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C ESTABLISHED .1842. JOHN ROBINSON & Co. Continue to make High-class MANURES, Which they Sell at moderate prices. Also, LINSEED AND COTTONSEED CAKE, From Seed only as imported. Apply to JOHN ROBINSON & Co., Bathurst Wharf, Bristol, W. W. PHILLIPS, The Hartridge, Newport ^essra HARSE & BROWN", Newport HY. RYMER, Lancaut, Chepstow ■Mr NOAH PREWETT, Lydart Farm, Monmouth. L3833 INRA S H IN G-DAY REFORM. HA.RPER TWELVETREES' VT^LA WASHING MACHINE, £ 2 15s., (Cash Price, X2 10s) or with WRINGER AND MANGLER COMBINED, Xi-) 58 ("Cash Price. -24 15s.) HARP VILL 1, Does the Fortnight's Family Wash in F our Hours by the nice, easy process, without RUBBING OR BOILING, saving several Shillings each fort- nightly wash. It possesses tre- mendous washing power, and is the only Washing Machine in the World which renders boiling unnecessary, and saves Five Hours of Copper Firing every Washing day. Carriage Paid Free Trial Easy payments, or ten per cent. Cash discount. Illus- trated Prospectus post free of HARPER IvVKLVE- TREES. 80, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C.; Works, Surdett Road, Bow, E. Canvassing Agents wanted. [3770 T tA, For 40 yeirs Horiiiniai-i's Tea has been preferred, a proof tIliLt it must be what it T,rofesses; pure, reliable,& fthat delicious finvor & amazin ciigth secured only by SCIeCtiDg the choice spring and disallowin,- the use of all facing powder; such tea the Chinese always drinl, tnd it i,niist be that iiitural tea is tize best. supplied in packets only. J^BGAVESNT Price Wat-1 AR"18' Hifjjh-street R«EETILLBET, Evans,Chemist «LAKENKY.Vl1ilpOttS C ,^PSTow,Gi'iltiths,lK)okseller p„ HFot-D, Cord win, elieirist 8ICKHOWF.I, Edwards. AfcniFF.Kernick, 23 .Duke-st-. |->itto.Vi]liaiTis, Bute-street yOLEFOEi,Wil!ams.—Housli ^ti)SEY. Hathaway J-aimiee.E. H. Jones,chemist. ^OSKovTii.Bower ,coifec'r.er «EBHfv.E, Stephens, Hieh-st.' WNHA.M.Fvver. draper ,N FWPORT, EDMUI-;I)S,High I street BOWMAN, 21, Llanartli-st J PHILLIPS 92, Commercial street, chemi-t J. YOUNG Id, Hijih-street SEYb, 1, Stow III Jl Co-operative Society C. PAINE, chemist, 3 Com- mercial- stree POSTYPOOL Wooci chemist RHYMNET Davies, chemist SWANSEA..AIEORSC, chemist Usk. Edwards, Chemist. THE WHITE The Latest Improved and Most Perfect SEWING MACHINE Ever introduced, to the English. Market. ){A:q; F ACTI:R}:D Ily THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Co., At CLEVELAND, Ohio, U.S.A. IT has boon pronounced by sMlLd Mechanics the Per- fection of Invention. It is quite Noiseless, Simple in Movement, never pets out of order. A Marvel or tasy Running; thi» Treadle movement so light that a Child can operate it. See a "WHITE" before Purchasing. Warranted by Legal Guarantee for Five l £ ears. Saw any Material. Do more than any other Machine. A great Variety of Attachments. i(s« the "PEERLESS" Hand Machine, • Thd B t ^ice £ 3 12s. ts aui L#est Price Amorican made Machine « in the Markat. Agents and Wholesale Dealers Wante4. '■ Send for Circulars to the WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., 19, Queen Victoria St., London, E.C. I>HCENIX FIRE OFFICE < Lombard-street and Charing Cross, London. Established 1782. Prompt and liberal Loss Settlements. Insurances effected in all parts of the world. -1 JOHN J. -RROOXFIELI), Seofetar1 MILLINERY. MRS. TADD BEGS to inform the Ladies of Newport and the Neighbourhood that she is -D now making her FIRST SHOW OF MILLINERY, &c., &c., for the SPRING SEASON and she respectfully solicits an early inspection. 55, High Street, Newport. [39CO ESTABLISHED 1856. Gas, Steam and Water Fitting's Manufactory, I 119, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. GOULD, GAS, STEAM, AND HOT WATER FITTER, PLUMBER, BELL HANGER, BRASS FINISHER, ETC., MANUFACTURER of Chandeliers, Gas Fittings, Plumbers' Brass Work, and General JJt-L Brass Foundry, Bent and Straight Window Poles, Desk Rails, Shop Window Fittings, Name Plates for Doors and Windows. Lacquering, Bronzing, and Engraving. Engineers and Architects Designs carried out. A perfect system of Hot Water Supply for Baths, Lavatories, &c., ensuring perfect safety and effective circulation. Plumbing and Brewery work in all its branches. Bar Fittings of all kinds, Copper Smithing. Electric and Wire Bells, Electric Burglar Alarms and Thief Detectors, Lightning Conductors, &c. All Kinds of Household Repairs executed. Skilled workmen only employed. Fair and moderate charges ma le. All Orders punctually attended to. Being a bona fide manufacturer, the Trade can be supplied with all kinds of Brass Work equal in quality and prices to any respectable Maker in the Trade. The whole being under the immediate and personal supervision of J. GOULD, whose long and thorough practical knowledge and experience in every department will be a guarantee that any orders entrusted to him will be carried out in the best and most scientific manner. MARCH, 1881. [Ðïl PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO, GENUINE & UNADULTERATED. AS IMPORTED DIRECT FROM PERU BY THE PERUVIAN GUANO COMPANY, LIMITED, SOLE CONSIGNEES. BESTk CHEAPESTMAMKM ALL CROPS. ESPECIALLY FOR CEREALS, GRASS, ROOT CROPS, HOPS, MARKET GARDEN" PRODUCE. PRICES VARY according to the Chemical Composition of the Guano as ascertained by DI1. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER'S Analyse*. SOLD BY THE LONDON BANTLING ASSOCIATION, LIMITED, (PERUVIAN GUANO DEPARTMENT), 5 7, OLD B R 0 A D STREET, LONDON, E.G., SOLE AGENTS FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM OF THK PERUVIAN GUANO COMPANY, LIMITED, SOLE CONSIGNEES. For the South-W est England District apply to MESSRS. FOX, ROY, and Co., PLYMOUTH and BRISTOL. DEPOTS at Sharpness Docks, Gloucester, Bristol, Plymouth, and Falmouth. [3650 THE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD trade Mark 1, 9 Head. Cofmansiff J [5?! (j' a M 1 Îj S, 4t a r.. 'if(-' "JjJlJ u. l;. MANUFACTURERS BY TO SPEC IALt'IARRANTTHEQUEEN "ASK FOR GENUINEOR DOUBLE SUPERFINE" CAMBRIAN" BICYCLES FOR 1881, Vv will be used by all the best local riders on road and path. All machines warranted. MORRIS BROTHERS, The only recognised manufacturers in Wales. WORK S—PONTYPRIDD. SHOW RooMS AND OFFICE—16, ANGEL STREET, CARDI FF. Price list now ready, one stamp. 100 Second-hand and new machines by other makers, to be sold at unusually tempting prices. Machines ex- changed and accessories of every description in Stock. Trust repairs to bona fide makers only. [3285 1- BUY IT AND THY FOR YOURSELVES. SINCLAIR'S COLD WATER SOAP S The Family Wash without the misery of a steaming house.—4d per lb. SINCLAIR'S COLD WATER SOAP O A Government Inspector of Soap Factories says :— My opinion of it is very high, on no account would I be without it in the house. SINCLAIR'S COLD WATER SOAP O For Laundry use.—4d per lb. SINCLAIR'S COLD -WATER SOAP OF ALL GROCERS AND OILMEN. JAMES SINCLAIR, SOUTHXVARK, LONDON, S.E. IF YOU WISH TO BE WELL & KEEP WELL TAKE BRAGG'SY EGETABLE CHARCOAL i Sold in Bottles 3s, 4s, 6s each, of all chemists. BRAGG'S pHARCOAL ILISCUITS Sold in Tins JD Is, 2s, 4s each. BRAGG'S pHARCOAL T OZENGES V_y Sold in Tins Is Itd-of all chemists. MATTHEWS'S FULLERS EARTH irJL For Toilet and Nursery use—6d & Is. MATTHEWS'S FULLERS EARTH 1: Protects the Skin from Cold Winds, Chaps, &c. MATTHEWS'S PULLERS KAKTH Preserves tlio complexion from Cold, Redness. &e. I OF ALL CHEMISTS 3d < £ Is- By post 2d extra. ROUSE & Co 12, IVI, ,move-st., London, W. r35ia C DR E F o R ALL! Holloway's Ointment IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. NO MORE SUFFERING: 'T^HE Discovery of this Ointment has proved an invalu- _J_ a'-le boon to thousands of sufferers; when rubbed over or near the seat of suffering, its rare Balsamic proper ies are conveyed to every part. Thus it heals inward wounds and ulcers of the Stomach, Bowels, or Womb, strengthens the spinal marrow in cases of nervous weakness and depression,. and all diseases of the Tnroat, Lunsis, and Chest. No invalid need despair of ciii e, whilst this Ointment can be obtained; for the reputation it bears In every quarter of the plobe, is fully borne out by the success it lias attained, corroborated us it is by testimonials from persons of all classes and coun- tries. GOUT, RHEUMATISM, AND NEURALGIA. These truly fonnidable and dreaded diseases, with noctur- nal spasms, nervous twitchings, muscular cramps, and eiatioa will yield, when treated by this Ointment. In no cases is it more important to have the Ointment thoroughly and ellec- tually conveyed through the pores of the skin to'the alTected parts, upon which it will bring' its soothing influence to bear, and thus produce ease, comfort, and security. The Pills should also be taken in appropriate doses to lessen the inflam- mation, and to purify the bloi d. BAD LEGS, BAD BREASTS, OLD WOUNDS, AND ULCERATIONS OF ALL KINDS. The application of this Ointment heals, in a remarkable manner, every kind of Ulceration, softens the still or con- tracted tissues, causes proud" flesh to disappear, and foul and loathsome discharges to become converted into healthy healing surfaces., and these eflects are not temporary, but raaredical and permanent. PILES, FISTULAS, AND ABSCESSES. These and all similar affections must be carefully treated according to the plan recommendel in the printed instruc tions. The Ointment must he applied directly to the part alTected, and Holloway's Pills be simultaneously taken, o purify the blood, and to relieve the internal congestions which are so fertile a cause of this class of disease. DROPSICAL ENLARGEMENTS, SWELLED LEGS AND VARICOSE VEINS. In the reduction of all Glandular Swellings no remedy equals this incomparable Ointment; it prevents the forma- tion of extraneous growths, and is an invaluable remedy for checking all Chronic Discharges when diligently rubbed into the parts attested, the worst case will yield in a compar- atively short space of time. SCROFULA AND OLD SKIN DISEASES. This Ointment is a certain remedy for all diseases of the skin whether simple or complicated. Scurvy, ringworm, blotches, pimples, and other cutaneous disorders, are as one er dicated by this invaluable Unguent. The Ointment and Pills are sold at Professor Holloway'y establishment, 533, Oxferd-street, London also by nearld every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the civilized World in Pots and Boxes at Is l^d, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, Is, 12s, and 33s each. The smallest Pot of Ointment contains one ounce and the smallest Box of Pills four dozen. N .B.-Ad vice can be obtained, free of charge by applying at the above address, daily, between the hours of 3 to 4 or by tttttijr. T3734 X WORDSWORTH S ''COCA" PILLS. Prcpared from the Erythroxvlc-n Coca Plant (of TVraj the remedy tor Sleeplessness, NcuragI Rheumatism. Hay-Eevur, aurl Asthma. 2s per box post free. H. WORDSWORTH, \'t Sloan e-St London 6\ddrtStit.5. G. REYNOLDS & COMPANY ARE NOW SHOWING Their EARLIEST DELIVERIES of NEW GOODS FOR SPRING. Several SPECIAL PURCHASES have been made, and our Establish- ment is worthy of a visit to all buyers of Drapery. 149, 150, COMMERCIAL STREET, & 32, & 33, CHARLES STREET, NEWPORT, MOX. MARCH 1881.. [3304 WHEN YOU ASK FOR IlECICITrl" S WARNING! PAEIS BLUE SEE THAT YOU GET IT! AS BAD QUALITIES ARE OFTEN SUBSTITUTED. THE GENUINE IS USED BY THE LAUNDRESSES OF THE PRINCESS OF WALES AND DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH. i 351G E. PURSEl AND COMPANY (LONDON MANURE COMPANY.) ESTABLISHED 1S40. 1 HAVE NOW READY FOR DELIVERY IN DRY FINE CONDITION:— BONE MANURE, PURSER'S PURE DISSOLVED BONES SUPERPHOSPHATE, BONE TURNIP MANURE, NITROPHOSPHATB, URATE, -N, CO UN, MANGOLD, AND POTATO MANURES. I CHEMICALLY TREATED GUANO. OFFICES 116, FENCHURCa STREET, E.U. AGENT FOR NEWPORT.—MR. J. S. STOXE. STOREKEEPER AT NEWPORT.—GEORGE TREW, MONMOUTHSHIRE RAILWAY WHARF. For the couveuience of Customers in North and South Wales, the Londou Manur Company have established Depots at Newport, Alou., Aberdovey, Carmarthen, aud Saltuey. [6 NftWPOIJT I HOSIERY DEPOT. HOSIERY DEPOT. I NEWPORT GLOVE DEPOT. SPECIALITIES IN LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S GLOVES FOR PRESENT SEASON. THOMAS LEWIS, FIRST CLASS GENTLEMEN'S OUTFITTER, NEXT TO GENERAL POST OFFICE, HIGH STPEET. A large variety of Real Hand-Knitted Goods in Mittens, Gloves, Socks' and Knicker-Bocker Hose. DRESSING ROBES AND RAILWAY RUGS. NEWPORT SI-IIRT DEPOT. [3717 NEWPORT HAT DEPOT. I LAYERTON & CO.'S CELEBRATED UNIVERSAL CHALLENGE SUITES, AT lO GUIlTElAS, FOR PARLOUR, DINING ROOM AND DRAWING ROOM, I MADE FROM SOLID MAHOGANY, OAK OR WALNUT WOOD, THE WHOLE WELL SPRING-STUFFED WITH BEST COPPERKD SPRINGS, COVERED IN GOOD CRETONNE IDAMASK OR LEATHER CLOTH, NICELY TRIMMED WITH SILK, GIMP, OR GILT NAILS. Every Article Guaranteed Strong, well made and Durable. • fr — sT" -is" c; An Inspection Earnestly Solicited. COMPRISING 1 COUCH, 6 CHAIRS, AND 2 EASY CHAIRS. These Suites delivered in GOOD CO-N DITION to any Railway Station in the United Kingdom AT ONE PENNY PER MILE. SAMPLES OF COVERINGS FOR SELECTION SENT FREE PER POST. The above Suites are guaranteed to be the cheapest ever supplied at this price they are good well made, serviceable articles, fit for any house, and we strongly recommend them for general use. SEE OPINIONS OF THE PRESS AND TESTIMONIALS. A NEW ENLARGED ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, Containing Several Hundred t-I ENGRAVINGS, seut fiee per post for 12 STAMPS.—Smaller ones Gratis on application. AI:DIESS:- STEAM CABINET WORKS, MAR.Y-LE-PORT STREET & BRIDGE STREET- 11:1 a i Is r-L I 4( > 11 .1 au ddt'£. STEWART DAWSON & CO.'S BBNOWXED ENGLISH LEVERS AXD I DEFIANCE WATCHES. I THIRD GRAND PRIZE DISTRIBUTION OF 200 VALrABLV™uE rRIZES' £ 400 3,000 = £ 600 The 200 Valuable Prizes will comprist — 10 Very Eleguut Freuch L'rawing-i\K;m CLOJIvS on Stands, under G!ass Shade. These L'locks ure very handsome, of the Newest Styie. 10 Masrnificeat and Liichly Oaase 1 Electro-Piate TEA and COFFEE SERVICES. 10 Beautiful Marble Dining-room CLOCKS, richly inlaid with Gold Decorations. 10 Handsome CLOCKS (BAB 'IvlKTKR, and THERMOMETER combined) in eiegant Bronzed Orna- merited Cases. 10 Sets of Ladies' Magnificent GOLD EARRINGS and BROOCH in Morocco Velvet- Lined Cases. 20 Handsome t-ix-Bottle Electro Plate DINNER CRLET-STANDS oi Newest Design. 30 Splendid S-D.iy I'riz: Medal CLOCK REGULA- TORS in Handsome Walnut Cases. 50 Cases Household CUTLERY, of very Superior Quality—each ('ase containing1 2i A v. icles. 50 Black and Gold CLOCKS, o: a very Neat and Elegant Design. The 3,0)0 Consolation Prizes will comprise — 500 Gentlemen's Splendid WHITING-DESKS. 500 Ladies' Handsome WORK-BOXES. 500 Gentlemen's Elegant GoLi-Plateri ALBERTS. 500 Splendid Grecian Household CLOCKS. 500 Handsome ALBUMS. 500 Ladies' Elegant Gold-Plated Tassel ALBERTS. ALL TO BE GIVEN AWAY ON THE 30th JUNE. Every Pu- chaser of a Watch frni now till the 30th June will receive one of the above Prizes gratis. No reader of this paper requiring a Watch need pay double juice to a retail dealer for an inferior article when he can send his order diiect to us and receive one of the best £ ■'? 5s. English Levers in the world for X3, on a week's free trial aud other conditions as under. Observe- We have finished with tradesmen the public direct We offer our goods to, and they may select, Say a Watch, that would cost at a shop-let me see, Five sovereigns, at least,—we'll supply it for Three. The middle man's done with; we make ti(I we sell, So ail get full value and know it quiso well. In addition, a Gr ind Prize, betwixt May and July, We shall give away gratis to all who now lJUY. Either of the following 'telies: The Very Best J!5 5s ENGLISH LLV "R. in the world for in three sizas. The universal Watch selling in hundreds, unequalled anywhere under ih 5s. In Hunting Cases, 10s extra. See Pamphlet, paues 4 and 8. The Very Best £ (> (is WORKMEN'S PAIR-CASED ENGLISH LEVER, for Farm Servants, in two sizes, for < £ 3 12s.—See Pamuhlet, paecs 7 and 1' The Very Bp,t £10 10s ENGLISH CONDS J-PLATE STOP CHRONOGRAP-i LEVER, with point decimal sunk dial for £3 10s., positively the handsomest aud best watch ever made. In Hunting Cases, 10s extra.—See engraving in Pamphlet- The Very Best £ 5 10s LADIES' ENGLISH SILVER LEVER, with elegant engraved c tscs, ia three sizes for JJ3.—See Pamphlet pages G and 12. The Very Best £ 7 10s LADIES' ENGLISH I PLATE GOLD LEVER, in three size-, for Xi 10s.-See Pamphlet, pages (j and 12. The Very Best e 0 10s LADIES' ENGLISH FULL- PLATE GOLD LEVER, in three sizis, for £6 10s, .£7, and X7 10s —See Pamphlet. i,aires 6 and 12. The Very Best £2 10s DEFIANCE SILVER WATCH, Laoies' or Gentlemen's, iu three size- for £1 5s, posi- tively worth X2 U's. Splendid quality, and A 1 Timekeepers.—See Pamphlet page The LADIES' Djcik'lANCE, in G,.l I Ca.*es, J>3 worth retail X5 10s. The GENT'S DEd'iANCE, in Gold Cases, XI; worth retail XG 10s. EXTRACT FROM CONDITIONS. Each Watch sent on a week's free trial, anl the full amount will be returned to anyone di.isatisfij'L All delivered free at above prices, with kr-v and printed instructions, and a ticket for the distribution of the prizes. EXTRACTS FROM RECENT PRESS NOTICES. The Yorkshire of February I), 1S81, says No one who has seen the Watches can fail to wonder at their marvellously cheap price and their superb workman- ship and indeed it is only by a most extensive trade that the system could be carried out, for the Watches are sold at less than the wholesale price. \V« should advise every one of our readers who has not a watcii to apply befors it is too late, and to all we would heartily beg to recommend the firm of Messrs. Stewart Dawson and Co." The Bridgwater Mercury, March 2nd, 1831, says "Several inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood who have obtained Gold and Silver Lever tche-. from the firm of Messrs Stewart Dawson and Co., appear to be well satisfied with their bargains, competent judges haviucr pronounced them to be watclu-s ot nrst-class manufacture and marvellously cheap. The Primitive Methodist, London iOJi March, 1881, says We have before noticed and rrooanneuded the excellent watciies supplied by Messrs Stewart Dawson and Co., and have expressed our surprise, at the prices at which they are sold, to 5s levers being offered tor £ 3, and these are not only strong and serviceable, but are well- made and finished, and excellent timekeepers. The numerous testimonials they have received and are receiving speak iu the highest terms of their yo.yds, and of the satisfaction they give." The People s Journal, Dundee, February 2Cth, 1881, sajs: "If thousands of unsolicited testimonials sent from ail parts of Great Britain are to be accepted as a proof of the value of an article, then Messrs. Stewart Dawson and Co. may safely be congratulated on the quality of the wares offered by them in our advertising colUWl18. The Fermanagh Beporler, Imds'w1:en. February 26th, lSl, says Local purchasers have spoken to us ia high terms of Watches received by Clem from Messrs. Stewart Dawson and Co. The unique system on which. this reliable firm works is easily explained." The Wiltshire Times, Trowbridge, of March 12th, 1881, says; Small profits and quick returns seem to be the business motto of the well-known limi of watch makers, Messrs Stewart Dawson and Co.. of Liverpool. I-lui.di,c(ls of test-imcnials sent to the firm testify to the high character of the goods they oiler—moreover, in addition to receiving full value for his investrnc.it, every purchaser of a watch receives a ticket entyitiii g him to a fiee prize on the 30th June." The Bccon and Somerset Weckhj Sac*, Tivertou, March loth, 1881, says The watches so:d by Messrs Stewart Dawson and Co. are of best workmanship, and splendid timekeepers, MEULIN COUPON EcR STEWART DAWSON, & CO.'S ENGLISH LEVER & DEFIANCE WATCHES, LADY'S OR GENTLEMAN. This Coupon will entitle the Sender, on the pay- wcnt of £3 to one of cur £5 5s English Levers, or on the pyment of AT 5s to a Siiver Defiance Watch, as described above, together with a free ticket entitling the holder to a prize Oil the 30th June. (Signed), STEWART DAWSON, & CO., 121, Park Road, Liverpool. P.S.—Available for any Watch as aliove. Please state Size preferred. P-O. Orders payable at the G.P.O., Liverpool. ADDKESS—-STEWART DAWSON, & CO., 121, PARK ROAD, LIVERPOOL. NOTICE.—Over 8,000 marrellous unsolicited Testi. mouials have been received from all parts of the World in praise of our Celebrated Watches. Pamphlets, con- taining 70 Pages of these Testimonials, Illustrations of the Watches, full particulars of this and our formic Distributions, sent Post Free for Two Stamps. Watehes for the continent delivered at 2s 6d each extra u and in the colonies for 5i extra. [383d