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ay, ij ^AdGQNS^ every description o Will- U'i^ manufactured by the Dristo' tgon Works Conijiiny, supi lied l>y R. & J.' JONKS, Aucti°M,:KI{S, APPiiAisiais, &c. i Offices 1,. Higli Street, lla-verfordwest. Y, TIME, AND LIFE, ARE LOST in the event OF L('It>l £ NTAL INJURY OR DEATH. afefiunst these losses by a Policy of the AlLWAY passengers assurance ACOIVIPANY. ^ST accidents ue all kinds, Largest ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE I'ailn^?,Y- 110,1 A. Kiruu.n, M.P., Chairman. Uual uP UP''»1 «nd I'ufcrve Fund £ 140,OOe. An- j 'llcoii)e, £ 100,000. ^oiiu^^ have been Paid is Compensation, A:VU0W- ,0 lllsururs of F>vcYears' Standing. | ^0c!\{ Afcn/'10 ^crk' at t'10 lt-a'lwaJ Stations, tbc l°KnH ILL, & 10, REGENT STREET, LONDON WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. 1v Agent lor Haverfordwest: -^ij^BAUUAM, ll«lw»y Station. C°kVui THf,; HMtVOUS S; niililUTATKtK T A LONDON P'tlYblUlAtf WITHOUT .^U«SSN?Y SMITtt 1.L devoted 25 years exctu- treatment of DifchscpoI the Nervous I "BlAlling fron CXIA 0 Z., xustion of Nerve Power- ''Vs Ability, physical Depression, Impaired Indigestion, Loss of Energy and ^e«knplPai"8i" «ho KarU, Timidity, Distrust, Loral P PAl,r' &C- SMITH AVII.I. FOli TUB BKNKV1T rCCr^'TlS W,IO CANM.T VI IT KIM rf*»U»AUjT, folio tl 'teillellt ot their ease, send by tt"°»ed «, nr of advice w th instructions, which, if • a. cars i'fc QUwa; A form of correspondence contain- ils *» 10 a8si8t thu Paticnt in Bent P0flt *rec> on receiving a directed b??^NULS TO D11. HENRY SMITH. V'2. t?, "as received up to date December, 2»st, i ? IIun(l^d and Twenty-Ftwrt fttitten Proof r,f lH froDl 1'i'tienta who rasvde *'« country 8 succesafut treatwobl conducted by coi- A<4re«, »nly. r H. Smith, 8, burton Crescent London. VV.C P08* free for two stamps, f ,ffiI^T10N« and instructions for J»- BISnSv K 0F NERVOUS DEBILITY, By ><An.l SMITH, ofthe Roval University of Jc '"The People's Guide to lleal'li," &e. Mi-di 1'IONS and INSTRUCTIONS is a ■J i nUeB 1 Wo,k H»o Electric Treatment of •of illty M*" °f t,ie Nervous System, Nervous '*1 'ii and Physical Depression, Palpitations jCc'8ioi1 j'ar!l. Noises in the (lead and Ears, Iu- •».'88 of 'p 'Paired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, and Appetite, 'Puins in Hie lS'iek, r l)iBUusl, Diviners, L »ve of S.)litu<le, (Ji'' rtduli; Lilra) Wt-akneue, Museular llelaxaiion, HsKiu^ltom ExUsuation of Iserve Power. for the Uuvciopmcut. and 1,1 a,,i l ,l° Human Rudy, how lo acquire -t. ^r(|tigth, Secure Long Life, R»d Avoid C, ^ca j'11'8 'Jf °ld Age. Also, the named of VM°*ea to 'I buusands of Sufferers bp.ve been W- ai^<l. YTth and vigowr after all other n medic? g withTcstimonirils Iruui grateful aV' P'fcnv11^ ^re° I,osl »"y addruBS on receipt rpa' SMITH, 8, Rurton Crcsccnt, Lon- i BEaiT0^ £ UV°US SUFFERERS. r,sW rnB "SECRET FRIEND." ^«toCiause°h».lrlul McdicHl Guide not only gives the V fc 'n 'all ^0Ws liow a permanent cure can be "in« ^rits r..fas.1'8 °f Nervous Debility, De pression ^iin 'n thn J^'ty, Impaired S'pln and Memory, in4 Au"'8 to M aok' f-issitude, Spermatorrl'tca, Im- tr U, e"eH Stricture,Secondary Symp'oms, i *^UMlles,s li.n without tho «M3 of .Mercury *1vc. tiiscnsp cxP,,rience i« the treatment of al. ,H'e casp li.aB enabled lntu to treat the mom T'.lp worked Kticccss. Tliis raluable 0U8 c«S(JhCUKT FRIEND," is illustratea with lS (ostiaioniuls ^rorn i'ancnts ex- V V £ t**i,rCPC8t gratitude for having been re- St marl ",nd ,nanly vigour. u» iree a and bingle tliis book ia invaluable. atip» Secure from observation on receipt of 41 A j HurJ. Londo0^1108' Lonsdale Square do,), 1I."t I*A aut to Country Patients. k°r lltor< in nU*K-co,,8wlt,3d personally or by •J111! k. e6tflf 'atc an^ confidential cases and I %i "VOuls sufferers who cannot visit £ vHi^ On reei N-ing a ^sciiption of tbeir case, un for reply, be ready to pon the nature of the case, and the a,Inc"t necessary to eircct a perfect 1. Lonsdale Square, —— l?O>yBn,°0D Is The LIFE.—"See Deute tf'tVr.^Ood \a,p.' x,i- V(-rse 23.-CIarkes World S>rrej the llXlurc^Tra<»e Mark.-i* Blood '^Dn'- f°r cloa« Proat Rlood PurifiL^^v and NU|"tltics, and clearing tbo blorfd from H v. Scurvv ci°- u highly recommended for it (?Ver failing .eases, and Sores of ull kinds «>'Urcs oij ^and permanent cure." t,Ur«s iti„ bor«« lj?rc8 SoreB on ,hc Dc'-k v^res BE?tcd 8«e legs eLT,,B }i'•^]rv^1Cacl, 01 l)Unplc8 on the face ^0tc« C«n y Roros t^0" Bl5r°U? U'cers p.Gjz$ £ 'ti&&sr •tin conR!?/ro,n anv»» P to ,he ,nBtc' a"11 Wfll" •50ter, tu'ion oi ,pj'irioiis to tbe most deli' u''0(i, 0 sive it Q !ier SLX, the proprietor soliolts 5^6 01 iiriult0 U'sl »8 value. IV 2s o V0Ina,8 frotn all parts ,0,1ei.le luanrii, ,a.cl1'antl in raS(B» containing Ik^L clre jn ,v y> each—sufficient to eflect a Si"Kl'on,n" ChP'iiisf,KrCaj o'' 10llg Btand'HR ,0ai. lhe Patent Medicine Vendor*. 1? y/*dcjrp tcd Kingdom and tbo world, or t. vv^^ARki^1'r.tl:eipt of 27 or ]32 stampi by v» ole»ale i,r 1«U)ist, High Street, Lincoln. I'Ia, Aledieiue Houses. and VV. II. Rccs, pm1 I]:I)I("INK. DH 'fllcnl'I)N'/j V'Oh.^iris >y ^r iu". ELS ure a well luiywn cer All di I IL aelle. gravel p:.11I8 in theh.uk Kh arRes or n'i i!l.1rcst'ion Of spirits, rti'-umatism, K>blf bl^dF' ani1 a" o) y thp h ?nd wpai All diseases arise from 'ecu0 tl ds rpi Uless. These Pills ele se and I >v il6bar6tt,,Ilhc»' °ro>Cnpr,a or looal dol ility, give of t 1 eiieru! rut0'« ,lie spirits, eniicb the Nv CrV 0o^Pnfc'e' ami vivac"y» eradicate every ^ei^rri^int h lnv'P°rute the whole system &0$j'5 Of Jlnstant\-i>hV#CVBr vinilCIlt or long standing •Ci0ti of7 ^onil k L'f and "Pe^ly cure The daify u!,e. Who hll0a! Ule" ar-i WOi»cn in every '*drtltl tlin ^er,i, and ctl cured of eruptions, SS i lin»>l8 lSCUr! l'11 '»'« he-id, sore throat! aj'hei,llts ofU5eofther1 'a' ('f)llePs> stone in tl.e X*}\ oh. 8Wrisini dncy-&c- bv lheir "se. and VN ttcoveries for severe illness JlO^'Jegt'i, ^O^ofv^s "r'd doctors baa failed h e t h I ,^ffun°^e that hi t.° Pul>'ish their virtues, in n' Perl" aimCS8in,t8 so great Wf>y t)e n,orc >\V.P' PriC0 Is.l^d., '2s 9d., S^fd^8 IU ,^aje>tv' ,r,otect ,lie Public iioin lini- in Ttin-\V°!niu'Ssl01Kr8 havc ordered SJ,0CUe )eue^lf,0N' LONi)ON' t0 K^'ioi^^kaRe ^(?n.Ule Government Stamp 8«ii,^ Solti V 'rt'e which is felony and 4,' Cli,1'of i, i* ^nists in the world privately in a letter, or fthLy°Ur KP'nr u" X)y Dr THOMSON, f»r H^ed curpd 1} Town, London. "Four k' th16'0r man pains tho back, whiot. I t>ck t!y >ear«-11..M." I tried the J been try CUfcd me in a few hours. V»oub/Vd ,0r >-arS with a. ffHft '"tijj. J Uftvo llo.,tir I'illshave quite cured iu n8 n c« i ha,i ;i" of go. *bUi H/" w. Davis. 'Til wi,ib« pains it"Cl,c ttl,U billiouK ut-.aek- JR. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Y<>unS Men J on I IE A LTJI, ITS I! ESTIMATION, AND "APPY MARRIAGES.—When to in any, will. advice to Uiopo wl.o n-ntrniplate nv.rre.-e, pointi;^ nit ii»n>r*liniri!t a wliicli iviuli r arritd lie .m|„M,v and direr! imn for their s]»eedy removal. I: n, .n r.p..h ,rt • natdM-od, ami uisl, toaUain a i» MM-.V 1 ^1 f>'ee on rreeipt «f t«" -tami^A.Mres.S oeen ta.x. Institute of Anatomy, I'nww-h.i". t IM y Universal Patronage. Let. all snfforers from follow in the wi^e vi \j?.; A;xtmV\t \i> Pn.LS. ot honlrli to the l5?e of Voi.un A\^jy lUitmmatiaWi in the miuel<« «;r 'm„). r he t ,rture<, envmps and spnsmedic twitwe. tfc 1'Pit m• •» e employment of t„o~c r.rc of wounds, ulcers, L-ort. nai r,nieklv oonquwwl. The reimtatien l'ill* have acquired tlMcni'hont tlio ,Ja^'tnb'? £ r tri, '6 iudnec every afi'.icted jcrson to save taem a lair trial More despairing of relief or ►•'VHoning hop Soorfeutic Humours.—Scald Heads and Skin Diseases. Scorbutic bnmoiir- :irisc from an impure state of the blood, nnd in most cases the liver nnd ftemneb arc tbe organs at fault—These Pills will speedily re.-tore them to a h en 1 thy actun, white t,^ Ointment, if Jell rubtxrf twice a-dav, will soon cure «my«':C of km fli.e.'ve. b())aei>, sailors, nud uiiaors Ik;C this fcuiaous Ointment in all parts of the world. Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Sore Throats, Coughs, and Colds. This Ointment will euro, when every other wnafis hnre It j, ft sovereign remedy for alt d^c.iKnienta of the tliroa't and chest. Settled eoiu'hs or willing will promptly removed by rubbing ill the Uu^ih^^ Bad Legs, Bad Breasts. Old Wounda, Sores, and Ulcers. Yt Ss stirwiaing how quickly a sore, ulcer, or wound dr-p.jvM *1* 1%ZPs»h an\ unfits it for^the ^y,fClb5 Ointmrnl^nH rTed wording to the printed direetions, and assisted by appropriate do e-! of the i'ms. Gout and Rheumatism. tVill bp cured with the greatest certainty if large quantities of W.St b" well worked into the afflicted p»V< ^iftrea^cnt must be ^r.^veriuglv and duly assisted bv powerful doses of Holloway I'll if- Wtrifyin°- nnd soothing remedies demand the: earnest attention f all persons liable to rheumatism, i^jUt, sciatica, or other pruuful affections of the muscles, iKi-Ves, or joints. Piles, Fistulas, and Dropsical Swellings. This incomparable Ointment is enme"Uv recomrm>Me¿¡ tó all from, or hnvillg It tendency tn, t1trot'>s: cas^wmyfeld^rawmiS of thi:1 RoHourimTadk.Ugtlie Jurtfy "the blood and regulate its circulation. Both the Omtwf t and Pilh should be used in the following complaints:- Tind Tjfces Corns (Soft) Pcalds wfc. »;'« S53SS Chilblains Lumbago Contracted u'lid^Stiff Rheumatism ^rIctrs Joints BoreKiiT^s Wounds The Ointment and Pills arc sold :nt 'Trofe=soir Ho'^WATS -«:S'Ss=s=r- TPersian, or Chinese. Ko. 15—1» THE most effective remedy for ASTHMA, aud other affccjioria ihe lAUiBS. No treatment Wiiensive. 'hprepa- rations contain onlj which are —Asthma. No treatment more CMS to .ollour. 6^>%ric0s: Ci rars «l ia Bfta^rt (ir. pieces) »<!• i Cpp^l^'sfre^'APEU.-Tlw most con- tu £ •'PALL MALL" DRESSING BAG, THE-n PALL MALL" DRESSING BAG, Nyi,.ril Till[tTY SOLID SIT,VFR It IVOITY FOR LADY'.z; OP, USE. Price Xll Ils. metoalf AND CO., INVENTORS AND SOLE MAKE US, 1Q COCFSPUR STREET, LONDON. B.W- jli'^trnte.1 Price I.ist of .Tew^VtV. 8rc.. jxylf/f^ — r r;„tv."isi»'>. coloured wr.ipixsr. V*r- !"?'• ^y.r T p a N Av WORK on GGTJ P. By Dr. L AVL LLE, 1 ,J t- Lit, of Medicine, Paris. Kxhibitni'j a perfectly X*- "Jinti saf j*;uctho;! of euro. Translated from tho Krei'ieh !>v nn :i7, Newgate-street. K.C. IT PEAKL DENTIFitlOi, te teeth beautifully wiito. arre^<^ ,v, and Prevcut^<r^r £ toothache. It also imparts ft lasting frftj?rauco to tho breath, nnd a health fid brilliancy <y It' — to the pums. In boxes. Is. ljd. and 2s. !M., via-emuts; or l.y port for 15 or 8fi stamps of rhillipi's. Pl armnccutical Chemist, New-cross London. v Kewtwry Sons. 87. NewfTat^strect, London, h.(„ Wholesale, ^>w'>ery Mnvpv— A Geutlctnau 13 opon to LEND (JiMj 1. t £ m f rom 5 p«r co-it., mturest., SU:< S,T?T th«r not, of li:md alonf,;r- t„ all r.-spoei ab'e i j s llI10VH|, life polities. K-ane- &e. IVw liiture, stock, Sc.. rr,.pi,id by easy instalments, or at Hie ..mount b jrn.wed may Mlit lho Borrower No law costs, end of a term of ^0rM.d on.-I'or Imther panioutars Dispatch ivith.-cciecv »'■'>i at.lt0 am imit rwjuirR.l. to Mr. J. I, l name and ■" dress anl■ portsm .nth. Hams, .who Brt vurds. 8. KiiiK'road. wlfortis«nvii.t is strictly $1 >-ply 'na^e fr""> i-oau S^icty. nrivate. a»« docs no« o»" t Vvr op i»DSV>«KSWTO £ Og?: J.UIT-J ,;„M aii.l S .U (i -l'l Attmrls roids. nock Har.n.rs.«'t'^i ,|,i (.-vtusive or broiwed ,1 (Muiius. Ii»jit.iti<•*i h,t 1 Vnv lolno.h.v., pnro CI ;1 :S'V Kinniir-cliani. lolno.h.v., pnro CI ;1 :S'V Kinniir-cliani. JL o mtjuninj? of e-o h (■■){) &c" m,! of llnMx^n. J/Midon. K5ij^ • *cw Xt'u-trii cd faialo;:ue now ve.ul>, vo A" J1 jlhi ROYAL WE LLINOTO>$^ £ A- 1 TiKN K, ax ll.t: i•rm.sof W 1,sl\s,lillI). 'jyExmiM/S IM-riWVlAN MIXTUKE OjU'- urC3ii'st lams ot J. lMuma!. U'ow Cross-road. 1 ondon. ir r^STliVTUD Ti:ADE CATALOGUES and Lr'r<fS printed in best style. No Charge for Blocks to (ous,' P;«r'V;■•j T.vr>|,KTS, Cheap, Brilliant, and S"°U ( Venues mJs ^mcns on Application. Urs rilAK!;u"s- r.feh»psKate Avenue, London. 1..C. TSFT^W.H/llEErHAVEIiFOEDWEST. CRICKET CRICKET CRICKET! TAMES LILLY WHITE. FU,OWD, -and CO 3 tl New Illustrated Price .last for 187* is now roaa>, -<* .viH be sent post free to any applicant. ^'P1v'-o^ and British Manufacturers of every .irtio Ur0l-\ 9/"?„V;, t'r: Alan (,f ,,o,-y Sports generally, of tho best quality nud moderate price. Observo the address, NEWTNGTON CAUSEWAY, LONDON. TryPPEK ASSA-vl Tl'] V COMPANY (Limited). U -Ancnt,R in all Provincial Towns for sale of Ajsain j. t-o direct from the Company's Plantauons. P||'«4 P [ V Denot' 8; and Ks. fid. For further particulars apply to tK ail iJvpot, C'J, Kin? William-street., T^ondon. Aleuts wanted. iSuOIDE (iOLi-t ALiUUiT CHAINS, equal m V/ appcaranee to 18-carat gold, will wear a lifetime; post free for 5s. fid. and 7s. Gd. Lonj? chains, 7s-. Cd. and 'l>s;Cd. rings, set with Alaska diamonds.2s. Cd;7S.0d..and/».0d.i e stone ring, 5s. Gd.; sine of finger obtained by cutting hole in card; brooch, 4s. 6d.; earrings, 4s. <>d.; scarf pins, _s. 0d.. cro^ 2s.; necklets. 2s. 6d.; lockets, 3s. Gd.; R ecve hnks, 2s. W.. si rt studs, 2s.; solitairos. 2s.; pencil case, Ss. fid.; brn^^t'I,i t'fr. scarf rings, 2s. fid.; Aloertkcys, 2s. fid. lost free, ^po List.1.re. —W. HOLT, 3."), All Saints'-road. Wc stbourne-park, Koiidon. vv. NOTICE OF I4ETMOV-A-L- METCALF AND (¡ I v EbUulishod at b. Pall Mall, m tin; year I -ia. h-»o removed to .1: t.hclI new 19, COCESPtf# STREET, LCNDON, S.W. Vitfltora ib Iiondwi ifte-iuTiM to i- ot th.ir larg0TOaPi'0'j ■uiUfels for presents, at wory low p.: i i 'Very >. «_ in rleir Rtruro. a.n<3 P «er & it. fflrcou »•« "Hv4* Mgiauuifc aeon witt -ooih foj »3l«ccior>. i -reci, -L I; 'w.tafaniA 'rae. Mgiauuifc aeon witt -ooih foj »3l«ccior>. i ect, -L I; 'w.tafaniA 'rae. Bath and West of England Show—Bristol Meeting. n Shed 63, Stand No. 262. EST A 13 L I H II E J) 1B12. JI. AND"T PKOCiOR ■: Agricultural CHK M t STS, CATM A Y, BRIST OL, ul;IGI1\AL MANUl-'ACTUKKliS OF Sl'KriALl.V I'HKI'A H UD BONE MANURES. FUR GHAS8, .(JORN, ANI) OTIIMll CHOPS; -.<• .to, I ALSO, %ONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS,-CATHAY, BKlS I'Of.. AGENTS —Mr (i. GiiUillis, Wine Merchant, Teinbioke Thomas barker, Cardigan „ J. N. 1'vans, A He ray foil. Full Particulars with Prices, Post Free oil application. ]Jcynoj,}s-1J rC1vcry, B rirly c Street, Haverfordwest. l JAM E S ROC H, f (Formerly Manner to the late Mr D. Lewis, Saw & Hatchet, Bridge Street, and for the last three years in the employ of Messrs^ Ma^chureh & Oaiv.) FAilM&FlltHISMNG IRONMONGER Gas Fitter and Plumber, Tin Plate and Wire Worker, &c., b T"> KGS to announce that he hascommenced Business at the above i>lace, una having just r?'«r"ed R fan, the BUn,il¥!.an,, Sheffield, ami other Markets, with a well fleeted Stoek ol Cutlery, Vl etro hlccrGoods, Furnishing and Duiklers' Iromno.yery, Lamps Pa,nts Colours and OiU. Klectio-plalcu Coo b pwJer> Shot, Caps, Cartndoc, and CartntoCases, x !™»U. olier Goods whieh for <iuality and price will bear compose,, with those f" v !Kk Pnrciiasers can rely oi.bein^ well served, and orders promptly executed. f^seSing a "hare of public patronage, ho will use every exert,on to mer.t the conl,deuce of all who may kindly favour him with a visit. r -n T Seven and a half. per oent. off for Cash, with the exception of Bar Iron and Cast Iron Kettles. all kinds of implements got to order. 1 ft wishes to call attention to his selection of French ami Half Tester Bedsteads. Straw ] Vr.i Jh.Lsscs Jhtlhs Travelling Trunks, Toilet Ware, &c. Paints, O.Is (>o ours Varm«h, Skies bricks, Tiles, l.alhs', Nails, Locks, Latches, Screws, Iiuiges, Sheet Lead, ^lnc I'elt, &c. All kinds of old and new Tin Work done to order..MQPFPTinM the show rooms are now OPEN^FOR inspection. j-iiiihv sri-mclis AN I) ivi: glasses. Surpass Pebbles of the Fimst Quality. Tn: re* suit iu lbe'f ifAND KYE GLASSES arc manufactured ou scientific principles, ground witb\«»o>t iir^so^-ftnt'rric accurnoy and are ,ye8 or make them aclic. Ifecy S such that KqVXSZrL^ if^icc, rendered nnnec.sar, Eureka Neutral Tinted Spectacles and .Eye Glasses M ost (1'11111 t he 1'It'r;m' liglif, 1111111 ml ill uItclI case, hneL ,u" Thi.lK»«lll«l in«»«on »l»«l.clr «»> ««»'»> *"J CO,U S""°"'°S "8'" obscuring it, and is loally preserving to tbc FOR SALE BY JOHN HARRIES, Wholesale Retail Stationer, Bookseller$Opticmn, HIGH STKEFiT, (Opposite the Town IJalI,) HAVEKFOIADWSET. j <J„,vWe* to suit all 8ight«, from One Shilling per pair*. Oi l Concavc Glasse8 for ^I'matched, and peculiar Mghts foi.ed. Reaain<r Glasses A Large Assortment of Tdes* teroscopes, Stereoscopes, Kaleidoscope., A U y and Burning Glasses kept m Stock. pot of the h.P.C.K., e- THE OBSEKVATOltY, MAlvKET STliEET, IXA"V Elvl OBI- WLSI T. J. WE I T E, Watch and Cloek STATION^ BOOKSELLER, Sic-, TlliPS that at tho above Depot (which has bee,, b« Sl,^ J Ejsrsr Z ;-S "S. ««.. 40.; tot at "stationery, Consistin:; of Note Paper, Uuvolopes .» « Border; Steel Pens Peuholaers, l enc U, » v Foolscap plain and rulnl, Bl-.it ,u VV"X* rU'1U Knives, &c- 0,1., each, Testaments 2d and 2^.1 each Uiblcs strongly bound, Gd., bd., an<t w <•, » Scliool Testaments with strong Metal Kims -l2il. Z;; nooks 2d, 2id, 3d, i'.d, Church Services, New Lcetionary, lroni Is 4d to los cacti. Reward Books from one Farthing each to 7s Oil, his St()Ck of batches, i\ J. \V. also begs respectfully to mvite ,C a 10" holc 0f which have caR'lHli^ Clocks, Jewellery, Spectacles, and Lye Glasses, &c., the Whole selected and many novelties recently added. Horizontal, LeV'i Vcr^o A three years' warranty given with each Clock ami Watch o i corrcCt p,.r(.,rm:in« Duplex, and Repeating Watches, Cleaned, aIlll Glasses liMe i •ruanuiteed. Jewellery neatly and carefully repaired. Walt ) Wedding Rings and Keepers, Engaged Kings, &c. -— CARSONS' PAINT, l' A 1'1''1: 1 f; '.1) I: Y HER MAJESTY THE QUEFN, tii.)CAvAT, ronmrs, p„„ryr TV.K <"o?.»»..AT. liOVKNVVRMS, U1 W A I |U>N M A ST K1-S, C., t„t» PutTlSU The Urs, (i.vPHvn.vT, | U»t.f"^ IHE Indian («ONKKNJ » 7,000 oi' THI A'OUHJIY AM> IT i'll O XT T ID O O ~W O Iv /.pplinb' Tr°n Anl i, t „f 70 yours, ro surp-iss any other rnin'. 1,1'nls Cai t.» and NV'.if.J 'tis, And is ptnved, aftrr a u-st of np'«ard, of g( y- l„.pU-mcn' Hoofing, I'ark I'dicing, tarm an<i all exposed work, e<r,-ttii, a 11 "saving o'f more than GO per cent., painf> ailJ Ion" (J.nii'i" Whit" I,nd or 'T') n5U i> «k"bT UMSKILI.ED JjA BO11 ■' ■ ri. ,.ry„, i, „ ^u" i"vc:iin3 nr<.V.iro..imi.lyMbo nn«d tiie waste of paints sold mixed ready lor u C0L0URS. Per Cwt. Per Cwt. TRADEMARK. T?iiv>' white i,r.i'i^own" ii(,s- Light Stone j ) TJ-ith Stone I mbtkc*' '» » OeLm colour W 3 V 2"' Light Portland Stoncf J J! ''t O'rc i Portland Stone I !&{»" jlw r ii!r .i «rwn ( Putf(for Stables).. rrcrn I iwht Lead or Slate.. 28s. Oak colour. 26s. &C. Lead colour ftnti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Va CARSON S PAINT, • &sons, f Ana <5i, ,;0 v t|N"iv. — ^FSTABLiSHED IS12 ) J- AND T. ROBINSON CO NT I IS UK TO MANUFVCTURE -ma -,r manures, Of I elior Quality, specially aityitAni tar Cfol,b on which it. is intended they should be used DISSOLVED HONK MANGOLD MANURE kUP £ K-i»IIG £ >PMATE OF LIME^ PIlErAHBi) BONE (Ful the peviiiinent Improv<-mcnl of Grass LaVH, FRI PARED BuNt. rOKMOWIIitl GUASrf. CORN MANURE. PoYA,roE.NiiNLTRicl. ::bo st. md,-s LINoliiED S'.iidfOi'lON SEED CAKES frem Soed as inipoited only. Apply to .1. and T. llOBINSON", Marsh, Bristol; the Tkxkz, Or in tlirir A gouts Mr -Jesse Harvey, kilpaison House, Pembroke; ]VWrs n. and J. Jones, Hiivcriordwest, Mr David Vaughun, Merchant, M:\V (HAY TIMI'.I-I,' YARD II AVE RFOllDWEST. MKMKL, Pantzic, Swcdo Timbyr, Oown G. lle, Peals of ;tll sizes Prnhi^i ■ K oof Battciis and Laths. Orders for all kinds of Scantling Hoirds A-c (x^'f -C3lt-ng. iiortest notice. 0"' U "*c*' at the S!A!LSASf^E' Importers. THOMAS KlftlONIX Agent. SLJGAll AT REDUCED" JMllCIX tjc RedHC"011. T1.0 wago duty taken off raw SaR.ir is about 2s <,d per cwt. or LTono Karthi0^^1'01 fttid all our momi Sng.tr are now sold at this Ro.lnction. J U 3 ^Wthun? peV lb., We cannut get the licdttcti0n 011 Dugnt below 26s. per cwt., because the Demand foe lko«« ii so Great ju-t now for Wo d° not sell Sngnrs under cost prices, and ohiirfle lrger profits on other ko0^ 5ft wtl** »n r™ u « 1,?,? >tfc" m°d"r"c ™ P" lc,,i"S "« U« Z'Xi, It-ii Ellis and Company, Haverfordwest. Haverfordwest, June 8th, 1874, CLEDDAtT B R E W E R Y BMOGK STliEET, HAVERFORDWEST, G I'll o K G E M7 G R E EI. MALTSTER & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICOLTURAL SEEDS. Agent for Miller {1J¿(Z Johnson's Celebrated Artifictal. Manures. GllEKN & J OMR WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUAY S TkllJH IIA V Eli FOR D WEST, AGENTS FOR LUVliS' SUPMPIIOSIMIATE OF LHtE, ■tiAWES' rATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND L A W If B DISSOLVED CONES. ,P F 1; IT VIA N G U A N 0. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. ■— — — L_ el ;i TO SUNDAY U EO. M. HAMMER, AND SCHOOL FUltNISH EB, INVENTOR, and M A NUFACTUltER of the \vi i UUAUUANr, and llOYAL (Patent) SCUOOL-DliSKS & SF.A7 s DAY-SCHOOL rT,,in° ?,lo^cd ,)ask' Fla: Tdblc' HU<I Belied Smt for Leoturee, Ac' I u (rated (^t.^ool Desk 1, Sets, Tab:e«, Gntler.c, Easel., Blackboards' A0. MANAfi 1^1'^ Kl w"iei (e. The Methodist College, Belfast, and a lar^e ntinibtr of other n Jjao, ( ollegcs and Schools have heei: Ottml hv G M. It 108> ST< MARTIN'S LANli, CIIAUING CROSS, LONDON, \V C. -£.. FLINT & Co., ACCOUNTANTS, Vommercial Inquiry Offices, 58, Cheapside, London, E.C. Oun system of Debt Collecting ill much opprovcd- •2-No Spending Sod inonry ''afu .Cb"rP°" JU 6''°W Dcbtor's ability to pay. o—Special afcilities In County Corn's 4-JudKiDt-nt against Debtor in twelve davit. •»— Attendance to prove debt unnecessary' B-CommiM joi., 5 per com. under Z20, 4per cent. above. i-Prompt Ke/intt<inc<\s. J Pro}j)nt^efli"ie'i't'"a^nil' voluni!«v nar'pUca,ion is,made> '« n,,t to die a natural debt. London a elerk waits uiion him f:n tf "!1 t0 S"iCr-ir><ir as 10 nieans of recovering samo. [rjn able us to recover debt without anv f c °(>untr-V h>' P^'J lin'1 obtains from him such instructions a> will cn- be tig neccssary further trouble to Subscriber, and without any attendance ot Subscriber ^Cxiify of Stomach, Sick-headache, Indi/t»tion, to. bjMC«D0H'S PATENT COMPMSSfO Sg Brockeooh's PATENT COMPRESSED potass', trapse /hn P^ 1 «th0.5a? r.'P 3ulce nna thu food' and neu- • »iis° the cxcess of acid In tha stomach. .THE EYES! THE EYES! rTHEEYESrrr TJESTORE VOUR SIGHT. Spectacles rendered useless All AAjj^oasoa of the eyea cured by using Dr. BALL'S PATENT doctors pUl'S. Can bo used effectively without! the aid of tlclose atilnipod enve.l0, lre!lor te)artiretilars to Mr. J. Richmond Villa, PorttlcJd. Cll1chcstcr, EC0N0M Y IN M 0 U It NINO. O at Now Patent .ALBERT CRAPE is as TIIICK ns TWO FOLDS of old make, ia MUCH CHEAPER, and WEARs BETTER 1' g- Knl.l hv Drapers everywhere. rPHE LICENSED-VICTUALLERS' A PURE TEA COMPANY, BY THEIR APPOINTED AGENTS SUPPLY THK JIUBLIC WITH TEAS choice, PURE, AND UNADULTERATED, • At the lowest powibla prices. BLACK.-Choice and pure, in amber wrappers, at 2s. Per lb. VtVii?0'First crop Tua, iu oraniro ivroppsi i, at 2r. 6d. per lb. 'T'^l"st Mixed Ton. i" i t»'C^late wroppers. at Us. por Ib< ISKEEN.—Nicest, Movune Green Ten, t" liKht-fjrocn wrappers, ^atss. Gd. per H>, Assam Indian very fin* Black Tua. in dork blue and Koid wr».pp»Mi a. f)(j< p?r lb. ilhl1 Pa 0^'ii'i i'l'- a-'jr"' H' ''imiKt'irs of 21hs «ds.. a>81bs. each. Eaiiipaoketbearstia'lcinar^.iiiimc. Si price. ne careful to obtain the PU!tK T,jn Company's Teas. Wholcsa' Depot: (.icorifo V. 'Smyth, Mauaser. DENJtANSTREET, LONDONBRIDOE, S.E. COCOA, MMATAND JUTE MATTIHBS," ^J°^L_SHKPlU'All' V'sVlI^PlVnrUmVwVstmoroU^ fllllE CITY CLOCK COMPANY," rwta?' 'urn-street, London, supply every description of th a two years'warranty) at ono r.bir.l bel<n* lho nsnal pncc^. Lists post. freo.-Q. P. Wohlen. A Rstd. lstr.a. Collars, Wrisffi.' Fmiits. fur Lndies (Janfcleoien SAMPLES: SENT for ft STAMPS, 'in™. \Vitli llMistiatc'1 Pi iol.ist. jjdr •KDWATtn TANN, High llolhori^ frfiudon, WC OR. HAYWARO'S NEW DISCOVERY/- I Tho Treatx»ent and mode of Cure, HOW TO USE SUCCESSFULLY, VV"riiH saf«ty -tod success, in all cases of weak- ■ nogg, low fpirit', dospoi.'li-ncy, lanuraor, rxhnuftion, tuttgeuiur debility, loss oi strength, «ppotite. Slc., Sc., « without MEIHCUCJF. X. or recounts 1° nmiuaiift'-d mm irhn prartirc The Ileal- ina 4rt" v:i'ii'C >?:icc <*r Umutr. fit// printed itftrue'.mi*. Ac., £ c.. Jar In vulidf. I'oai frf, hro ttamps, from J^*AYWa11D. Si.K.<s., US.A„ AC., No. li. York-stre?^ 1'orMriiih.pqn^ Agcai H. Ui>iiSa,Chaa4b-ty. Duiv'ytrcet^iJ, WlJd. j -A ASTHMA, •UlCQUKI/S ANTX-AS'rHM A riCAI..1 Al'EU & CIGARS." Propaio'l by ft tir*c!«ss 1 i>um t-k. n»..».i.3s. Is. 9 1. IV) ol»Uinir«l of aL < auj 0f K. ^ewl>erS M\<\ :»7. ->M riWssXiS, ^^ASTIC STOUKiNGS, -JL .suit .Ii-At- I.U.MIAO. iVc ""■TWnSKsrs s:\u™i:, oN,i;vN,a ■*> B R IS T O W' S PURE COAL-TAR SOAP TJBODUCES A CLEAit, SOFT, AND J- lriCAl.TJiY SKIN. i'Cn:ovei ero'itii,us,bl»rc)w. ch-ips, 'Jleanses. pii!ifi"s, prevents r.inti.pinn, niul \ne crrns lipa'tli. F I'dilct., Bath. Nursery, and oi';K-ro.»,n. In t.-»bl«t* I.1..0J.. a aidSU., P. ho:«s Is.fld., of nil Che,ivst.s, P" fu acr^, &c. CAUTU*"—Sea you ep[ •• »RIS VOVf A." MK SVliolesale^ Ne«1>er^s and Wh»lP«.1,. Tnahf"M <f.K UKN D YOU 11 ADDBKS S ^T O Albert Mendelssohn, fi, (VU^r-lanc, D>n>lont R.C.. OB Kw'ASfV S!LUX0- STEEL'S GOUT PlLTs ARE the eertain lertiedioi' for flout and Rhfimnati.m, and never fin t„ cuve. (4,|. nnd ?s. 9.1., of all Ciiernists*. «S!} bniis^issssigi&rtit *»™- NOVELTIES fbrimsTMAs. A BJAIj 1>ck ,jf Cnnls Instantly change to a lady's haivlkerclii,.f stamps.—The Wizanl's Box, cont.-«niii«.n/ pxeellcnt trn-s ;t instruetions, Ustamps. Hie M;tirie l'msn, which iio one can open |,„t yourself, 7 stamps. The Restored nnd CliamreaDl. Uxrct. truly marvellous, mediauical. 80 stajups. The Mechanvai 1 icturo i'rame, very efttfetive, 20 stamps. C atfttoeue of rortu^e.1 i>viv.ps nvX^SJ1" will be fi>rwarde>l post five -tl vnt.tJY'S JUGiCAi; DhPOl'. '231. High lloltwra. W.C. l.stahliahril 17i>j. w ALITOR icon CREFYDD'S NKW REMEDY. Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, (Jout, Tic, Lumbtiiro, Sciatica Ktiif Joints. Sprains, Broncuitis, bore Throat, Stiff Neck. Mmnusl Faceaclie. Cramp. Chjlblajns, &c. To be had of tho Wholesale Agents—Sanger and Sons. l.V), Or. ford-street: F. Isewbery and .Sons. S7. Newcate-slreft,; w Edwards, 38. Old Change: Barclay and Sons, 95, i'airiinjdou. street, London; and of all Chemists. la half-pint bottles (authentic testimonials enclosed), price 4«. ticL A SAFE and Easy EXTERNAL CURE for **■ CHILBLAINS, Clear as water, no smell, no pain. Forwarded with tes'i- • tnouials liost free, on receipt of fourteau pence iiiatamua^t^ by JOHN C. PODLEY. Chemist.. Until. jT X^iVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY ia no ir- iomatea in^he BAKLSWOOD AKYT.UM FOR IDIOT b, Redhill. Surrey. The Committee "a.n itiy APPFAL lor increased FUNDS towards the bnppoit of this lar* and belpless thouRh net *opele8s, family. VERT HEAVY CLAIMS ARE NOW DUE. A THANK-OFFERING f'-ja every family happily exempt fion mental Affliction would •. furnish ample funds io meet the emergency, — « Bankkbs i'he London Joint Stock Bank. Princes-street, B.C. i_ JAMES ABBISS, TrcMurer. Offlce:Jj9, Poultry. E.C. WILLIAM NICHOLAS, hec._ CIGAKS DIRECT FROM BOND, in pood i»n-A dition, from 12s. 6d. r«r 100. IHiril-c]a5iS Havftnff 25s. per 100. Al) brands supplied at ECjlT^LLy for cash only. Price list free on application*—Chas. OldfieW. wf Broad Quay, Bristol. "fr.' '<> ■ fitted to Private Houses, Churcbe*/ 1-c. A complete <jna perfect LiKhtning Conductor for £ 1. Dorrwatio QVIwrfaphsaiiw Electrical Bells fitted in private huiu'W*. ,Teirgra|»ti<c X^VDT^lvAf of r.U kiuds. Kstimates aivw, inclusive of nil cxrcnsufi,—Apy if" W. M, Warden and Co.. Carey-street. W^gtmirifcter. • VlOWNABIVS OINTMENT.—The *kin i«* quickly freed from Fcorbotic eruptions, voufluiesA, \ednefta, pimple?, ehf«ps, and c hilblains, a«d i becoinfo^^n j rt- 4 served bv Dowiinr' V CHntment. Of all a»Hc; Ja. 2s:, od., *fd 4s. 6d. Post free fr>r 2s. in stamps, ox HonM«iJa(-o., 1 12. "Witrn r^i.^trcri. l^c^ndon. W. 1 TCrK W^iSEY'S PALLADIUM CHEST PFO rSJC. j Xl T<^B b -^t-. E.G. m /rj j 1 V'i t f'UR works of ^"iorjUon *nA «'dr f • bt en crfrrt"t? on during the'fiwt H»e yt I' »i-fe tho fhrtixK/gh rf-et'T'i»ion of t»»e To»«r •vit■» its a third of the NaYo; aT,_j of fhf whole I'milling. IMese, SV,, IJ <-8tinf Ve'ween <nr'itt-en and ^foeteen nt "utrfis, Lavo absiwbod all tb« S*Vsc*iph'),,# w ill j Exception of Mr Trahe^^tg bequest "f £ ^,000 yet du«, and the has in conse^ue^e <.1f* Hilatod itA appetl for :0.. Subscriptions, to c « R Ttoatora,: "i of Xa*«. itit Aisles, n 4 .t. I T' anøopt". The v-0at of Ulis is cufiteat^ 'by It- t, t 11 2,50(1. I he «iH shidiy. on app'icatioo ton .~n ^ny on<^ f«jpy of Sir G?l»cii Scott'a Second R<*po* wV, tvs .Json e^Atcd, and what w"rtrn^ 1 ^samgttflatfj^'zlui rewuo to be 4o«c; and f xiU a^so 'ilisnVi'iny a«I(aowlv<}|e anj SuUftcnptijTj t wh'ch Way WW?P. ■ v « "? T'ic fouowing Donations have b*et» W»«i4y f.vr the work i«main»r\g to be d >ue • — W K>rshaw. <S«q, Warwick J ft Jf« Kershaw, Warwick 3 j§ £ i Dov CJrePn (first subscription JpSgm 7 iohn Hughe?, Vicar of Penally t>;bendaty of St David'a '(2nd donation^ f v. Kev D. Jor.i'3, liishopston, Glamorganahiro £ "f Rc, Sonrotaa Jonos, OystTirttionth, ulaiao:- Ran-abire r) Tho Ladv Uaaoret 25 0 »lra LJarford, blais»Uadle If, Rev J. Phelps, Carew (second donation) 10 lo ev Z'; J oxven, Llanfihangel Genau'r Gljn ? (secon<i donatio*) 6 •eot-ge Baugh \I1.11, Esq, Temple (second ^nation) ,0 Irs Paynter, Pembroke • 'i a, VIra VV. H. Ree<}. Pembroke 2 Mrs L^b, Pembroke t L' Rev H S. RJink, Pembroke k ] a Mansell, Eeq, Pembr iko S 2 wr VrG.,bbf>n' Ks^' Pembroke r )V. II„lm, Eso, Psmbt'A^ k 1 W. O. H Pembroke f •L Dawkirta, EjA, Pembroke I 0 ) r« jy* bbor, Pern broke 1 r „ l\re P.* S-.Thomns, Pembroke 2 '•r Hitchings, Pembroke George J ones, Esq, Pembroke A I Messrs Jones, Pembroke Mill •» •Jr Williams, Pembroke 2 Messrs Daries and Pratt, Pembroke 1 1 Mr Warior, Pombn ke 3 'i- M. Jones, Esq, Pembroke 1 f Mr r 0r8n«e Hal1' -Penbrokc.. tMO Mr G. Barrett. Pembroke 1 « JJr Beddoe, Pembroke 2 2 ifr8|?j *>rr^3 ani^ ^on» ^ersbroko 0 1ft r Edward Traeey, Pembroke n i>, Mr Joseph Powell, Pembroke i in C. Elsdon, Pembroke I \|f ?" ^^on,as< Pembroke *n lfi M /^meS' 1,ion llote'> Pembroke n In, Mrs Owen, Savings Rank, Pembroke » la ^'c^ar,l3, Pembroke Oin Mr Burcholl, Pemhr. ke i „ Mr Lowless, Pembroke, 0 in Small Sums, bv Rev J. Al„>n i s r« Kncb Pa'keston (second donation) 10 0 V T 'to- JV ''a8ke8,,>n (2nd donation) 10 O Rot "l ,<?ri80n' ^j51« Portcle W 5 0 I Wh",|l01p Ciffflitlhfii „ 25 o Col. VoyCle, lVnb (8econd donation) 10 0 Rev G. Huntr.igton, Tenhy '2 J R«v J. Tleam Poppel well, Tenby 2 2 •lev E. F. Willis Tenby o m Mrs Howells, Tenby 2 C i^' ^enby (first donation) g C. W R. Stokes, Tenby V J G. Chater, Esq. Tenby \m J Mrs Girardot, Tenby i Colonel Onslow, Tenby t Mrs Onslow, Tenby f 2 Miss Pusloy, Ximlijr • »> « Mr James Rogers, Tenby » Captain Reoe, Tenby l Captain Evans, Tenby I X Two Sums of Five Shillings eachn Mr C Allen (in Photographs of St. David's) Ienbs> Mr Joseph Gregory, Tenby Mr John Phelps,Tenby ? MrE Saies, Tenby J Mrs Hughes, Tenby j Mr John Thomas, Norton, Tenbv i J Mr W. Walkinton, Tenby ? J M r Thomas Marchant, Tenby i J Mr Jones, Postmas'er, Tenby f } a Lascellcs, Esq., jr„ft Tenbv" I I J.T. Uawksley, Esq., Caldy, Tenby" 1 2 Rev G. W Birkett, St Florence, Tenby 5 a Messrs John Uarvey and Sons, Harerford- west (second donation) ,rt The Wihhman Newspaper in in The. Brecon County Times 1 „ The Western Mml 10 « The Ttnfoj Ohcrrrr 10 0 The Cambria IJrÚly Leader 1 0 () The Pembrokeshire Hera d 100 U G. Allen, M q Lincoln's Inn, (secotd Donation) 10 Mrs Mirehonse,The Hall, Angle, Pembroke 10 0 The Eail of Cawdor, (second donation) 200 J. TI. Scourifeld, E?q M P. (2nd donation) 100 0 Lewie Llo\d, Ksq. Mnnk Orchard, Surrey 5 0 (->01 Lloyd, Liiksdcn, Kent 5 0 Henry Loach, E,q„ Corst.on jo q Mrs Bayne, (second donation) 25 0 lss K >b8on, Penally, (aonond donation) 5 0 Messrs Richard James lIod Son, flitverford: west g II. Rees, Esq., Llangranog, Newcastle Emlyn f Key Wilham Edmunds, Rhostio Rectory, A bf ry s t W V I h 2" Rev John t<'(.]i,,Ha..i!ar on Rev J. Tombs, Burton 10 0 Messrs Powell, Mathias, and Evans, Haver* west |g jq Wrn Davies, Esq., Spring Gardens, Havei• fi rdwest 5 # J- W. Phillip?, Etq., Rock Cottage, ditto á., Messrs Greenish and Dawkins, Market street, .2" *uo fCB* Rev Thomas Horn, Haverfordwest (second donation) 2 \rV (ifor80 Hurn» Haverfordwest 2 \i n nment ftnd ^is<9 Cf*7ther, ditto .» 2 vir 1 Bridpe street, ditto I r John Phillips, Castle Square, ditto I Mr btephen Green, High street, ditto (second donation) 1 v|r street, Haverfordwest I Mrs PLilpott, Castle Hotel, di to l J 'hn Lewis, Esq., Bink, ditto | » m J bij, E-q., Vittoria Place, dittoI Mis Potter, High street, ditto < Mr P. P Ellis, High street I Mr Richard Williams, Dew sffeet, ditto J. Mr Jatnps Davies, Victoria Place, dittoi 1\1, John Brown, Mmket street, ditto I Mr T. Baker, High streo*, ditto Mresrs Green <imi John, Quay street, diUo Mr William HHi#h street, ditto Mr E. H. Ellis, IK* *.tred, ditto 0 Mr William S^.i^r#, CtsUe G.al, dili.) 0 Messrs T. and J. i,Ioyrr, fwit street. ditto0 Frede, ick ehhol', E:l' La.(IRharrtt: 25 If. L. G. P, Lowis, Esq, (second donatio ) 10 Rev. R. Lewis, L.tupoter Velfrey (second donation) John Beynon, Esq, jun Trettera T. R. U, Powell, Esq., Wyngron fi Howard S. Morgan, Esq, Tegf>nydd. 5 (V Rev. D.J .n^s, l.lai dUsilio 3 „ Rev T. R. J. I.aughaine li, v \V |„ Bcvan, llav. Brecon lJ. Mrs Dyneley, Tenby 5 „ Re •. J. I) Williams, Brty.-n (gni d ""atioo) jy Ilev. K E Allen, P. rthitt ;ry •••• n Rev. E: B. Sqtrre, i- wansea Lf q, Swtinse-" -• C o tribotion |h>- puinh a, per Mr Phi. R berti Mr J. nttin^, C&»tle "»'! »"•, II. tVe,3' • ,v v Mr j. Mat ken, B> d«r 1^'n J ) () It H K-'Jt • C ] r, 5,. 0 JF"(IOAhergwili It. 1/1 r. C 1. \V,l!jani Slater, CMt.uj. 6 0 0 A friend*. T»v Miss Wclbuv I'airv "ui d.>Hf"i< n « n I, Ren J. IL.Morgan b y The Pea-of « J D J". ff «y«. 2d • r 0 Colfecti"" at LUii-iig Lewis at l.lanelh Ut^in Proceeds of l^ct' ",s J GiiftivhH T* T. Pcrkiri", E-q M 1 I'he Ifev i<i vnier |j bntion .v-v ru* By Mr J.Owen;— • 4 t» The L"rd Hi^hop of Cl iot ..Rt<.r T', W^nr^on Wood » t 'J.Kni*ht. Esq i I Jra Li.eiicirri i 1 !#tbedral B k I8"_ I ■•-••• 8 'j • Subscriptions and j) ,,M u)rl^T,r s,z' s».«nrr^r '"J-. 'V *>• r-'rr f^ere- Hk' f' t;* s Jta, fen*, C«r D.rthen, and by Mcssr, iUi«6 and Co., UaBker# Sr<jctu