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IN tmE HB SOUTH AMMAN, LD FIELDS. Sailings from Southampton every f Calls made at Madeira and Tenerife. Apply to the AM SHIP Co., Ltd., Canute Rd., Southampton, MA G^ETOUSEJWTOQSJBISHOGSGATESTWITTINJLOTDOJ. MAGAZINES FOR ALL. (FEFT «6 SN2!a!cr saya :—" So much trouble is taken will •en, so much ability is at the disposal of THFC LG»JJ "^ORSI that it i'I difficult to BESTOW the praise whieh M • doserved without seeming extravagant." WLVKR. For Sunday and General Reading. 80 FagM Monthly, 6d. SELLS MAGAZINE, FOI Every Member of the FAMILY* -lonth'JF, 7d. MTTLE POLKS" MAGAZINE. Fox *11 Girls and Boy* MONTHLY, 6d. •AAABLL'Y SATURDAY JOURNAL. 24 Pages Illustrate weekly, Ill. also Monthly. 60. ^ASSELL & COMPANY, I.I.M.'TKD, Lwlgato HiU, LondW. -=- ESTABLISHED 1851. BIRKBECK BANK 2 Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. 1 °J DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS °/ 2 /O repayable on demand. /"IF 2 f O "e BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with full particulars, post FRANCIS KAVENSOROFT, Manager. I H 1\' ) 1 V.- ?•' I ^3 I <WU,S&Y CcnEEOT 112, 7-XEECUT.AP.ITIES, REMOVE ALL I. 03sxRTJCTi°sn, end relieve th-e distressing symptoms so I Prevalent with the tex. Boxes4/li & S^'9 (contains three j I TLA!CS the quantity), of all Chemists. Kent anywhere I £ J? receipt of 13 cr HI stamps, by K, RJ?. TO '.Vliil & Co., of T,I, CEUr.tt'iM Fui! P. AFTER t t' j. SOLD EVEHYWHER2, 1 'liiOl BUILDINGS & ROOFING. jlgj|¥M¥q «■> » 5^?CI!SIC{F0SIM £ »S ISFLHMRM) J>n-»!V-S' Golf, and Cricket UJI[' ifr P II FPJIONS, Coitasas, Stables. ,S«LKL JUMMI- PH-LK EVPJ!} and ~^= — BN^I- DE.JCVIPTION of Iron SWINGS. CHURCH AND SCHOOL SEATS of every SSENPTJOR, and every class of Joinery "Work. jUlARBHOW'S WORKS, S0UTH tONBSH, STFTTIOIT' LONDON, S.E. P FQ Bargains. 1500 Ma chines ,A=«^ U i ULLLLDI new and 2nd hand, from PFC%0.\ •. SO ■; accessories at half price. Agents T- .It 3 wanted. Wholesale list free, any address. & CO. Weston-super-Mare. C^LD METALS of every description purchased for ^-VASH.—H-B BABWABTI SC Sops, 144,Lambeth Walk,London. ilgL fe) SOLID METHYLATED JOUVT (TRADE mark, SPIRITINE,") for boiling TOFY, settles at home, on the river, at picnics, &E. Invaluable TAINLVT*hair tongs. Of Ironmongers, Stores, &C. If unob> GISAOLE, writeSPIBITI.VB (Ltd.), 5, Carteret St., London. S.W. WE GIVE ROR A GUINEA JPAIR SuperfineWitney Blankets, each Blanket bound pink lbs. wef.ght; Pair White Twilled Sheets, 'L\ yds. by 21 yds. belumed riaily-for use; 1 Pair White Pillow Cases, ful. size. INTONED ends; 1 White Counterpane, 3 yds. long by 2J yds. "'de, woven pattern, good design; 1 Duohesse Toilet Set. All sent Carriage Paid on receipt of P.O. O. B(H)OKFIELDS, Market 8q., STAFFORD. ESTABLISHED OVER TOO YEARS. M "COAGUUHE" The Transparent Cement, DON'T THROW AWAT an article simply becans# V. 1LAYTA £ V''IWS'TTTL it is in pieces. Keep tn» parts and send for a taot/fclo of Coaguline, with wblaa you can, in a few make a joint M STRONG*# the original material, and one which only tile •TAAEET scrutiny will detect. MENDS ALL BROKEN ARTICLES. Refuee all 8ubetitutee. fa Bottles, 6d. and 1I-. Of all Chemists 8torm 1 17. uNb L^FE^^PROVEN EFFICACY [: AN EVER READY~HOUSEHOLD REMEDY, f ) r TBOSENS PHLEGM. ALLAYS CQUGL*I [■ <• CiVES IMMEORATE RELIEF. F \lNUM CATHARTICUM'PILL5. N J FOR INDICESTiCN 4 ITS EVIUS,V_. J' SiCK-HEADACHE BILIOUS DSRANCEMENT • SSK K, AH AGREEABLE APERIENT- J KAYS TIC PILLS- •> L CURE FACEACHE & NEURALGIA^ > I <• Refuse sussr/rarss. 0. ^SOUl'gY^ixcHEWISTS THSOUOKOUTCSEAT CStlTMH 8. Tiig 004MI PHopE^RiiieT It pays to have Good Printing, l:¡ SECURES ATTENTION AND COMMANDS RESPECT. "HERALD" PRINTING OFFICES Bridge Street, Haverfordwest. QUALITY WITH ECONOMY AND SPEED. ATTRACTIVE DISPLAY. LOW PRICES. OYELTIBS IN PAPER. LATEST DESIGNS in TYPE EWEST SHADES IN INK. ORIGINAL IDEAS. M>F«G EXPERIENCE. BEST MACHINERY. >ro matter how much Printing You may have had from us Come again, and we will give You something new. !stin'!i.a.t>es on ÄJ..3plica,1iio:n.. ^'5CS you!1 ORDERS with us. We are sui-c to pSease BOROUGH OF THE ^OWN & COUNTX OF HAVERFORDWEST -?-,I FAIRS "TOR 1901. RTHK FAIRS for 1901 will be held aa follows •* unless unforeseen circumstances shall make .RATION necessary :— JANUARY TUESDAY 8TH F/'BRUARY 12TH ^\VRCIL 19TH &PRH. nth 14th I.RR E FOR ^TCO1 AND STOCK. 11TH !VRLY 9TH ^•UUUHT 13TH EM BE II THURSDAY 6TH NR >, TUESDAY 17TH ^^XOBER (HIRING) FRIDAY 5TH \T,-„ >> TUESDAY 15TH. ^OVEMBER 12TH. DECEMBER IOTH. A^E PIG FAIRS will be held on the day aftei JJ >E Cattle Fairs. DEALERS and others attend ng the averfordwest Fairs; are hereby cautioned against th ^^CTIR-O of Lacerating with a Knife or other instru ISRVRJ '^LC' lJUFD0:-E NTARKIN^ R.ny Anitnal and A UJTIC-II IS HEREBY GIVEN, under Statute 12 tii ^RIC^°RIA, cap, 92, all Persons found Lacera- "PRFTI111- Animal will be liable to a Penalty of FIVE .t" THOMAS L, JAMES, MAYOR ^avetfordwest, November 9th, 1900. -_u Light BITTER ALE. MARCH BREWING—IN BRILLIANT CONDITION. AOWAK Per Dozen 2/6 Imperial Pints. BASS'S INDIA PALE ALE 4s per. Doz. Pints. GUINNESS'S EXTRA STOUT 3s. 6d. per Doz, Pints. George Palmer & SOML9WINE MERCHANTS, HAYERFORDWEST. Watch, Clock, and Jewellery Repairs -:0: TOM C WHITE Begs to announce that he has resumed BUSINESS at the old Address. 22, Market Street, Haverfordwest. :o: — All REPAIRS promptly attended to. DR. THOMALLAS' Hygienic Underclothing The most Cool for Summer Wear. -:0:- THE HEALTHIEST, THE BEST, THE CHEAPEST. ——————:o:—————— Double Texture="W00L AND COTTON. -:0:- I I The under texture is always dry, so that a most I comfortable dry sensation to the skin is I always experienced, and the risk of a cliill is almost entirely obviated. -:0:- Full Description, Samples and Price Lists from the Agents, GREENISH & DAW KINS HAVERFORDWEST. Established over Half a Century. -:0:- HILL STREETrHAVERFORDWEST WILLIAM H. REYNOLDS, OOMPLEZE HOUSE FURNISHER, CABINET MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, PAPER HANGER, DECORATOR, BUILDER, UNDERTAKER. ELECTRIC BELL FITTER. Largest Manufacturer in the County of Pembroke. DINING, DRAWING AND BEDROOM SUITES, BEDS AND BEDSTEADS. 1 Newest selections in every department of the FURNISHING TRADE, and all kinds and description of FURITITUE/E, RELIABLE AND DURABLE. JOBBING and REPAIRS done with despatch and at low prices.. HILL STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. I RYHBUDDIR RHAI SYDD YN PRYNU AC YN DEFNYODIO FFLWR BRAG DERBYNUNRHYW UN A ELWIR REDTIE ODDI EITHER YR UN SYDD A'R ENW AR BAPYR COCH, nlers & Bakers, Limited r' I^EIDTXB DOL IFF E BAO-K, B e u sydd ar Ticket arno— SPILLERS &. BAKERS, LTD., I REDTIE. BRISTOL. Bygwyd, y Fflwr tra adnabyddus hwn i sylw tgyntaf gan WILLIAM BAKER A'l BEIUro revste a gwneir ef eto gan SriLLERS & BAKERS, LTD., yn eu Molinau yn Byste, a chedwj fmewn stoe gan holl Siopwyr a Fwerthwyr Fflwyr blaenaf y cylch ym. Mynwch weledfodyn argraffedig ar y Papyr neiCr Ticket ygeiriau. SPILLERS & BAKERS LD., BRISTOL,NYGYSTALAREDTIE A blie-diwea Cymmery uurhyw un i .MM)- TO Ha SA.MUC-L ? ■ IF NOT, DO SO TO-DAY, AND RECEIVB, OF CHAftQEi BY RETURN, HIS ■GREAT TREASURE BOOK OF BARGAINS ■ OVER 200 MCE3. 30GO ILLUSTRATIONS. Fully th overwhelming advantages of l| 9 H. SAMUEL'S METHOD OF DIRECT SUPPLY. FREE BONUS REWARDS TO ALL PU3CHA^.33 TEM LISTS OF VUUABl* GiFTS TO SELECT FROM H STRONG SOLII> REAL SILVKR THOUSANDS OF ASTOUNDINO BARGAINS AT H CASE, FINE HORIZONTAL MOVK- J6DT U JLSJT I'RICKS NEARLY ONB-IIAI.P LRSS THAN THE B MENT, BEAUTIFULLY TIMED TNE DANGEROUS USUAL RATKS. ALL UOOD8 GUARANTEED. A ANDBEfULATRD. FILEE TRI-ALL ALLOWKD. B HNI>SAMUEL'S PRICK, Efl8Y MYMEHT I I SYSTEMS, R|flN £ £ ft*GLA8S ■ m which mean Inferior Goods P 9 at Tratlo thMr value, aud g enquiries bsfora m credit Is givet. YOU PAY ONCE ,-r4 (I-ITOTFUTED 11 RI)YAL z A-, IVF.VR. 9 FREE PRIZES l 9 lj I FOR EVE3.Y PURCHASER. Specially adapted to Field, Theatre, and n /n 9 9 I TM NEARLY ONE-HALF SAVED Marine use. Handiest and best Glass 0/0 9 II Mh/ o — r\ A nnCTr »nn ever introduced. Nickel Mounts, Eveshades, ■ 9 oElND A JrUblvAni» Crocodile Leather Body, complete with sling 9 ■ M??.AR>. IRN A% IT a"d case. Absolutely unapproachable for Real 9 I 8 a S Service and Hard Wear. B I iOtAMUEL S36j;MARKETSTREETTMANGHESTER. B SSXASUSHSXI OVER GO YEARS. « i ;o; ( FOR THE BEST SELECTION OF GOOD RELIABLE FURNITURE go to LEWIS'S The NEW BRIDGE, Haverfordwest, Where you will find the Largest Stock in the County to choose from. SUITES of the latest styles always in Stock. Also CABINEFS, OVERMANTLES, SIDEBOARDS of Choice Designs, and at Prices to suit all Classes. ;0: A. nice selection of CARPETS, RUGS, OILCLOTHS & LINOLEUMS. —:o: PAPER-HANGINGS IN GREAT VARIETY. :o:—■— SUITES RE-UPHOLSTERED, MATTRESSES RE-MADE. I -:0:- FUNERALS COMPLETETY FURNISHED. # Ride ACE CYCLES. 0:0 They are the acme of perfection a 22 years' sterling reputation in the Cycle Trade to uphold; QUALITY, not quantity, always aimed at. Road Eacers (I91bs. weight), and Roadsters (281bs. weight) from. < £ 10 0 0 Free Wheel, Back Pedalling any-point Band Brake, Front Rim Brake with Lamp, Bell Bag, etc., (Lady's or Gent's,) from £ 12 10 0 (Or on the Gradual Payment System). -.0.- Each Cycle personally tested and guaranteed by GEORGE ACE, and sent out complete with all necessary accessories. Free trial of UACE" CYCLES, and Railway fare allowed to and from Tenby to all Purchasers :0: GEORGE AGE Cycle and Motor Works' Cycling Champion of fVales, 1879 to 1889 (Retired). TENBY. C ESTABLISHED 1856. :0: PRICE AND RUSSELL, TOWER HILL, HAVERFORDWEST, Painters, Glaziers, Paper Hangers, and General House Decorators. -0- A very large assortment of NEW CHEAP PAPERS from 1-id per pieco 2 CALL AND SEE THE QUALITY. FULL MEASUREMENT IN EACH ROLL. :0: GLASS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ■ :o: K?>ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. IIOLlowaYC P &OINTMENT. V ARE THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINES. THE PILLS CURE INDIGESTION, Fits of Depression, Bilious Attacks, Headache, &c., and are especially recommended for Females. THE OINTMENT Heals Sores, Old Wounds, Burns, Scalds, Piles, Fistulas, Sore Throat, and every form of Skin Disease. Manufactured only at 19, New Oxford Street, Lpudoaj sold by all.Ciiemists aad Medicine Vendor* PATRONISET) BY Leading County Souses. 'qH Wt Cycle Bridge Street.' Sole District Certi6cated Agent, for ^i^dC^Ie^epot^st^StreeU^^ ^j^keadmg ,cyclos and Accessories. J. J. SWEENEY. Workshops fitted with the Cycles for Sale, Exchange, most modern machinery for and Hire. Repairs and Cycle building Only High Grade and Reli- Riding ground attached to able Cycles and Acces- 1J|& I depot, where cycling is taught sories of Leading jHJsP daily. Makers Stocked. HBGBL 7 HHA £ or the country a cycle is 8 Guineas IIK9S provided gratis to learn upon .p, when a cycle is purchased. Can purchase a beautiful |r^ Cycle specially designed for fl L £ A number of sound second- Pembrokeshire Roads. hand Ladies' and Glents' cycles from X2 10s. District-St. Ann's Head to Whitland, and boundry of County Northwards. MARINER'S SQUARE, HAVERFORDWEST J. WOO LeO C K, Painter, Paperhanqer, Glazier, House Decorator, Sfc., BEGS respectfully to thank his friends and the public generally for the kind support accorded to him in the past, and to inform them that he intends carrying on business as heretofore in all its branches, and hopes to merit a share of public patronage. :o: PAINTS tOF THE BEST QUALITY ALWAYS IN STOCK. -:0:- A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW CHEAP PAPER FROM lid. UPWA RDS. :o: GLASS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS FROM 2Jd. PER FOOT. BENSON'S GOLD ft GEM LL RY., u Gold St Poarl Lace Pin, 10/* Fine Gold Chain Bracelet, £ 3 3$^ APPROVAL. Fine Gold Brooch, 211- Fine Gold & Pearls, 3Th! LARGEST STOCK OF RINGS IN THE WORLDS, Brilliants and Ruby Pearls, 25/- BriUiant.filO Pearls A Rubies, 88/- Brilliants, tftE — — — —. r-ij H^ensc^^S timato* for Clocks for Churches^ Factories, or Publl* LDUWATCHES AN^^WELLERY TAKEN »EKSONB BOOK^of C^)CK8, WA^CfflS8^rom LWrilENSON, Ltd., 2 &764f imfit Hfil'TdHDOH. Mahogany Brass Striking Clock, LI ATC 0rder Jerm Pftriicnlare of "THE ^TIMES" «u»uv|M\J I C» System of Purchase, Post Free. THE SWANSEA MERCANTILE BANK, LIMITED, OF 18, PARK STREET, SWANSEA MAKE CASH ADVANCES DAILY FROM I £5 to £500 RPO ALL CLASSES of respectable householder8 J. upon their own Note of Hand, and other ids of securities. ALL TRANSACTIONS STRICTLY PRIVATE For further particulars apply: H. B. JONES, Manager. or W. D. PHILLIPS, Auctioned;, Haverfordwest, Local Representative, THE NEW CENTURY,1 BRINGS A J MARVELLOUS REMEDY INTO THIS COUNTY. TU CURES Cancers and Tumours, Mannina Foui of a"! 0intmentskin Disss.in every | It has cured in hundred of cases where ) everything had failed. J Try it and Prove it for yourselves, Read Testimonials and see what it has done for others. Youcan obtain it direct from the SOLE MANU- FACTURERS- The MANNINA OINTMENT Co., DEPOT;—MAIN STREET, Fishguard. J AGENTS. J CARDIGAN.—LEWIS EVAXS. f KEWPORT.-Jons WILLIAMS. MAT HRY.—1-NII.LI rs & Co. LETTERSTON. —WILLIAMS. H'WEST.—PHiLLiM, Market Street. i IFLMILJ'U* TOR LADIES GENTS 111 ARE THE VERY BEST & MOST UP TO DATE OR WLIFELS. Discoan/for Ca9h. V-R. .-€8 IOS. 14/2N £ 9 10^ 15/10 monthly. 12s. ai/- I £ £ 10 OS. 16/8 »I ^'4 >4S. 24/6 Octagon Cyclometer 10,000miles. X/5. Scorcher Braire, I I-. Acetylenl Liuiip ::119. Write at once for LIST OF JUSO Cycles and AFECS-snrics over 100 )rate«. twit pest frer METROPOLITAN MACHINISTS' CO.. LTD., 75, BI^UOPSGATC Street Without, LONDON, E.C.. AND PLOCICJUT Cmccs, LO>'OCX, W. BURROUGHS REGISTRY OFFIIE FOR SERVANTS, The Burroughs, Hendon, Lond n N.W. For PRINTING of all Kinds COME TO THE "HERALD" OFFICE,! BRIDGE ST., HAVERFORDWEST. p- FRANK DAVIS NUGGET SPORTINO AGENCY, MIDDELBURG, HOLLAND. THE NBXT GREAT 6WEEP8TAKB 18 OH THB OTEWARDS CUP, GOODWOOD, t 100 PRIZES 100 PRIZES. EKTBAHCB-FIVB EaxuiRos. These Sweeps are always drawn under tbs «up9rn"si«n ttt Members of tbe Pr«9», and hare been Established tioct 1895. All Turf Business attended to. Fult Particulars, Tela* graphic Code and Address forwarded Free on Application to above address. .——————. —————— ESTABLISHED 186T. BIRKBECK BANK Southampton Bldngg., Chancery Lane, London, W.C. OUJtRENT ACCOUNTS 20 on the minimum monthly balances, O i j when not drawn below £ 100. A DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS 2h% STOCKS AND SHARES Stocks and Shares purchased and sold for customers. The BIBKBBOK ALMANACS, with full partienlar* pest free. FRANCIS IU VINSOROrr, M OIIC" Telephone No. 5 Holbom. teUgraphie A&drcu t "BIRIBICX, LOSDOS." ALL MUSICAL PIANOS I 111 I » v v of every description SCLD BY W. MCKENZIE, OrrosiTE RAILWAY STATION HAYERFORDWEST. -:0:- NOW IN STOCK SEVERAL SECOND-HAND HARMONIUMS, From X-3 10s. SUPERB PIANOS Dy PACI. WF.I:\I:I: and all the n):ST MAKKKS T^DIAJtUBBER (old) purchased for Cash.— 1 c7 ard,?: 9°^ lD<li»rulibfcf Cement M»nul«sttu«»t <"»«ant <^rove, York Kun'» Crow, tendon. W