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gdflWHWW- OPENING OF THE NEW WESLEYAN SCHOOL ROOM, MAINDEE. THE REV. P. MACKENZIE (FROM GATESHEVD), WILL DELIVER A LECTURE ON FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd. P. In the TOWN HALL, Newport, (kiudly lent by the Mayor, T. M. Llewellin, Efq.) Subject" THE BIBLE ITS AUTHENTICITY." Chair to be taken at 7 p.m. by the Rev. E. SHELTON. TICKETS Reserved Seats (number limited), 2s.; Un- served Seats, la. each; to be obtained from Messrs ^HBISTOPHERS, WANSBROUGH, D E. DAVIES, and S. **4.BSE, Newport; W. PDGSLET, F. SANDERS, and R. ~4VIES, Pillgwenliy; J. RAILTON and J. i>. DATE, ^FTINDEE. ON SUNDAY, APRIL 5, THE REV. W. H. DALLINGER, (from Bristol), "I preach in the New (School Room, Maindee; « L.0.RN^NKJ at Eleven Evening, at Six o'clock. ouection will be made after eaoh Service on behalf of the Building Fund. ON GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 10th. A "P TT T* THERE WILL BE I..h?s?„L 1C TEA MEETING After UI?1, SOOM, to commence at Five o'clock. E* SHE]TON T R ^ETS* L. Davies (Baptist Minister), E^DO-FB.anch, J. W.Harris, and other Friends RN-}° the Meeting. Tickets for the Tea One Shilling each. [1*2,146 COltp W' B SKETCH- OSITIONS EFFECTED WITH CREDITORS By PRIVATE ARRANGEMENT, crrONEER, VALUER, ACCOUNTANT, &c., OFFICES, 63, HIGH-STREET, NEWPORT, MON. [11,719 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. SAMUEL BRYAN, TOBACCONIST AND CIGAR DEALER QOMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT, MON., 1-1EGS to inform the Public of Newport, that he has secured and moved into the convenient "remises, OPPOSITE THE WESTGATE HOTEL, RO.NO- 6, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT, LOCATED by Mr. W. M. Jack, Hat and Cap Manufacturer,) LR TR°8TS to have a continuance of the kind patron* R which he has hitherto been favoured. T>' °Stock willconrprise every description of Meerschaum, a chOIce selectIon of the finest Cigars, Tobaccos and Snuffs, wholesale and retail. I SAMUEL BRYAN, f HAT AND CAP MANUFACTURER 6, COMMERCIAL.STREET, NEWPORT, MON., TLEGS most respectfully to inform his Friends W^NR*16 INHABITANTS of Newport, that he has taken to TEND JACK'S old-established Business, where he in- ;BRANC £ ARRYING-°LLTHE HAT ANII CAP TRADE in all its BORTJJ. having rsplenished the Stock with a large as- *U °F the newest Shapes, and trusts, by strict "ON to Business, to secure a share of their patronage. LINCOLN, BENNETT, & CO.'S CELEBRATED Caps rr LONDON HATS 'Wirelias, Gentlemen's Neckties and Collars in great variety. [10,866 'BA..T'r'S ANGLO-GERMAN YEAST makes AT>D »HONFJ^8T is warranted Pare and Wholesome, I by every Family. *'ONR » FENNY Packets, by all respectable Bakers, T» AND others. *»ridge T • ftt the Works, 6, Brasenose Road, Miller's ^ERPOOI.—Agents wanted. [12,165 FS. AGRICULTURISTS. {JP^ULNE PERUVIAN GUANO BO PURE DISSOLVED BONES, NE SUPERPHOSPHATES NITRATE OF SODA AND OTHER ARTIFICIAL MANURES, Q AND AGRICULTURAL SEEDS, the very BEST QUALITY, may be had at J. S. STONE'S, DOCK.STREET, NEWPORT, MON, [12,125 WATTS, RICHARDS, & CO. PENNER WHARF, NEWPORT, BEST RED ASH HOUSE COAL, STEAM COAL, HANDPICKED, SMITHS, CAREFULLY CLEAN. I-ARCH, FIR, and HARD WOOD PIT PROPS, RAILWAY *ND UNDERGROUND SLEEPERS, ?■ And RAILWAY FENCING- [9,493 DUNVILLE & CO'S. V. mt R. OLD IRISH WHISKEY, BELFAST, OF same quality as that supplied to the In- ternational Exhibition of 1862 and the Dublin EX- HIBITION of 18G5, aud now regularly to the House of Lords Paris Exhibition, the QUALITY of which is equal to Finest FBENCH BBANDY, may be had direct from IN Butts, Hogsheads, Quarter-Casks, and VASES, ■—Quotations on application at Belfast. [11,570 ESTABLISHED 1842. J\ AND T. O B I N S O N CONTINUE TO MANUFACTURE BONE MANURE, for Grass and Clover. BONE MANURE, for Grain Crops. BONE MANURE, for Roots- BONE MANURE, for Potatoes. BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE. These Manures have been well tested by practical ex- and are nsed now over a large portion of the UNITED ILingdom. Several Agricultural Societies have Warded PRIZES, during the past season, for Roots and ltoot Crops grown from this Superphosphate of Lime, Vibere it has been subject to unrestricted competition. They also manufacture LINSEKD and COTTON aEED CAKE, from good seed only as imported, and frie from admixture. PERUVIAN GUANO, and NITRATE OF SODA, as imported. Apply to J. and T. ROBINSON, at their Manufac. tory, ST. PHILIP'S MARSH, BRISTOL; at the DOCKS, GLOUCESTER or to their Agents. |"11,8J2 N F A N T ORPHAN ASYLUM WANSTEAD. PATRON-THE QUEEN. It shelters the orphans of those once in prosperity. It receives them in infancy, and retains them until 14 or 15 years of age. It admitted 72 fatherless children last year. It maintains neadv 600 fatherless children now. T It has received 2,281 fatherless children since 1827. It depends upon voluntary contributions for nine-tenths Of ITS income. It pleads for those who are too young to plead for themselves. Forms for nominating Candidates for the May Election ^HEN 30 children will be admitted, can be obtained at the offloe. Life aubcription for two votes, £ 10 10s. Life subscription for one vote, £ 5 5s. Annual subscription fop two votes, £ 1 Is, I Atfoval subscription for one vote 10s. 6d. HENRY W. GREEN. Secretary, MEDRINGTON'S CANTHARIDES WASH IS the ONE GREATJ REMEDY for Weakness, Relaxation, and consequent Loss of the Hair, and is of such potency that if there are any roots still lin- gering under the closed surface they immediately respond to the application, and begin to shoot anew. MEDRINGTON'S CANTHARIDES CREAM Is prepared with the greatest care of the finest and most nourishing materials, and is one of the best stimulants now in use for the GROWTH OF THE HAIR. The above Two Remedies are used jointly. Sold in bottles, with directions, price 2s, 3s 6d, 6s, 10s 6d, and 21s. Perfumery Depôt, Milsom-street, Bath. Agent—Mr OSTLER, Perfumer, High-street, Newport. L [12,083 MR. WM. D. SMITH. (FROM MESSRS. BARNARD, THOMAS, fc Co., BRISTOL), PUBLIC AUDITOR AND ACCOUNTANT. MERCANTILE, MANUFACTURING, AND TRADESMAN'S BOOKS MADE UP AND BALANCED CHANCERY, EXECUTORSHIP, CO-PARTNER- SHIP, BANKRUPTCY, and other ACCOUNTS prepared and the BOOKS of PUBLIC COM PANIES examined and Audited. OFFICES :-7, HIGH-STREET, NEWPORT. [11,648 TEETH I TEETH!! TEETH! ARTIFICIAL TEETH of the best quality and workmanship, combined with moderate prices. J. SUMPTION JONES, DENTIST AND CHEMIST, 127, COMMERCIAL-STREET, OPPOSITE OROSS-STREET. NEWPORT. TEETH EXTRACTED, STOPPED, AND SCALED ON THE NEWEST PRINCIPLE. J. SUMPTION JONES' COMPOUND QUI. NINE DENTIFRICE, best made, for Whitening DID and Preserving the Teeth. [11,000 — THOMAS CORNER, AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, &c., 42, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. THOMAS CORNER SETTLES ALL SALES EITHER IN THE EVENING OF THE SALE OR AT LATES T ON THE DAY FOLLOWING [11,854 HORNER S GENTLEMEN'S ELASTIC SIDE SPRING BOOTST 10s. 6d. 124, COMMERCIAL STREET. .0 [10,900 HORNER'S FOR BOOTS! LADIES' KID ELASTIC SIDE SPUING, 5s. 6d. [10,900 DARSONS, FLETCHER, AND INDIAN STARCH IS OF GREAT STRENGTH. JL INDIAN STARCH IS OF GREAT STRENGTH. ARSONS, FLETCHER, AND C J. INDIAN STARCH PRODUCES A BEAUTIFUL GLOSS. PARSONS, FLETCHER, AND CO'S. INDIAN STARCH WILL NOT ADHERE TO THE HtON PACKED IN lib. BOXES. SOLD EVERYWHERE. WORKS. GRAVEL LANE, SOUTHWARK, LONDON, E.C. H P E A R M A N:, -= rit rF.J Z Z 0 a !i E-1 FAEMBXR w 8 e:: t<1 02 ci >1 rn. fA /1 t';j t"4 p.; 9 P. 11, COMMERCIAL STREET NEWPORT. [548 FOR REALLY NICE CAKES, GO TO BLAND'S, 33, COMMERCIAL STREET, AND 17, HIGH STREET, NEWPORT, MON. [6656 THE NEWPORT, MON., TURKISH AND WARM BATHS COMPANY, LIMITED. NEAR THE CUSTOM HODSE, DOCK STREET. SEVERAL ALTERATIONS and IM- PROVEMENTS have recently been effected in these Baths, amongst which may be enumerated the following, namely — An augmented Heat to the Turkish Bath. I In A more perfect Ventilation to the same, the Bath being now pronounced, on competent authority, one of the sweetest Turkish Baths in the United Kingdom. An increased supply of Hot Water to the Warm Batb*^ A continuous supply of Freeh Water to all the Baths. ALTERATION OF LADIES' DAYS. On and after the 5th instant, the whole of Thursday in each week will be appropriated to the use of Lady Sub- scribers, in lieu of the two parts of days at present allotted to them. A slight Alteration in the Tariff has been made, the par. ticulars of which may be obtained at the Baths. By Order GEORGE LOCK, Attendant, lit JLogiut, 1867. [11.262 "MONMOUTHSHIRE MERLIN" OFFICE, NEWPORT. WILLIAM CHRISTOPHE RS, Printer, Bookseller, and General and Fancy Stationer, 15, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT, MON.. INVITES attention to his large and varied Stock of Books, Paper, Photograph Albums J- Writing Cases. Purses, Church Services, Prayer Books, Illustrated Gift Books, Toy Books, Verse Cards, &c. For the more rapid execution of Orders for PRINTING, an additiondl MACHINE has recently been erected. Orders for Manufactured Stationery, Account Books, Order Books, Ruled or Plain Business Forms, Bookbinding, &c. EXECUTED WITH PROMPTITUDE,* AND AT MODERATE PRICES. New Books, Periodicals, &c., supplied at the shortest notice-parcels from London daily. NEWPORT BRANCH OF THE ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LIBRARY COMPANY. For the information of intending Subscribers, the terms of Subscription for the Publications contained in the Depfit List of New Books, and in the Catalogues of the Standard Collection, numbering One Hundred and Thirty Thousauli Volumes, are appended, viz. 12 Months. 6 Months. 3 Months. Month. J £ s. d. t s. d. £ a. d £ s. d. Two VOLUMES 0 10 6 0 6 0 0 3 6 0 2 0 Foua VOLUMES 1 1 0 0 12 0 0 7 0 0 4 0 And upwards, in the proportion of Two Additional Volumes for each Additional Half-Guinea. Agent to the EAGLE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY; the LANCASHIRE FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, with which is incorporated the BIRMINGHAM FIRE OFFICE and the GUARANTEE SOCIETY. JOB THOMAS, mm NEWPORT STEAM MARBLE, SLATE, AND Iff MONUMENTAL WORKS, Ami WrHERE Architects, Builders, and the Public will find the Largest Blflft ▼ Stock in Wales of MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEADSTONES, TABLETS, &c., «g9B ?' Forest of Dean, and other StoDe. MARBLE and ENAMELLED- A, Y PIECES, in all colours, manufactured on the premises by Im- proved Machinery. REGISrER AND OTHER GRATES, FENDERS, FIRE IRONS, &c. jNSSNJt The Trade supplied with STEPS, SILLS, LANDERS, COPING, CURB, and all kind Of SRWD ForGSt 8tOD9« GRANITE & MARBLE IN BLOCK, SLAB, OR SCANTLING. Bag Sanitary Pipes, Tsrra Cotta Chimney Pots. Vases, &c. Closet Pans, Syphons, Earthen Orens j Piain, Glazed, and Brosely Cress Flooring Tiles, Fire Bricks, Sink Stones, &c. ALL KINDS OF CEMENTS AND PLASTER PARIS. Estimates given for Ornamental Masonry, Carving in Wood and Stone. Pulpits, Fonts, Windows, and all kinds of Church Work, Contracted for. DESIGNS FUR N I- SHE D UPON APPLICATION H II III HI MIlHIMI [11,979 LAWES' MANURES. WERE the first CHEMICAL ARTIFICIAL MANURES manufactured and introduced, and have been in use for 27 years with great success. The supply for the present season is now ready for delivery, at the Factories, all in first-rate condition. LAWES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE. DISSOLVED BONES. LAWES' SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. LAWES' WHEAT, BARLEY, GRASS; AND MANGEL MANURES: CONCENTRATED CORN AND GRASS MANURES. Dr. Voelcker has inspected and sampled a bulk of 10,000 tons of Mr. Lawes' Factories the report can be o. taioed on application. He states All the samples appeared to be equally dry, uniform in character, and finely prepared. Having inspected the bulk at Mr Lawes' Works, I can certffy that the Turnip Mauure new sent out from the bulk is a dry, well-made, superior Artificial Manure, and is in excellent comlition for delivery." GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO, NITRATE OF SODA, SULPHATE OF AMMONIA, <&= SUPPLIED DIRECT BY JOHN BENNET LAWES. OFFICES:— 1, Adelaide Place, London Bridge. I DubIin-22, Eden Quay. I Shrewsbnry—Market Square. AGENTS: Messrs Tucker Brothers, Abergavenny. I Mr Thomas Hallen, Raglaod Mr W. Morgan, Maeor, near New- Messrs N. and F- Willmott, Pontypool. | Mr J. H Sunderland, Hereford port Mr J.W. Coles, Chepstow. Mr Joseph Morris, Longhope, near I Mr A. Templeton, Glasburv. Mr .John Phillpotts, Skeofrith Mills, Ross. Mr John E. Young.Hnrsley Court, Skenfrith. I Mr J. JL Hall, Cardiff. Lettou, near Hereford. Mr. Jas. Jenkins, Llangadock. Mr Matthews, Pool's Cottage, White Cross Road, Hereford. [11,985 Wines paid duty on in 1867 by W & A Gilbey 557,675 gallons. Vide « Wine Trade Review » This /W a tvxnty-fifth of tlu total consumption of WÙtes for the year in the United Kingdom. W & A GILBEY 1 WINE IMPORTERS AND DISTILLERS AGENT-E E BECKINGHAM 7 TREDEGAR PLACE NEWPORT (MON.) SINGLE BOTTLES or any qiiantity of WINES & SPIRITS can be obtained at the same prices and of precisely the same quality as supplied at the Stores in LONDON, DUBLIN and EDINBURGH, and Books of Prices with descriptions of 200 varieties forwarded, on application to the Agent a 1: W It A GrLDiWs CASTIB" TBADE VJL.BE ON ZACH COMC. NEWPORT CEMETERY WO EES, STOW HILL, NEWPORT, MON. (NEAR ST. WOOLOS CHURCH.) J. CADOGAN JENKINS, SC^JlTp T O B,, &c., Bess to inform ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS, alm Wlil be to Sell on t and the Inhabitants generally of lowest possible terms, combined Newport and surrounding district t that he has commenced business at j ffP^ with the best workmaaship. ",e„«^^MV £ ATNp,Sd 4= MAEBLE- SLaTE> AKD ORNAMENTAL WORK in i|I 1/At ENAMELLED MARBLE, SLATE, and all other kinds of .->TONE, in a first-class 'wA CHIMNEY PIECES manner, and hopes by strict attten- t j- tion to business to receive their fl & ex rao patronage and support. BEDUCTION IN PBICE- MONUMENTS, TOMBS, TABLETS, &c., Ac., m CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Estimates given to supply all Buildings with the necessary Bath Stone and Forest St Work, and Chimney Pieces fixed and completed in a first.cla°s manner! J|p^ PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO. 1. THOMSON, T. BONAR, AND CO., 57 OLD BROAD-STREET, LONDON, E.C., Sole Consignees and Agents for Sale In Great Britain and Ireland, PRICE. AT SCALE IN LONDON FIXED BY THE PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT £ 12 PER TON, T«,™ i««4 F0R QXJANT1TIES 0F XQT LESS THAN 30_TQNS. Jawwry, 1861. [11863 ULTEA-UITUALISM. JUST PUBLISHED, j In Two Pamphlets, REPORTS OF THE ANTI-RITUALIST MEETINGS HELD AT PONTYPOOL AND NEWPORT, ON THE 9TH, 10TH, AND 24TH OF MARCH, 1868. PRICE TWOPENCE EACH. Mav be had of WM. CHRISTOPHERS, MERLIN OFFICE, 15, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. Persons reqoiring large numbers may obtain them at the rate of Twelve Shillings per hundred. JAMES LEACH BRASS and IRON BEDSTEAD DEPOT WHOLESALE and RETAIL FURNITURE WARE HOUSE, 117, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT A large assort merit of DINING and DRAWING ROOM FURNITURE in ROSEWOOD, WALNUT, and MAHOGANY, and the largest and most varied stock of BRASS and IRON BEDSTEADS in SOUTH WALES. Furniture bought to any amount, or taken in EscSange. ALL ARTICLES SOLD ON THE VERY LOWEST TERMS FOR CASH. [4061 J. HANDY, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, FURNITURE t BROKER, &c. 17, DOCK-STREET, NEWPORT, MON. ALL descriptions of BEDS, BEDDING, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and other Effects, Bought, Sold, or Exchan ed hy Privata Treaty, on liberal terms, with nrocupt se'tleinent. Auctioneer's Offices and Furniture Stores, 17, Dock- street, Newport, Mon. [1 2,091 SIX MEDALS—London, New Yoi-k, Dubliu, and Paris. SILVER. MFD\L PARIS, 1867. ri. beiug the oNLT MEDAL uwarded to auv English MJiunfacturer of CHOCOLALE and COCOA, has been obtained by J. S. FRY 6t SONS, BRISTOL and LONDON. URY'S CHOCOLATE AND COCOA, 1_ Fry's Chocolate for Eatim; aud for thu Table, in great vniiety. Cbocolntf Creams. FRY'S HmMEOPATHIC COCOA, distinguished by its purity, delicacy of flavour, and nutritions properties. f!1,750 KIN L. L. WHISKY DUBLIN EXHIBITION, 1865. THIS Celebrated OLD IRISH WHISKY JL gained the DUBLIN PRIZE MEDAL. It is pure, nrild, mellow, delicious, and more wholesome than the finest Cognac Brandy. 1101esale at 8, Great Wind- mill Street, London, W. CAUTION.—In purchasing from the Agents, observe the red seal, pink label, and cork branded KINAHAN'S L.L. WHISKY. [11,667 H. GREENE AND CO., 19 & 68, HIGH STREET. AND CASTLE WHARF, NEWPORT, AGRICULTURAL,GENERAL,& FURNISHING IRONMONGERS. REDUCED PRICED LIST OF IMPROVED WIRE NETTING, GALVANISED AFTER MADE. f > y T' PRICES PER LINEAL YARD, 24 INCHES HIGH. Ex;ra o Light iMedium. Strong. Strong. jJ Mostly used for 19 No. 18. No. 17. No. 1G. — ,'Jap.jGaI. Jap. G.il' Jap. Gal. Jap. Gal. in. d. d. d d. d. d. d. d. 2j [lares, Dogs, Poul-j try 2i 3| Zl 41 4 5] 5 6j 2 G.ime or Poultry: Netting; 3j 41 4] 5| 5^ 7 lji Small Rabbits,! Hares, &C- 4j 4^1 5} 5 6J 6J 8 14 Smallest Rabbits. 4^ 5| 6^ 6J! 8 8 10 Quantities of 100 yards or upwards delivered free at all Railway Stations. All Netting warranted to give latisfacl ion. [12,136 IFsRSI (S^0E!I *4% I TABLE DELICACIES, | Of the Highest duality, I Manufactured by rfSSr au LL. JCROSSE^BLACKWELD ¡ PURVEYORS TO THE QUEEN. PROPRIETORS or I CAPTAIN WHITE'S ORIENTAL PICKLE | AND CURRY PASTE. Sold retail in all parts of the World, and i Wholesale at the Manufactory, j SO HO SQUARE, LONDON. IL^^3 PRIZE MEDALS, PARIS EXHIBITION, 1867.| WALKER'S PURE DISSOLVED SIL- VER or SILVEKING SOLUTION, tor in- I stantly restoring all worn-off PLATED GOODS to their f original appearance, and keeping them equal to new Directions with each Bottle. Price Is. and 2s. each. '-¡TALKER'S NON-MERCURIAL PLATE r l POWDER, the best sold, and Lighly-recom. mended. Price Is. VSTALKER'S MARKING IXK cannot be T ¥ obliterated has stood the test of 20 years' expe- perieuce. 61., Is. per bottle. Sold by Ferris aud Co., Bristol Sanger, 150, Oxford- street, London and the Proprietors, Walker & Co. cbe- mists, Bath. NEWPORT YOUNG (Chemist), MDLLOOK; Cardiff Duncan, Jones Swansea, Pearce and RTOWD, Bentley Williams (Cumbrinn), and Glover (Chemist) Aberdare Lloyd (Glftdgarwr Office), Rvans; Pontypridd, Bassett Davies, James, Smyth Neatb, Hayman, Hill Bridgend LayBhon Cowbridge, Davies Breoon, Clark j Merthyr Williams (Telegraph Office); Dowlais, Jenkins; Rhyin nej, ET»O» WTOdegar, Dariwi; Bryouvwr. Jones. EUAA VTLLIEIU & SON S, PHOTOGRAPHERS AND ARTISTS, 8, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. YILLIERS' HI G HLY-FINISHED T PORTRAIT in Gilt, 21s. CARTES DE YISITE and CABINET PORTRAITS" Unsurpassed for Brilliancy and Artistic Treatment. Families attended at their own Residences. where GROUPS ARKAXGED as FAMILY PICTURES can be taken. PICTURES AND DRAWINGS FRAMED IN THE NEWEST LONDON STYLE. [6294 FOR FIP,T CLASS WASHING, WRINGING, AND MANGLING MACHINES, CARTS, WAGGONS, an) CARRIAGES, AGRICULTURAL AXD HORTICULTURAL, IMPLEMENTS, GARDEN SEATS, and CHAIRS, APPLY TO J. S. STONE, DOCK-STREET WORKS AND SHOW ROOMS. NEWPORT, MON. [10,729 NEW MILK. J ROGERS begs to 3tate that he has made arriniz^ments to supply families wi!h GENUfN S NEW MILK direct from ''iilNOAU F-VRM, NEW- PORT, TWICE A DAY.—Applications by Post or Otherwise will he promptly attended to. [12,114 BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT To HER MAJESTY, To THE PHIKCB by Special War- vAr* OF WALES, BV rant, 9 Special arrant, dated Dcember dated Fehrnaiy, 1S65. 10, 1866. DAY, SON, and II EWITT, Original and Sole PIO;M ietors of the STOCK BREEDERS' MEDICINE CHEST, for DISORDERS in HOUSES, CATTLE, CALVES, SHEEP, and LAMRS. Patronised by upwards of Seventy Thousand of JLe Principal Stock Breeders, Horse Proprietors, and Agri- culturists of EuiLiud, Ire.'au'i, Scotland, and Wales. The only Tfue and Original" DAY'S CHEMICAL COMPOUND^" He prepared expressly by ns. T: e Chest contains the fallowing iDntriiless preparations — Haifa Dozen CHEMICAL EXTRACT, at 30a per uoz"ii. One Dozen GASEOUS i'LUli), ut 20s per dozen. One Dozen RED DRENCHES, ut 13s perdozec. One Dozen RED PASTE BALLS, at 7s 6d per dozen. Adapted for all ailments awong Stock during the p esent season. Price of Cliest complete, with Shilling Book "D Farriery, £ 2 16s 6,1, carriage paid. Either preparations may be had separately in boxes. TESTIMONIALS. The Lamping Season. — The Chemical Extract" is unequalled tor bad cases in Drawing Lambs, ¡iu.1 to stop heaving and straining. Mr Woods, in hisLestureon the Bree iing anI Munageinent of Sheep," says—" My shepherd dcclaits it to be woith a guinea a bottle." The "Gaseous Fluid" is famous for debility and es* Iftustion in Ewes after Lambing for diarrhoea in C<d*«s and Sheep, and for colic and gripes in Horses and C^ule. Mr Bowick, in his prize e»s .y on the Rearing of Calves," says-" The (L.seous Fluid is sufficient fur all the ills that Calfliood is liablu to. I have reared '26 alves this year, and by the use of the Gaseous Fluid, I have not lost one." Mr. Thomas Ri^by (Cheshi t ), in his Lecture on Summer G:izio'_ <>f SLieep," — Day, Sou, and Hewitt's Gasoo-js Fiuid is the beft cor- rective of scour in Sheep I have ever tried. I canstn.ngly recommend their Medicine as a most valuable auxiliary to stock-keepers of ail kinds, bat especially to shepherds. With tho medicines; bey give plaiu directions for use, which any man may understand." Orders sent by Post will be promptly attended to if addreFseù-DAY, SON, and IIEA'ITT, Animal Medi- cine Factory, 22, DorseUstrect, Baker-street, London, W. or Wantage, Be'ks. Woods on Sheep," five stamps Bowick on Calves, three stamps both free by post. [11,836 LEE MOOR PORCELAIN FIRE BRICKS ARE superior to all others for Coke Ovens G as Works, Iron Works, and all purposes in which it is essential the Brick should WITHSTAND INTENSE HEAT. AGENT FOR SOUTH WALES: J M H A I M E 11,501] DOCKS, CARDIFF. The Duty being- Reduced, HORNIMAN S PURE TEAS ARE NOW Eight-pence Cheaper. Z5 Tea formerly 3s. 4d., Reduced to 2s. 8d. Tea formerly 3s. 8d., Reduced to 3s. Od. Tea formerly 4s. Od., Reduced to 3s. 4d. Tea formerly 4s. 4d., Reduced lo 3s 8d. Two-ounce, Quarter, Half, & Poaiad Packet*. All GENUINE PACKETS are signed, Homiman & Co., LONDOK, Original Importers of the Pure Tefr. AGENTS IN TEI3 DISTRICT ABERGAVF.XXT Gosden Watkins. High st. ABEBYSTWITH.Jones, chemist BLAKKSEY..l'hil])OttS. CINDERFORD. Cord win, chemist CP-ICKHOWELL..Christopher. CARnrFF..Kernick. 23, Duke-st Ditto ..James Btite-street CHKI'STOW.. Griffiths,booksel.M- COLRFURD.. \ilh81l1s.-Hougb DOWLAIS..Hancock LYVSEY ..Hathaway MOXMOUTH Allen,confectionerj -n NEWPORT JONES & EPKUSD b, HIgti-s Tee CHERKV. 41, Con N FT-CIAL W „ H. L WILLIAMS, 3, C.'oml-, „ J l'HH.LIPFó.92, Conimercia st chemia J YOUNG, 20, High-street, C<i-operat ve cciety NEWXHAM. Fryer, Drdp, r. PONTYI'OoL Wood, cheuiis POXTYPBIPD.. Jar"«iS, Lt s<"A.. Taylor, Chemist CJSK.. Edwards 11,932 TEA FI^EE FROM ► i ^^MINERAL COLOUR. I Yohnson, Yohnson it Cds ► J PURE TEA F 4 Is warrantedfreefrom all Min- £ 4 eral Colour-it now commands ► | a large sale on account of its great £ 4 strength and Unif0Y11Z excellence. 4 b 4 Supplied in Packets only, from 2 ozs. to 1 lb. t 4 and 3 lb. and 6 Ib. Tin Canictera— 4 At 2/8, 3/- & 3/4 per lb. i Choice Qualities, 3/8 & 4/- per lb. 4 Sold by Chemists, Ccnfectionen, 4 iPV &c., in every Town. w I LOCAL AGENTS., ;• < PiLLGwEKLi.Y..FAUt.KNEB, Chemist 81, Commercial road Abergavenny..James, confecr. 1 Beaufort Joces, chemist Aberdare Thomas, chemist Brynmawr .lones,Beai\foit-st Bristol Huntley, I05,lied- cUff street Cardiff Crons, chemist Chepstow Merctuy office, t Gloucester .Jayn»s, Mercur office. Hereford Chave, fi,Hro „ Town, Merthyr .Lewis, Gearp Town. „ Stephens, chemist I Nantyglo .Allen, PostaSeft Pontypool.Edwards Geerp str.t r Tredegar .Jerikiin., chemia Uslt CWh, P,,ot-olis I JOHNSON, JOHNSON ft CO.. TEA 17, BLOMHELD 8TRXET, CUT LOWPU^.