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COUNTY OF MONMOUTH. COUNTY OF J\1O:-0IOUTII. \T0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the next -ll GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEJ CE for the County of Monmouth, will be held at ths Town Hall, in (Jsk, on MONDAY, the 4th day of January, 1869, and that the Court will Sit at half-pad 11 o'clock in the forenoon, and immediately proceed to administer the oaths Magistrates and other persons desirous of qualifying for office. The Court will then proceed with ali business relating to ■fhe assessment, application, and management of the County block or Rate, or any Fund or Funds used and applied in thereof, and make orders for payments, and consider and direct the general business of the county. ■All bills and demands relating to the public expenditure Of the county, must be delivered into the ojjice of the Clerk of the Peace, fourteen days before the Sessions, and all Ppeeils and Traverses must be entered with the Clerk of the Peace, before twelve o'clock at noon on the second day Of the Sessions. •dt half-past nin# o*clock on Tuesday, the oth day of January, 1869, the Grand and Petty Juries will be tailed over, and are to answer to their names, or in default, they toillbe fined; and all persons bound by recognizances are to attend, as the Court will proceed to try indictments for felonies, traverses, and appeals, and transact the other business of the Sessions. -All convictions and recognizances, and all anà depositions, must be delivered or transmitted to the Clerk of the Peace three clear days previous to the Sessions. All costs allowed by the County must be taxed at the sanie Sessions, or they will not afterwards be allowed. I CHARLES PROrilERO, Clerk of the Peace. Newport, 7th December, LS68. [ 13, i93 TIMOTHY DkVIE: DECEASED. PURSUANT to the Act of Parliament of the 22nd ami 23rd Vic., cap. 3-5, intituled An Act to further Amend the Liw of Properly and to rtlisve Trus. tees," NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX, that all Creditors and other Persons having any claim or demand against the Estate of TIMOTHY DAVIES, late of the Parish of Ru- *ick, in the couuiy of Monmouth, Farmer, deceased (who died on tha 24ih day of October, 1S63, and whose Will Was proved on the 14th d^y of November, 1868, in the District Registry at Lland.iff attached to Her Mij'-Biy's Court of Probate, by Sina Levies an i William Wi de, two the Executors named in the said Will,) are hereby Squired to send the pal tlcnLrs of their debts or claims to the undersigned Solicitors to the said Executors, ou or before the 1st day of Fubruuy next, after which time the 8a*l Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the Saul limotby Levies, among tha par ies entitle! thereto, naving vegar 1 only tQ the claims and demands ol which j J then have had colic1, and for the assets so attributed or aDy p..irt thereof, the said Executors will DOt U6 liable to any person or persons of whose de'it or Claim they sli.dl uot then hav0 notice an.l all persons indebted to the Estate ot the said dectased are req'iesUd orthwith to pay the amouutof thair debts respectively to Said Executors. Dated this 2nd diy of Deocraber, 18GS. FARR & WADE, Newport, Monmouthshire, 113,177 Solicitors to the said Executors. EG. PENN i, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, • HOUSE and ESTATE AQENT. Sales effected on very moderate terms, and prompt settlement. COLLECTOR OF RENrs AND DEBTS. Offices, Commercial Buildings Newport. [13 201 MONDAY DEC. 21ST, IS THE LAST DAY FOR TICKETS. 1868.— EIGHTEENTH SEASON.-1868. ART UNION OF GilEAT BRITAIN. ONE SHILLING PER SHARE 1,573.895 Tickets h*ve been sold in tha seventeen pre. vioua drawings, and 18,852 PRIZES dis1 ribuUiiI, includ- ing 4,451 Pa in tiny.a, in amount varying from 200 goineas downwanlo, being one P-tilZE in each 80 tickets. The DRAWING for PRIZES, v ill tike P'a^e ON WEDNESDAY, D iiCEM J>ER OOTU, 1S63 And will c insist of upwards of ONE THOUSAND PHIZES. First !Vz? 4 Highland Cattle and Sheep" .Charles Jones, £ 1.57 10s. C A Pastoral Scene"(2nd prize).K-H. L105. The Confidant," (3rd prize).F. G Ky.nai.d, £ 70. And about 150 ..tbrr Painting*, from £70 down, | (Particulars in Pr:z- Lists J Tickets, ONE SHILLING each, entitling the holder to one chance in the drawing may be ha 1 from the undc mentioned Agents; or wi-I be forwarded direct by the Secretaiy on .eceipt of Envelope (stored and ^ec^ together with postage et.mps or post office order for tie number of 't ickets required. JAMES G. LAW, Secicdary 39, Oxford street, Manchester. LOCAL AGENTS H. MULLOCK, Books ll«r, 16, Commercial street, Newport. JOHN R. TAYLOR, Chemist and S ationer, 1 (1- U RHEUMATISM. SE the celebrated EMBROCATION, DPWEDGL'S I1EAL-LL, which affords instant relief. Prepared only by BARCLAY and SONS, C5, Farringdon- street, London, and sold by Chemists aud Druggists. It is most serviceable for Chilblains before they are broken. Price Is. ljd. per bottle. f1::1,162 »J £ ^4V:SYS;4<« XIN AllAN>S l. L. WHISKY DUBLIN Exi7wriv)x, 1365. THIS Celebrated OLD' IRISH WHISKY gained the DUBLIN PRizE MEDAL. It pure, mild, mellow, delicious, an.1 ioore wholesome than the finest Cognac Brandy. Ahoksalo Rt 8, Great Wind- mill Street, London, W. CAUTION. In purchasing from the Agents, observe tha red seal y»ink label and cork, bn n 'ed the red L.U W HISKY. [13,166 MR. PA LIS ON SURGEON DENTIST, of 3, Great George. street, Park-street, Bristol, resr^ctfuily acqua.nt the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, and Inhabitants of New port and Vicinities, that he may be consultedI in t • ▼ariouabranches of his profession, at the KL • HOTEL, Newport, the second and fouith edne^day in each month. ^DECE^IIJHk!6 ) Newport, Wednesday, 9th & 23th, 9 till 5 COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS FOR INDIGESTION, BILIOUS and LIVER COMt'LAlXTS, May be had throughout THE UNITED KINGDOM, In Bo'<' s at is. lid., 2s. 9d 4s. 6d„ and lis. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS ADELAIDE, Mtssrs. Bickford ai d Sons, 19, Hindley-street. CO C KITE' S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS c BALLARAT, Mr. Edward Towi. COCKJ,E'S ANTIBILIUUS PILLS c NEW ZEALAND, Mr. F. D. Hantfiad, Nelson, New Zealand. OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS MELBOURNE, Mt ssrs. Samuel Co. OCKLE7S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS BOMBAY, Messrs. Treacher and Co. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS SYDNEY, ^Messrs Kow, 217, Pitt-str«et. 11,51 "MONMO UTHSHIRE MERLIN" OFFICE, NEWPORT. WILLIAM CHRISTOPHERS, Printer, Bookseller, and General and Fancy Stationer 15, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT, MON., I INVITES attention to his large and varied Stock of Books, Paper, Photograph Albums 0 JL Writing Cases, Purses, Church Services, Prayer Books, Illustrated Gift Books, Toy Books, Verse Cards, &c. For the more rapid execution of Orders for PRINTING, an additional MACHINE has recently been erected. Orders for Manufactured Stationery, Account Books, Order Books, Ruled or Plain Business Forms, Bookbinding, &c. EXECUTED WITH PROMPTITUDE, AND AT MODERATE PRICES. New Books, Periodicals, &c., supplied at the shortest notice-parcels w from London daily. NEWPORT BRANCH OF THE ENGLISHAND FOREIGN LIBRARY COMPANY. For the information of intending Subscribers, the terms of Subscription for the Publications contained in th Depot List of Now Books, and in the Catalogues of the Standard Collection, numbering One Hundred and Thirty Thousand Volumes, are appended, viz. :— 12 Months. 6 Months. 3 Months. Month. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Two VOLUMES 0 1J 6 0 6 0 0 3 6 0 2 0 FOUR VOLUMES 1 1 0 0 12 0 0 7 0 0 4 0 And upwards, in the proportion of Two Additional Volumes for. each Additional Half-Guinea. Agent to the EAGLE LIFE II^STJRA^C3 COMPANY; the LANCASHIRE FIRE AND I LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, with which is incorporated the BIRMINGHAM FIRE OFFICE and the GUARANTEE SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1839. T. P. VIANSBROUGH, O LUMBER, PAINTER, GLAZIER, PAPER.HANGEP, 1. and DECORATOR, 4 AND 5, COMMERCIAL-STREET, OPPOSITE THE WESTGATE HOTEL, NEWPORT, MON., EXPERIENCED WORKMEN SENT TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY. T. P. WANSBROUGH would NEW" ST0CK" of DECORATIONS and DESIGNS FROM THE DRAWINGS OF THE BEST BRITISH & FOREIGN ARTISTS SUITABLE FOR THE MANSION AS WELL AS THE COTTAGE. [12,208 c H inTTTl AS P 1t E SEN T S. E. 0 S T L E R 5 9 HIGH S T R E E T, NEWPORT. BRUSllES and COMBS, and TOILET REQUISITES of every description in PLAIN > ard FANCY WOODS, PAPIER MACHE, PEARL, BONE, SHELL, AND IVORY. PERFUMES, POMADES. ORNAMENTAL HAIR WORK MANUFACTURED. [13,044 — » ESTABLISHED 184). T? W. LODER'S PAP E R HANGING DEPOT, AND GENERAL STATIONERY ESTABLISHMENT, J 82, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEAR ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, I NEWPORT, MON. npHE PAPER HANGING and DECORATING DEPARTMENT consists X of 40,(P0 PIECES of NEW DESIGNS for the year 1SG3, both Biitish and Foreign, from all the Best iluaufacturers, suitable for every description of Residence and Business Departments, Experienced Workmen recommend-d if rt-quired. Cbaiges Keisonable. PATTERNS SENT FOR INSPECTION. Branch Post Office, May lit. 1868. £ 10.07-4 1J0 3 THOMAS, NEWPORT STEAM MARBLE, SLATE, AND MONUMENTAL WORKS, T\TI[];!U' Architects, Builders, nuj the Public will find the Largest VV S'ock in Wales of MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEADSTONliS, TABLETS, &oM in Granite, Marble, Forest of Deaa, and other Stone. MARBLE aud ENAMELLED SLAT 13 CHIMNEY PIECES, in all colouis, manufactured on the premises by Im proved Machinery. REGISTER AND OTHER GRATES, FENDERS, FIRE IRONS, &c. The Trade supplied with STEPS, SILLS, LANDERS, COPING, CURB, aud all kind of sawn Forest stone. GRANITE & MARBLE IN BLOCK, SLAB, OR, SCANTLING. Sanitary Pipes Tsrra Cotta Chimney Pots, Vases, &c. Closet Pans, Syphons, Earthen V Ovens Piaiu, Glazed, ;-nd Biosely Cross Flooiino Tiles, Fire Bricks, Sink Stones, &c. ALL KINDS OF CEMENTS AND PLASl'Elt PARIS. ——tatf IS given for Ornamental Masonry, Carving in IFoo-i and Stone. if. f i; Pulpits, Fonts, Windows, and kII kinds of Church Work, Contracted for. DESIGNS FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION [11,979 MONUMENTAL MEMORIALS. l.U J.. 1) 1. "4 j. J 1.' 1 J \¡.£1 f PERSONS ABOUT ERECTING At. A MONUMENTAL MEMORIALS wW WiLIi FIND A LARGE STOCK OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AT THE N EWPO II T C E METE li Y WORKS, STOW HILL, NEWPORT, MON., Aud which will be supplied at the lowest possible Prices. # ALL KINDS OF ORNAMENTAL WORK IN MARBLE, SLATE, AND OTHER KINDS OF STONE J. CADOGAN JENKINS, SCULPTOR, &c. HT~P. BOLT & CO., CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS, AND PREPARED JOINERY MANUFACTURERS. NEWPORT. MON. TTAVE ALWAYS ON SALE THE FOLLOWING GOODS, VIZ. :— ENGLISH AND FOREIGN TIMBER. COLLTEHS' MANDRILS, PICK AND SHOVEL SASHES & FRAMES, GLAZED & UNGLAZkD IIELVEb SQUAHR FRAMED AND MOULDED DOORS TRAM PLANKS, TIN PLATE BOXES STEAM STRUCK MOULDINGS & ARCHITRAVES DRAIN PIPES, W. C. PANS AND TRAPS PREPARED FLOORING AND SKIRTING PLAsTElt OF PARIS, CEMENT, RIDGE ORPAQT? WHEKLBARUOWS GATES, HURDLES AND CHIMNEY POTS, &«., 0RN A MENTAL TILES* SPOKES, LADDERS CUCUMBER, AND HORTI- SLATES, AND LATHS CULTURAL LIGHTS Mc'NEIL & CO.'S PATENT ROOFING FELT &e BEST ASH AND LANCE WOOD SHAFTS FOR DOG CARTS AND PHOTONS a ALL KINDS. OF TURNING DONE. Experienced Workmen sent t) all parts of the country. Parties contemplating alterations would do well to go 'hrough the Warehouse, as there are auantWioQ Qi?PAvn HAND DOORS and SASHES, which can be Sold Cheap, and in seleciing New Sashes and Frames fmn. GREAT REDUCTION will bo made off List Prices. blames Ixoni Stock PRICE LIST FORWARDED ON APPLICATION. 111,813 GP0.LUDT,MIS(UJ' ESTABLISHED 1S43 PUIZB MEDAL, PAKIS, looi. Loxnnv is.ii ASP II A LTE. '18 MINERAL ROCK STONE OF SEYSSEL AND OTHERS, AND BY H. M. LETTERS PATENT, METALLIC LAVA ASPHALTE THE best well-known Materials for Basement Floors, Paving 0f Stables, Farm Buildings Granaries, &c., &c and excluding all dampness and rermin. ARMANI AND STODART. London, 35, Poultry, E.C. For Estimates, Prices, Contracts for Work, apply to H. P. BOLT & CO., Builders and Contractors. Newport he only Agents and representatives for Monmouthshire, [12,342 S JOSEPH SIMMO N DS, WINE AND S P I R I T MERCHANT, "OLD SHIP" STORES, HIGH STREET, AND MARKET.srREET, NEWPORT, MON., IN returning thanks to the Public and his Patrons far the liberal support accorded to him for the past JL Seven Years, begs to inform them that he has a large and extensive Stock of WINES and SPIRITS of the finest quality, direct from Bond. FAMILIES SUPPLIED AS USUAL. DUNVILLE'S & JAUIESON'S CELEBRATED IRISH WHISKIES ON DRAUGHT OR IN BOTTLE. RIS-241 J. MASON, TEA DEALER AND PROVISION FACTOR, RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES the REMOVAL OF HIS BUSINESS R to his NEW PREMISES, NO. 19, COMMERCIAL STREET, ADJOINING THE TOWN HALL, NEWPORT. MASON'S TEA is the best Extant, viz Excellent CONGOU. 2i. per lb. superior KAISOW, 41 por lb. super super KAISOW, 2s. 81. per lb. and delicious MON1NG CONGOU, 3*. per lb. Prime COFFFE Js Is. 41., and Is. 6d. per lb CADDIES, OF TEA, weighing about 14>bs, sent Carriage Free to any part of the ountry. PRICE LIS1S Ot GROCERIES anl PROVISIONS FREbl ON APPLICATION. J. MASON, TEA DEALER, NEWPORT. 13,133 CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES. J A M E S E W I N S AND SON, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, 16 4, COMMERCIAL STREET,5 (LATE MRS. WJNTLL'S), j HAVE a large and carefully selected STOCK of WINES and SPIRITS for the approaching CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL. 11 h The system adopted by us is that of electing and importing a sound article, of guaranteed purity an! bonding here until well matured with a^e. r J = Every description of WIVJ23 ANJ SPIRITS can therefore be relied upon f r AGEnu l QUALITY, and are RETAILED, pure as imported, in SMALL QUANTITIES at the mine rats as by the gallon. FULL PRICE LISTS FORWARDED UPON APPLICATION. 16 4, COMMERCIAL STREET, (LATE MRS. WINTLE'S ) J AMES C APPELL A, JEWELLER, CUTLER, OPTICIAN, AND FANCY WAREHOUSEMAN, 12, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT, MON., IN rendering his sincere thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public generally, of New- port a; d its vicinities, for their kind patronage during Ihe past, 33 years, would beg to cap their attf ntion to his LARGE and VARIED STOCK of FAXCYaud Cill[NLIP GO,)ijS, an I other NOVELTIES, sjit^ble espe- cially to the prssent iiewon, [1:1,222 EDWIN NAPPER BEGJj to inform his numerous Customers and Friends, having just returned from the LONDON MARKET, he has selected a CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF NOVELTIES SUITABLE FOR THE CHRISTMAS SEASON, INCLUDING HANDSOME BOXES OF FRENCH PLUMS, MUSICAL CHRISTMAS TREES, MUSICAL ALBUMS, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF COMIQUE FIGURES, MUSICAL CAT, &o. RICH BONBONS, COSSACKS, MAGIC BOUQUETS, CRYSTALLIZED, AND EVERY OTHER KIND OF ENGLISH & FOREIGN FRUITS, SUITABLE FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON. CHRISTMAS PARTIES SUPPLIED WITH ALL THE DELICACIES OF THE SEASON AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. A LARGE CHRISTMAS CAKE AS USUAL. 13,220 IMUOENT WELLS AS the pleasure to express his warmest thanks to his Friends for the kind patronage of -'—'L another year, and to announce that lie is prepare to Show ° A LARGE STOCK OF USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL ARTICLES, SUITABLE FOR WEDDING, CHRISTENING, BIRTHDAY, AND CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. THE FBEKOH AND ENGLISH JEWELLERY ^DEPARTMENT 13 REPLETS WITH EVERY NOVZLTT. An unusually large STOCK of GOLD and SILVER WATC.TES, CLOCKS, CHRONOMETERS &• &3. are in excellent order aud ready for inspection. > > -■> An Assortm3nt of very Handsome Bronze Ornaments and Figures. 22, HIGH-STREET, NEWPORT, MON. [13,23) FURNISHING AND GENERAL IRONMONGERY ESTABLISHMENT, 1 7 3, COM M: E H 0 I A L S T R E E T, NEWPORT, MON. (THREE DOORS FROM THE WESTGATE HOTEL.) B MESSRS. W. A. BAKER & CO- EG to announce that they intend in a few days to open the abt,ve commodious Premises *itl. a vC:y superior and carefully Selected fctock of FUP.NLSHIXG and GENERAL IRONMONGERY Irom the best manufacturers. x j CUT GLASS AND CHINA DEPOT. LANE ANQ CO., 140, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT, MON., A CHOICE and well-assorted STOCK of NEW STONE and CHINA DINNER, I DESSERT, BREAKFAST, TEA, and TOILET SERVICES, of tha Newast Designs acd Patterns, [ selected from all the leading Manufacturers in Stuff irdsh're. RICHLY CUT and ENGRAVED TABLE GLASS, of the best Stourbridge Flint, Purest CjIOU*, and most Modern Shapes and Patterns. GOODS LENT ON HIRE, including GLASS, CHINA, ELECTRO-PLATE, CUTLERY, kc„ to any extent. Parties Famishing and Housekeepers will find this the best-selected* Stock in the Town, and at the Lowest Pric« LANE & CO., 140, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT, MON. [13,223 TEETH 1 TEETH TEETH ARTIFICIAL TEETH of the best quality and workmanship, combined with moderate prices. moderate prices. J. SUMPTION JONES, DENTIST AKD CHEMIST, 127, COMMERCIAL-STREET, OPPOSITE CROSS-STREET, NEWPURT. TEETH EXTRACTED, STOPPED, AND SCALED ON THE NEWEST PKINCli.LE. J. SUMPTION JONES' COMPOUND QUI. NINE DENTIFRICE, best made, for \V titening and Preserving tho Teeth. L » H. PEARMANI W cf2 z Ö 0 "'I tAEmjr-x U1 ^I, c o M M E A L s T E T NEWPORT. [548 THOMAS" CORNER, A U C T ION E E R, VALUER, &c., 42, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. THOMAS CORNER Settles all Sales by Auction in t.be EveniDg of the Day of Sale, or on district can receive the whole proceeds of ttoir Sale one hour after iU close. [13,034 FOR REALLY NICE CAKES, GO TO BLAND'S, 33, COMMERCIAL STREET, AND 17, HIGH STREET, NEWFORT, MON. [G656 HORNER s GENTLEMEN'S ELASTIC SIDE SPRING BOOTS 10s. 6d. 124, COMMERCIAL STREET. [10,9"0 HORNER'S FOR BOOTS! LADIES' KID ELASTIC SIDE SPUING, 5s. 6d. [10,900 CAUTION. STEEDMAN'S SOOTHING POWDERS, s fcr Children Cutting their teeth. Purcha.sers aro requested to BEW ARE OF IMITATIONS of this Medicine, and to observe in every case,that the words 41 JOHN STEEDMAN, CHEMIST, WAL WORTH, SURREY," are engraved on the Government Stamp affixed to each packet, without which none are genuine. Sold by all Chemists and Dioggistg. in packets oulj, tils* li*L each; [13,097 gUUUTS.SCS'. Life and Fire Insurances, ALSO INSUItASCSS AGAINST ACCIDENTS, ALSO Guarantees for the Fisleiilyof Per- sons in Situations of Trust. ARE EFFECTED BY MR. W. CHRISTOPHERS, "MERLIN" OFFICE, 15, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT, MOS. MR. WM. D. SMITH. [■FROM MESSES. BABNABD, THOMAS, K CO., BaisTot PUBLIC AUDITOR N AND ACCOUNTANT. MERCANTILE, MANUFACTURING AND TRADESMAN'S BOOKS MADE UP'AND BALANCED. CHANCERY, EXECUTORSHIP, CO-PARTNER SHIP, BANKRUPTCY, and other ACCOUNTS PFPVTR £ -5 AN,I THE B00KS "F PUBLIC COM irAAlLfc examined and Audited. OFFICES:-7, HIGH-STREET, NEWPORT. [11,648 WILLIAM O O M P I1 O N TALLOW CHANDLER, ONE of the OLDEST ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE TOWN OF NEWPORT Irought of :ate into groat notoriety before the Public bv the Pres- sor his 1MPEOVED plan of JIELTING Tallow" also the Superior Quality of his RED WICK DIPS. ADDRESS. 5S,JEIILGH-STREET, NEWPORT, MON. N 2,9c 5 PARSONS, FLETCHER, AND OO'S INDIAN STARCH IS OF GREAT STRENGTH PARSONS, F L ETC H El^ AN iT^CtTs IN DI AN STARCH PRODUCES A BE AUTIFULL GLOSS. PARSONS, FLETCH r.R, AND COS. P INDIAN STARCH WILI, NOT ADHERE TO THE IKON PACiiED IN lib. BOXES. SOLD EVERYWHERE. W()i!K S, GRAVEL LANE, SOUT11WARK, LONDON, F.C pOUGHS, ASTHMA, AND INCIPIENT CONSUMPTROX AIIF- EFFECTUALLY CCRED BY KEATING'S COUGH LCZEKGES. WHAT DISEASES ARE MORE FATAL IN THEIR CON^EQURNCES than ne,;ll'c'o>d Cou^iis, Cold?, Sore Throats, or LUNONLFTR Affeciioti? The FIIST and best remedy is KEATING'S COUGH H'ZRNGES. WHICH K)e daily recommeuded by the Filcul y. Tfst'rQC.Bia a from the most euiinc-nt of WHOM MAV be inspecied. Sold in boxes, Is. Ijd.; tins, 2S 6 •, 4^ 61 nd 10«. 61 cnch. T K EATING, Chemist, 79 St. Paul's CLulcbyanl, London Sold retail by all I'uiisiists, &C. RECENT TESTIMONIAL. 2O:D Augu-t, 1S68. Dear Sir, — HAVING tiled your Couijh L'.zenges in India, I HIVE much plensure in t-stifying to 'heir bene- ficial 'ffects, in cases of Incipient Consumption, Asthma, and Bronehial affections so good a M** iicine ought to be KNOWN to be appreciated. I liztva prescribed it largely, with the best resu'ts. W. P>. G. Apothecary H. M, In(?iau Medical Service To Mr. THOMAS KEATING. 113.091 IKBIG'S EXTRACT of MEAT (Gmuine,) manufactured on the Establishments of R. TOOTH, Esq., Sydney, — Paris Exhibition. Hors Concours. The chemical analysis of Dr. Miller proves th it this Ex- tract is unsurpassed in composition. Fur BfefTca, Soups, and Gravies, one nun e of Extract is equal to two pounds OL best <?RHVY beef, — 2oz., 2s. 4 oz., 3». HD. F,'b. 7?. 6d.; I IL> 14- in Jars with Thomj-pon's patent stoppers. INSIST on Mr. TOOTH'S manufacture. LIE BIG'S EXTKACT of MEAT ElSCn is (Cole- man's I'a'ent), le.illy DELICIOUS, B.i^hly r.utiitive, and In. valids, &C. ve:y suitullo for Luncheon.—Tins, Is., 2s and 3s. 91, each. LLEBIG'.s EXTRACT of MEAT LOZENGES (Cole. M»U'S Patent), in P,oxe>, Is., 2S. Gd., and 4s. id., p I'atable and conveniei t. SOLD by W. 11. KING, CHBIFT, MARKET DRAYTON. \V. J. COLEMAN an 1 Co.. 13, St. Maiy-AT-Hiil, London, E-C. ^AAAA A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA^ 3^* BUY I C' t Johnson, Johnsonir Co'sz^ < PURE TEA, I 2/- per lb. [ CHOICE QLJALITIESr J "NEW SEASON'S," £ J 2/8 3- 3/4 38 4/- E Supplied in Packets only, from 2 ozs. to I Ib. ► and 3.1b. and 6-lb. Tin Canisters. < Suld by Chemists, Confectioners •< iSyw^r in ezrry Town. LOCAL AGENTS. — FiLi.GWKNLLY..rArt.KXER, Ciiemist, 81, Commercial road. Abergavenny..James, confecr. Beautort ..Jor.es, cheraist Aberdare Thomas, chemist Brrnmawr Jones.Beaufort-st Bristol Bari d,wn Parade. Cardiff.Cross, cliemist Gloucester J ayn" R, Jtfercwy office. Hereford Chave. P,13roac3 s-t „ Je:mings.3 ;,lI:gh Town. Lyd:.ey. Xichoils, New (rne. Merthvr.Lewis, George Town. Steplie-is, chemist Nantj'glo .Allen, Post "fEee t'ontypool.Edwards, George str, et Rhymney.T)ixon, chemist Tredegar Jenkins, chemist Usk .Clark, Post-cffice JOHVSOV..TOHXSOV ft CO., TEA MERCHANTS, 17, 13LOMFIELO STREET, CITY LONDON. [13,03 pWRNIMANsTEAi For a quarter of a century, Horniman & Co. have selected only the strongest growths, and disallowed the usual mineral colour on the leaf, to secure per- 'feet wholesomcness, &• real cheapness. Z, Spurious imitations being offered; all' genuine packets are signed, LONDON, J Originallmporters of the Pure Tea. 2s. 8d.—3s. Od.—3s. 4d. & 3s. 8d. per lb. AGENTS IN THIS DISTRICT i-, I ABKBGATKSNT Gosden. Watkins, High st. ABEEYSTWITH.Jones, chemist. BLAKESEY..I'liilpotts. CIXDEKFOBD.. Cordwin, chemist CBICKHOWEI.I/Christoplier. CAKDiFF..Kernick,23, Dukc-st Ditto ..James .Bute-street CHEPSTOW.. Griffttlis,bookseller TOWLAIS..Hancock CoLEfonu..Wmia.ms.—Hough LVDSEY ..Hathaway MOKMOUTH A lien,confectioner NEWPORT, EnMU>rs,5,High s reet. CHERRY, 41, Commercial s- „ H. L WILLIAMS, 3, Ccml-s J PUILLIPS,92, Commercia st chemist „ J. YOUNG, 20, High-street, ,,C(!-operitt.ve Society. NEWKHAM. Fryer, UrApcr. PONTVPOOL Wood, chemist POKT YPBinn ..Jamas, RISCA.. Taylor,Chemis USK.. Edwards