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TTnwnriiBnrn vi mr TI mi» T 1111 linrynn 11 r ■iMfiiiinuiiinii iiMrcmriiTi -veessamsmea WANTED, in a coufttry family, near Brecon, a respectable middle-aged WOMAN, as COOK; she must he able to manage a small Dairy. For particulars apply to Mr. Thos. E. Hull, Brecon. Letters must be post-paid. NOTICE is hereby given, for all Persons who are indebted to the Estate of CHAS. BROWN, late of the town of Cardiff, in the county of Glamorgan, Attorney-at-Law, deceased, to pay their respective Debts lortliwith to NicHoi.v. Woor>, of tiie town of Cardiff afore- said, Esq. the Trust i to the said Estate. Cardiff, 8th Dec. 1819. f tii nlGANSHIRE. NOTICE is pureby given, that the TOLLS arising at the RUMNEY BRIDGE GATE will be LET by AUCTION", to the best bidder, at the Cardiff Arms-inn, in Cardiff, on Saturday, the 29th day of Januarv next, between the hours of ten and twelve o'clock in the forenoon of the same day, for any term not exceeding Three Years, at the option of the Trustees then present.- Whoever happens to be the best bidder must, at the same time, give security, with sufficient sureties, to the satisfac- tion of the Trustees of the said Bridge for payment of the rent agreed for, and at such times as they shall direct. JOHN WOOD, Clerk to the said Trustees. Cardiff, 4th December, 1819. To the Owners of the Brig Eliza and Jane, of Plymouth. TAKE NOTICE, that unless the SHIP STORES belonging to the above Brig, and now lying in the Warehouse of Pun.LIPS, BATH, and Co. of SWANSEA, be REMOVED therefrom, on or before the 8th day of January next, they will he SOLD by AUCTION to defray the expenses of Warehouse-room, &c. PHILLIPS, BATH, & Co. Swansea, Dec. 16,1819. To the Owners of the Brig Eliza and Jane, of Plymouth. TAKE NOTICE, that unless the SAILS belonging to the above Brig, and now iyi<!g i-n (he Warehouse of Mr. RXCHAUJO CRAGG, of SWAI-;EA, be REMOVED therefrom, on or before the 8th day of January next, they will be SOLD by AUCTION to defray the expenses of Ware house-room, &c. Swansea, Dec. 16. 1BI9 RICIID. CIIAGG, John Hanbury Williams, Esq. deceased. ALL Persons having any Claims or Demands on Ike Estate of JOHN HANBURY WILLIAMS, late ofOoldbrook Park, in the county of Monmouth. Esq. deceased, are requested to transmit or deliver particulars .1 thereof, setting forth the. nature and dates of the instrn- j loents (if any) by which lbs same are secured, to &3r. f MAKEaC Aiiiij Jhii. ol o .< '] ru a f«nd Executors, or to >1.. Bi* i .t rji' f ))>■* ■> i.- < VJncfi id ir«» 'I'"?.411' >' '■ i "r i" he I, suc*' 1 r.einana- 'an.. >\ t0r^ Estate are required forthwith to pay tlie'r Jespectjve Debts to the sard iUeoetoj-. I Dec. 2J, 1819. j UNEQUALLED CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR's PRESENTS. -3. npiIE HUNDRED WONDERS of the X WORLD, and of the three Kingdoms of Nature, by CLARKE, with eighty Engravings, 9s. 6d. 2. The VOCAL LIBRARY, consisting of two thousand modern and popular English, Scottish, and Irish Soncs 10s. 6d. bound. <= 3. The BOOK of ENGLISH TRADES, describing use- ful particulars of seventy-seven Trades and Employments, with seventv-three Engravings; 9s. bound. 4. TABART's COLLECTION of FAIRY TALES, the most extensive extant; with twaaty-six coloured En- gravings; 6s. 5. The PRESENT STATE of the BRITISH EMPIRE in the Four, Quarters of the World with 1"() Maps and Views by Goldsmith 5s. 6d. 6. The UNIVERSAL PRECEPTOR, orGcneral Gram- mar of Arts and Sciences, by lhulI; 4s, 6d. 7. BLACKSTONEY COMMENTARIES on the Laws! and Constitution of England abridged aud modernized by GIFFORD in one large volume, 15s. I 8. GOLDSMITH'S POPULAR GEOGRAPHY illus- trating the Manners and Custonuof all Nations with 80 Engravings, 15s. NATURAL HISTORY; with sixty F i- ANCIENi four Engravings-, 76. 11. ROBINSON's MODERN HISTORY; with 24 Engravings; 7s. 12. WATKIN's SCRIPTURE BIOGRAPHY- with twenty-four Engravings 7s. 13 SQUIRE's GRAMMAR of ASTRONOMY; with 'fifty beautiful Engravings 9s. 6d. I linteddor Sir Richard Phillips and Co. London and to be had of T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper Reed, Cardiff; Cheese, Newport; Watkins, Abergavenny; Evans, Car- marthen;. Harris, ditto; Wilmot and Barclay, Pembroke I otter, Haverfordwest; and of all booksellers. PRACTICAL RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. Variety of desultory performances fie ing at this time sub- mitted to the attention of the Public, under the empirical, pretence of supplying alleged detects in the Books adapted' ^uc<I^on> the titles of the undermentioned established and much approvt.it works are sub- mitted to the attention of all those Parents and Instructors who may hitherto have neglected to combine the Elements of Religious Knowledge with other objects of Liberal Edu- cation. *• tflVE HUNDRED QUESTIONS (with- A. out Answers) on the various Books. Facts, and leading Doctrines of the NEW TESTAMENT; being the only means ever devised for teaching Young Persons the Elements of the Christian Religion; by the Rev. S. BAR- now. Price Is. with 13 to the dozen. 2. FIVE HUNDRED QUESTIONS (without Answers) [ Jrrc^ei TVTiJw'n ail(i general Doctrines' of the OLD l hpIAMr.Nl being the only means ever devised, by \vmcn the contents of that sacred VQIIUK* can be brought into contact with the intellectual poiveP of very young per- sons by the Rev. S. B^nrinw. Price is. wiih 13 as 12 3. A GRAMMAR! of SACRED HISTORY, consisting of a succinct and popular view of all the Facts in the OLD and NEW I hS I A ME NT; with Questions for exercise; hy Miss RuNDALL.of Bath; iliuMraiedby Maps and other -Engravincrs. Price 4s. hound. 4. SCRIPTURE BIOGRAPHY consisting of the Lives and Characters of the most remarkable Pe rsona^es in j the OLD and NEW TESTAMENT. {rolR ¡\[jAM to ST. I'AUL; by the Rev. JOHN WATKINS, LL. D.; with Hi •Engravings. Price 7s. 5. Fit 1 Y-TWO SERMONS for Schools and Families,- one tor every Sunday in the Year; abridged from the most approved classical Sermons of the most eminent Divines. J*y. Rcv- S. BARROW. Price 7s, beiind. AvrirrtJHKOLOGICAL. BIBLICAL, and ECCLESI- v in it 1 DICTI0MA11Y, being a complete body of Di- -X' a,K! general Nol.e-»wok, illustrati<e of all facts and 'ti-incs 111 the sacred Scriptures; by. the Rev. JOHN BINSOJJ, D. !). Price 20s. in boards. ( rmted for Sir Richard Phillips' ami Co. Bride-court, |> 'V f'dtobe had of T. Jenkins,,Printer of this Pa-er; UirdiiF; Cheese. Newport; Watkins, Abergavenny; r. 's Y;,ruiarllien Harris, ditto; WihuOt and'" ria-'chiy. 1 Potter, iluveriurdwe^t; and all Ilynt-.dkus.' | SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES, FISHER-STREET, SWANSEA, Conducted by Mrs. 111PPON, MRS. RIPPON admits only a select num- ..l ber of Young Ladies, as she wishes their education to be as much as possible under her immediate care. Her plan of instruction includes the ordinary branches ofFemaJe Education; and, while due attention is given to external accomplishments, her chief exertions f.re directed to the in- tellectual and moral improvement of her Punils. It is her uniform endeavour and deligbt, to '¡'e' ,,7. flsstru.itei] io her care, to si 1,1 'it i>if < COB- duct, as shall fit them to flÍÎ and ado a tile ru;uuvt- siatious of life.. To counteract the vagrant and useless habits of thought in which female minds, till recently, have been allowed to indulge, great pains are taken by Mrs. UIPPON, and those who assist her, not only to impress the minds of her Pupils with Christian principles and motives, but to excite in them an early taste for the more severe and enlarging mental exercises and, for this purpose, the attention of the Young Ladies is regularly called to the more familiar and in- teresting parts of the Mathematics—particularly Aigebra and Geometry—and of Natural History and Natural Phi- losophy. A prominent place is also give.: to Sacred and Civil History. A select Library is provided for the use of the School. TERMS. T L R lkrl Per Annum. Entrance. d. «. £ ■ s. Board and ordinary Tuition 31 10 2 2 Parlour Boarders 42 0 1 1 Weekly Boarders 26 5 11 Day Boarders 14 14 1 1 Day Scholars 6 6 11 Washing 4 4 0 0 Tea 2 2 0 0 Geography, and the Use of the ;):3 0 0 Gloues o o Writing and Arithmetic ..33 00 Lstin .6 6 11 j French ». 6 b 11. i Music 66 1-1 Drawing 6 f? 11 ] A quarter's notice is expected previously to the removal of a Pupil from School. No allowance made for temporary absence. Each Young Lady is desired to bring six towels, a knife and fork, and silver dessert spoon. Those who remain at School either vacation—Five Guineas. Bills paid half-yearly. Mrs. RIPPON feels grateful .to her friends for the paironage she has hitherto received, and respectfully in- forms them, that the School will lie-open on Wednesday, the 19th of January, 1820. PALL-MALL AND CORNHILL. Firc, Life, and Annuities. LL Persons, v -r wl'h ^4 Compauv IK. 1,, ,<> at Chr'stm. nt\t. an< re- • {..cDitid 10 take notivC, ii-titi iveceipts lor uie it.'u \vr,I thereof «' 1. <|l' >* (''•<'( up ,$v' f No tie, Pall-Mail and No..1, Lornlnll anfl in t e hands of Uieir respective Agents in the Country.—Insurance due at their respective Agents in the Country.—Insurance due at Christmas must be paid 011 or before the 9th day of January, when the fifteen days allowed for the. renewal thereof will expire. By order of the Board, JOHN CHARLES DENHAM, Secretary. London, Dec. 20, 1819. persons of character and respectability desirous of be- coming Agents to the Globe Insurance Company, and who are resident in towns where none are at present appointed, may apply to the Secretary for the terms and conditions (of the appointment. SOUTH WALES. S wan sea Mr. Tnos. JENKINS Carmarthen Mr. STEFHEN PHILIPPS; Brecon Mr. THOMAS BOLD. NORTH WALES. Carnarvon Mr. JOHN EVANS. Albion Fire and Life Insurance Company, NEW BRIDGE-STREET, LONDON, EM-POW ELL ED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. CAPI TA L— ONE MIL LI 0iV. AGENTS Swansea Mr. GEORGE HAZEL; Cardiff Mr. WM- JENKINS Chepstow Mr. 1.1 KNRY CHURCH Brecon Mr. YV. CIIUUCSIHY Kingtosi JVIr. MORRIS SAYCE; Leominster Mr." Titos-.SMITH Ledbury Mr. WM. BKDDOW. Insurances falling due at Christmas will expire, unless renewed within fifteen days from that period. Ths rales and conditions are of the most rea- sonable description no charge is made for Fire Policies when the premium exceeds 5s.: no admission fine is charge# 011 Life insurance a liberal commission is allowed" to Solicitors, and others, who effect Lifcilusurances and every facility is afforded, by which the interest and convenience of the public may be promoted. It is one of the advantages of the Company, ta Ihe public, that it holds out no profession of sharing profits with those itinsuies. Persons insured are not liable to CALLS, to make good the losses of others; a-responsibility from which thev could not be free, if their Insurances were accompanied with any prospect of benefit to arise from profits, whatever guarantee might be oifered. Persons insured 011 the plan of receiving returns, have been actually subjected to the effects,of this dangerous contingency. W ARNEH PHIPPS. Secretary. For Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, and all Diseases of the Muscles and Joints, is particularly recommended I THE CUMBERLAND BITUMINOUS FLUID and PILLS. I ^B^IJL astonishing success with which these JL extraordinary fossil productions have been employed in cases of the most inveterate, hopeless, and deplorable kind, after every other means had been tried in vain, and the unhappy suflerer had given up all hopes of ever gaining relief, most justly entitle them to the attention of the afflicted with any of the above complaints. A Pamphlet on their unparalleled efficacy, continued by a number of surprising cures, may be had (gratis) from any of the Venders. butprising Cure of John Gaul. Saoemal^er, IIexJiaw, A10rlh nj-i- bertand, after twelve years' dreadful Sufferings I, JOHN GAUL, Shoemaker, Hexham, do hereby de- chire, that I was for twelve years in a most deplorable situation from the Rheumatism. 1.o describe all my suffer- ings would fill, a Newspaper; suffice it to say, that every joint and limb was affected with it, so that it'was with dif- iiouhy I could ctawl across tue floor. Ne'vcr poor wretch sufreted so much as I did. After seeking every advice, and trying various medicines to no purpose, I at' last had recourse to RAMSAY'S BITUMINOUS PMEPARA- I IO.SS, which, through God's blessing, resiored me to penect uealth. All the town of Hexham knew my miser- able situation, and can verify the truth of what I assert.—. Witness my hand this 10th of Jul v, 1315. JOHN GAUL. The Bituminous Fluid and Pills are prepared (only) by G. RAMSAY, Penrith, Cumberland the Fluid in bottles at 2s. 9d. an'4 7s. Gd. and the Pills in boxes at 2s. 3d. each.— Sold wholesale by Barclay and Sons, 95, Flefi-markef, } London, ae.d retail by T. Jenkins. Printer of this Paper, Lister, and Da we, Swansea Hyhert. Ncath Dyke. Mer- thyr-Tydvil Vaughan, and Williams, Brecon"; Davies, 1 Bridgend Vachell, Cardiff; Price and Wykc, Aberga- veimy Price, Crickhowel]; Evans & Harris, Carmarthen; i Dave's, ''rugpt'.t. j and most vendsrif of :u: CHEESE MARKET STORES, DEALERS in Cheese, and the [vhlic, .ire respectfully informed, that, at the above Establish- men!, a large snpi)Jy of CHEESE is daily on SALE; COli. sisting of Jots left unsold on market days ;'»d ( • whole dairies sent in from the country. The present average prices for O' 1 Do i1 It C 73s. New ditto 63s. Single ditto 54s. • 4( • 1 I n<t Common gRs. pev rrwt' 1 belig disposal of Dairymen's Ciie u r\t> >1 11 .d to purchasers above the mi k< f pi if < s of the tfav. Orders, addressed to Kobt. Curtis, i.anor c S ucsn 111, at the Stores, will meet due attention. PHCENIX FXIIE-OFFICS. RENEWAL Receipts for Policies failing due at Christmas, are now in the bauds of the several Agents of the Company. Thep:ensrairatesof)heP!)a;n)xCrirnpanvareas!ow and moderale as the nature of the dinèrent risks wid admit; and, in this Company, 110 person assured is under the lia- bilitics of partnership or subject tshtvc execution levied upon his property to make good the losses of others. Applications for Insurances may be made to the Agents of the Company, nnd all persons having claims are desired to send in the same to the Agents through whom they are insured, who will transmit them directly to the Board of Directors for adjustment and payment without delay. -The Agents for this Company, for South and North Wales, are Messrs. L. and J. Mie riAKL Swansea. Mr. ,I. BIRD, Cardiff'. Mr. J. Biss Monmouth. Mr. WM. M-JRHIS, Jun Cheptow. Messrs. VVM. and GEO. NORTH, Brecknock. Mr. E. HULIVIE, Welshpool. Mr. W. EDWARDS, Carmarthen. .Mr. C. LEWIS, Oard'gan. Mrs S. WILLIAMS, i a •• i'ford west. Mr. T. Gi;e, Denbigh. Mr. T. BROSTKR, Wr xham. Mr. J. li UG N ES, Holywell. THE I GEMUSICS TKA. COMPANY 23, LUDGATE-H1LL, LONDON, Supply the. following slants in this District with their unaduUe^ctCd Teas, made up in Pounds, Halves, and Quarters. Miss J. G ROVE, W ,:u .,1 • °K i ABEPiYSTWlTH y -• r.dl'f'O,, T'I 1 •- IS J'E'J)- '< D »in n, • •CAItDlKf j. — (' \R:»iG \N (< „ vv:s; C Ill'lli LLY SmpSapthpS '• J. BAGNAM, and Co. PU'NARVnivr M. RUSH FORTH; LAKWARVON w OVTFN COW BRIDGE f •J'KWELI.yn, Jan. W.E0WAitBS;' LGLW1S W RW 'n t i; w 1 s HOLYWELL HAVERFORDWEST J POTTBR; KIDWELLY. ii Evans LLANELLY fj; d,, V,KS; LLANDILO T Roberts; LLANFYLLIN JDAVIKS; LLANIDLOES T Jowks; LLAUGHAHNE T T| ugh IS MERTHYH-TYDFIL H..Tonus MACHYNLLETH t) jJono-AN' and Co. MONTGOMERY t \1AI>DOX: NARBERTH SGkokge; nicath J; %yFS; NEWPORT, Monmouth, S H. LONG; NLWTOWN T' Tomks; OSWESTIIY g K out; bis PWLLHELI vv. HOOBFS; PEMBROKE Wir MOT and BARCLAY WREXHAM A 'JVe; WELSHPOOL Jl. Hi mi k. All applications for Agency must be post-paid. I The London Genuine Tea Company have just pub- lished an interesting Pamphlet on the TCA PLANT, ele- gantly printed, and embellishedwith Thirteen Engravings, illustrative' of the process of rearing the Plant, from the first sowing of the Seed to its package for the European Market.—To be had of all their Agents, price ls.6d. BILIOUS PILLS, prepared by F. Newlxn-y and Sons, and sold by them ^at^ the original ware- house for Dr. James's Powder, No. 45, St. Paul's, in boxes, price'is. 9d.—These pills area modern invention, formed upon the improved state-of mfdicai science, by an eminent physician, who has used them in his practice with the great- est success in the cure of bilious disorders.. I hey operate principally as a purgative and deobstruent: promoting the proper action of the liver in the secretion of bile, correcting it when in a vitiated state, and removing all obnoxious matter with which the stomoch and boweis are oppressed. Thus they prove an excellent reniedy for indigestion, sick head-ach's, loss of appetite, costiveness, and ihttutencies, arising from acrimonious hunt ours, U £ fronj bilious, gouty, ar nervous affections, producing the happiest effects in a safe and easy manner. Sold also by the Printer of this paper. Observe Mr. Newbery's name engraved in the stamps. DR. STEEIVS OPODELDOC JS esteemed superior to all other external Applications for the cure of Sprains, Bruises, Rheu- iKitisms, Cramps. Numbness, and for the limbs in a Pnra- y tie state Counterfeits ot this admirable Remedy are sold II almost every town and street, and often by persons who would not be suspected of an attempt to defraud their justomer*: purchasers are therefore informed, that, unless he name F. Newberry" be engraved in the Stamps, the Jpodeldoc is not genuine. Prepared and sold bv F. NEWBMY and Sons, at the Original Warehouse for Dr. James's Powder, price 2s. 9d. 1 bottle; but as many persons mistake the house, observe hat il is the third from Cheap^ide, the Number 45. For Disorders of the Bowels. DALBY's GENUINE CARMINATIVE is .I superior to all othn remedies for the wind, purgings, •oiivulsions, and those disorders in ihe stomach and bowels >f infants, which prove fatal to so many undsr Ihe age of wo years. Is is equally efficacious in cholics, Jinxes, and ither complaints in the intestines of grown pu > s This invaluable cordial Medicine, invented by the late VTr. Joseph Dalby, Apothecary, is now prepared by his laughter, Mrs. Frances Geli, and her Sons, to whom alone 1C bequeathed this Property by his Will. It is sold onlv ¡y F. Newbery and Sons, at the old established Warehouse, o. 45, the East End of St. Paul's, the third hoase from Uheapside, price is. 9d. a bottle; hut if procured else- Ibe sure to ask for" (Jell's Balby's Carminative," md see that the name "P. Newbery" is engraved in the stamp, as counterfeits are numerous. Sold also by the. Printer of this Paper, Allen, and Dawe, Swansea; Tardrew, and Phillips, Carman hen Wiliuo! I and Co. Pembroke; Brigstoke, and Makeig, Haverfo-d- I west; Vaoghan. Brecon Jones, Meithyr; and C, and W, | Vaclicl!, Cardiff. j J J. -1 TO TANNERS. TO BE SOLD, A Capital PATENT BARK MILL, in the T i 7\)f>St- ruiia'1'* For further particulars aoply to Mr. John Davies, Shopkeeper, lo'idgcid, Glainorr<>»«hirc TRi IO USE. 1 1 j) cembt", •). Ncvigationof-i-i, itol j LUNDY ISLAND LIGHTS. NOTICE is hereby given, that in compliance wiiii the request of a numerous body of Merchants, Owners, and Masters of Ships, interested in the Navigation of the B' ist')! Ciiannel., this Corporation have directed a LIGH I -HOUSE TOWEH, to be erected 011 ihe ISLAND of LUNDY, wherein Ivw distinct l ights, an Upper and a Lower Light will he exhibited for the benefit of Navigation. The Uppenllost Light will revolve in an horizontal row, without any interval of darkness, illuminating the whole circle of the horizon. The Lower Light, placed JO feet below the upper, will shew a fixed and steady light, extending over 90 degrees of the horizon only, or from N. N. W. to W. S. W. by compass. By which arrangement all Vessels entering the Bristol I I Channel will be enabled readily to distinguish the Lights on the Island of Lundy from all others in that vicinity. The necessary works for the exhibition of the aforesaid Lights are proceeding with all possible dispatch and are expected to be complete in about two months from the date hereof. 1'arther notice w ll be published when the Lights are ready to be exhibited. ° FLATHOLM LIGHT. With a view to the farther security of Vessels navigating the Bristol, arrangements have been made for (he improve" rnent of the Light on the Island of Flatholm by exhibiting a Revolving Light, will) Argand Lamps and Reficelors in lieu of the present Coal Fire, and preparations are now making for effecting this desirable object in the ensuing Spring. rjPH E ACCOUNT of WALTER CnURCIfEY, 1l TRK/.SURER of the Borough of BRECON, for years, from January, 1813, to December j8, ibl9, both in- II EC El PTS. 1;116. 1i.:17, 1<\13. £ J. d: R i five 130roug11 .Rates is.> 0 u t'()r Li[!ht Bread, &c. 3 So ibiy, .!miliary.—Reimbursement by War Oilice of Relief to Shipwrecked Soldiers (all but 10s. 10d.) 7 11 0 Upper ilonddu Bridge. 1811. Subscriptions—Rebuilding 391 16 10 Received of Parishes, ditto o. 38 3 2 Waleh end JPord ACCO'mU, 1816, 1817. Ilecei^ea *1 ib i> >tuus .» 78 15 (: Balance t. 1 32 r 10 ^746 16 10 } R1, 11 i 1 t r< i a" ?• 8 6 1 | Ll' I1 S < 1 !-rosr-:ulions-of felons 31 „* | i Appreiiending, 61c. o. ;i. 1;) 01 i Pressing Carriages for bohiiers o r! 0 1 t'ostages 0 0 11 ') Repairs of Bridges P, 4 i Repairs of Bridge Roads jej JQ Printing (sundries) "j 406 Ditto (Bread Assize) m'\ 5 3 6 Town-hall Repairs, &c. 3 8 3 1319, Jan.—Relieved Shipwrecked Soldiers 8 1 10 Watch and Ward Expenditure in 1816 St 1817 99 0 4 S. Parry, Inspector of Weights and Measures, Year's Salary, due 3d May, 1812 5 5 0 I Benjamin Williams, Esq. Coroner 2 00 Upper Honddn Bridge, paid Mr. Benj. James 430 0 0 Ditto, making Roadway, &c. 10 8 4 1819, June-Tarraii Bridge, paid Thos. Powell on account 20 0 0 ^ov. Removal of John Jackson, a convict, to Woolwich 11 0 0 Sundry other disbursements 5 13 1 Borough of Brecon, 23!h Dec. 1819. £ 7-16 16 10 The above Account was audited and allowed of by us, two of his Majesty's Justices of the P.-ace in and for" the L"c Y'S J'iistices ()I' tile ill fo said borough (whereon a balance of £ 32 7s. lOd. is found !|J be due to the Treasurer), DAVID PRICE, Bailiff. HUGH BOLD, Alderman. THE DANDY'S ITINERARY, CR A Chapter of' Incidents, A r R :—" 0 love is the soul of a neat Irishman." A WAS late in the nate little town of Killybegs, -S- While WA rt i,, L. -s Jet Blacking illumin'd my leg., Reflecting the form of each sraping Spalpeen There rush'd from their Cabins maid, wife, boy, and mail, Bad luck, you big teef, to your Bouts of Japan," A Brogue-maker cried, arrah now an't a sin, To ruin our trade wid your Boots of Block Tin, While shamming your Blacking so brilliant and clean Farewell Killybegs, and the maker of brogues, The next town I pass'd all the children and dogs Sti 11 follow'd my Boots where their shadows were seen j— ■, With yelping and squalling they rais'd such a rout, Again ev'ry soul from their huts sallied out To stare at the Dandy with leggings of glass For so, in their eyes, did the high polish pass, Of WAEREN'S Jet Blacking so brilliant and clean The night now came on all so dreary and damp, I travers'd a bog and stuck fast in a swamp, When c!os'd scem'd the life of poor Patrick Macsheen;- f -iiii I,ia(i r,,flected a liglit, My Boots jetty gleam had reflected a light, 1 Now Will wiih the H!isp, my dear creature, good night, c A Bogtrotter tried, as m.y steps he pursu'd, c Thus life was pre.serv'd and my journey renew'd c By WARUEN'S Jet Blacking so brilliant and clean t Success to the brilliant Inventor of JET, F The tight little lad sure I cannot forget Th' inventor of brilliant Jet Blacking I mean 9 To WARREN your fortune you owe, Mr. Pat, Fait now for a truth my own self may say hut, s Its gleam in the bog once protected my lite, 11 In l^ublia with wealth T have gain'd a sweet wife (i Bv WARREN'S Jet Blackin'' so brilliant and clean. h e This Easy Shining and Brilliant BLACKING, prepared by y?/ /) UlMcir- v/a/i/ii/n^ j 30, STRAND, London and sold at Swansea Edmonds Jenkins Bevan Pace Walters Merthyr Morgan Brecon Vaughan Llandilo Hughes Narberth Protheroe Mil ford Starbnck Cardiff Hopkins Cowbridpe.. B • a r (1 I Carmarthen Evans Baldwii Morris j Kidwelly Evans | Llanellv Roberts Llandovery Davies Williams Pembroke Wilmot&Co j Treble Tenbv Reynolds Haverfordwest, Jenkins Bridgend Jones Haverfordwest, Jenkins Bridgend Jones And sold in every town in the kingdom. I LTQUID. in Bott!»s 6d. lOd. ifti. and 1 Bd. each.—Also 1 PASTE BLACKING, in Pots 6d. 12d. and 18<1. each. J -,o Four Sliil,, A Shilling Pot of Paste >s equal to Four Shilling Bottles» of Liquid. j Ask for Wa nit EX'S 1'T.ACKINO, j ¡ .) }, j. if j, n. v;\ l' l' -A 1: ZJ COBBETTS NEW PAPER ADA IL V EVE NIN G PA PE II, to be enV Med /I « COBBETT'S EVENING POST," w,il S e Itsiied in London as soon ^arrangements can be ma .i^for purpose, which Wiil be 111 the course of ten da\«. or a fortnight. fto?rt,erS' ti be arldrcssed to Thomas Dotrr, ,9, Strand, L-ndon Hi om it u, r 1,r free i «■*■■■■' -■ ate- •_ sf ■ £ 'io;»t ;u TjOiiddil. j-,0 t^oope;o, Hoop S'nuvrrs, TO BE SOLD, A Quantity of young, free-grown, nnd touch AbK POLES, of great length, just thinned out of ?iW°r1 on l tenement of Caeglas, near the village of Llandebie, 111 the county of Carmarthen. The tenant will shew the same, and give ail requisite jnlonnation. The tenant will shew the same, and give all requisite intormntfon. < CRiCKHOWEL, SOUTH WALES. A good HOUSE, 4-c. to be Let, and entered upon at Candlemas next. TO BE LET, ton A TERM OF YEARS, AND ENTi5%IJD VP OV T" SND^OF FEBRUARY NEXT, A Good HOl'SE, in excellent repair, fit for the reception of a genteel family, situate in the town ot Crickhowel; consisting of an enirance-balJ, dinin" and drawing-rooms, four best bed rooms, three servant*bed- room*, kitchcn, dairy, brewhouse, store-rooms, arched cel- lars. &:(;. with Coach-house, Stable, an excellent Garden and Orchard, well stocked with fruit-trees, and"- Six Acres of rich Meadow and Pasture Land; in short it is in everv respect a most desirable residence for a genteel familv wishing to settle in one of the most beautiful vales in South Wales. For a view of the House, &c. and for terms, apply to Mr. Davies, Surveyor and Laud-Agent, Langaiiock Crickhowel. N. B. Postage ofiitt letters must be paid The loll owing Pater,: Medicines may be had of T. Jenkins, Primer of ibis Paper. f 's ."rigmal. and the only genuine Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops, The most valuable medicine ever discovered for Coughs, Colds, Agues, Fevers, Hheornaiism, Fains in the Breast, Limbs, and Joints, and for most Complaints where Colds are the origin. (Sold in battles at is. ltd. each, d^ty included). AS there are various imitations of this excel- lent Medicine by different pretenders,, all of 'hem utter strangers to the true preparation, pure! -asers ;ira uvi?mv')n^!wrtlt!llar m Rski«K ,pr ^ICEY's « i!i s ? 5>' ss a" °''iers tire countcrlcit. p; 1' ^h0l.es?,c'iJt the original War» hou-e. No in. B,;w i t/T T V>lu: '«t«i{ the this Paper, Ldmond, Lister, and Dawe, S .n Pee- >t' • Llewelyn.! r.dj'jnd and P?!e Rr-ijev o, f' Y acntd a-d » 'VtMJheff. 'CardixT "b\a D a vies I.^crlo.dwest; wTke, ^V.^»; I. Chepuow; Probyu.jun. andThom«s, 1'o-uypool; V/slmo'i and Barclay. Pembroke Pro'.hcro, mid Blainu-a^te, N,r- berth; Lott, Llandilo Recs, Llandovery Vaughaii, Wil- liams, and Parker, Brecknock and by mo,t respectahle medicine venders, in bottles at b. Ild.-ls. 6d.—and 2s. 9d. each. LSG, Price '2s. a bottle, Dicey and Co.'s True Daffy's Elixir. THIS most excellent Medicine has been faith- fully preptre(I for nearly a century, from the purest drugs and spirits that can be procured, at the Ordinal a rehouse, No. 11, Bow Church-yard, London: and has been attended wilh the fullest success in the cure of the Gravel, Stone, Duxes, Spasms, Pains in the Breast, the most excruciating Fits of the Cbolic, and In all complaints I of the Stontach and Bowels. Counterfeits are offered for sale in almost every town and street: tt is therefore necessary to ask particularly for Dicey's Daffy's Elixir," and to observe that the words DICEY & Co. are in the Stamp Label, which is pasted over the cork. Price 2s. 6d. per box, ATKINS's COMPOSITION for DESTROY- ING RATS and MiCE, is allowed to be the most effi- cacious thing ever yet discovered, for speedily extirpating these pernicious vermin from corn stacks, barns, stables* dwelling-houses, mills, malt-houses, granaries, &c. and such are the extraordinary and attracting powers it pos. sesses, that the inventor has frequently known them to take it from his hand with the greatest avidity. Price gs. 6d. a bottle, WAIN Wrilt-I STAFFORDSHIRE CORDIAL, and Royal English Medicine for Horses, which iias been given wiib unprecedented success in the most dangerous stages of the following diseases, viz, the sleeping or raging staggers, gripes, fret, colds, coughs, looseness, fevers. and nil dis- orders originating in colds, or from grazing in marshy wet meadows, or after severe exercise in racing, hunting, run- ning in coaches, drawing waggons, hard riding. &c. and is universally acknowledged to be the greatest restorative to exhausted nature, and the most valuable horse medicine ever known. The proprietors of mail or other coaches, car- riers, farmers, innkeepers, deaters iu horses,&c. should al- ways have a bottle or two by I hem, as numbers of valuable horses are annually lost before assistance can be procured. Price 2s. a bottle. Squire's Original Grand Elixir. THIS invaluable Medicine speedily removes all fresh colds with their attending symptoms of vio- lent pain and soreness of the stomach proceeding from cold and coughing, and is a most sovereign remedy in easing r .climatic pains in the limbs or loints, in which cornp am it has been so surprisingly successful as to have been recommended by several eminent physicians, &c. I gIves speedy and lasting ease in the most violent fits of the gout, stone, or gravel, and has frequently brought away "ravel and sometimes stones of a large size. It renders th? functions of the body regular, by removing flatulence, suthtcating vapours, violent head-achs* twitching of the nerves, tremblings, faintings, &c. •1 fr" Br?re eounterfeiis, and observe thst the words Dicey <§• Co." are in the stamp, atiiiod over the cork of each bottle, and that the hill of (hrcctions is sigilcd- W. Sutton 4- Co. late Dicey tf Sutton." Price Is. Lid. per box, DR. Af\'DERSON' Or, The T rue Scots Pills, HavG hecn, for almost a century, and still continue fo ),p. faithfully prepared at the Original Warehouse for Picky and Co.'s Medicines, No. 10, Bow Church-yard. London. THEY are singularly efficacious in Biliour, Flatulent-, and Dropsical Complaints, and all Disorders of the liead, stomach, aud Bowels; promote Digestion, create an Appetite, remove Obstructions in the Kidnie", and consequently are antidotes to the Stone and Gravel; but for the expulsion of Worms in chUdren r-r grown per- sons, the whole Materia Mediea has not their equal. One or two of them taken after any irregularity in living, would prevent those disagreeable eifects so often experienced and travellers, who are liable to meet with ail kinds < ( r ,I liquors, ;3 well as seafaring people. t V icver be UD- provided "1th theaj, sv by fretjuen t. s one cr two of them, they are kept from CoHtivene.-s, Scufvics, Fevers, and most O)3d,gnant distempers. [t:3" Ask particularly for Dicry's Anderson's Sccis Piils," and to prevent counterfeits observe that the words DICKY &Co- us e in the Stamp.