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m WHEN A MAN SUFFERS 35 YEARS. AiF OL Mr. Wm. Tlylor. of Rochdilo, after fuflerlng for 35 years, ipending over £ 200 with doctors, iraa eventually cured by 6 boxes of t ■7 MOTHER WESLEY'S OINTMENT. H/ v I WESLEY'S OINTMENT is a certain cure « *or Chapped Hands, Sore Throat, Inflamed ,^KL ill' <Byei, Corns, Boil*, Eruptions, and all Skin ^IIA. iDisetses. It coats Ul J rer box. Post free, ^■rVA U2 stamps, from HOLDROYDS MEDICAL TL HALL, CLKCKHKATON. F W^RIIOIJOS! OlGARZ! CIGARETTES I Kvf ry own List Prices, I fcr.-ilos variety of 'i Goods and Shop F'ttinps. The Trade only pur: l^d.^O; cning orders r:, ,Ity. Send for J'rire tfJ a T> V of our branch??, orto 10, SlN<;u rON .t COLE, LTD.. Cannon Istieet, Birmingham. Til-lat weor #|v & and give satisfaction are made of I Sl\ m B.S.A. Fittings. Read B.S.A. B Handbook, por.t free. H IL'S P S A. €». !M..WnHi»?*«B. I jHCr'P 1 W DIABETES^ Sufferers should use either FARWELL A R HINES^ GLUTEN FLOUR, 6d. per lb., or DIABETIC FOOD, 7Jd. per lb., carriage not pa'd- Both cereals recommended by the Medical profession. A pound sample sent on receipt of 3d. by Sole Agents, H. H. WARNER A CO., Limited. 86. Clerkenwell Road, London, E.C. ii,_d(krs tv t;lC :atc \ï(,tor:a. I THE BAHK Eli^MNGS, BEtFAST. g HOUSEHOLD LINEN Damask, Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Collars, Irish H Lace Goods. Wedding Outfits, etc. Carriage g Paid. Designs, Samples & Estimates on application. Eg ROBERTSON, LEDLIE, FERGUSON S' Co I H. BELFAST.- OLD M ETALS of every description purchased for Caah. H.B. BARNARD & SONS, 144, Lambeth Walk, London. MAYPOLE TEA-m^ A r THOMAS FORD &Cc., Liu., SUOOKSSOLLS TO W. H. GEORGE & Co. Wholesale and Retail Wine, Spirit and Cigar Binders, Dealers n and Merchants. DEALERS IN ALE AND PORl ER 24, Market Street, I I AT KKL-'ORD W EST. BONDED WAKEHOUSES SWANSEA THE Noted Stores for old and well matured Wines and Spirits. LJIRGFIST CELLARS in the County. Always replete with a well-selected stock of all the best brands in all departments. 3 TRY OUR NOTED LIQUEUR S COT CH AT per 48/- doz. OUR DIGESTIVE SCOTCH AT per 42/- doz. AND OUR OLD DUBLIN WHISKEY per 42/- doz. ORDERS BY ;rosr, OR OTHERWISE, PROMPTLY AT J ENDED TO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DISTRICT FOR N icholson's famous N. S. Whiskey BOKOUGII OF THE TOWN AND COUNTY H A V E K F O K D W E S T. FAIRS "FOR 1905. rj-IIE FAIRS for 1905 will be held as follows X unless unforeseen c.ironmstanoes an alteration necessary JANUARY TUESDAY 10th FEBRUARY lllh MARCH 21fc'k APRIL MAY JUNE for Wool and Stock) 13th JULY 11^ AUGUST SEPTEMBER WEDNESDAY 6th TUESDAY ititli OCTOBER (Hiring) THURSDAY 5th TUESDAY 17th NOVEMBER "/J1 DECEMBER ••• 12th THE Plli FAIRS will be held on tue day after the Cattle Fairs. Dealers and others attending the Haverfordwest FairHitre hereby cautioned against the practice of Lacerating with a Kuife or other Instru- ment fc* the purple of Marking any Animal; and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, under Statute 12 and 13 ViiAoria, cap, 92, all Pertoni found Lacera- ting any Animal will be liable to a Penalty of FIVE POUNDS, W. J JONES, MAYOR. Haverfordwest, November Vtb, 1904 F.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. The only teacher in Pembrokeshire holding the Pianetorte Teaching Certificate of the Royal College of Music, South Kensington. From the Viifcil Clavier School of Pianoforte Playing, London. In 1903 ten pupils passed the Trinity College Piano- forte and Theory Examinations, including: 1 Senior Aonours (Pianoforte), 2 Intermediate, 2 Honours, 2 Junior Pass and 3 Preparatory, besides many successes in former years. LESSONS IN PIANOFORTE, SINGING, THEORY, OftGAN, ETC. Address.-BULMER HOUSE, ST. THOMAS' GREEN. HAVERFORDWEST. THE SWAKSEAHfttKiiANTILE BANK LIMITED, OF lb) PARK s: ilEET, SWANSEA MAKE CASH ADVANCES DAILY FROM P,5 to 13500 TO ALL CLASSES of respectable householders upon their own Note of Hand, and other ds of securities. ^TTN-RU ALL TRANSACTIONS STRICTEST PRIVATE For further particulars apply H. B. JONES, Manager. or W. D. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer, Haverfordwest, Local Representative -&WOO BEE HIVES AND APPLIANCES. CATALOGUE FREE. BEE APPLIANCES and How to use them, Post fret, 1/2. INCUBATOR CATALOGUE FREE E. H. TAYLOR, WELWYN, HERTS. TOPPINC & SPINDLER, Vurf (Bommission Wgents, FLUSHING, HOLLAND. Oldest Established and most Extensive Agency in the World. All Letters to be addressed:- Postage 2l-d. TOPPING & SPINDLER, Post Cards Id. FLUSHING. HOLLAND. FOfL- m i-ui-i-'iiu'i. ui your POSTCARDS E *• *•*» YV i' :n'c npvii l.o receive on •■<>!isr.;iini<'nt C 5 52 L-uavantocd r.»%v laid Ku'-iS. i>«<*rV:etss liiTid" |i:iviucattf weekly. J'nrticuliir-* us to crates,"eta..P. Kecvil'& Sons, l,d., iMiKware-vd. London. .s.h tl. k l'-t;" Kcw/ to Bisks Money It' 'V person having h little read^ cash P should write for Booklet (post free), K Hi which explains how £ 2 lUs. weekly g| H profit may be made with a deposit of W Hi £ 10. Other amounts in propoition. gg Bra — Many Testimonials. H || Baxter. Son & May, 17, Feiictiurcli St.,London,E.CJ§ MOLASS!RSi £ E A L. *ha uerfect wA unicnie won^crftil Food for Cattle E^P.PIS., roultrr. De.troya WonM. ■reTonts Colic, Diarrhcsa., and Cougrli. MarwiWW for making Hens lay. Grand Pig Food. All Corn DMlor" or ggljySHtt C Ltd., 36, MARK LANE, LOIOa, El, RUBBER HEELS PENNA Are the Best. Exact Fit to Boot Heel. Write for Illustrated Catalogue, FREE. HOWIBON 00. 4, Snow Hill (DIp. P), London, &0. j ,A I TO DAVIES, THE COUNTY CLOTHIER, MARKET STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, Third Door from the Market. Please note the Name and Address. GEORGE ACE 16, ITigh St., Haverfordwest. -0- Vew Cycles by all Best Makers from JE5. rhe Guaranteed Ace Cycle with two or three Speed Gear from zC6 178. 6d. Easy Payments by arrangement. rENNIS, CROQUET, GOLF, Fishing Tackle, and all Sports and Indoor Games. -0- Motor Cars & Cycles for Hire ESTABLISHED 1856. PRICE AND RUSSELL TOWER HILL, HAVERFORDWEST, Painters, Glaziers, Paper Hangers, and General House Decorators. O A t ry large assortment of NEW CHEAP PAP EllS from lid per piccs 2 CALL AND SEE THE QUALITY. FULL MEASUREMENT IN EACH ROLL. GLASS OF Alii DESCRIPTIONS. ALL ORDERS PROMPT! Y ATTENDED TO. DT J.Collis Browne's The ORIGINAL and ce ONLY GENUINE. 0 The Best Remedy known for ■j^Q.ttikSlH Admitted by the Profession 9 nnilPUC PninC HllSQ Most Valuable uUUunOi uULUO, Hi| Remedy ever discovered. |H ■ ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, lib^fl Effectually cuts short all H 1 CONSUMPTION. pSll p^Tem S DtARRHtEA NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, S CHOLERA and GOUT. RHEUMATISM. Jf DYSENTPDV Overwhelming Medical Test;- I CKii mony accompanies each bottle. SOLD IN BOTTLES BY ALL CHEMISTS. at 1/H. 2/9 and 4/6 each. 8 flk( 9 ( will show you how important it is that you should always be in T\ I good health. You cannot work properly when you are ailing, j J You cannot enjoy living when you are out-of-sorts. You cannot f I sleep properly when you are unwell. In fact, life is not what it should be, if your health and general condition is poor. 1 AM ,'IICHAMS IllS f taken system-will judiciously regulate will the act beneficially upon your whole jlj1 LIVER, STOMACH AND KIDNEYS, 1 correct morbid conditions of these organs, and give you a clear |1 head and a sound body. In fact, they will make you V\ LOOK WELL, FEEL WELL AND KEEP WELL. \l I If that is what you desire, take l| if BEECHAM'S PILLS. jj ) ) Sold everywhere in boxes, price fill (56 pills) & 219 (168 pills). jl TEETH. TEETH. TEETH. -:0:- EDWARD ENGLAND LIMITED CAN BE CONSULTED FROM 11 to 5 P.M., at MISS JOHN, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. 3, Victoria Place, New Bridge, Haverfordwest, EVERY ALTERNATE SATURDAY AND TUESDAY, Next Visits, TUESDAY, MAY 16. and SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1905, And will also attend at Charles Street, Milford Haven (Mr Meyler, Chemist), every other Tuesday. Next Visit MAY 23, And Mr Geo. Collins, Market Square, Narberth, every other Thursday. Next Visit MAY 25 CONSULTATION FREE OF CHARGE. TEETH.—1, Perfection in eating and speaking. 2, Perfectly natural and life-liVe in appearance. Upper or Lower Set from Y,2 1 Os. Single Tooth » £ 0 5s. Teeth. Extracted Painlessly with Nitrous Oxide GAS NOTICE:-AIl Letters to be addressed to Brecknock House, Tenby 1HREE SPECIAL LINES, IN OUR LACE CURTAtN SALE. 7 .,2 4i j THIS CURTAIN, as illustrated. White or Ecru O /Q • Three yards long, 53 inches wide < P P • Regular price 4/11. Same size, in very similar deisgn. 2/11 2 per pair. Regular price 3/11. New Eygptian^ Design, ^jurda long ^jQ per Regular price 5/11. Exceptional Value at all prices up to 21/- per pair. GREENISH & DAWKINS, Ltd., HAVERFORDWEST, "STIE^ILLS, Robert Street, Milford Haven. FEANK~SANKEY TIMBER MERCHANT. HAS IN STOCK SHAFTS AND WHEELWRIGHTS' REQUISITES. Best Portland Cement and Building Materials, including Firebricks and Chester Goods. Joinery of all Descriptions Supplied to Specification. FREE ItjftJ ■ J Take a postcard and SEND AT ONCE for NIIMTI H. SAMUEL'S BOOK OF VWJN BARGAINS >N> FREE PRIZES a book bristling on every page with money-Mtf^ I M' T ^.1 saving bargains and valuable hints which ■ I If no shrewd buyer can afford to disregard. Vm V. BY WRITING TO-DAY you will receive thlsV%^r^ t a ft Mr» stupendous volume of factory-prioe valueA m HOmt I J \'j I | MM FREE by return, and become entitled, as a pur-VM a! LEVER. H H.SAMUEL'SGREAT V ■ ^S^FREE PRIZE-GIVING X BH «;I JWJtr ly (Complete lists and particulars in Byok). fine lever raove- ■ MARVELLOUS BARGAINS IN I Jw* W/ DIAMONDS, RINGS, WATCHES, cases. Embodies 1 I mTi^V PLATE,CUTLERY,SILVERWARE,&c. atf'^te" byRoyalLctten tf/ Mr. WM. MERCER, 68 Cocker St., Blackpool, Patent.Warran- W^r *5^ writing on Feb. 37th, 1905, says I- ted tor 7 years. ■JR 1 HAVE A WATCH BOUGHT FROM YOU IN 1589 WHICH HAS KEPT WONH nearly W MW W CORRECT TIME FOR 15 YEARS WITHOUT COSTING A PENNY FOR DOUBLE its price. T X CLEANING OR REPAIRING. IT COST MI 15/- WHEN NEW. THE '^HR M F I WORKS COULD NOT HAVE BEEN BETTER IF IT HAD COST ME ^15." SILVER m Remember that, besides allowing ONE MONTH'S FREE TRUUL ALBERT "FREE V ■ of any article. H. Samuel presents h every A HANDSOME FREE PRIZE & 1 to every customer, according to the lists enclosed In his money- ^|jtt W saving Guide. SEND POSTCARD FOR FREE BOOK TO-DAY. H.,SAMUEL,Market St., MANCHESTER,, PIANOFORTES FOR PIANOS. ORGANS and all MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS W. McICENZIE Is tbe most practical dEaler. ITe has gaicedoa experience in the following firms Brondw ô- seven ),ears' grand finishing nnd ti-ii)g), & Collard, and Cbaruell & Coof L oDdcn INSTRUMENTS OF ANY MAKER SUPPLIED. 25 Per Cent, discount for cash, or on the hire system PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. NOTE THE APDEESB 8, Victoria Place, ) Haverfordwest. J. L. JENKINS, M.P.S., Chemist and Seedsman, i BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. THE BEST HOUSE I FOR ALL KINDS OF GARDEN SEEDS, EARLY POTATOES, &c. Price Lists on Application. N.B.-As so many Vegetable and Flower Seeds are now bought already put up in exeentld<\ J° State that &U his Seed$(Dobbie & Hender's specialities excepted) «ue bought in BULK after careful selection of the BI'.ST VARIETIES ONLY and are put in lockets under his personal supervision, hcn.-c the success of the produce' from his Seeds at the VARIOUS HORTICULTURAL SHOWS. P^auce W T n I COUNTY CYCLE DEPOT, Bridge Street, Haveriordwest. o MARTIN PHILLIPS, (Successor to MR J. J. SWEENEY,) Bogs to announce that his Showrooms are now Stocked with a Fine display of 1905 Models BY LEADING MAKERS. ANY MAKE OF MACHINE SUPPLIED. :o: barge Stock of Second-hand Machines to be disposed of Cheap. All kinds of Cycle Repairs; Enamellidg and Repluting, &c o All kinds of ELECTRICAL WORK undertaken. o Acetylene Gas Plants supplied Sc fitted TIME IS MONEY," says the proverb; more so now than ever. If you want a New Watch—an accurate-to-the-secoud time- keeper, that will wear long and well-call on us. We have every kind in stock except bad ones, and at prices to suit all. IF YOU WANT Solid Silver or Electroplate, Clocks, Wedding or Engagement Rings, or anything reasonable in a Jeweller's line. ^"¥STo,y. .S- YOU WILL FIND OUR STOCK REPLETE, UP-TO-DATE and WELL-WORTHY OF INSPECTION BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. C. SYDNEY DAVIES, Jeweller and Qualified Optician, HAVERFORDWEST. ¡ BUTTER I MB&q COLOURING I Jul The 0,dest> most re,iable Eng'teh Article KjjvSn'f i >yT&\ for giving an even Cowslip colour to /m £ m% Butter at all Seasons, especially when H• *■ '• ,n 6d" 2i~'6/ 8/& ,4/fr<>m a" chemi*,# :tl DARK STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. JAMES WOOLCOCK Painter, Paperhanqer, Glazier, House Decorator, Sfc.j WtoFGS respectfully to thank his friends and the public generally for the kind suppos* -:0;- '•vssr' FROAI ALWAYS IN srOCK. "1' FOOT. -:0:- A Large Assortment < < » Cheap l'apw fnlnJ 3id" Upwards. A S