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D" J. COLLIS BROWN". CHLORODYNE. Invaluable for IUs old and tried Bem*4y haa (M Courh* PftHc the test of two generatioB*. » U)1(IS» BEIUSK to be put off wonchitis, Asthma, WIUI A SUBSTITUTE. Original can be had of all *'CU.raJgia, and all Chemists 3 you let it be seen that kindred ailment*. KuSl™* 8IIoqh to accept MOLLIS BROWNE 18 THE NAMEf ^le. ljd., 2B. 9d., 4g. 6d., the PrlCOB* The superiority of B.iÁ ¡¡ i VlNOLIA Is in Its lovely effect on the C_ i <* I ,r>, l* -•% » '» "T,r «j S\ } ^aJ '•-v*22* j r CITY OF BRADFORD. The Corporation of Bradford are prepared to RECEIVE LOANS for "U-ee or live years, or subject to six months' notice. For Particulars apply to _ffjGQ. A. THORPE, City Treasurer, Town Hall, Bradford. Maypole TEArr £ ADVANCES TO ANY AIVIUU^ L VJ u.L)3.: entitled to money under wills, deeds. iwr;\iio;is. on friends or with life incomes. Avoid mo;i'y-ie:i iers. » at 5, £ 500 at 4J, £ 5,000 at 4 per cent. ;>e" annum. Advances to widows restrained from borrowing. Write 12* free booklet. No preliminary fees whatever. Mil. QJaJTH Manager, 3, Holies Street, Cavendish Square. London. BEST and CHEAPEST MANURE for FARM and Garden, NATI VE GUANO £ 310s. per ton, in bags, •-Too lots carriage paid within 100 miles. A 1-cwt. bag, carriage rcceipt of P.O. for 6s. For 28th year** testimonials »om aU parts address NATIVE GUANO COMPANY, LTD., *». New Bridge Street, London, E.C. Agents wanted. j Treatment V CONSUMPTION I LUNG&THROAT AFFECTIONS. II 1 INFLUENZA,BRONCHITIS, If WtMTERCOUCM. ASTHMA. JF ITt. I Complete Case of Articles Required i 1 FOR CARRIAGE PAIQ. f 1 Book Free 4, I THESANITAS'C°L?. **Trss<s.N- 1 l" ri COTDIP LICHTIHC" Henderson,Blanchet&Co., LLLu I lull ETC, 19« 01d Queen street« Estimates on Application. Westminster, London._ I WOMAN'S UNFAILING FRIEND^ I OT ICKLY CORRECT AIX IRREGULARITIES. REMOVE ) ALL OBSTRUCTIONS, ANJI RELIEVE THE DISTRESSING I, ) SYMPTOMS SO PREVALENT WITH THE SEX. BOXES, l«lld -:s. M (CONTAINS THREE TIMES THE QUANTITY) Avn LVRGE SIZE. 4P.M.. OF ALL CHEMISTS THROUGH- OUT TnE WORLD, OR SENT ANYWHERE ON RECEIPT ( OF 1", 84, OR M PENNY STAMPS, BY E. T. TOWLE & CO. 66, LONG ROW .JOTTINGHAM. Tasker's High School for Girls. HAVER FORDWEST. Headmistress, MISS ANDERSON, B.A., assisted by highly qualified Mistresses. FXEs.-£16s. 8d. per Term. Special subjects :— SilGreek, German and Painting, 15s.1 per term ft:Country Tupils are only allowed to reside in Registered Lodgings, of which a list can be obtained With any other information desired relative to Bohsol arrangements), either from the Head mistress, or from MR J. W. PHILLIPS, Solicitor Tower Hill. Clerk to the Governors MR C. BULMER, F.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. The lonly teacher in Pembrokeshire holding Pianeforte Teaching Certificate of the Royal College of Music, South Kensington. From the Virgil Clavier School of Pianoforte Playing, London. In 1903 ten pupils passed the Trinity College Piano- forte and Theory Examinations, including: 1 Senior Honours (Pianoforte), 2 Intermediate, 2 Junior Honours, 2 Junior Pass and 3 Preparatory, besides many successes in former years. LESSONS INI PIANOFORTE, SINGING, THEORY, ORGAN, ETC. Address.—BULMER ^HOUSE, t. ST. THOMAS' GREEN, HAVERFORDWEST. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS. EBCHAM'S PILLS D Cures Billious and Nervous Disorders. BEECHAM'S PILLS .0 Cure Constipation and Sick Headache. BTBOTAM'S PILLS Ensure proper Assimilation of Food. BEECHAM'S PILLS Arouse Sluggish and Torp Livers and Dispel Bile. BEECHAM'S PILLS Strengthen the Stomach. "DEECHAM'S PILLS Cure Stomachic Troubles, such as Indi. gestion, Want of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Fulness after Meals, Vomitings, Sickness at the Stomach, etc. i BEECHAM'S PILLS Give almost instant relief. "DEECHAM'S PILLS Cure Restlessness and Insomnia, and give sound and refreshing sleep. BEECHAM'S PILLS Remove the results of indiscretion n eat- ing and drinking. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are suitable for both young and old. B^EECHAM'S PILLS] Will make you look well, feel well, and keep well. BEECHAM'S PILLS Purify the Blood, and remove Scurvy Pimples, and Blotches on the Skin. J*EECHAM'S PILLS Remove Wind and Pains in the Stomach JFCEEOHAM'S PILLS Give tone and energy to the MuscaItM System. JFCEECHAM'S PILLS Are the most reliable Family Medicine and should be kept in every home. T*EECHAM'S PILLS Lay the foundation of Good Health. JfcEECHAM'S PILLS Are specially suitable for the Diseases and Ailments common to Females of all Ages, and they remove the cause of much suffering to the sex. JFCEECHAM'S PILLS improve the Complexion, and restore the rose-bud of health" to pallid cheeks. J}EECHAM'S PILLS Are mild, but effective in their action. IJEEOHAM'S PILLS Assist the Kidneys to perform theii special functions. J}^ECHAM'S~PILLS If taken in time will ward off many a serious illness. Jj^CHAM'SPILLS Have stood the test < ars BKECHAM'S PILLS Are sold everywhere, in boxes and 2s 9d., containing 5 P jpectively 4 THE BEST HOUSE for allofkindS Garden, Flow r, & = = Agricultural Seeds, All of which are Guaranteed Fresh, true to name, And carefully selected from reliable English Markets. W Any Seeds, Garden Requisites, &c., not in Stock, procured at the Shortest Notice. A CHpICE SELECTION OF P O TJ A TOES. MYATT'S PROLIFIC ASHLEAF FINDLAY'S EVERGOOD, RIVERS' ROYAL ASHLEAF. GLOSTER KIDNEY, BEAUTY OF HEBRON, NORTHERN STAR, QFLHT BRITISH QUEEN, SATISFACTION, DUKE OF YORK, SHARPE'S VICTOR, EARLY PURITAN, SIR JOHN LLEWELLYN, EARLY ROSE, UP-TO-DATE, WHITE BEAUTY OF HEBRON. F. D. PHILLIPS, MoP, Sol (SUCCESSOR TO WM. WILLIAMS.) CHEMIST & BE3EIDS3YL"^LT, I MARKET STREET, Haverfordwest. Swan Square Cycle Depot. -:0.- MARTIN =»HILL1PS (Electrical Engineer, and Patentee of the Orthos Time Checker), who has had several I years' experience in the best engineering lirnis in London and the North of England. o Sole Agent for Rover, Swift, New Premier, and New Coventry Cycles. o All kinds of Repairs executed on the Premises, including Re-Enamelling and Re-Plating. ¡ :o: LARGE STOCK OF CYCLE ACCESSORIES. 1 -0- COMPLETE ACETYLENE GAS PLANTS supplied and fitted. 0 Carbide supplied in bulk, 22/- per cwt. Estimates given for Electric Bells, Telephones, Lighting &c. Mz* Outer Covers, from 12/6 Inner Tubes,from 4/6' Established over Half a Century. -:0:- HILL STREET^ HAVERFORDWEST :0: WILLIAM H. REYNOLDS, COMPLElE HOUSE FURNISHER, CABINET MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, PAPER HANGER, DECORATOR, BUILDER, UNDERTAKER. ELECTRIC BELL FITTER. Largest Marufacturer in the County of Pembroke. DINING, DRAW (NG AND BEDROOM SUITES, BEDS AND BEDSTEADS. Newest selections in every department of the FURNISHING TRADE, and all kinds and description of FURNITURE RELIABLE AND DURABLE. JOBBING and REPAIRS done with despatch and at low prices.. HILL STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. ESTABLISHED 1856. :0: PRICE AND RUSSELL, TOWER HILL, HAVERFORDWEST, Painters, Glaziers, Paper Hangers, and General House Decorators. o A t ry large assortment of NEW OHEAP PAP EllS from lid per ptec, CALL AND SEE THE QUALITY. FULL MEASUREMENT IN EACH ROLL. :0:- GLASS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Af L ORDERS PROMPTI Y ATTENDED TO. j I Or. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S | GHLORODYHE THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. ) A 1 I COLDS. ASTH MA. < ë 0 COUGHS. P|i| nPOnVMi: a(^m^ted by the profession to be the most wonderful and UnLUriUU I lat valuable remedy ever discovered. CHLORODYNE ssai"0onghs'Col4s-Consum,>- CHLORGDM °nd iatieonIyspeoificia CHLORODYNE tan|b|paSmS?"a0kS °' /OUIORnnVAir is the onlr Palliativo in Nenralsria, Rheumatism, Gout, I UnLUSsUy H1L Cancer, Toothache, Meningitis, ^c. Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each bottle. Sold in bottles by all Chemists at t/IJ, 2/9, and 4/6 each. C poa £ coij| m s. D. PUGH, G ;p Hairdresser ■ A N A^laree^variet^ of Wl 1Q1 I- SA^ & RETAIL— All Ladles of HlGH STREET fJ | Coomoings T>KAY5 COMPOUN-D U A VRDRNDNWROT a large stock of niade up LH1S £ PD A:i Toi let wffiSsSa H A V JiKr UKU W Jbi01 • Cigar and Cigarette Yvv^ 0 JZ Itnf Cases, j f-j S>L- 1 uisites R"' 4 ■ J! IS [ I'tt-guiid I Tobacco Pouchet, f c-oidinonly cx- i fe Cool Smoking Briar* «. Cigarette Papers, r iji iciiccd.^ J l.p-o !!<•; r.injT m e.^ua! it. Of J.' that will not crack. ■eeMChamns, Combinations, and Briars of Selected Quality. and all Smokers'Requisite# tl.i "Cisii -t*a«-lioirto and •/•road. the t In all the leading Shapes. and other Cased Goods always in stock. at Popular Prices, j. 'On;; 1«><1., 1 ].2 9. SI i Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos of the Choicest Brands always in Stock. 'T )4 F- Y. F" Ito KU INVALUABLE IN THE DAIRY. SILVER CHURN" BUTTER COLOURING, for giving an even cowslip tint'in all seasons especially when the cows are on dry food or roots. It is in use in all large dairies. In 6d., Is., 2s., 5s., 8s. and 14s bottles. "SILVER CHURN" CHEESE RENNET is always of uniform curdling strength, 1 part to 14,000 and made from carefully selected Veils. In stone bottles, gd., Is. 4d., 2s. 6d., 4s. 6d., and 9s., each. SILVER CH URN" BUTTER. POWDER materially assists churning, makes the butter firmnd; sweet, and removes all taints caused by foods. In boxes 6d., Is.. 2s., and 5s., each. SILVER CHURN ANNATTO OR CHEESE COLOURING gives a rich tint which does not fade a" he cheese ripens it is largely used to improve the appearance of milk. In stone bottles, 6d., Is., 2s., 5s 8s., and 14s., each. To be obtained from all Chemists and Grocers. Wholesale only from := OLDFIELD PATTINSON & Co., MANCHESTER: ■' r ff 4 ■# 11, B 7- s # w ;• y <y '/y ■;i ••• •••• ;L f I V*; TS-I2C UAKESOMZ OHAIW "i WM 17,.I; ]r>n"l:i »i!b diop-icco. ami ball-tiiRrkod on 1$$% every link. Musbive i.i.poaranc". A lifotimoswear. ^•3 £ g"i pi GEVfciN AWAV FREEL/ FOR*ITh PRIi py for a limited period to every purcha^r of M • W" «• yM « r IlBi. 15 f. H OR/ SAMUEL'S WORT, fj*\ I" ACME" LEVEH g .L„' t:: frMK OVER A MiLLION IN DAILY WEAR, j Solid massive Silver Cases, best. /^T'| h' Jt^:±Wthree-quarter plate jewelled ff V« FK £ £ movement-, removable dust and HH u g- j-'j fc==# damp excluding cap, and H. 'J :;7 ==# jimmt K. 'Si^vA tiki's valuable inventions (jgr' =w jSL I pri)teetea by ROYAL LETTtRS PftTESiT. H. Samuels price for t; :•> ~!l =:f}| 7 f Vvv' perfect watch is 25s. Retailors of;en cbanre three fruiueas for watches ..t 14 Mf }\A inferior make. SEVEN YEARS' WRITTEN WARRANTY', (H^dH fe.b /S„ THE "ACME" WILL EE SENT OH SEVEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL I |^iU g||| j 51:/ if desired, on receipt of P.O. for 5/ The balance of 20/- to be paid at tl 6. { ,!t=« • f J .si- <>nd of that period, when thoroughly satislied. m\VM THE BUYERS' REFERENCE ""to DA* ttetef JL GUIDE FREE! /r to-da.. lliSV 11 I /fa Ll:i £ r 2ot> Pages. 3,UOO Engravings. This invaluable book is sent free to an* &\h %!$$address on receipt of a post card. Silver Watches 7/ Gold Kings 5/8- vf II In I Clocks 1/ Gold and Silver Ornaments, High-class Sheffield Cutlerv. \W5l\\ I' \A J Klectro Silver Ware, Sewing Machines, Clocks, &c. V V; A MONTH'S FREE TRIAL ALLOWED. ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION V GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED IN FULL. T FREE BONUS PR litE S. TEN LISTS TO SELECT FROM. Dept. No. 526 STRKSn% KANOHESTER. | DARK STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. :0:- JAMES WOOLCOCK Painter, Paperhanqer, Glazier, House -Decorator, S ,ic., BEGS respectfully to thank his friends and the public generally for the kind suppor jEgj) accorded to him in the past, and to inform them that he intends carrying on th he all its branches, and hopes to merit a share of public patronage ————— :o: PAINTS OF THE BEST QUALITY sW GLASS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS FROM ALWAYS IN STOCK. 2Jd. PER FOOT. -:0:- A Large Assortment of New Cheap Paper from lid. Upwards. 2 TEETH. TEETH. TEETH. -:0:- EDWARD ENGLAND LIMITED CAN BE CONSULTED FROM 11 to 5 P.M., at MISS JOHN, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. 3, Victoria Place, New Bridge, Haverfordwest, t- EVERY ALTERNATE SATURDAY AND TUESDAY, Next Visits, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23. and SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1904, And will also attend at 13, Charles Street, Milford Haven (Mrs Mules, Confectioner)" every other Tuesday. Next Visit MARCH 1.^ And at Mr Geo. Collins, Maiket Square, Narberth, every other Thursday. Next Visit MARCH 3 CONSULTATION FREE OF CHARGE. TEET H.-I. Perfection in eating and speaking. 2, Perfectly natural and lifp-like in appearance. Upper or Lower Set from £2 10s. Single Tooth £0 5s. Teeth Extracted Painlessly with Nitrous Oxide Gas N OTICE:-All Letters to be addressed to Brecknosk IJ JIS, T d:1Q J MONEY! MONEY! MONEY I MR F. KING, 26, BUSH STREET., PEJIBROKE-DOCB^ IS prepared to lend any sum, from. £ 10 to £ ldOOO to Professional Gentlemen, Tralieameu Farmers, Hauliers, Cowkeepers. Mechanics:, an the Working Classes generally, upon th|h|pwE bmissory ISote, without Sureties, Bondsmen, cr any publicity at a reasonable rate of Interflf, re ile by weekly, iortni^Ltlv, n-onthly, or quarterly mtaYments, or at a taoed peri to nience of the borrower. All communications t eatecistric:ly private >"o chargecwill b&fb nless business is done. Applv to Mr. 1\ Kisg, Local Agent for the Swansea Finao e Co. jjall • H PIANOFORTES FOR PIANOS. ORGANS andfaA INSTKU W. McKENZIE IS the most practical dealer. He has gained experience in the following firms Broadwood seven years' grand finishing and toning), Collard & Collard, and Cha^ pell & Co ci London. INSTRUMENTS OF ANY MAKER SUPPLIED. 25 Per Cent, discount for cash, or on the hire system PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. NOTE THE ADDRESS 8, Victoria Place, Haverfordwest. OLD BRIDGE, HAVERFORDWEST -:0:- J. F. GWYTHER & Co., PUR. VEYOR. S. Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers of all kinds of Sausage, Brawn, Polonies, Pork Pies, &c., &c. Finest Quality OF BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, & LAMB. FRESH SAUSAGES DAILY. ALL ORDERS BY POST OR OTHERWISE PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. C GrfiOPfffi A nA Cycle Sf Motor Works TEISTB^ SOMETHING FOR THE BOYS aND GIRLS. "A Pastime To-day; A Business To-morrow." :o: £ 1,000 Stock of Mechanical & Electrical Inventions. Engines driven by hot air, steam, electricity, Electric Overhead Railway complete with clock-work, etc., from Is. to £20 each. Batteries, C4. Complete Railways, including works and Gramaphones from 20s. to £10. Stations, with 10 miles of rails, sold in Latest Mechanical Toys from 6d. sections at 6d. each. Superior Dolls' Furniture Sets from 2s 6d Electric Dynamos from 4s to £ 3. each, also Children's Cabinets from 5s. Cinematographs from 5s to X3 each. each, and Roll Top Writing Desks from Motor Cars for children to sit in and drive 3s 6d each. themselves, Y-3 5s each. All latest Indoor and Outdoor Games. Dandy and Rocking Horses from 15s. each. Kodaks, etc. Boys ^and Girls' Free hsel Bicycles from Loewe and G.B.D. Briar Pipes in all shapes £ 5 each. and sizes, suitable for presents. Sewing Machines from 20s each. Billiard aud Bagatelle Tables in all sizes. Dolls and Baby Carriages from Is each. Typewriter, X4. ILLUSTRATED CATALOUGE FREE. o Return Railway Fare to Tenby from within 15 miles allowed to pur- chasers of £ 2 parcels, or from anywhere in the County, to purchasers of £ 5 parcels. GEORGE ACE, Sports Depot, Tenby. PATRC,NISE7) .3Y THE Leading County Houses. ^fe^West Cyclte Depot.—Bridge Sole District Certificated Agent for _R Fishguard Cycle Depot.—West Street. Leading Cycles, Motors and Accessories. SWEENEY. ML „ n r v JgS Workshops fitted with the Cycles for Sale, Exchange, wvy most modern Machinery for and Hire. W Rapairs and Cycle Building. Only High Grade and RelT- M Riding ground attached to able Cycles and Acces- l^jjgL f depot, where cycling is taught sories of Leading iSSk Makers Stocked. NHtL t —— For the country a cycle is 8 Guineas providad gratis to learn upon Can purchase a beautiful « IF. when a crcle is Purchase*. 'Cycle specially designed for I T> j 1 h~ A number of souna secoDd- Pembrokeshire Boads. hand Ladies' and Gents' cycles District-St. Ann's Head to Whitland, and boundry of County Northwards. RECOMMENDED MRX AND USED BY • 4 ALI. GOOD N'CRSES./ jik'rA y ™«^ss FPONT V INDIGESTION, I RANK. cc B1L,0US ANii — VFEVERISH ATTACKS, J BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA J and other of f16 | CHEST, THROAT > J-^NGS. NEVER BE WITHOUT i E M. « 'i Mfitifiii ■ «r j Mar.ufa-turta •»1rat 78> Hew Oxford Street (late 533. Oxford St.), Lor-don; soid Vy aii Cheia: I r L f •••• • -«•' mf i