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ir. STTMMOUS, Builder and Contractor, } i TV, MILif 0 Rt'H A V E XAZKI&S 7AUGSAN, A THAT'S' T? BAKU, KILFGEB-HAVEK, Auctioneer, Valuer, and General Commission Agent Tbe prompt settlemen of al claims, and the most punctual attention to the interest of those who may avour J. V. with their support-, may be implicitly re- lied on. Second Hand Farnitnre &c., Bonght and Sold; Large Quantity always on bend. Strictest privacy relied on. Gentlemen's Wardrobes, purchased in strict confidenc DB. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND HAPPY MARRIAGES.—When yon marry, with advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing out certain impediments which render married life unhappy, and directions for their speedy removal. Should be read by all who value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a happy old age.— Post free on receipt of two stamps. Address, Secre- tary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham, NERVQUS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY— JlAI A Gentleman, having tried in vain every adver- tisy^J tefnedy, has discovered a simple means of self- He will be happy to forward tho particulars to" sufferer on recent of a stamp and directed en- velope.—Address Mr J. T. SEWELL, Brook "Villa, Hammersmith, London. ESTABLISHED 1835 STEEL'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS. The only cure. May be obtained of NEWBSEX and SONS, BARCLAY and SONS, and of oil Chemists in hexes Is. Hd., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lis. Postnee for one |. extra stamp. Prepared only by Erakk W. STSEL, M. PH.S. 288, Liverpool Roa.d, London. N. ILIOUS and Liver Complaints, indigestion, Sick headache, Loss of Appetite, Drowsiness Giddiness, Spasms, and all Disorders of the Stomach, and Bowels, are quickly remove I by that well known remedy FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH. They unite the recommendation of a mild operation with the most successful effect; and where an ape- rient is required nothing nan be better adapted. J Sold by all Medicine Vendors, price Ie. lid. and ] ik 9d. per box. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S 841 PILLS ] le warranted to cure all diRchargef. from tlio Urinary OiRiins, In either sex (acquired or constitutional), Gravel,andITaina tathoBaek. Guaranteed free from Mercniy. bolcl in BOZSB, is 3d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors « throughout the World; or sent to any address for Sixty •tamps by tho Makers, TH* Lixooljt ikd Miuu sc COUXTIM Pttro CoitrJJiT, Lincoln. v -r,t'- 'I! UNION BANI> AUSTRALIA Limited. Paid up Capital. £ 1.500,000 Reserve Fund £ S16,500 £2,316,500 Reserve Liability of P ietors 3,000,000 Total Capital and Reserve Funds £5,316.fiOO LETTERS OF CREDIT and BILLS on DEMAND or at Thirty Days' sight, are granted on the Hank's Branches throughout Australia and New Zealand. BILLS ON THE COLONIEb are negotiated and Bent for collection. DEPOSITS are received for fixed periods, on terms which maybe ascertained on; \V R. MEWBURN, Manager. Ban Buildings Lothbury, E.G., ItToNEY LFNT by a PRIVATE GENTLEMAN 1 WITHOUT LOAN OFFICE ROUTINE, FROM £10 to £500 UPON NOTE OF HAND. To LADIES, GENTLEMEN, Farmers, and Traders generally. C Also upon the security of Furniture, plant, farm- ing stock, shares, jewels, and plate in town or county, J without removal, and to assist persons into business, also on deads and life politics at 5 per cent from 1 to 10 year?, without delay or public inquiries—Apply nprsonaliv, or write to the lender, personauy, HENRy MILNER> EsQ„ 17, Wellington Square, King's Road, London, S.W., N.B.—Strict secrecy observed. VToNEY^LENT WITHOUT SECURITIES .L1. by the CHARING-CROSS DEPOSIT BANK -< 28, Bedford-Street, Strand, London. Capital £150,000. Reserve fund ;P,50.000 Loans of £20, to £20,000 granted at a. few hours notice in town or county, male or female, en personal secu-'ity mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, crops, &o., without removal, and to assist per- sons into business. Also on deeds pol.cics and revcr- -j sions, at 5 per cent, for one month to 14 years. Dis- J tance no object. Easy repayments. Strictly private. Call or write. Intending borrowers in London or country may rest assured if they cannot obtain an advance at this old established (1870) Advance Bank they can- iiui obtain one anywhere. Responsible borrowers may rely on no publicity whatever. Doposifs of i.10 anfl upwards received at the following interest; Subject to one month's notic e of withdrawal 6 per ^Subject to two months' notice withdrawal, 6 per ccnt. gubjcct to three months'notice of withdrawal, 8 per ceut.. Deposits received for fixed periods according to ar- rangements. Interest paid monthly or quarterly, or yearly. A. WILLIAMS, Manager. ( At Home & Abroad ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS INSURED AGAINST BY THE IIAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COM PAN y. 64, CORNHILL, LON DON. I Hon. EVELYN ASHLEY Chairman Annual Income £ 248,000 COMPENSATION ALREADY PAID £2,600,000. MODERATE PREMIUMS—FAVOURABLE CONDITIONS—NEW CONCESSIONS. Prompt and Liberal Settlement of Claims WEST-END OFMOB:—b, GUANO HOTEL BUILDINGS, \y,0. HEAD OFFICE 64, CORNHILL, LONDON, E.C WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary •Sent by Post to all parts of tin- World on receipt of Two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITIVE CURE FOR DEBILITIES and Derangements of the Generative and Nervous System, Nervous Debility and Exhaustion, the Re- sult of Over-Taxed Energies, is GIVEN IN THR BOOK OF 'POSITIVE REMEDIES.' This Book gives a POSITIVE REMEDY for all f DISEASES. The Names of all medicines arc <riven | in English. Cases and Testimonials, with means used, in each case It is the Guide to the felf-treat- ment of all Diseases, and should be Consulted by all who require medical treatment. Notice. The Posi- tive Medicines givou in the book of Positive Reme- dies are the Medicines used by Du SMITH or over Thirty Years. By the aid of this Book invalids may form A correct knowledge of their malady, and find a Positive Remedy for the cure. The names are pub- lished in English, to enable Invalids to teelect the Remedy and Cure themselves without consulting a Medical Man, making a written statement of Case or navine Consultation Fees. Send two Stamps for,the Book of Positive Remedies 'which contains 244 pages, and gives a Cure 1 or all Diseases. lost free on receipt of Two Stamps, ^Jircct from H. SMITH & Co., Positive Remedy Laboratory, 2b Southampton Row, London, W.C. Marvellous Remedy fir Coughs, Cold Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption \nd all Chest Affections. pectorine. Sold by art Chemists, in bottles, at Is qd, 2s 9rJ e (id, and 1 Is each.. ™" Sent by the proprietors upon recupt nUtarnps. Fr<mJ Itcv. J: STONEliOUSE, St. Saviours ioar nge .Nottingham. August 1874. DKMI Sir.,—I««a strongly rocommao<f your Pect ,.BP as an invaluable COMRH UCMTFD); havo {riven r fair trial in my own family, and have aUo «upplie itio parsons snaring from in my parish, ana in every instance it i.as K»«n immcdiaie rcli«J. In nome ca::es.alter p<tesiQ3 sleepless nig.iis, w »r twe a I'hf- l'eetoriuo lis>vp had sucli a good etioct tba„ pur- eons hftve got a gor <' night's reel und ihe U>ugh ha? sDoeoilv disappeared. *1- 4 KOI FK St. Ann's Square, Ma-ichester, „rfifl«\ o.rr I'ectoriJis «uv=rrer to any Medicine I Dave fver tried lor (jou^'ns or Colds. ECTORIKE 'ires the worst lorms oi Laughs and Cold? DECTORINE cure's tiS*v8o««s PECTORINE givita iuifiu-diats relial in Urjncbit P5C.TO'lUSIE is the osat .'ur Asturna rECTOIUNE euros vViioopnm Octi'h PECTOiUNE wiU curH a iroublesointi tiekling (Jitat.ii, PECTORINE isiiivnlu-iide iu tii« Karly fttagosol Cor; auuiption PECTORINE relieves all Afi'jcticut tho Lunas, ami Throat. P¡,ep,o(udonly \'1 Sl\HTB. CLARKE M.t-mfactu ring CUwuJistBj Stroctj icolsi. ViCO > h.inceilur Sir C. flal t U a perpe.u* I !pj Miction, with costs, agu.flst _• ifioi', CiH.tni iotviwr:i40i,tor usiag the wot >«. Sold by 1. M. i. u Ct^t-toq ar h.*T#tiura*t>s; B RIG8TOC KE'8 BOOKSELLING, STATIONERY, MUSIC AND FANCY WAREHOUSES, 6, and 7, Market Street, Haverfordwest. :o: For Pianofortes and Harmoniums Go to Brigstocke's For American Organs and Cabinettos. Go to Brigstocke's For Accordians and Concertinas. Go to Brigstocke's For Violins, Banjos and Flutes. Go to Brigstocke's For Sheet Music, Tutors, &e Go to Brigstocke's For Books, in Great Variety Go to Brigstocke's For Fancy Goods, Suitable for Presents Go to Brigstocke's For the Best Circulating Library in the County. Go to Brigstocke's I For Water, Oil Colours, Brushes, &c. Go to Brigstocke's For prompt and regular delivery of Magazines and Peri- odicals Go to Brigstocke's For Bookbinding, Engraving and Die-sinking. Go to Brigstocke's For Stamping Paper and Envelopes with Monogram, Address, or Crest die. Go to Brigstocke's For Stamping Leather Goods in Gold, with "Tame or Initials Go to Brigstocke's —a—aiiMiMi Wcm*———————w■—i———Men fSAVDRY&nfSl The ROYAL NUESEEIES, and contains I 1 The HIGHEST AMOUNT of NOURISHMENT fa j MwliM The MOST DIGESTIBLE & CONVENIENT FORM. mlim Th" M0ST PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR HEALTH? [IVI □UKtS vIOTHKRS MILK. IN Ting Is., 2s., 5a. and 10s. EACH.. msnmsAwmsc ASTHMA, and DIFFICULT BREATHING arising from afiectiona of tbe Respiratory Organs promptly K ■ n SIB sS iH x relieved and paroxymoa srerted by DATURA TATULA IN HALATION S, prepared as Cigars and Cigarettes, and in the F6 form of Tobaoeo, also all pastilles and powder for burning. i^Klg!TSOMQQR £ lS 143, NEW BOND STREET, LONDON, M ..L| AND OF CHEMISTS, &c., EVERYWHERE. urn in—mi«—w—^ "qlftlllll'r'CIt.W.iI J. A. REID, COAL AND HAY MERCHANT, Thomas Green and Railway Station, H. West, las always a Large Supply of Best House, Smiths' and Steam Coals, and Finest Park Culm, which he is prepared to deliver in Town or Country at Moderate Charges. AGENT FOR THE BRAICH-Y-CYMMER COLLIERIES. ^— ,1 I, —O—— ——I———— 4 Marble & Monumental Works CT. E:AVARD:7 St. Martins Crescent, Haverfordwest. SEADSTONES, TO]vfBS~ANB MONUMENTS, IN GEANITE, MARBLE, FOREST OR PORTLAND. -:0:- ALL KINDS OF ECCLESIASTICAL WORK EXECUTED FROM ANY DRAWING. Tablets, Crosses, Marble, Slate and Enamelled Chimney Pieces, &c., OF THE NEWEST STYLES. Designs Furnished Freemen Applica n, and all "Work Carefully and Punctually Execcuted Three Crowns, High Street, Haverfordwest. WILLIAM MORGAN I Begs to announce that he has succeeded MR HENRY EVANS in his business as COAL AND CULM MERCHANT, Lt the Railway Station, and to respectfully solicit a continuance of the kind patronage which was for so many years bestowed upon Mr Evans. W. M.'s Coals are of excellent quality, and suitable for all purposes, and all orders can be executed on the shortest possible notice. V. M.'s Carting Arrangements are very complete, and Customers may, by arrangement, have the Coals delivered at their own residence. Sole Agent for the BKYNDTJ COAL & COKE COMPANY, Pyle QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION. laverfordwest, February 25th, 18S5. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. DR..J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYHE ¡ t! P is I of Cholera. itself. we have witnessed ita ê! THE Burprisingly comrolling power. SPECIFIC We have never used any other form of FOR medicine than Vollis td y CHOLERA, from a firm oonviction that it is deci- ,T|R. J. COXJLIS BEOWKE (late T"tk IAXRIICE A, DYSENTERY. dedly the best, and alsofroin a IjJ Army Medioal Staff) DIS- U GENERAL BOAKI) of HEALTH, '^COVERED a REMEDY to denote London, REPORT that it ACT,S as a ^ni™ Collis -which he ooiaed the word CHLORO- CH AR>I, one dose generally sufficient. SS'?" breach of fa" th pYNE. Dr. Browne is the SOLE Dr. GIBBON, Army Medical Staff, Cal- » ^to w rtcr •• INVENTOR, and. as the composition cntta, states: "8D0SES COMPLETE- -WV ire f-'ith- of Chlorodyne cannot possibly be dis- LY CUBED MS of DIARRHCEA." fuii^-our" ST\ £ eS i CO Members of covered by Analysis (organic substances From SYMES & Co.. Pharmaosutical tft« iPharm'Soeietaof Grfai'jiritain, IIt$ defying elimination), and sincethefor- Chemists, Simla,. Jan. 5, 18Stt. Excaliencu the Viceroys Chf-ii'tn. mulahas never been published, it is evi- To J.I D^VKSPOBT, London. dent that any statement to the effect j)EAp Sir..—We congratulate yon upon | |B. J. COLLIS BRO y7I,; i' o that a compound is identical with Dr. 'tjje widespread reputation tliis justly- JL-f CHLORODYNK is a LK\nld me: Browne's Chlorodyne mus{ be falsi. esteemed medicine has earned for itself dicine which assuages lAI,N ot This Caution is necessary, as many au over the East. As a remedy of fcV&Rl KIi*D, aft'ords a co-iin, ic- persons deceive purchasers by false general utility, we much question f,r?,sJlV?s v 1A representations, whether a better is imported, and we AC lib, ar.i. JiN V I(.0!oA 1^ r.ne ner- ri rt T T TS BROWNE'S shall be glad/to heJvr of its lindinff a ^^vous system when cxfiaust'd. H 1 PTTTORoSyNE Vine Chan- place in every Anglo-Indian home. The "TfeR. J. COLLIS BB.OW7c7»'S ^cellar Sir W. WOOD stated other brands, we aye happy to say arc fj CHLO110 DYNE rupmt.v cuts vuWiclv in Court that. Dr. J. COLLIS relegated to the native short all attnes* of ilTtO^NE was UNDOUBTEDLY the and, judRinp from tlioir sale, we iancj ^IPTTJKPST SPASMS COL.IC INVENTORof CHIJORODYNE. that their sojourn there will be but evanes- jUj PAXJPXTA'I'ICI" TA' the whole story of the defendant Free- cent. We pould multiplv mstancen ad JLJ PA^PXXA'J.ICi. man was deliberately untrue, and he of the exteaonVnaw y KT.ostanx OAUTIOIT. -Tlx«. reffretted to say it had been sworn to.- 5 -1 IMMENSE SALE of -his «; y, v :)Y See Th€ Times. July 13th. 1564. CHlrOBOBTNJSI in J.aairhcea and hfts jrivon RIS# to ir.anv iiXSCH LU 1 D- -J-— Dysontery.Spftsms.Orarnip?, >ENRAIKI», T MTTK f E,. J. OOLJHBROWHBS the Vomitinjr of Prcjtnancy, and as a '"of'vi ™ CHX.OKODYi*Jfi is the 1B.UE general sedative, that have occurred ?« ii,i a."cm p.i PALLIATIVE in iader our personftl obaorvation durins ls- <J'1- TVTEURALQIA, GOUT, CANCEK,' •manv years. In Cholera'c TJiarrhcea. soi.i Mavpitactobsr. j JL^i TOOXSACHE. RHEUMATISM-! and even in the move, terrible forum J.T.DAYENIJCUT,r;r.. :tns^-iiSi, | DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND STOMACH. H Liver and Stomach complaints readily yieri to a fsw dof.-js of these inestimable Pills they SCt B directly on the Liver and Siomict). 1 heir ejects are almost marvellous, as they quickly restore B a healthy action to these important organs in the most obstinate and distressing cases. I COMPLAINTS OP WOMEN, ■ These Pills have a most extraordinary effect, in correcting all derangements of the system, B and are peculiarly adapted for young females eniering into womanhood, and to others again at B the turn of life—indeed, at all ages they arc the woman's best friend. This fine medicine is B a reliable cure for all children's ailments. t FI IMPAIRED DIGESTION, B The wisest cannot enumerate one tithe of the distressing symptoms arising from enfeebled S digestion, all of which may be readily dispelled by these admirable Pills, as they restore the B stomach, liver, and every other organ of digestion to that healthy tone which fully enables them to B convert all food and drink to the nourishment of the body—l;ence, these Pills are the surest and 9 safest restorative in all cases of weakness and dcbOity, I COU.OHS, GObr-j, AND SORE THROATS. || Fcr curing diseases of the throat an- :hest these Pills have established for themselves a pre- 1 eminently world-wide fame. Coug1, cordon colds, influenza, bronchitis, asthma, and pleurisy, I are successfully cured with this particularly if Kolloway's Ointment be well rubbed | upon the chest and back night and morr.ing. II DEBILITATED CONSTITUTIONS. | In cases of debility, langour, and iHT*isv.es*, generated by excess of any kind, whether B mental or physical, the effect of these Kl'.s n in the highest degree bracing, renovating, and B restorative. 1'hey drive fyoiri the i.ystom the morbid cause°of disease, re-establish tlie d igestion, B regulate all the secretion. brace the nervous .••.ysLcra, raise the patient's spirits, and bring back B to the frame its pristine health and vigour. fl The Pills and Ointment are sold THOMAS ITOLIOWAY'S Establishment, ■ 1 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (i.ATF. 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON? 9 B also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at IJ. I id., 2S. 9 d., 4s. 6d., fl H lis., 22s., and 33J. each. The 2s. 9d. size contains three times the quantity of the smallest size; fl fl the 4s. 6d. si7-f? six; the 1IJ. size sixteen; the 22s. sixe thirty-three, and the 33s. size fifty-two times fl B the quantity of the smaller Boxes and Pots. fl B Full ^j'linted directions are affixed to each Pot and Box, and can be had in any language. B fl N.B.—Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, botween the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. B 2 } Jr J RETAIL DEPARTMENT. I ELLIS AND COMPANY, Tea Merchants, Haverfordwest. -:0:- WE are giving very Special Attention to the TEA. TRADE, and fixing our profits lower that V v ever. Our Blends are well adapted to the water of the district, and the flavour suited to the taste of Tea Dxinlcers. It would be easy to procure Teas to sell EXTREMELY LOW, buf they would not be reliable and sound. All we offer can be fully depended on as being good on their kind according to price. We begin with s. d. A Sound, Good Flavouj Tea 1 4 per lb. A Stronger and Puller Flat ?ur do 1 6 A really Strong Rich Flavour Jo 1 S A WONDERPUL TEA,which we call our Speciality-A combination of Fine Teas 2 0 „ A Mixture of Choice Teas- -(India, Ceylon j and China) 2 6 „ Cur Very Best Tea is simply GRAND, being a combination of some of tho Finest Teas imported. 3 0 We shall be pleased t) DJeet the wishes of b ay ws jet j prefer a distinct kind, viz., Ceylon, India, or China. SAMPLES SENT ON APPLICATION. Haverfordwest, February 1889. ELLIS & COMP ANY. WILLIAM JOHN, (LATE GREEN & JOHN), WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCER. CORN, FLOUR, AND PROVISION MERCHANT, HAYERFORD WEST. IMPORTANT TO ALL CLASSES. -:0: Mariners' Square, Haverfordwest. -'0'- The Watch & Clock Repairing Establishment. :0: W- I^OO T T Begs to inform the Inhabitants of the Town and County generally that he has REMOVED to the above Address, and hopes by strict attention to Business to merit a share of public patronage, ALL WATCHES CLEANED BY W.N. WARRANTED FOR 12 MONTHS. Neiv Ladies' Geneva TVatcltesfrom 15s upioards. Also all kinds of Gents' from 15s. to j65. TIMEPIECES AND CLOCKS FROM 3s. 6d. TO jE2. Watches Cleaned and Repaired from Is. 6d. to 6s. Clocks from Is. to 5s. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS FROM 6d. TO 3s. 6d. ALL ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. THOMAS'S TEA & GROCERY WAREHOUSE, lTjtper Market Street, Haverfordwest. -'0'- ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS. I -:0:- GOOD STRONG TE.A.. AT Is. 8d. PER LB. VERY FINE TEA at 2s. NONE BETTER TO BE GOT at the PRICE. I One trial will prove the truth of this statement. -:0:- T SUGARS OF THE BEST QUALITY AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. Coffee, Fresh Roasted, Flour, Bran, Sharps, Indian Corn and Meal, Bacon, Butter, Cheese, Potatoes, WITH EVERY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE GROCERY AND PROVISION TRADES. HUNTLEY AND PALMER'S CAKES AND BISCUITS. Hill St St. Thoma-s Green, Haverfordwest. ->- WILLIAM REYNOLDS, Cabinetmaker, Upholsterer, Paper, hanger, Painter, Builder, Under taker, &c. W.R. invites inspection of his Stock of Dining-room, Drawing-room, Bedroom, a.nd other Furniture Bedroom suites in mahogany, birch, pitch pine, maple oak, &c. Cheap and good ironbedsteads llluew designs, palliasses, wool, hair, and sprmsr mattresses. Tapestry and other carpetings, matting, mats, kainptulicon, a.nd otber floor clothe. Picture frames at reasonable prices In black and gold, Oxford, jjilt, &c. Very cheap window poles, and brass cornices Venetian window blinds, ana Holland do, plain and striped'. Paperlianginga at very low prices. Paiuts, oils, varnishes, glass, fee- Jobbing and repairs done with despatch and at low Prices DISCOUNT FOK. CASIt. SUMMER HOLIDAYS. :0: Just received a large assortment of Novelties for Seaside and Summer Wear AT GREENISH & DAWKINS, MARKET ST. ;o; Plain. Bordered, and Broclie Zephyrs, Muslin and Zephyr liobes, in Cream, White, and Colours. _0:- Garabaldi Blouses in Silk and Cotton. :o: — > Black Lace Dolmans and Mantles. -:0: Pongee Silk & other Sunshades in new art colours -:0:- Special Value in Tin Travelling- Trunks, Bags, Portmanteaus, Ladies W icker Travcllmg I milks, > tVc • GliEbNISH & DAWKINS 24, 25, £ Market Street, Haverfordwest. JOHN LL. DAVIES AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER ACCOUNTANT, AND (GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. OFFICES: i HIGH STKEET HAVERFORDWEST HAKIN MTLFORT) HAVEN Valuations made on Moderate Terms. SALES GUARANTEED IF REQUIRED; Clients Promptly settled with. PIANOFORTES. HAVING commenced business as a Pianoforte Timer and Repairer, I beg to solicit the favour of your esteemed Patronage. Having been for seven years in the employ of Messrs. John Broadwood and Sons, also, Collard and Collard, and Chappels, & Co.. of London, you may confidently rely on the ex- cellence of any work entrusted to my care, coupled with moderation in charges. Orders received at Mr. Ellis Jones, 15, High Street, Haverfordwest. Testimonial from the Lady Catherine Allen, Woodjield, August 18th, 1884. Mr McKenzie has thoroughly repaired a Pianoforte for me, and has given complete satisfaction. He has tuned it well also. CATHERINE ALLEN. P.S.-As I am'often in the Town and Country round, those who require my services, will oblige by writing to me. W. McKENZIE. 2 South Parade, Tenby. NOTICE F. B. MASON, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, TENBY, BEGS to inform Owners of Property in Pembroke ] shire and neighbouring Countiesthat he purpose ■ issuing a MONTHLY LIST. 1 Of Estates, Land, Residences, and Houses to be Sold or Let, Furnished or Unfurnished, and will be glad to J insert particulars of any large or sin all Properties j present for Sale or to Liet, free of charge. I Printed forms for supplying particulars of Estates' t &c., with Terms of Commission, post free on applica- cion 4 ] Has Neii-rfalle I ves lnstarit,,R61ief, c e!t -i-nd EFFECT-Yi j L4t,ii ALL F-AT ¡ ¡ 21 g Li rTD'41 S j OF OF. i-IR OTRIET Ofl, n A IS E-E'f -T I BOROUGH OF THE TOWN AND COUNTY I OF HAVERFORDWEST. FA IKS roll 1 8 89. rpHE FAIRS for 1889 will be held as follows, un- JL less unforeseen circumstances shall make an alteration necessary:— JANUARY Tuesday 8th FEBRUARY 12th MARCH 10 th APRIL 9th MAY „ lith JUNE for Wool and Stock 11th JULY; „ fith AUGUST „ 13 th SEPTEMBER Friday (ith Tuesday lith OCTOBER (Hiring) Saturday 5tl; Tuesday 22n(1 NOVEMBER 12ch DECEMBER L "lOth THE PIG FAIRS will be held on the day tiftev the Cattle Fairs, Dealers and others attending the Havcrfordwest Fairs are hereby cautioned against th,- practica of Lacerating with a Knife or other Instru- ment for the purpose of Marking any Animal and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, under the Statute 12 and 18 Victoria, cap. 92, all persons found LaceVa- till"- anv animal will be liable to a Penalty of FIVE POUNDS. ED. EATON-EVANS, Mayor. Haverfordwest, November the 12th, 1888. A WONDERFUL MEDECINE r' B EECF AM'S PILLS, JJEKCIIAM'S PILLS B EECHA.M'S PILLS Are universally admitted to be worth a guinea n box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and pain in the stomach, Sick llcadacho, idnioess, Fulness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, FIus..iugs of He it, L'j.-s of Appetite, Shortnci-a of Breath, Costivrness, and Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Dreams, and all nervous and Trembling Sensation?, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minute. This is no fiction, for they have done it in co ii-(- less cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try ono Box of these ?ills, and tLev will he acknowledged to be w ortli A GUINEA A BOX -^rOETH A GUINEA A BOX Vt -^ORTH A GUINEA. A BOX. YT For females of all ages they are invaluab'e. N. females should be without them. There is not a medicine to be found equal to them for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given wi:,h each box, th.-y will soonrestorcfetnaies of ail ages to sound and ro- bust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which are ensured bv their use. B EECIIAl)i.S PILLS J>EECHA?.I"S PILLS J>EECHAirS PILL- For a Weak Stomnch, Impaired Digestion and :d11 Disorders of tho Liver, they act lik • uiiiidc, a:.d a fev.-to w,)i,k (,I, I important era an# in tins human inacisine. i ev strengthen the whole muwuwt' sy*tein, restore the long lost complexion, bring back ihe knowledge ol appetite, and arou-e info action with the rosebud 0' health the whole physical energy ot tlio human !r STK- j 'I'liese are fact^ teetiiied cor.t'nually by members o; all classes of society, and one ol tho best puaranteos to the Nervous and D^ubt-itcd is, J>iVli/Ofi A.ii PILLS have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medianc iti the world. JgKKCHAM'S MAGIC COUGII FILLS JJEECHAM'5 MAGIC COUGH PILLS. EECIIAM'S MAGIC COUGH riH > A] a edy for Coughs in general, A^-hin >r I Branch ffection?. lIo!ir#eucss, b'liorfcness^o! Jira.r-. Tightne nd Oppression of tho Ches' &e., pills stand nnrivdllcd. They arc the best. e. ii oll'ercd to'he pu'die, and will »;?eed:ly remove ••{»:)•• j sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing ¡lIch nightly deprive tbe patient of rest. Let anj !)> TO j giva liKECilAM'S COUGH PILLS a triiil, and (!,{; i inntt vio'ent cough will in a sh-vt tune bo reiv.ov •• • Rill "I I I the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, Si He>e s I.(ioc:islnre, and by tdl. Druggists and y»atenc (-very 18. ll'ICI., ,ND 2,. 9 I Ft i,(> JJJ.fVIC I'lONS AUG UIVF.K Wtl'.ll KACK 3IO.X. ,ilv Alt those requiring New Tables, Eequisites. or Biliinrd 'a •• I •should, lielore going eLsewhcrW jnd. for i Ne-.v Prlca List, Cloth and Ct^^ i oW'er Samples, to HENNIG W C,. I Illustrated MAGAZT&MS Published by CASSXLL & ffOypiKt, ISJSj. »-«» »BUM BaCT*M- Yor eVltJ7 J[01III8a014 "KOJK. »" •" -Ml MB. CasseIrs Sa'urda,y JOU1'nàl. Pages Weel1t. M.. ^01w viF°i »n W'orkmea, ProreMionafl Ud Weekly, Id.; Monthly, 6d. The Magazine of Art. Monthly, la, The Woman's World. Monthly, n. S Ca!sk FJ TP 19rn 1 °T 0ve p0St I™ 074 aVPli<l*tieit. CASSELL GO MP ANT, LIMITED, Lndgate 11m, Londo.. TtLlSS'S Genuine CHIPPING NORTOST length troiD^VALTK\TIci!e,W7ted twe,ds "?*y »>• obtained in mr CA6R8r £ A^AB^nNGHAMHOLB8ALBW°OI-LBJr^»ROHA1'T». alfparce'/s of 5 Per cent. diieount allowed on P HI H ^V Tho last LccW «m Pj#f«s(jr SfiB fes S_8'a jjs a ■ Loisotte's Syst4Sa ot.Memoty was doliyeitd to .over three hundresi ptojfia ia tI8 Clarendon Assembtr Boom. Tb* VJWM* at members in the lectures has been unparalleled in tro history of Oxford public lectures."—Oxford Review, March 1st, 1889. Lessons bv Po?t in classes at reduced fee. Now Prospectus Poet Free A. LOiSETTE, 37, New Oxford Strast, Lofftfdlk rj W CLIFFE HOTEL, St. Mnr^ret's Bay, ksrrt. fft X Hwlthjest **z*v\e. report in England. S-a-Bathtnff, Tonft Courts,&c. In? lff.from.pi'rircfflc.orfl^. ^ordy. S.u.t^rippg.progft | T NK3N' LliVE FOii SOL'TH WOLD FIKIiDS. W<w'kly i?i»rv!ee. The Horal Mall ul IntBTOiuisK- Klranivrs fiii! fn.jn ^nithampton. cvriT FHdir, for South AXiii-iJj 1-jit?, CAlUnjr at l,n»i,nn, for Cansr* *JI *on, v'/ d ,M"" 0rienral Place' SoolS wjs.ixiia.ii2a & GROSSMITn- L, VN1QUJE PERFUME WHITE GLOVER." "In Clover we have an GXPPntinnanTr rich lasting BSntSfr is delic.åiiÐsJy de1Icate. Court C1rculCl.T. oo 6irr Seilom'^Umer3' Stores' or P^fr^DfrecL 22, SILK STREET. CITY. LONDOl^. (tor the GOLD FIELDS of SOUTH AFRICA) hv^,?os and Dartmouth to cap*- AACAITIUA. KADAGASCAH, T!V-T'Mn fro"* E.C.; 40, St. Enoch S^ UTKBPOOI. 15. (S-OGS Strr.-et, MSM™ Menu in ali leadinx Provinciil Town*. mTILJ>INGB and øew and and Rclwol noom.. Lawn T6-Js -JHn Iron RlI dnl" here on vla»f. or 1 n-I:< in HARHKOWS WORKS. Brixton OLISS'S Genuine OHIPPQfG NCWITOII celebrated ttreedtimaybeobtaimdIna2l ^rom WALTER A Co., CARR8 LANE, BIRMINGHAM. |||^j «31mSS! £ S^_ •?'T*- WORPHY'S WALNUT POMADE. k. Trlnmph «s A Hair IMrJrener. Xot ■ dy.. lIeltor.¡th cerWtnty M>4 It once the former j-tmthiul colour (If G 11 I:Y B411,. Foot Col- 1e1deu, Ught Brown. Dark Broivn, ftnd Black. "1<0" 1. IVTOBPHY'S ORlBNTAL bSTOATOSt LTJL POWDER rcmores speedily, tann?and eflteleeny, vft lips, bands, and cheeks. GuftrastM buftaiaa. are. X/- per pocket. N.li.—Tell Tour Cll«Siist «f KMT MMB to MMMA tone other than MOBFHY'S, or send I'oaUj Ordor to 4l»Bia»er, ITOWI IOKPHT, Hair and Skin Specialist, 70, Sotath AndloySt. Saynttr, LonSoC riELD'S HOUSEHOLD F0LDINQ CUtfSfc for R. £ SAI> GOiTiroUT (Patsct). Saeb cMMMwi ■■ T till Furnishers, ier.=, ,tc. InaisT oa tMBMlHC fORKs Lady.voiHi, yiruiimrhaia. ABERDEEN GRANITE ri. from £ b, rArriage paid. Insertptiongainuirtaand lanlnnd Pricrs from J. W. LEGGE. Seutptor, AKtrGinKIUU 11 ■ KSTAH?.ISHSO 1S33L. P. ^XOZ^T3ESXX«Z« «9S&OCM Contractors to Eer majesty's GothwbA Bzrxtrrj,/ jtojf, i.oynos.—A S»ii!s«iirers and ORIGINAL Patea«Be» «| X X60FSH6 FELnL KAIU, TOTJIfDATION, & 8HEATHINO i. discount to tbe T IPg-rt^alarB freo by P»g|. TTTT^g^^T-f»x!-n mmmrAj.Sf** of the Orosa. i'.0:ilMv, 73. ifew popular Educator. XonlM]t,t&. *■ -rid of Adventure. Monthly. Td. tr° tli9 Heavens. By Sir R. S. BALI,, trMMMS 2f*se?kf of the Household, ifimthlf, 74. h-irCB&ue Austrilasia. Monthly. Stonihh-Sd.; also WkUuM P«opiT8 OI IS. World. MtmtMg, Td. n > B«ET mwpi'1" Bookmllrri', «r pelt frmflrntf CAB8KLI. & COMPAQ LnHTSP, Lgdgat« giil. MTIRELY SOLUBLE ttu yQT paPIVAfrROTTIB' MELLI^S~ F0QS FOR INFANTS AND tNVAHM. PrtceliQ&SjG RtatoBlwtf sad fton»- Pw Bottle. ki&ZlSs^ forc&hig Elements. m IRE HEALTHFUL REARING OF HAND-FED €KKJHK% AND THE PRESERVATION OF IHFART LIFL A tmmrte sent post free on application to fiL WELLIN. Marlboro' Works. Pec'i<harn. 3.E. LOISETTE'S System of Memory Training is the' Jj one by which tha Natural Memory improved until Be) Devise III a Mr. EEOCTOE, author of AOld k N«w and of AstsSnomy" ia tbe Brit., says P»<JP. LOIBETT^'S ■ m-vm siMKHf appears to me admirabte." Rtwye MEI1QEY ixSi? &&&&'« £ membw oi Clerical, eta., JNgf Professor LOISETTE, 37, NEW Euatwco, weakness, ui4 MerrMioeia. nSpkM gen B*V stn»<LvgaAaot BiuiXBTS fvow illuftviitetl 1'rice i.iat-, COI?CEB,TIia'AS .■AWire,T. India Knhliof Jitid I'aTivnf, 00 fret x 4; pndlM*, i<f • ditto, t»feet x 5inelies. T.W. C.-isb with order, CkrriKfrr Jmtd. jjverv ^n:ii:i:it< i'(l to war v.cll anil i»n of The onalliy. R v' LltiTliK. & cb„ Mnchinc Uaixl il.uuifacttirprs, IVUllSLBl. Lon0on_«>fflco tSA. Oukem Vnri-oniA STKKKT. K.C. mm on. iu go. LnrriDs UTiisroaK, Manufactttters of FesOIng ItDØa «eeertWttte86 by the leading Pedigree ItocIr OijUWi I fi A T U* IPH(ENUt UilJLli? PDRB .17/61 MEAL Delivorod at Mqf OfttPlS, LINSEED CAKE I COTTORCARE THAMES nautk.'al TRAINING college H.M.S. WorcoFter," Gr*«y\hithr, Kent. Usfler tho direct Pat.ro)inee of KKR MAJKSTT THK For Training Young Gentlemen to hceome Oinc^rs In Marine. The Queen givf* *nnu?.llr a fjold y* "1 in B.U.; tha Admiralty KITS t:on>!ni»«o(>« in R.r..K. AppMBUMW given to th« Hooghlr Piiot »rvire l»rtr.M •»» |iv«n eraphicil Socicty, M«t«oroionririil ftldw Brwitrw^g Trinity Houso, Peninsular &itd Ori«mvnl,ana ofch«* Companies. T«rm»,53 anU 60 jrtiinwkfi, which iMiudw -25^?# PiLDer. Best and Second Uniform. &c. For flcui»r«, iippiy to w. > fiui/uVAKT, Kfo.. r*>»rtnUj^MM ■ O or to oipt. J. HE^HEfiSOl 8* ITS, o* ho*rt. ^e flHHBk ^tt.wl wit,hall fhcren'iir^jTie^t.»<>(ir*Nr.fn<lV>>WgS>- MADS "WITH WATER. E P P S S B GKATCrUL—C02K70B»?23ff(k COCOA MADE WITH BOIMM MIMt Tj1 *■ Jrr crr.atiBft vbMt, into fine meal nv IIa-a4tBB«rssi or otl\m povor. C7s. ea. Patented all orer thevrorlj. &rarf & 7KM qt r|i u SSBj Cutters. Cak-e ?rpukors, br., •» H. A. T,t»T«» ft v iporpool Privato m »>1elTllSiiK Street, ivirm s Cross. JiTost o.jar»;iieniy fivttri for «MH Visitors. Penflr r,rates to all parts. By.j ntii^ tfftwMant,^ MORPHT'8 WALKPT PO*AD* A Tttrnnph M »K»U DutoM Sfi • *n. T.mtnrm vltt WWMr rt onre lb. 1<rrta0r MiHtiM eolnar at OHMT »4Uk frm Md*p, Ufht Bn»», Bwown, rai aim*. |~i i | i- t.1 iB^lSTi TlfOBPHT'S OEffiOTAiTDBrnjrtOtt tiiMtoTiri, t rtwta) «n felM* goTHT, Iteit M*BHiftdtM*, UrttoAmBatHK, K^enTl IItHON LME-fos aoiTa Arnrn saa mjl rtwx inriosr *.a. &*•» jbaxi. rvtTr A#u8B oaJli*# M tnA !<« Apiw t* SMf dsjnpsff*, uvv«^ 4m%|hB KBpton; own, I.4mMl! §«««*, fx>Ktva. T IVPTIOIiS.^ H BN mW lvlW/5 s^iW^S3&w S « London, tr. Th*«* hi^is NIM ■•■•Ml ■» the perfcrtlon nf fit. f>OPE^S PLASTERS, a«af» Md eMtt <faM JL\' for Cotip)i8, Asthma, and Bronchitis. Of at! <ma rat&nt Medicine Dealers. Wf „ m n ILLINGHAM'S ARTIPICIAI. hwi, \JT and TVSTRUMKXTR. Illustrstione fr«9i 4 FOLD SCREEHS,1^8a«M I