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-_u- SJotto. COUNTY OF MONMOUTH. NOTiCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the next GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEAOE for the County of Monmouth, wiU be held at the Sessions House Usk, On TUESDAY, the 2nd day of July, 1878, And that the Court will sit at Twelve o'clock at Noon, find immediately proceed to administer the Oaths to Magistrates and other persons desirous of qualifying for office. The Court will then proceed with all business relating to (he a:sesintent, application, and management of the County Stock or Rate, or any fund or funls used and applied in aid thereof, and make orders for payments, and consider and direct the general business of the County, aud will also take into consideration a motion recommending an Increase of the Salary of the Clerk to the Magistrates of Bedwellty Division. All Bills and Demands relating to the public expen- diture of the County must be delivered into lite office of the Clerk ,of the Peace fourteen days before the Sessions, and all Appeals must be entered with the Clerk of the Peace before Twelve o'clock at Noon, on the second day of the Sessions. At Half-past Nine o'clock on WEDNESDA Y the 3rd day of Ju'y, 1878, the Grand and Petty Juries will be called over, and are to answer to their names, or in default they will be fined; and all persons bound by recog- nizances are then to attend, as the Court will proceed .to try Indictments and Appeals, and transact the other business of the Sessions. All Convictions, Recognizances, and all informations and Depositions, with the Certificates of cost,s must be delivered or transmitted to the Clerk of the Peace three clear days previous to tlte Sessions. All Costs allowed by the County must lie taxed at the same Sessions, or they will not afterwards be aUoioed. CHARLES B. FOX, „ Clerk of the Peace. Newport, June 1878. [2051 L-- A LAEGE STO C K OF CLARETS Of the celebrated Vintages 18G8, 1870, now in splendid condition. The tnarket price of these Vintages is rapidly rising, but csars DOBELL retain for the present their former rate CRUSTED" PORTS "tied and laid down by Messrs. DOBELL, during the a past 40 years. OOLE AGENCY FOR MR. MAX GREGER'S HUNGARIAN WINES. CARLOWITZ, SUPPLIED ON THE" FLAGON SYSTEM. OLD LANDKITBRANDIES, OLD BONDED WHISKEYS, 7 Detailed price lists foiswarded post frco on application. JOHN DOBELL AND Co., CHELTENHAM, TEWKESBURY, &c BRANCH OFFICES 9, HIGH STREET, NEWPORT. in W. E. VAUGHAN & CO'S STEAM DYEING, BLEACHING, AND SCOURING WORKS; 52, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. CA11DIFF, MEBTHFR^SW ANSEA, AND TENBY f- AGENT FOl: USK—Messrs Jones and Powell, drapers, &c AGENT FOR BLAENAYON —Mr. J. Harris,draper, London House. AGENT FOR BLAINA-Ilrs. Collins, confectioner. AG £ Nt FOR BEYNM^WS—Mrs. Hicki, milliner, &c., Beaufort-street 128 L~FK A ND F Tit E IN S URANOES AND GUARANTEES FOR THE FIDELITY OF PER SONS IN SITUATIONS OF TRUST. .AUE ilFi'ECTED BY P MH. W. CHRISTOPHERS, ■iSxlLIN" OFFICE 15, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT, MON. JOT-IN YOUNG, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, 20, HIGH STREET, NEWI'ORT. j" Physicians' Prescriptions and Family ReccÎpts care j fully Prepared. [3 FOREIGN POSTAGE STAMPS. C—1 jrr: ELMER'S Catalosrno of 7'c? reignV glish&ColonialPoste. £ 0 I t for the present year now ready OOOvarTetie66 {3o^t";ns "P,ward9 O ?r W can L»e rnai keii. o |J;^f-*A-LMi.Es, Penny Pr;7e packe» 1 BfmS IISMTTII » of Postage Stamps, post free i >a Dealers ■ I CO fTOJTESMD&M supplied at a great Reduction" s These Packets are in no case worth les» than their money, butprizea are given to the value of Is Collections of Stamps <fc Albums bought for cash to any amount J. W. PALMER BE Co., 76, Strand, London. — k lbs demand FOR wholesome *• 11 > ii fa beverages induced the Importers upwards of 40 YEARS since, to supply the Public with Pure Tea. HORWIIAN'S TEA* from its very reliable good quality *i« PR E FE R R E D; the Importers guarantee it perfectly pure. b 0 £ It is famous FOR possessing the J J delicate aroma of the Spring gathering. Its great STRENGTH is due 0 to cxtrc-mely careful selection in China, v The fine F L A V 0 R is very W delicious. CHEAPNESS also is & secured by the Price being on Packets. # fc HORNIMAN's LOCAL AGENTS # AjEIvCTAVENNY /•- AVJJf-1r.HV}l.^0sueu si*^ i'OKT,Eim;. CiNDKr.For,D.Co)dwiii)Che'-nst' LUpr9"> Ctnarjerei.v CBiCKHOWKM.Chri3toti'n"r' 'I T v„ street, cbeiui t CABI>TFF..Kernick ,23.Duke's- c™ Hteh-strrol Ditto..Williams,Bute-street c<i-owt i'v.'V1 5 CH,-STfw..Gritfths,bookseller „ C OLS><«> Williams.—HO-»bI Ten: DOWLAI-. ,Ridge 17:5 .XIiu:h-sfcJPoxTVpo<a ifly!'Ci:J'1 LVDN-B r ..HATHNWAY IPOXTVI-K?J)J> V'V UAIHDEE,E.B..Tones,chemisi'RHTMXEY rj*»vips 'i-' .Bowen.conlexti'.ne illisCA. Tavlor i-i uiiis' IlJiWHaAW^Frj-er,Owp«. Iu«..JtSuwaVis -Wist j W YN D HA M JONES & CO., CABINET, UPHOLSTERY, & CARPET WAREHOUSE, I 137, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT, MON. WE are now showing our NEW PATTERNS in BRUSSELS CARPETS for DIXING AND DRAWING ROOMS, FROM 3s Cd a YARD; ALSO A QUANTITY OF REMNANTS, SUI-TABLE FOR BEDSIDE AND CARPET SQUARES OFFERING AT A GREAT REDUCTION. One of the largest STOCKS of CABINET FURNITURE in the West of England to select from. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES [1659 W. CHRISTOPHERS, PRINTER- BOOKSELLER, <8c STATIONER 15, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. 2d. IN THE Is. UXSOOXT^ffT CASJa: Off the PUBLISHED PRICE of all BOOKS. LEATHER AND FANCY GOODS FOR PRESENTS. BIBLES, CHURCH SERVICES, HYMN BOOKS A R T I S T S COLOUR BOXES. E. PURSER AND COMPANY (LONDON MANURE COMPANY.) ESTABLISHED 1840. HAVE NOW READY FOR DELIVERY IN DRY FINE CONDITION:— BONE MANURE, NITROPHOSPHATE, PURSKR'S PURE DISSOLVED BONES URATE, SPERPHOSPHATE, CORN, MANGOLD, AND POTATO BONE TURNIP MANURE, MANURES. CHEMICALLY TREATED GUANO. OFFICES: 116, FENCHURCH STREET, E.C. AGENT FOR NEWPORT.—MR. J. S. STONE. STOREKEEPER AT NEWPORT—GEORGE TREW, MONMOUTHSHIRE RAILWAY WHARF. For tho convenience of Customerh in North and South Wales, the London Manure Company have established Depots at Newport, Mou., Aberdovey, Carmarthen, and Saltney. [6 LY/MMMFLL When you ask for Reck mitt's Par mis lue Q—q j.T_ q 4. TT/-vq-| IF" T AS bad qualities are often substituted. l/Ilct I jfLlU. gCU XL • The genuine is used by the Laundresses of THE PRINCESS OF WALES AMD DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH. NOTICE TO FARMERS. SILYER CUPS (VALUE FIVE GUINEAS) GIVEN BY J. S. STONE. DOCK STREET WORKS, NEWPORT, MON. j At the following Competitions for the BEST FIVE ACRES OF SWEDES, to Purchasers of his CELEBRATED ARTIFICIAL MANURES USK FARMERS' CLUB. MAGOR FARMERS' CLUB. BASSALLEG FARMERS' CLUB. LLANTARNAM FARMERS' CLUn. ST. BRIAVEL'S FARMERS' CLUB. f2020 SUN TIRE OFFICE, ESTABLISHED 1710. ■; yc; ESTABLISHED 1810. AND LIFE LONDON. Fire Insurances effected on almost every description of Property. PUN LIFE ASSURANCE OFFICE. Low Rates of Premium for Young Lives. Large THF GUAR1)1 AN HORSE AND VEHICLE A SUE- ANCE ASSOCIATION, LIMITED. 31, Lombard Street, London, E.C. SECCXD V('SUITABLE PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. Established at Bridgwater, 1852. Money advancell to any amount 0:1 Freehold or Lease- hold Property, repayable by Quarterly Instalments, and at a lower rate than that charyci by any other office. 1J 01* further particulars n.puly to too Agent of this District, CHARLES CJLLUM, l'J, Stow-'iiii, (opposite Bmisu^Sohools) Newport. L1-^ f'J '9 '1'11 COFFBN. Everyone likes the arom.-i of crood Coffee, most people like the flavour, yet thoiifands are tiebarretl lroin taJaunr because it does not agree with them, home complain that it is too relaxing and aperient — Lia^ is the fault of the chicory which is mired with Hr °i \S co.nipl'in that it is too heating, that it a-Ieet^ Lie liver aud gives them headache: «tc. j.o a.l hac'.li v,e would couiklently recommend a coml unation of CBFFEE AKS SUSCHASA. :r.OCHARA is the produce of ripe figs roasted a:L powdered. It imparts to Coli'ee that rich dark !r.\i\vn yet traiispaient colour, and delicious mellow fi-ivouv, so much admired in Coffee as served on the Continent. 3 £ OCSAEA is not binding, as Coffee is, or fiv,orient, as chicory is, and has the effect of neutrali- nn«' the heating properties of Coffee, so that persons vbo have previously been unable to take Coti'ee on tLat account, may now do so with impunity. "MOCHASA, as a Jiving for Cutfee. has no e-^un-l. MOCHAB.A is only Is. per lb., in 2-oz. & j-lb. packets, ami A-Ib. and 1-lb. tins of :\11 (irocers or of the Mochara Coffee Co., 132, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. NO MORE MEDICINE. SQUIRE KNIGHT'S HEARTBURN TABLETS. Under the distinguished patronage of the late Queen Dow- ager, the late Viscount Dudley and Ward, the late Lord Wha.rndiffe, the Duchess of Sutherland, the Duchess of Argyll, the Countess of Carlisle,, F. J. Bellingham, Esq., Surgeon, Bourne; Benjamin Gibbons, Esq,, The Leasowes, Halesowen, Dr. Thorpe, The Hays, Cheltenham; Mr. Moseiy, Leaton Hall; and the Clergy and Gentry of the Neighbourhood. 'C r) Sourness in tlio Rote' Nauseiv. Acidity, Witid_ Spasms. &c., are instanily removed by taking a few of Squir') Knight's Heartburn T,thlet: When pills are taken in these ailmotits they often irritate rather than allay the disorder. These Heartburn Tablets are pleasant to take, they soothe and comfort the Stomach, act gently upon the Bowels, and at once restore the Digestive Organs to a healthy and natural state. Thev can be safolv takan by Pregnant Ladies. TESTIMONIALS. From the Duchess of Sutherland. Stafford House, St. James's, London. 26th July, Sir,—Will y ra have the go dne<s to send for the Duchess of Sutherland another 'w.r of •' Squire Kuigtt's Heartburn Loz- enges" as soon as possible. Her grace has re1t great relief from talcing them. Mr. Clark, Dudley. Yours respe fully, JJ. PEARSON, From the Duchess of AvsyV.. inverarv. Argyllshire, 17th Jan-aary, 1857. Tho Duchess of Argyll would be much oMlged to Mr. Clark for another hox of the '• Heartburn Tablets to bo directed to the Duke of Argyll, 4 Carllon Tercaec, London. Bourne, Lincolnshire, ISth November, 1S03. Sir,—Herewith I send you a Post Office Orde.- for piyment of the last parcel of your ''Heartburn Tartlets," and shall feel obliged by your sending me another parcel as soon as possible, as I find them of great use. Yours respe-tful'v.. F. J. SELLING-HAM. Surgeon. CURE OF ACIDITY AND INDIGESTION. Mr. Joseph Wellington, Providence Euw, C.-s:;Iey, near Wolverhampton, was afflicted with Acidity in the Stomach, and had Indigestion for upwards of 20 years, so that 710 kind of food would digest; ho was recommended to try S mira Knight's Hel1.rt"11rll Tablets, and after taking two small boxes, ho was agreoably relieved, and his appetite returned, aud he has not had the slightest return of the disorders s'twa. 2i'.th JamiaTy, 1-74. Sold and Prepared only by C. V. G. Clark and Son fSno- eessor-; to Squire Knight), Chemist-. M-irkr*t i'iace, I»u !)cy. Sold by all rospeetab.'e Idedi -inc Vendors in tho kiogiloin. Sold in Boxes. Is. Ijd., 2s. !>cl., -Is. !M. e ic-!i Wholesale by all Paten. Medic,no n.t os; or from the Proprietoiti illret, for 16, 30, or CO Stamps. ;3KtaMNSM. PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO. The Public are hereby informed that THE PERUVIAN GUANO COMPANY, LIMITED, 57, OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON, E.C., (By the Terms of their Contract) are the SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE Agents of the Peruvian Government for the importation and sale of its Guano, which the PERUVIAN GUASO COMPANY, LIMITED, alone now receive direct from the Peruvian Deposits, and sell GENUINE, WITHOUT CHEMICAL TREATMENT OR ADMIXTURE OF ANY FOREIGN SUBSTANCES The CONTRACT of MESSRS. DREYFUS BROS., & Co,, having ceased, they, their Agents, MESSRS. J. H. SCHRODER & Co., and their local Sub-Agents, no longer represent the Government of Peru. THE PERUVIAN GUANO COMPAN Y (LIMITED) alone, and no other persons, firms, or companies are the Agents for the Sale of Peruvian Government Guano, the price of which is fixed strictly on Analysis made from e;.eh cargo by DB. AUG. VOELCKER, CHEMIST OF THE ROYAL AGEICULTUEAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. 'l'he Cargoes are Sampled by independent parties—viz., the Dock Companies, or Sworn Weighers in the presence of the Peruvian Consul, or of a representative of the Peruvian Fiscal Inspection. Consumers have thus every guarantee of the genuineness and value of the Guano bought from THE PERUVIAN GUANO COMPANY (LIMITED). Every facility will be given for inspecting Cargoes. Copy of Official Analysis of each Cargo by Du. AUG. VuELCKER, and further particulars may be obtainei on application to W. A. RAU, Sole Agent of the Consignees for the Sales in the United Kingdom, 57, OLD BROAD STREET, LONDJN, E.C The Guano imported by the PERUVIAN GUANO COMPANY, LIMITED, can likewise be obtained :— In Scotland. T From Messrs. LAIRD & ADAMSON, At Messrs. ALEX. CROSS & SONS, Glasgow, and their n*u J 2, Adelaide Buildings. Depots at Leith, Dundee, Aberdeen, and Ayr. At Bristol At Galway | In Ireland. Gloucester ( From Me5srs. Fox. ROY & Co, SSJ HEAD OSCC, P^OUTH. At Cork, from Messrs. MACKENZIE & Soxs, Limited. Southampton At Belfast and I 7vr„0,„, n irrv,. >T At Hull from Messrs. KEIGHLEY, MASTED & Co. Londonderry j At Nciccxstle-upon-Tgne, from Mr. J. CAMERON SWAN 1614 j )o T PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO. Messrs. DREYFUS, BROS. & CO., Contractors with the Supreme Governnient of Peru Hereby Give Notice, that by virtue of their Contracts they coutiuue to offer PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO, Chosen and imported by them direct from the best deposits of Peru, and free from any admixture or chemical treatment whatever, through their sole and exclusive Agents, MESSRS. J. HENKV SCHRODER & CO., PERUVIAN DEPARTMENT, EAST INDIA AVENUE, LONDON, E.C., Depots at BRISTOL, FALMOUTH, PLYMOUTH, and SOUTHAMITON, under the control of WILLIAM SMITH and Co., Imperial Chambers, 10, Corn Street Bristol. O H L E N D O It F F S DISSOLVED PERUVIAN GOVERNTMUNT GUANO, SOLD WITH GUARANTEED AN A LYSIS, Delivered in a line powdery condition, free from stones or lump?. THE PRICE HAS BEEN REDUCED BY £ 1 PER TON. Further Particulars on Application to OHLENDORFF & CO., 15, LEADEXHALL STREET, LONDON, E.C. Depots at BRISTOL, FALMOUTH, PLYMOUTH, and SOUTHAMPTON, under the control of WM. SMITH aud Co., Imperial Chambers, 10, Corn Street, Bristol. £ ■ In consequence of spurious imitations of I LEA AND PERRINS' SAUCE, i which are calculated to deceive the Public, Lea and Perrins have adopted A NEW LABEL, bearing their Signature, thus, which is placed on every bottle of WORCESTERSHIRE SA UCE, and without which none is genuine. I g0id Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse a?id Blackwell, London; which is placed on every bottle of WORCESTERSHIRE SA UCE, and without which none is genuine. I g0id Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse a?id Blackwell, London; and Export Oilmen generally. Retail, by dealers in sauces throughout the World. ESTABLISHED 1812. H & T. PROCTOR, AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, CATHAY, BRISTOL. ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SPECIALLY P E E P A li E D BONE MANURES, FOR GRASS, CORN, ROOT. AND OTHER CROPS ALSO BOKE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, WORKS CATHAY. BRISTOL. Our Mr. G. HATHERLY will attend NEWPORT. ABE Li G A V ENNY, and USK Markets during the Season Stores Mr. G. WATERS, Coal Wharf. CHEPSTOW Mr. T. R. HYAM, Wyebridge Street, MONMOUTH. FULL PARTICULARS, WITH PRICES, POST FREE ON APPLICATION. [1S02 A RIDE TO KHIVA BY CAPTAIN FRED BURNABY, Royal Horse Guards. Page 13 saysrpwo pairs of boots lined with fur were also taken; and iur physic—with which it is as wel) to be supplied W .i-i JV?hin!i in out-of-the-way places—some quinine, und Cockle s pills, the latter a most in valuable medicine, and or.e whIch I ,¡aYè used Oil the natives of Central Africa with the ereatest possible; success. In tact, the marvellous effects pro- duced upon the mind and body of an Arab Sheik, who was im- pervious to all native medicines, when 1 administered to him tive COCKLE'S PILLS willTievop fade from my memory; and a friend of mine, who passed throd"JI tho same district many months afterwards, inlo>-nied me that my l'auie as a medicine man' had not died out, but that the marvellous cure was even then a theme or conversation ill the bazaar." sEr BURNATIY'S HIDE TO KHIVA. P:¡g-c 1:). A GOOD FAMILY "I ED I'IN hi CHEST J- with a prudent use, has sav.nl many a llio and jot we think the idea miuiit be improved upomand reduced to a more simple form. TaKC s jino ^ood compouuu, sUGh as COCKLE'S ANTLHLOl'S PILLS, Iwcl we find that the desired "Jill maybe obtained without scales, and weight* or little mysterious compartments or en- chanted bott.es, with crystal stoppers. Others miiht be used but COCKLL'S l'lLLS, as tested by many thousands cli persons, and found to r theIr purpose so well, may be set down-as the best.—vi> <uvt- C K IJ E h ANT! !5i MwUcT PILLS THE OLDEST PATENT Me,i_<iCINE. Iu Boxes at is l.jd, Ll.- i'd, dJ. r.nd Us. OCKL E S ANTi BILIO U S PILL S In use for the last 78 year? for IN DIGESTIUX. In Boxes at Is lkl, 2s 9.1. 4s (11, and lis. /COCKLE'S ANTIBILIO L6 ITL; S In use for the hist VS years for BILIOUS A F I<" ij C T I O N S, In Loxes at Is lid, ^s 9d, -is Gd, and lis U) C K L E S e ANTIBILiOUS PILLS vy In use for the- la>t 75 years for L I V F. 11 C O M P L A I JS T S In Boxes at Is IVd, 2s Oil, is 6d, and Us. ._u_- QOCKLE'S A NT I i l.iOCS PILLS l. >J 1.i U In nse among all classes (If Soeiety SE VENT Y-EIG i 1T YhARS. May be had throughout the United Kingdom. In Boxes at Is. lid., 2s. J ll" 4s. 'id., and lis. IS, NEW OB, MONK S X ii E E X LONDON -Q VARTZTIES, 7d. Sorvia, Egypt, Bi'a:;i.l, Cuba, &c. I SCARCE VARIETIES. k 7,1. Finland, JioMo- i. \_j Vvaliadiia, Xi- tne. Hiit^over, Aw. •;v.ir .lirTcrc it ts anu get, niwiv-^ in stock. f y\'VY' fr! tile H SIIHLLP tLlltt 1'REST })1)1't TIO^ L/IL :^]> IK* T'UIN, STANLEY, GICBONi, < £ GO., 8 Ciov/ci S'.reet, Loudon. i3. CLIFFORD C. Q.REEN", AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, LAND SURVEYOR, &c. ESTATE OFFICE :—WHITSON :— A ND VICTORIA HALL CHAMBERS, NEWPORT. (MON.) Ag-nt to the Lancashire Fire and Life Insurance Company. )6.:i1 I :.I P O R. T A X T T 0 F A it M E it S. BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. TO TO TIIE HE'It MAJESTY, > PRINCE of WALES By special Warrant. Special Warrant, dateu 27th Dec., ib-jjdated i-th Feb., l-oG DAY, SON, and H K W I T T, lavsntors and .Proprietors of the "ORIGINAL" OTOC'K-BREEDERS' I EDI CINE /^iHEST, O IVi ij FOR ALL DISORDERS IN HORSES, CATTLE, CALVES, SHEEP, AND LAMBS. Ibis matchless Chest contains all that a Farmer can require to keep his Stock free from disease, and in nne healthy condition, viz. :— TAAY, SON, and HEWITT'S "CHEMICAL EX- J TRACT" prevents Paining and Heaving in Bad Lambing, Cures Swollen and Broken Udders in Ewes and C'ows, and all Gangrenous Wounds, Cuts and bores in all Animals. r)AI, SOX, and Ti "GASEOUS FLUID" 1/ stops Internal Pain. Colic. Scour. vv J.liar: hcea, Debihty, Colds. Shivering Fits, and Great Exhaustion in HOL b, Oxen, Calves, Sheep, and Lambs, imparting rare Strength, Vigour, and Appetite. i DAY, SON, and HEWITT'S "RED DRENCH," the almost marvellous Cleansings Drench is of immense value in checking all Feverish Symptoms after Calving and Lambing, rendering the milk ot the Cow and Ewe copious, pure, and wholesome for their oitsprmg. i"> AY, SON, ant HEWITT'S BRONCHOLINE• J for Husk and Hoose in Sbe-p aud Calves. It enters the blood, and impregnates it with a pungent gaseous odour destructive to the Worm dr Parasite in the Wincl Pipe ..nd Lungs. 5 AY, SON, and HEWITT'S "RED PASTE BALLS," I fLY for Mares after foaling, it being a great purifier of he milk for the colt it scatters and destroys ail Humours nd Ftverish Symptoms in H. i-sss, aud is ipstthe remedv to restore appetite and impart a Mole-like condition iT\AT, SON, />nd m^TTT;s '• GASEODYNE £ p CARillNAri <te., are contained Hi these Chests. Price of Chest complete, including V™- y K-{ ETEE.Y," £ 2 Ids. 6d. Sent carriage0paid. Any article can be had separately m coxes. These iniporuino -nventior.s have stood ihe test of time, and are Lie ,rue E armer's Friend and Guide in all his Caftie Diseases. '/f" Jt Aj'?^' T.icorc of ]^,nr priced, fr.iilriioris, ami sc- .hot inc iio the of DAY, io.v, & Ilrwrn is on all I:jtt.es ced pccltcts. DAY, SON, II E W ITT, 22, DORSET STREET. BAKER STREET. LtUvi-ON. W. AND V.AMAcE, BERKS. ;1701 LtUvi-ON. W. AND V.AMAcE, BERKS. ;1;:1:1 I-, MONMOUTHSHIRE AND SOUTH WALES, SUPPLY WAREEOUSE, 33, H[GH STREET, NEWPORT, MON. T. COEDEY '6 LIST OF FRUITS, BOX EONS METZ FRUITS &c. per lb., s. d. Good Muscatels in layers 0 6 Very good „ Sd ami Is. Finest Imported this season 1 4 Sultanas,good. 0 6 Ditto very good 0 6 Ditta Finest Imported 0 8 Lemon or Orange Peel. u 8 Dit to by the 71b. box 0 7 Finest Citron Peel 0 9 Jordan Almonds, Is Sd, 2s, 2s 81. per lb. Fine Prunes 0 4 Very superior, ditto 0 ti Fine Dates, 0 4 Finest Tunis o G METZ FRUITS IN PICTORIAL BOYES, 9d size for 5:1, Is 3d siza for sE-d, Is 9d size for Is 3J 1's Cd size (handsome box,) for 6s. Finest ELYa.3 JTLUMS REDUCED to Is 6d. A large assortment of Bon Bous. 6d size Gelatiue packet Bon Bons for 4id. Jd size Luggage, for 51. Skating Rink lO.Vd. i Luggage Bon Bons 4dr. Darwinian Developments 2s 9.1. Mother Shipton VProphecies and Luggage 2s 3L Hermit Fortune Telling Lucrg.ige 2s 3d. Bear Party 2s 3J. Aquarium 2s 3d- — Our Mutual Friends Is lOp Bal Masque 2s Old. Magic Bouquet Is. t Small size ditto, 6^1. Magic Cherries, 23 3J. FINEST STILTON CHEESE Is. 4d. TO LOVERS OF OYSTERS. THE CELEBRATED BLUE POINT OYSTERS. ( Patronised by the Royal Family,) Recognized the Best Oysters in America, equal to BEST NATIVES, and for Stewing and Escaloping even superior. GUARANTEED rEHFECTLT FRESH. 50 4s. Od. i'.u.ce;. Oyster-Knife,& Delivery within 100 7Si miles of London includedat Hi. oaa i, f\j' h I'C!" flasket extra, delivered to any Ka;l- U<H v.-a.v Station iu England; Is. 6d. to 300 20s. 0d. J Wales and 2s. to Scotland or Ireland. Also packed in strong barrels suitable for sending to the Continent, of 150 to 160 Oysters in each, at 12s. (barrel included). If packed with MEAT and PROVISIONS only lOd. per dozen. Sample Bags can always be had of One Dozen at Is. (Bags inehulcd) Ready packed at our Office. Remiilaves mutt accomj. ijnlert. Cheques and P.0.0. nuut l.e r/i'i'i,.2'iiinibtc fj J. K. JLES HOME, Secretary, New Direct Supply Association, 107, Cannon-st., E.C. N.li.—The Trade supplifl in barrels, as imported, of about 1,000 each, tit Wholesale Prices. Hiss Emily Faith full irriies on ihe 19th Jan., 1878, as follows:— We confess that, like -Nir. Gilbert's hero in that delightful Bab Ballad 'Etiquette,' we have often eaten oysters, but never bad enough." Uur attention was consequently arrested by an advertisement addressed "To Lovers of Oysters." We then discovered that the New Direct Supply Association. 107, Cannnn-strnet, benevolently undertook to send 50 oysters in a basket, with a knife incmcled, for the small sum of 4s. We felt hopeful but anxious, until we practically tested the matter, by discussing it with the blue*points' themselves. BETTElt OYSTERS WE NEVEU TASTED WHILE IN THAT LAX1) FAMOUS FOR THEM—America. We are really acting a very Christian and unselfish part in stating this fact, for we fear when once it is known, the demand for these delicacies will be far greater than the supply. But while the Association under- take to send barrels as imported, containing 1,000 oysters ouch. ive feel we can be generous." VICKERS' ANTILACTJC Is the Only Cure ever yet discovered for R H EUM AT! I'«1. SCIATICA, LUMBAGO AND GOUT. Kept I-, an Wholesale Houses, from whom your Chemist can ol.ts.ia it lor yen. If lie dues not keep it. iiw.l in bottles at Is. Igd.. 2s. 3d., 4s. Gd. and lis. ESTABLISHED lS-1-2 JOHN EOIUX'rOX AND CO.. BRISTOL, MANUFACTURE MANURES \F hi^h Quality, and send tliem oat ia goo con till:>n. ii-O'lerate prices, including w, CORN :.lANURi% v.<*Cr cc>-1'ins. Non-vot.itile Ammonia with oth^r 'r} ,s e^irefully c:>mbiu.d. and may be safely .ub- stnutea ror Guano. Price 0 per ton. DISSOLVED BONES GRASS 3.fAXU ii li mangel AND TURNIP MANURE SUPLR LJHOSPH ATE, And other manures for Special Crops. A]s0 LINSEED AND-OOITON SEED CAKES, From Seed as imported. Apply to JOHN ROBINSON AND Co.„% ■$' S T 0 L BRISTOL; or to their Agents -6 ..¿ Mr. W. W. PHILLIPS, ibe Hartridge, New iort. Messrs. HAKSE and x>r.o',vx Nevrpo/t, J. Mr. Henry Rymer, L-.ii.t-vnt, Chops uw. Mr. James Hall Raclaa near New»->rt "f- 17 H PROTECTION FROM FIRE -• v C SIX PEIZr: MEDALS. pRYANT AND IvIAY'S 'V 13 MATCHES.. c° BRYANT AND MAY'S- PATEX i SAFETY ^MATCHES. BRYANT AND may's i3 FAMILY MATCH -SAFE. i> RYANT AXD MAY'S" > PRizfi MEDAL MATCHES. u)1 1.1 .1' .1;' Ii PUOTECTION FROJS FIRE, V 11918