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FREIGHTS. "Vf^ANTED, VESSELS for various ports in Ireland and the westJof England. Liberal Freights "W'H be given. R. J. NEVILL. Llanefly C-jllierios, Jul}* 8,1813. WANTED, as GARDENER and FARM BAILIFF, a middle-aged MAN (a native of Scotland), who can be well recommended from his last Place tor his honesty, sobriety, and attention to his work- Can write a good hand, and is quick at accounts. Apply tu the Printer; if by letter post-paid. r-wi MONEY. E sum of TWO THOUSAND POUNDS is now ready to bn ADVANCED on ANNUITY secured on FREEHOLD ESTATES, in any part of South Wales, 011 the most moderate 4erttis. For particulars of which apply (if by letter, post-paid) to the Printer of this Paper. f <- <- Swansea. 30th June. 1813. MR. RICHARDSON, ORGANIST, OF SAINT DA VID'S, BEGS leave respectfully to return his sincere thanks to those families who have, forsomany years, favoured him with their kind patronage; and having been solicited by many persons of distinction to extend the circle X)f his instruction, takep this method of acquainting them, that for the future be will, with the greatest possible regu- larity, attend at Haverfordwest and its vicinity, where, by every attention to the improvement of his Pupils, he hopes Jo merit a continuance of that preference which he has hitherto experienced. Letters addressed to Mr. Richardson, at St. David's, will be punctually attended to. St. David's, 14th Ju)y, 1313. Great Forest of Brecknock Inclosure. IN pursuance of the authority in me vested, as one of the Clerks to the Commissioners under the above nclosure Act, I do hereby Adjourn a Meeting of the said Commissioners, which was to have been held this day at Of mthe towu of Tret-astle, in the county t'Ku'n\T freaSOa no one of 'he Commissioners iffh»rVmTfeKnd 1 direct that a MEETING MISSION ERS, and other Persons interested 'I 'e 'c :;snre' ,'18Id at ihe Camden-Arras, in the town of Trecastle aforesaid, on Monday, the 27th day of Juty next, when i persons interested may attend. Ana ldo' hereby give notice, That at such Meeting any erson or Persons who have neglected to deliver in their claims for Allotments on the Forest, may then and there (leaver in such claims. THOMAS BOLD. Dated this 22d day of June, 1818. NOTICE is hereby given, that the TOLLS; arising; at the several TOLL GATES upon the' TURNPIKE ROADS within the District of SWANSEA, T p in the county of Glamorgan; and also the TOLLS arising Qt the WICH-TREE BRIDGE, near Morriston, in the said county, will be respectively LET to the best Bidder, at the Guildhall, in Swansea, on alonday, the 3d day of August next, between the hours of ten and two, in the man- ner directed by the Act passed in the t3th year of the of his Majesty King George the Third, for Rcgu- >Hting tlie Turnpik«-Ilo»dswhich Tolls produced the .,a« jear—viz. Swansea Gates.(3.53 Pontardulais Gate 223 Wich Tree Bridge Gate 270 And will be put up at those sums respectively. Ivhocvcr happens to be the best Bidder, must at the same time give J^curity, with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Roads and Bridge respec- tively. for payment of the Rents agreed for, and at such tunes as they shall direct. GROVE, Clerk to the said Trustees. Dated this 6th day ot July, 18ia. GLAMORGANSHIRE." CARDIFF TURNPIKE DISTRICT. NOTICE is hereby given* that the TOLLS arising at CARDIFF and LANDAFF GATES, and RADIR CHAIN, within this District. will be LET by AUCTION, in separate lots, for the space of one year, to the best Bidder, at the heuse of John Strange, Innkeeper, called and known by the name of the Cardiff-Anns-inn, in Cardiff, on Saturday, the 5th of September next. between the hours of ten and twelve o'clock in the forenoon of the same day, in manner directed by the Act passed in the 15th year of the reign of King George the Third, for regulating the Turnpike Roads; which Tolls were let together for J three years, ending the 24fh day of September next, at the rent of £ 1260 per annum. The best Bidder will have possession of the Tolls'on the 25th day of September next; witid it shall be at the option of the best Bidder for either of the lots, to pay into the Treasurer's hands two months' rent in advance, and at the end of every future month to pay one month's rent in advance, so that the Trust shall ahvays have in their hands one month's rent in advance, or to give tirch other security, with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trnstses of the said Turnpike, for payment of the rent agreed for, at such time and times as they shall direct ° NICHOLL WOOD, Clerk to the Trustees of the said District Cardiff, July 8. 1818- J. & J. SlVEWRIGHT, IN soliciting public attention to the present -iL Lottery, would be wanting in candour to the Con- tractor, if they did not acknowledge that the Scheme is formed so us greatly to increase the chance of Adventureri) for gaining Prizes of £ 30,<k>0, beyond any preceding Lot- tery. J. & J. SIVEWRIG HT trust they have a claim to the support of the Public, in being the first Contractors that reduced the Price of a Ticket to ^19 10s. and a Six- teenth to Twenty-seven Shillings. They have, also, ano- ther claim on public favour—their great success in selling Capitals; but this they attribute to Fortune presiding over ■ their old-established Offices in London, and those ot their Agents in the country, where No. 24,206, thVFirst £30,000 ever drawn 15,760, the Last £30,000 evor drawn Were shared and and sotd and where they hope to be fcquallj* fortunate this Lottery, in dividing among their friends the 2 Prizes of £ 30,000 g .J:. 2,000 2 l.ooo Sovereigns, 3 505 11 £ 300, too &C. «fc. <fc. And in addition to all the Prizes paid by Government, the Purchasers mav receive GOLD For the Two Prizes ot 1,000 Sovereigns, with Port, Claret, or Madeira,- Amounting to Four Pipes of Port or Madeira, or Four Hogsheads of Claret, for each of the Prizes of One Thou- sand Sovereigns, and in proportion for Shares. 7'he Wine to be chosen by the Holders themselves. Begins 4th of AUGUST. Tickets and Shares are on Sale at their Old Fortunate Offices, No. 57, Cornhill, I No. 11 .Hot.sorv, and 38, Haymarket, J 141, Oxvoud-stueet, Also by their Agents, Mr. T. JENKINS. Swansea; Mr. W. CHURCHEY, Brccon; J. REES, High-street, Bristol; R. CRUTTWELL,' Bath; G. A. WILLIAMS, Library, Cheltenham, R. CHUTTWELL. Bath; G. A. WILLIAMS, Library, Cheltenham, NEATH SEMINARY, CONDUCTED by the Rev. D. DAVIS and an able Assistant, will Re-open on the 25th of this month. TERMS. Board and Washing, and Tuition in the English, Latin and Greek Languages, and Writing and Arithmetic (books &.C. included), Thirty-four Guineas per Anllum.- Entrance £ l is. Parlour Boarders, Fifty Guineas par Annum.—Entrance • £ srs. Each young gentleman is expected to bring a Juiife and fork, a silver table-spoon, and six towels. Three months' notice before the removal of a Pupil, or a quarter's payment, is required. The branches specified-below taught when desired. Geography for. £ 0 It) 6 per Quarter Ditto, with use of the' Globes, and i j- Lectures on Astronomy$1 10 dltt"' Practical Geometry 0 20 6 ditto. Theoretical Geometry i 10 diitii. Navigation, with Lunar Observations 5 5 0 Land-surveying, with the use of a ? „ n good Theodolite < u Book-keeping by single and douLie ) „ „ n entry • S ° French, books included, Five Guineas per Annum; ditto, without books, Four Guineas.—Entrance 10s. 6d. By Mr. BATES. Dancing, Drawing, and Music, according to the terms of thejseveral Masters. t'>, N. B. No other charges than those specified above. Neath, Jnhj 3,1818. knowle-HILL SCHOOL, Delightfully situated near Bristol, on the Bath tjj- Wills Road. MR. J. HERAPATM EDUCATES FIFTEEN You G gextl-EJIFS on a plan perfectly domestic, at 40 Guineas per Ann. in winch every charge is included except for Washing, Books, Dancing, Drawing, and the Foreign Languages. 1 he_ instruction comprehends a complete course of Mathe- matical, Classical, and Commercial Literature, adaplect to the age, capacity, and future pursuits ot the nupils; with Lectures once a brtnight by Mr. H. on the branches of Natural Philosophy. A separate bed is allowed to eacli y,)kijogg(!iitleiiaii; who takes his meals, including Tea in the afternoon, with Mr. antl Mrs, Herapath; aiid in all respects enjoys the comforts of a private family. Entrance is not required. The SchooI RE-OPENS Monday, the 27th instant. øortuicb anD National dtníøn EXCHANGE. BRISTOL, Juhi 7. 131ft. AT the ANNUAL MEETING of the COM- MtiTEE for Managing the Affairs of this Associa- tiou-for the Bristol Deparment, held this day at the Mon- tague Tavern, SAVER.Y, Esq. President, in the Chair, lhe Ch'ijrman stated to the Committee that considerable progress had been made by the Society in every part of the kingdom, and that it was rapidly assumng the character of a National Institution; for 14,"00 new Members had been added tn the last year, lhe surplus capital liad received a large addition, and the reccip: of Fire Preniiums exceeded t49 receipt ot any former y<f»r, by the su™ of £ '*0,000. 'I he Chairman farther stated that tju; duty paid to Go- vernment in the year 1013. was „ £ 21,5lO itJs. 9d.; that it had progressively tftcfcased and that the last quarter's dutV WtlS £ i7,M), being at the rate of £ 68,000 per Annum. The Chairman then com.nunicatcd the addition to the business done in the Bristol Department, which amounted to c £ 818.010 since the 10th of August last year, being a larger sum than the total amount of the Insurances in Bristol when the Committee was first established, in the year 1313, as the Insurances then only amounted to £ 800.000, but had progressively increased until they now exhibited a total of Three Million, Sixty-three Thousand, Five Hundred and e^nly-two Pounds increased in the Bristol Department of ant' National Union Institution. t he Chairman also stated that the losses in Bristol during the last year, have been less than the losses of any preced- n'gycur. though nidny Fires had occurred in various parts of the City, and that this did not merely arise from chance, as several risques hadheen declined, and one in particular, where a loss afterwards occurred. The following Resolutions were then proposed and una- nimously agreed to: First, That the encreased prosperitv which has attended the Norwich and National Union Office, is, to this Com- mittee, a subject of the 'ttost heartfelt gratification and that in particular it congratulates its fellow-citizens on the ele- vated and commanding situation of the Society in this District. J Secttni, That thin Committee feels that insurers have a right co look for the greatest liberality in the conduct of such a public body ax the Norwich Union Office. That it has observed with great satisfaction the adherence to this principle, which has marked the conduct of the Directors in all their communications with this Committee, shewn more especially in the fact, that the thanks of the Directors have been given to this Committee f>r the promptitude with- which all claims have been met, when laid before it. Third, That this Committee, having the fullest confidence in the soundness of the system which they have advocated. pledge themselves to support it by every means in their power, in order that the benefits, it is so well calculated to afford its Members, may be generally diffused and adupted by this City and Neighbourhood. Fourth, That this Committee otisefves with very great- salisfaction, that the Board of Directors is proceeding to invest a portion of its Surplus Funds in the names of Trus- tees, chosen from the different Insurers a measuro, in the opinion of the Committee, which cannot fail to secure the public confidence. Fifth, That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Directors for the able manner in which they have conducted the atfairll of the Institution in the last year. S&tk, That a report of these proceedings be published ^nd sent to every Insurer in this District. JOHN SAVERY, Chairman. The Chairman having left the Chair, the Thanks of the Meeting were given to iiini for his kiiidiless iii taking the Chair, and for his able conduct therein. bit. SYDENHAM'S FAMILY PILLS OF HEALTH, ENTIRELY VEGETABLE. A Remedy superior to any yet discovered for head-aeh, loss of appetite, noises and giddiness in the head, lowness of spirits, heart-burn, flatulence, obstructed. digestion, and gravel, together with all affections of the liver, and the whole train of nervous and bilious disorders. These pills require no confinement or restraint in diet, as they do not contain one atom of mercury, in any shape A c' decided preference is given to them by families of the fir,t distinction—so mild is their action, yet so effectual, that every obstruction in the stomach is removed with incredible quickness, though they act as acomptctc renovating medi- cine, and strengthen at the same time. Nothing can prove the superiority of these pills niore than the number of cases communicated by persons of the first respectability (which may be had on application, gratis), and the countenance shewn them by the first medical characters of the present day. Sold wholesale and retail, by the sole proprietor, J. Rees, Stationer, High street, Bristol, (without whose name in writing on the stamp, none can be genuine), in boxes, at is. I^d. 2s. 9d. and family boxes 4s. fid. Sold abo by T. Jenkins, Miss Oakey, and S. Dawe, druggist, Swansea; Daniel, bookseller. Carman hen Hybert, druggist, Neath Bradley, Cowbridge C. and \V. Vachell, Cardiff; Evans, Caerphilly; Williams, Merthyr-Tydfil Heath, Printer, Monmouth; Jones, Newport"; Vaughan, Brecon: Brad- ford, Chepstow Davies, druggist, Haverfordwest: Wil- mot, Pembroke Llewclliu, Pyle Lott, Llandilo; Wyke, Abergavenny; and by every respectable Medicine Vender in the United Kingdom. NEWPORT, Monmouthshire. IVTRS. KING'S ESTABLISHMENT, for IWENTY YOUNG LADIES, will Re-open on Monday, the 20th of July. Neath Oanal Navigation, THE ANNUAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the COMPANY of PROPRIETORS of this NAVIGATION will be held, pursuant to adjournment, at the Ship and Castle Inn, Neath, on Thursday, the 23d July inst. at eleven o'clock. JOHN ROWLAND, Clerk to the Company. Neath, July ti, 1818. PATENT KALEIDOSCOPE^ C BEILBY very respectfully a^rms the a Public, that he has entered into tfngagemeiu with Ur. Brewster, the Iuveftfof'aftii Patentee of Mx- nbove very amusing instrument, for the manufacture of them, sinrt that he will henceforward be enabled to supply them either wholesale or retail, made in the most approved manner. A large assortment of Spirit Levels, Theodolites, Miners Compasses, and other instruments necessary for Surveying, constantly on sale; and Instruments of every kind repaired and made to order. Bristol, July 6,1818. TO BE LET, ALL that capital HOUSE, Garden, and Premises," called The COURT-HOUSE, situated near St. Mary's Church, Haverfordwest. The House is well furnished, and every way calculated for the residence of a large and genteel fa;nity ,—it consists of two parlours, an eating-room, with drawing-room, and a stuJ. v; eight bed-rooms, dressing-rooms, nursery, and closets, with every accommodation for servants. Stabling fursix h'Tses, Coach- house, and Corn loit. The Garden is large, and well stocked wtth fruit and vegetables. Further particulars may be learnt by applying to Mr. *1 *»' Laugharne, Carmarthenshire; or to Mr. Mprley, Upholstercc, Carmarthen. All letters must be post-paid. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, AL.L that finely Wooded and beautiful Estate, railed 00DHOL1 SE, and also the WATEU CORN GRIST MILT., called H'oodkcv.se Mill, situate in the parish of Llaughanie, and county of Carmarthen together with RIGHT of PRESENTATION to the Livings of Li.'andavkr and Pun dink, in the said county The above Estate comprises 3tO Acres, or thereabouts, of capital Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, and 1111 Acres, or thereabouts, of which is under thriving Coppice Woods of 20 years growth the whole forming one of the most eli- gible situations tn YV ales for building a gentleman's resi- dence. The Estate is situate wit hin t hrcc miles of the post and market-town of St. dear's, through which tho mail to London passes daily, fifteen miles from the fyshionable bathing-place of lenby, and twelve miles from the capital market-town ot Carmarthen. f wr further particulars apply by letter, post-naid, to Mr. Armstrong, lynyrhyd.ncar Aberystwith, South Wales. TO BE LET, 1 ASci MAY BE F.NTF.RKO UPON AT MtCHAt [.MAS NEXT, rpHAT commodious and p-stablished PUBLIC JL HOUSE or TAVERN, called the SI HP# CASTLE, situate nearly ii: the centre of St. Mary'* parish, in the sea-port town of Cardiff, and for maiiv yvars conducted with great respectability awti s fcy "Mr- W.J. Vine, the present occupier. The above Premises consist of two pari/Mirs in front; behind these a nfatand convenient bar, all excellent tap- room, roomy kitchen, open court, pump (with a plenlilul supply ot water), and a good garden. The lod ging-rooms are spacious and commodious and on the same floor is a argc club or dining-room, lately built at a great e xpense, and capable of dining sixty persons. The layern in question would prove a very great acqui- sition to any person inclined to embark in tlie public line of business from its contiguity to the Wharf, it has ever been the resurt of Masten of Vessels and their Passengers; its situation is peculiarly pleasant and cheerful; nor can it escape the eye of the numerous water parties, who so fre- quently spentd sonae time liere on their way to and from the different bathing-places west of Cardiff. A respectable tenant would met-t with graat encourage- ment.—for further particulars apply to Air. Jas. Walters, the Proprietor, Cardiff; it by leiu-r, po«t-paid. C A R M A Jli'HFN S HHIE^ Llanelli/1 Llanvennech, and Llanedy IN CLOSURE. I The Commissioner elected and appointed to J carry into execution an Act of Parliament made and passed m the year of the reign of his present Majesty King George the Taird, intituled, An Act lor Inclosing Land- in the several parishes of Llanelly, I,langennech, and Llanedv. wilhin the Commott of Caruawllon, in the Lordship ot Kidwelly, in the county of Carmarthen, Do hereby give notice. that I will SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, at theFalcon-ii n; in the town of Llanelly. in the said county, on Thursday, the 6th day of Augns. next, 1818. at two o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions of sale to be then produced, the following parcels of Ean&, being part and pared of the Land intended to be Inclosed by virtue of the said Act. ON MYVYDD CORST.AW. Lot I. One. Parcel of Ground adjoining the road A. R. P. leading from Pembrey Mountain to the Carmar- then turnpike-road, on the north side thereof, con- taining by admeasurement •• • .• 12 O 38 Lot 2. One Parcel of Gronnd adjoining lor I 10 S t Lot3. One Parcel of Ground adjoining, lot 2 • • 9 .'3 8 Lot 4. One Parcel of Ground adjoining lot 3 • 9 3 37 Lot.?. One Parcel ofGrotind adjoining the afore- said turnpike-road and the allotment.purchased by the Rev. Thomas Clement •• • .211 ON mysvdd sylen. Lot 6. One other Parcel of Ground adjoining' the road leading from the Ltanon road to the Pon- tyberem turnpike-road, on the south si. 1 e thereof 13 36 Lot 7. One Parcel of(iroimd adjoining iot 6 •• 13 Lot 8. One Parcel of Ground adjoining lo: 7 • • 9 >> 3^' Lot 9. On« Parcel of Ground adjoining lot 8 •• 8 3 v?ti Lot 10. One Parcel of Ground adjoining the aforesaid road, on the north side thereof ..]S20 Lot 11. One Parcel of Ground adjoining lot 10 8 I 36 Lot IV. One Parcel of Ground adjoining 19t 11 J8 2 SO Lot 13. One Parcel of Grollnrl adjoining lot 1213 0 So Lot 14. One Parcel of Ground adjoining the said r«ad, on the south side thereof -• 13 3 1 Lot J5 One Parcel of Ground adjoining lot 14 17 <> 10 Lot 16 One. Parcel of Ground adjoining iot Id 15 0 10 ON I.LANGENNECH MARSH. Lot 17. One other Parcel of Ground adjoining a road marked on the Common, and the Lands of John Syuimons, Esq. •• •• •• •• 40 0 ON !.LANKDY MOUNTAIN, OTHERWISE MYNYDD TFFUSW8. Lot 18. One other Parcel ot Ground adjoining the turnpike-road leading from Swansea to Llan- dilo, and the allotment purchased by William Hopkin. Esq. 6 2 30 Lot 19. One Parcel ofGronnd adjoining the last- mentioned road, on the east side thereof 7 0 52 Lot 20. One other Parcel of Ground adjoining the road leading from the said turnpike-road to the. w village of Llanedy, on the north side thereof 7 1.5 Lot 21. One other Parcel of Ground adjoining lot 2't • • .1- 9 1 6 The aforesaid Pieces or Parcels of Land are set out by holes dug in the ground; and Plans thereof may be seen by applying to Mr. John Bowen, Llnnelly. JOHN WEDGE, Commissioner. Dated this 8il* day of July, 1818. TIMBER ON SALE, Tto arrive. r THE Advertisers will SELL a CARGO of UMBER, about 150 Tons, expected in July from North America, deliverable at any of the undermentioned ports: MILFORD, j LLANELLY, SWANSEA, J NFAVPORT. Apply to Messrs. Marsh and Taskcr, [Queen's Dock, Liverpool. VALE OF GLAMORGAN. TO BE LET, UNFURNISHED, For « term of years, at a low rent, and may be entered upon immediately, PENLLINE COURT, a commodious Family-J House, situated iu the village of Pe diine, and pleasantly sheltered with extensive plantations one mile and a half from the good market and post-town of Cow. bridge, -through wnicli the mail and other coaches pass daily, five from Bridgend, and five from the sea containing I dining and drawing-room, library, seven bed-rooms, auics, two kitchens, butler's,-pantry, cellars, &c.; complete at- tached and detached offices; capital ei"ht-siali stable. cow-house, barn, Sce. two most productive gardelts and orchards, and any quantity of ricii old Pasture Land may be had. Hounds are kept in the neighbourhood game is plenti- ful; cu;d cheap; and taxes very moderate Apply (by letter, post-paid) to Mr. John Deere, Solicitor, Cowbridge. DOL, Cardiganshire,, TO BE LET, FOR ONE OR MOllE YEARS, WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION IK REtlUIRHO. THE HOUSE and LANDS of DOL, situated A on the banks of the Tivy, midway between Cardigan and Newcastle-iiji-Emlyii The House, which is modern, and recently fitted up at considerable expense, ii adapted for the residence of a gentleman of moderate fortune, and consists of a large drawing-room, dining-room, and seven bed-chambers, with appropriate officesStabling for six horses, Coach-house, Cow-houses, Bam, &c. There is a large Kitchen Garden and Orchard, in full bearing, with about Fitly Acres of Land, of which the greater part is Meadow, of the finest quality; the whole in excellent order. The Furniture, which is nearly new, and the Slock, including lo capital dairy Cows. and a large quantity of Hay, with the growing crops of Cym, mav be takan at a valuation, or will be disposed of at public sale. _N. B. The post fronr Lomioa passes the place dally. For particulars enquire of Lewis Evans, Esq. Cardigan. To HiTsOLD BY AUCTION, On Thursday, she. 30th inst. between the hours of three and five o clock in the afternoon, at the Falcon inn, in the town of Llanelly, rpiIE following VESSELS, with all their JL RIGGING und MATERIALS, as they now are laid up in the harbour of Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire. Lot I. The good Sloop HLRO, burthen about 60. Tom. Lot 2. The good Sloop ELEANOR and CATHERINE, burthen about 45 Tons. May he vewed any time before the day of sale, by ap- plvnig to Air. William Raynor, Shipbuilder, Kidwelly. for further particulars enquire of Air. John Davies, of Court-House, Pembrey Capt. William Evans, at Llan- m itlock or Henry CtiHd, Llaucily. GLAMORGANSHIRE. Gabalva, near Cardiff. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By T WATKINS, On Monday, July go, 18)8, and the following days, until the whole fs so/d, A Valuable portion of the HOUSEHOLD! FURNITURE, a fashionable landauiet, cost lately 400 guineas, a fire engine complete, a Bath wheel-chair, piano-forte, books, superb dinner service in china, glass and earthenware, kitchen requisites, brewing and dairy utensils, greenhouse and garden plants- a collection f roses in pots', plated goods, guns, pistols, fishing-nets, harmonicon, or self- P'aying piano-torte, harness, bridles, and saddles; about 140 dozen of different wines of superior flavour, brandy and Hollands. dozen of,ale in b ul.s.wiih a numerous assortment of every other article requisite for an extensive establishment. The whole will be put up in suitable lots; and catalogues will be ready for delivery in the nr.itw.fi. of July, at the Hlack^Rock inn, New Passage; King's Head-inn,Newport- Bear-inn,Cowbridge; Castle, Merthyr; Mackwortli-Arms- inn, Swansea; and at the Auctioneer's, Cardiff. N. B. 1 he sale will begin each duy at teii,u'clock pre. cisely. COUNTY OF CARMARTHEN. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, In the latter end of July, or beginning of August next, at va.lf¡lwa y's Coffee-house, Cornhill, London, unless previ- ously disposed of by private contract, of which due notice will be given in this paper, 'PHE FREEHOLD ESTATE, called TY JL GWYN, or WHI.l'K HOUSE, and DANYK \LLT. The Estate comprises :!19 Acres of valuable Meado .v and Pasture Land, and is delightfully situated on the banb of the picturesque river Towy, which runs between it and the town of Carmarthen it is ceiefirated as having been the residence of Sir Richard Steele and in beaut V of surround- ing scenerv is not to be surpassed. A capital Farm-house, with Stables ond every suitable building, has been very recently erected upon that part of the Estate cal!cd White House. To be viewed by applying to Mr. Adams, at Messrs. Morris's Bank, Carmarthen. Printed particubrs will he reiiffy for delivery it fortnight before the sale, and may be ms'. had ot Mr. Adams, and also of Messrs. Dyneley and Gaily, Gray's-inn, London. For the Cure of Old Wounds, Ulcers .1 Sore or Scald Heads Chilblains Kibes Sore Legs Shingles Scorbutic or ScrofulouB( Tetters or Ring-Worms humours Fistula or piles Chapped Hands Leprosy or Yaws. Burns or Scalds EruptIOns on the lAps. N OSC, Erysipelas, or St. An- or any part of the human thony's Fire body Gangrene or Mortification C OLOMON'S DE TERGENT OINTMENT, s a safe, speed}', certain, efficacious, external remedy, which has been used in the above diseases with unparalleled success upwauis of forty-five years '1 lie inventor pledges himself for its speedy and wonder- ful efficacy, not only in tlie cases alluded to, but also in those unpleasant ulcers which accompany an Insidious. 11 Disease, and which are too important and alarming to need the slightest comment. Sold byT. Jenkins, Printer of the Cambrian, Swansea' Mr. Daniel, bookseller, and Mr. White, printer. Car- marthen Mr. G eo. Davies, druggist, Haverfordwest; and Mr. North, Brecon; in bottles, price Us. each or Four in one family bottle for 33s. by which one 1 Is. bottle is saved, with the words Saml. Solomon, Liverpool," en- graved on the stamp. Where mav be had, lhe celebrated ABSTERGENT LOTION, an effec- toai cure for eruptions on the face and skin, particularly pimples, blotches, tetters, ring worms, tan, suu burns, freckles, shingles,-prickly heat, redness of the nose, neck, arms, he. scor uitic and cutaneous eruptions of every description, bemg the most valuable acquisition and appendage to the to.1 el.eVer ottered to the nobility and gentry in the united Kingdom. \f'Cie 2s. Pd. a bottle, duty included.—Be cart u to observe the words, Solomon, Liverpool/1 engrared m the Stamp, without which none are genuine. CARMARTHENSHIRE. Uanarthney, Llanon, Llandebie, and Llan- WJihangel-Aberbythick Inclosure, E,.the COMMISSIONERS appoiltecf and n, ► elected to carry into execution an Act of Parlia- ment, made ami passed in the 51st year of the reign of his p esentMaiesty intuuled '• An Act for Inching ta„ds i« f.ve" °| Llanarthney, Llanon, Lhmdeb.e and LJanfilian^el-Aberbyiliich, in the county of Cam,,r- then; and also another Act of Parliament, made and passed in the o^l year ot tlie reign of his present Majesty, intituled An Act to amend an Act of his presentMajesty. or inclosing Lands in ti e several parishes of Lhn.rihney Ltoiwn, Liar.<*rbie, and Lianfihangel-Aberbytlnch, in the said county of Carmarthen," Do hereby give n,<tice, that we HJLl, SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION. rJI'i ,iOUS^ °k 1>ai,'d Lewis> l"»»wn by the sign of the »n IVVw"1' Ci Llandebie, in (he said county, Ju,f' «*«• «•<*< £ in the the Plots anD parcels of LanO, Being Part a -,] Parcel )I ilic Laiids intended Lu L)c "M by virtue of the said Act T n 0N THE G.REAT MOUNTAIN. t 8 e Parcel of Ground, adjoining lot A. r. p f. 22, purchased by Air. Thomas Alorris, and the public road leading west towards Cwm-inwvn containing 16 0 0 g ?"e otlu'r Parcel of Ground, adjoining Jot g 1 and the roads toCwm mwyn and Caer-trvn 14 0 0 Lot g3. One other Parcel of Ground, adjoining lots g 1 and g 2, and the ro*d to Caer-bryn 17 O Q ■ t"4' i^e oi'ier Parcel ofGrouud, a'djoining lot g j and the road lo Caer-brvn 17' 0 Q Lotgo. One other Parcel of Ground, adjoining lot U, purchased by John Covert, Esq and an in- tended road leading out of the public road from Cwm-mwyn towards Alynydd-bach Llanedd y.iind by lots N and O, purchased by Sir Wm. P'i(*ioii gd 0 Q Lot go. One other Parcel of Groujid, adjoiiiiai, iot g5 and the said intended road, and by Jut 0 atoresatd w 20 O Lot g 7. One other Pwrcel of Ground, adjoining lot g 6 and tlie said intended road 12 0 -0 Lot g 8. One other Parcel of Ground, adjoining lots g 6 .d g 7, and an intended road from Llidiart Khyo-y-biswel towards the road 1fulI) Cwm-mwyn to Llanon 12 0 £ > Lot g 9. One other Parcel of Ground, adjoining lots g 6 and g 8, and the said intended road, and by lot T and r, purchased by Mr. Morgan Davies it 0 f) Lot g 10. One other Parcel of Ground, on the west side of the said intended road from Llidiart Rhyd-y biswel, and opposite to lots g 7 and g 8, 10 00 Lot g 11. One other Parcei of Ground, adjoin- mg lot g 10 and the said intended ryad, and- op- posite to lot 7 T. 10 0 0 Lot g 12. One other Pa-cei of (Jrnond, sdioin- ing lot g 11 and the snkl intended road ..10 0 0 L .t g 13. Oue other Pare.! ot Ground, adjoin- ing lot g It and the said intended road 8 0 0 Lot g 14. One other Parcel of Ground, adjoin- ing the said intended roads leadinffoutof the pub- lic road from Cwm-mwyn towards Mynydd-bach Llanedy, 5c the Llidiart Rhyd y-biswel road from Cwm-mwyn to Llanon, and opposite to lot g 12, 16 0 0 Lot g 15. One other Parcel of Ground, on the east side of lot g 14. and adjoining the intended road leading ovn of the public road from CWIU- mwya towards Mynydd-bach Llanedy 1C, 0 0 ON MYNYDD-BACH llano V. Lot g 16. Oiie other Parcel of Ground, adjoin* ing lot t 32, purchased by Clias. Morgan. Esq. and by the road trom Llanon to the GTem Mountain 5 0 Q Lot fi 17. One other Parcel of Ground, adjoin- itII.,t bb. purchased by Mr Arthur Walters, and by the road fr'nis Llanon to (heGreat Mountain 5 I) Q OX THE BLACK MOUNTAIN. Lot g 18. One other Parcel ofGrouud, adjoin. inn lot t 39, purchased by Jonathan Morgan, and the road leading from the west end of the Moun- tiim towards Gwyufe. •• 6 0 0 Lot g 19. One other Parcel of Ground, adjoin- liig^lot « J8and the s.i/l road, and by the load tiom Glgnliir to Llidiart Roger 6 O ft Lot g "ZO. One other Parcel of Ground, adjoin- ing the road from Glynh.r to Llidiart Roger/and the road irom the west end of the Mountain to. wards uwviile •• 9 0 0 Lot g '21. One other Parcel of Ground, adjoin- ing lot gj-Jti and the road from the west end of the Mountain towards Gwynfe 9 0 0 The lot f 31, situitte 00 the Great Mountain, sold to Rees and David William, Biaen-y cw/n, the JTili of August, 1815, containg 6A. 1R. wifi be put up for sale, in consequence of their not having completed their purchase. Note. All persons who hare made encroachments on the Commons, and not purchased the same, are required to attend on the day following the sate, to agree for such. or they will be sold to others. These Lands are strongly recommended to the attention of the Public, as it is not probable that an opportunity lot making sucli eligible purchases wi!j again occur. Tile purchaser will be required to pay a deposit of one- tcnth part ot the purchase-money, at the titnc of such sale, and the remainder within two calendar months next alter the said sale and in default thereof the money so depo- sited will be forfeited. 1 ite whole of which said several Pieces or Parcels are marked and set out by holes dug in the ground, and may be seen on application to Thomas Penry, of Gilwern, near th. Great Mountain; ànd a Map of the same may be seen at the Office ot Mr. Clws. Morgan, Quay-slreer, Carmarthen. Given under our hands this 4th day of June, ",81 is. JOHN I-HND, WILLIAM HAND. A GKFAt SAVING. A Shilling Pot of Warren's Paste Blacking is equal to Four Shilling Battles Liquid- I^HIS valuable preparation possesses all thft superior qualities of Warren's Japan Liquid Black- ing and only requir s the addition of water that it would be superfluous tor the proprietor to say any il.ing in its praise the superior quality of Warren's Blacking •ckiumiulKed bj a deceramg poblic, l'rcS b/ Swansra 3°' London and sold at •• •• Edmonds, Carmarthen J. F.vans, Jenkins, Baldwin, S.Jenkins, Morgan^ Be van, Llandilo Jones; Walters, Llandovery Davies |re,s' „ Williams, Birchull. Rees. ^Radcliffe, Llanelly Robert* Neath Branton. j Kidwelly. ^vans, *• •' ^('es' Newcastle ■ ^ridham. Morgan, lenby Revnolds< Cowbridge Ballard. Pembroke' Bridgend. Meyrick, Ch S Mcrlliyr & £ & f Kay, I Haverfordwest, Gibbs, Davis, Roes, r AUen, Cardiff Davies. Jardine. ijitunlafr Johnson. Brecon Watkiiu. Lantnssent W.John. Evans, Caerptiilly T. Jones. Vaughan. Newport. Lewis, Cardigan. C.Lewis. Jones, Aberystwith Parry. Tredegar. Parry. Tn Pots'fid. J?d. and 18d. each. N B. The Japan Liquid Blacking continues to banre- pared by Robert Warren. Ask for WAAASN'S Blacsik^o