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The Estate of Robert Wrixon, Esq. A LL Persons who are indebted thereto are requested to pay their Debts immediately; and all fiersons having any demand thereon arc requested to de- irer in a particular of their respective Demands, in order that the same may be discharged in due course. CH\S. RROWN. Solicitor, Cardiff. The Rev. 11. EVANS BEGS leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that his ACADEMY will Re-open, after the present Vacation,o» Monday, the 13th of this month. His terms tor Boarders and Day Scholars may be known by applYing at his house. Orange-street, Swansea, NEWPOltT. Monmouthshire. MRS. KING'S ESTABLISHMENT, for' TWENTY YOUNG LADIES, will Re-open on Blbnd ay, the 20th of July. MISS VAUGHAN begs leave to inform her Friends and the Public, that HER SCHOOL will Re-open on the 20th of J uly instant, for the reception of a IMITEB NUMBER of BOARDER8 and DAY-SCHOLAHS,,OU the usual terms. Crockherbtown, July 8,1818. MISS COLLIER RESPECTFULLY present her sincere and grateful acknowledgments to her numerous Friends for the very liberal and flattering encouragement she has hitherto experienced, and trusts that an undiminished.exer- tion for the-Improvement of those Pupils entrusted to her care, will ensure acoutinuance of their kind confidence and support. 3Sie Establishment will Re-open on Monday, the 13th inst. TERMS For Boarders, tvhose number is limited/to Six, Board and Education in English.. £ 2\ 0 0 per Annum. washing I. 0 10 0 per Quarter. msic 1 11 6, ditto. "Jtacb Boarder to come provided with two pair of sheets and four towels. X>A. „ Terms for Day Scholars. Education in English, Geogranhv i and Needlework" 1 j £ 0 15 0 per Quarter. Music • ••• > Music • ••• > 1 1 ø ^r«inK '.i'l! 0 7 0 •-Antuinetic b q No Entrance required. _T School Bills to be settled Quarterly. No Pupil to be withdrawn without one Quarter's notice. NEATH SEMINARY, CONDUCTED by the iiev. D. DAVIS and an able Assistant, will Re-open on the 25th of this month. TERMS.. Board and Washing, and Tuition in the English, Latin and Greek Languages, and Writing and Arithmetic (bookts &c. included), Thirty-four Guineas per Annum.-— Entrance XI 1s. vattour Boarders, Fifty Guineas per Annum.—Entrance d'lt 2s. Each young gentleman is expected to bring a knife and a silver table-spoon, ami six towels. iiiree months* notice before ttt» removal of a Pupil, ora filter's payment, is required. *he branches specified below taught when desired. geography for £ 0 10 6 per Quarter xMtto, with use of the Globes, and # n A!ttn Lectures on Astronomy J Practical Geometry 0 10 6 ditto. Theoretical Geometry .t. 1 I 0 ditto. Navigation, with Lunar Observations 5 5 0 Land-surveying, with the use of a>« A good Theodolite ( ° u Book-keeping by singYe" and "double a entry >> « French, books include-d, Five Guineas per Annum ditto, without books, Four GUllleas.-Entrunce IDs. 6d. By Mr. BATES. Dancing, Drawing, and Music, according to, the termi of the several Masters, N. K. No other charges than those speciifed above. Neath, July 3,1818. • RE7DCLIFF CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL ACADEMY, BRISTOL, Conducted by Mr. ALLEN, C, WILL re-open for .the reception of young, Gentlemen on MONDAY the 20th day of July next, The Terras from 24 to 28 Guineas per annum, include every expense connected with the School, except hooks: and Stationary. Mr. ALLEN is assisted in thc Classical and Mathematical departments by his Son, Mr. R. AT LKN and in the general business of the School by two experienced Writing Masters, and a Native of France. The plan of instruction and references of the highest re- spectability* may be obtained on application at the Aca- demv.. An ASSISTANT WANTED after the present re> cess. A well educated young Man. who can produce sa- tisfactory testimonials, will find this all eligible situation. Guinea-street, June 16.1818. KOTICE is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising at the several TOLL GATES upon the TURNPIKE ROADS within the District of SWANSEA, TURNPIKE ROADS within the District of SWANSEA, in the county of Glamorgan and also the TOLLS arising at the WICH-TREE BRIDGE, near Morriston, in the said county, will be respectively LET to the best Bidder, at the Guildhall, in Swansea, on 1\londav. the 3d day of August next, between the hours often and two in the after- noon, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the isill "year of tjie reign of his Majesty King George the Third, for Regulating the Turnpike-Roads j" which Tolls pro- duced lhe last year—viz. Swansea Gates £353 Pontardulais Gate 223 Wich Tree Bridge Gate 270 And will be put up at those sums respectively.—Whoever happens to be the best Bidder, must at the same time give Security, with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Roads and Bridge respec- tively, for paymem of the Rents agreed for, and at such times as they shall direct. T. GROVE, Clerk to the said Trustees, Dated this 6th day of July, 1818. GLAMORGAN SHIRe! ~™ j CARDIFF TURNPIKE DISTRICT. NOTICE is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising at CARDIFF and LANDAFF GATES, and RADIR CH AIN, within this District, will be LET by AUCTlbjSf, in separate lots. for the space of one year, to the best Bidder, at the house of John Strange, Innkeeper, Called and known by the name of the Cardiff-Arms inn, in Cardiff, on Saturday, the 1st day of August next, between the hotlrs of ten. and-twelve o'clock in the forenoon of the same day, in manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th year of the reign of King George the Third, for regulating the Turnpike Roads; which-Tolls were let together for three years, ending the 24th day of September next, at the rent of £ 1260 per annum. The beat Bidder will have Possession of the Tolls cm the-25th day of September next; and it shall be at the option of the best Bidder for either of the lóts, to pay into the Treasurer's hands two months' rent in advance, and at the end of every future month to pay one month's rent in advance, so that the Tru-it shall always have irrtheir hands one month's rent in advance, or to give sllch other security, with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction the Trustees of the said Turnpike, for payment of the r^nt agreed for, at such time and tirues as they shall direct, NICHOLL WOOD, Clerk to the Tr ustees of the said District. •Cardiff, July bi, 1818. A Person of respectability, 30 years of age, jLm. wouid be happv to meet with a Sfl UATION a» TRAVELLER, AGENT, CLERK, or WAREIIOUSE. MAN.—A desire to be actively employeil is more the object of the Advertiser than emolument. The iuostrespfc- table references, and security adequate to the trust reposed, can be given.—Address R. T. at the Ollice of this Paper. TO REFIXEILS WANTED, a sober respectable MAN, fully v v competent to the MANAGEMENT of all exteii- sive REFINERY, and who may possibly be required U> i superintend the general concerns of a Stuelt iug Work. JSo persons but of known ability and good conduct need apply; and they are requested to state ihsir ternis, &c. by letter ^as personal applications cannot be attended to). addressed to It. J. Nevill, Esq. Lianeily Copper Works, 1 MQNEYs "■ Til E sum of TW o TM O US A ND POUN DS is now ready to be ADVANCED on ANNUITY secured on FREEHOLD ESTATES, in any part of South Wales, on the most moderate terms. For particulars of which apply (if by letter, post-paid) » the Priiiti-r of tiiiq PZ, r. Swansea, 30th June, 1818. —PATENT KALEIDOSCOPE. CBEILBY very respectfuliy informs tli^j o Public, that he has entered into an engagement with Dr. Brewster, the Inventor and Patentee of the above very amnsing instrument, for the manufacture of them, and that he will henceforward be enabled to supply them either I wholesale or retail, tuade in the iuo.st approved manner. A large assortmelltof Spirit Levels, Theodolites, Miners Compasses, and other instruments necessary for Surveying, constantly ou sale; and.Instrumcllts of every kind repaired and made to-order. Bristol, July 6, 1818. NOTICE is hereby given, that a MEETING of the CREDITORS of HENRY PHILLIPS, of the parish of Monythusloyne, in the county of Mm,mouth. the parish of Monythusloyne, in the county of Mm,mouth. Publican, late a. Prisoner confined for Debt in hi* Majesty's Gaol ot Monmouth, in the county of Monmouth, and froiii thence discharged under the Act for Relief of Insolvent I Debtors, is intended to be hoMcn at the Parrott-inn, in the town of Newport, in the said county, oil Monday, the 13lh day of July next, between the hours of one anrl three of the same day, for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of applying to the Court for ihe Relief of Insolvent Debtors for an Assignment of the Esinte and Effects of the smd Henry Phi/lips, and to choose Assignees thereof for the beneift of his Creditors. Dated 2;>U! Tune, 1810. NOTICE is hereby given, that a MEETING of the CREDITORS of MORGAN THOMAS, of the parish of St. Mellow#, in the county of Monmouth, Miller, late a Prismiec confined for Debt in his Majesty's Gaol of Glamorgan, in the couUt v of Glamorgan, and Irorn thence discharged under the Act for Relict of Insolvent Debtors, is wended to be holden at the Parrott-inn, in the town of Newport, in the said county, on Monday, the 13th day of July next, between the hours of one. and throe iii' the same day, for the purpose of t.iking in consideration the same day, for the purpose of t.iking in consideration the propriety of applying to the Court' for-the Relief of Insolvent Debtors tor an Assignment of the Estate and Effects of the said Morgan Ttton»«S, and to CMJO.V,: .■Issigiices thereof for the beneift of his Creditors: :# Dated 2oti) June, 1818. Great Forest of Brecknock Inclosure. IN pursuance of the authority in me vested, as one of the Clerks to the Commissi,mors under the above InctosureAct,Idohcre!)yAdjonrnaMeMtntnofth<-s!)id I Comm¡sS1oners, wlllch wns 10 ¡lave bcen hcld this day at the Camden-Arms, in the town ofTrecaajle, in the county of Brecon, ifum the reason thsu no otto ot thfl CouiuiUsioners attended this Mcerinej—and I direct that a MEETING of the COMMISSIONERS, and other Persons interested in the Inclosure, be held at (he Camdcii-Arms, ill the town ot rrecastle aloresaid, Oil Momitiy, the '27ill day of July next, when all prr ons interested iii.iv attend. And I do hereby give notice. That'at stich Meeting any Person or Persons who have neglected to deliver ill their claims for Allotments on the Forest, may then and there deliver ill such claims. THOMAS BOLD. Dated this 2?d day of June, 1818. J m Swansea Infirmary Anniversary Meeting and Dinner. Tl-IE Committee take the liberty of reminding the Subscribers that the ANNIVERSARY' MEET- ING will be holden at the Towu-hall. Swansea, on the 17th day of July next, "t twelve o'clock in the forenoon at which Meeting the Election of Physicians, Surgeons, Trea- surer, and Secretary, will take place, for the year ensuing, and thfl Annual Accounts he settled. The Committee will also propose, pursuant to Rule 11th. that the Rules respecting the attendance and duties of*the Physicians be expunged; and that the following be in future adopted If any case should arise when, in the usual course of private practice, a Physician would be called-in, the Surgeons are directed to report the same to the Physicians of the Infirmary, who will attend such case separately or jointly, as they think best; and the Surgeon who attended such patient shall furnish them with all necessary informa- tion respecting the former mode of treatment and Medicines taken. That Rules second, third, fourth, and fifth, of the power of recommendation of Out-door Patients, be altered as follow s •— 2. E/ery Subscriber of Two Guineas annually, shall be entitled to recommend one In door Patient within the year; and have two Out-door Patients constantly upon the books. 3. Every Subset iber of Three Guineas annually, one In- door Patient within the year; and to have four Out-door Patients constantly upon the books. 4. Every Subscriber of Four Guineas annually, two In- door Patients within the year; and to hare four Out-door Patients constantly upon the hooks. 5. Every Subscriber of Five Guineas annually, to have two In-door Patients within the year; and to* have six Out- doorPtltients constantly upon the books. After the business of-the d:ty is conciuded, the Subscri- bers and Friends to the Institution will dine together at the Mack worth Arms. c, JOHN MORRIS, Esq m the Chair; Rev. F. GOUGII, -v JOHN JONES. Esq. f Ct Capt. G. JONES, >Stewards. THOS. BOWDLER, Esq.) Tickets 10s. 6d. each.—Dinner at five o'clock. W. STROUD. Secretary. Y Order of the Cotirt for the. Rehef <'f !nso.- By Order of the Court for thp. Relief (If Insol- vent Debtors-Tire Peti!Ïoll-ofTIJOJ\1i\S R EES, tyte of Newport, in Hie county of Pembroke, Mariner, but now a Prisoner lor Debt, confined in his Majesty's Gaol of the Castie of Haverfordwest, in the county of Pembroke, will he heard bnfore his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County, at an adjournment of the General Quarter Sessions of the Peaoe, which will be holden af the Guild- hall, Haverfordwest, in and for the "said' county, on Saturday, the 1st day of August next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the morning and that a Schedule, annexed to the said Petition, containing a List of the Creditors ofthe said Prisoner, is filed in'the Office of the said Court, No* 9, Essex street, Strand, in the county of Middlesex, fo which the Creditors of the said Prisoner may refer and he doth hereby declare, that he is ready and willing to submit to be examined touching the justice of his conduct to his. Creditors. THOMAS RE'ES. JAS. N ICHOLLS (for the Society for Relief of Debtors) 29, Bennet-street, Biackfriars Riad. Ntatk Canal Navigation. rpiIE ANNUAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY X of the COMPANY of PROPRIETORS of this NAVIGATION will be held, pursuant to adjournment, at the Ship aiid Castle Inn, Neath, ou Thursday, the 23d July inst. at eleven o'clock. JOHN BOWLAND, Clerk to the Company. Neath, July 2, 1818. rf"MIE Subscribers and Friends to the PEM- JL BROKESIir.lE and 11AVERF0RDW ES1' AU- XILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY are.respectfully iutoriued, that the ANNUAL MEETING v ill be held ou Thursday, the ltith ot July, at the Towu-hall,'Haverfordwest, at twelve o'clock, when their attendance is requested. J AMES RE ES, ) DAVID MORGAN, >Secretaries. S 11 1 nil 1 IPs. 3 N, B. Those t id» » who will tavour■ tjy: .Meeting with their attendance are K putiullv iutonneaHhat seats will be kept for their accommodation. Committee RooniiJuiy |, 1818. TO BE LET, AT PYLE, For Three or Four Months, A SMALL HOUSE, well Furnished, con- sisting of a good sized sitting-room, a "kitchen, and three good bed-rooms with part of a Garden, well stocked. For toe convenience of the person who vCould wish to take, it, a If, Irse wili be left (free of every expense) for his use, with saddle and side-saddle. For particulars enquire (if by letter post-paid) of Mr. Morgan Rees. Postmasier, P>le. l'O BE let, ALL that capital HOUSE, Garden, and Premises, called The COUKT-HGUSE. situated near St. Mary's Church, Haverfordwest. The House is near St. Mary's Church, Haverfordwest. The House is well furnished, and every way calculated for the residence of a large and genteel family ;-it coiisis.'sof two parlours, an eating-room, with drawing-room, and a s'uu-l y eight bed-rooms, dressing-rooms, nursery, ato closets, w»th every a¡;colll1!!Od¡tlÎo[\ forserv ants. Stabling frr six horses, Coach- house, and Cotn-lolt. The Garden is large, and \\e11 stocked with fruit and vegetables. Further particulars may be tearnt by applying to Mr. .Miller, Landawke, Laugfiariie, Canuarthensliue or to Mr. Morley, Upholsterer, Carmarthen!. All letters must be p t f lid IN THE VALE OF GLAMOHGAN, A LITTLE BELOW LANTVVU. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, A "d clltercd mi itt A1 ichaetmas next, CARLEUGH MEADOW, and LAND ad- joining, containing 40A. 2P. eight Acres of this quantity is allowed by'the best judues^to be the lichesl Meadow Laud id; South Wales." Xii«re is a flat FIKI.D ot yA. 2R. :1:3P. of very richtirass f.:tud above the Meaodw, J the best situation in the kingdom tor building a Marine Villa; the landscape 1, very grand on this situation, com- manding a 1110', ,1 !i j> of "lithe Bristol Chan- nel and 'pp 'sue («\(,ifiV and Somerset Forpir ic.utarssppiy to *lr. Mip'ni .Surveyor and Latui- agent, .ÖL si. M..r .n'«-ly. Loiuioa;—Stf. Thomson, an Boverion. w(l'kii •' he w -j. TO BE SOLD HY PJUVATE (X)N J R.AL T, ALL that finely Wooded and beautiful Estate, called WOOD'HOUSE, and also the WATER CORN GnlST MILL, called Woodhcuse Mill, situnto in the parish I of Llaugharnc, and county of Carmarthen together wiih ilttaUT of PittiSENTATto.4 to the Livings of LLANDA t; ke and PENDINE, m the said county. I The above Estate comprises 3t'(1 Acres, or thereabouts, of capital Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land. "ild I it; Acres. or thereabouts, of wi,ich is under ilirivisig Coppice \Voo<)s ot 20 years growth the whole forming one of the most <■ ii- gible situiitions in Wales tor building u gentleman's tesi- dence. 1 lie Estate is situate within three utile* of the post and mark, ttowu of St. Clear's, through which the mail to London passrs daily, iiitcen miles from the fashionaiile bathing-place ot lenby, and twelve miles from the capital market-tnwu of Carmarthen,. For further particulars apply by letter, postpaid, lo Mr. Armstrong, Ty uyrhyd, near Abervstwith, South Wales. CARMARTIlENililRK. Llanell), Lfangcnmch, and Llantdtj 1NGLOSUEE. I The Commissioner elected and appointed to J carry 11110 execution an Act of Parliament made and passed iu the 52d year ot the reign of his present Mutes'y King George the Third, intituled. An Act for Inclosing Lands in the several parishes of Llmieliy, Llangeimeclf! and UatU'dy wTitbii,i the Commoit of Cainawlloii, in the Lordship ot Kidwelly, in the county, of Carmarthen,"— Do Jiereby give notice, that I will SLLL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Falcon-inn, in the town of Lianeily, in the said county, on Thursday, the 6th day of August next, 1818. at two o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions of sale to be then produced, the following Parcels of lana, beitig part and purccl of the Land intended to be Inclosed by virtue ot the said Act. ON MVNYDD COttStAW. Lot l. One Parcd of Ground adjoining ihe road A. R. P. leading from Pembrey Mountain to the Carmar- then turnpike-road, on the north side thereof, con- taining by admeasurement 12 o 38 Lot 2. OnePrlrcd of Ground adjoining lot 1.. 10 S 2 Lot 3. One Parcel of Ground adjointn^ lot 2 9 3 8 Lot 4. One Parcel of G round ad)omnig lot 3 • •$3 37 Lot 5. One Parcel ofGroulld adjoining theafore- said turnpike-road and the allotment purchased by the Rev. Thomas Clement • ••- • .-211 ON MYNYDD svtEN. Lot-6. One other Parcel of Ground adjoining the road leading Irom the LhwOH road to the Pon- tyberen) lurnpike-road, on the south si te thereof 13 c& "6 Lot 7. One Parcel of Ground adjoining lot 6 13 2 i) Lot 8. One Parcel of Ground adjoining lo: 79-3 32 Lot 9. One Parcel of Ground adjoining 101 <5 8 3 28 Lot 10. One Parcel of Ground adjoining the aforesaid road, on the north side thereof 13 2 0 Lot 11. One Parcel of Ground adjoining lot 10 8 1 36 Lot 12. One Parcel of Ground adjoining lyt 11 18 2 2fl Lot 13. One Parcel of Ground -adjoining lot 12 18 0 30 Lot 11,. One Parcel of Ground adjoining the said road, on the south side thereof -• • 13 3 1 Lot 15 One Parcel of Ground adjoinillg lot 14 17 0 10 Lot 16. One Parcel of Ground adjoining lot 15 15 0-10 ON LT.AVGEN.NECH MARSH. Lot 17. Oneotiter Parcel ot Ground adjoining a road ;iuarlied on the Comrnoii, and the Lands of John Synnnons, Esq. •• 40 0 ON I. LAN E DY MOUSTAIN, OTHERWISE MYNYDD FFl-nhwS. Lot 18. One other Parcel ol tiround adjoining the turnpike-road leading from Swansea 10 Llan- dilo, and the allotnieiit purchased by William Hopkm, Esq. -.6 2 30 Lot 19. One Parcel of Ground adjoining the iast- mentioned road, on the east side thereol 7 0 32 Lot,2<>. One other Parcel of Ground adjoining the road leading from the said turnpike-road to the villageot Ll uiedy, on the north side thereof J 1 5 Lot 21. One other Parcel of Uroulld adjoining lot?" -• •• •• .-916 ) he aforesaid Pieces or Parcels of Land are set out bv holes dug in the ground arid" Plans tlicreot may be seen by apply ing to Mr. John IV. JOHN VVEDGE, Ceftiiiiissjoner, Dated iljis Sih d*y wf-Julj, 18!8. i BRECOXSHIHE. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, A Desirable FREEHOLD FARM, called CRYN ALL r, situate in the parish of Merthyr-Cynog, near the turnpike-road leading from Brecon to Builth, distant irom the tormer ten miles, and five Irom the latter comprising a Dwelling-house, Beast-bouse, and Barn, toge- ther with about Sixty-one Acres of Meadow, Pasture, and A rable Laud. with an ulllimited Right of Common upon the adjacent hills. Possession may be had at Michaelmas next. To be viewed on application at the Farm-house; and for further particulars, and to treat for the purchase, apply to-Messrs. Powell, Jones, and Powell, Solicitors, Brecon, or to Mr. James Williams, at Pvlt*-gla«, near-Hav. I GLAMORGANSHIRE. | TO BE LET, A DWELLING-HOUSE, Maltese, Bake and Brewhouses, Stable, Cowhouse, Carthouse, Pig- stye, and li'~ Acres uf exccJJeot Arable, Meaftow, and Pasture Land, with a Right of Common, situate in the parish of St. Andrew, in the county of Glamorgan, within tour miles ot, and good road to, iliq well known and plen- tiful market-town ot Cardiff. The Multhouse consists of a cistern capable of wetting 70 Winchester bushels, working floors, dry malt-rooms, couchcs, kiln, &c. to answer, capable of making front 3 to 4(100 Winchester bushel*'of mult in one season, and adjoins a most capital well. I lie House consists of a spacious kitchen, two parloars, darry. pantry. and lour bed rooms. Possession of the Mahuouse may be had 99th September, the Land 2d February, and the House on the 1st May next and iurther p.a'ticulars liiay he had by applying to Mr. Win. Matlicws, ou tlu> premises; Mrs" Margaret Evans, Cardiff; or Mr. Owen Mathews, Usk, Monmouthshire it bv letter, viosi-naid TO BE LET, AND MAY BE IWTKUl-D UPON AT MICHAELMAS NEXT, r| ",HA 1' commodious and established PUBLIC X HOUSE or TAVERN, called the SHI P < £ ■ CASTLE, situate nearly ú: the centre of St. Mary's parish,, in the sea-port town of Cardiff, and for many years conducted with great respectability and suCcoss by Ilr. W. J. Vine, the present occupier. The above Premises consist of two parlours in front; behind these a neat and convenient bar, all excellent tap- room. roomy kitchen, Of|eu court, pump (with a plentiful supply of water), and a good garden. The lodging-rooms arc spacious and commodious and on lhe SiJUW floor is a arge club or diwiug-roum,1 lately built at a great e xpense, and capable of dining s.xty persons. I lie lavcrn in question would prove a tfery great acqui- sition to any person inclined to embark in the public line 01 b u si nest; from its contiguity to the Wharf, it has ever been the resort of Mutton. of Vessels and their Passengers; its situation is peculiarly pleasant and cheerful; nor can it escape the eye of the numerous water parties, wsbo so fre- quently spend son*! tin ie here, on their way to and from the dilfereol bathing- places west of Card itf. A lespec.able tenant, wouid meet with great encourage- ment.-For further particulars app!y to Mr, Jl!.s. Walters, ihe Proprietor, Cardilf; it by letter, post-paid. DOL, Cardiganshire.. TO BE LET, FOR ONE OR MORE YEARS. WITH IMMEDIATE f'OSS ESSH)N. iI, JI {.;QU I It I'D. THE 'HOUSE and LANDS of DOL, situated T on the banks of the Tivy, midway between Cardigan and Newcastle-in-Emlyn. b The House, wliich is modern, and recently filled up at considerable expense, is adapted for the residence of a gEntlcman of, moderate fortune, mid consists of a large drawing-room, dining-room, and seven bed-chambers, with appropriate offices;—Stabling for six horses, Coach-house, Cow-houses, Barn, lie. There is a large Kitchen Garden and Orchard, in full bearing, with about Filiy Acres of Land, of .which ihe greater part is Meadow, of the finest quality; the whole in excellent order. The Furniture, which is nearly new, and the Stock, including 1.i capital dairy Cows, and a large quantity ot .Hay, with lhc growlIIg crops of Corn, may be lakaa at a valuation, or will he disposed of at public sale. N. B. The post from London passes IlIe place daily. For particulars enquire of Lewis Evans. Esq. Cardigan. GLAMORGANSHIRE. Gabaha, near Cardilf. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By T. WATKINS. On Monday, July 20, 18)8, and the following days, until the whole is sold, A Valuable portion of the HOUSEHOLD £ FURNITURE, a fashionable landaulet, cost lately 40;) guineas, a fire engine complete, a Bath wheel-chair, piano-forte, books, superb dinner service in china, glass and earthenware, kitchen requisites, brewing and dairy utensils, greenhouse and garden plants, a collection of roses injrfjts, plated goods, guns, pistols, fishing-nets, harmfinicon^r self- playiijg piano-forte, harness, bridles, and s;iO-dt&s; about 140 dozen of different wines of superior flavour, brandy and Hollands, 24 dozen of ale in bctttes. with a numerous assortment, of every other article requisite for ap extensive establishment. The whole will be put up in suitable lots; and catalogues will be ready for delivery in the first w-ek of July, at the Black-Rock inn, New Passage; King's Head-inn, Newport; Bear-inn, Cowbridge; Castle, Mertbyr; Mackworth-Arms- inn, Swansea; and at the Auctioneer's, Cardiff. N. B. The sale will begin each day at ten o'clock pre- cisely.^ GABALVA, GLAMORGANSHIRE, Between Cardiff and LlaudafF. Desirable Family Residence, with excellent Offices, Lawns, Pleasure Grounds, Flower and Kitchen Gar- dens, Green house, Peach-house. Pinery, Succession- houses, and 121 Acres of Meadow, Arable, and Wood Lund, the river Taff[flowing in front of t.'is House. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. ROBINS, At Garraway's Coffee-house, Exchange Alley, Cornhill, London, on Thursday, July 16. 1818, at twelve o'clock, IX ON K LOT. AVery desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, GABALVA; comprising a very eligible Residence, adapted for the accommodation of a family of the first respectability, beautifully situate on a fine lawn, command- ing delightful and highly interesting views of the adjacent Country, within half a miie of LlandalF, and three of Cardiff, on the banks of the river Taff, which affords fine saluton and trout fishing, late the residence of Sir ROBERT LYNCH BLQSSTJ. Bart, deceased. The House contains a spacious dining and drawing-room, library, servants' hall, housekeeper's room, butler's pantry, store-room, kitchen, scullery, pantry, hot and cold baths, &c. and cellars in the basement; ot; the principal story, a breakfast-room, five best bed-chambers, five rooms for I servants, and five sleeping-rooms over; coach house aud stables for eight horses, haniess-ro»in, laundry, wash and brew-liotise, two barns, dai-y, granaries, cattle-houses, &c. in excellent repair a capital {tower garden, extensive fruit and kitchen gardens, green and peach houses, pinery, suc- cession houses, and gardener's house, with 121 Acres of MEADOW, ARABLE, and WOOD LAND. Llandaff is a good sca-jiort, affords every accommodation of water MEADOW, ARABLE, and WOOD LAND. Llandaff is a good sca-jiort, affords every accommodation of water carriage, and the neighbourhood highly respectable. | lo he viewed by applying at Gabaiva, where particulars 1 may be had of Edward P Richards. Esq. and the Cardiff- Arms, Cardiff; of Mr. Simpson, the Bear, Cowbridge; h uiti's-Head, Newport: Bolton-Arms, Chepstow Kinu's- Head, Gloucester Bush, Bristol White-Lion, ff.ith ;"of Messrs.. Willi,nns, \Vhutaore, and Co. Solicitors, Lincoln's- inn at Garriiwny»S; and of Mr. Robins, Warwick street, j GOLDEN-square, London, where H p!un of THE !v>'ate may J be-c,e;i, i To Iron-Musters una others. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION „ B> FARGUS, At tlie Commercial Rooms, in tiie city of B- .^ol nn Thursday, the 6th day of August, 181K," precisJiVat'ou- o clock in the forenoon, under conditions lo lie tiien nr„. duced, unless disposed of in the mean time'by private coitiract, m which case notice will be given, ALL those MESSUAGES, TE.NEMi-NTS iiwlfcmi AHtNlS; comprising Meadow, Pasture, at«| V» Ood Lands, containing by admeasurement 105'" lit 22P. orthcreubollls, called () DDU and NA NITY. 3 ELLIN, situate on each side of Cwm Frwd, in the parish of irevethin, and within three miles of the town of P»utvv pool; with a Right of Common on Twvw-dee Sc Varteg Hills. it lias been ascertained that the wiio c of these "Lands' from their situariwn, contain ik? sa.me .-ouries-of ivitjie and Coal as are worked at the Varteg lion-Works, ro which they are contiguous the declivity of the Strata he, ,g in 4 westward direction from the Mines and Collieries at the Varteg, and rll n immediately under the lands of Grain Ddu. where the upper Veins of Coal and Mine (or lroll Stuue) have been proved. In the north end of the Estate is aTileSione Quarry a-.d Hags of good qualuy, which has been partiaiiy wo-'k-nl and is capable ot being worked to a larire extent Mr. Dd Protheroe, Mineral-Surveyor,'of Potiti-ewvnvc'd ticar 1 outypool. will cause the Estate to be shown and for outer particulars, aftd to treat bv private, contract 'apply 1 nomas Jones, Esq. of Abergavennv or Mi. Tripp, Solici- tor, Bristol, at whose Ollice a Map of tin* E-tate mav be seen.—Letiersto be post-paid i'-RLCONSf1!! I': Desirable Freehold Property for Sale. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Asunder, (by Order of the Assignees, appointed by the Court of Insolvency, of John iUimseij, late of Crickhowell, in the Y, it 114 c county of Brccon, Fsquire, deceased,) By Mr. MATTHEWS, At the Bear inn. in the town of Crickhowell, on Monday the 27th day fjuly, 18)8, (subject to Conditions to be then produced,) and the sale to commence precisely at four o'clock in the afternoon, Lot i. A LL that desirable FARMS, LANDS, £ l. and HEREDITAMENTS, called CWMGU, containing by admeasurement 10UA.lR.30p. or there* abouts. Upon this lot is a capital MANSION-IIoUSE,(standing OJJ ail eminence, commanding picturesque and extensive, views,) which, at a trilling expense, may be made ti comfortable residence lor a genteel family, with a small establishment; is distant only two miles from the market-town of Crickhowell, (through which passes the post-road from Brecon to Bristol, Bath, and London); and has the a-ivautiige vf a iarge supply of walef, a, well ns a most valuable Right of Common, the Sheep-walk in particular being reputed one of the best in the Principality. Lot It. All that FARM, LANDS, anc" HEREDITA- MENT S, called PEN GLANNY, contaiplii. by admea- surement 3:3A. 1R. 32P. or thereabouts. L (ion this FarlIl there is a valuable Quarry of Paving a:i<l and I iling Stones and the iot niav, if approved by the company present al the time of sale, be put up with the preceding iot. Lot3. SEVERAL CLOSES of LAND m CWMMAUR, • containing by admeasurement 14A. 1ft. 26P. or there- abouts. Lot 4. SEVERAL CLOSES of LAMD, called TYR-Y- TY-BACII. containing by admeasurement IOA. and SJOP. or thereabouts. The several preceeding lots are in the parish of Saint Michael Cwuidu, and now in the occupation of Mr. Parry, tenant at will. Lot o. A PIECE of LAND. about Fi ve Acres. (land- tax redeemed) called GWAEN-Y-BLAYNEY, situate ja the parjsht's ut C-intlu and Titigarth, now underlet to a yearly tenant ut 101. per annum. ihe whole ol the Estates above described are Freehold of Inhtritanc and situated in a floe sporting country, where game is in great plenty. The river Usk, so greatly esteemed for its trout fishery, is within half a mile of the Mansion-House; and the Brecon mere of Llangorse pool, abounding with pike, and a variety of other iish, wiiimi a few imlcs. Coal and lime may be had at a moderate rate, from the Brecon and Abergavenny canal, which is about three miles from the premises. N. B. The Timber on each lot to be taken at a valuation. Mr. David Davis, Surveyor and L«itd Ageiti, of Crick- howell, will cause the several Farms and Premises m be shown and for further particulars apply to the Auctiollcer.. in Usk; or Mr. J. R. Tripp,Solicitor, Bristol. Letters to be post-paid. Fraud Prevented. TO counteract the many attempts that are daily made to impose 011 the unwary a spurious com- position instead of the GClluine BI¡¡ckin¡.: prcpared by Day and Martin, they have adopted a new Labd in which their signature and address, 97, HIGH HOLBORN, is so conspicuously placed in the centre of the Label, flint they, trust an attention to this, and the difference of the type which is unlike all letter-press, will enable purchaser* at once to detect the imposition. The Real Japan BLACKING, made and soid wholesale by DAY and MARTIN, 97, High Holborn, and retailed by the principal Grocers, Druggists, Booksellers, Ironmon- gers, Perfumers, Bootmakers, &c. in the United Kingdom, In Bottles at dd. Is. and 1 s. 6d, each. r, ,A G.rl.EAT SA V lNt. A Shilling Pot of Warren's Paste Blacking is equal to Four b Shilling Bottles «f Liquid. THIS valuable preparation possesses all the A superior qualities of Warren's Japan Licniid nla.ck- ing and only requir stheadtii!iOHotwnter;ihaut wouhi be superfluous for the proprietor to say any tiling in its praise, the superior quality ol, Warren's Blacking being so justly acknowledged by a decerning public. Prepared by /7) ¡J rI ,4/) SO, STRAND, London and sold-at Swansea Edmonds. I Jenkins, S. Jenkins, 1 Bevan, Waiters.) Jones, I Birchail, Radcliffe, I Branton. Nenth. Rees, f Morgan, Arthur. Cowbrid-re Ballard. I Bridgend. Meyrick, Llewelyn. Mertbyr StepLeHs, Kay, Davis, Jones. Cardiff „ D.ivies. Llandaff Johnson. '¡ Lantrissent W.Joim. Caerphilly T. Jones. Newport. Lewis, Jones," Tredegar. Parry. __I Carmarthen J.Evan", Bald win, Morgan Llandilo Jones. LI undo very D..v-ics. Williams, Rees. Lianeily Roberts. Kidwelly Evans, Newcastle Pridhu/n. .lenby Reynolds, Griffiths. 1 Pembroke Wilmot, Chase. Milford Starbuck, Prit chard. Haverfordwest, Gibbs, Reen, Allen, Jard.'ne. Brecon Wntkirj, Evans, Vaughan. Cardignn. C. Lcnis, j Aberystwich Parry. In Pots (3d. t?d. and 18d. each. N 11 'flip Japsii Liquid Blacking continues V be pre- paicd by Robert Warren. Aiik (ot WAIT.EN'S BIACSTSO,