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UHPAILINO PRtBNDi t TBWLEs" PILLS I FOR FEMALES. ——' QUICKLY CORRECT ALl. IRKEGULAKITUSS, REMOVE ALt OBSTRUCTIONS, AND RELIEVE THE DISTHKSSINO SYMPTOMS so PREVALENT WITH THE SEX. Boxes, 1/1A & 2/9 (contains three times the quantity), of all Chemists. Sent fmy- where on receipt 0115 or .11 stamps, by E. T. TOWLE & Co., 66, Long Row, NOTTINCI If AM. JScircrc (II Imitations, injurious and tcorihUu? 111 IS*) CYCLES ARC THE VERY BEST. J U ■ » IKE* LADIES ^GENTLEMEN. I ZrUii SJT^ WHEELS. Carriage Paid to all parti Mtttly. /'X ry\ CASH or. 12 MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ( £ 7 i5». ul*\ //va £ 8 Ss- I5'~ POSTV^ [ill S:S,|A ggE^^RIIO at once, for Sr.w SziHOV's T.THT. over 100 r-EB. nn<J OVIIR 600 illustrations of JUNO CVCIPK and latent Ciciing Acr.oj-ori •«. a-t lit-rr r"o- r. thnn nav of'w house. Sml roi: 'ree. METROPOLITAN MACil!NESTS' Co., Lid. t.C.) 75. Bishopsgate Street Without, Lrodon, E.G., PICCADILLY LONDON, V.' mnm the SAFEWCTWJY JT.V (HEADACHE LILY ^MINUTES, ',MINUTES, (f" NCVTR FAILS RECOMMEMDEO BY MEOtCAL MEN .UtrUSE OANGEROUS SUer.T!TUTTS DEMAND KAPUHMtTlIt SAFT REMCD? PACKETS orlSoosts V-, SAMPLES I'OFAU. CHEMISTS J< STORES. ^CB DIRLCT FROM KAPUTIWE f. HUDDERSriELO. FOR tZSTAMPt DELICIOUS RED I DELICIOUS RED WHITE & BLUE 68FFEE. For Bw«tfa«t & afte? Plwttr. 68FFEE. For Bw«tfa«t & aftwf Plwttr. ESTABLISHED 1851. BIRKBECK BANK INVESTED FUNDS TEN MILLIONS CURRENT ACCOUNTS 2 Interest O J on the minimum monthly balances, J O when not drawn below £ 100. 2\°/ DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS OJL'V 2 /Q repayable on demand. 2 /O STOCKS AND SHARES Purchased and sold for customers. The BIRKBEOK ALMANAOK, with full particulars, ■» post free. C. A. RAVENSCROFT, )I:&naging Director. Southampton Buildings, i Chancery Lane, London. W.O. j; FRANK DAVIS 5 NUGGET SPORTING AGENCY, MIDDELBDRG, HOLLAND. WRITE FOR MY GREAT CESAREWITCH AND CAMBRIDGESHIRE CIRCULAR. | S.P. FUTURE, DOUBLE & TREBLE EVENT8 on all Races during the Year. A PRICE LIST, issued daily, giving Latest Market Changes, free on receipt of address. ALSO A WEEKLY CONTEST. for'Particulars, and Rules, and Telegraphic Address, ( Write to the above address. MUSIC IN THE HOME (Bijou Orchestra i'A Have you a Piano, Violin, Flute, Clarionet, or Comet? If so, send for samples of the most Popular Music in the trorld: as played by all the celebrated prize bands,who have won Over £ 100,000 with our music. WRIGHT & ROUND, 34, Krskina Street, LIVERPOOL. The world-renowned publishers of music for Military, String, Brass, and Flute Bands. & EARTHENWARE Goods, all kinds, suitable for Dealers, &c. HAWKERS' LARGB CHEAP ■ CKATKS nearly lOOO articles 42/6. Send for free Ulus. List. Arthur J. Hull (Dep. 25), King St. Pottery, Loncton, Statta. FH DR: JRCOLLMOWNE'S LEA CHLORODYNE ■S&lfH COUGHS, COLDS, A8THMA, ■gfflaM BRONCHITIS, & NEURALGIA. HSSjrSijfl A few doses quite effectual.—Caution.—The extra- Hgu? £ ]J*J3H ordinary medical reports on the efficacy of Chlorodyne ^Kjg-SsgH render it of vital importance that the public should ^KHQSHH obtain the tfenuinr. Testimonials from eminent 1 l'hysieians with each bottle. Bold in Bottles by all i [fejM Chemists, 1/14. 2/9, & 4/6. —pBg_-44m!BBIB»i!i MARVELLOUS VALUE. Send your photo, or look of hair DORRETT & MARTIN, mfflJHff+tlGL \WjS 60, Strand, London, W.C. and we return you,^<^tj^ree^wgth plated BROOCH, PENDANT OR PIN. customer will also be presented gratis with a button brooch of sama A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS. BEECHAM'S PILLS Cnres Billions and Nervous Disorders. BEECHAM'S PILLS -D Cure Constipation and Sick Headache. BEECHAM'S PILLS Ensure proper Assimilation of Food. BEECHAM'S PILLS Arouse Sluggish and Torpid Livers and Dispel Bile. BEECHAM'S PILLS Strengthen the Stomach. "OEECHAM'S PILLS Cure Stomachic Troubles, such as Indi- gestion, Want of Appetite, Dyspepsia. Fulness after Meals, Vomitings, Sickness at the Stomach, etc. B"~EECHAM'S P:LLS~^ Give almost instant relief. B^EECHAM^ PILLS Cure Restlessness and Insomnia, and give sound and refreshing sleep. BEECHAM'S PILLS Remove the results of indiscretion n eat- ing and drinking. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are suitable for both young and old. TDEECHAM'S PILLS Will make you look well, feel well, and keep yell. ( BEECHAM'S PILLS Purify the Blood., and remove Scurvy Pimples, and Blotches on the Skin. "DEECHAM'S PILLS Romove Wind and Pains in the Stomach B~EEOHAM'S PILLS -D Give tone and energy to the Muscu System. i EECHAM'S PILLS Are the most reliable Family Medicine and should be kept in every home. -+- BEECHAM'S PILLS Lay the foundation of Good Health. BEECHAM'S PILLS -A) Are specially suitable for the Diseases and Ailments common to Females of all Ages, and they remove the cause of much suffering to the sex. BEECHAM'S PILLS improve the Complexion, and restore the rose-bud of health" to pallid cheeks. 7>EECHAM'S PILLS Are mild, but effective in their action. 1>EECHAM'S PILLS Ð Assist the Kidneys to perform theii special functions. BEECHAM'S PILLS If taken in time will ward off many a serious illness. TTliECHAM'S PILLS Have stood the test of over fifty years "QEECHAM'S PILLS J. '— Are sold everywhere, in boxes at Is Ild ;QII1d 2s 9d., containing 56 and 133 Pills I respectively ) THE SWANSEA OLD BREWERY AND DAYIES' (CARDIGAN) BONDED STORES, PEMBROKE. -:0:- BEST WELSH MALT 40 libs, Per Bushel, 5s. f -:0:- BEST KENT HOPS, 9d. and Is. per lb. -:0:- Wheatleifs HOl) Bitters in 4i and 9 Gallon Casks, 5s. 3d. and 10s. -:0:- BEST HARVEST ALES 8d. and lOd. per Gallon In 4!, 9 and 18 Gallon Casks. 2 J5'" (AliL GOODS CARRIAGE PAID.) -:0:- Agent—GEORGE FOREST HERBER1, WHITE HORSE, HAVERFORDWEST. ] MONEY! MONJEY: MOWMY MR F. KING, 4, LAWS STREET NORTH, PEMBROKE-DOCK Is prepared to lend any sum, from £ 10 to £1,000 to Professional Gentlemen, Tradesmen Farmers, Hauliers, Cowkeepers, Mechanics, and the Working Classes generally, upon their own Pro- missory Note, without Sureties, Bondsmen, or any publicity, at a reasonable rate of Interest, repayable by weekly, fortnightly, monthly, or quarterly instalments; or at a stated period, to suit the convenience of the borrower. All communications treated strictly private. No charge will be made unless busines is done. Apply to MR F. KING, Local Agent for the Swansea Finance Co., Ltd GEORGE ACE, cy°le works, TIEHnTZB^T. Can, Inspect, and have FREE TRIALS of the roo. ILCIE: I" S-h.p. MOTOR CAR, fitted with Tonneau or Double Phaeton Body. ,£235. ;o: ■ ■ 'ACE' 2f-h.p. MOTOR TRICYCLE £ 65. -:0:- j' ACE If or 2-h.p. Motor Bicycles, .£30 & £/10 4 -.0'- I DRIVING and general care of Motors taught by experts, complete course FREE to Purchasers. Electric Accumulators charged on the fPiemises, and all. Motor spare parts and tyres. tocked. Motor Engineers sent to all parts on receipt of telegram to Ace, Tenbv." JlOfficial Repairer to :-De Dion-Bouton, Panhard, Wolseley, Dainxler, Locomobile etc- SiMotor Club | HINTS ON HEALTH By T. R. ALLINSON, EX-L.r.C.P. Ed., &e. BRUNAK A NEW DRINK, INSTEAD OF TEA OR COFFEE. LOOKS LIKE CurrCL Knowing the ill results "which follow tho use of tea and coffee, I have for some ▼ oars my patients to leave thom alone and to drink cocoa, m.k, barley water, gnu \1, onu^fe niAAiiin ?u substitutes. Some complain that they eannot drink oocoa, for1 • eiTe* ||1| A! I U.Qny V them a headache. Others say they cannot be bothered malting gruel, ftc. Taking Ulli nULIIlUUIl \J mto consideration all these complaints, I «et to work to find out a poasiblo imbstitute !■(. « | °ne thRt could be easily prepared. For many years I have ecxperanented o-a varioaa J <1 HALI H thuigs, but found difficulties in the way. At last I found something that satisfied me. j f have called it "Brunak," which is a word I formed from two Lirtin ones. Brunak BEVERAGE 's easily made as tea, coffee, or cocoa. It is as refreshing as tea, as tasty tm coffee, as comforting as cocoa, and as harmless na water. It can be drunk any tia te. The INSTEAD mill-hand can have a cup before goinir to work, at breakfast time, in. the forenoon, with dinner, at tea-tiine, and with supper. It oan be kept stewing on the hob all day and ttll night, OF and it will not injure any more than if it was fresh made. And it ca* be tdrunk cold or heated "P "gain without being made injurious. There is not a headache in a barrel of it, and no TEA & COFFEE nervousness in a ton of it. It may be drunk by the young, the old. the eak, the strong, the brainy man, or the athlete, also by all invalids, and even by sufferers fro m diabetes. If you M M ■ | |K| m mf come "in cold and weary a cup will refresh you if you are going out in tfc e cold, a warm <rap |$K 1^1 will keep you warm. And it you feci sinking or faint any time a cup of 3 irunak wfil piek yon up and leave no ill results, as do tea, coffee and other stimulants". If I can get. the people PUCII ( | imp pflCCCC of this country to drink Brunak as a regular beverage, I shall have dotMi more for my eoun- VUssssS. UUrrtfc try's progress and happiness than any conqueror who ever lived. I want everyone to try It, and have arranged for the Natural Food Company, Ltd., to supply it as below. It can, I know, M R> ■ | M JK BX" be got from places in the town, but if any difficulty is foundT in getting it* then send direct to DnU the Natural Food Company for it. It has only been before the p>iU'lio a few months, has given universal satisfaction, and is having a large sale. T1QTCQ ityr PflCCCC T. R. Atuvsex, Ex-Ii.R.C.P. Ed., Ac., Author of thirteen books on- Health, 4. Sponidk iCSliS LWtUUrrLC Place, B £ a»chester Square, London, W. Bold by the mnal Cash Grocery and Drug Stores in I-lb. packets, duty paid, at 18. each. If any 4jfficntty la obtai»> I tag it, a lut of agents and sample will be sent post free for one penny, or I-lb. post free for Is., Sby THE NATURAL FOOD CO., LTD., SO Room, Patriot Sq., Bethnal Qjreei, Londol, C. Established over Half a Century. -:0:- HILL STBBBTRHAVEKFORDWBST WILLIAM H. REYNOLDS, COMPLEZE HOUSE, FURNISHER, CABINET MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, PAPER HANGElt, DECORATOR, BUILDER, UNDERTAKER. ELECTRIC BELL FITTER. Largest Marufacturer in the County of Pembroke. DINING, DRAWING AND BEDROOM SUITES, BEDS AND BEDSTEADS. Newest selections 111 every department of the FURNISHING TRADE, and all kinds and description of PURUITURE, RELIABLE AND DURABLE. JOBBING and REPAIRS done with despatch and at low prices.. HILL STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. ESTABLISRED 1856. — :0: PRICE AND RUSSELL I E TOWER HILL, HAVERFORDWEST, j Painters, Glaziers, Paper Hangers, and General I House Decorators. -0- A very large assortment of NEW CHEAP PAPERS from per pi?ce 2 CALL AND SEE THE QUALITY. FULL MEASUREMENT IN EACH2 ROLL. :0:- GLASS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. KTALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. L. J E N KIN S, (Late SAUNDERS & SON), Dispensing and Photographic Chemist, BRIDGE STREET, IIAVERFOIIDW EST — ■:o: SOLE AGENT for the OPTICAL SUPPLY Co., Ltd. SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES to suit all kinds of defective sight. -:0:- TESTING MACHINE ON THE PREMISES. :0: A large variety of I Photographic Goods and Chemicals v by all the well-known makers. DARK ROOM PROVIDED. -:0:- Sole Agent of TRAVERSE & LIPTON'S WINES. Exceptional Value in PORTS, SHERRIES, CLARETS, &c., &c. I :o: A Choice selection ofBULBS just arrived, including Hyacinths, Tulips, Snowdrops, Crocuses, &c., &c., &c. -:0:- Note the Address- BRIDGE STREET, Haverfordwest. OUR NEW AUTUMN GOODS are a feature this Season. f Our Millinery Showroom Is full of choice Copies of Parisian Model and plainly Trimmed Felt a specially moderate prices. FURS OF ALL KINDS. The new long shapes in a variety of choice Furs. MUFFS to match. Finest Stock we have ever held. MANTLES AND J ACKETS I Guaranteed English Tailor made. FitJCertain. Made of Best Quality English Cloths. Totally different productions from the ordinary Ready-made Jackets. I I Lace Collars, Silk, Flannel & other Blouses I Dress Materials, Hosiery, Gloves. -An inspection of the immense Stock we hold in every Department is respectfully solicited. GREENISH & D AAV KINS HAVERFORDWEST. ■ ■11 lB" ■' 11 A PRIZE FREE A RYOU SILVER ALBERT t presented for a limited time only, to eyery purchaser of one of H. FAMOUS 25/- LEVERS if you would prefer OR to teet the watch first SED P.O.D. 5/- ONLY gUi and we will post it free by retura mall. Wear it for seyen^ays, and then if latullM Movement* HFully Jewelled. Dust and^Damp TO-DAY FOR Proof Cap. Perfected with all H. Samuel • Latest Improvements. Protected by Royal SAMUEL .LettersPatent. FREE BY BETUM. R»VS £ I'A RPEE PRIZES TO BUYE RS! WRITE NOW!! MVIUELJ^'N0 -tDiIr DARK STEET, Ha verfordwest. J. WOOLOOOK, Pallti ler, Paperllallqer, 6 Hazier, Jloa,%c Decorator,$fc.r BEGS respest/u] ly to thank his friends and the public< generally for tiie kim! .suppoi accorded to 1 lim in the past, and to inform them t; Va.t he intentis carrying <>• iht business as heretofi )re in all its branches, and hopes to meri t a share of public patronage. -:0: AIM :S OF THE BEST QUALITY ALWrA YS IN STOCK. -:0:- A LARGE ARTMENT OF NEW CHEAP PAPR j ?ROM lid. UPWARDS —————:o:————— GLASS Q F ALL DESCRIPTIONS FROM 2f i* PeR FOOT. TRa-'Wondir" Guinea PareA 4 Contains— {Copyright Regitftnd.) I Pair White Witaey BlanketA, Urge siza, finished, soft and fleecy, t Pair white TWOl Ttirrni hemmed ready tor use, 2| yd* by 2 jrda. 1 Handsome Satin-finished White Qmlt, twauMfally raised wo^en flocal design, 3 yds. long by yds. wide. 1 Pair WtiteQdlae Pillow Cases, full size, good quality, bottonad aads, fmdy for use. I White Mareella Toilet Cover, 45 in. loos, t fas. wide, pretty raised flocal desten. I Sat r f ITTiiia Dnchease Toilet Mats. 1 Pair 'Strang Hnckabaek Toflal Towels. 1 Very osefal and handsome Striped Aoatrtoa Rug, suitable for Bed, Sob, or Travelling RK Sent Carrtag* Paid ON rtceipt «/ P.O.O. atf*. BROOKFIELD'S, Market Square, Staffer* E8T1BIJBHKP OTP 110 1MB. FOR TRY COCGHS, 1 PHILLIPS'S COLDS, I PECTORAL BRONCHITS, BALSAM ASTHMA, OF HOARSENESS, &c., SQUILLS. ONE DOSE RELIEVES—ONE BOTTLE CURES. -:0:- Price 1/- & 2/6 per bottle. 0:0 Prepared only by F. D. PHILLIPS, Chemist, MARKET STREET, Haverfordwest. :o: PATENT MEDICINES & PROPRIETERY ARTICLES AT STORE PRICES. Sir PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. rlTEOTISET) BY Leading CountyJ^Conses. nr j. « r. n.ijrfll otn<v«t Sole District Certificated Agent, for ^H-We»t Cycle Depot.-Bridge Street, Leading Cycle8 and Accessories. fx J Fithguard Cycle Depot.—West Street.'jt jt gWEEMET. ~CTnTOrlig^=^ 1" L Workshops fitted with th 0 )ycles for Sale, Exchnge, f most modern machinery for and Hire. Repairs and Cycle building in| Eiding ground attached to Jl depot, where cycling is tausfr For the country a cycle is provided gratis to learn upon when a cycle is purchased. Can purchase a beautiful 'J —— U S A number of sound second- p hand LfLdif'and Gents' c5'cleB P from £ 2 10s. District—St. Ann's Head to Whitland, and boundry of County Northwards. v TAP- Lou Xn.'vSilust'lslG in tito Da.iry. '7, SILVER CHeRN" BUTTElt COLOURING, for giving an even cowslip tint in all seasons facially when the cows are on dry food or roots. It is in use in all large dairies. In 6d., Is,, 2s,, 5s., 8s., and 14s. CHURN CHEESE RENNET is always of uniform curdling strength, 1 part to 1-2,003 and is made from carefully selected Veils. In utone bottles, (Jd., Is. 4d., 2s. Gd., 48. Gd. and 9s. each. "SILVER CHURN" BUTTER POWDER materially assists churning, makes the, butter firm and sweet, In boxes 6d.. Is.. 2s., and 5s. each. "SILVER CHURN ANNATTO OR CHEESE COLOURING gives a rich tintwhith does not fade as the cheese ripens; it is largely used to improve the appe-,trance of milk. In stone bottles, 6d., Is., 28" QS., 8s., o^ainc'^ frora an Chemists and Grocers. Wholesale only from OLDFIELD PATTINSON <fc Co, MANCHESTER. § RECOMMENDED AND USED BY m ALL GOOD NURSES.^ .A- NURSES.^ .A- FOR I FOR UPWARDS OF/ 1 SIXTY YEARS SCIDMEY 1 THEY HAVE 'COMPLAINTS, HELD INDIGESTION, FRONT RII irno «NR. r,i■/ Mis, BILIOUS AND FEVERISH ATTACKS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA and other affociions of tho j CHEST, THROAT & LUNGS. | NEVER BE WITHOUT THEM. I )lanu(adllrctl finly at 78. NewOdord Street (late M3. Oxford St.). London; by a.I Chemists anù Medicine V I- BOROUGH OF THKTOWX ANI) CUL'NTV lilSUFG Ill = F03l Mfll'CS HAVERFORDWEST.. a I WITH rirr, TM k T11C1 17 /T) IAAO IMPERIAL AorlDENT, LIVE FAIRS FOl\ 1902. stock I And GExr.I;AL INSUHAXCI: Co., LTD.. 'I"1 HE FAIRS for 1902 will be beld follows .«* rfi |\ J Establish* 1878. 1 unless unforeseen circuui8t»nces ^halI make an Head Offices • alteraUon m-c^ary MrI| „ t.u.L MALR EAST, LONDON. SVV MEA^rlHARY 18th AS A DTO The" IMPERIAL" offersGREA? MARCH 18th MAULV ES l' BENEFITS. APRIL loth | IflnUi-W FULL MARKET VALUE INI MAY I^lh SURED, and not Two-thirds only. JUNE for Wool and Stock 10th ALL FOALS INSURED UNi'IT JULY 15th ( I'WK 3lst DECEMi)EK, instead of AUGUST 12th AIll/ month only. SEPTEMBER Saturday fitb DOUBLE AMOUNT PAID FOR, Tuwdav ltjtli FOALS after Inree Months (uew OCTOKEK (Hiring) Monday | rflAlO "mils PAID FOR if CAST. SOVKMliEU 11th fUAla. STALLiONS INSCEED ,r.„ 6 DECEMBER IHh CLAIMS PAID, A'200,000. THE BIG FAIRS will be held on tiie day after Prospectuses, &o, forwarded post free I the Cattle Fairs. Dealers and others attend ing the Agents required. Haverfordwt-st Fairsttre hereby cautioned against lie B y ESSEX, Manager. practife of Lacerating with a Knife or other ins ru inent fo- Animal; and- NOT1CL IS HEREBY GIVEN, un.iti Statute 1- and lil Vic'.oriu, cap, 02, all PernDU* luimd Lucerat ■ OK?3«/A |k ;u —jFFoSi— ting any Animal will be liable to a Penalty of FIN E ■ ^yoar I It 8 1 FX 8 POUN^b. vvILLlAM H G EORGE, MAVOk| I X'MASCARDS!J/ £ I — ■ aAMPLB BOOK SRNT for ofleetfon—which 11 ntnntabl*. "N' WAMIVIF I THOMAS BROTHERS & CO.,THI FNINTTM, Jk* MAtilt Alij-:U'.U«. Hv WW. m•.•••)•#,«<<. S trtamys. AddieM—WiUKlKdiis it Co.. «. ^ua.re, ^hettU^IA. ] ^gWp^_cvcwTOW WO*Q, uVtHPOOt. —