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-^I3 FINEST TONIC. —Most effective in reitorinA th> Titality of the blood, and enabling the constitution to 49mlat climatic influence. WHME^ BRAVAIS*—Invaluable in all cases 0/ anemia and general debility. FER BR -A."VA.I&m—Highly recommended for weak and debilitated children. A beautiful and interesting preparation."—Lancet. "It has ail the good effect* of iron withont producing constipa- tion or duturbint? the digeition, and it does not blacken the ttth. £ riti»h Medical Journal. -Bold by all Chemists, with DropMonmrt. SALT REGAL Has attained a high reputation.—The Analyst. Salt Regal is a most valuable remedy for dyspeptic symp- toms, and one which we commend to sufferers from indiges- tion generally. The Ozone which it contains gives tone to » debilitated constitution."—Public Opinion. O ALT REGAL K3 Prevents and relieves DIPHTHERIA, CHOLERA INDIGESTION, FLATULENCE, HEADACHE, and ali other stomachic irregularities. PURIFIES the B01)V im- parting NEW LIFE and VIGOUR. SALT REGAL Possesses marvellous RECUPERATIVE Properties, is invaluable in RELIEVING and STIMULATING the overworked brain, and RESUSCITATING EXHAUSTED VITALITY. QALT REGAL ►O BRIGHTENS and CLEARS the COMPLEXION, cor- rects all ERRORS OF DIET, Eating or Drinking, is a most pleasant Effervescing Morning Drink, STIMULATING tlie APPETITE, giving TONE to the Entire System, and is highly recommended by the Medical Profession. ° 2/9 of all Chemists, or by Post from the MANAGER, Salt Regal Works, LIVERPOOL 0 t < A t MANAGER, Salt Regal Works, LIVERPOOL SALT REGAL UNION LINE FOR THE SOUTH ATRI- OAff GOLD FIELDS. The Royal If nil and Intermedial ■termers sail from Southampton ererjr Friday for Oape Ports, •suing- at Lisbon, MaU«ira, and Canary Islands. Apply to the •MO* 8TBAM SHIP OO., LIMITED, Canute Hoad, Sontbumnfc. *M Booth African IIou«o. m to flg. Bltbopsgate Street. London. rpHE HOI.IiOlt* y < L M MAR T JL The Lareest Silk Mart kj in the City of London, and the CHEAPEST for ali kind* of SILKS, SATINS VELVETS, PLUSHES, AC, in EUROPE, Patterns su? mitted pn*t free for cnmi>nnion. SAMUEL LEWIS A CO., Proprietor*. 11, T, 9t & 9, Hoi horn Bars, and 2 A 3, f'amivri Sc., London, KX SARLOW'S MAGNETIC CURATIVE APPLIANCBB. I.adio' and Gent.'s Beltsfor Rheumatinm. Weakness, and Nervousness. Pamphlet post fr«» ft CO.. 443. West Strand. London. Msublished31 MELODEONS New Illustrated Price List, free | CONCERTINAS CAMPBELL A Co., 116, Trongat«, Glasgow. DRIVING BANDS r°MACHINESma ] Best Onality, India Rubber and Canm?, CO feet x 4J mclies, endless. ditto, so feet x o inches, 75s. Cnsh with order. Carriage paid Every Belt (ruaranrenl to W; ar well and be of the best quality. R. A. LISTKit A CO., Machine Hand Manufacturers, DUKSLEY. London QIBC<» L 73A. OI;I KX VICTORIA STBIKT. B.C. BTREITQTHEmiTCr KWIHHBJIWHWB DIGESTIVE ,TONIO I If I ^3 il'l J a Ml ■ BH of excellent flavour; best adj uvant th6 treatment of TANNIN WINE Phthisis. Vreocribed in Stomachic exhaustion, Chlorosis, Ansmia, and daring convalescence. Recommended by the faculty for aged persons, young married women, and chIldren au BEWAILS OT COUNTERFEITS. To obtain the only genuine SAINT BAPHAEIj TANNQf WINK, apply to E. OAXXJAIS, 90, Piccadilly, London, W.. MARVELLOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS HOARSENESS, ASTHMA, BBONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, J AND ALL CHEST AFFECTIONS. PECTORINE. Sold by all Chemists, in bottles, at 1/1%, 2/9, 3/6, ana | 111- each. Sem by the proprietors upon receipt of stamps. From Rev. J. STOREHOUSE, St. Saviours Vicar- age, Nottingham. August, 1874. DEAR SIB. -I can strongly recommend your Pec- torine as an invaluable Cough Remedy. I have given it a fair trial to my own family, and have also sup- plied it to persons suffering from Cough in my parish, and in every instance it has given immediate relief. In some cases, after passing sleepless nights, one or two doses of the Pectorine have had such a good effect that persons have got a good night s rest and the Cough has speedily disappeared. Mr A. ROLFE, St. Ann's Square, Manchester, says:—"Your Pectorine is superior to any Medicine I have ever tried for Coughs and Colds. PECTORINE cures the worst forms of Coughs ana Colds. PECTORINE cures hoarseness PECTORINE gives immediate relief in .Bronchitis PECTORINE is the best medicine for Asthma PECTORINE cures Whooping Cough PEOTORINE will cure a troublesome tickling cough; PECTORINE is invaluable in the Early Stages of Consumption PECTORINE relieves all affections of the Lfieat, Lungs, and Throat. Prepared only by SMITH & CLARKE Manufactu- ring Chemists, Park Street, Lincoln. *Vice Chancellor Sir C. Hall granted a perpetual injunction, with costs, against F. Mason, Chemist, Rotherham, for using the word pectorine Bold by T. M. Phillips, Chemist, Castle Square, Haverfordwist. _————— A WONDERFUL MEDECINE JgEECHAM'S PILLS, "p^EECHAM'S PILLS Jb J^EECHAM'S PILLS Are universally admitted tobewortliaguineaa box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, sucn as Wind and pain in the ^omach. Sick and' "^yORTH A GUINEA A BOX WORTH A GUINEA A BOX WORTH A GUINEA A BOX For So" 5 rjirra, obstruction or irregularity o J according to the f £ i'l will soon restore females of a 1 g thousands bust health. This has been p uenefita which who have tried them, and found the benelits wmcn are ensured by their use* T»EECHAM'S PILLS jjEECHAM'S PILLS jgEECHAM'S PILLS v,r Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion and all For a WeaK they act like magic, and a long lost complexion, oung fche roSebud of appetite, and arouse into action i,uman frame health the whole physical energy of the human xr These are facts testified contmuaily by to all classes of society, and one of the bLgfrKCjjAj,i'S the Nervous and Debilitated is, BEECHAMo PILLS have e Largest Sale of any Patent Medi JgEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS JgEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. j JgEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS Asa remedy for Coughs in general Asthma, Bronchial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness ot Bnea Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, pill .land unrivalled. They are the best ever oflered to the public, and w^ll speed1 y re wllicll sense of oppression and difficulty o anv person «h ssj&ffsr*. tto'tIXt cough will in a short t,m. be ren,ed. Prepared only, and Sold Wholesale and Retail by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St Helens, Lancashire, and by all Druggists and patent Medi- cine Dealers everywhere. IN BOXES 9id., Is. Hd., AND 28. 9d. EACH FULL DIRECTIONS ABE GIVEN WITH EACH BOX. BlCil ^end ^arry MpH SHOULD SEE '"THE MAGIC MIRROR. -rr=Ti It may concern them. Important Al I UCIIto aii in ill-health. Happiness ALL IVICI1 assured by its bright reflections, "afcJZdrmTvU'tclnThO possess it* post <It WILLIAM JOHN, (LATE GREEN & JOHN), WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCER CORN, FLOUR, AND PROVISION MERCHANT, HAVERFORDWEST. IMPORTANT TO ALL CLASSES. '0' Mariners' Square, Haverfordwest. fo -'0'- The Watch & Clock Repairing Establishment. -W- I^OO T T Begs to inform the Inhabitants of the Town and County generally that he has REMOVED to the above Address, and hopes by strict attention to Business to merit a share of public patronage. ALL WATCHES CLEANED BY W.N. WARRANTED FOR 12 MONTHS. New Ladies' Geneva Watches from 15s upwards. Also all kinds of Gents' from 158. to £ 5. TIMEPIECES AND CLOCKS FROM 3s. 6d. TO JE2. Watches Cleaned and Repaired from Is. 6d. to 6s. Clocks from Is. to 5s. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS FROM 6d. TO 3s. 6d ALL ORDERS PROM THE COUNTRY PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. THOMAS'S TEA & GROCERY WAREHOUSE, UjJper Market Street, Haverfordwest. fo -:0:- ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS. GOOD STRONG TEA AT Is. 6d. PER LB. Very Fine TEA at Is. lOd. NONE BETTER TO BE GOT at the PRICE. One trial will prove the truth of this statement. '0' SUGARS OF THE BEST QUALITY AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. Coffee, Fresh Roasted, Flour, Bran, Sharps, Indian Corn and Meal, Bacon, Butter, Cheese, Potatoes, WITH EVERY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE GROCERY AND PROVISICN TRADES. HUNTLEY AND PALMER'S CAKES AND BISCUITS. Hill St. St Thomas Green, Haverfordwest. WILLIAM REYNOLDS, Uabinetmaker, Upholsterer, Paper, hanger, Painter, Builder, Under taker, &c. I W.R. invites inspection of his Stock of Dining-zoom, Drawing-room, Bedroom, and other Furniture Bedroom suites in mahogany, birch, pitch pine, maple oak, &c. Cheap and good ironbedsteads in new designs, palliasses, wool, hair, and spring mattresses. Tapestry and other carpetings, matting, mats, kamptulicon, and other floor cloths. Picture frames at reasonable prices in black and gold, Oxford, gilt, &c. Very cheap window poles, and brass cornices Venetian window blinds, and Holland do, plain and striped- Paperhangings at very low prices. Paints, oils, varnishes, glass, &c. Jobbing and repairs done with despatch and at low Prices DISCOUNT FOR CASH. ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS. :0:- CIIARLES CODD, Cabinetmaker, House Builder, Painter, Glazier, Decorator, &c., fypAKES this opportunity of thanking his Friends and Customers for the patronage ac jlj corded to his late Father and himself for so many years. lie also begs to state that the Business will be carried on by himself in all its Branches as hitherto. His own pi-actical experience, and the retention of a staff of Skilled Workmen will, he trusts, enable him to give that satisfaction in the execution of -11 Orders which his House of Business has hitherto enjoyed. ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR ALL KINDS OF ALTERATIONS & REPAIRS. A quantity of Furniture in Stock, and any article made to order. Drawing Room Suites supplied on shortest notice. Special care devoted to the Undertakers' Branch, and Funerals furnished with every requisite. uay Street, Haverfordwest. FOR SUMMER DRESSES, GO TO GREENISH & DAWKINS MARKET STREET, Haverfordwest. :o: — Zephyrs, Prints, Sateens, Cambric Robes, &c. :0: Specially low Estimates given for these Dresses, made complete to order. • :o:—— We are now offering some most desirable goods in Jackets, Mantles, &c., at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. -:0:- G R E E N ISH & D A W KIN S, G I HAVERFORDWEST. | :.): This Establishment CLOSES on THURSDAYS at Two o'Clock. "WE4K VITALHESA stops all ¥ "pasting of the vital forces, restores lost vital power, and Kites perfect health, strength and manly vigour. -ONE 2/a bottle (secretly packed, post free, 3/-) will curl every Case. jfoiWOPATflic BEMEDB CO.. 25. CHARLOTTE PoamroffTBL CITY OF MANCHESTER—LOANS—The V/ Corporation are prepared to RECEIVE LOANS of £ 100 ana upwards on the security of the City Kates, for three or more years, at £ 3 6s. per cent. Communications should be addressed to the City Treasurer, Town Hall, Manchester. WM. HENRY TALBOT, Town Clerk. LACE. LACE. LACE. For 5/- I will send, carriage paid, 10 Beautiful Lace, MusJfai. ajld Holland Pinafores and Aprons, Artistic designs", ajid splendidly finished. All my own make. Cannot baoWaipefl elsewhere. Best value ever offered, worth doable tfiemo&gy. Prioe lists free. r. WM. COTTON, Weekday Cross, NofttMham. ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS. THE MATRIMONIAL HERALD I AND FASHIONABLE MARRIAGE GAZBTTB represents the largest and most successful Matrimonial Agency in the world, and is the original and sole responsible medium for the Nobility, Gentry, and Commercial Classes. Price 3d. (secure in plain envelope, 4jd.).-Editor, to, Lamb's Condor Street, London, W.C., or order of all Newsagents. NIAGARA.TERUSALEM on the Day of HALL, the CRUCIFIXION, Cyclorama. st James' Park ALL should see this wonderful and realistio Station. work of art. The nnest and largest picture nunnv ever exhibited, measuring 400ft. lone Dy 55ft. liUflUUfl, Yiijfli. There is a select Free Lounge with organ close to Westminster music, pictures, etc. A BAZAAR, Confectionary, A a Abbey. good 3c cheap Restaurant. Open 10 a.m.to 10 p.m. 1,- PRESERVE your Hair if weak or falling off. JL WOODS' QUININE CANTHARIDINB AN? ROSZMABY NEVER FAILS. WITH OR WITHOUT grease as PREFERRED. Sold everywhere, price 9d., 1/6 and 3 6. Post 3d. extra. •WOODS' PHARMACY. PLYMOUTH. SOUTHPORT.-PALACE HOTEL, Birkdale Park; Charming Seaside resort standing in its own grounds. Electric light. Finest baths in the kingdom. Birk* dale Palace Station contiguous.—E. A. FICK, Manager. NEW ILLUSTRATED SERIALST Conquests of the Cror n. Monthly, 7d. Cassell's New Popular Educator. Monthly, 64. The World of Adventure. Monthly. 7d. The Story of the Heavens. Bv sir It. S. BALL. Monthly, Ca»sell's Book of tho Household. Movthly, 7d. Cassell's Picturesque Australasia. Monthly, 7d. The Dor* Bible. Monthly, Sd.; al»o Weekly, id. Cathedrals, Abbeys, and Churches. Monthly. 7d. The Peoples of the World. Monthly, 7d. Protpectutei at all Booktellert', or poit free from OABSBLL It COMPANY, LIMITID, Lirtgate Hill, London. LAOS. LACE. LACE. *or- I sehd, carriage paid, 14 Mob 6S&. ShftEBs. F^flapoiWirs, and dj#e/e&t goublethe^ TO. COfTON, We^lay Cros?, ''TTHJ.1- ^STABLfsHED 40 YfeAWA „||]77^8lggj- Cassell & Company's Magazines comprise- The Quiver. 80 Pages Monthly. Illustrated. 6d. Cassell's Magazine, lllustrated. Monthly, 7d. "Little Folks" Magazine. Illustrated. Monthly, 6d. The Magazine of Art. Illustrated. Monthly, is. Cassell's Saturday Journal. Weekly, id.; Monthly, 6d. V Each Weekly Number contains 24 pages. Illustrated. WORK. Illustrated. Weekly, id. Monthly, 6d. Cassell E- Company's Complete Catalogue will be sent post free on application to CASSBLI. & COMPANY, Limited, Ludgate Hill, London. OCKLE'S mmmm Antibilious 70S IV BILE, LIVES, ||TT T#0 ™Di«s«o*. ILLd. OF PURE VEGETABLE INGREDIENTS. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Orp-a ns, in either sex (acquired or constitutional), Gravel, and Fa ins in the Hack. Guaranteed free from Mercury. Soldin Bores, 4a. 6d. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World; or sent to any address for f-ixty stamps by the Makers, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COCKTIKS Dnva COKFAHT, Lincoln/ Wholesale Agente, BARCLAY X Boat, London, and all the Wholesale Houses. THE OLD RELIABLE FIEM. L MOORE, • Turf Commission Agent, Exeter, Established 1875. START iNG PRICE Commissions executed daily; also TIOUBLE and TREBLE EVEHTS. Personally conducted. Advantageous terms on application. Telegraphic Address: "MOORE"; Postal Address: L. MOOBE, EXETER." PROVIDENT CLERKS' MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION, 27. Nooryate Street, hoitdon. GUARANTEE ASSOCIATION, LIMITED, ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, 61, Coleman Street, London. Influential Agents required in places not represented. Full information on application to Secretaries, as above. MAGAZINES FOR ALL. The Spectator says; "So much trouble is taken with these periodicals, so much ability is at the disposal of the conductors, that it is difficult to bestow the praise which is really deserved without seeming extravagant." THE QUIVER. For Sunday and General Heading. 80 Pages Monthly, 6d. CASSELL'S MAGAZINE For Every Member of the Family. Monthly, 7d. "LITTLE FOLKS" MAGAZINE. For all Girls and Boys. Monthly, 6d. CASSELL'S SATURDAY JOURNAL. 24 Pages Illustrated. Weekly, Id.; also Monthly, 6d. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, Ludgate Hill, London. A MANCHESTER CAPITALIST, firm, having a considerable sum of uninvested MONEY, is prepared to ADVAKC :E the same in sums of not less than £ 20to £ 1000, ,to persons of undoubtedrespectability, on their own pro- missory note, without askine for sureties or security, at a low and reasonablt, rate of interest, for long orahort periods. As this advertisement is r.ot connected with any Loan Society, it is re- quested that habitual borrowers will not applv. For full particu- lars, apply. Tjersor ally, or by letter, direct to the Lender, Arthur Wyndham Haddon. iVsq io, r.r.i noration Street, Manchester, MORPHY'S WALNUT POMADE. A Triumph m a Hair Darkener Not a Restores with certainty and at once the former youthful colour of GREY HAIR. Four Colirtri— Gold»n, Light Brown, Dark Brown, and Black. Per pot, 1,6 and 2/6. IVf ORPHY's ORIENTAL DEPILATORY JlTJL POWDER removes .ptodilv easily tn<* effectually. *11 Hair disfigur Ing the lips, hands, and cheeke. GuaranteeJ harnileaw. Prepared with greal eare, 1/- per packet. N.B—Tell yonr Chemist or Hair Dresser to procur. aone other than MOItPwy-, or lend Postal Order to the Mlker" EUGENI MORPHY, Hair and Skin SpeeiulUt. 70, South Audlej St., M"yfMr, London, UNION LINE-FOR SOUTH AFRICAN COLD FIELDS. mHB tTNION 8.8 Co 'B MAIL PACKETS sail from I SOUTHAMI*TOK cverv *ltern»'e Friday fur R^itli Africa! Port*, calling at Lisbon and Madeira- Return Tickets Issued Apply to the Union Steitm Ship Company, Oriental 1'111.119, South- yapton or 11, ljcadenha.il Street, London. made WITH BOILING WATER. E P P S S CrRATEPUL—COMFORTIN G. COCOA MADE WITJi BOILING MILK. 1VEW ILLTTRTRATED LIST—MUSICAL INSTHr-'Vf'kM.? I^ASS llEED, STRING, DRUM and F1FK BANDS P atS?IESJ8V»MKI.ODKONS. CONCKRT1NAS. Spe- ."t Music for Hands, Bandsmen's C'nps, Old 1 nstru 1 ncpR I*os, f' ,u»ht or taken in exehaiiBe. GCKKI sciond- MOORE ^0- ,Hudderslield] HOICE FRESH CUT IO Fi mvtna V' ™ The'LAND OF SUNSE1NB. Anemones, ate X fnnu t flee. One box, eighteen pence eigllt'cons^uVivi hal £ a K"inca- English postal Orders. Rt,e dn T,vc»et Nice, France. D]DT^AXR ROYAL CONSERVATOIRE OP AIU^CiMlso Theatrical School). h7 tu tor,, 4:, subject.. Trjiinin c to perfection, bzaminiitiju for admii?sion on Anri?irt0m» f'rlUc also P'-rimtteJ at any otlicr time. For pros- pcctus jfe tea "PP'yD'^cor, I'rof. E. KRAXTZ. VICTOR VAISSfER8 w Is the most perfect of Toilet Soaps with a. world-wide reputation. 14, OFFICES FOR GREAT BRITAIN AND THE COLONIES C. SIMEONS & Corrip,, 70, Finsbnry Pavement, 18d., 113 & 2/- per Cake. LONDON, sc SPRING & gUMMER FASHIONS, 1891. -:0: MRS. SKONE REES Having disposed of all her old Stock, begs to announce that her Showrooms are now open with all the Latest and Newest Styles in MILLINERY, MANTLES, AND FANCY DRAPERY, Will be Sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. -:0:- A CALL IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED. :0: j Agent afor W. Sf A. Gilbey's Wines Spirits. -:0:- S. SKONE REES, 12, Market Street, Haverfordwest. I < BRIGSTOCKE'S I BOOKSELLING, STATIONERY, MUSIC AND FANCY WAREHOUSES, 6, and 7, Market Street, Haverfordwest. For Pianofortes and Harmoniums Go to Brigstocke's For American Organs and Cabinettos. Go to Brigstocke's For Accordians and Concertinas Go to Brigstocke's For V iolins, Banjos and Flutes.Goto Brigstocke's For Sheet Music, Tutors, &c Go to Brigstoel-e's For Books, in Great Variety Go to Brigstocke's Fcr Fancy Goods, Suitable for Presents. Go to Brigstocke's For the Best Circulating Library in the County Go to Brigstocke's For Water, Oil Colours, Brushes, &c. Go to Brigstocke's For prompt and regular delivery of Magazines and Peri- odicals .Go to Brigstocke's For Bookbinding, Engraving and Die-sinking. Go to Brigstocke's For Stamping Paper and Envelopes with Monogram, Address, or Crest die Go to Brigstocke's For Stamping Leather Goods in Gold, with Uame or Initials.Go to Brigstocke's -J: pVORYftf^Qf The |JtI>l»j The HIGHEST AMOUNT of tf OTTRISHMEFT «• UhMjH The M0ST DIGESTIBLE & CONVENIENT FORM. iMnnRPV IrWivfH Th M0ST PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR HEALTH* JOTHER S MILK. IN Tins la., 2s., 5s. and 10s. EACH t LlLU||^ SAV0RY& A S'nHMA, and DIFFICULT BREATHING ■ VlVj relived n8Tml fr°m aa':ctiuD3 of the Inspiratory Organs promptly HMAvHii TTiONS' PrePared as c'b'ar= an/ Cigarettes,vA an^i^ttie r Tobacco, also as pastilles and powder for burning LSllE2J MOORE'S 143, NEW BOND STREET, LONDON, -rr-dJ AND OF CHEMISTS, &e., EVERYWHERE. :oc- .i. J. A. REID, COAL AND HAY MERCHANT, St. Thomas Green and Railway Station, H. West, Has always a Large Supply of Best House, Smiths' and Steam Coals, and Finest Park Culm, which he is prepared to deliver in Town or Country at Moderate Charges. AGENT FOR THE BRAICH-Y-CYMMER COLLIERIES. Marble & Monumental Works :0: cr- ih: IATVTA. IR, ID St. Martins Crescent, Haverfordwest. '0: HEADSTONES, TOMBS AND MONUMENTS, IN GRANITE, MARBLE, FOREST OR PORTLAND. -:0:- ALL KINDS OF ECCLESIASTICAL WORK EXECUTED FROM ANY DRAWING. Tablets, Crosses, Marble, Slate and Enamelled Chimney Pieces, &c., OF THE NEWEST STYLES. Designs Furnished Free on Applica n, and all Work Carefully and Punctually Execcuted Three Crowns, High Street, Haverfordwest. '0' WILLI AM MORGAN Begs to announce that he has succeeded MB HENRY EVANS n his business as COAL AND CULM MERCHANT, At the Railway Station, and to respectfully solicit a continuance of the kind patronage which was for so many years bestowed upon Mr Evans. [ W. M.'s Coals are of excellent quality, and suitable for all purposes, aud all orders can be executed on the shortest possible notice. W. M.'s Carting Arrangements are very complete, and Customers may, by arrangement, have the Coals delivered at their own residence. Sole Agent for the BRYNDU COAL & COKE COMPANY PvU QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION. Haverfordwest, February 25th, 1885. 1 DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND STOMACH, ■ Liver and Stomach complaints readily ).IV"! to a f nv doses uf these inestimable Pills—they act 1 I directly on the Liver and Stomach. Their eiiecis are almost marveLous, as they quickly restore H a healthy action to these important organs in the most obstinate and distressing cases. I COMPLAINTS OF WOMEN. I ■ These Piiis have a most extraordinary effect in correcting all derangements of the system, j 9 and are peculiarly adapted for young females eniering into womanhood, and to others again at H the turn of life—indeed, at all ages Lhey are the woman s best friend. Ihis fin.^ medicine is H a reliable cure for all children's ailments. 9 IMPAIRED DIGESTION. B The wisest cannot enumerate one tithe of the distressing symptoms arising frorn enfeebled S digestion, all of which may be readib' dispelled l>v these admirable Pills, as tbev restore the ■ Stomach, liver, and every other organ of digestion to that healthy tone which fully t),enj to H convert all food and drink to the nourishment of the bc'.y—hence, these P; arc the =urest and I safest restorative in all cases of wealaie-s and debility. 1 COUiGHS, COL^O, AND SORE THROATS. ■ For curing diseases of the throat an- '•'ior.t. these Pills have established for themselves a pre- B eminently world-wicle fame (^oug^> c^^x .I J-i o(d.>, Itronchii- astlinia, and pleurisy, ■ are successfully cured witf." this particularly if Hollo way's Oiu.uicut be well rubbed ■ upon the chest and back r.iglit and 111", I DEBILITATCCONSTITUTIONS. 1 B In cases of debility, langour, ar.d r: .crated by excess r.ny kind, whether Q mental or physical, the effect of thesp i' l's i^ in Lne highest degree bracing, renovating, and B restorative. They drive from the >v.,uMr the ra l cnuseofdi.-ca-e, re-establish the digestion, i I regulate dl the secretions, brace the r.vou^ • •iso the patient's spirits, and bring back H to the frame its pristine health and vigour. ■ The Pills and (>int.n<-n! are sold a:. -s IIOLI.OWAY'S Establishment, B 78, NEW OXFURD STIUCET (1.\T; 535. UXFORD STREET), LONDON; B also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medico.. T'.oxes ::1,c1 rots, at is. i 2s. 9d., 4j. 6d., ■ lis., 22s., and 33J. each. The 2s. '> si/- con'ins ..c times the quantify of the smallest size; B the 45. 6d. 0170 rix; the iu. size sixteen: the 22*. size f irty-three, and the 3size fifty-two times the quantity of ■1 >t- snv.ilor boxes and Pots. j LFuli fjnted direct;ons arc afii.re.t t- •-r.ch 1'ot r.rd liox, ar.di car. be had in any language. —Adviee Gratis, at the above address, daily, between, tho hcurs of 31 and 4, or by letter. 1 WWtNt j &c. Before trying another reuaedj- send nWLed eiiTelooa forparUcnlarg oftbxs. MEDicue,Glefaroy.y^y»^|y.,Soa^V Kfl E* iki H?PPYshoSdTee rhiS&AQIC*P Al ■■■ Pfi |K HOB. Of vital importance to oerroiu HI IIIH.1S FUtterere. Seni at jnce.to Wilkinson A Co., 4, Fiti-square, Shefiald. Ens. ■•■I" » ,r- J ,■ C*tn)*<.g\v\ Sd.; Fri! 1<]«>«: frc< t,. h. .V 'i s* ^■RU1. 'JL* fc2» ti ue to jiame, m *00 best sorts. Largest 80-ek in vu?ot>e. Catalogues. Gd. Gf.OKOE Bl.WAKD ftnd Co.. Maidstone. 1 -qtailccl list Tree f s — -■ • ■'=:'V v/ Bggj5 faf aj EA 7. s r. ro.o ,r, CH-SAPEST, and BEST. /"S, ~r. DOUBLE STARCH. i I #J %|x So i*\i 40b | if .1- i |i :=' SAVES TIME V- *»;'• •-•'V.-l AND i LABOUR. t->r r, Sramr*, orotaur ■' r. CO. Xi^KPOX, B.C. IEOW BCTLDING8 and HOOFING, !il" and SMOBd-haiC Churehn. Chapels, 8chool Booms. Lswn Tennis, OolC & Crioket PaVil- iOus, Cottaeea, Warehoulle8,Om. ces, Farm BUild. in¡-B. Roofs, ete ¡ HARBRQW S WOnKS. Se,nth Beromndaey Station. London. 8.B. TWO ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS m KATUItAL SCTEKCE of the value of 125 guineas Ii-t., a free, admission: and £ 00 are awarded annually in October at ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL, London, SB. For iwuticulart aiu ly tu Mr. G. RESCI.K, Medical Secretary. E. UETTLESHIP. Dean. G. H. MAKIXS, Vice-Dean. EXTENSION OF HUMAN LIFE By The Elixir Godineau. (1[EAD OFFICE, 7. RUB ST. T.^ZABF., FABIS.) Physique and Moral Strength are restored to Por. eons Fatigued, affected with Ansemia, Work, ZUtt«Mk excesses of any kind. SOLD BY THE FRENCH HYGIENIC SOCIETY. 6. Conduit Street, Begent Street, W., LONDON. < |f | f J |lVi St. Yorre Spring. i'l I M M B MTHE BEST FOR DRINKING AT HOM ■LMJk^UJLB 20frs.theCaseof50Utr«j. BENSON'S "LMCATE" WATCHES Are the Cheapest, the Best Value, the Strongest. and the most Durable English Watches ever made. THOUSANDS of Owners, in every position of life, now using them in all parts of the world, testify to their splendid Timekeeping and great strength. BENSON'S "LUDGATE" WATCHES Are made in thousands, on an Improved Interchangeable System. Thev are not liable to failure, but possess Extra Strength, greater freedom from accideats,and Higher quality than any other Watches sold for Double the money. BENSON'S "LUDCATE" WATCH Is the Modern Three-quarter Plate make, not the oj^ijnary old-fashioned full plate as sold by other mak<r8' GENTLEMAN'S SIZE. In Silver CMM In IS-ct. &old OMM Best London made TfiREE-QUARTER PLATB English Lever, Jewelled. 13 actions, in rubies, Chronometer Balance, Patent Enlarged Barrel, Patent Dust and Damp Proof Ring Band, Keeps better time than, and is double the Strength and Value of any £ 5 5s. Watch yet made. A Neat and Elegant size (as illustrated) For Gentlemen and Youths, or in Extra. Small Size for Ladies. In Handsome Sterling Silver Cases, with Extra Strong Crystal Class, £5 5s. In 18ct. Gold Crystal Glass Cases, Gentlemen's size, B12 12s. Ladies' size, in 18ct. Gold, jSlO 10s. BENSON'S "LUBGATE" WATCH WORKMAN'S SIZE. Silver Cases Silver Owes Spue qnaiity Three-quarter Plate «5sbut ofV6r as described and illustrated above. £5 58., bnt of Special Extra Strength throughout for Workman. In Extra heavy and large Sterling Silver Crystal Glass Cases, engine turned and polished An Extra Large and Extra Strong Size of the LUDGATE WATCH for Railway Men and Miners, Measuring 21 inches diameter Is made at the same price, £5 5s. For fuller description of the Ludgate Watch 818 niustrated Pamphlet, post free on application. any of the above Watches, together «fra yii°J corre?t performance, to any Pa^t of the world free and at his risk on rAnAinf of P.O.O., payable at G.P.O., Bank S BENSON'S CLOCKS for the house of e™ m* £ id'tAn TTe\y and of th,e "ewest deli^ LriSnn T> £ 50°: .T^e largest and newest stock ih £ resentat!0n Committees invited to view the Show Rooms, or to s^nd lor Photographs. BENSON'S CHURCH & TURRET CLOCKS 7ie<3 frt.e- Just completed the vixeat Clocks lor Portsmouth Town Hall, Ashton- under-Lyne Parish Church, Faversham CL-j-h Trowbridge Town Hall. Lockerbie Town Hall cko. ic' BENSON'S STABLE AND FACTORY* CLOCKS. Silent, £ 15; Striking, £ 0^ Bert quality, with brass wheels, stee- pinions, 211. 6m. dial, with all needful lines, weights, ,v BENSO^S Turret Clo-k Factory is the largest 10 in the City 01 London and or. the best c, aal- ~v 18 made. BENSON'S JEWELLERY and CHAINS ir tine Gems or Plam Gold of best L^n mak £ "^°L*^an 3 x- no%elMes at manufacturers' prices. Tvi, Large. and Ncwert Stock in Locdnn. Selections sent trC C cun^ry on rcccipl of o r^fcreno6. •DENSON'S ENGAGEMENT RINGS of j exclusive designs, in endless variety, set with the finest, select 1 Gem-, and of best London make Speciality" Brilliant Pin?s. at £5. £10. and £20; SN-Ucvtioii- :rec 0:1 1 '1. (i1 rdcreuce. "DENSON'S PAMPHLET, -the largest and beet of its kind, «\>i>tu:ning ov^r -:X' pages ot Prices and Illustrations of every f!a.« of WATCH from £2 2s. to £;;(11) CLOCKS, CHAINS, JEWELLERY, I'LA'iE, and TUJtHET (.LOCKS, new edition iust cut, sent post fret- on avplicatica (o <w/^mAo7i^ MAKER TO J7. M. THE QULEX and ROYAL r,i v/rr The ADMIRALTY WjR OFFICE, /AT' ^(ilTlC rjc.,ctc.. THE STEAM FACTORY 62 & 64, LUDGATE H5 Norton House, La Bello aauvaf „- « and 1, Bov Court. E.C. 28,Ro7alEY.hangc"& West E' 26, Old Bond Street, V j LONDON. "VX/ATCH. &c. CLUBS- Th<^ i • orjcrnimed bv J. \V. Benso" ? Ayr lotion- invited for AgeoovfcL, siaerable increase to uivooie- » tree.