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CARDIFF SECOND BALL AND SUPPER, AT THE ANGEL INN, On WEDNESDAY next, the 10th instant. Mrs GREY, Lady Patroness. 110BT. JONES, Esq. Steward. NEATH BALL. THE FOURTH SUBSCRIPTION BALL A and SUPPER will be on TUESDAY. FEBBUABY the 16th, itt the SIIIP and CASTLV: TNN. Mui«»r ENTvVtSLR, ? a, A Mr' R M-\NSEL, {Stewards- >1.11?, by a SI HC-f O n, a Youth of » t Tespectabteconn.-ctionsas ah APPRENJTCE.— The practice ot the ail filler, w ncli is extei iv< unites, with tfrt; usual r*ur.F,ni« at sevtral Iron-Works and, as narticular attention tvill be paid to tlie'explanation of the leading practical principles, a most eligible opportunity presents itself to rarents or Guardians of estahlishing a Youth with every prospect of advantage.—Apply (by letter post-paid) to J. W. Jones, Surgeon, Newport, Monmouthshire. W. \V1 LLI AMS~ BOOKSELLER \tER"'YR TYDFIL, RESPECTFULLY informs the Public that he jLt has a FEW COPIES ON SALE of WALTER'S ENGLISH and WELSH DICTIONARY,neatty bound, at the reduced price of £ ci 10 —Orders, with remittance inclosed, will be punctually executed. To Merchants, Masters of Ships, §c. T. HOVVELL, SSJP BROKER AND GENERAL AGENT, ■(■Successor to the late 31) J. Williams) NEXT DOOR TO THE CAMBRIAN OFFICE, SWANSEA. BEGS leave to return his sincere thanks for the encouragement received, ami assures his Friends and those Gentlemen who may be in want of his assistance, that every attention shall be paid to any communication he may receive. JOHN iTARELls^C^r IMPORTERS OF JFotttgn Wltnes anD Ctmber, BLUE-STREET, CARMARTHEN, BEG leave to return their unfeigned thanks (o their Friends and the Public, for the very liberal support they have experienced since their commencement in business.*—'They have just received a large. Stock of WINES and TIMBER, of every description, and of the best quality, which they will. render on the most advan- tageous conditions and hope the manner they will be found to conduct every department of their business, will be such as to insure them the continued patronage of those who -fflttv be kind enough to favour them with orders. If. B. LONDON BROWN-STOUT PORTER, IN CASKS AND BOTTLES. GLAMORGANSHIRE. WE, the undersigned MAGISTRATES, assembled in Quartei Sessions' 'at Cardiff, having considered an Application from a most respectable body considered an Application from a most respectable body of Farmers and others, on the necessity of ESTABLISH- ING the USE of the WINCHESTER MEASURE only, I tloesrnestty recommend the general adoption of the Win- chester Measure throughout our respective Districts and hereby call upon ali Bailiffs, Portreeves, and other lJead Officers, to cooperate with us in enfuruiitg the Penalties authorised by the existing Laws. Evan Thomas, Chairman I yndham Lewis W. B. Grey .Cann vVilluus Thomas Bates Rous j J J Guest j J. B. Bruce Waller Coffin H. J. Grant I Richard Prichard T. Edmondes Tboma* Davies, Jan. J. Jones Thomas Davies Wm. Bruce Knight G. Thomas J. T. Casberd Bichard Blakemore Richd. Griffiths Christopher Cole. Cardiff, Jan. 12, 1819. FIVE GUINEAS REWARD. STOLEN, on Wednesday night, the 27th of January last, ait of the Stable at Vian's Hill Farm, in the parish of St. Nicholas, near Cardiff, Glamorganshire, a BLACK HORSE, BRIDLE and SADDLE, the pro- perty of H. Phillips. The horse is about 14 hands high, rising eight year3 old, with a strake down the face, two white legs behind, sheared close under the chin, a short tail, his thighs rubbed bare with the breech band, and part of his right eyelid cut off. Also, the same night, from the same premises, a BLACK MARE, rising three years old, about 13 hand.s high, with a star on lier forehead, a white mark on the near foot behind, -«nd a short tail; the property of Edmund Llewellin. Whoever will bring the said Horse and Mare to their Tight owners, shall receive the above reward. 'N. B. Whoever detains the Horse and Mare after this notice will be prosecuted. Vian's Hill Farm, Feb. I, 1819. "DnTsYD EN HAM's FAMILY PILLS OF HEALTH, ENTIRELY VEGETABLE. THESE Pills are unrivdled in cases of /icad- ache, loss of appetite, noises and giddiness in the head, lowaess of spirits,, flatulence, obstructed digestion, together with all affections of the liver, bilious, and neroous disorders. These Pills ,Ol\1¡ÚlI not oiie aloii) of mercury. or mineral, in any shape, and are so peculiarly mild in their action as to require no confinement or alteration in diet. The most delicate females find the use of them materially beneficial to their general health, and never failing in relieving the above complaints. So effectual is their action, that every obstruction in the stomach is removed with incredible quickness, though they act as a complete renovating medi- cine, and strengthen »t the same lime. Nothing can prove the superiority ofthese Pilis nwre ¡!tan the numerous Ctlses communicated 'by persons of great respectability (which WAY be had, on application, gratis) and the countenance shewn them by the first medical characters of the present day. These Pills may be taken wilh safety after dinner, AND found superlatively excellent as an assistant to di- gestion. ■. • It may. again be'necessary, to state, that these Pills are Wot a strong active medicine, but are peculiarly mild in their action,though certain in thVir effect. The followínKi Persons may he referred to, who have received the greatest benefit from the use of these Pills (persons well known in the counties of Gloucester, Somerset, und WillS), and who have very handsomely volunteered Permission to insert their names in the public prints, and ^Uh no other motive than to leiiti tile public. tothe use of so valuable a medicine Mrs. Marden, a lady of W-illand, "ear-CoHumpton; Mrs. Sarah Rogers, Jitcob's Wells, Clifton a'relation «'f Mr., Atrahums, silversmith, B.ridgc- water • Mr John Manners, Bridge-parade, Bristol; Mrs. to. L. late of Ashley-row, now of Upper Easton, &c. &c Sold'wholesale and retail, by the sole proprietor, J. Itees, Stationer, High street, Bristol, (without whose name in Writing on the stamp, none can be genuine), in boxes, at Is. IA-,I, A, Od family boxes 4-i. 6<t. bv. which there « considerable saving. Sold also by the Printer of this Paper, Miss Oitkey. and S. l)awe, drugmst, Swansea; P-iniel, bookseller,"Carm'avtheu Hubert, druggist, Neath rtradlev Cambridge; C. and W. Vachcil, Cardiff; Evans, V'^rplully; Williams,, Merthyr Tydfil Heath, Printer, •Monmouth Jones, Newport liUiZitaHj Ijrecon I»rad- Chensiow -Davies, drwggUU Haverfordwest Wil- sil;n, Pembroke Llewellin, Pyle Lott. Lhndilo; Wyke, Abergavenny and by every texpectable Medicine Vendei .'l! llie Umied Kingdom. TAKE NOTICE. TTfHE REAS certain Political Mendicants daily continue to infest this County, to its great an- noyance and their own disgrace, hy vainly demanding promises of pecuniary aid to carry into effect their weak and unworthy projects—This is to caution all unwary and honest Welshmen against a hasty submission to such unjustifiable attacks upon their Independence, which is tlteir best constitutional blessing, and tihich must be preserved inviolate till tile superior claims of the ,(' country caltfortlt its legitimate exercise. Listen not to the voice of these ueedycharmers, fch'arm they never-so-imeiy, Glamorganshire. :1 LADY MANSEL'S,; RABY's OLD FIERY VEIN COAL. rpi-FIS Coal, which has not been worked since X the year 1-313, and is well known as the best in Wales, lias lately been re-opened at considerable expense, and is now ready for Shipment. The quality may be depended upon as equal to its ancient character, and superior to any shipped tor many years, both for House use and for Manu- factories, It is put on board for 43s. 6d. per Wev, of up- wards of Five Tons, from which a liberal Gratuity is allowed to Masters of Vessels. D ealers' Orders are requested to be addressed to Messrs. A. and A. Raby Lianelly. To be had there also, by applying as above, BEST ) STONE COAL, at Its. per Ton, and STONE COAL CULM, at 7s. per Ton. Gratuity to Captains as usual. N. B The River Burry is now in a most excellent state, well buoyed; and the Harbour of. Lianelly is deepened, and very materially improved by additional Shipping Places in deeper water. Lianelly, January 1, 1819. ALL IN ONE DAY. 2 Prizes of 20,0001. Sterling AND VARIOUS O i HER CAPITALS, NEXT tUESDAY. T1 RfC FJ Contractor for the late and 5 present Lottery, having furnished his Agents throughout the kingdom with a Variety of Tickets and Shares, begs to point out to his numerous Friends, that there is now no tillle for delay, as timj DRAWISO WILL BEGIN AND FINISH NEXT.TlJESDAY, when the Two grand Money Prizes of ^'40,000 most be drawn, with all the other Capitals. Of the success which continues to attend Offices, it were needless to speak; suffice it to say, that in the late Lottery he is<>ld (as usual) Prizes greater in number and amount than any other Office-keeper, among which was No. 5,535. drawn a Prize of 30,000, &c. &c. Tickets and Shares are selJing at the Contractor's Offices, 4, Corniiill, and 9, Charing-cross, London, and by l.us va- rious Agems in the United Kingdom. Miss OAKEY, Library, Swansea'; BARRY and SON, Booksc!iers, Bfisto!; J POTTER, Booksel ler, Ilaverfos'.iwestj, [ and BARCLAY, .Boofcseijers, Pembroke Mrs.TYE, Bookseller, Wrexham C. FORD, Waggon-office, Monmouth. In this Lottery there arc iio Fixed Prize' no Stock Prizes; but all Sterling Money tit PELICAN OFFICE, For INSURANCE on LIVES and GRANTING ANNUITIES, rT^I!!S Office was established in Lombard- A Street, London, in the yeaM797", by a numerous and respectable Proprietary and the Board of Directors, willi confidence, arising from the increased Prosperity and Pet- nanency of the Establishmeni, as well as from the Experi- ence of its usefulness and benefit to the public, think it due to those who may still be unacquainted with the impor- tance and advantages of Life Insurance, briefly to suggest some of the leading and peculiar recommendations to almost every degree and Rank in Society. Life Insurance is of manifest conscquence to all those who hold Estates fur Life, Situations and Offices, Civil, Ecclesiastical, or Professional to Officers in the Army arid Navy, &c. as, by payment af an Annual Premium, the Party insured is enabled to provide for Wile, Children, or others, whose future welfare he may wish in vain, by other means, to pro mote. It affords a permanent ultimate security to those who advance Money npon Annuities or otherwise. It ren- ders Leases, determinable on' one or more lives, nearly equal in value to Freehold Estates, as an Insurance to the amount of the;fine, payable Oil the demise of a party no- minated in such Leases, will produce the Sun] required for renewal. It is a cheering refuge to parties engaged in ex- tensive and speculative undertakings: it affords to Persons in Trade the certain means of indemnification against a' bad or doubtful dei>i in short, Life Insurance, established in policy, sanctioned by Government, and confirmed by the test of experience, is become, to aimost every situation of human life, a measure equally important, useful, and beneficial. Annuities are granted upon the most equita- ble terms, undcraSpecia) Actof Parliament, granted to his Office. THOMAS PARKE, Sec. COMPANY'S AGENTS AT GLOCKSTKK, Turner and Morris. TEWKESBURY T. Holland. WORCESTER J- Timmings. SWANSEA L. aiid J. Michael. NEATH Hopkin Ilees. LEOMINSTER Wm. Taylor. STROITD Edward Wall. ~ANTI- A FTR!'fION. r | MIE general efficacy of this superior Com- JL position is too well known in the United Kingdom, and most part of the world, to need any comment. Steam Engines have worked day and night upwards of twenty months with one packing, at a sixth part of the expense of 1 tallow. On bearings of nearly every 'description, it is used to a much greater advantage. Carriages go from one to two thousand miles with one primming. Boots and shoes will resist the dew and wet longer (after two or three appli- cations of the Anti-Attrition) than any other Composition known, if applied as per instructions sent with each box. Harness and all leather exposed to wet willlaot three times as long, and appear iuuch.rb.etter than if oil is used. It will also prevent polished-steel or iron from rust. Sold by the Printer of this Paper Francis, Coachmaker, and Havard, Sadfller, Swansea also by the Patentees, 40, Charing-Cross, London and by their Agents in every Market Town in the United Kingdom in boxes at 10s. 6d. 5s. 6d. and 2s. 6d. each. Dr. Batemlvl's Pectoral Drops, Prepared by Barclay and Sans, No. 95, Fleet-market, London, price Is-l|%l. duty included. rrHE'virtues of this inestimable medicine JL have been so long known, that any commclltonthenl in an advertisement appears unnecessary. The Drops give immediate ease in all colds, coughs, fevers, rheumatism, cholics, pains in the breast, limbs, joints, &c. as thousands in this populous neighbourhood can testify. For the benefit of the poorer classes the proprietors have determined to continue the medicine at the original pries of Is. I-ilci. per bottle, and request that all persons will be particular in as.kiilg for Barclay's Batcman's Drops/' and to observe that the rwnes of the proprietors", Barclay and Sons, No-. 95, Fle.,t-market, is printed in the stanip affixed to the xittle. Soldretailby appointment by T. Jenkins, Printer of this paper, Lister, and Dawe, Swansea ;"Mybei-t, Neath Dyke, Merthyr-Tidfi); Vaughan, and Williams, Brecon; Davies, Bridgend; Vacheli, Cardiff; Price, and WyLe, AbcrKa- veunÿ; Price, Crickhowell; Daniel, and Harris, Carmar- theit; and Davies, druggist, Haverfordwest.. I,'>. 1 AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. Heiiderson's Hotel, Palace Yard, IFestminster, 14th Jan. 1019. AT, a MEETING of us the undersigned AGRICULIURIS I S, from the several Counties in England hereinafter named, for the purple of promoting the Agricultural Petitions now signing in oiir respective Comities,— present Gloucestershire, GEO. WEBB ]] YM. Srtred Park/near Bristol, IN CHMR. ,¡ Berkshire JOB LOUSLEi i l*- Wal- ling ford. Devonshire JOIlN TORR, West Leigh, near Barn- staple. Essex ARCHIBALD H INTON, Grays, Riun- -l'o.r.d, ] ——— SAML. FRANCIS, Great Warlev, near Brentwood. Gloucestershire, WILLIAM DAY, Tarlton, near Ciren- cester. Herefordshire ..THOMAS P ROT HE ROE, jun. Brock- Iriimpton, near Ross. Oxfordshire. HENRY CHANDLER, Willaston, near Iriimpton, near Ross. Oxfordshire. HENRY CHANDLER, Willaston, near Buckingham. ¡ Suffolk THOMAS SIMPSON, Cretingham, near Framlinglmm. ——— SIMON MENS, Highatn, near Colches- ter. ——— CHARLES POPPY. Witnesham, nea Ipswich. Sussex JOHN ELLMAN, Jun. Firle, near Lewis Warwickshire JOSEPH RUSSELL, Cubbington, near Warwick. It is the unanimous opinion of this Meeting, That we have the happiness to live under the most free Constitution, and the mostequitabieand mild Government, which has ever existed m any age or nation. That we are most devotedly attached to his Majesty's Person and Government, and our present free Constitution). lliat, in tracing the grievances of which we hereafter compimn fo their source, we have no defect to impute either to the Constitution of the Country, or to his Majesty's Government. That, on reviewing the protection which the Merchants and Manufacturers have, from time to time, obtained from the for themselves, we have nothing to object to such protection, because we think it discreet and pru- dent in ths Merchants and Manufacturers ? seek such protection, and pound policy and wisdom in the Govern- ment to grant it. That, on a comparison of the highly -prptfectod state of theCommerce and Manufactures, with the "unprotected and defenceless state of the Agrieulture,ofth;is Country, we have no one to blame but ourselves, for our past supineness and inattention to our own interests. That, aware of the difficulties in lecoveriiig lost and neg- lected rights" whenever they conflict with rights already established, this Meeting is tinanimouslv of opinion, that nothing short of an universai exertion of the Agricultural Interest of the Country, will be adequate to bahtnee, and finally overcome, the opposit.' ,i -\bich m.iv be cipccted to their claims from interested ,lnd misguided person. That, relying on the justice ell as tl.o p-u-y, of the measures to be proposed, anr} encouraged by *]ie example j and success of the more discreet and prudent Merchants 5 tiuci iVlu'iiufaclurGrft# it is 11;tv oj Meeting, thitf a oenuanejit c/, ,1, ,m t>>r Pro tectum > of Agrteaii,ui-e, .tin oughout the Lmted Jvi 'i('nii, "Hp now formed, under the style, an 1 ja.'e < I—The l.mjnl and Can stilutional, Associ/itson of Aftr t\j Piotectw» aL Rights and Interests of Afrrfcultui'C in the United Kivgaom of Great Britain and J-ttaml. Ihatiue basis and object of tins Association, i?, and shall be, dolely to watch over, and protect, the R.mnts and IIl- q1' ti,e Agriculture < I t L ed King<l«m, and the !• Markets for tfie prodtietioi I Soil, w-ul-.m't >y refer- ence to, or interfevence win lical party, os "oartK s. that may now, or shall hers ft t in the United King- dom. dom. I ha!, keeping this principle, and objects, steadily in view, and renouncing all Other, the present A-.soe.iatj,,n invi e- ALL PLksONS CONCERNED IN AGRlCU LTU RE, who shall approve ol and adopt hese ResoPaions, t'lrougli- out the (Jutted Kingdom, to join their Vssoci..U.on, find unite, 1.1 Petitions to both Houses of Pirbameui, m )h<re- sent Session, for the EQU ALIZ.vTION OF i AX ATIQN on the admission of Foreign Produce of every •'escription, into the Markets of this Country, which can be grown in the Sod Of the ureal Britain and Ireiumi lliat, RENOUNCING all attempts at Mt »NOPOLY, for ourselves, and rejecting all privileges and partialities in •«?r £ pr'<wy Pi,rl'Cu-lar Commodiiy, or description ol Men, rrrnve" To ADMTr THE P'RODUC i'lPfS °t Ittfc- WHOLE WORLD IN 10 T I.I IS ISLAND, AT ALL TIA1 F.S, AND IN ALL SEASONS, <?lA" f^PORT DUTY EQU L ru J? Ifs 'il'HES AND TaXEb' WE PAY p,1' Vll0vvri! OF OUR. OWN PRODUC 1 lONS, t Ins A-«ociation will never barter, nor compro- mise, with any Counier-Petitioners, ihe R,ights and In- terests ol one part of this Association for the -sake of oh- taining Protection for other partsot it; FOR, as every part of the Association is alike 1 iixi-d, every part is, and shall be, alike entitled to the vigilance and regard of this Asso- ciation. That, adhering to these views and principles for their basis, the Associators nlledge that the Soil of the United Kingdom is competent, and fully adequate, to the supply of its Population, even if it were much more numerous than it is, with all the Productions of the S'hl of the United Kingdom (that is to say), with all Corn, Meal, Flour, Rye, Oats, Peas, Beans, BuWe.v, Beer or Big, Wool, Flax, Hemp, Hides, Tallow, Seeds, Butter, Cheese, Poultry, Vegetables of all kinds, natural I:, the Climate; Apples and Pears. ThaI, as the Soil of the United Kingdom and its Produc- Ell tions are the prime source of National Industry, and of Revenue, it is impolitic, it this allegation be true, to admit any Productions similar to those of our own Soil and Cli- mate, into this Country, DUTY-FREE. until the Cuhiva- lion of our own Soil shall have extended itself to its utmost limits; but, whether such allegation he correct in all its parts, or not, it is unjust to the Occupiers of the Soil to adniit such Productions DUTY-FREE inasmuch, as every such admission tends to disable trie Occupiers of the Soil from Payment of their Rent, Tithes, Taxes, and Wages while it leaves them subject to all the pains and penalties incurred by the omission to make good any 01 these pay- ments. For remedy whereof, they pray the Legislature that their Petition may be referred to a Committee of their Honourable House, where evidence may be, given in sup- port of these allegations; and if it shall be made appear, to be a just, equitable, and necessary measure, theil, hlltnot otherwise, that all the Productions of the Soil of the United Kingdom, -may, in future, be protected from Import ol simitar Commodities, DUTY-F.llF/E, in as full, ample, and beneficial a manner,.as. the Merchants and Manufacturers of the Uniied Kingdom, are by the Navigation Act. and other Statutes of the Realm, protected in their Shipping and Manufactories t'rotu Foreign Competition, DUTY- FHEE; and that they may have such re'iOastO'be wis- dom of the Legislature may seem fit. That, it is the unanimous opinion of this Sleeting, that these allegations are founded in fact, and that the remedy sought is natural, moderate, and just for all parties. That a great proportion of the Agricultural Labouress arc, for want of protection to the Agriculture of the Coun- try, unemployed and distressed, and, but for the assistance they receive from the poor's rate, would be starving; whereas, it the Agriculture of the Country were duly pro- tected, there would be employment,—profitable employ- tuent. for themselves, and for thf State.—fur all the Agricul- tural Labourers, without having recourse to tlie wasteful, idle, expensive, and degrading system of parochial aid to men in health and able to work. That, when it is considered the Merchants and Manufac- turers are perpetually meeting in their Chambers of Com- merce, in their Commercial Rooms, and in Coffee-Houses, to consult and confer on their own Rights and Interests; when it is considered that they have also a most efficient Board of Trade established by Government, to watch otfer, protect, and rcdiess all impediments their'Rights and Board of Trade established by Government, to watch otfer, protect, and rcdiess all impediments lq their and HWLftHttB 11, IIIII! .1 l"TTni.amiw —M—P—Ml—ScfB—MBWMt Interests and when it is further considered, that Govern- j inent have also established a Board of Agriculture, whose j functions DO NOT extend to such an interference and re- j dress on behalf of the Cultivators of the soil; it will cease to be matter of astonishment either to the Merchants and Manufacturers, or the Public at large, that it is now become the imperious duty of all the Cultivators of the soil of the United Kingdom, to establish among themselves, such a communication and connexion throughout the Kingdom, as snail watch over and protect their own common interests; and this Meeting is unanimously of opinion, that it is solely for want of such an Institution, that Oe present state of the -Agriculture of the Country is s JU'Diessed and unpro- tected, yn.cS tiieij• labourers ore v? V *eco«tauied employment.' That these Resolutions be printed and published that Copies thereof be transmitted by .the Chairman, to all his Majesty's Ministers, to the Members of both Houses of Pailiament, to the most intt-lligent and active Agriculturists in every County in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.: that they be published four successive weeks in the English Farmers' Journal, the like in the Irish Far- mers' Journal, the like in the Edinburgh Weekly Chronicle; four times in the Cambrian for South Wales, and four times in the Shrewslmru Chronicle for North Wales. Signed, GEO. WEBB HALL, Chairman, JOB LOUSLEY, JOHN TORR, ARC. HINTON, SAML. FRANCIS, WILLIAM DAY, THOMAS P ROT HE ROE, Ju-n. HENRY CHANDLER, CHARLES POPPY, THOS, SIMPSON, SIMON MENS, JOHN ELLMAN, Jun. JOSEPH RUSSELL. The Chairman having quitted the Chair, The Thanks of this Meeting are unanimously given to him for his very able and impartial conduct in the Chair, and for his unceasing exertions in promoting a measure which must tend to benefit the best interests of the British Empire. That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to Mr. John Eli'man, jun. for his co-operation in procuring this Meeting. All Communications with the Committee are requested to he addressed to the CHAIRMAN, at Messrs. EvANSalld RUFFY'S, 29, Budge-row, London. AGRICULTURAL PETITION. IFestmmsfer, 14th Jan. 1819. WE, the undersigned, beg leave respectfully YT to state to all the Subscribers to The Farmers' Journal, on reading the excellent letter of n very able cor- respondent, W. Irom Durham, inserted in that Journal of thel ¡tll illst "ON THE BENEFITS OF DIFFUSING INFORMATION AMONG THE AGRICULTURAL CLASSES/'—that our own experience runs on all fours with ins :—Wherever that Journal has been circulated, and knowledge diffused, the Farmers understand their own rights and interests, and sign the Petition with tlie utmost alacrity but where it is unknown, the Farmers are strangers to their birthrights. We, therefore, urge every Subscriber to redouble hIS exer- tions for the extended circulation of The Farmers' Journal, and we suggest the prllpriety of calling upon all the Masters of all the Farmers' Inns in the kingdom, to take in this paper, in the same manner as the Masters of all Travellers' HMUMV liika-iu. ibe pape'r -caUieit The TraveLkf. CEO. WEBB HALL, JOB LOUS LEY, JOHNTOKR. ARC. HfNTON, SAML. FRANCIS, WILLIAM DAY, r THOMAS- PROI HEROE, Jun. HENRY CHANDLER, CHARLES POPPY, TH. SIMPSON, SIMON MENS, JOHN ELLMAN, Jun. JOSEPH RUSSELL. The following gentlemen entirely concur in opinion toiih the uhove. arid hereby fur the r sanction the recommendation vjith their names. John Foster, Bnckhill, near Bedford. Swan N'ash, Carlton, Grange, Cambridgeshire. Edwin Andrews, Shroton, Dorset. James Burges3 Muston Farm, ditto. George B. Clapcott, Whitecluncb, ditto. Wdti ou Iloit, Abbey Milton, ditto John Newman, Fiddleford, ditto. Henry Stroud, Spifisbury, ditto. Smytii Lungley, West Bergbolt, Essex. John R Lucas, West bury College, near Bristol. Geo. Webb Hall, jun. Sneed Park, ditto. John Aylward, Wamford, Hants. John Duthy, Ropley, ditto. Francis Godrick, Tichbourn, ditto. C. GrŒrne, Dean House, ditto. 11 H J. Mulcock, Kilminston, ditto. Richard Norris, Basing Park, ditto. Wiu. Kimpton, Watton, Hertfordshire. Edward Smith, Ci»thall-Bufy, ditto- Hugh Higgins, H;.ddon, Huntingdonshire. John Nickolls, Leighton, ditto. Wm. Marton, Yaxley, lluntingdeni Won Nickolls, ditto. Will. Child, ditto. John Chambers, Orton, Hunts. George Wyman, Flettbii, ditto. Robert Bowles. Elderden, near Maidstone, Kent. Jonathan Binns, Leach House, near Lancaster. Charles Adams, Kilton, Somerset. Joseph Fysoti, jtiti. Abbots Leigh, ditto. Thomas Smith, Long Aslpon, ditto. John Hawkins, Cosford House, near Godalmirie, Surry. Bart Rudd, Marton Lodge, Cleveland, Yorkshire. Itobert, Rwbinson, Doncaster ditto. Edward Arnold. Boddicott House, near Banbury. Joseph Boddington, Norton Lodge, near Banbury, J«lm Wilson, Bodiicoii, near r,anbury. James Hobson, Thursby, near Carlisle. Chr Mason, Chilton Rushy ford, Durham. John Wood, Kimblesworili, ditto. Thomas Young, East Acton, Middlesex. I John Bailey, Thorney, Isle of Ely. -■ William Hodgson, diito. S. B :rber, Wi o v Hall, ditto. Charles Warner, Eye. near Peterborough. TO DTP It EE's GERMAN PATENT GIRTHS. THE durability, as well as the general elficacy of the GERMAN GIRTHS, are'already too well known (in the West of England) to need a comment. Their ad- vantages are theseTheir adhesion to the Horse is superior to any thing ever yet invented while the Woollen Girths partaking of the perspiration, become greasy, slip- pery, and unstable, the Hair Girth remains immoveable, When dirty, they arc cleaned in one minute, and, conse- quently, when applied, are always dry and comfortable to the hprse. While all other Girths slacken, it is ttie nature of the Hair Girths to contract when they become damp or warm—These Articles will wear out at least Six Pair oi the Woollen or Linen Girths. Sold (by Appointment) at Cook and Sons, Exeter; b> S. Havarri, Sadd'er, S-.v-an-ea and by in stof!he Saddlers in the United Kingdom, GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, npHE ENTIRETY, or a MO IETF of the rstrr COLLIERY, called the KAKTHILLID CULM COLLIERY, lield by;Lease for a long unexpired term of years, worked by level; distant from Swansea six milestone mile and a quarter drily from the Swansea Canal, to which there ii; a communication by Rail-road; capable of producing 200 tons per day without any further expense in making fresh openings. The Vein is five feet six ijichca e thick, and tuns veryregutaf under ancsteut now «< Vefi of Hbout 400 acres, there -re P-argcs, W-»r2'-t" Whàêb. Shippit/g-placc, witil C,try «itd «i|' yeiijence attached (d the cohccrsi. Aiid i.:» Luia, wiucti is of superior Quality to bu'r<) lime, can be worked and brought to market, at Swansea, at an expense Jess than any other now open on die Swansea Canal line. For further lyciriietilitr# to :I%lr. -Rath, or to Bcrring- ton and Jenkins, Swansea end for a view of tlie Colliery, to Thomas Jones, on the premises. ? GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, THE FOLLOWING Desirable FREEHOLD PREMISES, Sitiiate in the parish of Llangefelach CUNGHORDY FARM, containing ninety C Acres, riow let (for a term of years which will expire at Mlch/lelmas, J821) at the clear annual rent of This Farm is withi,n seven littles of Swansea. Tlie Build- ings are substantial and convenient, and may, at a small expense, be rendered a Comfortable residence for a eenteeS family. s PWLLFADY FARM, containing TO A. 1R. ISP. now let for a term of years, at £ '20 per annum. These Farms have Unlimited Right of Common upon extensive Hills and Wastes, in the said parish of Llange- felach, and have several Voins of Coal under them. For particulars dppfy to Bcrrington and Jenkins, Soli- citors, Swansea. r MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO BE LET, AND ENTERED UPON AT CANDLEMAS NEXT, ALL that capital INN and FARM, called CRUMLIN, late in the nccuoation of Mr. Wi'liani Head, and situate in the parish of Llanhilleth. The local situation of this Property, which contains abottt 76 statute Acres, makes it a most desirable taking. It adjoins the line of-the Monmouthshire Canal, the Tram- road to the Beaufort and t'hliw Vale Iron-Work-, the Turnpike-road leading trom Pont-y-pool and Caerphilly, and at the distance of only ten miles from the flourishing sea-port town of Newport. A pe son will attend at the Crumlin inn, on Candleniasr day to receive proposals and for further particulars, and, to treat in the mean time, apply to Messrs. Powell, Jones, and Po\Vell, Solicitors, Brecon. The postage of all applications by letter must be paid. BRECONSHIRE. Capital TIMBER, fit fir Naval$other Farpo^ TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, iK lots, j At the town oi Swansea, itV'the county <»'amorgan at the Old GoJrfen-Lino-hrti, in the town of Lrecon and at the Swan-inn, in the town of H'ay on certain days to be nientiooed in a future ntivertiseineht, Large quantity of capital OAK 1I.MBER, rj~ Naval, Building, and Cleft Purposes. 1 lie Timber to be Sold at Swansea is now' growing iri the parish of V stradgunlais, in the county of Brecon, ashore di,lance from the head of the Swansea Canal. Tile I iniber to be Sold at Brecon is now growing in tie ^hn.V?? Saint John (}se Evangelist and Llanspyddid, about three miles from tlie ,own of'Brecon. Ihe limber to be Sold at Hay is now growing in 1)ie parishes of Broynllys and Glasebury, ia the cou-iy of Brecon, about seven mdes from Hay. Ihe times of sale and further particulars will be ftut- lished tn a future paper; in the mean litHe ^nv further mlormation may be obtained on application fit |v letter postage paid) t«i Mr. I homas Bold. Brecon. A llOST ADVANTAGEOUS OFFER^ AND IMMEDIATE I'OSSliSEIO.V, TO BE LET, tJpøn Royalty by Tender, CWM DEE COLLIEKY, near Pontypool, Monmouthshire, connected with the Monmouthshire Canal, by a Tram-road of about 1300 yards in lenoth bt which the coal is conveyed lo the convenient and extemi'v'e Wharfs at Newport.. This Colliery extends through upwards of sixtv acres of land, and is accessible through a substantial and'excelleut stone arChway or level of about 500 yards. The strata of coal is nine feCt thick, and the work is capable of producing 11)0. tons per day, or more. Other stratas of coal are not noticed m this account. This Colliery has been for some tipie past in work to a considerable extent, and is now reuMy to be entered upon with an immediate rtturn, with- but any speculation or sir king of capital. The Stock and Effects may be taken to at a valuation. This Colliery is so adva ltageou-ly circumstanced, that no change of season or weatiicr can interfere to stop the working of it; it wilt therefore be required, that any tender sent in sl»uld specify all undertaking as to the quantity to be raised iti ci&ch year. Should any person taking the above be desirous of enter- ing into the Iron or Fire Brick Trades, this Property holds Out tie most flattering prospect of advantages, and every encouragement will be given to forward such disposition. Both the Iron Stone and Fire Clay are of tlie first quality and tlie situation of the Premises is most favourable, as there is a capital streani of water, with a fall of 166 feet in 1370 yards, and close to tlie Monmouthshire Canal-a n|ce where .,6 teet head may be obtained for an Iron Work I The 1 .oprietor s House, the Agents' and\'Vorbnc¡¡'s We 'L>Si li- n" at au annual rental. There is a very ewr wilhU'r t Plt Timber in the Woods of the Propr^ at aVair vaTuat.on.leUa,U be aUil limeS^accommodated and'-nw^arT^afh Vrein,ise\apP!-v ,here ^Thomas Perks TP„Xt Littlehales, the Agents to the Concern. FSM NF PTT ?r to be sent to Alex. Jones, irTnl'i.r Usk, Monmouthslure; Mr. Wm, Downing. En- iVf ° ^c't>roughion, Worcestershire or to Mr. N. t' lice, Worcester, where Maps may be seen nud parti- culars furnished which Tenders will be severally opened aud determined upon on the 1st day of March next, and possessi.-n. will be given on the 25th. Security wiH -^e required for the performance of any contract entered in to. poWELL's ELECTUARY "i7Tndi^tabW -*• the best and cheapest preparation in fre„sh Co'ds every kind of Asthma or Dry Winter Cough whatever • as a proof of which read the following copy of a letter, sent to G Sutton, Review Odice, Nottingham, which may be secn at I. Powell's, Loughborough, if required p,SlE' Crawford, Nov. n, 18i8. tuari n" T, Powell s Cough Eire tuary One I had of you cured rav wife of an obstinate cough, ot five years standing, near two years a^s—let mc nave a true one, for [ have no doubt of it's efficacy in obsti- nate coughs, provided it be genuine. I have recommended many to you, and ali that has had it from you have been cured orgrcntly relieved. I recommended it to one Geo. t enstock, a thaieher, at Lea, near Matlock, Derbyshire, that had a strong asthma upon him for many years; he durst not eat milk, nor could he abide anyone to smoke in his presence. One pot from you (to use his own expression W quite made a new man of him. Your's, x c ?i i ii Jonsr TOPLIS. Sold wholesale by the preparer, and Messrs. Barclays I London, whose name ts engraved on the stamp; and rc- j tailed by most ol the principal Medicine Venders P'ice t 9d, and is. ii-d. th, not.