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IMPERIAL AUSTRIAN LOAN MONTI!! Y DRAWINGS; JWs: £ 25,000 £22,000, £ 20.000, £15.000, £ 10,000, £ 5,000, &c, &c, down t £ 18 XIA R\*TKKl' by the Inip« r»al Austrian Govern- 1 mrm. Dritw• i- m public under superintendedi of Govcrnnu-n. Oiflci«ls.-S!res « >irh cntrtl; f | H' l.Ur to n cl.sn. •• of winning »>•>' «< the above Pi.z s | ran ho had at £ l end.-Stx bi.ares enli«."i.2 t«. <» ■ no nan ai ii An„iv n«lv to 'he AGENCY FOB Chances cost £ •). — APi"y p,,„ T, rvW\\ (S'.vHzi rlatid) Kemit- („> 0^l^; ft iWk Notei. Ci.^s.rt Cirque-. «r Post office Ordei I P«\-«W< »» the Genera! Tot Offi.-e t" 'lle M.ttr",L K Mi OTTO HOSE m Geneva, who will also supply ■ Bpeciiues vratis on prepaid application. P^rrrr; hvok GRAVEL, LUMBAGO Vnfuva rism (;oor, DISEASES. O( the JC'ONKVS^lMt* B|TAP1>BU, ST1MCTUKK, Dr. De Roos' Compound Renal Pills. Are celebrated all over the wnr <1 he most safe and r ■•needy remedy f<" 'he above dangerou* complainf, I m.cUTK ™„Vany kind. Prone in the Bladder, and D P en.es of the Ivc-Ly- and Urinary Or«at>, KenenUly. Pos».e-»ine tonic properties, they »^ree l. t e^eage ibe app-tite, improve the generait,e*^ a. three Har* wiliet'ert a cur", when opaiba, Lubet^a-aJ X' •2', V- \ri nil"™ » »- These celebrated f ills «• » mR!iy lhou_ *nostobstina-eca*e<. l" orwi to healtb, when «ands hare been anno*I > Their vast superiority ererv other■m-dieine, h« ^■ theftb0„c«mplaint- "ver everyibine fUe <" the fXl ^ordinary de- I. 1» onlversallv acknowledge introduction ia "tand for them ever C,AI1PP have they ever been k»»»n 10 mil, vr p,u<i.=cu il.o-e <l.ne 4ni Often resultuie Imm cop»iha require •'her n>"dicines usual y reported to. £ 'e « "either <o finement nor rhanpe ofditt, and may Jast y 1.. CiVidX only ..I. •t ot those disorders for wlucl t J "fcnded. THE MOST WONPERFITL TILLS IN THE WORLD. Dr. De Roos' Pilule Vitae, or Vege- table Life Pills. A ''rit.b.|i.y, ..il««o'tb«n.ej;: t#' »nd bfMlilv powers weak new "I tl e nc• noises in the head, P'dd,n^' joy °^her sr n»pioms of «1'ro"^0d.lj',Bfe pn which »peedilr 'h« di^eovcrv of D-. D« rfjo.^gp of what- almost maeicnlly I"cni°v(^J* tP the spirit, vigonr to nature. reMore clx erf lu« b Qn whJch *h« hrdy, a d Mrenifthn 1«-on,ain « panicle Jtlth and life depend. Thf> nn(J ({)r aU ««ercurv, but are purely *eg.I' ;• sirk headache. fJnnH of -he liver, l fitu'mev. hiU, ■-K ^'XaineBa ]t>>9 o' appetite, lowness o P L ;i»n. „\Lpi, |*Men Ilie shoulders, and the he t\ 0f '•digestion and eener*l deliiii >'• t,),,vn ir,mIfi|je thut ^atnp'rd ftiracv at:d it «s s,a r m we! ""■y can te ta!t >n at »my time without dangc «old. or necessity for restraint tro"n bun new r P t titp I I.. v act roiWly on the bow«le. without I-HI'' iuVari s .enBth to the sumach, promote, a «. the liver, thus P^'ventm,. or.J» .« curinc th« jaundice and dropo>, iIp« « ? ffiT>ov i k eallownefB andp'tnp'ts, pari )i t* 5«od. brJi -J the nerve,, and m.rtel ou.ly !*• the « hole cys'eni. Females of «U ape. w 11 find Sn i.,v.l.,»Me, and should never he w'thom thtm. trife IJd., 2s 9d., 4s 6d ,13 »"J Per box- Lifa is real, life is etirne.,t, Ar.d this world i.. not the goal. •Dust thou art-to dust returned. Wall not spoken of the SOU Not • «„ these std words be so early tr. many cases: may tnesesm iaUuAtn over the Hody, if only recourse be had to 1)1', De Roos' World Famed Guttse Vitse or Life Drops. *ho»e eflfocts are real'v magical in r^storlnc lost tone ,0 the syve, ^r sm^ lrom whatever cause) remv,,nr- and en!i*e»ir« the whole corporeal frame, an !r««»ally, hut etfcti.v, building up the moa chal- f<,d eongiitution. h AlthonBh this trulv ttM.cr-l rectiperrtive tonic is ot Put forward as imparting i^v ••rialit} to say that by its means Nf "e i* »>■« ^rp- '•"Paned to the nervous and dehtiiu^ who we e sinking into an early grave; whilst to those years it will gently a..d serenely ProUact close ot life. Thousands of apparently hopeless given np by the faculty, ui e now ln th^ e' J° I^ntof health, (life's greatest blessing), a living^ test >V to the unspeakable value ol this ^mark'tH' ^'d'cine. Hundreds of testimonials, tc" n,irncr^on ?"bl may he seen by any one. This I reP"8 IVS'y to take, and » '1st such a mir culous racdicament is lpn(,H m „n J'» recommended with the utmost eonhdence iin all k K<'» ot Nervous Dehilitv, Defect ve CirC"l«ti(.n, i 'si"°'1 e ^'00< "'ai'n n d'' I' a IP11^ ton 8 "i ll'" h e IndlgS8 &c V^sons ol studious &i«end fen al" and th0P0 on whom the wear y t,ar ot life is beginning to tell, should penev. rc >*>■) wiih this Lite reviving Tonic for one month; J'1 'hey will he astonish, d at its results All 'hose 0have tried other means galvanic and n.ectrio ap- 5 a,lce8, &c without any beneficial result, aie eai- re, unimended to make fair trial of this medicine, be.nB concocted on the highest scientific pn J'1" invariably succeeds. The p. eat ■u^64* s,tte Kr'1 < n this wond.i ful discovuy has led to a host ot and woitbkss imitations. Price Us and o3s Wr Bottle. 'MPORTANT notick to the public.—J Cr> package of Dr. He K< OS' Preparations be»rs the H^'nnum Stamp, with the words • « ailtuh Dk 0l.o.o^ Londou,' in White Letters en a Ro Oroo d,, bj l '^r of Her Msji s' y's Honourable Commissioners, "t which none con po.-sitaly be 'lenl world famed medicines are sold by e er^ J ll„ !c,e Vendor in the world, ol most Chem ar'dpd ri^u|d the least d'flleulty occur, will le ,0 Fret) per return, on receipt of the amount, by Lh'Ue Koosjl, Hollurd square, London, W.t. h„» i iTt.ru,s should read the M uud al,d ncrT0U.s o m n Wiiieh S^r-TLiw"" CiSTr^««"!• ^Holboin. London, .0« • Marriage rightly understood, Giv^s to the virtuous and ihe gcou A Paradise below.' AJusi Published, Post free 6 stamps. Kiiw MKD1CAL WOllK ON MARR1AGK.—By tl0ll Ph-.sU-iKHPl many years practice. Prac'ical 'o bum xes before ente. ii>K the wedded Matt, 0 "•«•>,» u.st.uct.cms lor-he speed) removal of a.I ^>«titieatioD8 and impediments which too often H,(1dr ^ppiness therein; it also Ueatson the cause ol k'1 h,nr> decline, I oss ot manhood, nervous dthi the I.H. k, spe. iiuitoi r I IB >, uleL «u, ,ud-. shyness, incapacity lor study or business, Xcu.'v, and .He numteiless n,hn.H e;, R 'rom youthiul atH.ses or.ex<7ll0/0Ul|y HlJ l"»tther with Ibe highly succes-fu. and thoroug, y C.0^ ot treatment, when-by ™#af kt*}> J' U restored to health and J ,dOII' ^.0 t°l'ef I uhlisher, T*, Verulam stieet, London, to Marvellous Remedy for Covglis, Colds, a^Bencss, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, q RU Chest Affections. ^ECTOKINE <j\°Jd by nil Chtnisis, in ionles, at Is l £ d, 2s 9d, "• <"«i 1 \seach. »»y the prop'iet<r" upon receipt of stamps. J. b'iONF.HOUSE. St. Saviours Victiriigc, August lh/4. *itlv.EAR Sik,_] can s-rom ly recommend your Pecto- ? Isit ,UU "'valuable Ucugh Hemedy. I have pivei. it uto h lal n,y < wn Ian < n have alto supplied «\t.r ^'mius sutlirii.g from ( ough in n y pansh, and in r"'ev 'anr eit has given immeiiiiito relict. In some 01 u.V«"e, pdssviip si'epless nights, one or two doses Kx'l U<t.<lll(1 havt. had MU..l, a good effect that per- a night's reft t.iid ihe Coiigh ha '"Appeared. "J. A- MJI.KK, St. Ann's Square, Manchester, i.7"I tctoi iue is supt i ior to utiy Aicd.eine 1 e' 11'ed lcr Uoughs or Coios." cures the worst foruis ot Coughs and cures Hoarseness b^ Top £ gives i;j inecliate relief in Bronchitia b^cTQR *NE lh ltu lK'8t medici.-e for Asihrna »ures iio'jpm^ Cough wii^cure a troublesome tickling Cougn, RlNE is iiivaiuable iu the liarly fct»ges ol Con >on RaHE relieves all Afllcuona of tho Chcsl, bSs» ind Throat. re«lomy by SMITH & CLARKE, Manufactu- ric8 Chemists, Park Street. Liaccln. Vll4neell«.r Sir C. H.I1 gr«uiiii n perpom.i uOtUtttl0l). with costs, utaihat i-. Musoi (Jinmitt v, 'Ain, lor using the word Pcoiorine.' ll »> ^t<rtrv»j N. i'hiliips, chexuist, Cusile cquaie, "l°rdweBt> »R. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Mei U on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AN J! iIAFPY MARRIAGES.—When to marry, with advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing iIAFPY MARRIAGES.—When to marry, with advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing out certain impediments which render n arricd 1i unhappy, and directions lor their speedy removal. Should be read by all who value health, strength, and :nanl>ood, and wish to attain a nappy old age.—Post free on receipt of two stamps.—Address. Secretary., Institute of Anatomy, Etrmimrhtnu. I z Old Sores and Old Skin Diseases. The seeds of these disorders are effectually expelled by thic penetrating Unguent, not only from the superficial parts, but from the internal tissue3 likewise. Any case, even of twenty years, standing, speedily yields to its influence. A Certain Cure for Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Asthma, &o. rL 'I For coring sorethront, diphtheria, bronchitis, nsthma,tight- ness of the chest, and pain in the side—which instant treatment alone prevents degenerating into more serious maladies, this Ointment has the same powers over chest complaints as a blister possesses, without causing pain or debility. Old asthmatic in- valids will derive marvellous ease from the usa of this Ointment, vrliirh has brought round many such sufferers and re-established heiUth after every other means had signally failed. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Sores, and Ulcers. By rubbing the Ointment round the affected parts, it pene- trate to the tissues beneath, and exrrcisos a wonderful power Oil all the blood flowing to. and returning from, the diseased part. The inflammation rtiminHftos, the piin becomes Jess intolerable, the matter thicker, and a cure is soon effected. In all long-standing carcs, liollowaT's Pills shonld also be taken, as they will thoroughly expel all depraved humours from the body. Gout, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints. Gout and Rheumatism arise from inflammation in the part!! effected. TocEeota permanent cure, adopt a cooling diet, drink plenty of water, take six of llollowav's Pills night and morning. and rub this Ointment most effectually twice iday, into the suffering parts; when used simultaneously, they drive ill inflam. mation and depression from the system, subdue and remove 144 enlargement of the joints, and leave the sinews and muscles la* and unoontracted. Eruptions on the Skin. In this class of complaints, no matter the age, the Fex. of the place, or under what name the diseiwe may be clossified, it will he cured if this Ointment be well rubbed into the system, and Holloway's Pills tnkea night and morning to purify tbt Hood. There is nothing deleterious in the composition of Holloway's Ointment, but, Oil the contrary, its ingredients possess the most soothing, purifying, nnll strengtheuing qualities. Abscesses, Erysipelas, Piles. TTnvarving success attends all who treat these diseapea according to the simple printed directions wrapped roiihil each Put. A little attention, mo, r.-te ix^pYemnce, and trifling ex- pen«e* will enable I he most diffident to conduct any case to c flippy issue without exposing their infirmities to anyone. The Ointment arrests the spreading inflammation, restrains the C.Citeld, cools the overheated skrn, alleviates throbbing and fciuartiag pains, and gives immediate ease and ultimate cure. Both the Ointment and Pill. should 00 vsedin the J'ullott'i n] complaints .'— Bad Lejzs Corn. (?oft) ?"ld3 Bad J iieasts 1'Uulas ^J-re lliroati* Ban,. Gout Pkiu Diseases Bunions Giandnlur Swellings ^curvv Chilblains Sore Heads Ch:\pp< >1 Handi ni;s IJ.°urs Co:!tf:U>d and Stiff K'icumatism ^.Ircr*, Joints B.,rc Ml Plvi bounds The Oitment ar.d nils arc s.,W at Professor HOUiWArt Kstahli.-hmi-nt, 5:«, Oxford Hi.L.t. Lomlv.n; also bv nearly •very re.;pe :table V.'iuh^ of i'edicine taroughor.t the Civilisr.1 World, in Pots a:id r,o.\ts, r.t 1 •• 9'h, 4s. od., lis., *2s., .nd 3k each. The sm.Kost P-t of Ointment contains one ounce 3.1..1 U'c sinalleit 'J-x of Pills four dozen. Fult printed directions are s^xed to eneh Pot ap.d Ttox, and -&N be had in any haifu even in H'urkuh, Arabic- Armenian, l'tr-Jiii. tr Chinee- NO. 16-1. "ARCHIMEDEAN" AMERICAN LAWN MOWERS. awarded Grand Diploma of Honourable Mention, Vienna, 1873. Silver Medal, Vienna, 1870. Silver Medal, Hamburgh, 1869. Patkonised BY Her Gracious M ijesty Tnll: QttEEN, His Roval Hi /hrif-sw TH K Vtil N ..v Her Imperii Wcjesty THE EMPRESS OF G)l.B^ANY: Hi« tinVflM Majesty TH K EMl'KltOR OF AUt,riUA. The late EMPKKOR OF THE FRENCH. The VICKKOY O! EGYPT. And many of the Nobility and (jtn;ry of Great Britain. This Lawn Mower will cut Long and Wet Grass (as well as Dry and Shod) without Cl'ig'ing- Is specially adapted for Cm tinsf Slopes, S. ccp Kmbankraents, uniier Shrulis. and close up to Tree". 4c. Extremely light in Draneh:, Simple in Construction, well made, and not likely to g,4 out of order. It can be uoed either with or without Grass Box. Every Mower is warranted to give ample satisfaction, and, if not approved of, n^J-y be returned within a month, and tne 1 amount paid will be refunded. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Far imperior to any of ours."—Vide The Field. Rem. kobiv easy to work."—Vide Gardener*' Magazftil. The quickest, most simple, and most effioieiit mower ever used."—Vide Gardeners' Chronicle. We feel bound to recommend it to our readers as onn of the best mowers we have as yet made acquaintance with.Vide Floral World. BEFORE PURCHASING A LAWN MOWER send for our Catalogue, which contains Opinions of the Press and Testimonials from Gentlemen of High Position in the Horticultural World, Noblemen, Clergymen and others. PRICES FROM ONE GUINEA. Delivcrud Carriage Free to all Railway stations in Grait Britain. WILLIAMS & Co. (LIMITED), MANUFACTURERS and PATENTEES, 33 King William Street, London, E.G. SELLING AGENTS: JOHN G. ROLLINS & Co., OLD SW AK WHARF, TUASXES-STREKX, LONDON; WALTER CARSON & SONS, T A HKT.LE SALVAGE Y*R!>, LUDGATK HILL LONDON an 1 BACHKL.'R'S WALK. DUBLIN. CRTC^ET CRICKET CRICKET ^7™ T TT TY'WHITE. FItOWP. and CO. 8 J JewPluLac! Pnco. fjist for 1873 is now n*a,. ^tnll be soot post, free to any ai.pli-aut- nso(J ;n crio'!et nnd British SporttBonerafiy. of t^^staua.itv and moderate price. Observe too adi.re- s. 4 NEWINGTON CAUSv» Aj 'I- ^—-y J Tr^,>P^rAS3AM'TEA COMPANY (Limited), fl L I i-« rO A.o m. for sale of Assam Tois LJ —Aeentsinall liwineial^ Pri0e« per lb. is. Od diroctfrom the t^'mp^ s ^arUcuiara apply to Head Depot. s,„ and 3s. fid. io,r fy'nr|on Agents wanted. GO. Kin^Wiiiiat^ec_Tr^^CSA! NS, equal in ^ROlDL- GOLJ Id jji^cnr a lifetime; post free U •ir'iieavauco to 18-carat E-,hw1' „ j )()a. od. Cluster torSs. 6d. and 7s. 6d. If»"^A^ana7s.6d.^iDgl« rings, set with Alaska d- r,n^er obtained by cut»iiiS hole m Rtone ring, Ca. <U.; .oIJ?n £ n* sc irf pins,2s, «d.: crosses Sard ;brooch. 1*. Cd.; eamnf. 4s 6d sc^l 6d h oq n/s^klets. 2s. 6d.; lociiecs* ijrae^lcts, «)S. Cu., Qtrids solitaires, 2s.; pencil c j .Q(i x>rice T>iKt free. S^. 2a.«d _W. H<H,T. ^f%EMOVAL. MFTCALF AND CO., jewfllkks, havc removed Eatablished at 8. new premises w_ 19, COCKSPUR inspect their large Stock, to pfain figures, «(>d 10 per cent. m.wu distant sent w'^g^ted patai i| f"°' ,r" ESTABLISHED 1812. H. ANID T PROCTOR AGRICULTUEAL CHEMISTS, CATHAY, BRISTOL, ORIGINAL MANUFACTURLXS OF SPECIALLY PREPARED BONE MANURES. FOR GRASS, CORN, HOOT, AND 3THER OEOPS; ALSO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. :a WORKS,—CATM AY. BRISTOL. AGENTS—Mr G. Griffiths, Wine Merchant, Pembroke „ Thomas Parker, Cardigan J. N. Evans, Aberayron. Full Particulars with Prices, Post Free on application. a& CARSONSj^teA. PAINT, PATUONISED BY 0 HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, THE DUBLIN BOARD OF WORKS, THE BRITISH Govbrnmext, I THE COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS, I RAILWAY and CANAL COMPANIES, THB Indian Goyehnm.ENT | THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, | Colliesies, IRON MASTERS, &C. 8,000 OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY, for all kinds of OTJT-DOOB WOEK, And is proved, after a test of upwards of 80 years, to surpass any other paint. It is especially applicable to Ir»n Booting, Park Fencing, Farm and other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implements, Carts and Waggons, Gates, &c.f &c., and all exposed work, effecting a Saving of more than 50 per cent., as it is cheaper, and lasts twice as long as Genuine White Lead or any other paint, and CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. It is sold in a fine powder. Will keep any length of time. No grinding, tinting, straining, or dryers are necessary. It requires simply to be mixed with Oil Mixture," according to Directions for Use," thus avoiding the waste of paints sold mixed ready for use." • PerCwt. COLOURS. PerCwt. WHITE 1 fRADE MAKlQ BRIGHT RED 28/ LIGHT STONE i DARK RED ) BATH STONE PURPLE BROWN .5 26/ CREAM COLOUR >32/ ^wticqrrosioOT^^V BRONZE GREEN LIGHT PORTLAND STONE H pAl"L7x ||Q| CHOCOLATE 20/ PORTLAND STONE UMA,,uri5ruRtD £ gE^3i BLACK 20/ BUFF (for STABLES) .J BRIGHT GREEN LIGHT LEAD or SLATE 28/ ^ow°°!fffipar.^i MEDIUM GREEN I OAK COLOUR 26/ i iiffll ilrri DEEP GREEN LEAD COLOUR 2of taun ai kahqbsrs mu. BLUE ) Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brushes &o. CARSONS' PAINT, For PUBLIC EDIFICES, MANSIONS, VILLAS, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, &c., is unrivalled, and is the only Paint that will effectually resist the rays of the sun upon CONSERVATORIES, GREENHOUSES, FRAMES, &c. 2 CWT. Delivered Carriage Free to all Railway Stations in the United Kingdom. PRICES, PATTERNS AND TESTIMONIALS SENT POST FREE ON APPLICATION. WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. And 21, BACHELOR'S WALK. DUBLIN. NO AGENTS. • PIMSPHO Alum PREPARED ONLY FROM PACIFIC ISLAND GUANO 0.. By THE PHOSPHO GUANO SEACOMBt1, Co., LIMITED. TRADE MAAK. CHESHIRE. IS THE BEST MANURE FOR ALL PURPOSES. PHOSPHATES SOLUBLE, AMMONIA FIXED, ANALYSIS GUARANTEED. A«KliT« Mr John Sime, Fast Hook, IIaveriorJwcst. Mr John Bennett, Wolfsdale, do. Mr Caleb John, Eglwyswrw, Newport. Mr T. D. Francis, Bryn Shop, Llanybyther. Mr Daviil Vaufjlian, Mercliant, Fishguard. MESSRS. HILTON & WALTEliW, Liverpool, Factors to the Company. W & A G-iL-b^r'io isAl'Ui.Aii liiu-xil1 WiLiJhti FROM FRANCE, V riND JIUAGARY Q.,vin" to the favoraMe rccommcn.iation of the Me licnl Profession, the increase in the f NatuKil Li^ht Wines lias iluiiii^' the pa-t (cw-yeais L"-i. i.icr uiipucclfiiteil. nicntioncd List contains some ui I he le.inS v.iicties o. each nass of Natural Light W mes. and while ofteriii" an agreeable variety of choice to consumers the V\ mcs will be found of icniaiUUe Qiiaiitv .nd value at the prices charged. The moOcraic pnecb of th^se Wines arc accounted loi to a creat extent by the fact ol their coming to this eoau-.ry at the io vesL rate of duty. DR. I->Rt;irr'.s repon on Sparkling Saumur \V mcs, -wh.ch appeared in the Medical limes, will be forwarded oil application. AGKNT— T G. V. HARRIES, Chemist, 36 Uijh Etroet HAVERFORDWEST NATURAL RCD WINES I1 NATURAL whitg wines R' f '.le: ú."pn I3cttlc Dozen Castle A CLARET Tfa„™.ra,r«,s^V 12/ A white burqukov 1/6 18/ Castle B 0U«I (1/3 16/ i f«k B VViilTE BURCUKDY •• 2/ 2.1/ < and arc as pure V jr> •* r> M C^stJe C CLARET J an-l who '^cnicHfi I 1; O l* Caslie A. SAUTE RME •• •• 1/3 16/ f hit C^lUi': *St CiH- f\ Castle D CLAH ['T i'ptodaced j 21 £ r4 ca.=tie B S A'J TERSE •• •• 2/ 24/ Castle 1 REn CURCUfiOY •• 1/3 Id. c-lsdc A VhlTE HUNGAriAN.. 1/6 18/ Castle 2 RlD OiiPiGU >DY 1/G 13 wlin IIUNGARIAN 1/9 21/ Castle 1 KARL0V;iT2 r,U:;CAR!AN 1/6 13/ A I.GGK (Stnij 1/6 18/ Castle 2 KA'iLOWITZ lill CAR AN 1/9 £ 1/ Cn.tie B HOCK (smt) 2/ 24/ The above Wines can be suppi ed in Tiut cttics ot half tho prices mentioned, with Cd. perdczoa Pints adacu. cpApi/i img CHAMPAGNE.-A tteiiiio" is <• netted to the rcduclion in pi ice of the following ( Champagnes, namely, y pel do/en cnch :)r3S": 1 2 :e ",e wl;oh-somt Wines for ordinary use; Castle 3 a aie Champagn: s usually sold in this- coi.n.ij um.cr special brands and at high prices; ristle 1 & 'A are hi>!i el-ss Wines of extin qu:. _lv and Castle 5 &$A are the highest classed | Champagne's p,o.h,cet, ,n 1-i-< .,reT«l.vc ol nrxe. ™Hi>ir»E,Q"S ? S, Cas,lc4 Fm"y CIIAKPffflf'-«.4/6 54/ CasUe 1 Ftuity U.lAr.U'AUrtt. pjnts i 3 15/ A f Qu=,t. 2 8 32/ Castle CHAMPAGNE (nuts 2,5 29/ Castle 2 Fruity CH'tfPAC E| ^S/ r ,i 3 ^->CHM8PACHEf5-«.3 -6 42/ C.«te 6 Dry CHA»Mn«E(o-«.6/6 60/ I Caltle 3A Dry CHAMPA HE t «..« 1/11 23/ Castle 5A rWDo-CHAMPAGHE ( iu 2/11 35/. QPARKLING SAUMUR WiNES.—These diy Sparkling Champagnes from Saumur are of most excellent quality, and are highly recommended by the Medical Profession. castle SAUMUR GMF"a Ml w/ Por particulars of more than 200 varieties of Wines & Spirits see W &A Gilbey's Book of Price* TilE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA AND THK CI Y OF LONDON., u t f,.p Vmneior of Russia has conferre.l on Mr J. \V. R mi-oii the tippointment of Gold. Hi« Imperlnl Mbjc tj t e K p tjon ot Mr Bcnson'e artistic pioducticn of the Oold Ca-,kei prcseuteil y • • -D To the Q. iei n and Rojal Family. -,w 'l4" 11. R-H. the. I'rii.ceot \Vn|. s (special a^poiuiinent.) Maimer ot the Ch onograpli, by winch ihe Derbj atnl «U ^u'al ra,'C!< HT0 li'"ed. i'r sso Meaullist of Loi don, f* la t^uhlin, Hiid Paris. lllllfsii&if LUDGATE HILL. LONDON, K.C.: & 25, OLD BOND STRKET. T W 1JENSON invites attention to tin uu- equalUd advanlag s which he is emhled to offer to puro aser.- Ijy rhp h»c «>far. a*» power and the employment of a larye staff ol ski'leit English and toreigu workmen, The high y s.islactor> per. formance ol his Wntelies and Ch tks is rt-cogn'zed by tlie 1 ress autl tiii" Pul)lic, I he pnros chnrgeU in every iiiStanco, are the lowwt, compatible with sound work. ffJf/fj <W mnnelii|i aurl Li(.h finish. $f! ^VhL! Y. Knglisli Clocks fur suporior to foreign, -jr L{ v\\ 'wl desipi.ed by fcnuHfh Art ste, luanuractured ou I if fjW ll iCMi'li the Prolni,il'« hn,! t0 1)e o')t tifK-d only at the i't'SJ-i J t-—trjii;I M above establishments. Clock Cases made to liar- k milM nioi.ize with the arehueeta e of mansions, country 16 W £ i OT hou>c?, &e., and with thoir furuiture. II tin M W A i CUES. From 1 to 200 Guineas. R-iilway Vi. VV Guards, Sailors, btldirrs, Miners and Work- ¥1 .U r^ V 77?M men's W'a ches (of extra strength ) <V LOCKS. From 1 to 1,00 Guineas. J KWELKY and Plate for Presentation, &c. \I\tches ard Clicks repa red by skilled workmeii. Old Jewelry, m cr, and VVatt-ljea excbaititcU. .r, alche- sent to <dl patls, Sile Ioy petit. d The new on 1 Uriel and Ciinrdi C:ockt roci-nts tie Perpotual Calendar, (with restimor.ial-), W atches (jt0 ks. Jewelry and The above skeicb iep ■ Watoh, The tiandf, 1'iate. (p:ofu6ely illustrated), sent post tieo eaCU ior Independent Seconds; jv jr tjm0 for ;eap year, two Stamps. without bein? rc"sc^ ?^er 0f seconds, minutes, houis, J• i I?80?/ ,CW J "l in)e and TimcTelhr?, keep a perpetual register w fchow ol(J and n?w p.jbusl ed by Ilardwicke, Piccadilly. p;aiu 2s 9d.| weeks, nioutb-. and > wri,tiona 0f -Mat 8!^8?;TI|.„ Tl j styles phases ol the inoon CAUTION.be Public are cautioned acainft rois „ d cold. icpieijentauou-s auda'.euipu to fell Sj-uxioue Iuiit«.tioa to Bridge Street, Haverfordwest^ and West Street, Fishguard. JAM E S R O G H, FARM & FURNISHING IRONMONGER Gas Fitter and Plumber, Tin Plate and Wire Worker, &c., BEGS to Hm^ouitce that he ia carrying on business at the above places and baring ret Un? Hirminirli^fii, and other market", with a well selected Stock of Cutlery, *^ecflr0. j.' p r' Furnidbing and Builder*' Iromnongeiy, Lamps, Paints, Colours and Oils, Bar Iron, Steel,Hpsdef, wv,;rh for Ami", Powdrr, ^hot. Caps, Cartridges, and Cartridge Ca>es, &c he is prepared to offer uooa% qiinlity and prire will bear comparison with those of any other bouse. Purchasers can rely d ^er»ed, «ntj ordcrei promptly executed. f l m In soliciting a share public patronage, -he will use every exertion to merit the conndencc kindly favour him with a visit. J. It. wishes to r.iM the attention of the public to a quantity of well selected Goods, for the eo i h viz.( Travelling Trunk?, Hip. 8ponce and o'her Battis. Toilette Ware, French and Half \vhit' Children's Cribe. Ac., Straw and Millpntl Mattresses, Matting, Mat" &c good white v" V X »•' a jL* •»nd ornamonial (itate Sh^yin'/F, Fender and Fire Iron^, &f*. Oil?, I'nints, Colour*, Varnish, I tiM <. Lathe, N^iis. Slates, Bricks, Tiles, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Latches, &c., Sheet Lpad. Sheet and Perforated Zinc, Felt, &c. ALL OLD AND NEW TIN WORK DONE TO ORDER. (ESTABLISHED 1842 ) JOHN ROBINSON AND Co. BRISTOL MANUFACTURE MANURES, Of high Quality, which are sent out in good condition, at moderate prices, and during the past season several important prizes have been awarded for roots grown from them where the com- petition was unrestricted. —————— 10 DISSOLVED BONES CORN MANURE GRASS MANURE SUPER-PHOSPHATE MANGOLD & TURNIP MANURE And other kinds for Special Crops. Also LINSEED AND COTTON SEED CAKES, From Seed as imported. Apply to JOHN ROBINSON & CO., BRISTOL, or to their Agents, Mr Jesse Harvey, Kilpaisou House, Pembroke; Messrs. R.aml J. Jones, Haverfordwe t. CLEDDAU BREWERY, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, G K ORG E M. G R K E N. Mi -LTSTEB & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Agent for, Miller and Johnson's Celebrated Artifietal Manures. grken & ""JOHN; WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUAY S THE El IIA V Eli FORD WEST, AGENTS FOR MWES SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, LAWES' PATENT TtRNIP MANURE, AND LAWES' DISSOLVED BONES. PERUVIAN GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. ESTABLISHED OVER 150 YEARS. Upper Market Street, Haverfordwest. JAMES DA VIES, (Late Baillieu a.id Davies,) pa LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S BOOT & SHOE MAKER TN returning thanks for the patronage bestowed upon him and his late"Partner, begs respectfully to announce that he is prepared to execute all orders in Boot and Shoe Making in the lewest styles, and at moderate prices. J. D's Goods are home made, and employing only the most skilful workmen, the workman- ship can be guaranteed. Repairs Neatly Executed UJNGBO^I B if inhaled on the first symptoms eaj^ will at once remove them, and even when a cold has been neglected and become severe, it will give immediate relief, and generally cure in one day. It contains no narcotic, and never produces any unpleasant effects. Address DR. DUNBAR, care of F. NEWBERY and SONS, 87, Newgate Street, LONDON, B.C. rO^EKYOUS SUFFKKKKS. REAP rnH "SECRET FRIEND." 'MH1S Wondt-rfui Medii-nl G*irie not only gives the X cause, but shows how a permllnrr.1 cure can he eflected in all chscp of Nervous Debility, Depression of Spirils, Timidity, Impaired S'pht and Memory, Pains in the bnok, Liositude, Spermatorrhoea, Im- pediments to Marriage, Stricture.S'.rondary Sympionis, and All Veneleall)IMea,ec, without the u-e of Mercury. Dr Barnes's long experience in the treatment oi all S X'i»l Diseases has enabled him to treat the most Inveterate cases with marked snccess t'tils "•jlunl.If work "THE SECIIET FIIIENI)," is illultratea witt, numerous cases and tefintoniais from Patients ix- presMTig their deepest praiitnde for having been re- stored to health and manly vigour. To the married and biggie this book ia invaluable. Sent post free secure from observation on receipt 01 two stamp". Address, Dr. 'Barnes, 1, Lonsdale Square Bainsbury, London, N. Important to Country Patients. I DR HAKNES ma be consulted personally or by letter, in all pi i late and coiifidciitial cases and for thu btr.eifi ot Nervous -ufleters whe- cannot visit iim, be wi 1, on receiviiig a desrlÏplkn of their .Hf.f, enclosinu a stamped envelope for :eply, be ready to pive his opinion upon the nature of the cast-, and tho principles 01 treatment necessary to dfect a perfect cure. igSIT Address, DR. BARNES, 1. LODsdale Square, Rain-tiury, London, N. "FOR THB BLOOD IS THE LIFE." |ggWilslH<j5B WORLD FAMED i I Trade Mark,—"Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER I or M-rotuld, ^ct^Ty, bkin Ui>ea-.(.(i) itn,i ,0j(i oj al| kill, a it ip a lit ver failing and permanent cure. it cures old Sores. Currs Ulc. rated Sjre ).fss. Cureti Blaekh' -tds. or r.uiplcs; on the fuce. Cures Scurvy Sores t'ures Canct-rous Ulcers. Ciitos li:oDd and Skin Diseases. Cures (jlandular Swcliiugt. LJIeanses and Cures the Blood from all injure M stter, Fiom whatever cause arising. As this mixture is i lcaMitit to ibe t;tste, and war- ranted free Irom anything injurious i0 tho o:osi drli- .•Hie, c< n->ti;iition of either sex, the Piojrietor t>ulicit> sutltrers t' giveita tr al to u-st its v ilue. Tho'j.uas i °i sti<iioni>iis fiom n part-. Sold in bottles 2- G j, diii! iii ui«'« contHining ,-ix t ities ttie Itlatltlt%. Ils ep(.l -I)Y I EN i I s ^ATENi MEDICINE VliMJOKS, throughout th. world,'or sent to any addicss, on receipt ol 30 or iljv slumps by F.J. Ci.-Ar.KE, CH EUIST. High Street, Emcolu, Wholesale All l'aiem Medicine Houses, Nftibcrth,—J. iiowtiii, ciittmist, Scz, Market place, I ONE MILLION STERLING I Hil8 I'hi! J'lIid a8 COMPENSATION OR DEATH 8L INJURIES Caused Ly ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS, BY THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY. j HON. A. K:XNA![H\ M.P. Chairman. j Paid up Capital and Reserve Fund £ 180 000 ANNUAL INCOME £ 2(0,OiO. Bonus allowed to Insurers of Five Years' Stand-ng App'y to the Clerks at the Railway Stations Lb, Local Agents, or b'4, CORN ill LL, & 10, REGENT STREET. LONDON WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. Agent for Haverfordwest: Mr H. BARHAM, Railwav Station. PEOPLES EDITION NTEW SPECIAL MEDKIAI. WORE. Hy DR HKNHY smith. NOW READY-FREE hh.l'lOV. By post, in envelope, one stamp (to pre-pay postage.) DEBILITATING DISEASES; th.Mr CAUSE rh CDRK. A WARNING VOICE 10 YOUTH AND MANHOOD By HENRY SMITH, M.D., I • the Roval University of Jei-D, Alit li- r of T c toi ui tt er's Nliipnal," I I he %N'ortiitig V.)ice." ae Tin, woik gives Ur Smith sTfeatfTtcnt (tt<frtc.u'' o; Tvtentv Six y< ars special practice) lor the (Jur-ol al Di-caw-ho the Nervous syR'ein, Nervous Debility, Mental i'liysi- cal Depri Ng-on P tlpitati *n ot t e Hrart. Noises in the Head & Ears. 1 ndeci'ion Tmpairetl s ght and Memorv. indigestion, Lo. of Energy, Pains in the Back,Consti-' Ration, Blushnc, Hxsuris, Timidity, Selt-dis'r.itt, Dizstiness, LOla of So itude. Groundless Fenrs, Muscu lar Relaxation, resulting fiom exh.iu«:!cm of Nerve P wer, the effect, of 0»'«rtaxed Eneriri-M, Kner- Vatiiig Habits, and oilier abuses ot the system whicN. if n< gl> «'ti (?, end mi premature d eliiif and d-nth. GIVES I>SI RUCTIONS AND PRESCRIPTIONS. lliusir,i,,d *III, i,siiiioiiiilb froni griletil jiai ems; with means ot Cute used in each '-a-e. A'so ADVICE IO YuCNG MEN ON SUBJECTS OF GREAT 1M- I'OltI'ANt'E. Sent free by pod on receipt of on. p n i. v slain p. "This is a work which every young man shou'u: read. The moral tone which pervades every p^'e «j-|; sou[ d n ivice is invaluable, espe ia:y wi.m ou.i,^ iroin the pen ot a physician who.<u sncress lias give, h tn a |.liice a i on.st ihe eminent Specialists of lin- age."—Ait rnii'<j (hI" nlc,e. tij,, 1 bird Thousand. By po»t seven sUn.ps in envelom V\] OMAN He: Duta-s, HcIh;juris, mi: Pos,fj, V su:.jtfcts treaMd: Girlhood, 1 Cou! tsb'p, Ai»rti.»»;e, Mi.tt.< ri oo»l, K-male Educatio«' I Ft male Hea th, Fe i.al- ll> itiit, l>Oiuesttc nt ih n e I Ac.,&e. D is atreaii.se on hutij- us i f v,:a| uljr0l', ;i;ice 10 "tnun. HliAUTIFLLLV 1LLL>TUATICL) w ITH b (Hi AV1 > (is 0s w, OJ), ( This i" an extrcmcl, «e i-*rr te-i aId n,, iI. criMing wotk, srvtiip«!!i- a tb io:h uiast-rt c i.e- s-«r jei t, a«t«t cotiti.\ ing the n ii.t j,,r,. a>|. lie, "ev., "7 1>>71- Address, Dr ll. bAll'lH, l'lUrluu Oi i at*. Jit, L»<;i • 4 dsn, W.C. JONSU A LONDON PHYSICIAN BY LH'JT }• V- i ) .1 ■( i r K. II S.M ll'ii. i-« Hutu .♦scoriai. tor A J1 cult} of ad det.iliittnug t!< a idiiiH^iu it d:.s.a t •»vtu. FOR 1HK HV>Eril OF C.lUNTRj 1'aYIKN'IM W,t | CAKKOT CONStLX 111M ffc.l( ON ALLY, Ol receiving des- riptioo 01 their jenu 1,1- ujhi, wnn &0. t f ice and directions for the mos s CCebsiul rcstcr<»:u o health and v:gour. »Aadfest- .Dr H- S oith, >, J i.n 'Jra sees! *ioadoB, IS'ASSELL'S If^pUiE y-^TEftS I CassellsSscoffees. I 1 4 SELL'S ORIENTAL COFFEE consists of» ™ lection of tbe finest growth of East Ionia. In lie process of roasiing and grinding the fulljstrenpth ind fine aroma are prrsorved. renderinc it rqual to 1 fc e Coffee so much prized in ORIENTAL COUNTRiliS THE PERKECriON of COFFEE Price 2s per ib. CIASSELL'S COFFEES are supplied at 1- Is 21. J Is 4d., Is Cd and Is S^ anils lOd per lb., in Citnf-terst td airoliglit Packagesfr.im one ounce toctie pound, by Agents, Grocers, Chemists. Confectiouert, &r,throtieh. out the kingdom CASSELL'3 PURE UNCOLOURED TEAS. C>P jSELL'S TEAS arc pure and free from ii ty J facing powder or other injurious matter, t!i« Jreen all well as the Black is the natural colour of too ea', it bat fuot therelore the bright gri-eii hue of r(linary Green Teas, which are faccd hythe Chinese with mlnrra powder or other colouring matter to g:lJ •hem appearance. By the age of CASSKt L's TEAS r a ourity and uniform good qualify a:e at all times iu stired. Cabell's PURE Uncoloomd TEA 2. 2s 4d., and 2s 3d., per lb, CASSELL'S Purk UNcoujrBrD TEA, finest quail, ties, 3.3; lid, an a 4s, per lb., in Packets ot oz to 3 1H. .*>- Sol y Agents, Grocers. Chemists, Confectioners, Sc. throughout the Kingdon. GEN'C'Y—To place CASSKI.l's well known Trv AND COFFEES uithin the reach of every family n 'he Kingdom, Agents are required in every neicii* I'onrfcood no yet fully supplied. For ternis, apply o CASS ELL, SMITH, & Co., SO Fenchurcb Street, Londo-u M-SAAllen's Cr Cr world'S ONE HUNDRED REASONS Miglit be given why Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S IIaik RESTOEHR should be use 3 by every Intelligent human being in pre- ference to every other Preparation i. r the Hair; but ten will suffice, and beïa they are:- C lBT-It never fails to renew, revive, and restore the original youthful colour a;:d appearance of the Hair, in every case of greyness, no matter from what cause it arises. IND It will revive the growth. S&D—It will give the Hair a natural gloss. 4TH.—It will restore life and vigour tI the roots of the Hair. sth.—It will stop the Hair from falling off. 6Ta—-It is a superior dressing for tl:, Hair. 7th,—Its perfume is most agreeable 8TH.—Hair Oil or Perfume is nevtir required with It. STTH.—Its good effects are permanent. lfta. AXD LASTLT—Forty years of trial have established its superiority and ex- cellence. No preparation has ever attained to such renown as MRS. S. A. ALLEN S WORLD'S HAIU RESTORER. The ¡ Imitators are macy. — Verbum saf sapienti." ParcE 6s., IN LARGE BOTTLES. PRINCIPAL DEPOTS— 114 and 116, Southampton Row, j London; 35, Boulevard Haussmann, Paris; I And Sold by all (.hemists and Perfumers throughout the World. A CA ?I'S H MAQIIOUABalm BEAUTY. o A few applications of H.\GAN"S MAG- NOLIA BALM will givea pure, bloom ng complexion. Its effects are prad-.a!, natural. and pcrfecL It does aivay v th the flushed appearance caused I L it, fatigue, and excitement; rcuv.ves all blotches and pimples, dispels dariv unsightly spots, drives away tan, frcd 68, and suuburn, and by its gentle tint 1'1" cr- ful influen-e mantles the faded cheek 1th youthful bloom and beauty. In u," is America for the last twenfy-'ive yea:" Sold by all Chemists and Perfuu ms to. Ss. 6d. Every Bottle ia enclosed ii handsome French Cardboard Toilet Ca 4. EUROPEAN DEPOT— 114 & 116, Southampton Ho 7 LOXUOX. W.C. PoWELtJS J^MBRpCATIOfl rFHE EXTRAORDINAllY SALE. vi< spread popr.hirity, aiul wonderful rem t of l'OWhLL'S EMBROCATION api- « startliug to those yet unaquiiiuted v. b the properties of this emollient, II rnr.rvt Ileus efiicarv has bet".i attested y U.K.R. the DIKE IVAl'ilAt.K, a lttGHl' HON. HIE LATE E.iKL < { CLARENDON, KG, the KlOliT I1-' r, FRANCES COl'NTESS \VAL!' s «I:AVE, the uicirr HON. THE cor "JESS OF RADNOR, atxt JII;\1IY o.. eminent persons, copies o. whose tc f accompany cacti hut'.le. rpHE TOIiMKKTiNG and Sleep-Destroyi- g Pains of Iiheuru.it ism. Clout. Neura' i aud Of i- I f"i dwellings, quickly yield to its en-olli t influence. is S.i L" ll | Chemists, at is. l2d. and 2s :>d. J Van DUZER & RICHARDS, > SOLE PROPRIETORS. S LABORATORY-" U4 & 118, SOUTHAMPTON BQY>> liONDONj s