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MR. JOSEPH BOTHOMLEY AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, ACCOUNTANT 'HONW ESTATE, AND INSURANCE AASNR AVUAIL» No. 47, HIGH-STREET, NEWPORT "RE2eSnt9tt0f>vetpm I1'13 grateful ackn^wledg- ^orWn tle aWrrrK Sand the Public> for their kind has RESiovrcn fn fv, ^slDesses, and to announce that he AUCTION MART6f u? ^F083' alld tllere Opened an tiorw an J'J°lihe Sale °f Goods of all descrip- favours respectfully solicits a continuance of their v9rw*twi^^r^ Light Goods warehoused. Money ad- ^Pon Goods consigned for Sale. Insurances of every lo" descrIptIon effected, aad House and Estate Agency undertaken. [1 W RT50^TTHEWS~^drcb., TEA and SJ„LM* C°FEEE MERCHANTS, 19, COUMERCIAL- STBEET, NEWPORT. •nmtiS a^') well-selected Stock on Sale good quality ^^i^jthmoaeration in prices. [5 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. J S. STONE begs to inform his friends x- „ ^and the public generally, that he has at the present On?T^eD ATrgest Sto<* of all kinds of NEW AGRI- IMPLEMENTS and MACHINES ever lted ln Newport, and respectfully invites particular WORKS A^^EWPORT PRIZE CARTS. T*TI £ SHOW-ROOMS, GREAT DOCK STREET, ana IMPLEMENT STAND, CATTLE MARKET. Catalogues sent Post-free. [1002 P^ES LEAGH, Wholesale and Retail MART m1!6, BEDSTEAD, GLASS, and CABINET rep t> ^omttiercial-street, Newport. Every descrip- Tinat ant^ Iron Bedsteads, French, Arabian, Four- P, t^ r, .an°py Bedsteads, in Birch, Mahogany, Wal- Jj," Pai»ted Woods. Furniture bought, or taken in exchange, to any amount. [1111 MR. GRAHAM YOUNG, eURGEON DENTIST, of No. 7, PAVK- A n & Month, when he may be con«nH J ,SDAY ,ln .every to his Profession. consulted on all cases relating to Mr. YOUNG'S next visit will n„„ f in NEWPORT-At Mr. WANSBROUOH'B I N8 • I street—Wednesday, May 6th ° Coramerclal- A E~S AND P RfcT AGENTS FOR HENRY DOULTON & Co.'s DRAIN PIPES A large Stock of PIPES, CLOSET PANS, SYPHON TRAPS, &c., always kept on hand. Tenders given for large Orders. Apply to Messrs. JAMES and PRICE, Land and Estate OBice. East Wharf, Cardiff. [1053 TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS, PORTMANTEAUS, GERMAN FANCY P BAGS, and other articles of a similar description, may be obtained at the LOWEST PRICES, at J. CORIN'S, 123, Commercial-street, opposite Cross-street, Newport. [734 PRIVATE ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE 1) at WHITCHURCH, near Monmouth. MR. MILLARD, SURGEON, & RESIDENT PROPRIETOR, {licensed 1834), has Vacancies for either sex. Terms moderate. [3 NELSON-STREET. CUT TABLE GLASS WORKS AND GILT CHIMNEY GLASS MANUFACTORY, bRlSlOL. MARK BOWDEN AND COMPANY Have pleasure in informing their numerous Customers and the Publio throughout the United Kingdom, India, America, Australia, and elsewhere, that they have added FOUR MORE SHOWS ROOMS TO THEIR ESTABLISHMENT, Which are open to Inspection and for the Sale of CUT GLASS CHANDELIERS and BRACKETS. CUT GLASS LUSTRES and VASES. CUT TABLE GLASS, for Noblrmen or Tradesmen. GILT CHIMNEY GLASSES, from 24s. each. GILT OVAL MIRRORS, from 6s. each. GILT GIRANDOLE GLASSES, at various Prices ROSEWOOD CHIMNEY GLASSES, from 12* each BEDROOM LOOKING GLASSES, from 2a 61. each BOWDEN'S MULTIPLYING MIRRORS 'with LOOKING GLASSES, from Is. each ORNAMENTAL HALL LAMPS, for Oil or (?», I^?rO0P,S^LECT0RS. '^maSTigbi. g £ CRUET FRAMES, with Cut BLECTRO-PLATED LIQUOR FRAMES, with Cut J Glass. £ ???c??rT<HADES aDtl STANDS, from 6d. each. SHADES and GLOBES, for Gas and Oil. CONFECTIONERS' SHOW GL \>SES, from 8d. per lb FERN SHADES and STANDS, fitted up from 20s. each. GLASS AQUARIUM CASK-, from 25s. each. HORTICULTURAL GLASSES, in VTT BOWDEN'S BRILLIANT CUT and ECCLESIASTI- whole&AL^ strictly Cash> an(, no Credit MARK BOWDEN AND COMPANY. 4S" Everybody is invited to visit the SHOW R.OOM3 in NELSON-STREET. [943 URPHY'S I MP HOY KD BOLTS and NUTS for FISHING PLATES, and all Varie- ties of Machinery. Warranted not to Work Loose.- Apply to JAMES MURPHY, ENGINEER, RAILWAY WORKS, Newport, Mon. 1166 MERCANTILE AND MATH K MAT IC A L DAY & EVENING SCLLOOLS, CROSS HOUSE, STOW HILL. CONDUCTED BY MR. AND MRS. O'BRIEN, AIDED BY MISS AND MASTER O'BRIEN. A Dancing Class every Tuesday and Thursday Evening, from Seven to half-past Nine o'clock. Music Classes daily, after the School duties are finished. A few Boarders can be accommodated, who will have the benefit of all the classes, if so disposed. Agent for the People's Provident Assurance Society; abo for the Guarantee of Fidelity in situations of trust. Newport, January, 1857. mgo MILTON and SON (Successor to J. Fox) CORK MANUFACTURERS, QUAY-STREET,' CARDIFF. N.-B.— Corlra of every Description, Bungs, Shivcs, Taps, Cork Soles, Cork Spiles and Cork Socks, Wholesale and IV„UUL w00D SHIVE>, SPILES, AND -TITS. Orders by post, punctually attended to. lllj4 [A CARD.] MR. R. N. OSBORXE, SURGEON-DENTIST, 17, DOCK-STREET, NEWPORT. At MI. E wish's, Hair-dresser, High-street, Cardiff, every MONDAY. [1127 MANGLING MACHINES. M^S&SWs?-? M1 J S. S T'o N p' <: 13, CHEAT DOCK-STIIEET, „„ 10:2 CANAL-AJ:,U>R.. COLIN-STITEET, NEWPORT, MONT by HER MAJESTY'S BOY AT. LETTEhS PA EXHIBITION EhT PRIZE MEDAL WEIG tilNG MACHINES. To Mawffic'm crs, Iron Martens, (JoVkry Prop) ictors, Jlercltants, J{ horfinacrt Shopkeepers, &c. TTENRY POOLEY awl *ON'S PATENT 11 PLATFORM "WEIGHING MACHINES, WITH oT WITHOUT LOOSE WEIGHTS. Maker. to II. 11. ■ooar.l of QrdnjU-re, Customs, Navy and Dockyards, &c. WEIGII-IJIIIDGES for Railways, Roads, Collieries, ^c., to every requirou Dimensions, Power, or Situation. Pouley'a Patent Counter oeale-, well adapted for retail business prices reas.ll8. 113. Repairs and Adjustments, by Annual Contract or other. wise, on moderate terrors. AGENTS for the Solo of DONKEY ENGINES, im- proved TAPS and VALVES, Brass Mountings for Locomotive and other Engines and Boilers, CHlJBB'S PATENT FIRE-PROOF SAFES and DETECTOR LOCKS. [1015 THE ISCA FOUNDRY COMPANY, ENGINEERS, BOILER-MAKERS, AND JLj RAILWAY WAGON BUILDERS, NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE. N.B.—Switches. Points, and Crossings, Railway Iron Work, and General Repairs. [1098 DRAIN PIPES, CHIMNEY POTS, &c. HP. BOLT, BUILDER, Newport, begs to announce that he has on Sale a large Stock of DRAIN PIPES, from 4 to 18 inches, SYPHONS and PANS, CHIMNEY POTS, all of the best Staffordshire Clay, TERRA COTTA VASES, FERN POTS, and other articles appropriate for Ornamental Grounds, &c., at extremely moderate prices. [1140 TO MUSICAL AMATEURS, MEMBERS OF BRASS, WOOD, AND STRING BANDS. ME- "W. PERRY, BA^D MASTER, ROYAL MONMOUTHSHIRE MILITIA, MONNOW-STREET, Monmouth, begs to inform the above that he supplies all the New Music—in parts, for Reed, Brass, and String Bands. Also, every description of Musical Instruments and articles in the Music Trade. Orders by post will meet with prompt attention. [1102 OR your FISH, POULTRY, I^d FRUIT, go to EDGAR FENNELL'S, No. 11, HIGH-STREET, Newport, (Opposite the POST- OFFICE,) who, in returning thanks to the Nobility and Gentry for past favours, begs to inform them that he is uniformly supplied with FISH from the best Markets, daily. A good supply of SEVILLE ORANGES, for Preserving; PICKLES and FISH SAUCES of all kinds. b' PICKLED TONGUES. HAMS, TONGUES, &c., DRIED AND SMOKED for Families or the Trade. [1096 WOOLLENS! WOOLLENS!! LEWIS AND KERR keep the Largest Stock of CLOTHS AND TAILORS' TRIMMINGS in Newport. CROCKETT'S PATENT LEATHER CLOTH. CLOTH-HALL, 31, HIGH-STREET. [1125 MR. PETER PRICE, AUCTIONEER, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, SURVEYOR, AND VALUER, OFFICES—MESSRS. JAMES AND PRICE, EAST WHARF. CARDIFF. IV/Tlt. PRICE begs to thank his Patrons for "T" 8reat favour already accorded to him, and trusts, by prompt and business-like attention, to merit a 7w.ty"ln^B,asing Pa^onage. His ^experience as knowled^ ^a'v6r' .aml. Land ASeat- and bis local ance to nH ? ^lm \° ^>lve advice and assist- contemPlate investment in Cardiff, and to Property purchase or 8410 ot Leasehold or Freehold ACCOUNT BOOKS INVESTIGATED OR OPENED BY SINGLE OR DOUBLE ENTRY. Building Contracts and Specifications prepared or oor- rected, and Disputed Building Accounts adjusted. [927 BONNETS. STRAAV BONNETS. SHOP-KEEPERS, s MILLINERS, AND BUYERS OF STRAW BONNETS, STRAW HATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, LACE, &c. Who can pay CASH, will save Twenty Per Cent., by Purchasing of 11641 JONES & CO., BRISTOL. GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH G USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY, And pronounced by HER MAJESTY'S LAUNDRESS, to be THE FINEST STARCH SHE EVER USED. Sold by all Chandlers, Grocers, &c., &c. [1027 RAI N, BARR E L FLOUR, OATMEAL, U INDIAN CORN, RICE MEAL.-G. W. FOWLER, 11, DRURY LANE, Liverpool. [1114 Established 1812. TURNIP MANURE. rpHIS valuable Fertilizer has been used for 1 the last Twelve Years, with great success, by most of the eminent Agriculturists throughout England, and stands unrivalled in the weight and quality of the bulHs which it produces. It 1'1. besides, especially beneficial to the Gran Crops which follow, while Ci,,v!? is rarely found to fail after the first application. Some of the Crops pro- duced by this Manure last year weighed upwards of 30 Tons per A ere. POTATO, GRASS, BAR-LEY, CLOVER, & WHEAT „ MANURES. PRf)S N G(JAN0, BONES, and SUPER- A warranted of the best quality. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of every descrip- tion, with all the latest improvements. Apply to H. & T. PROCTOR, Cathay, Bristol. Branch EstablishmentsBirmingham, Edmonscote, Warwick; and Saltney, near Chester. N.B.—A Pamphlet on "MANURES, THEIR PROPERTIES AND APPLICATION," forwarded on receipt of 12 Postage Stamps. 914 TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS. A RETIRED CLERGYMAN, having been restored to health in a few days, after many years of great Nervous suffering, is anxious to make known to others the means of cure nd will, therefore, send (Free) on receiving a Stamped Envelope, properly directed, a Copy of the Prescription used. Direct—Rev. E. DOUGLAS, 18, Holland-street, Brix- ton, London. [1194 WHEN YOU ASK FOR GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH. SEE THAT YOU GET IT, As inferior kinds are often substituted. [1027 As inferior kinds are often snbstituted. [1027 T!TAR.VE\ S SAUCE.—The admirers of ■ tlna celebrated Fixh-Sauce are particularly requested to observe that none is genuine but that which bears the name of WILLIAM LAZENBY on the back of each bottle, in addition to the front label used so many years and signed ELIZABETH LAZENBY. O LAZENBY & SONS ESSENCE OF • ANCHOVIES continues to be prepared with that peculiar care which has rendered it so universally esteemed. Manufactured only at their old-established Fish-Sauce Warehouse, 6, Edwards-street, Portman-square, London. [984 £ 1,000 IN CASE OF DEATH. A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF £ Q PER XI_ WEEK, IN THE EVENT OF INJURY BY ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, may be secured by an Annual Payment of £3 for a Policy J in the J RAILWAY rASSEXGEKrf ASSURANCE COMPANY. Smaller amounts may be secured by proportionate payment;. NO CHARGE FOR STAMP DUTY. RAILWAY ACCIDENTS ALONE may be insured against by the Journey or the year, at all the principal Railway Stations, where also Forms of Pioposal ynd Prospectuses may be had -and of the Provincial Agents —and at the Head Office, London, N.D —The us fulness of this Company is shown by the sum paid as Compensation for Acciuen's, £ 22,722. -Railway Passengers Assurance Company, Empowered by Sp cial Act of Parliament."WM. J. "V IAN, Edicts, 3, Old Broad-street, E.S. Secretary. [110G P THIRD ED!TTON\ A pp t Post-free for Three Stamps. y ^J-ICAL ESSAY Upon the com- VoP'°l v iTwIt^?"8 Debility and Exhaustion, Pn'v-il College of Snrw'p ELOUli, Member of the of the 1835, Member and ijicciiLiat, ot ttie j.xpotliwCario.s Conmanv i o»> < t •• Doctor of Medicine of Erl. ngen AutboJ of th4 Curable- ncss of Cancer, and Discoverer of the Nervo-Arterial Specifics,—CO, "W impole-street, Cavendish-square, Lon- | don, where the Author may be consulted personally or by correspondence. ADVICE AND MEDICINE, ONE GUINEA. I [1222 correspondence. ADVICE AND MEDICINE, ONE GUINEA. I [1222 3Ut<t«$,sw. SPRING NOVELTIES FOR 1857! JMINCHIN has just selected, from the first London and Paris Houses, a splendid Stock • of STRAW and MILLINERY BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, PARASOLS, FLOWEUS, &c., &c., of the newest productions, which are now ready for inspection. OBSERVE!-WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, VICTORIA HOUSE, 110, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. .A Large Assortment of Mourning Millinery, f}ui'e New. I Apprentices wanted for the Miilinery. [933 THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF LLANDAFF WILL BE EE-OPENED FOR PUBLIC WOIiSTIIP On THURSDAY, APRIL 16, at 11 o'clock. A SERMON WILL BE PREACHED BY TilE LORD BISHOP OF OXFORD, And a Collection made in Aid of the Restoration Fund. An Omnibus will meet the 9.12 Down, Rnd the 10.5 Up-Trains, at Ely and the 9.46 Train at Llandaf fStation. A Special Train has been applied for, »nd will, it is hoped, be granted, from Abergavenny to Newport, to catch the South Wales 8.42 Down Train at that place, and to return to Abergavenny after the arrival of the South Wa les 6.20, of which further notice will appear next week. [1243 CMILNES, TAILOR, respectfully informs c- his Friends and the Public generally that he has just received his STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, and solicits an early inspection of the same. 158 Commercial street, Newport. 1013 TEE T H. MR. PARSON, SURGEON-DENTIST, of 17' Orchard Street, End of Unity-Street, College- Green, Bristol, respectfully acquaints the Nobility, Clergy' Gentry, and Inhabitants of Newport, and Vicinities, that he may be consulted in the various branches of his pro- fession, at the KING'S HEAD HOTEL, Newport, on WEDNESDAY Next, the 8th of April, 1857. Attendance from Ten until Four o'clock. A single tooth, 5s., 10s. 6d., or II Asetofteeth 4 4 A complete set (upper and lower), durable material. 8 8 A complete set of natural or mineral teeth, beautifully mounted, best material, and very best workmanship and finish I., 12 12 Scaling 0 5 Artificial Teeth Remodelled, Remounted, and Repaired, and Misfitting, Rectified. 17, Orchard-street Bristol, April 4th, 1857. DEESLEY & HEYES'S VULCANISED ) and MINERALISED WATERPROOF GAR- MENTS surpass all others, and are safe in all climates. BRKSLEY & HEYES are Manufacturers of every description of WATERPROOF CLOTHING, consisting of Coats, Capes, Laggings, Clonks, Hoods, Riding and Driving Aprons, Fishing Boots, Trousers and Stock- ings, &c. BEES LEY & HEYES'SSurgical ELASTIC STOCK- INGS, SOCKS. KNEE-CAPS, and BANDAGES are justly celebrated, and receive the entire approval of the Medical Profession. CAOUTCHOUC HOUSE is the only DEPOT in the West of England where every Article known to be Manu- factured in India Rubber and Gutt-i Percha can be had. BEESLEY & HEYES having had long experience'in the Manufacture of India Rubber and Gutta Percha Arti- cles, and being in constant communication with the chief Manufacturers in England, France, and America, are enabled to offer to Wholesale Buyers and the Public, ad- vantages such as no other House in the West of England can possess. BEESLEY & HEYES, WHOLESALE, RETAIL, AND EXPORT DRALERS IN INDIA HUBBEit AND GUTTA PERCHA, CAOUTCHOUC HOUSE. 14, CORN-STREET, BRISTOL. [1226 COUNTY OF MONMOUTH. AT the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace held at Usk,in and for the said County, on Mondav the 23rd day of March, 1857, the following bills and de- mands were ordered to be paid. BRIDGES' ACCOUNT. £ s. d. The County Surveyor, a quarter's salary. 25 0 0 James Williams, for stone delivered at Blaeu- Homon Bridge 6 17 6 Charles Rosser, for work at Chepstow Bridge. 0 11 0 William Constance, for ditto at Llantrissent Bridge 116 The Blaenavon Iron Company, for limestone. 18 1 William Jones, for hauling such stones to Main- 6 diff and Kenvy Bridges. 126 W. S. Prosser, builder, for mason work at Kenvy Bridge 050 Thomas Brooks, for repairing roads over Main- diff, Kenvy, and three other Bridges 5 14 10 Thomas Thomas, for stones and hauling to Pandy Bridge 8 5 0 Thomas Thomas, for repairing roads over Blaenllomon and six other Bridges 23 3 H James Thomas, for work at Rhydyblew Bridge. 166 James Thomas, for ditto at ditto 4 0 0 George Davies, for hauling stones from the House of Correction 2 13 4 Richard Roberts, for mason work at Usk Bridge 1 19 6 Samuel Lucas, for work at Usk and Rhadyr Bridges 2 19 1 John Thomas for lime stones for stoning roads over Usk and Rhadyr Bridges. 16 13 4 Thomas Hughes, for materials and labour in repairing roadsover Wye and Monnow Bridges 14 17 5 Messrs. James and Price, for repairs to Rumney Bridge and for estimate 500 COUN I Y GAOL. The Governor, a quarter's salary 45 0 0 The Matron, ditto. 7 10 0 The Chaplain, dit'o 30 0 0 The Surgeon, ditto 20 0 0 The Monmouth Gas and Water Company, for their account 29 10 8 P Teagne and Co., for coal 12 5 fi T. Baker, for bread 16 8 6 J. Whitley, for meat 7 17 Wm. Higgins for meal and groceries 97 lfi n T. S. Williams, for milk T« 1 n ft Mrs. Powell, for drapery 2 13 9 J. Evans, for repairing shoes 0 16 8 M. Coates, for ironmongery 19 0 Messrs. Price, for earthenware 1 15 y T. Farror, for books and stationery 5 9 6 Ditto, for advertising 100 J.Wightman, for books. 3 3 10 R. Lane, for repairs 6 16 2 C. Evans, for horse hire. 140 Mills, for ditto 14 0 HOUSE OF CORRECTION! The Governor, a quaiter's salary 50 0 0 The Matron, ditto 7 10 0 The Chaplain, ditto 50 0 0 The Surgeon, ditto 26 5 0 Robert Bowman, for coal. 70 3 6 C. Rossiter and Son, for meal 54 1 3 William Jones, for bread 52 12 4 John Haycox, for milk 38 g If) James Williams, for sundries 36 1 8 Usk Gas Company, for gas 35 0 3 Joseph Williams, for beef 12 2 8 Francis Morgan, for leather 7 0 1 John Burfield, for smith's work 4 18 8 Benjamin Scriven, for horse hire 440 John Morgan, for timber 3 17 5 Richard Roberts, fvr sundries. 2 18 2 James Bicbards, for coopering 2 10 8 Frank Hoare, for mops 2 8 6 John Anley, for sweeping chimnies 2 7 0 Henry Nicholas, for carpenter's work 1 14 8 John King, for thermometers 1 8 G William Price, for plumber's work 0 18 0 Richard Lane, hall-keeper, Monmouth, half a year's salary and payments 21 4 7 Jane Read, ball-keeper, Uak, half a year's salary and payments 10 Q John Bui field, for smiths' work at ü sk Haii' 046 James Edmonds, for painting at Shire Hall as per estimate and for extra work 18 17 1 Samuel Beach, for carpenter's work at ditto" 0 16 5 The Monmouth Gas Company, for lifhts at the Shire Hall 2 2 0 Richard Roberts, for mason work at the House of Correction 15 0 Richard Lucas, for plasterer's work at do. 9 2 III James Edmonds, for plumber's -work at Mon- mouth Gaol 9 5 0 B. M. Bradford, coroner, a quarter's account. 5 7 4 C. St. Ash win, deputy coroner, ditto 8 9 William Brewer, coroner, ditto. W. H. Brewer, deputy coroner, ditto 10b lo 9 Inspector of Weights and Measures, a quarter s sa ary Is 15 0 J. II. Clark, for printing and stationery 4 3 0 John Merrett, a quarter's annuity 5 0 0 The Clerk of the Peace, hisaccount 305 10 4 MorCTan Evans, for printing &c 22 1 6 <> CHARLES PROTHERO, „ To-r. Clerk of the Peace, Newport, 3rd Apnl, LOOJ, TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. PERSONS desirous to CONTRACT for the P ERECTION of a HOUSE and WAREHOUSE, in Doek-s'reet, can be furnished with Plans and Specifica- tion on application to Mr. NELSON HEWERTSON, Rodnev Wharf, Newport. J Tenders will be received on or before the 20th instant. [1247 LICENSED FOR THE PROTECTION OF EMIGRANTS EL^OLTAMOS TO *REWEA AND ISSTSIA. Win p:1 hS & CO., 92, (Late T T 94.) Highfkdd-street, Liverpool. ggrIntending Emigrants may obtain a Pamphlet of Infor- mation by addressing a letter as above, enclosing two postage-stamps. 0 We, the undersigned, Wesleyau Ministers of Liverpool, recommend the above to the notice of intending Emi- grants. F. A WEST, eo H. H. CHITTLE, THOMAS AKROYD, JOSIAH PEARSON. „ A x. C. C. HARVARD. Good Accommodation with or without Board.—Free Stove for Luggage. [1232 IMPORTANT NOTICE. MR. BUT SON, Proprietor of the ITJL NEW GRAND MOVING PANORAMA of the RUSSIAN WAR. JERUSALEM, and ST. PETER'S at ROME, which was advertised to open at the Town Hall, Cardiff, on Friday, March 20th, begs to inform the Inhabitants of the Borough and Neighbourhood, that, at the request of his Wor- shipful the Mayor, under whose Patronage the Exhibition will take place, be has deferred bis visit until after the Public Business connected with the approaching General Election shall be terminated, when due Notice will be given of its OPENING,and he trusts he will then receive that amount of patronage for which Cardiff is so liberally dis- tinguished. [1233 THE ENGINEER.-Scientific and Practical JL Journal, beautifully Illustrated, describing every new Invention Patented. Published every Friday, Price Sixpenca.Stamped Sevenpence. The best medium for Class Advertisements, Situations, &.c.. and all kinds of Ma- cràiuery, Eugineer' Office, 301, Strand, London. [657 ———. FIRE S ™ .j- FIRE: I QECOND-HAND Fire-proof Safes, Wrought a Iron Doors for strong rooms or party walls, by the fOllowing eminent makers, at half the cost of new Several of Milner's, Chubb's, Marr's, Mordan's, and John Taun's Safes for sale. Warranted to be sound and perfect, and quite equal to new. Price of Safe, 30 inches height, 22 width. 2ii tiepth, 25 5q. Apply to C. H GRIFFITHS, 191, Whitechapel Road, London, near Mile-end Gate. [1107 IONDfW UNADULTERATED FOOD COMPANY, (I.IMITE!)), for the Importation, Manufacture, and Supply (Wholesale) of Food, Drinks, and Drugs, in a Pure State. Capital £ 100,000, in 5,000 shares of £ 20 each With power to increase. Deposit, €5 per share, the liability limited to the amount of each share. TRUSTEES. -General Sir John Forster Fitzgerald, Servi^ ^enr^ Morris, Esq., late Madras Civil CHAIRMAN.-The Right Hon. Lord Thomas Pelham Clinton, 10, Cleveland-square. DEPUTY CHAIR)fAN.-The Hon. F. H. Berkeley, M.P. for Bnst?l, ^?cto,a-squaiv, Pimlico, The Tunes, in one of its leading articles, thus graphically deplCts the evil of adulteration 0 pay not only with our money, but our lives. For the worst of it is, that the articles we purchase are not merely diluted—they are adulterated—positively—abomi- nably poisonously. There is scarcely a single article of daily use which it is possible to procure genuine from ordinary shops." Every Shareholder has the privilege of obtaining his goods direct from the Company at wholesaale price. Offices, 25, Bucklersbury, London, E C., where Pro- B¡:>ectuses and Forms of application for shared may be had. Ihe Company is respectably constituted, and the ob- ject is to manufacture and sell some of the articles of food T "re roost exposed to deleterious admixture, in a rorm that will guarantee their genuineness. Dr. Letheby i6. "[e Chief Analyst."—l\mes, "City Article," Feb. 27th, 1857. [1239 M [ESTABLISHED 1841.] EDICAL INVALID &GEXYERAL LIFE OFFICE, 25, PALL MALL, LONDON Empowered by Special Act of Parliament. At the FIFTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING, held on 27th November, 185G, it was shown that on the 3Jth June last :— The Number of Policies in force was 5,738 £ s. d. The amount insured was 2,752,197 7 2 The Annual Income was 118,557 16 2 Two Bonuses have been declared (iu 1813 and 1853), adding nearly Two per cent. per annum, on the average, to sums assured, and by which a Policy of £ 1000 issued in 1842 on a healthy life, is now increased to £1,2G Since the last division of Profits in 1853, the accumu- lated funds have increased by more than £ 105,000, offering considerable advantages to present assurers. Profits divided every five ye:trs-next division in 1858. The Society, since its establishment, has paid claims on 651 Policies, assuring £ 254.008. Assurances nre effected at home or abroad, on hralthy lives, at as moderate rates as the most recent data will allow. Indian Assurances at very moderate rates, and great facilities given to assurers. Invalid lives assured on scientifically-constructed. Policies issued free of stamp duty and every charge but the Premi ums. Agents wanted for vacant places. Prospectuses, Forms of Proposals, and every other information ni'/y be obtained of the Secretary, at the Cluef Office, or on application to any of the Society's agents in the country. C. DOUGLAS SINGER, Secretary. AGENTS, Newport—Mr. S. C. GRIMES, Great Dock-street. Aberdare—Thomas Davies, Esq., Bank. Abergavenny—T. Baker, Esq., solicitor; Mr. Ifar.cs Frogmoro-street. Bath—Messrs. C. and E. Tucker, Solicitors 9 N-v P-„ i street; Jos. Chilton, Esq., 6. Batlxwiek-stree*- U" Bristol—-Mes-s Jas Grace and Son, Shannon!,Ur* • Vr Unas. Isaac*, College Green. 4 CnS^Gl'°V- ES'1" S°lidt0r; -Ir' Jo^ Hibbeit, Chepstow—ilr. Thomas Perkins, grocer. Pontypool-E. ll Edwards, Esq.^sodcitor. i leietoul V, Gethen, chemist. High Town. Glonce.i,cr- • H. Newmarch, Esq. 2, Victoria-placc; J. ,T U Amer, .E,$rp, IJ, Brunswick square. ^louraouth—Vacant. [1105 rTuiE~1^7oPLE._On April 18, will be A issued (Price TworENCE, published every Saturday) the FIRST NUMBER of THE PEOPLE, a Full sized Family Newspaper, devoted to Home and Foreign News, Politics, Social Progress, Literature, &c. New Tales by Popular Authors.-83, Fleet-street, London, (12-.)8 NEWPORT THEATRE, -L^L GREAT DOCK-STREET. Leasee and Manager Mr. J. P. CHADWICK. Last night before Easter, when the splendid PANTOMIME, so long iu preparation, will be produced. GRAND FASHIONABLE ENTERTAINMENT on MONDA Y, April 6th, 1857, under the SIXTH DIS- TINGUISIIED PATRONAGE AND PRESENCE of SIR CHARLES and LADY MORGAN, of Tre,legar Park, being a COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT for Mrs. C il ADWICK J who begs leave to thank the Ladies and Gentlemen of Newport and its vicinity for all past favours, and most respectfully solicits their kind support on this particular occasion, when will be produced, for the first time in this country, Westland Marston's celebrated Play, in 5 Acts, of the PATRICIAN'S DAUGHTER. Edgar Mordaunt by Mr. M. N. PAUMIER, who has kindly given his services on this occasion. Lady Mabel, Mrs. CHADWICK, her first appearance in the character. A VARIETY OF SINGING AND DANCING. Also, Mr. GEORGE JAMES, late of this Theatre, will make his FIRST and ONLY appearance this Season, and Sing two original COMIC SONGS. The Evening's Amusements will terminate with John Sing two original COMIC SONGS. The Evening's Amusements will terminate with John Baldwin Buckstone's Petite Comedy of the ROUGH DIAMOND. Cousin Joe Mr. G. JAMES. Margery Mrs. CHADWICK. Also, on this occasion, Mr. Pollock and his Son (Violin and Harp) have kindly offered their valuable assistance in the Orchestra, and Mr. S. Jacobs will likewise lead. Prices of Admission—Stalls, 2s. 6d.; Centre Balcony, 2s. Side ditto, Is. J Gallery, Cd. Doors open at Seven, the Overture will commence at a quarter past, and the Curtain will rise at Half-past Seven o'clock precisely. Carriages may be ordered at quarter to Eleven o'clock. [1101 E. AND T..BIRD ARE SELLING TAPESTRY CARPETS At 2s. 10|d, and 3S. per yard. BEST BRUSSELS At 3s. 9d. and 4s. 3d. per yard. PATENT FELT CARPETS At Is. lOa. and 2s. lOd. per yard. DAMASKS, MUSLIN CURTAINS, [SHEETINGS, QUILTS AND COUNTERPANES, &c., &c. All reduced, in consequance of an extensive Alteration in their Premises. 27 and 29, CORN-STREET BRISTOL. [1225 NOHMAL COLLEGE, SWANSEA. PaiNOPAL EVAN DAVIES, A.M. ASSISTANT MASTERS — J. U. DAVIES, B A., London, Fir,t in Honors. EDWARD BALSHAW, B.A., St. John's College, Cambridge in Honours WRITING AND ENGLISH MASTER:— A. STEVENS, from the British and Foreign School Society's Training College. PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY AND MINERALOGY:— WILLI AM VALENTIN, from the Royal College of Chemistry, London. DRAWING — J. W. JOHNS, Silver Medallist (1853) Royal Academy of Arts, London. SUPERINTENDENT OF WORKSHOPS:— RICHARD DAVIES, from the Neah Abbey Works. Prospectus, containing copies of testimonials, references, terms, IXC., forwarded on application to the Principal. University Distinctions awarded to Students of this College. UNIVERSITY OF LONDON MATRICULATION EXAMINATION, 1855. William Williams, with Honors in Mathematics; John Thomas Davies; William Evans. 1856. John Pugh; Thomas Griffiths; John Morgan. UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW, 1854. William Wiliiams obtained the first prize for general merit, and the first prize at the Voluntary Examination in the senior mathematical class, 1854. William Williams—The first prize (equal) for general merit in the natural philosophy class and the first prize at a voluntary examination on mathematical astronomy; and first prize for an examination on the mathematical principles of heat and electricity. Evan Williams. The 5th prize in Latin, and 7th in Greek:; and one of Dr. Williams' Scholarships, value JE40 per annum, for three years. EVENING CLASSES for Practical Chemistry, &c. Analyses of Ores, Minerals, Manures, &c., promptly executed. The present session commenced on Tuesday, January 6th. [548. To the Inhabitants of Bristol and Clifton, the West of Engh.nd, and South Wales. DUCK AND COMPANY'S jL7 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TEA. AND COFFEE ESTABLISHMENT 2, Unity I Street, College Green, Bristol. The new duties are now in operation. Reduction of 4d. per ib. on Tea, and Id. per lb. on Coffee. We beg respectfully to inform you, that we have from the great increase in our country Trade, extended our arrangements for .supplying the Public with Tea, Coffte, and apices. WE PAY THE CARRIAGE of all orders amounting tc £ 2 and upwards to any part of the kingdom. This arrange- ment AND the great convenience of remitting money by Post Office Orders will make Bristol the best Market of supply in the West of England. Our advices from China inform us that there are a great many inferior qualities of Tea. now on their way to England, and that il will reqnire great care and attention in selecting those kinds requisite for securing a high con- nexion and a large Tra lej in Teas'; and from our long experience of tasting and selecting, we C-M place our customers in the very best position of obtaining the choicest qualities, offering ourselves as a medium through whom may be obtained the finest and purest Teas of their respec'ive kinds that are imported into the ENGLISH Market at a small per centage on the first cost iu China BLACK TEAS „ The finest Imperial Souchong, high av.d.rich flavour A O\ The finest I.apsang Souchong. fme mellow flavour 1 ol Fine Souchong U -3 Finest Congou, full ripe Pekoe Snuchr>nVfl\V-V,* ? 8 § Fine Wiry Leaf Congou: stron- fla °nr 4 4 > 5 Fine Stout Congou stio-,v.' ^'v <&*■* onr 4 0 S Rough Congou,'PEKOE flav'I'ur 0 10U& FLAVOUR 3 8 G (ri'iiuiue strong Coii'-oii* 3 4J K Middling Congou.. 3 0 (ri'iiuiue strong Coii'-oii* 3 4J K Middling Congou.. 3 0 Common CONGOU 2 8 Good Youna Hyson 3 4 Youii llvson 3 8 recommended *bicbain. a verv SURVRIOR flavoured ,.Jea 4s 8d to 5 0 recommended Vine rich ilnvored GUNPOWDER 5 0 recommended I'IN st T.uiroowJInrporu,1 a very delicious Tea 5 8 recommended COFFEES. DUCK A\I> COMPANY are prepared to offer their menu- Conees of the vcrj finest description including some exceeding.> fine MOUNTAIN- JAMAICA tlfis mixed with a high W»*UIN- Turkey. makes a most delicious Coi'Ioe. s. d. rpcommpnaecl Rl l,o finest Picked 1 in *E^ ^RECOMMENDED and Mountain .Jaiaaua recomnuluicd Good Old Mocna recommended Finest Plantation X G RECOMMELUL( D Ooid olTEa^ 2J- 1 4 recomK>endcd Common and inferior Coftaes lower All kinds of Cocoas, Chocolates, and bpiee.- ot die finest qualities, Wo recommend out- Friends, when living AT a great distance, two or more Families to joiu in MAKING up A 1 large parcel, as the Carriage is ^ovy nearlj the same for 141 bs. as 1121bs. and so on. The Clifton ^delivery of Goods is AT twelve, four, and six o'clock.—The City and Suburbs delivery is at ten,'four and seven o'clock, daily. DUCK AND COMPANY, M [1223 Tea. Dealers and Coffee Merchants. -— — 1 TO THE ELECTORS OF THE UNITED BOROUGHS OF MONMOUra, WPORT, AND USK. I KNTi.KMK \.—Your hay ng this day VJ elected me for the third time your Representative in Parliament, is a strong proof of the confidence you. repose in me. Allow me to return you my sincere thanks for th* honour you have conferred upon me, and to assure yott that I will continue to give my best and independent consideration to all public measures, as well as to the promotion of your local interests. I have the honor to remain, Gentlemen, Your faithful servant, ™ n. o-.u u CRAWSI1AY BAILEY. Monmouth, 27th March, 1857. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF M NMOUTH. GENTLEMEN,—I beg you to accept my grateful thanks for the distinguished honour yott have been plea ed this day to confer upon me, by again electing me one of your Representatives to serve you in Parliament. It will be my constant endeavour to show myself not undeserving this renewal of your confidence, by a care- ful and assiduous attention to my duties and your interests. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient and faithful Servant, OCTAYIUS MORGAN. Monmouth, 2nd April, 18-57. TO THE FREEHOLDERS & ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH. /^ENTLEMEN,—I beg to return you my \_J sincere thanks for the honour you have done me in returning me, ior the third time, as one of your Re- presentatives in Parliament. It will be my duty as well as pleasure to pay the strictest attention to all measures, public and local, and to endeavour to continue to merit your good opinion. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient humble Servant, EDWARD SOMERSET. Monmouth, 2nd April, 1857. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF BRECON. GENTLEMEN",—Allow me to return you. G my sincere thanks for the honour you have done me in electing me for the third time your representa- tive in Parliament, and to assure you I will give every consideration to public measures; and that your local attention alwa^fi command my earnest and best I have the honour to remain, Gentlemen, Your faithful servant, JOSEPH BAILEY. Brecon, March 30, 1857. CARDIFF HIGH MARKETS AND FAIRS. BOROUGH OF CARDIFF. "VTOTICE IS HEUEBY GIVEN, That the « MARKET on the Second Wednesday in n.e,xt' th« f^ure High Markets and Fare J -Borough, will be bolden in CBOCKH*RB- TOWT* and GREAT FBEDEEICK-STKEET, CARDIFF until further notice. By order of the Mayor E. P. RICHARDS, Town Cleric Cardiff, 24th March, 1857. 1213* GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND MONMOUTHSHIRE AUDIT DISTRICT. CRICKHOWELL UNION. I The Uodersigned EDWARD MURRELL, 9 Auditor of the above-named District, DO HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that I have appointed the Audit of the Accoants of the Crickhowell Union, and of the parishes therein contained (and mentioned at the foot of this notice), for the half-year ended the 25th of March, 1857, to commence on TUESDAY, the twenty-fifth day of April instant, at Ten o'clock in the foienoon, at the BOARD- ROOM of the WORKHOUSE of the said Union, when and where all persons who by law are bound to account at such Audit, are required to attend and to subm. t all Books, Documents, Bills, and Vouchers, containi.13 or relating to the accounts or to moneys a,sessed for and applicable to the Relief of the Poar. Dated the 1st day of April, 1857 (Signed) EDWARD MURRELL, District A uditor. Parishes comprised in the above-named Union; Crickhowell, Cvvmdu, Grwyney Vawr, Llaugattock, Grwyney Vechan, Llaugenny, Llanbeder, Llangunider, Llanelly, Patrishow. GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND MONMOLTH3HIRE AUDIT DISTRICT. ABERGAVENNY UNION. I The Undersigned EDWARD MURRELL, ? Auditor of the above-named District, DO HEREBT GIVE NOTICE, that I have appointed the Audit of the Accounts of the Abergavenny Union, and of tue parishes therein contained (aud mentioned at tne foot of this notice), for uhe half-year ended the '25th of March 1857 seto? i;ri8D'tiw °CK M THE F'»-ENOO:I. at the BOARD- II ORK-HOUSE 0f Union, when and A PCIS0*}S wao by law are bound to account at -I> I U-I\ ARE to attend, and to submit all Documents, Bills, and Vouchers, containing or relatllJg to th0 ACCOUNTS or to moneys assessed for and applicable to the Relief of the Poor. Dated the 1st dav of April, 1857. (Signed) EDWARD MURRELL, District Auditor. Parishes coir-prued in the above-named Union Abergavenny, Llanwenarth Citra, Bvvlch Trewyn, Dan foist, Cwmyoy Upper, Idansaiutfraed, CwmyoV Lower, Llanvihange! j uxta Usk, P .»J • L]<UMAITOCK, near Usk, Llanv'ihangel Crucorney, Llangattock Liugoed, j B»yuL,\vyn, Llanthewv Skirrid, -<ev\yuu., Llanvetherine, y>-na, Llanvapley, au:,rth, LLAIITHENT Eytbcicb, Llauovcr, Llantillio Pertholey, ) Llanellen, Llanwenarth Ultra, Llanvuir Ivi'.geddin. TO TAILORS AN]) OffERS. MOXMOUTHSUIKE CONSTABULRY. CHIEI- CO UNSTABLE is prepared to re- fo1' t'1*3 follov.'ihg Articles of POLICE CLOTHING OA COATS, withBa ilo-e, Blue Ileci.-uental Cloth. SO PAIRS of THOUSEES, ditto- b 1' ROCK COATS, with Badge, Sergeant s Cloth. 12 PAlr.s of TROUSERS, ditto. 46 GREAT COATS, cloth similar to Metropolian Police. All Tenders, accompanied by S cmples ot Cloth, to be sent to the Constabulary Office, Usk, on or before Monday, April 13th. TO BUTCHERS AND OTHKRS. TO be DISPOSED Ol', a Well -established BUTCHER'S BUSINESS, with the Shop, Regis- tered Slaughter-house, and Convent>nt Premises, situate near the Newport Dock. Rent moderate. For terms and further p ar ticulars, apply to Mr. J. BOTHOMLEY, House and Ectate Agent, "&c., *t Lit [ Auction Mart, 47, High-street, Newport.