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WAN TED immediately, a Youth of re- spectable connexions, as an APPRENTICE in the MERCERY. and .'LIN EN-DRAPERY BUSINESS, futile ciiy of Bristol A Premium will be expected as he Vili be treated in every respect as one of the family.. /implication I" be unite at T. Graham's, 45, Wine-street, ianstol it' by letter (post-paid) will be immediately at- 1 t». A N elderly single Gentleman Wishes to be H\- accbiunlodated with a Bed-room, Sitting-room, and Board, in the house of a small respectable Family, irt <Sr near a market-towU of Wales; if near the coast the more ."fcsjreeable. The house of a widow lady would be preferred. And re-s particulars of terms, See. post-paid, to Mr. P. at Mr Bedford's. Union Passage, Bath. "0- > N SK V rplIO.MAS MORGAN, Saddler, takes the A' earliest bfipoitunit y to return his tbanks to his Friffiuls the Poetic for pOI'" t-ivours conferred on liiui during i-oulkuumce in the u tide. H'Avntx dL-ciitrcd busi'!e's]n l,iwmr of SA M HI I. HAVARD, all pers ,7is having «»ny den, ,.t I on the said T Morgan are tiesircd to send their nccourds immediately that the same stay be (ilseltar* all debts due to hini it is requested J3»»y be forthwith paid. Swansea* February 8, 1816. -w*$- SAMUEL HAVARD, Saddler, next door to the Cambrian Office, Wind-street, Swansea., having taken to the long-established Sudlery Business of Mr. Thos. Morgan, who has declined in hi* favour, he humbly solicits the patronage and future favours of his friends and the public, and assure* then) that the utmost attention and .•assiduii v shall at all times be used to merit a continuance. Swansea, February 8, 1816. — Thomas and Samuel Bart ley, LAND-SURVEYORS, DRAINERS, rRRI- GATORS AND COAL VIEWERS, RESPECTFULLY offer thbirservices to the Public they have Iron) infancy been trained to the Profession, and flatter themselves they should afford satis- faction to those who honour them with their confidence. ¡¡:ji'" Address T df S. B. Trimsavan Colliery, Kidwelly. TO 1HE Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County of Carmarthen. e EKTLEMBN, I Take the liberty to offer myself a CANDI- DATE fir 'be OFFICE of CORONER for the Upper I)isirict of the County of Carmarthen, vacant by the death et the late Thomas Evans, Esq. and to solicit your Votes and Interest in my favour. If through yonr kindness I shall be deemed worthy to fill that honourable office, permit me to assure you, that I shall endeavour io discharge the important duties thereof with diligence and fidelity. 1 have-the honour to be, with the greatest respect, 6ENILSMIK, Your most obedient humble Servant, THOMAS PRICE. Tallcy, 2.5th January, 1816. PURSUANT to a decree Of the High Court of Chancery, bearing date the 4th day of Aujjusi. 3815, made in a wherein Dtofid Tenant and otkert ure Plaintiffs, and Sarith'Vo't'tghan, Defendant, the Creditors of WILLIAM M'DONALD, live of Patkwern, near Swansea, in the county of Glamorgan, Esq. (who died in the month of May, 1812) are forthwith to come, in and prove their Debts tt&tore Samuel Compton Cox, Esq. one of the Masters of tlift said Court, athis Chamhers in Southampton buildings, ■Chancery-lane, London, or in default thereof they will be excluded the benefit of the said decree. 11EARDON and DAVIS, Solicitors for the Plaintiffs. Hp HE original CAMBRIAN ESSENCE of JL WOOD SMOK.B, which gives the true YVestphalian Flavonr to all kinds of Hung Meat. Hams, Tongues Fish, Iliff) at the same time combining all the advantages fcf Dry Smoking, without the liability to become rusty or. lieing reduced in weight. This Preparation will be found to impart the true Sraffie Flavour, and to possess all the desirable properties without the disadvantages of the astial method. Private families, merchants, gentlemen of the navy, &c. besides the convenience of smoking their meat to their without the least additional time, trouble, or apparatus, will find it very superior to any which has been prepared by the modes hitherto practiced. Directions for the method of using the Essence (which are very simple) accompony each bottle. Prepa red oiily by the Inventor, Melin-crythan Works, Neath; and sold by appointment, in hiilf-pints, at 2s. 6d. by Lister. druggist, Swhusea Morgan, druggist, Neath and Vachell, druggist, Cardiff. None is genuine but what is prepared at the above Works. ARMY CONTRACTS. Commissary in Chief'^Office.,OretttGeorge-^trctt, London, %jlh ianiiarif, 1816.' NOTICE is hereby given to all Persons de- sirous of Contracting lu supply BEEF & MUTTON to his Majesty's Land Forces in Cantonments, Quarters, and Barracks, in the under-mentioned Counties and Islands An glesea I Durham (inclnd 1 Northampton Bedford ing Holy Island) Northumberland Berks (including Essex Nottingham the town of Hun- Flint" Oxford gerford) Glamorgan Pembroke Berwick Gloster^including Radnor Brecon the City of Bristol) Rutland Bucks Hunt:) Salop Cambridge(includ- Hereford Somerset ing the town et licit lord Stafford Newmarket) lilUlls Suffolk Cardigan Tsfe of-Man Surry Carmarthen Isle of Wight Sussex Carnarvon Kent IVarwick- •Chester Lancaster Westmoreland Cornwall (includ- Leicester Wilts. ing Se illy) Lincotn Worcester Cumberland, Merioneth York Denbigh V Middlesex Derbyv Monmouth And, in the several Devon Montgomery Counties in North Dorset Norfolk Britain. That the deliveries are to commence oil and for the 25th day ot M'trch next; that proposals in writing, sealed up and marked, Tender for Army Supplies, will be received at this Office on or before Monday .the 26th day of February (but none will be received after twelve o'clock on that day), and, if sent by post, the postage must be paid. Proposals mlJst be made separntety for ettch County and Island, except tor the Countiescoinprising North and South Wales, all of which must be included in one Tender, as also must the several Counties in North-Britain and each •proposal must have the letter which is annexed to theTender properly filled up by two persons of known property, en- gaging to become bound with the party, tendering, in the amount stared in the printed particulars, for the due. per- formance of the Contract; and no proposal will be noticed wnless made on a printed tender, and the prices expressed in words at length and should it so happen that during the continuance of the Contract, no Troops should be sta- tioned ur supplied in the County, the expense of the Con- tract and Bond, p:nd in the first instance by the Contractor, to be refunded to him by ttie in Chief, Particulars of the Contracts may be had upon application at this Office, between the' hours of eleven and five and at the Office oi Dcptity-CoiHinissary-Genc-ral Young, Edin- bur; CARMARTHENSHIRE. LlanelliLldngennech, and Llanedn INCLOSURE. J The Commissioned elected and appointed by and for carrying into execution an Act of Parlia- ment, made and passed iirthe 52'd year of the reign of his present Majesty King George "the Third, iniitujed, An Act for Inclosing Lands in the several parishes o! Lkinelly;. Llangcilnecli, and Lianedy, within the cowuiot of'Car-' .nawllon, in tlie lordship of Kidwellv, iri the county of Carmarthen," Bo h'erebi} give notice. That I shall hold riijt -1 tllo nsxt MEETING.!t[he Falcdn-inn, in ths 'town of Llanelly, on Monday i the 4ih day of March next, for the pilrpose of investigating the several Claiiiis uSade ander tlie Said Inclosure Act, and for other special purposes; Dated this 7th day of Februiiry, 18)6. JOHN WEDGE. ■■• — FOR SCHOOLS AND ACADEMUI^, This l)ay is published. In a thick 12iiio Volume, price is*, bound, the seventh edition, greatly improved, THE POCKET CYCLOPEDIA or, Mis- cettanyof useful Knowledge, froui the latest and best Authorities designed for senior Scholars in Schools, and for young Persons i(i general. By JOSEPH GUY. for- merly Prrffessof of Geogtapliy at the Royal Military Cut- lege, Great Marlow. To this editioti is added a copious List of the Best Authors who luve Written at large oil the funons Subjects treated of in this Miscellany. London: Primed for Baldwin, Cradock,, and .toy, Pater- noster-row Law and WhiUaker Darton, Harvey arid CO. and J. Booth; By wholri are published, of the same Author, 1. The New British Primer, for Cnildien ot an early age. New edition, much improved, price 6,1. se>< ed. | 2. Thie New British Spelliiig-Book or, an Introduction to Spelling and Reading, in Seven P its, the Words accented according to tlie piifest diodes of prolJunclatiorl. 14th edition, price 1». 6d. bound. 3. The New British Readei*$cdntainiitg a great Variety of easy Lessons, selected froiri tlife iii>st approved Authors; tllC difficult Words explained aUhÿ Head of each Lesson, 5 The second edition, price 4s. bound. I 4. The School Ciphering Book, for lieginiierS j iconVain- fi", .,), n, ing a complete Set of Sums in the first four Rules of AritI,- ) metic, printed in large Figures, the Copy-book Size,having » all the sums set, and all the lines ruieu, price 3s. 6d. halt; 1 bound. Also a Key to the above, price fid i 5. A Chart of General History, Ancient and Modern; on a sheet of Coluiubier Drawing-paper, price 7s. coloured on Canvas and Rol ers, 10s. 6d. and varnished, price 14s. 6. The School Geography on a new, easy. and highly- approved Plan; compri^iyg not only a coiiiplete general Description, but much Topographical Information ex- pressly adapted to every Class of Learners, both in Ladies' v .I and Gentlemen's Schools. Royal 18mo. wllh seven correct Maps, price 3s. bound in red j The Maps, on a handsome Royal Drawing-paper, neatly coloured, trtdune up separately, price '2s. 7. A Geographical Key to the Problems and Questions in Guy's Geography, price ts. 6d sewed. I Also, by Mr. (nIY, Junior, 1. The English School Grammar;, in which Practical Illustration is, in every step, blended with Theory, by Rules, Examples, and Exercises, adapted throughout to 1 the use 6f Schools and private Teachers. Third edition, price Is. 6d. bound in ret.. 2. The New Latin Pnmer; or, a Companion to Latin Grammar, in Three Parts, ISmo. price 2s. bound. Kf- FORTUNES FAVOURITE OFFICES, No. 9, COtlMllLL, AND No. 17, Ludgate-street, near St. Paul's, LONDON. G. WEBB, HIGHLY gratified, that the patronage he iias hitherto so liberally enperienced, snould have been clwsed, and rewarded by an unbroken series of splen- did success unequalled in Lottery annals, respectfully so licits a contwuiance of public favour in the approaching State Lottery, and confidently expects that his Office will maintain its claim to the title it has so deservedly acquired, that of The iJkckitst in the IVfirltl." On WEDNESDAY, the 14th Ilf FERRUARY, THE DRAWING WlbL COMMENCE. Ybe Scheme contains TWO Grand Prises of £ 5,(Kit) Guineas in God TWO Sterling Pri-Stes of COO Ponds) TWO 5,000 Potnidsi! AND 6,666 other Money Prizes, fro-m 1,000 downwards, BKl'&'G I.t SS THAN TWO BLANKS TO A PIUZE-And no fixed Capital. Tickets aild Shares are selling in great variety at WEBB'i most fortunate Offices, 9, CornliUl, and i7, Ludgeite street, London, Where the joJltlwingCaplta: Prizes were Scared and Sold No; 600, a Puz of 20,000, And 10 616. h Prize oi J ;•>():), BOTH IN THE LAST LOI TERY, Also in Shares,, the TWO i,A?t od,0«(? Prizes eve* Drawn, | THE iABT £ 10 000 ever Shrtred,alld Tellother Capitals ni the Inst Eight Months. Tickers and Shares are also selling by WEBB'S Agents, at the, following piaces; E W.A LLI^, Library, Wind-street, Swansea: T. MORGAN, Druggist, Neath M M lER.s, Silversmith," Haverfordwest; E. HULME, Perfumer, Welshpool. BISH's OLD OFFiCi-S, i Ji' -6' 4, COHNMiLL, 4- 9, UIAlitkG-CROSS. rP RISH most respectful]^informs his Friends, •■• the Lottery commences D^Ri ig o .Valeiitine's Day, 1'Jih of Fl^liRlJAltY the "Scheme lias met with universal 'a,.prêQiOtiolJ,a it is formed oh the old approved plan of Not Two Blanks to a Pnze No .fixed or atta,rhcd Capitals. All the 20,00*) Tickets in one Lottery of Four Days Drawing, and the whole of t,li(! of .which t ie Prizes consist, to be pax) in Sterlinu M<)n«y. Part of thtlll arc formed of Two Prizes of 25,000 Guineas, which are to be. ptttd in Guineas, making together 50,000 Guineas, to be paid in Gold, The astonishing success that has attended T. Bisit's Offices, for several years past, it is so well 'known, that u need scarcety be noticed,, suffice it to:ny, he sold in the last Lottery," 13 553 a Prize of £ '50,000 18,041 another Prize, of 50,000 In 3 per Cent. Consols, being the GREATESf PIUZES EVER KNOWN! And, in the Two previous Contracts-, %657 a Prize ot.t40,OOO 1,406 30,000 3 30,000 4,544 30,900 Besides an immense number .>t ^20 000, ,£W.ooo, &c. &c. TKHETS AND SHARES ARE SELLING BY T.BISH, 4, Cornhill, and Cross, London; Aand by the lollowing Agents, most 01 whom sold parts of the above Capitals, viz- Miss OAKEY, Library, Swansea; W. COX, Bookseller, Aherystwith BARRY and SON, Booksellers, Bristol; J. POTTER Bookseller. Haverfordwest; I J. BARCLAY, Druggist, Pembroke D. OLIVER, Bookseller, Wrexiiain; J. GARDNER, Draper, Kingttsu. |'rrHE ( reditors of JOH M liUM:•>1, of J. Cnclihoweli, Escjuire, are requested to meet at the Angel-iini, Abt^rgnvennv. oii Tuesday, the loth day of February next, to receive a statement of his affaifs, and to consider a plait -vuie 11 Will be tlieu propo-ed to tlit-m tor st'cllrmg Ihe !>a,vrtit'nt of thtir d¡o,uiallr!sí!l !he t'!U'ihl and b-,f Dated the .Slst day of January, 1HI6 y istritles- the t f I ^HE Magistrates of the County of Radnor, A assembled at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace holdeti at Plrcsteigne, iti and forttie said County, on tlife 10th day of Janmiiy, 1816 Having taken inlo con- sideration certaiii Resolulions linanimbusly agreed to bv the Grand Jury os the said nuiinty. at the late Summer Great Sessions, and referring to the Provisions of tin- Act 4f Parliament 1st. William and Mar). Cap. 17. Sec 3. have in cotlcurrenCe with the said Oitiud Jury unaiumously resolved rJ Imt most material ari vantage and acc«».mm idation would accrue to the PriMcipotiry, where the names of the three substantial Persons for each Shire. Certified to the Lords Of his M jest;s most iiiiiiodrable Privy Comicil crastino animarum, as fi and proper Persons 'b be SlieHffs of the •e for tliat year, published in the Lbndon Gaz< tte in like wanner as the saule is now oone in the Realm of England. That this Resolution be traii-i^mc'd to the Right Hu- no«r,ible George Baroti Rodney; Lord LletitenaiU and Custos Rotuioniiti of this C.x.ntyj with i W-quest that lie Would be pleased respectailly to siUttiiit the ?iitie te his Majeity's Secretary ol State tot the Honi'e Departriieut. 1 hat these Resolutions be signed by tl)e Qtini,iiiiii on behalf of the Magistrates present, coiliuiunicated, id the Chairman of the Q-.iarter Sessions of the several Counties otthe Priticipaiity, and published wil dn ttw sank. J- G..WALSH AM, Chairman. TO BE LET, Or the Interest in the tease Sold, Of Which nine years are Unexpired on tile 25t of March, 1816, subject to the yearly rent ot ^36 10s. ADWELL1NG-Hv>USE, situated in Carr- 4 street, III tlie tOWII ot Swansea, now III the dcciipalioii ] if Mrs Glover, as teiiMut at will, togetner witn a Ciinve- ttent Malt-Hoi)«e, St re-House, .t))d tHrec good ^Utiles I idjoining.ttie above premises, many years occupit d by the ate Mr. John Wdliaiiis, maUster Tlie situation and cstablisUmentv of the Malt -Hdiise is I veil worth the attention of any persoii wishing in engage I n the malting business. Possession ot which may be had mmediateiy.. i For particulars apply ti> Geo. Harries, Mount-pleasant, { Swansea; if by letter, post-paid. G LA Mcilm ANsmiiiL ™ I TO HE LET, 1 N ANI EMTEKEB ûpot., IMMFBIATELt, t ALL that''MESSUAGE* FAR vi, 4- LANDS, t called WEST KIN GO ED; situate in tlie parish ot ■iwalisfea (on the Town Hili) coiuai .ing by aduieasurenient 15 statute. Acres, .iiir thereabouts, df VeirV go«jd Arable ,an04 s Pasture LiUid, lately III the occiipatidn ot L'tiomas K, ati. This Fariii is distant only Ouee mites tf4liii Swansea. Also, TVv O excellent PASrURE FIELDS, sitt,ate at ] Brinmellin, 111 the said parish of SAai)sea; distant only about »nc mile from the toWii. And several other eXfecjlfeiit PASTURE FIELDS, at Poppet HiH, distilrtt tkiiy aoout half a mile l'r ■>m Swansea- j p uhhe'r pirtiClijars may be had by applying to Edw.»id Hughes, Esq Gower-street. Swansea IVlr.'Wilnmn Kvaiw, it Yesthisreno, near Swansea ( ,nd who will shew a map ol he farm) and Middletou Powell, Esq. Brecon. All applications tiy letted must be post-paid. GLAMORGANSH i RE^ to bKLKT, With immediate possession, or at II'ady.tiall next, AN excellent TITME-FREE FAKMj Con- taining upwaids of 240'Acres of rich Vh-adiiw, Pas- Hire, and Arable Land; the wivde in the hig.he&t state vl inltivatioM, iiaving had upvvards 01 twenty thousand WV»i shfest'er bushels of lime laid Upon it; and also It large qii in- Lity of s'rttw bought did cousuuied on the premises wi nin gtgliteeii uionths. Tlie whole of this I'arni is in .a ring fence, extremely well supplied with water for cattle, and weii fenced the Fit-tds are well laid out, and of li suitable size; there are lime-kilns on c •nvenient parts ol the farm, and the tenant has the privilege ot' burning iime for sale; there isan excellent Farm-house ami suitable Outbuildings, all 111 good repair, ttiere is iiow on the farm 35 acres o.t wheat and a field of winter vetches upwards 01 60 ai res ploughed for barley VO acres for oats, ^0 creis t-r loeatis, and 4 acres for spring vetches. The meadows ntivt. b eo well manured. The corn tithes of a large quantity oi land may be had with tlie larill. There is an excellent sioek t horses, cattle, sheep, and new implements, which may or 1161 betaken at a lair valna ion. with six months-credit', o'r longer, if required/ on approved secniity. I he Fanw v'viii u'e let wortii the money to a respectabie tenant. Application to b'émade Fér<,on,,11v. or b\, fetter, post- paid, to Mr. Jenkins, Printer ot litis Payer; who will give further particulars. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION', By D. B. JO N FS, At 'the. Farm-yard, in the village of Vlargan), on Monday, the l^tii day of February, 18iti, at ten o'clock in the fo'retii'en, ONE mixed Holdemess and Gueriisey BULL, two years old one biack "draught h i.'A LLIO N and seve ral draught and other HORSES and M ItE- One COW and CALF, <>»e tat OX. and Vi nut VV El HERS For particulars apply to the'Park keeper', near Marga.n. To bj?/.Peremptorily SOLD by AUCTION, Ou Wednesday, the 14ih tnst. lit or rite Lead-Works, near Llanelly-, at Tii till LL nniG LA COXCORBfv, Admeasuring about 95 ill •VlHChyias Pool. Also, in lots, conv^meiit for pur.Si.^er.s the Sails, Riffgivg, Mid other Materials-ptfthe..saitl. Urig To be 'seen ami iii>-ent.ories had al" any IlIne, previous to the sale by application .to R- J. Nevi'll. Very eligible IrlltiKHOLD ESTJTES. BRECONSH'IREs TO BE SOLD B V' A U( TION, the Bear-inn, in tlie town .of Crickhowel, on Thursday, the 7th ot Mareh, HH6, at three iii ti). (unless disposed <)t in'the mean tune by Private Contract) of which horice will ^e -ivea, LL those TWO several MESSUAGES, £ TL TEN EM ENTS, and LA \'DS..wit tlnyr'.espec'tive 'Appnrien-iiiees, called Fl'.OliDD. LAfJE F A W ii and Fl ORDD-LACE FACH, containing by estimation Tw-' Hundred Acres (oe the same mon- or less^j .sitnaie to the parish of .Talgartn, in (he county ot 'Brecon. An unlimited and mos;'valuable i'ligl'.t <>' (./ITIIUOU, upon the adjoining hills, is .attached to he premises For a v.iew ap'ly tot'n- Proprietor ( Mr Price) at Ffordd- lace and-f -r iiarticular* io Mr Sa-uuei Church S-i.eivoi, Bieeo kN Bl, \CKi'G, made i- by DAY and M \RiTN,-97, 1-1 ign- H-)tiv>.n, London This inestimable composition, with half the usual labour. 1 produces, a most bniii nt jet-black, finlv eqnyl io i n h ghest japnn varnisli; affords peculiar nourishment io the vvill not ,'01 the finest linen is perfectly fret; from any unpleasant s.uell, and will retain its virtues nt 1\ ai.\ ciiiuate. 'Soldfretail by the principal Grocers, Boot Makers, Oil- Men, and Perfumers, in the United Kingdom. ,Å- "II'I£r.HJ\ -4 Next Wednesdayi Valentine's Day, TWO Prizes of 25,0(X) Guii.eas in Gold! TWO Prizes of 20,0001. Sterling, &c Sic No Fixed Prize, and oitly One Lottery. NOT TWO BLANKS TO A PRIZE. TICKETS AND SHARES ARE SELLING BY ^HAZARD & Co.{m ,■ Mr S. GHOVEi Postmaster, Swansea, AND Alt IB kill AGENTS IN THb (OUSTY. N.B. All the UNsold rickets "<! S,!(tres must be s<»t to f.undo; before the Braving be^int. ot-e the Dra & TlriiVl I j i L\ ■) I.Ü' WE2 theCunluussiuners, apuouued in an -o, by an Act ot rarliameui. ,Mssen in ,o1 •"« »eigi. ol fits p,e,eoi intitule. An Act for Inclosing Lands in ihe oansli of Llaririi, and tne several other parid.es ttu-rein-nientioned, in t county ol Cardigan V* hereby give notice, that we WILL SELL llY, PUliLiC \UCHONj II 1'1'0 w I a THE Wil.l.0WIt«'0 PARC Lt Of tlSD At tlie house of Haiin.n. Jenkins, known i»y iiie sigu of' th Red;tjdn, in ilie viliajje ot Leoirhystid 'on Wediifisdav die 21>t day of l-ebruary; 1816. aud will conmieuce at th« bour of twelve o'clock at no n. T MVMYDB BACH CoMiiok. A. R. p. Lot 20. One Parcel of Ground, purchased by David Tit mas, opposite eiicioachment No. 60, pur- c aliased t>y VVm. Jones, and adjoinin-; Iii., pubhe- •oads If tO Iiefaes-gate towards l ^rgwy'ii and Llyastnewidd, containing 40 t Lot 5?I,' One other Parcel of Ground purchased jy trie s.iid Davi i Tiiomasi adjoioiiij, |i,i 20 he said puboc road leading towards TArgwyn 4 0 0 Lot One other Parcel oi Ground, purc'nUsed )y tlie said David 1 liouias, adjoinnii'- iot 21 and l:e .liviit public-road • 4 0 l. Lot 23. One other Parcel of Grounds purchased u }S lit<r sa,(J D.ivid Thomas, adjoining lut as! and » iie said pubttc-road • • 4 0 <- Lot 24. One ot ier Parcel <t{ Ground, tnireli si d jJ tlie said Davia i hooias, adjoining lot and t he ^aid |>ufjiic-i oad • • » 40 t L >i 25. One otiter Parcel of Ground, purch^s. d )y the said David 1 noiUas; adjoining hit V4 and he said public road •• 40 Ct Lot ^tj. One tuner Parcel of Ground, purchased )y Hie said L)iivi(1 1 liom.is, iot 25» Uie iai iiubiic-road and lot 12, purchased by i iui"UiV ■V/'i's 4 5 o Lot £ ?. One other Paree) ot UromtU; adj uning ot.- 20 itiuf 21. and situate below the public road leading towards Liyasti ewidd 5,0 t: LolSiS. One oilier Parcel of GratfnU. adjoihiiiw lol t7 the said public road Lot "Z9 Oiie other Parcel ot Gr -un 1, adjoining lot, 28 ituii iiie said pubhe-road « 'A Lot ;]1), O e other t'.nt i oi Oround, adjoining lol 29 ..lid ilie said pubi.e road •• go (, Lot :51. One oilier Parcel of Ground, adjoining lot 30 and tiie saul public road • • • • • 7 j (j Lot32. One other Pa*/cel of Groiind, adjoining ot 3t and the said putilic-r<>ad sg P Lot 33. 0>te oti er Parcel of Ground, adjoining Na uleoy tarui, and inclosed "bj Richard Hart Da Vies. Bsu. •• — -■ j j j Lot 34. Owe-otli^r Parcc-j of Grouu.1, 'dj.lining N ameoy'tariu, and inclosed by tne said ivichar'd Hait Davies, Esq. ;i 32 Lot 33- One oo.ier Parcel rtf Ground, a ij ining Nant-y-Ct nui fariii. and inclose by iv'-ni hvna-, g 0 0 Lid 3fi. One Oukt Parct.1 ot '■uud, a ij linnr, Rhydlas faflu, and iiMdoicd by \i(* Ma.garelt Evans 303., ^1* n>IOS ilAMISIOO COMMON. Lot 36. One other l'a, cv-i ,1 ut oir <1, pur based by John VVilltams', .uj, ,iu- urnpike-road troni Aberyst<Vi'th ■.=, (Md tot$3, pur- uliasc<t i>\ iii Mai.. 3 1 r L0i 07. 0,.e 0.i.ei t. fjroitnd, ituate belOw tiie -ai 1 tu.npik, io;s ,;ppo«i:e lot 36 •• 2 2 17 Lots- -ii' r ir. t-; it ij round, p'uictiascd by ,'VV iliiam \V Jin-, .-in j ad] intiig Cnwcuuir .vjs_ 2 0 1 Lot ■}■>. y..v v,.iv, 1 i;i of tj.ouud, purchased by. John. P ttt g h,t 13, putcna-cd by Join, 0»i!f> t.1; ,01,i-n.ixca t>i JuJln Evans, wicc.ii-.iai- 0.1 .,1, purchased by Alt. Lewis Ai org;, i! 4 0: 1 tie Pun r Ail, j, reqmr >d to pay a deposit 01 one !ell1. pari ,lie nioiiev at the IlIlJC 111 such sn aiKl snnli .> i'lr j.ie pa itviil oi tic renidin iru ,vlt/ l'1' lIs :.u- tile Said sale, nod in dci.ialt i t Il,eiit' >■ o. v "cl depo-ited will he lorieited. Ihe snerai rte; e of Parcels of Lan»- •lr<; v "■ >"• Holt ring in ihe ground aim '■! •"•V e >.een the Office of our -S' • « if I. Tysirt'ith "I at the Oflice v'" W Hiatus, in ihe village "I Littt) ••(■••tiiwr -'ivcM undu tn;r ■lihnds ;!ns 3 t day Of Nov. 18IS. .K/I J 1, I K>" ,5 E, DJ *1. Kl.xsJCo,"m,ssw"ers- NF.R"vr;iUS DKBILITT- I^HE learned <ire not the only persons who -tiu r .ri ie! 1 f-e dtsi^rfi-rs Pe pie of a sedentarv ol'. 4111,. Cn.pnM Mi df eqii diy liable thereto, a* it destroy s tile' s;u.in oi 1 e mu-c.es,. and renders theiu, tor want oi u A > • "lot. io near aci a,; the circulation, iheretore, de prt1, u ,t bis coaMderab e assistance so,n grows languid stagitate ;tiid 41 -a.- • and me scc-retions and natural evacuation no; veiiiiiins loaded with excre- ■ • •■ U'->wui», tlie acriinony of which prays upon the and a variety t,f di, a.■ Aim: 1 -p juenccs ensm:. 1 •• i-.i.ilni Udim. ot Gtl^-id, by its softening, healing an.i 1 son; qnaii.tes, as well as hy its salutary efti-cts, affords a swie piosie'ci. id returning strength, and a cirtain hope ot u"e (lel)liit,,ted I)y pre- mature or excessive indulgencies: hence arise weakness ul sighi, \ertigos, loss of appetite, and mental decay. I he Coj\j;,il Balm ot Oilead most wonderfully che'rishe- nature, and will support the life of file Iitl infirm in all inward "ecays, debility, lowness of spirits, relaxatiot. in either sex. whether hereditary or owing to youthful ini- prudeneics, tliis mc-tiicme will affurd tke most wonderlui reliel. Sold by T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper Mr. Daniel, Carmarthen Mr. O^en, Havcrfordwest; and Mr. North Brecon in bolt ies, pnt-v. ids. each; or Four in one family bottle tor 33s, by which one lis. bottle is saved, with words'* Smut. Solomon, Liverpool," engraved onthcstarnp. Dr.Solotuon expects, when consulted by letter, the usua Compliment of a one pound note to be inclosed, addresser Money letter. d-liou-sc, iletir Live-r. pool. Paid double postng-p." Also, price three shillmgs, That scarce, interesting, and useful Family Work(wdli which is given an elegant' Portrait of the Author, aud a View ol Gtlead-House) onti 1 led A GUIDE TO HEALTH; 1)()Ill *s(,xe! Or, Advice to both Sexes, in a'Variety of Complaints. liv S: SOLOMON, M. D. Containing a Treatise on Fem;de Diseases, Nervous and Hy pochond riac Complaillt5 also Genera) Remarks or. those Diseases with which the human body is most frequently afflicted; explaining, th sy m ptorns,' mode of treatment,' and remedies raitist properly adapted for Ssxaal Debility, dec. &c. 1 i'OR'CLAii BJ K. I <j i YJUN I 3. THIS DAY 13 PUBLISHED, In Six V-il lieatii-ilrice C'Vi-.S lN.TS A 1 11 Ui\lE or, the Juveniles Jiuifg o opened consi ting ol a variety of Miscel- "us ,ece- hn the Instruction and atuusement oi' on ;is PerS ins By Mrs B irbauhi <ind Dr kin London Printed for B-id-jn. Cradock, and Joy,'Pater- T row and R Hunter, successor to Mr Johnson. St, I u h Church-yard. Hy wo. in also are publi,hfed, I Lessons for Children, from wo f„Ur vears'of au# Four Purls. Price9d. each, or 3l 6:1 bound toijeilier P..V Mrs. Barbanid. K H\ mrts in Pi- c. (or Children. The 16th edition ? /irged and much improved, price h. 6d, By the same.' I'ae female -ker; or, Miscellaneous Pieces, in P si and Verse; selected from ihe best Wriier-, and da d 1 ot Young Women. lS!mo. bound, 5.s. 1 he i Ptie VVnd),md Companion or, a brief D«scriptioti Br-t'sh Trees, wih "oiiie .iccou it of their uses, Iilvis* ? vd by 23 PlateSi price 9" ily liall-bound. Bv I). A km. > Arts of Life—Ii o Prov.-iiog Food—2. Of pro- i!"g ^'or'inu—3. O/ Piovidina Suelie- s 1 -scribed m & Ie, of Letter-, fur tlit" fiixt-nerion of YOUl¡g Persons. i-boUitd..1 C'' 2s. 6d Bv the suite. Na 1 u 1 a 1 History rhe Year, being an Enlargement >t >h • Caien-ta if N.aiti-e By Mr Arthur Aikin limo. (in 1) iiiL. 7- Iic- or. Letler^ designed ajs Examples' «,f il,,e Epistolary Style for Chi. lien of 0 i '■xes. By iVI:-s Aikin 18,1111 h: "1',0\ '2,.6". '0. THIS CAT is PUBLISHED. 5, 6n »outr.1,.tiie 4th edit, improved, of EX'B' THi ;S for the Memory and" Under- L siaiiding. -»nit a Series of Exam.n itions c.insisting f r hies and Na rativc-, Se lectio is from \aturaj "and VI History.. d \l ,1 and Rcligi-ms Extracts, in,Pro*» Vrerse, By Jo in Ho .and. f B ton Lo don I'Tinted tor HHt4..in, r t(ik .1 «f n'iui 001-, in1 itti! by tiu' same Author, Essays o'n An<-ieM History; partieubir'y the Jt wkht »s-yrian Pefsinii, Gi ecian. and Roman; with Exatnina" nts, for the use o, Young Persons. A new edition, witij. stensive alterations and additions, l^mo 6s bound. 2. A System of Ancielll and Modem Geography, with series of Geographical EKaminations. The fitUi* edition, corrected and uiucli im|)i,(ved, price 4s. A peculiar feat ni e ori) s A'oik consists in a variety ,t Questions for hxaminaUon, botu in Ancient «nd Modem 1 co raphv. 3. Definitions, Maxims, Proverbs, and Precepfs oa .ramraar. Arithmetic, Naturd Philo-ophy, Geography, itc' proposed tor Copies in 1 ennisnsliip, and for Exerci-. i Grammar and Composition. 1 he second edition, price sewed.. Ice 4 Q iestions 110 General History, Ancient and Modern ce I s. 5. AS-riesof Questions on the Holy Scriptures, with. References to the Bible for Answers, price 3s. half-bound. Scitntijic Instructions for Young Persons. THIS DAT IS PTfiMSHED. I) Two Volumes, -price 9s. half-bound, the third edition. very coiis'iderablv enlarged, DI \LOGUICS ON CHEMISTRY, intended lor the fusfruciinii and Ent itainmeiit of Young i'i- pie in s»litch. the first Principles of that Science are Hilly explained. with. Questions for. the examination of 'upiK Bv the Hev J JOYCE Loudon Pn ■ ted for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, Pater- noster-row and R Hunter, St Pair's Cioiveh-yards' VVitere iua > b had, bv the same Author, 1 Scientific I ij ouues i.mended for the Instruction and Entertanimrnt of Young Pe ope; in which liu- first Prin- IflJes OI Natural H,»d !xp rnn -ntaf Philo-ooiiv are fully Six Volumes half bound comprising M i-iiHiiics. Astrono.u, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics. Optics. and Al-igiieti-ni Electricity t. Ato t-le Scien; Iii" .Dialogues: or, Tuioa's As-i iant and Pupil's Manual in Natural and Experimental P ul -sopiiy containing a compete Set of )tlier tor tl)e "),f Pupils in the Scientific Dial giies, and a Seveiith Volume ot t aai Work- In w litch is added, a Competidiuiri ot the principal Facts under each Department of Science, half bound, 2s 6 1. 3 Dialogues on the Microscope, intended for OJI" Irv- struction and Eenlertainiuent of Young Persi-ns desirous of investigating tlie VVondcrsof the miuuler P.irts of thfe Creation containing an Account of the Principles of Vision, and of the Construction and Management of the most improved and generally utefuil Micro«copes,illustratod with ten Plates, in T«o Vols. IS mo. price 7s. half-bound. 4. Catechism of Nature, unproved and enlarged. The tenth edition, price Is. od. IjCtters on IVatural atul Experimental Philosophy* Cliemi-try, Anatomy, rliysiology, and other Branches of Science pertaining to tne material World, illustrated with ,9 Plates, 12mo. boards, l(ls. gd. WINTER COMFORT TO THE AFFLICTED With Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica; Lumbago, and all¡l.D'ecti¡;ii of the Muscles and Joints. AT this period of the season, when the above disorders of the cliuiate arc so prevalent and dis- tresstnc, the proprietor of the CUMBERLAND BlTU. MINOUS FLUID and PILLS would be wanting in his duty to the public for the extensive patronage he has re- ceived, and the thousands they have been the means of re- s oring to health, after the tedious mid ineffectual trial of c nitnon remedies, if he did ilot war t em of the daoi»*T of not applying earlier to the use ot this sate, certain-, and speedy specific, both as preventive and restorative. The llJ/ixim, tllal every disease is aggravated by delay, particu- larly applies to rheumatism, gout, &c. Mark the worn out C institutions of the wretched vijtuns. and apply to the only a nt never failing antidote in the Cumbcrlund Bituminous a Thousands of cure-, in the roost forlorn" sit nations. Confirm their unparalleled -ucce.-s an account of which may he seen in a pamphlet on th, ir virtues, to be had gratis frollt any'of the venders. Prepared on 1 y by G. Ramsay, Penrith, Cumberland the Fluid in bottles at '2s. 9d, arid 7s and the Pills in boxes at 2s. 9d. each. Sold wholesale by Barclay Fleet a id retail by their appointment, by T. Jenkins, Printer of this Pa|>er, J. FleT- nun. n.id J- Lister. Swansea Rowen, Neath; Ridd.and Vachell, Cardiff: Daniel, Curmal Ilttoll Price, Crickhoueli, George, Usk North, Brecon Price, and Wyke, Aber- gavenny J. Dyke, Druggist, Merthyr i idvil; Potter, Hit- veffordwe-t"; Wilmott, W'mb'oke Rotters, Willett, anil Bradford, Chepstow au«t M». liriigeaj.