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Swansea, April 18,1818. I SUBSCRIPTION for HANDICAP RACES, SUBSCRIPTION for HANDICAP RACES, to take place on Crvvuilyn Burrows. The Fund to he j Jeft at the disposal of a Committee, to be named by the Subscribers of One Guinea and upwards.—The Committee to appoint Handicappers. A MEETING of the COMMITTEE to be held in Swansea, on the SWth of May, for the purpose of fixing the Day of the Race* Subscriptions received at the Cambrian-Office. MARY WILLIAMS, (wiftOW OTF THE I.ATFC MICHAEL WILLIAMS), CASTLE-STREET, SWANSEA, PRESENTSber Respects to the Ladies, Gentlemen, and Public in neru-ral, and begsleave to acquaint *hem she intends CARRYING ON THE BUSI- NESS of BOOT and SHOE MAKING, in its different Branches, and hopes, by assiduity and anention, to merit a continuance of past favours. CARDIGANSHIRE. WANTED, as KEEPER of the HOUSE of CORRECTION, in the County Gaol at CAR- DIGAN, an active MAN, who has been accustomed to fill that situation and to any person who can produce certi- ficates of his abilities, and for sobriety, and attention, will find this to be a desirable object. ¡ Letters, inclosing terms and certificates of character, to be addressed to Mr. J. Beynon. Clerk of the Peace for the County, Newcastle-Emlyn. > Rumney Bridge Deeds Poll. TO 'BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, SEVERAL DEEDS POLL, of £ 100 AND £ 50 each, bearingFive per Cent, interest,aud payable half- yearl, For particulars apply tr* the Bai-iiffs of- Cardiff; .or to Messrs. Thomas Morgan and Edward Bird. Common Attor- nies, Cardiff. ■ ■ WM. BIRD, Town Clerk. CAltMA IFfliLN,,SI-IIRLO. JHtirtier. WHEREAS it appeared on tlw* trial of vV JOHN PEREGRINE. at the last Great Sessi,.ns for the said • Gllllitv, charged with the MURDER of MARGARET PO W ELL, "lute of the paiuu of liangel Aberbylhich, that ihere waS just cause »o suspect that some other persons had committed the said Murder, A Reward of FIFTY POUNDS is hereby offered to any person or persons who may dis cover and apprehend perpetrators '.hereof,- to be paid conviction, by applying to.the Clerk of the Peace for the said County." By order of the Quarter Sessions, MORGAN Clerk of the Peave. ^-Shire hall,Catuiarthen, April 9. I8>8 GLAMORGANSHIRE Most capital Savy Timber, Plank Logs, mid other Trees. TO BE SOU) HY AUCTION, At the Angel-inn. in the town of Cardiff, on Monday, the 27th ot April. 1818. between the hourii of three and fivjc the aftefTionn. suhpet. to such conditions as shall he 1 Produced the u ider-mentioned TIM BE II AND UNDEliWOOP, in the following or slich other be- agreed Uptlll at the time of salt", TOT t. F\NE Bundled OAKTIMBERTRE' S, V*: scribe-numbered progressively t to 100, »nd distinguished witli the letter A v^r each nimib -r 36 /.sH IIMBER I REES, scribed -numbered f to 36, and distinguished io the same manner 3 BEECH TlMBEll TREES scribe-numbered I to 3, and distiug.uislK.'d as aforesaid t ELM TREE, ditto ditto: i) POLLARDS, marked with a cypher; also about 6 Acres of tlNDEty- WOOX3. • Lot 2. Sixty-six OAK TIMBER TP. EES. senbe-mtm- Ijered progressively 1 to 66. ami distinguished with the letter B over each number i 30 A>H ditto, 1 toot), dis- tinguished as aforesaid 6 EL:\1 ditto, 1 to 6, ditto ditto; 5 SYCAMORE ditto, 1 to 5, ditto ditto 6 POLLARDS marked with a cypher. The above. Timber Trees and Underwood arc .standing and growing on Forrest-Isha Farm, in the patlsh of Whit, (jh^rch; are of large, dimensions and ol the best cju-tlit y, Calculated for the most superior .purposes of the Navy llie MerUiyr Canal runs tiHOugb'the.Farm. which is distant foor mifes distant from the seaport-town ot Cardiff, whicjli. yery desirable situation affords purchasers 411 opportunity Of serLdui" to all early market most valuable ttmber, 'B:I.rk, &:c. «,«.• N Morgan Thomas, Publican, aiTongwinllais, tiear Cardiff, %ill stiew the lots; and for other pa.;1;icu)ars apply to Mr. iThomas, S°Mcitor, Cardiff; or Mr. Morris. Kill Ely, GI a- Brorganshire ■■ ■ .j CARDIGANSHIRE. Geneitr Glynn Inclosure Act. :| WE, the Commissioners, nominated, and appointed to carry into execution an Act at P,ir_ foment, made and p»8»ed in the 3$d.yeiir,Qi': the, reign «i* Nis oresent Majestv. ililituttd, An.Act lor Inclosing Lands in the several parishes ofLiarilihangel. Geneu'r GIYlllland Idaneyiifelin, hi the county of Cardigan;" Do mtend to pro «ecd to the Salb by PUBLIC AitfcTtoi*>.aithe Gogenldan Arms-ian* in the lowii ot Aberystwith, oil Friday, the 5th oay of June next, between, the hours ol .three an<i five c'ctuctt in the afiarwwwn, of I he undermentioned LOTS PIECIES, or PAiKlRLS. of the said valuable MAXISII LAN DS..on the banks of .the I)ov £ ysubject lo the cbj). ditions of sale" to õe tliea arid there.produced, namely ;— • R. P. ;Lot 1. A Piece or Parcel ofi.that part-of the WI-arsli Land lying between Pill-JMoclmo and Pifl Trelrdddl. bouiided- on the iiorth. by, the D<»}f- <lTaio,on the.soath, by the Common, on theeasi.by iot 011 tbe west by Piil^MOehno.icoHtainin'g 20 0 0 < Lot 1. A Piece or Parcej'of diue, boMirdetl on the north by the Dell drain, on 1! e outh by the Common, on the cast by lot 3, and UII the west, by JQt 4 containillg •• .20 0 0, Lot S. A Piece or Parcel of ditto, bounded on the north by the Dftf drain, on.the Souih by the Common, aa. the vast by lot 4, and 011 the west lot 1, captaining. 7 •• •• 20 0 0: Lot 4. A Puce or Parcel of ditto, hounded ou thenorthbytheDeit drain.on tht-outhbythe 1, (Jommoiti on the ^ast by lot 5, and on the west by lot 3, containing 20 0 0 Lot.dr A.Piece or Parcel of ditto,, biritmfed 011 the north, by the Deft drain, on the south by tire Common on the east by Pill. Tre'rdddl, and on the west by lot 4, containing .go 0 1) -Lot 6; A, Piece, or Parcel of that part of ilie Mp^sh. Land lying eastward of Piil Tre'rdddl, founded untthen"rti) by Delf.drain, on.tlie • aauth and «^st by PiH Tre'rdddl. and on the east lot already sold, .containing- ■■•„* — 22 g 0 Lot 7. A P4ece:or. l?arcel«»f ilie Marsh Land, bounded on the north by the Deft doain/on the south by an intended public.roiidiMint the cast b.y. lotssold.mid onthe west by PlilLMotty>cent<ii.i>i»g 31 0 0, Hugh Rowland, ot Trt-'rddol, will shew the different lots, M»ith whom maps.1 hereof may In" seen • und furiher parti-, ciilars had upon application la Mr. Thomas Jones, Clefk ♦othe said Commissioners, at his Office, either at Aber- ly e vstwith or Macli^nlleth. Tig. J. JEKKINS, ROB. WILLIAMS. -it la, Aprils 1818. I TO BE LET, ANT) ENTEREb UPON IMMF.DrATELV, A DWELLING-HOUSE and GARDEN*, at fJroftygwastod, Wear Gwindu, in Lansamlet.— Fur her particulars may be known of -Mr. Daniel Jones,; Anrlin '-S'iulh, -,wall.ea" QTONE CO L, of superior quality, for the! I.} purpose of Malting, &c. NOW ON SALE, at the I -Wharf. Cardiff, at ^6s. per ton, or 3s. '6d-» per barrel. Apply to Mr. Henry Hooper, YVhartVCardilF. NOTICE. rpHE CREDITORS of the late RICHARD BE VAN, of Neath, Doctor of Physic, are requested immediately to send in the ainount and nature of their Demands u> 7Mr. UICRARO I j IVASI REED, at PenruttHii near Neath' and all Persons who stand indebted to the said RtCft AitD BEVA N; are, desired to send the amount of (heir Debts to th said RrCHARl) B RKED. 'illi'lellerg iiiiist be p;,st-t),Lid., Monmouthshire Canal Navigation. NOTICE IS hereby given, that the HALF- YEA RLY GEN ERAL MEETING,or ASSEMBLY of the COMPANY of PROPRIETORS this NAVI- GATION, will be held at the Canal Mouse, in Newport. Oil Wednesday, the 6th day of May next, at eleven o'cluck in the forenoon. TIIOS. COOKE, Clerk to the said Company! Newport, 21st April,'l8f8. CARMARTHENSHIRE. LLANARTHNBY, 1 LANON, LLANDEHIE, AND LLANI NIANGEL ABERBYTHICU INCLOSURE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the SALE of the PREMISES heret d'ore advertised for the tenth day of April inst. WAS L'OS I PONED, owing to ti-e indisposition of Mr. RICHARD JONIS, one of the Com- missioners. who conic! not attend but such SALE WILL TAKE PLACE, at Llandebie. on Monday, the first day of J nne ncxt.'nd for the Encroachers to attend on the dav following. RICHARD JONES, JOliN HAND. Carmarthen, lfilh April, 1818. GLAMORGANSHIRE'. CARDIFF TURNPIKE DISTRICT. NOTICE is hereby, given, that the TRUS- TEES of this DhTlUCT will ATTEND at the Cardiff Arms-inn, in Cardiff, 011 Saturday, the 'tel (lav of May next, to RECEIVE TE:.JDEllS, in writing, for CONTRACTS, for a i v term not exceeding Five Qr Seven Years, to IJOTanà KEEP 111 irood and complete REPAIR DL' i i) I the several Portions of .HO AD included in ihe said District, from the first day of July next, that is to say- MILT,S, From Cardiff to El v Bridge S Ely Bridge to Rhiwycodh-ut Rhiwycochon to Corner Park Wa!) 41. Car tiff to Rumney CMkton to Dvnas.iowis v CarriiJf to Green Meadow 5 Canton to Crossvane 7 From the second mile-stone on Caerphilly road ) ■„» to Drama,. A 3* From the Draman lo Caerphilly, and fiom Caer-i :3 phiHytoBedwos Bridge Any persons are at liberty to offol, for as many Division? is 1 h y may think hi, finding good and snflieient s -euriiy 1 r tlie perfoniiai'.ce ot the Cuuiracis. They must engage tu tmtintaui the full width of the present catriage way, and break all the stones to a speeilic gauge. MCHULL WOOD, Clerk to the Trustees of ihe said District. Cardiff. April fllh, Uil8. 1XJ COVER this SE.ibON, atOlle Guiiida -&. a Mare, and os. h Groom, that woll-bned Horse GENERAL PLATOFF, Rising Seven- )c cars' old-the -property of Danied Jones. This Horse-stands 16 hands-high, tree from all bhumsh, and his present Stock are remarkable promising he wa, got by th;:t bc.tHt)fu) horse, Genera) Benningsolt (the pro perty of Mr Watkin Williams Wynu, Bart.) PilI. of;, capital- -• mars of' Air. J,)ii("s, (,f l'ick-iiiii, near Bangor, Denbi^li- skire General Beniiiiigson was got by Meteor, who w;>s uot by Eclip -c General B'cnuingson's d'ain wnj. got by Ilia Higher, who was got by Oid King Herod. For General Benningion's deeds see the Racing Calendar. i»-'7* The moitey for the groom is/ to be paid at the time of coverings and the remainder on or before the 2ith day of June next. He will be, .at the GREYHOUND.- SWANSEA, every other Saturdny. and at,the KING'g HEAD, NEATH, every other Wednesday, commencing at the latter place wmhe'^9t'i April inslaut. "Fortune favours those who favour him" T. with gfAteful and unfeigned pleasure, allnounces to his best Friends, the Public, 1101 merely in words, but with increased S'XERLIIIG Pi-oofs, the truth of the above motto. As it Woiiid be scarcely possible lor BilHt to insert in the ;colums of a single newspaper Ati. the Capital Prizes sold by him in ANY QNE LOTTERY, the Public are respectfully referred to the Register of the nunVerous Capiials sold by BISH ill tlie last aird late Lotteries, which may be seen at either of his Offices in London, or at either of his Agents in this County. The following are only part of the Capital Prizes sold by BiSIi in the Lottery just finished who was the lirst Con- tractor to form a Scheme with-m>wNi^im double the Number of Capital Prizes in former Lottei 1(9, 4,706 H," 1016 Sixteenths. < £ 30,000 oil 1 17»595 In 2 Eighths aud 12 Sixteenths £30;500 Being Two Prizes of Out) otu of Tin ee. -ALB'0> entitled to Four Pif>es of Port Wine> 7,328 entitted atso to Four Pipei of Port Wine, Beimg Two out of Three. 3,107 a Pritfe of 15^000 1,371 a Prize of £ 5,t>00 ) Being Two out of Three. JJESIBES F'»ur of, £ 1,000 j Six ot » £ 400 j Sixteen of^SOO Five of ..j/.500 | Twelve of < £ 300 j &c. &e. It is with peculiar pleasure T. BISII solicits attention to A NEW LOTTERY, For the KING's BIRTH DAY, Grounded on the approved Plait of BISH's, containing 107 Capital Prizes, 3 Prizes of d 20,000, 20 Prizes of „ £ 1,000 each for the 20 First*-Ira-wn Prizes, which will be ,il I decided in thetirsf20 Minutes, ike. &c. Tickets and Shares are.now on Sale nt BISH's Ofliees, No. 4, Co.RNHitt, and 9, CHARING-CUOSS, LONDON, and by the following; Agents:1— Miss OA KEY, Librsiry, Swansea W, COX:, Bookseller, Aherystwith; BARRY and SON, Booksellers, Bristol; J. POTTER, Bookseller, Haverfordwest; J. BARCLAY, Druggist, Pembr.Jie Mrs. TYE. Bookseller, Wrexham•; P. GROVfe London Straw Hat Warehouse* Cardiff }- T. FORD, Wnggon-otSce, Motimvutb.: :A ■ "1 G R ASS SEEDS. I TO BE SOLD, A Quantity of MIXED SEEDS, for the laying-down Land for permanent Meadow or Pasture, Consisting of Ireloil, BrtVnet, Swt-et Scented Vernal, Cocksfoot, Meadow, FoxtU'il, and Fescue, and of Paceys Perennial Pvhye.,ras.s Seeda.—Also. a. few BUSHELS'of SPRING SEED WHEAT; and a COUPLE ofCALVES. boyond what are reared froih a favourite Durham and Hereford bull, whose stock has shewn ereat xytumetry and aptlludeto fatten. Enquire of Mr. Williamson, farmer, at Lauelay, near Cardiff; if by letter, post-paid. GLAMORGANSHIRE, To be Sold by Private Contract, or Let, > THE unexhausted term of a LEASE, dated the 1()th day of January, 1807, of a very desirable FARM, called PARK FARM, situate in the pari-di of Newcastle, and nearly adjoining the town of Bridgend, containing in quantity 14?A. tiR. (mure or less) granted for 20 years, from Lady-day then last past.. Immediate possession may be had by a porchaser or tenant. For particulars of price, reiit, lac. apply to Mr. Thomas Williams, of C"whritlge. Solicitor or to Mr. Rob. Jenkins. ot Ewenny the latter will direct a person. to shew the Premises. CARMARniENSHIRE. TO BE SOLD, ALL that FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, 1 FARM, and LANDS, called BI.AENYS VEILK v and SKIBBOR in the parish of Laiigtimior, in the count y f <>t Carmarihen, now let at the low rent of o £ '2i, under a lea-I', deierminable on the decease of ti.e survivor of two live*. '1 liia Farm is situate near the excellent market and port town of Carmarthen,Jn the celebrated Vale of Towey, and forms an eligible purchase. For further particulars appl V at the Office of Mr. Lewis Thomas, Swansea it by letter, post-paid. ( CARMARTHENSHIRE. = CA. TO BE LET, < FnOM LADY-OAY NEXT, J A Capital FARM, called BAILYVICAR, | situate one mile from the town of Lansawel, nine miles from Lampeter, ten fiom Landilo. aud ien from Lan- d.iverv; and comprising an excellent Dwelling-House and .Offices, in good repair. Farm-Buildings and Outhouses, on r a large scale, and i i tenai.table condition, and 0,0 Acres, s an i upwards, by admeasurement, of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land—rent per aim. A term will be granted to a lespousible tenant, if desired. For information apply to the Editor and to view the premises to Mr. Penry Gwyune, Island, near Lansawel. Carmarthenshire. CA RMARTHF.NSII tRE—SOUTH W A LES. « FOR SALE BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, A LL that very compact and valuable FIlEE. CX HOLD ESTATE,-called the ABERLASH ESTATE, in the parish of Llandebie, in the said county of Carmar- then consisting of several finely wooded imd well allotted Farms, m the occupation of respectable tenants, let at the J very low annual rrnt ot J llii. t fieso rtriiti. ——I— .i^r,.»<?»C€«jKl-:8Uiiatc vn the turn|)!ke-road leading from the market and post-town of Llundilo to the fashionable sea-port town of Swansea, through both of which places the London mail passes daily, distant from Llundilo six miles, and from Swansea fifteen miles, and two miles from lime and coal. The whole of the properly is intersected with Maiden Veins of Coal, which may be- worked at an easy expense, to great advantage. Parlicukrs may be had (if by letter, post-paid) on appli- cation to A. Manning, E-,q. John-street, Adelphi, London to S. II. Phillips. Esq Norfolk street. Strand, London; to Mr. William I lay, of Brinmawr. near Llandilo, who will shew the Premises: or to J. Beynon, Solicitor, Newcastle-1 Eniivn. Carmaithenshire, who will treat for the sale. —; —; —; —- G LA M O :.GA NSH111E. TO BE SOLD BY PIUVATE CONTRACT, ALL that FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or /&. DWIuLLTNG H()U»I5, Bakehouse Stable. Gar- dens, and otln r conveniences, with ah lit four Acres of good Pasture t.'md Hnd all that W A TER CORN G II 1ST and BOLTING "JILL attached Hiereto, called "IHI known i by the name of COW-BRIDGE TOWN MILL, situate on the river Thaw, in the parish of Lanblethian, in the said county, and within 500 yards of the plentiful market-town of CO" bridge. The: Dwelling-house is spacious wtid commodious, and is. together with the Bakehouse, Stable, and other Outhouses; in excellent repair. The Mill is attached to the Dwelling-house, ind tain. good order, being replete with every necessary Machinerv r. ftfr the purposes 01 preparing fiouri fine aiui coarse, and has bins which will contain at least 4000 Welsh bushels of grain; tile machinery is worked by a breast-shot wheel having two pairs of stones (one Welsh & the other French.) The Mill is alwayA supplied with a sufficient power of wa^er, and is ill full work. For further p.'rtictdars apply (if by letter, post-paid) ft? Mr. Thos. Basset:, Solicitor, Bonvilstouei ii&ar Cowbrid^i. Residence in South Wales. C ADOXTON LODGE* the residence of the late J..N. Miers, Esq. to be LET. ready Funiishdd (exctusive ot ptate, linen, and china), tor a term of five years it is situated in the most beautiful part of Glamorgan- shire, within nine miles of Swansea, and one mile of tlie excellent market and post-town of Neath, through which the mail-coach passes daily 10 and from London.—Tlie House comprises, on the ground-flour* a capital kitchen, back-kitchen, scullery, wash-house (with pipes to convey hot and cold water), laundry, servants'-nall, butler's-pantry, hou-!ekeepcr'-)oo)it. pAntries, dairy, cheese-room, StC. pn the first-floor, four excellent sitting-rooms: on the iecoil(i-, floor, six large bed-rooms, a dressing rootn-and water-ctoset: in the attic, the servants' room-rand a store-room.. Water is conveyed by pipest.) different parts of the house. There is an exceikllt Gorden, walled round with fruit-trets, in the highest-itate of perfection; aUo, an Orclutrd, stocked with choice trees; and at one end.of a handsome terrace is a fine Billiard-room, with a f'ull-siaed Table, by Er^ood. The stiibles. harness-room, coach-hwuse, granary, cow- house, pig-sties, kennel, and all the offices, are particu- |mrIy good and convenient. Any quantity of Land, not exceeding 60 Acres, may bb had Willi the house. For-further particulars apply to Hugh, Entwisle, Esq. Mount Dfumnia, eear N-eaili. Ail letters must be post-paid. Coal and Lime witliin a mile of the spot, and very cheap. 1 lie rent will be very moderate. Dr. Bdtemati9^ Pectoral JDrops, Prepared by BanCtAY aim SONS, No. 95. Fket-markot, London* (iriee Is.; l^d. duty included. rPIJE yartuefe of this inestimable medicine have bC("1I "511 long knovvtij that any comment on them in an advertisement appears unnecessary. The Drops f give immediate cas- in nil colds, COllghs. levers, rheuma-i Usui, cholics, pains in the breast, limbs, joints, &c. as thou- sands in this populous neighliourliood can testify. For ihe off ii,, poorer classes the proprietors have determined to continue the medicine at the original price of Is. l^-d. per bottle, and request that all persons will be particular in asking for Barclay's Bateman's Drops," and to observe that the names of th" proprietors, Barclay and .^ons. No. 95, Fieei-marketj is printed in the stamp affixed to the bottle. Sold at the original Wnrehous No. 10, Bow Church- yard, London; nndreínilbv T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper; Dniiel, Carmarihen Tudor. Monmouth; Davits, Haverfordwest; Wilmot, i'emiir.fke Biathwayte, Nar- berth W.illiaihs, Hay Rees, Neath and bv all venders ot repute.in the kingdom,i n bottle*alls# tl'l-rls;6d—and 2s 9d.,each. ot repute.in the kingdom,i n bottle*alls# tl'l-rls;6d—and 2s 9d.,each. INSANITY CURED. WEST.ON-H 0 USE, CHERTSEY, SURREY. MR. LUCETT informs the Public, that.lie still continues to Restore Persons .to Sanity, after having been for years tinder the care of Physicians, and certified by them as incurable; which certificates are con- tided to his care for the satisfaction of the friends of tlibse afflicted. Mr. Lucfcrr rectives a very limited number upon a principle of Cure only, and not confinement. In all the symptoms ofderangonettt, Relief is afforded iu M hotirs, and a Cure Coiinleted in a few nVdliths. N. B. I he direct road to Chertsey from Bristol is, tlirough Reading, Wokingham, Sunning-hill, Sec. TO BE LET, ? AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSIO1» IIAí). A pood ^ARM-HOUSE; consisting •« £ i. r"~ orewbOuse, dairy, kitchen, hall, parlour, and four bed-rooms, with a. Stable, Garden, and a good Orchard idjoining thereto, situate in the village of Treose, in the parish ot Langan, in the coutlty of Glamorgan, within three miles of the town of Bridgend, four of Cowbridge, iind one of the Golden Mile, where the mail and Other roaches pass and repass daily. The Household Furniture, together with the Dairy and Brewing Utensils, may be takt-n at a fair valuation. A ho, TO BE DISPOSED OF, One Cow, which has lately calved One Cow and Calf; ind One to calve in May; a Horse Cart and Harness. About Eigi,tecii Acres of rich Land may be bad, if re- ]uircd, witfun a short distance of the premises ror particulars apply to Mr. John Jones, at Treose, who vill shew the premises, and treat for the same if by letter, Mat-paid. lliis advertisement will not he repeated. Ihe Book of iVonders; or, The Wonderful Book. THIS nAY WAS PUBLISHED, Price 9s bound, illustrated by gIGUTY EXOHAVINUS of the most curious and remarkable objects, RHE HUNDRED WONDERS OF THE WORLD,'including W«i)dersof Nature and Wonders If Art, compiled from the Transactions and Records and earned Societies, and from the Works of the latest Travel- ers, Naturalists, and Topographers, and adapted in every iart to gratify the curiosity' of all dascriptiou of readers. ,Id and young, learned and unlearned. By the Rev. C C. CLARKE. Perhaps no Work was ever published which, at once, nerited and commaHded a niore extensive Patronage than } e present. It is popular and vti'ga-, and filled vitit rela- ions boardering on the marvellous, without being eithre :redulous or superstitious. Every article is derived from espectable quoted authorities, and though every page will jr^tify the lowest decree of intelligence, no mail of letters leed be ashamed to have this volume seen in bis library Printed for J. Souier, 73, St. Paul's Church-yard and mid by J. Camming, Dublin; Constable and Co. Ed in- jurgh; Wilson and aon, York Mozley. Derby and all Booksellers. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Beat-irin, in the town of Cowbridge, on Tuesday, the 28th day of April instant, between the hours of two conditions in tlie afternoon (subject to such mean time by Private (JoVAi'atCiViJr"Tiicti nut1.,aer>,y> A'n be given. ALL that CUSTOM A RTHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, and LANDS, called and known by the name of SIX WELLS, containing by esti- uiigion 111 customary Acres, situate in the pansh of bunt- wit-Major, in the county of Glamorgan, lately held by William John, as tenant, at the yearly rent ot. -i 160.—1 he Premises are distant from the town of Bridgend eight niiles, and from the town of Cowbridge three miles. William Richards, of Pwllhelig, will shew iHft Premises and for further particulars apply to Wittiant Edwards Attorney. Merthyr; if by letter, the postage must be paid The Old Maid, the Monkey, and the Cat. A t the west of the town lives a maiden whose ddyS I Are deep in a stitie of declension, And she like the rest of her sisterhood pays to nionliies iind cats her attention- One morn Mr Pug brolie the ring or his chaitn And pifiased from its weight to be lagh,tened, Ran about till lie saw in his humorous velll. A hoot Wanen's Blacking had brightened. Surprised, yet afraid of itS fceaiity, he ejei His face "in its elegant hue. y Ytet to mischief inclined seized a cat as his pri&i And brought ber the wondet to view. But the Cat, not <o frightened as Pug, made no riioife l'o do, but slit ,ii the boot rittl'di She howled and the scratched, and she rallied and forri One wou'd have thought there were twenty eiUbaltied. The lady came in live midst of the fray,' > The monkay jtihiped upon her should)^, And Screaming and fear struck slie hobided awayj No being on eartli coidd then hold her. Oh save mL- I oh 91tveme slie furioifsly cried. J To her footman who ran out to find her, But like her he thought that Old Nick he espied, In the shape of poor Pug bllng behind her. But no Sooner he entered and saw the fair boot, S(I brightly and jettily beaming, i Thall he knew Warren's Blacking alOnfe wai the toot Of all the disorder and screaming. To his lad r the cause was no sooner made known, And she too the bright boot liad seen. Than she ordered with Warren's Jet Blacking alone. Her boots and her shoes they would clean. The above inestimable Blacking is prepared by .r:ttd- (Rfcttloved to) 30, STRAND. London arid Sold at Swansea Edmonds. Carmarthen .T.Evans, Jenktiis, Harris, • 4 Bevan, Baldwin, Walters, 'I' Morgan. Jones, Ltandovery t. Davies, llircliall, Ree* Morris, Llanelly Roberts, Radcliffe, Evans. Swetmaii, Kidwelly., Evans, Ncafil », Rees, Rees. Morgan, Tenby Reynolds Arthur. Gtilfiihs, Cowbridge Ballard. Gwy flier, Bridgend. Mevrick, Pembroke Wilmot, Llewelyn; Pai;.ter, Mefthyr «. Stephens, I Cha-c, Kay, Milford Starbuck, Davis, I'ritchard. Jones. Haverfordwest, .Gibhs, Cardiff Davies. I Warlow, Llandaff Johnson, } Iteen, Lantrissent' W..I0I111. Allen, Caerphilly T. Jones. Janiine, Newport. Lewis, Gladstone Jotiejt, Brecon Watkins, rr B'fdT Evans, Tredegar. parry. Vaughar- Cardigan. C.,Lewi> And by most Boot.makcn.. Grocers, Ironmongers, Brtitli makers, Perfumers, &c. in every town in the kingdom w stone Bottles, (id. lOd. «nd 18d, each. TO RE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, 1'. If P, NEW^expedition, ^ow '.ving uithiiiihe pbrtof Swansea, Burden by register 57:Ions, but will carry 0 ,ua^r,als- ai-d good condition, aufi ill eiPe"se. hi?0* BARGES, olie about SO tons htrnten,.he other nl^Vot 30 Ions, both in workihg condition. rl^tiVr <l.rt',6f.Partlc«ta^ apply to Mr. John Bevan, Mur- nston, ,il by letter, tlie postage to be paid. Ihrtt Cdmmolts Turnpike Trust. Are desirous of CO NTR ACT- Ai,d Gl^VELLlNG the NEW JL « tr<nn thr-Great Moanlain 10 Pontardulais. are requested to sepd m Estimate for doing ,hC sarne m me, tMioer sea I, on ot before t fie 9*th ,ia„ ,,f f, » f MEETtNC .ill be Bd « S Goldl*?^'S tbe lT! Monday, the V7th day of April inst. for aDDrobauo'n ot 1 Coilruclln& for lhe same, subject to the approbation of ihe Surveyerot the said Trust. ^d )s to be covered 18 inches on the crown or op, 11 inches oil the quarters or sides, and six inches n thc extremities, and the stones are to be broken to a sne- cific guage H R°arl »s r?nS«l out by stakes and hales;— „CR^,I™R:R'MR- GLA MO RG ANSlilRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Cfe Saturday, ihe of Ma,, tm, (or in the mean while Swansea^ « Bu.l?.ia«. in High-st.eet, TTIOIHF?SIJAGES or DWELLING* U S s^uatfc in the borough 01 Lomrhnr :n u'Le or'tiPh of011,^ is known by'the 1 f^,e LAMfe-iNMi Consisting of a kitchen. hpH i„0USt' a"f Parlour- on ll,e ground floor; and five -ood bed-roouiS and garret over the whole House witli a laree Slope-House behind, Irom one end of the House 10 !'■(» other, measuring 42 feet in front.—The other Houmt eonsistS of four good rooms on the grottnd, and attic stories, witli Gardens^o each Outhouses and other conveniences Ine above Houstes are within 120yards Of excellent coal Ihe present rent for both Uouses is £ 20 a year Possession may be had .-it Michnehim next; ami for further particulars apply to, he Proprietor, John Harrites, Louplior, T. Lowen, Auctioneer, or J. W. Mansfield! bo^citor, Swansea if by letter, the postage lhèreof to be BRECOftSHIRE. Very eligilft and Inrproveabk Freehold Properly. FOR SALE BY AUCTION, ,f p By THOS. PROSSER, at tne Bush-inn, m the tovVn ,,f R„» ^th day of june, 1818, at four O'e wi, "7^' or such other lots as may be agreed auhelmie of Lot l. /i"1 Pnv^ fWractV: JTX and LANDS, called PISTILL, situate in die parish of Llanfihangel-Talyllyn, in the county or Brecon, consisting of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land. in (tuitable proportions, containing 241 tatute Acres (more or le^s), noW in the occupation of Mr. Evan Jones, as tenant irom year to year; Lot 2. All that MESSUAGE, FARM, and LANDS* called COURT-Y-PRIOR, situate in the parish ol Liar*, gorse, in the said county, containing above 65 statute Acres, and now in the occupation of Thomas Powell, under a tease for two lives (one aged about 55. and the othct about50), at the low yearl v reserve ) rem of' £ 24 T Lot 3. All that MESSUAGE, FARM, and LANDS, called TYR-Y CAPPEL, situate in the said parU, of i f-J gorse, and adjoining lot <i. containing about 1.5 statute Acres, and now 111 the occupation of Benjamin Mor is under t leas tor ha own life (now aged abOut frj). at the low yearly reserved rent of 10. ^ARMf and LANDS, called LLAN\L.Ti\ LCHA^ situate ,,1 the sa.d narish of Llangorse, and dd|on.in^ lot 2 and 3. containi, aboui 33 statute Acres (more or les», and rtow in Uie occupation of Benjamin Morris, as tenant from year to year, at the low- Nearly rent 01 ■' 24. Lot 5. Ail that .MESSUAGE, FARM. and LANDS* c. lied HEOL-Y CEVEN, situate in the said parish of LLANGORSE, in the occupation of William Jones,, as tenant Irolli year to year. The Inst four lots are ehtitled to a valuable Right of Common ou the adjoining Hills; Lot 6- AH that MESSUAGE, FARM, and t AM no. called PENBRIN and BLDDW, Mtnaie in the parish of fUigartb, ii. the said couaty, conta.ni.ig about 50 stattite Acres (more or less), in the occupation of the said Evatt Jones, as tenant from year to year. This Farm is entitled to a valuable Sheep Walk on the Black Mountain. For a view Of the several Ms apply to the tenants; and for particu !ars to MrSaraue! Prichard, ofTredomen Mr 1 hoiitas Proster, or Mr. Samuel Church; Brecon. HORNB ROOK SPECTORA L DROPS, Prepared solely from Vtgefablest rT^moA-S,r>D M,ED1CIVE THE WORLD! pHl» incomparable Medicine is fat superior ;!n;v ev,er .yet "ffered to Uie Public. ti:e diate Rel.et and gradual Rfcmoval of COUGHS- COMS HOARSF.nkSS, DiMicdr.Tr. CATARRHS. ASTHMAS, and CONSUMPTIONS, and in ail FtAtutrvT COMPHINTS it helps Digestion, strcngthens the Solids, increases lheAp- petite and is'an admirable Remedy for the HOOPING or Ctitl,Covc;n iii Ciiil,irvt)i Sold for the Proprietor by Barclay and Sons TCn 0»? Fle/,V,iV1,Lke^ Lwld(in in Price is. n'! £ 9d and 10s. 6dt duty nicluded.-Ohserve the names of Bkrc'a* S2X5C LO"C" BO",E' riaSpeldlTs?e;b7„iV,I^lntlfnt T' •T,enki,lS' of this Mertiivr-Tidl'• V Swa",st:'V Neath Dyke, Bridgend- V»ph!ll o'u'-ir > ^lilan,S| Brecon 5 Davies, ve 1111 v • P'*i 1 1'. 'T ?e• Wyke, Aberga- then 'ind'11 lC. e" al'd Harris, CarmaH- .ind Duvics, druggi.-t, Haverfordwest. Dr. Sydenham's Family Pills of Health, Df -f ,EN'1 RELY VEGETABLE, ISCOVER.ED and introduced into practice by that illustrious -Physician, asa remedy Ho: Hilious Afli'tiions. either,.whvn they ecdasion Flat'.jfiwe Spasm; tj"" »' u Stomach, or produce Nausea Vertigo,-and Head-Ache; indeed, they are found gradually t restore tone to the digestive organs, and consequently general health to the system, by iheif mild but efficacious actioiii nothing ca^prove the. superkirity of these Pills, more than the.number of-.Cases comwunicaied by persons of the highest resp'-cuoility, and tlie couir.enance shewn them by the iirst Mt-ilieal Characters of 11>p (ireseiu day. Sold wholesale and retail by J. Rees. Statroner, High- street, Bristol, without whose name on the stamp. II. n< can be fje:iuiiie.( in hoses, at Is. t{d. i's. <)d. and family boxes 4s. 6d. Sold al5o by T. Jetikins. Miss'Oakey, and- Mr. Daivt,, Druggist. Swwisea. Daniel, BookseI|er,Carma-rthen Jos. Hybert. Neath; James Bradley, Cu>»bridge; Charles-, and Willi,tin achell, Cardiff livan Evans, Caerphilly; Williams, Merthyr-tydfil Heath, Printer, Monmouth A. Junes, Newport Bradford, Chfnstow Vaughan, Brecon Davies, Draggist, Haverfordwest; Wilm r, Peiwhr«ke Liewellin, Pyle Lott, Llanrii'o Wyke, Abergavenny, and by every lespectabla Medicine Vender iii the Untili Kin^doui>.