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L WANTED, a YOUTH of respectable co n nexions, of the age of 15 cars, as 'ui A liTICLED CLERK to a LAND and TIMBER SURVEYOR. He will in every respect be treated as one of the f.rnily. Apply (if by let.er po t paid) to C C. C. Felix Farley's Journal Office, Bristol. WANTED immediately, a YOUNG MAN, who lias a pert-r;i k.nnvlrtdge of the MNEN and WOOLLEN DRAPERY, and HOSIERY BUSINESS, j One who can speak the Welsh language. Apply (It by letter post-paid) to It. Lewis, London Ware- boase.Merthyr-Tydiii. LAW^ r TH E Advertiser, an active middle-asrej Man, WANTS a SITUATION in the OtH o'l Gentle- tnan of respectabint, he is cf:i-tit.z,,elit u'.>1< r' .kin,: the j management in the absenct' of his emolover, Asemolu-, Oient is not so much the object of the Adv..ii-er as a com- fortable situation, a moderate salary is only f-xpected Letters (post-paid) addressed G. L. Post-onice, Swansea, Will be duly attended to. CIRCULATING LIBRARY, WIND-S.L REP I', SWANSEA MOAKEY begs leave to return her most a grateful acknowledgments to her Friends and the Pub tic in general, for the liberal support she has been favoured with for a long series of years wit!: due deference 5)he solicits a continuance of that support for her successor, Mr. FAGG, whom she trusts and will use every «xe 'ion in his power to merit it, by paying the strictest at- tht'ir commands. i'JTw Library will be added to by all popular publics- ttoivlon orders (tree of carriag •) legolarly. sup *wic> i month Bookbinding elegantly and expedi- ,peifllrlllp.d, I tqNm tee assortment of Books, Stationary, Caricatures, ^Fnnts, Jewellery, Toys, and Perfumery, now on sale. Several Piano-Fortes f,»r Sale or Hire. Carmarthen prnse, TOTTENHAM COIJtil BOA V, LONDON. R TCH AR D .1 ON ES RF.SPECTFULL V acqa miib the Nobility, Gentry 11I¡'; th- •'iuhl:c- t • at '.01, fust cnmnleied hi" SIRING STOCK "f G LINEN DltA. PERY iiiti tha^ lie has NOW ON St, LE the CHEAP- E r IhISH LI V EN I TH K KINGDOM.—Every Piece 'is warranted. i o^retore. ■ hould the smallest fault ap- pear, it will be immediately exchanged, or a handsome allowance made- Th" nnces of very stout Coleraihe, are from Is. to 2s >• v lid a fine sof quality, from 2s. 3d. to 2s. 8 vi»rv fin1 3s fine and very -to it, undressed, yard- iwide ;or gem te n n's wear, fe. 9i 10 3s. very fine,-3s6d. and 4, t, I so T, Boxe<i of eYtraa^din ir-1. tin^ vard-wide C,rallW 1,11\1'11. 5" a > ,5: 3d mi-i I) 'if* Jlnporled un- der v-: 9d po. yard Ir«-I« !u ivin 1 qua ler "vide ts Q 1. pt r yard: iieul t' u j' a' 1 f d Vtrv n \e 3s. and '3.611, v H a ,0 -vi^'n > M'e W:,Itlil fcs 6rl. a, os tK 1 mi1 t< h o fte widest evf-r made. 4.3, c !)' \dn uma [ r<ce 6s. all;17;) Break fas', kiis, u o>i a < He ui- i. somc ftotii 1.5s dNide 1 u l^net' ing, 2s. 2ii a few pieces ot !u!' vai l and tp 1 lei wide, f3 6d. (regularly selling of( ). Kjch ,n ,,erv lout', at 3s.; Huh F.gur;d liuto. 3s: vmV.Fgu.cd iabinets, 4s (never- befqrc s-o'.i under 5s.) Fores .D :t!;d Damask 1 ubl^ (/loUifYo^i two yui'ds tooi ,0ng. The limits o! an advertisement will ..«• pcmir a general enumeration suffice it to s- y> 'h it all Goods kept by T.pudou Linen Drapers, are always in great variety at Carmarthen Hou e RICHANO JONVS takes the opportunity of thanking his rumer'its friends in the Principality, for all orders hitherto received and bevs to assure them that their future corn mamis will meet wnh the best attention, viz a warranted, gond article, at a low price, N B. Drafts on Bankers or London Agents, will be taken .in pav limit. AT a MEETING of the INHABITANTS of SWANSEA and its iVEIGHbOURHOOD, liolden the -23d day of March 18\g, at the Town-Hail, for the pnrpose of taking into consideration the propriety of PETITIONING PARLIAMENT against the PRO- POSED ALTERATIONS in regard to the SETTLE MENT of the POO It, by making a three years' residence sufficient for that purpose, WM. G ROV E, Esq Deputy-Portreeve, IN THE CSJAIIt It wasresolvedunanimously, That any alteration in the Jaws relating to the Poor, bymultiplyiJlg and rendering more easy the methods of gaining settlements, must.inevitably y 1 .1. give birth to greater intricacy in their construction, and ;create an infinity of expensive law suits between con- tending parishes. Resolved, Tlut the proposed naeasuro of enabling poor persons to gain settlements by a temporary inhabitancy, independently of the value of the tenements they may oc- cupy, would impose a i unjust, impolitic, and insupportable kurthen upon manufacturing districts, winch afford employ- ment tt) thle poor enJJgratwg for want of work; thereby- Conferring bencfi's upon their respective parishes, who would otherwise have been cnrnpelled to have provided for them at home, and would he especially oppressive to the manufacturer, as the poor's rates would be increased *r«tly in proportion to the t iab. rr issments in his trade. *nd\is consequent inability to pay them. i?t Solved, That- the usual and cemmon-pla^fl argument, Thi.it the manufacturing districts have aliTh benefit of the labour, and should therefore bear the expense of the Uge or-infirmity of the workmen," is fallacious and unsup- ported by facts; inasmuch as the value of the landed pro- perty i» the neighbouring parishes is improved in an equal, If not greater, decree than the town itself, by the expen- i diture o ■ the wages in the demands for provisions and the neciessai ies of life. Resoksd, That the facility of gaining settlements solely by a tet porary inhabitancy will he a peculiar oppression to the iwn of Swansea, as several hundreds of poor per- "BOns wo killg in the neighbourhood reside either in small houses r in lodgings in the town; and by gaining settle- nients or themselves and families there, will so greatly add to be number of paupers and the amount of the poor's rates, to cause the utter ruin and the destruction of the town, j JResflved, That in case a Bill, formed upon the same Principle as that introduced and printed last Session of Partrament, making three gears' residence the ground of a settfinnent, should be again brought forward, as there is g ioa reason to presume, that a Petition to Parliament, Praying that such bill may not pass into a law, be pre- sented upon tlie principles of the above resolutions. Resolved, That the Magistrates residing in the Hundreds of-Swansea and HanRaMneh, and the Parish Officers, be a Committee, to prepare the same, and that the 'Member for the Boroughs be requested to present it to the House of Commons, and that the Members for the County and the Boroughs be requested to support the same. 6 W GROVE. Chairman. Resolved, That the thanks of this Meeting be given to the Chairman, for his attention in convening the Meeting and, for his conduct in the Chair. A TONS?s COMPOSITION for DESTROY- il ING RATS and MICE, is allowed to be the most effi- cacious thing ever yet discovered for speedily extirpating these pernicious vetrtiin from corn stacks, barns, stables, Selling-houses, mills, malt-houses, granart-es,, &c. „and such are the extraordinary and attracting 'powers It pos- sesses, that the inventor has frequently known them te take it from his hand with the greatest avidity. Sold by all Booksellers and Venders of Medicines, price 2s, §d. box. PURSUANT to a Decree riaadti in a Cause Smith v. Young," the Creditors of GEORGE SMITH, late of the parish of St. Petrox, in the county of Pembroke, Farmer, who died on the 10th day vof August, 1813, are personally, or by their Solicitors, to cdtiui in and ( rove their Debts before Joseph J'ekyit, Esquire, one of the Masters of the High Court of Chancer -Chambers, m Southampton buildi .gs, Chancery-! ,n, on or before the 30th day of May, 18l9~6i W&otus.t thereof, they will be peremptorily excluded tht benefit of the said Decree. TO THE Magistrates of the county or \Jiamorgan, dJiN I'TFMEN,. 7 DH. GRIFFITHS having signified his.inten- tion of requesting, the Magistrates will accept his RESIGNATION as SURGEON to the COUNTY GAOL, at the ensuing Quarter Sessions, to be holden at Cowbridge; 1 take the liberty of oifermg mvse/f ta succeed him. and of soliciting the honour of your Votes and Interest to enable me to do so Should I be so fortunate (by your suffrages) as t& obtain the Appointment, you may be assured that every attention will be given to the Prisoners whom I may have to attend, and that I shall always remain, GENTLEMEN, Your grateful, obliged, and Obedient Servant, JAMES LEWIS. Cardiff, 22d March, 1819. SWANSEA Church of Englartd Sunday School, rPHL COMMITTEE are requested to meet X at the TOWN-IIALL, on WEDNESDAY, the 31st inst. at one o'clock, on Special Business connected with the nn- mediate commencement of ttteSchoo) WM. HEWSON, President of the Committee ANNUAL .SUBSCRIPTIONS. S. (I* i cjT. s, d. Rev. W. Hewson 1 10 Wm. Spencer ..0 5 u Thomas Bowdler ..110 Capt. Jeffreys' 0 10 6 Thomas Lock wood 1 10 Capt Ge.scoyne ».0l0 6 JohnJones .1 1 0 1 Mrs. Morgan, Toy- II. Sockett 1 10 Shop 0 5 0 T. E Thomas ..1 10 J. W. Clark .0 10 6 Allen Page .1 1 0 Daniel Daniels 0 5 0 Allen Page. 1 10 Daniel Daniels 0 50 lie v. D. Anderson.. 110 W.Clark 0 10 6 R N. fhomas ..1 10 Samuel Lewis 0 5 0 Wm. Edwards ..1 1 0 Lieut.Langdon.Xl.N. I 10 Edward Hughes' ..1 10 Capt. Green ..1 00 Joseph CJarke 10 Jos. Da vies, Ndson- John Roby 1 l 0 place 1 10 S. Dawe 0 10 6 Mrs. Collins, ditto 0 10 Admiral Dixon ..1 10 Capt. Gilmore 0 10 6 Miss Dixon 1 l 0 R. Witheeombe 1 0 John Nixon 0 10 6 H. Ainswortb 0 5 0 Tliom ;s Sylvester ..1 10 John James 1 10 Mrs, LI welyn 1 1 0 John Edmoud ..0 JO 6 John Grove .110 C. W> Breul 0 10 6; Rees Bevan .0106 Mrs Luce .0 3 <) John Lister 0 It) 6 Mrs, Watkeys 0 10 fi Miss Basselt i io Mrs. E Thomas .,0 fit) Rees Bevan .0106 Mrs Luce 0 3 <) Rees Bevan .0106 Mrs Luce .0 3 <) John Lister 0 It) 6 Mrs, Watkeys 0 10 fi Miss Basselt i io Mrs. E Thomas .,0 fit) Esther Phillips 0 10 0 Mrs. D tut.! Thomas 0 lo Mrs.Davies,Ilt]tl nd .\JI CS. Mrs. Jenkins L O F> ) p:/ice. "ú 10 6 Wil'i— I' r»y. 0 v Úl W diinn Grove .1 t (I Colom l Sheweti i l 0 I Ke.. B. J.ines 1 10) Jolin Francis «. O 10 6 .•oi,.i Chessbyru 1 1.0 I "1 lio.u.i, ?WL<hgsii 5 o l'Jenkins, Cambrian Thos. Davtes. Bush i) 30 6 Oitice 0 10 6 J of ia Berrin^ton l it) Miss Iver.r 0 10 6 ( Morgan Davis 0 10 0 AJrs, Smith, Fisher- Arthur Jones 1 i 0 street .1 10 J H llaKiond..1 10 Dr. Collins .1 10 Capt. Morgan, R. N 0 10 6 (L Hazel .l l 0 Gtorge Rees 0 10 6 Miss C, Jones 0 10 6 J. Andrews, draper 0 10 6 The Miss Williams,} Miss Stow .0 10 6 Worcester-place 0 10 6 Lawrence Bevan 0 10 6 Mrs Geo. Haynes 110 Mrs.Svmons,Rutland JohnStnck .l oo place .110 D.Long i io DONATIONS. Mrs. Mansel l o 0 Mr. Clark 0 10 fi Mrs. Maber ..110 John Twiner ..1 0 O Mrs. Jeffreys 0 10 6 Susannah Davies 0 10 0 Mrs 11. B. iL-dl 0 10 6 R Pauncefote ..1 1 (> Airs. Samuel Grant 0 10 6 Miss Loftus 0 10 6 Airs. Taylor 0 2 6 Mrs. Whiltaker 0 10 6 Mrs, Kendall 1 10 G. A. Goddaid 1 O 0 Gabriel Jeffreys ..1 f 0 S. Padle.y ..0106 Capt. T.-Jenkins ..1 0 0 Lewis Thomas 0 10 6 Rev. F. Gough ..l 10 Philip Tittle .0,30 Wm. Jones Mack- Miss Allen 1 10 worth-Arms ..0106 Mrs. Powell ..0106 worth-Arms ..0106 Mrs. Powell ..0106 Mrs. Jones, Glan- Capt. Hickey, R. TV. 100 brane l 10 Mrs. Cuthbert John- Mrs. Jones, Pastry- son l 10 Cook 0 10 Mrs. Dixon to Miss Oakey ,.0 5 01 Miss Oakey ,.050 CORN-STREET, opposite the £ Xa. MANGE, (Established in the Year 1769.) For Insuring Hour,es .and other Bitiidings, Goods, Wares, Merchandize arid Ships in Harbour, in Docie or Building, from Loss or Damage by Fire. DIRECTORS. EVAN BAILLIE, Esq. and Alderman. THOMAS DANIEL, Esq. and Aldejiawq. LEVI AMES Esq., and Alderman. STEPHEN CAVE. Esq. GABRIEL GOLDNEY, Esq. EDWARD ROLLE CLAYFIELD, Esq. WILLIAM DIGHT0N, Esq. A LL Pfersons whose Insurances fall due on XJL the 2ith inst. are respectfuiiy informed that the usual Allowance of 15 days for the renewal 'thereof'"Will expire on the 9th day of Aprit next at Six o'clock hi the evening, and that Receipts are ready to be'delivered at the Office, and by the Company's Agents as under:- AGENTS, Swansea Mr, D. PERROTT, Chepstow Mr. A. GABDI.VHR, Kington Mr. Jqiin CHEESE, Jun. This Office has been established nearly Half a Century, and from the promptitude and liberality which have always been observed in the Adjustment el Losses, without refer-. ence til any Court of Judicature, the Directors hope for. a continuance of the public favour, of which they have hi, therto so largely partaken and theyavatl themselves of the present opportunity of stating, that they allow 3 Dis- count of TWELVE AND AHALF per Cent, on all Pre- miums 011 Policies d Insurance, Without THE PARTIES INSURED BEING MADE T A TITN EUS, O R I.IA11LE TO PARTI- CIPATE IN ANY 3JANNER, IN THE PAYMENT OF LOSSES. Farming-Stock Insured at 28., per Cent without speci- fication. Polices Gratis on fr,00 and upwards. Proposals and Terms of Insurance may be had at the Office, and of the Agents. By Order of the Directors, C. R. POWELL, Secretary. Bristol, March S2, 1819. TO COUNTERACT the many attempts that are daily made to impose on the unwary a spurious composition instead .of the Genuine Blacking, prepared by Day and Martin, they have adopted a new label, in which their address, 97, High Holborn, is soconspicuonsfy placed I in the centre, that they trust all attention to this, and the diiferenee of the type, which is unlike all letter-press, will enable purchasers ntorrce to detect the imposition. The Real Japan BLACKING, made and sold wholesale by DAY and MARTIN, 97, High Holborn, and retailed by the principal Grocers, Druggists, Booksellers, Ironmon- gers, Perfumers, Bootmakers, &c. in the United Kingdom. In Mottles at 6d. Is. and 1$. 6d. each. -A:- Albion Fire and Life Insurance Company, NEW BRIDGE STREET, LONDON, • FEJFCPOWERED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT, j. CAPITAL-ONE MILLION. AGENTS: Swansea. Mr. GEORBE HAZEL J Cardiff Mr. WM JENKINS; Chepstow Mr. HEMRY CHURCH; Brecon Mr W. CtioBcHEY; Kington. Mr, MO-RUIS SAYCE Leominster Mr. THOS. Sniitu Ledbury Mr. WM. BLODOW. Insurances tailing due it Luiy «i0y vi'l expire, unless r^oewfj within fifteen d ( ,>i>i o.e' .-t >d If is one of the advantages a I the A/r>:o» fjorapmy, to the pu ,:iv,, tna? it liohisuoi 10 p.oles io«i ot •mm, profits with those it. insures, Perswtis insured are not iiaide to CALLS, to make good the losses of others u reaponstoility from which they could not be free, if their Insurances were ac- j coinpanied with any prospect of benefit to arise from profits. I Persons insuring on the plan of receiving returns, have been subjected to the effects of this dangerous contingency. I he Company's rates and conditions are of the mo«t rea- sonable description;—-a liberal commission is allowed to Solicitors, and others, effecting Life Iusuance and every facility is afforded, by which the interest and convenience of the public may be. promoted WARNER, PHIPPS, Secretary. PHCENIX FIRE-oftlCE. RENEWAL Receipts for Policies falling due at, Lady-day, are now in the hands of the several Agents of the Company. The general rates of the Phemix Company are as low and moderate as the nature of the different risks will admit; and, ill this Company, 110 person assured is under the lia- bilities of partnership or subject to have execution levied upon his property to ninke good the losses of others. Applications for Insurances may be made to the Agents of the Company, and all persons having claims are desired to send in the same to the Agents through whom they are injured, who will transmit them directly to the, B sard of Directors for adjustment and payment without delay. fj"> -Agents for this Company, lor South and North Vv ales, are 'Messrs. MICHAEL and Co. Swansea. Mr J. BIRD, .Cardiir. Mr. J. Hiss, Monmouth. Mr. Wit- MORRIS, Jun Cheptow. Messrs. WM. and GEO. NOWfU." Brecknock. Mr. E; HCLME, Welshpool. Mr. WI ED WAR 11s, .•.••. Carmarthen. Mr. C. LEWIS, C;tv<ii!j;.m. Mis S S. WILEIAMS, [Iavcrfordwest. Mr. T. GEE, I;),abi«h. Mr. T. BROSTEII vVr- xhatn. Mr.J HuGHHs, Holywell." TO COV, R this SEA^(7T~arOne Guinea each M tv tnd Half-a-( Groom, YOUNG VALIANT, Rish'a; three years otd; lie fi!il it; has ieiy stioiu hone, find is H'eli.caicuíate," tu i.oorf liiii, ters and carriage horses. is H A F. .1 ti t,i c s t hi e-ne (tf'jl/c hoii,. "u v >( Wales. lie w»". rtt'en-l re^ularh, »i Cij m Ca»Jilf ve y otli nt • „ • > Sitn,rUy a; d M \Ve«)ci?w, ,n st, fjf.irc s 1, ;dr Bridgend.every i liutsday. N- B. The money to be paid on or before' the 2-lth of June next. Stamp-Office, London, March 13, i819. A LIST of the PRICES, at which V ELLU M, l\ PARCHMENT, and PAPER, are allowed to be Sold to the Public, by the Distributers and Subdiatributers of Stamps, whenapphed to for Stamps of any denomina- tion, except lhose tor RECEIPTS, upn" which no charge whatever is permitted to be made for the Paper, VELLUM. Sk>us.-—Letter A. sit two shillings. C. at thr.ee shillings. E. at four shillings and six ponces G. at six shillings. H. at seven shillings. 1. at eiijht shillings. PAR€iIMENT. Skins Untext, and No. Skins for Bills and Answers. Letter A. and No. t. at eight pence ) B, 2, at nine pence I C. S, at ten pence D. 4, at eleven pence g E. 5. at thirteen pence g. jlv 6» at fifteen pence • at en« sh.iiiing afti? eigbt pence 2! H. 8, at tw« shillings 1; ?• at ° shillings and three pence Jj* 10, at'two.shillings and eight'pence W. 11, at three shillings ) Skins Text.O. at fourteen pence P- 8t sixteen pence i Q. at Que shilliag and ten pence R. at two shillings S. a< lw« shillings and six pence £ £ T. St tiyo shillings and nine pence 5' V. at ihree sinilings and sixpence X.. at four shillings' J Half Skins.—No 3, at nine pence 4- ft', twelve pence Small eighth pieces at two pence Large ditto ditto at two pence half-penny Small quarter ditto at four pence Large ditto ditto at five pence Probates for wills V £ • Letters of administra-r >-5 "tion. >at.'Sik penc« 3' Apprentices' inden t 8 tures. ') Institutions at seven pence Sacrament certificate ( »« v ence Bail pieces l Writs o it hilf-peaHj J P\PI R. Thin post folio at two shilling' Thin p<>st qu<4rto at fifteen pence f 5- Copy at ten pence — Fine horn at fifteen pence L S. Fine foolscap at two shillings y? Demy at two pence Medium ¥ at two pence half-nonce j c Roval Plain at three pence half-penny Super Royal t at four pence V, Imperial J at five pencc f =- Roya) at four pence half-penny fS Super Royal >Text at five pence r Imperial "J at six pence J Apprentices' indentures, at one penny half-penny each. Ai'ministratioii Arbitration | I 2 Bail I j« Common (« Ditto without condition j J 2 Covenant I v- Marriage [ 5 Mortgage J Bills of lading ("% Bills of sale = Declarationsin.ejecttnents j, I ■-< Letters of administration 1 ] g Licences lor marriages v IS* Probates of wills J. Releases general I 5 Warrants of attorney J S Arbitration bonds with > umpirage$at two Pence each sbeet' Pape\C\vritsCtS | at two shillings each hundred, By order the Commissioners, t WM. KAPPEN, Secretary. niinaOMBnMHMMiMIMMBai TO BE LET, A Modern-built HOUSE, with Pleasure! Ground attached, fit for the reception of a genteel family, situate in Trinity, street, in the town of Cardtff. For particulars apply to Mr. David Evans/Draper, or to Mr. W. Bird, Post-office, Cardiff, To Printers3 Booksellers, Stationers. TO BE DISPOSED OF, AN ESTABLISHED BUSINESS M the above branches, now in full trade. For terms arid j>»mcular.<H apaly (if by letter post-paid) to W. Williams, Printer, &c. Merthyr-Tydfil. ■ficS* This Advertisement wili'tlot be repeated.. BRECKNOCK. TO BE LET OR SOLD* AND ENTERED UPON IMMEDIATELY, THE FARM* called BLAENBRYNICH, adjoining the high road from Brecon to Swansea, between six and seven miles from the former place. It consists of 3GO Acres of Land, with Farm-Ilouse and suitable Offices, forming a very excellent Mountain Dairy Farin, with a portion under the plough and has a Right of Sheep- walk and Pasture over the extensive uninclosed parts of the Great Forest. The present Tenant will shew the Premises; and for further particulars apply to G. C. Clifton, Esq. of Twy- tnawr, near Brecon. N. B. The Postage of all Letters must be paid. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, tN LOTS, WITHOUT RESERVE, By permission of the Honourable Board of Customs, f c. for home consumption,- iubject to dILty, ar exportation, At Kidwelly, in the county of Carmarthen, on Wednesday, the 31st inst,—the saleto commence attwetve o'clock in lite forenoon, 0.^AA /GALLONS OF WHITE BARCE- ouxju yr L0NA WINE) aud 100rl GALLONS of RED Do. being part of the cargo of the late Swedish Brig Burgetta. For further particulars apply to Stephen Jones, Esq. Swansea, Swedish Vice-Consul, &c who will attend on the Monday and Tuesday prior to the sale, at KidwelU, wiiere samples of tire Willes may be had.. March 5, 1819 BRECONSHIRE. CAPITAL OAK TIMBER, Fit for Navatund other purposes. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By THOS. PROSSER, At the Bush-iftn, in the town of Swansea, on Tuesday, the sntll of March, 1819, between the hours of four and six in the afternoon (subject to conditions to Lethcn produced) IN THE FOLLOWING LTTTS, Lot 1. O AK IRLLS (scribe marked! Lot 2.-75 OAK TREES (scribe marked No. 2) L»' .i -48 OAK TKEES (scribe marked No. 3.) L n •» -?i O Itv 1 r^l'ES (scribe marked No. Lot 5 —6? OAK TREES («cribe marked No. 5.) Loi "1. OAK TRLEs (scribe marked No- 6 ) 5.0- 7.—44 OAK r*>1 1 S (-cribe nini-e-l 7 1 Lot 8.—55 OAK (>cribe inarken \o «••)• The greater part of the above Timber is 01 large Jimen- s'fons, coiitainiog very fine plaufc, and the remaiiidfradapted for buildiog and other useful purposes- All (he Trees are now standing upon the Palleg Estate, in tise parish of Ystradgunlais. and within about from one to two miles frotn the Swansea Canal, part thereof being within a short distance from Mr. Davies's Tram-road lead- ing to the Canal. Wm. Davies, at the Palleg Mill, near the Lantb and Flag, will shew the different lots;—and for further parti- culars apply (if by letter, post-paid) to Mr- Thos. Bold, Attorney, Brecon. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE LET, AND ENTERED UPON IMMEDIATELY, A MOST desirable and eligible FAMILY RESIDENCE, called GABA'LVA, lately occuptcd by Sir ROBERT LVNCH BLOSSE, Bart, deceased. The Premises consist of mi entrance-hall, dining-room, drawing-room, library, breakfast-room, five best bed-cham bers, dressing-rooms, servants' bed-rooms, servants' h ill kitchen, pantries, store-rooms, scullery, waler-closet, hot and cold baths, cellars, double coach-house, four stables landry, dairy, wash-house, brew-house, two barns, and other offices; a capital flower garden, extensive fruit and kitchen gardens, greeivnouse;, peach-house, pinery, and succession house, gardener's, house, See. &c. Gahalva is raosi deii^iitinlly and pleasantly situated on a lawn, and bounded by the banks of the Tatf, in a good sporting country, in the neighbourhood of Landaff, and within three mil s of Cardiff, through which town the r s t ol an (1 Mil ford Mail and other coaches pass daily, ihe Tenant may be accommodated with the Household r in ntture, by valuation, and also with One Hundred Acres of Land; or any lesser quantity possession of Sixty Acres 0! Meadow Land adjoining the house to be had on the 2d February next, and the remainder in February, 1820. The Proprietors will also treat for Sale of the whole Premises by Private Contract. Further particulars may tie bad on application to George Richards, Eöq. atGabalva; of Messrs. Williams, Whit more, and Co. Solicitors, Lincoln's Inn or of Mr Edward Priest Richards, Solicitor, Cardiff, at whose Office a Plan of the Estate may be seen. For Sheep, Calves, Lambs, and other Cattle. Under the Patronage of Th" Right H"ors. Earl WINCHEI.SEA, The Right Hon. Lord SOMORVII.I.E, JOHN BEACKHUHNE, Esq M. P. And other distinguished Members ot the BOARD OF AGHICULTUHK. ;I HUG 11 ES'S PICK'S CORDIAL, a certaih ] Cure lor the Scouring Complaint of Sheepv Calves, Lambs, and other Cattse; a valuable Restorative Cordial for Ewcs after Lambing, and an infallible preventive of the mortification of any auimal after parturition. OBSERVE.—The nanve ot" the sole Proprietor, John Htiglios, is written with red ink, on each hill of directions, wuiiiiut which none can be genuine. Copy of a Letter from the Right Hon. Earl Winchelsea, to Mr John fjughrs, SIR.—I send you enclosed an account of some trials of your medicine, winch were made by my steward, at Burtcy. near Oakham, Rutland. From there, anp from what I have heard of it from other people, I have no doubt of its being a very valuable remedy 1 I am, Sir, your very humb.e serv-int, South-stveet. -WINCHELSEA. I have tried Hughes's Cordial since last August, according to the directions given, nam; !y—To seven shrep, which had the scouring or gurry, and it cured six out of the seven; the one which died had water in it.- To one Scot bullock. c' which had a cold aod fever, and would not eat its food —") a few hours after the dose was given, it began to est, and in a few days quite recovered-—To three renting c which scoured very much, and in a few days were quite recovered. NOTE.—When the medicine was given to them, they were shut up in a dry place- The bullock, when taking the medicine, had warm water twice a day and he calves had their milk as usu t!. HENRY WILSOIV, j Steward 10 the Earl ot Winchelsea. 1 hurley, near Oakham, Rutland. Sold wholesale bv Mr. Hughes, Frederick's-p'ace' Cos- well-street-road: Mr. Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church- ( yard, London; and retail by every vender ot Patent Medicines, price <?s. 9d. the f'nnili 'hug.' bouies._7s. 6<i. which contains four times 11 «e quantity } large if size, 10s, cffiitatmiJg seven times the quantity. I GLAMORGANSHIRE. FOR SALE, la Issuance of the Decree made in the Cause of Powell I, and Powell, and a subsequent Order, THE FREEHOLD ESTATES of the Tes- tator, Sir GABRIEL POTVELL, situate and being in the town of Swansea, and in the parishes of Bishypston, Llangavclach, and Swansea. Particulars may be had at the Chamber? of Mr. Gregory, 13, Clement's-inn and at the Office of R. Nelson Thomas, Solicitor, Swansea. TO BE LET, TN THE FARISH OF AHBROXH, PEMFINOKESRITKE, A Small FARM, of about 100 Acres, about 20 of which is very good Meadow,'and- known by the names ofTROLASSEY and RYLAND-HILL, with a good House and large Garden, Barn, Stables Cart-house, &c i all in good repair; distant about three miles to the south of Tafefnsptte. and half a mile from the sea, com- manding a very beautitul view of the town of Tenby and Bristol Channel, remarkably healthy, aud well adapted for sheep and cattle. Fhe H"use, Meadow, and Garden, and a great part of the Pasture, itiay be entered on immediately, and the remainder 011 or before the 'i9th of September, and, if required, 'iO or 30 Acres more ot Meadow may be let with it. -Likewise, a very neat COTTAGE near to the sea.— None need apply that cannot stock this Farm properly. For further particulars enquire at Amroth-House, near Tenby; TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, (By order if the. Assignee of ihe i state and Effects of George Williams, an Insolvent Debtor) At the Bush-inn, in the town of Swansea, in the countv of Glamorgan, on Saturday, the l?th day of April, 1819„ between the hours of one and three o'clock in the' after- noon, subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced, ALL that LEASEHOLD MESSUAGE, FARM, and LANDS, called GLAN Y R3YD, in the parish of Ystradgunlais, in the county of Brecon, held by lease for lives, at the low reserved rent of ^9 Also all that other LEASEHOLD MESSUAGE, FARM, and LAN DS, called GOYTRE'R GURNO^ in the said parish of Ystradgunlais. held by lease forahoti" seven years unexpired, at the rent of 1;)(1 And also all other the GOODS, CHATTELS, .nd PER. SONAL ESTATE and EFFECTS, whsreot thesairi Georgti Williams was possessed or entitled to on the 18th day of Jane, t818. For further particulars enquire at the Office of Mr, Lewis Thomas, Solicitor, Swansea ALL NAVY TIMBER. BRECONSHIRE TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. HOWELL WILLIAMS At the Swan-inn, in the town of Brecon, on Monday, the 29th d v (if March, 1819, ai five o'clock in the aftertiOva, subject to such conditions as shall be then "mduccd. Lot i. gQ VjAIDEN 0\K TR.TS, num. JL bered progressively wit!; whitepaint, growing upon Penrre-Moie Farm, in the part h of Crick* now m thj OCCODation 0f William Wil iams unit. 150 OAK TREES, nurvb. rerUn the wuie ma er, powl„. u ar.« Pant-v-Kelin Farips, in the sa\ci ;>nr^b ot Crickadurn, new ia ;tse oc-u- patron of William Joftes. la .neoc .U' ? The Trees are. first qnality, and not nnly of large dimensions (the same averaging ib ut a t'.t. e iCh) hut "f a remarkable fine growth, and ate. well worth the -attention of Nuvy Timber Contractors; distant about one mile from t ie turnpjke-road leading from Errwd to the Three Cocks- passes0"61'* t0 whicli lhe iram road from Brecon to Hay William Jones, the ter-ant of Velindre will shew both to Messrs' f^the^,3/l,Cullirs ™ obiained oy up,).ymg Brecon. Jo"es- and Powell, or the Auctioneer, BJ;EOO\>HIRE Sale of STOCK, at Llanvihangel Hall TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION B> Mr I HO: PROSSF.R. On Monday, 26tt- of <\pril, 1819, and the following (lays, on the premises, "t eleven "clock in the forenoon. LL the choice and valuable FAR iNG STOCK and PLEAS KN'iS of HUSBANDRY", comprising twenty-five cows witu calves, seven 3 year old steers, four 2-year old ditto eight 2-year old he' lers, four- teen yearlings, three carl horses with their gearing, four breeding sows, two boars, turt > store pigs. &c The Implements ot Husbandry comprise two waggons, three broad whee) carts, one light ditto, roller, scufficr, turnip drill, ploughs, one iron ditto, harrows, piklei, yokes and chains, and a variety of small implements, dairy utensils, cheese presses, &c. Also, an excellent portable Thrasbing Machine, and a Winnowing ditto, 011 the most approved principle. Likewise, the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. The above Slock having been selected HI. II greatexpemç by the Proprietor ot the Farm, the Auctioneer begs to recommend it to public notice. The whole will be sujd without reserve, and four months' credit given on approved security. FOGS AND DAMP AIR. BARCLAY'S ASTHMATIC CANDY ha, for many Years been proved a most effectual P10 servattve from the ill effects of FOGS and DAMP' AIR, which at this season of the year are so pr* judicial to those who are affected with ASTHMATIC COUGHS and SHORTNESS of BREATH. Irs vlFecis are to expel Wiiul, ta defeiid the Stomach frotn the admission ot Damps and to relieve those who suffer from a Difficulty of Breath- ing. Prepared only, and sold wholesale and retail by Barclay and SONS, No. 9;), Fleet-market; and retain by r. Jenkins, printer of this paper, Lister, and Dawe, Swan* sea/w;trert' neatll; Dvke' Meuhvr-Tidfil Vau-han, d"ff• Pr'iiHn I wT;ADayieS' Br';dKend i YacheiCCar- Dat 1'iel and H. ) V n AoerSf enny Price, Crickhow.ell; H iverforH 'ir uar;lien a,id Davies, drtiggrst, oil the S^ iuinS ^^servc the name Barclay and Sons I t the persons who continually find relief by A the use of BAilCLAY's ORIGt N AL OINT 'ir.iST, iron) that most disagreeable disorder, the ITCH were not prevented by the nature of the complaint from giving their testnnmy in favour of this invaluable remedy, no other prnut would be necessarv,of its superior claims to the at- lention ot the afflicted. Thousands have beer. etfectitzir! cured by "J ONE HOUR'S APPLICATION of this remedy, which has been in general me for upwards of eighty years without a single instance of its having fa!lert to cure the most inveterate cases. It does not contain the sin nlest particle of metcury, or any other dangerous ingre- dient, and may be saiely used by persons of the most deli- cate constitution. The public are requested to observe, that none can pos- sibly be genuine unless the names of the proprietors, bar- clay and Son,are engraved on the stamp affixed to each box; and great danger may arise from the negiectof this caution. Sold wholesale and retail by Barclay and Sons (the only successors to Jackson and Co. ) No. 95, Fleet-Market, Lon- don, price Is. 9d. duty included and by their appoint- ment by T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper, Lister, and Dawe, Swansea Ilvbert, Neath Dyke, Merthyr-Tidvi! S Vaughati, and Williams, Brecon Davies, Bridgend Vachall,Cardiff; Price and Wyke, Abergavenny Pnce, I Crickhowell; Daniel and Harris. Carmarthen Davies, I druggist, Haverfordwest; and vend«»is of niedicinef I in the kingdom