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STTMM02T&, Builder and Contractor, HAKIN, MILFORD HAVEN. W. MCKENZIE, PIANOFORTE TUNER & REPAIRER, 7 years at Messrs Broadwood & Son, also at Collard and Collard, and Chappels & Co., of London, 4, RAILWAY VILLAS, HATEEFORDWKST. IMPORTANT. TO those who suffer from Bilious and Liver Com- plaints, accompanied with Sick Headache Giddiness, &c., try Bees's special Vegetable Liver Pills, Price Is. l^d., and 71d. also Reesh Indigestion Mixture, Price Is. 9d.. and 28. 9d.; also Kees's well-tried Neuralgic Mixture. Price Is., and Is. 6d. TESTIMONIALS INNUMERABLE. Note the address — W H. REES, Chem st, 36, High Street Haverfordwest. TONE. MARBLE, AND MONUMENTAL WORKS. EVAN JONES BEGS to announce that he has purchased of ME -*L) JOHN HARRIES, !,is business as a STONE, MARBLE, AND MONUMENTAL M ASON, which HE HA* carried on for manv years at CAMBRIAN PLACE, IIAVKRFORDWEST, and hopes by strict attention to all orders entrusted to him, combined with moderate charges and excellent workmanship, to retain the public patronage so long exter-ded to Ins predecessor. All kin is of Monumental Work executed. A good siockof worked stones on the premises. JAMES VAUCJHAK, HAKIN, MILFORB-MYEI, Auctioneer, Valuer, and Genera] Commission Agent The prompt settlemen of 801 claims, and the most punctual attention to the interest of those who may avour J. V. with their support may be implicitly re- hed on. Second Hand Fnrnitnrfi, &c., Bought "nil Sol(3; Large Quantity always on lipud. Strictest privacy ( relied on. Gentlemen's Wardrobes, purchased in strict confidenc "\JERVOL'S AND PHYSICAL DKBI LVl'Y— X 1 A Gentleman, liaring tried in vain c?ery ad«cr- tised remedy, hp-s discovered a simple means of s«!f. cirr. lie will be happy to forward the p-irt.icnlar? to any sufferer on receipt of a stamp anJ directed en- Telope.— Address Mr J. T. SEWELL, Brook Villa, ilammersmitb, London. ESTABLISHED 1835 STEEL'S GOUI & RHEUMATIC PI LLS. The only euro. May be obtained of JSKWBEHY n;d SONS, BARCLAY and SONS, end of all Ciienmt ? in b xes Is. l!d., 2/1. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lis. Po<t»<?e for one extra stamp. Prepared only by FRANK W. ST «BU, M. PH.S. 288, Liverpool Road, London. N. BILIOUS and Liver Complaints, indigestion, Sick headache, Loss of Appctitf, Drowsiness Giddiness, Spasms, and all Disorders of the Stomach, aad Boweis, arc quickly remove 1 by that well known remedy FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH. They unite the recommendatioii of a mild operation with the most successful effect; and where an ape- rient, is required nothing can be better adapted. Sold by all Medicine Vendois, pri>*o le. H1. and Od. per box. ] ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B41 rilLS IB warratii&d to cure all discharges from llio Urinary Organs, in either eex (acquired or constitutional), Gravol, and Paina to th» Back. Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in Boxes, Cd. aach, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendore •nroHghont the World; or sent to any addrsss for sixty •Jarcpg by the Makers, THI LIScour j.kd UIBUSS COUHTIM vaua COWAVY, Lincoln. Katmp* ■«* ALL INVESTORS SHOULD READ FI NANCIAL TI M ES ABSOLUTELY SEND FOR SPECIMEN COPY FREE TELEGRAPH STREET. LONDONT" —. Death and Disablement J BY ACCIDENT. RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE i COMPANY Assures £1,QOO at death and full Benefits at £4 per annum. Hon. EVELYN ASHLEY Chairman. 1 Annual Income £250,000 80,000 Annual Policyholders. Invested Capital and Reserve Fund £285.000. COMPENSATION PAID £2,750,000. WEST-END OFFICE:—8, GRAND" HOTEL BUILDINGS, W.C., HEAD OFFIOE :—64, CORNHILL, LONDON, E.C WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary 1!4 tJ GR-ffM.—Sent by Post to all parts of ihe World on rcceipt of Two Stamps to prepay postage. AP^ITIYE CUBE FOR DEBILITIES and Derangements of the Generative and &^rvons System, Nervous Debility and Exhaustion, t Ite B e- sultof Over-Tnxed Energies, is GIVEN IN THE BOOK OF POSITIVE REMEDIES.' This Book pros a POSITIVE REMEDY for all plSliASES. The Names of all medicines are given in English. Cases and Testimonials, with means 1 used, in each case It is the Guide to the Sflf-treat- tnent of all Diseases, and should be Consulted by nl o require medical featment. Notice.—The Posi- tive Medicines pive.) in the book of Positive Reme- dies are the Medicines used by DH. SMITH for over Thirty Yenrs. By the nia of this Book invalids may form a correct knowledge of their malady, and find a Positive Remedy for the cure. The names are pub- lished in English, to enable Invalids to Select the Remedy and Cure themselves without consulting a Medical Man, making a written statement of Cuso or PRJing Consultation Fees. Send two Stamps fo",the Bock of Positive Remedies/ which contains 244 pages, and gives a Cure for all Diseases. Pest free receipt of Two Stamps, direct from ■S. SMITH & Co., Positive Remedy L -boratory, 26 Southampton Row, London, W.O. Marvellous Remedy fir Couglls, Cold hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption 'nil all Chest Affections. PEOTORINE. ^of{ by a!t Chemists, in bottles, al Is lid, 2» 9d 6'J, ttud 11s each, „ fc»eot t>y the proprietors uoon receipt of stamp*. Her. j. STONKUOUSK, St. Seoul's Vicarage J^o'tingiiam. A uc us' 1M74. D¡j.A.R Sir,— .(j«a strongly recommend your P ;C j • e.s !>.n invalual)ie Cough Uorn«dy. I have f l«:r t:ial in my own family, and- have a!»o BISp it to person* suBsring from Cough in my parssli, and in svery m.tianccit (kss «iven immediate reiio/. In soite Ca-scs.a'ter pa^Ma^ sleepless nights, one or two d'jsy. 0 khc I'jctorine hav^ tiad such a pood effcct that j'Cr- sons have got a gof nighi's rest i^nd tiie Cough Li&- ♦ eP'jdiiy disappeareo. Mr A. KOLFK, St. Ann's Square, Mariche.ter, "*■.?» :—u o1.:r l'eetcriuj: ricr io ony A'edici'f I ,3'ive erer tried for Cougns or Colds. V^TOHINS '\rci the worst forms oi Coughs ¡!.no cure# jcxiarsenoss pfoIORINfi 8»*es i'»meUiai:; reliafia Bronc.'rtU the best medicine f'Jr Astbrua curjs vViioopint: Cough Pt CTURINE will cure a troHbltJtome tickiing Uosgn, CTORINE is invaluttble in the Karly btageso? Con 8umpti°n relieves all Affecvio* the CUesi. p Lungs, aud Throat. il'epaudonly !rv SMIT:& CLARKE Mannfactn • v*!xils ChejiiistB, Park Street, coin. i_.# Vice Chancellor t>irC. fclal i ii a pei-petu*, 'Ojuncuon, with costs, agi.0(,t •= ,6or. Cl-ctuis ,am'.lor "sing thewoi^-pJ e.' erifoidwV«.M' FMmp'' BRIGSTOC KE'8 BOOKSELLING, STATIONERY, MUSIC AND FANCY WAREHOUSES, 6, and 7, Market Street, Haverfordwest. fo -:0; For Pianofortes and Harmoniums. Go to Brigstocke's For American Organs and Cabinettos. Go to Brigstocke's For Accordians and Concertinas Go to Brigstocke's For Violins, Banjos and Flutes. Go to Brigstocke's For Sheet Music, Tutors, &c Go to Brigstocke's For Books, in Great Variety Go to Brigstocke's For Fancy Goods, Suitable for Presents. Go to Brigstocke's For the Best Circulating Library in the County. Go to Brigstocke's For Water, Oil Colours, Brushes, &c Go to Brigstocke's For prompt and regular delivery of Magazines and Peri- odicals Go to Brigstocke's For Bookbinding, Engraving and Die-sinking. Go to Brigstocke's For Stamping Paper and Envelopes with Monogram, Address, or Crest die. Go to Brigstocke's For Stamping Leather Goods in Gold, with aIDe or Initials. Go to Brigstocke's u T^-1 AS SUPPLIED TO ^5 J SAV0RY& The ROYAL NURSERIES, and containing The HIGHEST AMOUNT of NOURISHMENT f> f UXU The MOST DIGESTIBLE & CONVENIENT POBM. Th^. MOST PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR HEALTH? IM 0 0 RE S lltl g 11 MOTHER'S MILK. IN Tin* Is., 3s., 6s. and 10». EACH. fiTMTnnSAVORY& A S^HMA, and DIFFICULT BREATHING 8|^|W|PTPHHBBroB <X- arising from afleetions of the Respiratory Orgatu pramptly 1 gifj Hi I fw 'sj relieved and paroxysms averted by DATURA TATULA INHALATIONS, prepared as Cigar* and Cigarettes, and in the form of Tobaooo, also as pastilles and powder for burning. QRE'S 143, NEW BOND STREET, LONDON, AND OF CHEMISTS, Ac., EVERYWHERE. ii 11 nni 1 Miliw nr»iBpniiii«ifirWBraiiinwBWM^ i i' ~Y7ATILEID9 COAL AND HAY MERCHANT. St. Thomas Green and Railway Station, H. West, Has always a Large Supply of Best House, Smiths' and Steam Coals, and Finest Park Culm, which he is prepared to deliver in Town or Country at Moderate Charges. AGENT FOR THE BRAICH-Y CYMMER COLLIERIES. Marble & Monumental Works J- IE3: IR, ID, St. Martins Crescent, Haverfordwest. '0'- HEADSTONES, TO>'JJSr"\ND MONUMENTS, IN GRANITE, MARBLE, FOREST OR PORTLAND. -:0:- ALL KINDS OF ECCLESIASTICAL WORK EXECUTED FROM ANY DRAWING. Tablets, Crosses, Marble, Slate and Enamelled Chimney Pieces, &c., OF THE NEWEST STYLES. Designs Furnished Free on Applica n, and all Work Carefully and Punctually Execcuted Three Crowns, High Street, Haverfordwest. WILLIAM MORGAN Begs to announce that he has succeeded MR HENRY EVANS in his business as COAL AND CULM MERCHANT, At the Railway Station, and to respectfully solicit a continuance of the kind patronage which was for so many years bestowed upon Mr Evans. W. M.'s Coals are of excellent quality, and suitable for all purposes, aud all orders can be executed on the shortest possible notice. W M.'s Carting Arrangements are very complete, and Customers may, by arra ngement, have the Coals delivered at their own residence. Sole Agent for tlis BtfVNDU COAL & COKE COMPANY, Py!o QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION. Haverfordwest, February 25th, 1885. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. DR..J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE 24. 3 0. is of Cholera itself, we hilrer.,itnessed its THE GREAT burpriringly controlling power. SPECIFIO have never UMÙ any other form of td -a~v „ J? nvsrvTirsv ri?<ily the best, and also from a sen.'c of TTVit. J* OOLLIS BROWNE (late Tj| IiABBHCB A, DTSEwTBRr. duty ttp ovrc to tlie profession r.nil the 11 I Army Medical Stafi) I^I.v JL#' GENERAL ROAKDof HRAIJTH, public, a* we are of opinion that the ^tTOVEREI) a REMEBY to denote London, RE PGR 1 that it AC1S a» a substitution of any othtr tiiKn C».s which he coined the word CHLORO- CHARM., one doso p^ner^llj Urownc's isndcliheratc brpnchof f;i tn BYHR Dr. Browne ia the SOLE Dr. GIBBON, Arnw Medical Stoff.Ca- 0n the part of thechewi.«t topre*srSbex -INVENTOR, and, as the composition cutta, states: SDOSESCUMtli^j.all,j j-n.tir-.ia r.liko.-M'e iiru, _r, faith- of ChloTOdyne cannot -possibly be dis- LY CURED ME of DIARRHCEA. fulh-vour.«. SYMI'.S .t Ci).. Miwfarg nf covered by Analysis (organic substances From STMBS & Co., Pharmaceutical t/,e ~p)mrm. Society of <1 rent Britain. Hit defying elimination), and since the for- Chemists, Simla. Jan. 5, 1880. T.xctXlencj/i the Viceroy's Chrmtrts. mniahas nererbeen published, it isevi- To J. T. Davexport, London. -r~>.u T nnVfr" TSPWKu 'o dent that any statement to the effecu DeaII SiR.-We congratulate you upon f SBP £ y om?«vvVV i- i that a compound is identical with Dr. the widespread reputation aus justly- *-f CHLOKJ J Y N a 1J.Vs — Browne's Chlorodyne must befalse. esteemed medicine hasearnedfor itself V-JUSD* I-S"R» This Caution is necessary, as many ali over the East. As a remedy of LVLKT Kl^D,- fj1;,1;n" persons deceive purchasers by false general utility, we much question JTvTr1.1.5" ir.'I" representations. -grhether a better is imported, and we A'• •' 1^-— r .TTS BEOWHE' S shall be glad to hear of its andinx* ons Svem when rwT ORODYNE Vice Chan- place in every Anglo-Indian home. The T\n. J. COLLI S BEO'«KK'5 li^r Wr PAGE WOOD stated other brands, wo arc happy to sav, are CHIiOKODiT^E outs wr i^fr, rAiirt that Dr J COLLIo vow relegateu to the native basaars, short nil attack* <.•! HrOW^Ewb. UNDOUBTEDLY the f^d. judginj from -ff^PELEPBY. SfAEKS, CCI.c. r»TM%$3oHl?»OTS.Jiu3. MMTAKEV- mm. and l» VSg!"cACTlor.r.; »a»«j'taasr5srn,°-~ Sec lheTxme8^n}y^i_ Dysenfcer.v,Spr,sms,CrampfNNeuralffia, j/jUB i.MI'LAT,i)NS. t T\r. J. COLIiIS BBOWKES the Vomiting of Pregnancy, and as a 0bs»rra Trade Jfnrk Of ^i *s. 1 1 CHLORODYS15 is the TRUE general sedative, that hare ocenrred ls j>.i is PALLIATIVE in nader our personal cbsorvation dunn- « XTBTOALOIA, GOUT, OANOEK.I ♦jnnny years. In Cholcra-c Diarrncea, JX TOOTH AryHT. -R.HETTMATISM.1 and even in the tev-;bio ,l'.> v r..N 1 Ojt. ¡;i4 "$ I BAI^LECS, BA» BREASTS^ SORES AND ULCERS, | 1 The healing properties of this extraordinary Ointment are marvellous, and it will cure any Old I H Wound, Sore or Ulcer, even if of twenty years standing, and when all other means have failed. | 1 The Pills should be taken in all such cases, as they purify the blood by expelling all noxious I H humours from the system. 1 I GOUT, RHEUMATISM AND STIFF JOINTS. 1 § This invaluable Ointment exercises a more obvious control over Goat and Rheumatism H gj t]ian any other medicine. No one need remain uncured, who will in good earnest make a §5 g vigorous application of this infallible remedy—according to the printed instructions affixed to B M each pot. All settled aches and pains will likewise be banished by the same treatment, including i 1| contracted and stiff joints. ■ I PILES AND EXCORIATIONS, I II These and similar diseases of the most formidable and chronic characters have been cured || H bv fhis wonderful remedy. Ulcerations and sores which had proved themselves incurable by any gg J other known means have healed kindly under the purifying and regenerating influence of this B la Ointment. E§ 1 SKIN DISEASES, SCROFULA AND SCURVY, H J The beneficial effccts of this peerless Ointment are truly wonderful in cases of Ringworm, |j Jg Sci rvy and Scrofula, or King's Evil, and its powers are adequate to the removal of the m >st |j g inviterate Skin Disease to which the human frame is subject. || 1 DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS, STONE AND GRAVEL. | @ In any of the above com^.ints more benefit may be derived in twenty-four hours, by adopt- g 1 ing the following simple means, than could be brought about in- six months by any other £ 1 I treftment. In bad cases, if the ointment be diligently rubbed into the small Oi the b<ck, over H 1 the region of the kidneys, it will quickly penetrate and give immediate relief. Six er eight of g i the Pills should be taken nightly according to circumstances !The Ointment and Pills are sold at THOMAS HOLLOW AY'S Establishment, H 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (LATE 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON 1 also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Tots and Boxes, at is. J hi., 2.f. 9<i, 4<- fK lis 22s and 33J. each. The 2s. <)d. size contains three times the quantity of the sue; .g theV 6<t- six 5 the size sixteen the 22s. size thirty-three and the 33*. size times jg the quantity of the smaller Tots and Boxes. || Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any language. IT.B—A«vioe Gratis, at the above address, dnily, between ths hours of 31 and 4, or by letter. |j 1 i I RETAIL DEPARTMENT. I ELLIS AND COMPANY, Tea Merchants, Haverfordwest. I '0' VAfE are giving very Special Attention to the TEA TRADE, and fixiug our piofits lower that ¥» ever. Our Blends are well adapted to the water of the district, and the flavour suited to the taste of Tea. Drinkers. It would be easy to procure Teas to sell EXTREMELY LOW, buf they would not be reliable and sound. All we offer can be fully depended on as being good on their kind according to price. We begin with s. d. A Sound, Good Flavour Tea 1 4 per lb. A Stronger and Fuller Flavour do. 1 6 A really Strong Iljph Flavour do 1 8 A Wonderful TEA,—which we call our Spcciality-A combination I of Fine Teas 2 0 A Mixture of Choice Tras-(IlIdia, Ceylon, and China) 2 6 Cur Very Best Tea is simply GRAXD, being a combination of some of the Finest Teas imported 3 0 We shall be pleased to meet the wishes of buyers who prefer a distinct kind, viz., Ceylon, India, or China. SAMPLES SENT ON APPLICATION. Haverfordwest, February 1889. ELLIS & COMPANY. WILLIAM JOHN, (LATE GREEN & JOHN), WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GBOCBR i CORN, FLOUR, AND PROVISION MERCHANT, J HAVERFORDWEST. I IMPORTANT TO ALL GLASSES. -:0: Mariners' Square, Haverfordwest. -:t):- The Watch & Clock Repairing Establishment. :0: VT- N 0 0 T T Begs to inform the Inhabitants of the Town and County generally that he has REMOVED to the above Address, and hopes by strict attention to Business to merit a share of public patronage. ALL WATCHES CLEANED BY W.N. WARRANTED FOR 12 MONTHS. New Ladies' Geneva Watches from 15s upwards. Also all kinds of Gents' from los. to £ 5. TIMEPIECES AND CLOCKS FROM 3s. 6d. TO JE2. Watches Cleaned and Repaired from Is. Gd." to 6s. Clocks from Is. to 5s. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS FROM 6J. TO 3s. Gd. ALL ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TtJ. is%, A I- /t TEA & GROCERY WAREHOUSE, Upper Market Street, Haverfordwest. -:0:- EST ABLISITED OVER 50 YEARS. -:0:- GOOD STRONG TEA AT Is. 8d. PER LB. VERY FINE TEA at 2s. NONE BETTER TO BE GOT at the PRICE. One trial will prove the truth of this statement. -:0: SUGARS OF THE BEST QUALITY AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. Coffee, Fresh Roasted, Flour, Bran, Sharps. Indian Corn and Meal, Bacon, Butter, Cheese, Potatoes, WITH EVERY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE GROCERY AND PROVISION TRADES HUNTLEY AND PALMER'S CAKES AND BISCUITS. Hill St St Thomas Green, Haverfordwest. t WILLIAM REYNOLDS, Cabinetmaker, Upholsterer, Paper, hanger, Painter, Builder, Under taker, &c.. W.R. invites infection of his Stock -if Dining-oom, Drawnix-room, K.s.lroom, and othe>- Furniture Be'lrmun suites in maboj^ny, birch, pitch pitus, maple oak, fco. Cheap-and ,1 :runbedste»ds in new designs, palliasses, wool, h"ir, and xprini- mattrosse*. Tapi-Rtry and other earpetingn, matting, rnals. kamptulieon, ant! other H.J.r elotiw. Picture fratii-s at reasonable prices in black and gold, Oxford, g:t, kc. Very eh.-Mp window poles, and bross cornices Venetian window blinds, and Holland do, ptao rand -stripad' Paperhan^iofjs at very ion prices. l'ttint*, <>iU, varni«h«.<, id ass. ic. Jobbing and repairs done with di.^pntch and at low Pric; lH^COUMT E<)i; GJiEENlSH & DAWKINS HAVERFORDWEST. -:0:- GREAT SHOW NOW READY OF Toys, Fancy Goods, Christmas Tree Ornaments, &c., &:0. :o: :—. GRAND ASSORTMENT. IMMENSE VARIETY. :o: — Specialities in Bamboo Furniture at Exceptional Prices. -0:- DO NOT FAIL TO PAY AN BAULY YISIT. :0: Splendid Selection of Christmas and w Year's Cards. :0: COMMERCE 1IO USE, IIA TER J QIII) WE$< .L-¿ o¡,. Â.J Jl. &I 'JI t,J -j JOHN LL DAVIES A [; aT lOR EBR, Al RAISlli. ACCOUNTS AT, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. OFFICES: HIGH STREET HAVEHFORDWEST HAKIN MiLFORD HAVF.N Valuations made on Moderate Terms. SALES GUARANTEED IF REQUIRED; Clients Promptly settled with. NOTICE F. B. MASQN, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, TEN3Y,' BEGS to inform Owners of Property in Pembroke shire and neighbouring Countiesthat lie purpose issuing a MONTHLY LIST. Of Estates, Land, Residences, and Houses to be Sold or Let, Furnished or Unfurnished, and will bé glad to insert particulars of any large or small Properties present for Sale or to Let, free of c'uirye. Printed forms for supplying particulars of Estates* &c., with Terms of Commission, post free on applica- cion j PHIENIX OILMILLCO. LIMITED, Liverpool, MANUFACTURERS OF FEEDING STUFFS EXTENSIVELY USED S, THE LEADING PEDIGREE STOCK OWNERS. "PH(ENIX PURE" CALF MEAL Per 17/6 Cwt. Delivered at any Station. JBHL, BOROUGH OF THE TOWN AND COUNTY I OF HAVERFORDWEST. FAIRS FOR 1890. rI"HE FAIRS for 1890 will be held as follows, un I less unforeseen circumstances shall make an alteration necessary:— J NU VTIY Tuesday 1 t.1. FFd'UCARY in;. aIAKOM 1-'1' APRIL U;h MAY I- JUNE for Woo! and Stock „ 10..i, JULY „ AUGUST „ ] 2;; SEPTEMBER Saturday Tuesday G' OCTOBER (Hiring) Monday Tuesday MOVKMBKR 11; L DECEMBER THE PIG FAIRS will bo held 011 the day after the Cattle Fairs. Dealers and others attending the j Haverfordwest Fairs are hereby cautioned against the practice of Lacerating with a Knife or other Instru- ment for the pur[*>se of Marking any Animal aud NOTI' -E IS HEREBY GIVEN, under the Statute 12 and 13 Victoria, cap. 92, all persons found Lacera- ting any animal will be liable to a Penalty of FIVE ¡ POUNDS. T. J. WHITE, Mayor. Haverfordwest, November the 12th, 1889. A WONDERFUL MIDECISE JJEECFAM'3 PILLS, JgEECHAM'S PILLS JGEECHAM'S PILLS JD Are universally aln ilted to be worth a guinea n box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind rind pain in the jlomaeh, SSick Headache, -giddiness, JTulú(IS8 ano S'velliiij; aft r Meal#, Dizziness :;ud J>owsinrc9, Cold Chill#, Flus ings of He it, Loss of Appetite, Shorincesof J3re<i;h, Coaivenese, Se-.r/j and Blotch' s on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreim?, «nd ail nern us and Trembling Sensatiai;?, Sic. The first dose will pver lnf in twenty m nut^f. Lids is no fiction, for they hive done it in co :r.t- le?s case?. Every sufferer Is carne:t!y ir.vitcd to try one B:x of be?e ?;!h-, and t!:e? will he acknowledged to be WORiii A GUINEA A BOX ,YUH III A GUINEA A BOX R T f I A GUINEA, i BOX. 1'0- fem-ces of JI; ages !hey are inralui:e. N females slioi(I be Without them. There is rot a medicine !o be found equal to them for rem^vi ■> any obstruction r-r irr.»;rjt,y (',f the system." If taken eceordinj; t .j d;r.- ■. :i ns giveu wit-h each box. i ht*y will soon re*tore fern ,les of yil ages to sound and rc- bust, healin. Irns i»as been proved by tnoas-inds I who have tried thetn, ai:d foui d the Inn.-fits w'.iic': are ensured hv th^ir ii^e ;B PILLS JGEECHAM'S PILLS "PEECH.VM'S P11.1;■ _o For Stonvieh, Im])-rcd Di_u?tlm an of (he Liver, they =-< t like n^a^'e, a few cos»s vvi;l be found to work w.^der, on the imporlant organs in the human tn-jchine. i strengthen the whole tnuseular system, restore tl> long lost complexion, bring back ihe knowLd^e o! apj^rtittf, anu arou-'e into action with the rosebud of health the whrde physiral en; PI THE human fr t g These are facts testified cont viu-illy bv members v all classes of society,-and one of the best sintrantr-* the Nervous nn-l l)i'!>il<t«ted is, B K ijSt.'H A M PILLy hare the Lanjcat Sale of any Patent jjedirin in. the world. JG'eCHAM'S MAGIC COUGH I'li/LS JGEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. EiiCHAM'S MAGle COUGH ITL;x A a pny for Coughs in general, A.h},]; B r nch flections. Hoarseness, Shortness of Br.it'>, Tightne nd Oppression of the dies', t;.ssr- pills unrivsiled. They arc the lest eve offered to Uie public, and will s;■-e-lily reumvi' tl<:>i sense of oppression and difficulty of bre'd-iiir.g v. j 'n nightly deprive the patssnt of rest. Let au) p^son give BEECiiAN.' Is COUGH PILLS a trial,and fir most vio'ent cough wiil in a short time be remcv.-d. Prepared only, and S11 Wholesale and R.-tvl b- the Proprietor, THOMAS BE ECU AM, St IM Lancashire, and by all Drug^wts nn.i p.tent .e. • ciae Dealers everywhere.- Tw Box: S 1: 11,1. ANi) 2s. U'. EACil Ft., f. Drsrcrxo.vs Ala; GIVSN Wirn EACH BO> ijlLLlAujK-. ui- ij.\ A!1 those j«qt:inng NBR Sw- -h-'n-J O C% Tables, Roqnisite3, or dene, vfiiiouid, before ^oing d for <23 Price List, Clntb ar.«t Cnsli1 uT.ber ^b^ im* to HUNNICr "B ^rv 29, High Strep., Bloomsbury. I^on'ion "y. CasseU & Company's Magazines. NEW VOLUMES NOW COMMENCING. The Quiver. For Sundcy and General Reading. 80 Pages. Monthlv. Price 6d. Cassell's Family Magazine. For ever -lo-sekoid. Illustrated. ].iontltly 7d. Cassell's Saturday Journal. 24 p,—<< ekly, 14 i and Monthly, 6d. Illustrated. Illustrated Serials now ( ■ising. The Picturesque Mediterranean. J.. is. 6d- The Cabinet Portrait Gallery. Mom: v, is. I The Dore Gallery lilustratious >v DcmJ jloatbly, 74." 1'fce Family Pliyaician. Monthly,*6d. Prospectuses of the above pott free on appli cation. CA8SELL & COMPAST, LIWITED. Ln.dgate Hill, HEW XltliUSTT?. A TT*.T> «T!-R.TAT.H Conquosts of the Cress. Monk-* 73 CftsRelVs New Popiilsr Educator. Monthly. 3d. The World of Adventure. Monthly :d Sia??ns- Sir h. 8. Re.i, 0:- 6? G.l H Scoic Oi t. i .6 3 io i IP oil old. Uonthli,. d. Ca83ell'a Pioturosque Australasia. Mor. v. 7d. £ HE T>orA Bible. Monthly, nd.; JI.B, Wfkly, k* Cathedral#, Ao^eys, t.i.d Churohj». Mont) '-j. 7X The Peoples of the World. Mmthly, 7<X. Ilrospeltuus at aJi Book^Utrt', or pi" fret from CASSELL & COMPANY, T.IMITro, Ludv> jt H'.ll. IiOBdg^ DEW STREET, HAVEEFOIi DWEST, CUTLERY & GRINDING ESTABLISHMENT MKS. MEEK, OfcCxS to thank the public for the support accorded -^ler lite husband, aud to announce that the nusiness wilr be carried on as heretofore in all it branches. All work entrusted to her will be skii fully executed and she hopes by strict attention to all orders she may be favoured with, combined with moderate charges, to merit a continuance of public patronage. Umbrellas Re-covered and Made to Order. TOWER HILL, HAVERFORDWEST. PRICE & RUSSELL, PAINTERS, GLAZIERS, PAPER HANGERS AND GENERAL HOUSE DECORATORS, 'l"'AKE this opportunity of thanking their friend J. and the public generally for the support the have received in the above branches of their Trade f several years past, and also to state that they continue to execute every description of work at the mo ft Moderate Charges, in the newest, style and finish, by .vhieh 1.hey confidently hope to merit a continuance "f public patronage. 'sfSince the decease of Mr. Price oar Stock of Paper liana inLrs has been thoroughly overhauled and sorted ref.dy for Sale. In order to ch-nr oat there will be a li^!rAT.REDUCTION IN PRICES, and the uui.jio WIll have an opportuuiny of Sfcuriny rare bar' gains in PAPER HANGINGS, &c. A Large AfB sortment of PAPER always in Stock. GLAZIN(? HI all its Branches. LK VD LIGHTS, j&c., for Churches or Chapels, WINDOWS MADE TO ORDER. i. i:i a::c Coloured GLASS at the Lowest Remu" nerative Price J WHITTINGTON LIFE ASSURANCE COMTAN-Y. (Satablighed 1855.) 5S. Moorg-ate Street, London. LIFE ASSURANCE. LOANS. REVERSIONS. „ J ALFBEn T. BOWSKR, Manaelrie Director AgeDte Wanted. WILLIAM H. PERRATT, Secfet^rr UH&Hlfif HOI? Dealers send for Maker's nnSiUVvMllk £ igc- G. CHESTER, St. Jnde'a ■ ■■OitaB— Passage, BIRMINGHAM. HFPATDNF The Tonic Cure for Liver complaints. Bot- 'l*-« « «jy ties, Ig. lid. 4 3s. M. ench. of all Chemists, and wholesale, W. EDWARPS FT Soy, 157, Queen Victoria Street. Londoa. ew Illustrated Price List, trte COlq-CER TIIq A on application. CAMrESLL & Co., UG, Trongate, G1»sg:>w, JiBtlVTNa BAHBS F° MJU^fllNESIN ° B st Ouality, India Rubber and Canvas, fiO feet X 4j iScbes, endless, 6.5s.; ditto, CO feet X 5 inciies, 758. Cas)1 with order. Carriafre paid. Kvcvy lielt miaratitct'd to r> «r -n-ell and be of the best qqitfctjr. R. A LIKTEIt & CO., Machine Band Manufacturers, DUH3LEY. London Office 73A. QCKKS VICTOBTA STilE1M'. B.C. fTNION LINE FOR THE SOUTH A FBI- CAN FIELDS. The Ri>yal Mail and Intennediata Bt<-an)!'i-i> sail ;r-"ii Snnthamiiton evny Frulny. tor forts, ralliuir at Lis-l.t* Madeira, an. Caai.ry irlaiuls. AM'iy to tho USICIS STF.AM SHIP CO.. LIMITKII. RVH* «»ad, Soutiiamptoa. atwl Si'iitl) Afi'jc;ii House, M t,» HII srrvm. London- WELKLY jjESVIOxi from LONDON T TTTT1 GOLD FIELDS of SOUTH AFRICA. For Information atpfv to the Maragers, DONAID CURBIE & CO.. H. SAVAGE'S ROBBER STAMPS 'W 33. CiJEAVS il) E, JOMXjN, E.C. ONEY LENT PliiYATELY. £ 10 to j £ 2.f«m advanced by a private L-ent)e,n!an to resjuinsiblepersons 8t It. few liouvs- IJotice hn note of hand alone, at reasonable interest. Easy repavmcnts. Capital cm remain if required. No publicity. Distance no object. Sirtctest jirivacy. To start in business, furnish your house, to jiay yonr debts or rent, or pay out an execution. So genuine application ever relr.s <! Ar.i iy p-rsonally, or write to actual lender, A. FJSUER, IP. 1' > SC[' Li Cf LONDON^ B.C. COLLECTIONS OF VEGETABLE SF Arranged to produoe a continuous supply < Vegetables all the year round, for Garden? 58^ 7s. 6d., 12*. 6d., 15s., 21s, 43a., & 10 WEBBS' BOXES OF FLORAL GrMS, Containing Seeds of Beautiful Floorers, easy oi Culti- vation, for the Gardens of ladies and amateurs. 2S. 6d., 58.. 7s. 6d., 10S. GTL, "5a., & 21s. each. All Vegetable and Flncer Seeds Delivered Free. Illustrated Catalogue, Is. Abridged Edition, Gratis. IL IRON BUILDINGS Mission Halls, Class and School Rooms, Cricket and Lawn Tennis Pavilions, Shooting Boxes, arm Bulled frig's &c Roofing, new and second-hand. Estimates and 'ALL PARTICULARS FREK ON APPLICATION- TO THE LONDON IRON BUILDING COMPANY. BATTERSEA PAltK BTATIOK, L. B. 4 6. C, R^, LO\pO?i. B.w. £ lsTIHEL7 SOLUBLE and E£! FARINACE IIW^ F0O FOR INFANTS AND INVAL „ k V YV Rich in B1 Price l;G<k 2 6 and Bone- Per Bottle. ^0^^ forming Elemen F0r: EE «■ A'T-'HSi REARING ur -iiAHD-FED CHILDREHi MD THE P.E3[:VAT!0N OF INFAKT UFE. A sample sent post free on application to 3. MELLIN. Marlboro' Works. Peckham. S.E. ki L L N. t ,r-, ON BWX»nT08^HOOKWG^ New and rt..)rd-banG Ciiurc"izr. "nd Ten.! I, C C in 1HBBRQWS WOttK.S. Rrirtori Station, LrnOai. B.W. [Wf FIELD'S HOUSEHOLD FOLDING CHAIR8| xc.t StSASU COi!i2'OJv^P?.teut). Each chair stamped. Sold by all Furi-isnurt, L'; fclT ISSIST OX HAVIXO TSU. flMLS/U *VoiiK ■TO-i; Mn:i:i)v-ha.ic. L ABEEDEEN GRANITE MONUMENTS XA- from enrriage iwid. iDBcriptions »ccurst.e and beMCttttli rlajf Knd Prices from J. w. LEGGK, Sculptor, ABBRDBKlir. ESrJVJSUtBriSS 1833. p. X^CN:ESX:U« £ boo«; Contractors to Her Majesty's Governmenti ItUNUJIsL now, XOA'DO V, £ LTVERPOOZS Manufacturers and OlilGlNAL Patentee* of • HOOFING FELTS, HAIH., FOUNDATION. & SHEATHING F5TLTS A Liberal Oisc.ount allowed to tlso Tra.dc, » «-* Pa.rticala.rs troa by Post. f'"1' J'- f'i, ITS \$LOISETTB'S System Of great «.d- BS? ip || W vantage to a strong memory; incalco. lliiaikfB V ■ ■ lableaidtoaweakone."—Dr. Buckley. Able to give gist of book after reading it onee.Rev. J. M. Macdonald, M.A. Its applications as numerous as the affair! of lire.Rev. J. Amos, M.A. (March, 1889). "TSasily ac- quired and very interesting."—Rev. S. Bell, M.A. (Feb. 1883). Cure of mind wandering, and increase of vocabiLilary. J. Macgrep-or, M.A. "Top in examination."—T. Tait, M.A. Lessons by Post in class at reduced fees. Prospectus Post Free. A. LOISETTE, 37, New Oxford Street, London. i ki:t £ A fy"' f t, ii. -T^ A H W. Ju. T..e I,.T.r»«:-t Stl-i ISaxt V 'j in tho City -J. ~^or ai; i r..r a!i kind.- of Pn&J, SATHiM, ?Z,UiiiJf3, Ac., in F.TJReT-. I'ttteru* sub- — niil-f tree f>>r ctitnpfmsna. w G Sii.W- Ei. Z,XVFt8 & CO., Prosmistars, 1!, 7, r. ». Jd:.1 2 & 3. H ii: m v;i! SL„ Lmnlon. K.O. VtXRTiOW'f* MAGNETIC OUlHIVB {• J> ATPLIANCES. Ijuliet and Genu'i Bi ItsJor Rbeun;atisin. Lviahkfo. WMltneM, and NervouitiPig. PkinpbSet post fr»* c iP.LOW A CO ■ 4i3. West Strtnrt. London. K>tabii»hedSX. Ok 1 BS LARGE PKOFI'II 3 l!J B i 1 wFm Ke often quick'y *i 11 ty-ibese larourite 6.<>cl[ ;1 — S S tl W K Exch»nj« oiwratioa* 9 Kon-l-.Hitjiity (iften, f Safe »nd rcli»ble. Fnlt details in i xi>ian:jLorr book,s« Bl gratis aad post frte. Address, O. EVANS ,t Co., Stocft> hrofct-r*. 6rc8hnin goww. T.o»dmr, K.C. KfoMiyhcd i«w. 1 J Y3! ,Kin? ScTt'n ce?eS»ratb4 S S Ail Whalebone Corsets. The Mary S Aadcrspn, in flno White or Ecru (X>nr,iT€ S f V* rrirt#. J3*- arid Urn firMte. ia t\po Black ■ price ir»». D«L» ndvertiped in thm 2 SI I e t<»any A<hirc*s ou rcceipt vjf Postal S Vv i prdc,r t0 3-i' V<rcy Street, Kaui bono Pince, tho p^rfpctinn < f fit. OPES^S"PLASTIES, a safe and sure cure for C.mghs. Astijnia, B.onchtUr. or..11 < >±rnutu tuml Patent Medicine Dealers. /RILLINGHAM'S ARTIFICIAL L^-c.S, ARMS, V?T gnd INSTIU'" ILLUSIJ-aliotis free.. CIIAHII ROKKOMET 4 FOLD SCREENS, I VLU MViii.>.IWj t'ir.ng Cn., Pnulron ie Fvldr MORPHY'S WALNUT P.l^TADP. A Txi-mpb Qolden, Light Brown, Dark Brova. and Black. Ttv ;-ot, 1 C aad a^ OEPHY'S ORIENTAL LEPILATOKY 1TX POWDER»BI8T««MK and ey'VctriaUv lag the lips, hands, and cb.ctV • .ed h»ri .1-^ care. l/- per p»cla*. JHK-'I- STOW or H«r liwosr MORPHT UNION LINE-FOB SOUTH AFRICAN COIO rpEE tnaoN &s. co.-» MAXL PACKET- I SOTTTKAI»PTOS ever>- altwrna'c yri-la- Ports, calling at Lithon and Matlpira. u- Appl; to tlie Union Steam Ship Oompsnr. jti- V. amptoc or 11. Leaden halt Strfci- J.ondon One ji ttl' i mHAMKSN.j J I; X a. CO U»4er niT:-«v > k. For Training r Marine. The v y.-v in. R N.; the •' j '■ giriT to the !'••• *> v ?l* graphical Soci^ry, Trinitv House, PefitnsuJar *>? Coini^iDitta. Torma,S5 Pa;•» r. Be*n«1 «cr» t»<J ttculara. apply to W y ■< B.C., or to Capt. J. Tl 4, ■* fltt^yiih *;•.