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¡J. í" | rrr; *■ ■■ v V' '■■ i t i *■' H '!i ACO B) EVIT' r l'i-'n-i'e -1 a J A ï; j-, iun.v:^ ■ COMIMV • t J • ? ''■••i I, ■ • ;tl.Áallncoll'c, £;80,0,:11. Coinpontsitrioii ailowv:! !•> » v»'ii'y A..v s c v: si.K.G^N i >. M\ i.u: WIJ.T M T. VI t Pecrrt:*rr. :,0 P L ij E DJi:'J!JiJ h ^J-Yv SFMii I ¡' ,AI Ly I t!, N-w '>1 P'> i ri;V»-Iupe, oil* (l.) prt-r.: y-p ista: c,; I ■fTAT>v'» DISK A$R9 •. 'J.'rN" s.i. ^$< LiiK. A W.\ fIN'INO Y0I.J-? TO OiJ J JI and man noon '.in* hf/sry svth. m.d u'« Uovai Uutver-fty oi Jt> An h* <>• "T -c V. U' t'-er's Jfnnoa! « W«rom £ V >irej* &0..Fir? *"<>rk giv. s D* Smith's Treatment (»';? r.mi .?-.»• Tweniy y* nrs ^j>eei:.i „r«tuv ) !.>r ':e Cur M Dt ^ts ti.p vous sys*°iiw Nro> vt"i I v Mi*n'a. «.* £ » »n '^U)T.rr<,rx.n, P.:lp;t:t>-An oi t' c H ai t, jSSi-;s in th ad & Ears, lVdeeMon I.Kr-x'rod S.ght mid Mue >rv. ^igt'hiion, Loss of Ei-einy, P i'u j'1 'he E:o-.s. BlnsVuc. K* st -n't, Timidity, Se!i-jis'rot, I.ovo of So'ituil<\ 'Jrouii(iU,?s tear-, M'isoi.« RtlaiRt.oM, ri-ui'.i-.ii.' »rora £ xhau«!ioii f.' ■«'-rvB -»»0w0r /tha of O > itnxed E»craifc>, Hn'er. flaf rt, t. d «»»»■=•-•» "f tl'« which, T>f r>i, (>.tp,- .j, nj-^Tf.irur^ d olin<* fiiul f\ u*h. J,. QiViiS iVstROCTIOJJS AN!) PHBSCtfiPTlON?'. ':|vtra!<d w.i(h" 'l'visi!«r<M»i «'# from ^ratfi'nl p -l enis h ans ,( r. ::s,J iP eno' < nw. A'vo A'DVH.'I To y, k\: ^t)i:JKCT3 o.F GKi;a r tjvr n'l cn r'H: :h1 o-' ot.c *P "tij- "'ihis-« i-.O! • y yjr.t! >» in ,| rc'a • i hi' nigral 10ilf v.-luch jivi'V^ue- .jry pope vrrl inivii-o ii:va!u~.i>!r, e^pe-i<y v.-lien ti. |ibn (;f -H -pbyiwitrit "> liosu t i bus v- V'UiO'* r(y "t *'>»■ -fTtHut*lit v5j'ccii*i^ oi i* c 4!5°- rniny Chr^W'p. Thirtj pi !;y t, 4 i: -laapB ,'lort* Ai\ AN 'lei V Y Siil ]•*<"■ f* iren ;i: <3'riiiood, .HM.'iiihot« C-.ur. !ti,. K n;U- K ;cc »:»«>. k I'-ir.n' h'■ tii, Fetnul-.Ilvnif-iip, Oo:»Mic Mi licii c, I tic., i, trvfvtlst C-»r L-f v««J io,j -ol-x- f an,.h ,J,. '*• i .L-STUATKIUV 'tC j. r: li -Y. lL a L(!\iiO\ •' •" v iV5TH';UT | Ml ti S iT; T I r-.n „• a.I >I.T. v.<u THt bk: '■ o; tl eir ras *-■<> a. f!;r, -r.. l.° '-ealtl: v^' j^H. 8 ° 1'V, | J iitiuvul/s yCIL"1; H ¡L; KKA!' in £ tliliiNIX-' VV\ r. r'ui MeJicsl G»We.r.oi ut;IV givcsHi, W1U-" bl.t »'CiV.V J-»w A j:cr.»!«« .1? «!«"' C,i in a;i i^kihoI Nt-rvoni 13^'y, p' Si uv.s. Tinr.difj, Sv!n ^n< Kt-wmy, I* ir ibe »■:«ck, Sper.i.at'.»rr. om. I.;>- ms to Msrr:ai;f, Stri«:«r.S'c«>r^R'y syw:p>s. inHI AU Yr-i \v.'h'>ui tl<c w o { Mcic.iy l,>r 1omj{ »xp<rii'JH-o in tUe o! a'- ? Xual i ui ,r< f llle ,?1' !"H>tcra p v. iih i. "•* Tuis td!u:«M vorl; »vKCi K'i ;8 iMu^rtitfi itli I^WlCfnUP ffi;i'V *) *f i<5.r t tX* J mii jf iPoil 1 l' it ilUii iOi tt" an V.gour. s -o !j*#* n,V p"lc it in*- ;Rl Von iv.e t-c^ :.i ■■ c-: A«!«lreBP, -Dr; 3am ;S<ai. &lU6bury, L'-n>!ou, N. ,<. I Imporif-1 to Coii33U> ratatr/cs. |\Pv PAU^.> hi.i t,e C f -n.; ,vr.^ny c.r b} f Jin ,.U ptl <:•><•' a,'( )';rbrr;tfit o! .'v< vo;:»- i.i'i i'/ %,v h'5 wl on rcceivirf a n~flf 1 eir t.'c,o»iij#; n p.'d pn*f)' j'.<s /or :t, •)'. ho n"J'V e pinion 11:e !■!■•■('of'.tlr-" ("ii-s ftm, >h' c^.ciP>es o: m-u'nvn; ,o ,Hc:i & !> 'fef" AV'i* :•••. 1, I,. Sqaa:«, ;;r\ I/i! N !> 'fef" AV'i* :•••. 1, I,. Sqaa:«, ;;r\ I/i! N "t oii 'i hF iiy Ti-H 1.1 Kii.—" S c W;ni' ro>u;«uv, XI, V. r#B 'J3.-Ci al.e s V rv>« Ltc.il Mixt ^ri—Tisv-'e Mwi it,—" e tl, ^ri.-rt P«nb r <■ y.Or, r, far ciof>r.Ri»»« c'irinp tk<J bn-.J'J H' ui .purUu », faun- i '■•■ t o lustily leficrt.iiu'u,.(_u <••• < J'w'.u n,Scuvvy. t-Ui« OS i n Soros oi »-.il »'•« ,s<? ne;er fa.•'»!»: a'.d cure. Oil! ^f>it-ii O'rpje U'THfi'd Sor 01. tb«- lWlk ♦■ures ITfcrrfitoi' er.ie 'i g ^ares hlnokiiertri 4 or i_.iii.jj"1 < s ou the fr.CJ hits Siirvv sort s ■»-iires Ctinceroas U'PCS lures !i!oo<! «»«d -Vin <li: p.ises I'-Ii0 GUi-dulnr Swelling* i "IS t¡" B'uoù fr.'fiI .:li IIIII,UfO l\íf1!ter f a Frv;. wl atwer Cfu'ii- at.-Tja > tills Uiixtuf'-if pUarn^Mo .be d wir' !r" frota an>thiiiff ii.jurieus tc (bo iwo-t i}>- :• KMiM.iion o.'citb.-r .Bfc*the p;x>p iftor sohwit* *(•»rers "° it » 4<st 1 V:iie- c'i0,isa»n36 01 X«stiPio:i'in « kroif all p«;rts su'y,il m i.; ttKs ^Cd i Mi li, «'•«' '» l'aTS" col,fa"'»' >«Vir,u>8 «»-e qoansi'tv, lis ,U — to efie«t a »! t-riMr nig riiy of lo»^ ly nirCbfD.t.iK fino i'a'cnt Mrdicinc-Y( Kd. r- the Ucitr.J K-vst-^n »».u tlt« wi.ih or LAK'KIC, ( ft iiu! *dlH .4: J" t"5:iS | "1;lvpjjKK < :;T{ HAlj-ii EWC1HK. !>«. IHOMM^'s ^VlGOMAT^G Pll.l'.s «'o»i w-li ki,own «•»- •Utrt lor !{ tr, l eatincli' r tlle l!>tel,;ur's 1,1 •• »vQ. '"•» vs i;- •! *'0sHion°rtl'hUl' '•••'>' *ore1.0n°> 111'' Suv-" ^ht. *-•' -i'i tHi# la(ju 5k-' t.tijrr ;• .s H* j • ■. S-l" » 0'>hA,- a11 »o,V 'fc Pfcl- I- S"1- Ot i'C-Uf i Min ur 'Is cored fi., wt i^i. | Sr^"T'(,eiori, 1 3 Jt 111 tHeUci Jttliii" I bati IK ft th h •tl>'t'v''CD8 m.-iy bo, j* tdvii-fcd to trytbei'e j wvUi.-«!iC*j vhat tbcf iwiibt iiud i Ik j '■ IIU Si)p<:ial l ectures fo Young Men y ITS AND | :iiUA(.i KS.—Yviien (<> nw.rry, with »-■ \1"1 (i,n :i;jpi.ito TOnrriiigc, jiointiiip roiKltr •: arried li « •i :or i1 eir snoefly I'nnova1. V.. Kt:-OiV.« til. :iiul .i: .i Ji.tiipy <•!■! :p. -ri,bt r;1 cfv'oreturv, J u' "■> •) A. V '■ ■■ '■ ;r I '■ o 5 Yi j -adB ."Z.A Universal Patronage. r.d all from general or local discase toko be?rt and follmr m the wake of tbonsands who ascribe their r<&torrtion cf btiJih fot-hc use of Hoi.low'AY's Oixtjient AND Pili.p. r^hcumatiim in the muscles or joints, gnuty pains, nenniiiric ,.TtUl'Ci'. craoipw and spasmodic twitches depart under the C of tboje noble remedies. Bad legs,* all kinds of wonads, ulcers, soi-cs, burns, cutnnoons inflamWiiitions, nre <fiv..yy C0B(lti;Ted. The reputation IXolloway's Ointment mid 1 j!!J hare acquired throughout the habitable Globe should r'.dnca every dI:¡rJcd jerson to give tlieui a fair trial before da.pairing of relief or abandoning liop £ eorj^tio Humours.—Scald Headø fúld Skin Diseases. SsorVinHo humonrs rcTÍ3e from an impure state of the blood, and iu most cases the liver and stomach are the organs at fault.—Tiiesc Fills will .speedily restore them to a healthy action I v. iiile the Ointment, if v. pli rubbed into the afflicted parts at least will soon care any case of skin disease. Soldiens, sailors, and lainers use this famous Oiutment in all parts of the worid. BroncMtia, Diphtheria, Sore Threats, Goughs, and Colds. Tbi.s Oiatment will enre, when every other means have failed. It is a sovereign remedy for all derangements of the throat and chest. Settled coup-bs or wheezing will be promptly rClllo,cd rubbing in the Unguent. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts. Old Wounds, Sores, and Ulcers. It i; surprising how quickly a sore, ulcer, or wound, deprivs* the body of stveucrth nnd unfits it fur the duties of life, and it its no less wondcrful to watch the effect of Holloway's Healing Ointment, v. lien it is tired according to the printed direction*, azid asaLrted byapproj;riate doses of the Pills. Gout and Rheumatism. Will ba cured with the greatest certainty if large quantities or tlx- Ointment ho well worked into the afflicted part*. Tiiis treatment must be perscveringly followed for some time, and duly assisted by powerful doses of Holloway's Pills. Tliesa .purifying and soothing remedies demand the earnest attention of all persons liable to rheumatism, gout, sciatica, or other painful IlTcctiOllli of the muscles, nerves, or joints. Piles, Fistulas, and Dropsical Swellings. Tin.; iriromparablc Oini.ment is earnestly recommended tl) nil fierinjr from, or having a tendency to, dropsy. The worrt i c v ill yield in u comparatively Rhort space of timtf when ttrfal <«>•»!>• nfc i,,¡ <liUgc1,tly rubbc-d into the parts affected. Tn all m inn., maladies the Pills should be taken to purify the blood uud r:t;ui.itc its circulation. Hoik tJij Giniment and Pills should be used in the fol{U'/1' ¡'¡¿g comjfluints:— Bad T,c-'m Corns (Soft) Scalds Ju-casts Fistulas Pore Throats Burrs Gout • Skin Uiseasea Bunions Glandular Swellings Scurvy C'hiibhUiS Lumbago Pore Heads Chapped lhmb Piles Tumoun Contracted and i3tiiI lilieuniatism Ulcers Joints. Pore Kipples Wounds The Ointment find Pills are sold at Professor Holloway's Establishment. ¡,;¡¡:, Oxford Street, London; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilind World, in Potsuml lioxe. at lid., 2s. 90., 4s. 6d., 111., and Siis. each. The smallest Put of Oiutment contain* one onnce; and the smallest Box of Pills four dozen.. Full printed directions are affixed to each Pot and Box, and tan be had in any language, even in Turkish, Arabic,, AxraWJW4 Pexsian, or Chinese. iio. IS—1. 'nllLB mo,;t is:CC.ivo roiuo ly for -S- ASTiiilA, a-i-l oUker alToc'ioas of ;ho I.tt-.is'3. Ko tr- i«t.:uoat\w% ions cont'iin on'lj dr('re known to curt pV- » As'iina. Xo treatment in >ro easy to foilu-.v. i'ri-i3S: O'Jtari (T« in nuinbor) 2s. 0d.; Papar 'I 1 ;9> 4s. 6,1. SS' MPISPA-^TtO PAPE R.-Tli most con, • >;i f i; h'Utorj wit THE & I l L t, oJ :J V A 1 TiTI tl'l ID SinVRU ft IVctaY I'lTTIMiS, FOfi 0lt USB. Prica £ 11 lls. M^TOAiyF AND CO., l •: ViiNTOSa ANi) snu: MAKKUS, n, C-.a3S.SPUR STRv5RT, LONDON, S.W. t" ;"f .T^w liorv, &c.. post fri^, ». coiun»'»-l p' -[", /ro 3. 4ii., T HOO l': lly Dr. LA. VfLI,E, Vnria. Exhihit.iu; a n^rfoo^ly ') 1 of cure. Translated from the T W">n», .H7t J^ewirato-street, K.C. 1. It. IIlso i, T J' n la8tinv, fragrance to the L, 'f. brcatl), anil 8 bealtliful ùri]¡iul1ey -.F"- to (he sntiw. Itl boxes. Is. llrl. and 2s, !i i., cf or 1-y post, for 15 or 3C, sti.mps ol • 1 l-iliit rbarmeeenUcal Cheinist, Ncw-croK», L0:\fron. V" ,nl. ;1", WIJa; & Son*, 87, Kewffate-«treet, Lont1on,. v,.c. -5 f ONF1V.—A Ge'jileui?.n is open to sLEND •. r-i» vin* frD1u JBi tü £ 493 from 5 per cent, interest, '■ r. n r -.j;h Ui> >n th 'ir nolo of band alone, fur- S.W• w"i,-is;at raiaoval. lito t»oHcla«. leases. Ac. The •>.■' ljo ropi.ti b." easy inst'diiicute, or at the .i v uit Uio \Vn'ro;y.:r. No law costs. ■,i "1 parileiilsrn ii avion:it r.'ijuircd, to Mi'. J. ii avion:it r.'ijuircd, to Mi'. J. 11 iu .(.v. flants, who -This aiifertini.'m;nt ia strictly '.I'.iiaM frona a:iy f<oan Suciety. 'f"1-ni'lf'i; LIST OF AY PBESENTS POST i- in Clocks, Watches. Aue- ■■ on is, (Jolt 3:w!l Uol.l A!li -rt.s .• ii"! • ;if• of bronzed .• ii"! • ;if• of bronzed ■■: ■j ,-7i l'or 1874, .11. v o: th Ciarx:y. v. i'h tli.ir. Decrees, Sc., i■ .}j. v;irks- v^c f^M'l jinxes, ){-=. Od., or rlli. !•■, *rli-li llo'bfi'n. fi'-ndon. lriooos!"Uili siBTS'f PiooBsll VI. V rHinsni^HS. Vitnna, lf>7-i. a (.u„ (ilo.«w:aer. v now rendv, po. free.- WQtjIjI&QTON L t.ilJ tPl»JoeWui is :r !uirlou ,rJ:I. So Mcrsot, ts I'io nl¡Hf.. fasiiion- "'}t ;,el'i1S uf 40 8l>.idc8 l'ittllt, frc. mmj V;AVS"JI4TXTUR]3'OAF :v & VCr.V8i!»-/«Tl->r to b'i'ftUUJ m w bo hii'1 or (>•. .NTt?w Uro^-roa«U [umci-Jii. c r.V + TA"? 7i CATAIjOGUKS anel No for Blocks to Cl" and .\V!o !"n, 1-C. V. ii.llEl' B, HAVEM'OKDW'KBT. CEXCK'ST CRICKET "1"AMKS- IjIXiL YW [ILTE, 1!'gown, and CO.'s ;;cw Ti:r<»trMe i I'r.s-e 1, for isH is now relciy, -4 will 1J.: t. i' "Miwiufused in Criokoti anl British Sjjortj gon; t> and moderate price. I.; a(1Jro"s, LONDON. rl<r.ëõ iI PAN Y (Limit. tl)I ,,1 T0\Vn3 for sale of Assam Prices per 111, 2s. fid,, • ir-alars apply to Head Depot, wunlrd. I ?r i.l) AiaitoiT CtLAINS, equal in in-earat g.J1, will wear a lifetime; iwt free 'I: Ü."h.8. 7", Gd. and Ills. 6J, Ch:sLcr i lOinl 2s. 6:1., 5s. 6d.. and oi' linger obtained by ent tinjr hole in ■, 3;. OJ.s sl« ;ve links, 2s. 6,1.. shirt ftud case. braop'cts. áR. 6d. sea: fid. Post free. Price list free. — v. • I, Westo^iirne-nark, London. W. 0 TFfcElVrO'Ur-A.Ij- f^TGALF km CO., JCW15LT.RR9. ^-{LV'- R^lMfTlIS AND' WATCHMAKERS, DliK-S .>C ASS ■, <r T»1 AVEtiLIN(i-T5AG MAKERS, EstabJi,llùù at 3, rV>iU, in tho year 1825, have removed to | ♦liCiT pvoniiaes, I 19, COCSSPCR STREET, LONDOi'T, S.W. I Vis*'io: s to Lc-i..on nre i»i?itad to inapeet their large Stock, I r*u1 lable tor-prc. rt-vy jow prices. article marked s h. "'ain j>ot; discount flowed for cash# AO mui- eextv m.Ji **<> gftiectlon if donrcd. \:u car/pJ- >pn-\ post fr#»e. —I n I, t„, ,mrnn ESTABLISHED 1812. If. ANDTraOClOB Ageicultubal CHEMISTS, CATHAY, BRISTOL, OliiGJNAL MANUtACTUKKHS OF SPEClAILY PKKPAREO BONE MANURES. FOR GRASS, COM, ROOT, AND OTHER CROPS; ALSO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS,—CATHAY, BlilSTOL. AGKNTS-Mr G. Gtifliths, Wine Merchant, Pembroke Tfionias Parker, Cardigan „ J. N. Kv.ins, Aberayron. Full Particulars with Prices, Post Free on application. Bejtnoris Br emery, Bridge Street, Haverfordwest. JAM E~S "R O C H, Jis (Formerly Manngcr tothelateMr D. Lewis, Saw & Hatchet, Bridge Street, and f for the last three years in the employ of Messrs. Marychurch & Daw,) FARM &FURMSI1ING IRONMONGER Gas Fitter and Plumber, Tin Plate and Wire Worker, &c, T> EGS to announce that he has commenced Business at the above place, and haying just returned h from the Birmingham, Sheffield, and other Markets, with a well selected Stock of Cutlery, "F.i'ctro-plaied Goods, Furnishing and Builders'Ironmongery, Lamps Paints Colours and Oils, ] r Iron Steel, Spades, Shovels, Fire Arms, Powder, Shot, Caps, Cartridges and Cartridge oases, &«", he is prepared to offer Goods which for quality and price will bear comparison with those of any other house. Purchasers can rely oubein^ well served, and orders promptly executed. In soliciting a share of public patronage, he will use every exertion to merit the confidence of all who may kindly favour him with a visit. Seven and a half per cent. oif for Cash, with the exception of Bar Iron and Cast Iron Kettles- ALL KINDS OF IMPLEMENTS GOT TO ORDER. J. Ii" wishes to call attention to his selection of French and Half Tester Bedsteads, Straw and Firck Matrcsscs Baths, Travelling Truuks, Toilet Ware, &c. Paints, Oils, Colours, Varnish, Slates, Bricks, Tiles, Laths, Nails, Locks, Latches, Screws, Hinges, Sheet Lead, Zinc ielt, &c. All kin(1s of old and new Tin Work done to order. a THE SHOW ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. EtJlEKA SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES. Surpass Pebbles of the Finest Quality. rpHE obj etion to lenses made from Brazilian pebbles is primarily because they polarize iRlit. a quality JL iao>t injiiricus to theeyeB. Tho concentration of a large amount of beat in tbe eyes will eventually re- sult iB Ibeir destruction, • THE EUKKKA SPECTACLES AND EYE WLASSES are manufactured on scientific pnnciplw, gronna with tbe most precise fcientific accuracy aild are scientifically adopted to the ey«f. Being entirely free from de!elc..toti!\ elements, the glasses never tire the eyes or make them acue. Thty can be ui-ed with comfort and sauslaction equally well by lamp or gas-ii?bt as by day-light. K «», » Their durablenees is p e-eouinent. W hile they preserve the *igh', their lasting qualities are «»cn tliai requeui changing, one of tbe mo^t, dangerous of practices, is rendered unneocieary. Eureka Neutral Tinted Spectacles and Eye Glasses Most effectually relieves tbe sensitive Eye from the distressing eliects of Rtrong light, natural oi' pain or unpleasanineits remits from the wear of WHITE LENSES, which in often the case, bo quality. This hetmtlful, invention absolutely confers the greatest case and comfort; softeiaing Hie llghl wlthon Obscuring it, atd is roally preserving to the sight. FOR SALE BY JOHN HARRIES, Wholesale § Retail Stationer, Bookseller § Optician, HIGH STREET, (Opposite the Town Hall,) HAVERFOBDWSET. Concave Glasses for near-sighted persons. Spectielos to suit all sights, from One Shilling per pair. 011 (•lasses re set, odd one-! matched, and peculiar sights suited. A La'-ge Assortment of Telescopes, Microscopes, Stereoscopes. Kaleidoscopes, Reading Ulasses and Burning Glasses kept in Stock. Depot of the fe.P.C.K., THE OBSERVATOKY, MARKET STREET, ILWEKFOKl>WEST T. J. WII I T E, Watch and Clock Maker, Jeweller, Optician, STATIONER, BOOKSBLLEE, &c-, ] BEGS to announce that at the above Depot (which has been kept at his Shop f«>i' the last Ten Years) he has now for Sale Bibles, Testaments, Pmyer Books, and Chuivh Seivk.^s, m English and Welsh; also Reward Books, School Books, Picture Cards, Howard Tickets, 1 ract?, &c, • and tlu't at the request of many of his Cupioim.Ts he lias added PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY, Consisting of Note Paper, liuvelopes all sizes, Mourning Note t'uper and Euvolopes all »idths^ 1 [order; Steel Pens, Penholder, Pencils; Ink—Jet Black, Violet, and Cochran's bright ^u-.e Jteu, Marking Ink, Memorandum Books, Killed Copy Books, Foolscapplafti and ruled, Paper, Tissue Paper all colours, Inkstands, Purses, Colour Boxes, Sealing Wax, 1tU tlll~ Kniv-v, &c. Bibles strongly bound, Od,, RJ., and 10d., pflch, Testaments 2d and 2|d each School Testaments with strong Metal linns 4id.. Prayer Books 2d, 2jd, od, 4id, (id eacJi and upwards. Church Services, New Lectionary, from Is 4d to 15s each. Kewaid Books from one Farthing each to 7s 6d, l1. J. W. also begs respectfully to invite the attention of the Public to his Stock ot Clocks, Jewellery, Spectacles, and Eye Glasses, &c., the whole of which have been cate i% iy selected and many novelties recently added. • v A three years'warranty given with each Clock and Watch sold. Horizontal, Levpr, Verge Duplex, and Repeating Watches. Cleaned, Repaired, and carefully timed, and correct performance guaranteed. Jewellery neativ and carefully repaired. Watch Keys and Glasses fitted Wedding Rings and Keepers, Engaged Rings, &c. I CARSONS* PAINT, pat- ») sis "Ft r.y j HER MAdBOTY THE QUEEN, fH« B«ttiph Govebkmfwt, J Tjh? GorMSMKvrs, j V-ut.wat atn.lf I 1'hb INDIAN Govebkmknt, j '1I! E itvas.&:i Govxjun'mgnt, tou i £ "-••»* ->• 1 7,000 oi Titi >•!•.>r.iUTY and Ctxiuv, 1 ')1' an kinds of OTTT-DOOB 1|T| T. Ttl, And is proved, after a test of upwawls oi' 79 years. ').««rp.i<s any other t'aiut. It !••• V' '.i n"»swoi»« Hoofing, Park Fencing, Farm and other Unitdiu^s, Bribes, Ilntdling, Fair-. Iun>'•mem, uuh 2;, » Gates, &c., &c., and all exposed work, effecting a Bavng" ofmoro than 50 fror bent., as it is cheaper, and lasts twice as long as Genuine "IVhite J,e, or arv "ther nxii CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOt/l?. j It is sold in a fine powder. 'Will l.eep any length of time. Ko r;niui:ria, •.in:,r-;t, e'ruinlnsr, r.r neccjssary. It requirrs simply to be s>iixikd with" Oii Mixture." acctirujng to 41 Directions for Use," thus 8 ( the waste oi' paints sold M mixed ready for use." « golours' White TRADE MARK". Un'sht llrd i l.isht Stone p-U Uol J •>«*. Bath Stone j -ly. I11!1'' "o | Cream eolonr Us. 1 Light Portland Stone! f :'| v!i |2U* Portland Stone J aw.uteSV^o>f;; ^,v BulT (for Stable«0 \LonacH./t { Liqfht Lead or Slate.. 28s. ;'iecu J i'2s. 1 Oak colour. or r4p'Y' P< ''i | Lend colour 26s" W«M»«««58«u Blur Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. Oils, Turn entire, I'ur.islioe, I u ti i-, I r., &c. j CARSONS' PAINT, For PUBLIC EMFICES, MANSIONS, Vn.LAs. and every kiy.1 of Store, Compo, &c., unnvalled, and is the only Paint that will effectually rev-ist tho rays of th" -un -uvm CONSERVATORIES, GREENHOUSES, FRAMES, &c. ,-t -1 2 CWT. Delivered Carriage IYea to all Railway Stations in tlie Un,tell Eii^d^m. PATTERNS AND TESTIMONIALS SENT POST FREE ON APi'LlCATT'i.V WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA. BELLS SAUV-LGB YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LOKiU'H, E.C. [ And 21, BAOHELOB/S WALK, DUBLIN. 1. isrO .A^misTTB. -=" -.LA. Communication between Haverfordwest and Saint David's. D AV I D" LAMB BEGS respectfully to announce that he has contracted with the Postmaster General for the conveyance of the Mails to and fro between Haverfordwest and St. David's, and that hi; contract authorizes him to carry passengers. On and after the first of January the Mail will leave the Mariners Hotel at 6.30, and arrive at the Grove Hotel at 9. The Mail will leave the Grove Hotel at 2.15 p.m., and arrive at Haverfordwest at 5 p.m. Passengers' fares to and fro 7s 6d each. Single fares 5s. Haverfordwest, Dec. 31, 1874. JOHN ROBINSON AND Co. (ESTABLISHED (842) MANUFACTURE M- -r IAIUESS, Of big-li Quality, which are seat out in good condition, and at moderate prices. SUPER-PHOSPHATE MANGOLD MANURE CORN MANURE GRASS MANURE And other kinds for Spccinl Crops. Also LINSEED AND COTTON SEED CAKES, From Seed as imported. Apply to JOHN ROBINSON & CO., BRISTOL, or to ti,ok Agents, Mr Jesse Harvey, Kilpaison House, Pembroke; Messrs. R. and J. Jones, Haverfordwest! CLE D D A U BREWERY, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, G EOKG E M. G R E E N, MALTSTER & BS-UWIIR DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Agent for Miller and Johnson's Celebrated Artificial Manures. GliEEN & JOHN, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, quay STllEEl haverfordWest, agents FOR MWES' SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, LAWES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND L A W E S., DISSOLVED BONES. £ R 11 Y I A M U A N & I A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. — <-18 TO SUNDAY G EO. M. HAMMER, AMD SCHOOL FUKNISHKK, INVENTOR, and MANUFACTURER of the OSnOfiN E. QUADRANT, and ltOYAL (Patent) SCHOOL-DESKS & SEA7S. r* A xr—Which eaelu-embino a Sloped Desk, Fla'. Tttble, and B.teked Seat (or Ltotnres, &<; u OV/rJVMJJj IHuKtrated Crtt,:<>gue ol Doska, Sj uh, Tab.es, Giillenes, Easels, Blackboards, &o. ir i i n ti l ost freirTwof.eiice. Tbe Methodi.«t College, Belfast, and large number of Other MANAGERS. Coilepesand Schools have bee:; fitted by G M. II. 108, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, W.C. FLINT & Co., ACCOUNTANTS, Commercial Inquiry Offices, I 58, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, E.C. Oint system of Debt Collecting 18 much npproved- 1— Our Registers and Refereuce to Correspondents at once show t>ebtor't> ability to pay, 2-No Spending good money aftir bad. I 3—Special facilities in County Courte. 4—Judgment against Debtor in twelve days. i 5-Attendancc to prcye debt unnecessary. tj— Cotnmigeiori, 5 per cent. under JE20, 2i per cent. above. 7—Prompt Remittance". jgrXOriCE-ln this Offioe,a debt, sfter application is made. is not left to din a natural debt. I Prompt, efficient, and voluntary advice is given to Sn^i^erioi r as to best means of recovering fame, If in London, ackjfk waits upon him (!n tbe oonntry by p .m,! obtains from him such instructions a^ will en- ible os to recover debt without any further trouble to Subscriber, and without 4Dy attendaueo of Subscriber t>e ng necessary. 1>0 ng necessary. WfCfFEVER CO//)? HvAaUNGIlorri?i fi ftcK*. which g&cH it inhaled on the first symptoms will at once remove them, and even when a cold has been neglected and become severe, it will give immediate relief, and generally cure in one day. It contains no narcotic, and never produces any unpleasant effects. Address DB, DUNBAR, care of F. NEWBERY and SONS, 87, Newgate Street, LONDON, B.C. JhMUy of Stomach, SicJe-headaeht, Iniigeution, fl. pMCttOOH'S PATEHJ COMPflESSfO D ROCKEDON'S PATENT COMPRESSED POTASS, ^r»agJ«^Ui«gtt^gBagg!5a& 4§a4StrlS j'lice and the food, and tiius neo- C Seiftoi? in stomaAi. JtOfES! THE EYES!! THE EYES I!! RKSEPRB SIGHT. Spectacles rendered useless. All ivonv^vo o'5^5,eyes cured by using Dr. BALL'S PATENT sXofS. pUPS. Can be used effectively without the aid of cw5T8-— £ P?loso .stamped envelope for particulars to Mr. J. bl«tcher, Richmond Vil a. PortfielS, Chichester. ECONOMY IN M 0 URN I N 8. (|NEFOT,D of KAY ft RICHARDSON'S New Patent 1^, ALBERT CRAPE Is as THICK as TWO FOLDS of °*d make, is MUCH CHEAPER, and WEARS BETTER!! Bold by Drapers evorywhere. THE LICENSED VICTUALLERS' PURE TEA COMPANY, BY THEIR APPOINTED AGENTS Bcpplt THE PUBLIC WITH TEAS CHOICE, PURE, AND UNADULTERATED, 0 At the lowest possible prices. I* SLACK.—Choice and pare, in amber wrappers, at 2s. per lb. 5o. do.—First crop Tea, in orange wrappers, at 2s. 6d. per lb. HIXED.t-Finest Mixed Tea. in c hocolate wrappers, at Rs. ner lb JREEN.—Finest Moyane Graen Tea. in light-green wraouur at go. 6d. per lb. | UDIAN.—Assam Indian very fine Black Tea. in dark blue and told wrappers, at Ss. fid. per lb. In packets of lib., lib., lib., and 3or„ and in canisters of 21bs lbs., k gibs. each. Each packet bears trade mark.name, ft pricel Be careful to obtain the PURE Tea Company's Teas. Wholesale Depot: George F. Smyth, Manager. DENMAN STREET, LONDON BRIDGE. S.E. COCOA, MANITA, AND JUTE lATTINBS, HEMP CARPETS. C.OCOA MATS. Supply to E. aurcPWKRP fc Pnrtoii. Wegtrm^rcigr.,1 1 "THE—CITY CLOCK CTTSTPAinf: 1. Cuilnm-street, Tendon. RP.PjPlJOvcry ^o.^cHntiori of I Jloclrs (with a two years* warranty) fc one b low tho isual prices. Lists post tree.-<>. PJj^hleil. Est,l. i8.o. PAPER Collars, Wrist#. # F'gn'Of& «"nt!emoa SAMPLES SENT for 6 bTAMPS, With I rice-.ii.. EDWARD TAN N, llo^O^rTi, T^ondon, VV.(j. DR7 HAYWARD'S NEW DISCOVERY. < The Treatment and moü", cf Cure. HOW TO USE SUOC^^LLY, YftTITrt safety W encoess. m al^reiSf0x; I W sc" *c-1 • or XrV'-aw,LS. Xwrejr ►r. HAYWARD M.R.O.S.. W- Portman- ntio —* AT ui.R. HEES,-deist, Dew street*,B.V .>*«•> "*■ -———————————————— IMPERIAL, AUSTRIAN LOAN j MONTHLY DBA WINGS. Prizes: £ 25,000, £22,000, £20,000, £15,000, £ 10,000, £5,000, &c, &c, down t< £ 18. G UAHASTEED hy the Imperial Austrian Govern- X. orient. Drawings in public under superintendence ii )jVernfIunr Officials.—Shnrefi which entitle the Holder (o a chtncc of winning any of the above Pi iz p can ha had at £ 1 each.->Six Snares cntr.g to I, ctiiutces coat £;AptJ!Y only to the Aci.xov ron. ublic Funds in GENEVA (Switzerland). U i- t- fftnees are t0 bo sent DiliECT TO Gi:SEY.\ eit B,¡¡-:k NotE,s, Crf\F.s¡d Cin que-, or Poet-oil on s•. pfl\-ab!f «t The Genera Pu-t Uith- to tlle Ma);. r, Mr OHO f 10SIS in Geneva, who will also supply i .j- spec'.utes gratis on prepaid application. A CTU !Vfl A Diffu iji.tt or K:.c.vrii:G. -FE Catah i H 3 I Rl'In, KR' -rtr.HUy c«nv<l by visin- •OICQDKL'S ANTI-ASTHMATICAL PAPER & ClOVR Prepared by a tirst-class Pmii iim cheinii't. I.8W' «m«ll. Is. 9.1. To V>e obtained of ul! <!hemi«t», and cf F. and Sons, S7. Np\Vr!tlt;P.f:t.r.£(.t. Ixj -iion. K.< ^IlltUSSfciS, ELASTIC STOCKINGS, SUlt'ilCAL BKX.TS, BANDAGi », »C. Illustrated Price l ist rent on application. Kst^'olnhea lsSO.) K. J. LINDSEV. S5, BDROUGH, I.ONBUN. BRISTOW'S i PURE COAL-TAR SOAP PRODUCES A CLEAR, OFT. AND JL HEALTHY SKIN, removes eruptions. :jl->sehea, ch ins, ftc. Cleanses, purifies, prevents conli»gion,and fvo-i health. Fo* Toilet. Bath, Nursery, and Sick-room. In il., G-.l., m. and 8d., and boxes Is.6<1.. of till Cho-nists, !'• ''f .-ners, &c. CAtrriow 1—Se« yon «ret BRIS lOW'S." Nf Wholesale: Newberv's nun Wholwiie Trade SEND YOUE ADDRESS TO Albert. TMentielssohn, 6, Fett"r-]ftve. Londor, E.C.. for a list of WHAT YOU CAN HAVE FOR OXE SHILLING, OR POST FRKE FOR IS STAMPS. STEEL'S GOUT PILLS ARE the certain remedies for Gout and Rhsnmatism, an; nevor fail to cure. Is. ljd. and 2s. 9.1., of nil ChemUts. and F. W.Steel, 283, Livorpool-roail. London, N. Wholesale of Ne v- | bery and Sons. S7, Newgate-street, E.C. j NOVELTIES I CHRISTMAS. REAL Pao), of CFtris inst.Rntly clianqe to a lady's I SO stamps.—The Wizard's Box, containing ioeicellcm .rirks, apparatus and instructions. 14 stamps. The Miigic Purse, u'Mcii no one can open but yourself, 7 stmnnis. The Restored and ChanR^nh'e Curd truly raanrellous, mechanical, 80 tV'.rvips. TUe Alechpn'cfll Picture Fmme, very eftec.tive, SO stamps. C^taloaue nrreduewt pr>c«a, now ready, will be forwarded post free.—JIA.MLEVS MAQICAL DEPOT 211 Higli llolhom, W.C. Established 17IW. ALGONICON BALM. A. CREFYDD'S NEW REMEOY Cnres Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Stiff Joints Snra'nK, Bronchitis. Sore lhroat,»t.» Neck. 1 o-. In testllDOmals A SAFE and Easy EXTERN AL CD EE for I CHILBLAINS, f. Clear as water, no smell, DO pain. Forwar3.3d with monials post free, on receipt o! fourteen ptnee in »..aiuv» by JOHX C. POcTjEY. Ghemi .t, Hnt' — FIVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY is now the I number of inmates in th» EARLS WOOD a I, IDIOTS, RecihiU. Surrey. Tim Committee earnestly for increased FUNDS towards the support of tliis belplesf. thouiih not hopeless, family. VE RY H CLAIMS ARE NOV," mJE. A THANK-OFFF.iUNO Jrofi every family lieppily exempt from mei.tal afCictiOU wOttiii furnish aruple funds :o meer the; emerpenoy. gn Basmbs The London Joint Stocu Ban^JE^i^urer.0, Office: P^ltry.K.C. /NTOAPS iiimivr 2^RO* £ BOND, m I ntiAKS w 100. Hich-^asa rf«7!ir V dition, frof f^pUod at EQUALLT I^OW r-ei kki. Aii bn fygQ Qn application.- Chas. O1 "or cp.fih only. lT*)Ct., r1SM^enmimTtsairo< JLJ fitted to VrivkS Chnrchcs. iic, A onmpi perfect LiKhtning CV fC.for £ 1. Domwtw Electrical^iells hop^e^- Telegraph '\ali kindB. Bsf.' jn^ir-clusiTcof nli tcup MTward*— -^r-aUeet. WestiPit^fe. D VIDN OATHKORAL II ?8TO«A.T^6» 'liE workg of Rc'tontion and Rep«tr wHdk I. been carried on during the lkat fi*e yeafa, const prise tbe thorough reeto'rafion <5/.tJ(o ToWer; tbeChoIr t with its Aisles a third of lbs NaVe; and the a^o of the whole building. These several wcrkw c sting between •'ightepft and nimteen tbow-ilt p unds, have absorbed all the old gubseflptiout, wltb the exception of Mr Trahorue'a beaiiest of £ 2,0"; I not yet dots, and the Bishop has in «on»W}uenoe cirs > ulatod an appeal for new Subscriptions, to campleie the Refi<otati>n of the Nave, Its Aialef, 88d the TrarrsspV. The cost of this i. artltDatcd by Mr Bcet at £ '12.500. -%■ the Secretaries will ein4ty on nppl'^tfj^ go- any one a copy of Mr Gilbert Scotft Second JRepo. shewing «f hat has been effected, and what works o a nreaang nature still remain to h$do*»i aed, tbe) will alai thankfully acknowledge any StAs«riptior» J ^rhich rn^iy be ma le.. The following Dotia'ioBB batfe Wn alrttay prce tnificd for the wctk reTa&invfcg.to bed>ne J. W Kershaw, ,F.sq, Warwiclt t 0 MreKei-s^iav, Warwiok 1 Rev John Hagb^, Vicar of Penally andf. Probendaiy of St David's (2nd donation) 6 1* Rev B, Jone?, Bishopston, Glaraorffanehire 6 W RfV Socretan tfones, Oya'^rmouth, Glamoi» Ranshipe t') I The Llan over 26 Krs Harford, Blaise Castle 10 I's Rev J. Phelps, Oarew (second donation) 10 10 Rev J. Jones, Llanfihangel Genau'r Glvn (second donation) I) George Baugh lllon, Esq, Temple (second donation) 10 le Mrs Paynfer. Pembroke Ii 0 Mra W. H. Reed, Pembroke 5 Q Mrs r.ch. Pembroke 2 t. E.ev H. S» Blink, Pembroke 0 10 T. Mansoll, E-q, Pembr *ke I q L. P. Gibbon, Ëtq, Peaifcroke 5 i W. Hulm, fi?n, Pembroke 5 (} 0. Itnlftj, t5?a, Pembroke 1 o •I. Daw-liif.s, li^q. Pembroke § Mrs W. Gibbon, Pembroke 5 Mrs D. S. Thomas, Pembroke 2 2 Mr Hitchingg, Pembroke Ge srge .Tones, E=q, Pembmkc J g- Messrs Jorea, Pembroke Mill 3 o Mr W, Williams, Pembroke ,j. 2 MespraDaviea and Pratt. Pembroke J 1 ¡ "fr Warlow, Pembrrko 2 Ü" M. Jones, Esq, Pembroke I W Thomas, E?q, Orange Hall, Pembroke.. 0 1$ j Mr G. Barrett. Pembroke j 0 J Mr Beddiie, Pembroke 2 2 Mrs Morris and Son, Pembroke 0 10 Mr Edward Tracey, Pembroke 0 10 Mr Joseph Powell, Pembroke ] i(j Mr C. filsdon, Pembroke 0 10 Mrrt. P. Th >»ma8. Pembroke 0»IO Mr j^faes, Lion Hot*-), Pembroke 0*10 Mrs Owen, Swings Bank, Pembroke 110 Mr T. Rich'ard?, I'e.mlnoko 0 10 Mr Burchell, Pembroke I 0 Mr Lowless, Pembroke. 0 19 Small Sume, by Rev J. Alien .1 6' Mrs Roch, Paskeston (second donation) 10 0 N. A. Roch, Esq, I'askeston (2nd donation) JO ft A, J. Morison, Esq, Portelew g Re.. Latimer and Mrs Jones, Carmarthen 25 0. G. White, Esq, Tenby (second donation) 10 0. Col. "Voyle, Tenby f0 » Rev C,. iluntnigton, Tenby .ia& Rev J. Hearn Poppel well, Tenby 4 3 (V Rev E. F, Willis, Tenby 01p Mrs Howells, Tenby 6 0 J. Gwynne, Esq, Tenby (first donation) 3 9 C. W. R. Stokes, Tenby 1 O G. Chattr, Esq, Tenby 2 2 At" Oi,-nrrot, "Jenby 2 Q Colonel Onslow, Tenby 2 0 1fff8 f>ns»o\r, Tcn^jy id Miss Puxley, Tenby Q 0 Mr Jatnes Rogers, Tenby 2 0 Captain Bees, Tenby 1 1 Captain Evan*, Tenby 1 P Two Sums en Five Shillings each 0 10 Mr C. Allan (in Photographs of St. David's) Tenby t'i g Mr Joseph Gregory, Tenby 3 a Mr J)hnPhe!p?.Tenby. 1 l Mr E. Sales, Tenby 1 t Mrs Hughes, Tenby | 1 Mr John Thomas, Norton, Tenby. 1 I Nir W. Walkinton, TeLby 1 1 M r Thomas Marchant, Tenby 1 I Mr Tone", Postmaster, Tenby 1 I R Laacelle8, Esq., Croft, Tenby 1 0 J. T. Ilawksloy, Esq., Caldy, Tenby fi 0 Rev G. W. Birkett, St Florence, Tenby Messrs John Ilarvey and Sons, Ilavorford- west ("ccond donation) 10 10 The Wtlshmati Newspaper 10 to The Brecon County Times 10 0 7 he Western Mail 10 ft The Titibit Observer 18 0' The Cambna Tiail?1 leader 10 0 The Tetnbrokesbre Ueva'd 10 0 H G. Allen, E.q Lincoln's Inn, (acernd Donation) 10 M rci M ireliouf-e, The. llall, Angle, Pembroke 10 0 The Eail of Cawdor, (second donation) 200 J. H. Scourfield, Esq M.P. (2nd donation) 100 0 Lewis Urn d. lisq. Monk Orchard, Surrey Õ 0 Cel f.to-d, Lill<?sdcn, Keat 5 0 Henry I eauh, E'q., Corstow 10 0 Mrs Baync, (second donation) 25 0 Miss R<)b8on, Penally, (second donation) ó 0 Messrs Richard James and Son, HaTerford west I. 6 H. Rees. Esq., Llangranop, Newcastle Emlyn 1 Rev William Edmunds, Rhostie Rectory, Abt rystwyth 2 0 Re?John /elis, Llanilar 2 0 Rpy J. Tombs, Burton ..< 10 9. Messrs Powell, Mathine, and Evans, Haver- weet 1010 Wm Davies, Esq., Spring Gardens, Haver* f, rdwtist If 0 J. W. Phillips, Etc., Rock Cottage, ditto 5 0 M. sfrs Greenish and Dawkiue, Market street, ditto 5 0 Rev Thomas Horo^IIaverfordwest (secoLd donation) 2 Rev George Horn, Bivc-ifurdwest 2 Miss Kmment and Mi*-? Gwyther, ditto 2 Mr D. P. Saunders, Bridja street, ditto 1 VI r Job n Phi Hi ps, Castle Square, ditto 1 Mr Stephen Green, High etrcet, ditto (second donation) 1 Mr iV, Lloyd, Uijjh street, Haverfordwest J Mis Philpott, Castle Hotel, di to 1 n Lewis, Eaq., Bank, clitto I Wm, Ji^b n, Esq., Victoria Place, ditto I Mrs Potter, High street, ditto I Mr P. P Ellis, High street .< I Mr Richard Williams, Dew street, ditto X Mr James Davies, Victoria Place, ditto f MI John Brown, Market street, ditto I Mr T. Baker, High street, ditto Measre Green and John, Quay street, ditto Mr William Hood, High street, ditto Mr E. H. Ellis, Dew Btreet, ditto 0", Mr William Sanders, Castle Goal, ditto (t Messrs T. and J. Lloyd, Dark street, ditto 0 Frederick Weioholt, gsq, Laugharnc. 25 J. L. G. P, Lewis, Esq, (second donattoc.) 10 Rev. R. Lewis, Lampeter Velfrey (second donation) .< John Beynon, Esq, jun Trewern T. R. 0. Powell, Eeq., Wyngron 5 lToward S. Morgan, Esa, Tegfynydd. 5* Rev. D.Jones, Liandissilio 3 C Rev T. R. J. Lnugharne 1. Rev W. £ Bevan, Hay, BreeOB 6 0 Mrs Dyneley, Tenby I). Re7. J. D Williams, Brecon (2nd donation) JO p Rev. E. E. Allen, Portbkerry 6. Rev. E. B. Squire, Swansea 6 Charles Bath, E q, Swansea 2S Coritri bufcion from the parish ol St. Brok'l per Mr Wm. Roberts 2 8 ..VI1 j-nims, Oa-t-o fcqu#c«*, 11. V\est. w Id Mr J. MackeD, Rvdor =;roet. London 1 1 0 H. U. Va^lian, Ksq • ui>lon Oasde 10 10 « J. Thirl .rail, F^q, Abergwili lft >0 0 Col. W.llia-n Slater, Cheltenham 6 d • Rev. J. II. Morgan$0 • rhe D'daw'of Bangor 2 0 0 D.J. Jeffreys,.Esq. addl. subscription"' 1 1 0 collection at Llaudigwydd, by Rev. b. Lewii i. 29" O at Llaneliy Ohurcb, R*eV.*I> WiVj,»i 6 3 Proceeds Llandilo, Re7, • 1« rey P'jviico 3rd comrtfct' V-cb ester :l 1 1 fe* 11 9 f .«s. •. v r Al r .1..nation wiH ■ komm, totcyriwa, ,• JjKn, JCsq-, Tonl>y. .• "irtoKHlH and- 60KH. aadv'