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S, Buildsr and Contractor, > 1 rv, llf J L J* 0 R P, H A V E »f £ l WT jS Sv "%? AH CI* S £ il.]& L M¥l% IIIFSFJ-HAyilN, [, £:. J!. .1 .tt k'" Auctioneer, "VsTusr, s-iid. eenerai Commission Agent Tl-se uromnt Ffttlemen of al claims, and the most punctual al' r.tion to the interest of those who may nv—.r J. V. with tlr support may be implicitly re- 3if! on. 3 „ Record Hand Forritnre. &a.. BongU and S-ld; Lv lJpud. Strictest p.iVAcy !f'i..n nrt. Gentlemen's "W.iv^roVs. pnrchnsed in strict coatidenc .cl. NT loel.ures to Young Men on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND "ATTY MAKE I AG ES.—"W hen marry, witu 3(1 vice to those who contemplate-marriage, pointing cut errtain impediments which render married n.e ci'lii'.ppv, and directions for :c» speedy removal. SboisW he rend bv ail who vul onlth, strength, and manhood, nnd Wish to iittnin ipliy- oH aff °S" ree on tivo Address. Secretary, stiblte oi Anatomy, Biriniiv am. Vt EiiVOUs" AND PHYSICAL DEBTLITY- 1\ Gentleman, hRvîr; tried in vain every p.fivertiffd remenv, best a pimple means of self-cure. He will be happy to forward the iiart-cnUi" lo any Fufferer on recMp< of » stamped and i; p C t f-$envelope, — Add r<-«s Ms J. T. SBWELL, Bro( kY; London. K>'1 A i. s V. l s:o K,TNV'S GOUT & KM F.U MA'I H.- L1-S I: {>re May bo obt.v.i e« of Ne fry aod s "Vv ard Soss and # Cbcanstsj n boxa>. V. V.-i.. 4; Gil., and IU. I'» <rse lor cue ,v, 1.k.Iv t y FK/tui W Stbri-j Xi. ;->{.S />-•, I '-■•Vo-i K'1-"1* .or.tioM^ iN j )ILLGUS auU Livt-r OumpSiHut.3, Indigestion, Sick I") Headache, Loss of Apj'Rtite, »">«<»««« Gi-iitineeft, S;p»5tBf, and ail Di<">rde.r» <>i the Su<um.b and Bow el?, &>« qoiekly amoved by ilmt well i reme.'v bli AMP'l'ON'S PiLL Ob HEALTH. Thf-v uruL. the recommend!,lion of a mud operation wi-h :]:(1 moct hn«swMtnl dlrct; and where an if! j. cquired .-or' U:U e:u l.e heller Rrtspted. 'bohi by all Medici no Veadors, price Is U'i. aad 2. t) i. per box. ONE BOX OF" CLARKE'S 84, RL18 tp. t.') cnrefi-li diScl»«rfreS from rhn Urinary Orpap«, H BPX <acquired or constitutional), Gravei, and, t aiua Gnaranteoil freo from Mercury. Sol.l 4_ .I -nr>. i,v all Cbrmists and Patent Mftflicme Vi^-lors th-oii"ont' tb'> V.'orl: OT nefit to ar.y RfUirce!' tor K,lty ^P«CjtheMakcr8,Tn8 \]ouli'n¡r., »*co CoMWJfT, "UNION BAKIv •• AUSTRALIA Lin) 1 e'.l. z'' Paid up Capital. £ i|?r''00 Reserve Fund £ &1(-°00 £ 2.o'H>.?00 Pie serve Liability of P ietors 3,000,000 TV.il Cardtil and "Reserve Funds ..£5,316.500 LETTEil- OF CREDIT and BILLS on DEMAND or i<- Thirty Days' M^ht, are granted on the bank s P,ranches thronVhout Australia and ISew Zealand.. BILLS ON THE COLONIES are negotiated and sent for collection. £ • ])EPOSITS are received for uxtd p.nods, terms which may be a;certainetl on fluplic¡Üion. W 11 MEVv PJURN, Manager. Han Buildings Loth bury, E.C., 1% if ONVY LENT by n Pi;iVrAri'E GENTLE A l^N M WITHOUT LOAN OFFICE ROUTINili, FROM £ 10 to £ 500 UPON NOPE HAND To LAI)IKS, GESTLEHKN. Farmers, and Irakis generally. Also upon the security of Furniture, plant, stock, share,, jewel, and plate in town or country, without removal, and to assist persons into business also on deeds and life policies at .0 per cent from 1 to 10 years, without delay or public inquiries-^ppl) Personally, or write to the lender, HENRY MILNE!;v, ESQ, 17. Wellington Square, King's "Road, London, S.W. N.B. Strict secrecy observed. MONEY L1¡;:wr ,VITHOUT SURETIES. hv the CHARIN G-CROSS DEPOSIT BANK (Beqd.), T 28,Bedford-Street, Strand, London. Capital £ 150,000, Reserve fund £ 50,000 Loans of £ 20, to £ 2,000 granted at a few-hours notice in town or country, male or female, on personal security, mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, crops, &c., without removal, and to assist persons into business. Also on deeds, policies and reversions, at 5 per cent, for one month to 14 years. Distance no object. Easy repayments Strictly private. Call or write. Intendim-borrowers in London or country may rest assured if they cannot obtain an advance at this olu-1 etablislied (1870) Advance Bank they cannot obtain one anywhere. Responsible borrowers may n.v upon no publicity whatever. Deposits of £ 10 and upwards received at the following interest; Subject to one menth's notice of withdrawal, 6 per cent. Subject to two months' notice withdrawal, PLr Subject to three months' notice of withdrawal, 8 per cunt. Deposits received for fixed periods according to ar- rangements. Interest paid monthly or quarterly, or year!y' A. WlIJ.IATv'S, 2vlri:r_l< i. ACCIDENTS ALL THE YEAR ROUND. j PROVIDE AGAINST TilKII BY POLICY OF THE 11 AIL WAY PASSE S' ASSUHANCE COMPANY- 64, CORN HILL, LONDON. Hon. EVELYN ASHLEY Giairman Annual Income £248,000 Invested Capital and Ilcserve Fund £ 275,000 COMPENSATION PAID FOR 120,000 ACCIDENTS £ 2,500,000. MODKltATE PREMIUMS—FAVOmA]jLE CONDITIONS Xli iV (JO.XC2SS10XS. Prompt and Liberal Settlement of Claims WEST-END OFFICE 8, GRAND HOTEL BUILDINGS, W.C., HEAD OFFICE :-6,1, CORNHILL, LONDON, E-C WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary t GRATIS.—Sent by Post to all parts of the World on receipt of Two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITIVE CURE FOR DEBILITIES and Derangements of the Generative and Ner- vous System, Nervous Debility and Exhaustion, the Itesult of Over-Taxed Energies is GIVEN IN THE THE BOOK OF "POSITIVE REMEDIES." This Book gives a POSITIVE REMEDY lot all DISEASES. The Names of ail Medicines are given in English. Cases and Testimonials, with means used in each case. It is a Guide to the Self treatment ( of all Diseases, and should be Consulted by all who require medical treatment. Noticc.-The Positive Medicines given in the book of Positive Rome- dies are the Medicines used by DR. SMITH for over Thirty Years. By the aid of this Book In- valids may form a correct knowledge of their mal- adv, and find P. Positive Remedy for the Cure. The Baines are published in English, to enable Invalids to Select the Remedy and Cure Themselves without consulting a Medical Man, making a Written State- ment of Case, or paying Consultation Fees. Send two Stamps for the Book of "Positive H<meclies, ,ir which contains 244 pages, and gives a Cure for all Diseases. Post free on receipt of Two Stamps, direct from. H. SMITH & Co., Positive Remedy Laboratory, 26 Southampton Row, London, W.C. Marvellous Remedy fir Coughs, Cold HoarecnesB, Astluna, Bronchitis, Consumption tad all Chest Affections. PEOTOBINE. .JJ: .L JL\i! J. 1. {Sold by "■<■ CL'.mi:s, in bottles, at IN qd, 2S 9<1 S (h ,p,rI 1 I s ench. son hv the proprietor. upon receipt, of f-t^mpr. J5-2T*. j. 8TON ICIIOUSE, Ss^b'.viour's Vicarage jNoUintjnam. August 1874. DrxAK Ri!—I «eu> >i Iron civ rccommond your i'cct r,r.e a'- invaluable COli; Remedy. I have given nair trial in my OWII family, ami have also snppue it to per&n.'s saiiariiu; from Cooffli in my pans!), ¡..nu in everv mataccc h nas ^iven iiamodiaie relief. In some ftBMiii. alter passing sfleepleas nights, one or two dosce 0 Pcotorine liav^ had Mich a jiood effect that per- soils b&ve pot a gorr „islu's rest ».nd the Cough has ■ oeeoiivclisuppeareii. Jlr A. HOLfK, St. AnnV Squire, .Manchester, nay.- > '"T ''cctorine ;« -'m.JM- t to any Medicino I ever ir:ert lor Coi'^ns or ECTOLIINT. •»<•••» the worst I ones of Coughs &nd | t Ohi- c.irt'n ixouvsenass PEC-TORIXE aivos iiiuijed;ate rciic! in nronciiitis PECTOIUHE the (>e-,t*nc;iie:e lor Asthma PKCTORINE cures \Vuoolllug Cougb ?ECTORl-<E v. ill cure a iron'o.!esoiuo tickling Couiin, PL.CTORXNE i» liivaluahie in the Karly bt.igc-sof Con- iz!; Ui ptio1! .?ECTORINE rciieveo all Afi'ec^on tl the CbcH Lu;;»s, snd Ttsrc-a;. £ 's- £ pRK'5*cioxsiy 1 ySMlTIi CLAREF. r.Tr.nolact riug ClitJi-oistB, Fo-jTIc S tr oet, ieoin. *v* -Vice v,-tian»;eil.ir Sir O. H..i s da perpeaia j ■■cb.Hicnon, with cos' agu.ost tuar:, Ctiemis toll erhani,for usiug tne woi Jt'ocsS. it.' i bold bv S'. W, C ;.fcr. ,>IV; L'i'ltifcSquu: I H6ToMi>rUw»s;. WILLIAM JOHN, (LATE GREEN & JOlIN), WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCER CORN, FLOUR, AND PROVISION MERCHANT, I HAVERFORDWEST. .v. r— — n ItI.- mn ■rTr-r nuiwiwi i umiimwi n~~i —*e"* IL AS SUPPLIED TO V )5m¥I] lit & ||J Th« ROYAL NURSERIES, and cont,,mD8- SlTfi Tiie HirrHEST AMOUNT of NOURISHMENT i# JrV'7 Tlie M0ST ^ESTIELE & COITVEKIENT FORM. iwTr ^Th M0ST SUBSTITUTE FORHEALTHV m U Y K C. JOTHER-S MIUC. IN Tm* IS., as.. U. and 10s. EACH. r0r^0 —- — A¥tLtS& A and DIFFICULT BREATHING i ?»' arising from affections of the Respiratory Organs promptly relieved and paroxysms averted by DATURA TATUEA j -j INHALATIONS, prepared as Cigars and Cigarettes, and in the *>form of Tobacco, also as pastilles aad powder for burning. m M o QRETS m> NEW Boro STEEET- mhdoh. i? AND OF CHEMISTS, &C., EVERYWHERE. ytiizxzsicBRH mm iiniiiimin in in imm nn iinni m»iim iih imi i >iiiip^rT«gTMnnfrwnirTwi»TnTi- -nrrr ii~ViV^7 'i.i.i~i J. A. REID, COAL AND HAY MERCHANT, St. Thomas Green and Railway Station, H. West) Has always a Large Supply of Best House, Smiths' and Steam Coals, and j Finest Park Culm, which he is prepared to deliver in Town or Country at Moderate Charges. O AGENT FOR THE BRAICII-Y ■CYMMEE COLLIERIES. Marble & Monuni ental Works j -:0: cr„ T-I:O, St. Martins Crescent, Haverfordwest. '0:- HEADSTONES, TOMBS AND MONUMENTS, IN GRANITE, MARBLE, FOREST OR PORTLAND. -:0:- ALL KINDS OF ECCLESIASTICAL WORK EXECUTED FROM ANY DRAWING. Tablets, Crosses, Marble, Slate and Enamelled Chimney Pieces, &c., OF THE NEWEST STYLES. Designs Furnished Freejon Applica n, and all Work Carefully and Punctually Excccuted Three Crowns, High Street, Haverfordwest. :0: j WILLIAM MORGAN Begs to announce that he has succeeded MB HENRY EVANS in his business as COAL AND CULM MERCHANT,! At the Railway Station, and to respectfully solicit a continuance of the kind patronage which was for so many years bestowed upon Mr Evans. W. 1\1,'s Coals are of excellent quality, and suitable for all purposes, and all orders can be executed on the shortest possible notice. W. M.'s Carting Arrangements are very complete, and Customers may, by arrangement, have the Coals delivered at their own residence. Sole Agent for the T3RYNDU COAL & COKE COMPANY, Pyle. QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION. Haverfordwest, February 2.5th, 1885, FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. DR..J. COLLIS BROWNE'S IpfBIIppjil CHLORODYNE K ffa| S '*> N'r \/is& I C IS of Uholera itself, we have witnessed its 53 A' -x-S -wVilds THE GREAT surprisingly controlling power. M > SPECIFIC We have never used auy other form of I § CHOLERA, ^mT&nwSonthat PtT^il 'XkR- J- cOLLIS BROWNE (late "1^1 A RE, II ca A, DYSENTERY. ^rn'oOTtotk1p?ot^?s^S n^I the >' K 5 Army Medical Staff) DIS- jjf GENERAL JiOAHDof HE A LTH, t)U|r,1ie as we are of onmion that the COVERED a REMEDY to denote London, REPORT that it ACTS a» a institution of any other than Ollis ■which he coined the word CHLOEO- CHARM, oue dose generally Kutheient. -RVowrr's is a deli berate hreaehof fa tH .DYNE. Dr. Browne is the SOLE Dr. GIBBON, Army Medical Staff. Cal- tlie'partof tiiecliemist topri-senlier INVENTOR, aad, as the composition catta, states: "2D0SESC0MPL1-:TE- natient alike.—We are, Sir, faith- of Chlorodyne cannot possibly be dis- LY CURED ME of DIARRHCEA. fallv vours. SYMES .t CO., Mnnhcrs >\f covered by Analysis (organic substances From SYMES & Co., Pharmaceutical the rharm.'Society nf GrnU Hritnin, His defying elimination), and since the for- Chemists, Simla. Jan. 5, 1880. Exaihncv thii_ Viceroys tV/ewi'-vM. niula has never been published, it is evi- To J.T. DAVKSPORT, London. tFvxT'n nr t t <z TITIQWUE'S dent that any statement to the eftact Deak Sia.-We conffratulate you upon S |R- J- COLLI S JJiiu that a compound is identical with Dr. the widespread reputation this justly- JL/ CHLOKODi ,v f Browne's Chlorodj'iio must be false. esteemed medicine has earned for itseli J1?1? n ri vr \ll> 'u'v-i" « rP. This Caution is necessary, as many all orer the East. As a remedy of MblU ^LVUWr?iini'7 IlKAD- persons deceive purchasers by false general utility, we much question i iviim'n 'thp rcr- representations. -whether a better is imported, aiul we At HL, ana JN iirOKA^ >y- TTViT? T POLLIS BEOWNE'S shall be glad to hear of its tindintr a ^ous sj.stem wlien x' I » C KTORO I) YN if Vice Chan- place inevery Anglo-Indian home. The X\R. J. COLLIS EBOWHB'S wllor Kr^PPAGE WOOD state" other brands, we are happy to say, are JJ cHLoHODYXK rapally cuts 3, L pA„Tt that, Dr I COLLIS now relegated to the native bazaars. su»rt all aH:.CKs ot SbOWNEwm UNDOUBTEDLY the and, judging from their sa e, we tancy „prj^p:c-, SPASKS, COLIC, fl^ORof CHLORO^ t their PALT'ITATIOIf, HSTSTSRIA. the wnole stoiy of tne d and'he infinitum of the extraordinary etfiw„cy Ty^o^i'ANT CAU'lt^N — ••••» man was /^Jiberatelyof DH. COXililS BBOWlIE' £ | f?^Vl F m ihit r \!K')i CHLORODYNE in Diarrhoea and v VfNi: ■> fete y W-icV^ Dysentery,_Spasms.Cramps,Neuralgia, TlODS IMITATIONS. 11.* carrfn to 1 fc-R.. J- COLLIS BllOw A » tne omitmK ot Pregnancy, xwid as a r,h«pnc Tn.ii^ 7'i4- Of t;i t nr i,r JLP CEp?TTDmVEh 6 general sedative, that have: occurred ia. ^9.i.a,ui 4s. Cvi. PAIiLIAriVK in under our personal observation (livin>- "IkTBUK.ALGIA, GOUT, CA^CEE, •many years. In Choleraic Diarrhtsa, .jOCm 1 ani1 kac'Tn: r, TOOTHACHE.RHEU.'HATIS?>t.l and'even in the more terri'» form.T.T.DAVK?*PO)tT.i.fjt. llus-i l!Si;. IN !iBAJ> LEGS, BAD BREASTS, OLD GORES AND ULCERS. 1 The herding properties of this extraordinary Ointment are marvellous, and it will cure any Old || Wound, Sore or Ulcer, even if of twenty years standing, and when all other means have failed. If The Fills should be taken in all such cases, as they purify the blood by expelling all noxious g| humours from the system. Q GOUT, RHEUMATISM AND STIFF JOINTS. 1 Tliis invaluable Ointment exercises a more obvious control over Gout and Rheumatism it than any other medicine. No one need remain uncured, who will in good earnest make a H vigorous application of this infallible remedy—according to the printed instructions affixed to B each pot. All settled aches and pains will likewise be banished by the same treatment, including B contracted and stiff joints. B PILES AND EXCORIATIONS. 8 These and similar diseases of the most formidable and chronic characters have been cured B by this wonderful remedy. Ulcerations and sores which had proved themselves incurable by any fl other known means have healed kindly under the purifying and regenerating influence of this B Ointment. B SKIN DISEASES, SCROFULA AND SCURVY. | The beneficial cffects of this peerless Ointment are truly wonderful in cases of Ringworm, B I Scurvy and Scrofula, or King's Evil, and its powers are adequate to the removai of the most if inveterate Skin Disease to which the human frame is subject. | I. Tliis invaluable Ointment exercises a more obvious control over Gout and Rheumatism it than any other medicine. No one need remain uncured, who will in good earnest make a H vigorous application of this infallible remedy—according to the printed instructions affixed to B each pot. All settled aches and pains will likewise be banished by the same treatment, including B contracted and stiff joints. B J PILES AND EXCORIATIONS. 8 These and similar diseases of the most formidable and chronic characters have been cured B by this wonderful remedy. Ulcerations and sores which had proved themselves incurable by any fl other known means have healed kindly under the purifying and regenerating influence of this B Ointment. B SKIN DISEASES, SCROFULA AND SCURVY. | The beneficial cffects of this peerless Ointment are truly wonderful in cases of Ringworm, B I Scurvy and Scrofula, or King's Evil, and its powers are adequate to the removai of the most if inveterate Skin Disease to which the human frame is subject. | | DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS, STONE AND GRAVEL. I H In any of the above complaints more benefit may be derived in twenty-four hours, by adopt- Jg H ing the following simple means, than could be brought about in six months by any other B i§ treatment. In bad cases, if the ointment be diligently rubbed into the small of the back, over B | the region of the kidneys, it will quickly penetrate and yive immediate relief. Six or eight of M j the Piiis should be taken nightly according to circumstances. J9 m The Ointment and Pills are sold at THOMAS I1o;o\YAY's Establishment, B 1 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (LATE 533, OXFORD STREET), .LONDON FFL E also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Pots and Boxes, at u. Ii,d., 2S. 9d., 4.1. Gel., |f || 1 is., 22J., and each. The 2s. ad. tize contains three times the quantity of the smallest size; || g| the 4s. 6d. size six the Hi. si/e sixteen the 22s. size thirty-thiec and the 33J. size fifty-two times if H the quantity of the smaller Pots and Boxes. B B Full 1-rinted directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any language. B B N.B—Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. B I IMPORTANT TO ALL CLASSES. -0' I Mariners' Square, Haverfordwest. fo -:0:- The Watch & Clock Repairing Establishment. W- ITOOTT Begs to inform the Inhabitant s of the Town and County generally that he has RKMOVED to the above Address, and hopes by strict attention to Business to merit a share of public patronage. ALL WATCHES CLEANED BY W.N. WARRANTED FOR 12 MONTHS. New Ladies' Geneva Watches from 15s tip wards. Also all kinds of Gents' from 15s. to £ 5. TIMEPIECES AND CLOCKS FROM 3s. Gd. TO £ 2. Watches Cleaned and Repaired from Is. Gd. to 6s. Clocks from Is. to 5s. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALT. SIGHTS FROM Cd. TO 3s. Gd. ALL ORDERS FROM TIIE COUNTRY PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. "Tlo"MA'S7 S j TEA & GROCERY WAREHOUSE, Upper Market Street, Haverfordwest. -:0:- ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS. -:0:- GOOD STRONG TEA AT Is. 8d. PER LB. VERY FINE TEA at 2s. NONE BETTER TO BE GOT at the PRICE. One trial will prove the truth of this statement. -:0:- SUGARS OF THE BEST QUALITY AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. Coffee, Fresh Roasted, Flour, Bran Sharps, Indian Corn and Meal, Bacon, Butter, Cheese, Potatoes, WITH EVERY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE GIWCER); AND PROVISION TRADES. HUNTLEY AND PALMER'S CAKES AND BISCUITS. Hill St; St. Thomas Green, Haverfordwest. WILLIAM REYNOLDS, Cabinetmaker, Upliolsterer, Paper, hanger, Painter, Builder, Under taker, &c. W.R. invites inspection of his Stock of Dining-xoom, Drawing-room, Bedroom, and other Furniture Bedroom suites in mahogany, birch, pitch pine, maple oak, &c. Cheap and good ironbcdsteads in new designs, palliasses, wool, hair, and sprinsr mattresses. Tapestry and other carpetings, matting, mats, kamptulicon, and other floor cloths. Picture frames at reasonable prices in black and gold, Oxford, gilt, &c. Very cheap window poles, and brass cornices Venetian window blinds, and Holland do, plain and striped' Paperhangings at very low prices. Paints, oils, varnishes, glass, &c. Jobbing and repairs done with despatch and at low Prices DISCOUNT FOR CASH. G- i .A- -B- BOOKSELLING, STATIONERY, MUSIC AND FANCY WAREHOUSES, 6, and 7, Market Street, Haverfordivest. j -:0: For Pianofortes and Harmoniums Gro to Brigstocke's For American Organs and Cabinettos. Go to Brigstocke's For Accordians and Concertinas. Go to Brigstocke's For Yiolins, Banjos and Flutes. Go to Brigstocke's For Sheet Music, Tutors, &c. Go to Brigstocke's For Books, in Great Yariety Go to Brigstocke's For Fancy Goods, Suitable for Presents. Go to Brigstocke's For the Best Circulating Library in the County Go to Brigstocke's For Water, Oil Colours, Brushes, &c. Go to Brigstocke's For prompt and regular delivery of Magazines and Peri- odicals Go to Brigstocke's For Bookbinding, Engraving and Die-sinking. Go to Brigstocke's For Stamping Paper and Envelopes with Monogram, Address, or Crest die Go to Brigstocke's I For Stamping Leather Goods in Gold, with Name or 0 Initials.Go to Brigstocke's u I SPUING NOVELTIES 1888. GREENISH &1)AWKISS HAVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR FIRST DELIVERIES OF NEW GOODS T PRESENT SEASON, And are prepared with full ranges of the Newest Productions I in all Departments. — :o: New Effects and Combinations in French Robes (single Dresses only.) -:0:- Special Novelties in Plain and Fancy Woollens -for Dresses and Costumes. -:0:- COTTON FABRICS of the most varied and .attractive description. -:0:- FLANNELETTES for Tennis and Seaside Dresses. o: JACKETS, MANTLES AND DOLMANS IN SILK AND CLOTH :0:- Braided Stoekingnette Jackets from 4s. lid. each. — o MILLINERY, FLOWERS, FEATHER MOUNTS, &c. • :0:- Dress and Mantle Making under entirely new Management. Every branch of Tailoring and Gentleman's Outfitting. A splendid selection of Scotch and other Tweeds. Engaged Patterns' -J 11 7_. 1. 1 ,]I' 't d The favor of a call 'is p•artiexdar-bj solicited. This Establishment Closes on Thursdays at 2 o'clock. GREENISH & DAWK INS, 24, 25, 26, Market Street, Havorforilve s C JOHN LL. DAVIES AVCTIOXEER. Ar ABUSES ACCOUNTANT, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. OFFICES: HIGH STREET HAVERFORDWEST I HAKIN MILFOllD HAVEN Valuations made on Moderate Terms. I SALES GUARANTEED IF REQUIRED Clients Promptly settled rcith. PIANOFORTES. HAVING commenced business as a Pianoforte Tnnerand Repairer, I beg tosolicitthe favour of your esteemed Patronage. Having been for seven years in the employ of Messrs. John Broadwood and Sons, also, Collard and Coll ard, and Chappels, & Co., of London, you may confidently rely on the ex- cellence of any work entrusted to my care, coupled with moderation in charges. Orders received at Mr. Ellis Jones, 15, High Street, Haverfordwest. lr\ aiimonial from the Lady Catherine Allen, W.odfield, Avyust 18th, 188-1. Mr MeKenzie has thoroughly repaired a Pianoforte for me, and has given complete satisfaction. He has tuned it well also. CATHEKJNE ALLEN, P.S.—As I am often in the Town and Country round, those who require my services, will oblige by writing to me. W. McKENZIE. 2 South Parade, Tenby, NOTICE F. B. MASON, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, BEGS to inform Owners of Property in Pembroke shire and neighbouring Countiestiiat he purpose issuing a MONTHLY LIST, Of Estates, Land, Residences, and Houses to be Sold or Let, Furnished or "Unfurnished, and will- be glad to insert particulars of any large or small Properties present for Sale or to Let, free of chargc. Printed forms for supplying particulars of Estate. &c., with Terms of Commission, post free on applica- cion I BOROUGH OF THE TOWN AND COUNTY OF HAVERFORDWEST.g FAIRS FOR 1888. ——— ff^HE FAIRS for 1888 will be held as follows, un- JL less unforeseen circumstances shall make an alteration necessary:— JANUARY Tuesday 10th FEBRUARY „ 14 th MARCH „ 20th APRIL „ 10th MAY 15th JUNE for Wool and Stock 12th JULY „ 10th AUGUST „ 14th SEPTEMBER Thursday 6th Tuesday ISth OCTOBER (Hiring) Flidav 5th Tuesdav 16th NOVEMBER 131 h DECEMBER rith THE PIG FAIRS will be held on the day after the Cattle Fairs. Dealers and others attending the Haverfordwest Fairs are hereby cautioned against the practice of Lacerating with a Knife or other Instru- ment for the purpose of Marking anv Animal; and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, under the Statute 12 and 13 Victoria, cap. 92, all persons found Lacera- ting anv animal will be liable to a Penalty of FIVE POUN DS. T. RULE OWEN, Mayor. Haverfordwest, November the 20th, 18S7. I WONDERFUL MEDICI E JJEECHAM'S PILLS, BEECHAM'S PILLS jgEECHAM'S TILLS Are universally admitted to be worlii a guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and pain in the stomach, Sid, Headache, (iiddiues, Fulness and Swelling after Meals. Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss «>t Appetite Shortness of Breath, Coslivtness, Scurvy and Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c. The fir.-t dose will give relief in twenty minutes, This is no fiction, for they have done it it; countless cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be w ORTII A GUINEA A BOX. "TORTH A GUINEA A BOX. t ""Vl^ORT'tT A <n;l: A r'r''X' Fur females of all ages they arc invaluable. No females should be without them. 'ihvie is not medicine to be found equal to them for n moving any obstruction or irregularity of the If taken j according to the directions given with each, box, they will soon resiote females of ail ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which are ensured by their use. are ensured by their use. jgEECHAM'S PILLS. IrŒCHAjl'S PILLS. I JD J^EECHAM'S PILLS. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, aud all Disorders of the Liver, they net. like wabic, ami a few doses will be found to work wonders ou the most I important organs in the human machine. They f utreivfchen the wholo muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, bring hack the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the rosebud of health the whole physical energy of the humae frame. These are FACTS testified continually by members of all classes of society, and one of the best guarantes to the Nervous and Debilitated is, BEECHAMS' PILLS have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the World. B EECHAINI'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. "j^EECHAM'S MAGIC COUGK -i.- jjEECHASTS MAGIC co: ■ I ) As t in, ;;elll Bronchial Affections, Hoarseness, I Breath. Tightness and Oppression of the chest, &c.. the.- vills^tand unrivalled. They are the best c oib r«il' to the public, and will upeedily remove tin.: Stns„ "t oppression and difficulty of breathing which r.i"ht!v deprive the patient, of rest. Let any person "ive BEECHAM'C OOUGH PILLS a trial, ai;d the Tnost violent cough will i.i a short time be reniov ■ I lf)\pared only, and Sold Wholesale and P,t £ .a"! hv the Proprietor, THOMAS REECHAM, Helens, J Lancashire, and by all Druggists ami l'»t 'nt Medicine Dealers everywhere. j ■ tx Eoxus Is. i id. AM) 2s 71' yd. KAfcV.. P"* FuLL'PHiKCIlQSai AUK 0IY walt SUCH L.O.S. [A CARD.] DAVID EVANS, M.R.C.V.S.L., VETERINARY SURGEON, OT,I) BRIDGE HOUSE, HAVERFORDWEST. MRS. BAILLIEU, REGISTRY OFFICE FOR SERVANTS 10. GROVE PLACE, ST. THOMAS GREEN HAVERFORDWEST. ST, MARTIN S PLACE. RAVERFORDWEST Near lbe Mariners' Square. WILLIAM ROBERTS, CAE PEN i Kr:, JOINER AND GEN EH AL CONi TRACTOR, FUNERAL FURNISHER, P AIXTER, PAPER-HANGER, GLAZIEP, f JOEL'S to inform the inhabitants of Haverfordwest 13 and the Public generally, that lie has com- menced Business at the above address, and hopes by s'rict attention ami moderate charges to merit a share of public patronage, 0 EsniiATj-.s Given hH, ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS. T OISETTE'S System of Memory Trainingil the ONLY < one by which the Natural Memory can be improved until no Devico is needed. Mr. PEOCTOR, author of Old & New Astronomy," and of Astronomy hi ihe Encyclopedia Brit., eays '■ PSOF. LOISETTE'S Method ■ BJ*F, ai'pcars to rae admirable." Prospectus, llJf jft jjiti, w containing .minions of pupils who have i> £ PASSED EXAMINATIONS, and of members of the Medical, Scholastic, Clerical, etc., professions, gjast fre3 from Professor L0ISETTE, 37, -new OXFORD STREET, LONDOH, NOTICE,—A NBW AND Pbumanwjtly EXLIKGW SERIES OF The Quiver,/0' Is commenced with the First Part of the New Volume (bemg the l^ovember Part), the price remaining the same as heretofore, tiZ., SIXPENCS Monthly. The quantity oi letterpress wi. be inoreasod from 64 to 80 pages per month, and the Magazine will in addition be printed on papMr of superior quality specially manufactured for the pcrposc, in New Type selected for its clear and legible character. Th" Noyember Part contains a Beautiful Picture from an Original Painting ly M. L. GOW, hanisomrtji reproduced in Colours. CASSKLL A, Com CANT, Limited; and all Booksellers. THE HOLBOBN QILK MABI. • The JUiireeat Silit Mart >0 in the City of London, and the CHEAPEST for all, kinds e,t SILKS, SATINS? TELTCTS, PLT/SZ1EIS, &c ia EVROPIE, PatteraB sub* mitted vnsttree fnr compr.rison SAMUEL LIS WIS & CO., Proprietors. 11, 7, 3. &9. Hoi b.irn Bars, and 2 & 3, Furniva, St.. London. W.C. DARLOW'S MAGNETIC CURATIVJS APPiiLACS- Ladies' and Gent.'s Beltsfor Xlbetinmtism# LnmbAgo, weakness, and Ncrvousuesi. P.HTLphlet Dost fr^ DARLOw & CO., 443, West Straod, K'tabiiehed 21 NATIONAL PROVIDENT INSTITUTION FOR MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE. Founded IR35. Funds, £ 4,800,WO, Claims Paid, £ 7,000,000, Profits Declared, £ 4,000,08ft ESBOWKBKX ASSUSA^CBS on very tavourable terms. Econoiciral A'ana.cement. Liberal Conditions. Large Boagoft 48, GRACKCHUECH STREET, E.C., LOSTDOH. AGENTS WANTED WHERE SOT REPRBSKNTBD. .hiSt BartholD3aow»a Xlluctrated Guide to Kte TlrtUk and otiier Eatns. 'vj,j. *».«>»« BarthaJoraev^'s Medical Leciuro on the Camtir* Action o: trie Turfeisii and otlier Eath. Delirtred be- fore tlie LcarneC .S.icii U! WestiuinsU!" Hall, J.ondon. Price M. Sent poM, ircc from his t'5I:tl.jisl"lIen," In Brisiol, Bltth. Btr. mingham, Msnrh.'ster, WTorr.i'!pi-, aj.d l,oicoster Square. London, PHffiNlX OILMILL CO. LIMITED, LIVBEPOO t, Manufacturers of Feeding Stuffs extensively used by the leading Pedigree Stock Owners. f« A T IP' phcenix viIJjlU PURE cwt. i //0 [ HIE EAL I f Delivered at any Station. '1T''T"' I L!NSEED CAKE i COTTON CAKE rpiIAMES NAUTICAL TRAINING COLLEGE, B H.JI.S. •' Worcesier," Groenhithe. K»nt. Usdf r tlio dir -cc Patronasri; of HKR MAJESTV THE QUESW. For Training Toung Gentlemen r" become Officers in Mercantile Marine. The Queen gives annually a Gold C«det»hiji in 1LN.; the Admiralty uivc LOJnHllb5JO:" in R.N.It. ApjiointmentB gU't-n to the Ilooghly Pilot Service. I'riies are piven hy the Geo- graphical Society, Meteorological Department, Elder Brethren of Trinity House, Peninaulsr anil Oriental, and other large Shipping Companies. Terms, 55 and (Hi ctuicoas, which in-hides School Books, Paper, Best and Stcond Cniform,&f. For LViwpt-ctua.witb full par- lici'.lars, apply to W. M. ill' LL1VANT, K?I., 72, Mart Lane, London, or to Capt. J. HEXnEiLSON SMITH, on hoard. The Ship i» Er.t^.j with all th. rf.r '» <1rr»;-p;«i<« I'i.iege. [ttf BBAlNaWOBKEES S-VluS™ for" IENCS Y1(;);:I<:(: r-r niP Farts, Features and History of the great "OKS StOPS nefonwlthn of English Shorthand. Post frea, lid.—ScitifT I'l'OXQORAI'HY Co" 4i3. St. Vincent St., Glasgow. COILN.. CRUSH Y-ÕUH OATS !SAVEYOURCORN. V The JiSAU.^iHT ii UNT °, MILL, prMa i'i* carriacro rnid. sent on Month's trial. Crashes 0:\15. Beans, Indian Corn, Barley, (tc. Srnd for iistb of th-,51 Cliaff Cutters, cat. Breaicors, makers— A. L33TEH. ^-R. CD.. DUTSLFJ* ENGLAND T ivarpocl ."■'rivato Coam jrclal Kotei- 7, Liv JU btrec:, Kind's Cross. Mc^t Conveniently situated for visitors. Penny trails to nil l<\r:rt. Wa-ft. HADE SOILING WATER. E P P S S GKArEFUI,—COMFORTING. ddwb YLADI;' ';VI-LE BOILTNG MILK. COCOA rtIADE WITH BOILING MILK. "^irsicjf r.-r"?-r5?."aUT7Ta. AFRICAK GULD FIELDS. h AFT IIE I S.S. Co.'s IIAI- sai. THE UNION S.S.CO.'S SIAIL PACKETS sau from SOCTHAMPTOX every alteniatira Thursday, leaving Plymouth the next <1:»' for S,.nth Afrit-in Ports, ratlin*; at Lisbon a:d Madeira. Apply to the Dnini S:eam Ship Company, Oriental l'l.ice, Siiuth.uni-um; or Jl. Le:.(!enhai! Street, London. w ■ J|P^Ov C Vvv O SPEOAUY A ^STQANDS^ SPECIALLY SUITABLEFOR" »S. SHlRT FRONTS, COUGHS. 1 j {sTIFFri;f»lL. A I A QT III After Experimenting for H 8 LHO I 1 7e;lrs- a perfect and dvu-atole miH "r" _for srindniK wheat, barlej, incize. *c., into flnc meal ny Korco. or orber power. Price from 57s. 6d. Patented all over the world. Send for lists of these-Chaff ( utters, QK-C R1 enkers. \-c.. I o t. A. LTSTJtTt & Co.. Dnt<dey. T.ivorpool. friyate Coxiicercjo.l HetoJ, 7, Lirerjmol Ptrecr. Kind's e'1'o^.s. >roi>t jcoevf iii'-ntlv sitit"ed for cocntrr Tutors. Penny >.rn;i)B t»«i! varts. *?. t- srsif? ENTIRELY SOLUBLE aad NOT FAPJNACEOUSi MELLIN'8 FOOD FOR IHF.4HTS AND INVALIDS. T» VV Rich in Blood Price 1/6 & 216 w rn«tv>^ <mK „ and Bone- Per Jiottle. forming Elements. FOR THE HEALTHFUL REARING Or HAND-FED CHILDREN, AND THE PRESERVATION OF INFAHT LIFE. A sample sent post free on application to CL MELLIN. Marlboro' Works, Peckham. S.E. iviag-^incs for Every Home. d TV C, J e.Hjand General llk«Ciug, uo'v KXI.AltGBD 0.» V ji i«A<CIN.K. Monthly, 74. "I 1 Price M. 1,:ach Part contain* M .I- more'l'Jittrti', «n<l more Pages than before. TITK ACJA/ > ii OF AttT. Monthly, Is. TH WOMAN'S WolfW). JfontUi.v, la. C'A^l 1 a 1 I> \y JuT'ON *L, KNLARGKD and ILLUa- TP ATKD. wcclilv. Id.; Mor.tmj", rr<- T,1- f 1w" ohr«in»t1 or '1! ■ •: V v:,= fr-; :;n" ■ .t'.v • £ by these favourite 8tocio B x c, h n p e oper&tioni & w son-iMWlity system, it details ii. explanatory boolc, *«a| A.jMTK, <•- t Co., Stoo*, K.'tthUsl.oo "Wl. 'A.acR'e c'CTSBFB'^a a "v. The VtjiSm '+ ili.r »M» or Kcru OititC gfW| the Xr«ne, in fie* iliac* H Y £ IV M., as aavm'»ea *tj ;"h% SA lT\ f A oi. receipt KOP blR'S -"V hf> it- dun enre etirft for <*V.v- ■- -ad .Jin >t ,n 1'a'.3ntJ\lic, J -»»• "• .^r~. 4 f