions lor their speedy removal. Shoutd bere:)dby all who value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a nappy old age.-Post free on receipt of two stamps.—Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmincham. I Universal Patronage. Let all sufferers from gcceral or local disease take henrt and I follow in the wakfe of thousands f'ho ascribe their re.t< .ration I of health to the use of HOLI.OWAY'h OINTMENT and PILLS. Rheumatism in the muscle- or joint.?, gouty pains, neuralgic tortures, cramps and spasmodic twitches depnrt under the employment of these iiol,;e remedies. Bad let's, all kintl.; of wounds, ulcers, sores, burns, cutaneous inflammations, are •jwlckly conquered. The reputation Hollowny's Ointment and Pills have acquired throughout the habitable Globe phonM induce every afflicted person to pive them a fair trial before despairing of relief or abandoning hop Scorbutic Humours.-Scald Heads and Skin Diseases. Scorbutic humours arise from an impure state of the blood, and in most, cases the liver und rtnniach are the organs at fault.—These Pills will speedily restore them to a healthy action while the Ointment, if well rubbed into the afflicted parts at least twice a-dav, will soon cure any case of skin disease. Soldiery snilors, and miners use this famous Ointment in all parts of tha £ world. t Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Sore Throats, Coughs, and Colds. This Ointment will cure, when every other means haTe failed. It is a sovereign remedy for all derangements of the throat and chest. Settled coughs or wheeling will be promptly removed by rubbing in the Unguent. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts. — Old Wounds, Sores, and Ulcers. It is surprising how quickly a sore, uloer, or wound, deprives the body of strength and unfits it for the duties of life. and it Is no less wonderful to watch the effect of Holloway's Healing Ointment, when it is used according to the printed directions, and assisted by appropriate doses of the Pills. Gout and Rheumatism. Will be enred with the greatest certainty if large quantities of the Ointment be well worked into the afflicted parts. This treatment must be perseveringly followed for some time, and duly assisted by powerful doses of Holloway's Pills. These purifying and soothing remedies demand the earnest attention of all persons liable to rheumatism, gout, sciatica, or other painful affections of the muscles, nerves, or joints. Piles, Fistulas, and Dropsical Swellings. This Incomparable Ointment is earnestly recommended to all Buffering from. or having a tendency to, dropsy. The worst cases will yield in a comparatively short space of time when this Ointment is diligently rubbed Into the parts affected. In all cerious maladies the Pills should be taken to purify the blood and regulate its circulation. Both the Ointm,ent and Pills should be used in tho j following complaints y Bad Legs Corns (Soft) Scalds ) Bad Breasts Fistulas Sore Throats Burns Gout Skin Diseases Banions Glandular Swellings Scurvy Chilblains Lumbago Sore Beads Chapped Hands Piles Tumours Contracted and Stiff Rheumatism Ulcers Joints Sore Nipples Wounds The Ointment and Pills are sold at Professor H0ijIi0WAT"fl Establishment. 633, Oxford Street, London; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised World, in Pots and Boxes, at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., 1111., 22s., and lIaB. each. The smallest Pot of Ointment contains on* ounce and the smallest Box of Pills four dozen. Full printed directions are affixed to each Pot and Box, and can be had in any language, even in Turkish, Arabic. Armenian, Persian, or Chinese. No. 15—1. N. B.-Aovice can he obtained, free of charge, by applying: at the above add 1 ess, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by let'er. "ARCHIMEDEAN AMERICAN LAWN MOWERS. iWARDEn Grand Diploma of Honourable Mention, Vienna, 1873. Silver Medal, Vienna, 1870. 8ilver Medal, Hamburgh, 18C9. PATSONiaKP BY Her Oraeions Miijenty THE QUEEN, His Royal Highness THE PRINCE OF WALES, Her Imperial MaJ»"ty THE EMPRESS OF GtfBMANY H.» Imperial Majesty TilE KMPKROR OF AUSTRIA, The late KMPKKOR OF Tiii; FRENCH. The VICKliOY Of EGYPT, And many of the Nobility aud Gentry of Great Britain. Thia Lawn Mower will out Long and Wet Grass (as well as Dry and Short) without Clogging. IS specially adapted for (Jui ting Slopes, Strep Lmbankmentl, under Shrubs, and clnse ap to Trees. Ac. Extremely light m Draught, Simple in Construction, wall made, and not likely to out of order. It can be need either with or without Grass Box. Every Mower is warranted to give ample satisfaction, and, if not approved of, may be returned within a month, and tne amount paid will be refunded. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Far superior to any of onr.Vide The FieM. Remarkably easy to work."—Vide Garfantrt' Magatiiu. The quickest, moet. simple, and most effloiant mower evar nMd."—Vide G(J¡I"{.ltftM,' Chronicle. We feel bound to recommend it to our readers as one of the beat mowers we have as jet made acquaintance wtth.Vide Floral World. BEFORE PURCHASING A LAWN MOWER send for onr Catalogue, which oontains Opinions of the Press and Testimonials from Gentlemen of High Position in the Horticultural World, Noblemen, Clergymen and others. PRICES FROM ONE GUINEA. „ 4 Delivered Carriage Free to all Railway Stations In Great Britain. WILLIAMS & Co. (LIMITED), MANUFACTURERS and PATENTEES, 33, King "William Street, London, E.O. SELLING AGENTS: JOHN G. ROLLINS & Co., OLD SWAN WHARF, THAMES-STREET, LONDON; WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YAun. LUDGATK HILL LONDON and BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. CRICKET I CRICKET t CRICKET JAMES LILLYWH1TE. PRO WD, ratd CO.'e New Illustrao 1 Price List for 1S73 is now reactj, will be sent post free to any applicant.. Manufacturers of every artie'e used in Criokat and British Hports generally, of the best qiality and moderate price. Observe tlv; address, 4. NEWINGTO.V CAUSEV.'AY. LONDON. UPPER ASSAM TEA COMPANY (Limitpd). —Auents in all Provincial Towns for s.;i!e of Assam Teas direct from the Company's Plantations. Pricoc per lb. 2s. 6d., jp and 8s. 6d. For lurther pai'ucu'nra apply to Head Depot, CTi'Kinsf William street. London. Agents wanted. /WIDE GOLD ALBERT CHAIN^Tpqnal in U appearance to 18-corat golri wUl wear a lifetime; post free for "SB 6d and 7s. 6d. I.on# ct*i..t. 7s. 6d. aud 10s. 6<1. Cluster rings, set with Alaska diamond-»'2*. 6d.,5s.0d*. aml7s.6d. :8)uclo fttiOnr niii/ 5i>. «! finder obtained by outline Hole ic card | brooch, 6.1.; C^rtiutfs. 4». Bd.; t-earf pins as., 6'J.: crosses 2B • nicldets. 2s. üd.; locketSs. 6.1.; sleove lmks, 2s. fid. shirt studs, &- solirairds, 2s.; pencil case. 8-s. fld binoplets, oi. 6. s ■earf riu»j-s. 2s Bd.: Aloortkeys, 4«. fifl. Post free. 1 rice List tree. —W HfJLT,ffi, All StHintn'-road. WeMtbourne-rnrfc, l.ondon. W. ig"0rP IC2 OF ^ElVEO'V A.Ij. METCALF AND CO., JEWET,LRRS. ANTD AVATCHM.kKnns. a MAKEltS BaUbhshed at 8, I all Mall, in tho year lS'i.'i, have removed to their new premises. 19, COCKSPUR STBKBT, LONDON, S.W. Yiaitora to Londou are iuviteu io inspfot, thr-ii iargft Rtonk, fttiiteble for pre«5)it^ at vory low prlco^. Kvory rnai-ktia In plain fibres, »ntl 10 per «ut. iliRcoimt al'owea for casu, AS ftjUUAt&At sent wiR gDorls for solection if derived, -pt D*U"t-rated satAwie past free. ESTABLISHED 1812. II- H. AND~T~PROCROR AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, CATHAY, BRISTOL, ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SPECIALLY PRBP^KED BONE MANURIS. FOR 1 GRASS, CORN, ROOT, AND DTgJlR CROPS; ALSO, ^WI m BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE WORKS,-CATHAY, BRISTOL. .JmL AGENTS—Mr G. Giiffith.x, Wine Merchant P^ll^r^e Thomas Parker, Cardiitaa J. N. Evans, Aherayron. Full Particulars with Prices, Post Free on ^plication. — -rt ————MW "« — — -rt ————MW "« — PI08PI0 3L FIUAKO. PREPARED ONLY FROM PACIFIC ISLAND GUANO By THE PHOSPHO GUANO S E A 0 iNt B 14'9 Co., LIMITED. TPADR MARIC. CHESHIhE. trade IS THE BEST MANURE FOR ALL PTJIlPOSF-S. PHOSPHATES SOLUBLE, AMMONIA FIXED, ANALYSIS GUARANTEED. A€jJ KITS — Mr John Sime, Fast Hook, Havcrionlwcst. Mr John Bennett. WoKsdale, do. Mr Caleb John, Eglwyswrw, Newport- Mr T. D. Francis, Bryn Shop, Llanybyther. i Mr David Vaughan, Merchant. Fishguard. MESSRS. HILTON & WALTJiLW, Liverpool, Factors to the Company. THE. EMPEllUR OF HUSSIA AND THh CI t OK LONDON. 11:9 Imperial Msje'-ty the Emperor nf Rushia 1tt\0I citnterre(i on Mr J. W. Benson the appointment of Gold- i-tithtotht-Jmpenat Court, in appreciation 01 Mi Bensat,'e aiti-tic pinducti(in o(ttie Oold Caskei presented > the Emperor by the Corporation ol the City 01 Lutidon. I W I > EN SON, tls »» s I* To HIP Queen mid Royal Family. §T <) H. tt. Ii. the Prinoeof <V hI> 8 (special apcointroent.) Ma> er o' 'lie Ch ono^raph, l>v which ihe Derby and all gieat raco are timed, true Medallist of London, LUDGATE HILL. LONDON. K.C.; 25, OLD T X\T IJ ENSON in vitep attention fotbenn- <J V\ ILJ rquailtd ndrnntsgrs wlifch he is embled ID (.fler to pure aser" hy the as« of steam power and (he employment ol » 'arge siiiff id skilled Englitli and foreign woihmen The highly satistaolun pi r- ioroiHrice ol his Wntche* and fhxkni* rersogrimed hy the I'TCBS HIUI the Piibln The pnres rliurged in every ii stance, are ilit-luwefl, compatible w Ith sound work- VI OVEL'I Y. hiiRlmh Clock* far superior to foreitn, .1 OfKijii «d by Ltiuliih Art sis, inanu'sctured oo the 4jrcn.i-es, sn i to he obtainrd only st the abovpe-ibblishuienis ^hx k Csses mude to hsf- moiiize with thearchitfcloieof m8lisioD«,coantrjr hiMi tp, &c., and with their furniture. "7 AICilES. From J to 200 Guineas. Railway W Guards, Bailors, Soldiers, Miners, and Work- men's Wa cbes (of extra strength ) LOCKS. From 1 to 1,00 Guineas. | J EWELRY and Plate for Presentation, &c. [ Watches and Clocks repaired by skilled workmen. 1 Old Jewelry, Silver, and Watches exchanged. S I'R P* El'. T X\T IJ ENSON in vitep attention fotbenn- <J V\ ILJ rquailtd ndrnntsgrs wlifch he is embled 10 to pure aser" hy the fame of steam power and (he employment ol » 'arge siiiff id skilled Englitli and foreign woihmen The highly satistaolun pi r- ioroiHrice ol his Wntche* and fhxkni* rersogrimed hy the I'TCBS HIUI the Piibln The pnres rliurged in every ii stance, are ilit-luwefl, compatible w Ith sound work- 11.11 finitl., VI OVEL'I Y. hiiRlmh Clock* far superior to foreitn, .1 OfKijii «d by Ltiuliih Art sis, inanu'sctured oo the 4jrcn.i-es, sn i to he obtainrd only st the abovpe-ibblishuienis ^hx k Csses mude to hsf- moiiize with thearchitfcloieof m8lisioD«,coantrjr hiMi tp, &c., and with their furniture. "7 AICilES. From J to 200 Guineas. Railway W Guards, Bailors, Soldiers, Miners, and Work- W Guards, Bailors, Soldiers, Miners, and Work. men's Wa cbes (of extra strength ) LOCKS. From 1 to 1,00 Guineas. | JEWELRY and Plate for Presentation, &c. [ Watches and Clocks repaired by skilled workmen. 1 Old Jewelry, Silver, and Watches exchanged. Watches sent to all parts, g*fe by post. Merchants and Shippers supplied. The new Pamphlets on Turret and Church Clocks The above sketch represents the Perpetual Calendar^ <w,,k Testimonials), ^'a.t^58.a°4 Indeptndent Seconds Key less Wa.oh. The hands, (profusely illustrated), sent post free each ior iritboDl being re-set from time to time for leap year, n," » *»- c«ep a perpetual register of seconds, minutes, hours, kv Y" h Jn i^rrllniiv Pui^ o^ lays, weeks, months and years, show old and nsw' published by Hardw.cke, Piccadilly. Plain 2s 9d., <yles phases ol the moon; and ratistion. of neat u" JTI0K..Th. Public are cautioned against mis. vepresen tat ions and attempts to sell Spariouii Imitation OARSONS PAINT, PATRONI8BD BY HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, THE DUBLIN BOARD OF WORKS, THB BRITISH GOVERNMKNT, I THB COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS, I RAILWAY and CANAL COMPANIBS, THB IMUIAN GOVERNMENT | THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, | COLLIBKIBS, IRON MASTERS, &C. 8,000 OF THE NOBILITY AND GBNT&Y, For all kinds of OUT-DOOR WORK, And is proved, after a test of upwards of 80 years, to surpass any other paint. It is especially applicable to Iren Roofing, Park Fencing, Farm and other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implements, Carts and Waggons, Gates, &c., &c., and all exposed work, effecting a Saving of more than 50 per cent., as it is cheaper, and lasts twice as long as Genuine White Lead or any other paint, and CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. It is sold in a fine powder. Will keep any length of time. No grinding, tinting, straining, or dryers are necessary. It requires simply to be mixed with Oil Mixture," according to "Directions for Use," tlius avoiding the waste of paints sold mixed ready for use." 0 PerCwt. COLOURS. Per Cwt. WHITE r fRADE MAMIG BRIGHT RED 28/ LIGHT STONE J DARK RED ) BATH STONE PURPLE BROWN ».}26/ CjlEAM COLOUR > 32/ ANTicosiOTsioNml^^ BRONZE GREEN J LIGHT PORTLAND STONE H CHOCOLATE 20/ PORTLAND STONE BLACK 20/ BUFF (for STABLES) .J BRIGHT GREEN LIGHT LEAD or SLATE ..28/ MEDIUM GREEN [i2t OAK COLOUR 26/ WffB&Sr DEEP GREEN •• •• ( LEAD COLOUR 20/ towu auumwiwaamw BLUE Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, BrUlhn, fto. CARSONS PAINT, For PUBLIC EDIFICES, MANSIONS, VILLAS, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, Ac., is unrivalled, and is the only Paint that will effectually resist the rays of the sun upon CONSERVATORIES, GREENHOUSES, FRAMES, &e. 2 CWT. Delivered Carriage free to all Railway Stations in the United Kingdom. PRICES, PATTERNS AND TESTIMONIALS SENT POST FREE ON APPLICATION. WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE. HILL, LONDON, E.O. And 21, BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN.. NO AGENTS, ILBEtf'S WINES & SPIRITS—1 tie und SPIRITS, bottled by W & A GILIIEY, and bearing their Seals. their Agents at the same prices as at Head Establishments. t A GILBKY'S List of 200 varieties two descriptions of each quoted below, one on account of its moderate price, and the .d with greater age. A CENT- iIARRIES, Chemist, 36 High Street HAVEEF0RDWES1 WINES Per SPIRITS rep BettteDotttt BoKteDotet Cast<e TA POBT/«*r Pprtugal A good-) Castle UP OIN Distilled from the best) bodied Wine with •xevjem. flavor, well S 1/9 81/ unmaltej Corn, and higlily reciified at oar v 2/ 24/ matured. 4 years old at time of bottling) Own Otstillcry. 33 per cent, under proof) Castle B POBT from Portugal A Castl« PROOF GIN Distilled from the best} full-flavored fruity Wine, well matured. [ *» W ■"malted Corn, and highly rectified at »ur S 2/10 34/ 8 years old at time of bottling —I OWn Distillery. Strength, proof Castle 1 SPANISH PORT > ftvkf\ 7, IRISH^WHISKEY) Wine of good bod*, from tha isorth-east > If* mm instilled from fine Malt, and matured in our 2/8 27/ •f Spain, b years old at time of bottling own Boaded Stores. 33 per cent, under pf.) Ckstle S SPANISH POBT The finest) tV°? IBI8K WHISKEY) Reel Vine produced in the north-east of > \lti 211 Ine finest old Dublin Whiskey, matured in >■ 3/3 39 Spain. • *ears old at time of bottling • • ( our own Bonded Stores. Strength, proof) Castle 1A ?**SHEBBYfrom Spain A) ,0J CaSt!vV-^r SCOTCH WHISKEY) pure Spanish Sherry suitable for Luncheon > 1/0 18/ Distilled from fine Malt, and matured incur > 2/3 27! or Dinner. 3 years old at time of bottling; own Bonded Stores. 33 per cent, under pf. ) Sastle C >aU SHEBBY from Spain.A) Castle SO SCOTCH WHISKEY) gooJ type of nutty Spanish Sherry, mode- j- I he fmcit old Scotch W hiskey, matured in 3/3 391 Attely dry. 6 years old At time of bottling our own Bonded Stores. Strength, proof) Castle VP PaU BLABS ALA from Sicily) Castle UP BBANDY Possessing tha% A delicate flavored Luncheon or Dinner >■ 1/4 16/ wholewme qualities aud much of the fit., 2/3 Ski", Wine 3 years old at time of bottling ) flavor of Cognac. 33 per cent, under proof) Castle C PaU MABSALA from 1/a ofv Castle PROOF BBANDY Possessing the "1 The finest dry and delicate W ine produced wholesome qualities and much of the fine > 3i 30) in Sicily. 7 years old at uw of bottling) flavor of Cognac. Strength, proof ) Castle A CLABET/W» France. Apure) Castle O COGNAC An excellent•> soundMeiocWine; an excellent beverage | I 12/ Brandy of fine flavor, Irom the Chumpaene V 3/ fl/ at all meals. Upwards of a year m bottle ) districts of Co-nac. 33 per cent, under pf I Castle C CliA^T from/ranee A fine-\ Castle FO COGNAC Tliefinest Cham-\ Savored and well-matured Medoc Wiae, j I 18j pagne Brandy, well matured by great are I 4/0 K7l possessing bottle character •• • ) Strength, proof J Castle SAtTMTJB Sik'f Foil Q.nrts) C/l 25/ Castle UP JAMAICA BUM A well-* A Sparkling dry Champagne, with matured Jamaica Rum, and ofasoft mellowt 2/2 271 fine flavoi and delicacy •• flavor. Strength, 33 per cent, under proo{ J Castle SATJMUB ^W Foil QuarCs) 2/s 30/ Castte JO .JAMAICA RUM The A Sparkling dry Champagne, with p; > fine53 ^maica Rum, v.-ell matured by 2 ) 0/0 oq, fine flavor, great dehcacy and age ) 1/6 17/ Strength, proof g > | i><'s ■%j> SPARKLING CHAMPAGNES AT REDUCED PRICES .V" fcistlel CHAMPAON2 Apure 2/2 26/ I] Castle 3 CHAMPAGNE A class Sparkling Wine for ordinary use, Kms V of Champagne usually ,,o'd under 6W the Champagne district >1/3 lW || special brands and at high price> fill SotUM t«W*F» f91 SywUlag. WWO art ¡JUI'Itd 14. CMSt WAW If aUgVed vriMB retura Bridge Street, Haverfordwest, and JVest Street Fishguard. JAM E S R OOH, FARM & FURNISHING IRONMONGER Gas Fitter and Plumber, Tin Plate and Wire Worker, &o*, Bridge Street, Haverfordwest, and West Street Fishguard. JAM E S R OOH, FARM & FURNISHING IRONMONGER Gas Fitter and Plumber, Tin PJate and Wire Worker, &o*, BEG8 to nnnounce that lie is carrying on Kniloow at tlie above placet and bariMt j *t rrftirn^d fnuli »>»« Blrmlntrlum, ^hCflteld, Bnd other market*, witft n well seleeted Stock of CdHRleetvo plated Oo« d<, FiirnishlnK and BuiMors' Ironir.onfery, Lamps, Paints, Colour-i and Oils, Baft Iroo^ Steol.Spnrles, Shovel-, Fire \rro», Powder, .Shot. Caps, Cartridges, and Cartridge Oases, &c., be is preiared 't9t dfor Goods, which for quality and price will bear comparison with ihoee of any other booae. I'urfcbMSn "Ml rely oo being well served, and orders promptly ezeeoted. In soliciting a *hare ol public patron*s^a, be^will use every e*ertion'to toevA tb» eotm4euc« of ati wha assy Rlndlv favour litui with a visit. J. K. wishes t" eall the a'teuiion of ttie pa bile to a qanntiiy of well seleeted (iqeds. for the eominc season viz., Travelling Trunks, Hip. Sponee und other Bath*. Toilette W^re, iFrenCft and Half fcwter hed.tfail*. Children's Cribs, &c.. Straw and Millpnff Mattresses, Mattinp, Mats.^c good wAe (lock at3M per lb, Wbjte and ornainonfal Grate Shavinus, Fender and Fire Iron-, &c. Oila, Paints, CdaSfc VarnMl, ronw»tiae, 4c. Ltth«, N«»ils. 81ate«s Bri«ksf Tiles, Looks, Hinges, 8crews, Latched, SbeetWW, Sheet and Perforates Rlndlv favour litui with a visit. J. K. wishes t" eall the a'teuiion of ttie pa bile to a qanntiiy of well seleeted (iqeds. for the eominc season viz., Travelling Trunks, Hip. Sponee und other Bath*. Toilette W^re, iFrenCft and Half fcwter hed.tfail*. Children's Cribs, &c.. Straw and Millpnff Mattresses, Mattinp, Mats.^c good wAe (lock at3M per lb, Wbjte and ornainonfal Grate Shavinus, Fender and Fire Iron-, &c. Oila, Paints, CdaSfc VarnMl, ronw»tiae, 4c. Ltth«, N«»ils. 81ate«s Bri«ksf Tiles, Looks, Hinges, 8crews, Latched, SbeetWW, Sheet and Perforates Zino, Felt. 4c. ALL OLD AND NEW TIN WORK DONE TO ORDER. (ESTABLISHED 1842 ) JOHN ROBINSON AND Co. BRISTOL MANUFACTURE M A M U M E S, Of high Quality, which are sent out in goo4 r-oullition, at inoflerafte prices, arul iluring the past season several important prizes have lim" awarded tor Toots £ t'oWn from them where the com- petition was unrestricted- • DISSOLVED BONES MANURE GRASS MANURE surER-PHOSPHATB MANGOLD & TURNIP MAN^E And cither kinds for Special Crops. Also LIN-SFCT) AND COTTON SEED CAKES, From Seen as imported. Apply to TOHN FLOBINSON & CO., BKTSTJL, or to their Agmts, Mr Jesae Harvey, Kilpaison Houfu, Pembroke; Mcssre. R. anO J..loiies, Haveifnrdwe l. CLED DAU B REW ER Y, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, G E O K G E~M7 G R E E N, MALTSTER & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Agent for Miller and Johnson's Celebrated Artificial manures. G R'141 "GREEN & JOHN, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUAY STREEI IIAVEBFORDWEST, AGENTS FOR LAYVKS' SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, s- LAWES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND L A WES' DISSOLVED BONES. PERUVIAN GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. ESTABLISHED OVER 150 YEARS. Upper Market Street, Haverfordivest. JAMES DAVIES, (Late Bail lieu a.id Da vies,) LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S BOOT & SHOE MAKER IN returning thanks for the patronage bestowed upon him and bis late'Partner, begs respectfully to announce that he is prepared to execute all orders in Boot aud Shoe Making in the newest styles, and at moderate prices. newest styles, and at moderate prices. J. D's Goods are home made, and employing only the most skiHut workmen, the workman- ship can be guaranteed. Repairs Neatly Executed i »v Li-LHjNDmj »y J« ar ALKARAM » S«aU Nit, B10 TTt f «» if InhMod ou tl^ first symptoms will at t»ure remove them, And t'vpo when a cold h!).- lo. en ii^-glpotwl and become severe, it will give imme'liuto reliei, ;mh1 generally cure in one day. itilk uu narcotic, and never produces any un;'Irwsiiut effneia. Ajidtess OR DUNBAR, care of F NEWBERY and SONS. 07, N'I'IÓø.tl! l-tioet, LtiNDUX. B.O. ro if ERVOUS SUFFhBERb. REAP irtiS "SECKKT FRIEND." fPHlb Wondorlni Medical Guide net only gives the X cause, hut shows how a permanent enre can ho efleoted in ail esses of Nervous Debility, Depression of Bpiiiis, TimldUy. Impaired Siltbi and Memorr, Pains in the baelt, LsssitHde, Spermaiorrheea, 101- pediments to Mstriape, Strieiore,Secondary Symptoms, and All Vvneical l)isp«se«, without the use of Mercury Dr U..rii«h's long ixpeti<*nre in the treatment 01 all Sexual Duteases I.as rnahled bim. to treat the most inveterai«> cases wiih marked suceess This "ttuahte work" THE SECRET FRIEND," is Hlusiraten with nvtiieipMs THses and leMiuionials from Patients ea- picssitig their deepest (traMtode for having been rE" stored io health and manly vigour. To the married and siugle this book is invaluahle. Sent post tree secure from observation on receipt of ¡' two ftatuph. IW Address, Dr. Barnes, 1, Lonsdale 8quare Barnsbury, London, N. Important to Country Patients. DR FARNES ma be rooeoltod personally or by leitet, in all pii >ate and confidential cases and for the benefit of Nervous •• offerers who eannot visit bim, he wi I, on receiving a desciiptlon of their jMe, enclosing a fitamped envelope for reply, be ready to dive bis optmon upon the nature of the case, and the principles of treatment necessary to effect a perfect cure. Address, DR. BARNES, I. Lonsdale Square, Barn-burv, London, N. ..j.. xij 'i. lijii Lir ii." t r ij ViOrtLD FAMED SSIRAIIEIIII !,f.Hrk,- cc Blood T/Ti^t-tire." "rT BLCQ8 & RESTORr.3 For Scrofula, Scorvy, Skin Oiseases, and sore of all kinds it is a never failing and permanent cure. It oures old Sores. Cures Utceratcd Sore Legs. Cures of Pimples on the face. i-e?, Mourvy Sore*. Cures Cancerous mct-rs. Cure- Blood and Skm Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. C eunses and Cures the Biood from all miure Mstter. From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and war- ranted Iree from anything injurious to the most deli- et»te const itulion of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sutturers to pive it a trial to it st its viiue. Thousands of Tesiimonials Irotu mll parts. Soli in bottles 211 CJ, and in esses containing six ttne" the quantity, lis each by all CHL "ISTS KD PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS, throughout thti world, or Etut to any address, un receipt c: Sit or 13 stamps by [ F. J CIJAEKE, CH MIST. Hiph Street, Lincoln, "Wholesale A JTa'en' Medicine Houses. *rfrwtbf—E, J. tiowell, ohemiat, &c, i&"A etp lacs. ONE MILLION STERLIKB H "I Lev II paid as COMPENSATION FOR DEATH Ie, INJURIES Caused by ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS, BT THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY. HON A. KINNA1RD, M.PrCtisirm»»r. Paid up Capital and Reserve Fund f I &o.g(io ANNUAL I \cuME £ 200,0 i0. Honus allowed to lin-orers of Ktve Year#' Slandmp. Apply to the Clerks a* the Railway Stations, the LOCKI A(ierW«. or '54. CORNHILL, & 10, RKtJKN I STREET, LONDON WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. Agent tor Haverfordwest: Mr H. BARHAM, Rsilwav Station. PEOPLES EDITION NEW SPECIAL MEDIUM, WORK. BY OK HENRY SMITH. NOW READY—fkkb ED/HOV. By POflI, ill envelope, one stamp {le pre-ray postage.) DEBILITATING ntSKASESt their cau->w tth D CnRIl. A WARNING VOICF. TO YOUTH AND MANHOOD. By tlENRY sMITH, M.l).,ir the Royal Uuiversity of Jena, Author of Thfl Vol- unteer's Msnoal," '• The Warning Voice," 4e. Tbif work gives Dr Smith's Treatment (the result of Twenty Six years special practice) for the Cure 01 ftHDi-cascsoi the Nervous system, Nervous Dehilitv, Menial Hi Physi- cal Depression Pnlpitstien ot ti e Heart, Noises in the Head & Ears, Indecision. Impaired i-i-ght wnd Memory. Indigestion, Loss of Energy, Pains in the Back t.onsti- latioii. Blushing, Hy starts. Tim diiy, Self-distrust, Dizziness, Love of So itude, Groundless Fears, Muscu lar Relaxation, &e., resulting from exhaustion of Nerve Power, the eftect of Overtaxed Energies, P,ner- vitting Habits, and o:hcr abuses of the system which. if neglected, end in premature d> eline and dleath. GIVES INSTRUCTIONS AND PRESCRIPTIONS. Ilhuurated with Testimonials from grateful pat ents; with means of Cute used in each case. Also ADVICE TO YOUNG MEN ON SUBJECTS OF GREAT IM. PORTANCE. Sent free by post on receipt of on* penny stamp. ♦•This ib a work rl)icb every young man ehou'd read. The moral tone which pervade- eveiy page with sound advice is invaluable, especially when lousing from the pen of a physician whose siiceeFs has K'.vei. hru a place ai«ionet>t the rtuiueut Specislists of the sge."—An ruing t Ir, nicie. Third Thousand. By po"t. seven s'amps it, envelope I I 7 OMAN Hei Duties, Helaiion*, and Pasitioi. yy Subjects,^ greeted: Girlliood, Maidenhood. Courtthip, Marii^e, Moth»rhood, Female Education. Female Hea th, Female Il> iiieue, Domestic Nit,ilelfie. &t- &c. It is u treaiise on subjects of vita! import- ance 10 V\ ornan. bKAOTlFULLY 1LLU8TKATK.U "¡'fH fc.NOf. AVI 0., Woul), "This is an extreuiel., we i- wri,, tet, and most in- j teresiing -*t»ik. evincini* a th<.ro>igh niaotcrv oi rl e sutij'Ht, anil containing the u.oft valuaolr inforu.aiu.B for woman,l*>ndon Kevieu-, JUMC 27. 1874- Address, Dr. H.. SMI'l H, », burton Ciesctnt, Lon- for woman,l*>ndon Kevieu-, JUMC 27. 1874- Address, Dr. ii. SM) i H, », burton Ciesctnt, Lon- don. W.O. ONSU A LONDON i HYblClAN BY LETTER i\ t m. i. i r t.i- ONSU A LONDON i HYblClAN BY LETTER i\ t l i l < i. i i' ii. i'. bit. K SMITH. ll>e Eminem .sptuali-l lor h. cuic ot ali 'iebiln.nl 'it: and e«'itia^ious dunueo WILL POK THK BESKF1T OF C'lUS'l'klf I'AIIK.SIS M'ln/ I'ANSOT rO.itU' HIM I'M;>U>A[.l.l I).' '.fetVii.g de». Lriptiou ol '.bell case, .■•enu Lis >i», « :iti ati. •ce and direi-tious ior the most sjccesslu! restcratica o health and vigour. >Andrew jyrH.Smith,ViiiiJa 'ireices:i-ondoa. J II 1 I k { 1 *-v"8RLL'S ORIENTAL COFFEE eowtifaa* a M (action of the finest growth of East Indifc i n he procaw of roasting and grinding the full sUeRfeh •id Ana aroma are preserved, rendaring it egaal M Vt* ». <'rf*ff.a so «och prised io ORIENTAL COUNTRJ'fS THE PEUFECriON ol COFFEE Price 2' per l1If. CIASSELL'S COFFEES or. aupplied at to.. to it S Is4d., h ed ,and KSJ.. an 1 Is ltid per lb, « C^ni'terst -4d aiMight Packue, frotu oae oanee tOttIt. >' p<ia<id, bf Axen.it>, H. Acer«. Chemists. Gonfeptiosttei Jt".Ihrt.ueb out t!ie kin^ftnm. CASSELL'S PURE UNCOLOURED TEAS. ..SELI/S TEAS are pure and free from a#* J facing powder or other injurious matter. tb« >7ratti» as wall as the Black is tbe natural aokror of (§• eAl. it b." not theielore th- ^ri^htfrtan baa of «rilindiy Green Teas, which ate faced by the Chtaeea with mitiera, powder or other cotonring matter to grive tbem appearanee. By the use Of CLSSBLCtt TEAS raa purity and un iforin good quality are at ail times eo ired. CASICLVIT Punt UNCOLOOEBD TBA 2«„ 2s 4d., 2s 8d., per lb. CABSBLL's ruaE UNCOLOURED TEA, finest quat6 ties, 3«, 3s 6d, and 4s, per lb., in Packets oil 01 to 3 Ib. Sol y .4. Grocers, Chemists, Confectioners, 4.11. throughout the Kingdom. AGENCY —To place CAS ELL'S well known Tr* • ASD COFFEES within the reach ef every family in the Kingdom, Agents arereqaired in every neigtr boiirhood no' yet ru11 y supplied. For terms, appl" a CASSKLL, SMITH, & Co., SO Fenchurch Street, Loi^< Fz-S. LLEN$ c worlds ? •HAIRRESTORE^ HUNDRED REASONS Might be given wb" Mrs. 8. A. Aixn-'f* 'WOkW'S IU12 SesToasa thottM be w, by every Intdllgent human betng in pre ference to every other Preparation for the Hair; bat tea will suffice, and bent they are^ ■ ■—■■ ———— 1st—It never falls to rØNIII, reefee, aarl return the original$wutltfvl cafaw 81{1 appearm/ics of the Hair, iu every can ØC greyness, no matter from what eauaa 1% 8PÎMI8, i sm-it ww 4vwi.0 the or*-OL ssa—It will give the Hair a aataral gloss. ITH.—It will restore life and vlifoar'f*, the roots of the Hair. -=- «th.—It will stap the Hair from fafflsg ofl. 6rD_It is a soperior dressing for U4 Hair. ;rii lis perfuuie is moet. agreeable, 8TH.-H;lir Oil or Perfume is never requireJ with It. 9TH.—Its Rood effects are permanent. 10TH, 4.fD I.ASTLV.-Forty years of trl-U have estiililii-liecl itb sai>eriorUy and ô.c- ceilence. No preparation has ever attained « such renown ns MbS. S. A. ALLEN ) WORLD'S HAIR BESTOBEtL ng imitators are maoy. — Verbum eat sapienti." I Paice 6s., iv LARG. Bonus. PRJSCIPAL toEPOTS- 114 and 116. Sonthampton Bow, London; 25, Boulevard Hauasmtmn, Paris; A" SnJt1 hy all Chemists sad Perfumers itirouglifmt the World. ■ ^■1.1— II IMIIIIWWW 7W ^|A(XNOL{ABALM BEAUTY- A fciv ;ij:j'!>cationfi of HAOAVa MAG. NOLI A I'.A LM will £ ivc a J(«rc. liteolSiw complexion. Its efiects are grtfud nstaral. and perfeet It does away with the fltmhed appearance eaased by heat t&ttgns. and exeiteoieM; removec 811 blotches and pimples, dispels dark aad unsightly spots, drives away tan, freekiss. a!H! RUf1t,uru. &)d by its geiuie but pcn Tr tut Inriuen-c maoUes the fnded cbeek with youthful bloom and beauty. In 8Ie Ir Aiaeriea for the last twenty-five yean. Sold by all Cbeoiists and Perfumers, a Ss. Ctl. Every Bottte Is enclosed in handsome French Cardboard Toilet Caes EUROPEAN DEPOT- ,L4 114 & 116, Southampton Kow ) LONDON, W.O. PoWELCS J^MBAOCATION PflE EXTllAOUDISARY SALE. widt- JL sprfad toollliittrity, aud wonderful rOBUHs •>t I'ijWI.M.'S KM II HOC AT IOS apMS itM tl'Np to tliot* yet uH.tqwatMed wKb tho properties of title emolUenl. Ks 1U"rv..II. cillracv lias Ih-i-ii attested If U.K. H. the 1ICKK D'AUM ALK, 'b* ui«'.ll I' HON. THK LATK EAKL OF <I1!l:NIXIS. K G the UIG11T H"K f t: A '< C K S < OUNTKSfs WALI .fc. the THP. COI N- TESS OF HAUNOK. and many ottgw eminent [H^rs.>ns oopiett of whose tesb- moninik iici-ompativ ¡.tH:. PILE TOKMENTING and Sleep-Destroying I. t'nins ot Shentni'ti^m, float. Seurai^s >eutira. pnd SiirtiiAep <,f tkc Joints. tiii *iwe 'insrs. r rielr! to itf em'>lli«t i.ifluenoe. TI.e Prrparition >« sold by aS t lieinm's. »t '« l <i nniUj Ski. t lieinm's. »t '« l <i nniUj Ski. VAN DUZER & RICHARD^ SOLE t=s?PSiETCRS ? j A B05 ATOK"^— 114 & 116, SOUTHAMPTON BOW LO.VDOi", —