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MR. JOSEPH BOTHOMLEY, AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, ACCOUNTANT, HOUSE, ESTATE, AND INSURANCE AGENr, (No. 29, Llanarth Street, Newport,) RESPECTFULLY announces to his friends J-V and the public that, having relinquished his Late Clerkship, and embarked in the above businessss, he hopes, ov strict attention to all matters entrusted iij him, and a prompt settlement of all Sale accounts, to obtain their confidence and support. B 1 WEBBER and WILLIAMS, AUCTIONEERS, T T HOUSE and ESTATE AGENTS, 119, Commercial- street, Newport, supply CEMENT and GUANO at Manufacturers' Prices, in Small or Large Quantities. [400 PRIVATE ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE, J_ at WHITCHURCH, near Monmouth. MR. MILLARD, SURGEON, & RESIDENT PROPRIETOR, (licensed 1834), has Vacancies for either sex. j Terms moderate. B 3 R. MATTHEWS and Co., TEA and • COFFEE MERCHANTS, 19, COMMERCIAL- STREET, Newport. A large and well-selected Stock on Sale good quality Combined with moderation in prices. [5 J PORTABLE MANURES. S. STONE is prepared to supply the • undermentioned MANURES, which he guarantees to be of the very best quality :— GUANO. PHOSPHATE OF LIME. The BRITISH ECONOMICAL MANURE. The LONDON BLOOD MANURE. BONE DUST, &c. Pamphlets sent Post-free. GREAT DOCK-STREET, Newport, Mon. March 14th, 1856. B 53 FOR ONE MONTH LONGER. M PHOTOGRAPHY. ESSRS. VILLIER8 and ANDREWS' PORTRAIT-ROOMS are NOW OPEN for a limited time only, at the OLD CANAL OFFICE, High- street, Newport, and at MAES-Y-DRE, ABE R DARE. Portraits taken in the highest perfection of the Art. Family Groups, finished as Pictures, from 15s. Portraits for Brooches, Lockets, &c. a variety kept, adapted for Miniatures. 1334 (A CARD.) Mr. THOMAS WILKES, Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, No. 42, LLANARTH-STREET, NEWPORT, And No. 14, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. AGENT For the UNITY FIRE & LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATIONS, and the NATIONAL LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY. 355 IRON BEDSTEADS! IRON BEDSTEADS! THE cheapest and best place for every description of Brass and Iron Bedsteads, Iron Sofas, Rocking Chairs, &c., is at JAMES LEACH'S Depôt, 117, Commercial-street, Newport. Every description of Household Furniture Bought, or taken in Exchange. A Good BAGATELLE TABLE, with Slate Top for Sale. [364 91 0° MILNERS' HOLDFAST <fc FIRE RESISTING SAFES (non-conducting and Vapourising), with all the improvements, under their Quadruple Patents of 1840 51-54 and 1855, including their Gunpowder Proof Solid Lock and Door (without which no ISAtc i.1 occuro.) THE STRONGEST, BEST, AND CHEAPEST SAFEGUARDS EXTANT. MILNERS' PHCENIX (212°) SAFE WORKS, LIVER POOL, the most complete and extensive in the world.— Show-rooms, 6 and 8, Lord street, Liverpool. London Depot, 47A., Moorgate-street, City. Circulars free by post. B 8 B 8 ERCANT]ILE AND MAT]AERATICAL M- ERCANTILE AND MATHEMATICAL :1. DAY & EVENING SCHOOLS, CROSS HOUSE, STOW HILL. CONDUCTED BY MR. ANB MRS. O'BRIEN, AIDED BY MASTER O'BRIEN. A Dancing Class every Tuesday and Thursday Evening, from Seven to half-past Nine o'clock. Music Classes daily, after the School duties are finished. A few Boarders can be accommodated, who will have the benefit of all the classes, if so disposed. Agent for the People's Provident Assurance Society also for the Guarantee of Fidelity in situations of trust' Newport, November 17th, 1855. B 9 CHILDREN'S Fashionable BLACK SILK C MANTLES, from 5s. 6d. each. Full size WOMEN'S *utto, from 5s. lid. each. SPRING STOCK COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, at E. THOMAS'S, ALBION HOUSE 4, Commercial-street, top of Corn-street, Newport, Mon. t B 189 EEXETER HALL HOTEL, STRAND, LONDON NELSON HAXELL—The Hotel is • situate in the most open part of the West Strand contiguous to Charing Cross, the Theatres, and most obiects ot interest in the Metropolis. The Apartments are lofty scrupulously clean, and really comfortable. Breakfast with Joint, Is. 6d. Dinners, 2s. Bed-rooms, Is. 6d., 2s. wrawing-rooms, including wax lights, 4s.; with Bed-room en s/ute, 7s. Attendance, Is. A Night Porter. B 74 MRr BENNETT GILBERT, R.A, Mcm- ber of the Conservatoire of Leipsic, aud Pupil of ^6 late Mendelssohn and Moschelles, Organist of St. Paul's Church, Newport. Teacher of the Piano-Forte, Ringing, and Composition. 174, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. B 80 TEETH. "|I"R. R. N". OSBORNE, late of Bristol, WLTJL SURGEON DENTIST, begs to inform the inhabitants of Newport and its vicinity, that at the urgent request of his Friends, and owing to the constantly-increasing de- mands for his professional services, he has decided upon a Permanent Residence in Newport, and may be consulted Daily, at No. 17, Great Dock-street, where all the opera- tions connected with Dental Surgery may be performed With the greatest care. Artificial Teeth supplied at charges to meet all classes, and in point of execution, equal to any done in London or Paris. It is scarcely necessary to point out the great advantage NG A LLESIDENT DENTIST in a Town like Newport, rl!C,CUi y ln ca9es, re1ulriug prompt attention, instead of a distarT8 UP°n uncertain visits of parties residing at R. N. O. hopes, therefore, by integrity and skill, to se- cure the continued support of his friends and all who mav at any time require his services. N.B.—A vacancy for a Pupil. Address, 17, Dock-street, Newport. [n 141. VICTORIA LONDON DOCKS" THE attention of Shipowners and others is called to the reduced charges made, and the great facilities afforded by these Docks. The charges will be found to be considerably less than those usually levied by the other Dock Companies, in some cases full 50 per cent. Colliers waiting market, and sailing vessels fitting or laid up, are charged Id. per regis^ tered ton per week. No entrance dues. further information may be obtained on application, Either personally or by letter, to the Manager, Dock House, 23, Rood Lane, London. 0 B 225J C. CAPPER, Manager. GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH, TUSED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY. HE Ladies are respectfully informed that this Starch is EXCLUSIVELY USED in the Royal •k&undrv, and her Majesty's Laundress says, that although s?9 l'as tried Wheaten, Rice, and other Powder Starches, HA? found none of them equal to the GLENFIELD, which is the finest Starch she ever used. *» OTHERSPOON and CO., Glasgow and London. B 20 LONDON MANURE COMPANY. TTXGI U Established 1840. HE above Company have the following ready for immediate delivery CORN MANURE FOR TOP DRESSING. BLOOD DO. „ CORN. <=. BLOOD DO. ROOTS. li,uXT 2r Drill. Lime, manufactured expressly for the lIquid or other Drill. Concentrated Uratefor Turnips Mangold, Grasses, &c PERUVIAN GUANO ^ectfrom Importers' Warehouse., ■titrate of Soda, Sulphate of Ammonia, and everv Ar+iafi cial Mannre of known value. EDW. PURSER (Sec.) Mr. HENRY JAMES, CALDICOT, near Chepstow.. 40, Bridge-street, Blackfriars. [104 G^F. STEWARD, GARDENER and FLORIST, Pontuawydd, near Newport, has on Sale a Quan- Vty CHOICE BEDDING PLANTS, at 3s. per dozen. Delivered, carriage free, within ten miles.—Cash on delivery.—Address as above. 403 JOHN SOUTHALL, i HARE AND GREYHOUND WINE AND SPIRIT VAULTS 37, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT, Begs to thank his friends for their very liberal support, and apprises them that the Extension and Alteration of the Premises are now completed. Visitors to Newport will find every accommodation on the most reasonable terms. WINES, SPIRITS, ALES, AND DUBLIN PORTER OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. FAMILIES and CAPTAINS supplied with HOME BREWED BEER, PALE ALE, and DUBLIN PORTER, in Casks or Bottles. 372 NEWPORT AND CARDIFF.—DENTAL S1»GERY. IV/FIi. GRAHAM YOUNG, SURGEON- -I-'JL DENTIST, begs most respectfully to state, that in consequence of the incroased demand for his Professional services, he purposes for the future paying Newport and Cardiff two visits each month, instead of one, as during the last nine years one on the firstwednes(lay and follow- ing Thursday in each month, as heretofore, and the others about the middle of the month, for the date of which see future advertisements. 5, UNITY-STREET, COLLEGE-GREEN, BRISTOL. [407 SANITARY DEPOT, NELSON-STREET, BRISTOL. BUTCHER and BROOKES keep a large IP) supply of STONE WARE PIPES, and every Article for the Cheapest and most efficient HOUSE DRAINAGE. Closet Pans, with stench traps, in large variety, in Staffordshire Ware, Terra Cotta Chimney Tops in nu- merous designs, Plain and Ornamental Creese Tiles, Floor- ing Tiles of various makes, Vases, Fountains, &c., &c. Agents for Ransome's" Patent Silecious Stone Goods, Filters &c., &c.; for Wilcox and Harvey's Weston-super- Mare Horticultural Pottery Ware. CEMENTS and PLASTERS. Country Orders promptly attended to. [342. FOWLER and FRY, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURERS, TEMPLE- GATE, BRISTOL, beg to call attention to the under- mentioned articles ONE ROW SEED and MANURE DRILL, a most com- plete thing, X6 10s. DiiILL, for Seed only, £ 4. £ 3 10s SEED DISTRIBTJTOR. 12 feet long, LATENT CLOD CRUSHER, which is ground iait ia caPable of working where the nni- WQ 8tate fr»m wet. OAT.ml BEAN MILLS"' CUTTEKS' GAIIDENERIS TURNIP CUTTERS. BUSHE'S ROOT GPATERS. PRESS PLOUGHS, &c., &c. nf ? n RT Tre ASents for a'1 the Principal Makers of Agricultural Implements, and always keep a large assortment on hand in their Show Rooms. Catalogues, &c., sent free, on application. [383 DINING AND DRAWING ROOM CURTAINS. BIRD and SON invite the attention of the public to their Stock of Muslin and Net CURTAINS. Double-width DAMASK, in all Qualities. Handsome Fringe, GIMPS, .LACES, &c. Elegant COR.N ICES; Brass, and other POLES; Drawing and Dining-Room Table COVERS; Down QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, &c.; Xiinen GOODS of every description Feather BEDS, MATTRESSES, &c. BIRD and SON, FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, 29, CORN-STREET, BRISTOL. 311 HOWARD'S ENAMEL FOR THE TEETH, PRICE ONE SHILLING. For filling Decayed Teeth, however large the cavity. It is superior to anything ever before used, as it is placed in the tooth in a soft state without any pressure or pain, and in a short time becomes as hard as the enamel, and will remain firm in the tooth for many years rendering extraction unnecessary, and arrests all further progress of decay. Prepared by Mr. HOWARD, Surgeon Dentist, 17, George-street, Hanover-square, London. Sold by all Medicine Vendors, Price One Shilling. [B198 FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, 27 and 29, CORN-STREET, BRISTOL. BIRD and SON, having bought largely before the late considerable advance in wool, are enabled for a short time to Sell at OLD PRICES Brussels Carpets 3s., 3s. 6d., 4s., 4s. 3d. per Yard. Tapestry Ditto 2s. 6d., 2s. 9^d 3s. 3d. IJ Kidderminster,Brusselsn 1 n o i patterns 9d., 2s. Id., 2s. 8d. „ Felt Carpets Is. 10d. to 2s. lOd. Stair Carpets, Druggets, Hemp Carpets, &c., &c. Cocoa Nut Matting from Is. per Yard. Best Floor-Cloth, cut to any size, 2s. 9d. to 3s. per Yard, Door Mats of every description. BIRD and SON, 27 and 29, CORN-STREET, BRISTOL. 310. CELEBRATED CLONMEL STOUT. ROBERT H. WEIR is the appointed Sole Agent for Monmouthshire, for the Sale of the Celebrated CLONMEL "STOUT," wtiich he is prepared to offer in large quantities to the Trade. Address-Office at Mr. NEWCOMBE'S Warehouse, Newport. 341 ON SALE, AT THE DRY DOCK, NEWPORT, FINE Fresh NORWAY SPARS and POLES, just imported. Patent Roofing and Boiler Felts. Small and Large Chains. Iron Blocks far Contractors, Builders, &c. Zinc and Galvanized Iron Sheets. Galvanized Iron Nails. Stockholm and American Tar. Pitch and Resin. B 23 Apply to WILLMETT & SONS. NELSON STREET GLASS WORKS, BRISTOL. THE PUBLIC, by their PATRONAGE, appreciate being supplied with Table Glass, direc from the above Works, thereby saving all intermediate Profits. The finest and best Specimens of Cut Flint Glass are executed on the Premises, equal to any this country can produce, and suitable either for the Nobleman's or Trades man's Table. Extensive Show Rooms are fitted up and well-stocked with Table Glass, of the purest colour, most modern de- signs, and unique shapes. All marked at the lowest Cash Prices, in plain figures. The Company respectfullv invite public inspection. Brilliant-cut Ornamental Window Glass. Ornamental Hall Lamps. Electro-Plated Cruet and other Frames, with Glass, &e. GMARK BOWDEN AND COMPANY. ILT CHIMNEY GLASSES. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. BRITISH PLATES, 4 INCH THICK, WITH GILT Q. „ ™ x FRAMES v I o¥6, £ • 8• Size of Plate. £ s. d. 24 3 1 6 48 by 36 6 10 6 S f7 on 3 8 0 50 by 40 7 0 0 TS K7 4 0 0 52 by 42 8 10 0 £ 32 5 0 0 54 by 44 9 7 0 T by fb •; 6 0 0 60 by 50 12 0 0 1exte"sl1(vfj assortment of very superior Bedroom, J nnuhTr Glasses, always in stock. .LOOKING GLASS MANUFACTORY, Nelson-street, Bristol. MARK BOWDEN AND COMPANY. B 18 TVJAGUIRE & CO.. MOREENTDAMASK JJX SILK, and WOOLLEN DYERS, No 218 BUTE DOCK ROAD, Cardiff, Silk, Satin, "V elvet, Gauze, Lace, Crape, Poplins, French Merinos, Bombazines, Faramattas, Cobourgs, and Table Cloths cleaned or dyed to any shade, and finished according to order. 0 Silks watered. Feathers cleaned or dyed and curled Moreens and Damasks cleaned or dyed, and watered equal to new. Calico cleaned and glazed Carpets, Hearthrugs, and Blankets cleaned Gentlemen's Clothes cleaned and renovated Foreign and British Shawls and Kid Gloves 'I' cleaned, as in London and in Paris. Mourning Orders executed on the Shortest Notice. COUNTRY ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED To. I [401 I \JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thai the next IN General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Monmouth, will be held at the Town Hall, in Usk, on MONDA Y, the 30th day of June, 1856, and that the Court will sit at half-past 11 0' clock in the forenoon, and immediately proceed to administer the oaths to Magistrates and other persons desirous of qualifying for office. The Court will then proceed with all business relating to the assessment, application, and management of the County Stock or Rate, or any Fund or Funds used and applied in aid thereof, and make orders for payments, and consider and direct the general business of the county. All bills and demands relating to the public expenditure of the county, must be delivered into the office of the Clerk of the Peace, fourteen days before the Sessions, and all Appeals and Traverses must be entered with the Clerk of the Peace, before twelve o'clock at noon on the second day of the sessions. At half-past nine o'clock on Tuesday, the lstf day of July, 1856, the Grand and Petty Juries will be called over, and are to answer to their names, or in default, they will be fined; and all persons bound by recognizances are to attend, as the Court will proceed to try appeals, indict- ap ments for felonies, and traverses, and transact the other business of the sessions. All convictions and recognizances, and all informations and depositions, must be delivered or transmitted to the Clerk of the Peace three clear days previous to the Sessions. All costs allowed by the County must be taxed at the same Sessions, or they will not afterwards be allowed. CHARLES PROTHERO 'N7' Clerk of the Peace. .J.Yewp01.t, 4th June, 1856. [424 I mt CONTRACTS FOR COALS AND CANDLES. WAR DEPARTMENT, PALL MALL, 6TH MAY, 1856. THOSE Persons who may be desirous of JL Contracting with the Principal Secretary of State for the War Department, to furnish, from the 1st of JULY next, to the 30th of JUNE, 1857. such Quantities of COALS and CANDLES as may from time to time be re- quired for the several War Department Stations in Great Britain and the Channel Islands, can receive Particulars of the Contracts on applying at this Office between the Hours of Ten and Four. Tenders for supplying either COALS or CANDLES must be sealed up, and marked Tender for Coals" or "Tender for Candles," and will be received at this Office, addressed to the Director General of Contracts, on or be- fore SATURDAY, the 14th day of JUNE next, and at any time during that day but no proposal, either for COALS or CANDLES, will be noticed unless made on, or annexed to, a printed Particular, which must be duly filled up, and the Prices inserted in Words at length. Tenders to be made for the several Stations, as joined together in the Particulars of Contract. W. O. MARSHALL, For Director General of Contracts. THEATRE ROYAL, NEWPORT. Lessee and Manager-Mr. J. P. CHADWICK..« GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES! NOTICE.—The Manager begs to call the attention of the Play-going Public of Newport and its vicinity, and to announce that he has come to the de- termination to compete with the principal metropolitan and provincial Theatrical Managers, in making the follow- ing GREAT REDUCTION OF PBMES at the same time, he assures them that no diminution of attraction shall occur the same attention will be paid to detail in producing the best Classical and Modern Plays, and in securing the com- fort of the audience, which have ever characterised this. Establishment. Notwithstanding several engagements with the principal Loudon Stars are in negotiation, and who will shortly ap- pear, the prices will be as follow:—Stalls, 2s.; Centre Balcony, Is. Side Balconies, 6d. Gallery, 3d.—Half- price to Stalls only (at Nine o'clock), Is. This present SATURDAY EVENING, June "th, THE GREEN HILLS OF THE FAR, WES1, And THE MIDDY ASHORE On MONDAY EVENING, June 9, tt^ BELPHEGOR THE MOUNTEBANK. Belphegor Mr. M. N. PAUMIER. Madeline. Mrs J. P. CHADWICK. To conclude with THE LAUGHING HYENA. The Cha- racters by Messrs. Everill and H. Lee, and Mesdames Flint and H. Lee. On TUESDAY, THE GAMESTER. Mr. Beverley. Mr. M. N. PAUMIER. Mrs. Beverley Mrs. J. P. CHADWICK. With HUNTING A TURTLE. And on WEDNESDAY, THE MOUNTAINEERS. Octavian. Mr. M. N. PAUMIER Florinthe Mrs. J. P. CHADWICK. With WlLLTKYND AND HYS DYNAH. Dancing every Evening by Madlle. Schmidt and Mr. J. P. Chadwick. Singing by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee. Stage Manager—Mr. HENRY LEE. .iii MONMOUTHSHIRE RAILWAY AND CANAL COMPANY. REDUCED PARCEL RA TES. ON and after the 1st day of June, 1856 the following REDUCED RATES will be charged for the Conveyance of PARCELS on the Eastern .m,i Western Valleys, by Passenger Trains Dd Under Under Under Under 141bs. 281bs. 561bs. I121bs. 10 Miles and under. 4d. 6d. 81 lõd Above 10 Miles 6d. 8d. IJd. Ifi. These chagresInclude delivery within certain limita at the principal Stations. The Company will not undertake to forward Parcels which are not delivered at the various Stations half-an- hour prior to the advertised time for the departure of the Trains. By order, W. LANE, Traffic Manager. Traffic Manager's Office, Newport, May 23rd, 1856. -W t iim MONMOUTHSHIRE RAILWAY AND CANIL COMPANY. TTNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, the following U CHARGES will be made for the Carriage of MPAT FISH, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, and othe°r pVriw^' Articles, on the Eastern and Western Vallevs t» p! senger Trains J "J -cas- WEIGHT. s. d. Up to 281bs A r 28 421bs n 7 42 561 bs 0 S 56 701 bs 0 Q 70 84IBS « 84 981 bs Oil 98 112Ibs. 1 0 And Id. for every 141bs. up to 2 cwts These Charges are exclusive of Delivery All Goods must be delivered at the Stations One Hour prior to the Departure of the Trains, or the Company will not ensure their being forwarded. By order, WILLIAM LANE, Traffic Manager. Newport, 23rd May, 1856. NOTICE TO MASONS AND BRICKLAYERS. CONSTANT WORK for 200 Good Hands, c at 4s. 6d. per day. Apply to Mr. OWEN LEWIS, Royal Oak, St. Mary- street, Cardiff. ) Cardiff, June 2, 1856. [432 NOTICE. ALL PERSONS Indebted to the late Mr. JAMES THOMAS DALTON, of Caldicott, iu the County of Monmouth, Coal Merchant, deceased. aie requested to Pay the respective Amounts thereof forth- with, to Mr. WOOLLETT, Solicitor to the Administra- trix, Newport— And all Persons having any Claim against the said Estate, are requested to forward the'particulars thereof forthwith to ihe said Mr. WOOLLETT. Newport, 2nd June, 1856. NEWPORT STEAM SAW-MILLS, {LATE HOPE FOUNDRY) CANAL-PARADE. GGEORGE JAYNE, Junior, and Co., r respectfully announce to Timber Merchants, Builders, and others, that they are about to Open SAW- MILLS, as above. Parties favouring them with orders, may rely upon their being executed with promptitude and upon mode) ate terms. A list of prices may be obtained on application at the Mills. [430 THE TWENTY-NINTH YEAR. J ENGL AND, PIANO-FORTE SELLER, • TUNER, &c., No. 1, Horfield-road, St. Michael's Hill, Bristol, begs most respectfully to announce that his next periodical Professional Tour through Monmouthshire (íticluding Newport, Tredegar, Pontypool, Usk, llagland, Abergavenny, Crickhowell, and their respective Neigh- bourhoods), will commence at Newport about the 10th inst., when he will proceed to pay his accustomed visits, and attend to all further commands he may be honoured with (addressed as above, before that time) with the least possible delay. Bristol, June 5th, 1856. HUGH BIRD begs to inform the Agricul- turists of Monmouthshire and Glamorganshire that in addition to MANURES and SEEDS, he will iu future be able to Supply AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- MENTS of tin most approved kinds, at Makers' Prices He also begs to intimate that he has made an arrange- ment with Mr. JOSEPH HALL, so long known in connection with the Implement and Wool Trade, and will be pie- pared throughout the Season, to Purchase Wool to any extent. A Stock of Implements, Corn, Seed, Guano, and Super- Phosphate of Lime, in NEWPORT CATTLE MARKET, every WEDNESDAY. Hornsby's Portable 7-Horso Power Steam Engine and Thrashing Machine to be Let oa Hire. Cardiff, May, 1856. [390 CARDIFF. GLAMORGAN HOUSE, 10, SMlTH STREET. TXT I L L I A M LEWIS, TAILOR and DRAPER, begs most respectfully to inform his numerous supporters and friends, that he has received his new assortment of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, which are now ready and solicits their inspection and orders. LAWES' PATENT SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME expected shortly at Cardiff. WILLIAM DA VIES, High-street, Sole Agent foi the District. Cardiff, April 10th, 1856. [B 302 MR. GRAHAIVI YOUNG, SURGEON DENTIST, A Of Unity-street, College-green, Bristol, BEGS most respectfully to announce that his next Visit to Newport, Cardiff, and Swansea, will oooar as follows :— JJFLWPORTR,—Wednesday, June 4th,—Mr. Wanshrough's, CStetoercial-street. JTipe_5th.—Ql, FndB^gf- J une 6th,—-Mrs. Henshaw's, *»n'ows, When he may be consulted on all cases relating to his profession, ARTIFICIAL TEETH supplied equal to any to be obtained in London or Paris, in every variety and quality, mounted on Gold, Palladium, and Silver Plates, with white elastic linings. Mineral and Composition Gums, and every recent improvement. Scaling, Mopping with Gold or White Enamel Cement, and every operation appertaining to Dental Surgery, on the most moderate terms that can possibly be adopted. No. 5, Unity-street, College Green, Bristol. [406 STEAM ENGINE FOR SALE. AHIG H-PRESSURE STEAM-ENGINE, of Three-Horse Power, in excellent condition, and of the most improved c.Qpstruction. is NOW FOR SALE. -Apply to the owner, Mr. JUHN THOMAS, Cold Har- bour, St. Briavels, near Coleford. CARRIAGES FOR SALE. A LIGHT Round-Fronted BROUGHAM, nipiifo Pa*n^e(^ blue, lined blue, with all the new improve- Claren'cif^ a T?n,e^Tr^entl con(^t'on' Also, a Handsome linges'pate^ 1 nearly Dew~very complete: Col- axles—patent springs. Buiklers I on IS' apply to R. and E. VEZEY, Coach » Long Acre, and 19, Melsom street, Bath. [404 FOR SALE, AT T r it m F0R SALE, ShntL? TBA ROUGH E, with German or Two Horses koose Rumble behind, suitable to One in S°oA repair, rnin, without reUrd^n °f Oxford"streot' for a Noble- 0^ view attbfi- C,03t- 11 has beeQ lifctle ^ed. &c., apply to the OSTLER. HEAD' Newport for[^13ce' 50 *«<»*> u' 6d- ^oinYd. Numbers. ILp^f Official, Re- WSRTRAITS of tho AL, WLTH AUTHENTIC Judges, and Jury togethe/with ^Faithf^R C?a,"se1' of tge Scenes at Rugeley, at CTH ^Representations The only Illustrated TTnok j ln ^sewoate. iheml.V a1"1 L0' here 158' ^ect-street, and sold everywbere- [408. „ To Sail from Bristol in all June, FOR MELBOURNE DIRECT, J0L rpHE splendi(l Clipjaer British-built JSOBt X (A 1 for 13 years) Ship SEA BREEZE ||akB$LTHOtfA3 BROOKS, Commander; 1,200 Tons nnSlT* burden. V -P.. Freight or Passage, apply to MILESES and KINGTON, 435] 61, Queen-square, Bristol. BOYINCIAL WELSH INSURANCE COMPANY. FIRE AND LIFE-CAPITAL, £ 200 000. (WHOLLY SUBSCRIBED.) The only Insurance Company Established in Wales. R.N. TRUSTEES. Sir Watkin "Tilliams Wynn, Bart., M.P., 18, St. James's Square, London, and Wynnstay, Denbighshire. Sir Charles Morgan Bart., 32, Povtman Square, London and Tredegar Park Monmouthshire. H- c"n:iffo'B" °-B- Colo°iSyTDeS°S' IV- of the 9 wJtkins W P T Castle. Denbighshire. Frederick Richard West, Esq., M.P., Ruthin Castle, Den- bighshire. The "Very Reverend the Dean of St. Asaph, Deanery, St. Asaph- Thomas Brassey, Esq 4, Great George-street, Westmin- ster, and Lowndes Square, London. Henry Thomas, Esq., Chairman of the Glamorganshire Quarter Sessions, Llwynmadoc, Radnorshire. Hu"h Owen Esq., Barnsbui-y Park, Islington. The Directors respectfully invite the attention of the Public to the advantages to be gained by assuring in the Company before the end of the current official year, viz., 31st July- PERSONS ASSURING THEIR LIVES (WITH PROFITS) BEFORE 31ST JULY, WILL BE ENTITLED, WHEN THE BONUS 'IS TO A FULL YEAR'S SHARE OF PROFITS MOlvJi THAN THOSE WHO TAKE OUT POLICIES AFTER THAT DATE. The amount of dimness both in the Fire and Life De- parlments C0,IS^ c'a H) IcPjc" this year than in an y pre- via year since the commencement of the Companya mest decisive Pr°0J °fthc e^maiion in which the Company is held by the Public. J- » Communications addressed to the Agents, or to the OB*, of %°;S By order of the. Board ANTHONY DILLON Secretarv to the CoLpany. Chief London Branch-49, Moorgate-street, City. [422 A BERG A VENN Y. VALUABLE OIL PAINTINGS, BOOKS GOLD WATCH. PLATE, &c. MR. PARTRIDGE will Sell by AUCTION, on the 12th of J UNE, 1856, at the Dwelling-house of Mr. C S. MOON. Merthyr Road, Abergavenny, the fol- lowing PROPERTY ;—About 50 valuable oil paintings, in rich gilt frames, and in fine condition, about 700 volumes of books, comprising many valuable works in hi,tory, theology, geology, geography, astronomy, voyages and travels, law, and miscellaneous literature, and several articles of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and other Effects comprising a Spanish mahogany sideboard, three easy chairs, thre3 mahogany book-cases, chests of drawers, bed and bedding, valuable gold hunting watch (by Webster aud Son), massive gold guard chain, diamond pin, silver goblet, richly chased, antique silver sugar basin and cover, richly pierced and chased, milk cup, spoons, and sugar tongs. A collection of fossil, animal, and vegetable remains, from the celebrated Street Quarries, Somerset, the Dudley Quarries, and the South Wales Coal Basin Upwards of 100 ancient Roman and British coins, in silver and bronze the Roman coins were found in Monmouthshire Breconshire, Herefordshire, Gloucestershire, and in Corn- wall. As the Lots are numerous, and the whole are to be sold in one day, the SaAe will commence at 12 o'clock at noon precisely. A catalogue of the Effects will be ready for delivery 12 days prior to the Sale, and may be obtained by personal application, or letter prepaid, inclosing two postage stamps, addressed to Mr. Moon, Abergavenny; Mr. J. Hiley Morgan, Abergavenny; or Mr. Partridge, Auctioneer, Newport. 47, HIGH-STREET, NEWPORT, MON. PRELIMINARY. MESSRS. GRAHAM and CO. beg to an- nounce that they are instructed by the Assignees of Mr. Robert Webb, a bankrupt, to Offer for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the KING'S HEAD HOTEL, on an early day (subject to such conditions as shall be then and there produced) the whole of the FIXTURES, con- sisting of Drawers, Counters, Shelves. Glass Cases, Gas Fittings, &c Also, the Lease of the above Premises. Further particulars will appear in future advertisements and handbills. Auctioneers' Offices, 162, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon., and 5, Angel-street, Cardiff. June 5th, 1856. [436 BANE'S WELL ROAD, NEAR CROSS HOUSE, STOW-HILL, NEWPORT. MR. WILLIAM GRAHAM, Jun., has re- ceived instructions from the Proprietor, to offer for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the WESTGATE HOTEL, Newport, on TUESDAY, the 10th day of June, 1856, at Six o'clock in the Afternoon (subject to conditions of sale which will be there read), either in One or more Lots, as shall then be determined, All those Four newly-erected FREEHOLD DWEL- LING-HOUSES, each having a frontage of 18 feet to a street 60 feet in width, comprising seven rooms, with the necessary offices, well drained, standing in an open, healthy, and central situation, being within a short distance of either the South Wales Locomotive Dep6t, the Dos Works, or the principal streets of the town, together with Gardens at the back thereof, in the respective occupations of Mr. James Cavill, Mr. N. Cavill, Mr. Pearce, and Mr. Highley, at a rental of £64 per annum. 0 This Property is subject to a pel petual ground-rent of L2 per annum in respect of each house, which mav be obtained from the ground landlord at twenty years' purchase. For fnrtber particulars apply t) Mr. CHARLES ED- R_'JTSU11JR?1' ,T' Dumfries-Place, or at the Auc- pBSrere Ura3&, "UftpHigh-street, Newport, Mon. [416 CRICK HO WELL. BRECONSHIRE. To Ironmongers, Cutlers, Builders, Blacksmiths, and Others. WEBBhR and WTLLIAMS have been favoured with instructions to SELL BY AUC- TION (without the least reserve) on the premises in Bridge Street, CDekhowelI,on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, the 12th and 13th days of June, the whole of the SVell- Selected and Valuable STOCK-IN-TRADE of the late GENERAL FURNISHING IR^JN MONGrElw. The stock principally consists of drawing-room. bed room, and kitchen brass, bronze, and iron fenders; fire guards; bright and common fire irons; shovels, spades, rakes, bellows, coal scoops, coal boxes, ash grates, stoves, fire grates, chimney pieces moderator oil candle, and other lamps; tin. brass, and iron candlesticks; lanthorns, chimney glasses and globes; snuffers and trays; bell. furniture, including cranks, wheels, chains, pulleys, wire, &c. axle-pullevs door springs, large and small wood and brass ktiobi; door plates, door knockers box, drawer, door, and other locks, cruet stands, fruit baskets; garden and other syringes, metal and tin dish covers, coffee pots, tea pots, hot water and bed room jugs, pails, buckets, baths, iron and tin saucepans, gridirons, dustpans, fryingpans, copper and iron teakettles pocket, butcher's table, and dessert knives (Ivory, bone, and horn handles) forks, handles to match; plated pickle fork-, ivory handle game carvers steels, razors, scizzors of all kinds and sizes; assorted knife blades, scales, weighfs, and steel- yards, flat, box, and Italian irons waiters, trays, sugar nippers; lead and iron tobacco boxes, caddies, cork- screws, tea, dessert, and table spoons; nutcrackers, copper warming pans, thermometers, flour dredgers, ladies, scrubbing, earth, plate, carpet, and other brushes carpet brooms, stair rods, brass sash-fasteners, casement furniture, blind racks,<>rass-headed and other nails, screws, brass butts; screw, cabin, bed, coat, and other hooks; latches, door, box, and other handles; bolts, brackets, table catches, screw pulleys, striking plates, carpenter's tools (including saws, files, gouges, chisels, augurs, escutcheons, gimlets, plyers, compasses, pincers, hatchets, casters, glue, grindstones &c.) Aiso. a variety of plasterers' and masons' tools, sieves, sinks, and other traps, mathematical instruments, gur.s,pistols, powder flasks, shot pouches, powder, shots, caps, wadding, gun locks screws, ramrod tops, and sundry gun furniture, packing needles, pins, saddlers' pouches, oheese press, pa ent chaff cutter, double-action 30- knife turnip cutter, chaff engine knives, scythes. An assortment of undertaker's furniture also, a variety of paints and colours, tar, copperas, large and small cast- ings, wheels, anvils, drain-pipes, furnace, and oven doors and frames, rivets, boxes, bolts, nuts, moulds, &c. The above articles will be arranged in Lots to suit the convenience of purchasers, and will be on view the day prior to the Sale. Sale to commence each day at half-past ten for eleven precisely. For further particulars, application to be made to the Auctioneers, at their offices, 119, Commercial Street, Newport, Mon. Dated, Newport Mon., May 27th, 1856. [412 ABERGAVENNY, MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO AGRICULTURISTS. "VflR, JAMES HERBERT will SELL bv 011 TUESDAY, the 17th day of June, looo, at 1 hree o clock in the Afternoon precisely, at the GREYHOUXD lxx, Abergavenny, Six excellent THRASH. ING MACHINES and Portable STEAM ENGINES, in the following Lots, namely :— Lot 1 —An excellent THRASHING MACHINE, toge- tber with a four-horse power Portable Steam Engine. The Thrashing Machine is a combined Straw, Riddling, and Winnowing Machine, with wooden wheels, adapted for Bolting and Thrashing, and is in good repair. The Steam Engine is mounted on wooden travelling wheels, with iron axles and bushes, fitted with governors and boilers, pro- perly covered and cased with wood logging. The cylinder is fitted inside the steam chamber, with tube brush, span- ners, and stoking irons, complete for travelling, with waterproof cover for Engine, and best driving belt. Lot 2 -A similar THRASHING MACHINE and Steam Engine of four horse-power. Lot 3—-A similar THRASHING MACHINE and Steam Engine of four-horse power. Lot 4.—A similar THRASHING MACHINE and Steam Engine of four-horse power. Lot 5.— A similar THRASHING MACHINE and Steam Engine of six-horse power. Lot 6.- A similar THRASHING MACHINE and Steam Engine of seven-horse power. The above presents a favourable opportunity for obtain- ing complete Portable Thrashing Engines and Machines, constructed by first-rate makers, the hiring out of which would afford a handsome profit, and be a good speculation. The Engines and Machines will remain at Crickhowell, and may be viewed by parties there until the day previous to the Sale (when they will be removed to Abergavenny), on applying to the Auctioneer, and for all further parti- culars, inquire of the Auctioneer, Mr. JAMES HER- BERT, of Crickhowell, Breconshire. Dated 27th May, 1856. [414 -i WANTED—A FARM WORKMAN and his Wife, without children, to live in part of a Furnished Farm-house. The Man to work on the farm, and his wife to milk two or three cows, and manage the dairy. A good character will be required, and fair wages given.—Apply at the MEBLIX OFFICE. [423 I "+ .=.- I BLAENAFON. JPHILPOT wil' SELL by AUCTION, on MONDAY, the 9th of Jupte, 185C, and following days, on the Premises of Mr. John Edward Williams Ki^uafon funder a Deed of Assignment), the whole of the Stock of GROCERY and PROVISION GOODS Dra pery, Shop Fixtures, and Furniture. A!so one eiglit-horse power STEAM ENGINE one o3 mcxi orass forcing pump, with 40 feet of lead piping large mash tub, two large coc4ers, beam and scales ditto to weigh one ton and upwards, espital broad-wheel waggon (nearly new), broad-wheel cart, several sets of harness, side-saddle, &c., &c. Approved bills at three months wiJl be taken for Dnr- chasee above £ 20. The Steam Engine and Waggon will be sold at One o clock 011 Tuesday. The Sale will commence each morning at 12 o'clock. MONMOUTHSHIRE. Valuable CUSTOMARY FREEHOLD PROPERTY. 1% TR. J. PHILPOTwill SELL by AUCTION, "t the WNITE Lrox INN, in the town of Pontypool, °" i .AY' 'h° J^th of July, 1856, at Five o'clock velJluo> the following Desirable CUSTOMARY FREEHOLD PROPERTY, consisting of a Messnage or Dwelling-house, Farm Buildings, excellent Orchard, Garden, and several pieces or parcels of rich Meadow and Pastuie Land, computed to contain 13 Acres and upwards situate in the parish of Llanvihaugel Pontymoile, adioin- ing the lurnpike-road from Pontypool to Newport, distant from the former two miles and from the latter ei-ht miles and within half a mile of the Pon'vpool-road Station on the Newport, Abergavenny, and Hereford Railway. The Property is admirably adapted as a site for the erection of a ilia or Country iiesidence, being situate on an eminence with a southern aspect, in a healthy and salubrious locality, commanding extensive and diversified views of both mountain and vale, and the neighbourhood is highly respectable. There is a thick layer of clay under the land, which might be worked, at a small outlav, to a lucrative advantage in the manufacturing of pottery goods, bricks. tiles, and draining pipes, a ready market for which to a large extent may be found in the immediate vicinity or otherwise in the erection of cottage residences, which are in much request in this neighbourhood. The Property being Customary Freehold, is not subject to the payment of any fine on the ailuiifision or surrender, and has all the advantages of Freehold. To view the property, and for further particulars, apply to Mr. W ATKIN HERBERT, New House, Llanvihangel Pontvinoile; Mr. PHILPOT, the Auctioneer: or to Mr. RICHARD GHEENWA1, Solicitor, Pontypool. [419 MONMOUTHSHIRE. ^VTR. JOHN PHILPOT will SELL BY IT 1 AUCTION, at the WHITE LION INN, PONTYPOOL on SATURDAY, the 28 li JUNE instant, at Two o'clock in the Afternoon, the following FREEHOLD and P()PV HOLD ESTATES URL" LOT 1-A Valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE called PANTYSCAWN, situate in the parish of Mambil iii, midway CS r^15 t- rnUes of tbT^^n -Newport, Abergavenny, and Hereford Railway; compri- sing a substantial Stone Built Farm House, with Burn, Stable, and other Outbuildings attached, and about 58A. OR. 34P. of Arable, Meadow, Pasture, and Wood Land, now in the occupa'ion of Mr. John illiams as yearly tenant, at the rent of £ 70. N.B. There is a Quarry of good paving and walling stone opened on this Lot and lime may be had from the kiln, close at hand, on payment of a small ac. knowledgment to the Lord of the Manor. LOT 2.-A FREEHOLD FARM, called PENTSTAIRS, adjoining Lot 1, situate in the parishes of Goitrev and blainbilati, consisting of a Stone liuilt Farm House,' with aIif °utbuildings attached, and about 40A. 2R. 10P. of Arable, Meadow, Pasture, and Wood Land, now in tbe occupation of Mr. J. Roberts, as yearly tenant, at the rent of £ 38. N.B.-An extensive right of sheep walk upon the ad- joining hills is appendant to the foregoing Lots, which has hitherto been a source of considerable advantage to the tenants. LOT 3 -A compact FREEHOLD FARM, called SKIBBOR OYRE, consisting of a good Stone Built Dwelling House, with Barn and Outbuildings, and about 19A. of rich Arable and Pas'ure Land adjoining, in a Ring Fence, situate in the parish of LianeHen, on the upper side of, and within a short distance from the Brecon and Aber. gavenny Canal, and now in the occupation of Mr. Budd, as yearly tenant, at the rent of £40. LOT 4.—A substantially built and roomv MALT- HOUSE, wi h COTTAGE and GARDEN ,Sb5, and two closes of rich Meadow Land, containing together about 3A. OR. 30P. adjoining, with a Barn and "table thereon, situate between the Monmouthshire Canal Com- pany's Railway and the River called Avon Llwyd and between the Forges of the Pontypool Company's Iron and Tin Works. N.B.-Thia Lot is Copyhold of the Manor of Wents- land and Bryngwyn. The buildings thereon may be easily converted into Yt orkmen's Houses (so much in request in that locality) and the Land, from its proxi- mity to the town of Pontypool, is well adapted for Building purposes or garden allotments. A Quarry of Building Stones may be readily opened upon the Premises. The respective Tenants will shew the Lots, and further particulars may be had at the Offices of Mr. WILLIAM MORGAN, Solicitor, Abergavenny or of Mr. WAD- DINGTON, Solicitor, Usk. Abergavenny, June 2nd, 1856. [428 MYNYDDYSLWYN, MONMOUTHSHIRE. IVjR. ALFRED JAMES will SELL by -L'JL AUCTION, at the VIADUCT HOTEL, CRUMHN, near Newport, Monmouthshire, on FRIDAY, the 20th day of June, 1856, at One o'clock in the afternoon, in one or the following, or such other lots, as may be hereafter decided on, and subject to conditions of sale then and there to be produced, all the One Undivided Moiety or equal Half Part or Share of Mr. Wm. Davies, of, in, and to, all those Customary Farms and Mineral Estates, called Gefn Coch and Kendon, situate in the parish of Mvnyddyslwyn, held of or under the Manor of Aber- carne, in the said county. LOT I.-All that MESSUAGE or Tenement, barn, beasthouse, buildings, garden land, and appurtenances, called Cefn Coch," containing by the map relating to the apportionment of the rent-charges in lieu of tithes for the said parish 25 acres, 2 roods, and 10 perches (more or Rss), with all the unworked coal, iron ore, minerals, and all building and other stone whatever, lyinc thereunder, and being in the neighbourhood well-known and ascertained, being distant about one mile only from the Western Valleys and Taff Vale Extension Railways at Crumlin aforesaid LOT 2.-All those FOCR MESSUAGES or Tenements, three barns, two beasthouses, buildings, four gardens, land, and appurtenances, called "Kendon" and "Kendon Vaell," containing by the same map, 51 acres and 9 perches (more or less), with all the unworked coal, iron ore, minerals, and stone, whatever, lying thereunder, being within about 600 yards of the Tail Vale Extension Railway, at Crumlin (about 12 miles from Newport) and in a favourable position to form (at a very little expense) a branch therefrom to a proper tipping place at the western end of the Crumlin Viaduct. The upper veins of coal under this lot are now let to and worked by Mr. Edmund Jones, the benefit of a moiety of the rental or galeuge of which the purchaser will become entitled to LOT 3.—All that MESSUAGE or Dwelling-house, called "New Kendon/' with the buildings and garden thereto belonging, with the appurtenances, containing (by the same map) 8 perches, more or less, situate on the side of the turnpike-road leading from Crumlim to Croespen- main, about half-a-mile from the latter place. Also all the RIGH1 to a rl ENEMENT. (other part of Kendon, and adjoining thereto,) consisting of Three Cot- tages and Gardens, and all appurtenances thereto belonging. Further particulars may be had of Mr. WM. DAVIES Kendon, near Crumlin, the proprietor, 2r :Ir. WILLIAM PRICE, Solicitor, 4, Castle-street, Abergavenny. LEASEHOLD HOUSES. ]?OR SALE, BY PRIVATE CONTRA OT TWO New and Well-built DWELLING HOUwV with a Commodious Cellar, which m-ti /i t now tenanted, at the verv low .Let Separately, August, 1S54. The situation years, from 2nd premises are well drained °pen and healthy, and the £ 20ryerrelsnldh?WELLING-HOUSES' let at for the s"me n ° i 8roun^ reut of £ 3 a-year. Held V«,n? vv J -,as e preceding houses. nal vpnvl^ &EE11HOUSE, now let at the nomi- 1 o-nn 1 + £ 10, but which may be readily let to lnl tenant at a much higher rental. Ground rent iUs. a-year. Lease, 99 years, of which only two years have expired. For further particulars, or to treat for the purchase, apply to Mr. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer, 3, Cliftoa Place, Newport. May 14, 1856. 345