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r: Neath Canal Navigation. • WANTED, from Christinas next, a PER- SON to SUPERINTEND' » <i occasionally to ASSIST ill the REPAIR of THIRTEEN LOCKS Ulld «ther Works upon this Canal, which is abautiiiivieen miles long, to which he will be expected to devoid the whole t>f j li":s time. An intelligent Stone mia or Carpenter til character, capable of executing This bu-.me.ss to the faction of the Committee, would meet wtili encouragemerit equal to his merit and exertions. vV; Proposals t'o be addressed to Mr. Rowland, Bank, Neath, tin or before the ^9ib of September next, jvho will give any information required and personal.application will, be,re- i xeived by the Cnnnniitee at the Neath Dunk, 0:1 Thursday, the 12th of October. CAUTION; T JOHN THOMAS, ofib^fisb of Llariili tern. in the county of Glamorgan. Faruier:, d berebv I CiHitiim all Persons from giving Credit itf jinY Wife.. Marv Thomas, for necessaries, or other. on my Mcimuti its. 1 do hereby declare that I will not be rckputiMnlc. for^ue same, the said Mary Thbinnsha viug taken a very coiisiuvi- fale sum of money (being my property} into ner own pos- session, and now living apart from me. The murk X! of JO IJN THOMAS. Llanitltevn, August 20, I8it». ¿ NOTICE is hereby given to Mr. D. Phillips, t;at unle s he pays for the keep, &c and takesaway ,t|ie f?Ry Klare which he left at Pyle-nin, in the county of ]0famorganr on the 5th of May last, sfie will b Sold by Auction, together with a Saddle, Bridle, and Whip, on Saturday, the jfitli day of September next, at Pyle afore- said, to" defray the charges inclined for keep," advertis- ing, &c. MORGAN MORGAN. Pyle inn, Atip. 25. raij. Nobility, Gentry, and the Carious in -a the Wonders, of Nature, are respectfully bUormed,' that the PROOF IM "MIESSIONS of the representation of the famous WELCH OAR, known /by the name of the GOLINOS OAK, are now at 3 VLB, at Mr, .Tenpins', the Printer of this Paper; and at Mr Bird's, Card iff.-The Other Print, will be readv for delivery in J feiv d ■ vs. PRICE—Proof Io)prpss)Q)is, with, minute description, 25s Other Prints. 1.5s. I. Royalty of J forgave tiny ,rtlrREAS a certain Advertisement was VV published in the Gloucester Journal oi In -;4:b oi July, last, and in other paper's, purporting to be signed b\ Thomas Hareourt Powell, Esq. and Osb 'rnf- Ycat-, Esq. <md tu fee R.ji)e* and -Regulations to be observed tor Shot>. ingon'ttie Hiift ^'ithi i a certain district, therein described as the M ANOR P ARK i>EV i ICE LLANOV.ER, and therei said to be in the parishes of Trevetbih, Llanover, and Llanellen, in the, t'ouniy ot Monmouth— and whereas r.Q part of the said Ssuppo-ed Manor of Park Lettice Llan- tvei-extends over the Hills in any or either ot the parishes above-nientie?t:ed. but the Hills alluded to in the said Ad- vert iseifte'iVt arc the property id the Earl of Abergavenny. .9 — Now 'this is to give notice, (llllt if, any person or persons- shall tie lound Shoot.ot; or ot.lerwise Trespassing on the Hills within the said parishes oi Trevethii'i ->r -Llanover. or in such part of the parish ot Lianel en as belongs to the >aii Earl, or in any other part ot the Royalties and Manors of Hie said Ear} in Monmouthshire, without a written. Licence from William Crawshay, Ksti;. wiia has the depu- tation, of the Mme 'romthfSitid E't.they will be immedi- ately/proceeded against accor.di g tA law. L. OSBORNE, Steward to the said Ear). Abergavenny, August i, 1815. M AN G EON's HOTEL, MALL, CLIITOX,. .itYNEt:3,HH5. WILLIAM MAN GiriON returns bis sincere j thanks to the Nobility and Gentry, for the favours, already conferred up n him, and humbly solicits a cm)- tinuance of their patronage He begs leave to inform them that his charges will prove em trial to be as reasonable as those of any Ir.n or H Jtel in this neighbourhood wh))-p he flatters himself that no IJotel iu England can boast of comtbo(latiotis. W. M. finds this public addre-s the u.iore neefssarfe. from the ctrcittnsiance of the splendid estepnr of his House having given colour to presnmptrhis on ih.e part of an Opposition, by which he has reason v<> bviieyje njany of the K'obik y and Gentry have been ini]uence(,l against honour in™ hiiji v;ith tiieir preference, and who jijijjht retain the erroneous impression that his charges must be -eitravajjant, to support so extensive an establishment; oq th.e cpntrary. he can as ore those who have not inadts direct enquiry, that all ins charges are and will be fo^nd, upon .application at the Bar for particulars, most moderate. A plain good Dinner will be always proved it? tli'e.• Cotree-Room, tor 4s. per head, at five o'clock precisely. ,W,M ANdEON h vin^ pit from Mr; John Warne tile business of the late York-House, further hopes for the patronage.and support of i\lr. Warne's, trielids, POST HOUSES and ^ood Lock-lip COACH HOUSES. Horses received at Livery. '_M_4. Bath and Bristol Canal cind Rmiol IVater- Woi-k, "^TOTlCF> is hereby given, that tlie Prhprie- -i. tors of the Bafti and Bristol C nal and Bristol Water- "VVorks. for electing Cnmiwittee-^eu lor the (liftVirewt liis- tricts for the year ensuing, will meet tin Wednesday, ike t>th day of September next, at eleven ot the clock in the fbrenobn, at the folTd'^itlg places, viz. the Proprietors of the Loudon District (comprehending all the Proprietors resirdent in the cities of London alid Wcstminster, and iu within fifty miles thereof) at the City of London Tavern, *n t e city of Loudon the Proprietors of the Welsh IJistdet '*d comprehending all the Proprietors resident in-the Ptinci- paluy of Wales and Connty of Monmouth), at the King's- Head inn; at Newport, in the count y ot' Momuotuh and 01t Proprietors..of the Bristol District (comprehending all the Proprietors resident in the city of Bristol, and in all •<uthcr pvts of England, except such as ar^ comprehended it! the London and Welsh Districts), aj the White Lion-inn, 1;) Broad-street, in Bristol.—Dated this "21st day of August, 1815.. WAixD and aiERRIMAN, Principal ^Clerks. gditious Conveyance by the Kennet and Avun. Canal. ^npHk Public are respectfully informed, that JL1." the above-mentioned Navigation bejng now com- }>vete!y open, Aleisr#BAKER, JORDEN, FLY BARGES, W1T.I. IN TUTUBE I.OAJ) At BllOOKE's IV HA RP. Upper Thames-street, LONDON, and DUNDAS WHARF, Radclilf stTeet, BSRSTOL, every WEDNESDAY; and on Tftd.ITS^AY wtii positively leave those Wharfs with or without freight, conveying: Goods to and from each City, and all Plaeea in 4he imme- diate lille of Navigation, WITHOUT SHIFTING THEIR CARGOES. By this conveyance » cheap and expeditions Passfcge is ^sb'.blished, not only from London to the rliflerc-nf towns and villages throngh which the Canal passes, but to every P^rr of the following Counties:— .Berks I CJlocester j Rortet ) Cornwall I Worcester, I tio .Berks I CJlocester j Dorset Cornwall I Worcester, I Wilts J Sornerset 1 -Devon'J Hereford J Montuouth, ■: SDU1H WALES and IRELAND. Thf Conditions upoH which Goods are carried by Messrs, •Oaker, Jor fen; and Co. may -be seen by a reference to the Lwidon Gazettes, dated December, 1U13, by application <0 Mr. Jos. Burrough, Brook's Wharf, London; Mr. Bar Rahas iSroughj Wharf, Newbury Mf. Jno tliake "VVimrf, Bath: and Mr. Tlww. Jorden, Dundas hart', Bristol to whom applications for Freight are requested to t>e made, and ail Goods intended lor their care particu- .Iy i»ddi«ssed» CUSTOM HOUSE, Lt%NDON, lozit WHEREAS it feas been represented to the ComuiiVsioaers-of. his Majesty's Customs, that Ule Ma'injSriii ot a Boat in the service the Customs, :>t the Port ot Milford* in the cimmjir. ot- >a» on the flight oft fie 20tft day of- July fastt:!l"¡!tojf from the bo(;>.m and Gaff, au«Neiouiotii>jy stolen and taken away by souse person or perso :s unknown, Tile said (y«iun)issiou't'jN; in order to bring to jjustice the "ff'wnders, are hereby pleased to offer a Reward, of I W fc»N i V POU DS to any person who shaiitliscover and pprehend, or cause to be discovered and uppre- I.. no. d, any one f.r mi tc et the said offenders,^ to be paid y.) fne G.dtector of the Ciiiuuu^ at the said port of ftIUtbc4» y I COflVJCIJOll. 1 i By order of the ConMtjissionsers, G. DELAVAUD. Secretary, — ■■iii.ii j_. '1/E1«" £ »A§ -at. Coiiiaiissiun uf Jiankrapt is1 » T «iward«Ht and issued lortn against- KVAN'DAVIES iato of the pai'isjisof Mydnin.jn the ctMi.ty*«. Carmarthen! Auctioneer, Dealer^;iikI Cljapmat?, and he t-einf; declared d tiuiitrupt, is liereoy retlei.ed to sL-n-n-ler himself to th« COjMiinissioniers 111 tlie saicf Co tinii-sion iiained, or.the iijajb<pai t oi.iftwu, at. thu ^yih and jtith days ef'August i.iMaustr and ,i)ii the 19ih day of;September next foUowiiiti, at ten o chxsFi utthe iorendp^iflt the sanie days respBctiveiy, ,at life 'n r 1 'U" discovery and diselo'su're ci ins Estate and Effects, when aiul :whi}re the Creditors are to come pre- pared to p'ro-ve.4lse!-r; ISebts, and at the second sitting to cause Assignees, and;at the? last-jjltiay the said Bankrupt is iei:uircd 10 finish hia exanunation., and i!ie Creditors are to asseijt to or dissent iro.m the aflowantsj of his Cerf$c#?e. All persons iiideb-cd to the said LhdrujJL, ot tlvAt 'have any of III" Effects are not to pay o,r deliver the sallie, but to whom the Coiunnsskyiers slisll appeiiH, but (o give no;ice to Messrs. arrant, CJai ke, and Richards, Solicitors, Chancery-r lane^-Lo ion or to.Messrs. Davids and Joues, Solicitors, Carmarthen. gth August, 181^. J. MhKSs <" s. WALTER RfCK HOWELL. T the 'Summer Assizes -for tHe .County XJL Ciiamorgan, held atCnrdiif, 011 ihe 1 jth day of August, 1815, the Grand-Jury of the said County canie to thtTfol.' lowing Ilesolunons; licsdofd, That the 0rand jury of the County of Gla- mdrgun are anxious to testify the high sense thev entertain of the great -gallantry and abilities of -their; late nuich- lanienu d countrymiui Lieiit-Gen^ral.- «>fr Tiios. Pj'CTON G C. K.; and earnestly recomisiend that the GeuUemeit oi t.HS. County do enter into a Subscription fur plirtuse. 61 co operating with the other counties,of Soutl'l Wales in ereciing to his nfemory/suiae public tributb of" respect and regard.. Resolved, That a Committee be appoiuied for carn-ing -the above Resolution into effect. J Resolved, That the Lord Lieutenant. Mr. Ffall. Cni Kntglit, Air. Morris, Mr. 11, J, Grant, and Mr. Ilous) do foriii the said Loinnnttee. That Wm. Gronow, Esq. be Treasurer.. Air Hall fiavmg lead the result of liis enquiries relative to iht: piucticabllity aud "dtlvaata^es thut; woui^i arise to the County from an improvements the established system oi vVeUh Judicuture, Resolved, l'hat the same be approved of, and that he be requested to adjpt such measures to promote the ubject in vi4w as may appear to him expedients Itesol,cett That the Thanks of this County are due to Air. Hall, for the zeal and ability he has shewn in forwarding the wishes of the last Grand Jury on the above subject. Hesolved, That Mr. Hall be requested to take such steps as may be deemed expedient to obtain public reliefin aid ot the improvement oJ the Great Road through this County,! which has lately been indicted by the Post-offic;\ Hes00ed, That it is the opinioll of this Ura!td Jury, that it be recommended to all future High Sheriffs to forbear giving any tublic Dinner on the first day of the Sessions,: which is not usual in other parts of the kingdom, and must' thereiore be considered as the addition of an unnecessary expense to art office otherwise very burthensome. pi Resolved, That it would be udviseabie further to adopt every possible means to diminish the expt-.tsesofthe office, as tar a* it can he done without improperiy uapairin" the di. nity of it, and particularly with respect to the appoint- ment and clothntgof the javelin-men, which niaome English counties are furnished and maintained in a much more Economical manner. i he Grand jury having proceeded to view the County Gaol, in pursuance .of the request of the Magistrates at the last Quarter Sessions lor this County, held at Neath, Htisolped, 1 hat it is due to Mr. Jernigan to state, -that he is acqaitted from any blame as to tluU part of the County (Sao, reported to be in such a bad state by Mr. Wheeler, as it that the building of it never was under the superintendence ,of Mr. Jernigan aiid with respect to the ^rcnes ot the Chapel, wlftcli have given way, it is stated thntthewa)is be connected with iron burs, sutHcicntly well to piotect toe building and it is recoiumeade'd to the M^S'sfrates to give iiiiinediate directions In secure them. BLNJ. HALL, Foreman of £ he Grand Jury, ^GLAMORGANSHiUE. ■vV.T- the General Quarter. Sessions of th0; |-11 Peace, of our. Sovereign Lord She ivnig, held by I Adjourntneiit at the Cardii^- Arins-init, in the town ot' Cardiff, in ihe said county, on Wednesday, the lgth day of August.: >U the 55th. year ot' the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Tiiird. by the Grace of Cod ot'thc ITui'md Ki.tgdoni tit Great Britain and, Ireland, King, Defender of IheFajth, before Benjamin Hall, John Morris, Wyndheim Lewis, Esqs. aoo'others tlveir associates, his Majesty's J ust'tces as'si^ned to kccpthe Peace III tl, lid County, (jrui !t!.o to £ .ear&and det rtuine divers Felonies'. Trespasses, and other Offencei done.:jnd committed in tlie aaid.County. The Grand Jury of. this County having met at the County Gaol, agre'ea-tdy to the request of this Court, and made their Report on the Repair^.of the same, whereby they recommend immediate steps to betaken to secure the Centres of the Ch,\pel-'Ordef'ed, That Mr.Wheeler do prepare an estimate of the expense, as alsb Of the Repairs of the Back Prisons, against 11 re 26th instant, in ord.er that the same may be then taken into considerstfaa. Ordered. That Mr. U heeler's present Contract for t!>e Repairso.f.tV Gaol be cshcelled (Mr. Wheeler ctnise^ting thereto), and lie is hereby directed to bring in bis BilHar siieh Repairs as he has actually executed, and mittetiats f nnd, under such contract, in order that the,same may .be disctiarged. Mr. Wheeler having produced to this Court a Plan of' proposed Additions and Alterations to tlie Coutuy Gaol including therein a Messuage or Dwelling-hoti'sc, and Premises,'in the oc'cupatioil. of Joseph Lewis, Mason, and Mr; Wood having signified the M.n qticss ufB.ut £ !s,intention ot purchasing the same, if it can be obtained on 1-hiC terms, andpresentiog it to the County for the purpose of such Addition and Alteration. Ordered, That the Thanks of this Court be given to his Lordship tor such liis kind intention, and that the said Plan be referred to the next'Quarter Sessions. The Cterk of the Peace read the following Letter re* ceived by biiu from the Custos Rotuloruin :— COPY. SJB, London, VIth August, 1815. < I desire that you -Mrill, ,on Wednesday "ext. the 16th instant, «t the Adjourned Quarter Stssioas for lile County ot Glamorgan, niake publicly known, that those G.cntleinen whose intention it is to offer themselves for the Commission of the Peace, are in future to. make known their wish to the Lord Lieutenant through the Clerk of the Peace, he being the only official channel for such communication. I am, Sir, your most obedient humble servant, BUTE and DUMFRIKS, Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotuloruin for the County of Glamorgan. John Wood, Esq. Jun. Cleric of the Peace, for the County of Glamorgan. I Ordered, That the same be recorded. By the Court, • WOO I), Cleik ofthe Abernant and Rhydyhleip Trust, NOflCE is hereby given, that the TOLLS due at the several GATES within this District will be LEF by AUGiION. at the Castle-iuti, iu'■ ftjerthyr- i Tydvil, 011 Friday, tit" 1st day of September next. at • twelve o'clock at noon precise) v. for the- tenn :of Six or Twelve Months, as may be then agreed upOU:, in the I following lots o Werfa Gate, > Namygwenith Gate. Jackson's ljridge Gatft, ■JJerwen-y-CruseGate^ Kuiu.iey Gate. s; .i: The Heaters imiuediately on being ^eicliaritsd siich^ inii)st enter into b aids for payment of the ri t, luoill 114 Y. WM. MHYRICK. Clerk to the trustees. '1 CARMAILTUEJVMJFRE. Llandilb District ofi'\ "pike Roads. ^TO'I ICE is hereby given, U;at the fOLLS arisibg at the several TOLL-G-U CS within the said Dijtric;, called or known by the several names 01 b'airfach Gate, Ll ridebit; t I]. It v side Gate thereunto Ijcloiig- ing, and^ Liamdi; Ftirest-Gate,iiiLEI' by AUCTION to the best-bidder, at the hi the town of 1J,¡¡¡- dilo, 011 Saturday, the iid of September r., XI. between (he ho'uw of two and foUr in the aitenioon ot the same day. in the manner directed by xfie Act passed in the J jih > ^ar of the reigti of'Ins Majesty i £ iiig George tlib Third, 'Morrei gulaiting the Turapike-Iioadswhich tolls produced the present year the sinus hereunder stated, above fhe expenses of collecting them, and will be put up accordingly.. Who- ever Jjiijipens to be,Jlw best bidder must,.at the sariie lrillje, 1 guje-sulhcient.security. to the the Truslces of the said 1 urnpike-lloads, for paynieni, of the rjSijt agreed ior.und.tt such times as they shall dirett. ■ Fa'irfach fjat/iJ and Llandeoie Gate, »ith Ihe > ,e Side Gate thereunto belont'iii £ .cJ,ow>- Ll^iiitdy Forfst.Gate T.. .i4 r i: 'Ih0j»..WORG-AN, Clerk to the Trustees. Llandebie, August 8, 181^. THE W4TliUma PLACES Foil i81'5; „ i; :■ This day its published, 'b I r>ce Ins. boards, ;vr I7s. Ui red, in 011c tl-ick and closely printed «roluiue;-iHu»trated with Fifty, Ilajw and Views, rpiiE GUIDE to ALL the WATERING Ml and SEA BATHING PLACES Li ENGLAND and WALES, for 1815; consisting of accurate mid ciuct/M- s_i A.VTIAL pE,SG-jiiPTtoS,'S of every Place of t'a.shioiiable; iiesort, and;of' tm-Curiosities and Sceneiy in their environs, with an Itinerary of the Roads to and Itüm e.fch place, 4 By.the EDITOR of the PICTURED LONDON. I he toUowing places are l^Jly desejibed in tins useful and interesting vofunje: p AbbOtsbury. Dawlish j&amsgate Aberystwith I)over r Rede ar & Coat ham Appleuore East Bourne llottingdeart BatÜ Exmuath Saudgate ■ Blackpool Folkstone Scarborough bognor J-: Fowey Sidmoutfi Bridlington Quay Harrowgate Southend Brighton Harwibh Southampton Bristol Hastings Swansea Brpaclstiairs Ilfrapombe 1 1 Teigninouth Buicton Lemington Priors Tenby Charmouth Little Hampten Tanbridge, Wells Cheltenham Lyme Regis Weyrn nth Chichester L^mingion Wight (Isle of) Clifton JVIalv.tyrii HUb Worthing Cowes, Margatb Yaxmo^iu- Cromer. Mattock Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Pateruosier-rovv. London and sold by T. JeLikins, Printer of, this P.tper..Q.f whom may be had, The PICTURE of LONDON for 1815, price 69. 6d. bd. INCLOSURE Of the Great Forest of Brecknock. WE, IiENRf 5FBRUYN, ot South-' ampton street, in the county ol Middlesex, Sur- veyor, and JUHN CHEESE, of Lyenshail, III the county of Hereford.. Geiuicmen, jiieComm'ssioners^appointed for carrying into execution an Act of Parliament* passed in the 55th ^ear of the reign of his present,JVIajesty Kino- George tue 'llnrd, intituled, An Act to amend an Act^nade in the '13th yettr othi" vrescut Majesty, to ituprove the Laud Revenue of the Crown so far as relates ,to the Great Furestof Brecknock. »" the comity of Breckr).ock, and for vesting in his Majesty eertain Parts of the said,forest, and for Inclosing the said Fort-st." Uu hereby gioc r.ctice That we shall hold our FIRST MEETING OJ, Tuesday, the 29th day of August instant, at twelve o'clock in therorenccn at the BullVHeud-inii, iu the village (,t Devytmoch. in the said county of Brecknock, for the purpose ot putting into execution the said Act; and also another Act, made and passed iu the 4lst year of the reign of bis present Majesty, intituled," An Act for consolidating in one ,ict ceriffci Provisions usually inserted in Acts of Inclosure, and for facilitating the nw.ic of.proving the several facts usually required on the passing of such Acts." And wejui chergive Mfittcc. Tttat at such Meeting a Banker or Other Person or. Persons will be appointed, who slial, be approved ot by the majority ia value of the Proprleturs ot the Common and oilier Rights in and npun the said Forest, who shall be then present as the person pr persons ititu whose hands the monies to be raised tinder and by virtue ol the said Act are .to be deposited, pursuant to the direc- tions of the said last-mentio^ied Act. And we do hereby give notice, ilnt we will continue such our First Meeting by AdjourimictU during the iJOth and 3lst days of August iiistani, ;an.d the 1st day ot September next, at the same pl<AC<e, and on which days \ve do hereby require that all Persons and Bodies Corporate or Politic, who aiiali have or claim any Common or other Rights to or in any siicli Lands so to be inclosed, shall deliver, or cau§e to be d* livered. tp us an Account or Schedule,: in writ mi, signed by them or their respective Hy*bands, Guardians,"i'rusu es, Committees, or Agents of such respective Rights or Claims, and therein describe the Lands and Grounds, and the respective Messuages, Lauds, Tenements, atxi Hercdila-. ments, in respect wliereotthey shall respectively claim, or be entitled, to any and which of ^uch Rights in and upon tiie same or any pari thereof, with the name or names of the person or persons then in the actual possession, "nd the particular qi^ntity of the same respectively, and Maps or Plans ol j»uch Lauds, if they have any^ and of what Mature an.d-.extent such Right 11; and alsom what Rights, and for what Estate and interests they claim ihe same respectively, distinguishing the Freehold from the Copy- hold or Leiishold.Datad ,the 7th day of August 1815 wt;wvUY DK BRL'YN. iNcfi E ES E. JiVERY LADY HER OWN DYERT t,C O N,0 »I Y A N D E L K G A N C E C O M Bi n E D. ElCilAlios and Co. beg leave to submit to P-t the Public, their much celebrated DYING BALLS, ot various Colours, for family use, winch are I" such uriex- ampled repute in town and country, by which any article -of-Dress, Silk, Muslin, Crape, Ribbons, Silk Stockings, t ur- e nitnre,&c may be died in a few minutes without unripping, many of the colours being done-as iu the ordinary way uf washing, iu soap suds.Prices Irom Is. to unci), accord iug to the colour, which is sutficieiit for a dress. Also, RICHARDS & Co.'sCHE\HC1\LI)ETERSIVE BA LLS, for taking Spo s of Grease, Dirt, -Mildews, &cc. out of Woollen Cloths. kerseymeres, Stulft, Linens, Cloths of Card Tables, or any "thing not requiring washing. Price ls. 6d. A TRLAlISEon DYING, entitled, the ART of DYING, for general and family use, with InstiuctidHs for Dying any Colour, with Patterns attached to each direction,'pro- duced by the Balls and a t'able, shewing what Colour may be converted to any other; with General Remarks on Dying, Dressing, &e. never btelore attempted by others.-— Price Is. 6d.-wtU)uut Patters,6d. Prepared, and sold wholesale; by Richards and Co. 46, Gun-street, ^mon-street, Bishbpsgate, London: nod, by! Appointment, at Joha Nicson's* H«berd*^hw» near the Cburcb, Swansea^ j 14oiaaiitic Residence in North Wales. TOBKLKT, ■>f9r a lerm of 21'»r 31 Years, ,4, A Newly-erected D WELLING HOUSE, con-; sistmg of three parlours, seryants'"hall, housekeeper' room, kitchen, pautry, and sculleryVand live good bed-roouis, besides servants bed-room, snd w^ter-closet^ wiih eight v one Acre.soi Land, .11 whichs.there is a Farm-hou^"aiid Ofhces. "fhese premises are situated vritlijiu a few miles of ) the sea, aUd ctiiuuiand 111,^ extensive views..The neigh- bouring hills abound with grouse, and the country is< well slocked with game. There are also several lakes and rivers ill the neighbouilwnkl producing excellent trout., For further particulars apply to Mr. Joint Lloyd, Solici- tor, Peny Glaiine, Maeutiyrbn, MerioAeth'si-ire' I. hiducUt/ Guj/ Channel.' THE Bar or -Uouth ol this Channel-lies in Carmartlicn Bay, about five ieagues easrirom the south point of Caldy, and ahoat N. by JE..from Uie1 W orm's lleutf it is^so circumstuf.fed lhat the K.id«t^lv 1 dots cmwot teach 4 esseis^ Iyh'ft out side lire Bar when the wind biOM'S fresh Irpmihe V/estward therefore, to render; its iiavigftlicu^aie and easy, four Black Buoys have been laid 'h>wn "1 its Channel in the deepest Uf tie water, and two Perches creeled. 1 ne stations, u*f the Buoys and Perches, together with evyry other piiKieular respecting this Harbour, itte clearly dcscrjljed i",s, Chart otft, which has lately bfeini publisheit, wil l whicli Masters of Vessels inclined to trade to Kidwelly will 'be furnished by the Harbour Master, and at tlje Ciutom-House, Llanelly. Masters of Vessels boacquaivited and desirous of pro during ttjo»-lor Kid,velly. sk-e'requested to call at Teuhv or Caldy Roads, whe,re they will s]>eediiy be aecomino dated.. •? ;i "Cirection's for "Sailing into Kidwelly. Froni^uoy No. 1 (which rides outside the Bar. in iiwo fathom vvnteV at low water spring tides) to No. the coarse is east halt south From Bupy No. 2 (in about three feet at tow water spring ti'des) to No. 3 the courseisiN. by E. half E.—In 'iiauiing up from No. t be careful to "avoid- being drawn much to: the eastward, as the tide of flood seis strong .tlSat way, tovyaVds lowin Point irom Btfdy$0. 3 (nearly dry at tow water) to No. 4 the rwr3ti'S 1^' '!?h N.—As these two Buoys ride near Utilii-bliedan Sand. be car,:ful not to borrow to ihe westward or ifiiis S iiid bfiing nearly sit;cp to. From Butfv No. 4 (nearly dry at.low watdrS to.he «is Perch or; Ba,KPost the course is K. N. E. half E. — Pass to the southward x>t uus Perch, giving it a birth of about SO i,r 70 yards Froin the Barrel Pps,Uo.the ftertwynQuay the course i E. S. E,. ii;tli'S -Olltht't pasizige you will pass Perch No: 2, to the southward of it, do not come nearer it ihan (JO or 79 yards. You will most likely get a Pilot before .vou arrive a-breast of the Quay, if not, bring up a small birth above it. Masters of Vessels are advised, v.-lien the wind blows Iresu between the tcuth and west. accompanied with a ground sea, to take the Bat about four hoursflood on, spring and within jlti-hour 0! high water or neap tides whiu they will have good water, and a larger breadth of channel than early upon tide. High water on lull and change fibou* J past five—Vertical: rise 011 ordinarytpring tides about 29 ieet—on neap ditto from 10 to 11 leet.: Near the fine of the Kidwelly and Llariell v Canal, which communicates with Ibis Haroour, several' "Collieries are opeuiog ftii a respectable scale.—Tlie Cuaf wHlljolm have ul ways been held in high esteem. Qjtckiitsp<wcli a.,dg .0,1 encouragement will be give,, to the shipping, for the accommodation of which exteusivc Quays and other 1111- provements are atuut. toIbe made, 111 addition to those already completed. The greatest attention will be paid ti- the Buoys, this being a slutting channel. August IS, 1815. ° JOHN WEDGK, m. -r^'TTr'r • °ficc< JlliV 1815. J^j UITCL. is xiereuy given, that two Acts wehe -passed in the ldte Session of Parliament, for repeal- ing tlie Siamp Duties on jQeeds, Llw Proceedings, and oiher written or printed Inaile.iH:nts, anjl ihe Duues on Fire fn^urauces and on Legacies and Successions to per- sonal Estate upon Intestacies, and also the Duties, oih Ad veriiseraents, Almanacks, Newspapers, Pavnphieis, u'old and silver Plate,Stage Coaciies, and Licences for keeping Stage Coaches, now payable in Gre^tBritain,,and for graut- ing qe.w Duties III lieu thereof; aiid that the new Duties ure td <:o<atnsnce upon thehtof September next. except the Duty on fire Insurances, which is to commence on the 29th September; "nd the Duties on Stage Coacues. and vtage Co^cn Licences, which.are to commence 011 tue 5ih September. A very general increase of the jitesent duties ii enacted and some instruments are subjected to ad valorem, Duties which are slot so at present, such as Deeds of Exchange and I artition. Leases, Settlements of Money and of Shuiv's ill the publlii Stocks or Funds,.whether voluntary or upon Marriage, and Warrants oi Attorney to confess judgment, wheu givei.l-a*,a|4ecuriiy jor nl(iliey intend of b;mds or mortgages. Ana.nlj 01 liXC|Uinge and Promissory .Notes at more ihaii two months after date, or sixty tlay.s after si>'l t, are charged with, higher Duties than' tuose puvaoleat short a- periods.. The new Duties arecontuined in Schedules, in which the instruments and.things chared are ciussedaud alphabet. eally aianged, so as to .ffoi-j a complete Table of Duties, in the most co.H eiiiciit and practical lorm, and tosupersede aey occasion foi those compilations, published bv private-i individuals, to which the prolessiou of .the law ai.d ihe public haveformeriy found it etMutMneirt to resort. And as the Schedules will not admit of an abridgment that can be safely relied uppii, theCoinniissioneis recommend it to the profession »'.it> others 1101 to trust to any thing else 111 nutt ers of importance. 1 he Act contains various provisions for securing the Duties, which are material to be attended to by those who wish to avoid penalties. And the provisions of former Acts are to be enforced,-in regard td those Duties, concerning which no ucw provisions are enacted. Witii respect to the RECEIPT DUTIES, it is to be observed, that notjonly lormal Receipts, but all i\ otes and iVlenioranduius,whether signed or not, which shall import any acknowledgment, I hat a sum 01 :± 2, or upwards, c P" wttled, balanced, or otherwise discharged or salaried, are liable to these duties; and that all persons paying money are entitled to have stamped Receipts, at the expense of the persons receiving it, and on tcndgrin^ a proper Stamp, iil iy insist tm haviug-a Receipt written thereon, and on otiiig paid for the .Stamp and that all persons refusing to gfve such Receipt and pay for the Stamp, as well aSolj persons giving a Receipt, or any Slich Note or Mcrnuranduni as aforesaid, without a Stamp, or upon a Stamp, of insuffi- cient value, will incur a penalty ten p0uilds for every offence, which will be strictIjy enforced on eve. y occasion. By oordcr of the Commissioners, W t\l, KAPPHN. Secretary. WARREN^ Original ;Jap«11 Liquid Blacking. rr,HfS composition produces the most bril- liaut jet pluck ever beheld, preserves the leather, softens and prevents its crackiug, is perfectly treeffomanv nauseoussuiell, and will retain its virtues in any climate." Sold wholesale by R. Barren, 14, St. Loudon and retail by T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper! and J. Edmonds, S. Jenkifts, and Ji. Hevan. iroumongei s Swai^ea; Reesand iVlorganVNeatii J.-Roberts, Uiinelly J. Rei^s,. Kidwelly; J E^'ans and 'Mcir^iw, Cannarthen Davies, Llandovery Vra'igh;iu> Brecon. P^Vry, Merthyr- Joaes. CiVerphiUy; ^outh, Cardiff; Gibbs, A lieu, t)wc"n! and J arduie, Haverfordwest; Reynolds, 1 enby Slarbuck. Milford; and in every town in the kmgdulII. 111 stonc bottles Od. iod. Is. 6d. 2s. 9ii each. Caution.—-The Superior qualities 01 this Blackimr has in- duced sc-erai base nbpcjstors to sell spurious compositions under the above namf—to prevent which, ob-erve none are genuine unless Robert Warren is signed on the label, aud 14, St, Martin's lane, stamped indie bottle. I TO SE SOLD, A VT Pounds under-prme cost, A* Cfaiie-necked Pfi. £ ION, with a Boot behind attached to the bocJ v. Apply to -11 Francis, Coachmaker, Swansea. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TQ HE. LET, t r if-wtEBcp, VPm rMMhDiAf Er.r, r A H *ud desirable DWELLTTfd- J v ilie res'<ience of Eltas Jenkinsy'Esd. *c. "f' p .e'vt'd"«le, close fo the eccelh-m ma.ket J,,t 8l'ii'l, standing on an euiiueilee-in a rich and fer. le cou,Wr<y, comma,id.Hi extensive of .hevaleo G arnorg.^ eou^ung of two parlours, kitche^. 11 se<s' a"d (.ther cos-venieiiee- six-stall stable coacl^wse, hariiess-rm, w»«-krtche. w I chmgettiut-ure,, Kitd, Carta,. front, anff about half an a.Cle ol Land beiiiKd the House g,r; «.,< I he leuaut may be accommodaied with any quantity not exceedingoO Acres ol rich AJeadow a«d Pasture Laud in tlie highest state ot cultivation and repair v ■> Lime upon the whole of the pramises. tor .lurther particulars apply to Mr. Robert TenVins Ewe,my, near Bridgei^All letters must he post-pSid. L A MORG A NS HI RE.. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, ALL that capita^ M A N S f O N*H OUSE' CX called LA WITHIN wi.h 1R7 a„ i v.? Meadow, and Pasture Land; the whS fexceV 4 Xc i bting free frooi tithes and poor rates, and situa e in Uje extra parodfua! piape of Lanvithi.i, except the said 14 Acres which te subject to tithes and poor r-,if-s, asd L\n ie parish of Lancarvaii. The premises abound' wiih lime- stone, and are thsUnt from the port of Abenhaw r ,ur miles Irom the post-tuwn 0/ Cowbndge foijr miles, and from Car- clitt nine miles^good market-towns; there is a stream of water running '-hirough the dairy, and a good trout stream rusmng through the farm* This estate is well worth attention, having the advantage of being almost entirely exempt from tithes aud poor- rates and is. u; i.Kv*d to be one of the best farms m the neigh- bour,,ootl. One halt Of-(ho purchase-uiouey may remain on the security of the farm. Jf r»r^iieUanl,ifAIr; Jeliliil!8' shew the -premises; and ft r J aPP^ t<» Mr. Jona-j Gregorv, §, lid to H1riW S"ll/-Lo''<i,l; or Mr- Thomas Bassett, Soiici- toi, liooyHiione, Glaniorgaushire. GLAMORGANSHIRE TO BE SOLD 13Y AUCTION", At ihe Bear-inn, in the towa of Cowbrkitfe., on Tuesday the lyih stay ot September, 1815, at three o'clock in the a leruooii, sut^ei to such conifttions of sale as shall be then product-d (unless ,jn the mean time disposed of bv I rivatc Contract, of which notice wilt be given), A LL that capital new-built MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, willI the Garden and Al)- purtci.anu^ andK) Acrbs of excellent Pasture Land •— also a COTTARS-and all situated iu the parish'OF VVick, ui the said County ot Glamorgan. ihe House contains two gd«d parionrs, « hall, arid fcift-ljeo,or, ihe ground floor; shtd »bargf>o<f bt-d-chajnbera first £ <n,r; and is pleasantly situated m the village ot W 4, command, u%le vwj o{ lhe from wh £ g t R ? lU ,one a»d about five from the market-towns ot Bridgend and CoW6,.i(1 anrf ab(Jut nuJl,3 l!le mail road leading ro„, Car-i!f to Swansea. A WIND-MILL ids l«teiy er,.cie(i on t(ie prei4iises« Plan may be s^een. v w JDESCkiPTIV E PARTiHuLARS oÍ' A Most tlesirable Fft EEilotD KESU>E^CE land-tax redeemed, with beautiful Plaiitatj, valuable portions of rich Grazing and Dairy Land so' at M.ANERRABON, on the banks of the Riv r' /WI* two miles distant from the market-town of Llandilo, in the county of Carm rltten., South Wales, and close upon the turnpike-road leading to Milford aim Watorlord WilK li WILL HE SOLD BY AUCTION", By N I r. N N t. Subject to such conditions as shall'fie produced, ut Gari% way's. Cvd'w' House, Cltanue-AIIey, Co'rnnili, On Friday, the 1.5th oi September, 18l5. at twelve o'clock. The Premises may be viewed by application on the por, a id at Green-Hill, near the Premises and particulars ninT oe had also at RuiPs Liltrary Clieltenlmm the Bush Bris- tol and of Mcssm. Pearce and Keiit, Lund A"r»|.ts Cmtg's-cu:-t. Westminster, where a Map of the Land,"and a plan and elevation of the lioe.se may be seen Tile House, Which is d'c!t..h!i.ty s;[.tatcd. coinmaiulin* picturesque, views i„ the .jdjoining'.yale and around, and exii-nsiye prospects over ho d and- roiaahtic liills at a dis- tance, i> sunounded I b pleusarit gi'iiA el \y;tlks, terrace- a»d shrubbery it consists 0/ a .dining-room. 31 feel liy'ifl teel-a library 21 icet by I? lee;—a drawing-room,2!6 feet by i'O six bed-chambers, with three dreisiu^-rooms, 011 ibe first floor several other good rooms in the attic story a good kitchen, brewliouse,-servants'* ball, housekeeper's room, butler's pantry a lar^-e arched Wine cellar imd dairy several other inferior offices; and at a suitable de- tached distance, stabling for eight horses, room tor two conches, a complete farm-yard, with bare and dog-kenuel all us .good re¡>¡Hf Ihe Garden is walled round, and well planted with choice fl int trees, and Complete with a hot-house. Th-e Land, which consists of 8^ acres ^more or less). £ ■ of hay tithes, is very neb and productive, is with fine timber and thrifty plantations. Tlie River, winch is elose ai hand,-affords plenty of salmon, sewm. irost and eels, and the country abounds witii woodcocks and game ot all sorts; and ihe parochial rates are moderate; coals Ciicap and the neighbourhood most respectable. ° One half of the purchase-money may remain oil xat)rt- gage, il required, lor five ye-ars. 11" EXCESSIVE, INDULGENH IF^ ^pHE CORDI AL B AL.M of GILL by its X softening, healing, and tonic uil^lnunijjiJs well as by us salutary etiecls, affords a Sure prosjio^t ot r.ti!rning strength, and a certain' hope ot .mftsfc'Uar in'/ii;orau n to ihose who itce debilitated by prenwil»ft#nr excessive uiri'al- gencies hence arise weakness .W.SMghL verligos, loss of appetite, and mental decay. lhe Cordial Balm of Gilead aiost wonderfully cherishes nature, and will support the hie ot the aged and infirm. In il,Nvztl,ci decays, debility, lowiiess of spirits, relaxation ia either sex, whether hereditary or, owing to yout;.iu; impra- 1110(i 1) (1 dencies, this medicine.will ndord the most wonderful relief Sold by T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper; Mr. Dsinid Carmarthen Mr. O-'eii, Haverfordwest; a .d Mr North Brecon in bottles, piu.s 1 Is.. efe-Gii; or Four in one famiiv bottle lor 3-3s. by winch one It#, bottle is snvt o, wtih Words" Samt. isohtnou, Liverpool," engraved on thestamn Also, price tnree shillings, That scarce, interesting, ami uselul f amily Work (with which is given an elegant 1 ortrait of the Author aud a View of Oileadr House) entitled A GUIDE TO HEALTH; On Advice to both Sexes, in a Variety of Complaints. Ih SOLO,\lUS .M, D, h Containing a Treatise u). l'ewi ile Diseases, Nervous and fly ]>ochb nil riac Com p, a nits; also General Beiuarfcsoi, thu-e Diseases with w.nich .he. humnn body is niosi .'reqio'istly ilffiioied explaining the symptftms, ni.ale ol' iieatiueii', and remedies most properly adiiuied ior Sexual i)ebiii -i 1 &c. 4c.