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!L- A COTTAGE. WANTLD to RENT, for a term of years, i or lives, a NEAT COTTAGE, with a GAUDKV. j tl-nd from 12 to SO Acres of good Lallll attached, situate ill a pleasant part of South NV,-tles. -Apply (it by letter, post- i paid, specifying particulars) to Mr. Sleeman, Tenby rpHE TRUSTEES of the Estate and Effects! JL of JOHN SHAPLEY TUCKER. lute of Swansea, in the county of Glamorgan, Shipbuilder, deceased, intend to meet on Tuesday, the 16th day of December next. at; eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the Otrice of Messrs. Ber- *ington and Jenkins, Solicitors, in High-street, Swansea, to make a Dividend of the said Estate and Effects, vested in them under or by virtue of a certain Deed or Indenture bearing date on or about the 2iltlt day of June, 1816 The Creditors who have not proved their Debts are then, or in the meantime, to prove the same, and execute the Deed tit Trust, otherwise they will be excluded the benefit of the said dividend. BERRINGTON and JENKINS, To-the Clergy of the Diocest of Laud of. f 5 iriil'' ^lsn°p Lniidaff begs leave to inform A hi* Clergy, that an ADDRESS of CONDOLENCE to HIS ROY At HIGHNESS THE PRINCE REGENT, from the Bishop and Clergy of the Diocese, now lies for f signature at Dr. Mall's, at LandafF; that it v\ill then be sent to Dr. Williams, at Cowbridge, where it will remain about a week and that it will afterwards lie successive! v sent to %Taclicii, i!ie Itev. '1'. A. Wiiii'llill at the Rev. F. Lewis, at Maclien, ihe Rev. T. A. Williams, at ¡ lJsk, the Rev. W Powell, at Abergavenny, and the Rev. Dr. Fane, Chepstow. To the Beneficed Clergy of the Diocese of Landajf. THE Beneficed Clergy of this Diocese who, being iu want of Curates to serve their Churches, propose to nominate such persons as are Candidates for Holy Ord er«, are requested to kef-pi;) mind the following pas- 1 *age of the Charge delivered by (he Bishop of LundaiF at Ins Visitation in August last:— With this improvement in the condition of Curates, I hope, that among the Candidates for Holy Orders, even in this Diocese, the number of those who have had a University educaii >n will 'Continually augment, till the necessity ot ordaining persons, who are nat sel qualified, shall altogether cer.se. In conformity with the expectation expressed in this sen- L tence. the Bishop of Landaff desires the Beneficed Clergy of his Diocese to nominate, as Candidates for Holy Orders. those only who have received a University education, if such Candidates can bel obtained. An exception will of course be made in favour of Candidates for Priests Orders who have been already ordained Deacons by the Bishop of LandafF. But if, notwithstanding the augmentation in the income of Curates, it should as yet be difficult to obtain a sufficient number of Candidates from the Universities, and the deficiency-roust be supplied by accepting those, who liave lIotlrcceived this advantage, the Bishop of LandafFhas provided for such cases, by establishing Divinity Schools in central situations of the two parts of his Diocese, namely, Cowbridge, in Glamorganshire, and Usk, in Monmouth- shire, where all Candidates for Holy Orders (with the above- named exception), who have not been at either University, Satut study during the space of one year before they can oflfer themselves for Ordination. The short period of one year is fixed for the present limit, to prevent as much as I passibte impediments in the way of Ordination but when » year Itas elapsed from the date of this advertisement, the J>eriod for the study of Vhiniti/, cither at Cowbridge or at Usk, will be extended to TWO YEARS. Cambridge December 8 18*7 "NE \V P ORFSCHOOZ; j ~3i>*inTrm.*h0birv,- -1 CONDUCTED M-Y MR, C. MCCARTHY, iN9 ASSISiANT A: WILL Close on the 17th inst. and Re-open j on the i'6th of next January. The System of Tuition comprising the Greek and Latin j Classics, the French language, and the Mathematics, to the i greatest degree of extent and accuracy usually expected j in institutions of the first repute—is particulr.jly introduc- j tory to the Universities and oilier public establishments, and generally to the learned professions and the higher departments of trade. Considerable tiru^ and attention are also devoted to the English language, to Geography, and to what is teimed .Commercial Education. The Premises are in an open airy situation, spacious and replete with every requisite convenience. The sincerest acknowledgements arednefor the liberal *upr>ort and encouragement hitherto experienced and Mr. M'Carthy begs to assure his friends and the public, that no exertion or sacrifice on his part shall be wanting to fullil the expectations of those who may honour him with their Confidence—and he confidently trusts, that the liberality of a discerning public will not fail to ensure him continued success in his ardu us endeavours to supply the want of a School of the first orJer, so Jong felt and complained of in this part 1ft he country. It is reque ted that applications may be made as enrly as possible References veiy numerous and highly respect- able Term-; as usual. New ports Dec. 9, 181?. THE fcELOVED AND MUCH LAMENTED PRINCESS. Ca 6th December will be published, PART I.—Price 3s. MEMOIRS of her Roval Highness CHAR- LOTTE AUGUSTA PRINCESS of WALES, &c. containing all the most remarkable Events, illustrative of the Domestic and Public Lile of that Illustrious Personage, from her Infancy to the period of her much lamented Death, fnner. ) Rites, &c. The whole collected and arranged, from Authorised Smirc.cs only, By ROBERT HUISFI, Esq. This interesting Work is recommende d to the attention of .dt Ranks in Society, and especially as one of the most proper to be put into the hands of the British Youth of both Sexes, affording them a bright example of nnsujiied good- neSll, rarely to be met with in elevated rank, which, if fol- lowed, will infallibly lead them to virtue, piety, and real happi-neiis. The. Work will be comprised ill Four or Five parts, and ornamented with Eight or Ten Engravings, con- sisting of Portraits of her ROYAT, IIIGTIMKSS and o-f FIUTICI y,t;orot,D View of Claremont, Funeral Procession, State Coffin. &c. &c. v t In order to promote the general circulation of this valu- able memento, it is also divided into Sixpenny Numbers, to accommodate all ranks of people. London: printed for THOMAS KET.T.Y, Paternoster-row and may be had, of the Bookseilers iu all parts of the Kingdom. GQLT AND RHEUMATISM. THE Remedy which experience abundantly proves to have succeeded best., and which continues fully to support its high and well-merited reputation in the Gout, Rheumatic Gout, and Acute Rheumatism, is DR. WILSON's TINCTURE. A single dose, of from 30 to 60 drops, removes the most agonizing pain of gout and rheu- matism in a few hours, and a single repetition effectually cures the complaint; whilst, in doses of 5 to 10 drops, ad- ministered for several successive nights, as an alterative, it effectually prevents the attacks of these disorders, allays ftotity and rheumatic irritations, restores strength and sup- pleness to the joints, corrects morbid secretions, especially of the liver, evacuates redundant or vitiated bile, promotes wppetite and digestion, affords a powerful relief in the lum- bagu and gravel, improves the$roerai health, and is so <tasy find gentle in its operation, that persons very young, sged, <»r infirm, may take it with perfect safety. S<-ld wholesale by Messrs. Sutton & Co. 10, How Church- London; and retail by T.Jenkins, Printer of this. PaperD-.niel, Carmarthen Tudor, Monmouth Davids, flij'vertordwes*Wilmot, Pembroke; Biathwayte, Nar* berih 'vYiUt-wm, Hay Rees, Neuth and by all venders. 9f'r?pa!e in the isingck m, Price-4s. 6d, per bottle. t.r- i II I Kil II>ill»II11 ■■■ WMMMBgW—BEMMMM—OBBM Mn. EDrTon, I Take the liberty of explaining to the Inha- bit >iits of SWANSEA, through the medium of your Paper, the reajon which induced me to with-hold for so long a inie the Requisition to the Portreeve f»r a General Mectms respecting the intention of a few individuals, (or ratiiur 01 ulr. Richard Phillips) to erect a Pest-wouse upon Swansea Burrows. Alter tl le Requisition had been presented to the Por- treeve, who had appointed a Meeting, and delivered it to the Printer, i:. was suggested to me, that the measure would prubably be abandoned provided the advertisement were withdrawn ;—iu consequence of which, I had a conversation with Mr. Radcliffe, about two o'clock on the Thursday, which is the day of printing the one side of the Cambrian newspaper. Mr. Radcliffe expressed a wish that the ad- vertisement should be kept back till the last moment, iu order to give time for the parties to meet and make an amicable arrangement. I undertook to keep it back tiil four o'clock, and begged the Portreeve to favour tne with his attendance to withdraw the advertisement, if necessary. About four o'clock, the Portreeve and myself catted at Alf. Radcliffe's shop, who informed us that the parties fetid < ruttr, and tlw.t for tear of mistake, be had committed his message to writing He then gave me a paper, of which the following is a copy — At a conversation had at the Bank with three or four gentlemen, who have the charge of the Funds for erecting Recovery Wards, they appeared- entirely disposed to re- tnove the scite thereof to any other spot equally conve- nient, in order to prevent the peace of the town from being broken in upon, and design to look out for the saute (added by Mr. SocKetl) and which shall not be prejudicial to the reputation of Swansea." (Presint) GEO. JONES, RICH I). PHILLIPS, T. BTGG, 11. EATON. J. R. Tim Portreeve and Mr. Radcliffe both considered this as a bona fide engagement to abandon the scite objected to, and at my request the former withdrew the advertisement. These circumstances took place on the 23d of October last, since which time the measure has not been proceeded iu. til! within a few dilyi. when I found that the workmen had actually begun the foundation of a Pest-house upon the very identical spot of ground objected to in the advertise- ment, and alluded to in the agreement. In consequence of this discovery, I sent two notes to Mr. Eaton, chinning the perform nice of the agreement as a, point of honour, and received from linn the following note :— Robert Eaton's respects to Henry Sockett-, has received his note ;—he does not know of any agreement between the friends of the erection of Recovery Wards and H. S. that has not been fulfilled. It has been their d, sire to meet his wishes consistently with the welfare of the proposed Establishment, which occasioned their delaying uutillloW the commencement of the building." As a Meeting will, in ail probalJihiy, be called, and what I consider a positive breach of promise, be then discussed, I shall now content myself with teis plain statement of facts. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, II. SOCKETT. To the PORTREEVE of SWANSEA. Srit, WE, whose names are hereunto subscribed, beg leave to request that vou will CALL a MEE T- ING of the INHABITANTS of SWANSEA, to take into consideration the best means of PREVENTING the ERECTION of a FEVEH. HOUSE near the Beach, a measure anogetjier unnecessary 0n account of the provi- dential salubrity of the air of Swansea, and which must prove highly, injurious tb its reputation us a public place, by creating faLt alarms, and productive of a great increase of expense to the perish. i 110.0)4* Mobiles. I Walter R.litcheM J?" Jones George Rees Jo/ln Davies John James n. Tcnnant H. Ainsworth f John Popkin S. Llewelyn George Hanson Wm. Spe cer John Andrews Allen Page W. G. Williams D. Loni." J. Mnishull J. iUieimd L. Michael John Swann T. Sylvester W- Terry John Morgan Daniel Harris liobt. Crawford, Bart. J. M. Voss Henry Griffith Stephen Jones Michael Williams John Davies, M. R. C. or Surgeons John Chessbyre Joseph Green D. Davies H. J. Williams Jacob Moseley John Davies B. Morgan 1). Perrott Francis Hancorne Amos White Thomas Jenk ins Tho. Davies, ropemaker Mary rLncmin D. Gwyuiie. I Joseph Green j John Whife Thomas Walters Witi. ,loi,e3_ John Francis Richard Webb Joseph Williams David Walters Joseph Wood Thomas Rowland Alex. Griffiths Grflilh Walters Toomas Powell Samuel Jenkins J. W. Clark John Clark James Morris Elizabeth Humphreys Thomas Harries Jacob Cohen Griff'. Jenkins T. Howell Jolw Nicson WITI. Jones James Dalton S.I, anus Dalton Capt. Wm. Jenkins David Nicholls Charles Evcniss Benjamin Hawkins George Llewheliing John Rees Thomas Rees Wm.■ M. Rees D.Sanders Jame- French David Francis, Jun. David F, ancis, Sell. Rees Be van R. Barrel t William Williams J. M Irwin. IIIGompliancl" with the above Requisition I CONVENE a MEETING of the INHABITANTS of the TOWN and NEIGHBOURHOOD, to be holden at the TOWN-HALL, on TUESDAY, December 16, at twelve o'clock. T. EDW. THOMAS, Portreeve. Swansea, Dec. 9, 1817. THE FAMILY PILLS of HEALTH, en- -1. tirely Vegetable, Price Is. ltd. per Box. Sold Wholesale and Retail by J. 11EES, Stationer, 46, High-street, Bristol. None are genuine but those signed J. REKS, on the Stamp. ;ft" Country Orders attended to with punctuality. To Mr. REES, High street, Bristol. Sir, CIIEI.TK.vitAM, Oct. 2,18J7. I have much pleasure in bearing testimony to the great benefit I have received from your Pills. Having been several days suffering with a Bilious attack, attended with Loss of Appetite, Depression of Spirits, Head-Ache, S-c. I was recommended by a friend here to take your Pills, as he had a box in his house; in the course of twenty-four hours I felt quite restored. From the mildness of their operation, I have no hesitation in stating, that they are the most safe and efficacious Medicine, in such cases, I have ever met with. I am, Sir, your most obedient servant, HEN RY IOMKINSQN. P- S. For the truth of this statement, as I am going abroad I beg to refer you to a Professional Gentleman of eminence, whose name 1 send yen], under the firlll depend- ance that it shall only be used lo satisfy respectable persons, and not in any manner published in advertisements or bills. You will please to send me, by the bearer, one dozen boxes well packed. The following Patent Medicine Venders are appointed Agents in Wales — T. Jenkins, Swansea; Daniel, Carmarthen, Varheil, Cardiff; Vanghan, Brecon Evan Evans,Caerphilly Lott, Llandilo Williams, Merthvr Heath, Monrtiooih 'Wil- mot, Pembroke; Abraham Jones, Newport; Wilkes, Aber- gavenny and Wm. LlevveDin, Pyle. ) COUNTY OF RADNOR. AT a numerous and respectable MEETING of the FREEHOLDERS of the COUiNTY of RADNOR, held at the Shire-hall, in the town of Pres- teign, in the said county, on Saturday, the 6th day of December, 1817, in pursuance of a Requisition to the High Sheriff for the purpose of considering the propriety of pre- senting an ADDRESS of CONDOLENCE to his Royal Highness the PRINCE REGEN T, on the lamentable event which had so severely affected the Royal Family and the whole Kingdom, PEN RY POWELL, Esq. High-Sheriff, IN THE- ClfAlR; It was unanimously Resolved, That the following Address be presented to his Royal Highness the Prince Regent:— I Iti' it please your Royal Highness, We, the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the county of Radnor, inhabitants of that part of the kingdom peculiarly connected with your Royal Highness, viewing with the most profound sorrow the paternal affliction with ¡ which your Royal Highness i« ownrwlveiiaed by the I«- mentable deatn of 3-our he.'fiiVrj Dsugftte.r, her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte ■Augusfa» beg leave to offer to your Royal Highness on? he-artfelt expressions of sympathy and condolence- We, in common with his Ma- j jesty's affuctionate and loyal subjects, had viewed with anxious hope and satisfaction the many excellent virtues and an/iab!e qualities which her Royal Highness had so early c/eveloped. We had been gratified also with bi?hold- ing tlnf promise of happiness which the union of her Royal Highness with his Serene Highness Prine# Leopold of Cobourg held out to themselves and the country—and being deeply sensible of the blessings we enjoy under the beniiin sway of the Princes of the illustrious House of Brunswick, we had looked forward to enjoy through her a continued prolongation of them. We cannot, therefore, but deplore the melancholy death of her Royal Iliglmess with deepest sorrow and affliction. Humbly submitting to the Divine will, we devoutly pray the Almighty to bestow his comfort and support on your Royal Highness, and on his Serene Highness the Prince Leopold oi Cobourg, in this unexpected and must severe affliction. And we dutifully offer to your Royal Highness our most sincere assurances', that in no circumstances of sorrow or trial shall we ever be found wanting in affec- tionate loyally to the Throne, (lr in cordial attachment to our happy constitution. Resolved, That this Address he signed by the Higli Sheriff for and in the name of the Meeting. That the High Sheritfbe requested to present the Address to the Prince Regent, in the manner most agreeable to his Royal Highness's feelings. That the thanks of this Meeting be given to Thomas Frankland Lewis, Esq. for preparingand muring tile above Address. PENRY POWRLL. Sherilf. | -The High Sheriff baring quitted the Chair, ami Sir Har- ford Jones, Bart, having at the request of the Sleeting taken the same, RMpf d. That the thanks of the Meeting be given to Penry Powell, Esq. the'High Sheriff, for his readiness in convening this Meeting, and lor bis conduct in tb" Chair. HARFORD JONES. On January 1 1813, Kill be published, Vol. I. Purt 1. of the 17 NCYCLOPZE D. A M ETROPOLITANA I or u N i.VERSA L DICTtON AIlYv! KNOWLEDGE.; on ,-tn Original Dun with appropriate and entirely New Engravings —comprising the two fold itdvantage of'a Piii- tosophical and an Alphabetical Arrangement. In four principal divisions (a portion of which will be given in every part) viz. I. The l'URK SCIENCES. ? vols. IL The i\IlXED <Inri APP!,P:D ;CIFNCES, 6 vo:s. III. BIOGRAPHY, cbronoloL'ieally arranged, inter- -« 2 uf ,sI»??:o.r*, J 1yv,)!s.- 1 IV. An ATPHABimCAL. M1 EOUS, and ¡ St) PPLEMEN I ARV DJ V ISI.ON, contititiing a (Iazkt- TEER, or complete Vocabulary of Geography; and a Pbiiosophica! and FCiyniological LEXICON of the English Language; 0 vols. An INDEX one volume, iota) TEEn. or complete Vocabulary of Geography; and a Pbiiosophica! and FCiyniological LEXICON of the English Language; 0 vols. An INDEX one volume, iota) tWClll Y.Ii ve volumes.—.See Pro5j!cctlls. I CONT)H:S. 1. This Work will be published regularly in Parts, con- tinuing about Fifty Sheets of Letter oil n line demy I paper, ai least once every three months. Two Parts to make a Volume. •2, The price of the Parts, in boards, will be One Guinea: the Work will be handsomely printed, and the Purchasers, may be assured not only ot the uniformity and punctuality of its appearance, but also of its completion within the prescribed limits, on the entirely new ground of its digested plan: to which therefore particular attention is requested. 3. Each Part will contain oi> tho average twelve engrav- ings. and care will be taken that the plates and the corres- pondent text are published as' much as pe-ssible together. Authentic portraits will accompany the biographical part. <1. A lewjeopies will be printed 0:1 super-royal paper,'with proof impressions of the plates/price 7wo Guineas boards. The object proposed in the "Plan of this Encyclopedia, is to unite more perfectly'than has hitherto been attempted, the advantages of a Scientific Arrangement of knowledge, with the conveniences of an Alphabetical Repertory. As a book of constant Reference amongst all classes of the community, its daily usefulness, it is presumed, will be I facilitated by the certainty of finding ail things in their right places, and, generally., each thing at oncc while for the purpose of Instruction, and the connected pursuit of scientific knowledge, the dccided superiurity of a philoso- phical division of the sciences, must be obvious to every reflecting mind. The Work, in its first two divisions, will be found to contain every portion of human knowledge, and every principle of human conduct, in its natural position amongst first principles, and in its connection with other sciences,— then )n its application to all the purposes of life. Tilt; BioGiiArmcAt., or third division (If the Work, proposes to unite two original adv;tlltages-a BIOGRAPHY of the eminent men of all countries, chronologically arranged and the far larger portion of H aTO R Y, ill the engaging form of Biography. The A LPILUIETICAI. and I,j,x icoc, PA- PO re A 1. MISCELLANY, which constitutes the fourth division, will contain every scientific term in its usual alphabetical position in other Encyclopaedias, with a direct reference to its place in this a complete GAZETTEER, accompanied with corresponding: Maps and Charts; many particular and local illustrations of science that will admit of no other classification and every authentic WORD iu the ENGLISH LANGUAGE, supported by its authority. An extensive verbal Index, which will be prepared from, every sheet as it proceeds, will be published in one volume at the close of the Work. It is evident, that undorsuch an arrangement, the reader will be able to find every thing prominent in the Arts and Sciences at one reference, viz under its own name, or class in the Pure or Mixed Sciences: but in two references, viz with another to the alphabetical division, it is hardly possible he should be disappointed in the object of his search ;— while upon the plan of former Encyclopedias, a purchaser must look through from ten to forty articles in each of the Pure Sciences before he could finish any one. Printed for Rest Fenner, Paternoster-row and may be had of T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper. The Rev. Mr. Carrington s Vegetable Jafe Pills. Y rousing the vital powers they enable 9 nature, witlun the short space of twenty tour hours, to cure recent, and relieve inveterate colds, coughs, rheu- matism, flatulence, sickness, pains of the stomach, cbolic, depression oftpirits, and other nervous disorders. They are superlatively excellent in gouty affections of the sto- niach. female complaints, and the miseries brought on youth by solitary vice.— Prepared and solct in boxes, at Is. 1td. each, by Barry and Son, Bristol without whose signature on the stamp they cannot. be genuine. Sold also by T. Jenkins, Swansea Vachell, Cardiff; G. Davies, druggist, Haverfordwest; While, Carmarthen, and Robertson and Son, Brecon; of whom also mav be had, HOARE's IMPROVED HEAL-ALL, known to be un- j equalled for sprains and bruises, green wounds, chilblains (before breaking), burns and öC<iI(,b, &c. &c. i:. b.ttlcs at is. 1.1d. 9d. and -is.(,d. loiu"■»■ inminiii'' Iimimiiiw mi VALE OF GLAMORGAN. TO BE LET, AND ENTERED UPON AT CANDLEMAS NEXT, NEW WALLAS FARM, contain! tig 272 Acres of excellent Arable. Meadow, and Pasture Land, situate in the parishes of Wenvoe and St. Lytliau, within seven miles of Cardiff and sevrn of Cowbridge. For particulars and to treat for the same apply°(if by letter post-paid) to Mr. Richard Da vies, Wenvoe, near Cardiff GLAMORGANSHIRE. A desirable Residence, near Swansea. TO BE LET, AND 'ENTF.IIHD UPON IMMEDIATELY, AN ESTATE, called LOWER SKETTY. consisting o( a neat commodious House, with suitable Offices, together with about 18 Acres of excellent Meadow and Pasture Land,jtti a good state of-cultivation. The Ma ."aion-hoiR« is pleasantly situated on an eminence, j with a lawn in front, an«i commands a view of the bay and harbour of Swansea, with the opposite coasts of Devon and Somerset, as wet! as the romantic country around distant three miles from Swansea, to which there is a good turnpike- road. and within half a miie of the sea the neighbourhood is genteel, and forms together a moat desirable residence for a respectable family. The Furniture may be taken at a valuation; more Land can be had contiguous to the premises if required. For terms and other particulars apply to Mr. John James, Attorney, Swansea; or to James Masters, Esq. on the pre- mises. Ail letters must be post-paid. TO BE LET, rpIIE HIRWAIN IRON-WORKS, together 1 with the VEINS of COAL and IRON-STONE under Hirwain Common. These Works are situated on the borders of the counties of Brecon and Glamorgan, and Oil the Tram-road which connects the Aberdare and Neath Canals, thereby op. uing easy communications with the ports of Neath and Cardiff, and are distant from the former eighteen and the latter twenty-five miles. The Works consist of two Furnaces with Fineries, blown by a Steam Engine, on Bolton and Watts' principle; and tbe Bolting Mills, etc, &c. moved on a Steam Engine on Trevethick's principle, with the necessary Puddling and Bailing Furnaces there are Agents' Houses, Workmen's Houses, Storehouses, &e. &c. and in short, all Buildings iiecess-try fo r making Bar Iron. The materials are con- veyed to the Works by private Tram-roads, and are to be obtained cheap, and in any quantity. These Wotks, which are capable of making from four to five thousand tons of Bar Iron yearly, offer the peculiar advantage of being put into action, almost immediately, with comparatively a very small advance ofcapitai. There is a Farm of about Sixty Acres to be Let with the Works; on which is a good roomy Dwelling-bouse. For particulars apply to Messrs. Vizird and Blower, Lincoln's Inn-fields Messrs. Powell, Jones, and Powell, Brecon; and Mr. J. Watkius, on the spot, who will shew Premises. BRECONSHIRE. TURNIPS AND HAY FOR SALE, NEAR CIUCKHGWELL. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. THOS. PARRY, At Gianusk, Llangattock Crtckhowetl, on Saturday, the '20th day of December, 1817, at two o'clock in the after- noon, subject to conditions then to be produced ^1^11 E Crop of TURNIPS, growing in LLWVN JL TVAttCp* by admeasurement PA. 2R, situate 5»elwe<f« theCtuiaj and the road leading from Crick- howe-i to Lanfjiiiitkkir. Also, about Si> Tons of well ended HAY, which will be put up in such lots as may be approved of at the time o sle, For a view apply to James Morgan, at Glannsk Honse; and further particulars may he had of Mr. Davies,Surveyor and Land Agent, Llangattock Crickbawell, near Aber- gavenny. Three months' credit on approved security. To a great Manufacturer in George's Fields. s k_/OUIHE\ and SCOTT, suspend your clacking, And hear me sing of TURNER'S Blacking. 'l'it worth all others hacking, Who vainlv vie wit h TL 11N ER's Blacking. In George's Fields I watch'd the packing Of hampers nti'd with Tl: RN Eih Blacking, And wi,,iil(i (no wonder !) [ were snncking A quarter pint of TURNER'S Blacking But, "h! poor Poets must be lacking Such luxuries as TU R ER's Blacking. Oft are the Fair their Beaux attacking, Who'will not shine in FURNER's Blacking: This to their pride, is truly racking. Yet credit brings to TURNER'S Blacking. But most reluse to take what's hacking, so are they with TUKNER's Blacking. The Sailor, while his vessel's tacking, Sports <1 neat shoe with TU RN En's blacking; Hie hardy Soldier, bivouacking, Defies the damp with TU ItN ER's Blacking, And, when an hostile City sacking. His Boots shine bright with TURNER'S Blacking. Far as Japan may he be tracking Who helps his way with TU RN ER's Blacking, So pliant, soft, and free troiu Bracking, The leather keeps with TURNER'S Blacking! Oil 'ti* a falsehood huge and whacking To siiy a word 'gainst TU RN ER's Blacking Then haste, I pray, and fear no quacking On Boot or Shoe in TURN ER's Blacking Whilst he his labour never stacking Makes such inestimable Blacking Gentlemen may observe, that this composition, when used for their Gig or Carriage Harness, after one or two applications, will produce a brilliant., rich, glossv, black lustre, and at the same time act as a preserver of the leather. Observe, this Blacking is sold in Sixpenny, Shilling, and Lighteenprnny Bottles, ijy all Bootmakers, Grocers, Drug- gists, Perfuincrsj Ironmongers, Brushuia <1.1<1 country- No. 114, London Road, Sonthwark. N. B. Ask tor Turner's Blacking. Take notice, this Blacking may be had wholesale and retail, at the Exportation Warehouse, 1.14, London-road, Southwark, and by all the Grocers, Perfumers, Oilmen, and Boot-makers in the Metropolis, and by the under-men- tioned Agents :— tioned Agents S. Jenkins SWANSEA •• T. Jenkins I J. Edmonds R. iievan A. Grimth, ¡ S. Dawe CARMARTHEN J. Morris ,T Williams ,T Williams C.Junes I J. Harris ,T. Morgan J. Lewis J. Edwards LLANDILO W. L. Lott LI. A no ADOCK T. Thomas Lt ANBOIDY 13. Lewis LI. A no ADOCK T. Thomas LL\J1\OIDY U. Lewis L Willians LLANDOVKRY D. R. (IC3 I BRECON W. Vanghan M.Robertson R. Winston "W. Robertson G. Awbray CRICXH<V.VEJ.IJ. Williams PEMBROKE.. R. Wilmot D. Thom-as J. Pudnor TENBY J. Child G. Davis J. Rees F. Noot NARBFTH George &Co. MII.FOUD T. Jones E. Pritchard TJAVERFORD- J. Potter !VLST J. Allen W. Jewell J. Nash J. Davi" P. Beez ird J. Jenkins AEKRCAVENNVII Stuckley H. Williams I. Wvke, W. Davis MONMOUTH C. Ford S. Bevan *Y, Ask for itjnjTEV? B:-ackiP £ GLAMORGANSHIRE. VALUABLE IlILLY FARM. TO BE LET, AND BXTEtED Ul'O:-l AT LADY-DAY, i818, YNISVAYO FARM, situate in the parish of Ystradyvoduck, containing by admeasurement 394 Acres of Arable, Meadow, Pasture, and Sheep-Walk. 1 he buildings arc substantial, convenient, and iti ^ood re» pair and the Flock of Sheep may be had at a valuation. For a view apply to the Tenant, on the premises; and for further particulars to Mr. MorganThomas, Ton, Ystrad. yvoduck; or to the proprietor, Mr. Griffith Llewellyn, Baglan-Hall, near Neath. Iron-Works, Foundry, Steam-Engine, ilia. nufactory, and Collieries, AT XEATH-ABBEY, SOU Til-WALES. To t>f D? OSED of hy PRIVATE CON IRACT, ALL those valuable IRON-WQiiKS, C\)(;. LIERIES, &c. &c. consisting of two Blast Furnace, ready to work at a short notice a very extensive Foundrv, well furnished with all neccssary implements, and capable of making the largest castings; a powerful Boring Mill, worked by water, with complete apparatus for boring and turning a!) kinds of castings also all excellent Scire to a. Rolling Mill, for iron, copper, or other purposes, with an unemployed fall of water of about twenty-five feet; com- modious Buildings, now employed in making steam-engines on the most approved plan, beinn fur us) ed with an ex- cellent steam-engine, turning lathes, :I:d all otfier necessary apparatus; extensive Smithery, with most complete blowing apparatus, and all kinds of tools and implements ;—all in complete repair; situate about a quarter of a mile from the navigable river Neath, with Rail-Roads to a Wharf on the said river, as well as to the Neath Canal. The Collieries consist of several valuable Veins of Coal, adapted tor the supply of iron, copper, and other works, and for general sales to Ireland, Cornwall, Devonshire. 6cc. with four Steam-Engines now at work Rail-Roads leading towards the navigable river Kemh Waggons, and every requisite for carrying on a most extensive trade. A great part of the purchase money may remain unpaid, on approved security being given for th same. For particulars apply to Joseph T. Price, Neath-Abbey, Glamorganshire or to John Hamilton, 11, Mark-lane, London. CARMARTHENSHIRE—SOUTH WALES. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, ALL that very compact and valuable FREE- jLA. HOLD ESTAfE. called the ADEltLASH ESTATE, in the parish of, Llaudebie, in the said co,.nuy of Ca..••■ar-. then; consistiuE; ofseverat finely wooded and weli allotted Farms, in the occupation of respectable tenants, let at the very low annual rent of <208 3s. These Premises are within a ring-fcnca. and situate on the turnpike-road leading from the market and ppsltownL of Llandilo to the Ül5hio!Jnble sea-port town of Swansea, through bath of which places the London mail passes daily, distant from Llandilo six inile*, and from SWa¡bea ti:rc,) miles, and two miles from lime and goal. The whole oi ti.a property is intersected with Maiden Veins of Coal which may be worked at an easy expense, to great advantage. Also, Die REVEHSION in FEE (immediately cjpectnnt on the deaths of three persons, now of the respective ages of 70 years, 60 years, and 40 years, or thereabamst of and in several MESSUAGES, TENEMENTS, FARMS, LANDS, and HEREDITAMENTS, with extensive COL- LIERIES, now let to respectable tenants, <rt the annual (rent >.f '686 !6s. or thereabouts situate in the several parishes of Llanon, IJaudobic, a'td Lianarthney, m the said cout'.ty ot Cai marTben. The above Estates are nearly contigious to each nther, and would either separately or together form the most de- sirable properties in the Principality for the investment of money. Particulars may be had (if by letter, post-paid) on appli- cation to A. Manning, Esq John-street, Adeiphi, London, to 5. It. Phillips, Esq. Norfolk-street, Strand, London; to Mr. William Hay, ot Brinmawr, near Llamiif who will shew the Premises or to J. Beynon, Solicitor, Newcastle- Emlyn, Carmarthenshire, who wiii treat for the sale. BILIOUS AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. AS a n^ild and effectual remedy for all those disorders which original'' in a vitiated action of the liver and biliary organs, namely, indigestion, loss of ..ppe- tite. It,, ad-aches, heartburn,flatulencies, spasms, costiveness, affections of the liver, &c- o.c. it in ay be asserted with tbe Mriotest truth, that DIXON'* AN'TIBILIOUS FluLS have met with more general approved, and particularly by the medical profession, ih.m any other medicine whatever. This constitutes their recommendation to the notion of every kind individual afflicted with the above COmphills. They unite every recommendation of mild operation with suc- cessful effect; and requiring no restraint ->r confinement •during their use, arc in particular a m st valuable and con- venient tn dicine for the traveller, whether by «; i iud. In tropical climates, particularly where the consequences of redundant and vitiated bile are so prevalent and alarm- ing, they are an invaluable and efficient protection —They are likewise peculiarly calculated to correct disorders arising from excesses of the tnbie, to restore the tone of the stomach, and to remove every complaint occasioned by irregularity of the bowels Sold in boxes, at 2s. 9d. 65. lis. and 2'2s. by R. BUTLER and SONS, Chemists, No. 4, Cheapside, London, an S4i, Sackville-street, Dublin; also by the Printer o; this Paper, Lister, and Dawe. Swansea Davies, druggist, and Makeig, Haverf ;rd west; Tardre.w, and Daniel, {Carmarthen Mor- gan, Neath; North, and Vanghan, Brecon Vachell, Car- diff Price, and Meredith, Abergavenny Prior, Newport; Pritchard, Chcpstow Probyn, Pontipooi and Barrv and Sou, Bristol ~NE R VO L S A FF E C Tl OXS, OR, a disposition to be too easily susceptible of irregular and painful emotions, may be considered as one of the greatest scourges to people of rank. The all- se wise Creator of the Universe hath allotted to the nerves an office in all the unimallllachine, which requires the greatest perfection in their operations.—They fre, therefore, the most liable to be disordered, the most susceptible ot alter- ation, and the most difficult to be reclitied.-No wonde-, men, tnat disorders in tlue 0~>aiiould.be so common and permanent. "nd that the variations of well and ill should so frequently happen. For nervous consumptions, lowncss of spirits, inward de- cays, debility or relaxation in either sex, whether hereditary or owing to youthful imprudencies, that renovating medi- cine, the CORDIAL BALM OF GII.EAD, stands un- rivalled as it not only invigorates the decayed juices, but throws 'u genial warmth upon the debilitated and relaxed parts that stand in need of assistance. Sold by T. Jenkins, Printer of the Cambrian, Swansea; Mr. Daniel, bookseller, and Mr. White, printer, Car. marthen; Ilr. Geo. Davies, druggist, Haverfordwest; and Mr. North, Brecon in bottles, price lis. each; or Four in one family bottle for 33s. by which one lis. bottle is saved, with the words H Sami. SQlomon, Liverpool," en- graved on the stamp. Dr.Soloilion expects, when consulted by letter, the osnal compliment of a due pound note to be inclosed, addressed •Money letter. Dr. Solomon, Gilead-iiouse, near Liver- pool. Paid donbiepostane." Also, price three shillings, That scarce, interesting, and useful Family Work (with which is given an elegant Portrait of the Author, and View of Gilead-House) entitled A GUIDE TO HEALTH; Or, Advice to both Sexes, in a Variety of Complaints. Bv S. SOLOMON. M. D. Containing a Treatise on Female Diseases, Nervous ant, IlypochoudnacCoinplaintK also General Retnarkso). those Diseases with which the human body is most frequently afflicted explaining th. symptoms, mode oftieatiuent. an'i restedies most properly adapted Jcrgcxeal Debility,,