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-r -n_ +- (UMITED^k BRANCH WORKS CRACEDIEU WATERfORD^ AND SIHCLANDS UMERtCK. I GOULDING'S BONE IVIANURE, BOULOim OORII AND GRASS MANURE, i^rhospha,es •. w&r- gouldings special manure, Sulphates of Magnesia, Potash, &c5 5 «. — ^0> Wheat, Outs, Barley, Potatoes, c^c. — Al.. »*.«, Soluble Phosphates 17 to 19 per cent. GOULOIIVIGS SUPERPHOSPHATP Ammonia • 4.50104.75 „ For general use with Special Manure or Guano. Sulphates of Magnesia, Potash, &c. Soluble Phosphates. 25 to 27 per cent Farmers are cautioned to buy only from authorized Agents. Applications for Agencies in districts not yet represented are invited. AGENTS IN THIS DISTRICT. Mr James Thomas, Kock House, Haverfordwest Messrs. James & Morris, Fishguard Mrs C. L. Morgan, Carmarthen Mr Thomas Howells, St. Clears. Messrs. Cardigan Mercantile Co., Cardigan. ZD "S A JN J T A S." 1 This incomparable.colourless Fluid is the most power-1 fol, cleanly, and agreeable Disinfectant and Anti- septic known. IjA REALLY MARVELLOUS DISCOVERY." SANITAS" is the beet preventive against the spread of Small-pox. Typhoid, Fever, Hay Fever, Foot-and-Mouth, Cattle, and all Infec- tious Diseases. IT IS NON-roMONOfS, and has no injurious action on the finest clothing, furniture, carpeting, &c. It is strongly recommended by the highest medical authorities. 50 SANITAS is the only preservative of BEER kept s in the house two fluid ozs., costing a few pence, should be added to the 9-gallon cask. 'I C< ANITAS should be used in every LAUNDRY to bleach the clothes and prevent the spread of in. ) fection. Half a pint should be added to every 20 gallons of water used in rinsing the clothes. Prices.—Bottles, 1st Quality only, Is., Is. 6d., 2s. (id. Or in bu k, 1st Quality 20s. per gallon, 2nd Quality 5s. TOILET SANITAS." This preparation is the most luxurious of its kind removes the odour of tobacco, sweetens the breath, proves the complexion and the growth of hair; it ^hitens the teeth and prevents dental caries. In ■Elegant Bottles at 2s 6d. Parnphl..t with all particulars fref on application to the SANITAS COMPANY, 57, Moorgate Street, Lon- don, E.C. SANITAS may be had of Chemists and Wholesale .Druggists, or direct from the Company. Free Emigration to Queensland. J're, Passages are granted ) y the Government 01 Queeiulacd as under- To General Servants, Cc-ok-, Housemaid", Nurses. DAiry Maids, &c. Walzes L25 to £ .5(l n-yenr all found. To tcjrried and single Farm Labourers. "ages £ 30 to £ 53 a-year with board and lodging. Assisted on payment of £ 4to (all kim'.s) Saddlers Plasterers ^arpenterg & Joiners Plumbers and Painters Botchers Qusrrymea Bookbinders Rc"e MnkeiV uakers Shoemakers Bricklayers Shipwrights J^abinet Makers Sliepherdi gardeners Tailors anil cth°rs brooms At Wages about donble English Rates, k&ch ship carries an experienced Surgeon and Matron •families have separate sleeping compartment. Work can be carried on in the open « <;al| the reai fOond. llBeef and Mutton 3d a lb Tp" 2a 6d a Ib; Flour 15- aewt; Sugar 3d a lb. Apply personally or by letter to AGENT GENE JAL FOK QUEENSLAND, 31, Charing Cross, Lon- don, S.W. or to ■J. H. TEASUALE, Pembroke Dock, and M. MEYLEK, Market Square, Narberth A Marvellous Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, and all Chest Affections. PECTOBINE Fold by all Chmists, in bottles, at Is 1Jd, 2s 9d 2 (id, and 1U each. Sent by the proprietors npon receipt of stamp?. *'on» Rev. J. STONEHOUSE, St. Saviour's Vicarage, Nottingham. August 1874. DaAR SIR,-I can strongly recommend yonr Peclo. *'ne as an invaluable Cough Remedy. I have given it fair trial in my own family, and have also supplied it to persons suffering from Cough in u-y parish, and in every instance it has given immediate relief. In some eases, after passing slcepJellll nights, one or two doses 0 hhe Pectorine hav had such a good effect that per- sons have got a goc night's rest hud I he Cough has Mr A. ROLFE, St. Ann's Square, Manchester, Your Pectosine is superior to any Medicine 1 erer tried for Coughs or Colds." ,«r*j8 the worst forms of Coughs and Colds fiCTORINE cures hoarseness XCTO E gives immediate relief in Bronchitis »ECTORINEis the best medicine for Asthma JECTORINE cures Whooping Coagh 'ECTORINE will cure a troublesome tickling Cougn, •fiCTORINE is invaluable in the Early btagesof Con- sumption 'fiCTORINE relieves all Affection ri the Chest, Lungs, and Throat. tftfti.donly 7 SMITH CLARKE, Manufactu- ring CheiiiistB, Pa:k Street, Lincoln. a.. Vice Chancellor Sir C. Hal granted a nerpetual ^junction, with costs, agi.nst F. Mason, 'Chemist "otherham, for using the word 'Pectorine.' b Bold by T. M. Phillips, chemist, Ca tie Square, I ilavarfordwetit. "POR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." mum WORLD FAMED Y Trade Mark,—"Blood Mixture." •HE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER For cleansing and clearing the blood from nil impurities, ~not be too higbly recommended. lpor Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of all -.&QI it is a never-failing and permanent cure, It cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackhiiads, or Pimples on the Fact Cures Scurvy Bores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swelling?. Clears the Blood from all impure matter, j. From whatever cause arising. f** this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of |Oer sex, the Proprietor solicits suffereis to give it a trial to its value. o. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. "J in Bottles 2s, 6d. each, and in Cases, containing Bix the quantity, JIs. each—sufficient, to effect a per- enre in the great majority of long-standing oases, CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS t the world, or sent to any address on receipt of tamps by CItARKfl, Chomwt, Apt tkocartes 1IAU, LuMtin. .JR. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men I .J on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND HAPPY MARRIAGES.—When to marry, with advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing out certain impediments which render married life unhappy, and directions for their speedy removal. Should be read by all who value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a nappy old age.-Post free on receipt of two stamps.-Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. r0 iTERYOUS SUFFERERS. REAI) "nfE "SECRET FRIEND." IMl IS Wonderful Medical Guide not only gives the _L cause, but shows how a permanent cure can be effected in all cases of Nervous Debility, Depression of Spirits, Timidity, Impaired S'ght. and Memory, Pains in the back, Lassitude, Spermatorrhoea, Im- pediments to Marriage, Stricture,Secondary Symptoms, and All Venereal Diseases, without the use of Mercury. Dr Barnes's long experience in the treatment of all Sexual Diseases has enabled him to treat the most inveterate cases with marked success. This Taluable work "THE SECRET FRIEND," is illustrated with numerous cases and testimonials from Patients ex- posing their deepest gratitude for having been re- isored to health and manly vigour. To the married and single this book is invaluable. J»ent post tree secure from observation on rcceipt of ) two stamps. tW Address, Dr. Barnes, 1, Lonsdale Square Barnsbury, London, N. Important to Country Patients. DR BARNES ma; be consulted pe'sonally or by letter, in all pi i rate and confidential ca«es »r and for the benefit of Nervous sufferers who cannot visit him, he will, on receiving a desctiption of tlieir jase, enclosing a stamped envelope ior reply, be ready to give his opinion upon the nature of tlie case, and the principles of treatment necessary to effect a perfect cure. egg" Address, DR. BARNES, 1. Lonsdale Square, Baarnsbury, London, N. 4 2 OINT:Ml'fl., Universal Patronage. Let all sufferers from general or local disease take heart ond follow in the wake of thousands who ascribe their restoration of health to the use of HOIJ.OWAY'B OINTMENT AND RIT,I.S. lthenmatism in the muscles or joints, gouty pnins, neuralgic tortures, cramps and spasmodic twitches depart under the employment of these noble remedies. Bad legs, all kinds of wounds, ulcers, sores, burns, cutaneous inflammations, are quickly conquered. The reputation Holloway's Ointment ami Pills have acquired throughout the habitable Globe shonli induce every afflicted person to give them a fair trial before despairing of relief or nbandoning hop Scorbutic Humours.-Scald Heads and Skin Diseases. Scorbutic humours arise from an impure state of the blood, and in most crises the liver and stomach are the organs at fault!—These Pills will speedily restore fhem to a healthy action while the Ointment, if well rubbed into the afflicted parts at least twice a-day, will soon cure any case of skin disease. Soldiers, sailors, and miners use this famous Ointment in all parts of the world. Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Sore Throats, Coughs, and Colds. This Ointment will cure, when every other means have failed, It is a sovereign remedy for all derangements of the throat and cbest. Settled coughs or wheezing will be promptly removed by rubbing in the Unguent. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts. Old Wounds, Sores, and Ulcers. It is surprising how quickly a sore, ulcer, or wowd, deprives the body of strength and unfits it for the duties of life, and it is no less wonderful to watch the effect of Holloway's Healing Ointment, when it is used according to the printed directions, and assisted by appropriate doses of the Pills. Gout and Rheumatism. Will be cured with the greatest certainty if large quantities of the Ointment be well worked into the afflicted parts. This treatment must he perseveringly followed for some time, and duly assisted by powerful doses of Holloway's Pills. These purifying and soothing remedies demand the earnest attention of all persons liable to rheumatism, gout, sciatica, or otker painful afiections of the muscles, nerves, or joints. Piles, Fistulas, and Dropsical Swellings. This incomparable Ointment is earnestly recommended to all suffering from, or having a tendency to, dropsy. The worst cases will yield in a comparatively short space of time when this Ointment is diligently rubbed into the parts affected. In all serious maladies the Pills ziiould be taken to purify the blood and regulate its circulation. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in tit following complaints:- Bad Leg! Corns (Soft) Scald~ „ Bad Breasts Fistulas Sore Throats Burns Gout Skin DIseases Bunions Glandular Swellings Scurvy Chilblains Lumbago '„,ore Heads Chapped Hands Piles Tumours Contracted and Stiff Rheumatism i,T rSi Joints Sore Nipples bounds The Ointment and Pills are sold at Professor HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, 533, Oxford Street, London; also by nearly 4'very respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised World, in Pots and Boxes, at Is. ljd»> 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., 22s.. and 33s. each. The smallest Pot of Ointment contain* one ounce and the smallest Box of Pills four dozen. Full printed directions are affixed to each Pot and Box, and can be bad in any language, even in Turkish, ArabiCj Armexuftp, A Persian, or Chinese. Ko. I," 1. N.B.—Advice can bel obtained,l free tof charge,ibj' applying at the above address, dailyl. between the hours oi 11 and it or byjletter W PEOPLES EDITION I NEW SPECIAL MEDICAL WORK. By DR HENHY SMITH. NOW IIEADY-FREE EDiTION. By post, in envelope, one stamp (to pre-pay postage.) DEBILITATING DJSEASES; tbeir CAUSF: and CURE. A WARNING VOICE TO YOUTH AND MANHOOD. By HENRY SMITH, M.D.,of theRoyal Uniyersily of Jena, Author of "The Vol. ur.teer's Manna)," The Warning Voice," &c. This work gires Dr Smith's Treatment (the result of Twenty Sii years special practice) for the Cureof allDiseajesof the Nervous syslem, Nervous Debility, Mental & Physi- cal Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises In the Head & Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and Memory Indigestion, Loss of Energy, Pains in the Back,Consti- pation, Blushing, Hysteria, Timidity, Self-distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, Museu. lar Relaxation, &c., resulting from exhaustion of 'N Nerve Power, the effect of Overtaxed Energies, Ener- vating Habits, and other abuses of the system which, if neglcctt d, end in premature decline and death. GIVES INSTRUCTIONS AND PRESCRIPTIONS. Illustrated with Testimonials from grateful patients; with means of Cure used in each ease. Also ADVICE TO YOUNG MEN ON SUBJECTS OF GREAT IM- PORTANCE. Sent tree by post on receipt of one penny stamp. This is a work which every young man should read. Th„ moral tone which pervades every page with J sound advice is invaluable, "eapeeially when coming from the pen of a physician whose success has given h m a place ait)ongst the eminent Specialists of the age.— Aivrning Chrouicte. g Third Thousand. By post, seven stamps in envelope WOMAN; Her Duties, Relations, and Position. Subjects treated: Girlhood, Maidenhood, Courtship, Marriage, Motherhood, Female Education, Female Health, Female Hygiene, Domestic Medicine, &c., &c. It is a treatise on subjects of vital import- ance to Woman. BEAUTIFULLY 1LLUSTRATKD "WITH ENGUAVINGS ON WOOD. This is an extremely wet), writ ten and most in- teresting work, evincing a thorough mastery of the subject, and containing the iiiot valuable information for woman.Lo. don Review, June 27, 1874' Address, Dr. H. SMITH, K, Burton Crescent, Lon- don, W.C. CONSU A LONDON PHYSICIAN BY LETTER WITHOUT FEE. DR. H. SMITH, the Eminent Specialist for the t cuie of all debilitating and contagious diseases WILL FOR TIIK BENKFIT OF COUNTKY rATIKKTS WHO CANNOT CONSULT HIM I'KUSONALLR, on receiving des- cription ot their case, send his Lpinion, with ad- t,ce and directions lor the my saccesslul restoration o health and vigour. > I dress Dr H. Smith, T JUMI irasca-'i '-don. STIFFSSTAKCH. STIFF'S STARCH. One trial of this beautiful Starch will prove its Supe- riority. TRADE MARK. QUEJfiJN BESS, Registered 16th April, 1877. STIFF'S STARCH. -1 1 STIFF'S STARCH. Sold by Grocers, Druggists, and Oilmen, and whole ale at 2U, RED CLIFF STREET, BRISTOL. Renson's Watches. Watch and Clock .Maker to tae Queen and Royal Famiy, and by special appointment to the Prince of Wales and Emperor of Russia Old Bond Street, and Steam Factory), Ludgate-hill, London. Benson's Watches of every description suitab e for all climates, from 1:2 to 200 guineas. Chronographs, Chronometers, Keyless Levers, Presentation Repeaters, Railway, Guards, Soldiers, and Workmen's Watches of extra strength. Renson's Artistic English Clocks B decorated with Wedgwood and other wares, de- signed to suit any style of architecture or furniture also, as novelties for presents. Made solely by Benson' From i;5 5s. Renson' Pamphlets on Turret Clocks Walclies, Clocks, Plate, & Jewellery, Illus- trated, sent post free each for two stamps. \Vatches sent safe by post. Benson's new work, Time and Time Tellers," 2s Gd. R. MARQUIS MACKILLIGJN & CO Importers of, SHERRIES, PORTS, &c., CELEBRATED OLD HIGHLAND WHISKEY IRISH WHISKEY, LONDON GIN &c. Offices and Vaults 05, Fenchurch street, London. CARTS, WAGGONS and every description o agricultural implements, manufactured by the Bristol Waggon Works Company, supplied by R. & J. JON E S, AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS, &c. Offices: 4, High Street, Haverfordwest. CHARLES E. ALLEN, Ladies and Gentlemen s Boot Maker Prize Medals at the Great Exhibitions of 1851, 1862 & mIJ i. THE G-OIDID -MT;E3D-A-Ij 1870 4, PRINCES STREET, LEICESTER SQUARE, LONDON. W. UEOllGE J 0 X ES, Auctioneer and Valuer, HAY, COHN, # 13UITER MERCHANT COMMISSION AGENT, &c., NEW DAIRY, MK1DGE STKEET, IIAVERP01U> WATCHES, CLOCK 2, J EWELLERY,&{! 4 W. N E S BI T 5 Opposite Railway Station, Cartlett, HAVERFORDWEST. B1SGS to announce that Le lias beenappointed by Mr S. H. La Ti-obe, of Bristol, his agent for the sale of watches, clocks, jewellery, &cv or this district. Any articles in the trade supplied on the best terms, and repairs of all kinds executed with promptitude and at moderate rates. Gold and Silver Watches replated. W.N. begs also to state that a Watch and Clock Clab will be C) formed at his house on Saturday, the 27th instant. Terms on appli- cation. PICTON HOUSE, HAVERFORDWEST. LEWIS'S WPET. WAREHOUSE po E. E. LEWIS CABINET MAKING AND UPHOLSTERING WAREHOUSE. ESTABLISHED 1 8 3 2. PTTBITXTURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION- A LARGE assortment of Carpets, Mattings, Floor Cloths, and Damasks, Hair and Spring Mattresses, Feather Beds, Brass and Iron Bedsteads, of the newest designs. Gilt and other Mouldings,' Black and Gold, and Brass Cornice. Paper 0 Hangings in great Variety. C) 0 Z:) Several Remnants of Carpeting at Reduced Price. ZD FUNERALS FURNISHED ESTABLISHED OVER 150 YEARS. Upper Market Street, Haverfordwest. JAMES DAVIES, (Late Baillieu and Davies,) LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S BOOT & SHOE MAKE L IN returning thanks for the patronage bestowed upon him and his lat(Partner, begs respectful! L to announce that he is prepared to execute all orders in Boot and Shoe Making in th < newest styles, and at moderate prices. J. D's Goods are home made, and employing only the most skilful workmen, the workman- ship can be guaranteed. Repairs Neatly Executed II Ipswich may be described as the birthplace of Chemical Manures." JOSEPH FISON & CO., IPSWICH, MANUFACTURERS OF ^mSulpharic Acid and Chemical Manures. QIJALITY • (One of the oldest Firms in the trade). F. J. SELLICK & Co., Corn and Butter Merchants, Quay Street, Haverfordwest, Have been appointed Agents for the sale of these celebrated manures, which will be delivered free of expense to any Railway Station in Pem- brokeshire in quantities of not less than 2 tons. The undermentioned Brands are very strongly recommended^ EX'fllA. QUALITY CORN MANURE, DISSOLVED BONE SPECIAL TURNIP II SUPERPHOSPHATE These Manures have been found not only to produce a large yielu, but also to improve the quality of the crops for which they have been ap- plied, to strengthen the soil, and to benefit succeeding crops. Full particulars as to prices, &c., may be obtained upon application to the above named Agents. WoRKs Ipswich and Brainford. HEAD OFFICES Eastern Union Mills, Ipswich. DINNEFORD'S For over Forty Years the Medi- #1 §\ La I cal Profession have approved I \g I #■% m. A I ■ 4. J I of this pure Solution as the 1 w ■ » ■ best remedy for Acidity of the 111 I ■ ir1 r'ri nn'r^ Stomach, Heartburn, Head- ^\PlnM £ ruRPSY ache, Gout and Indigestion; jtedfeggapB I ri illr\ 1 and as the safest aperient for I I delicate Constitutions, Ladies, *V* ■* ^.JMAGNESIR/ Children, and Infants. SOLD BY CHEMISTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. CA UTION.-See that" DINNEFORD & Co." is on every Bottle and Label. THOMAS JAMES MERCHANT. OLD BRIDGE, HAVERFORDWEST, Sole Agent for the AVON MANURE CO., BRISTOL. 0 IT is very gratifying to me to be instrumental in supplying tliis neighbourhood with the cele- brated Manures, manufactured by the Avon Manure Company, Bristol. I append a copy of an extract made from The Weekly "News," October 31st, 1876 :— The Judges awarded to Messrs. Peters and Ilebiditch, tre First Prize of £ 5 5s for Man <rold« which weighed 4G Tons, 8 cwt, 2 qrs., per acre. Mr Hebiditch said that his Mangolds were put in after Turnips he used the Manure from the Avon Manure Company, Bristol (onty It was therefore a fair trial." T. J. begs to invite attention to his Stock of Agricultural Seeds, which have been selecte. with great care, and have been obtained direct from tho growers in the finest possible condition. I GEE A.T DISPLAY OF NOVELTIES =- j NOW SHOWING AT 'GMENISH & DAWKINS, Commerce House, Haverfordwest. ALL THE NEW STYLES IN MANTLES AND JACKETS, SPECIAL SELECTION OF COSTUMES In all the New Materials—Hollands, Prints, &c. NOVELTIES IN SPRING DRESSES. The New Shades ill ANGOLAS, CACflMERES, And other Fanoy Cloths SO MUCH'WORX, Fine black Cachmere Silks, from 3s OM a yd Millinery, Flowers, and other Fancy Goo 1 s The Most Fashionable Shapes in Straw Hats and Bonnets trimmed and untrimmed. A Magnificent assortment of Ladies' and Children's l, & Fancy Hosier y Fiiicy- Trimmings and Buttons to match Every Shade. Umbrellas and Sunshades in Great Variety. Dressmaking* of every description. Haverfordwest, April, 1878. > Castle Square, Haverfordwest. T.H 0 M A 8 JAMES, LATE JOHN JAMES JENKINS, Wholesale and Retail WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT Established 1830. T. J. invites attention to the following Choice Selection of Wines and Suirils GOOD SIIEERY, PALE OR GOLD-from 18 to ¡)GI per doz. SUPERIOR SHERRY-from 42/ to (50/ per doz. PORT OF VARIOUS AGES from 18/ to 72/ per doz. GOOD CLARET from 14/to 24/ per doz. WINES OF GERMANY. CLARET, CHATEAU DULUC, 1870. SPARKLING MOSELLE, MUSCATELL, 1870. SPARKLING HOCK, 1870. Messrs. Felloe & Sons' Specialite Sherry supplied at the Proprietors' Prices. PURE ROTA rr EN TOR SACRAMENTAL WIN JTEat'saMa Moet'x dutmpaffne Burgundy Sinn-klins/ ,JMosette FINE OLD JAMAICA RUM. MAKTEI.L'S & HENNESSV'S COGNAC BRANDY £ Old and Choice. J. and W. Nicholson's best London Gin John Jamiesori's Ir ish Whiskey Agent for Kinahan's LL. Whiskey, 38 per bottle «ENCORE WHISKEY (SCOTCH. IF*0jethit#,Ytott 4* Co's .Wild Si JBittev Beer (Brewers by appointment to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales. rjjJJINNESS'S JgXTBA STOUT. Bass & Uo's Pale Ale, ON DRAUGHT AND IN BOTTLE. SOLE DISTRICT AGENT FOR riNDLATERIS CEI.BBB.ATE3> DUBLIN STOUT. Messrs. Allsopp's Pale and Burton Ales in all size casks and in fine condition. Hill Evans & Co''s pare Malt Vinegar, QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION. Written Orders promptly and carefully attended to. N.B.—T.J. begs to announce that he has received a consignment of S^/CTIIVLEie/S CH^MPAG-]SrE, wlrn-l, lif is enabled to offer at the exceedingly low price of 30s. per dozen, case and bottles (quarts) quality, is^^gdicapeat ever offered to the public. (ESTABLISHED 1832.) T. P. REYNOLDS, (Late W. MORGAN,; DECORATOR, UPHOLSTERER, &c 15, High Street, Haverfordwest. PAPER HANGINGS-"A- larcre aUt^ choice stock to select from, ALL NEW manufactured by^the principal London aud Parisian Firms. The remains of Last Season's Goods seiUug at low prices. UPHOLSTERY TRIMMINGS- CARPETS—Cocoa> aml other mattluos* FLOOR CLOTHS AND STAIR CLOTHS-In great variety, all well seasoned. PIER AND TOILET GLASSES- PICTURE FRAMES Incliulins; Gold AAhamlira. Oval and Portrait 1 ramos, Oxford and Fancy Frames, Plettires cleaned, Old Frames re-gilt, nrawiu^s and Engravm-s carat ally mounted. FURNITURE Goods not in stock nude to order at the shortest notic-c. GOTHIC CHURCH FURNITURi-Pilli)lts, Reading Desks, liiicter/is, Communion Tables and Kails, Seats, Chairs. &c., &c„ 01 sound construction and true to style. CONSTRUCTIVE WOODWORK-Joincry, Internal Fittings, &c., &c. DESIGNS prepared for Artistic Furniture, Church Furniture, &c. Esti.nates Fre Glass of every description kept in stock. Lead luht and Stainod Glass windows to order. Variiis,i -s not to be surpassed for Brilliancy ani Dara ulity, at ma mfactuws' prices. P .nus .mi Colours of Finest Quality. Gold and Silver Leaf, Bronze Powders, &c. sheet lead, metallic foils and preparations for the cure of Damp W ills. Agent for the Patent Dunp-rosiatuig h lui.l, a quantity always in stock—Tho Trade supplied on Liberal Terms. Experienced workmen sent to all parts of the Country. | N.B.—PLEA.SE NOTE THE ADDRESS, N.B.—PLEA.SE NOTE THE ADDRESS,