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Gf-RK^O? AMERICAN CURB. Send to mo for a FREE SAMPLE and PRESCRIPTION A Minister, who formerly suffered, will be pleased to send to any sufTertr a PRESCRIPTION of as,fre safe simple and GUARANTEED CURE for Nervous DebnTtv^n every form Loss of Energy, Dimness of Sight, Evil Fore- bodings, Wasting Decay, Pains in the Loins, Pimples and Eruptions on the Face and Body, Loss of Meraory, Con- fusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Frightful Dreams, Etiiaciation, Brain Fag, Foetid Breath," Low .Spirits, Timidity, Varicocele, Diseases of the Kidneys and all tlio organs connected with them. To prove my words I will send a 4 > a FREE SAMPLE Of tho Medinine to any sufferer who sends me a stamped- addressed envelope, and names this pajjer It will cost you nothing so write to-day. Cure is certain. Address: Rev. inoiiAS STONE, The Limes, Kemp Town, Brighton England. c rpOBACCOS CIGARS CIGAKk VTHS Every known Jij'.nid ;>t Manufactorm" V-i.-rs. Endless variety of Tota?.-on!«tv lvvuy shop The Tmdr only MT C'. us a Speciality. Send forPrijf List to any <.r"o> b- or to SINGLETON & COI.e. LTD.. Cannon Sh ^4 '.am. ARMY BLUCHERS ARMY BLU- CIIERS 4,000 pairs of new sewn Bluchers. Very best leather soles. Will send one pair, any size, post free for 5s. 6rl. Cash returned if not &.pproveu of-—H. J. OASSOX, Government Contractor, Eye. TO BAKERS.—Smokeless Ovens, one fire I' ovens. Catalogue free. Dough troughs, Oh long. CastorS,4¡-set. Geen.Ltd. 155, High St.Le fl I A O C TC O Sllrterers should use eithei 1IIMDL I Lu. IARWELL&RHINKS- Jr V mm%0w GLUTEN FLOUR, 6<1. per lb., or DIABETIC FOOD, 7*d. per lb., carnage not paid. A pound sample sent on receipt of 3d by SOLE AGENTS, H. H. WARNER & Co., LIMITED 86, CLEUKENWELL ROAD, LONDON, E.c. gILLIARD AND BAGATELLE TABLES. I A Large Stock of New and Second-hand Tables 8?T>ys £ ? V'r Convertible Billiard and Dining Tables. Write for List. G. Edwards, Kingsland Rd.,NJB. CIP.ARQ "DINNA FORGET" CIGARS cost but 8/4 per box of SO. Post free. Cash with order Officers Clergymen, Doctors, Lawyers, and Merchants class them AL. A trial solicited. Cisarelles 4/8 per i lb. Smoking Mixture, 6/8 per lb Sole Depot:GAMBLE, 124, SoV Hill. Birmingham Cheques crossed Birmingham District and Counties Bank." C" L nt BAIM OUILUIIKUM, — -v Royal Warrant Holders to late Queen Victoria. « arlslHas mEt New Year Gifts Household Linen, Damask, Cambric Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Wedding Outfits, Choir Surplices, Linen Shirts and Collars. Carriage Paid. Samples and Estimates free on application. Robertson, Ledlie, Ferguson & Co., Limited, Belfast. ¡ SOAP (For Sensitive Skins) PREMIER 4d. I CREAM (ForItching,FaceSpots. Eczema, etc.) I/II POWDER (For Redness, Roughness,Toilet.etc.) '1. CTHFC. BANK BUII_UTIMOS, BELFAbl. Royal Warrant Holders to late Queen Victoria. ■ cnrisimas Olld New Year Girts Household Linen, Damask, Cambric Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Wedding Outfits, Choir Surplices, Linen Shirts and Collars. Carriage Paid. Samples and Estimates free on application. ■ Robertson, Led!ie. Ferguson & Co., Limited, Belfast. V DIABETES t Sufferers should use either FARWELL A RHINES' § t CLUTEN FLOUR, 6d. per lb., or DIABETIC t t FOOD. 7JD. per lb., carriage not paid. Both t cereals recommended by the Medical profession. A pound sample sent on receipt of 3d. by Sole Agents, H. H. WARNER & CO.. Limited. 86, Clcrkenwelt Road, London, E.C. OCDn OCD< >QCmZ>QCPQ nc30 WANTED OC^ 0 in large or small quanti- N TEA ties. Contracts entered Tbn N I TFL JNTO for regular deliveries. ■ TN 11 I FAI1 Send particulars & prices to I r IN II LCfiUi JOHN HADDON ff Co. LCflU.U ✓—)Q Salisbury Square, NCTN. 0 X NR*M Fleet St., London, E.C. LP\V IJ CDU OCDCH >( K3CDO UCDO OCDU OCDCH >( K3CDO UCDO OOLLOTYP8 OF YODR OWN SUBJECT* W WILSON, ro8TCARD8 ? I QVICKT.Y CORRECT AT.L IRTlF.r.rLATUTIES. REMOVE ) ALL OIiSTKU<'HONS. AS!> RELIEVE THE DISTRESSING t } SYMPTOMS SO PREVALENT WITH THE SEX. BOXES, ( 1= I'.rt (CONTAINS THRF.K TIMES THE QfANTITY) f AND LMiC.B SIZE. 4-. 01.. OI' ALL CHEMISTS THROUGH- I toi;T THE WORIJ), Oil PV.XT ANYWHERE ON RECEIPT 1 V OF l.">. m, OH ST. PENNY STAMPS, BY W E. T. TOWLE &^CO. 6C^LONG ROW, NOTTINGHAM. { MR C. BULMER, F.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. The only tearlier in Pembrokeshire holding the Pianeforte Teaching Certificate of the Royal C ollege of Music, South Kensington. From the Virgil Clavier School of Pianoforte Playing, London. In 1903 ten pupils passed the Trinity College Piano- forte and Theory Examinations, including: 1 Senior fcjdonours (Pianoforte), v2 Intermediate, 2 Junior ^Honours, 2 Junior Pass and U Preparatory, besides many successes in former years. LESSONS INI PIANOFORTE, SINGING, THEORY, OKGAN, ETC. Address.—BULMER HOUSE, ST. THOMAS' GHEEN. HAVERFORDWEST. MODERN LANGUAGES MONS. C. TIE BERENSBERG HAVING consecutively and successfully dur JLjL ing 23 years taught Modern Languages in the Haverfordwest Grammar School, is now pre- pared to devote his whole time to the INSTRUCTION OF PRIVATE ruriLS.: Legal and Private Deeds and Documents accu- rately and carefully Translated from, and into English, French. German, Spanish and Dutch. For terms enquire at the Professor's, ICILSANT HOUSE I GOAT STREET, HAVERFORDWEST THE SWANSEA MERCANTILE BANK, LIMITED, OF 18, PARK 87JIEET, SWANSEA MAKE CASH ADVANCES DAILY FROM £5 to £500- rpO ALL CLASSES of respectable householders upon their own Note of Hand, and other ids of securit ies. ALLfTRANSACTIONS STRICTLY PRIVATE For further particulars apply: II. B. JONES, Manager. or W. D. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer, Haverfordwest, Local Representative ROKOUGETOF THE TOWN AND COUNTY HAVERFORDWEST. FAIRS FOR 1904. rpHE FAIRS for 1904 will he held as follows X unless unforeseen cirmmstan',e8 shall make an atiCi necessary :— JANUARY Tuesday FEBRUARY 12th MARCH JJP aprijli MAY JUNE for Wool and Stock 10th JULY AUGUST 2[i SEPTEMBER OCTOBER (Hiring) Wednesday 20th Tuesday 5th NOVEMBER DECEMBER t ,f THE PIG FAIRS wil1 be held on W da after the Cattle Fairs. Dealers and others attenrl mg the Haveifordwesl Fairsare herebv cautioned against the practice of Lacerating with a Knife or other "str"- ment fc" the purpose of Marking any AnImal; a.nd NOTIC1. IS HEREBY GIVEN, under Statute it and 13 Victoria, cap, 92, all Penrons found Lacera ting any Animal w ill he liable to a Penaltyol POUNDS, J0HN HENRy BISHOP, MAYOR. averfo rdwest," November 9th, 1903. MOLASSINE MEAL. The perfect and unique wonderful Food for 08.. sheep, Pigs, Poultry. DestroyB prevents Colic, Diarrhcea, and Cough. HarWffkMfll for Hens lay. Grand Pig Food. All Corn Daahr* or HOLASSflS C lTD.. 36, MARK LAlit L" t' METALS of eTery description & SONS. IK.Hmbeth fHAYPOLE TE fl'riSa" at 3e8 Br&noh Swan Square Cycle Depot. -:0.- A number of Second-hand Cycles to be sold Cheap. -:0:- All Kinds of Electrical Work undertaken. o Agent for Columbia Gramaphones and Phonograph. Lalrge number of Records in Stock tfrOln 1/- up. 0 MARTIN PHILLIPS Proprietor. FOR HIRE. MOTOR CARS, By hour, day or week. Motor Driving Taught. 0- GrGOX>S>6 A.CG Cycle Sf Meier Work TENBY. By appointment, Official Repairer to Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland. ESTABLISHED 1856. PRICE AND RUSSELL, TOWER HILL, HAVERFORDWEST, Painters, Glaziers, Paper Hangers, and General House Decorators. o A 1:( flllarge assortment of NEW CHEAIJ PAPERS from lid per piec* 2 CALL AND SEE THE QUALITY. FULL MEASUREMENT IN EACH ROLL. GLASS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. :0:- A L ORDERS PROMPTI Y ATTENDED TO. YOU DOUBLE -YOU MONEY .k ROU MIDDLE PROFITS WIPED AWAY. ALL GOODS FROM THE I FACTORY DIRECT, FRESHEST, BRIGHTEST, BEST, LARGEST 1 SELECTION IN THEKINGDOM. LOWEST PRICES. 3 0^ 'ACMa' THOUSANDS OF M BARGAINS AND FREE PRIZES. 5/6 Starli silver. Latest Design. Fine l'Starilliint" Diam o nds. 3/6 Solid Silver Compass. I (I j' |L| ^.olid Gol^j Fine WRITE I J u > k jilted Heal Diamonds S^ndsome Solid FOR fe; A\ W- aMd Rubies- FREE BOOK M/ «TA^d £ t^.| bar°g^ bSo^ —7r^ i-y 1 nearly two inillion j ,5[IRIS' ON beoocst. CONTAINS THOUSANOS ln wear. Sevan { OF FACTORY prici ■ aroainS. H jreai-e* wsmrty. £ 5-1 **«■«»■».« FREE PRIZES row AU. B »"" PURCHAStRB. ■ H S U EL^no. 33-121 MARKET ST.,MANCHESTER S What's kll the World without | a GOOD DIGESTION? I There is not much occasion^ nowadays* for anyone, Hj rich or poor, to go about subject to the terrors of Indi' H g^stion. A bad digestion may be cured, a weak one H strengthened, and a good one confirmed. H ■ are, in fact, the reoognised remedy for all forms of H ■ dyspepsia, a disease far-reaching and distressing enough, H H which generally arises from complicated irregularities H ■ of the stomach, liver, and kidneys. By their specific H ■ action on these organs— H ■ BEECHAM'S PILLS re-establish healthy digestion, H ■ purify the blood, eliminate uric acid and act as a fine H ■ tonic upon the nervous system. B ■ There is certainly no other medicine before the public H H which combines so many life-giving properties as H ■ BEECHAM'S PILLS. ■ ■ This Wonderful Medicine is specially suitable for H H Females of all ages. Every woman who values health ■ H should read the Instructions wrapped round each B B box. T » m tl fl B Sold everywlierc In Boxes, ls- lid. (56 pills) and 2s. 9d. (168 Pilts). JB TEETH. TEETH. TEETH. -:0:- EDWARD ENGLAND LIMITED CAN BE CONSULTED FROM 11 to 5 P.M., at MISS JOHN, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. 3, Victoria Place, New Bridge, Haverfordwest, EVERY ALTERNATE SATURDAY AND TUESDAY, Next Visits, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13. and SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1904, And will also attend at 13, Charles Street, Milford- Haven (Mrs Mulep, Confectioner), every other Tuesday. Next Visit DECEMBER 20, Y" I And Mr Geo. Collins, Market Square, Narberth, evet yother Thursday. Next Visit DECEMBER 22, CONSULTATION FREE OF CHARGE. TEETH.—1, Perfection in eating and speaking. 2, Perfectiy natural and life-like in appearance- Upper or Lower Set from £ 2 10s. Siugle Tooth „ £ 0 5s. Siugle Tooth „ £ 0 58. Tee1;h Extracted Painlessly with Nitrous Oxide Gas J N OTICE:-AIl Letters to be addressed to Brecknock House, Tenby SHOW ROOMS NOW OPEN WITH ALL KINDS OF FANCY GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. c USEFUL HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES. I Tom Smith's Crackers and Choice Confectionery at Popular Prices. -0- Christmas Cards, Autograph Cards, &c. Fancy Linen Table Cloths, &c., and Fancy Drapery Goods suitable for Presents. o — i. — An Early Selection absolutely essential to secure the best choice. Greenish & Dawkins, Ltd., Market Street, Haverfordwest. STEAM SA VT MILLS, ":I Robert Street, Milford Haven. FRANK SANKEY TIMBER MERCHANT. HAS IN STOCK SHAFTS AND WHEELWRIGHTS' REQUISITES. Best Portland Cement and Building Materials, including Firebricks and Chester Goods. ,I Joinery of ail Descriptions Supplied to Specification FOR IFXTRAGOOD OVERCOATS TRY ON DAVT" THE COUNTY CLOTHIl I MARKET STREET, HAVERFO. Third Door from th Also if you are in want WARM UNDERWEAR & WOOL' r Call and see oifr NEW WINTI &J -:0: Please note tlxe Name nimd A cl c, | PIANOFORTES For PIANOS. ORGANS and all MUSICAL INSTRUMENES W. McKENZIE IS the most practical denier. He bae gained an experience in the following Srms Broadwood seven years' grand finishing and tuning), Collard & Collard, and Char pell A- Co of London. INSTRUMENTS OF ANY MAKER SUPPLIED. 25 Per Cent, discount for cash, or on the hir° >y&ten\ PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. NOTE THE AD. EESB 8, Victoria Place, Haverfordwest. OLD ERIDGE, HAVERFORDWEST -:0:- J. F. GWYTHER & Co., PURVEYORSI. Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers of all kinds of Sausage Brawn Polonies, Pork Pies, Ac., &c. Finest Quality OF BEEF, FORK, MUTTON, & LA MS. FRESH SAUSAGES DAILY. ALL ORDERS BY POST OR OTHERWISE PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOSEPH COYSH, MOUNT HILL NURSERIES, CARMARTHEN. 0 Fruit Trees, Forest Trees, White Thorn Quicks for Hedges, Choice Rose Trees & Ehrubs, And all kinds of NURSERY STOCK thoioughly acclimatized to Vales zn WREATHS, CROSSES & BOQUETS TO ORDER. CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION, -.u BUTTER | iilifpa COLOURING I MmiL The oldest, most reliable English Article IH Top giving an even Cowslip colour to jsgBB Butter at all Seasons, especially when pMSjf "'JJ • «<»•. »-■ *<-■ 5/ 8/ & I4/ from al! Chemttfs ■ and Dealers in Dairy M Proprietor, OLOFIELD. PATTINSON & Co.. Manchester. B DARK STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. :o: JAMES WOOLCOCK Painter, Paperhanqer, Glazier, House Decorator, fyc., BEGS respectfully to thank his friends and the public generally for the kind suppo Aj accorded to him in the past, and to inform them that he intends carrying or the he all its branches, fnd hopes to merit a share of public patronage -:0:- PAINTSfOF THE"REST QUALITY GLASS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS FROM ALWAYS^IN STOCK. 0^ FOOT. I A Large Assortr- er i (tNew Cheap Paper from ljd. Upwards. p 2 -1 S RECOMMENDED AND USED BY ALL GOOD NURSES^/ y i FOR UPWARDS OF/ LSVL- 8IXTY YEARS AND THEY HAVE KIDNEY HELD (V C0MPLAINTS' FRONT V INDIGESTION, RANK. OL BIL10US AND F £ VERISH ATTACKS. BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA an<^ ot^er affections of the CHEST, THROAT & LUNGS. NEVER BE WITHOUT THEM. I Manufactured jnlv at 78, New Oxford Street .la'e M3, Oxford St.), London; sold by al! Chemists and MedicilwV i—II^—i ■ r— ^j k; 4 "a-