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LONDON, MARCH 24. 'rUIE Paris papers to Thursday inclusive have been 1L received, but thej contain no news of importance. The alleged instability of the Ministry, and the spe- culations founded upon it, are the principal matters referred to in these journals. Private letters express a belief that a modification of the Ministry is really at hand.—The report on the case of Hubert and his al- leged accomplices in a conspiracy to assassinate the King-, lias been presented to the Chanibre d' Accusation. No day however is fixed for the commencement of the proceedings,—The embarkation of troops for Africa continued at Toulon without intermission, though no •cause seemed to exist for the apparent emergency.— Bayonne letters of the loth inst., bring no news from the northern provinces of Spain. It was reported that 22 persons (one rumour stated 28), convicted of having favoured the surprise of Saragossa by the Carlisfs, had been sentenced to death and executed.—Advices to the 19th add that Saragossa was then perfectly tranquil. The atiair of the Archbishop of Cologne, so far from being arranged, seems more and more unpromising. The Madrid Gazette of the 17th contains a despatch from General Oraa, dated Almanza the 13th inst., an- nouncing that Tallada had been sentenced to death on the preceding day, and executed at Chinchilla on the morning of the 13th, for the inhuman butchery of Capt. Zeffel and six Officers of the Royal Guards, on the bridge of Carrasco, in despite of a capitulation which stipulated that their lives should be spared. "A man who had thus disregarded the principles of humanity, religion, and honour," says Oraa, "is uudersening of pity and must be excluded from all human society."— A report was circulated in Madrid on the night of the 13th, that General Flinter had come up with Basilio, in the neighbourhood of Almaden, completely routed his force, and made the Carhst Chief himself prisoner. The Madrid Gazette, of the 14th is silent on that head, and it appears that the Government had not even re- ceived a courier from La Mancha to justify a rumour, That an affair had taken place was considered highly probable, from the relative positions of the belligerents, but no official account thereof had been received by Government. The Christino division under General .Pardinas was said to have reached within six leagues of Annadovar. The contents of the Dutch papers of Wednesday, are important, inasmuch as they tend to confirm the report, which had previously reached us through the Belgian journals, that King William has at last re- solved to accept the 24 articles offered to him seven years ago. The Belgian papers received this morning Saturday) give further countenance to this report. the Chamber at Brussels, in reply to a question 10m a member, the .Minister of Foreign Affairs ad- mitted that the Dutch Government had shewn a dis- position to accede to the Treaty of 21 articles, but that he had no official authority for announcing that any- thing conclusive had been done. The advices received roin tne Hague, notwithstanding- the positive manner mwhich the above report is given, do not hold out any expectation that the King of Holland has expressed a tiesire for the resnmption "of the negotiations upon the subject of the affairs of Belgium, based upon his ac- ceptance of the twenty-four articles agreed to by the COnierence in London. This is the tenor of the letters received from the best informed circles; and there are few reasons for the presumption that the Luxem- Durgn question, or the other important matters still pen ior adjustment, will be arranged conformably to e expectations of Belgium, while William of Nassau remalllS at the head of the Government of Hollaud.- e.etter received from an influential quarter states Jil l 1S m!t,in,i,rob lbbi that the King of Holland will in* cate *n favour of the Prince of Orange, th 1 such a-U event take place, which considering the ]!ecu,ldr situation in which his Majesty is placed, whetnerns regards his repeated assertions that he would Sn lc.cePt l'le articles in question, ana also as re- fpplvfrr /!S Tnercan^1'e Pursuits, added to a growing with' Pu'"1 ^art, *!le People to have the disputes .seJ-t'ed, 13 !10t at improbable. The to rhp ° ? Majesly might with consistency agree with t'l ^ro.'losa s f°r the renewal of the conferences tant rr K \lc!VV °f obtaining a settlement of this impor- by f||"eStlon' ^hich, while it occasions a great outlay t'n • necessity of keeping up a much larger army 'vVrnnipneC<JSSar~V ^°r *ne seryice °f either go- ben'r1^ same thne been any thing but renr'1-' prosperity of both kingdoms.— It is CO-TIP* 1 *n one Pr'vflte letters which have tlie n ° lan^' *'lat *he King of Holland is holding tIe prOlnise to the ear" of the Chamber of a desire to rene%v t!,e negociations, with the view of obtaining the Finan^ ™easures considered necessary by the of th.>t6T !lster» find that accomplished, the hopes incr an -?r1S ure be again defeated in obtain- \vlth Belgium. Paper*to thr^e-l"shl.r> F'VfJ,!ind we liave New York of ruino'irs frn "if'"clusive* T1»ey contain a variety can be nlaced m \n fr,0,ltier' °'! whic1) little reliance vagabonds t at aPPears certain is, that the pluuderiiio- fl.on t!.le borders had succeeded in United tlle ^"Protected arsenals of the their ment?, 5-tl,at. ,he-v h.ad not ven,liretl to ™ake United Stat lnvasl0M of Upper Canada, and that the Parsing U,em8TO?°°PS We.re activel>r engaged in dig- gers. wherever they could find them in num- tish troon- 1 w'uch had been circulated of the Bri- invading mvin,f been defeated by a division of the All contin,' rJn/ been Proved to have been a hoax, vince. Th^i? ran(l"il in the Upper and Lower P10- left Qnebp^ a £ l Gosford had not, at the latest dates, the rpcout C 1 i,.e °f the prisoners captured in excitementr 6lll"n had be.?"" at Montreal. Great °f a fatil ,1 ^eva'!e(l at Washington, in consequence *ween twa \}e vyblcb taken place in that citv be- and Mr {' embers°f Congress, Mr. Cilley, of Maine, killed. TlIaVeS' Kentucky, in which Mr. Cilley was and Mr CVN WeaP0IKS were rifles, the distance 80 paces, New York at tbe fourth shot. The banks of loth a!> 1 a^ree^ to resume specie payments 011 16th of May Bank of the United States on the —

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