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*?y < Builder and Contractor, 1 tv, M I L Jr 0 R b II 1 V E ■JAMBS 7AUOESlf, HASH, MILFORB-iLdVEN, Auctioneer, "Valuer, and Genera] Commission Asrent The prompt. R<.ttlem in of al claims, r,nd the most punctual attention to the interest of tbt)se who may avour J. V. with their support may he mplieitly re- lied on. Second Hand Furniture, &c., Bonght and Sold; Large Quantity always on hfiid. Strictest privacy relied on. Gentlemen's Wardrobe. purchased in itrict confidenc DR. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND HAPPY MARRIAGES.-When TOu marry, with advice to tbo"f who contemplate marriage, pointing out certnin impediment vtVch re ider married life unhappy, and dircctit ns for their spfedy removal. Should be reid by ai; who valve health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a happy old age.— Post free on receipt of two stamps. Address, Secre- tary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. LYERYOUS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY- -i:- A Gentleman, having tried in vain every adver- tised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self- j ewe. He will be happy 'to forward the particulars 110 any sutferer on receipt of a stamp and directed en- velope.—Address Mr J. T. Sewell, Brook Villa, Hammersmith, London! ESTABLISHED ]835 STEEL'S GOUI & RHEUMATIC PILLS. The kj only cure. May be obtained of Newbury and SONS, Barclay and Sons, and of all Chemists in boxes Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 48. 6d., and lis. Postice for one EXTRA stamp. Prepared only by Frank \V. Steel, M. Ph.S. 288, Liverpool Road, London. N. BILIOUS and Liver Complaints, indigestion, bick headache, Loss of Appetite, Drowsiness Giddiness, Spasms, and all Disorders of the Stnnnch, Giddiness, Spasms, and all Disorders of the Stnnnch, and Bow els, are quickly remove 1 by that w;rffDiown I remedy FRAMPXON'S PILL OF HEALTH. fu V11'1* recommendation of a mild operation n the most successful effect; and where fin a^e- nentM required nothing can be better adapted. ¡ q, y Medicine Vendors, price Is. ijcl. and »d. per box. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S 841 PillS fai aiLhsr V5 rurfl *11 discharges from the Urinary Organs, bitH«n.„vX ^H^ired or coantituticraal), Gravel, and Taint to <M .v.' C^n&rante8d free from Maroury. Sold in Boies, Diroi.-St O' Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendor* «t*»nt5r £ ? World; or sent to any ar'JrPSsB for sixty Maker b, Ts;» Lih"ol» ai»d wd CodittjM _Qlt*AJtT» Lincoln. »>■» Vjpic" WiON BANL \TJSTRALlA Limited. Paid up Capital -t £ 1,500,000' Reserve Fund £ 816.500 £2,316,500 Reserve Liability of P ietors 3,000,000 Total Capital and Reserve Funds £ 5,316.500 LETTERS OF CREDIT and BILLS on DEMAND or at Thirty Days' sight, are granted on the hank's Branches throughout Australia' and New Zealand. BILLS ON THE COLONIES are negotiated and sent for collection. DEPOSITS are received for fixed periods, on terms which may be ascertained on application. W. R. MEWBURN, Manager. Van Buildings Lothbnry, E.C., OnIsYLFKT bv a PRIVATE GENTLEMAN WITHOUT LOAN OFFICE ROUTINE, M WITHOUT LOAN OFFICE ROUTINE, FROM £ 10 to £500 UPON NOTE OF HAND. 1'0 LADIES, Gentlemen, Farmers, and Traders generally. Also upon the security of Furniture, plant, fann- ing stock, sha.ref, jewels, and plate in town or county, without removal, and to assist persons into business, also on deeds and life politics at 5 per cent from 1 to 10 years, without delay or public illqutrics-Apply personally, or write to the lender, HENRY MILKER, E:5Q, 17, Wellington Square, King's Road, London, S.W., N.B.—Strict secrecy observed. MONEY LENT WITHOUT SECURITIES by the CHARING-G'ROSS DEPOSIT BANK (Regd.), 28, Bedford-Street, Strand, London. Capital £ 150,000. Reserve fund £ 50.000 Loans of £ 20, to £ 20,000 er.u)tod Ht a few hours notice in town or county, male or female, en personal security, mortgage ot furniture, trade and fnr/u stock, plant, crops, &c., -ilbout removal, and to assist per. ons into business. Also on deeds, policies and rever- sions, at 5 per cent, for one month to 14 yeniv. Dis- tance no object. Easy repayments. Stricdyprivaf. Call or wrire. Intending borrowers in London or country may rest assured if tLey cannot. obtain an advance at tliis old established (1870) Advance Bant they can- not obtain one anywiicre. P^espon?ible borrowers may rely on no publicity whatever. Doposiis of £ 10 and upwardB received at the following interest; Subject to one month's notic e of withdrawal G per cent. Subject to two months' notice withdrawal, 6 per cent. Subject to three months' notice of withdrawal, 8 per cent. rl Deposits received for fixed periods according to or- yengements. Interest paid monthly or quarterly, or rly. A. WILLIAMS, Manager. I Home & Abroad ^CIDENTS OF ALL KINDS -jT -y INSURED AGAINST BY THE A"AY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE 4 r? O ;v1 r* A N y. CORN HILL, LONDON. Bm. ■Evi'-f,rv asi1my Ckmrm*. £ 2^,000 SENSATION ALREADY PAID v r{.' £ 2,600.000. f\T8 PREMIUMS—FAVOURABLE CONDITION,J Nfc-t.- i Coll w__3>r<> «pt and Liberal Settlement ot CIain:a „ WKSI.E} «. Office b,- Gbanp Hoin. Buildings, W.C., Ornet.64, CORNHILL, LONDON, E.C —V William J. Yian, Secretivry f^JSITIVE CURE FOll DEBILITIES m.d V. '^wWiasenJents of the Generative and Nervous ,t«>ervon3 Debility and Exhaustbn, fOrer-^ajced Energies, is GI\ EN IN THE < OF 'POSITIVE REMEDIES. This pv«- » POSITIVE REMEP. for all C^&ES.. ihs ■Names of nil mediants are «i ven lisb. Cases and Testimonials, w.ih means i each cnac It is tM Guide t-o the SCLL-ti eot- all QiSi«es, aad' jiiauld be Consulted by 0'1 tirjfsii#k«tt^a»eHt. Notice.—lhe t osi- iciafes givea in ttie Uonk of positive Ivet^.e- USOU »>y Db. Smith tor ver of this Bcok' invnlvl? u»l>y d. jyi iiowledge ot th^>ufu.j,dy, and find a -fertfic 'rh»' ivj.i'ub- ufii, to wliftwtw jnr»inis-»os!' ,,».>iM* Cure .themselves without cowti^i « | \) j, m.slxinp a written ttaieineriL oi O'- ) sO#" sullation Fees. Send twofctamps forftne of Positive Remedies which contains 244 uv dcives a Cure ft>r all Diseases, l'cst free oipt of Two Stamps, direct from lITMvJ^ Co., Positive Remedy Laboratory, 26 £ ?#hampton Row, London, W-C. #arvellcu8 Remedy fir Coughs, Cold Lenees, AetSma, Bronchitis, Consumption 11 Cheat Affections. ECTORINE.) d by ati Chemists, in bottles, at- 1* ljd, 2* 9d 1 and ) Is each. othythe proprietors noon recclpt of stamp', A Rev. J. STONEHOUSE. St-Saviour's Viearag«|. KoUincuam.. August 1874. SiR»—"I 003 strpngly rccomcaend your F'ict Is ao invaluable Cougb K'smedy. I have given ■itnalin ay own family, and'liavo alvo supplie eersons suttsring from Cough in my parish, and in /.nstauceit has given immediate relief. In soma >t after pissing slteplesa nighu, one or two dosec a m i^ectonne havf liuch a good eifect that per- s LEVO got a goer flight's i est loud UusCuugh bp f. KOLFK, St. Ann's Square, Mitrieh^Hfr< 7 | h lour l'ectcriss if fupe?- a»y Mai^ioolj e Mer tried for Oougn* or CoUl#. Tfa'lUJSE nte.B the worst forms of w'" j CRINE cures notwswiesB 'VCRUiB gives iipfDenVaVo relief Bror.cnui* I .« Ue best tuedicine id AstliHsa cure^ Whoopiutf Goagh -•:» ItjJClME will eow.a trottbtofeo'dao tickling i isinvaluftble in the Early stages ot ijjKiptiOQ u in JXjijrine roUfcves ali Atftct;oK *t the M J,togs, and Throat.¡, > «donly 7>y SMITH CLARKE Manufa t ring Chetaiste, Park Street, icoln. ChaneeHor Sir C. Ual ;f. at'C » on, -with costs, agi-ast M uor., •am,for using tbe wo?^>ifa3S.v '8-' by T. M. Vhx'llvi. Cb8rt»si;iCt«tlcSqT»' tttWMt. IBRIGSTOCKE'S BOOKSELLING, STATIONERY, MUSIC AND FANCY WAREHOUSES, I 6, and 7, Market Street, Haverfordwest. l :o: 'For Pianofortes and Harmoniums Go to Brigstocke's For American Organs and Cabinettos Go to Brigstocke's For Accordians and Concertinas. Go to Brigstocke's For Violins, Banjos and Flutes. Go to Brigstocke's For Sheet Music, Tutors, &c.Go to Brigstocke's For Books, in Great Variety.Go to Brigstocke's Fcr Fancy Goods, Suitable for Presents. Go to Brigstocke's y 1-11 For the Best Circulating Library in the County Go to Brigstocke's I For Water, Oil Colours, Brushes, &c. Go to Brigstocke's For prompt and regular delivery of Magazines and Peri- iP 0 odicals Go to For Bookbinding, Engraving and Die-sinking Go to Brigstocke's For Stamping Paper and Envelopes with Monogram, 1 11 Í"<' Î1- J.- Address, or Crest die uo xo ^rigsiocKe s For Stamping Leather Goods in Gold, with '<ame or Initials Go to Brigstocke's AS SUPPLIED TO fa rSAVORY&fnlRSl The ROYAL NURSERIES, and containIng J 13 81 • 1 • 1 The HIGHEST AMOUNT of NOURISHMENT i» The MOST DIGESTIBLE & CONVENIENT FORM. mlSnflJ Th<^ MOST PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR HEALTHS j M U Q RE S ll^lflnlK MOTHER'S MILK. IN Tins Is., 2s., 5s. and 10s. EACH. iTCTCTHFl SAVQRY& ASTHMA, and DIFFICULT BREATHING j P*VW*lfYnNS arising Irom aSections of the Respiratory Organs promptly B W 8|l |b relieved and paroxysms averted by DATURA TATULA INHALATIONS, prepared as Cigars and Cigarettes, and in the 0/jw^i form of Tobacco, also as pastilles and powder for borning. nSfrlSIlMOORE'S 143, NEW B0ND STREET'10ND0N' HLBMS^I, AND OF CREMSTS, &c.f EVERYWHERE. —grnamwiiiii iimbmii■■■■»■»—inwwTimin tttitii J. A. REID, COAL AND HAY MERCHANT, St. Thomas Green and Railway Station, H. West, Has always u Largo Supply of Best House, Smiths' and Steam Coals, and Finest Park Culm, which he is prepared to deliver in Town or Country at Moderate Charges. AGENT FOB THE BEAICH-Y CYMMEE COLLIERIES. 114 Marble & Monumental Works, -:0:- J- IEE !A7V\A. IR, 3D, I St. Martins Crescent, Hayerfordwest. HEADSTONES, TOlvCB^ANI) MONUMENTS, IN GRANITE, MARBLE, FOREST Oil PORTLAND. -:0:- ALL KINDS OF ECCLESIASTICAL WORK EXECUTED FROM ANY DRAWING. Tablets, Crosses, Marble, Slate and Enamelled Chimney Pieces, &c., OV THE NEWEST STVI,rt. Designs Furnished Free on Applica n, and all Yvork Carefully and Punctually Execcuted Three Crowns, High Street, Haverfordwest. :0: WILLIAM0 MORGAN Begs to announce that he has succeeded Mn HENRY EVANS in his business as ICO A'Ti ANT) NUT-M MF.TJ.FLTT ANT. '7 At the R?Vl«'»y Station, to respectfully solicit a continuance of the kind patronage which was for so many Vstowed upon Mr Evans. W. M.'s Coals are of excellent quality, and suitable for all purposes, and all orders can be executed on the shortest possible notice. » W. M.'s Carting Arrangements are very complete, and Customers may, by arrangement, have the Coals delivered »t obeii own residencn. Sole Agent for the BBVNDU COAL & COKE COMPANY, Pvle QUOTATIONS ON APPH CATION. Haverfordwest, February 25th, 1885. ,r I FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, 3BONCHIiriS. DR.. J. C0L11S BROWNE'S IREBHH^ICQLPB'QDY-N'I ]g TBS «AT fc^r?8^iyoontMfrlaVeT'ne'1S'dit<! g SP5&tid U''Vuvfany other form of 2 y CHOLEKA, from a tirm conyictkjn that itVr^dcJ;- TT|X. J. COLLI 8 ESOWKS flfttefTlIARBHfflA, DYSENTBBY. ». ainoiro'u a *en»e or til Army Medical Staff* T>iS-! B 9 GEN KRAI. BOAHDol UKAt.TH. protes»iou and tUe ^COVERED a KEMEDY to dob-ts! London.REPORT tliat- it ACl'S w.-» ft" -which he coined the yroraCHI>01i.O- j CHARjSC.one dose generally?ufficient, ••gTOVne'<toadrh*Ie^^?.^f nf fV ♦* -which he coined the yroraCHI>01i.O- j CHARjSC.one dose generally?uiffcient, ••gTOVne'<toadrh*Ie^^?.^f nf fV ♦* ;K4r' Bjowne is ?he wiA«««»v £ INVENTOR, and. e.* the composition apOSfcSCOMJM.,1*. tt!Mi .uikc.Vea««nki; of Udorodyne cannot possitwr be dis-, IlED alls, of DUBKHUiA. fnlk von' fe i'Mivja ,l CO. 1/ err.'red?>rAsaly*is(organic*owtanc<w MiWm- '8txks 4 Co* Pharmaceutical f/,p f.ocUtu of /,■{* dcfyu^-fiimiuation), and sincdahofor- -.■» Chemists. Simia. Jan. i, 18St>. SMfUenen the Vicerou's Chtmista Riiilahasntv-V.Benpnblished.ifcisfjV]- jv.T.<r. Vayespori-, Iioi.don, -— .•/i. tbat any st»i.cTWJ.t to tWeffect 0rXH Rut. —We cOngrnrula.e von upon! I \&. J. CCL:;1.81-.J1 ivQ\V fT!E s r -fti«Ma compound !■« lfWutifM wijt Dr. theMdespread reputation this jnsUy, JJ* CULOlvOu i-E a Bane's ChloioOvuL mtwi bejahf. ^teemednicdicinc hasea, :-d for itself dicine .trhicli .»«»■«» I'A IN 0f Ihia Caution ra necessr-n-, w inany. gjl-ov^ thrt East. A* a remedy of EVERY KIN7s.^(:a'!ri' «*e- pereons deceive pnrcliasers, iry t-.nB'wi- utility, we ir.neh question freshing i!t™ V ■ ''l:AU- Ii representations. V •.uHr «• itnj> "-mso, md wt> AOHE, and IN"\IbO.'tA I KS tiie Ilov. \R. J. COZiIiIS BROWLTK'r AHA^LSBE HW <>i its liiidinp a vou*y«t.omW)«;n J CHLORODYNB. — Vice Chad*} -iWo- ^lahome. T>« T>r. j. CCLLIS Ba».\VNiv-a collar Sir W. PAGE WOOD ftatprf otJWStm^s, wt- arn hi- P,» :■r, are C'HLUKODYNV. :fvru.!i» rnU V publicly in Court that Dt. J. COLLIS 'feteyittd to the ;a^ive baz; abort all attsc! of BROWNE was UNDOUBTEDLY lhe and. MwBg'from their^saie, we tracy ~,TrpSY r1'A.S V*. INVENTOUof CHLORODYNE, that their ^^nthere will be but evancx- •«,, the whole »>tory of the defendant F/e(j- v cont. WejeSuld rnnitiply instanced «i:;AJ on. «. i,, a,i man was deliberatoly untrue, anJ he II?ORX ,1 NT CAU'XU. :i -1 regretted to *ay it had Visep sworn to.— o. DR. BB OWMI. I nnl fc. LB ot t lun K » B&oe_TheJ £ ime*, July 13th, 1W. at CHLOF.OD^'NRi in J,irivrh«i4 a?c ^ven t0 {„Rny U.Okr:V R. J. COLLI a BKOV/NK'a., U-e^Vomrtmc^prwn^nw ajjS ^al ^)liS .CHLOKODYNE is thu TRU25! ,«lati?' th^hava' XiU obscije Iro.ie <■ *» '■ PALLIATIVS in Is. xid.. 2s. 9,1.. an. "l^rETJRALGIA. GOUT. CifsTCEK.; °R^: TCM,R^ W M^VTRNR.. • IOOTHAOHK.RHEUTiIATISM.I and e*n in t,h.> iro'v; Urrihlo f.-nml.T.T.DAVENI>OR.Y.< ;V:> iBAI^S^^> OLD AND ULCERS. J The healing properties of 'his extraordinary Ointment. ,are marvellous, and. it will cure any Old H Wound, Sore or Ulcer, even if of twenty years standing, and whea all other means have failed. I' The Pills should be taken ;n all such cases, as they purify the Dlood by expelling alf noxious W humours from the system. a GOUT, RHEUMATISM AND STIFF JOINTS. 1 This invaluable pir.tment exercises a more obvious control over Gout ar:1. Rheumatism H than any other jr/dieiue. No one need ren.rdn uncurec!, who will in go'.1 earnest make a ■ vigorous application of this infallible remedy—according, to the printed aistructions affixed to Bj each pot. All settled aches and pains will likewise beirujshed by the jaine. treatment, including R coi'.ti acted anc'stiff Quints. •. H | PILES AND EXC^OR.rkTIONS, 1 B Tlic-i'.and similarvlis^scs of the most fc^intc'-ihle jyid'gebronic characters have been cured I I by ihu». AOiiderful remedy. Ulcerntions and sorer which 4iad 'jjftived themselves incurable by any I J otter Vnown means, have healed kindiy under the purifying "nd regenerating influence of this I I Oiufioeat. B I SI%^ DISEASES, SCROFULA AND SCURVY. § a The beneficfel effects of this peeress Ointpieift we. truly wonderful in cases of Ringworm, ■ H Scrrvy and Scrofulo, or King's Evil, 'o,id its powers are adequate to the removal of the m ;it H -inviiterate Skin Disease to which the hu.nan frame M subject. S I DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS, STONE AND C SL, g B In any of the ?bove complain, more beiie'it may be derived in twenty-jauv. ho iopt- | » ing the following .simple mea: .■>, than could be brought about in six ihonib „ ..nlver r"S | trei tment. In bad.c?»"< f 'V be diligentij* rubbed into the small thVl-A^V'er & 1 the region of thg k}<h ill quickly penetrate and give immcdiitc relief v'-v pfc A Sj the Fills should be takes according to circum-tsnccs. •& The Ointni^r ]Jil!s are sold at Thomas HoU-ijavay's. K b; tfnt I 78, KBW OXH)iin- hTRKKT, (I.ATE 533, OXl<\)KD STHF-LT^; IJ&s'iyr.X; >lso by nearly every rtspec'able ,Vti;dor of Medicine, in i'o;; rnd bows, at Zs. r\t \V'L'' iC III, 2HS.. and 33r.cach. <fj. tize contains thrtc the quanuiv ,f the ^liWesV'sizeT ft c\s. 6tl s'e is the ll.r. ?j?f;ecn tbe 33* sfo; !.birty-ilir"(\; ami ilia su.* fifty-two times M f ibe quasi'.ity of the smaller Pols at.d p FmH ftfiiUf dirccdons are. {-JfiX.-d to each lios iu;d \N>t, aan be Ua«i- iu any languag. m •vice-Otr.tl'/st tbe ^lio.V.e.&dlrcs?, tUfr-cf .1 aad or by l-jiTCr. a I RETAIL DEFARTME II ELLIS Â c Tea Mercht %A#E are giving very Special After "f ever. Our Blends are well f the taste of Tea Drinkers. It woult they would not be reliaVe and soum their kind according to price. We bel A Sound, Good Flavour Tea. A Stronger and Fuller Flavour A really Strong Rich Flavour r A WONDERFUL TEA,-wbich V of Fine Teas A Mixture of Choice Tfas—(I. Cur Very Best Tea is simply C the Finest Teas imported We shall bo pleased Lu 1d<t the India, or China. SAMPLE Haverfordw:-< February 1889. WILL (LATE WHOLESALE CORN, FLOUR, Ai HAYE1 IMPORTANT^ Mariners" Sq,, The Watch & Clod VT- S Begs to inform the Inhabitants of the Town above Address, and hopes by strict attentic ALL WATCHES CLEANED BY Neiv Ladies' Geneva TVatcltes from 158 upu TIMEPIECES AND CL( Watches Cleaned and Repaired from SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL ALL ORDERS PROM THE COUN TEA & G-ROCEI I" Upper Market AS, EST.VBLISHE I GOOD STRONG V Ji^Xir X i' i-iN la iluj. ttu anD trial will prov SUGARS OF THE BEST QUAT Coffee, Fresh. Eoastecl, Bacon, WITH EVERY OTHEK AR'u,* HUNTLEY ANm Hill St St. Tliom WILLIAM l Cabinetmaker, IJpL hanger, Painter, taker, &c- W.R. iuvites infection of his Stock of Dining-room, Dr i^eclriom suitcslh mahoptar.y, liirch, pitch pine, maple Cheap and ^vod irotfcfedsteads in new designs, Papestfy anil otjLer carpttirT^H, matting, mnls. kaUM^ P-ictin-tr fr.'iitts at jp-asonabie j>;ioen in black and y Vtry cheap V. -ndow poles, arid britss coriiices Yeiietian wvuriow bluids, and HoLlaud do, plslti Paperl)ar.fdo;>s at very low prir-.s. Paints, Oils, v^rqishes, fjltws, <^c. •lohtjiD" and repairs done wiih despatch and r t D16COU 1; V ? v.. GPDIIFIS' 1 V ,< ..<• • v. l I GREAT- I I J. Q v JL" ¡, GllAKtfv. > Specialit I I' Splendi •M >•