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ESTABLISHED 1842. JOHN ROBINSON & Co. Continue to make High-class MANURES, Which they Sell at moderate prices. Also, LINSEED AND COTTONSEED CAKE, From Seed only as imported. Apply to JOHN ROBINSON & Co., Bathursfc Wharf, Bristol, Mr W. W. PHILLIPS. The Hartridge, Newport Messrs HARSE & BROWN, Newport HY. RYMER, Lancaut, Chepstow -Mr NOAH PREWETT, Lydart Farm, Monmouth. l3833 WASHING-DAY REFORM. HA.RPER TWELVETREES' VluLA WASHING MACHINE, X2 15s., (Cash Price, X2 10s); or with WRINGER AND MANGLER COMBINED, £ 5 5s (Cash Price, X4 15s.) SDoes the Fortnight's Family Wash in lour Hours by the nice, easy process, without RUBBING OB BOILING, saving several Shillings each fort- nightly wash. It possesses tre- mendous washing power, and is the only Washing Machine in the World which renders boiling unnecessary, and saves Five Hours_ of Copper Firing every cent. Cash discount. Illus- trated Prospectus post free of HARPER TWELVE. TREES, 80, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C.; Works, Burdett Road, Bow, E. Canvassing Agents wanted. [3770 DAL .1 W, tc K S 'I TR- READ.- rs Hornimtn's Tea has been preferred, a proof that it must be what it professes; pure, reliable,& of that dellcious liavor & aniazing strength secured only by selecting the choice spring gathenngs, and disaUo-,N-ing the use of all facing poxvder; such tea the Chinese always drink, and it must be that natural tea is the best. Supplied in packets only. A^F^AITETNT Price Wat- NKWFOli'J KD.MT'NPs.Higli AniT' H'Kh-street street BETILLERY, Evans.Chemist „ BOWMAN, 21. L'anarth-st #I KE!"Ky— Philpotts J PHILLIPS 92, ( ouimercial p «reet, chemi t OBKPOKD, Cord win, chcu.-ist J- YOONO 'JO, High street P ICKHOWELL.. Edwards. SKYS,1, Stow Ilill rfr!IFK'KRrrnck > 23 I)lll'-e-st. O-operat v. -iicjcty n *°-■•Williams, Hute-stieet C. PAIHE, chemist, 3 Com- YOLEFOED.Villanas.—Hough| mercinl-stree ^YDHEV.Hathaway II'ONTYPOOL V- XE chemist J™amdee.K. B. Jones,chemist! I'ONTYPRUHJ.. J»r cliemist ,coiifec'ner!RHYMNET Davies, chemist JWBETHTK, Stephens, Hi;rh-st.!SwAi\8EA. eorge, cliemist <* W«HAJi.Frver. dianor 'Usk Edwnrds. Chemist. THE WHITE I The Latest Improved and Most Perfect SEWING MACHINE Ever introduced to the English Market. MANUFACTURED BY THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., At CLEVELAND, Ohio, U.S.A. IT has been ^tiwpor- feotion of Invention. It is quite Noiseless Snnple m Movement, never pets out of order. A Atiirve] of fcasy Kunning; tbi Treadle movement so light that a. Child can operate it. L, See a "w HIT E" before purchasing. Warranted by Legal Guarantee for Five Years. ( Will Sew any Material. Do more than any other Machine. A great Variety of Attachments. Use tie "PEERLESS" Hand Machine, Price zC3 12s. The Relit and Lowest Price American made Machine in the Market. Agents and Wholesale Dealers Wanted. Send for Circulars to the WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., 19, Queen Victoria St., London, E.C. DHCENIX FIRE OFFICE Lombard-street and Charing Cross, London. Established 1782. Prompt uud liberal J oss Settlements. T u"U;¡:t'l'" dIe, t.) m a] i l-'lirts of the ,or.li. JoiiN .1. BROOM J.'TELD, ttcretary &Mxm PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO, GENUINE & UNADULTERATED. AS IMPORTED DIRECT FROM PERU BY THE PERUVIAN GUANO COMPANY, LIMITED, SOLE CONSIGNEES. BEST & CHEAPEST MANURE FOR ALL CROPS. ESPECIALLY FOE CEREALS, I ROOT CROPS, GRASS, HOPS, MARKET GARDEN PRODUCE. PRICES VARY according to the Chemical Composition of the Guano as ascertained by DR. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER'S Analyses. SOLD BY THE LONDON BANKING ASSOCIATION, LIMITED, (PERUVIAN GUANO DEPARTMENT), 57, OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON, B.C., SOLE AGENTS FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM OF THE PERUVIAN GUANO COMPANY, LIMITED, SOLE CONSIGNEES. For the South-West of England District apply to MESSES. FOX, ROY, and Co., PLYMOUTH and BRISTOL. DEPOTS at Sharpness Docks, Gloucester, Bristol, Plymouth, and Falmouth. [3650 THE LARGEST FEY FM;TURERS IN THE WORLD Trade Mark 1 I "p 1^ GA |L| ||C?IFF CFE Iti Li udi U MANUFACTURERS BY SPECIALWARRANT THEQU EEN THE "ASK FOR GENUINE OR DOUBLE SUPERFINE" MONEY.—THE NATIONAL ADVANCE 1 BANK, of 31, Wellington street. Strand, London, W.C. (Registered under Act of Parliament, 1844), ADVANCES from JB10 to 4 1,000, on note of hand, ieeds, leases, or policies, at £4 per cent, without publicity sr delay. Also upon bills of sale. mortgage of furniture, trads, farm stock, plant, &c., without removal or sureties. Distance no objuct. Prospectus gratis. PETER F. TAYLOR. Manager. N.B.—Applicants are informed that this is the only Advance Bank in London, and they will meet with every jonsideration. Deposits received from t5 at remunera- ;ive rates of interest. U>S32 K WORDSWOR T H. S "COCA" PILLS. Prepared from the Erythroxylon Coca Plant (of Pern) jhe" successful" remedy for Sleeplessness, NenraM Rheumatism. Hay-Fever, and Asthma. 2s per box Dost free. H. WORDSWORTH, 6, Sloane-Stree London w CIC CAMBRIAN" BICYCLES FOR 1881, Vy will be used by all the best local riders on road and path. All machines warranted. MORRIS BROTHERS, The only recognised manufacturers in Wales. W ORK s—FONTY PUIDD. SHOW BOOM* AND OFFICE—16, ANGEL STREET, CARDI FF. Price list now ready, one stamp. 100 Second-hand and new machines by other makers, to he sold at unusually tempting prices. Machines ex- ccanped and acce ssories of every description in Stock. Trust repairs to bona fide makers ouly. [3285 'JpAMAR I:\DIEN-GRILLO:-¡'S. rpAMAR INDIEN — A Medicated Sweet- meat or Lozenge. rAMAR XiS DiEN—Unlike Pills, needs no increasing dose. TAMAR INDIEN—May be taken at all times. TAMAR INDIEN, for RELIEF and CURE of CONSTIPATION. rPAMAR INDIEN, for Biliousness, Head- JL ache, and all Stomachic Complaints. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Sold by all respectable Chemists and Druggists. E. GR1LLON, Sole Proprietor. Wholesale-G9 Queen-street, Cheapside, London. [3219 BUY IT AND TRY FOR YOURSELVES. SINCLAIR'S COLD WATER SOAP The Family Wash without the misery of a steaming house.—4d per lb. SINCLAIR'S COLD WATER SOAP k3 A Government Inspector of Soap Factories says :— My opinion of it is very high, on no account would I be without it in the house. SINCLAIR'S COLD WATER SOAP a For Laundry use.—4d per lb. SINCLAIR'S UOLD WATER SOAP O OF ALL GROCKRS AND OILMEN. JAMES SINCLAIR, SOUTHWAKK, LONDON, S.E. IF YOU WISH TO BE WELL & KEEP WELL TAKE l^RAGG'SATEGETABLE pIIARCOAL T Sold in Bottles N-J 3s, 4S, 6S each, of all chemists. "PRAGCT'S f 1HARCOAL l)ISCUITS \J Sold in Tias X) Is, 2s, 4s each. BRAGG'S CHARCOAL OZENGES Sold in Tins 1' Is Hd-of all chemists. \/T ATTHEWS'S FULLERS EARTH ill For Toilet and Nursery use—6d <fc Is. M ATTHEWS'S FULLERS EARTH Protects the Skin from Cold Winds, Chaps, &c. M ATTHEWS'S FULLERS EARTH Preserves the complevicu irom Cold, Redness &C- OF ALL y ntsiis'ih o I iV 1.- — Jlj postextva. ROUSE & Co., 12, Wigtnore-sv., LcnvJcn, W. | i3516 ESTABLISHED 1839. THE CELEBRATED CAMBRIAN MEDICINE. JONES' (TREMADOC) APERIENT & ANTIBFLIOUS PILLS. A PRACTICAL trial of Forty-one years, by the afflicted Public, has now established the reputation of these PILLS. Composed of the most rare and EXPENSIVE VEGETABLE PREPARATIONS of the British Phar- niaeopsca. combined with a valuable SNOWDOMAN HERB, forming a MILD, LAXATIVE. TONIC REMEDY, admitted by those who have tried them to be superior to all other similar preparations, as a Préventive and Cure for all disorder* resulting from a disordered state of the Stomach and Liver, and impurity of the Blood, &c. Sold by all the wholesale Houses, and at the Cnmbriar PiU Depot, Tremadoc, North Wales, Retailed by all respectable Medicine Vendors, in Town and Country, in Boxes at Is id, 2s 6d, and 4s td each. Great saving in procuring large Boxes. ea- Should yon fail to obtain the Pills in your neighbour- hood, send 14 postage stamps for the Is lid Box. 83 for the 5s ad, or iJ7 for the 4s 6d, to the CAMBRIAN PILL DEPOT. TREMADOC, NORTH WALKS, and the Piils will be sent by return of post, free. Jfeware of Ft aud. See that the signature of Robt. I. Jones be on the Government Stamp rounJ each box. No less than a whole box of the genuine Pills sold. IMPORTANT TO SINGERS, fc. JONES' (TREMADOC) AROMATIC VOICE GLOBULES, For Restoring ancl Clearing ihe Fo ce, removing Hoarseness, 4-c. Instantaneous and certain in their effect. Prepared only by R. I. JONES, Cambrian Pill Dep6t, Tremadoc, N.W. In Boxes, is 1 ><1 and 2s 9J each. Sold by all the holesale and Rer,:ul Druzuists. and may be had direct by return of Post from Treniailoo, on receipt of Is 2d, or 3s in Stamps. £ 37'~>8 BLAIR'S GOUT PILLS, THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY FOR GOUT AND RHEUMATISM. rpih excruciating pain is qnicklj relieved. i and cured in a few days by this celebrated Medicine These Pills require no restraint of diet during their use and are certain to prevent the disease attacking any vital part. Sold by all chemists at Is 11d and 2s Odper box. [3714 FRIEND OF ALL mmrs PILLS PURITY OF BLOOD ESSENTIAL TO LIFE HEALTH AND STRENGTH. These Pills surpass all other known medicines for purifying the blood being safe and yet effective, they are available for all as a domestic and household remedy. In congestions and obstructions of the Lungs and Liver, they quickly remove the cause of the disease, and m constipation and disordered c ndition of the Bowels, they act as a cleansing aperient, removing irritant matter from the intestinal canal, and relieving spasms, cramps, and painful gripings BILIOUS HEADACHES, NAUSEA AND FOUL STOMACH, LOSS OF APPETITE AND LOWNESS OF SPIRITS. The cleansing properties of these Pills soon prodouce a wonderful change in the constitution, removing all excess of bile, headache, palpitation, pains after eating, and giddiness. They restore the appetite, clear the complexion, and improve the general I'ealtli. THE MOTHER'S FRIEND. FEMALES' SPECIFICS. Every mother oi a family should know the value of these Pills in removing all accumulations 1-iid restoring sus- nenried or perverted secrctions; they can be taken safely Dy iemales of all ages, and are invaluable in all children's complaints. SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, AND OBSTRUCTIONS OF THE KIDNEYS .ccordance with the printed directions, the most obstinate cases will soon yield, the secretion from the kidnevs will become clear and limpiu no function of the body should be more carefully watched; most serious consequences ensu from neglect in this respect. SORE THROATS, DIPHTHERIA, COUGHS COLDS AND BRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS should be immediately treated by these Pills, which will when combined with the effectual use of the Ointment to the part affected, afford such a measure of relief as is scarcely credible the joint agency of the two remedies is so potent that every formidable pulmonary affection becomes amenable to this treatment. I EISILITATED CONSTITUTIONS, TREMBLINGS, AND LOSS OF NERVOUS ENERGY. These Pills are unsurpassed as Nervine Tomes they cor- I rect all irregularities and weakness. They act so kindly, yet tit so energetically on the functions of digestion, that the whole body is revived, the blood is purified, and the muscles become firmer aad stronger therefore sufferers from nervous weak- ness in every form should give them a fair and honest trial The Pills and Ointment are sold at Professor Holloway'- estiiblishment, 533, Oxford-street, London, also by nearly every respectable vetidor of medicine throughout the civilized world,in boxes and pots, at is lfd, 2s yd, -is ud, lis, 2is, and each. The smallest box of Pills contains four dozen and the smallest box of Continent one ouiue. X .U.- AUvk-e can be obtained, tree of charge. Ivy aplll,"1I1M at j e above ad'U'ess daily, uetvteeu '.Ue hours.oJi 'i'und 4) or bv litter [3."34 G. REYNOLDS & COMPANY'S MONSTER SALE, COMMENCED ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST, j. WILL CLOSE on TUESDAY NEXT, MARCH 1st. ] The very low prices will be maintained until after that date. 149, 150, COMMERCIAL STREET, & 32, & 33, CHARLES STREET, NEWPORT, MON. I CATALOGUES OF STOCK MAY BE HAD ON APPLICATION. [3304 WHEN YOU ASK FOR RECKirrs WARING I PAn I S BLUE SEE THAT YOU GET IT! AS BAD QUALITIES ARE OFTEN SUBSTITUTED. THE GENUINE IS USED BY THE LAUNDRESSES OF THE PRINCESS OF WALES AND DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH. J3516 E. PURSE It AND COMPANY (LONDON MANURE COMPANY.) ESTABLISHED 1840. HAVE NOW READY FOR DELIVERY IN DRY FINE CONDITION:- BONE MANURE, NITROPHOSPHATB, PURSER'S PURE DISSOLVED BONES URATE, SUPERPHOSPHATE, CORN, MANGOLD, AND POTATO BONE TURNIP MANURE, MANURES. CHEMICALLY TREATED GUANO. OFFICES .—116, FENCHUBCH STREET, E.U. AGENT FOR NEWPORT.—MR. J. S. STONE. STOREKEEPER AT NEWTORT.—GEOKGF TliEW, MONMOUTHSHIRE RAILWAY WHARF. For the oouvenienee of Customers in North and South Wales, the London Manur Company have established Depots at Newport, Mon., Aberdovey, Carmarthen, and Saltney. [6 NEWPORT GLOYE DEPOT. I 0 SPECIALITIES IN LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S > C GLOVES FOR PRESENT SEASON. —I fH LU 1 8 0 THOMiLS H Ph FIRST CLASS GENTLEMEN'S OUTFITTER, 0 NEXT TO GENERAL POST OFFICE, HIGH STREET. j-p O A large variety of Real Hand-Knitted Goods in Mittens, Gloves, Socks> — and Knicker-Bocker Hose. co o O DRESSING ROBES AND RAILWAY RUGS. W -p —| -1- NEWPORT SHIRT DEPOT. [3717 1 LAVERTON & CO.'S CELEBRATED UNIVERSAL CHALLENGE SUITES, AT LO GHTTIISR ZE.A.I3, FOR PARLOUR, DINING ROOM AND DRAWING LLOOU, MADE FROM SOLID MAHOGANY, OAK OR WALNUT WOOD, THE WHOLE WELL SPRING-STUFFED WITH BEST COPPER KD SPRINGS, COVERED IN GOOD CRETONNE DAMASK OR LEATHER CLOTH, NICELY TRIMMED WITH SILK, GIMP, OR GILT NAILS. d ¡:¡ A ro <Jl "d CD w 0 o I | 4" ■■ I v. J 0^~ '1 COM P1 SING 1 COUCH, 6 CHAIRS, AND 2 EASY CHAIRS. These Suites delivered in GOOD CO); DITION to any Railway Station in the United Kingdcm AT ONE PENKY PER MILE. igr SAMPLES OF COVERINGS FOR SELECTION SENT FREE PER POST. The aboveSuites are guaranteed to be the cheapest ever supplied at this price they are good well made, serviceable articles, fit for any house, and we strongly recommend tliem far general use. SEE OPINIONS OF THE PRESS AND TESTIMONIALS. A NEW ENLARGED ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, Containing Several Hundred ENGRAVINGS, sent fiee per post for 12 STAMPS. — Smaller ones Gratis, on application. ADLRESS:- STEAM CABINET WORKS, MARY-LE-PURT STREET & BRIDGE STREET i JjKIS'i'(>I>. 81 glddrasis. T £ 1,000 wo¥rHToiTpRizES £ i 000 THE EVENT OF 1881. 200 VALU. 3LEvFEEE PRIZES. 3000 *»**»■ FEEE £ 600 ALL TO BE G AWAY ON THE 30th JUNE. I A SOLIL INDISPUTABLE FACT. Great Profits a. charged in tl'e Ret Watch Trade, A (.Junsuaimste j>act, so do be misled, On a Wate -t Five t .i i* vi«-,r yi'U pay t- 'em Tw*. t.) Tree l'« u al- P'1 lit—j isi uu-own aray. 011C" atch a in, th on ,v so e .ic' er-i C I *el', '• profit 011 whicli Y" em c-icu ate we l, While in score • omne "1.' ers ev r r> st, For Wale e of Merit all SoM at Firs s:. y^t a hove Ha f et 1 Pr e to u you p.iy, While to lly rizos weffive w y. In 'er i: i s ahove we RU II" ten to ivc.i i'eridov A ive CTUI Ien W.tch or Th ee I oil s. o c^'sider 1 h'lt a'l i'ca ers ho oul U If the JTIC.' secure A Waich t srivo my now i-ror.ire The Best ilo 58 ENGLISH LEV ill in the world for £3; in Hunting Case, 1 Do extrn. The Best JCo tis VvuiiKAlEX'S PAIj.i- JASE LEVER for Xi 12s. The Best J:2 10s DEFIANCE SILVER WATCH for £ 1 5=. Ladi s or Gentlemen's. The Best £ 10 10s ENGLISH STOP CENTRE SECONDS 1,PLATE CHKONOGRAP.i LEVER for £ 5 10s. For Gold Wa'ches at same Reduced Prices see Pamphlets. W A T C H E S WATCHES. WATCHE S. STEWART, DAWSON. &. CO.'S Every Purchaser of One of our Celeinated LEVER or DEFIANCE WATCHES will receive a Fli'EE ['l' KET, eniitliug him or her ill th" first place to p irticipate in the L'i-.tribntiou of the £ 2«K) Valuable Prizes, aud in the event of not receiving one of these, BLUcr will receive one of the :1,0)1) Consolation Prizes. The 2UO Valuable Prizes will comprise :— -t 10 Very Elegant French Drawing-room CLOCKS on Stands, under Glass Shade. These clocks are very handsome, of the Newest Style. 10 Magnificent and Richly Chased Electro-Plate TEA and COFKEE SEKVICES. 10 Beautiful Marble Dining-room CLOCKS, richly inlaid with (Slold Decorations. 10 Handsome CLOCKS with BAEOMPiTKB. and THERMOMETER cowbiued, in elegant Bronzed Orna- mented Cases. 10 Sets of Ladies' Magnificent GOLD EARRINGS and BROOCH in Morocco Velvet-Lined Cases. 20 Handsome Six-Bottle Electro Plate DINNER CRUET-STANDS of Newest Design. 30 Splendid 8-Day Prize Medal CLOCK REGULA- TORS in Handsome Walnut Cases. 50 Cases Household CUTLERY, of very Superior Quality—each Case containing 24 Articles. 50 Black and Gold CLOCKS, of a very New and Elegant Design. NOTICE.—A full list of Names and Addresses of those who gain the above :200 Prizes will be published as usual, and all Customers who hold a Ticket and who don't find their names amongst these, will receive a Prize from the following, so that every reader who purchases a Watch will receive a Prize on this occasion. The o,Ot)U Conso- lation Prizes will comprise— 500 Gentlemen's Splendid WRITING-DESKS. 500 Ladies' Handsome WORK-BOXES. 500 Gentlemen's Elegant Gold-Plated ALBERTS. 500 Splendid Grecian Household CLOCKS. 500 Handsome ALBUMS. 500 Ladies' Elegant Gold Plated Tassel ALBERTS. An equhalent number of more Prizes will be added should the uuwhcr vi Waiclica sold oxcco<i the uWro number of Prizes so let it be distinctly understood that every purchaser of a Wateir -TTrli receive a Prize. No reader of this paper requiring a Watch need pay double price to a retail dealer for an inferior article when he can send his order direct to us. and receive one of the best.£5 5s English Levers in the worhi for .£3, on a week's free trial and other condition as llLder. CONDITION:?. Ist-Thr.t we will forward each "W.ilch on a week's free trial, so that every purchaser may judge of its qualities for himself, and that we will ilet iril the full amount to each purelitt,er who is not satirdied ana who may thus return the watch. 2nd—That with each English Lever Watch we will give a written guarantee lor three yea s. aiM with each Defiiinca Watch a guarantee for twelve montus. 3rd—That each Watch will be fitted with a key, and delivered safe and free of charge, at our own risk, by first return of post, with lull printed instructions enclosed with each how to use and wear them, and a free ticket given for the distribution- of the above valuable prizes. 4th—That the free ticket given will entitle the-holder to a prize as above on the HOth June. STEWART, DAWSON, & CO. Offer to every intending purchaser of a Watch, the above UNEQUALLED TJEKMS OF SECURITY, So that the most sceptical may patronise us. These unequa'lcd EnJish Levers are made in three sizes for Gentlemen, also in three sizes for Ladies. They are the handsomest and best fiui,he,i Watches that money can procuie, and better timekeepers are unobtainable. The Gentlemen's Watches have uust-iigkt, very strong, but beautifully-finished sterliu, silver cases. ALL GOVERNMENT HALL MAliKED. All Engine-Turned, with Shield and Garter uu the back. finished in the newest and neatest stj le. '1 lie dials are Wh)t<- Hard Enamel, with very neat dii-ti;.et tigures, Gold Hands, and sunk seconds. The iaechaui.-m of the movements combines all the latest improvements to ensure perfect timekeeping and non-liability to gu "uL oi order all are jewelled with hard rubies, which ensures endless wear the whole movement is covercd with a cio>e-fitting can, so ;hut the watch may be carrieu lor ut least two years without requiring to be cleaned. £ o 10s LADIES' ENGLISH LE ER Foil « £ 3. '1 hese have all the qualities of the above, with the addition of beautifully ei.graved cases. 50/ GENT.'S DEFIANCE WATCH Fjli 52/ 50/ LADY'S DEFIANCE WATCH FOR 25/ Next to our Celebrated Eu-lish Levers this is positively the GREATEST B EVUK OFFERED in .Ladies' and Gentlemen's ULLlA SILVER WATCHES. These are acknowledge i a' u Guaranteed to be the Best Value that can be ptocurea in the ordinary Retail Trade at 50s each. THE Gi NTLEMEN'S DEFIANCE WATCHES Are supplied iu Taree Siz-s—M.KJH, JIt"ii,1;i¡¡,. and Full. The movement is i,-Phite \.)Jill¡¡n,Jewelk,¡ JLI, ight Holes, 'ihe Cases, including the Dome, i\ing, :d JJOW, are STERLING SILVER, Engine Turned, wiin shield on the Back, ajul Beautifully iiuished. I !;e hees are W hite En^taui, with, bold fcur.k Dial, and seconds, very Neat Hands, and Finely Shaped figujes. Fi..t t rystal Plate-Glass Fronts. The entire get up of Watch is of the Newest Style. EITHER SIZE IN GOLD CASES, = £ 4; o RIH £6105. THE LADIES' DEFIANCE WATCHES. These arc verv elegant. ihe l, uses ,r-: Sterling Silver, and Elegantly engraved the lha's are very Handsome, and Beautifully Tinted, quite a ew style very Neat Hands and Figures Flat crystal Glass, which gives the Watch a very neat appearauce; a'1 are sup- piied in Two sizes. EITHER SIZE IN GOLD CASES FOR 1-3 \1 i}U'H. £;-), MEllLiN COUPON FOR STEWART, DAWSON, & CO.'S ENGLISH LEVER & DEFIANCE WATCHES, LADY'S OR GENTLEMAN' This Coupon will entitle the Sender, dli tiio pay- ment of £ ,6', to one of our xo- b., I l evers, or on the payment of ±1 5s to a Si. > er j Vdauce Watch, as deiicribed above, and on the. whole of the above conditions, together with a tr e ticket entitling the holder to a prize on the ijOth June. (Signed), STEWART, DAWSON, & CO., 121. Park Road, Liverpool. P,S.-Available for any Watch as above. Please state Size preferred. P.O. Orders payable at the G.P.O., Liverpool. ADDRESS—STEWART, DA^SoN, Co. 121, PARK ROAD, LIVERPOOL. NOTICE-—Over 3,000 marvellous unsolicited Testi- monials have been received from all pnrts of the World va praise of wir Ce.ebrated Watches. Pamphlets, con- taining 70 Pages of these Testimonials, Iilustrations of the Watches, full particulars of this and our former I Cis'.ributions, sent Post Free far i'wo Stamps. t Gold and Silver Alherts.an,! Chains at wholesale prices. Wat cuts for the continent delivered at 2s (id each extiu mi ito the colours- toe os. extrsk, f3S3&