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THE FINEST TONia BRAVAIS.-Ho,t effective in rsstori*! and "ab,inR the ">n»titutio^S r™na^^tbT,uxrInvaluable in 411 — <* rERt BRA-VAIS.-Highly recommended for weak 3",1 dehllitat"d t'hildren. •«r* ?eaut'"ul »nd interesting preparation."—Lancet. It Hag all the (food effpcti of iron without producing conitina- SWUBS«S SK2T •» bf*«» & — -S"ld In-all Cliw;^|lmn. with Drop Mratnre. SALT REGAL Has attained a high reputation."—77>e Atw!y.*>. Salt Regal is a most valuable remedy for dyspeptic .symp- toms, and one which we commend to ifl(,rers from indiges- tion generally. The O/one which it contains gives tunc to* riebilitatoi eonstiiiitioii." Public Opininn £ ALT REGAL O I'l-ovrnts iiiid relieves I•IPIfTITKTJ IA. CJIOLKRA IN Dili KSTK >X. FLATULENCE. II K A O.UUIE. and all other stoin;ieliic irregularities. Pl'IUITES the BODY im- parting NEW LIFE and VIGOUR. 'I ALT REGAL O IWe-s marvellous KK«'C PE H AT IVIO Properties, is in valuable in HKi.I CVINii and Ml -ll'LATIN*; the overwork..1 bi un. and I! TT.VII.VG KXIIAl'STED VITA F. I TV. Q ALT REGAL O n It It i I IT K S and CLEARS the COMPLEXION, cor- rcets all EliRoRS flF DIET, Eating or Drinl.iti' is a most pleasant Kllurvc'.seiiig Moniiii; Drink, .STIMULATING the APPETITE, giving TONE t,. the Entire System, and is highly t recommended by the Medical Pri.les. ion. j 2 9 "t aU Chemists, or by Post from the MANAGER, Salt Regal Works, LIVER POOL. rpHE DUCAL CONSERVATOIRE OF JL MUSIC IN .<uXt)!is:t ATSKX (tu;IIMANY).—Tlie Summer term commences on April tiili. Tliuroiipli tr.-iinitiv in all liranclies of music; in soio-siiitpni? for opera and concert. The fee for Binging-Brhool = £ 12 io> In?ir.inifnt,Hl-S.hooi r £ ius. i„.r Hpnum. Good boai a, ^tn )i, r aniitim. 1'111'115 have free admittance to the Concert- of tin- Imt-nl li.-uid .»iiif.nir ami ihei.nc scholars also to the Kcnrr.il op ra chcai->il.». I'm.-poct us cotitainiiiK full particulars u-rnris Apply to The Due 1 Director: Hofkanell- meister Prot'. THTiOji. >KH BARTONS v-:vi .ThVeLn, rVTCD^am ATn¥l EXTERi/llNATOR C. Phillips IScrulN Any ChcnuM. or'>, litulu-nT^ Hill, ).(;. AUTES KKLO-MI'K-N.SKS. — IMPORTANT JL-M. Brandy HDil \Yi;ir S1;i;njiIIoum- ufft-r:* i~-o<»<1 conditions t,1 direct Bayers, TraveUsrs, n I Aeents. Write: Malifaud, at St. Meme-Cognac. F!:IIHT. VOUNC EHCLISHMEH, SWJWsSUte kindly received in in- j'-nnii\ '(rrouv-t-int) of I>r. I'ETZOU) Kaulbg 3.H, Kami.! r..tieniiaiiji. I.aru'e and beautiful gardcu near I] the hou^e. Terms £ 7 ivr •]:! !i. A BERDEEX~"TrBAMTE MON UMENTS fioni £ ■tir.-tat-c Ia-e i, ,"II-accm He and beautiful. Plans and l'rice- n m i.KiiiiK, Seuliitor, A IlKltDUKS. SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRIES. PROTECT BRITISH LABOUR. ASK FOR XEY"S USE ONLY j NASK FOR IT IS THE BEST AND GOES THE FARTHEST. STRENGTHENING KWIWWKtWTWjB DIGESTIVE <TONIO KfillilHillllliliW l| excellent flavour; adjuvant in TANNIN WINE the phthu £ nt Prescribed in Stomachic exhaustion, Chlorosis, Antenna, and during convalescence. Recommended by the Faculty for sqed persons, young married women, and children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. To obtain the onlv genuine SAINT ItAPHAEL TANNIN WINE, apply to -B. OAXUAJS, 90, Piccadilly, London. AV. — BREATHF- FREELY- SLEEP CALMLY H as BRONCHITIS ASTHM CATARR ves lftstant-Rd s t See TESTIMONIALS from Profes I. tllM wilo hdve -M(Tol i] rne MARVELLOUS EFFECT of ;Illliliilgil SOLD 13Y ALL PATENT MEDICINE VE,'JjTjl; PT 219 4/6 & III-. WHOLESALE FROIIA, iillilB< 1) R or 'T f- F? o P A, F If c, R C.C)AT 51RErT MARVELLOUS RRMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS Hoabseness, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, AND ALL CHEST AFFECTIONS. PECTORINE. Sold hy all Chemists, in bottle*, at ljlh, 2j9, 3/6, ana 11/. each. Sent by tlie rroprielura upon receipt of stamps. From Rev. J. STOREHOUSE, St. Saviour's Vicar- age, ISotlingham. August, 1874. DEAR SIB. —I can strongly recommend your Pec- torine as an invaluable Cough Remedy. I have given it a fair trial to my own family, and have also sup' plied it (o persons suffering from Cough in my parish, and in every instance it has given immediate relief. In some cases, after passing sleepless nights, oi e or two doses of the Pectorine have had such a good effect that porsons huve got a good night's rest and the Cntigh has speedily disappeared. Mr A. ROLFE, St. Ann's Square, Manchester, says "•—"Your Pectorine is superior to any Medicine I have ever tritd for Coughs and Culds. PECTORINE cures the worst forms of Coughs and n Colde-. PECTOIIINE cures hoarseness J PECTORINE gives immediate relief in Bronchitis PECTORINE is the best medicine for Asthma PECTORINE cures Whooping Cough PECTORINE will cure a troublesome tickling couch; PECTORINE is invaluable in the Early Stages of Consumption PECTORINE .'elieves all affections of the Chest,! Lungs, and Throat. Prepared only by SMITH & CLARR-E Manufuctu- ring Chemists, Park Street, Lincoln. *#*Vice Chancellor Sir C. Hall granted a perpetual injunction, with costs, against F. Mason, Chemiiit, I Rotherhim, for using the word Pectorine.' Sold oy T. M. Phillips, Chemist, Castle Square, UaverfcrHw.'Pt. A WONDERFUL MEDECINE JJEECFAM'3 PILLS, B EECHAM'S PILLS JJEECHAM'S PILLS Are universally admitted to be worth a guinea a box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and jirfio in the slomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness: and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, llusr iugs of Heat, Loss of Appetite Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scur7y, and Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all nervous and Trembling Sensations, 4c. Th*'first close will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in co n.t- less case?.. Evtry sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these ?ili«, and they will be acknowledged to be "YYORTII A GUINEA A BOX |. "fORTH A GUINEA A BOX ( "rORTII A GUINEA A BOX Fo- femahs of all ugRs I hey are invaluable. No I females should be without them. Xheio^is not a medicine to be found equal to them for removing any obstruction or irregularity ot the system. If taken according to the directi^-ns given- with each box, they will soon"restore females of ail ages to sound and ro- bust. health. This has been proved by tnousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which are ensured bv their use. i jgEECHAM'S PILLS I B EECIIANI'S PILLS 'I -DEECHAMS PILLS — T""Io.. • _„.i n 11 For a Weak otomacu, Impaired ingestion aim an ) Disorders of the Liver, they act like magic, and a few doses will be four.ei to work wonders on the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen tho whole muscular system, restore the long lost coit j 1 yior, hring back the knowl'-dgf of appetite, and aioa-fe into action with the '0:' b:, t of i health the win.-L« ph>6irnl energy of the h nm U1 I' me • These nrc f-jcts rirtiiied cont nually by menu en oil all classes of sciiely, and one ot the best guarantees tc the Nervous II wi Dt 1 tated is, BKEClfAV? PiLLS hart t Larycst Sale of any Patent Medicine in the icorid. llEECILUl'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS J^EECIIAll's MAGIC COUGH FILLS. ■J^EECIIAM'S MAGIC COFGII PII,LS As a remedy for Coughs in general Asthma, branchial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness ot Breath, tightness and Oppression of the Chest, &e., thes pi-L bland unrivalled. They are the test ever otlei rJ to the public, and will speedily remove that, sengp if oppression and difficulty of breuthi'ig which "ightly dt ptivc the potient of rest. Let any person g\ti\ BEECH Ali'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and the 1120bt violei)t cough will in a short time be removed, Prepaied c.iilv, and Sold Wholesale and Retail by Nie Proprietor, THOMAS BEliCHAM, St IIeleas, lar cash ire, and by all Druggists and putent N'eit- Ciiie Dealers everywhere. Tlv BoxES aid., Is. lid., AND 2s. 9d. nH I jns are GIVEN "wrrn EACH BOX. I > WILLIAM JOHN, ¡ (LATE GREEN & JOHN), WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCER CORN, FLOUR, AND PROVISION MERCHANT, HAVERFORDWEST. IMPORTANT TO ALL CLASSES. :o: Mariners' Square, Haverfordwest. :o: The Watch & Clock Repairing Establishment. :0: w. ::r:q- OaT T Begs to inform the Inhabitants of the Town and County generally that he has REMOVED to the above Address, and hopes by strict attention to Business to merit a share of public patronage. ALL WATCHES CLEANED BY W.N. WARRANTED FOR 12 MONTHS. New Ladies' Geneva TVatcltesfrmn 15s upivards. Also all kinds of Gents1 from 15s. to Ya. TIMEPIECES AND CLOCKS FROM 3s. 6d. TO £2.. Watches Cleaned and Repaired from Is. 6d. to 6s. Clocks from Is. to 5s. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS FROM 6d. TO 3s. 6d ALL ORDBRS FROM THE COUNTRY PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. THOMASS TEA & GROCERY WAREHOUSE, Upper Market Street, IIaverfordlvest. fo -:0:- ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS. GOOD STRONG TEA AT Is. 6d. PER LB. | Very Fine TEA at Is. lOd. NONE BET fER TO BE GOT at the PRICE, i One trial will prove the truth of this statement. -:0:- SUGARS OF THE BEST QUALITY AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. Coffee, Fresh Roasted, Floiir, Bran, Sharps, Indian Corn and Meal, Bacon, Butter, Cheese, Potatoes, WITH EVERY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE GROCERY AND PROVISION TRADES. HUNTLEY AND PALMER'S CAKES AND BISCUITS. Hill St St Thomas Green, Haverfordwest. WILLIAM REYNOLDS, Cabinetmaker, Upholsterer, Paper, hanger, Painter, Bnilder, Under; taker, &c. I W.H. invites inspection of his Stock of Dining-room, Drawing-room, Bedroom, and other Furniture Bedroom suites in mahogany, birch, pitch pine, maple oak, &c. Cheap and ge>od ironbedsteads in new designs, palliasses, wool, hair, and sprint mattresses. Tapestry and other carpetings, matting, mats, kamptulicon, and other floor cloths. Picture frames at reasonable prices in black and gold, Oxford, gilt, &c. Very cheap window poles, and brass cornices Venetian window blinds, and Holland do, plain and striped' Paperhangings at very low prices. Paints, oils, varnishes, glass, &c.. V V Jobbing and repairs done with dt-spatch and at low Prices DISCOUNT Foil CASH. -= IN 18 9 1. :0: FOR ( p APE It A N G I N G S GO TO G It E E N ISH & D A 1V KIN S, I. MARKET STREET. :o: For High Class Papers, OR FOR Cheapest Papers, THEY ARE THE BE ST. — :o: I Prices, the Lowest. Designs, the most Choice. :Q:- I New Stock just received. Enormous Selection. ( :o: :— GREENISH & DAWKLNS' < Haverfordwest. -:o:— — This Establishment CLOSES on THURSDAY'S at Two o'Clock. -0. ONE BOX OF cunicrs e' i is warranted to cure all ilis:<!t -y.- in cif'^v (aconired <»" eons: .ta» *>' in t.hi ,cic. GuiiT-aiiicC'l tree iro"'• 4s. 6d. each, by a'l Chera:sts •i' 1 throughout the World; or sent- to ar." statnpsb.v the Makers, 1M ¡; J,I¡(CM,:C H" \¡ t 1" Pxvcv ('omfakt, Lincoln. ,1' 8oss. London, and all the W ho :<« <• WEAK MEN! VtTALHESA ■SM will CURE EVERY CASE, recent or chronic, post free, S/-0 w»UJL K failed. A few doses will prevent even after Ulotoer means nave lau distressing eymptorn*. ST.,POBXSMOUXH. l^GOLD MEDALS I834-I885-IS8.M DiSINFECtANTS fgc ail Caiett of Fover, and for PurifyinR. Till; SA.ITAS ('O.Iti'ANN'. il. 1' ■ -11" I i I. K- WUNNY POSIES. -CHOICE i'htt^H CUT ►O KI.OWKItS frnin tic- I.AMMIi' M NSIIi.M.. Mc„ December to -May. Matl.-d i!>'< »-♦ free. '-»nr m.x. "I" pencp; right coii»tciitivc. box.-», li*lf » k'tiinca. K11-I.I1 1 ut, litf <I'i T.v-. Nirr. K-nr. j Dresden royal c0NSi<:RYAT0iiiE OK MUSIC .«l!>u Tin nirir* >7 t-.uc-j. -t- "■ Training from I.eiritmitsK to perfectl..n hxamtti- tt-n f»- -;1 April sr-l. Ktitcr.im' hUo l.-riu tte .it .»ny 'l 'T. v ,)s„ Prctnf A {e*chcr'» pi'ccifl at n n .-ii'i' I'i •' ■' V-1" —1 Japanese a Chinese goods importers. ANTON BENDA A CO., No. 18. Wilson StJ Finsbury, London?B.C., and 43, Cannon Street, City. Manchester. F-)F QIJALITY, VEBETABLE SEEDS. Webbs' Collection. produce a constant supply of the be»t Vegetables all the year round, 5/ 7/6, 12/6, 21/ 42/ & 105/- each. Delivered Free. I FIDWER SEEDS. Webbs' Boxes of Floral Gems for the Craidens of Ladies sad Amateurs, 2/6,5/ 7/6,10/6, and 21/- each. Delivered Free. For Priced Listi, Descriptiom. and HimtrtttOM of the beat sorts, arc Webb.' Sprint Catalogue. Post free 1/ gratis to Customers. WEBB & SONS,Wordaley, Stourbridge. SUTTON'S FLOWERS Ar* grown from SEEDS, GENUINE ONLY DlBBCT &:PILOX SUTTON FT 80. BEADING. Priced Lists Post ytae. a>BaaoBsaBtBarSaats*^s^ai^«s«*ss«J To NOBLEMEN and GENTLEMEN.- Mr. HEWITT. 07 St. James's Street. Pa!l Mail, London, continues to make 1>R IVA TE PROMIT AD VAXCLti on NOTE of to any amount. No fees whatsoever. -r ATCH CLUBS.—Additional Agents Wanted. :F. f'H" '11 and others should write to the Cheapsidc Waich Ulnb (",1, Hc-st terms, best value, best illus- trations. Hylands Limited. Managers, 32, Cheapside, London. TO LADIES.—INFALLIBLE REMEDY for Obstiuc- tions k in eKularitics. Part iculars and testimonials free for stamped envelope.—Mr.utcvs, Glenroy, l'awcett-rd., Southsea. YOUU CHARAC TER correctly described by^HAND- writings 7 stamps.F.CoBtaJT,33,Hopewell StreettQlou.cester« MAGAZINES FOR ALL. The Sjir /■'Jot- says:—"So much trouble is taken with these periodicals, so much ability is at the disposal of the conductors, that it is difficult to bestow the praise which is really deserved without seeming extravagant." THE QUIVER. For Suuday and General Reading. 80 Pages Monthly, 6d. CA,SHELL'S MAGAZINE. For Every Member of the Family. Monthly, 7d. "LITTLE FOLKS" MAGAZINE. For all Girls and Boys. Monthly, tid. CANSELL'S SATURDAY JOURNAL, ii rages Illustrated. Weekly, Id. also Monthly, ",I. -lill, London. CASSELL & COMPANY, Limited, Ludgate Hill, London. -NEW-iLLUSTRA.TED SERIALS. Conquests of the OroBS. Mov.thly, 7d. Casnell's New Popular Educator. Monthly 16d. The World of Adventui" Monthly. 7<1. The Story of th" ITeaie-al. By Sir It. S. BALL. Monthlyt Cassell's Boole of the Houaohold. Monthly,"d. Cassell's Picturesque Australasia. Monthly^ 7d. The Dor4 Bible. Monthly, ^d.; also Weekly, |d. Cathedrals, Abbeys, and Churchep. Monthlyt 7d. Tha Peoples of the World. Monthly, 7d. prospectuses at all Booksellers', or post free from CABSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, Lrfgatc Pill, Tendon. MORPHY'S WALNUT POMADE. A Triumph aaa Hair Darkener. Not dye. R«»tor«s witli certaintr and K once the former youth Jul colour of GREY HAIR. Four t.-ok >r»- Uoldtn, Light Browa, Dark Browu, ruJ Black. Fer pot, 1 6 mil 2 B. MORPHY'S ORIENTAL DEPILATORY POWDER removes .r>eedily, easily «nd effectual! Y, all Haii-di.flrui Ing the lip«, hands, aiidcheet*. Guaranteed l.arn.le- frepared with'irfeat ewe, 1/- ^)«r packet. N.B.— rell your Chemist ur liair Hr.-saer t<» i>r.our# Bone other than MORPHT'S, or WND Postal Order to the 31aker EUtlEVI MORPHYf Hair and Skin Speci*Ii»t, fo, SonthAudley St., Mayfair, Lonilou UNION LINE-FOR SOUTH AFRICAN GOLD FIELDS. THE UNION 8.S. Co.'a MAIL rACKET3 »i. from SournAiii'TON every n!tcrna-e Fri.iav s.tiii, Africa? Porti, calling fit Lisl-on and Madeira. Return Tickets In*n«rt Apply to the Union Steam Ship Company, oriental i'laiM South. Mnpton or 11, Leadenhall Street, London. ESTABLISHED 1881. BIUKBECK BANK SO, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane. London THREE per CENT. INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS repnvable on demand. TWO per CENT, on CT7RRENT ACCOUNTS, calculated on the minimum monthly balances, when not drawn below iBlOO STOCKS and SHAKES purchased and sold. The B1RKBECK ALMANACK, with full particulars, can be obtained port free on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT, Manager. MADE WI A H. BOILING WATER. E3 Q E s s GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITIi BOII.ING MILK. m VICTOR VAISStER3 IN the most perfect of Toilet Soaps with a world-wide reputation. OFFICES FOR GREAT BRITAIN AND THE COLONIES C. SIMEONS & Corrjp., 70,Finsbury Pavement, ad., 1;3 & 2 per Cake. LONDON, B.C. ] ll,fila ill L) iimnoiiscstock. ) I.i.-ts tree. -<■}. KOWAitDS. K'r^«!aud Head. London. T ACE! LACE t Send for the "WONDERFUL -•-•SHILLING PARCEL containing 1 La.ce Apron, 1 Lack Ha.ni>k kj.'ciiiki6yds. Good JIai.tesk Lack. 6yds. Eboino, 12 Lnoka viN(;s, aud 1 Paok"t Beads, sent carriage paid for 1,3. ■W. COTTON, Weekday Cross NOTTINGHAM.Est.40 years. A LADY'S PLAIN or FANCY WOOLLEN DB.ESS 4 8 and 6/6- PATTERNS FREE. -^00) Apply T. H. Carr, Horsforth,near Leeda. J.STh6haih\(^EK and SONS' IKON 1MANO- U F< MITES, WAKHANTED OWN MANUFACTUUK. from Fift e-"U Shilliu-s per Purchase. IllUKtrated List of Prices wiHi <;it.-Jt Discouni free, bv post.—200, Goswell-road, London. ol VEGETABLE SEEDS, Webbs' Collections produce a consi.ant supply 0f the best Vegetables all vheyear rotind, 5/ 7/6, 12/6, 21/ 42/ & 105/- each. Delivered Free. FLOWER SEEDS, Webbs' Boxes of Floral Gems arranged for the Gardens of Ladies and Amateurs. 2/6, 5/ 7/6, 10 6, and 21/- each. Delivered Free. For Priced Lists, Descriptions, and Illustrations of the bsst sorts, soe Webb a' Siying Catalogue. Peat tree t', gratis to Customers. WEBB & SONS,Wordsley, Stourbridge. WATCH CLUBS. ADDITIONAL AGENTS ™ ™ WANTED Foremen, Timeke^eijt arfti others should m'te to the CITY OF LONDON V7A.TOH CLUB CO. for heir new Price List" lOOO Illustrations. Best Terms. Grand falue,—H, E. PECK, I DAY, SON & HEWITTS ■UHNHIplH I LAMB IN C- Fx CAL V'lNfcl the ked drench. c'l!l"sinn Cows and Ewesi.* PT«tin» Milk Vevcr.FofChUle. Innamraation, and Loss of 9U 3.6 doz. (Ewes). 13/- dot. (CowsK THE GASEOUS FLUID. FoV Pnining in fiad Calrine and I OT Lo.T> App«i?itt°Ten'S00Ur- 19 P^l- Bottle. 30/- per do*. THE cbemicai extract. t C 'd For anoint ft,, cal,ing Forstraiuiffir and pre. For a.. a Paps. f 22, Of all Chexr'°^«' or 22, PWEt, STREET, LONDON, W. F_ OV the BESTHEA^FHAIRmtheWORLD QXJINIIJK Ca]^&ABlBiNB ROgSMARY c WITHOB WITHOtTT GOTAS*. em •fjglltAACY? PLTMQ-gTHe3C<r<t' The City of Lot Son- •L'J, the CHEAK^'r3 SILKb, SATINS VELVETS, P^rfVee'V,•«»- BAF-t'EI* Proprietors, 1. '■ H. it •>. 11 .-Itj^ lJ 'e St.. br„r,lnn. K.< I^AHT.DW'lS MACTWETIO CURATi -j li ^'e.t Strand^ Lon^a,P^^i^^ RRER FROM COCKLE S Antibilious BILE, LIVER, IJTT T fj xnb^stion. flJjhO, OF PURE VEGETABLE INGREDIENTS. 'V. ft c oil anplication. vE -Al~> ''»MI-BCI,I. & co.riif'.i'ro"g".15j <il"-°rL,w □Mvine bahbs ?t ',iiri!ity, India Rubber nn<! Canvx?, CO feet, x inches, e'llfs diro »/»frt-i x l-i.-li with order. Cnrr.anc i»r»■ vi l''vci-v f. if L'liur-!i :-t to V\'M!' Jilid 1h* of the b>s( ♦|al,t>. Iv. A I,I. ,Ti;i{ A ('<'•. Ua?.d Maimfart-nrors, DI* 11SLEY. rvcM-n <>;i](•.»: ::i\. Utkkx Viutoiua St«F.et. K.O. IVORWAV.- PLANNING OF TOTlvS. C.-irc.ibf Ticket*. UKY Kit's T. >rISI.vr OKKICKS UKUCKN aial Oil 1: is r IA N I A. P!u:;ot;, P.on\ eirrK, ( \1r1O it IKON iTu lLxiYNtiaTaa 7"ool-' I7\'G, New :inri .-t-r tm. -1 land ™iL S.1iimM!OOIHS. Lawn Teitni. 'I I |J^ Iron IVnl/liDK' here on view. ? A ff fKBROWS* WORKS, Soutb Bemiomlscy Station. Lonjon. 11.9. loo tons of Iron Keeling in^ AUTUMN & WINTER FASHIONS, 1890. :0: "I MRS. SKONE REES Begs to announce to her Customers that she has returned from London, and that her Showrooms are now open with a choice and select Assoitment <_ i HATS, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED, FURS, BOAS, FEATHERS, &c. -:0:- Wedding & Mourning Orders promptly attended to. :0: Agent for W. Sf A. Gilbey's Wines Sf Spirits. -:0:- 12 & 13, Market Street, Haverfordwest. BRIGSTOCKE'S BOOKSELLING, STATIONERY, MUSIC; AND FANCY WAREHOUSES, 6, and 7, Market Street, Haverfordwest. -:0: For Pianofortes and Harmoniums. Go to Brigstocko's For American Organs and Cabinettos. Go to Brigstocke's For Accordians and Concertinas Oo to Bnsrstocke's1 For "Violins, Banjos and Flutes. Go to Br|stocke's For Sheet Music, Tutors, &c.Go to Brigstocke's For Books, in Great Vajriety Go to Brigstocke's Fcr Fancy Goods, Suitable for Presents. Go to Brigstocke's For the Best Circulating Library in the County Go to Brigstocke's For Water, Oil Colours, Brushes, &c. Go to Brigstocke's For prompt and regular delivery of Magazines and Peri- odicals Qo to Brigstocke's For Bookbinding, Engraving and Die-sinking Go to Brigstocke's For Stamping Paper and Envelopes with Monogram, Address, or Crest die Go to Brigstocke's For Stamping Leather Goods in Gold, with "lame or Z:> Initials.Go to Brigstocke's rsAVQRYft|n3^a FOR ^00RE]SJinZSjM Wfl!lii'JSAVnRV* GSSKQMOORE'S BWigWiiWL— J _u- d AS supplied TO The ROYAL NURSERIES, nnd CODLõiTDllIg The HIGHEST AMOUNT of rTOURISHMENT to The MOST DIGESTIBLE & CONVENIENT FORM. Th MOST PERFECT SUBSTITUTE yonHEALTM JOTHEP. S MILK. IN Tins Is., 2s., 5s. and IOs. EACIt A S'"HMA, and DIFFICULT BREATHING arising from aflectioud of the Respiratory Organs promptly n'i«T,T,al. parorvsms averted by DATURA TATULA l.\HALATIONS, prepared as Cigars and Cigarettes, and in the form of Tobacco, also as pastilles and powder for burning. 143, NEW BOND STREET, LONDON, i AND OF CHEMISTS, &c.. EVEp.YWmmE. I J. A. REID, COAL AND HAY MERCHANT, St. Thomas Green and Railway Station, H. West" Has always a Large Supply of Best House, Smiths' and Steam Coals, and; Finest Park Culm, which he is prepared to deliver in Town or Countrv at Moderate Charges. J AGENT FOR THE BRAICH-Y CYMMER COLLIERIES. Marble & Monumental Works KS :0: cr. h:^a7v\a.:r,:d, St. Martins Crescent, Haverfordwest. '0:- HEADSTONES, TOMBS AND MONUMENTS, IN GRANITE, MARBLE, FOREST OR PORTLAND. :o: ALL KINDS OF ECCLESIASTICAL WORK EXECUTED FROM ANY DRAWING. Tablets, Crosses, Marble, Slate and Enamelled Chimney Pieces, &c., OF THE NEWEST STYLES. Designs Furnished Free on Applica 11, and all Work Carefully and Punctually Execcuted Three Crowns, High Street, Haverfordwest. '0' ILLIAM MORGAN Begs to announce that he has succeeded Mr HENRY EVANS n his business as COAL AND CULM MERCHANT, At the Railway Station, and to respectfully solicit a continuance of the kind patronage which was for so many years bestowed upon Mr Evans. W. M.'s Coals are of excellent quality, and suitable for all purposes, and all orders can be executed on the shortest possible notice. W. M.'s Carting Arrangements are very complete, and Customers may, by arrangement, have the Coals delivered at their own residence. C, Sole Agent for the BRYNDU COAL & COKE COMPANY Pvl QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION Haverfordwest, February 25th, 1885. I I DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND STOMACH. I r. Liver and Stomach complaints readily yield to a few doses of these int-timaulc Pills—they act ■ 1 directly on the Liver and Stomach. Their effects are almost marvel.'ai-, a they quickly restore I ft healthy action to these important organs in the most obstinate and distressing cases.. I COMPLAINTS OF WOMEN. I These Piiis have a most extraordinary effect in correcting all derangements of the system, I and are peculiarly adapted for young females entenng into vomanh^d, and to others again at i the turn of life-indeed, at all ages they are the woman's best friend. This fine medicine is i a reliable cure for all children's ailments. IMPAIRED DIGESTION. The wisest cannot enumerate one tithe of the distressing symptoms arisin" from enfeebled digestion, all 0f which may be readily dispelled by these admirable Pills, as they restore the stomach, liver, and every other organ of digestion to that healthy tone which fully enables theni to convert all food and drink to th« nourishment of the body—hence, these Pills are the surest and safest restorative in all cases of weakness and debility, COUGHS, COL5>S, AND SORE THROATS. For curing diseases of the throai. an-i chest, these Pills have established fur themselves a pre- eminently world-wide fame. Coughs, cordon colds, influenza, bronchitis, asthma, and pleurisy, are successfully cured with this medicine, particularly if Hollos ay's Ointment be well rubbed upon the chest and back night and morning DEBILITATED CONSTITUTIONS. In cases of debility, langour, and nervousness, generated by excess of any kind, whether mental or physical, the effect of these Pills is in the highest degree bracing, renovating, and restorative. They drive from the system the morbid cause of disease, re-establish the digestion, regulate all the secretions, brace the nervous system, raise the patient's spirits, and bring back to the frame its pristine health and vigour. The Pills and Ointment are sold at THOMAS HOLIOWAY'S Establishment, I 7S. NEW OXFORD STREET (LATE 533, OXFORD STREET). LONDON 5 I also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, it I f. IW., 2s. 9. 4_t. 6. I 1 IIj., 22s., and 33-r. each. 1 lie 2s. 9J. size contains three times the quantity ot the smallest si.:e; I the 4*. 6. si^E gix; the IIj-. si7e sixteen; the 22s. size thirty-three, and the 3>\ size fifty-two times I j the quantity of the smaller Boxe- and Pots. B Full punted directions are affixed to each Pot and Box, and can be had in any lanpaage H X».B.—Advice Gra at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. « 2 ) J} fiT Im 21 m: -Il -=r.; TOWER Urtt HAnmFOftDWEST. XGTICE OF REMOVAL. R. PHILLIPS, TAILOR, OUTFITTER. & LADIES' JACKET MAKER, IN returning thanks for the very generous patronage with which he has been favoured for the last Twenty-two Years, while resident at No 3, High Street, begs to inform his numerous Friends, and the Public in general, that he has removed to UPPER TOWER HILL, (One door Lciow Kensington House), Where he trusts in future to receive the same kind support with which he has hitherto been favoured. Iu making this announcement he thinks he may not inappropriately refer to the very general satis- faction he has almost invariably given, both as reo gards the Quality. Style, and Fit. as well as the .Moderation of ths Prices charged. R. P. also begs to assure all who may favol him with a call that his best endeavours shall be used to give satisfaction in the future. Please observe the Changed Address— NEXT DOOR TO Kkksington HOUSE. UPPER TOWER HILL ■ IHB| WHO WISH TO MARRY k BI ■iril HAPPYshould nee the MAGIC MIR- Uril ■■■ ■■ HI ROR. Ot vital importance to nerrom ■■■ HB ■VI L|V sufferers. Send at onee.to Wilkin** IH !■ 1,1 ™ A Co., «. FitT-miuare. Bheffleld, Eng. '"MB" UNION LINE FOR THE SOUTH AFRI. OAS BOLD FIELDS. The Roj-*I Mall and IntaraediaM S!!?11!?™. r! lro,n SpnHunnpton erery Fridaj, tor Oape Port#, •allinfr »' Liatwn. Madeira, and Canary I aland*. Anptr to th* 2? S,TW 8> n °°- Likitid, Canute K<*4. 8<.utliampt«fc Vmth African Home. M to Bg, Blabopirat# Street. Londoa^ TAKSS WEBSTER, Turf Commission V Arent, CALAIS, France. PERSONALLY dOKDTTCTKD. jRnibri .—BMland—London tc Westminster Bank; SooOanfl— ^r"v of Scotland, Glaagow; Ireland—Bank of Ireland, Dublin. MU ASD FRENCH IMF GHROXICLS frabliahsa Twice Daily;), containing the Nominations for th* aisat Thrse-year-ol d Events, Weights mad Aoo«ptsnos» tot In Frtnoipal Handicaps, Latest Market Voveonents, k £ for- warded 0Tati8 upon recei.1>t of Ad4reM.. POTXBIiK » TR*T»T.V KVEKTS. 8. P. OK ALL RACKS. (Assorted scents: Rose, Wfcft* of I M the Valley, Reseda, Violet, & Eaa de Cologne.! FRAGRANT AND DELIGHTFUL TO USE. I FREE FROM ROSIN. CLEAR AS AMBER. I HEALING AND SOFTENING THE SKIN. I _FerdJIiUhen^lockeiigaBge471irfoIognfl. ■ WATCHES The Be-4 T"alue.1iie Ptrocgo-t. most Durable and Finest Timekeevers over made. TESTIMONIALS FlWM THOUSANDS of Owners now uamg them in all part. of the world. IMPROVED KEYLESS WATCHES Not 1 vi><1 e to failure, r-ivinp Extra Strength, Greater Freedom from Accidents, And Reduced Cost oi Manufacture. "SPECIAL MAKE" LADIES' KEYLESS, LEVER WATCH In Silver Cases In Goli Oaae Three-quarter Plate Lever, with Compound Balance. Pnhy jewelled in 13 actions. Ext.ra Strong Reviews work, each part Interchangeable t hroughout. l'n^e jEio in M/is^ive lftet,. Gold Cases, Hunting, Hali-Hunting', or Crystal Gliiss, richly engraved or plain polished, E Willi Monotrram Engraved Free. In Silver Case-, £5, THOUSANDS HAVE BEEN SOLD. Performance warranted, bent free and at our riot to all parte of the world. w KEYLESS "BANK" WATCH Cheapest. Stronpest. and Best £ 5 ENGLISH KEYLESS WATCH ever made- Silver Cases Saver Case* '1: Bect London make throutrhont. Three-quarter Plate English Lever, Larpe Chronometer Balance, Jewelled in Bubies Extra Strong Iv.-yloss Action, Eaeli part interehangeable. An Exa. t Timekeeper and the Best Value in the T\CK1'^AXD6 HAVE BEEN soiir Gi-^C-f v111 a Stront'tn .sterling fciiver Crystal Gl: Perfor manee Warranted, Sent tree at our risk to all parte of the world. 6$fr/$e>?iS07i/ Warrantv T,Wftchos* ^V^ber -jrith of the °vorId f, m 10 an>' PO.O.,payifcrt 01 CLOCKS lor t1: house, of everv kind, in great v var.eiy. irom £ 1 to £ 500. CHa^CJ,and 7 CJRRiET CLOCKS.—Estimates > aa\;je free, just, completed the Great Clocks for Portsmouth To- Hail, Asnimvunder- L; ii'j Parish wiiurch, and many others. *or Presentation an 1 household rise. In ver i,:nd Electro I'late. Prettiest patTt and best qtvilit y, at moderate priecs. JEWELLERY, in flne Gems or Tlain Gold oi n, j -Mitnv thousands of novelties *t manulaetnrers prii-s. ENGAGEMENT RINGS, in endless vanetv.^t \11h *ue :i.-i.?„ f;. !),! London maki. bpeei;i "-y !>ii.nr ltin^_s, at & £10, and £ 40. I,L"LA1°n> iree on receipt oi reforenoe, "pENSON'S PAMPHLET, the largest and best 1'" kind, contain in;: nc^irlv 2.XI papes of Prie/»* r-t of of WATCHES, IUHJ-1T T FiI{Y' PLiTE acd Steam Fftctor? tho r,r.1-r nr,e of its kincTln Lon 5;>n. |o t-> • e aic in- ited to Loili Lwlivv a a >.iow lw..».-»mi<. w hi'-hvontaiattiis S:'J,k in L:>r*a"n-:it she Lowes^ ■ -O -19 .T' :t r. n, r. 1 r v .^to2vV, 6: & 64 A7'C H»- Kk»» H. ;S-. «i«f^ "Ti.. 1 (. ai •' <li>, Old 35ond»t-t x- ~7T were, _>o<i :i. v ruiLpsftic-dars BV1 — "I' '1" «o=t In",